#these kids became vigilantes for FUN and now it’s a responsibility all of a sudden like bro
turtleblogatlast · 4 months
Sometimes I think about how the turtles are just kids, y’know? Just kids and yet it’s up to them to save people, save New York, save the world.
It’s honestly really sad. They were created to be soldiers and while they chose to protect rather than destroy, they remain soldiers all the same.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Rosebud Prologue:The first move.
In times of despair and sorrow there are fundamentally two options. Wallow in it, or move forward despite through the pain. A wise person would recommend escaping one’s own personal suffering. A wiser man would ask the question nobody else does. When you move forward, what happens to things left behind? They don’t fade away, not always. Sometimes...they try to keep up.
It was just another day. Ruby was doing dishes while her fourteen year old daughter, Carmine, held her baby brother in her arms. The little monster was enjoying his bottle while his happy sister hummed Gold to him. Ruby couldn’t help but feel all warm inside. Carmine had been doing everything and more to help out. This past year could’ve been way harder without her, but now things had fallen into a decent routine. More importantly, Ruby could say goodbye to sweatpants again and hello to corsets! Her body was back in action like it was before pregnancy. Loving her children had no limits but it felt heavenly to not feel like a balloon again. Jaune never complained though. Most likely because it meant it was his turn to whip her into shape. The sneaky husband loved helping with her stretches.
Ruby put away the last dish and dried her hands. “Wanna switch off?” She asked, clearly seeing Carmine enjoy her current duty. The girl shook her head no. “I’m fine feeding Garnet. Just another role as big sis!” Her smile practically reached her eyes. Ruby noticed Carmine had her red contacts in. “Going somewhere soon?
“Yep. When dad gets back with groceries I’m gonna head out to do a bit of patrolling. Thought I’d stop by Sun’s place and see if Aero wanted to join. He gets snippy if I don’t at least try and convince him to join.” Ruby laughed, that was pretty on brand for the boy. “Just don’t go around town starting trouble. I’m tired of the cops telling me you’re playing vigilante.” Carmine couldn’t help scoff at such exaggerated claims. “How’s it my fault I happened to encounter a gang leader in his hidden base of operations? It was poorly hidden. Besides, the cops haven’t called in weeks.”
Ruby’s scroll immediately starts ringing with the Vacou police department ID on it. She turns to Carmine and sighs. “Listen, I was wild like this too, but not this wild.” Carmine raised an eyebrow. “But...I haven’t done anything. In a while, or that they can prove…” she hoped. Ruby only shook her head tiredly and answered. “What or who did Carmine break?” The officer laughed lightly before it faded off. “No no, this isn’t about Carmine. One of the stations a couple of miles out of the kingdom to the neighboring towns called our department. If I’m correct, you were very close with Maria Calavera, yes?” Ruby moved away from her kids and spoke lower. Maria had passed away several years ago. It was the first time Carmine looked so hurt. “Yes, is everything okay? Did something happen to her house,”
“Her home is fine, but not her tombstone. Apparently some punk kid decided to defile it. The cops are wondering if you can drop by and scare the punk into proper shape. You know how people get when they meet you. Also you take care and technically on it, so pressing charges have to come from you.” Ruby was still processing someone disrespecting a grave. To what gain? Maria had no more enemies. Not to mention that her grave wasn’t in a cemetery. It was moved to a hill near the outskirts. “Yeah I’ll show up. I can’t promise I won’t scare the kid to death though. I can’t believe a person did such a thing. This world I’ll tell ya; give me a few minutes to head out. Have them with me so they can admire their work before I make them clean it all up.” Ruby hung up and let out a sigh. There was always something.
“Everything okay?” Carmine asked. She walked towards her mother and held Garnet's adorably chubby face in front of Ruby’s face. It was impossible not to smile at it. “Hehe, I’m fine. Looks like a certain baby is fine too. I might have to put this boy on a diet!” She poked his tummy and patted Carmine’s head. “I gotta go to your abuela’s gravesite. Somebody was messing with it and I gotta give them a stern talking to.” Carmine looked as stunned as Ruby did, then her face scowled. Ruby had seen that before. “Nah ah, you can not come and beat them up.”
Carmine poked her lips out. “You’re no fun. I guess I’ll keep the house safe with Garnet then.” As if she had a choice. Who else was gonna do it!? She stopped pouting when Ruby kissed her forehead. Carmine wanted to rub it off but her hands were full. “Mom!” Ruby stuck her tongue out childishly as she walked away. “Lock the door! You dad will be home soon.” The front door was closed and the house became a little more quiet. “Well it’s just you and I now.” Garnet blinked his eye at her curiously before spitting up a little on himself. Carmine closes her eyes to collect herself. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
The trip to Esperanza from the outskirts of Vacou was only a couple miles; not a real problem for someone who walked all the way to Haven. Ruby reached Maria’s small and festive hometown in about half an hour. It was still rather early for everyone to be out and about but noise and smells of food sizzling filled the air all the same. Ruby always liked this place. She spotted the tree that stood proudly on the hill on the other side of the town. Even from here she could see some limbs had been broken off and some kind of fabric flowing off of it. “Why would-ugh, teenagers.” Ruby groaned. Under the tree she could see a cop and another individual draped in a black hood. Now she was even more confused. An over eager fan or hater maybe? Many people around here loved Maria and her legendary status. Ruby wasted no time racing up to the vandalism, catching the raven haired officer off guard. Her emerald eyes bugged out at the sudden appearance.
“Gah! Wow, you’re faster up close. You should come with a bell.” Ruby chuckled at the statement. “I bet the grimm would love that idea.” A closer look at the tree revealed more damaged limbs and roughed up ground. Ruby turned to the cloaked figure who avoided her gaze. They were taller than Ruby expected but that’s all she could decipher. “Care to explain why you felt so compelled to ruin a memorial? Disrespecting the dead is pretty low.” She said firmly, crossing her arms for more affect.
The person hid further in their hood. Ruby waited for any possible response but there was only silence. They looked at the ground and dug their right foot into the dirt. The cop touched Ruby soldier. “He’s been pretty silent since I caught him red handed. There’s a mark on the back of the tree they spray painted. I can’t make sense of it but I was hoping you might be able to. For all I know, no gangs use that tag.” Ruby pointed star the culprit. “Don’t you dare try to run. We’re not finished young man.” He nodded. Ruby backed away slowly. There were always a few that tried running. It was as if they forgot what her semblance was.
A few steps from her and the cop told her that the dude was just gonna stay there. She finally turned around to examine the tree. “You said the back right? Gangs spray paint all the time so I might not know what….” her voice drifted into silence as she reached the other side of the trees. She had to take a few steps back to make sure she was seeing things okay. “This-This is…” words still eluded her as Ruby stared at black spray paint that perfectly made the image of a queen chess piece. Ruby could feel her face lose its color. “Cinder…” it was as if her name was a trigger for disaster. The tree suddenly was cut into by a blade that pierced the other side. Ruby was barely able to dodge the surprise attack, getting a clear view of the weapon. It was a scythe. Their culprit was holding a standard scythe that counted swinging at her. A small smirk was visible on the young man’s face as he came at her in full force.
The scythe constantly spun in his hand as he tried to swipe Ruby.The woman was done being surprised however. Ruby easily ducked and whipped out Cresent Rose. “Wanna play huh? Fine.” She hissed. Fighting first and asking questions later was something Ruby could get behind. She gripped the pole of her weapon tight and swung horizontally. The force alone caused enough pressure to push her opponent back while the blade barely scratched his torso. He had good reflexes. Ruby blitzed behind him and slashed him back before disappearing and reappearing in front of him. Ruby spun the bottom of her scythe and clipped his chin, then took a shot to thrust it forward. The sharp metal end would’ve connected to his face if an unexpected bullet didn’t hit Ruby in her arm. She turns her head to see the cop’s gun trained on her with deadly accuracy.
“What the hell are you-huh?” The emerald eyes of the cop turned pink and brown along with her hair. A familiar mischievous laughter comes from the old adversary as she twirls the gun and watches Ruby avoid the opponent in front of her. “Hey Rubes! You’re looking good; filled out quite a bit. I know your husband must like that.” She fired a few more bullets at Ruby’s feet to keep her moving as the red reaper was easily out classing the man in black, but he was nothing but persistent. He forced Ruby to jump by sweeping her feet and shoulder bashed her to the ground. Expert or not, Ruby was only so big. She quickly recovered by tumbling backwards and dashed towards Neo. For the first time in a long time, an ache more deadly than any blade pierced Ruby’s heart. Ruby couldn’t help but be bombarded with the memories of seventeen years ago.
“WHERE IS SHE!?” Ruby screamed at the smirking woman. That smirk pissed her off to no end. Not again, they’re not taking anything again. She swung Crescent Rose downward at Neo’s face, but quickly spun it sideways to shoot herself towards the right. The cloaked figure sprinted in front of her and blocked a horizontal slash that looked like it would’ve hit air, but wouldn’t. The Neo behind her shattered and the real one poked her head out from behind the man, happily surprised. “Damn, nothing gets past you anymore huh? Saw right through me.” Neo tried getting off another shot. “Still fast?” One bullet fired at close range only hit a rose petal. Instincts told Neo to push her partner out the way and duck. It was the right call. The edge of a scythe blade had been dropped and yanked backwards where Neo’s neck was. “I’m faster…”
Neo’s partner swung the end of the shaft to Neo to grab a hold of then Yanked her to safety behind him. “Phew, thanks darling. Told you she was the real deal.” Neo finally stopped smiling and glared at Ruby. “That’s What makes this next part so satisfying.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a detonator. Ruby’s body tensed up and her assault was halted. Neo’s thumb rubbed the top of the bottom rhythmically. “Guess where the bomb is?”
Ruby didn’t even flinch. “Leave the townspeople out of this or I swear-”
“Times up!” Neo hit the button and Ruby gasped. She went to dash at Neo but was hit in the side with a scythe from behind. The image in front of her shattered as she stumbled into it. An anger growl left her throat as Neo laughed. “Hahaha, kidding! This trigger does nothing.” She tossed it to the ground. “Still gullible after all these years. How are you not dead? Oh wait, others die for you.”
“Little…” Ruby grit her teeth and fired round after round at Neo. The cloaked man spun his scythe to deflect each one. He jumped forward with a downward slash but missed. Ruby spun in a tight vortex of petals that kept his feet fry the ground. She hooked his scythe with hers and yanked it out of his hands then hurled it Neo; not a shred of concern was seen as Neo leaned to the side and caught it. She turned to wink but saw Ruby behind her partner with the man on one knee and gripping the pole off Crescent Rose in an attempt to remove it from his neck before Ruby could choke him out. Neo pointed her pistol again but didn’t pull the trigger. With most of Ruby’s body behind his, it wouldn’t be a good idea to test her aim.
“Heroes take hostages now? That’s so cold”
“You would know.” Ruby pulled harder. “Must mean a lot to you if you’re not shooting. Where’s Cinder?”
“What? Am I not enough for you? Is my vengeance second rate? I thought you’d like me more after all we’ve been through.” Neo pouted.
“LAST CHANCE! OR-” Neo dropped the gun and yawned. “Or what? You’ll strangle him? That would be a terrible way to end a reunion, right Dustin?”
Just like that, Ruby felt her body go numb. “D-Dustin?” She muttered. Her grip accidentally loosened and the man ducked under the metal bar against his neck and rolled away in less than a second. The ground beneath Ruby trembled. Vines armed with thrones shot from the dirt and wrapped around her legs, waist, arms, and neck like barbed wire that pulled her down to her knees. The pain drained and felt a numbing, but Ruby could only stare at the black roses that bloomed on them slowly as the man walked towards Neo and grabbed his scythe. He looked back at Ruby who stared in disbelief, tears flooding her eyes. “D-Dustin…?” She repeated, her voice cracking. Ruby watched the man pull the hood off. Suddenly the world didn’t seem real. Her body felt ice cold with only the warmth of her tears on her face that came from silver eyes that became dim and cloudy; a perfect reflection of the ones in front her. Including the red and black hair. The difference being it was on a face that reflected not just her, but the man she married. It was only once, but Ruby never forgot that face. The face of the boy that made her a mother. The face she mourned for more times then she dared remember.
He finally spoke, “Hey mom. Glad you can make it.” The weight of cold and dense bone gripped Ruby’s shoulder. There wasn’t a nerve in her body that didn’t feel like fire and a heartbeat that didn’t sound like a boombox in her eardrums. If she was trembling before then she was now. Ruby didn’t even bother looking up. The shadow on the ground was enough. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. It’s been quite some time since I met your mother in person. Isn’t that right?” The hand grabbed Ruby’s chin and turned it up to the right. Now Ruby had no choice but to look.
Cinder stood there looking down. Her previous outfit was ditched for dark purple leather pants and a black shirt that faintly glowed a deep fiery red like her heels. Not only was her arm different, looking fully formed and in case the bone armor grimm is known for, her eyes weren’t the same. One remained the same as before. The one that was never harmed. It was the injured one that made Ruby’s mouth run dry. The eye, it was silver as well. “Why don’t we catch up a bit? Normally I’m on a time crunch but since everyone is held up….” She turned Ruby’s head to the left and let her see what she had been missing out on. The wind around Vacou had picked up and turned a dust storm. In it, Ruby saw thousands of red eyes and the sign of fire. Alarm sirens blared seconds later.
“My gods…” Ruby gasped.
“Got to love subterranean grimm. Just have them move slow enough and a little magic to tip the weather in your advantage, then boom. Ambushed without a warning.” Cinder finally let her go sauntered over to Neo and Dustin. “Unfortunately it’s more smoke and mirrors than an actual bang. Tragedies on the scale of Beacon’s are hard to replicate. All you kids have grown up now and everywhere. It’s a pain in the ass. This event was just made to keep us uninterrupted.” Ruby tried struggling through the vines but could barely move. Every shift made her wince as they tightened. Not only that, but she actually felt weaker. They were doing more than restraining her. Cinder found amusement in the struggle. “Your son’s semblance is pretty annoying, isn’t it? Best not to move. Dustin, don’t over do it. I still want my fun.”
The pain eased and her strength was less inhibited. Ruby still couldn’t believe what was happening. She stared at her child who stared back, despondent. “Dustin, it’s me. I’m-”
He silenced her by tightening the single vine on her neck quickly. “I know exactly who you are.” Anger and vigor flooded his eyes in a glare that could only be seen as murderous. “And I have nothing to say to you.” Cinder rubbed his back. “Don’t mind him. You know how teens are, all rebellious and angry.” This situation was going so well she couldn’t help but laugh. “That being said, he’s grown into such a fine young man under my-”
“Ahem!” Neo said loudly. Cinder rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Under our guidance. He’s been quite helpful. Killing silver eyed people and learning their abilities has been far easier when he started helping out. It’s a shame, getting old that is. I used to go collecting by myself. Now he brings back the prizes for me sometimes.” Cinder rubbed the side of her face and saw Ruby shiver in shock. Their attention to each other was disrupted by a flashing light from Ruby’s pocket. The girl tried struggling again as Cinder reached for it and pulled out a scroll. Today got even surprisingly better all thanks to a home screen. “Oh well you look at that? Carmine was a person we expected to hear at least once, but I had no idea about the third one. What a handsome boy.”
Dustin’s body tensed tightly. “What…?” He muttered. Cinder tossed him the phone and sure enough, there the baby was with the rest of the family. Brand new silver eyes and all. The photo was blurred as Carmine’s name came up as the scroll rang. There was no hesitation in answering.
“Mom! Vacou’s being attacked and dad still isn’t back. Garnet is fine and no grimm are heading this way yet but-”
“CARMINE! TAKE YOUR BROTHER AND RUN!” Ruby screamed as loud as possible. Dustin hung up and looked at Cinder and she nodded. “Time for a family reunion.” She snapped her fingers and a nevermore descended from the sky for Dustin to jump on and head towards his brother and sister. Even with him gone, his vines still had a grasp on Ruby. It was weaker but the numbing pain still ran through her as she finally forced her way out of the ones around her arms and neck; air and sensation tried to fill her being again as she fell on her hands and knees. “My son, what did you do to him?” She raises her head with tears running down her face. Moving now would be stupid. Ruby had no choice but to recover.
“Me? You make it sound like I brainwashed him or abused him. No, no such thing.Granted it wasn’t my idea to keep him. The boy would’ve been dumped in a grimm pool or something if I had my way, then Neo had to step in and proposed a better idea.”
“Disguising as your nurse was far too much work to just have it end with a dead newborn. Besides, even I have my limits unlike some people” she glares the hell out of Cinder. “I can play the long game. A missing son returning to his family to erase it? That’s way more interesting don’t you think?”
Cinder circled around Ruby, watching the girl carefully as she indulged herself with explaining how a day like this could happen.“You asked me what I did to him. I did the only thing that made sense. I told the truth.” Ruby’s face softened. Her eyes scanned the ground as she tried to understand. The truth? Cinder groaned, “Boring I know, but a lie this big would be impossible. Ruby Rose, a name known by every last goddamn soul on Remnant. Between that and Dustin’s features, he’d figure out that he wasn’t ours sooner or later, so I told him exactly who he was. A child stolen by a hero's worst enemy. You should’ve seen the way he wept for you. I told him all I could. How incredible your reputation was to the masses and how you would be remembered throughout history for all time along with your friends. Surely a hero that elite would rescue their son, right?” She smirked, Cinder could see Ruby get pale from the implications.
“He...was waiting for me.” Ruby’s voice crackled and shook. A stark contrast from the laughter Cinder had. “Hahaha, oh he did more than wait! Time after time, your son tried escaping. Each attempt meant him killing grimm that I didn’t even have to influence, and each time it was up to either me or Neo to save his life. His will was quite astonishing, his mind sharp. He tried for years until one day...he actually escaped.”
“What?” Ruby wasn’t expecting Cinder to say that. “He escaped?” Cinder pulled out a scroll and nodded, “He was young too. Barely twelve if I remember. At this point I was at my wits end. I thought my choices were to cut my losses or kill him out of spite; Never did I expect him to come back with a look in his eyes I’ve never seen. The anger for his situation had changed. All because of one simple little thing.” The scroll was flipped around for Ruby to see. “Remember this day?”
Of all the things that Ruby expected, a picture of her from an old news photo wasn’t one of them. It was her holding Carmen up proudly after the girl’s first tournament. Her daughter had entered a jr competition at eight and took first place. Cinder put the scroll away. “Apparently he made it all the way to that event. Imagine the look on his face, seeing you smiling so purely with the sister he had no clue about? All that faith he put into you...and it meant nothing. Congratulations, how’s it feel to move forward? It brought him closer to me. My sweet Dustin.” Cinder and Neo fawned dramatically. Their laughter grew as Ruby’s anger rose. Her blood started to feel like it’s boiling and vision started to blur. Her eyes started glowing before flickering in and out constantly as she tried her damnedest to eradicate Cinder to no avail. A pounding in her head started forming that made her grip it. Cinder bent down and tugged hard on Ruby’s hair to stare right into her face with complete disdain. “That’s right Ruby, hate me. Hate me as much as I hate you. This isn’t about justice or preservation. Your anger vs ours. Let’s see who edges out.” Cinder backs away and blasts a wave of ice that only freezes then shatters only the vines. Crescent Rose is stabbed into the ground next to Ruby. This day was unavoidable. These feelings had been building a festering for years. Not just because of Dustin. Beacon, Pyrrha, the friends she’s hurt; the despair Cinder brought into Ruby’s life was too much and too often. Ruby had enough. She pulled herself up off the ground with her scythe. Eyes devoid of light beamed into the two pairs of glimmering evil as the clouds darkened the sky. Ruby could only think of one thing.The only thing that Cinder had thought about for ages.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
The sounds of thunder and gun fire raged through and electrified the air as Dustin rode the nevermore. He looked back to see a concentration of wind and varying elements coming from where he left. “Looks like they’ve gotten serious. Time for me to get my party started.” He would be over Ruby’s house in a matter of minutes. Karma was finally gonna come knocking on her door. “A shame she won’t see this. Alright, time to see what my little sister I made-” a sudden pressure and force came upwards that hit like a canon. Next thing Dustin knew, the nevermore no longer had a head and was swan dive to the ground. He quickly jumped from the bird and rolled onto the sand to break his fall. Carmine watched the whole thing while cleaning grimm blood of her blade several feet away.
“I’ve never heard mom sound so panicked before. Grimm herds aren’t anything we haven’t handled before so I knew there was more to the situation; but what exactly is the more?” Carmine couldn’t make out his face from distance but the scythe on the sand and cloak were more than enough to be off putting. She stepped closer cautiously. The color of his hair and eyes immediately made her stop and jump back, placing her sword in front of her body as he stood. “Stop! Who are you?” He patted himself off and looked at his sister. Admittedly, he was caught off guard. This was already more interesting than he anticipated.
“What on Remnant possessed you to take out a grimm mid-flight? I doubt you noticed me.”
“A lone grimm going after a house outside of the kingdom when its friends are having a blast inside is pretty freaking suspicious. Now answer my question!” Her body tensed. Carmine didn’t know why but she felt as if his gaze alone might swallow her up like a pit of tar. There was no mistaking that color. His eyes looked fogged and hazy but they were definitely silver. Then there was his face. Carmine never imagined Garnet would look like grown up but this man’s face would’ve been pretty close.
“Huh, figures they never mentioned me. It was probably too shameful and humiliating to reveal such a major example of arrogance.” His words felt like venom and on the verge of being unhinged, yet maintaining a low tone of composure as he grabbed his weapon. “I think you already have a good guess on who I am, or do you need a closer look?”
Carmine saw the man vanish in the blink of an eye. She quickly rose her sword in front of her in a block that covered her entire body. A clash of metal crashed right into it and rattled her arms from the force. Now they were face to face with a similar look of intensity. “I….I don’t understand what’s going on!” Saying that this was unnerving was an understatement. Carmine has a job to do though. The longer he was with her, the further her clone was with Garnet. The only regret was splitting her sure evenly. Fighting an unknown opponent could go wrong.
“It’s simple really. You’re not the first born child of Jaune Arc and Ruby Rose. That kid got snatched by a witch.”
Carmine’s world felt like it stopped. “Cinder Fall.”
“Bingo.” A vine shot from the ground and wrapped around Carmine before flinging her. Dustin followed up with a leaping downward strike but Carmine corrected herself mid-air yo block it. “Heh, look at you…” his hand slid to the bottom of his scythe and started swiping side to side against Carmine’s defenses. Each contact made sparks fly and her arms ache from the weight of the attack. She couldn’t take it anymore and ducked under the next attack to get in close. Both opponents were no stranger to the limitations of a scythe or had to overcome them. Carmine knew he was likely to pull the entire thing back by bringing his hand to the top of the shaft, so she jumped straight up and grabbed her curved blade, Stamen, from both ends and swung it down to have it drop like a guillotine. The impact left a small crater where Dustin stood before he jumped out of the way. She had no expectations of hitting him but she needed breathing room. It was her turn on offense.
Carmine shot off three aura slashes before pursuing him. She watched closely as his scythe spun to block the attack and leaped over him to get a hit in from behind. More vines shot up and stabbed her hand before connecting. A low hiss came from her. This was obviously his semblance but knowing it’s function was hard to tell. More shot up around her in a circle. A simple spin cut them down to size easily and she unleashed a flurry of rapid attacks that clanged and bashed against his scythe when she wasn’t missing him entirely.
“Geez, maybe I overestimated. All the talk about my little sister and this is it?”
“Big talk from someone fighting a kid, and we’re not family!” Carmine swung at his left torso but was stopped dead in her tracks when he grabbed the blade with his hand. A jab to the throat made Carmine choke on her own breath as Dustin twisted her arm behind her then put her in a choke hold. Her feet barely scraped the sand as she desperately tried to breathe. Carmine could feel his breath on her ear as he whispered angrily through his teeth.
“Don’t act stupid and face the facts. It’s the least a sorry excuse for a replacement; don’t even have silver eyes like our brother.” He squeezed her wrist so tight she could feel it start to give. Stamen was dropped as she tried not to scream. “As for the age difference, three years ago I was already filling graves. What do you do? Rule over the talentless? Tournaments are useless. Just like you.”
Carmine squirmed and bit her lip till she bled. Screw the pain and his words. Weak was the last thing she was, and she was gonna prove it. “LET. ME. GOOOO!” Carmine felt a pop in her wrist as she jerked forward, hard. Her feet stomped the ground and two rose clones appeared on each side, the first grabbed her sword and drove it against Dustin’s ribs. The blow broke his hold on the original by pushing him back. The second clone grabbed his legs so he would fall backwards. It worked. Dustin’s head hit the ground and he stared up to the sky as the first clone did the guillotine drop the original did earlier. “Take this!!!!” It screamed.
Dustin hit his fist against the ground. Vines shot pierced right through the clone then swooped low to stab the other. With the last of its strength, the first clone tossed the sword to the original as she watched her clones go limp; their bodies faded as black roses bloomed the vines. Maybe it was their manner of defeat, but Carmine started to sweat. She hadn’t even realized she picked up her blade and was backing away from the man surrounded by a garden of death. A gut feeling told her that being trapped in those spelled the end.
Her semblance was info Dustin knew nothing about. To see it was genuinely surprising, but nothing he had to fear. Not with Carmine looking like a deer in headlights. “Do you know what black roses symbolize?” Carmine didn’t answer. Instead she pulled out the second part of her weapon, Pistil, and combined it with Stamen. The blade curved downward while the collapsible tactical baton connected to the hilt to make her scythe. Dustin felt a surge of excitement run through him. Another surprise from his sister. “HAHAHAHA! Oh please don’t tell me you’re about to challenge me with that?” He laughed hysterically, his calm demeanor completely shifting to nothing short of rage. He stabbed his scythe in the ground. “Rotten Rose will ruin you.”
“Rosebud hasn’t failed me yet.” Carmine got low and held on with both hands. Her right wrist aches but adrenaline and necessity demanded its use. Carmine needed all the reach she could muster. Dustin was done talking and put up his hood. Alarms, screams, explosions, even the wind blowing felt muted to Carmine. The only thing that mattered was the reaper in front of her. She was going to get through this and reject those black roses. Today wasn’t death day. Not for her. The vines shot straight at her. Carmine shredded through them like a blender by twirling Rosebud. Two more vines from each side forced her to jump straight up. She pulled a trigger on the shaft of the used to be tactical baton. A slug round recoil sent her back to the ground where a massive sweeping attack severed the vines. It wasn’t enough.
Her brief rest was interrupted by more sprouting from the ground around her. Another gunshot sent her out of the center before they all stabbed her from every side. More and more dove in and out of the ground like serpents chasing prey. Dustin stood motionless as his sister fired herself in any direction she could to avoid a strike. Occasionally she was forced to stand her ground to cut several before dodging again. She tried to hide it, but Dustin could see the fear in her eyes. He was gonna force it out of her. A wall of thorny vines walled off Carmine from back stepping again. Dozens of vines came from everywhere in the front. The fear he wanted didn’t come. Carmine grit her teeth and started slashing through them head on.
Chunks of plants flew everywhere as Carmine hacked angrily through them. “Haaaaaa!” The girl could only scream through the pain as thorns scraped her skin like a million stabs. “Just...a little...more!!!!” She refused to stop until a swing cut through to the other side. The sight of Dustin’s shocked face spurred her on. Another gunshot was sending her straight at him with Rosebud’s blade eagerly awaiting to connect with his throat. “You’re done!!!!” All her force went into swinging the blade; too much strength in fact. Dustin simply leaned back Carmine completely whiffed. Her momentum kept her body rotating. In the moment her body had turned away from him, her eyes could only see the blood stained thorns she borrowed through. Carmine’s anger subsided and was reminded of the most basic rule of fighting. Keep track of your aura. Her mistake for forgetting was an instant and excruciating pain that crossed her from each shoulder down to the opposite hip. It all had happened so fast yet time felt slow as the ground seemed to rise to meet her.
Carmine laid face down on the ground. Her back started to feel wet. Like if someone was pouring something warm on it, something thick. Tears filled her eyes seconds later when the shock of it all was met by the stinging of sand and reality.
Carmine couldn’t stop screaming in agony. Her arms did her best to lift her but her right wrist gave out. Everything was giving out. There wasn’t a muscle that wasn’t shaking in her body. There wasn’t a thought of anything anymore with the sound of creeping plants and footsteps approaching while a shadow loomed over her. The silhouette of her blood dripping off the scythe that was ready to draw more. The shaft of it flipped her battered body over for her to stare into the eyes that should’ve been preserving life; but all she saw was them asking for hers. Was this despair? Carmine never felt anything like it before. For the first time in her life she felt powerless, weak. Her tears ran down her bloody and soiled face. “Pl-Please…” she said, quivering. “ I don’t wanna die…” she shut her eyes and lost all sense of self. “I DON’T WANNA DIE!!!”
“CARMINE!!!” Multiple people cried out from a distance. Dustin turned his dead and was immediately blasted by a laser gun in the face that knocked him away. The current of electricity stunned him momentarily as he saw three more people. Two of them he had heard and learned about. The leader of team SSSN and his partner. The third was an unknown boy with bird wings that picked up Carmine while the other two stood in front of them. “Sun and Neptune. What are the odds the partners of a disbanded team are hanging out today of all days? One of you doesn’t even live on this continent.” He glared at Neptune.
The duo immediately recognized the man in front of them and gasped. No way they wouldn’t. Neptune gasped, “Is that…?”
“No way…” Sun said. He looked back at an injured Carmine then to Dustin. No doubt about it. He clapped his hands together and summoned clones. Now wasn’t the time to let his guard down. “I don’t know how you’re here but I’m not letting you go. Aero, get Carmine far away from here.”
“Not on my watch!” Dustin dashed forward immediately. Neither the clones or pro huntsman were quick enough to stop him blitzing the both of them. He reached to grab the boy holding his sister, then poof, nothing. It was like magic. Dustin blinked and they were gone. They went from right in front of him to already being in the sky, several minutes away. Whatever happened wasn’t speed. He didn’t know what that was, but it was definitely the boy’s doing. He looked back at Sun and Neptune who were charging at him in full force. Dustin clicked his teeth and sighed. Play time was over. “Two pro huntsmen like yourselves is way more than I bargained for. Especially after my other reunion, sorry.” A faint light in the distance caught his eye while planning his exit. Whatever it was had speed and was heading towards the storm over Cinder’s battle. “If I was a betting man…” Dustin used his vines to left himself into the air and grab a passing nevermore to ride, leaving Sun and Neptune in the dust.
“Damnit!” Sun yelled.
“Never mind him, let’s get back to town and help.” Neptune said, seeing the light. “Jaune’s gonna be pissed.”
Aero was flying as fast as he could to the medical station set up. Finding Jaune or his friend would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. What he wouldn’t give to have a healing semblance right now. The blood that came from Carmine and dripped down his arms as she wept in pain was burning a memory into him he didn’t want to ever see again.
“Hang in there Carmine! You’re gonna be just fine. Your clone found my mom so don’t worry about Garnet. He’s perfectly fine.” He told her to ease whatever pain and stress he could. The way she clung close to him wasn’t inspiring any change. Carmine kept weeping and shaking.
“Hurts…” she winced. “It hurts so much.” Aero felt a lump in his throat. The boy kept flying with all his might. The tears of the strongest person he knew weighed heavily on his heart the entire flight.”
That fight against Reaper and Maiden wasn’t fairing too much better. Neo could attest to that as she laid on the ground, aura flickering and writhing in pain. The normally dry, dusty air was soaked with pouring rain thanks to Cinder. Neo picked herself up painfully slow and could barely keep track of the hundreds of petals and embers that danced in the air over panicking villagers. Who would’ve thought Little Red would’ve grown into such a warrior? To Neo, both Cinder and Ruby might as well be freaks. She watched Crescent Rose carv through ice thicker than a goliath’s flesh and slam into Cinder. The woman went right through the already destroyed memorial tree before recovering with a tiny cyclone of lightning and fire that enveloped Ruby. That too was immediately reduced to nothing. Fortunately, Ruby looked tired. Her own aura and breath looked to be draining.
“Looks like this might be it.” Neo aimed her pistol. “Sorry Cinder, I get the kill-” the blur of bright light raced into view and then before Neo. Her eyes were witnesses to the shining white aura of a furious knight with a sword poised to strike her neck. Any time to move was erased to her as the blade was swung. The force would’ve been enough to take her head. The only thing stopping that was Dustin’s scythe between them that went unnoticed until now. Dustin’s arms went numb but his face remained stern as he stared at his father inches away who was lost for words.
“D-Dustin?” He uttered in disbelief. The hesitation left Jaune open for Dustin’s vines to grab him and throw him towards Ruby. The battling women had finally realized company had arrived
Dustin helped lift Neo to her feet. “You alright?” A pinch on the cheek and a nod told him that was a yes. Cinder landed near them while still facing Ruby and now Jaune.
“Why are you back?” She growled.
“Things got complicated, more huntsman. Time to go. We didn’t come here from a swan song.”
“Like hell! I’m just getting started.” Cinder made a bow and arrow out of lightning and took aim. “Ruby dies today.”
Not if Ruby had anything to say about it. She was ready for another exchange of blows but her anger was quelled when the sight of fresh blood was washing off of Dustin’s scythe. “Dustin, what did you do?Where’s Carmine and Garnet!?” Jaune was still shaken by who he was seeing. How was this possible? The sight of Cinder and Neo enraged him but the words Ruby said were brought to the forefront of his mind. “Carmine? Sun and Neptune should’ve-”
“I never saw Garnet.” Dustin interrupted. “As for Carmine...I’m sure she’s in shock by now. Fortunately for her my full swing wasn’t possible with how close she was. All blood, no lasting damage. Well...that’s not true. Trauma is tricky like that.” He smirked at his parent’s mortified faces. Dustin touched Cinder’s back. “Let’s go! We’ll kill them later. That wasn’t the point of this anyways.”
Ruby and Jaune tried their best to ready themselves as their son stepped forward and pointed at them. “Mark today. The peace you’ve cultivated in my absence will fall as easily as your daughter did, by my- our hands.”he declared. Ruby wasn’t even sure who she was looking at. The face she remembered was not covered in a hate and tragedy that mirrored the two by his side. Her heart couldn’t take it, it wouldn’t. Ruby was about to try and grab him when a shriek filled the air. The villagers down below were being trapped and attacked by vines. Ruby looked at Dustin. “Stop this!”
“You can either stop it yourself, or chase us. Choose fast. It’s not healthy to be wrapped too long.” The nevemore more extended its wing for them to walk on. He watched Ruby take another step before tightening his grip on screaming children. Ruby and Jaune looked in conflicting frustration before Jaune went to help them. “Ruby! I can’t do it all alone!”
Once again Ruby was asked to make the choice to chase her child or do her job. Grief filled her as she looked at him then stared at Cinder in seething hate. “Your head will roll if it’s the last thing I do.” Ruby threatened, joining Jaune to save the people. The nevermore took off and Cinder angrily aimed her bow before Neo blocked her sight with her umbrella.
“Don’t. Let’s not give them more reasons to hunt us now. It’s like Dustin said. This was just our first move. Break their world, then their lives. We waited this long. Just look at our handy work.”
Cinder watched the chaos of a small town and kingdom struggle with her grimm. To say it didn’t make her smile would be a lie. Yeah, she needed more of this. “It’s no Beacon, but it’s a damn good place to start.” Cinder looked at Dustin with more pride than she knew how to deal with. “Oh how I have high hopes for you. Do keep making your mothers proud. Dustin bowed respectively and watched the ruin along with her.
Finally a new game had started and the first move was theirs. Dustin couldn’t wait for his next one. “Here’s to a speedy recovery Carmine… Your big brother will be sure to visit.”
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aliynavenus · 4 years
a lil smut 
It’s almost 4 in the morning and instead of working on stories that need to be posted, I decided to write a lil DamiRae smut. do i regret? No, No i don’t. At least now I have a sense of what writing smut it like. and wow is it over powering. 
“These criminals keep popping up, they’re practically begging to be caught now.” Damian declared peeling off his domino mask when entering the Tower with Raven after their late night patrol. 
“Lucky! You always get some fun on your night patrols. So who’d you guys capture?” Donna questions interestingly, laying her head on her palms waiting for Raven to answer.
Raven stirred her tea reverting back to the night patrol she just went on with Damian. It was a quite coincidence capture that actually helped solve the case that the team had been working on for the past week. Activating the transmitter to reveal the full information about their little vigilante they captured she began tapping keys to get the proper summary about the man.
“Alex Samson, 19 year old boy who has been a drop out since the age 14, living on his own in San Francisco. Apparently he’s the reason these dead civilians that have been showing up in alleys. Although when we took him, he wasn’t resisting.” Raven paused on her story recalling the words of their new captive. “He was just calmly saying they were bad people who ran along the streets doing horrific deeds as the police did nothing knowing what they were.” 
Sure she had empathic abilities but that didn’t normally mean she could tell what he was saying was true or not. But something about his strong willed words seemed honest, she could feel the sincerity in not just his voice but in his mind.
“Helloooo Earth to Raven, you okay?” Donna hollered waving a hand in front of her to bring her back to reality. 
Raven took notice of Damian's sudden head movement towards her from the corner of her eye. Oh how he was always so attentive when she was brought to the subject. Yet paying no attention to it, she lifts her teacup towards her mouth “Yea, this might seem strange but what if he was telling ...the truth.” she mumbles into her cup looking up at the two waiting for their response. 
Damian’s eyes narrow down at and lips pressed into a thin line, “What are you assuming?” 
He has to admit after capturing any criminal he didn’t like to focus on them anymore just continue on new missions. He didn't want to think whether or not this man was right for his wrong doings. 
She knew from his voice that he didn’t want to dwell on the subject but only asked because he was interested in what his girlfriend had to say, “His emotions were not like any other person we’ve detained before. His were different.,” she purses her lips trying to find the proper word, “I could feel it almost like I knew what was going on in his head, it felt almost heroic and truthful. I can feel the genuine emotions he was feeling. But I felt something similar towards him like I know how he feels or what he’s been through. I can't say for sure though.” 
Something stung when Damian heard her words. He didn't want to admit to it but he liked knowing they were correspondent to one another. 
He felt ridiculous even thinking this.
It might sound peculiar but knowing that they can understand each other perfectly with their abnormal background, it made him feel fortunate having someone to know the angst and grief he’s felt in his life. He didn’t like it knowing that Raven can simply say she felt similar emotions to someone when they both had hardships in their life. No one could compare to them. He liked keeping Raven to himself. Knowing that he can understand her better than anyone. Now some new fucking vigilante comes in as she claims she feels a related bond, it pissed him off.  
“Raven, he killed those people, in no way that results in a heroic action.” His voice sharp and stern almost came out as harsh towards her. 
Was he kidding her right now? Did he forget that he was part of the league of shadows, where he would kill people, sometimes even the innocent. His reasoning angered her and she recently has never been one to be objective by his remarks. 
“Your here after you were part of an assassination group. What are you to say that your past life doesn’t measure to his, maybe he was doing it for a reason. You can’t just think that every criminal doesn't have some good in them, Damian.” 
Goddammit unable to get the next word out she storms out of the room putting him in an uncomfortable position in front of his teammate.
 “Awkwarddd” Donna lightly sang exiting the kitchen table leaving him ponder on the situation he had just caused with his beloved.
He and Raven have been dating for more than a month now, secretly keeping it hidden from their teammates. They both stated that it was best to keep their relationship concealed avoiding any sort of teasing from their teammates but mainly because of Dick. They were never one to get infuriated with each other considering she made him feel not just some ex-league of shadows vigilante but she made him feel whole. He adored her more than anything, if anything the relationship only caused him to become more attentive towards her. Willing to protect her even more, to keep her close within reach. He became more possessive of her. It might’ve sounded like a dreadful desire but she was his.
His shoulders dropped seeing her no longer in sight cutting back a curse, “I’m going to train,” 
Donna’s eyes followed him walking past her, “But it’s like 1 in morn--” she was cut off by the loud slam of the door. She sighed shaking her head, “Just like a married couple,” 
Why did he have to be unreasonable? He never questioned her about her abilities which surprised her when he wasn’t letting her explain what she felt. Which not to mention she was right about, considering Kori did some digging. Turns out the young criminal was telling the truth, even though killing is wrong. He killed them because they had a crucial horrific record that ended up getting erased due to having friends in the precinct that made it all go away letting them run free in the world. She wondered if Damian heard about it but soon realized if he did he would’ve been up in her room by now possibly apologizing for questioning her assumptions. 
Raven’s eyebrows knitted together as she stared at her ceiling missing the soft warmth of Damian who would’ve sneakingly come into her room at times to just cease her skin. she craved it. No! She should be angry with him, not missing him, not missing his touch, his lips on hers, their bodies pressed skin to skin on one another. Damn it
“May I come in?” raven lifted herself up to the sudden familiar voice coming from the entrance of her door. How long has he been standing there that she didn't even notice him opening her door. 
She sits on edge of her bed nodding towards him not wanting to seem like she was just thinking about him. He could tell she was just thinking of something that she wasn’t supposed to by the way her cheeks looked lightly redden avoiding eye contact with him. God she looked beautiful with her hair slightly messy considering the longer length it has now put on. Her body was hugged by her small lavender shorts followed by a matching camisole that straps were so thin and delicate that they fell onto the side of her arms.
His mind drifted to wanting to rip them off to reveal her perfect round breast and just show her who she belonged to. That’s what he wanted. To claim her. He wanted to bend her over. Making her take all of him deep inside her. He wanted to fuck her. Right now. No matter what situation they needed to mend first. 
“Damian?” her delicate voice came out tilting her head as she noticed he was standing there with eyes just glued to her fantasizing on what he could do to make her scream. 
He cleared her throat focusing back on why he came here, “You were right. Kori told me. I wanted to apologize.” 
There we go just what she wanted. 
He walked towards setting his presence next to her on the bed. Their eyes meet, his vibrant emerald eyes meeting her translucent violet ones. Damian glanced away, becoming already bothered by the next thing he was about to say, “I wasn’t happy when he said you felt similar to that guy. In fact I hated it. Knowing that you feel a bond towards someone other than me.” tightening his fist meeting his glaze with hers, “I like knowing we understand each other better than anyone. That we share a bond that it kept only to ourselves. 
To hear Damian so admittingly confess what he was feeling she understood what he meant. Understanding that he didn’t get angry because she didn’t agree with him but because he felt rather lonesome when she said those words that were only meant for them. Damian reached out to place his hand on her thigh, placing the other cupping her cheek. He pressed small kisses on her jaw trailing down her neck, bringing her closer with each one. 
His face burying into her neck stopping to suck at her sweet spot on her neck below her ear, “You need to remember, your mine Raven” 
She tilted her head letting out a breathless sigh at the sound of his hot hoarse voice on her skin that would drive her mad. His hand gliding under her loose lavender shorts rubbing up and down her thigh careful to not bring it close to her wet clit yet. The anticipation was aching her so much she just wanted his lips on her, more than that even. She wanted him to be inside her, being rough with her like always. Fucking her senselessly covering her mouth with his palm so the team wouldn't hear her pleading as his cock would ram into her with every thrust. 
“How will you make me remember?” ready to play the game with her innocent voice knowing she was playing with fire, but that only excited him more. He smirked against her skin pulling her hips down roughly to the bed. His body towering over him smirking at the sight of his beloved.
Her arms fell onto the side of her head. She felt the cool air glide through her inner thighs when she felt Damian’s rough fingers pulled her shorts off leaving her in her white lacy panties.Pulling her thighs roughly towards him, wanting to take the full sight of her. The straps of the camisole falling onto her mid arms, her nipples peeking through the soft fabric. Her chest rising trying to maintain her breath not wanting to reveal how weak she already is with him. But it didn’t help whatsoever. 
Gods she was a perfect mess right under him. 
Damian's fingers lingered on to her hem of her underwear pulling it down ever so slowly exposing a chill down her clit. “Beloved. I can already tell your pussy is aching to be touched.” gripping his hands on her inner thigh right below her dripping pussy, rubbing circles, teasing her not wanting to fully satisfy her just yet. 
She winced under his touch, partially begging for him. “P-please.” Smirking at her hesitant words he lifted her shirt grabbing her full round breast, fiddling with her hard tit. The room filling with the sound of her pants. Wasting no time swiftly removing his shirt exposing his hard tight chest with every scar that had to her.
“Tell me what you want.” his horse voice that she loved every time as he continued the small circles below her pussy wanting her to beg for his cock.
Oh fuck 
Damian’s eyes widen watching Raven’s hand glide down her precious body pressing her own fingers against her dripping clit, rubbing herself. Soft wincing escaping her lips, never breaking contact with his hungry emerald eyes. She was playing the game and by gods did that make drive him crazy, she was fucking teasing him now. 
“F-fuck!” Shock fell into her body feeling Damian’s fingers go deep inside with no warning. Thrusting his fingers in and out nonstop with his thumb rubbing against her clit. He needed to taste her. He was hungry for her, whenever he would stare at her naked beauty that feasted right before him. Spreading her legs wider continuing his motions with his fingers he bent his head coming to full view of her dripping wet pussy “You’re such a damn beautiful mess for me, Habibti.”  
Her head fell back when she felt Damian wrap his lips around her clit sucking hard. Curling his fingers against her thriving sweet wet with his tongue still causing pleasurable desires to her pussy. Her soft moans were going to get louder if he continued this process. He was practically feasting off of her as if he’s been craving her the whole day. 
In return she reached to clench his hair wanting more, wanting him to go deeper inside her that it pained her. She felt his rough hand grasp her breasts teasing her hard nipples. Every muscle in her body tensed feeling a rush of heat consumed over her by how much he was teasing her still. 
“You taste so fucking good,” Pressing his tongue and lips further he sucked harder at her clit when he put her hands push him further in her. Grabbing her thighs for a moment, lifting them up to bring her lower body to the air, one hand still massaging her breast as the other wrapped around her thigh keeping her in position. 
Her thrusts were partially burning him by how much she needed him. “Fuck right there please, Damian” Her words came out breathy. Lips parting letting moans escaped her lips when she felt her cum dripping down her. It felt like electricity ran down her spine, feeling Damian’s tongue glide down behind her thighs tasting every drop of her, leaving none to waste. But he wasn’t finished with her. 
Releasing her legs his grip turned to her wrist pinning them above her head. His lips reaching hers stealing a fervor kiss that made her ache to touch him. But she couldn’t with Damian’s tight grip against her wrists. A low growl escaped him, feeling her bit his lower lip and tracing her tongue along it. He was going to lose his mind if he didn’t go inside her. 
“Stay quiet, Beloved. Understood?” That command only made Raven ready to cum again by hearing his rough sharp growl. Before she could even answer a loud whine came out feeling his cock stretch her pussy. Fuck she felt amazing. His thrusts only became harder, echoing the sounds of his balls slapping her soaking skin. Raven’s back arches causing her breast to bounce with each thrust he brought himself into.
“You’re mine. Tell me it, my love” His lustful hoarse voice dropping to her ears making Raven cum quickly just by hearing his demanding voice. Her lips parted wanting to answer him trying to control the moans that came out of her. Taking the moment to release one of his hands to rub her clit in fast pacing circular motion.
It was like seeing stars having her eyelids slowly drift shut by the scrothing amount of pleasure riding through there body. She never felt this helpless under him when took control over her like this but azar she loved his new side to him.
“Your mine too keep all to myself. Your mine to touch.” his thursts and fingers were only going rougher on her skin, that it drove her to the edge.
“I’m yours, Damian. I’m all yours. I belong to you.” Raven’s voice was loud and raw that it was filled with winces as Damian sunk his cock deeper inside her. It drove him mad like electricity being driven inside him when she added words all on your own. Feeling those words excited him even more it only brought his hips rougher to her. 
Holy shit she couldn't keep up he was going to make her come again. Her vision became blurry when his thrust became faster and faster, his hips became a blur that it caused Raven to tighten around his cock every time he hit her most pleasurable spot in her pussy. She was cumming. Hard. Releasing his grip on her wrists her hands immediately clawing his back, which made him reach his point. The small stings caused him to join her in pleasures as heat thrived up his body, letting out a loud growl burying himself in her once more, having their hot dripping cum collide with each other’s. 
Both their moans bouncing through the walls echoing, by now he would’ve brung his hand to cover her mouth so the team wouldn’t know their dirty little secret but he didn’t care anymore, He wanted the whole world to know that she was his dear fuckin life that he wouldn’t give to anyone, ever.  
Tossing his body to her side on the bed both trying to control their breaths. Raven wrapped her arm over his chest drawing herself to him, “Your mine, too you know.” she pouted lifting her head up to meet that playful smile of Damian’s, who was running his fingers in her purple locks. “I love you a lot.” 
“Of course beloved. I love you always and forever” his voice a gentle whisper, placing a kiss on her forehead. That only made her bashful burying her head to the crook of his neck.
Always and forever, she liked the sound of that. 
Extra scene
“You have to believe me I heard Raven and Damian boneing last night.” Jon brought his hand over to Donna who had barely woken up from her deep sleep. “They were so loud, how couldn't you have heard it!” 
Groaning at his loud voice in the morning she brought her body to face him, “Babe, you were probably dreaming it or something. No way are Damian and Raven were having sex. Besides--” She brought her hand to caress his jaw drawing her lips near his, “they wouldn't be the only ones hiding secrets.” 
Planting small kisses at the corner of his mouths trying to build up the mood. 
“But still! Damian, my best friend! Isn’t telling me he’s having sex with Raven. Now that is just hurtful. I have to tell Dick.” Lifting the covers off his body heading straight to the door leaving Donna in the midst of his bedroom. 
Yup, that was her boyfriend. Secretly more interested in Damian’s life than his girlfriend’s. Oh boy did she have to tell Raven that her little secret with Damian was now dead because of their loud crucial love making and her super hearing loud mouth of a boyfriend. God help them when Dick finds out. 
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mcutrio · 7 years
Home Sour Home (CW) [17]
Home Sour Home (CW) [17]
Note: the accords will begin in the next part, so that’s exciting :)
Tags: @buckys-little-monster @imaginesofeverykind @kaydeinkf
It’d been a few days since the girls had been released from their cells, and it was if nothing had changed between them and the team. Tabitha and Courtenay grasped onto the idea that Steve just needed to figure out who they were before he could trust them wholly, but it was a little more difficult for Kat to understand. After all, if it were Bucky in the same scenario, would he have sincerely locked him away? She didn’t think so, and she didn’t see a difference between them.
Kat was currently in her room, awkwardly positioned on the floor against the foot of her bed. The curtains were drawn and the lights were off, as she preferred. She’d visibly lost weight; not so much that it was concerning, but enough for her limbs and wrists and fingers to slim down noticeably. The stress and sensation of impending death and catastrophe put her off of her food most of the time.
Between her fingers, she held a small, decorative glass ball as she recalled the memory of the heat that generated from her hands many nights ago. She thought of Steve, how his facade of being America’s greatest hero smothered the brewing vigilante underneath. Kat was aware of Steve’s rage, and that he could do great damage with it if he wished. She wouldn’t entertain his fake, righteous demeanour any longer, knowing that her friends would be in harm's way.
Her hair swayed with her heavy breaths, her fingers elongated and twitching over the glass ball before a warm sensation suddenly swam through her veins. Her skin became fluorescently orange, and the glass ball cracked and burst between her fingers like an egg. She retracted her hands like she had touched an open flame and the sensation melted away from her hands.
Meanwhile, Tabitha and Courtenay chilled out in the lounge room, enjoying the comfort of the plush sofas over the hospital beds and makeshift platforms.
“Damn, I really miss Buck,” Tabitha sighed, looking over to Courtenay after she said her farewells to Peter over the phone. “You’re so lucky.”
Court shrugged. “So are you. It’s just a tough situation right now.”
“Yeah,” Tabitha fiddled with her fingers, wrapping them around the mug of tea in front of her. “I… I think I love him, you know.”
Courtenay snapped her eyes from somewhere off into the distance straight onto Tabitha, who had a sudden flush of pink to her cheeks.
“Woah. For real? I had no idea,” Court said sarcastically, to which Tabitha meekly smiled in response. Court folded her arms and leaned on the table. “I remember a time when I thought we were incapable of love.”
“Hmm, I never thought of it in that way,” Tabitha admitted.
“How so?” Courtenay asked.
“Well… it wasn’t that we were incapable of being loved, it’s just that we would never be in the situation or scenario or have the opportunity to be loved. I think that’s worse,” she sighed heavily, bringing the mug of tea up to her lips. “But I’m grateful for what we have now.”
“Me, too,” Courtenay agreed enthusiastically. “So, have you and Bucky fucked yet?”
Tabitha spat out the tea in her mouth in shock, her throat clenching. “Oh my god.”
“Is that a yes or a no? I’m not getting clear signals here, Tabitha,” Court prattled.
Tabitha glanced over her shoulders for a moment before maintaining eye contact with her friend. “Well, yes, a few times, but--” she uttered, voice low.
Court broke out into a smile and waved her arms, exhaling a noise that was far from comprehensible. Tabitha threw her hand on Courtenay’s mouth.
“Stop it!” She laughed, before lowering her hand and smirking, “don’t want Steve the virgin to hear.”
“Now that’s not very nice,” Natasha purred, grinning as she leaned in the doorway. “But I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s thought about it.”
“Right!” Tabitha exclaimed, outstretching her hand for a moment. “Poor thing. Do you reckon he had game back in the forties?”
“He told me of his few encounters,” Natasha arched a brow, “but he’s only ever chased one.”
“How romantic,” Court said, “is she dead?” She added insensitively.
“Courtenay!” Tabitha breathed.
“Oh, sorry,” she cleared her throat, “are they no longer currently breathing?”
“Better,” Tabitha said, cocking her head.
“Hospitalised, but breathing,” Natasha responded wittily. “It’s quite sad, actually,” she added with a sigh. “He visits her often.”
“Oh, that’d be weird. Is she all old and wrinkly while he’s still in his prime?” Court said.
Tabitha gave her a firm look.
Court held up her hands up in defence. “Sorry, I get it.”
“Love is young,” Natasha uttered, though her voice fell upon her last words, “or, whatever.”
“Heard anything from Banner?” Tabitha questioned, her voice kind.
“No,” Natasha answered flatly, a twinge of soreness to her face. “Guess it wasn’t meant to be.”
“He’s not ready to love if he can’t accept himself. He just needs time, and a good talking to,” Tabitha said. “How about a girls night this weekend to make you feel better?”
Natasha looked confused. “Oh, that’s alright--”
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Tabitha exclaimed. “We can have junk food and watch movies. Just relax for a bit.”
“Yeah, let’s do it!” Courtenay agreed.
“Alright, sure,” Natasha agreed, a small smile on her face. “When?”
“Saturday night,” Tabitha declared, “it’s pencilled in.”
Meanwhile, Kat recovered from her small episode and sauntered through the sleek corridors until she found Tony nestled away in his natural habitat of the science labs.
“You wanted to talk to me?” Kat said, tracing her finger anxiously over the table as Tony fiddled with an unusual device.
“Yeah,” he put the device down and tugged on his blazer, “I’m away for a public stage appearance this weekend and I was supposed to be hosting it with Pepper, but since her and I…” Tony trailed off, his eyes cast downwards before he forced himself to perk up, “I was hoping you’d like to join me in her place.”
“A public appearance?” Kat repeated, suddenly feeling woozy, “isn’t that a bad idea, considering all that’s gone down?”
Tony sucked his teeth for a moment. “It’ll be good for you. We’re going to be donating a Helluva lot of money to a bunch of aspiring kids, and there’s no better way to wipe your record than charity work. Believe me.”
“Will I have to say anything, or am I purely the arm candy?” Kat asked, brows raised.
Tony pulled a face. “You’ll have a couple lines,” after noticing her expression shift, he grinned. “Don’t worry, there’ll be a holoprompter in front of you.”
“Are you sure about this?” Kat questioned, fiddling with her fingers. There’s nothing she’d want more than to gain the world's trust, as would the other two considering that they’d once put their lives on the line to protect the citizens from Ultron’s wrath, only for them to turn their back the moment the three were announced as former Hydra agents.  
“Of course,” Tony nodded, “you’re not the Hydra monsters they made you to be anymore. You just need to prove that to them. Win their trust over, if you like.”
Kat hesitated for a moment, almost surprised that Tony understood her far more than the righteous soldier ever did. She pondered over what it would be like if he had taken charge over the decision to throw them in the cells over Steve.
“And there’s no better way to do that other than dishing out a load of money?” Kat perked a brow.
“You’d be surprised,” Tony flashed her a grin, “...but then come the accords. Have you made your mind up yet?”
“I think so, but I think I’d like to read it just to wrap my head around it,” Kat nodded. “I’m not so sure about Tabitha though… I don’t think anybody is going to be particularly happy with it, actually.”
“It was easy enough for you,” Tony shrugged. “But it doesn’t matter whether they’re happy with it or not. It’s the law. They sign the papers or hang up their boots,”
“That’s cold,” Kat said with a smile.
“Yeah, well, you’ve got nothing to worry about,” Tony told her. “So, this Saturday night, eight p.m. Wear something nice.”
“Alright,” Kat said. “See you later, Tony.”
“Oh-- before you go,” Tony called out, stopping her in her tracks as she paused in the doorway. She whipped around with a simple ‘hmm?’ of questioning. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, of course,” she answered without missing a beat. Her eyebrows pulled together, wondering what she’d done to give Tony the idea that she was anything other than alright. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason,” Tony brushed it off. “Go, leave, buy clothes and makeup or whatever women do.”
Kat smiled. “We both know I could kick your ass and do those things at the same time.”
“Goodbye, Kat,” Tony grinned.
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imnotsundere · 6 years
Young Justice Em (unrefined)
Name:     Hyde (Em//ma) Jyklyre  Pseudonym(s):      Spade     Grimm Law Age:     20s   Height:     5′6′’  Occupation:      Uncommitted vigilante      Held a position within Lex Luthor Corp. 
Abilities:      Superhuman durability- 20%     Superhuman agility- 60%     Cybernetic Enhancements (most bound to helmet)       *Auto translation via AI       *Motion sensor       *Telepathy inhibitor      Unkilliable      *Chronokinisis      *Dimensional Travel      *Resurrection based immortality    Illusions      Characteristics:     Can be aloof when upset     When she’s being aloof she’ll usually sit somewhere high above others and watch them    Sassy in response to people being aggressive     Becomes more sarcastic when dealing with aggression and getting angry herself     Isn’t really afraid to get “killed” she just doesn’t want too many people (especially the hero’s) finding out what her ability entails.     Feels like she’s not “good” enough to be a hero.     But to counter that she doesn’t think she’s evil in a malice way to humanity but more so for self preservation.     
Fun Facts:      She’s made her own training ground of robots that can rebuild so she can practice while blasting music and attacks without worrying about hurting someone and finds it aesthetically pleasing while also a good way for her to vent. She still feels bad for attacking the robots but she rebuilds them and built them in a way that it’s basically like she’s not hurting one being it’s just a bunch of them getting knocked apart. 
   When injured in a very specific way that makes her heart murmur to a certain pace it will cause her reviving device/technology to glitch and she’s basically rebooting over and over until there is a break in the loop and it’s not necessarily painful but it’s jarring. 
Relationships:    Batman /Bruce Wayne: (Pre”fall) A mentor of sorts, previous relations from Gotham city. She is aware of his true identity and will sometimes meet up with Wayne and Dick casually for dinner talking like she was an old student of his for his business lectures.  (Working with the light) He becomes more distant and will use his power as Bruce Wayne to call her and Luthor to business meetings and she’s often under high surveillance by Lex because of his deep distrust for her. She remains obedient and doesn’t give off any signs of danger to keep Bruce away from risking himself and getting hurt to help her.    Dick Grayson /Robin: (Pre”Fall) Would go to same academy with Dick and Barbara and meet up after with Bruce at times. They were pretty close friends before the light rose up and she was found working with them. They were like siblings in a way, looking out for each other and they’d help teach each other different things. Dick would help her with technology she couldn’t hack into to find information on, and she’d help him with tactics to evade attacks. (Working with the Light) He felt betrayed and bitter once he found out she was working with the light under his nose. She’d been on “their side” for a large chunk of the time the two of them still spent time together. She honestly didn’t work as a spy for the Light, never giving them tips or information she learned. She wasn’t a double agent, she was just part of Vandal’s property and he let her have her own life before he set his plans into motion.     Barbara /Batgirl: (Pre”Fall)The two weren’t as close as the boys and Em but they weren’t at each other’s throats either. They were more like casual friends, she wasn’t as fond of her personality enough to become close friends with her. (Working with the Light) She was super hurt, but on behalf of Dick because the two of them were so close and she knew how much of a betrayal it really was. She is though, one of the first people to see her glitch out and she’s not sure if she feels bad, or thinks it’s another way that Em is trying to trick her. She thinks that Em really is close to Vandal and cares more about him then others.     Kid Flash/ Bart : (Pre”fall) The two got along pretty well telling and making puns, snacking and watching shows and geeking out about hero’s and villain’s. She’d try to explain the mechanics of some of the enemy technology so he could avoid getting to close and getting hurt. (Working with the Light) He thought something about her just wasn’t right, he played if off as the fact she didn’t want to join the League because she was “too human” and just happened to get a job with Lex Luthor’s company, he never found out her position so he didn’t think she worked directly under him. He was on the mission with Bat Girl when she saw her glitching out, he tried to use his super speed to help her but she seemed to phase in and out of reality and he was the first to notice that if it was a trick- it would be too much effort and technology that would have been much better used for offense. So he put together she couldn’t control it and he tried to communicate this to the team but they were still skeptical of her. Because even science of that sort is sci-fy to them, it seems impossible.     M’gann: (Pre”Fall) The two got along well and Em would even come to cheer practice to cheer her on. Megan was really sweet and kind so Em found it easy to get along with her, even though she was more preppy then she was. She did find it odd when she noticed that she had a hard time getting into her mind, but she didn’t try to hard as not to injure Em’s brain. (Working with the Light) She was so angry with herself, she should have pushed to see what was going on in Em’s head. Once Em was working for the light she became more wary of M’gann afraid to let her in her head because of the plans to betray the Light and how she had knowledge that would endanger Kaldurr if M’gann found out. So she would avoid fighting her alone and would seem more hostile using fire to make her incapacitated if she was on a mission alone. M’gann and the others saw this as her trying to kill her, but in reality she didn’t want to hurt her and just wanted her to be unconscious so she could escape.     SuperBoy: (Pre”Fall) He was still quiet towards her, and could sense M’gann had her concerned about the girl so he kept an eye on Em to make sure she wouldn’t hurt M’gann. She thought he was pretty cute and even offered some tips on how to help him calm down when he was angry or starting to disassociate in a way. (Working with the Light) He was furious because she tricked and lied to M’gann and the rest of the League. He wanted to confront her and make her tell the truth about why she tricked them, why she was working for the Light, and what information she was giving the Light about them.    Kaldurr’ahm/ Aqua Lad: (Pre”Fall) the two would chat, but we all know he isn’t the most social, and after offering for Em to join the League and her refusal he didn’t have much time away from leader duties to spend time with her. (Working with the Light) Before he himself joined, he was uncertain if she was acting as a mole when she was befriending the League, until he too joined and they spoke and she was forward and honest with him- as much as she could without putting him into too much danger with the knowledge she had. So Em knew while the League didn’t that he was being a double agent for the Light, he didn’t really hold a grudge against her and felt pity for her when he found out from a meeting that she wasn’t even trusted by most of the Light.     Vandal Savage: (Pre”Fall) Allowed Em to be around people her own age, only really knowing a couple of the people she would hang around were part of the League. He didn’t care much, because he thought he had her loyalty, and if she ever strayed he would be able to get it back. She never went against his rules, and he set them to be easy to follow at first trying to trick her into a false sense of security, but he actually did find her important to his goal in the Light, even if she wouldn’t help them he wouldn’t let her fall into the hands of the League. So he set up a time for the League to find out she was a “traitor” and felt that would completely crush all hopes for her to even consider joining the League because they knew who she was now. (Working with the Light) He’d be very protective over her because other members weren’t too fond of her and he viewed her as a prized soldier. He’s not please that she doesn’t want to share details of the League outside of when she was actually on duty as Hyde, he wants to get as much information about them as he can but he knows not to push because she is a valuable asset and if he pushed too far she may consider surrendering to the League. But he “knows” she won’t do it now because she’s too afraid of them after how they found out she was working with the Light and how they reacted. Em doesn’t want the world to fall the way he plans, but at the same time she has thought to herself about the downfall of humanity. She goes between believing people are better than the few bad, and thinking that humanity would tear itself apart at some point. So she doesn’t disagree with Vandal nor does she agree.      Psimon: (Pre”Fall) was unable and not really pushed to get into Em’s mind, Vandal didn’t think it necessary at the time. So he’d just read her exposed thoughts and she would be able to notice so he found it amusing and started trying to use it as a game, how long it would take for Em to notice that her thoughts resurfacing randomly were him digging. He could never get too deep, only finding out where she was previously, no sensitive information was ever too far up on her thoughts. (Working with the Light) She had to prove her loyalty and after becoming so afraid of the League Psimon was often sent on missions with her to help block out her anxieties, she still held control but he was there to ease her. Vandal also uses Psimon to try and convince the doubts in Em’s mind, that the League would never have her and what she did was unforgivable, were true to ensure she would stay on their side. Though if Psimon ever digs too deep he’s met but a sudden extreme pain due to Em’s retaliation and awareness of how his ability works and she knows it might hurt her head too but she finds it worth it if she can keep Psimon away from delicate information. There was one time it happened as she was injured and it triggered the resetting and he tried to read her mind/get into her mind to calm her down from what was happening but she basically doesn’t exist on any specific plane and her thoughts are the same so he’d only get broken messages. If he doesn’t give in quick enough his brain basically overloads and “glitches out” unable to keep thoughts together until he passes out.     Blue Beetle/ Jaime Reyes: (Pre”Fall) They met while she came to Bart’s house to hang out and the two had just got off a mission where they felt the need to talk and walk so she met him. She felt something come over her almost instantly, it was like an instant crush, and then talking to Bart and hearing about Jaime from the others only spurred her feelings for him and she silently kicked herself for getting a crush so easily. At least her other crushes she could talk herself down from logically, but Jaime was a good person, and the only thing she really had to stop her feelings for him was knowing where she played a part in. She knew she was lying, maybe not actually working for the Light but she was in a way Vandal’s daughter at this point. He was good, smart, and she was just lying or at the very least not being honest. M’ghann could pick up on these feelings even without directly reading into Em’s thoughts and would aim for them to talk directly more often. (Working with the Light) He’s hurt, because his friends knew Em longer than he did, and she tricked them. Jaime didn’t really seem too hurt for himself not knowing her very well, but he found it almost unforgivable the way she lied to her “friends” and he used to to convince himself she wasn’t any of their friends and she was just trying to get information. Scarab was always wary of Em, he would say he was sensing unknown technology, or technology that could or should not exist. When Scarab got over written by the Reach, Em would watch from a distance, the Reach didn’t seem to mind Em, but she was afraid to communicate with Jaime. She had a way to telepathically communicate with others by that point, but she was afraid to risk the Scarab being able to also hear. She didn’t know much about this technology. The Reach soon began to question their technology noting Hyde’s presence and Vandal always stepped in to say it was a human health condition she had created her own device to cope with. They didn’t buy it but they let it go, and when Scarab/Blue Beetle almost killed a League member Hyde intervened getting impaled and that’s when the Reach noticed surveillance of her “regenerating.” Jaime finally put together what scarab meant by unknown technology.     The Reach: They wanted to know how her technology worked. Savage insisted that they not meddle with her devices as it’s been the only one of its kind to be created and did not want to risk it getting damaged. Because if Em didn’t know how the Reach tech would react with her own, then they obviously wouldn’t either. They didn’t even know half of the equation, being her own technology. When the Reach left Earth and planned to destroy Earth she was able to override and take the energy from one of those devices, but it caused her to (seemingly) stop existing. (This would be in trade for Kid Flash so he would still remain in the story without having to give himself to the thingy I forget to name). 
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