#they're living a happy life with several kids and pets
homielander · 11 months
my biggest pet peeve about the boys fandom discourse is everyone is very quick to point out how vought is an amalgamation of amazon and disney and every megacorp in one, but whenever it comes to this show's resolution (specifically regarding homelander), that awareness flies out the window and i'm forced to endure one take after another celebrating homelander's inevitable death because it will be a happy ending and fix every problem. discounting that this is a very emotionally motivated and punitive view of justice (would depowering him not be sufficient to keep him from harming others?) i feel like the show has gone to great lengths to spell out that homelander is a product of his environment... just another victim of vought's exploitation and callous disregard for human life.
this applies to other supes as well. annie's mom says outright that annie was injected with compound v in exchange for their hospital bills being covered, a-train didn't have a stable home life based on his account from s1 and it's likely a similar arrangement was worked out there, and iirc some vought promotional snippet mentioned that supersonic signed on to a supe team after vought paid for his rehab. after preying on vulnerable kids and families, vought flings them headfirst into missions even though they're not properly equipped to exercise their abilities and someone is accidentally killed (we've seen this happen with homelander, a-train, and crimson countess, to name a few). new supes realize the heroes they've idolized their whole lives are completely uncaring in the face of this violence. and even though substance use is widespread among supes, there don't seem to be any constructive efforts made to curb it because it succeeds in dulling any moral qualms they might have about vought's culture of casual violence (a-train is the only exception but that's because his substance use begins to impede his speed, thereby impacting the bottom line). and at the end of the day, all their transgressions are covered up by vought, which opens the door to all sorts of legal and psychological debts.
and anyone can preach about strength of character, but we know maeve suffered from this slow moral deterioration, and we were seeing it take place in real time with annie in season 1 (only maeve and hughie's interference stopped it). their best intentions did not matter! homelander is no different, except that his conditioning was far more severe (and admittedly he was less hesitant to abandon any notions of doing good when his status was threatened, but that's not at all surprising when you consider his upbringing).
the point is that vought enables and encourages supes to abuse regular people. that problem has never been exclusive to homelander. homelander is trying to subsume vought but it is an institution that existed before him and will persist after him. i guess it's not a surprise that so many people peddle homelander as the "real villain" considering we mostly experience events in the boys' pov but it does make most conversations about this show's endgame insufferable. god bless
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catsofcalifornia · 5 months
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Kinkers from East County Animal Rescue in El Cajon, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to ECAR's main website.
Kinkers is a special boy looking for someone special to love and appreciate him. Originally part of a tnr project back in 2019, Kinkers was trapped to be fixed (hence the ear tip) yet we quickly noticed something was "different" about him and we held him for observation. He was seen by our vet where he was diagnosed with CH. What is CH you ask? Well it stands for Cerebellar Hypoplasia, which is a non-progressive, non-contagious neurological condition that results in walking and balance problems. A kitten is born with "CH" when their cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls fine motor skills and coordination, is underdeveloped at birth. CH cats are known for their "drunken sailor" walk, which is why they're known endearingly as "wobbly cats." There are varying degrees of severity with CH. We categorize Kinkers as a mild to moderate CH kitty. CH cats live a normal life span. Kinkers is like any other cat in everyway except he has a funny gait. When he gets to playing and running really fast he will loose his balance and crash into things or fall down. He has fallen down the stairs of his foster so if you have stairs in your home this may happen. Sometimes it seems like his back end wants to do something different than his front end. He has no clue that anything is wrong with him at all. There is nothing different you have to do for his condition. We knew he would not make it outside so we kept him and hoped for the best. As our trapping team went back to finish the colony we realized these cats were all very sweet and seemed out of place. That's when we realized Kinkers and his whole family were dumped and left to fend for themselves. We are so happy we found them when we did as Kinkers has turned out to be a lovely boy. His whole family was adopted out years ago and now it's his turn to shine. Kinkers is a sweet boy who loves pets and will follow you around the house talking to you for attention as he rolls over to get pets. The joy that he brings with his "special" personality is really one of a kind. He needs the right person to be patient with him as he will be shy at first while he gets used to his surroundings. His symptoms will get better as he gets more comfortable and comes into his own. Before you know it he will be roaming the house with confidence. He doesn't love to be picked but we think it's due to his balance and weak depth perception. Although he is gentle with everyone he would be best suited in a quiet home with no kids or older calm kids. He got his name due to his "kinked" tail however this does not seem to cause him any problems. Does fine with other cats and dogs. Whoever gives this boy a chance will not be disappointed. Please check out CH sites so you can see how endearing these cats are. Once you have one, you may never turn back. Kinkers is now available and we will be screening for the perfect fit for him. He is a very special boy that has been with us for over 3 years!!
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ciaossu-imagines · 11 months
For day 3 and rhe y/n stuff:
"I know, I know, you said no kids, but-" and y/n holds up a cute animal fluffball that makes the cutest noise.
"Look at them! They're adorable!"
Aka how would the khr characters who dont want kids react to their partner bringing home an animal to take care for? and what animal would win them over most likely if at all?
This was a great ask, and I had a lot of fun mulling it over! Thank you for sending it in and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons! Please note that this is by no means all the KHR characters I see as being child-free, but just the ones who I formed solid headcanons for.
Shamal would probably coo over how cute his partner was being first and foremost. Like, his partner looks so much cuter than the animal, and how can he refuse them anything when they look so adorable asking him? He probably wouldn’t even notice what type of animal it was at first. Afterwards, I could see him being easily annoyed at any high-maintenance or noisy sort of animal, and I can’t see him taking a lot of responsibility for it, since to him it will be his partner’s pet and not his, but other than that, he doesn’t actively hate the animal or anything and might like it enough. It’s more or less that he’ll enjoy how happy the pet makes his partner though than any enjoyment out of having a pet in the home.
Chikusa wouldn’t be swayed, no matter how cute the animal is. He’s not a child person and he’s not a pet person. He doesn’t want the responsibility of completely taking care of any other living thing. Hell, he doesn’t even want to keep a plant because it’s too much extra responsibility and work. He’d absolutely refuse keeping the pet, even if his partner promised to do all the work and take care of it entirely, because he knows that that is not how things would turn out in the long term and because his life and his partner’s life are so intertwined, that he would be expected to tolerate and interact and to some extent take care of the animal and he’s firm on not doing any of that. If they’re that insistent on a pet, Chikusa would calmly but firmly remind them of Ken’s existence.
Gokudera would definitely act annoyed, but it’s a lot more of an act than him being truly upset. Honestly, he’s more than intelligent enough to know that there’s a huge, huge difference between raising a human child and having a pet that you’re responsible for taking care of. I will say that, if the animal is a dog or a scorpion, I do see him having more of a genuinely upset reaction than most other animals, just because he’s really not a fan of either of those animals and he’d tell his partner that if they insisted on keeping it, he wouldn’t be helping with it. Honestly, he’d probably say that with any animal, but with other animals, Gokudera would honestly end up being the one to spoil the animal most (while still claiming it’s not his pet and he doesn’t care about it), while with dogs and scorpions, he actually sticks entirely to his word and has zero interest in doing anything for it.
Lambo actually really likes pets and he’ll have had several with his partner. The problem is that Lambo is only really good for pets for the first little bit. He gets really excited for them, really wants them, can’t wait to be a pet parent with his partner. He’ll dote on their pet for the first couple months, until the new is completely worn out, and then he pretty much loses any interest in the animal, and it becomes one of his partner’s chores and responsibilities to take care of the animals. Honestly, Lambo’s partner would normally be the one refusing Lambo any more pets, because he doesn’t take care of the ones they have, so the fact that they brought one home and begged him to let them keep it would really be a surprise to him, but not one he’d complain about.
Let’s be real – Hibari’s an animal person. He can’t stand most people and he doesn’t want to be tied down to another living person, which is why being child-free and in a very, very independent romantic relationship is important to him. This is not going to be something that really drastically changes much as he ages. Animals though? Animals he can get behind and he’d have no problem with a new animal being brought into any residence he might share part-time with a partner, though he does expect the majority of the care of the pet to fall onto his partner, since it is their pet and they are the one who brought it home, much like he’d take the majority of the care of his birds, for example.
With Belphegor, not going to lie and not going to hold back…he’s completely against the idea and if his partner went against his wishes, there’s a very high chance, given his mood at the time, that the animal in question would be dead very quickly. Bel can go through his moods, but overall, he’s very, very selfish and if he doesn’t come up with an idea or doesn’t see the immediate appeal in it, he’s against something. And he can go through moods where he does feel almost uncomfortably possessive of his partner and doesn’t want them to look at, spend time with or on, or acknowledge anything but Bel himself. And a pet is time-consuming, something that will take his partner’s time and attention away from him, so it’s definitely not going to be something Bel is going to tolerate.
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wormholxtreme · 3 months
💘 + kadam!
Ship Meme | Kadam
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where they first met and how
Kaylee was on a "summer" (more like a year) between ending high school and starting college on Hala to learn more about her Kree roots. Adam fresh from his cocoon, all naive and young mentally and Kay shoot his ass out of the sky thinking he was attacking the planet.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
It was only a few months but Kaylee didn't know it was flirting but Adam had the hots for her pretty quick but boy couldn't keep it quiet for very long
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
Oh Adam was head over heels before Kaylee even knew what they were doing was basically dating.
where their first date was and what it was like
They had several coffee dates on Hala before either of them even made it official during their summer romance but the first real date was star gazing.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
Adam is a man of many words, under the stars as Kaylee pointed out the constellations, making up stories to go with them he turned to her and said "I've cherished every moment we've spent together. You've become the brightest star in my life, and I can't hold back these feelings any longer." and then KISSED HER. Just ugh this mother fucker
who proposes first
Adam. Kaylee never saw it coming. They were at Thanos and Pepper's wedding when he just looked at her and asked if she wanted to do this too. Just knocked the wind right out of my girl.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
They never were secret on Hala, but in the time they reconnected 8 years later, it wasn't as flashy. Kaylee wasn't exactly keeping it a secret but she wasn't being as open with the PDA because of her own mental struggles at this point in their lives.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
At Pepper and Thanos's wedding but then Adam did a flashier proposal later that was more official. They didn't want to steal Pepper's thunder
if they adopt any pets together
No. Adam ain't around to take care of their kids let alone a pet LOL
who’s more dominant
100% Adam. He's a service dom for sure. Kaylee is a switch bitch and happy to be his sunshine
where their first kiss was and what it was like
First kiss was under the stars on Hala, where Adam confessed his feelings for her and placed that tentative kiss on her lips. It was breathtaking and beautiful and Kay reciprocated making it that kind of steamy and hot.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
Not really, occasionally if Adam happens to show up during Halloween one year she'd have a couples costume for him but other wise they're both pretty individualistic people with their own styles. Or rather Kay has a style. Adam needs to wash his suit. XDD
how into pda they are
Kaylee's primary love language is physical touch. So PDA is definitely a thing, whether it's holding hands or hugging. Forehead touches. Cupping his cheek in her hands and brushing her thumbs against his cheeks.
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Adam duh. He holds the umbrellas, the presents, the shopping bags. The man pulls his cape off and puts it over puddles so Kaylee doesn't have to get her shoes wet/muddy
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
Their favorite place will always be under the stars, seeing the cosmos in each other's eyes. Not only is it a throwback to their first kiss but they are both star children whose identities and love is bound to the stars.
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who’s more protective
Arguably it's Adam. His identity is always in crisis but the one constant is his need to protect people, add in the way he loves and cares for Kaylee and that need to protect goes through the roof. That being said though, Kaylee is not a wallflower. She is a warrior and other than to keep a promise to him, she will die to protect him if need be.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
A few weeks. The whirlwind from blasting him out of the sky, to them becoming friends, to them becoming more was a fast ride. But it was only a short summer love until 8 years later. The second time, stolen glances, and aching hearts keep them apart. Kaylee's predicament of not knowing where she and Athan stood along with being pregnant with his child made things a little less black and white so they didn't reconnect romantically until after horrible things happened and Kay was at rock bottom.
if they argue about anything
Usually they only argue over Kaylee's reckless self-sacrificing nature. She always thinks she can handle whatever is thrown at her to her own detriment. Otherwise they have extremely healthy communication and don't often have disputes.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
Neither XD they're both like bullet proof. There's no leaving marks. But it's not for a lack of trying on Kaylee's part for sure
who steals whose clothes and how often
Kaylee will steal his shirt in the mornings after a night of passion but that's about it.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
-sigh- Adam is the big spoon, no matter how much Kaylee offers. He's the big spoon. And Kaylee loves being his little spoon but sometimes they face each other if she isn't feeling very little spoony
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
Kicking ass!! No really, they're both heroes and they love being able to protect and kick ass together
how long they stay mad at each other
The only time Kay ever was mad at Adam was when he played a role in Sophie losing her soul and becoming the new Lady Death. The anger she felt was mostly caused by the feeling of being betrayed by the one person she thought could never hurt her. It takes her a few months to
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
Kaylee and Adam have a lot of rituals behind coffee. She makes him coffee all the time. Usually black with a new flavoring for him to try and she mixes flavors for him on the time until she finds one that he likes above the others
if they ever have any children together
yes! Adam adopts Damien and then they have a baby girl Destiny Hope together. It's a miracle because Adam can't have kids but Eternity gave him the ability once so they could make Destiny, much to Destiny's dismay XD
if they have any special pet names for each other
Adam calls her sunshine more often than not. v.v it's the cutest.
if they ever split up and / or get back together
The life of Kadam is a long and interesting one. Their summer love on Hala was not supposed to last and it didn't. They parted on good terms but it was never destined to be anything more than what it was. But when they reconnected, even with Adam always leaving, they stay together. Mostly because of Kaylee's stubbornness XD
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
Since Adam is gone often it's hard to call what they have shared living space. But for the most part Kaylee keeps a clean and modern house hold. She keeps things interesting with beautiful decor, paintings, flowers, and other things to keep the place looking like a home rather than a doctor's office
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
SHOPPING. Kaylee dragging Adam to all the different shops and going to the orphanages and shelters to pass toys out to the less fortunate. Just bringing him into all the Starkvers traditions
what their names are in each other’s phones
Adam: Sunshine Kaylee: Knight in Shining Armor
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
Traditions are totally around coffee. Kaylee built him a coffee machine for his space ship and stocked it with enough coffee to last him a while and then spends time collecting coffee and coffee related things across the universe so when he returns she can restock his coffee bar and show him new things.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
Adam doesn't really sleep but he meditates regularly. Kaylee's sleep is sporadic and she often uses her powers not to sleep at all but in the end she'll be the first one sleep because he makes her feel safe and loved enough to rest and relax
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Adam is the big spoon always much to Kay's chagrin. She wanna be the big spoon sometimes XD
who hogs the bathroom
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Kaylee, it's mostly her bathroom anyway XD Adam can either join the club which he does
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
Neither??? I see them both being the kind to just leave spiders be? They're both invincible and have no fears of little creatures just living their lives.
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museandwriting · 7 months
Volga Fluff ABCs
A - Affection (how do they show affection to their s/o)
His love languages are time spent together, acts of service, and physical touch.
Just spending a day on the couch cuddling? He’s happy as a clam.
B - Best Friend (what are they like as a best friend?)
He’s a tough guy, not very expressive usually. But you’ll know he cares because he’s always there for you, encouraging you to be your best self.
Also, he’ll kick the ass of anyone you need help with.
C - Cuddling (do they like to cuddle? And how would they do it?)
He lives for cuddles. If he has his way you would never leave his arms.
And since he’s a fire dragon, he’s very warm. Perfect for chilly days!
D - Domestic (do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning)
He desperately wants to settle down. Spouse, kids, the whole nine yards. Maybe even a few pets.
He’s not a terrible cook, but he’s happy to learn. Cleaning is a bit better. Not a perfectionist, but things are clean and orderly.
E - Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he’s still in love with them, but they aren’t compatible or something similar, it would cause him great pain but he would be honest. No beating around the bush for him.
It may seem harsh or even cruel, but wouldn’t it be crueler to lead them on?
F - Fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He craves a family. Dragons know when they have met their One, the person they would be happiest with, would love the most, even if it takes getting to know them first. Once they know, they know.
He would happily tie the knot right there and then, but if they wish for courtship first he will do so.
G - Gentle (how gentle they, both physically and emotionally?)
Volga is a closed-off person, both naturally and as a result of past events in his life.
Once you get to know him, though, he’s much softer, but still introverted unless you’ve known him for a long time.
It’s different with his beloved, however. With them, he is very sweet and extremely gentle.
He’s open with them, as his parents taught him that such was one of the secrets to a successful relationship.
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
If you’re his friend, you might be able to wring a hug out of him if he’s in a good mood.
With his beloved, however, if they so much as hint at wanting a hug his arms are open.
He has very warm hugs, makes you feel very safe.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He will wait to say it. He wants to be solid in his relationship first. Just because he knows they are his One, doesn’t mean they’re all in, and he’d never force them before they were ready.
Plus if his lover is not a Dragon, they may not understand the concept of being a Dragons One.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Oh, he can get very jealous. He would not do well with a teasing flirt for a lover.
When he gets jealous it depends on the severity of the jealousy, and who caused it.
If it was his lover being a flirt, despite knowing how upset it makes him, he would give them the silent treatment until there is an opportunity to talk it out.
If it was someone else hogging his beloveds attention, trying to win their affections, etc. There will be a fight. He will demand one.
Better hope his love can calm him down, or stuff will get destroyed.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?
Usually, his kisses are very tender, if a bit… hot. He’s naturally high in body temperature, so that extends to his mouth and lips.
He can be very passionate though, and he’s very good at kissing.
He can and will kiss every inch of his lover if they let him. He favors the lips, ears, and neck, however.
L: Little Ones (How are they with kids?)
He is surprisingly good with children. Strict at times, but never cruel or harsh.
He’ll play with them in whatever games they wish, and may even spoil them a little too much, but never too rotten.
M: Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
When he is single his mornings are very efficient: up, dressed, teeth brushed, breakfast, and onto his duties.
When with his lover?
He puts off leaving the bed for as long as possible. He wants to delay the day just a little longer, to enjoy the feeling of them in his arms.
Once they finally get out of bed it’s back to efficient, but slower. Whatever he can do to spend more time with them.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
As the day winds down they have dinner, and depending on where they live, pick where to relax.
If they’re in Eldin Caves, they retire to their den. In a house of their own, they’ll stay in the living room on the couch.
Just spending time together, maybe cuddling or reading together.
When it’s bedtime get ready for snuggles. Even if you drift apart as the night goes on, he wants to start with you in his arms.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Volga is a private person, it takes time for him to open up. He won’t reveal everything at once. But as time goes on and you grow closer, he’ll open up.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
With his tribe, friends, and family, he has the patience of a saint, unless they’re doing something extremely stupid or reckless.
Everyone else gets a very short-tempered Dragon.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget?)
He has a very good memory, but don’t expect perfection.
He does his very best to remember, especially important things.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment is that first kiss, however it happens.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is super protective. He has suffered many losses over his life, and as he is a Dragon there are always threats to his life and loved ones.
He would kill to keep his loved one safe. He would burn the world down to protect them.
On the other hand, he’s not great with being the one needing protected. It’s part pride, part instinct, part feeling like a failure.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, and gifts?)
If the event is important he will put his all into it.
Anniversaries with him are as romantic as he can make them; dinner, romantic lighting, cuddles, tender kisses and love making.
He gives his lover things he knows they’d like, or would be useful. He tends more toward useful, but it depends.
U: Ugly (What would be a bad habit of theirs?)
He is prideful, and it can show. Overconfident, and thinks he can do anything if he tries hard enough. (do these count? I honestly don’t know)
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He knows he’s handsome and has a great body, but he’s not really that vain. It’s just how it is. Though you can fluff his ego a bit by telling him how attractive he is if he likes you.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Dragons mate for life. They bond so strongly with their mates that if they lose them, they will die from grief and heartbreak.
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
He snores very softly.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He sleeps shirtless and on one of his sides. Doesn’t usually toss or turn, and prefers to hold his beloved in his arms if possible.
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phoenixradiant · 5 days
OC Interview Tag: Farric and Lettic
My thanks to @willtheweaver for the tag! I finished with all the main/secondary interviews, so time for some side characters!
Are you named after anyone?
Farric: "The second of the six sons of Tvoran Aravor."
Lettic: "Number 3."
When was the last time you cried?
Farric: "Are you not seeking that knowledge, sky watcher?"*
Lettic: "It's been awhile. Several years at least. You just get used to the pain after awhile."
Do you have kids?
Farric: "Nope, and never will."
Lettic: "No one I'd trust to help raise 'em right. That and I'm a bit young."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Farric: "That's low hanging fruit, isn't it? Come on, do better next time. But yes."
Lettic: "What's 'a lot'? Bit of an unreliable measurement, yeah? I use it a bit, but not as much as Farric."
Farric: "Sarcasm is too subtle for him."
Lettic: "And I'm not ashamed of that fact."
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Farric: "How much they've thought about mortality. It's the kind of thing that shows in their eyes."
Lettic: "Whether they've betrayed somebody. The guilt's the kind of thing that shows in their eyes."
What’s your eye color?
Farric: "Blue."
Lettic: "Load o' valrak piss that is! They're turquoise at best. More green than blue."
Farric: "What if we split the difference and called them sea-colored?"
Lettic: "The sea's lot's of colors."
Farric: "Whatever."
Scary movies or happy endings?
Farric: "Scary, 100%, all the time."
Lettic: "Sc- what? You? You wrote- how many- six! Six plays for the Zenith festivals, and not one of them had an ending anything less that idylic!"
Farric: "Didn't want to deal with parents asking questions."
Lettic: "That is surprisingly reasonable of you."
Any special talents?
Farric: "Singing, lutistry, floutistry, drawing, poetry, I can do a double backflip, the list goes on."
Lettic: "No it doesn't, that's about it."
Farric: "Flirting, doing a double frontflip, walking around all sneaky like... What can you do?"
Lettic: "Lift ten times your weight."
Farric: "...Showoff."
Where were you born?
Lettic: "The Kandrasilk's old place."
Farric: "I think the question is more like 'What town'."
Lettic: "Where means where. If you want a more general answer, ask someone else."
Farric: "Phanyr."
Do you have any pets?
Farric: "Nah. I do a lot of goatherding, but they're not my goats. And can herd animals even be pets?"
Lettic: "Same here."
What sports do you play?
Farric: "No."
Lettic: "I wrestle. I run, but not as well as Cellic. Other than that, nothing organized."
How tall are you?
Farric: "Taller than him, and that's all that matters. I think I'm a thumb or two taller than Ayfin as well."
Lettic: "On the shorter side of average."
What was your favorite subject in school?
Farric: "Didn't have anything formal, I just read up on everything. I read a lot of color theory, even though I'm not much good with paint. Prefer sketching myself."
Lettic: "I like numbers. Exact. Dependable. Negative square roots are the work of the devil."
What is your dream job?
Farric: "I- I don't know that I've ever asked myself that. I don't think it's worthwhile. We should ask ourselves how best to live the life we have, rather than wasting our time on what could be."
Lettic: "Strange thing to say for a poet. Personally, I just want to find someone worth serving. I hear good things about King Faldarin, but I'm not certain about him yet. For now, old man Fargriz treats us proper, so I'm fine working for someone as true as him for the time being.
*(Read: "Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy.")
NP tagging @somethingclevermahogony, @aesthetic-writer18, and @pluppsauthor!
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grumpy-zane · 7 months
(('in which a man adopts a rock' - Firma origins, Ft Archie and Firma
Rocks, they're simple objects made of sediment. Sometimes they grow, but never do they hatch.
Or so Archie thought.
His hand trembled at the sight of the serpent in its shell, its tired eyes bugging out as it yawned. He watched it coil around itself, gripping onto its own body for any sense of heat in his cold house.
Certainly this was a mistake. He thought it was just a cool rock, not an egg! He didn't know how to take care of a snake, let alone any small creature.
"Don't bite me, don't bite me-" Archie leaned back and gently scooped it into his hands. Maybe the pet store would take it? Though, ethically he still wasnt sure if it was the right thing to do anyway all things considered. Reguardless, it seemed happy in his arms for now, and he didn't want to waste any time.
"Yeah, okay. Sir, this isn't a snake," the employee lowered her magnifying glass, "thats a serpentine. She's a constrictai, probably got lost somewhere on accident. No worries though, they imprint immediately after hatching so you don't have to worry about her getting confused!"
Archie felt his blood pool at his feet. "Wow, great, thanks for telling me," he mumbled.
"Yah-huh! So just head on down into the subway and follow the sewers to the tomb, its just a bit farther than the museum!" She smiled. "Im sure those serpentine wouldn't turn away one of their own!"
He stumbled out of the store, life flashing before his eyes. What would his coworkers think? What would his boss think? And most importantly, would Dareth ever let him live it down? "Sewer. Right, this is just a biiiig mistake on my part. I just go in and apologize for taking their kid, and then-"
"You thief!!" He was accused instantly upon stepping in. A few more serpentine turned heads, and soon enough there was a crowd of angry looking serpentine staring him down.
"I didn't mean to, really! I just, I collect rocks and stuff you see, and I thought she was a rock!" He winced as she wormed her way around his neck.
"Fat chanccce, you probably stole that egg!"
"Thatsss so like humansss, ssstealing what doesn't beling to them!"
"What iss the meaning of thiss?" Skales emerged from the crowd. His red eyes locked onto the vipe before narrowing in on the human before him. "Oh, I see. Came down here to return her to her family I presume?"
Archie rubbed his nuckles, "er, no not that. You see she hatched in my care and- well first off I didn't know it was an egg-"
The staff clanked on the brick street, "Then there iss nothing we can do. Ssshe is yourss."
Skales turned around and began slithering away. In a panic of realization, he dove to hault him, "And you think I just came down for that? I don't know how to raise one of your own, let alone one of mine! I-is there any books or, any help I can get??"
Skales sighed and rolled his head, "Acidicus!"
With several heavy books in hand, and some much needed grocceries, he stumbled into his home. By now, the serpentine was gently wound around his neck, sleeping. Who knew when she would wake up and ask for more food? He certainly didn't appreciate the two sets of bite marks on his jaw already.
Archie cleared some of the more precious rocks out of his desert atrium display and rearranged the rest to accommodate her better: deeper sand to burrow into, rocks large enough to hide in, around. And under, and a place to bathe beneath a heatlamp.
"You don't even have a name and you're already half of my world-" he spoke to himself as he prepared a recipe for her from out of one of the books. "What should I name you anyway, what's a cool name?"
His mind mulled over various rocks and minerals, bouncing to historical heros and then to plants. There were plenty of cool names from literature, but he knew it wouldn't be cool enough.
He watched her chew away at her meal through the glass, doting the hour. This would be clockwork for him for several weeks, at least thats what one of thr books said, and he didn't want to miss a single interval. "More than half of my world, you're thr whole terra firma all the way down..." Archie mumbled.
She stared at him, chewing with an ever-cheery smile.
"Terra Firma... yeah, that's it. Firma. Firma for short, Terra is just too ordinary." ))
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sleepyowlwrites · 11 months
15 questions but it's the Tired Sleepy version
@the-finch-address dearest Finch! <3 tagged me. I've done this before but I'm gonna do it again. because I can't sleep yet until the tylenol kicks in.
1. Are you named after anyone?
no! but to be more interesting I'll tell you that my mom wanted to name me Jamie and my dad was vehemently opposed. so then she was like well what about Meghan and he was like oh I like that one. and she was like well what if it's a boy? 'cause they didn't find out with me (first kid and you don't find out after trying for five years? I don't understand) and my dad was like well I like Alexander is that cool and so that was the other option. I currently have one character named Alexander and he's evil. I really tried to like Inkheart 'cause the protagonist is Meggie but I couldn't. I did finish The Thornirds tho and there's a Meggie there.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I dunno, but I got teary finishing a book series for the fifth time. it's such a good ending! dragons! I don't CRY cry super often but I get teary at the drop of a hat. somebody plays the piano nicely and I'm feeling things about it. you guys it is raining so hard right now. and there's thunder. which I love, personally. the sky is crying so I don't have to.
3. Do you have kids?
nope. I don't plan on having any, either. I adopt teenagers and adults instead. give them snacks and hugs. help them out with their life stuff. coach them through bad days. sound familiar? I'm your mom!
5. What sports do you play/have played?
nothing team-y. in high school a few families used to meet up in front of the middle school down the road from me and we played flag football, and I can't really throw or catch but I could run and tackle. and I did karate for 5.5 years and horseback riding for 3?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
if they look like I want to talk to them or not. the vibes. I gotta know this since I work in retail. I usually call it correctly.
7. What's your eye color?
blue. people compliment them a lot, which I don't personally understand, 'cause they're not especially dark or anything. they're just regular eye blue. but people like them. so that's nice. some people also say there's silver around the pupil which I got a little bit of a complex over for a couple of years. but now I just think they're normal. who is even looking at my eyes when my hair is purple, though, right?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I don't like scary movies because I hate suspense. it doesn't really scare me it just gives me anxiety. I don't need a happy ending I just need it to make sense. make it make sense and I will not be mad at you. I didn't need the end of the mockingjay movie to be happy but I will forgive it.
9. Any special talents?
yeah, loads, but you'll have to interact with me to find them all out. one of them is that I'm super good at choking on beverages. one of them is that I can tell the difference between dark navy and black. one of them is that I can always beat my mom in boggle. one of them is that I can read really fast. one of them is that I'm tired all the time.
10. Where were you born?
the hospital where I just was last week for the stupid spider bite. it's literally up the road from my house. I use it as a frame of reference when people ask where I live. you know where this specific hospital is? continue down the road to the end and there's my house. there's a christmas wreath hanging on the garage.
11. What are your hobbies?
watching several hour long video essays about tv shows I have or will never watch, writeblr and sometimes even write-ING, art which I'm trying to make more of despite literally having stacks of it that I'm not doing anything with. anybody want some watercolor art? I'll send it to you. doing crossword puzzles with my dad in the kitchen. xbox games.
12. Do you have pets?
I don't, but there is a dog and a cat in the house where I live. the dog is the family's and the cat is sort of my sister's. I like him. he's the cat of knowing. follow the tumblr I made for him @orangejuni
13. How tall are you?
5'5", which is either tall or short and never average even though it literally is. I'm regular height, and, according to recent reports, a regular-ish weight?? I forgot to verify for myself when I got home from the hospital but apparently I broke 120lbs for the first time in my entire life and I'm very pleased. if I can stay there it'll be a miracle.
14. Favorite subject in school?
art, 'cause you don't have to write essays you just make stuff. I was always pretty good at history, though.
15. Dream job?
I wanna spontaneously have enough money to run like a boarding house for people who just need a temporary place to stay. in the meantime I actually enjoy working retail (when I'm not stuck in The Box) so I plan on staying for ten years so I get my lifetime associate discount. dumb? I don't care, this job makes me happy and I love my coworkers.
you're only allowed to do this tag if you can commit to also answering in a somewhat Tired Sleepy or unhinged kind of way. @zmwrites Ghosty? you're tired sleepy. @writing-with-melon Honeydew? hi. @klywrites Klove? you're unhinged. @rains-inky-mind Rainscribe? mm? @another-white-hole Voidlight? you know exactly what you are
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butters-flower-mom · 2 months
What would happen to Pepper in the post covid specials? For both the og and changed timeline.
In both timelines, Pepper eventually has to move away from South Park. In the bad timeline, she never moves back and Butters never hears from her again since he's cut off from communicating with anyone all those years he was abandoned. Losing her also played a big part in landing him in the asylum. He basically forgets about her because remembering her is too painful. Because Butters never contacts her for so long she assumes the worst has happened to him and becomes severely depressed, never being able to move on from losing him.
In the changed timeline, Pepper still moves away but she and Butters are able to stay in almost constant contact with each other. Pepper eventually moves back to South Park as an adult. She and Butters move in together just like they always wanted to as kids. Most of the town frowns upon their relationship, assuming they're an unmarried romantic couple and are sleeping together out of wedlock. (That's pretty hypocritical for most of them.) Neither of them cares what anyone thinks about them, though. They live a modest, but most importantly, happy life together. They adopt a pet lizard and name him Baxter after Pepper's childhood t-rex toy.
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vera-vondoom · 11 months
16 for 16 (or something like that)
So @omegatheunknown tagged me, and although I keep my private life, well, private, I shall answer a few of these for the fun of it.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope, this practice isn't very common in my family, aside from a few people who share middle names maybe we don't like naming people after other people. (Bands, fictional characters, or like random comicbook characters is accepted however.)
2. Do you have kids?
I won't deny or confirm this.
3. IN THIS Economy!
Yes baby, in this economy we are fucked either way.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Nope, never heard of it.
5. When is the last time you cried?
I cry all the time bitch it's 2023 this place sucks!
6. What is the first thing you notice about other people?
Usually they're general being, you can tell a lot about someone by body language, facial expressions, the way they talk. People aren't just organs and eyes, they have a way of being.
7. Eye color?
It is in fact grey. It appears blue in some lighting or green in others but I have very grey eyes.
8. What sports do you/have you played?
I used to play lots of soccer, and I was pretty good. I do not play anymore though.
9. Any special talents?
I wouldn't say special but I am quiet talented. I play several instruments, I have some pretty good dance moves, and I am amazing in a pinch at putting things together and organizing. Again, I don't think those are particularly special just kinda my strongest habits.
10. Where were you born?
I will only say that it was in the US and I hate it here.
11. Scary movies or happy endings?
I dont.like either really. Like most "scary movies aren't scary because to me the only thing truely scary is the world we live in, and happy endings are great but they set people up with unrealistic expectations and I feel like that is also not okay. I prefer thrillers, or like documentaries, but mostly fictions, and anime.
12. Do you have any pets?
13. How tall are you?
I am 5' 9". I am not a small person. Sorry to disappoint.
14. What are your hobbies?
I enjoy photography, painting, reading a good book, mostly getting to spent time with people I find interesting, and when ever I am given the chance I love to travel.
15. Favorite subject in school?
I would have to say literature or science.
The two go hand in hand, actually.
16. (Did I get off count?) Dream job?
I would love actually get to be an investigative journalist or even a reseaecher, I actually like doing stuff like that.
I believe that was all the questions, and I shall tag some of my mutuals.
@mastervondoom, @petite-kiki, @serious-gourmet-shit, @rahnerra, @theonyxvault, @planbi9 , @nowhere-again1134 , @cole52390 , @dear-maria-suck-me-off, @lvl99roidmage, @satanssweetheartxoxo, @deathxwiiish, @midwestflamingo, @my-newest-anime-daydream, @fathermayi, @saaraahka
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Thank you @becomingapoet for tagging me. 🙏 I've never done anything like this, so it should be fun! 😊
1. Are you named after anyone?
I'm named after two people, actually – my first name is my dad's (Tim/Timothy), and my middle name is my grandfather's (Michael).
2. When was the last time you cried?
Twice this morning. 😆 I'm a super watery person, so it doesn't take a whole lot to move me emotionally lol.
3. Do you have kids?
Not of my own (in the biological sense), but I do have a 12-year-old stepson who lives with my partner and I half the time, and his dad the other half. There aren't really any words I can say that will do him justice, but he's a wonderful guy, and we have a great relationship. He's helped me grow as a person more than pretty much anyone I've ever met.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not in the traditional sense. My partner and I have a few semi-sarcastic inside jokes between us, but they're really quite light-hearted and silly — they're never at anyone's expense or anything like that. (I'm also on the autism spectrum, so I'm admittedly not very good at detecting sarcasm lol. Sometimes I even have to ask her whether she's joking about something or not.)
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I notice different things about people at different times/in different situations, but one of the most common is how they treat others.
6. What’s your eye color?
My eyes are brown, but they also appear green at times.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I am a definite lover of happy endings, but I'm also a great lover of the macabre, so that's a tough one. I would say my natural preference for peaceful resolution comes out on top, though.
8. Any special talents?
Other than poetry, I'm pretty good at divination, especially via Tarot, astrology, geomancy, and dream interpretation.
Bonus secret talent — I used to be a decent rapper in my late teens/early 20s, which, in all honesty, is where I got my start in poetry.
9. Where were you born?
I was born in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, but I've lived in Niagara Falls for pretty much all my life, other than two brief periods in Toronto and Hamilton.
10. What are your hobbies?
As an autistic person, my "hobbies" are more like all-encompassing obsessions that I can neither live nor function without. 😆
That being said, I spend a great deal of time studying and practicing esoteric traditions like alchemy, astrology, Kabbalah/Qabalah, Tarot, & ritual magic — and my partner Julia and I also do a lot of teaching in this realm through a blog we run called Spiral Sea Tarot.
I also love studying a number of different world religions, comparative mythology, psychology, philosophy, art, & literature.
I am also a great lover of Chinese/Taiwanese tea and tea culture. I'm especially fond of puerh — a post-fermented tea that undergoes a gradual transformation over several years from a vibrant, yellowish brew to a complex, earthy red.
11. Do you have any pets?
We have a highly-strung, but always lovable muted tortie cat named Maeby.
12. What sports do/have you played?
Mostly baseball, but I've played a bit of hockey, football, and volleyball as well.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
English and Psychology
15. Dream job?
I'd love for my partner and I to be able to do our work together on a larger scale, and in more of a full-time capacity than life currently allows. You can't really beat doing what you love with the person you love doing it with!
I haven't been here long enough to get to know anyone yet, so I tag anyone who is reading this. Thanks for your time! 🙏
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random-shit-writing · 10 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
thanks for the ask mutual <3
cold weather
im stealing this one from you lol. growing up in canada, i've had my fair share of wild and freezing weather. but winter has always been my favourite season, and i've always loved colder weather. i was the kid who never wore a coat despite it snowing. i like the bite and chill, i like the lack of humidity and that i don't sweat as much, and i love being able to curl up in front of a fire place, or cuddling in a cocoon of blankets. the contrast of the chill and warmth is my favourite
i'll forever be grateful that i stumbled across fandoms when i was younger, because the communities i've joined (despite some drama), have given me so many friends, and so much wonderful content to enjoy. not to mention that im able to gift my own works to the communities for others to also enjoy. i love writing and reading, and recently i've been trying out doodles.
im actually mildly allergic to cats and dogs, but i grew up with dogs in the house, and my friends had cats, and i love them both dearly. i always feel so soft around them, and i love being sweet and seeing them respond in kind. one of my best coping skills is to go and hug my family's dog. they're cuddly, soft, and always happy to see people. even if they don't want to be pet, just sitting in a room with a dog or cat can calm me down. one of my most treasured memories was when i was having a breakdown, and my sister's dog heard me and scratched at my door to be let in. she sounded so distressed, and when i finally let her in, she came and leaned her weight into my side and started licking my hands. she isn't usually emotionally sensitive, and it was really sweet that she tried to cheer me up like that 🥺
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*dog tax above (my sister's dog, Ellie, on top. my mother's dog, Milo, on the bottom). the itchiness and hives are totally worth it
stories and art
this kind of ties into fandom, but ever since i could read and write, my biggest dream was to be an author. i would read any book i could get my hands on as a kid, including several math and history textbooks from school, a textbook on dinasaurs (that i became obsessed with), and little pamphlets from companies that came in the mail. i used to have my papa help me make my own little flip books, and i would hand-write multi-chaptered stories, because i was so enamoured with fictional worlds and story telling. nowadays, i have 100+ wips in my documents folder, and i have less time for original stories, but it's still just as fun for me. 80% of my free time is spent reading, and my 7k+ bookmarks on ao3 are a testament to that. reading, writing, making, and consuming art - it's like my little escape from reality. it's one of the only things im truly passionate about, and i couldn't live without it.
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talking to my friends online
i don't really have a social life irl, so seeing messages from my mutuals and discord friends can really brighten my day. not to mention the multiple hour vc calls i have sometimes. it wrecks my sleeping schedule, but it's worth it bc i get so excited when i see they're online 😅
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Why Kiddies Love Animals
Kiddies enjoy animals since they're happy of these cuteness. Some kids like animals having coat like rabbits, tarantulas, cats, hamsters and dogs. Sometimes the children demand an animal as pet which may not be great for him. It's the obligation of the parents to choose the most effective pet because of their kid maintaining because his protection and health. Some kids enjoy spiders and some are fascinated by slugs and snails. They generally take to to keep them in their arms, that's very strange, love pets isn't it? Small insects creeping on the floor or wall entice the children. The youngsters enjoy to follow them, maintain them; sometimes they keep them in their compartments or geometry boxes. Really strange, isn't it? But they do this, why? No-one knows why.
It has been observed that women's and children's loves are the exact same in terms of animals are concerned. Moreover the women enjoy animals a lot more than men. Therefore kids and women take greater take care of their animals than men. Sometimes kids enjoy to help keep that pet which has no attraction for aged people. Their parents do try to persuade them to prevent that kind of animals but kids not just persist on maintaining them but additionally they take greater attention of these animals than other people at home. Subsequently the animals also answer definitely to the children.
Bunny is regarded as being the pet that wins most enjoy of the children. But the children should be shown just how to take greater attention of rabbits. Rabbits live for pretty much 6 to 7 years. They're kept sometimes inside or in the hutch out of the house. Fancy rodents may also be beloved animals for children. They become great buddies of children. The expected life of elegant rodents is approximately 2 to 5 years. They want notably comparatively big cage to be kept in. They quickly realize the inmates. The Guinea Pigs are extremely friendly to kids and if they are handled very carefully, they enjoy the business of children. They could be trained easily.
Pets, particularly small types who participate in the small statured species of dogs, certainly are a big supply of leisure for the children. They're the most effective buddies of person, particularly of children. They not just provide accompany but additionally they protect the children in all situations. Most of them live up to 12 years or so. They have shown great friends of person therefore far. Fancy mice may also be the heart of children's attraction. They live for 2-3 years. They could shift more actively at night. Silver fish are cheap to purchase and they don't require significantly care. They live for pretty much 25 years. Ferrets can be trained and experienced easily. They often live with other ferrets. they live from 6-7 years. Cats get the attraction of kids very easily. They're loved by the kids. They live up to 14-18 years. They could be maintained easily. They don't require severe care.
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hjellacott · 1 year
A letter to my late cat
A/N: Several years ago, I lost my cat. She'd been the last to die after a string of very close together and heart-breaking deaths in the family, including that of my own father. But for some reason, perhaps that I didn't feel others' validated my pain about my cat, because to others she was just "a cat" and it didn't make sense to cry more for her than for actual people, I never quite grieved her death. And so to this day, the sole thought of her makes me break down, so to help myself, I decided to write her a letter. And then I thought that perhaps reading it would help other people who've also lost their beloved pets to accept, validate and deal with their pain, so I thought I'd share it here. If you lost your beloved pet... I send you my love. Thanks for reading.
My dear baby girl,
Wherever you are, I hope Dad's there with you. I hope your feline family is also there with you. I remember when you arrived as a baby, and I used to wrap you in my arms, and I was just a kid myself, remember? And I could see how afraid you were, how lonely, so I'd tell you about your feline family, remember that? I'd tell you there was a Mummy and a Daddy and probably siblings we knew nothing about, and I promised to you one day you'd be with them again. I hope now, you are, and that they're every bit as awesome as you deserve them to be. And I hope you and Dad keep having nap after nap together, that the sun is bright and keeps your beautiful hair warm, and that your siblings are fun to play with. I hope heaven is full of cosy spots for you to sleep in, boxes full of blankets, that you still watch and enjoy ice-skating, and that you have lots of chicken, tuna, patés and clear, fresh water. And I hope that every day, you and Dad give each other lots of love for me, and keep each other company until we join you some day. If I could do anything to have you back, C, I would in a heartbeat, but I know that life was getting too hard and painful for you, so now you have peace and no more pain. And that is worth the pain of being without you.
I know you wouldn't want me to be sad, because when I was hurting you'd always jump on me and get all anguished trying to make all the wrong things go away. And damn it, you did. You really did. You made me smile when I thought I couldn't, and laugh, and you made all the stress, the anguish, the anxiety, the loneliness, the sadness, just vanish. You were like a witch, and you did absolute magic with me. I love you so much for that. I'm not sure you ever knew how many times you kept me alive, how many times you kept me going, how many times you turned my day back around and made me feel so loved and so lucky, but you did. And since I know you'd hate to see me cry like this, I've really tried not to. For all these years, I've really tried to be at peace, to be happy you lived, to smile when I thought of you instead of cry, and to move on. To keep you in my heart forever, without dying inside. But I can't. I'm sorry I've failed in that. Still, I don't want you to worry about me. I don't want you to stay behind for me, all stressed like you used to get. I want you to have the rest you deserve, the peace, the love, the happiness, the fun. I want you to have everything I wish I could've given you forever. And I'll be OK. It'll be fine, eventually. Don't worry.
I think part of why I find it so hard to move on is that you were the reason I could always recover from things. All the people that I lost? I nearly drowned each time, and you always kept me going. People don't get it. People don't realise each time I was broken-hearted and miserable and sobbing my eyes out, I'd be snuggled up in bed for days and you'd never leave me alone. You'd never stop giving me kisses and telling me you loved me, even if I lashed out at you and shouted at you. You'd always forgive me. You'd always take all my pain until there was nothing left for me. You took all the bad things I felt, and absorbed them until the day you died. So now how am I supposed to process your death without you? I've never had to grieve alone, how do I do that now? How do I move on from you?
You weren't just my best friend. You were my first real friend, back when I had no one. When I'd be in school dying to come home and play with you, and no one in school liked me. You'd be the first one to sit and read with me, and I'd read to you, and you'd fall asleep. We'd cuddle together all the time, and I can still remembere your meows so clearly, saying hello to me so happily every time I came home. Every single time I go back to Mum's and I'm opening the door, I feel my heart burst with sadness, because I can almost hear you scratching the door and crying for me in the other side, dying to see me and cuddle me. And I can't put into words the way my heart breaks when I open the door wanting to see you and cuddle you and you're not there any more. But you were more than a friend. You were the most loyal confidant, and the sister I never had, and the daughter I've never had. You were everything to me, in each stage of my life. My bestest friend when we were both children, my eternal baby when we both reached adulthood, my family. And no matter who I had to lose, I could always count on you. The night Dad died, you snuggled with me in bed and didn't leave me. And I knew your pain and mine were all the same. That we'd both lost a father. I hope I helped you at least half as much as you helped me.
You're the only one who's been there through each sad moment of my life, except all of those that have come since you've left. And all the greatest moments. You were the greatest companion for the greatest highs and the greatest lows. And the love I've always felt for you is unlike anything I've ever felt, so that when you died, I genuinely felt I'd lost my own child.
And I am so sorry, my beautiful C. I'm so sorry. I think that's all I want to say most. My biggest regret will always be not having done enough for you and your health. You moved mountains for me and I couldn't do the same. I could've worked harder to get the money for the vet sooner. I could've done more. I don't know why I didn't. I guess I was always so busy, and I didn't want to even think there was something wrong with you, and you were such a brave girl, such a tough girl, such a brilliant actress... That it was just so easy to tell myself I was exaggerating and there was nothing wrong. To believe whatever the stupid vet would tell me, even when I should've known in my heart that it wasn't true.
I wish so badly that I could go back. There's so much I would've done better. I would've taken you to the vet way more often, and I would've given two shits about all your complaints. I would've given you stuff for the stress. Spent the money. I would've realised sooner how you were a sponge for all my stress, anxiety and sadness, and I would've stopped dumping it on you, and done something to relieve you from yours. Anything. I would've fought the vets more. I would've insisted to pay more tests. To do more. To have diagnosed you sooner. And I would've gotten rid of the shit vets and gone from the top ones, even if I had to get a loan for it, that's what I should've done for you. You would've done it for me. You deserved it.
I'm sorry I took you home from the vet that last time after your surgery, even when I could see you were too abnormally groggy. But I'd been praying two days for you to make it through the surgery, and I was so relieved you did, I just wanted to take you home. If I had only stopped. If I had only argued with the vet, insisted to run more tests before taking you home, perhaps you'd still be here. But there's no use thinking that any more. You wouldn't want me to. I'm sorry I didn't recognise your pain. I'm sorry I didn't let you spend your last hours sun-bathing like you wanted to. I was too worried you'd get dirt on your stitches, lying on the balcony. If I'd known it was your last afternoon, your last sun... I would've let you have it.
I'm sorry I only realised you were dying when it was too late. I'm sorry I didn't spend your last day just snuggling with you, and that I yanked you too hard from under the furniture when I was afraid you were getting dust and dirt in your stitches. I'm sorry your last food wasn't so good. I had to force-feed it to you with that needle because you wouldn't eat otherwise, and I'm sorry you hated it, and sorry it had to be liquid food.
Thank you for having tried to hide to die. I know you didn't want me to see you suffer, and I appreciate it, but you'll have to forgive me for not having let you die on your own. You were my best friend. And we don't let best friends die alone. You wouldn't have let me, how was I supposed to let you?
I think that perhaps the last you remember of us was me shouting at you, begging and crying for you to not die on me. To breathe. To give me a second to throw some clothes on so I could rush you to the vet, when you were agonising. I remember that moment so clearly, when I was doing CPR and it was like midnight, and I was in my PJs, and alone, and with no one to call for help, and knew that if I didn't take you to the vet, you'd die, but that if I stopped doing CPR long enough to call for a taxi, to call the vet, to get some shoes on or at least the money, you'd die. I think that's what happened. I think you must've died the second I ran away from you to grab everything. I hope you knew I wasn't running from you. That you heard me shouting at you as I quickly grabbed everything, and you knew I was coming back.
C, what I really should've shouted at you is how much I fucking loved you. What I really wanted to say was, I love you, I don't know how to do this without you, I don't know how am I supposed to survive without you, I want to get you help but I don't have a car and I don't have anyone who can help us in the middle of the night, and cat ambulances just don't exist, so please don't die, please give me one chance to save you. But I want you to know now, C, that I understand. I know you had already given me plenty of chances. That you were trying so hard to give me more time, for weeks, to save you. Or at least, to accept I couldn't save you. And I know this time you had to go. I know you were in so much pain, and you had to go.
My other huge regret is that when you died, I still took you to the vet and was so broken I just left you there and never got to hold you again. Yes, I have your ashes, but that's not good enough. I wish I had accepted you'd gone, and simply craddled you all night, and kissed you and cried, I wish I'd used that last night of just us together under the moonlight. I wish I hadn't been in such a hurry to do something else, to have hope against hope, to leave your body behind. I miss caressing you and hugging you so much, I wish I'd spent that whole night doing it.
I'm sorry for all the mistakes I made with you. You were my trial baby, and gulped all my shit like a pro. But I also want you to know that I can almost hear you meowing and I can almost feel you climbing up my body to lie on my belly, to purr and cuddle with me, to lick me... To tell me it's all OK. To tell me you're not angry. To tell me you're thankful and grateful, that you love me forever, and to stop beating myself up. I know you would've wanted me to know there was nothing else I could've done, and you would've wanted me to believe none of what happened was my fault. Because that's just the kind of awesome kitty you were.
Thank you for having taken all my shit. For having always forgiven me and come back even when I annoyed the living shit out of you. Thank you for all the smiles and laughter you gave me, for absorbing my pain so I only got diagnosed with anxiety when you died -because the doctor, of course, doesn't know you'd been keeping me healthy for years-, for being so much fun to hang out with, for loving me so ferociously, for always being beside me. Thank you for your loyalty, your affection, thank you for everything. For all our adventures. You were the best friend I'll ever have, and I am never going to forget you. I will carry you with me forever. You will always be a massive part of me, and the silver lining of all the worst years of my life.
Someone once said that if love could've saved you, you would've lived forever. That is so true with you, C. If my love alone had done the trick, you would've lived forever. And in my heart, you will. In my heart, I'll keep remembering you and Dad snuggled on the sofa, napping together. And when I close my eyes and focus, I can still feel you purring on me, and hear you, and I can almost stroke you. I hope that's really you, somehow.
We're all OK, my love. Your cousin is fine I think, living the good life of a dog, although I think she does miss you. Mama is doing better these days. I'm doing better. You know, I hope you didn't think you had to die because I was emigrating and leaving you. I hope you knew I'd keep coming back to you. That my plan was to settle down and bring you with me when I'd built a home for us. I hope you always knew that was the plan. I think you must've, for all the times I told you.
Anyway... Don't worry about me, kiddo. I remember everything you would've wanted. I take less shit from people, because I know you'd never want me to take any. I left N, I know that's what you wanted. I'm putting myself first more. I'm trying to love me the way you did. To choose my company like you did. To do for me all you would've. Thank you for all the lessons. For all the memories. For all the love.
Thank you, because you became more meaningful to me than most humans ever.
Thank you for being everything. And although you leave a massive hole, it's a hole full of love, the love you left behind. I'll see you again some day, my darling girl. I promise. In the meantime, have fun and don't wait up.
Thank you for finding me and choosing me in this crazy world, of all the people. Thank you for the honour and the privilege that it was to share my life with you for as long as we could. I promise when the time's right, I'll let another kitty choose me, and this time I'll do better. I'll tell them all about their big sister, and I know from wherever you are, you'll help us. That you're already working to send your lil sibling to me.
You were a street cat. When I met you, you were dirty and full of worms, and the tiniest, most scaredy ball of dirty hair I've ever met. But you were far more valuable than the brightest gold. You were worth more than anyone I'll ever know.
Thank you for showing me what real love looks like. Unconditional. Full of forgiveness. Full of acceptance. Full of compassion and understanding. I hope not a day went by that I didn't make you feel so, so loved. Like you always made me feel.
And thank you for coming back in my dreams now and then. Those cuddles almost feel as great as the real ones. I know you're always looking after me.
I don't know what I ever did to deserve you, but it was the greatest honour of my life.
Love you forever,
Your human Mum. Your best friend. Your human.
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pangzi · 4 years
i just got hit with the overwhelming need of like nmj/lxc or jc (or both, that is also acceptable) in an actual relationship after sunshot and then just their reactions to his qi deviation and death. like in the moment kind of reactions and recovery not like flashbacks when wwx comes back. so i was definitely making myself cry about it
Oh man... You got me crying replying to this anon, and I’m really not a crier to be honest. You have no idea how much in denial I am about Mingjue’s death
Both lxc and jc would think for some reason that when it finally happens, they’d be ready for it. He’d been getting worse fast, they should’ve seen it coming, right?! But then it happens and it feels so sudden, and both are hit with disbelief. Xichen more than Jiang Cheng would be. (putting the rest under a read more because oof...... this got LONG
Xichen would refuse to believe it, even as he has the lifeless body of his beloved in his arms. He’d tried everything, why had nothing worked, why had he left him so fast? He’d be so shocked that almost nobody would be able to pry him away. He couldn’t believe Mingjue would leave him like that. His Mingjue that would never even leave a room without saying goodbye to him. It would take him so long to even process that it happened, even at the funeral, officially saying goodbye, he wouldn’t be able to believe it. And then when he finally start actually grieving and that’s when he completely breaks down. Tears finally finding their way to him and he doesn’t think that overwelming feeling of sadness will ever stop. Everything feels empty and wrong and not even the things that used to bring him the most happiness before could get rid of the hollow feeling inside the slightest. He had lost a part of himself, a part he’d never be able to get back. It would take him so long to find colour and happiness in the world again, to accept that a piece of him was gone and he would never get it back. I feel like he’d often find himself in moments where he’d think “I should tell Mingjue this”, but he can’t and it would hurt him a bit every single time. I can see him finding peace in writing down whatever he wants to tell Mingjue, a collection of unsent letters building over the years. He would find peace in knowing that in a next life, he would have another chance finding Mingjue again, getting to know this wonderful man all over again, falling in love with him all over again. That in a next life they will find each other again and maybe have a different fate. Seeing Mingjue’s fierce corpse then, seeing it sealed eventually in that coffin with the body of his murderer, his chance of reincarnation taken from him like that completely breaks him down again. It feels like he was taken from him all over again, but now it’s forever. He’d probably be in that dark pit of deep grief for a while again, before climbing out of it stubbornly. He has duties after all, he will fulfill them, but at the same time he tries with all his power to find a way to release Mingjue from where he’s sealed safely and give them that chance at another fate in a next life once again.
Jiang Cheng would be a whole other story. He would of course, at first, refuse to believe it. Nie Mingjue was the strongest, most stubborn man he knew, fighting off his qi deviation with all he had, and deep inside Jiang Cheng would’ve foolishly hoped it was enough. But then it happens and he can’t believe it, but it hits him fast, too fast. Mingjue had been that one light in the darkness after absolutely everything had been taken from him, that one light that refused to leave his side, and then it did just like that. Just like everything good that Jiang Cheng had ever had in his life. It was absolutely infuriating. He was mad at himself for believing that he could even have something good in his life for a prolonged period of time, mad at himself that he believed he was worthy of someone who loved him as much as Mingjue, Yanli already having been taken from him suddenly as well all those years ago. He was mad at Mingjue for leaving. He was mad at everything. He’s mad that the universe seems to favour taking good people, while it could just as well take him, all he was was a disappointment anyway. He wasn’t pure hearted and kind like Yanli, he wasn’t as fair and good as Mingjue. He couldn’t do half as much good in seven lifetimes than Yanli or Mingjue could do in one. He’s so furious that it wasn’t him. He’s angry because he knows both Yanli and Mingjue would want him to make the best of his life, make it as happy as he can but Mingjue had helped him come to terms with his loss the last time, the time before that he had Yanli and Wuxian, and now they weren’t there to help him and he didn’t know how to do this without any of them. Unlike Xichen, though, he just cannot afford to break down, to let his grief consume him completely for a while. He doesn’t have an uncle or brother to help him with his duties. He has a sect to lead, a nephew to take care of. He lives years with grief gnawing at his insides, anger consuming him. He spends so many nights screaming at nothing, asking why. His only piece of happiness left is Jin Ling, who he clings to so dearly, yet tries not to, so scared of losing him too. And then he finally comes to terms with it, and not long after suddenly Wei Wuxian is back, ripping open old wounds of loss and betrayal, but also giving him hope that maybe he is able to get back some of the people he has lost. Then he sees Mingjue’s fierce corpse and more old wounds get torn open, he has to go through that loss again as well. That slight shimmer of hope when he sees him again, that maybe he had returned just like Wei Wuxian, only to lose him all over again after which Wei Wuxian leaves him again too. Now he’s double heart-broken, but maybe this time he can deal with the grief, because Jin Ling hasn’t left him yet, and maybe he can at least get his brother back as well. 
When it comes to Mingxicheng, I can see Mingjue’s death drive a wegde between Xichen and Jiang Cheng for a while. Jiang Cheng’s anger and fear of loss resulting in him pushing Xichen away. If he makes Xichen hate him, at least then he can’t be taken from him, having pushed him away himself, at least then Xichen will still be alive.  Xichen would try so stubbornly to hold on to him. But it would be so hard, because Jiang Cheng wouldn’t be able to give him the comfort that he so desperately needs in that time.  But eventually they’d find their way back to each other. Because them being apart is not what Mingjue would’ve wanted. Because being together made them feel a whole lot less empty. Because together it sometimes felt like Mingjue was still there with them. Together the loss was slightly more bearable. 
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mega-aulover · 2 years
toast baby tandem feeding thoughts?
This brings me so much joy to be asked about toast babies.
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I truly believe Katniss and Peta loved their children.
I truly believe that their kids were happy, and I'm still salty that they didn't have the dancing girl at the end of MJ2.
I think that Peeta has pet names for his kids.
That both Peeta and Katniss show their kids how to hunt and bake
That their kids are raised to be strong independent individuals
That their kids watch over their precious parents all of their lives
I have various names for Katniss kids but I often call the girl Melody because she brought a melodious song to Katniss heart
As for the naysayers who think Katniss was pushed - rolls up sleeves lets GO:
I have so many feelings about them because as a woman who's never been able to have any I understand how hard it is to have a child.
First Katniss had no SPLEEN.
For all of those people who say that Peeta made Katniss have children clearly forgot she had no spleen. The spleen is an important part of the human immune system.
If you have no spleen your body relies on your liver solely to do the job of the spleen.
fight off invading germs in your blood ie: bacteria and viruses
has to control the amount of white, red, and platelets in your bloodstream
it has to filter the blood (which the liver does) but it also has to remove damaged red blood cells and old blood cells.
Not having a spleen means you are more than likely to get sick quicker.
You'll be sick for longer
It can cause damage to the liver because you'll be fighting bacteria and viruses for longer.
When you're pregnant your body is working twice as hard to keep you alive and the life of the child within you. When Katniss said it was hard, it wasn't just the emotional toll it was the physical one too.
Remember Katniss was a battle-scarred survivor. She survived two arenas, several battles in the war. She'd been burned, shot, electrified, bombed, and set afire. Katniss had sore limbs, skin that was scared and patched, problems with hearing - these are the tip of the iceberg.
Her body suffered and she wouldn't have gone through two pregnancies to please a man unless Katniss wanted them people.
By that point in her life, KATNISS WAS A WOMAN and not a 16/17-year-old girl.
I watched a documentary on Models, and women like Beverly Johnson, Paulina Porizkova, they all said there's a reason they pick young 14-16-year-old girls because they're malleable and are conditioned to think the hazing they receive is normal. But you take a woman in her thirties and try to subject them to the same demeaning attituded and they'll tell to F' yourself.
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Because as a woman of a certain age (ahem I don't call myself a golden girl on this site for nothing) we just do not put up with crap. There's a reason women hit their sexual peak between their mid to late 3o's and early 4o's. We are most comfortable with our bodies. Katniss knew what she wanted and yes Peeta wanted them but so did Katniss.
I'm not even going to go on to the psychological and emotional toll that the war took on both Peeta and Katniss. Remember Peeta still had episodes due to the hijacking and Katniss still faced the trauma of the war yet they managed to overcome to have two beautiful children:
The dancing girl and the laughing toddler.
Those two babies were happy and you can hear their laughter in the languid summer heat - you could sense that their children were being raised in a happy home and that Katniss and Peeta took their mental health seriously.
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