your-absent-father · 2 years
The Unknowns
Damm, Unknowns content after a long time. I started writing some because some things that had happened to me recently. One is inspiration to new character in the unknowns lore. Sara. You can see what type of person Sara is in the text.
tw: bullying, toxic friends, trauma
“Baz, we need to talk before you go in.” The smile that the first meeting in years had brought to her face disappeared when she saw me walking towards the room where the loud noise was coming from. I was sure Noel was talking about her weirdly racist aunt, or that Chan's mom and I don't have a common language. Instead, Noel dropped a bomb in front of me. "Mom told me to… to take Sara as a bridesmaid."
It's a strange thing. Many people talked about people who make us feel young. That's usually a positive thing. Old couples share how their partners make them feel young every time they see each other. I felt like I was in high school again when I touched Noel for the first time in two years. However, no one talks about how some people lock you into an age you don't want to go back to. When I hear Sara's name, I couldn't see myself anymore as a rock star or even as my normal self. I just saw myself as a scared 13-year-old who was afraid of losing their friends.
My brain forced me to see a memory I would have liked to forget years ago. I'm sitting with a group of friends I haven't seen in years. We were in middle school, me, Noel and a bunch of people I haven't seen since middle school, one of whom is Sara. Sara is Noel's cousin, there's no way I can change that. However, I could hate her even then. At that time, however, my anger was so deep inside me that I didn't even realize it myself.
"I've made dozens of songs now. Dad said that he promised to buy me guitar lessons so that I could even make a composition with sayings for them." Sara spoke proudly, many looking at her happily. I, on the other hand, looked at Sara confused, but I still tried to smile. Her music hobby started for some reason month after I confessed I wanted to become a musician.
"… Baz, can you check if they're in rhythm or something?"
"Do you want to read mine?" I smiled at him. It was Sara's turn to be confused. He looked like I said something really nasty.
"I'm really busy. What excuse do you have?”
"What if I have something to go?"
"You never have anything, don't try to pretend." Sara's voice already sounded angry. Her words were like spit. She balled his hands into fists. “Are you going to do it or not? Stop being annoying. I don't want to hit you.”
I forced a smile on my face. "Okay, I can."
Sara smiled at me. "Was it that so difficult?"
That was not an isolated incident. That was what Sara was like. The fact that other people around us didn't care about her behavior was also normal. Such was life. At least until Sara stopped answering messages when I got into music high school with Noel.
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your-absent-father · 2 years
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"I can't... I can't because if I open my eyes, I would just be in my room, broke and without you. If I close my eyes, I can be the star I was destined to be."
Progress: re-drafting it every chance I get I guess
Based on the short film I made
Format: tv-series script
Story: Baz Jones is two people in their mind. When they close their eyes, they are a rock star leading singer of their band The Unknowns, touring the world and breaking records. When they open their eyes, they are in their crappy two bedroom apartment with their girlfriend. The Unknowns broke up two years ago so they just have been broke unemployed person living off their parents.
When Baz gets a wedding invitation of their old guitarist and best friend, they get a idea: this is their final chance to match their fantasies into a reality. A party where all of their old bandmates would be in is aperfect place to convice people to try again. They just have to ruin a one wedding.
You can find long explanations to them here. Nothing else has changed except Baz's madd and the pre-breakup pics are also how Baz sees the people on their daydreams.
Themes: mental health, moving on, giving up dreams, found family, importance of friends.
Tw: lot of talks about mental health, drug use, abuse, talks about suicide, madd
Tag: #theunknownswip
I needed to do this again due to drastic format change and adding the element of baz's madd. (Hitting it too close to home)
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your-absent-father · 2 years
My WIP-list
When Serena and Evalyn first met
Setting introduction
Character introduction part 1
Character introduction part 2
3 most influential moments: Evalyn
3 most influential moments: Serena
3 most influential moments: Milo
The Unknowns
Character introduction
Episode summaries
Lavender wedding
Lydia and Elsa
Still Unnamed Fantasy Wip
Main couple of the fantasy wip
Other things:
Setting and characters mixed
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your-absent-father · 2 years
The Unknowns episode summaries
This is the short summaries of the episodes i have in my shot deck for the the Unknowns.
Episode 1 - Baz spends his days imagining he's a superstar. He is stuck by the time others have moved on with their lives. It all comes crashing down when she receives a wedding invitation to the wedding of her former best friend and guitarist.
episode 2 - Caro, Baz and Daniel prepare to drive to Noel's place. However, Daniel didn't remember to mention that Elena was coming with them. Now the group has to endure a very tense car journey to pick up Milla and finally go to prepare for the wedding, which no one is looking forward to very much.
episode 3 - The group of five finally get to Noel. To Baz's shock, they are confronted by the calm "Elle", who is like the opposite of the wild Noel that Baz knew years ago. Her new fiance is also the most boring and normal person Baz has ever met. Still, Baz tries his best to get the old Noel back. In Baz's dreams, Noel has a secret relationship with a kpop star.
episode 4 - Baz can't bear to be normal in front of Noel and Lee's family, so he imagines they are in the middle of a media storm that only they can fix. Dreams and real life begin to mix so that soon they whole way of escaping this world is in danger of being revealed to other people.
episode 5 - Baz is alone. Instead of getting the band together, every former band member got mad at him. To top it all off, Baz's grandfather dies, the man he always wanted to be, the man he wanted to show that he could grow up. Now Baz mourns his grandfather and his dreams.
episode 6 - The Unknowns reminisce about their high school years and their band the day before Noel's wedding. The past is left behind and the future is planned. Finally, high school friends have the wildest bachelrotte party known to man.
taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes
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your-absent-father · 2 years
Okay, I thought about this weird idea, that I want to wirte about. Anyone else is free to do this as well, but I want you to tag me so I can read it too! It could be a tag game but Idk who to tag.
So like, all of my wips are wildly different genres so I want to do this weird writing excersice of mixing their casts and settings. Basically making my own wip aus of my own characters lmao. They are bit of a streach but fuck it, this is my own weird thing.
Tartaros characters + The Unknowns setting
Evalyn Roseblood, or as most people know her by her artist persona, Medusa, is living happily by her band Gorgos. The band isn't the biggest in the world due to being banned from any agencies, but they make a living and get crowds, even in their 30s.
One day Evalyn gets a letter from an ex boyfriend. It's an invite to his wedding. Evalyn vowed to never talk to him after he got the Gorgos banned from any agency due calling them "unstable" and promoting "un-marketable ideas". After that he fucked off with hundreads of thousands.
Still, Evalyn feels obligated to go, due to her son, who might wants to know who his dad is.
Lavender Wedding characters + Tartaros setting
Lydia and Sakari's dad is one of the god aka the leaders in Ashphodea, a big metropolia in war with Tartaros. Lydia has always wanted to join in on the fighting with Sakari, who had joined the Ashphodea's army, but Lydia's dad has her in a desk job where she can be safe.
Lydia has always been facinated with the Gorgos, and has wanted to plan to escape to Tartaris with her girlfriend Elsa. She finds her chance in Elias, Tartaros soldier who sees Lydia and Elsa reading forbidden texts abot the Gorgos. Elias promises to show Tartaros to Lydia if Lydia can show Elias how the rich live in Ashphodea.
The Unknowns characters + Lavender wedding setting
"Baz" and "Caro" are a couple of "best friends" and spinsters who live together free from marrying anyone they don't love, even tough they are the gossip of the town. Caro has several times asked if she could marry her childhood friend as a cover for them but Baz wants to live not caring about other people. Caro and Baz just party like people did in tje 20s and become caabret performers.
One day, Baz gets a letter from their old party friend Noel. She's getting married. Baz is convinced that Noel is covering her true identity with marrying someone and wants to go to the wedding to stop Noel from setteling to be a housewife even tough she has the talent to become an artist, just like the people she used to party with.
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your-absent-father · 2 years
OC Associations Tag!
If you saw a blank one of this while I accidently published while trying to put this on drafts, no you didn't.
Okay, @whimsyqueen tagged me in this few days ago and I finally got to do this! Tagging @mr-writes, @italiangothicwriteblr, @onmywaytobe , @athenixrose @knmartinshouldbewriting on the top of my head. Everyone who wants to do this is more than welcome.
— dawn - Edan from Tartaros. He is a dawn of a new generation in Tartaros. New and fresh face with fresh ideas.
— noon - Baz from the Unknowns cause that's when they wake up lmao.
— dusk - Noel from the Unknowns. I'm just thinking about her going to parties when she was a teenager at dusk and coming bacl in the morning. Then in college her just doing her assigments at dusk.
— night - Lydia from Lavender Wedding. Only time Lydia can be herself is at night, if it is with Elsa or with reading her books all trough the night.
— friend - Aiden from the Unknowns. He has my favorite friendship I have ever written with Caro. He is also loyal. Sometimes way too loyal.
— lover - Honestly, i have so many couples in my wips but the best couple will always be Serena and Evalyn from Tartaros. They are the lovers, soulmates. They have loved each other for two decades, even tough they weren't always together.
— ex - Louis Braun from Tartaros. No I will not elaborate.
— enemy - Marx Adams from Tartaros, ironically my version of capitalist creed in a human form. Evil to the core.
— spring - Elena from the Unknowns. She is usually dressed in flowers and light colored clothes. She is the embodiment of spring.
— summer - Neela from Tartaros. Fiery personality, desribed as very hot lmao. I also associate very warm tones to her.
— autumn - Andi. I just feel her vibe in it.
— winter - Juliana from Tartaros. She seems like a cold but you could find warmess in her.
— tornado - Anna from Tartaros. She was a wild and could destriy anything in her way
— wildfire - Evalyn from Tartaros. She is wildly unpredictable and she will destroy everything in her way if needs to be. You might prevent from her being deadly, but when she goes too far, no one can stop her.
— earthquake - Milo from Tartaros. He loves his explosions. A lot of damage in a large are. You might see it coming, but it still can be deadly.
— tsunami - Serena from Tartaros. I don't know how to explain it. It just works.
— mountain - Serena. She is a tall and towering figure that looks unreachable, but you can find beautiful things if you look closer at it.
— forest - Sakari from Lavender wedding. I imagine him fighting in forests for his home country.
— ocean - Elsa from Lavender wedding. There are so much hidden underneath.
— desert - Evalyn from Tartaros. Cause she is very hot.
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your-absent-father · 2 years
for Blorbo Blursday- if your OC squad had to make a spread for a tea party, what would they make & how would they decorate it?
Hii! Thanks for the ask! Hapoy Blorbo Blursday!
Okay I'm going to make it about the Unknonws because... Elena would definitely plan a tea party and Aiden would like plead the others to do it.
Elena would decorate it with like flowers from nature and cute arts and crafts things she made at her free time.
Aiden would bring the tea and everything else that you don't have to make yourself like plates and utensils, in dismay of everyone.
Caro would ask Aiden's and hers mom to bake cookies so to make amens to her brothers girlfriend. She auppresses the urge to have something vulgar spelt in the cookies.
Ivy would suprise everyone and make a cake herself. Ivy is confused because she thought people knew she cooked.
Noel would bring white wine and some pastries her fiancee made. She would drank the wine almost herself.
Baz wouldn't bring or do shit lol. They said they brought their company. They have cd with them but no one want to listen to it because it's like Van Halen or something lol
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your-absent-father · 2 years
OC song tag
I was tagged by @athenswrites in pefect time. I just made character introduction to my band story wip you can find here so thank you <3
I will choose Caro from the unknowns because... I just like her music taste. But honestly I could make ones for all of them.
1. Runaways - Queen of noise
2. Palaye Royal - Lonely
3. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet
4. Stevie Nicks -Edge of Seventeen
5. Rolling quartz - Blaze
6. Palaye Royale - anxiety
7. BTS -blood sweat and tears
8. Bikini Kill -Rebel girl
9. Halestorm - miss the mysery
10. GRLwood -bisexual
I'll be tagging @ashen-crest , @talesofsorrowandofruin, @thepixiediaries , or any other that wants to do this <3
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your-absent-father · 2 years
Okay The Unknowns have gone so many different versions but the tv version... welp, didn't get in. So, I have thinking about what could I do about it. So, I started to write a bit of prequel to the shortfilm I wrote. This is the start of it.
The people were screaming my name. Well, all of our names, but I could heard my name the loudest, like a thunder in the middle of rain.
"You are such a narcissist", Aiden said while helping his sister tune her bass.
"Oh come one, Baz deserves to hear the sound of the fans. They're our song writing genius." Noel was sitting on the shiny sofa of the waiting room. Her shirt was one loose button away from wardrope malfunction. She still looked more cool than anyone else.
"I'm just glad someone is screamibg for me too." Ivy tapped her drumming sticks to her thigh. She was staring at the door, waiting like a zombie for it to open up.
"My little genius." My gorgeous girlfriend and Aiden's sister stood up and kissed me on the cheek. "Soon enough you will show the world how genius you are."
"Everyone likes you."
"You're great!"
"You're such a rockstar, Baz!"
The chanting of my name got louder and louder. As i hummed the melody of our first song, the door started opening. I grabbed my mic. We were ready to storm the stage.
"Your turn... Baz", guidance councelor said, breaking my fantasy world in pieces. I was in my bleak high school, about to fight a teacher who is dead set on making my future to look as depressing as yhis school.
I know, not everyone can be influential. Everyone wants to be known, be a hero to someone. Some just lack charisma, talent, social status or even looks to be someone. Thinking otherwise is either naive or showing symptoms of narcissism. My girlfriend says the former, her brother says the latter.
I know it sounds like I think too highly of myself, but they haven't hear me play, haven't heard my songs. No one has heard yet how amazing our sound is. It's something that's made for stadiums, not Caro and Aiden's dad's carage. It has the sound of Queen, vibe of Bowie set to modern times and the spirit of Jagger in a body of a androgynous 18 year old and their band.
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your-absent-father · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday! What OC are you working on right now? Where did you get the inspiration from?
Happy öate bl8rbo Blursday!
I'm doing a pitch deck for the Unknowns rn and also am working on the still unnamed fantasy wip I might do the introduction to it either tomorrow (today, its 1 am lol)
Unknowns the band in this incarnation is inspired my short film I made In community college. The original version I had in the early version of this story was inspired by Måneskin in 2019 when I stumbled on to them while listening to manhood. Such a hipster lol.
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your-absent-father · 2 years
💥 - What is the main conflict of the wip?
💣 - What/who triggers the climax of the plot?
Hii! Thanks for the ask <3
I'll do the Unknowns so I will ask one for all of them.
💥 - What's the main conflict of the wip?
People not wanting to move on from the past. People clinging onto good memories as tightly as they can. Baz isn't the only one who does it.
💣 What/who truggers the climax if the plot?
Huge reality check.
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your-absent-father · 2 years
Your turn! Give me some facts
Ohhh okay. Thanks for the ask.
I will do 3 to each so I won't ramble to much
The Unknowns
1. Noel's fiance, Lee Chan came when in the first version of Unknowns, my short film, I have a wedding invitation prop and needed a last name to then just Lee so I gave him the last name Chan after Bang CHAN, person who loosely was a inspiration to Baz in couple ways. After I made the props, I was watching a "introduction to seventeen" video where I saw that Dino of Seventeen's real name was Lee Chan. So, that's why my Lee Chan studies Palentology lmao
2. All of the music hipsters of the band aka Baz and Caro have secret billboard 100 favorites. Baz is a huge swiftie and a harry styles fan. Caro secretly bops to blood sweat and tears.
3. Every character represents a genre of music. Baz is rock, Caro is punk, Ivy is Indie, Noel is alternative, Elena is pop and Aiden is... there is a name to it in my own language but closest in english is ballad.
1. There are a lot of code names that are never said but refrence a role that characters play. My favorites: Andi is Orpheus, Juliana is Clymanestra, Anna is Enyo and Sonia is Persis
2. Evalyn colored her hair red because after she got hurt in the first battle, she couldn't stop seeing herself still head covered in blood when she looked into the mirror. Her hair being the color of blood made Evalyn's brain calm down.
3. I have signs for every family member of Sonia. Edan's is the sign for brother but you hand is forming E
Thanks for the ask!
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your-absent-father · 2 years
Y'all don't have to send one back, it's all good :))) I was just bored and wanted something to do haha and I love interacting with other writing nerds ;D
What is the weirdest thing your OC has ever eaten, and...would they eat it again?
Haha oh well then. Thanks still for the ask!
I love that I have always such like detailed answers for these but after I read this question, first thing that came to my mind was: "Baz was definitely a kid that ate dirt." So it's now canon that Baz ate dirt as a kid lmao. Probably wouldn't do that again.
Thanks for the ask!
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your-absent-father · 2 years
happy late blorbo blursday! so, for the oc that's your main brain-rot: What kind of gift would they give at birthdays? and What kind of sleep schedule does your OC have? - (@enchanted-lightning-aes)
Happy late Blorbo!
Idk when my phone allows me to sent this due to me being on a cabin middle of absolutley no where (to nordic people, happy midsummer's eve)
Right now, I'm re working the Unknowns outline so I'm thinking about Baz a lot. They would probably write you a song and perform it, If you liked it or not. If you explicially say that you don't want a song, they would absolutely phone it in and just let their girlfriend buy it.
Sleep is unknown thing to Baz (pun intended). I have based Baz slightly due Bang Chan from Stray kids who also never really sleeps and suffers from insomnia.
Thanks for the ask<3
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your-absent-father · 2 years
~The Unknowns~
Character introduction
Okay, I haven't written anything about my band in a week because I'm at my parents at the moment. So, I want to introduce them to you. (Also I have finally learned how to do the show more thing lol)
Read the the story synopsis and introduction here
Tw: mention of drug use, mention of child abuse
Unknowns name came from a idea from Baz that it would become ironic after they would become famous. That saying itself would become ironic after the band quit because if covid.
The first picture is how the oerson looked line durong the band time, second after. Baz has one because they haven't changed at all. Elena has one because... well she wasn't in the band.
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Baz Jones
Age: 22
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: lesbian
Relationship status: in a relationship with Caro for 7 years
Role in the band: singer
Sign: Leo
Spotify top 5
1. David Bowie
2. Prince
3. Fleetwood mac
4. Abba
5. Queen
Baz comes from a rich family bot doesn't want to admit it. Their parents are succeful lawyers and their grandfather was a bassist for a locally famous rockstar. Baz has idolized his grandfather ever since they were little. After his passing, Baz wanted to make their grandfather proud.
Unknowns was their child, a band they could make them famous. After covid forced Unknowns to break up, they didn't know what tp do. Only thing they wanted to do ia to be a rockstar. So, they were locked inside their home for two years, living off their parents money, hoping some form of miracle would happen to get the band back together. Instead they got a wedding invitation to their best friends wedding.
Fun facts
-they have a guitarr that they nicknamed Bowie
-Their biggest idol is David Bowie and their Grandpa
-they won a song writing competition when they were 12
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Caroline "Caro" Edwards
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: in relationship with Baz (7 years)
Role in the band: bassist
Astrological sign: Scorpio
Spotify top 5
1. Palaye Royale
2. The Runaways
3. Bikini kill
4. Stevie Nicks
5. Rolling Quartz
Caro's life has been rough to say the least. Most of her family are in jail or selling drugs at this moment. Caro was forced on that crowd too, until one night, after her biological left her in a freezing cold after getting too high, Aiden Edwards, upper classmate from her school, found her almost passed out. Caro became Edwards that day after Aiden's family adopted her.
After Covid hit, Caro didn't want to look from the side when everything was going to shit. So, while her partner was depressed, Caro organized protests, charity galas, or anything that could help people, leaving behind her dream of becoming a musician with her partner.
Fun facts
-she has a purple bass nicknamed Prince
-Her birth family's last name was Engelmann
-she has four biological brothers and two biological sisters but she doesn't concider them family.
-she is a secret kpop fan (I will tell her biases if anyone asks)
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Noelle "Noel" Adams
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual
Relationship status: engaged
Role in the band: Guitarist
MBTI: doesn't beliave in that shit (but ENFJ)
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Spotify top 5
1. Arctic Monkeys
2. Måneskin
3. Paramore
4. My chemical Romance
5. Killers
When Noel was in high school, she was the coolest person at least Baz had ever met. Noel smoked, got detension and cpuld play the most sickest guitarr riff they had ever heard. Noel and Baz were the chaos duo who wanted to become the next Paul Mccartney and John Lennon. It never became true.
After Noel got into a university and the Unknowns broke up, Noel didn't know what to do. Thankfully, she met Lee Chan, a palentheology student living in her campus. Soon enough, Noel was in love. Without a second thought, she got engaged even tough she wowed to never get married when she was in high school. Love can make you do weird things.
Fun facts:
-if you get the joke about her future husband, ily
-She is also a painter
-she is majoring in music production, minoring in computer science
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Ivy Vance
Age: 21
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: omnisexual
Relationship status: single
Role in the band: drummer
Astrological sign: Libra
Spotify top 5
1. Neighbourhood
2. Mother mother
3. Lana Del Rey
4. Lorde
5. Mitski
Ivy had a very sheltered home life. Her parents were extreamly religious and taught Ivy to do the same. After leaving home, Ivy had a hard time getting to know people. Thankfully, she found friends in upper classmated from her highschool who made her join their band.
After band broke up and she had to go to a lockdown, Ivy didn't know what to do. She speant most of her day online in different forums. Soon enough she was wrapped up in conspirasy theories and couldn't leave home.
Fun facts:
-not really anything for her yet
-she loves podcasts
-she is a film nerd
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Aiden Edwards
Age: 25
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: asexual
Relationship status: dating Elena (for 1 year)
Role in the band: Manager, heneral helping hand
Astrological sign: Libra
Spotify top 5
1. Florenca and the machine
2. Charli XCX
3. Shawn Mendes
4. Taylor Swift
5. Celine Dion
If Aiden's honest, he has never been into music. He just got roped into her sister's dream, which is how he mostly does things. They do everything together, which sometimes gets difficult, espcially when Aiden meets a girl he really likes.
Every since Aiden started talking about Elena, Caro has been on edge. Aiden knows it's because of Caro's past, but it doesn't make Aiden's feelings less valid.
Fun facts:
-Caro roasts his music taste so much
-all of his siblings are adopted
-is in school to become a teacher
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Elena Thompson
Age: 24
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: asexual
Relationship status: dating Aiden (for 1 year)
Astrological sign: Pisces
Spotify top 5
1. Taylor Swift
2. BTS
3. Doja Cat
4. Ive
5. Ariana Grande
Elena is an absolute sunshine. She loves to wear colorful dresses, flowers and everything nice. She tries to be positive, even tough it's hard sometimes. She feels pain every time someone hates her.
Elena met Aiden on Tinder. He tolder her first thing about Caro and her situation. She tries her best to get Caro to like her but it feels impossible when Caro is the most stubborn person you ever meet. Elena still tries, how long as it takes.
Fun facts:
-she is a trans woman
-She is a huge kpop fan (i have biases to her. I'll tell them if someone asks)
-she is a good dancer
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your-absent-father · 2 years
WIP 2:
The Unknowns
Genre: slice of life, drama
After their band the unknowns breaks up due to covid, Baz Jones lives her days stuck in their room. Wheb Baz finds out their best friend who used to live and die the rock and roll spirit, is getting married, Baz has only one goal in mind: stop the wedding any mean neccesary.
Story handles found family, shattered dreams and how to stop grieving the past that never comes back.
Main characters:
Baz Jones - they/them, 22 year old singer of the Unknowns. Baz has always idolized David Bowie, Prince and all the other performers of the 70s and 80s. They want to be a rockstar, fair and simple. World just keeps moving too fast for them.
Caroline "Caro" Edwards - she/her, 23-year old. The old bassist of the Unknowns. Baz's girlfriend of 7 years. When the pandemic started,Caro shifted her focus from music to sociam justice, going to marches and organizing to charities with her brother Aiden. Used to be a pastel goth while in a band.
Noelle "Noel" Adams - she/her, 23-year old. Old guitarist of the Unknowns. Noel used to be a wild child. She spent her weekend partying and hooking up with anyone she could. After the pandemic hit, she was forced to get a job and calm down. While working, she met her future husband who she got engased with "suprisingly quick" for a former non-monogamist.
Ivy Vance - 21 year old drummer of the Unknowns. Ivy is a shy and reserved girl who found a place to loose in stage while drumming her heart out. After she lost her coping mecanism, Ivy started to spend her time online, falling deeper and deeper with online conspirasies.
Aiden Edwards - 25 year old. Caro's brother. He used to be the manager of the Unknowns, but now works with his sister with chrity programs. Doesn't k iw anything about rock and roll but wants to support Caro.
Elena Thompson - Aiden's girlfriend. Human embodiment of a sunshine which disgusts Caro. Likes popular music and people.
Content warning: mental health problems, suicidal thoughts, suicidal talks, lots of curse words, jokes an edgy band in their 20s would make
Tag: TheUnknownsWIP
I'm writing it too on wattpad at the same time I'm writing it in my own language.
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