#theyre friends forever or something like that lmao
toytulini · 7 days
thinking about my oc Bytte. and. her gender is Aro. her Aromanticism is inextricable from her gender experience.
#toy txt post#i love to make an alloaro oc whos a woman navigating a usually masculine role in society far before we ever coined aromanticism#whos Aromanticism informs so much about her but with no language to adequately describe it she doesnt really know how#and so she does kinda blow up her relationships by accident bc she does Want human connection#and what she Wants is to fuck someone whos friends with her and chill about it who will just be fucking Normal about it#and Not Make It A Big Thing and also for other people to not make it a big thing and they can hang out and be friends#but never fucking domesticize her. and its in part a rejection of the misogynistic role of Wife in historic (and even modern) society of#course but its also a rejection of the relationship hierarchy of Wife. of the romanticization. bc of her circumstances the only role on#offer of course has been Wife. but in the hypothetical situation where she was offered the role of Husband? she would at first probably#accept that. in theory. it sounds fine. sure. but if she tried to LIVE like that. to Live even as a Husband. it would Also be Wrong. to put#any of her relationships into that framework is to fundamentally ruin them forever. and she is living in a society that wants that to be#the only framework. anyway its crazy how ive made a character like that exactly Twice at least#(Bytte and Lucille. Bytte is a bit more genderfucky than Lucille. Lucilles gender is also ugly violent scary woman. for reasons)#both of these characters rn are cis. well. not /cis/ cis but theyre afab and women bc i want to explore that but i am thinking lately about#a transfem take. to explore. ive considered it and i dont think i want that for Bytte? all that means is watch out for future ocs#i could do a character very similar to Bytte as transfem and it would be really good but theres something about#and honestly it would probably make more SENSE for Bytte? due to gender roles in like ancient sparta or whatever?#but if shes transfem in sparta i think there would be subtle nuanced differences in how ppl interact w her that i dont necessarily want for#her? if that makes sense. i know this reasoning sounds weak in a vacuum but i Promise i have way more characters than this and i do want to#explore things differently. i promise there are complex transfem characters in witchverse and also complex characters whos asab im not#decided on yet. there are some im not sure i ever want to be decided on? the downside of being incredibly specific about fictional#characters is that it doesnt leave you all room for headcanons#sorry. good news is you can go make your own ocs about it 👍 idk. much to explore. much to think about#also sometimes a ''''cis'''' character CAN have a fun gender to play with honestly its just that mainstream media Never does#so theres no good way to be like no but listenn i swear its fun#anyway this is all moot cos im not a fucking writer im just making up little guys and doing nothing#also anyway. i think my gender is also aro and a little ace. personally. also before u get mad at me about these 2 ocs being like#probelmatic aro rep or smth: 1) aforementioned its moot anyway im not even a writer 2) these arent the only alloaro ocs i have its just#funny that i made this one twice lmao 3) my brain is huge. my ocs are rad. suck my ass. ♡#if only i Was a writer tho god. thered be sooooo many aro characters fr fr
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caterpillarinacave · 4 days
Now is not the time for jumping into things rashly. You thank the friendly next worlder for their offer, but decline their couch space for now. Instead you ask them if they mind bringing the books they had mentioned to the door in exchange for the berries of your world. They accept with an air of bemusement and take their leave with a promise to return as soon as they can.
You watch as they walk away, before leaning through the door, slightly, and blowing your whistle on the other side. Nothing happens for a few minutes, so you shut the door. Waiting a moment you open it back up only to find what was once a well lit sky has darkened to night. Confused you close and open the door quickly, the sky is still dark but now a moon rests in the space that had been clear before. Time is definitely in flux between the doorway when closed...the mechanics of how that works is too confusing to parse out right this minute though, so you pack up your things to head home again and close the door.
When you reach the house you greet your friends, they seem pleased to see you, though not as if it's been a great deal of time, rather like they're happy you're back at the end of the day.
You help set up for dinner, each of you chatting about your day. It's nice, comfortable. You check them both discretely during the conversation, they both seem the same as always, not really older than when you met as you had worried what with time alterations now on the table, enjoying themselves and winding down after a day of chores around the house, familiar laugh lines and wrinkles from the older one as they describe some happening in town the other day, quick smiles and careful attention from the younger who glances at you from time to time with amusement at the story being told. It's...calming. Like the air itself is cocooning you in softness.
Before long though, you find yourself heading to bed, that strange atmosphere sticking with you. It's nice, helps you drift off a little faster. You dream of a void with lines of gold leading you to a river, as you follow the water you reach an island and on it a lone figure who sits in front of an open door, you can't tell the color nor can you see where it leads, lightning crackles with a flash inside the doorframe, the figure from before raises it's hand to its mouth, you see its lips move, it mouths without sound over the crackles from the door, the world twists, it's hard to see, with a yank like you're falling, consciousness slams back into you and you awaken with a start, sitting in bed, adrenaline running high. You steady your breathing, heart like a jackhammer dying to burst through your ribs, as you calm the blood stops rushing and you realize you can hear something. You look at the desk across the room where you have your walkie talkie resting, always on and waiting, it crackles to life, but nothing can be deciphered. You don't get back to sleep tonight.
In the morning you head back out, your friends heading in to town, you depart from one another with a wave. As you travel you pick some berries curious to see if they affect the next worlder the same way as your worlds do, when you get to the door you pause to look at your walkie, it hasn't made noise since last night, yet you still check it, opening the door you watch to see if anything happens, but nothing does. When you look through the door your friend on the other side looks up from reading a book.
"How! Wonderful to have caught you! Would you happen to understand the presence of this lovely ren?"
You look to where they gesture to see a large beautiful white deer gazing at you from the other side of the alley. Initially confused, you recall blowing the whistle through the door yesterday. Interesting. You return to your friend who listens intrigued as you explain it may have to do with your whistle. They hum in interest, and as you two talk the deer, or ren as your friend called it, seems to determine your lack of attention as a dismissal and begins wandering away. Once it's gone you both turn your attention to the books.
They show you some of the covers and chat about what they hoped each offered in terms of information, ranging from literal childrens tales to thick books of what's you'd guess is basically this worlds cryptozoology. In exchange you offer a berry from your world to your new friend and they take it mildly apprehensive and try it after a moment, they seem appreciative and note that it made them feel better just as you have observed in yourself, you offer one from this world passing it through the door to your friend, they note that it tastes like the other one you gave them, similar results. You note this and hand over the rest you picked on the way over to your friends delight, then you get started reading.
After a while you figure some things out. Like your friend said before, most stories and retellings of the door and this world, or the Inbetween as they call it, seem to think it a myth. There are written documents on people who have been taken by tall dark haired strange beings that spoke in another tongue and clicked to each other. You think that feels familiar. There's one story about a person who stepped through the Inbetween but when they came back the world had changed and the people spoke oddly and no one knew who they were, but supposedly that person disappeared soon after telling their story.
Honestly, by the end, you're equally more informed and more confused. It's getting late for both of you though so you say your goodbyes, they give you a few books to read on your own, and you head home. When you get there the house is empty, but that's not odd since trips into town can often run late. You put your stuff away and start setting up for dinner, figuring you can make something simple before your friends get home. As you finish washing ingredients you see the younger racing up to the house on one of the horse like creatures. You watch as they hop off as soon as the house is within walking distance, they race through the door. While not panicked, they tell you the other sent them back to the house to let you know there were strange people asking questions about you. From what your friend explains it sounds like the cult the book writer had described. Neither you nor your friends had thought for you to keep a low profile, it's only a matter of time before they find you here.
Do you stick around and see what they want?
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beyonsatan · 1 year
More fame indicators in astrology 🎬🎤✨
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1. The SUN in any aspect jupiter especially the opposition if it’s happening in the 1st and 7th house. Both the Sun and Jupiter are thought to be best friends In astrology much like Mars and jupiter cause they're ruled by fire signs so any soft or hard aspects puts the odds of being recognized in your field of career extremely high. I found sun-jupiter in the charts of alot of stand up comedians/ actors. Jupiter rules humor and the Sun rules fun, Jupiter is expanding on things pertaining to fun while the sun is illuminating the lucky and buoyant nature of Jupiter. These two planets in any aspect is EXCELLENCE at its finest, these people have no trouble expressing themselves and milking any opportunity like a groomed cow, especially if the signs are in fire
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2. Hard aspects to the moon. This is actually one more astrologers have taken more notice to. And this is because in traditional astrology the moon much like the MC also rules the public other than just our emotional nature, food and family. Moon-Pluto, Moon-saturn, Moon-Jupiter are the ones I see alot. Kylie Jenner has her moon square jupiter(the moon is the public and her family and her sister is part of the reason her entire family is so rich and are famous just for the sake of being famous, jupiter is continously expanding all of that) marilyn monroe has her moon square her saturn (saturn rules time and things in the long term and forever, even tho Marilyn's upbringing wasn't so great due to saturns influence and she died so young, she's still the most enduring sex symbol of all time also due to Saturn's influence on the moon which rules the public). ppl with Moon-Saturn tend to have a “rags to riches” story.
3. A TON of outer planet influence especially hard aspects. Outer planets are generational planets so someone with their uranus in aquarius will share that placement with everyone theyre close in age with but not everyone in their generation will receive hard aspects to those planets. Look for aspects to the ASC, MC, DC or to planets like mercury, venus, Mars or jupiter. Outer planets like saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto are also seen as the higher octave of inner ones (in a more evolved state) so people with alot of outer planet influence can give a "unique" "outcast" vibe that many people associate with celebrities. A good example: Neptune being the higher octave of venus, venus is love, neptune is love without boundaries and conditions, venus is traditional beauty standard, neptune is the idealized and unrealistic beauty standard that the kardashians have encapsulated (kim and Kylie are the only ones in their family with Neptune on the ascendant and they’re the most referred ones in their family), Venus rules singing, art and makeup, neptune rules singing, acting, mirrors and glamor
4. Sun in the 9th house or 9th house at 5⁰,17⁰,29⁰. The 9th house rules long distance travel so if you want worldwide fame that goes beyond just your homeland/country you might wanna look at the 9th house and the condition it's ruler is in. The 9th house is also a lucky house.
5. Jupiter-Pluto aspects. I feel like people talk too much about how these aspects are associated with extreme wealth (which isn’t wrong) but not enough about how people with these aspects attract a lot of “yes-men” Jupiter a lot like Venus rules our values but more so our belief system, what we believe in and what we base our belief off of. Pluto rules just “power” in general so when it touches Jupiter it can forge cult leaders and perverted capitalists after becoming too aware of the power they have and not utilizing it properly. Jupiter-Pluto connections really remind me of domino from Deadpool LMAO, luck is her superpower but something has to happen to others in order for her luck to even work and it’s not necessarily something she had control over. With these aspects Jupiter is the vehicle while Pluto is the driver so in a sense these people have the ultimate power when they learn to tap into their energy (if you have these connections in your chart, get off your phone and do something with your life LMFAO seriously)
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
3. "Wait, you love me?" "I always have." With RED Demo and BLUE Soldier (because theyre canonical FRIENDS and they make me cry /pos). Bonus points if Soldier is dense as fuck
❤️Red Demo + Blu Soldier💙
Ough, I kept wondering if you put friends in all caps for it to be platonic or wanting me to ignore canon I'm so dumb sometimes lmao, so uh I wrote them with a budding romance because Boots n Bombs has my heart. UHHHH I figured it'd be annoying to read "RED demo" and "BLUE soldier" every time I wrote out their names so I'm just calling them Demo and Soldier, but they are Red and Blue respectively, cool? cool.
Demo didn't even know his feelings were blooming. Demo and Soldier simply found themselves growing closer to each other, sharing jokes, drinks, and stories to break up the nights after battles. Forming a friendship, Demo thought. But something felt different. He had close friends before, hell, he even figured him and his team were getting pretty close, but there was something more, something below it all, something Demo couldn't understand. It all started gently, unknowingly, soft touches, longer glances, and small jokes between the two of them. Demo realized what his feelings truly were during a battle. The bloodshed was heavy on both sides, neither team making enough progress to matter, everyone was on edge, tense from both the heat, and angry at the lack of progress. Even Demo found himself being rather annoyed, finding himself hiding in a shady spot, giving himself a break from it all, letting out a long and drawn-out sigh, until his eyes lit up at the sight of Soldier running past, turning to flash a smile at Demo. Demo smiled slightly to himself, finding comfort in seeing the face of his friend, until a bullet from Sniper plowed through his skull, dropping him to the ground. Sure, Soldier would respawn in a minute or two and would find himself back on the field just fine, albeit a bit angrier than before, but Demo still feels like he's been punched in the gut, he feels cold and hot, and sick and, oh, he feels his heart, hurt, hurt in a way that he's never been able to grasp until now, he finds a wall to brace himself against, as his mind finally connects the dots. He loves him. Soldier didn't think anything of the intensity or emotion in which Demo started to lock eyes with him, Demo always holding the gaze a bit longer than normal.
Soldier also didn't think anything of Demo's sudden but subtle protectiveness during battles, never connecting any dots that one might in this situation. Soldier had grown up very sheltered, very alone. He was never a boy with many friends. Even as he grew up, his friendships came from a sense of obligational brotherhood due to his military roots, but with Demo, it was different, Soldier felt understood in a way he had never been before. He just appreciates having a friend, and he doesn't bother attempting to understand the weird feeling in his chest, or the warmth in his soul when with Demo, chalking it up to it being normal and how things should be forever, and he's okay with that, he wants to feel like this forever.
Demo knew he couldn't keep his feelings in forever, he was aware of the fact that sometimes his stares lasted a second to long, or that he was less than subtle about dropping (when he could) whatever he might have been doing to give his attention to Soldier, but at the same time he also worried about the what ifs that plauged his mind. Questions about ruining a perfectly good friendship, how things would change, the awkwardness, the tension, the- it was all just too much to worry about, so weeks would pass of him sitting on his feelings, occasionally unconscious expression of affection being given from Demo, until one night he found the feelings he had been pushing down bubbling back up again. He's frustrated at his inability to hush the voices inside him, pulling him in a different direction, and he's tried to try to keep this secret. He finds himself ready to be bolder, to finally let his feelings off his chest and be free of his doubts. He's done waiting. He invites Soldier out to a bar, away from the base, the mercs on both sides, and the general atmosphere of stress surrounding the battlefield and such. Soldier agrees without question, and they both make their way there. Demo on his way, however, looses his nerve, realizing that his doubts may have a stronger hold on him than he previously believed. A part of his mind now telling him to run, to get out before he does something he might regret, he ignores it, only for the fact that he can still spend a night with his friend, even if it is eating at him a little bit. Plus, there's alcohol! Why let drinks and a perfectly fun night go to waste over some doubt that he can silence with just staying quiet? That's what he thought and believed, truly. He went into the bar telling himself that it just wasn't the right time. It was never going to be the right time, and eventually, if he held out long enough, the feelings would go away. He just needed to stay quiet about it. But maybe it was something in the drinks that night. Maybe it was the shine of the lights or the music in the bar, but Demo found himself unable to stay true to the idea of staying silent. Demo letting some compliments slip out, all earnest, all with a genuine love tied to them, that most people would pick up in an instant, but not soldier. Soldier only responded in kind, thanking Demo for the compliments and returning them with an energy of joy and friendship. Demo only sighed, taking away from this half hazard "confession" that Soldier did indeed only viewed this as a friendship, assuming that in some way, this was a kinder form of a refusal of feelings. Demo knows he should cut this here, not say anything else, and continue the night with a smile, enjoying the friendship as it was and as it would continue to be, but his mouth is speaking before his brain can thing, and he lets out his one last thought, before shutting the idea of anything more happening between them,
"I love ya, Soldier. And I truly mean that." He immediately wants to clasp a hand over his mouth, but restrains himself, his brain rationalizing that he could come back from this if he convinced the other man that it was purely platonic. Soldier only smiles at Demo in a way that always got to him, a genuinely joyous smile, as he slaps him on the back,
"I love you too, Demoman! I'm glad we've built this friendship!" Demo is happy at Soldier's acceptance of the comment being platonic in nature, but it doesn't stop it from feeling like a knife to the side. Demo decides it's time to head back to base, fearing that the pain he feels from this might show through. He stands up, heading to the bar to close out the pairs tab, leaving Soldier by himself at the table. And when he does, Soldier sits in silence for a moment, and it all hits him like a fucking truck. For some reason, everything clicks in his mind all at once. He gets it now, he understands , and he feels stupid for not getting it before. This feeling is new and powerful. He realizes the feelings that Demo has. Demo walks back to the table slightly. Panicking as he sees Soldier freaking out. Soldier grabs Demo by his shoulders and asks bluntly,
"Wait, you love me?" Demo realizes at the emphasis on love that it's finally clicked,
"I think..." He pauses slightly, "I always have."
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG!! I got tired </3 (uh, I might have the sniperspy one out soon, too, btw 😨)Anyways, I hope you liked this even though I might have fucked it up. Also I hope this makes sense and I didn't miss plotholes or just make this genuinely confusing 😭 Also also sorry if the end is kinda rushed I'm half passing out, and I'm super embarrassed now about how cringey this might be 💔
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danvillecheese · 1 year
why do u think act ur age is fucked
[cracks knuckles] alright. essay time. you asked for it.
I’ve done a similar response to this before here and mentioned something else about it here but I’ll go over it again since those posts are both from a while ago. also bear in mind I haven’t seen aya recently bc I don’t like it. okay let’s get into it
[also im gonna preface this saying maybe i sound very pessimistic but im ranting and its just gonna sound like im complaining because i am. i mean no real malice by the way. im simply a person with a blog.]
first off. they don’t use the show don’t tell as well as they could. in the what might have been montage, sure, they showed potential scenarios and how phineas felt (very briefly) when isa stopped visiting his backyard but it just feels so rushed. I get that they only had like 11 minutes to show it but idk there has to be another way to write it. or just not have it at all idk its just from a writing point of view the whole episode feels rushed and out of place from everything else continuity-wise. why not use little easter eggs planted in the show beforehand? operation crumbcake? pharmacists? meapless in seattle? god theres so many episodes with evidence that phineas liked her back even if he didnt know. just. continuity!!!!
second. why did their friends not try something sooner. it’s not like they didn’t know. like phineas seems to be okay with saying “i wish! i am so in the friend zone there” in front of his friends (that quote alone makes me lose my shit but that’s a whole other point) so clearly they knew about phineas. and isabella also wasn’t quiet about it (source: pnf s1-4). they had like four years of high school to do something and they planned it the day isa left for college? nah its just the least realistic thing ever for me. also them being 18 is like yeah okay maybe the slow burn was worth it and theyre way more grown up (i love a good slowburn) but ohhhhhh my god SURELY their friends were getting sick of them dancing around each other. just me?
third. and I’m sorry to ash simpson but oh my god I hate the character designs like They Would Not Fucking Look Like That. it almost feels like it completely disregards their arcs during the original summer. like yeah child chub disappears over ur teen years but sometimes it stays a little longer! make phineas less twiggy!! make isa look more like her mother! (am i about to redesign them again? whoops)
four. and i know this is no fault of dan and swampy but the show was about to end anyways and yet the entire friend group was paired off into hetero ships?? get fucking real. none of those kids are straight. realistically, i know it was a different time and gay marriage wasnt even legal in the us yet so it wasnt all that common to have queer romance on screen let alone on disney channel but like i said, the show was about to end. what were the disney channel execs gonna do? cancel it? lmao
five. "I am so in the friend zone there." "we are guys. we do not talk about our feelings." WHAT!!! i cant believe this shit is real. these lines of dialogue are canon. what the hell. what kind of message does that even send to younger, impressionable viewers? if ur a 10 year old boy watching that (ok fine maybe that isnt gonna stick with you forever but listen) and you go 'oh its okay to just bottle everything up and not tell my friends about my feelings about anything ever' that is insane! thats not how things should go!! like i get the whole "im so in the friend zone" and yes, this also has to do with the era but like if they wanted to be a more progressive cartoon that kids look up to and enjoy maybe they just. shouldn't have put that whole conversation in.
i barely have any problems with the b plot. in fact id watch the episode just for the kazoo solo. because that plot lines up with the continuity. i can totally see heinz having bowling night with perry and carl and monogram every week! i can totally see perry and monogram retired! and carl running owca and getting payed for it! that all checks out! that one makes sense and works with the canon! if they got that plot so right how did they get the a plot so wrong?
i can answer this question: fanservice. its an awful word, i know. act your age is a fanservicey episode which is why i think it crashed and burned. mml season 2 is rooted in the same issue: doof is very present and takes away from the original plot of the show. like, the one he wasnt even in until the last episode of s1. slightly getting off topic but it is the crux of the issue. fanservice doesnt make for good storytelling. even if it brings in the big bucks. at its core, telling the story the way it should be told is the best one. even if it pisses people off. a good portion of the viewers will still appreciate whatever ending the creators come up with. and no, im not saying phinbella shouldn't have become canon, in fact i really like the ship and all their dynamics, i just think they went about it the wrong way.
as someone who's written and published fic about them getting together in different universes (granted, they were from when i was younger so its mildly terrible. take them with a grain of salt) there are a lot of other ways to tell that story canonically. honestly, i think the best way of doing it was to keep it ambiguous. dont tell that story. let the viewers pick their own ending for phineas and isabella. maybe they dont get together after all. who knows!
thanks for the ask! hope you had fun getting lectured <3
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sapphicherri · 6 months
you describing yourself as a yapper gf is actually so adorable im gonan EPXLDOE.
i love love love when people go reciting a whole ass essay about topics theyre interested in or just anything in general and i think thats such a cute quality like AWWW
also i physically cannot sleep unless theres some kind of talking noise in the background so i feel like im not alone LMAO
so um yeah im the gf thats willing to listen to you yap on about anything until im half asleep and ill still let out a sleepy hum to tell you that im still listening GAVJHABHGSCHGAG
um can we kiss..
i can talk forever about things i don’t even really care about so when the subject is something im invested in i’ll go on for days LMAO, i started journaling specifically to reduce the amount of talking i force my friends and family to listen to lol
i have definitely yapped people to sleep before so basically we’re meant to be together so ofc we can kiss mwah<3
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cherrytea-afterdark · 1 month
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I got this comment forever ago and wrote some hcs on it but forgot until now, when I'm going through my notes trying to find something else. Canon compliant, he's drawing his sword and he's ready fight lmao
In a more Ghiralink way the main use of Ghirahim's magic is no longer to summon knives, but a quick way to get them naked. Link's sitting in a bar and hears a snap and suddenly he's rushing to cover himself and surprised his pants are still there. Like, he was spoon halfway to mouth, dropping soup all over himself, red faced and he definitely felt arousal but GODDAMMIT GHIRAHIM THEYRE IN PUBLIC. he turns and it wasn't Ghirahim, just Kina or Keet tapping along to music at the Lumpy Pumpkin, but now all of his friends are staring at him, mostly out of concern, and a few like Groose and Zelda know. Ghirahim is smiling at him with the biggest arrogant knowing smirk and he's never going to hear the end of it
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setcolder · 10 days
Soo this is my 3rd(?) Time finishing saiki k i think. I used to be sooo sad how saiki got his power back. Cause like, oh no, my good friend saiki forever trapped in life he despises... What a bitter end, i thought
But now im having second thoughts... Having power is the good ending for him. The thing is its not about getting rid of his power but to accept it,oin the "this is what i am" way. Its an open ending at some kind, but to me saiki will reveal his power after the meteor gotten dealt with. Its implied how his friendg would accept him regardless. Still having power when he confesses fit better. Because he doesn't have to bury it as the past but have it as something thats not be ashamed of (not that he was though, spare me cause im not eloquent to describe what im thinking)
AND. And, all that responsibility he had to bear is greater when he do it alone. The psychickers sharing his secrets do elevate some burdens he had. But despite all that, theres still things he do himself (time leap things—i dont think he never share that with anyone except kusuke) (and yes kusuke alonh with the parents does fill some blanks to the secrets he conceal in front of the whole circle—but the family sometimes made his life complicated too no?) (Leave out mother though. Because all she ever be a nuisance is when she sneak out his power. But its not totally a concern, because, having people close to saiki to know his power will even decrease his burden)
I wonder how the scene would play out, i mean, when he finally reveal it. Did he do it right after dealing with the meteor? Elevating lower in front of them while meteor dust fleeing in the sky? Or he gathered them like the original plan? Im so curious how the author would play it out, despite having fanfiction to fill in the blank. Its a wishful thinking to have solid crumbs of events happening after the circle knew about his power. All the canon had showed us is the possibilities that ended on the reveal
Rambling this much because im so empathetic with my good friend saiki. Hes gone through so much, its crazy. Technically, hes been living life thousand times his actual age. The perception of time warp it of course, but still, how he matured everybody else is the result of his mentality going through longer unimaginable
His lore is just crazy you know. Him being the most popular character in the show, nobody overshadow the mc himself, because hes a very dimensional character despite the gag label theyre going for. The mangaka is a fenomenal writer for this. Saiki k will never be overrated.
Saiki is caring, kind, attentive, knows boundary to some extent (lmao). Come on, i wouldnt complain about his "bad" qualities because for everything that hes going through, he grew well. And at heart, hes a teenager. Hes allowed to feel simple happiness only at the sight of his favorite snack. To feel excited at his idol (satou). He may done all that unconsciously, lets just say its a bonus from the price he paid (constantly diminishing his existence from attention even the concept of camaraderie)
Watching saiki k is never a bore; every comedic always humors with no fail. It always feels like watching for the first time. It's cliche, but youre totally my favorite character mr. Psychic
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darylsfavoritegirl · 5 months
selammm!!! idk if youre turkish or not but im also from turkiye,kocaeli to be exact.anyways i dont really know if you take requests but if you do ill be the happiest ever if you wrote something about season 4 episode 12 but instead of beth its reader and it ends with a kiss between them?? idk ever since i watched it the potential of that being the best fic never left my mind since im in love with your fics lmaoo its totally alright if you dont! hope you have an amazing dayy((:;
omg hey anon!! yes im also from turkiye :) it's crazy because the exact idea has been on my mind forever 😭😭 i thought more of a fanfic where they aren't exactly dating, they're more of a so-called "friends with benefits" (i personally fail to imagine daryl in a relationship so theyre always "friends with benefits" lmao) but they have had some moments where they both know they have feelings for eachother beyond that. i will definitely write that fanfic girl but im currently working on another fanfic. it's again daryl and y/n lmao. its to come in like a few hours if i can finish it :)) im definitely writing this next though!! i will probably post it within this week
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 2 months
ive always really liked picking apart different animation styles, and how things are done, but if you know me you know my favorite thing to look at is expressions. more specifically, eyes. they convey so much emotion its actually insane, and the different ways people draw them?? omomomohmomhonohn
so here have a post about my favorite ways that animes have drawn eyes (ft. tokyo ghoul, demon slayer, bungou stray dogs, and chainsaw man)
TOKYO GHOUL RAHHHHH no one does horror like them!!! this is so evident so early on in the scene where kaneki is trying to eat food after his stay in the hospital, and the terror of not being able to eat human food is finally setting in
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and of course, we can't forget when he went outside for the first time after the accident
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yeahhh. tokyo ghoul absolutely loves to white out the eyes, not entirely, but they make the pupils so small and their eyes HUGE. the TERROR that they portray is amazinggggg
demon slayer has the prettiest eyyesss!!!!!
ive always absolutely loved how they draw their eyes. its so colorful, so detailed!! the demon eyes are my favorite, especially the demons with numbers scratched into them.
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i mean COME ONNNN, the color??? also, another early on show, when tanjiros family died and he came home to find out. the expressio they drew for him??? phenominal.
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demon slayer likes to scrunch up the nose, and really throws in the mouth and the eyebrows too, while tokyo ghoul is almost entirely focused on the eyes (also the absolute peak voice acting omg)
oooo yess bungou stray dogs a personal favorite of mine now obviously every bsd fan knows that bsd loves to give us big fishbowl eyes during serious scenes
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(the chuuya one is a personal favorite of mine but, i digress) despite how many jokes i make about this angle, i actually really like it. not only does it give bsd something significant that you can associate it with, but i think it does a really good job of making everything... a little unsettling especially in lucy's scene where shes describing them getting captured for the rest of their lives, but if they try to leave they'll forget everything, including their friends. and shes getting so much joy out of it, its meant to be a scary scene! and the fishbowl just adds that disturbance, this uncomfortableness bc atsushi is fucking going through it LMAO of course i have to talk about how they draw their eyes. the diamond shape is something ive always loved, with a color that somehow fits so well.
now FINALLY chainsaw man (i just started watching this show bear WITH ME)
i LOVE how csm draws their eyes. their so? detailed? they draw the little bits of the eyes that most animes dont
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the way they draw makima's eyes is a personal favorite. i know from spoilers (rip) that she isnt quite human, and the way they draw her pupils different from everyone elses, with extra rings and them being an uncharacteristic bright color. the way they draw her eyes almost reminds me of a cat? my favorite thing tho, is the fact that they draw that little thing on the end that most people forget (the tear duct!!) it just makes them look so real, and when you get as close up to their eyes as you do in the anime, it almost makes you feel a bit uncomfortable, which is exactly what theyre going for considering the nature of the anime
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he just looks so shocked. he fully believed he had died. he would forever starve, forever weighed down by his fathers debt. and all of a sudden, hes free, and none of it feels real.
(i could literally talk about this for hours god someone stop me)
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i did a pokeymon tierlist that took me three hours to do ;-;
i put it and explainations under a cut because its so big lmao. if you want it to not be blurry then open it seperately in desktop idk
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lesbian tier: self explainatory (ill explain why i like them so much later)
my babies: good designs, sentimental, AND i like fighting with them
sentimental tier: various favs across the years, theyre more individuals than species to me because of my memories with these guys.
i wish pokemon were real: for pokemon that make me say "i wish pokemon were real"
ebic: i like them lots and i like to have them on my team
the funny little creatures: i smile when i see them and i like them
intriguing: hmm there is something here... but i'm not quite getting it maybe?
not rlly interested: this one is self explainatory... if ur fav is here im sorry :( im sure these guys are cool i just dont rlly think about them ever
fucked up: i dont like seeing them they make me uncomfortable
scyther was my first partner in my first pokemon game :) it was diamond. i overtrained scyther way too much and he (because it was a boy scyther) would do that thing where he doesnt listen in battle so i build his entire moveset around it. he was lost when i transferred him to heartgold and then dropped heartgold in some water. rip scyther always in my heart
togekiss was my friend alongside scyther. she was the first pokemon i ever trained up to lv.100. she was also a victim of the heartgold incident. rip togekiss always in my heart.
absol was the only one from my initial gamebeating diamond team to survive the incident. she was transferred over to my copy of platinum and after i ended up losing diamond, remained there happily. i dont want to transfer her to bank or home because i think itd be like moving an old cat to a new house. i dont want to upset her at her old age. also absol's design fucks. emo fringe lynx. absol is what sparked my emotions about dark types. also i played pmd1 as a kid.
gengar is gengar. also i played pmd1 as a kid and read a copious amount of fanfic focused around pmd1 gengar (everyone go read pmd victory fire now it doesnt even matter that its on forever hiatus and ended with a cliffhanger go read it)
the tentacool variations are here purely out of sentimentality. when i was much younger, id let my little sister borrow my copies of the gen 4 pokemon games. she was really young and didnt really care about rpgs in general at the time, so shed always just explore and catch random pokemon instead of actually playing the games. one time, after i got the games back from her, i looked in my pc and saw like. two full boxes of tentacool and tentacruel that shed caught. and they've all got nose themed nicknames like "nosey" or "nosenose" and other stuff like that. so apparently she was surfing about and saw a tentacool for the first time and was just. obsessed with how they looked and thought they looked like big noses (with the red spots being like nostrils i think) and just decided to catch loads and loads of them because she liked them so much. so it became an inside joke between us. i dont really have much in common with my sister anymore and our relationship is pretty cold rn but pokemon is the one thing we still hold in common. and ill always associate tentacool with her.
we all know why grovyle is where he is. same with dusknoir. theyre also good designs.
i really dont like enamourus because its fucked up how they designed three big buff genie men and then made one that was pink and skinny. awful. makes me angry. if they were buff theyd be one of my favs tho.
i really dont like the pla designs for dialga and palkia... theyve already both got very busy designs and i think these forms are Too Busy. i really wanted to like them but well... i look at giratinas two forms and cry over what could have been.
i dont like the tumblr sexyman lizard.
a lot of pokemon are in higher tiers cus theyre based on animals i like... i like a lot of cat pokemon for this reason. also i like the litten line cus it fucks. and my litten in sumo was a female and i like the idea of big buff wrester catgirl :3 incineroar is a really good design and shes big and strong... whats not to love.
also, i generally like a lot of designs which other pokemon fans dislike... i especially love more humanoid/furry "feminine" designs like primarina, lilligant, gardevoir, lopunny, tsareena, etc etc... i really dislike how a lot of these designs are just seen as like sexygirl designs by the community... sadly porn will exist of everything but these pokemon are also creatures. theyre animals. they may look a bit like a girl but they are still magic animals. like one time in moon i had a whole team of grass girlies and it was just fun to hang out with my funny grass lady creatures.
i like giratina because theyre a big ass antimatter caterpillar. drawing giratina helped me draw antropomorphic caterpillars actually. i like their big ass legs.
all eeveelutions are CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the lunar duo are my ultimate fav pokemon forever as a team for a big mix of all the other reasons. partly its sentimentality, cus i really liked them as a kid and i would always chill on fullmoon island in my copy of platinum and just listen to the music, i also always tried to do the void glitch to get darkrai but i always fucked up and never quite saw her! (i couldnt do the event cus living in shitty rural region reasons) i also liked battling with them in oras :3 i think their designs are very well done. they remind me of the "swan" series by hilma af klimt specifically, which is a series i really liked on its own. i dont think that was intentional, but i was looking at the work about a year or so ago for an essay and i sorta realized how well the overall color palette of that series matches the pair and cresselia specifically, because shes based on a swan ofc. and ofc darkrai is also birdlike but in a more abstract way. she actually reminds me a bit of the skeletons of one of those really fucked up breed pigeons with the receeded necks and huge fantails and tiny beaks and weird spindly legs. i also really like how unabashedly edgy darkrai's design is... i feel a lot of nostalgia for edgy character designs from the mid 2000s which were edgy in a very un-selfaware way (another reason why i like absol specifically and also like. so many ghost and dark types) and as an angsty kid i always used to gravitate towards those designs lol. i also think its kinda romantic, the idea of a creature which kills others simply by being around them, a typhoid mary type creature, which isolates itself due to that, with its only friend also being the only creature that negates its negative affects. and also that creature killed a kid in america (fucked up). thats how i interpret their relationship. anyway ive been having lots of thoughts about them for like over 15 years.
this is unrelated but its kinda annoying when ppl use gendered pronouns for genderless pokemon... its not gonna ruin my days its just. funny lol (ignore that i have used she/her for darkrai throughout this entire comment... when i do it, its ok <3) one of the sad flaws of the pmd series imo bcus the mainline games dont do that at all.
in general i think my likes and dislikes are more dictated by character design/sentimentality as opposed to ability in battle or fanservice or competitive meta ... this is just part of being a longtime fan who doesnt rlly keep up with the community anymore methinks. im kinda beating myself up for not putting more complex thought into this buuut also i wanna be true to myself yknow... but then again this community sucks so i feel like im gonna be attacked for putting idk wingull too low or something lol
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class-1b-bull · 2 months
Could we get their fav carnival rides or what would they do there?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - eat all the food and ride all the rides as quickly as possible only to inevitably get sick from the sugar and spinning rides mixed together.
Sen - he probably goes just to take aesthetic pictures like the ferris wheel at sunset and the neon lights of the games lighting up the street. He does spend a lot of time just hanging around the his friends and doing what they are though.
Kamakiri - hes only there because he was forced to by a friend. He refuses to ride any of the rides so he just akwardly waits for his friend(s) at the ride exits with a single corndog.
Kuroiro - most carnivals have that one ride thats haunted house themed or kinda scary (at least for kids its scary) and those are always going to be his favorite. He dosent care that they're kinda boring he loves them anyways
Kendo - i dont think shes very picky about what she does or likes at the carnival yk? As long as shes with people she likes hanging out with shes having fun. (She cant deny that she loves the food though)
Kodai - she probably prefers the cute little carnival games over the big rides. Not to mention shes surprisingly good at the games (even though theyre rigged)
Komori - she also prefers the games at carnivals over the rides but its mostly just because she wants to win the prizes. Shes not that good at the games though.
Shiozaki - she prefers the slower rides or the games over the really fast rides because she has a lot of hair that gets tangled really easily. Even the slow rides will get her hair pretty tangled if she dosent tie it up.
Shishida - Shishida stays as far from the carnivals food as possible simply because its all sticky or messy and gets stuck in his fur(hair?) And it takes forever to get out. He does prefer the fast rides over anything else at the fair btw.
Shoda - he'll say that the games are scams so he doesn't like them but the second he actually plays one of the games his classmates find out that he practically cant lose. He ends up getting asked to win prizes for his classmates but he dosent mind (he likes being helpful)
Pony - she is trying every food in sight. She constantly has her arms filled with different sweet treats and shes eating it all as quickly as possible in the ride lines because no food is allowed on the rides.
Tsubaraba - he likes the teacups. Ik its a ride made for kids but he forces all of the common sense kings to get in one of the teacups together so they can see how fast they can make it spin. (Yes they all get dizzy and sick afterwards)
Tetsutetsu - any ride that hes guarenteed to get sick on is his favorite. If it moves fast and has little to no safety measures in place he loves it lmao.
Tokage - shes tries to play as many games and ride as many rides as she can before the carnival closes for the day. She dosent really have a preference she just wants to do as much as possible
Manga - he dosent really have a favorite ride but he does prefer the rides over the games. He takes a little sketch book into the lines so he can doodle the things around him while waiting.
Honenuki - hes the type to not enjoy things as much on his own rather than with people. He dosent care what hes doing at the carnival as long as hes with someone he enjoys being around hes having fun. He will just do what the person hes with wants to do.
Bondo - he likes the ferris wheel. Something about the calmness of that one ride despite the chaos all around the rest of the carnival and the way it always gives the most beautiful views is just very nice in his opinion.
Monoma - hes going to act all smug about how the carnival games are a scam but hes so good that he will win anyways and then he loses so badly that its kinda embarrassing for him.
Reiko - Reiko dosent seem like the carnival type to me. So if she were to go it was because shes the bag girl. While people go on rides and whatnot she holds and guards their things until their done. She does like the food at carnivals in moderation.
Rin - he spends his whole time there silently looking at the weld jobs on the support poles for the rides and stuff and deciding to ride if its done well or not. He does like to freak out kosei by nerding out about how a bad weld job can cause the rides structure to fail (and awase obviously finds it hilarious while sen is a bit indifferent.)
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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thedroloisms · 4 months
Never understood the insistence by the greater mcyt fandom that chasing an entire group of people out of a fandom space because of the person they watched was this great achievement. It’s alienating a group of people, treating them like an other, and patting yourself on the back because “at least I’m not like those people” when the wider internet doesn’t give a shit and call you a Dream Stan regardless because that’s what he is? It happened within the DSMP fandom as well and it made me scratch my head because it gave off bootlicking (?) vibes? People who hated the server didn’t care if you were a ranboo stan or not you were still going to be called a Dream Stan regardless. Strangely enough it kind of coincides with the beginning of Dream’s own alienation from the MC Community as a whole and how he voiced that he didn’t feel as though he was allowed to participate in mc community events (like mob vote) despite the game being his entire career and especially when his friends and colleagues were able to participate without scrutiny.
like, congrats on the harassment i guess? the way that people made it all about "protecting their spaces from bad people" too, when uh 1) the alienation of people who liked dream in mcytblr spaces way precedes anything to do with the allegations, yall might act coy but i was there for the sleepytwt wars of 2020, lmao, and 2) the same people who they're throwing out for being Bad People (tm) sure weren't being dropped by the very content creators they base their entire online personalities about? like, in cases like forever and illumina, ccs were very damn quick to show that they didn't support them. and meanwhile people unfollowing dream a whole year after the original allegations is somehow because of the drituation? don't make me laugh. the double standards were craaaazy. i have no clue how these people managed to pat themselves on the back abt content creators that sure were staying completely mum on the subject when they had already convinced themselves that dream is 100% guilty in every respect, get rid of the whole guy. but i digress.
frankly i would say that dream's alienation from the mc community was. early. i mean, speedrunning drama happened in 2020, basically a year or less after he blew up. and when it comes to stantwt? sleepytwt wasn't exactly welcoming in 2020, lmao. the harassment campaign against dream extended long before the allegations and honestly have kind of followed him for his entire career. people continue to hate dream like theyre doing some kind of revolutionary thing (#forActivism!!!) as if they don't sound exactly like the sbi fans that have ragged on him for the last 4 years. like, don't make me laugh, your group circlejerk of oh at least you guys hate dream at least you're not dream stans whenever anything happens (even when said thing might be something like mcytblr drama that has jack shit to do with the guy whose fans you literally expelled from your midsts or allegations against someone completely different) doesn't make you look like praiseworthy activists against a great evil, it just makes you look self-righteous.
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roachemoji · 11 months
NEW ST LIVE BLOGGING bc i lost my old thread lmao S1 06-08 (but not really i need to rewatch the end again)
Episode 6
OKAY im starting like halfway through ep 6 again
the AUTISM in the first 30 seconds of this episode starting up again lmao EL calling him a mouth breather because its the first insult she fucking hears??? Yea YEAH
GOD JOYCE IN A TURTLE NECK <- my mom (hold oni have to jump back up here because I completetly skipped the part about Jane and her mom and the connection to El and i feel like its a little too on the nose that thats who El is given how much ive seen and read about the fuckery and connections in this show so im waiting on that - unless it is just... that. AKJHD)
hes SO smart holy shit i mean they all are but his interpersonal skills are so JUST YEAH CALL THEM OUT CALL THEM OUT also his quiet "ok" when he pushes that theyre all his best friends UGH
is this the scene is this the i think im about to watch the thing i just OH MAN HE JUST CLOCKED HIM WHO STRADDLES A MAN LIKE THAT WHEN YORUE FIGHTING HELLO
anyway sorry Johnathan and Nancy Platonic Soulmates Best Friends Forever im making them bracelets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh man i was gonna mention the van that Lucas saw but i forgot also GOD DUSTIN IS THE ONLY ONE WITH FUCKIGN SENSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH boys boys boys boys boys
JUST PISS YOUR PANTS???? oh he okay yeah i though the was actually asking him to just piss his fucking pants
SO what would happen if Mike had like died what would happen if those kids had caused his death like wouold they have just ran and left Dustin or pushed him off or what like AKJSHDSKAJHD
El exxperiencing PTSD so vividly breaks my fucking heart like girlie i understand i understan di do i reall really do god im so sorry BABY GIRL ITS OKAY AOOIASUDSKAH SHE OPENED THE GATE DAMN gonna like swaddle her or something god
im sorry the squad of white vans going to kidnap children is a little too on the fucking nose for me
Episode 7
real talk could El not just explode them what if El just exploded them i mean obviously theres OTHER consequences like... killing people BUt i mean.
Pausing to say something actually: How child abuse is depicted so far in the show is very scary to me in how real it feels. To be a kid in those situations, to not understand the power you weild because an adult as manipulated you into believing that you're helpless? That the only person you can rely on is them, even as they're actively harming you? Brenner being aware of the harm that El can cause him but believing so strongly in the hold he has on her and therefore he is above consequence, above harm? fucking yucky The scene of him giving her the potted flower made my stomach sink. Felt a little too close to home I know that themes of abuse are really prevelant in this show and Its really interesting to see how it affects people different but especially El, someone who'se pretty fucking clearly autistic and shows a lot of the same symptoms that i did post abuse? I thought i had more to say on it and maybei will as time goes on i just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ough okay moving on --
i cant wait to get to the part where i understand who you (POINTS AT EM) believe she is and fully feel whatever i should feel about her and what shes done or about to do or going to do in multiple timelines or what have YOU
Mikes dad makes me want to ram my head into a wall
Joyce is just :3c she just!! she <3
she can.... make you fly....... and...... piss yourself
the two super powers
the Byers,,,,,,,,,, seemed so distant before like they didnt know each other or cared but god theyre so close theyre so so close and i feel that i get that
MIKES DAD AGAIN I WANT TO HES SO FUCKING STUPID if i were locked in a room with him id put on cocomelon
HOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
El is just trying so fucking hard god the liek desperation and fear or failure and guilt that she just keeps carrying itS JUST!!!!
MR CLARKS LIL DATE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! do you ever use your teacher's autism against him and force him to info dump in the same of science.
watching them setting up the pool and knowing they probably just told them to figure it out while they filmed it <3 ALSO MIKE REALIZING HIS SISTER IS ACTUALLY COOL idk need more siblings being siblings
JOYCE IS MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone giving El the option to say no? to back out? to FEEL SAFE??? im going to lose my mind im gonan scREAM and cry and throw up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am BANGING MY FISTS On the TABLE
genuinely WAHT did barb do to deserve this WHAT DID SHE DO SHE WAS SUCH A GOOD FRIEND OH MY GOD
joyce joyc ejoCYCE JOYCE JOYCE fuck all yall shes my favorite character im in love with her
Do episodes that end in the upside down also not end with music @ em i cant remember this happening before bc i didnt write it down <3
Episode 8
LAST EPISIDE OF THE SEASON i went to get popcorn for this to pay full attention or as much as i could im goingin an dout of dissociating so bare with me i feel like im gonna have to rewatch the entire first season again bc i missed a lot but we'll get there in due time anyway onward and upward boys
Hopper <333333
Johnathan and Nancy are my favorite best friends theyre jUST like GUNG FUCKING HO i love it
IM OAIUSDKAJHD NANCY AND HOPPER GOING FUCKING IN WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN yall keep underesitimating these people because you got your fancy suits and you think ou have control of the situation and then you get your ass handed to you SO IM waiting for his ass to be handed to him
if i have to watch people cut their palms to get blood one more time im gonna STOP STOP IT STOP IT STOP oh my GOD LIKE... BAK O FYOU HAND? YOUR ARM? GIRL.
STEEVEEEEEEEEE are the lights gonna start blinking girl please pleas eplease srteve please can he help kill please bro Im HIS big brown eyes hello hwa the fuck
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SO Tumblr deleted... everything after this and im kinda upset man i got like 20 minutes left in the episode not even and it just wiped out 90% of me going balls to the fuck wall about El exploding people's brains and how much i love Joyce Byers and how they gotta stopputting me through so much emotional turmoil when it comes to Hopper and his flash backs
I think im gonna rewatch the last episode to give a better genuine reaction bc i kinda spaced out at the end and dont super know whats going on now askdhj
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
DANIIII stellar chapter as usual i love lexi and liv theyre such good parents and bunny is SUCH A CUTE NICKNAME WTF
i find it a teeny tiny bit sus that joan didn't recognize kincaid in the mural especially since she knew his face well enough to draw portraits of him but it probably doesn't mean anything (RIGHT??)
not madeleine comparing lance to sebastian and mallory omg like ma'am that's a baby?? he couldn't have been in control of whatever happened to joseph and i personally think its a bit unfair that she blames him for it.....
also is there like a sign up sheet or something for the seelie army cause i'm DOWN
i am VERY excited for the next chapter i reread the ials chapter where lance confronts alec and they're just so fucking funnyasdfghjkl i can't wait for their shenanigans now <33 can i have a lil snippet pls🥺
Thank you so much! I was a lil insecure about it because it took me forever to write 🥺🥺
Joan didn't recognize Kincaid because the mural has adult(?) Kincaid and adult Lance (which is why Lexi also felt like Lance looked like David than Lance).
Madeleine on thin ice istg...
The seelie army >>> They are the only people i respect lmao.
Lance will get funnier (and sassier) as he grows older but I'm excited for you to read baby lance a bit (he is 13 but he is still baby to me okay)
Here is a tiny snippet:
“You can’t hide from them forever, Lance,” Alec pointed out gently. “You should talk to them. Play with them. Trust them. That’s what friends are for.”
“We’re not friends,” Lance replied. “We’re cousins.”
It was not a very nice thing to say, to be honest. But it wasn’t exactly a lie either. 
They were not friends. They were simply cousins. 
“Would you like them to be your friends?” Alec asked instead. Telling Lance he was right was never a good idea. 
Lance was quiet for a moment. “We have nothing in common.”
Okay. Alec was not hearing a no. Good. 
“That’s not true,” Alec managed a smile. “You are all good at annoying me.”
It was mostly Lance and Cami. Alec blamed his own heathens for it. 
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geffenrecords · 5 months
I see your posts about tim and dally and i think they're hilarious so I was wondering if you had any hcs for them?? they're so underrated it's criminal bc I'm honest to God obsessed w them 😭
whoevr the ffuck asked this thank you somuch I LOVE TIM AND DALLAS.....ARGHHH theyre so fucking interesting to me forever....okay in the book its stated that dallas and tim were always kind of buddies . pb specifically notes that even though dallas got angry and slashed tim's tires for no real reason and then tim retaliated by breaking his ribs that they were still friends. tim goes to see dallas in the hospital, which dallas claims he only does to rub the rumble in his face but i (choose to) believe it was like...more .
tim isnt really a character in the books very much tbh . he has 1 single appearance in the outsders and one in that was then this is now. most of what we hear about him is word of mouth, but when he is onscreen hes described as very cold and scary. ponyboy notes that tim reminds him of an alley cat, and tim praises pony and johnny for killing bob. he kind of just stalks around and talks to everyone a little bit and thats the most we see (besides him breaking his nose again LMAO). pony mentions him A LOT in this book. something thats kind of a '''fandom'''' thing that pisses me off is how people say that darry & soda wouldnt like pony hanging out with curly because he's a ''bad influence'' but this just..isnt true ? pony is always mentioning both the shepards and even says he actually is friends with curly and likes him. the cigarette burning in the hands incident (i think its so cute and funny that tim stopped them. like curly robbing a liquor store is something hes lowkey proud of but curly and pony burning holes in each others hands pisses him off?) and even mentions when he was with curly one time and how he broke something while jumping off a pole. its also noted that despite all the differences between the shepards and the curtis', theyll always help each other and they truly do have each others back. no one makes any comments about how they distrust tim or anythign. in That was then This is Now, tim also shows up once but is mentioned a lot. curly and angela have the most screen time obviously in this book, but i do LOVEE tim's appearance in this book. after mark shaves angelas head, he and curly go and beat up bryon and tim is described as a very frightening person. bryon says that curly is mostly just kind of dumb and violent but tim is genuinely a mean person, noting that curly threatens a lot of people but tim really does mean everything he says and that whatever he says he'll do to someone, he really will. i think this is great! but yeah. twttin also says that the shepards live with their mother and stepdad but i kind of like. ignore this. i think their dynamic is so much more interesting if they live by themselves. i think tim is particularly fascinating BECAUSE of angela and curly. like even tho tim is a terrrible violent person he still raises and takes care of his younger siblings. adds so much more..i think..
but as for him and dally....fuckkkkk dude. the way i view them is that tim is like, genuinely very in love with dallas. like he knows it everyone knows it. usually when i do stuff with them dallas is affectionate towards him in a mostly joking manner, but doesn't really seem aware of tims feelings. obviously i dont think tim or dallas ever really like..talk about their feelings but they have subtle ways of letting each other know. i think theyre most interesting when they hate and love each other. they get in a fistfight and curse each other out b4 going behind bucks and making out for a couple hours . that sort of thing. ponyboys words about them are that theyre "two of a kind" which is CRAZZZYYYYY . like i dont even know where to begin with that one . so anyways . to me, dallas is some little weird nyc freak whos had various on/off relationships, like with sylvia. they kind of cheat on each other and mostly just argue so thats how he views his relationship with tim, and he doesnt really stay with him. however tim does. tim doesnt really have any romantic experiences or anything ( i know that the outsiders says he got the scar on his face from 'a tramp hitting him with a bottle" and that this is most likely implied to say he was trying to get sex from her but i think of it as he got into an argument with some random prostitute. which is honestly kind of funnier. whys he beefing with this poor lady) so to him, dallas is very real and sort of his only thing he has going for him. he takes everything dallas does to and with him VERY personally. if dallas shows up at HIS doorstep after a fight instead of the curtis', tim basically takes this as dallas' version of saying he loves him, even if dallas only did it because his house was closer or whatever. however dallas also will tell him about things going on with sylvia and this pisses tim off so theylll beat each other up about it. and have like car sex after idk. since dallas grew up in the nyc streets and was LITERALLY JAILED AT 10(?) i think of him similar to neil mccormick from mysterious skin . most likely abused at a young age, has sex with a lot of random people to cope with it, "young and willing", that sort of thing. so to him, tim is his buddy hes close with in a really weird way, who cares if they have sex. except tim like really falls in love and dallas is kind of like oh . okay word. i dont know if dallas being in love with tim would really be like...realistic but hopefully it is . hehe. the worst people youve ever met are madly in love with each other...dallas cracks a bottle over tims head when he gets pissed off but they cuddle all night (after almost killing each other fighting it out). itd be like the first time either of them have ever like..experienced a relationship so theyre total weirdos but so sweet in a way ? tim would give dallas stitches after a fight and lay with him all night to make sure he doesnt have a concussion . dallas helps tim get home drunk even when tim tries to shove him away . that sort of thing. i also think curly interacting with dallas is SUCH a funny ass concept and i wish people did stuff with it more. im aware the shepards are boderline my ocs atp but i dont even care . dallas walks in and is like ummm wheres tim and curlys like why 🤨wtf do u want...and dallas just gets So angry. hes literally like beefing with this 14 year old for no fucking reason . dallas would lock curly in the bathroom and forget hes in there when pissed off enough but angela would bully dallas . and he cant really do anything actually harmful to them bc tim would beat his ass so hes just So pissed off.
idk . big fan of whatever se hinton mildly laid down in that book lol.
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