#they tended towards the light
trashyshrew · 7 months
congrats on making it to the weekend!! after a long week i’m always in the mood for hurt/comfort, so maybe some hurt/comfort lawlight? feel free to disregard if this isn’t the vibe you’re looking for!
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canisalbus · 9 months
IDK if I'm phrasing this correctly, but in my brain, Vasco is, like, the personification (caninification?) of an afternoon chilling on a back porch swing.
#ah#that's adorable#I can totally imagine him doing that#answered#anonymous#Vasco#to me he usually conjures the feeling of being warmed by sunlight#winters in northern Finland where I'm from tend to be pretty rough at least for me they are#they last about six months or so#sun starts to set earlier and earlier until it gets dark before 2 pm#in december the sun barely rises at all it's like this brief moment of twilight at noon between two 22+ hour nights#it gets harder to wake up in the morning and your energy levels plummet you go into battery saving mode#polar night messes up your brain seasonal depression gets really bad#and the cold and dark goes on and on and you feel like you'll never feel warm or happy or properly awake again#but eventually it starts to veer towards spring and on one day you notice that the sun is shining??!?!#not like bleakly and weakly but proper sunlight with warm hue and capability to actually warm the things it touches#you've forgotten what it looks like when it's truly light outside#and it's the craziest feeling to see bright natural light it blinds you and pierces right through into your very core#being kissed by the sun for the first time in months feels unreal it feels SO GOOD#I don't know it's probably not that big of a deal for people around me#but I personally react to things like changes in temperature and the amount of daylight pretty massively#I like to think that Vasco is a first ray of sunlight hitting you after you've spent what feels like an eternity in someplace cold and dark
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Gotta say your au mixed with the art style and such and amazing work in what we seen so far with the horror and some laughs it's just become a treat every time I saw new details (whenever you supplies them up, thanks for that)
I know you already disclosure that it's gonna be bad BAD TIMES for the puppets gang but does it have it's soft ad fluff times??
The shot were Frank ask Wally if they're dying will looking up for the ceiling hasn't leave my brain, such a raw emotional clear on them, I wonder when they were just the two of them for a while they cuddle or hold hands for comfort??
I just.i just want them to have small victories of comfort
of course it has fluff and comfort! a lot of it! having a nice blend of both makes the fluff feel sweeter & the hurt hit all the harder <3 i will now supply some (written (for now)) examples and tidbits. putting it under the cut cause it got kinda Long
Frank & Wally do become very affectionate with each other! ofc as soon as Frank woke Wally was like "ok im holding your hand everywhere we go, this is Non Negotiable". because its dark! he doesn't want Frank to stray too far or get lost! and it's easier to yank Frank outta harm's way if they're already holding hands. comfort factors into it later, when Frank starts initiating & Wally does it purely to make sure Frank is still there. but yeah they get Very comfortable with each other, to the point where when Eddie wakes up he asks Frank - misinterpreting the situation entirely - "if you'd rather have Wally than me, i understand." ofc Frank laughs his ass off bc uhhh no that is Not what their relationship is, Ed
~ similarly, (almost) everyone acclimates to Wally's need to be as close as possible at all feasible times. he's Very physically affectionate and has little to no regard for personal space or boundaries anymore. like, he'll listen when someone asks him to back off or somethn, but until then he does not give a fuck. and this rubs off on the others as they get used to it
and then there's OH WAIT IDK IF I'VE MENTIONED THIS YET but! Wally - during his main exploration phase - found the Welcome Home episode recordings! and he eventually figured out how to work a tv he found, so he added "watch an episode of me and my friends" into his Routine. when the others wake up, he includes them in this. is it horrifying for them at first? yeah. but they get used to it and find similar if not the same comfort and enjoyment in it that Wally does. like in This Scribble, Frank & Wally & Poppy & Howdy are all watching an episode, and are quoting the lines they've memorized. they all cuddle up on a couch together and watch their favorite show <3
& Wally also teaches them (as they wake up) how to repair and care for themselves / each other, sleeping or otherwise. picture a little sewing circle of Frank, Wally, and Poppy, with Poppy giving tips and guidance on how to improve. these sessions provide them with genuine smiles and sometimes even some laughs.
before Wally & Home's divorce, they'd pass much of the time with games! go-fish, charades, i spy, etc. one of their favorites was when Wally would toss a ball at Home's door, and Home would hit it back. additionally, whenever Wally discovered something new, he'd rush back to Home with it - either the information or the actual thing, if he could carry it. ex: when he'd find books or files, he'd bring them to Home and (quietly) read them aloud while resting against them
and just in general know that the Post Office is a place of safety. Wally has made sure it's secure. i like to imagine like... little craft sessions and impromptu dancing lessons and story sharing going on in there among the awake neighbors. they try to have fun despite it all
that's all i can recall for Act One's fluff tidbits rn, but trust me there is More. and also abundant angsty comfort. the downright painful stuff has to earn its existence yk yk this au is Not grimdark
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spotlightstudios · 5 months
Idk if this is just me, but most (art) tutorials make me want to gnaw on drywall. However, watching artists create in their natural environment is like drinking from a cool natural spring.
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fecto-forgo · 10 months
of all games and genres, im still surprised kirby went with the classic rpg horror associated trope of "things in real life are terrifying and scary so im gonna live inside my own head in my dreams were everything is colorful and safe and quite childish"
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orbdotexe · 8 months
Why I haven't been posting:
-MHW brainrot
-Iron Lung brainrot
-ISWM brainrot
-Plotting TFE's timeline (failing)
-Finishing the Cayde short (its almost done i promise-)
-The Beyond Light time period of TFE brainrot (Shiro is chasing Wolf, Wolf is stalking Crow, Shiro finds out about it and is partly using him as bait, Crow just wants to deal with the Wrathborn and is suffering from both of them and I am Living)
-The Young Wolf's Howl (again)
-so many fucking brainrots. please extract them from my head like the wet strands of spaghetti they are
-Photography (daily reminder that the world is beautiful and i keep forgetting that, so i end up taking pictures of everything despite having taken pictures the past 5 times i'd been there and still getting pictures of different things each time)
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electrobiology · 9 days
you only get better at writing through writing but how do people think of things to write about....... but that's not even my problem it's how do you turn your thoughts into words....... and how do you make it meaningful.....
#i opened the copy of self-portraits i have after i finished early light#and i'm stuck thinking about how it talked about how dazai wrote all through middle and high school and stuff#when i was reading letters to a young poet rilke asked the other guy don't remember his name#to consider if writing was a necessity to him and if it wasn't then he shouldn't write#and i've thought about that since#and i think in the end writing is a need for me#my father told me the other day about someone he knew who saw everything as music... the way people breathe etc#maybe everything being a story is actually a bad thing unlike music but because half of my life has been taken up by reading#there's no helping it. the world is a story#but i Can't Write........ technically i can but nothing i ever say is meaningful#how do i write a meaningful story. tell me#i feel that i don't have enough life experience to write stories. i've never lived a day in my life so i have nothing to write about#uuuhghfggwgwgffsv#i feel even less qualified because i don't ... understand people#complicated motives... reasons for doing things.... way of speaking.... personalities.... i don't get any of it#so how can i write people being people either....#i've always tended towards writing fanfic rather than original fiction because i can easily analyse and make them fit within a guideline#but original characters.... i have to make them up. and i don't have the capability to invent a person#i once read from nabokov i believe that all of his characters and stories have pieces of him that he gave them#and i think i read somewhere about acting that if you just imagine you're acting as a specific person rather than a new one#it's easier to act a different way. so i imagine that could go for writing characters... taking people you know and fictionalising them#it's all so hard
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gothamcityneedsme · 3 months
back in my td debating of 'how dark should it go'
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save me local historical attraction
local historical attraction save me
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darabeatha · 5 months
/ A.sclepius having Lichtenberg scars somewhere in his body from his myth when Zeus struck him with a thunderbolt― (x)
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#;a.sclepius#I SAW THIS AND I WAS LIKE -HEAD ON HANDS-#kind of like how its common to think of i.zou having a scar all around his neck from his past life#/long story short of his myth; a.sclepius became such a skilled doctor that h.ades complained to z.eus that they just had to get rid of him#(this being out of fear that he would grant the key to immortality to humans)#he was healing everyone and basically disrupting the way things worked bc people did not die and they couldnt have this guy roaming around#so z.eus struck him down with lighting#and then a.sclepius' dad (apollo) was like noooo my sonnnn#and to ease his rage z.eus went like ok fine; and turned a.sclepius into a constellation#this is why in f.ate he has a dislike for the gods; he thinks that they get in the way of progress out of selfishness#his beef with a.pollo is more of a fate interpretation as i couldnt find records in regards to his feelings towards his mother#but i find that it gives him more background and its an interesting idea;;#coming back to the matter of scars-#if he did have them; i feel like he would feel bitterness upon seeing them in the mirror; like a sort of haunting memento mori#that if you take a step further the gods will take control over the fate of men despite themselves fearing it#of the irrationality of the gods; of that powerlessness;#he wouldnt cover them on purpose because he tends to think its pointless to wander in the past when there is so much to do in the present#and -for- the future#but deep down he -does- still feel spite and resentment and he does not forget#;dl
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zipmode · 5 months
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i lovvv to make a blue light source... I should do it more often...
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every now and then i think about my one interpretation of emma as a deeply closeted trans man radfem with a ton of internalized transphobia and antimasculism, who takes her issues with her identity out on the people around her instead of unpacking them and accepting herself. and i think, i need to draw a comic about this
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thethingything · 6 months
me at the start of autumn: okay yeah it's almost winter depression time but I'm sure it won't be that bad. I have a daylight lamp and better coping mechanisms and it's not like I'm not used to being awake at night most of the time anyway...
me now, in the middle of winter, getting maybe 3 hours of daylight per day: I have no sense of the passage of time and I think I'm inventing new forms of insanity
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milfmoiraine · 2 years
Why did Gwen call jack's coat grey in the first episode when it is so clearly blue
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
WayV white girl witch coven 🤣😭 Tarot card concept when!!! In all seriousness though when I really thought about it, it's just some plastic crowns and candles, but they look so expensive somehow. Sorry my very non-aesthetic self don't have any better ways of describing it, but WayV just always looked luxurious to me even back in their Regular days. Their MV felt textually so much more luscious than the 127 version, ironic because 127 lyrics was more explicit about being rich. I recall you saying before that WayV's stylist is one of the few that gets luxury fashion right. With the seasons greetings though, you literally can't even see their outfits beyond "is black". Is it the blurred effect feeding into it? I would love to hear you talk more about what contributes to this kind of look and how their stylists achieve it!
oh a lot of the heavy lifting is done by the fact that wayv literally just look expensive. as a group they have a high percentage of very attractive people, even for kpop standards. basically it's a lot of subconscious association that the stylists + designers are using to make them look expensive, starting with:
pretty people are associated with wealth
technology is associated with wealth
visible and obvious luxury brand logos
the thing about 127's regular is that i think the overtness of the lyrics is intentionally played off of the setting that they're in to make a cute lil ironic comment in the 'started from the bottom now we here' kind of way. for the 127 mv they film in a lot of on location, cramped spaces that are visually crowded with stuff and closer to the dingy side. they also shoot at a bunch of places that are not usually associated with wealth at all (at least to me as a westerner), like arcades, a pool hall, and a go kart track. the only remotely 'expensive' looking place they use is that gold backdrop that i'd be willing to bet is in a hotel lobby. they also use a lot of smoke and bright neon + warm tone lighting. all of these things are generally associated with kitsch, which in turn is commonly perceived to be lower class. there's also very few visible luxury logos; they are wearing a fair amount of designer, but unless you can recognize the burberry or loverboy plaids, it's almost impossible for a normal person to tell. also their 'main' outfits are just embellished suit jackets, which are actually not at all a common sight in the luxury fashion industry. it is however, a very common signifier of 'fancy' in the kpop industry, and has been for a long time. all of this together tells me that they were not really intending for this mv or for 127 to 'look expensive', they were intending for them to look like grimy lil fratboys playing at having too much money.
wayv's regular, on the other hand, is textbook luxury through and through. it's entirely cool tone, clean lines, technofuturist branding. their styling does not use any of the 'matching' type boy group outfits that appear in the 127 regular mv, and there's more visible logoing and use of fabrics and textures associated with ostentation, like heavy patterning and velvet. plus the two lv pieces and the two (i think?) burberry shirts. although i would not call this mv minimalist, there's also a fair amount of negative space, and minimalism + large empty spaces are usually assiocated with wealth bc of the luxury of having that space. i'd be willing to be that 90% of their sets are custom built, and those sets are all places that are associated with money: an indoor pool, a european style theatre, a stock exchange, inside a computer server room, and a LOT of digital screens and visible (expensive) equipment. plus they also set up the techno-branding with see+feel the v, which lends a longer intention to the mv itself. sm is presenting wayv as these highly, highly expensive perfect technological constructs that are above you in status. and that initial branding has filtered subconsciously into how we view them now, even if the concept doesn't strictly match.
also specifically for the seasons greetings: how they made that look 'expensive' is by:
specifically blocking out the clothing + keeping the focus on their faces
using crown props (subconscious royalty association)
applying a heavy filter that fuzzes out the details and pumps up the shine, which draws a lot of attention to the gold accents (gold = wealth)
using a theme that's associated with expensive rocks
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birdmenmanga · 1 year
sorryyyyy but this value structure is SO stable despite all my colors being all over the place
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