#these are not typos this is exactly what the lady in the interview said
tentavision · 15 days
Maruki: Can you tell me what your relationship with Akechi-kun is?
Joker: I'm Akechi's right hand arm man. I'm Akechi everything. I'm his confidant... his best friend... his silly rabbit.
Maruki: His silly rabbit?
Joker: Yes. :)
Maruki: He calls you that?
Joker: No. :(
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
Interview with a Queen “groupie”
Cross-posted to AO3. I encourage you to leave any comments you have there.
I compiled this interview following a long email exchange with J, a very sweet lady who went to Ealing Art School between 1972 and 1974. She knew all four members of Queen personally and was part of their larger circle of friends.
First off, you may find this hard to believe. I don’t blame you. But I assure you I’m not pulling your leg. As well as the pictures I share in this post, I have seen current pictures of J (which I will not share to protect her privacy). There is no indication as far as I am aware that she isn’t who she says she is.
Nastally, hold up. How exactly did you find this lady?
She found me. It turns out that she has been following my story Dawn of Aquarius for quite some time. The story is set in 1969. A lot of research about the era went into it, because I wanted to portray that time period - and Freddie’s and Roger’s surroundings - as accurately and realistically as I possibly could. That was what drew J in. She tells me it brought back a lot of memories for her. One of the reasons I love DoA so much is the nostalgia, she says, which genuinely means the world to me. Eventually, she talked to me in the comment section. Of course, I freaked out!
And then, I asked her for an interview, to which she replied: I will give it a go, but you must remember that I am 65 and there were great drugs in the 70s, and at 16, away from home, I had a lot!
And so...
Here’s what is IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN MIND when you read this interview.
These are one woman’s 50-year-old memories and subjective impressions. J has been incredibly kind to let me pick her brain, trying to recall everything as best as she can. In her own words:
Just remember that when I answer the questions, it is from a 16-year-old who is 9 years younger than Freddie and a little girl with no family and friends in a strange country trying to fit in. The only reason I was there, was because some hippie thought I had a unique art style.
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J as a teenager.
[I have edited the interview together from our long, and somewhat messy at times, email exchange. Typos have been fixed and some punctuation added for clarity, but I have not changed anything J has written to me. Again, bear in mind these are personal opinions and impressions.]
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So, J, how did you end up at Ealing Art School in 1972 and what was it like?
This was the painting done for the Australian school-leaving certificate.
It placed first and gave me a scholarship. I could pick France, the USA or England. As a dual citizen of the UK, the choice was easy. The scholarship paid for board and fees, so had to be and sell whatever for spending money.
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This picture is from the dorm. We all had a 10pm curfew and a very thick rule book that, I am proud to say, I broke every one of them, one by one. The rooms were on the 1st and 2nd floor. We were on the first floor, rooms one side and admin staff the other end. We had two bathrooms for 18 girls. One of them had two baths. The walls were your standard half wall, so it was a given that if you had a bath you run the risk of having a bucket of cold water dropped on you. Downstairs was the kitchen and lounge room.
I want to ask you a few things about life in London in the early 70s, to get a picture of what it was really like. For example, was there alcohol at the music gigs you went to?
If it was a school, church or community hall, no. If it was a pub, yes.
Did you and your friends drink as much then as young people tend to drink now when you all went out?
No, we didn't. I think it had a lot to do with money. We didn't have the disposable income, and it was unheard of to still be living at home with the parents after the age of 20.
Was weed and LSD as big and easily accessible as depictions of the 60s and 70s would have us believe?
The drugs! Got to have drugs. Pot (weed) was easy to grow, very cheap. Used to smoke it in bongs rather than joints, more bang for your buck. Trips [LSD] were cheap, I think. About 2 pounds and you were on the high for over 24 hours with no sleep. My drug of choice was hash. Either the oil or the block. It was a nice high, but you could not function well. But if you listen to the music of the time it really does reflect what it was like, to have a group of friends over for a session. Having said all that the most outlandish and shocking drug I ever saw anyone use was the birth control pill. Didn't you have to hide that stuff away?!
Can you tell us some 70s slang that isn’t really in use anymore? What in the world does “ultra-blagging” mean? (As written in a letter penned by Freddie to his friend Celine in 1969.)
Man, I thought I was the bees knees to be on a scholarship in London. But that didn't stop me from jigging or having a skive day. They were the days that I blagged my way into a pub, had too many lagers and ended up chundering in the gutter. That was how you knew your night was ace. I would get a right bollocking if anyone found out. It would be a bugger when all that you could find at a car boot sale was chavtastic, but sometimes you could be Jammy Dodger and tickety-boo you find something brilliant. Bob's your uncle. Anyways, I need to see a man about a dog.
[It seems to me that J uses a bit of Australian slang here, like chundering, which makes sense because she is, after all, Australian. She also provided the translation:]
It would be my honour.
I felt very privileged to be given a scholarship that let me study in England. But being so young and having no family to guide me, it was often tempting to not turn up or give a false excuse for being sick. (I had a lot of food poisoning). These would often happen if the night before I had been drinking beer and ended up vomiting outside the pub. But in my young mind that was a good night. If any of the teachers found me drinking I would be in a lot of trouble. Often I would have to say I was holding it for someone else. Not having much clothes with me, I would buy them second hand from church jumble sales or other students and, yes, Kensington market (the market). Some of the stuff would not be very tasteful or in good condition. But sometimes you would find something that was cheap and in good condition. I will stop this text now as I must go to the toilet.
PS: Ultrablagging sounds very Freddie. Blagging was used, but not ultra, meaning to persuade someone to do something or act better than you are. They were always rock stars.
[It was at this point that I realised I was talking to an absolute legend. She also told me then that the majority of her old photographs had sadly been lost when her house was flooded in 1988, including most of the photographs from her stay in London. Noooo! :(]
When you went out to dance, did you have only live music? Were there DJs yet?
You know, that is hard. We did not have a DJ. Sometimes there would be a band. Often we looked for places with a band or the jukebox. I think pubs closed at 10pm and some stayed open to 12 or 1, but public transport stopped at 9. So if you had not arranged a lift then you had to make the last bus. Most of the time we would be heading back to someone's place to get stoned and then crash there. In the morning you would have to work out where you were. When I got back to Australia, the discos were all the rage. They could have been in London too but it was not cool to like disco.
How many people would show up to Queen’s gigs when they played in pubs or at, for example, the Imperial College?
Depending on the location and the night: 10 to 1000!
So how did you first meet the Queen boys?
I was at the pub talking about a band we saw last week when Brian stuck his head into our booth telling us he knew a better one. Thinking about seeing them at the stall... Roger not often, Freddie quite a lot. Often on different stalls, I think that is why I can't remember the name. [The name of the stall. Other sources confirm that Freddie also worked at Alan Muir’s stall, for example, selling shoes.]
How well did you know them?
Just looking at your tumblr account. [she has had a look at my blog, where somebody asked if ‘groupie’ meant she had slept with the band] No, I never slept with the boys. I would not say I was a close friend, but I started at Ealing Art College in ‘72 and moved in the same circles. I loved the music and could be called one of the first groupies. I had to sneak into the pubs because I was 16. Roger always teased me for being so young. They all did seem to be one very large family, not just the band. It was a group of about twenty regulars, both male and female. Everyone knew that Fred was too gay to function. We were all at the gay rights march in London in 1972, had to run after the march. Lots of sharpies [Australian slang: youth gang, thugs] wanting to bash us. Back then I was in every protest that was going, student union rights, even the secretary protest. Just part of the times, stick it to Man or Woman. I left London in ‘74 for Australia, been here ever since and lost track of the boys but have never stopped being a fan.
What do you remember about them? How would you describe their personalities?
Don’t let the trolls hate me, but I did not like Brian. I found him to be rather full of himself. Space was a subject you never brought up around Brian or you would die of old age before he stopped talking. He was always the first to speak and start a conversation and then quickly passed you off to John, who was always tired and shy. Roger was also quite shy at times. He was very self-conscious of his looks, as he felt being pretty, nobody would take him seriously. Fred, well, he was not yet the big star, so I think he was working on his stage persona. When talking to groups at parties, he had the best stories of things that had happened to him or close friends. They were very funny and very descriptive. He was the life of the party. When he had a few to drink or was the centre of attention, he would take a cigarette out of the closest person’s hand and start smoking. Now remember this is the point of view of a 16-year-old girl that was a fish out of water, trying to fit in and not having much worldly experience.
It is said that Freddie and Roger were very stylish. How did they dress in everyday life?
Fred would do his hair and makeup to check the mail. Yes, he was always turned out, but so were a lot of people. Freddie did go over the top with hats, scarfs and jewellery. With Roger, it is a surprise he was able to have kids his jeans were that tight. And his shirts were always open unless he was in a jumper. I think it could have been so that you knew he was male, as it was the start of the unisex clothing. When I travelled out of London I realised it was a London thing. When I got back to Australia everyone thought I was a show-off.
There are some disagreements about how tall especially Freddie was. I know this is a difficult thing to try and remember accurately. But do you remember?
Freddie was taller than me but everyone was. Roger was shorter than Fred, but I never saw Roger in platform shoes. I did meet up with the band by chance at Sydney airport in 1984, said ‘hello’ but they did not remember me, or if they did then they did not say anything and I did not want to be a dork. At that time Fred was the same height as me (5ft 8in/1.72m), Roger was taller than me. It made me think at the time that he had a growth spurt! John was shorter than me and Brian has always been tall. [I have a feeling the platform shoes - or lack thereof - played a vital role here! Although 172cm for Freddie seems likely.]
You said everyone knew Freddie was “too gay to function”. Attitudes towards homosexuality have changed so much that it can be hard for us, now, to fathom what exactly people must have thought of him. Was it more of a joke that he was so camp? Was it something he would have been teased for? Also, he had a girlfriend. Did you ever meet Mary or the other girlfriends?
In 1972 a whole group of us - and I am pretty sure that Fred, Roger, Brian and Tim were there - were in a gay pride march. [Since then, J has found and showed me a picture of a boy she thought was Tim Staffel, and it wasn't, so Tim was most definitely not there. Whether Freddie, Roger and Brian really were there or if J is misremembering, who knows?] Us youth believed you could not choose who you fell in love with and if it was same sex, so what? However, if it was two girls then it was every guy’s duty to change her!
It was also a time that the gayer the guy was, the more the girls were interested. Also, if a guy was gay then you did not have to worry about him and he was a good person to take with you if you were going out drinking. However, the police, parents, teachers and anyone of authority were horrified and treated them badly. I did meet Mary a couple of times at pubs and once after a gig. This is just my opinion, but I found her a bitch. It could be that I was so young. It could be that I was very Australian. It could be that she felt threatened as my accent was a magnet to people around. And the boys (Queen) were no exception. Brian had a cousin in OZ and was always asking questions. I remember that my close group of friends thought that Mary made the perfect girlfriend for Fred as they were as fake as each other. Having said that about them, I often wonder if I would think the same now and if my perceptions were just because she would not give me the time of Day. Chrissy and Jo were a lot of fun.
This was before your time, but I read that Freddie's nickname at Ealing Art School was ‘Freddie Baby’. Any ideas how this came about? His showmanship or maybe personality traits?
I don't think so. There were an older crowd that would talk like that. I think the slang ‘baby’ was a 60’s thing, like groovy baby.
How long, roughly, did Roger and Freddie have their stall? I can't find anywhere when it closed down. What did it actually look like? Was it a sort of wooden stall type of thing? Or an actual room? What were some of the other things people sold at Kensington Market? Mostly clothes or all sorts?
The markets were little divided shops. The back was brick and the walls wood. I have been trying all day to remember the name. [Of the stall.] I think it was something hard to say. More often than not it would be Freddie's dad in the store. It was still open when I left. Roger and Freddie were both in the store on Saturdays and some Sundays. There was a girl, I think Jill, who was in the store more. And during the week it could be anyone. You name it and you could get it at the markets. Second hand or designer clothes, shoes, jewellery, pot and assortments. Hair cuts, food, bric-a-brac.
Wait, wait. What? Freddie’s dad? Really now?
Yeah, it was an older Indian man. so we just assumed it was his father. It was my understanding that he started the stall then the boys would work it as the whole markets were set up for younger people, but if needed he would work there. I don't think the boys would be able to pay the rent on their own. [I have since found out that the stall closed in late 1971, and Freddie continued to work at the Market until '74, for Alan Mair and possibly others. So the stall J witnessed wasn't their original stall - explaining all the different people she saw there - but she had no way of knowing that it wasn't.] They always had incense burning that was very big in the 70s. I still occasionally bring out the sticks, but it does not last like the candles and diffusers of today. If you could get in touch with Robert Daniels, he ran ChaChaDumDum it was the stall across from Freddie. He would know the dates.
[J says it’s this look, in a picture she happened across while looking at my tumblr] Yep, that is the one. It usually means that he does not believe or agree with something that was said and is working out how to respond, or he has lost the plot.
You mentioned Roger seemed shy to you at times. Was he also quite charming? We read a lot about what a chick magnet he was. Was this the impression you had?
My favorite subject! I had a thing for Roger. Everyone has a type and mine is the blue-eyed blond. Now, before you ask, was he brunet? No, he was a mouse/dirty blond. If it was summer he would have blond streaks mostly at the ends. He knew he was pretty and was always dressed in the latest fashion and had the current hairstyle. So, being my type I was constantly watching him. Everyone slept around during that time. I did not notice Roger doing it more or less. 80% of the time he was with Jo. Yes, he was a chick magnet, but he did not do the chasing. He was always very polite to everyone. If it ever looked like there would be any conflict he would be the first to leave it. It was not that he was a coward, just not into conflict. If he saw anyone that needed help he was right there, and often had to have Freddie's back. I never saw him in a fight. He could always talk his way out of things. He was also very patient and would listen for hours to other people talk. However, he would get this vacant look in his eyes at times.
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And Freddie would either click his fingers, change the subject or just give up. I don’t think that Brian noticed, and it would be fair game for John, he would see how far he could push it. Roger liked to drink a fair bit and when drunk he would be hanging all over Jo. If she was not there then he missed Jo. If, however, he thought that he or his friends were not being respected, then look out! It was a verbal volcano heading your way. That is what happened to me one time. I was trying to talk with my friends close to where a drunken Roger was and I yelled at him to shut the hell up, you wannabe blond. We/I coped a mouthful back, all in the same sentence, that finished with: Sorry, I didn't realise you were on your rags (period)! I have to have the last word, so I told him the truth: I don’t get them yet! (I was a late starter.) He went so red in the face and called me JB [jail bait] from then.
You also mentioned Roger’s cat Ziggy having kittens. I read about this but never when exactly it was. Do you remember?
I think it was winter ‘73. I remember being cold when he was asking around the pub. [To find homes for the kittens, I gather.]
Is it quite strange reading fictional interpretations of real people you knew? When did you first find out there was Queen fanfic?
No, we used to make up stories about people all the time, a verbal fanfic. Was looking up Adam Lambert and came across the fanfics. Some had me in stitches! Others, like DoA, had me hooked.
Please, allow me to be a little self-indulgent at the end. What's one thing I got totally RIGHT in DoA?
All the Ibex stuff.
What's one thing I got totally WRONG in DoA?
Roger did not have a temper, and I don’t know what the go with his father was, but he would talk about him quite a bit and was always visiting his mum. [Absolutely fair, not only did I change the timeline of Roger’s parents divorce in DoA - for lack of information at the time - but also created a completely fictional narrative around it for the sake of storytelling.]
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J, thank you so much for all this, sincerely. Can you tell me a little more about yourself? Are you still an artist?
I don't paint or draw any more. At the age of a 50 the doctors operated on an aneurysm or three, and now my eyesight is very bad, I have no fine motor skills and a tremor. I was married in January 1984 and have just celebrated our 37 year anniversary. I have one daughter who is 30 and two great, although tiring grandkids. A girl, 11, and one boy, 5. I have lived my life as the average middle class Australian with great memories. Talking with you has helped me a lot to remember a time when the world was mine for the taking. When I returned to OZ I started nursing, met my best friend, and we planned that once we graduated we would go back to London to study midwifery. But I fell in love instead.
J's wedding in 1984. As you can see, she found her own blue-eyed blond.
Upon request, J has shared some of her past and present artwork with me.
These are from her time at Ealing Art School:
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These were done later, back in Australia:
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J: Did this just before Christmas as you had inspired me. It did not require fine motor skills!
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So there you have it! I hope you found this little glimpse through a 16-year-old girl’s eyes as much of a fascinating read as I did. I urge everybody one more time to remember that J did not have to share any of this, and I think we all owe her a big thank you for delving into her memories. She is likely to see the responses on AO3, so I have comment moderation enabled there as I will not let anybody harass this lovely lady. The tumblr she created is @since72, but she isn’t really an active user and also very new to it all. Again, I can only urge everybody to be respectful.
If you have other burning question for J, feel free to leave them in the comments on AO3. I will either pass them on, or she may want to reply to them herself directly.
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jujubean90 · 3 years
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Part 3
Word Count: 4962
Genre: AoT Modern AU, Rich Fem Body Reader, Romance. AoT x Reader. Reiner X Reader relationship
Warnings: NSFW (MINORS DNI) Reader insert, Smut, Angst, roof top intimacy, fingering, stairwell fucking, breeding, cream pie, unprotected sex, ejaculation. Sorry for typos!
Featured Characters: Reiner Braun, Jean Kirstein, Christa/Historia Reiss, Porco Galliard, Pieck Finger
Synopsis: Reiner confronts Christa and ends their relationship. You console him and it ends up being another wonderful fun experience for you both.
Previous Chapter here
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You helped Reiner readjust his tie and he looked down at you like he was man already in love. He gently tucked a few strands of your hair behind one of your ears.
“I’ve got something to take care of,” he muttered. “Something that’s been a long time coming.”
“Oh?” you question even though you already knew what he was going to do. He was taking a leap and he was choosing you. “Want me to help you find her?”
“Eager for me to get it over with so you can have me for yourself?” he asked, flashing his pearly whites.
“I already have you to myself,” you reply smoothly. “We’re just taking out the trash.”
“Look at you,” he purred. “Your make up isn’t even out of place. No one besides Jean would know that you and I were ‘preoccupied’ for a bit. You’re so beautiful.”
“No smudge makeup does wonders. Now come on. It smells like sex in here and I can’t indulge in you like I want.”
The event was in full social swing and alcohol was on everyone’s breath. It wasn’t long before they found Jean hiding away near the bar with the same dark-haired lady who knocked on the door previously.
“WELL! There you two are. Finally wrapped it up, huh?” He smirked between Reiner and you. You were unphased by his comment, but Reiner became adorably bashful.
“Something like that,” you reply as you scan the crowd. You were looking for any signs of that annoying girl Reiner brought with him.
“This is Pieck,” Jean told them as he motioned to her. “The school paper writer.”
“Hey, I think you’ve interviewed me a few times,” Reiner said.
“That I have,” Pieck replied. “Doing better since your injury?”
“Functioning well enough,” Reiner sighed. “Can’t say my ego is any better, but…one step at a time, right?”
“Along with a little tender love and care,” you add, and the man practically melted.
“You’re the lady who answered the door,” Pieck pointed out. “Y/N, right? So, you and Reiner are dating?”
You looked up at Reiner with a raised brow, wondering how he would respond. He opened his mouth to say something, but a familiar, whiney voice suddenly caught everyone’s attention.
“There you are, Reiner!” Christa belted out.
Jean almost coughed in his whiskey. He set it to the side and took Pieck’s hand. “My dear, you might want to step away for a bit. Some drama is about to go down.”
“Yeah, don’t exactly need this in the gossip section of the paper…” Reiner muttered.
“We don’t have a gossip section, Mr. Braun,” Pieck revealed as she stifled a laugh. “Haven’t you read it before?”
“Nope,” he admitted. “Not even the sports articles. I’m not that full of myself.”
Christa made her way up to them and the moment she spots you, she frowns. The fact that you’re standing close to Reiner makes her blood boil and she narrows her eyes. “Reiner…didn’t we talk about…this,” she says motioning to the two of you.
Jean realizes he made a mistake when he put his glass down. He snatched it up quickly and took a slow drink, eyeing the confrontation with absolute amusement over the brim of his glass. Pieck leans in too while you turn your gaze away, dismissively. You’d let Reiner handle the situation for now.
“Christa, we need to talk,” he said firmly. “We should head outside.”
“Mmm, classy,” Jean muttered. He was being honest. Reiner wanted to avoid a public show of his breakup and Jean fully supported his decision.
“I don’t want to go outside right now,” Christa replied. “I want you to tell me what you’re doing with her.”
She had the audacity to point at you. You looked to Jean, and he raised his brow slightly in response as you tightened your lips together.
“Christa…I’d rather not do this in front of people,” Reiner calmly told her.
“Do what, exactly?”
“Is she really that clueless?” Pieck mumbled to Jean.
“Probably thinks he wouldn’t have the nerve to ever do it, so more or less, yes,” Jean whispered back.
“Christa, you’re a toxic person,” Reiner bluntly told her. “I know you’ve been sleeping with other people even after I’ve asked you to stop. You promised me it would end. It was all lies, right? You never had any intention of stopping. Did you think I wouldn’t notice tonight when you slipped off to be with that one guy who was three times your age? I was hoping you’d realize how much it hurt me. I was hoping maybe somewhere in the depths of your black heart, you’d finally come around and want to make this work, but…my patience has run out. I’ve wasted enough time and sanity on you. I’m worth so much more. Maybe you don’t see it. Maybe you think I’m not good enough because my pro career is over, but I am more than just a ball player. I am a human being damn it. I deserve to be loved and appreciated.”
Her eyes went wide as he laid out some of the stuff he’d held in for God knows how long. She was immediately defensive; however, she kept her mouth shut for now.
“We’re done, Christa,” he breathed. “I’m breaking up with you.”
Her mouth twitched and she threw her head back as she started cackling. “You can’t break up with me. You’ll forfeit your spot in my dad’s company. You won’t have a future whatsoever. You’ve already fucked up your sports career, just like you said. Your only hope of being a half-assed decent man is with my father’s company. So, no. You aren’t breaking up with me. You’ll say all this like you have so many times before, then you’ll go home and think about it. Then tomorrow, you’ll be right back in my messages, begging me to take you back. It’s been this way since high school, Reiner. I know you.”
Jean bit his tongue, Pieck covered her mouth, and you took a deep breath.
“I don’t …care about your dad’s company,” Reiner told her with a shaking voice. “I don’t want to work for him. I don’t want to be chained to you. You’ve broken me down so many times and I’m just…over it. I realize you had me thinking I couldn’t find anyone else. You had me thinking that I was powerless to ever stand up to you. You can tell your father to shove his position up his ass because I am not spending another second with you. Go find someone else’s bank account to drain and suck away their life. I’m done.”
“I can’t believe he is able to keep his voice down,” Pieck mused.
“It’s her, isn’t it?” Christa asked as she glared over to you. “She shows you a shred of decency and you latch onto it because you think she’s going to treat you right. You think she’s going to care for you and nurture you, but the reality is, you’re just trying to fill all those holes in your life with someone else’s love and attention. You know you’re a piece of shit and you can’t stand yourself. You have to have someone else do it, because you can’t. You know you’re absolutely worthless. Not even your mom supports you anymore. You washed away everything, and she won’t give you the time of day. So go ahead, try to fill all those holes in your shitty life. You two won’t last and you’ll come right on back to me.”
“Alright!” you snarl. “I’ve heard just about enough.”
“You shut your fucking mouth!” Christa growled, and you swore it took every ounce of control not to go across the floor and knock her flat on her ass. But you were classy. This was also you parent’s establishment. You had many ways to get the upper hand. It just required a little more patience on your part.
Christa spouting off drew a number of stares and whispers. Attention turned to the drama between her and Reiner, and you had to act quickly. “You need to leave right now before I call security and have you escorted off my parent’s property.”
She pursed her lips and stared defiantly at you. Then with a smirk, she eased up and sauntered over to Reiner. “Rei, baby please,” she cooed. “I know you don’t mean any of this. Let’s just go home. I haven’t given you any in a while. Baby, I’ll let you fuck me. What do you say?” She reached for his hand, and he immediately yanked it away when her fingers got too close. He backed up and Christa lost her cool.
“How dare you make a fool out of me and embarrass me!” she yelled, and her hand came forward as she attempted to slap him, but you caught her wrist, stopping her from laying a hand on Reiner. You understood this wasn’t the first time she’d hit him because of how he flinched. Your grip tightened on her small wrist, and she gasped.
“Let go of me you bitch!”
“You’re not going to touch him,” you say coolly. “Get your shitty purse and take your shitty self out of my goddamn art studio. If you don’t…I’m calling the police. Understand?”
“You’ve assaulted me,” Christa mockingly pointed out. “You think I can’t pull some strings and drain you of all of your assets? You think I can’t take you down, little miss jewelry designer? You think I’m just going to let you take my boyfriend?”
“Is everything alright over here?” came a direct voice.
“Porco?” Reiner questioned as he turned his head in the direction the voice sounded from. Sure enough. Porco Galliard was working security for the event. He graduated police academy just last year according to his brother Marcel. He walked over with his brow crinkled and looked at Reiner for a moment then turned immediately to you.
“Y/N, is there a problem?” he asked professionally.
You released Christa's wrist. She immediately turned into a crying mess. “Thank you for coming officer, this woman-.”
“I didn’t ask you,” Porco growled. “I was asking Y/N. I’ve been watching this whole shit show from afar and I want to know what’s going on from Y/N. Not you. So shut your mouth, princess.”
“My father-.”
“I don’t give a damn about your father,” Porco snapped. “One more word, and I’m arresting you and your father can come pick you up from downtown.”
Christa shut her mouth finally and Porco looked to you with his intense hazel eyes. They softened only slightly as he waited patiently for you to explain the situation.
“Officer Galliard, I asked this woman to leave because she was threating the patrons of the art show,” you say. “She refused and threw a fit. Will you kindly escort her out of here? She is no longer welcomed in this establishment.”
“Gladly,” Porco said.
“You didn’t even hear my side!” whined Christa.
“And I don’t want to,” Porco sneered. “Because I know all about you and I remember you from high school. You were a bitch then and you’re a bitch now. Come on.”
“Get that man a drink when he comes back,” Jean said as Porco escorted her away. “Shit, all of you need another drink after that.”
Reiner let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “God, why didn’t she just let me do all this outside?”
“Because she’s a drama queen and she eats up the attention, even if it’s bad attention,” Jean answered dryly. “Sorry about this Pieck. I promise it’s not typical.”
Reiner looked to you, and you could tell he was doing everything in his power to keep himself together. “Hey, Y/N…thank you for standing up to her with me. You didn’t have to get involved.”
“Of course, I did,” you say. “I wasn’t about to let her hit you. You couldn’t hit back. Me on the other hand? I will punch a bitch.”
Porco came back to the group, and he kept his gaze on you. “It’s taken care of. Told her if she came back in here, I’d arrest her for trespassing. You alright Y/N?”
“Fine, Officer Galliard,” you reply. He nodded and turned to Reiner with a raised brow.
“Braun, I’d appreciate it if you kept your drama under wraps for once,” he huffed. “I see things haven’t changed since high school.”
“Oh shit,” Jean muttered. “Marley High’s biggest rivalry ever. People still talk about it to this day. Reiner and Porco. Reiner got Porco’s spot for the scholarship. They were neck and neck for it too. Porco was so distraught, he didn’t go to Marley U.”
“Oh my,” Pieck gasped, leaning in once more.
Reiner looked away for a moment. “Yeah…sorry about that Pock.”
Porco tensed up when Reiner spoke his old nickname and then he sighed, giving his former rival a little half smile. “Still calling me that huh? Kinda nice to hear again, honestly. It used to get on my nerves but it’s nostalgic. Reminds me of easier times. How are you doing with that injury?”
“Ended my career,” Reiner bluntly admitted.
Porco flinched and looked away as he became uneasy. “Sorry to hear, Braun. Truly. Anyway, I need to get back to making my rounds. Keep him out of trouble, Y/N.”
After Porco left, Jean let out a low whistle. “Shit…the drama train just doesn’t stop tonight, huh?”
Reiner was quiet. His gaze was to the floor, and you understand tonight’s events had been way too much for him. “Jean, I’m going to take Reiner to get some air,” you say quietly. Jean nods in approval and motions you to hurry before he loses it. Jean knew the man all too well. Including when he was close to a break down.
You tugged on Reiner’s sleeve, and he slowly looked to you with hollowed eyes. “Hey, come on. I want to show you something.”
“I’m…not in the mood,” he muttered.
“It might make you feel better,” you propose. “It’s one of my favorite things, come on.” Reiner didn’t get a chance to protest, you pulled him along and he didn’t have the strength to fight despite being such a big man. Your hand went to his, intertwining with his long fingers and he seemed to feel a little better. It was obvious you wanted to be with him, and he didn’t feel so empty after realizing it. Not that he regretted what he did with Christa. He just wasn’t sure how you viewed him afterwards.
“Where are you taking me?” he questioned as you led him to a stair well.
“We’re going to the top of the building,” you say. “It has a nice view of the park. It’s right behind us.”
It took forever to get up the stairs and you were a bit winded. Even Reiner was breathing a little hard, but that was also because you were being a little silly in an attempt to cheer him up. You raced him up the last couple of flights. He beat you without trying. He held the exit door open for you and the two of you took a much-needed inhale of fresh air.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding,” Reiner gasped as he looked off towards the park. “You can see the lake and everything. It’s beautiful.”
“I used to come up here and just people watch and sulk when I was in a bad mood. The lighting is just right because we’re in the Oak District and this place is like nature central in Marley. Just beyond the park is the Botanical Garden and the Zoo.”
“Y/N…” You regard Reiner and he sighs. “I’m sorry once again about dragging you into my drama. I completely understand if you want some space after that. We don’t have to rush things or continue them if it’s too much.”
“What do you want to do?” you ask.
He pauses and blinks as he considers the question. “Can we sit down for a bit?”
“I don’t see why not,” you say. “Might get our clothes a bit dirty but, we can fix them before we head back into the event.”
You sat down together with your backs resting against the roof’s utility room and you enjoyed the cool of the evening. It wasn’t long until he wrapped his arm around you, and you were pulled tightly against him. He leaned his head back, staring mindlessly up into the sky while enjoying your presence. You were quietly sitting with him, happy that he allowed you to bring him up here. He wasn’t pushing you away either.
“I can’t believe I did it,” Reiner muttered. “And for good this time. Y/N, you gave me the courage to do it.”
“No, you had it in you all along,” you say. “You just didn’t have a place to go to heal after the fact. Now you do if you want.”
“I do,” he said quickly taking your hand. “It’s funny. Jean always talked about you, and I wanted to know you well before now. I feel so selfish, moving to you so quickly.”
“Reiner…shut up and kiss me.”
And he did. He leaned over and took your lips, gently pressing them to each area of your mouth until your tongue slipped into his. Your kiss deepened and his hands began to explore your body, until they found their way beneath your dress. You spread your thighs for him as your tongues danced together, intimately caressing one another as you got drunk off the taste of him.
He began to withdraw, giving you a few tender kisses to your mouth before pressing his forehead to yours. “Can we resume where we left off?” he breathed as his thick fingers traced your upper thigh, causing you to shiver. “I want to please you. Show you my appreciation for letting me fuck your tits and for standing up for me.”
“Take me however you want,” you say. “Show me how much you appreciate me, Reiner.”
He huffed as his breath caught in his chest. His lips parted as he kept his eyes on yours while he slipped those meaty fingers of his beneath your panties to trace over your thick mound. You lean back to give him access to all of you and he follows, coming to kneel in front of you while his other hand delicately moves behind your head, fingers interlacing with your hair so you’re comfortable and have support.
He holds you as his index and middle fingers trace up your slit from back to front, never diving in, just enjoying the tenderness of the moment as he commits your shape to memory. He was so gentle, even when he dipped the tips of his fingers in to moisten them and tease you.
He was into this, watching you intently, tilting his head up as his jaw relaxed. He wasn’t even the one being pleased but he was being rhythmically vocal. Soft, chanting, “uhs,” and heavy inhales came from him as he pleasured you with dilated, lust filled eyes.
And the moment you reached forward to feel his cloth length, he brought his chin to his chest and clenched his lids shut for a minute, gritting his teeth. That’s when he pressed into your clit and took this moment further. Your hand almost fell away from his member as he began his slow, loving clockwise motions. He was masterful with every movement and precise press, usually applying more pressure on the upward part of the circle around.
Your thighs tried to clench together, but he wouldn’t allow them to ruin his rhythm. His wrist turned upward as those motions became more urgent. He countered the clockwise motions by rubbing upwards and down, pressing in firmer. Your eyes went to his throbbing cock, begging to be released from its tight confines and you wanted desperately to do it for him. But he was making you weak. The strength of your grasp faded away.
That’s when he removed his hand from behind your head and undid his own belt. He kept his magic touch going while he pulled his length free and guided your hand to it. He even slowed his assault on your clit to give you time to think. And you grasped him, making him groan loudly. The moment your hand was secured around his dick he went back to work on you.
“That’s what you wanted to do?” he panted. “Stroke me while I pleasure you? Ughhh, fuck you’re so wet.”
His dick pulsed in your grip, and you watch pre form in the slit of his tip, drizzling down your hand as you began to pump him. He was huffing, flexing his abs, tilting his head up and groaning, but he never strayed from his attention to you. That’s what got him off most of all. And all of a sudden, he departed from your clit.
You felt his thick finger dive into your folds as he turned his wrist again. “Ugh, fuck,” he growled. “So tight and wet….”
And gods were you. He traced your inner, velvety walls and you clenched as he prodded and ventured in deeper until his fingers hooked into your sweet spot. Your eyes snapped opened, and he grinned with his mouth still parted as his beautiful baritone chorus and praises tumbled out.
“Got to remember this so I can fuck into it with my dick,” he growled. “I know the perfect position. I’ll ruin your pretty dress.”
Your head lulled and he brought his hand back to you to make sure you were comfortable. Then he pumped his arm, fucking you while you clenched and milked his fingers. Your hand was loose on his dick, but he didn’t care. This was about you, not him.
Back to your g-spot he goes, and you arch your back. “F-fuck Reiner, I’m close!”
“So beautiful like this,” he gasped as he retreated and went back to your clit, ruthlessly trying to coax your orgasm out. And he succeeds. You felt your stomach tighten and your thighs became so impossibly wet. You chanted his name, and he became mesmerized as you started to come down from your peak. He eased you back down, tenderly nurturing your sensitive bud and spreading your slick over the outside of your cunt.
He came forward and kissed your trembling lips. “Can I take you now?” he questioned. “I want fill you baby. Make you feel so good.”
“Here?” you questioned as you looked around. Your vision was blurry, and honestly if he chose to fuck you on the roof, it won’t matter.
Reiner considered where the two of you were, and he thought for a moment. “The stairwell?”
“How romantic,” you sarcastically laugh. The audacity of it was so amusing but you weren’t going to dismiss it either.
“Not one of your fantasies?” he breathed. “To fuck a strange in a stairwell while there’s a party going on below us? Someone could discover us at any moment. I’ll be quick. And trust me, it won’t take long. You’re so tight and I am so sensitive…”
“Sounds fucking hot, honestly,” you tell him. And that’s all he needed to hear. The warmth of his touch retreated from your pussy and in seconds, he was lifting you up, carrying you away back to the building entrance.
It was so comical that this was how the two of you were going to fuck for the first time, in the stairwell of your parent’s art studio while all the big critics and such were beneath you, getting drunk off their asses. You were shoved against the wall, and he was groaning in your mouth while you drowned in an urgent sloppy kiss. He thrusted, pressing his hot length against your wet, clothed cunt. “Fuck I can’t wait to be inside you,” he muttered.
“Let me help,” you say as you slide your panties to the side. He brings his hips back and lines himself up with you and you guide his tip to your folds. He thrusts until he catches your opening.
“Ready?” he questioned before pushing in further. “Gonna be a tight fit.”
You nod and he bites his lip as he presses inward. You hiss as he widens you quickly to accommodate his mass. It burned like hell, but it also felt so good the way he was careful, easing himself in with your tightness in mind.
“Shit, Reiner!” you gasp as your arms cling to him. His fingertips dig into your thigh and he is huffing, trying to keep his concentration. Trying to refrain from hurting you by going in too soon.
“It’s a lot to take baby, I’m so sorry,” he groaned. “We’ll make it fit. I’m gonna fuck you so good when we get going.”
With tears in your eyes, you clenched your jaw. It felt insane how much he was splitting you apart. And suddenly, he was hilted, completely inside you, pushing into your cervix to demand space because it all belonged to him now.
“Fuck…yeah,” he hissed. “You okay?” You clench around him, and he groans loudly once more, bucking his hips because it’s making him feral. All you can do is whimper in response as tears stream down your face. He breathes heavily, keeping himself still, just enjoying the feeling of your depths and closeness. “Hey….Y/n, are you with me?”
He was completely concerned. His dick filled you out and he was inside you, deeper than any man had ever gone before, and he was concerned. You raised up to look at him and he brought one hand to your cheek, stroking away a stream of tears with his thumb.
“Fuck me, please,” you beg with a shaking tone and with his hand cupping your cheek, he moves his hips, rolling them into you slowly. Your mouths are both part, and he kisses you deeply, swallowing the moans he’s pulling from you with his subtle, motions. You’ve never felt so full before and thank God he had the decency to build you up so you could properly take him. If he went in without any preparation, you’d be done for.
He breaks from your mouth and brings his other hand to grasp your thigh and you realized you were about to go on the ride of your life. And that was an understatement. He readjusted, and you felt yourself be jolted up as he bent his knees slightly. You felt his tip press into your g-spot, and he grinned wickedly for a moment before he jackhammered up into you, with a speed and might you’d never have thought possible.
There was no keeping quiet. Both of you filled the stair well with your sighs and moans along with the pounding and wicked sounds of your wet colliding flesh. He bounced you on his length, balls pressed into the curve of your ass every time you dropped. His thighs shook more from the pleasure than from the strain of the stance.
“Fuck, Y/N I can’t last,” he growled. “Can I come inside you? Please baby. Let me fill you up. Let me…ugh…please, please.”
It was so sweet how he was begging to fill your cunt with his seed. “I’m not on anything,” you tell him, and he doesn’t pause. Doesn’t even bat an eye. Just looks at you, pleading to let him cum in you. “Fine! Fuck a baby into me, then if that’s what you want!”
His face contorts with shock and arousal, but it sends him over his edge as you clench around him. And then you feel your own release, crying out as his hips stutter and he presses you into the wall while he comes, emptying out his tightened, heavy balls into your depths. His voice overpowers yours and he is belting out all his feelings next to your ear. None of it makes sense verbally, but you understand he is in love with you and that he is yours.
Your combined cum drips from your being, down your leg and he is just holding you there, looking down at you with bright wide eyes. “I’m sorry…” he gasps. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“I know what came over me…or rather in me,” you laugh. “It’s fine. I’m not worried. If it happens, it happens.”
“You wouldn’t regret it?” he asked.
“We’ll cross that road if we get to it,” you say.
He went to speak but one of the doors below opened. “Officer, I heard it coming from in here,” someone said.
“I’ll check it out,” Porco says. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Shit,” Reiner mouthed.
“Go down to the next landing and go into the office spaces,” you tell him as he pulls out from you and sits you down. You didn’t care that his cum was running down your legs. Both of you bolted down the stairs and the moment Porco heard that someone was above him, he started running.
You both went into the office space, and you pointed to the bathrooms down the other side of the floor. The lights weren’t on, but it was still easy to navigate. Porco was so far below you that it would be hard for him to figure out which door opened and where you went. Still, you didn’t want to be caught and you both went into the same bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
“Holy shit,” Reiner laughed as he steadied himself on one of the stalls. “That was close.”
“He’ll figure it out,” you say. “There’s cameras. He’ll give up and go look.”
“Ah, well, that’ll be a conversation for later,” he sighs.
“Might as well clean up while we’re here,” you say. "Don't want to leave out of here too soon. We'll take the other stairs down."
"Y/N, tonight was way more fun than I thought it would be," he said. "I think it's a great first date. I mean, minus the drama, but still."
"Just shut up and kiss me, Reiner," you giggled as you took his chin between your index finger and thumb.
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kellyvela · 3 years
GRRM has said in interviews that he’s purposely played with the romantic tension between the hound and Sansa. What do you think the endgame purpose of the unkiss and that playing is meant to be for?
This is all what he said about the matter in question so far:
The Hound and Sansa, romantic or platonic? It could be very different things to each of those involved, mind you!
Moreta12: I understand, I’ve heard your opinion on that. In ACOK, it seems that the relationship between the Hound and Sansa had romantic undertones. Is that true?
GeoRR: Well, read the book and decide for yourself.
Moreta12: I’ve read the book and I’ve debated those particular scenes with a few others. Half say that it’s romantic and half say it’s platonic. I’ve taken the romantic stance.
GeoRR:  It could be very different things to each of those involved, mind you
Moreta12:Yes, but it seem like evidence points towards romantic undertones. Will the Hound appear later?
GeoRR: Yes, the Hound will be in STORM OF SWORDS. In fact, I just finished writing a big scene with him.
When will Sansa be “legal”?  **ºª@”¡¿x<%$!&?
The nature of the relationship between Sandor and Sansa has been a hot topic on Revanshe’s board. Sansa’s youth has been one focus of the discussion. What is the general Westerosi view as to romantic or sexual relationships involving a girl of Sansa’s age and level of physical maturity?
A boy is Westeros is considered to be a “man grown” at sixteen years. The same is true for girls. Sixteen is the age of legal majority, as twenty-one is for us.
However, for girls, the first flowering is also very significant… and in older traditions, a girl who has flowered is a woman, fit for both wedding and bedding.
A girl who has flowered, but not yet attained her sixteenth name day, is in a somewhat ambigious position: part child, part woman. A “maid,” in other words. Fertile but innocent, beloved of the singers.
In the “general Westerosi view,” well, girls may well be wed before their first flowerings, for political reasons, but it would considered perverse to bed them. And such early weddings, even without sex, remain rare. Generally weddings are postponed until the bride has passed from girlhood to maidenhood.
Maidens may be wedded and bedded… however, even there, many husbands will wait until the bride is fifteen or sixteen before sleeping with them. Very young mothers tend to have significantly higher rates of death in childbirth, which the maesters will have noted.
As in the real Middle Ages, highborn girls tend to flower significantly earlier than those of lower birth. Probably a matter of nutrition. As a result, they also tend to marry earlier, and to bear children earlier. There are plenty of exceptions.
Unreliable Narrator
[GRRM is asked about Sansa misremembering the name of Joffrey’s sword.]
The Lion’s Paw / Lion’s Tooth business (*), on the other hand, is intentional. A small touch of the unreliable narrator. I was trying to establish that the memories of my viewpoint characters are not infallible. Sansa is simply remembering it wrong. A very minor thing (you are the only one to catch it to date), but it was meant to set the stage for a much more important lapse in memory. You will see, in A STORM OF SWORDS and later volumes, that Sansa remembers the Hound kissing her the night he came to her bedroom… but if you look at the scene, he never does. That will eventually mean something, but just now it’s a subtle touch, something most of the readers may not even pick up on.
(*) It was Arya who misremembered the name of Joffrey’s sword tho…
Unreliable Narrator 2.0
[Note: This mail has been edited for brevity.]
… this is an inconsistency with ASoS more than an outright error. In ASoS, Sansa thinks that the Hound kissed her before leaving her room and King’s Landing. In ACoK, no kiss is mentioned in the scene, though Sansa did think that he was about to do so.
Well, not every inconsistency is a mistake, actually. Some are quite intentional. File this one under “unreliable narrator” and feel free to ponder its meaning
Unreliable Narrator 3.0
Here’s a really particular question (which I realize means it probably won’t get asked in a general interview): In A Storm of Swords, there is a chapter early on where Sansa is thinking back to the scene at the end of A Clash of Kings when The Hound came into her room during the battle. She thinks in the chapter about how he kissed her, but in the scene in A Clash of Kings, this actually didn’t happen. Was that a typo or something? —Valdora
GRRM: It’s not a typo. It is something! [Laughs] ”Unreliable narrator” is the key phrase there. The second scene is from Sansa’s thoughts. And what does that reveal about her psychologically? I try to be subtle about these things.
Sansa may be dead but Alayne is alive
[Will Sandor and Sansa meet?]
Why, the Hound is dead, and Sansa may be dead as well. There’s only Alayne Stone.
A lot more dangerous than romantic
weltraummuell: The Hound Oh please don’t cast an old guy for the Hound, his scenes with Sansa are so romantic and erotic, I couldn’t bear if it’d feel creepy all of a sudden. Well, that’s me making demands. LOL
GRRM: Re: The Hound Old guy? No, but… the Hound is still a whole lot older than Sansa, and was never written as attractive… you know, those hideous burns and all that… he’s a lot more dangerous than he is romantic.
kestrana: The Hound Yeah its a “girl always wants the bad boy” kind of thing although Sansa seems to pull something else out of him. It feels so wrong sometimes but I want to see them together again tee hee.
weltraummuell: The Hound Hehe, George, maybe you didn’t intend it, but he turned out to be a very erotic character to female readers. Especially since he’s mutilated and dangerous. Makes him unpredictable and vulnerable which is the most explosive aphrodisiac for a girl’s fantasy. ;)
weltraummuell: The Hound And I know from discussions on other board other women feel just the same about Sandor. He’s an absolute favourite with the ladies!
halfbloodmalfoy: The Hound LOL, you’re such a man. To many of us women, dangerous *is* attractive.
GRRM: The Hound But no one has any love for poor old Sam Tarly, kind and smart and decent and devoted…
I played with it but I didn’t get the answer I was waiting for
GRRM: I am sometimes surprised by the reactions, of women in particular, to some of the villains. The number of women over the years who have written to me that their favorite characters are Jaime Lannister or Sandor Clegane [the Hound] or Theon Greyjoy… All of these are deeply troubled individuals with some very dark sides, who have done some very dark things. Nonetheless, they do draw this response, and quite heavily, I think, in the case of some of them, from my female readers in particular.
Veronica Belmont: I’m a big fan of the Hound, myself, actually.
Tom Merritt: Of Sandor? Really?
Veronica Belmont: Yeah, the Hound… Maybe it’s not because I feel any compassion towards them, I’m not really sure what the attraction is. Ah, I’m not going to call it attraction, actually. Let’s just say it’s a fascination, perhaps.
GRRM: [Chuckles] Well, I mean, fascination is one thing, but some of these letters indicate that there really is like a romantic attraction going on there. And I do know there’s all these people out there who are, as they call themselves, the “San/San” fans, who want to see Sandor and Sansa get together at the end. So that’s interesting, too.
Tom Merritt: The TV show has sort of played with that a little, and probably stoked those fires.
GRRM: Oh, sure. And I’ve played with it in the books. There’s something there, but it’s still interesting to see how many people have responded to it.
I played with it but I didn’t get the answer I was waiting for 2.0
Question: “Is there any fan reactions that you have been surprised by, like is there a character that’s more popular than you thought or have people been shocked by something you didn’t think we would be shocked at?”
GRRM: “I’m reasonably certain what people will be shocked by. I knew that the Red Wedding would provoke a big reaction and it did. I was pretty confident that, you know, throwing Bran out the window and then killing Ned in the first book would get reactions, and indeed they did. All of those worked exactly the way it did to the extent that things that have surprised me, they tend to be smaller things. I guess I… Maybe I should not have, I don’t know. How do I phrase this without getting myself in terrible trouble… I guess I don’t understand women, but I was definitely, you know, way back when, surprised by the number of women who reacted positively to characters like Theon and the Hound as dashing, romantic figures. The san/san kind of thing took me by surprise, I must admit, and even more so the women who, and there are some, who really like Theon. So that surprised me.”
Unreliable Narrator 4.0
My question is regarding Sansa Stark. Her sexuality has evolved through every book and yet the memory that seems to stick the more with her in this regard is the night of the Blackwater. So I was wondering if you can expand on your view on what this is, since as before that night her interactions with Sandor Clegane weren’t really physical.
The night of the Blackwater, yes. Ahhh… Well, I’m not going to give you a straight answer on that hahaha… Uhmmm, but I would say that ahhh… you know a television show and a book each has its own strengths and weaknesses; there a re tools that are available to me as a novelist, that are not available to people doing a television show. And of course there are tools available to them, that are not available to a novelist, I mean they can lay in a soundtrack, they can do special effects, they can do amazing things that I can’t do, I just have words on paper. What can I do, well I can use things like the internal narrative, I can take you inside of territories… thoughts, which you can’t do in a TV show… Ahhh… You just have the words they speak, you see them from outside because the camera is external, while prose is internal, and I have the device known as “unreliable narrator”… Ahhh… Which again, they don’t have. So, think about those two aspects when you consider that night of the Blackwater.
Do with it what you will.
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drs404-blog · 5 years
UPDATE: Howell appeal judge takes issues under consideration
NEW ALBANY – Marlon Howell’s push for a new trial is in Judge Samac Richardson’s hands after a three-day hearing ended where his 2001 trial began.
His counsel asked for the new trial, at the very least from a jailhouse lineup was “tainted” because Howell did not have an attorney and should have.
The state insists there were no errors, except “harmless” ones, when Howell was tried for the 2000 shooting death of newspaper carrier David Pernell.
The Mississippi Supreme Court ordered an evidentiary hearing over various issues surrounding Marlon Howell’s 2001 conviction for capital murder in Union County.
(Below is a running account of the afternoon session. Please excuse the typos and other glitches likely as I type rapidly.)
•• • 3:01 - Both sides prepare to make closing statements.
[Below with Waide is a little confusing and hard to hear. I will try to clarify when I speak with him later.]
WAIDE - MOVE COURT ON EXHIBIT 28 ... Statement by Tim Kent ... KELLY - HE’S ALREADY TESTIFIED ... WAIDE - Motion to dismiss hearing or grant new trial because AG’s intimidation of witness. Denial of federal due process law. Further, occurrence during this case about witness Pannell. Would like court to see documents given to us about Pannell, a polygraph. HOOD - No objections to entering polygraph. Says 2 polygraphs conducted on Terkesia Pannell. WAIDE - Factual basis, to grant new trial based on prosecutor’s conduct ... also that on 10th ... rst page indicates she agreed to testify. On 11th, took polygraph. On 12th, took another one. And speci cally alluded to her testimony. (told about questions.) Every question is about her testimony. They also are contradictory. No alternative for her. Also, when he goes up to an attorney to say you’re going to be prosecuted, warns him about witnesses to intimidate him about calling them. We think this is very serious. We are going to look for authorities.
HOOD - This is classic situation. Only time court ordered hger not to talk to anyone was yesterday afternoon. Wednesday, we took a break. Court says not to talk to her. She came back and testi ed. We issued a subpoena for her. Then she became our witness, we had a right to interview her. We did polygraph yesterday and another today. We asked if she lied on witness stand. Wanted to give her one chance to tell the truth. Waide set all this up to go back and interrupt. I asked about three questions. Waide jumped up and said he was going to tell the judge. He said all that ... they submitted a davits and would say weren’t true. As o cer of court, I had a duty to warn him about putting on testimony he knows is not true. What’s going to happen to Richardson, I’m going to ask court to make a decision. The Bar? I don’t know. No misconduct on behalf of the state.
JUDGE - We’re through with that. Made your motion and response. I’m not sure it’s incumbent on this court ... to.. how can I say... to take that matter up. One, I don’t know about a davits. If in fact what you say occurred, if it has... that is an issue for ... if feel strongly enough to report to Bar ... further, if there’s a criminal act ... intimidation of o cers of court and witnesses. There’s a statute on that. Grand jury meets, get on its docket. Either side, let grand jury have a shot at it. If crime has been committed, should pursue an indictment. Don’t think I have authority to make punishment in this situation. That’s way I see it. Every lawyer has duty to report every ethical violation... and have it investigated. Motion denied.
Ready to proceed? OK. 3:14.
RICHARDSON - I will be brief. Just going to give overview and keep my emotion down to a minimum and be professional in my approach to court. This case has been about things it shouldn’t be. Not about me. About whether Marlon Howell got a fair trial. Most critical issue about most critical witness - no attorney at that lineup. Proven by a davits, more importantly by one person who said none there ... he could not dispute that. After 13 years, we learn that trial court and Supreme Court have labored and made important decisions about case based on fact that was in error. Not for me to say, neglect or improper motive. Chief is o cer of the state ... his duty is higher than average citizen to testify. His duty is to make certain that what he says is correct. But once he knows he’d made a mistake, it was to take to D.A. and let him know so can notify defense.
First time ever brought to defense was after Mr. Howell had had a hearing before MS Supreme Court. Had lost opportunity to confront witnesses. Put yourself in Duncan Lott’s position. Di cult under best of circumstances, but when material fault fact that is going on and laboring under that, protecting Howell’s 4th, 5th and 6th Amendment rights. Also, in MS, very proud of this case, because it’s extended right of counsel ... when someone arrested and jailed under speci c charge, right to counsel attaches.
If take it farther, it was so easy for this to happen. All had to do was to ensure that his right was protected. Contend the right enured on May 15 when he was put in that jail. No excuse for them not to ... testimony... lawyers show up at 9:45. Lineup in 20-40 feet of where lawyers show up. All had to ask lawyers to assist client. All had to do, or appoint counsel. They proceeded without it. Reason I know they knew... look how long they tried to disprove there WAS counsel there. For 13 years. Only to  nd there wasn’t a lawyer at that lineup.
Unique situation, but also an egregious situation. Not simply that lawyer wasn’t at a hearing., And ruling on e ect on case. In this case, you have incredible situation where 6th amendment right attached, chief testi ed that Regan Russell was there. Court made its  nding based on that evidence.
In MS Supreme Court,  nds it will take minimum e ort for Lott to call Russell to verify. True. His client told him, I didn’t have a lawyer there. He expressed surprise that chief said lawyer was there. Supreme Court was right - should have picked up phone. Regan Russell ... this is a small town ... Russell heard that his name was bantered around about being there. He tells the court on stand, at or about time of trial... says can’t say exactly... but I told chief I was not there. That means chief was put o notice at or about time of trial. At that point, he had obligation and duty to report that to D.A. - hey, I may have been wrong. Russell didn’t get put on stand to say he wasn’t there.
What does chief do? Nothing. Nothing. That means we go through motions hearing to correct, trial ... aware of recantation of Rice ... is no physical evidence linking my client to this crime. Only evidence is Rice, Ray and Brandon Shaw. If ever time for close scrutiny - it’s now. No DNA, gunpowder residue. Gun’s not his. It’s Ray’s. 911 says 2 people in car. Quick Stop lady said that.
But nothing’s done when could be corrected. Goes to MS Supreme Court -  nds lineup reasonable... because Howell had attorney present. If I was MSSC, I’d say ... something wrong with lineup, lawyer should have said something. Since he didn’t, must not have been there. Another court relies on false testimony under oath. Now has grave impact on his appellate right.
In 2005, I submit Russell’s a davit saying not there. State takes it and goes ... not to Russell ... they go to chief. What does he do? He signs another a davit not Russell, it’s Tpm McDonough. McDonough says he told chief not to do that because he told defense he wasn’t there. I called every lawyer in three counties to make certain. Got a davits from key people who did criminal work at time.
Based on that, situation where state should have gone further. McDonough a davit - does state try to  nd out. No, they stand by it. Chief believes was Russell but still signs a davit. Did he take it back? No. Misconception has gone this long.
No way, absolutely no way... initial statements say Marlon Howell wasn’t there. They were torn up. No way for his 4th, 5th 6th amendment rights ... no way to get a fair trial. Given ... look at Rice... committed a felony because I wanted them out of my hair. He didn’t say leave. He just decided to commit a felony signing an a davit he didn’t believe to be true. Reason? We wanted him to be certain. We said sign this, think on it and we’ll come back with more formal a davit. If you’re sure, you can execute it.
We treated him with utmost respect. You saw Leonard Sanders. Me. His testimony violates .... case screams for relief.
We ask court to move as soon as possible for a new trial. 3:30 JASON DAVIS - ASST. ATTY GENERAL -
Will address issue of the lineup and whether defense counsel was e ective at lineup. This isn’t a typical 5th amendment case. I agree with counsel. But not a 5th amendment case at all. Mr. Howell was clearly not under arrest for capital murder when lineup occurred. Ms Supreme Court said 5th amendment rights do not attach until charge begins. We submit he was not under arrest for capital murder when lineup occurred.
He was not entitled to counsel. (cites cases. Talks about these cases.) Ms Supreme Court has new language where individual has been arrested and looking toward initial appearance. Right to counsel attaches after arrest and at point when initial appearance ought to have been met. When is that?
Lineup issue: We note for record trial counsel did not relinquish its claim about Russell at lineup. Record re ects. Judge stated it was a good lineup after question of whether it was. (tells about how lineup was composed by computer) MSSC says lineup was su cient. Say counsel heard judge rule lineup was su cient.
Question becomes when Howell was arrested: 8:30 on evening prior on blue warrant. Taken to lineup mere 14 hours later. Put in lineup. Two hours later was before a judge. This goes back to when his initial appearance ought to have occurred. (cases cited and compares with Howell case) (Notes court rules about initial appearances, within 48 hours or arrest.) Howell brought for initial appearance mere 14 hours after arrest. Also submit under MS Code 99-1-7, tells us when prosecution may commence - after issuance of a warrant or binding over. Record supports that Howell wasn’t under arrest for capital murder - no warrant for that. His 6th amendment right had not attached at this time. MSSC says lineup was su cient. Where is the violation? Submit there is none.
Beyond this ... (cites cases) ... we ask that your honor  nd Howell was not under arrest for capital murder and 6th amendment rights do not attach. But ... should you determine he was under arrest for it - and determine he was entitled to counsel - lineup was deemed su cient. (talks about harmless error - with illegal lineups) He was not under arrest. In these cases ... that Rice’s in-court identi cation of Howell was su cient. Record notes  rst ID in court by Rice was after question: Who did you see shoot Mr. Pernell?
We know issues of Rice’s ID ... MS Supreme Court has already determined issues of his reliability are foreclosed from argument. .. that court can proceed to an analysis. 3:40.
HOOD - I’m not here to argue what my colleague said about law ... following the law. The facts of the matter ... if their rule is correct, anybody can go through lineup and must have a lawyer rst...chicken and egg. Must have charge to get a lawyer. MSSC decision - seems pretty clear. Cases where warrant issued and lineup, that’s where our Supreme Court says entitled to counsel.
My issues - no recantation. No withholding of exculpatory evidence. Third that trial counsel was not ine ective for failure to pursue exculpatory evidence. Remember being Supreme Court clerk, thought about what happened in a trial. I know now why MSSC says re-canted testimony should be viewed very unfavorably. Our view, theirs are not favorable. Base it on testimony. Talking to Judge Coleman during recess - rely on him for impressions of his witnesses when he made these decisions in this courtroom.
Take testimony of Charles Rice ... he was same as at trial, no change in his identi cation as person who committed the crime. They came out, he says they badgered him right beFore he was to get married. Did it again, he says. Saw his reaction to cross-examination. Trying to tell the truth.
As to Pannell-Gaines, I’ve seen a lot of witnesses - I’ve tried over 100 - I don’t think I’ve ever seen a witness go back and forth so much like jelly. She answered contradictory. Her testimony was totally unreliable. Second, if you look at a davits ... looking at what she said wasn’t true. She struck only two exculpatory statements - only ones she could provide. (JUDGE TELLS HIM HE’S OVER TIME .... SORRY, WROTE IT DOWN WRONG. HOOD CAN GO BACK FOR A FEW MORE MINUTES.)
HOOD - Brandon Shaw, a strong witness. Nothing to gain by testifying. Lengthy cross - rea rmed his testimony. Said defense wrote out statement, got him to sign it after badgering. No re-cantation in this case.
No withholding exculpatory evidence withheld - Pannell said Shaw told her Ray and Lipsey committed the murder.
Trial counsel was not ine ective about exculpatory evidence, with prejudice. Trial transcript says ... opening statement... defense counsel says Pannell will say defendants never came into the room. Only way to know that is to have talked to her. Counsel did his job and was prepared. But she’s such a bad witness. Second, all her testimony was hearsay and not exculpatory. Reasonable possibility it would not have changed the outcome. Answer is no. Her testimony was not admissible. Counsel has not proven this case on any of the issues.
Their claim should be denied.
2 more minutes.... We think court should rule on - some suggestions ... no re-cantation, no withholding evidence, trial counsel was not ine ective. But if  nds no attorney available ... then we submit there is no arrest, was there on a blue warrant. Within a few hours he was brought before a magistrate for initial hearing. No attachment of 6th amendment right to counsel. We think, use harmless evidence in this case. 3:52
MATT RICHARDSON - We contend his right to counsel had attached. Clear, based on documents introduced ... and Tim Kent testimony that he was arrested for capital murder the night of the 15th. He said didn’t want him to resolve his parole issue and leave. Purpose of booking, in e ect he was under arrest. (cites cases.. de nition of arrest) He was being held on capital murder. Next day... must go before judge without unnecessary delay, not to exceed 48 hours. Only one excuse for delay is lack of access to a judge. Testi ed they had court starting at 10 a.m. He could have been appointed counsel. They chose not to do that. Had lineup. Howell was wearing di erent shoes... lineup was used throughout trial.... Look at closing arguments, they talk about the lineup.
If that’s not enough about error the Ms Supreme Court, says Rice’s testimony was crucial to state’s case. No way to be harmless for Mr. Howell. (cites cases) when lineup is in violation of 6th amendment rights ... no one should have been allowed to say “lineup” in this entire trial, It tainted the trial and the appeal. State still won’t concede that he didn’t have a lawyer. Mr. Howell should be granted a new trial.
JUDGE - 3:56 - CONCLUDES THE HEARING. Will work on this across next few weeks. KELLY - One matter, neglected to submit a davit. Live testimony is it. RICHARDSON - Will ORDEr a transcript. Wanted to alert the court about that. RECESS. 3:58
•• •
NEW ALBANY – Attorney General Jim Hood tried to intimidate a rebuttal witness today in defense attorney Jim Waide's presence, Waide told Judge Samac Richardson after an afternoon break.
Waide said Hood bluntly asked former witness, Terkesia Pannell, if she knew what perjury was and that she'd failed a polygraph.
That's clearly intimidation, Waide insisted.
Waide was present when Hood questioned her because defense attorneys insisted that's what Hood would do, when he re-questioned Pannell.
Later in the day, defense investigator Leonard Sanders, on repeat testimony, insisted Death Row inmate Marlon Howell's main attorney, Billy Richardson, never o ered anyone money for their sworn statements.
Howell’s counsel seeks a new trial for him or to have the Union County capital murder conviction overturned because of alleged constitutional rights violations.
The evidentiary hearing was ordered by the Mississippi Supreme Court.
Senior Judge Samac Richardson of Rankin County, no relation to Howell’s lead counsel Billy Richardson of North Carolina, is presiding over the hearing, which began Wednesday, after all the circuit district’s judges declined to participate.
Attorney General Jim Hood was the case’s district attorney when it came to trial. On the state’s team with him are current D.A. Ben Creekmore, Assistant D.A. Kelly Luther and Assistant A.G. Jason Davis.
Attorney Richardson is assisted by Tupelo attorneys Jim Waide and Rachel Pierce Waide, with support from the Mississippi Innocence Project based at the University of Mississippi.
Howell, who was seated at his counsel table, was sentenced to death after his conviction for the May 15, 2000 shooting death of David Pernell, a Daily Journal newspaper carrier. His co- defendants insisted he killed Pernell but later recanted. They were sentenced to prison on other charges.
(Please forgive the typos and other glitches likely as I type rapidly.) •• •
1:02 P.M. - Judge returns. KELLY CALLS JIM NANCE
NANCE - Corrections supervisor, MDOC. 16 years. Involved with Marlon Howell situation. Never supervised him. (Involved with his arrest?) Yes. (When?) May 16, 2000. (Records about that?) Assigned to Union County and also supervise about 70 counties. (Records? ... when arrested him, what authority?) As a  eld o cer, MDOC. (Documents to do so?) Yes. Field o cer’s warrant, blue warrant. (Allegation in document?) Yes. (Hands him document, what is it?) Warrant for arrest for probation violation issued against Marlon Howell by me, May 15, 2000. (Involved taking him into custody?) Yes, had that warrant at time. (Probation violation, what?) Stated, failure to avoid vicious habits, not paying various court fees. (Anything else going on?) O cer Chuck Mullins had started a warrant on his person, failed to sign it. This was original warrant by Mullins. I signed it. Also, a citation for contempt of court for him. For court-ordered monies.
(Kelly - Separate from MDOC fees?) Yes. (Failure to avoid vicious habits. What is that?) Reference to a positive drug test. Failed drug test 5/5/2000. (Once incarcerated on that, did police have authority to release him?) No. (If arrested 5/15 ... could he be released?) MDOC could withdraw warrant or taken to court, which could release him if wanted to. (Would fee payment relieve him of obligation?) Only one condition. Other conditions stated. (Cites document number for judge.) 1:10
RICHARDSON to question. (Earlier that day, Howell was in court on probation matter?) NO sir, he was there on issue of court-ordered fees. (Warrant typed and ready to go about that time or before?) Not sure when original warrant was there by Mullins. (But everything you’re talking about was done prior to May 15 when he was in court?) I don’t know when original warrant was in court. (I understand, but original allegations were before then?) Yes. (You were there that day?) Not sure.
(Shows him Exhibit 42 ... you had other people in court that day you supervised?) I was there, I believe. (What is this important to? Court proceedings?) Appears to. (Shows Howell in court that morning?) Yes. (Warrant for?) Just for court costs, court-ordered money that’s all. Not in court for supervision or drug testing fees. Separate issues. (Customary when talk about ...) If there for violation of probation. MDOC did not bring this forward, the court brought it. (Judge continued it?) Yes, the court-ordered moneys. Not sure I was there that day. Possibility. Not normally there on day for citations of contempt. I don’t have a record of that day, myself. 1:15
(KELLY - Does MDOC have anything to do with court costs?) No sir. (Document - citation. What is this?) I’ve seen it in the  le. Probation  le. (What is alleged in citation?) Failed to pay remainder of $594. Nothing to do with MDOC. (Does MDOC have anything to do with preparation of document?) No sir. (Other charges?) Yes - habits, supervision fees. (Remember anything about Howell’s citation?) I don’t know for sure if I was there. (Remember any comments about Howell before court?) No sir. (Were you his supervising o cer?) No (Know who Marlon Howell was?) Only from past experience. Saw him come in to report to house arrest o cer. No contact with him. (Normally not at court days? Why not?) That is a court proceeding that MDOC not usually involved in.
HOOD - Before we rest, have some polygraph results ... RICHARDSON - OBJECTION... OBJECTION... DO NOT COMMENT OVER OUR OBJECTION.
JUDGE - What do you intend to do with it? HOOD - Consider calling a witness. JUDGE - YOU DO THAT.
WAIDE - Somebody ought to be in there with the Attorney Gen. Considering everything that’s gone on here. JUDGE - YESTERDAY, allowed it because of confusion. Not going to allow that. RICHARDSON - Did the court not say we couldn’t bring a witness that ... didn’t we do a general sequester for all witnesses? HOOD - SHE’S BEEN released.
JUDGE - SHE HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED. HOOD - She was up there during a break, we said can’t talk to her.
JUDGE - My position on that - brief says no witness shall discuss testimony with any other witness. Rule invoked and she’s sequestered. Does not restrict lawyers from talking to witness. Same oath, ethical considerations as o cer of the court not to tell somebody what to say on the witness stand. Certainly can discuss issues of case with your witness, except while on witness stand. I know of no restrictions. Just can’t tell them what to testify to.
WAIDE - Only exception. This is a witness relating to contradictory testimony. (Judge - I didn’t know who witness is.) HOOD - Terkesia Pannell is who this is. This is a rebuttal witness. Trying to interview her on rebuttal.
RICHARDSON - Clearly they polygraphed her. Not on record. That’s what they did. It will intimidate her.
WAIDE - throughout hearing, lots of concerns about intimidating witnesses. This one while on stand did say contradictory or confused things. Your honor was concerned and said neither of us to talk to her. She’s subject to being in uence when she’s not been talked to.
JUDGE - WHEN I SAID WHAT I SAID, I DID not want it to appear undue in uence on that particular witness. Concerning intimidation ... undue in uence, it’s been about police intimidation. This being same witness, even tho rebuttal, I don’t want record to show any intimidation from either side. I don’t want that chance out there. Not sayng you would. (to Hood) Better to follow same procedures with this witness.
HOOD - Ask Baili  to go and me ... I only have a couple of questions. Or in chambers. I’ve never been prevented from calling a rebuttal witness. Only reason for that ruling yesterday on her was that we took a break. It’s part of the state’s case is to rebut. I should be able to see in private, not with defense attorney there.
WAIDE - Here ... to get to the truth. We’ve got a witness instructed not to talk to anybody. Reasons for your honor’s instructions.
JUDGE - Just like yesterday. Put the witness on. (Hood - so defense counsel can go with him. Is Waide allowed to ask questions?) No. He’s there to observe. 1:28
WAIDE - Would like to relate what happened in witness room. He said to her, do you know penalty for perjury? She kept repeating she told truth. He confronted her and said she failed the polygraph. He was trying to intimidate her and I stopped it. (Judge - to Hood, are you a witness? Richardson - no. Waide - we can call him in rebuttal.)
RICHARDSON - Asks for a few minutes to go over everything that’s happened. Judge grants them time to confer out of courtroom. 1:34
1:42 - WAIDE - We’re ready to proceed, we have rebuttal. We remove the motion. WAIDE - CALL LEONARD SANDERS SANDERS - Richardson’s investigator. (Still under oath, judge says.)
(WAIDE - Background stated earlier. Said you interviewed several witnesses. On each occasion, was someone else present?) Had someone else every time. That’s right. (Show him Brandon Shaw’s a davit - Exhibit 31 - Is that your notarization and signature?) Yes it it. (Aug. 3, 2005 - your sig?) Yes. (Present when eh signed it?) Yes, I was. (Remember whether you saw Shaw on this or another occasion?) Saw him 2 times. (Remember  rst time?) He says essentially what’s here. No recorded. Just notes. (Remember where it was signed?) Think ... at his apartment in Sherman, MS. (First time?) At detail shop in New Albany.
(Your best memory - when signed it?) On second visit, I believe. (In independent memory of  rst meeting?) He was at work at car wash. As I recall, he wanted to wait until he had a break, which we did. Billy Richardson, Joel Morris and me. (Ask to talk to him?) Yes. (Tell judge what happened.) Billy Richardson principally did interview. I didn’t ask anything. What’s re ected in a davit, what he said. On second occasion, chie y to get it signed. (Remember how long interview lasted?) I don’t ... second was not long. First might have been 30-40 minutes, not sure. (While there, did you see any intimidation of him?) Not at all.
(Was money ever discussed in those interviews?) No it didn’t. (Did you see Richardson give him money?) No. Nothing like that occurred. (Remember whether ... did he read it before he signed it or what?) It was read to him. Whether he read to himself, I don’t recall. (Who?) Billy Richardson read it to him. Heard him do so. Before he signed it. (Signature at bottom of statement?) Don’t recall. I was present when he signed it. Not sure if had my notary with me then.
(What’s your practice of swearing?) I know he was asked if contents were true, to the best of his knowledge. Don’t recall if we asked him to raise hand and swear.
(What about Charles Rice?... HOOD - OBJECT. We asked Rice about whether he was pressured.)
(Waide - shows him 2 statements, one handwritten other typed. Are these yours?) Yes. June 7, 2005 and June 9, 2005 dates. (Notary stamp on both?) Yes. Went to both. (Who present?) Billy Richardson, Joel Morris, his wife or  ancee and me.
(Where interviews?) Yes. At residence o  Hwy 370 in Itawamba County... East Union. Near Tippah and Union. Wife, if she was his wife then. (Remember purpose of handwritten and then typed? Why handwritten copy?) As I recall, handwritten was when we  rst interviewed him. Didn’t have notary with me at that time. He signed. Second, was to give cleaner copy basically. Had notary with me on second. Went back to my o ce and stamped  rst one. I’m sure I asked him if he understood and approved contents. (Was it read to him too?) Yes.
(Exhibit 23 - A davit of Pannell ... 3-4 pages. Were you present when she wa sinterviewed?) Yes. Interview was Joel Morris and me, made notes. Richardson not at  rst interview. (At time ...) I don’t recall his being at second interview. He probably was, but can’t say positively. Sure he was at  rst. (Any di erence in two statements?) No, no di erence. In fact, second she signed - done from  rst. (Are these statements she told you?) Yes, she did. Because preparation was from notes of  rst interview. (Did you do anything to intimidate or threaten her?) No. (Tell her to change her story?) No. In fact, she seemed very comfortable talking to us.
(When she was giving a davit... did you know if it was her personal knowledge or that someone told her?) I do remember. She stated it as if she witnessed these events. Nothing said about hearing from someone else. (Questions and answers?) Just what’s in a davit. Nothing di erent. 1:58
HOOD - (Anybody talk to you before you came to testify today?) No. (Not since you testi ed the other day?) We met brie y yesterday afternoon, and when they got to point about other things, I stopped them. Said I don’t want to hear it. We talked about these a davits. Haven’t been told what any other witness has said. (Your paid to be here?) I hope so. (How much?) Normal rate $70/hour. (How much total?) I don’t know... probably $30,000-$40,000... I really don’t know.
(You said both times with Brandon Shaw ... said each 20-3o mins?) First was, not second. (In Sherman?) Probably 15 minutes. (See his mother and wife in Sherman?) His mother, I don’t remember anyone else. (Can’t dispute he had witnesses there?) I think his mother was there. Can’t dispute it. (How many with you then?) Took two - Richardson and Morris. (At car wash, same 3 folks?) That is correct. (You say 20-30 minutes?) Max 45 minutes. I had no reason to time it. (He was washing cars?) Not while we were talking to him. (Tell him who you were, who working with or on behalf of?) I didn’t. Billy Richardson did the talking.
(Did you hear Richardson say he was representing Marlon Howell?) Yes. I know he did. I can’t say exact words. We would make clear who we were and why there. (Did you introduce yourself?) I’m sure I did. (Did you?) I would have to say I did because that would be the routine. I don’t remember that. I know he was made aware who we were representing. (Routine as notary... you can’t say for sure?) That’s right. (Can’t remember if you swore him in, but remember introducing yourself to Brandon Shaw?) I’m not notarizing the contents, only his signature. Knew they were aware of the contents. (You don’t say you’re a notary?) Yes, I did.
(Document shows ... writing at bottom and stamp. Put that after left?) Stamp on there after I left. Written while I was there. (Write that before or after he signed it?) I wrote it out and he signed it. (Remember that?) That’s what I would do, period. If I don’t have seal with me, I would write it out and place seal on when I get back to o ce. (You’re talking generally about what you do. What happened that day? You swore you wrote it out before Brandon Shaw signed it?) As far as I remember doing it, I don’t. It would be an exception if I didn’t.
(Who wrote that statement?) Billy Richardson. His handwriting. (You say he read it back to Brandon Shaw?) Yes. If you saw his handwriting, you can see why he read it back to him. (But when he read, do you know if it was on the paper or he just said something?) I know it contains what he said. (Were you there the whole time during this interview? In their presence?) Yes. (Did they walk around building?) That’s where we were. Don’t remember if he was washing cars when we got there or not. It’s been 8 years.
(So, admit not putting Shaw under oath?) Say I probably did not. I asked him, are contents true to the best of your knowledge. (If he told you about somebody committing murder, would you have written it down?) Sure. (Don’t you remember he said it was not Ray or Lipsey to murder, it was Howell?) No. (But you remember parts now?) Yes. If he’d said remembered .... who shot, I would have remembered that. (Did Billy say something about man on death row?) Words to that e ect. (Brandon didn’t want to talk.) Not true, he wanted to keep working until he had chance for a break. He was doing something with a vehicle. (So Morris. Is he here?) No. (From N.C.?) Yes. (Did he introduce himself to Shaw?) I don’t remember, but I know the three of us were done by each of us or Billy.
(Small talk about beginning of conversation?) A few minutes, probably. 2-3-5 I don’t know. (How many times did you see Shaw?) Two. (Sure?) Yes. (Another investigator?) One, I suppose. (Morris?) Had that one, now he has another. WAIDE - INTERRUPTING.
(How many investigators did he have working on case?) Three, I know of. (So, you don’t know how many times Billy R. went to talk to him?) No. (What about other investigators?) I’m quite certain that I know. (You don’t know how many went to Brandon, you just know how many times you went?) Correct. (You said you believed Shaw signed statement on second time?) It was the second time. (Any females there at any time with Shaw, brought by defense counsel?) No. (So, now ... think about it. .. did meeting go beyond 45 minutes?) If you want me to be exact, I cannot. I had no reason ... didn’t have a stopwatch. (Making notes?) Not at that meeting., (At second?) No. At  rst, I may or may not. But at second, I did not.
(Se when asked yesterday about your statement... when you stopped them... did you not go back to  les about statements?) No, only looked at a davits. (Billing records for that day?) Don’t think I have them from 8 years ago. (What did y’all do that day when interviewing Shaw?) I don’t remember every day 8 years ago. (Remember this?) Yes. (Don’t remember if interviewed anybody else?) No I don’t. (Remember conversation about death penalty with Brandon Shaw?) The main thrust was to  nd out what Shaw knew back in 2000. Little about Marlon Howell. May have been mentioned but not dwelling on it. Just trying to get the facts, the thrust of the meeting. (Don’t recall Billy to say he’d pay him for his time?) No, nothing about money or payment was mentioned. (What about helping him?) No.
(On Charles Rice, two interviews?) Actually, three if you count ... with Kent present. (At both, not one in New Albany... You brought your  les of statements?) Yes, I did. (Who told you to do that?) Nobody. (Referring to Exhibit 4 - for defense) Sixteen, I believe. (Rice statement, handwritten? Did you write that?) No. I don’t recall. (Who was there?) Same as already said. Melody, Joel Morris, Billy R and me. (Who’s Melody?) Rice’s wife. (Was woman with you?) His daughter was here at some point. Don’t think she was at this, but not sure. Billy Richardson’s daughter. Maybe female secretary of his. Don’t remember which one. (Stamp on bottom. Did he sign with stamp?) No. (Did you swear him under oath, raise right hand?) Probably not. He ...
(How long there when got his statement,... somebody to write it?) He agreed to sign it. We were there maybe an hour. In afternoon. (Did you stay til dark?) I don’t think so. (Are you confused?) No. (Rice said you stayed until dark?) I would dispute ... (Did he say he was getting married?) Yes, said in near future. Again, don’t profess to remember everything. Said married soon. (Was he trying to get rid of y’all?) No. (Call you and tell you to comer over there?) No, he did not. (Did you call and say coming?) I don’t remember. We had hard time to  nd him. (Dodging you?) Don’t think he knew we were looking for him. (He says it lasted until dark.) I can’t dispute it but I don’t know what time we got there. Said mid-afternoon we got there. I don’t remember the time. No reason to remember. We had trouble  nding him.
(Second a davit - typewritten of Charles Rice. Taken June 9, 2005 - two days later. Why go back when he was about to hve a wedding?) He made comment like he was getting married ... wasn’t a big deal. Living with woman several months. Was not like the wedding you or I had. (Why say that?) With bridesmaids and  owers. I took it he was going to justice court judge or something. He said ... interpreted it that way. He didn’t make a big deal of it. (Any di erence in  rst statement and second one?) Not much di erence. (What reason for going back and doing it again?) I don’t know the reason. Probably to have cleaned up copy. (Whole lot better than Brandon Shaw. You can read this.) Agree. (Just trying to  gure out why you’d go back.) (Did you put Rice under oath to sign?) Probably not. But I made sure he understood the contents.
(Are you talking about general practices or advising him he was sworn under oath?) I am not going to say I remember it, but I don’t think I ever notarized anyone’s signature without advising him.
(Look at statement .... D Exhibit 22 - Terkesia Pannell statement Sept. 15, 2006. Is that what you have?) I do, but not September. (February 15, 2006.) ( You were there?) Yes. (Who else?) Joel Morris, Billy R and me. (This one taken... how many times y’all saw her?) Two times. We made notes  rst time and a davit prepared from those notes. Then we went back. (When  rst time?) Not precisely, within a few days. Don’t recall how long it lasted. Less than an hour. (Meeting?) Her apartment in Tupelo. (Bring notes with you?) No. I didn’t bring anything but these a davits. (You have  le on this case?) Yes. (Only interview that day in Tupelo?) In this case. I might have had others. (Would you hours billed show how long it lasted?) Would show how much I charged for that day. Not how long actually with her. (She met with you as long as she wanted?) Sure it was less than an hour. She was very cooperative. We introduced ourselves. Gave us information, we made notes and left. (Talked to her about death penalty?) No. We mentioned but spent little time discussing. She knew what we were there for. We made her aware when we  rst arrived.
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9/7/2018 UPDATE: Howell appeal judge takes issues under consideration | News | djournal.com
(When she signed a davit. Did you read it to her?) I think Billy R did. (Did give her chance to read it?) Yes. (She said a lot of it was not true. Does that surprise you?) Yes, it does. (Did she ever say anything of bene t to the state of Mississippi?) She was not very complimentary of way state handled this manner. (Exculpatory evidence ... would ahve helped us? Say Marlon was at her house that night?) Yes, she said he was there but she was not there when he came back after shooting. (Where are notes from her interview?) I have not seen them. I don’t have them. (Would it help if you knew what they said before?) Yes. But if you look for truth, we didn’t are what she said before. She gave these comments. We did not put words in her mouth. (You don’t care what she said before - that’s way to tell if she’s telling the truth.) Yes.
(You testify ... more important than sitting on your couch.) I understand but what she said before didn’t matter to me. (Don’t you think when talking to law enforcement, it would be important what said? Heighten your awareness for the truth?) Truthfulness is truthfulness. (Don’t know if she was telling truth that day or not?) I don’t know if anybody’s telling truth. She seemed honest, totally aware of our purpose. She told us to the best of her ability - what it seemed like. (Never observed her saying something that wasn’t true?) I am not sure ...
(Hood - when you went out and interviewed these three - Rice, Pannell and Shaw - did you ever go back and read trial transcripts?) No, I have not. (Ever read statements to law enforcement?) I don’t think I have, not any of them. (So, Richardson was asking questions?) WAIDE - REPETITIVE. SUSTAINED. (Did you ask any questions?) With Terkesia, I asked most. Some with Rice. Brandon, I did not. (You don’t know what said previously?) Yes. (Did you or Billy R provide these witnesses of transcript of prior testimony prior to asking questions?) I didn’t. I have no reason to believe Billy R did. Not in my presence, no. 2:40
HOOD - Your honor, that’s all we have. JUDGE - ANY REDIRECT? WAIDE - NO.
JUDGE - Court reporter needs a break. Lawyers organize your thoughts. No more witnesses? RECESS 2:41
•• • 11:50 POST
NEW ALBANY – State witness Brandon Shaw said he didn't consider it a bribe when a defense attorney o ered him $20 "for his time" to get a statement when he stopped work at his car wash.
But later, Shaw said the attorney told him he'd do "whatever it takes" for another statement later.
Shaw is a state witness in an evidentiary hearing, which began Wednesday, about whether Death Row inmate Marlon Howell will get a new trial or have his 2001 conviction overturned on constitutional issues.
Howell was convicted in the 2000 shooting death of David Pernell in New Albany.
(Brandon Shaw continues on witness stand. Below is rest of running account of questions and testimony. Please excuse the typos and glitches likely as I type rapidly.)
10:03 - JUDGE BACK.
(Hood continues questions - To Shaw ... Adds him Exhibit 16. May 16, 2000... How did you give that statement. What happened/) WAIDE - Asks who he’s talking about. HOOD - That’s not proper. (HOOD - What time of day when gave statement?) 2:13. (How to police dept.?) I went there, drove there. I wanted to get everything clear... I didn’t have anything to do with it. What I heard, took .... Got home and dropped Marlon o . Talked to Kecia brother, girlfriend. Said trying to get Curt and get to bottom. Man had been killed. (Then?) Don’t remember... but we all got together, talking. They said don’t know why he shot him. JUDGE - STILL SAYING THEY. SAY WHO TALKING ABOUT.
SHAW - Me, Curt talking - he shot him, said trying to rob him. I begged them to come with me and tell law enforcement. They didn’t. I was leaving, they ran and jumped in with me. We all came down there. (What do?) Give statement. (What tell them?) Talking, what happened. I told them. Took him home. They put me in police car and lineup in a few minutes. Called Blue Mountain, had to cross over to di erent county and pick him up. Showed them where I dropped him o . Later, somebody picked him up.
(Hood - remember another time defense lawyer talked to you? Shows him document, transcript.) (Shaw is reading it.) I said I really don’t know where he is. (Date?) March 1, 2001. (Investigator for defense lawyer?) I can’t remember. (Hood - move to introduce transcript, taken by Duncan Lott investigator. Also to number statements.) WAIDE - Asks to speak with Hood ... I said don’t object, but would like opportunity to read over and make sure it’s what he told us. JUDGE - SAID he talked to somebody and didn’t know who he was talking to. WAIDE - counsel satis ed.) Judge gives him permission to number the statements, in lower right-hand corner.
(Hood - Second statement, law enforcement ... another document, recognize?) Remember, investigator showing it to me, Think it was Monday. (Read date) Thursday ... signed it. (Did you write all that?) No, I didn’t. (Hood - move to introduce marked statement from Duncan Lott, the transcript. Total 16 pages, plus cover with Lott letterhead.) (Hood - statement just talked about, dated Aug. 3, 2005. Move to introduce Shaw statement.) WAIDE - No objection, already in. (Hood - Exhibit 18 - 2005 statement. Who did you give it to?) My understanding, Marlon’s lawyer (points to Richardson?) WAIDE - Does he remember who was there. JUDGE - LEADING. (Who was there?) Lawyer, the one with the glasses on. (Hood - Indicates Billy Richardson.)
(Hood - was he there... where?) I can’t remember, he talked to me so many times. (How long talked?) Shhh... 4-5 hours, maybe 6 hours. Long time. (What was longest?) In Sherman. 4-5 hours. (When you signed it?) Believe it was. (He’s reading it, not very well.) Nobody especially Marlon  rst attorney ever ask me about the case. (HOOD - Said he wants to say something he never said before. Did you say that?) No. (Why did you sign this?) Each time, they came, they were recording or writing. He would be talking, have somebody else writing. Asked me to sign, didn’t say it was statement. Said was to say you talked to me. (Did he say a davit?) No. (Know what notary is?) Yes. (Have one?) No. Not sworn.
(Hood - Did your read this?) No, not until Monday afternoon when I talked to the detective. (Let’s go through it. First paragraph ... your honor, do you have a copy of this?) (Judge says no. WAIDE - SAYS IT’S No. 31.) (Hood -  rst paragraph.. I’m going to read it to you. You comment on it... Says Marlon had shirt wrapped around his hand, made me think he had a gun he was hiding. Surprised when he got out of car at his house. He had no gun. Is that correct?) It’s true. (When you told him that ... did you also say what you saw and observed about him that night?) I told him everything. (Second... I asked Curt and Adam where the gun was at... they said behind house near the shed... how I knew to tell police where it was at. Correct?) No, didn’t say gun was behind the house. I expected myself he might have put it back there. I asked them, they didn’t know. (When saw him?) I was coming out of the house to take him home. (So, that’s not true?) No sir. (Who took that?) WAIDE - OBJECT. OVERRULED.
(Who talking to?) Points to Richardson. (Statement 4 ... Never heard Marlon say he shot him.) True. (Never known Marlon to be violent. Did you tell him what Curt said in living room and he didn’t deny it?) Yes sir. (Never known him to be violent.) Correct. (He mentioned only wanting to rob him ... meant to say sell someone some fake drugs or trick them. Police never knew this.) WAIDE - OBJECTION, MINE DIFFERENT. (Hood - let’s go to ... Never mentioned robbing. Meant to say sell fake drugs or trick them. Is that true?) No. (Why say that?) We talked about that. Guy at convenience store. That was before we got to my house, that night. Night before the murder. (When? Night before murder?) Yes sir.
(Hood - Who talking about ... why stu  in there about fake drugs?) Just talking, sometimes writing, sometimes not. (He said couldn’t they just mean to sell fake dope or trick somebody?) I said, he wasn’t meaning it that way. He was meaning to rob somebody. (You mean “easy lick”?) Yes, what he said. (Trying to get you to say something else?) I didn’t tell them this here. I told them ... we were riding along. At gas station, I said something to guy at pump. He said, that’s an easy lick, we can rob him. (Continue... I would have said Marlon didn’t mean robbery. Is that true?) No, not true. Didn’t write that, tell them that.
(Hood - robbery with gun?) I didn’t see no gun. (Hood continues - reads.. my girlfriend refused to testify. Police putting pressure on her despite ... to do so. Kept trying together to say she heard Marlon say he killed Mr. Pernell. What’s truth?) That’s not true. I don’t know what they said when they talked to her. She told me she told police she didn’t hear anything or see anything. She was in her room. (She says in here ... trying to get her to say something. Remember wanting her to testify?) No. I don’t know. Only that at trial, something in the hall or something. (You were in the hallway?) Somewhere.
(If Ms. Pannell were to say she was trying to tell somebody at court that you told her Curt and Adam committed the murder, is that true?) No. Never told me that. (Ever know... see if she talked to defense attorney?) I don’t know. (She tell you anybody told her to leave court?) No sir. (Living together then?) Yes, o  and on. (Go to No. 8 - when I took Adam and Curt to police station, they were intoxicated and high ... in no condition to give statement or talk. Smell alcohol. True?) That’s a lie. Didn’t tell him that. (Condition?) They weren’t no drunk or high state. They were upset. (At station?) At station, can’t remember time. (What about police statement, time?) 6:03 p.m. (When went?) Think we were there before that. (Maybe mid-day?) Maybe.
(Hood - No. 9 ... police kept trying to get me to say I saw a gun and that Marlon shot someone, needed to rob someone. Is that true?) No. Didn’t threaten me. Said no, didn’t see a gun. That he had hand wrapped around. Thought it was a gun. Never said so. (Pressured to make you say something utrue?) Didn’t say that. (... they said Marlon telling on us... made Curt and Adam very mad.) Not correct. Part we said Marlon wasn’t there. Did not tell them that. (No. 11 ... facts are I don’t now who shot Mr. Pernell) That’s true, I don’t. (... Adam and Curt said where gun?) No. (... reads more of statement...) Only thing they stated, police, that Marlon and Curt had already gave statement. They asked who else was there. Said positive it wasn’t me. I told them. When they took statement, we went in police car to show where I dropped him o .
(reading ... never saw Marlon with gun and didn’t remove hand until we got to house?) True. (Police put pressure you my girlfriend.) Not true. She never told me that. (Document ... 4/4/2013) (Hood shows document to Waide then takes it) (Hood - shows to Shaw) One I signed Monday. 4/4/13 ... read statement. First closer to what happened. One defense took was not told way I said it. Don’t have problem taking lie detector test, or to testify again about what I said.
(Hood - when you say that defense statement wasn’t told by way I said?) They lied about it. (Intro statement of 4/4/13 of Brandon Shaw.) (Now, at time, if Kecia Pannell said you were on probation at time murder occurred?) That is a lie. (Tell judge what had happened, committed a crime.) I was 16 when charged ... grand larceny. Me and friend stayed across tracks in a house. Guy getting RR ties o  side of railroad. Him and another loading them up. We seen it, asked what doing. He said, anybody can get them. In daylight, we weren’t trying to steal. Took them and scrapped them. Lady at scrap yard, knows me and could have told me. She called my mom that they were  ling charges. Police called and said come talk to them. Didn’t even have time to cash the check.
(Remember if you pleaded guilty to this charge?) I think I did when I was 16. Hired a lawyer, Farese. (How old when pled?) I think 21. (So at time, you weren’t on probation?) No sir. (If Kecia says she peeked out of room and saw somebody, is that true?) WAIDE - OBJECTION. JUDGE - MISSED FIRST PART OF QUESTION. (Hood repeats question ... can’t remember. (Did Kecia ever come out?) No. (If she had could she see anybody in living room?) No. (Said you never told her anything about who committed murder. Why did she say that?) I don’t know. (Has she ever lied to you?) Sure, many times. WAIDE - OBJECT. SUSTAINED.
(Live with Pannell how long?) 6-7 years. (Do you have opinion about her truthfulness?) No sir. Problems numerous occasions with di erent situations. My own daughter ... so much con ict between us at time of break-up. Not at time of murder, maybe year later. My wife left and we had so many problems, you know. (You have other convictions?) No.
(Waide - I met you when ... wanted to ask me a question?) Yes. (First, ask something you said. Did police accuse you?) They asked if I was involved. (What told them before that?) Hadn’t told them nothing before. At  rst, talking to Adam and Curt. Said them separated, me too. (You and Adam are cousins?) Suppose to be. (You and several went to Tupelo that might?) Yes, and Marlon. (Had been out with them before?) Yes. (Friends?) Good friends, drinking, smoking and partying. (Back to what police said - said they asked you if you had something to do with it?) Wanted to now my role in murder. (Tell you anybody accused you?) No. (That Howell said Adam and Curt did it?) He wasn’t there. I told them Howell was involved when he came to my house. They asked if I knew where he stayed. They put me in police car and I showed them where I dropped him o .
(What did police say about your involvement?) Nothing besides taking Marlon home. (Relationship with Adam, Curt ... went out and drank and smoked?) We came up from kindergarten together. Went out all the time. Hung around together, them and a couple more friends. (What time did you and Adam, Curt get together that night?) First seen them earlier that night. At house with my Mom, playing cards - lot of folks. Don’t know what time. (Girlfriend? That overheard conversation with lawyer?) Yes. (She’s here?) Yes. (To corroborate?) No, not witness. Just her with me. (She’s in courtroom?) Yes. (But you say she heard about this?) She already knew.
(That night, ran into Marlon and picked him up?) Yes sir. (How often in Tupelo with Marlon?) Never had. (At some point during night ... according to what you said ... you stayed at home while other three left?) Early in the morning. I was in bed at that time. First got back from Tupelo, smoking weed and stu . (Curt and Adam?) Yes, and Marlon. (High?) Yes. (Three left you didn’t go?) Yes, left in blue Cutlass, Adam’s grandmother’s. Me and Kecia got into it... said I spent most of evening with them. (Car in at murder?) Yes, Adam, driving. (Didn’t you partiipate when Adam took car back?) No. (What happened to that car?) I don’t know. (You didn’t follow them?) No. Took them in my brother’s. (You’re saying, after did not go with them, people left. You stayed. Later, then came back?) Early that morning. (Adam said Marlon shot somebody?) Yes sir. (Then Marlon said nothing?) No. (Neither Adam or Curt said they didn’t have anything to do with it?) Well, didn’t say they didn’t have anything to do with it. Adam driving car.
(What did Adam say about Curt?) Curt was on back seat of car. All I know, what they told me. (Adam said Marlon committed murder. Didn’t say anything?) No, all he said was he wanted to go home, asked me to take him home. (Know murder was about 5:15?) I guess. (Didn’t have somebody to pick up at 6:00?) No. ((Whose gun was it?) I don’t know. (You went and told police where gun was?) NO, I didn’t. They went behind looking for it. (You didn’t say back there?) No.
(You took Marlon home ... that morning... knowing or beentold he committed a murder?) I was scared. Thought he had a gun. Hadn’t seen it. (When took him home, not scared?) No. (Got home and called police?) No I didn’t. (You didn’t think murder was committed?) Didn’t know, said shot somebody. (You and Adam and Curt dropped Marlon o  at house?) Can’t remember both of them in car. (Didn’t you say you took them home?) Yes. (Must have been with you when took Marlon home to Blue Mountain?) Yes, must have been. (So you three knew you dropped o  murderer?) Yes. (Three of you, not one suggested calling police?) (You’re telling court you dropped o  man people said killed somebody. After you dropped him o  .... HOOD OBJECTIONS..... Waide - only said Marlon shot him ... as a good citizen, you should call police unless you were involved?) I wasn’t. I said, I don’t now who was involved in what. Never seen the gun. All I know was he had hand wrapped up, assuming he had gun. (After dropped o Marlon, claim you took Adam and Curt home?) Yes.
(What did y’all talk about?) They both said, don’t say nothing. (What were you saying?) Going to let police know, if you don’t turn yourself in. (Being a good citizen?) What? (You were trying to put in on Marlon?) I don’t know. I wasn’t there. Either one could have shot him. I don’t know. I said that a thousand times. I don’t now who shot the man. (Did you tell police that?) Yes. (Did you talk to them about going to police?) Curt and Adam? Yes sir. (What were you talking about?) Curt or Adam ... I don’t now. (You went to one of their houses and talked about this?) Yes ... not just us. Seems like girls around. (Tell Ms. Pannell what they told you?) Yes sir.
(So, you did tell her you had information about shooting?) No, they told me Marlon shot somebody. (Signed police statement/) Yes sir. (How long .. you and Adam and Curt talked about it?) Not too long. (When talking, did you say... let’s say Marlon did it?) I wasn’t there. He told me. We weren’t discussing. All theys aid was Marlon shot him, don’t know why. (Did you think that by telling police that Marlon did it, it would get you out of trouble?) Didn’t tell them Marlon did it. (Other than telling them Adam was driving car, tell them anything else?) No.
(At trial, you and Pannell?) I said in the hall... long time ago. (What did you see? She was in witness room but didn’t stay for trial?) HOOD - Said he was hallway. (Did Pannell stay for trial?) I don’t know. (Saw her up here?) Yes. (Living together?) O  and on.
(After trial, did y’all talk about trial?) Not really. We talked but no big discussion. (What did you say about the trial?) I don’t know. (Never talked about whether she testi ed?) I know she didn’t. I don’t remember her being a witness. (She ride with you?) She picked me up at work. (If she left, you wouldn’t have a way home?) NO, work right there. (Remember anything you and Pannell talked about trial?) Not really. no extent.
(Waide - statement DA showed that you gave went over and said a lot wasn’t true? Have you seen it before?) Yes,  rst time was Monday. One DA gave it to me. (Went over it?) Asked me about it. (When you told them about lawyer?) No,  rst time I walked to Jimmy Hood... whatever ... (when  rst told lawyer was pressuring you?) An investigator.
(Let me try to understand statements ... when lawyer was there, was someone else with him all the time?) Yes. (Same one?) No. (Person with, was taking notes?) Not always doing same thing. (One time gave you $20?) Yes. (Only time money came up?) Only time he ever gave me money. (When you talked to yesterday... you said?) Said me and my brother were sitting here all day Wednesday, yesterday and now.... told them, sure would be nice to get a check sitting here all day. Brother said.... I was making a joke. He never responded to me and smiled. And then, another investigator ... I don’t know who everybody is ... investigator came down and said to come back Saturday. I said, really? He said no, just playing.
(Where you were then $20 came?) At car wash. (First time met lawyer?) Yes. (How did $20 come about?) Well, he came to me. Didn’t let me know he was a lawyer. Thought he was an investigator. Didn’t know who they were. (Explaining ... at car wash...  rst time to talk to him and someone else... gave you $20?) Yes. (Also asked people up here for money to compensate your time. Did you bring up $20?) He did. He said, here’s $20 for taking up your time. I’m holding you back from doing your business. (You said talked to him 5-6 hours?) Yes sir. (First time, couple of hours?) Yes. (Day you gave statement?) Don’t know any time I gave a statement. (Take $20?) Yes. (Thought you were being bribed?) No, no bribery going on at the time. At time, brother and me washing cars. He came to talk about Marlon trial. Thought that was over. He said naw. Going for re-trial. Never made clear who he was. Said wanted to talk to me. Thought he was investigator. I said didn’t have nothing to say. Kept wanting to talk to me. Told him testi ed about what happened. Then, he said, don’t you know man’s on Death Row over this. I told them he made me feel kind of guilty. Understanding.. I don’t believe in death penalty. So, I talked to him. He said here’s $20 for your time, before we took any statement of anything. (He was paying you for your time?) At the time, yes. (When you asked investigators up here for money, you were asking for compensation?) No, I was just joking. (How did you know that?) No. Making a joke.
(Did you thnik you were doing something wrong when took $20?) No, he was taking up my time. (Were you paid for false testimony?) I don’t know what me meant. (Were you being bribed to change your story?) No, not my intend. Didn’t intend to lie. (Never intended to give false testimony?) And I never did. (You never said, pay me and i might change my story?) No. sir. (Didn’t intend?) NO sir. (Never been paid for testimony, at no time?) No. (Never o ered anything other than the $20?) Yes sir. (Do you have any knowledge about AG saying defense paid you bribe?) (Tell me what you know, if anything, about Hood saying attorney gave a bribe for testimony?) No sir. Don’t now what talking about. Don’t know about charging bribe. All know is when you came in and they were saying something about a charge for a bribe. (Who said that?) I don’t now who, not sure who. Heard talking. (Heard them could be charged with a bribe?) I think you were present when it was said.
(Waide - Statement you gave and said you didn’t say it, written statement... was it after that you talked to the lawyer?) I can’t remember. I didn’t now I was making a statement, just talking to me. (You still don’t now who shot him?) No I don’t. Don’t know who did what. Only know what Adam told me.
(Have you looked at Pannell statements?) No sir. (Do you know if she signed statement ... that Adam... that you told her Adam and Kirk shot?) I didn’t tell her that. (Adam said it was Marlon who shot guy?) Yes sir. (How often did you talk to Pannell ... several times about what happened that night?) Not really., We never sat down about it. Me and my brother, we did. (You said didn’t turn gun into police?) No sir.
(Waide - show you statement of Mickey Baker .. know him?) Don’t know. (Baker says ... Ray said gun was turned in by Brandon Shaw?) Ray wasn’t present. (What do you know about the gun used in the murder?) Nothing. (You didn’t point to gun?) No. (Found at your house?) Yes. (You didn’t know anything about it?) No sir. (So, you don’t now what Pannell said?) No. (Saying it’s a lie?) No, I don’t know what she said. I’m just saying that I told her Adam or Curt shot ... she’s lying. I don’t know she would have said that. (Has anybody said Pannell told that you said Adam or Curt shot white guy?) No. (Did anybody tell you she said you told her Marlon shot white guy?) Only thing I know is they said she was giving statement trying to discredit me. One of the detectives. (That Pannell was talking bad about you?) Yes, that she said she was what was going on. (Who?) I can’t remember. I told him I don’t know why she said what she said.
(Today, you testi ed same as trial?) Yes. (Have you ever looked at trial testimony before today?) Yes, I went on line looking it up. Me and my brother. (So, before today, you knew what you said at trial?) I been knowing, it’s embedded in my head. (You don’t nkow anything about what happened?) Right. (Know they now have pleaded guilty?) Yes.
(When you took them to station, you talked to them already?) Yes. (Did you feel like if somebody was shot for no reason or for robbery, did you know could be convicted of death penalty?) Yes. (You didn’t want friends to get death penalty?) Nobody get it. (Closer to them?) No. Wanted to clarify that I didn’t have anything to do with it. Know I did take him home. So much going on. Had folks threaten me and mad at me. (Who threatened you?) HOOD - OBJECT. NO RELEVANCE TO THIS. (Waide - goes to his credibility.) Judge - don’t now he’s accused anybody in open court.
(When was it you were threatened?) Around time it happened and around trial time. Me and others had been talking about it. Folks mad I said he was at my house. I said I have no reason to lie for Marlon. I wished to God he’d never been at my house. (But you picked him up earlier?) Yes. Lot of us talking they said he was at girlfriend’s house and dad said he was at home. I said at time, neither one of those statements were true. (Everybody drinking and smoking marijuana that night?) Yes, all of us had.
(Still have statement before you? One you signed but said you didn’t read?) Yes. (No. 33, your honor. Paragraph 6 ... see that ... you say when went to Tupelo earlier, Marlon said something about a “easy lick.” What did he mean?) When he said that was an easy lick ... at the pump at the gas station... like he meant he could take him. He meant about robbing him. (Said easy lick?) I didn’t write that. (Smoking at time?) No. Just riding around. Didn’t even have none in the car with us. (Thought you said smoking that night?) We were. We’d been drinking. (Graph 8 of statement... “they” Adam and Kirk were both intoxicated and high. See that?) Yeh. Saying, this statement... not true. (drunk and high?) At some point that night. (But say this statement is a lie?) NO, I’m saying most of this I did not read, he wrote it out. (Read Graph 8... I’m going to read it to you... Is is true you took them to station?) Yes. (Says both intoxicated and high?) I didn’t say that. I do not know. I don’t believe they were. I wasn’t. (They were at time of murder?) I don’t know. I don’t know. HOOD - ARGUMENTATIVE. JUDGE .... RICHARDSON - May I consult with counsel? (They talk)
(Hood - at bottom of statement... see that?) Yes sir. (Did you see the man there during statement. Did you see him sign it?) I don’t remember him signing it. (Did he put pressure on you?) NO pressure. (Man with lawyer ... was he also asking you questions?) He was talking to him ... (Lst thing you said, no pressure, just asking questions over and over?) Talking about attorney. (Police did, but no pressure?) No. (Police ask questions over and over no pressure?) No, didn’t come at me like you see people on TV. (But lawyer?) The whole ordeal was getting on my nerves. (What’s di erence between lawyer and police?) I really didn’t want to talk to lawyers. Wanted to talk to the police. (So, really no di erence?) Yes.
(What changed your mind about talking to lawyer?) Started in about Death penalty. (Di erence in him and police?) Not too much di erence. Getting on my nerves, both of them. Besides handing me $20. 11:39
HOOD - (You said several times about $20 ... said at time, didn’t feel it was a bribe.) Didn’t at time. When came to my house in Sherman. He’d been there before, Mom said. When got home, di erent occasion. He knocked. said I was hard to  nd. Said needed to talk to me. Same thing? Yeh. We talked it’s hard to  nd you unless I wave money around. Said he gave somebody money to  nd out where you live. He made statement like I need to talk to you for statement ... I don’t mind paying for it, whatever I got to do. (Ever ask for money?) No sir. (Why not?) I knew I wasn’t going to talk to him. (When came to your house and said he’d pay, what was your impression?) Like he was trying to bribe me. Told you I took it as a bribe.
(Hood - about trial testimony. Where saw that?) Seen it numerous times. (Transcript?) Went on line. Newspaper. (Counsel asks you about defense statement in Tupelo ... about that’s a lick or something. Had he said needed money?) Yes sir. Said needs money to pay probation o cer, Marlon said. (Paragraph 8 of statement ... when took Adam and Curt to police station, they were intoxicated. When was that?) Don’t remember the time. (After lunch?) May have been.
(Hood - this statement written down for defense lawyer.. Exhibit 18 - this paragraph, true or not... that Adam and Curt drunk to police station?) To my knowledge, they weren’t drunk. Talking like me and you are now. (That’s all 11:45)
HOOD - One witness, will be very short. WAIDE - If talking about Ms. Pannell, if they want to interview her again ... they have the power to prosecute. They’ve already threatened lawyer. JUDGE - IF YOU HAVE a witness, let’s call her and put on the stand. KELLY - Witness has just arrived, wanted to confer with her. JUDGE - How long intend to examine her? KELLY - 5 minutes. ... 10 minutes at outset. JUDGE - LET’S JUST RECESS, it’s about noon. RECESS UNTIL 1 P.M.
•• •
NEW ALBANY – A state witness said this morning that Marlon Howell's lead attorney paid him for his time as the defense re-investigated the 2000 shooting death that put Howell on Death Row.
Brandon Shaw, the then-boyfriend of a Howell witness, said North Carolina attorney Billy Richardson o ered him $20 "for his time" when he  rst attempted to speak with him about the case a few years ago.
(See below an account of Shaw's testimony today and Hood's questions for him.)
Howell’s counsel seeks a new trial for him or to have the Union County capital murder conviction overturned because of alleged constitutional rights violations.
The evidentiary hearing was ordered by the Mississippi Supreme Court.
Senior Judge Samac Richardson of Rankin County, no relation to Howell’s lead counsel Billy Richardson of North Carolina, is presiding over the hearing, which began Wednesday, after all the circuit district’s judges declined to participate.
Attorney General Jim Hood was the case’s district attorney when it came to trial. On the state’s team with him are current D.A. Ben Creekmore, Assistant D.A. Kelly Luther and Assistant A.G. Jason Davis. Attorney Richardson is assisted by Tupelo attorneys Jim Waide and Rachel Pierce Waide, with support from the Mississippi Innocence Project based at the University of Mississippi.
Howell, who was seated at his counsel table, was sentenced to death after his conviction for the May 15, 2000 shooting death of David Pernell, a Daily Journal newspaper carrier. His co- defendants insisted he killed Pernell but later recanted. They were sentenced to prison on other charges.
•• •
8:50 - Hood has a motion. We ask ... that court to produce a witness today. RICHARDSON - We’re not putting her up but I think she is on her way ... probably be about 9:30. JUDGE - We;ll wait until 9:30 to see. RICHARDSON - May I inquire about what’s going on. JUDGE - Hood wanted access to Pannell. Asking where she was. Richardson - Why? HOOD - This whole hearing... operating like.. doesn’t follow courtroom procedure. Will not advise him about what I want to talk to the witness about. JUDGE - You’ve already held her to question again. Not improper to recall her.
LUTHER - She was not going to be our  rst witness. JUDGE - Weren’t going to start until 9 a.m. but if y’all are ready to go. (Attorneys - no objection.) (Judge to take a couple of minutes before starting.)
KIRK - Retired New Albany police o cer, retired 6 years ago. (Testi es about law enforcement experience.) In May 2000, was investigator with Tim Kent at NAPD. Called to Pernell shooting scene. (Luther - Was Howell picked up during investigation?) Yes. (Was Howell put in lineup?) Yes, around 10 a.m. May 15? (Prior to that, was he charged with murder?) No. (A davit charging with capital murder before lineup?) No. OBJECTION - LEADING. JUDGE - SUSTAINED.
(When charged?) After lineup, about 10 a.m. (When charged?) Some time that afternoon. (How long lineup take?) 20-30 minutes, don’t recall. (Did Howell ahve attorney there?) Don’t recall. (Charged, what does that mean?) Paperwork, warrant, a davits. (Before his lineup, any a davits signed?) No. (Warrants?) No. (Why not?) Well, you get your ... we needed a lineup. (Prior to lineup, did you have evidence to charge him?) No. (Did you interview any witnesses?) I was present for some. Didn’t conduct any. (Did you threaten any?) No.
9:00 - JIM WAIDE (Telling counsel that no charge until after the lineup?) Of capital murder, yes. (Held before?) Yes. (Remember when taken into custody?) Uh, we got warrant from MDOC, ppicked up that night after the incident. (Y’all had MDOC warrant for parole violaiton - behind in payments. Know how long you had that warrant?) No sir. (But behind on payments and warrant, not picked up until co-defendants made statement about the murder?) Yes. (How did probation o cer picked him up? Who?) Police and Sheri ’s Dept.
(So, once picked him up, was he free to leave?) No, MDOC had hold on him. (Why?) Because MDOC had one. Had to do whatever with parole o cer before he could get out. (You had information that he committed the murder?) Yes. (Did you take a statement?) Yes. (You’re not saying you’d take him out before going to the judge?) No. HOOD - He’s a police o cer, No foundation he had authority to release somebody from jail. WAIDE - (Without going to the judge, in your experience as police o cer ... have you ever seen two witnesses say murder and you released somebody?) No. (Didn’t happen in this case?) No. 30 years in law enforcement.
(Your opinion? Based on the codefendant statements, did you have probable cause to hold him for capital murder?) I think we did. (Needed something more solid?) Yes, lineup. (In your eyes, lineup was crucial factor to prosecute?) It helped, yes. (It was crucial, wasn’t it? You didn’t want to go with just two codefendant statements?) Yes. (You wouldn’t want to go to trial with just their statements, wanted something more solid?) Well, common knowledge to get all you could. LIne up is one of them.
9:06 - LUTHER (ASKED ON CROSS IF HOWELL WAS PICKED UP on probation violation for failure to pay his fees. Show you document, see if familiar. WAIDE - No objection.)
(Luther - Document, recognize?) Warrant for violation of probtion on Marlon Howell. (What is alleged in it?) Non-payment for fees. (Was part of this screening for drug use?) WAIDE - OBJECTION. (Failure to pay fees, no matter what?) Yes. (Did you or NAPD have any authority to release him from that probation warrant?) No. (Did Howell ... you were asked about having two statements again, then release from jail. What would you have done if Rice said he wasn’t the one?) We would have investigated more. WAIDE - OBJECTION TO SAY HE’S ASKING... LEADING. JUDGE - SUSTAINED.
(What had Rice done.. did he came forward?) Yes. He gave description of what person looked like. (Why lineup?) WAIDE - OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. Luther - placed importance of lineup in cross examination, whether Kirk had authority about arrest JUDGE - OVERULED.
(WHY DO LINEUP?) To make sure.... (Would you have signed warrant, a davit charging Howell if all you had was statement from co-defendants?) Yes sir. (Prepared to sign a davits before?) Myself? No.
9:11 - STATE CALLS BRANDON SHAW. Hood to question.
SHAW - 32. Self-employed, tears down houses. TEsti ed during trial. (Hood - Tell judge brie y your role night of murder.) They had came to my house, I was asleep. Ray knocked and woke us up. Said wanted to talk to him, important. May 15, 2000. In bed with Kesia Pannell. I got up. Heard disturbance. Startled. Adam told me Marlon had shot somebody. Playing? NO, for real. During time, all us present in the room, not one time did Marlon say he did or didn’t. (Appearance?) He was hysterical. His face real red.
JUDGE - Who was present?
SHAW - Adam said he committed murder. Curt con rmed it. Marlon was hysterical like something happened. Pacing back and forth. Hand under his arm. WAIDE - This is all in the record. I don’ thave problem with a summary. But going through every detail... like at trial. HOOD - Ms. Pannell attacked his credibility yesterday. Not going through every detail. JUDGE - OVERRULED.
(HOOD - So, explain what talking about defendant. What was he doing?) He had like his hand under his arm and he was packing back and forward. He had shirt wrapped around his hand. (Then what?) Then, Marlon said take me home, Blue Mountain. (Who was there?) Me, Marlon, Curt, Adam and ..... I was scared I thought he had a gun. Had his hand under his arm, Marlon did. (What do?) As I was going back Adam was behind, Curt too. I told Kecia I have to go. She asked why. I didn’ tell me, just chill out. I know how she is, would have said you’re not going anywhere.
(Why didn’t you want to tell Kecia at that time?) Marlon ...he had just shot somebody. I put my clothes on. To living room, I thought I didn’t have tag on my car. Got my brother’s car keys. I didn’t tell him what was going on. Marlon came from around house. I got in other car and took Marlon. Marcus got in car  rst. To take Marlon home. He said, don’t say nothing. 
(Then?) Came back to New Albany. Told them he said not to tell nobody. Curt, and them left. I dropped them o . My brother and Kecia didn’t know what was going on. She was awake when I got back. (In living room, talked to them?) Don’t know. Told her that I took hi home and they said he just shot somebody. (Did you say other shot him?) No. (If she were to say that’s what you told her?) She’d be telling a lie. (If she told court that you said Curt and Adam killed Pernell, that would be a lie?) Yes. sir. WAIDE - That’s question for court. JUDGE - I WON’T JUDGE HER credibility unless he contradcts her. overruled.
(HOOD - If she said she peeped out BR door?) I didn’t see that. WAIDE - LEADING. HE’S NOT SUPPOSE TO NOW WHAT SHE TESTIFIED. JUDGE - to witness, wait. OVERRULED. He said “if she said that.”
(HOOD - IN BR, could you see into livingroom?) No. (How was it set up? If somebody was in living room.) Front about 100 feet across. BR on other side of dining room. BR, door opens. Can’t see directly into living room. Mother had a cabinet... dining room right o  BR. She had a big cabinet in dining room and couldn’t see around it into the living room. She’d have to come all the way out of the room to see living room. (So, if opened door, couldn’t see who was there?) No. She’d have to come all the way to the door ... to see. (See then?) Not directloy.
(See her come out?) No. (Ask her what was going on?) Didn’t tell her anything. (Now, when you got back and told her. What time was it?) Can’t remember those details. Daylight. (What time?) Don’t know. (Said Kesia was up?) Told .. my brother, Kecia and my brother’s girlfriend. Talked about what happened. I left and went to look for Curt and Adam. Told them I was going to let o ce now what happened. It was on the new... about the murder.
JUDGE - Mr. Shaw, slow down.
(Hood - When talked with people in house, Kecia... watch TV?) Yes sir. Don’t remember who all was sitting there... about the murder. (Any questions with Kecia about who committed the murder?) I don’t know. (How long were you living with Kecia?) About 6-7 years. O  and on. (Have any children?) A daughter, she’s 11. (What about your parting, your breakup?)( We never got along. (Is she mad at you?) Yeh. (Did she ever lie?) WAIDE- LEADING. SUSTAINED.
Hood - If she told us that you tole her that Curtis and Adam committed the murder, that’s a lie?) Yes sir. (Why would she lie about that?) I don’t know. Marlon’s lawyer might have paid her. WAIDE - OBJECTION. MOTION TO STRIKE. HE HAS NO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THIS,. IF HE’S GOT FACTS, HE NEEDS TO TESTIFY TO IT. HOOD - Ask him to make sttements, not talk to witness. JUDGE - He said they might have paid her. SUSTAIN OBJECTION. Supposition, guess work... sustained.
(DID THEY ever o er you money to change your testimony?) Yeh, they tried to bribe me. (Who?) I don’t know name. (How many times did someone came about giving another statement?) About 5 times. (First time, when and where?) At car wash, he came to talk to me. Didn’t want to talk. WAIDE - Ask court to instruct who did what. Who is he talking about, accusations of misconduct. JUDGE - Say who it was, what they looked like, some type of identi caiton?
Shaw - two of them. Only one I remember was guy sitting there in glasses against the wall. Third man down (POINTING TO RICHARDSON) Hood - Indicates Richardson as one who came to talk to him.
(Hood - FIRST TIME, what occurred?) Washing cars, real busy. He kept on wanting to talk to me. About Marlon Howell. (Who was it?) First time didn’t say. Thought it was state investigator. Didn’t want to talk to him. I asked what is this about? Want to get on with my life, I have people who have threatened me. I have never said Marlon shot anybody. I don’t know what he did, only he came to my house. He kept badgering. Then ... (How long?) A few minutes. Then said well, need to talk to you, man’s life on line. He’s on death row. I kind of felt guilty. I said he shouldn’t be on death row... but serve life, my opinon. (He? Who talking about?) The lawyer.
(Hood - So, after that?) I stopped washing and we talked. Went on a while, more than hour or two. He said, pulled out wallet. I’ll give you $20 for your time. Lawyer said. (Then what?) We talked. (So, didn’t sign statement hten?) Don’t know. When they talked to me, always writing or recording. He never came by himself. At my house ... (Next time?) Can’t say which. Just remember several times. (How many times?) About 5 times.
(Hood - Anybody else present when talked to you?) At shop, brother was there but didn’t hear anything. My wife was there but she didn’t hear anything. Later came to house, Mom and wife there. Can’t remember who else. At Sherman, wife and Mom there too. At Sherman, asked him how found out where I lived. Trying to get away. He said it’s hard to keep up with you. I said, not trying to be found. Spread money around, and people will tell me where you at. (How long ago was this?) In Sherman was 2008. (How long period were these 5 times with Richardson?) I don’t now. A few years.
(Hood - When mother and wife there, any conversation about money?) Yes, sir. He said wanted to talk about it, man’s life at stake. I’m willing to pay for your time. Like I want to get a statement. (How many times said paying?) A few time. Probably every time. (How did you take that?) I felt like he was trying to pay me for a statement that he wanted. Didn’t. (Signed it?) I told you and everybody else, I didnot read that paper. EVery time they came, they were writing down. Not at one time did I ever read what they wrote. He said, just sign this that I talked to you. Never did I read it.
(Hood is showing documents to Waide. Several dozen people in the audience. Includes Howell’s mother.) HOOD - They have this in discovery. WAIDE - Your honor, I can’t recall this. JUDGE - IF NEED to take a recess, I’ll do that. (Waide continues to read documents.)
HOOD - Your honor, it’s 9:40 and no Kecia Pannell. Ask for bench warrant. RICHARDSON - I’m not in charge of that. Will MacIntosh, colleague, she said 9:30. From Tupelo. Takes 20-30 minutes. She should be here any time. We thought they had two more witnesses to put on. JUDGE - AMAYBE YOU CAN contact her. Richardson - We’ll do that now. (MacIntosh leaves courtroom. Waide still reading. Says doesn’t object to any of these.)
(Hood - Document, what is this, when?) 5/16/2000. I signed it. (That your statement to law?) Yes. Move to enter into evidence. WAIDE - NO OBJECTION. Would like about 5 minute recess after direct to look at statements again. (Judge - brings them to bench to talk about it.) JUDGE - SHORT RECESS. 9:46.
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Feeling left behind by her more successful, settled friends, Emma Swan moves to Scotland on a whim. Sure, she’s winning at Instagram, but something is still missing from her new life. Fortunately, her friends back home are on it. #FindEmmaSwanAFriend goes viral. Enter Killian Jones, reluctant columnist, who is on the hunt for his newest subject, and may just have found her. CS AU.
also on ff.net
Tagging: @katie-dub , @wholockgal, @kat2609, @whovianlunatic, @optomisticgirl, @ladyciaramiggles, @the-lady-of-misthaven, @emmaswanchoosesyou, @ilovemesomekillianjones, @biancaros3, @cigarettes-and-scotch-whisky, @ms-babs-gordon, @ab-normality, @andiirivera, @fangirl-till-it-hurts and whoever else asks me.
Thank you to @lenfaz, for the being a fantastic cheerleader and @wholockgal for the guidance. Sorry this one took so long, guys.
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Liam was not happy, to put it mildly.
The staff meeting had not gone well. In fact, to call it a fucking fiasco wouldn't have been too far off the mark. Normally, Killian was content to doze through the daily briefings, only too happy to tune out as his colleagues attempted to outdo each other in a race to churn out the cheesiest puff pieces they could. It was a race to the bottom, as far as Killian was concerned.
Alright, so his own copy was not exactly what you would call hard-hitting. Friendless Americans were hardly in the same realm as child soldiers, or Ebola. It certainly wasn't going to win him any awards any time soon. But at least he didn't spend fifteen minutes that morning boasting about bagging an interview with a second-tier novelist who was still content to tread the same tired ground Ian Rankin had first broken… thirty years ago.
No, Killian's usual method of coping through the morning briefing was to drink his subpar coffee in subdued silence, wishing he were still in bed. Or better yet, dead. And he might've continued in that vein, if he hadn't been busy scanning the newest copy edits to drown out the droning, and seen the hatchet job on page 7.
What came next, well... perhaps Killian could have handled things better. But in summary, no, Liam was not happy.
"For chrissakes, Killian," he said, one hand pulling his office door closed behind them, the fingers of the other pinching the bridge of his nose. "You can't keep doing this."
"Me?" Killian asked in disbelief.
"Aye. You. When I said I wanted you to become more engaged in the staff meetings, this is hardly what I meant!"
"I didn't-" Killian began, but Liam cut him off with defeated sigh.
"Did you really have to call her a dopey bint?"
"Three different misspellings of the word 'bureau'!" Killian countered. "Three! In an article that's barely 500 words long! Not to mention what she did to the title of the Edwards piece-"
"It's not about the typos!" Liam interrupted, slamming his palms down onto his desk with such force that the ornamental cup of pencils on his desk rattled in their container. "It's about the conduct. Your conduct. And honestly, I'm sick of making excuses for you!"
Liam rarely shouted. His weapon of choice was usually a look of quiet disappointment, one which he wielded with deadly intent. To see him properly hot under the collar… Killian felt like a chastened child, the first stirrings of shame warming his cheeks.
"Is that what you've been doing?" Killian responded softly, the words tripping off his tongue with a vulnerability that made him cringe inwardly.
Though he regretted his tone, it did at least seem to take some of the wind out of Liam's sails, his brother's expression morphing from anger to something more stricken.
"I didn't-" Liam began, holding his hands up in a placating gesture, "I didn't mean it like that."
"Dammit, Killian," Liam groaned, sinking into his office chair with an audible squeak against the leather. "I'm trying here, okay? You think it's easy, running this place? With all the sniping and poor formatting, and Ingrid breathing down my neck 24/7, just waiting for an excuse to close us down?"
"Close us down?" Killian repeated, momentarily sidetracked. He knew things had been difficult, but... "I thought the entire point of a family enterprise was she wouldn't do that?"
Liam's laugh was hollow as a drum. "Maybe if we were remotely profitable…" he responded bitterly. And then, as if realising for the first time the significance of what he just uttered, he straightened, and gave Killian a meaningful look. "You didn't hear that."
"Of course not," Killian scoffed.
"Look," Liam began, pasting on what Killian liked to think of as his reasonable face. "I know this isn't what you want to be doing. And I know Lindsay can come off as a barely literate braggard. But honestly? She's the best we can afford. So can't you just work with me here? Swallow your pride. Apologise to the lass. I don't have the budget to send you out for workplace sensitivity training, and I doubt it would take anyway. So can you do that? For me?"
Momentarily stunned at finding himself drawn into his brother's confidence, Killian could only nod at first. "Aye," he said, when he'd finally recovered himself. "I'll do that."
He could almost see the physical weight of it lifting off Liam's shoulders as he said the words. "Thank you."
"Anything to keep the ship afloat," Killian said with a mock salute to his captain.
At the flippant gesture, Liam's eyes narrowed. "You will make the apology convincing, won't you?"
"Of course."
"It will require a little more than your usual flowery language and empty platitudes, brother. I'm talking about a sincere apology."
Killian tapped his temple with his prosthetic fingers. "Leave it to me."
Did you get my email? KJ
I'm not joining a mariachi band, Jones. ES
It wasn't a mariachi band. It was a flamenco dancing class. KJ
Yeah, either way I'm not coordinated enough for that. And then there's the ruffles... ES
Oh? And pray tell, what did ruffles ever do to you? KJ
Homecoming, 2003. ES
Oh really? KJ
Goodwill dress. Body glitter. Crimped hair. The works. There aren't any pictures. I know you would have liked that, but my foster brother burned them all. In hindsight, probably the nicest thing that little shit ever did. ES
...So ruffles are out. KJ
Ruffles are out. ES
He was nearly home, the train just leaving Haymarket when his phone began to vibrate in his inside pocket, the chorus of American Woman bursting out through tinny speakers. Ignoring the woman opposite scowling at him over the top of her copy of Metro, he answered it.
"This is a surprise. Are you rethinking the ruffles, lass?"
At first there was just silence, and he wondered if the call had dropped out. But then at last, there was a deep intake of breath. "Uh, hi. Look, I know this is really weird to ask, but is there any chance you're, I don't know, nearby?"
Killian thought he'd seen Emma Swan in a few different modes by now, but the voice on the phone was an entirely new proposition. Small. Uncertain. If he didn't know any better, he might think she sounded apologetic. Not a setting he thought Emma Swan came in.
"Nearby to... where, exactly?"
"Oh, uh, my place. In Newington. Next to the old Jewish cemetery?"
"I'm not familiar. Is that near The Meadows by any chance?"
"A couple of blocks South. I'm sorry. You're probably busy. I'll just figure it out myself. I'm sorry to bother you."
Two sorries in as many seconds. Second guessing herself aloud. Alarm bells were ringing in Killian's head. Something was not alright with Emma Swan. Without giving it much thought he made a grab for his laptop bag beside him with his false hand and looped it over his shoulders.
"Just text me your address."
She was sitting on the curb out front of her building when his taxi pulled up, hugging her bag to her chest. She made for quite the pitiful looking figure, illuminated as she was by the sickening yellow glow of the streetlight.
She looked almost surprised to see him emerge from the back of the black cab, as if she'd never called him in the first place.
"You didn't have to come," she said, rising to her feet, her eyes not meeting his. "I'm fine."
But whatever else she was, Emma Swan didn't seem fine. In fact, she seemed to be shaking.
Killian had his jacket off in a moment, draping it across her shoulders. It was harder for her to avoid his scrutiny at this distance, and he could see the quiver of her lip. The tell that meant Emma was only just holding it together.
"My apartment," Emma said, gesturing vaguely at the building in front of them. "They tossed it."
"They?" Killian doubted very much Emma had been the subject of a visit from law enforcement, but it was good to be sure.
She just shrugged, and it was the most helpless gesture he'd ever seen from her. Just your garden variety criminal, then.
"Have you phoned the police?"
She shook her head, fingers reaching out to pull his jacket tighter around herself. "I tried to call 999, but then I remembered it wasn't an emergency, and I tried to google the right number but my fingers felt like jelly and I just-"
She was almost in tears by this point, so Killian did what anyone in his situation would do. He took a step forward hugged her.
She resisted at first, her spine stiffening and he couldn't bring himself to be entirely surprised. Whatever else Emma might be, she did not strike him as much of a hugger. A childhood in care would do that to you. But she didn't push him away, and Killian didn't let go.
Instead he held her against his chest, his one hand travelling up and down her upper arm in what he felt was a soothing manner. And then before he knew it, Emma Swan the stoic was gone, and the real Emma Swan, replete with all the usual human fears and vulnerabilities, was hugging him back.
They waited at a kebab shop down the street until the police were done doing whatever it was they did in such circumstances. Dusting for fingerprints, taking photographs, disturbing Emma's neighbours for potential eye-witness accounts. They weren't optimistic about an arrest.
It was only once they'd finally left a little after midnight that Killian trailed Emma upstairs, to see the damage for himself.
They'd done a real number on the place. Furniture overturned. Drawers tossed, their contents strewn about in haphazard piles. Cupboard doors left open to reveal broken crockery. The only saving grace was Emma hadn't stumbled upon them while they'd been at it, stuck in an evening lecture.
Killian gave a low whistle. "Any chance you've renter's insurance, Swan?"
She gave him a level look that told him exactly where he could stick his renter's insurance.
"Phoned the landlord?"
Emma shrugged. "She's in Tenerife, apparently. Along with like half of Scotland. I left a voicemail."
"Locksmith? I know a good one. So do you, come to think of it."
"I do?" she asked, momentarily shaken from surveying the devastation.
"Robin. From karaoke? Best in the business."
"Really? Locksmithing? I would not have picked that. He seems so…"
Killian could feel himself smile at her floundering. "Well-spoken?" he offered.
She blew out a breath. "Well, yeah."
"He went to one of those schools," Killian explained. "You know, with the straw boaters, and the latin? The kind that likes to spit out Prime Ministers and investment bankers? It's been a lifetime, but the accent's hard to shake."
"Like Hogwarts?"
Killian snorted. "If you like."
"So what?" she asked. "He's the black sheep of the family?"
"On the contrary. It's his father that's been a guest of Her Majesty's Prison Service these last twenty five years. Ponzi scheme. Cheated rather a lot of people out of their life savings, as it turned out."
"Holy shit."
"Aye," Killian agreed. "He's not had an easy time of it. And now with raising his son on his own. But despite it all, he might just be the best man I know."
"And a hell of a locksmith?" Emma ventured.
He smiled. "Aye, that too. But it's getting late, and the little lad would be in bed by now. I doubt he could make it here tonight." He grimaced, shooting a glance at Emma's front door where the thieves had kicked it in. He doubted it would even stay closed, the state it was in. "I think it'd be best if you slept elsewhere tonight, lass."
He should have known that Emma Swan, the stoic, would make her return at some point. But he still groaned inwardly when she saw her cross her arms over her chest in that infuriatingly familiar way.
"It's just one night," she reasoned. "It'll be fine."
He was amazed how so few words could set his blood to boiling. "Are you bloody mad? You can't stay in here with your door hanging off the bloody hinges. Clearly the building isn't secure. Pack a bag, and I'll drop you at the nearest Travelodge."
Emma gave a scornful laugh. "You think I can afford a Travelodge now someone's ransacked my place? Academics really don't get paid nearly as much as you think they do."
Killian groaned. "Stay with me, then. There's plenty of room, and Elsa would love a female presence to counteract all the testosterone."
"Honestly, Killian. I'm fine. You think I haven't been in tighter spots than this? There's no need to put anyone out. It's not like they're coming back."
She was a stubborn lass. He'd always known it, but it was somehow so much more frustrating when she was working against her own self-interest. It was time for Killian to do a little arm crossing of his own. "I'm not leaving you here."
Emma rolled her eyes. "It's not your problem."
"No? My column does rather depend of you being whole and healthy for the full year. I'd say it's entirely my problem, you putting yourself at risk like this."
"I'm not leaving," she said, her tone defiant.
"Well, then neither am I," Killian replied, with some defiance of his own. Then, to further illustrate his commitment to the cause, he settled himself down on her couch, raising one challenging brow.
Emma gave an exasperated groan, dropping down onto the couch beside him. "You're infuriating, you know that?" she said, turning to him.
"I'm aware."
"Look, I know I'm the one who called you. But I swear, it was just a momentary freak out when I saw the place. I'm fine now. I'll put something in front of the door. A dresser or something. I know you're trying to be all noble or whatever, but I'm not some damsel in distress. I can take care of myself."
"Has it ever occurred to you, Swan," Killian said, scratching at his beard with mild irritation, "that perhaps it isn't so much about me thinking you weak, quite so much as you being deserving of someone's help?"
Emma hesitated.
"At least let me help you tidy the place up," he offered. And then with a sly smile in her direction, "Or are you worried leaving me in your flat too long, I might take the opportunity to rifle through your unmentionables?"
He got an elbow to the kidney for that, but she didn't technically shoot down his offer. So he set about to make good on it, reaching over to pick up a lamp that had been knocked to the ground. He could feel Emma watching him, wordlessly, as he bent down to retrieve a stack of books that were scattered on the floor.
"Problem, Swan?"
But instead of a proper response, she just threw her hands up with an exasperated, resigned sound and stalked off into the other room.
They were into the wee hours before the place was mostly set to rights, a pile of rubbish bags by the door fit to bursting with ruined or broken things. The thief or thieves in question had certainly not been gentle in their search for Emma's more valuable possessions.
"About done?" he asked, as Emma shuffled back into the main room, clutching a broom.
"Done!" she announced, flopping down onto the couch with clear exhaustion, letting the broom fall to the floor with a clatter.
"So what's the final damage bill, then?" Killian asked, coming over to perch on the edge of the coffee table. "What did they get?"
Emma emitted a small sound from where she lay face down, but quickly righted herself, giving Killian her full attention. Her hair was askew from where she had lain on it, a glorious mess, and Killian found himself smiling softly despite himself.
"Well, the good news is they didn't take my laptop, since I had it with me. And they never found the emergency stash I keep under the sink, because men never think to check inside boxes of tampons. But apart from the broken dishes, it's mainly just jewellery and stuff. My phone charger, which is a hassle. Some DVDs. They're Harry Potter fans, apparently..." Emma mused.
"So all perfectly replaceable then?"
At that, Emma frowned, her gaze fixed on the carpet by her feet. "Yeah, mostly."
Emma glanced back to him, her fingers unconsciously grazing the skin below her throat. "There was a… a keychain. With a swan on it? It's not worth much or anything, but I don't know... It has sentimental value, I guess."
Killian wasn't sure what to say, so he nodded to show he understood. It wasn't as if he could promise its safe return. He'd written enough articles to know items stolen during your average burglary were rarely recovered. And truth be told, it bothered him, that this was something he was powerless to address.
"So," he began, stretching his legs out with a yawn. "It being somewhere between too early and too late, are we sleeping or are we staying up until we can give Robin a call?"
"We?" Emma repeated. "You don't have to stay. Believe me, you've done plenty. Go home. Go to sleep. Don't you have work tomorrow?"
Killian shrugged. "It's Saturday. There's nothing pressing." Truthfully, he'd agreed to watch the boys that evening, while Liam and Elsa had dinner with the dreaded Aunt-in-law. But he could sleep before that. Or he could just put on Monsters Inc and doze during...
Emma regarded him for a moment, before seeming to come to some internal decision. "Okay, fine. I'll put some coffee on. What's your stance on Netflix?"
Killian grinned. "Pro."
Have you ever noticed that running tights only come in shades of Mountain Dew iridescent green or Barbie hot pink? ES
What would you prefer, fire engine red? KJ
You have ONE red jacket and suddenly you're typecast... But seriously. Who wants to be that visible? I mean, you're running. You're not a poisonous frog. ES
What exactly is your sudden fascination with lycra exercise wear? KJ
Okay, umm… don't freak out, but I joined a jogging group. ES
-Killian Jones calling-
The array was dazzling. Rack after rack of form-fitting, garishy patterned tights that she couldn't imagine wearing in a million years.
Things had changed since the last time Emma gave the exercise thing a shot. Whatever happened to sweat pants? Muted colors? Leaving the house without looking like a packet of Skittles? If this selection was anything to go by, incognito was out this season.
Emma was intimidated, she could admit that much. And couldn't bring herself to be entirely surprised when Killian appeared, magical-like, just as she turned into the sports bra aisle. She should have known, just by the way he'd sounded on the phone.
How sad was it, that Killian Jones was more enthusiastic about her own social life than she was? Then again, he was extorting money out of the situation. So there was that.
"A jogging group?" he repeated breathlessly, his good hand still clutched to his side, as if he'd just taken Princes Street at a run, Trainspotting-style. Yep, he was far too enthusiastic about this.
"As I said on the phone..." she said pointedly.
"I thought exercise was the devil?"
Yeah, she'd said that. And at the time she'd meant it. Hell, Emma wasn't sure she didn't still mean it. She hadn't pulled on a pair of sneakers since high school. She'd thought in waving goodbye to Ms Garrett, the sadistic gym teacher with her equally sadistic whistle, she'd also been waving goodbye forever to the world of incidental exercise.
It turned out 'forever' was a strong word.
It was easy enough to make excuses when you were neck-deep in your PhD and subsisting off coffee and a stipend that barely covered rent. It was somewhat harder when you were for all intents and purposes a grown ass woman with a job, and a 401K and at least three pair of jeans in your closet that no longer fit.
Especially now she'd discovered they stocked Lucky Charms in her nearest Sainsbury's, and she was up to three bowls a day.
Even so, she hadn't gone out looking for it. Them. Her prospective running mates. She'd been more preoccupied at the time with just getting out of the apartment. And also maybe a little about her reputation on Instagram.
She had to admit she hadn't been having the easiest time getting to sleep in the apartment, post-break in. Even with that shiny new deadbolt Robin installed, she still overreacted to every noise and squeak. Every rattle of the plumbing through her bedroom wall.
She didn't even really like her apartment. Hadn't even bothered to personalize it, or make it feel like home. But it was still an invasion, and it still bothered her. Imagining them in her space, rifling through her things.
Even now she felt her fingers reach up to the hollow of her throat, absently stroking the skin where her swan should have rested, dangling on its chain.
In a way, she was glad it was gone. The last reminder of him. Now she was free to forget. Like it never even happened.
On the other hand, that seemed dangerous. Forgetting him also meant forgetting the greatest lesson he ever taught her. And Emma wouldn't be caught dead making the same mistake again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…
The Meadows were only a short walk from the apartment, a flat expanse of wet green grass emerging out of the early morning fog. Haar, Killian had called it, rolling in from the Firth of Forth like an extra in a bad B-movie.
The park was a favorite for students napping between classes, soaking up as much Vitamin D as the Scottish spring would give them. When Emma crossed it on her way home it was usually full of determined dog walkers and fitness bootcampers, lying spent on the grass.
At this time of day though, it was almost eerily quiet, without so much as birdsong to punctuate the silence. She could see some early morning joggers further on, ghostly figures in the mist, but they were barely there, intangible to her in her quest.
It was the cherry blossoms she'd come to see. It was the cherry blossoms that she was hoping would catapult her number of Instagram followers into four figures.
Everybody loved cherry blossoms.
They were a limited time engagement, and Emma had timed it just right. The cherry trees lined both sides of the avenues as they cut across the park at 45 degree angles, creating a canopy overhead of pretty pink flowers that wouldn't have been out of place in Mary Margaret's more ambitious pre-wedding scrapbooks. Paired with the fog, the haar, they looked like something out of a gothic fairytale.
Until, that is, the pair in the neon running gear came barrelling through the tunnel of trees, excitable chatter punctuated by necessary breaths. It wasn't a gothic fairytale, so much as a strange juxtaposition. Emma took the picture.
The girl on the left, a pretty brunette in a ponytail, noticed Emma and slowed down as they approached.
Emma took a quick step back, averting her eyes down to her phone, hoping to avoid a confrontation.
But the girl wasn't angry. On the other hand, she seemed way too chipper for not even six in the morning. "Oh my god, did you take a picture? Can I see? I bet it looks so cool with the blossom out."
Emma glanced at her, and then at her companion, an Asian girl with some serious muscle definition peeking out from the sleeve of her T-shirt. The girl gave Emma a look, one which almost pleaded to humor her. So Emma did. She turned her screen around to show them, and the brunette gave a delighted squeal, clutching her companion's arm.
"It's so cool! Please, can you send me it?" And then before Emma even knew what was happening, the girl had Emma's phone in her hands, and was inputting her phone number into contacts, unbidden.
Emma shared a look with the other girl, who only shrugged apologetically, as if this was par for the course.
Once she'd handed it back, she glanced down at the name she'd programmed into her phone.
"Aurora?" Emma repeated.
"That's me," the girl confirmed, flicking her ponytail over her shoulder with the kind of maneuver that would leave a lesser woman with whiplash. "It's a really good picture. Are you like a photographer or something?"
"Or something," Emma admitted. And then, without giving it too much thought, she took a step forward. "I'm Emma."
"Nice to meet you," Aurora smiled. "And this is Mulan," she said, poking a thumb in her friend's direction. "Usually there's more of us, but I think the fog scared them off."
"Or the getting up before dawn…" Mulan offered, with a barely concealed yawn. "Not my idea," she mouthed, once Aurora had turned her back.
Emma found herself warming to the pair, and Emma never warmed to anyone.
"You do this a lot, then?"
"Four times a week," Aurora chirped. Mulan made a face behind her, and Emma fought to maintain her composure. "During semester anyway. Most of us go home in the breaks."
"You're students?"
"Postgrad," Mulan cut in. "Theoretical Physics. That's how we met. You?"
Theoretical Physics. Well, that wasn't intimidating at all.
"Oh. I uh… I'm a lecturer. Undergrad American History."
"Wow, you look so young to be teaching," Aurora said with something like awe. Emma liked her already.
"I'm still getting my sea legs," Emma admitted. "This is only my first year here. I was teaching back in the States before."
She expected the pair to feign interest, like most people did when she started talking about work. But as far as she could tell, she still had their undivided attention.
Was this really happening? Was Emma's real life actually passing the Bechdel Test for once? And what was she willing to do, to preserve that feeling?
"So," Emma began, clearing her throat a little. "Is your running group like a private thing, or are you open for new members?"
"You run?" Aurora asked, her tone immediately overeager. Behind her, Mulan rolled her eyes at her friend's new-found, almost evangelical, zeal.
"Not really," Emma confessed. "But I'm thinking of giving it a shot."
Aurora held out a hand. "Welcome to the team, Emma."
At the sound of his voice, Emma's mind crashed back into the present, back into the basement of Sports Direct amidst a sea of neon sports bras, and Killian giving her a funny look.
"Sorry, spaced out for a second. What were you saying?"
"You mean you're doing this of your own volition?" he repeated. "No undue coercion? No one is holding a gun to your head?"
"Don't be so dramatic," Emma sighed, moving further into the section, in the hopes he might be scared off by the plethora of practical lingerie. But if anything, the opposite was true, Killian keeping pace with her.
"I'm just trying to understand."
"Well it was either that, or wait for you to force me into taking up swing dancing or racquetball or something. I figured I'd take my chances. Besides, they're nice."
"Nice?" Killian repeated, almost disbelievingly. "Who are you, and what have you done with Emma Swan?"
"What? I don't hate all people."
"Just most people."
Emma frowned, turning to face him. "I thought you'd be happy. I thought this is what you wanted me to do? Put myself out there, yada yada yada."
"Are you kidding? I'm ecstatic."
Emma let her eyes rake over him, taking in the distinct lack of ecstasy. "Sure you are."
"I will be ecstatic when I have my first coffee of the day," he corrected. "For right now, let's just pretend I am."
"So, are you going to model any of these for me?" Killian asked, reaching out to grab a strappy black number off the rack, holding it against his chest with a suggestive smirk. "I've been told I have excellent taste."
Emma snatched it off him. "In your dreams, Jones."
Then she looked down, considering the item in her hands. "Okay, so this one is kind of nice."
Out of interest, do you know of any way to remove chewing gum from hair WITHOUT chopping it off? Ideally before his parents come home and find him like this... KJ
Wow, that takes me back to 6th grade. Try olive oil. ES
Thank you. KJ
Which nephew got gummed? ES
Lachie. Of course. Though I suspect Callum put him up to it. KJ
Being an Uncle sounds like a blast. ES
That's certainly one word for it. KJ
Emma was dying, of that she was certain.
Everything hurt. Everything. Her legs were like jelly and her heart beat so fast she was half worried it was going to burst straight through her chest, Alien-style.
Running was a stupid idea. She saw that now.
It was a shame, because she quite liked Aurora and Mulan. Even a few of the others were kind of nice, when they bothered to show up. And no one ever thought to pepper her with questions when she was running, not while she was busy making dying cow noises at the back of the pack. That was a bonus.
But on the whole? Running was the worst.
If only she hadn't spent so much on her new, stupid running clothes, she might've been able to justify quitting. But how could she? And make herself look like an idiot in another one of Killian's columns? She just knew he'd seize on this. Another early failure for their project. Another excuse for him to bring out the big words to describe her utter inability to gel with the general population.
Screw it. Screw him. She wasn't giving up. She wasn't flighty, or inconstant or whatever else he might think to call her. She was a serious, determined person, and running was a learned skill. She hoped. Killian could take a flying leap.
Naturally, it figured that who should appear around the next bend, reclining on a park bench with that infuriating devil-may-care grin, but the man himself?
"Whoa," she called, to the group in front of her, before collapsing down onto the grass in an undignified heap, chest heaving.
He stepped into her line of vision, leaning over her sprawled body with an amused expression. "Water?" he asked, pulling a bottle out of somewhere.
Emma could feel herself salivating. She made a pathetic grab for it, but he pulled it out of her reach just in time.
"I hate you," she moaned weakly.
"I know," he smiled, lowering the bottle into her hands.
She didn't waste any time, tearing off the lid and guzzling it down all at once.
"Space yourself," he cautioned, but she ignored him, tipping the bottle back further until the last of its contents poured down her throat.
"I like the tights. The red is a good look on you," he said, coming to sit on the grass beside her. Emma threw the empty bottle at his head, but he caught it before it could make contact.
"Such violence," he chided, tossing the bottle up in the air in a casual flip, and catching it again. "And here I thought exercise might help you to temper that latent aggression."
"You thought wrong," Emma said deadpan, before taking another deep lungful of cool, delicious air. "What are you doing here, anyway? Don't you have work soon?"
"Aye. I do. And since I'm not permitted into work this morning without making a grand and effusive apology to a woman who scant deserves it, I thought I might delay it a while. Plus I have something for you."
Emma pulled herself up into a sitting position to better look him in the eyes. "For me?"
"For you," he confirmed. "But not here. How do you feel about breakfast? The Pantry?"
"But that's in Stockbridge!" Emma whined.
"Aye. But their avocado toast is excellent. And I really have no desire to get to the office before noon."
"Speak for yourself. I have a lecture at 11."
"We'll cab it," he pulled a black card from his pocket, and fanned his face with it. "I've got the company card, and you could rightly argue that this is a work excursion."
Emma snorted, but he still let him pull her to her feet. Just in time for the rest of her running group to appear around the bend, having completed another lap
They clustered around Emma, and she could feel a few interested glances shot in Killian's direction. Of course.
"You did great!" Aurora said, coming over to envelop her in a sweaty hug. "That's one more lap than last time. I knew you'd get the hang of it!"
Emma didn't feel like she was getting the hang of it, but nevertheless, she hugged her back. "Thanks."
She heard a few of the girls whispering to each other, and she knew it was better to address the elephant in the room.
"This is Killian," she said, batting him with her elbow. "He's my… columnist," Emma finished lamely.
Mulan shot her a quizzical look, but Emma just shook her head. "I'll explain later. We're about done, right?"
Without waiting for the chorus of vague agreement, Emma already had Killian by elbow, dragging him away from his newfound admirers.
Killian was right. The avocado toast was excellent. Nearly worth the extortionate prices they were charging for it. Nearly.
"So you said you had something for me?" Emma prompted, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Oh yes," he said, and then to her surprise, he reached behind his neck and unclasped the chain he wore around his neck. "Hold out your hand."
Before she could think too much about it, she did so and he dropped a silver medallion into her open palm. The metal was still warm from where it had lain against his skin.
"Uh, thanks? I didn't realize we'd reached the "gift giving" portion of our partnership. Especially jewellery with…" She squinted. "...religious iconography?"
"It's Saint Anthony," he explained, leaning forward to swipe a slice of tomato off her plate. "Patron Saint of Lost Things."
Emma shook her head. "But I'm not Catholic."
"Nor I. But for a couple of years we had some nuns looking after us. Some things tend to linger. I thought it might help you find that stolen keychain. Outside of that, I thought it might make a good placeholder, in the event it wasn't recovered."
Emma looked down at the medallion again, something curiously like tears burning at the corner of her eyes. It was a thoughtful gift. Really thoughtful. Emma couldn't remember the last time someone had given her one of those.
"Thank you," she said, glancing up so he knew she meant it.
He gave a small smile, and then as if sensing the strange tension that was fast filling the room, he cleared his throat. "You know, there was a Saint Killian."
"Was there?" Emma asked, drawing back her hair with one hand.
"Patron saint of rheumatism sufferers," Killian said softly, leaning forwards to take her hair between his fingers so she could secure the medallion herself.
"Catchy." Why were her fingers shaking?
"He has a feast day on 8th of July. I tried to convince everyone to leave me presents on that day in tribute, but no one went for it."
Finally, the clasp was secured, and Emma let the medallion fall between her breasts. She saw Killian's eyes follow the movement of it, then travel back to her face, cheeks coloring slightly.
"Funnily enough."
He cleared his throat again. "Except for my brother. Liam. He used to leave me a Galaxy bar on my pillow, every July 8th. Still does, in fact."
"I don't know what that is, but it's still cute."
Killian looked floored. "You've truly never had a Galaxy bar?"
"Christ, Swan. I thought you Americans were at the forefront of all things confectionery."
Then suddenly Killian was rummaging around in his pockets for the credit card, and gathering up his coat.
"Uh, are you going somewhere?"
"Why, to get you a Galaxy Bar of course," he said, shrugging on his jacket. "Aren't you coming?"
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lia-nikiforov · 7 years
Revised edition
Quick report on Kubo and Yamamoto’s attendance to Concomics Guadalajara. I was in line for 9 hours plus two more for their short Q&A and am objectively dying, sorry for typos 
ETA: When I wrote this it didn’t occur to me that it would get hundreds of reblogs before I ever got to fix it, now my half-deceased incompetent typing will live on forever *sobs*
I arrived at 6:30 am and there were already people in line jeeesus (lots were coming to see a youtuber though)
Gonna spare you the deets on the awful people in my surroundings thank @yuurinikiforov cos I screamed at her for hours
ETA: I just realized this sounds like it was Ally making me scream but in fact i tumblr-screamed at her to prevent from unleashing my frustrations on the gross fujos that surrounded me. Thank Ally because she got to read all that nervous-wreck garbage and y’all get to be spared
I had a two-day ticket so I was allowed in half an hour earlier and if not for that, I probably would’ve missed on the autograph line. They had space for 50 people (plus 200ish that had bought the express pass which was super expensive). I was #45. It took less than three minutes since getting inside for all 50 spots to be taken
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(this was the line after three minutes. I was too lazy to take pics of it later, but it got to be around 5 times this at some point.)
ETA: According to Con staff, since the lines were very well organized, they actually got to sign quite a bit more people than the originally allotted 50. The Queens are so kind. 
No photos, video or sound recording of The Queens allowed, except for this one taken by Con staff. They were giving away those postcards for the filthy casuals people who didn’t bring any official merch for the sign
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i’m mostly kidding about the filthy casual thing bc I hate fandom elitism but there were a lot of people bringing FANART PRINTS and I wanted to gut them
Kubo would quick sketch a character of your choice. I chose Victor bc I love how she draws his huge heart mouth
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I was able to tell Sayokan how grateful I am from the bottom of my heart and that I’m looking forward to the movie and she said thank you and that they’re workinng hard. I died. ETA: I wanted to say so much more but I was so nervous my Japanese came out really garbled and we didn’t have much time. And I didn’t get to say anything to Kubo because I didn’t want to distract her from drawing ;---;
Sayokan has a beautiful smile and I love her
ETA: She also had an aura like Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada, twenty years younger: A STRONG woman who takes no prisoners and is fabulous af. I love her with all my soul.
After the autographs, The Queens had a short stage appearance
There was a cosplay contest and the winners would get to sit in the front row for The Queens’ presentation. I didn’t take any pics but the standout for me apart from a flood of gorgeous girls doing Eros Yuuri, was a pair of girls doing Lilia and Yakov. The announcer clearly didn’t watch the show and botched Lilia’s last name, but the cosplayer had the attitude 100% on point.
Something I hate is people who say Yurio stressing the u, it sounds so wrong and a lot of people today were doing it and driving me mad
The stage was packed af
Kubo drew quick sketch of Victor while she and Sayo answered a couple of questions. They will post the video later today
ETA: Here’s the video
Audience Questions logistics wasn’t very well prepared and even Kubo asked how it was gonna work. I was embarrassed for the lack of planning. In the end those that were lucky to be close to the stage got to ask the questions. Lia was praying for no stupid questions pls.
Q&A (translation partially mine partially from the interpreter)
1. What were your expectations about Mexico and have those expectations changed now
Kubo: I haven’t gone sightseeing yet but it’s my first time in Mexico and I didn’t expect so many people. [The people/audience] feels four or five times warmer than japan (make of that what you may, Japanese people say that about us a lot) Sayokan didn’t answer
2. Dumb question that has already been answerred in interviews about whether Yurio was planned to win from the start. As we know, yes, pretty sure both of them have said it before. Sayokan added that his character development wasn’t completely planned though, and he evolved a lot during writing.
3. Which word do you think of when you thibk of Yuuri and Victor 
Sayokan: Love (愛) 
Kubo: She didn’t talk to the mic and people were still screaming about 愛  so Ididn’t hear what she said but the interpreter said she said Friendship. My queens get your story sraight pls
HUGELY IMPORTANT ETA: Other people that were there have confirmed that Kubo gave a long answer that included 断ち切れない絆 “an unbreakable bond” and didn’t say anything about friendship. There was a telephone game going on because there was a JP-ENG interpreter and then an ENG-SPA interpreter and I don’t know how or why the latter got “friendship” but please take this into account, I don’t want people to hate on Kubo because I wasn’t close enough to hear her answer and the Spanish interpreter botched it.
Not important ETA: A girl close to me was yelling “Victuri” like she hoped they’d answer that and I was facepalming hard
Kubo also asked (in Japanese) if anyone understood Japanese, it wasn’t translated and a good dozen of hands shot up. She was surprised. Some folks screamed abd she said 落ち着け. One or two continued screaming so obviously they didn’t understand Japanese lol
4. Stupid question about whether they plan to develop Otabek and Yurio’s relationship. 
Sayokan said they hadn’t fully decided on how everything’s gonna end in the movie so can’t say yet but look forward to the bonus on V6 (the interpreter said V3 and I wanted to gut him). Hoes I like Otayuri but stop trying to shove it on The queens’ faces pls
5. Do you have plans for a special chapter about the Lady skaters? 
Sayokan said it’s definitely something they’d love to do but right now their focus is on the boys abnd finishing their story. Best answer for me tbh besides Sayokan’s 愛 cos I wanna see Mila skate soooo bad.
ETA: Forgot to mention this but a lot of people were chanting “Boda! Boda!” (wedding). Kubo asked what it was that people were chanting and the interpreter told them. Someoene else is reporting that Sayokan chuckled. There were two tall dudes in front of me so my vision was very obstructed and can’t confirm, but neither said anything out loud in response to it
Sayokan threw some gifts at the audience but My Queen is no pitcher and I was too far back so didn’t get anything *sobs*. Some were prints or maybe postcards but no idea of what exactly.
And that’s it! Theyll be signing more autographs and have another stage appearancw tomorrow but I can’t stay so someone else will have to report it whilst I die.
TL;DR I love them and my calebdar looks even more beautiful and I never thought that was possible and I’ll cry about this day for the rest of my life.
PS I’ll fix those typos when I’m not utterly destroyed PPs: I have no shame so I wanna plug my cute Victuri Tangled AU it’s really cute and it doesnt have typos promise, please read it  http://archiveofourown.org/works/10529547/chapters/23245557
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doyleanddickens · 5 years
EXCERPT [chapter 2 scene 5]
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So this is an excerpt of my current wip. I just edited it and I thought I’d show you. 
Vincent Hastings is a creative genius and spends his time mostly by reading books and remembering everything he ever knew. He is arrogant, he is selfish but he is the mastermind which the Secret Service is clearly in need of after a suicide bombing at JFK airport.
[English is not my native language. I translated my German into English using my brain and online translators. So there may be huge ass typos and mistakes, I am sorry for that]
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It turned out that my father understood "Café" not only a very upscale establishment but an actual gourmet restaurant.
The "Café Carlyle" was set in a secluded street in the Upper East Side and was filled with men of pompous faces and women with pompous jewellery. So my dad fit in perfectly and it took me a long time to find him at a table for two.
I could not really say what I expected. I could barely remember what he looked like five years ago, but he was the kind of guy who looked five years younger than five years ago. He himself would probably blame it on a "healthier lifestyle," but he actually could not deceive me as easily as the media. I recognized Botox and a supposedly professionally coloured approach. I recognized pedicured fingernails and accurately plucked eyebrows as if I were the stereotype of a fashion-conscious woman. But I was not. I was just not blind to obvious things.
The man, whom I was reluctant to call my father, had neatly patted his nearly perfected hair into a side vertex and, judging by the smell, poured at least a pint of hairspray, which he unsuccessfully tried to cover up with expensive perfume. I could not say exactly if his three-day beard was an aesthetic remedy or if he simply hadn’t resorted to a razor because there was too much going on in the last few days. Judging from his tired eyes and the deep dark circles, it was the latter, since I could not imagine that a man who obviously made every effort to look young, intentionally had relatively unkempt facial hair. His suit was probably tailor-made, and under the dark grey jacket, he wore a classic white shirt and a dark brown tie. I could not remember exactly how old he was but if I had to guess ... I would probably still be right because I was in the knowledge of the details just mentioned. But I was sure that an average lady sharing her limited mind with the rest of the world probably had to think that this handsome man was not even in his early 40s.
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"Vincent," something lit up in the man's eyes when he saw me. I almost gagged when I realized that it could actually be joy.
He had got up and now held out his hand to me. Manicured, as I could already imagine. I saw an expensive watch peeking out from under his sleeve. He did not wear a ring. Of course not. If you had been married to the best woman on this planet, it was difficult to find a suitable replacement.
"Hello," I said coolly, ignoring his outstretched hand and sitting down in the square opposite him.
"I'm so happy you could take you time," James Scott began.
"Of course," I said, looking up. "The actual meaning of time is very distorted, is not it?"
A small amount of confusion crossed his face but only so briefly that I could not fully enjoy the moment.
"Thanks anyway," he finally said.
"Not too early," I countered quickly in a calm voice. "You would regret it"
"I know what you're all about," he sighed. I saw the age in his eyes. It was as if he was visually ageing every second. This case really seemed to gnaw at him.
"Oh yes?" I asked ironically.
"Yes," he said. "You want answers and explanations and justifications, I'm so sorry I left you, that I did not contact you and reappear out of the blue ..."
"No," I said, holding back a small laugh.
"What?", God, the man was not used to being interrupted.
"No," I repeated. "You are well on the way to take the completely wrong move"
"Excuse me?" Came from him.
"You do not always have to apologize if you do not understand something," I said instead. "You are not the only one with limited brain function"
I heard him take a deep breath.
"I'll have a coffee, black, no sugar," I said to the expressionless operator as she came within earshot of our table.
"Me too"
"The only reason I'm here, James Michael Scott is the assassination and the fact that my help is needed," I told him patiently.
He nodded slowly.
I could really see how difficult it was for him not to get out of his skin. He was James Scott, people did not talk to James Scott like that. Why? Because they cannot venture it, because he was always superior. But now it was not like that. I was far superior to him, I was holding the upper hand and he knew that. And he did not like it.
And that's why I liked it even more.
"Tell me about the case," I demanded, folding my hands under my chin and looking at him knowingly. "Why do you need me?"
He breathed in a moment and then straightened up.
"It's a suicide bombing," he said slowly.
I breathed and looked up at the ceiling.
" Of course," I said emphatically. "You're fucking James Scott, Boss of the Secret Service, I was hoping for information that I cannot find on any news page"
He cocked his head in annoyance.
"We do not know any more," came from him and I burst into loud laughter.
I put a hand over my mouth and tried to suppress the urge to point my finger at him and keep laughing.
"No," I finally said in disbelief, staring at him.
He said nothing, just pressed his lips together.
I became serious.
He was not joking. He did not play. He said the truth.
"Are you serious?" I asked, leaning forward. "And you call yourself agent?"
"It could have been an attack on the president," he said softly. "Donald Trump was supposed to be flying back to Washington at the time, from the JFK."
I looked around, looked at my father, and leaned forward.
" No", I said playing surprised. "You don’t say"
I leaned back.
"I admire your willpower to speak out loud about any obviousness," I sighed, silently accepting my coffee. "I wonder how you came to do your job. Did you just throw all the most obvious facts into the room during the interview?"
I smirked.
"That's not funny, Vincent," he said softly.
"I think it's a little bit, especially considering that in reality you just let your son solve your case"
I looked around me, down at me and up to him.
"Oh wait, that will happen again"
I laughed at the pain that flashed in James's eyes. He did not deserve it otherwise.
"Are you helping me now or not?" He finally forced out.
"Why?" I asked. "Are you going to get a promotion at my expense? I'll tell you something: You cannot go any further, you're already the boss."
"Because we need you", he answered emphatically. "Because I need you"
I smiled at my coffee.
"But it took a long time for you to admit that to yourself, right?" I asked.
He snorted.
"Are you helping me?" He asked again.
I moved my chair back slightly, put my coffee on my side, and lifted my lightweight leather briefcase onto the table. James looked up in confusion and I knowingly opened the lid. Inside was a single, small envelope made of heavy paper, sealed with wax.
I lifted it almost reverently out, let the case snap shut again and put the case back next to my chair on the floor.
"What's that?" James asked, looking spellbound at the cream-coloured paper.
"My demands," I said soberly as I handed him the envelope.
He looked at me with a mixture of incomprehension, anger, and relief.
Yes, I had planned from the beginning to help him. I knew he would crawl on his knees in front of me and still I wanted to see him beg. Just because I was the son of the biggest asshole in the world.
James still did not take his eyes off the envelope finally leaned back and opened the seal.
He silently read my demands and his face became more serious from line to line. I saw his eyes flitting across the sheet, reading through the dots several times, sometimes getting stuck at one point and then moving on. Otherwise, his face was almost annoyingly meaningless and I waited patiently until he spoke.
"You were very thorough," he cleared his throat and laid the sheet of paper on the table in front of him.
"Either you conscientiously fulfil all these points or I will not help you," I said and nodded.
"That's blackmail," he said, narrowing his eyes.
"No," I clarified. "That's called a contract"
I nodded to him knowingly.
"This is about giving and taking, James"
"This is about you getting your will," he growled wickedly.
"And about you getting yours," I said. "That's the point of the whole thing"
He said nothing more.
"I mean," I put my hand to my chin. "You may like to think about that. Maybe a few days, weeks, months. I don’t care"
I leaned forward.
"Just be aware: these demands will not change, no matter how long you wait," I pointed to the piece of paper between us. "And the murder case is a game against time"
He sighed and rested his head on his hands.
"Okay," he finally said softly.
"Excuse me?", I bowed my head.
"I agree, I will fulfil your demands," he said louder and looked up.
"Nice that we were able to agree so quickly," I nodded approvingly, conjured a filler from the inside pocket of my jacket and handed it to him.
"Please sign below right"
Then I pulled out my smartphone, finished the voice recording that recorded our conversation and the verbal acceptance of the demands, and sent out a short message.
"What was that?" James asked after putting the capsule back on the filler and returning it to me.
"Oh, I just want to make sure you cannot find a legal loophole," I said, and at that moment a young man in a suit appeared next to us. A waiter put a chair to our table and he sat down on it.
"Lorcan," whispered James Hastings as he recognized the brown eyes under the thick curls. As he recognized my twin brother. His son.
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"My witness," I said, stretching my hand across the table.
"I will comply with the request of James Michael Scott to fulfil the given demands and be available to the Secret Service in the suicide bombing investigation at JFK Airport," I said soberly and had to hold back, not too amused by the perplexed look on his face.
James cleared his throat and took my hand.
"I will comply with the demands of Vincent Michelangelo Hastings on the condition that he is available to the Secret Service in the investigation into suicide bombing at JFK Airport and any related investigations," he said, looking at me with his cold eyes.
Lorcan nodded and as if on command, we rose at the same time and left the Café Carlyle.
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charlotte-bane-blog · 7 years
Charlottes POV: Lillian's Birthday
This is Char’s pov from @princepercyschreave fic with a bit of rp with @berklee-boyer and @evadne-leventhorpe Thank you guys so much, I love y'all 💖 Sorry for the length and typos :/ Enjoy! This is for the Charcy shippers 😉 ————————————————————
Waking up in the palace was positively surreal. Maids in your room, shaking you awake was slightly normal for me, if it was my mother.
I got out of bed, albeit reluctantly, and allowed my maids to help me into a soft green dress. The fabric was thankfully quite comfortable. Since I’d been feeling uncomfortable pretty much all the time, it was a welcome feeling.
I made my way down to breakfast, accompanied by the other Selected. The royals were also in the dining room, seated at a separate table of course. It was the day after interviews and I was doing my best to catch Dom’s eye, but it seemed my attempts were proved fruitless. Instead, I caught someone else’s eye. Percy.
I would be lying if I claimed to be unshaken as his blue green eyes held mine. He grinned wickedly as he saw he caught my stare. I tried to tear my gaze away, but strangely experienced a great deal of trouble. Thankfully, Berk forced my attention.
“Hey Char, do you want to hang out with Vad and me today,” she asked whilst spooning strawberries into her mouth.
“Sure,” I smiled. “We could go to my room. My maids are going to be away all day anyway making some new dresses.”
“Awesome! We’ll be there,” she grinned.
With breakfast finishing up, the Selected were dismissed for the day. I started to make my way out of the room but turned back to see if Vad and Berk were with me. Instead I saw Percy speaking to Aricia. He spoke for a mere second but whatever he had said had left her exploding with joy. A sick feeling rose in the pit of my stomach. I hated it.
“So how’d your interviews go,” I asked the girls as we hung out in my room.
Vad seemed to think about it for a moment. “Surprised me, a bit, since he was was politer than I expected.” I shook my head and chuckled at her response.
“Eh, okay. I could have done better,” Berk jumped in. She mentioned that at breakfast too, that she felt her interview had been awkward. With a personality and face like hers, I was sure she’d redeem herself.
“You could only talk about so much in a couple of minutes,” Vad offered.
“He actually called the first question I asked boring,” I laughed. I had simply told him I looked forward to the Selection and asked if he had too. I couldn’t think of anything else without coming off like some freak.
Berklee looked at me sympathetically. “Oh Char.”
I rolled my eyes and waved my hand. “It was fine, he was more eager to answer the second question I suppose. I asked if he’d been kissed.”
“I guess he obviously has been,” Vad snorted.
Berklee laughed. “Oh my God.”
“He said he had.”
“He’s a prince, people would jump at the chance to kiss him,” Vad said as she pretended to sigh dreamily. That girl could make anything amusing.
“People or you, Vad,” I smirked.
Berklee laughed yet again. “Oh my God.”
“Berk, use your words!” I threw a pillow from my bed at her. Knowing her, she was probably trying to annoy me on purpose.
Sadly, she dodged the attack. “Okay, but really who wouldn’t?”
Vad shrugged. “I’ve kissed heirs to billions, I wonder what an heir to an entire country would be like.”
“I haven’t kissed anyone actually,” I piped. If you’d met my mother, you’d understand why. She would say she was simply protective of me, but I think she really just wanted me to focus on work. Romance wasn’t exactly a focus where I was from. Vad and Berk stared at me with shocked expressions. “That can’t be hard to believe.”
Vad looked at me as if I was insane. “No, because that other Prince last night was all over you. I would have thought he’d at least attempt it.”
“Other prince,” I raised my brows. “What, Percy?” Please don’t bring him up. Please, gosh, no.
Vad and Berk both nodded. I inwardly groaned. I had spoken to Percy once or twice but he had g left my mind. I didn’t want to say or admit anything I’d regret, so I prayed they wouldn’t ask.
“Dom actually brought him up during our interview. He said he’d talked about me,” I trailed off as I played with the tips of my hair. I tried to avoid eye contact at all costs.
“Oh my God you do!” Berklee exclaimed.
I looked up quickly. “Are you insane! Of course not! We’re here for Dom remember?” Oh God, I was beginning to sound like my mother.
“You so do,” Vad joined. “Next thing we know he’s knocking at your door.” As she said that, a soft knock came upon the door.
My heart sank to my feet. “What the hell was that?”
“Hopefully food,” Berklee muttered as Vad said “A knock.”
“Thanks Sherlock,” I replied sarcastically. “Now hide, I’ll answer the door. One sec,” I called out as I ushered the girls into my bathroom.
I patted my dress down, plastered a smile on my face and pulled the door open. Please don’t be Percy, I thought. “Oh.” Yep, it was Percy.
My heartbeat quickened at the sight of him and I pleaded for it to stop.
“What? You’re not happy to see me?” he asked, putting a hand to his chest sarcastically. “I’m so hurt.”
You have no idea.
“Just surprised is all,”I replied. I leaned my head out the door and looked around, checking for any watchers. I didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea… or the right one? I don’t know. “Why are you here, exactly?”
Percy seemed to hesitate. “I just… wanted to see you, is that a problem?”
“Um, n-no it’s not,” I stuttered. “You wanted to see me?” I asked. For some reason, my mind could hardly comprehend he’d be here randomly. Sure, he’s flirted with me before, but I thought of it as more of his way of passing time. I never thought he’d actually seek me out.
He smiled at me and I felt myself watch him. His smile was breathtaking. It wasn’t his typical smirk, it actually seemed genuine. I wanted to see it more. “Yeah, I did. I just… haven’t had the best day and needed to see a pretty face.” He glanced into my room, probably checking for anyone. Crap, I nearly forgot about Berk and Vad. “Can I come in?”
I thought about it for a moment before deciding the look on his face was more important that Vad and Berk having to wait for a bit. He seemed so… sad. “Sure.” I motioned for Percy to come inside. I closed the door as he sat down in one of the chairs. “What happened?”
He let out a heavy sigh. “Evan’s just been stressing me out all day," he began. He spoke to me about all his problems with Evan and his family. He spoke to me about his worries and look on his situation. He spoke to me about how Evan acted like he was so much better than him. I could see in Percy’s eyes that a part of him believed it. If he could see through mine, it would be the opposite.
I did my best to listen intently to him and offer advice. I wanted him to know I cared. I needed him to.
“Whatever. Let’s not talk about this sad stuff anymore. Let’s talk about something fun,” he finally said, ending the topic and effectively changing the subject.
“Are you sure?” I question. I scanned his features trying to see if he was truly okay.
He offered me the same smile from earlier. It lit up the room. “Absolutely.”
I smiled back, fully aware it would never shine as brightly as his. “Alright, what counts as fun?”
“How about the awesome date I’m working on for you?” He smirked.
Date. Oh my God. Did he just say that? He had to be joking. Please don’t be joking. “Awesome date? Yeah, okay, Percy.” I laughed.
“Oh, it’ll blow any other date you ever go on way out of the water. Which reminds me, do you want the spectacular date before or after your boring date with Dom?” Percy seemed to ask all this rather casually. It was hard to tell if he was being serious.
But… as much as I wanted his offer to be genuine, I knew I wouldn’t be able to accept. It’d be treason and I really didn’t want to lose my head. “Oh gosh, the options. How will I ever choose? How about never; I’d like to not be killed, thanks.”
Percy seemed unfazed by my response. “Well, the date will be to ‘die for’.” I saw him contain a laugh at his own joke and I held back from rolling my eyes.
“Do I get any hints?” I asked.
“Well,” he starts. “We won’t be leaving the palace grounds like Evan and his stupid secret date.”
I can feel his annoyance from earlier rising back up again and I try to help him get past it. I rolled my eyes. Hopefully if he sees my disapproval, he’ll stop… not that my opinion means anything but whatever. “You’re unbelievable.”
I met out a breath. “Whilst failing to give me a helpful hint, you also managed to insult your brother in the process.”
Percy let out a laugh and I relished the sound of it. He had a really nice laugh. “I’m great at multitasking,” he winks. I mentally high five myself at my success of diverting the topic. I hope he’s okay. He better be okay.
I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of me. “Clearly. What else are you good at?”
“I think the better question is what aren’t I good at?” Cocky, aren’t we?
“Being humble, to answer your question,” I retorted smoothy.
Percy smirks. He better be admiring my cleverness and wit, it was hard earned. “Touché.”
“It is what I do best,” I shrugged. It was fun speaking with Percy. Actually pretty relaxing, aside from the fact that my heart could beat anything in a race.
“What? Being gorgeous and amazing at the same time? Seems we’re both good multitaskers.” Percy winked again. Part of me wanted to throw a pillow at him, the other didn’t want to dare cause any harm. Oh, conflict.
I promised myself I would never blush at anything he said. I hated blushing. “You, my dear, are a senseless flirt. Is this what you say to all the ladies here,” I asked, barely containing a laugh.
He paused as he thought about it. “Mmm, not all of them. You’re pretty special, angel.”
At his words, my face sobered up a bit. “You know close to nothing about me, Perseus.” No one really did. I had friends, but no one that close. I still haven’t fully opened up to anyone yet. I didn’t want to force my problems upon anyone.
Percy leaned in closer, seemingly trying to show he was actually serious. “I know enough, and I’d like to know more if you’ll give me a chance.”
I looked away, thinking of a way to lighten the mood. “Here’s your chance. Ask me anything. And I’ll ask you something in return.”
"Why don’t you seem to want to give me a real chance?”
I snapped my eyes back to his. I searched them for any sense of malice or falsity but saw none. “Um… I don’t know.” I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. “Why do you want one?”
Percy took a deep breath, and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. You just… intrigue me. I mean… ok, well you may have heard me say that I plan to travel the globe in a year or two and just… see everything. Enjoy myself. You seem like the type of person who would enjoy that as much as me and I’d… like someone like that to come with me. And maybe as… more than just a friend.”
It wasn’t the answer I expected. I expected him to say something like ‘I’m bored’ or ‘You’re right, I don’t care’. But he didn’t, and that was what mattered.
I hesitated as I searched my mind for a proper response. “You’ve mentioned before that Dom gave consent to this– talking to the Selected. Does that still stand?” When we had first met, it was something he had mentioned, but I wondered if he was serious.
“As far as I know,” he nods. Every bone in my body screamed for it to be true.
“Okay,” I paused. “Then… where? Where in the world?”
I’d always wanted to explore the world and go on adventures, it amazed me that Percy would ever dare to invite me. I wanted to accept. He seemed to possess every idea or dream I’d ever longed for, every wish I had made.
He smiled. “Everywhere, I guess. There have been a few places, especially around Europe, that I’ve been before and I’d like to go back, but I’ve never been to New Asia, so I’d like to go there. And Africa, too. And I don’t know where else, I just want to see it all and have fun doing it.”
“I like that idea,” I smiled softly. “I haven’t done a lot, really anything at all in life.”
“You seem like you need a bit of an adventure.”
I stared at him for a moment. “I’d agree to that. What kind of adventure, though?”
“Whatever kind you want, angel.” I just still couldn’t believe he’d want to take me.
Suddenly, I hear muffled sounds coming from my bathroom. I laughed to cover it up. I needed to keep a reminder to kill Berk and Vad.
“Oh, the possibilities,” I exclaimed jokingly. “You really like adventure, don’t you?”
“Absolutely,” he said breathlessly. I glanced at him strangely. “So… about that date…”
“Yes… that date.”
“Is it… I mean… are you okay with it,” he asked shyly.
I was practically screaming internally at that point. I wanted to grab him and hug him but he’d probably call a guard to restrain me. I tried to remain stone faced as I responded but it was harder than it seemed. I pursed my lips to hide my smile. “Why not?”
Percy looked at me as if he couldn’t believe I had agreed. “So… before or after your ‘date’ with Dom?”
Oh right, technically I was still here for Dom “Umm… before? That sounds reasonable.” Truthfully, I had no clue which to choose. I chose the option soonest.
“Alright, I’ll start finishing up the arrangements then. I guess I’d better go… unless you’ll allow me to stay?” He gave a hopeful smile.
I knew he probably didn’t mean that to sound the way it did but I simply couldn’t help but mess with him. “Stay in what way, dear lord,” I dropped my jaw as if acting appalled.
“Just that it’s getting late, and it’s SUCH a far walk back to my room…,” he grinned. If he wanted to play so badly, I’d gladly join along.
“Exercise is healthy, dear.”
“So you are kicking me out?” He looked at me as if I’d shot his dog.
“Do you need an escort,” I teased.
“Hmm, you know I think I might.”
“Should I call a guard?”
Percy let out a sigh. “No. I’ll… see you later, Charlotte?”
“Sure… later,” I trailed. “Unless you would like me to walk with you?”
He looked at me hopefully. “Only if you want to. I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” He would probably never understand what those words meant to me.
“Sweet sentiment, but I’d love to escort you. I wouldn’t want you getting hurt.”
He grinned jokingly. “It’s good to know you care.”
I hoped he knew I actually did. “I’m sure. Shall we,” I asked as I extended my hand towards him. Percy smiled softly at the gesture before he lifted my hand up to his lips and placed a chaste kiss before lowering it by our sides. My hand tingled as he kept it in his. A blush formed across my cheeks and I cursed myself for breaking my promise.
“Let’s go,” he said as he smiled down at me.
“Alright then, let’s.”
Hand in hand, I walked with Percy back to his room. Mercifully, there was no one on the way. I didn’t want to end up in some tabloid or magazine. I wanted to have this moment. I wanted to keep it to myself.
When we arrived at our destination, he kissed my hand again. “I’m sure you’ll be fine making the journey back?”
“I can take care of myself, thanks.”
He grinned at me one more time before opening his door and going back into his room. I smiled to myself as I headed back to my quarters.
“Oh, you’re still here…,” I trailed off as I saw Berk and Vad placed in the middle of the room looking not so pleased.
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do,” Vad said as she crossed her arms.
Berk gave me a look. “What happened?”
“Oh, nothing…,” I responded. “I just spoke to Percy for a bit. Like pals.” Why the hell did I have to add the pals part? It’s not like they were accusing me!
“Yeah ‘pals’.”
“Lying. We heard you. Where did you go”
Shoot. “No where,” I defended quickly.
“We thought that you didn’t like him, but there you were, flirting with him,” Vad comments.
They didn’t seem bitter. It seemed more like they were obsessed with knowing the details. Details I would never share.
“I… I don’t l-like him.” Dear Lord, I probably sounded like a hurt puppy.
Vad and Berklee shared a look. “We heard everything.”
“You heard nothing.”
“So where are you planning on traveling,” Berklee asked smugly. “A spectacularly planned date with Percy too,” Vad pointed out. I really wanted to kill them.
“Y-you heard that?” Why me?
Berk scoffed. “We were in the bathroom, not Whites.”
I needed to end this conversation quickly. “Non of that matters, it’s not like I like him…” Wow, I deserve an Oscar for that awful performance.
“Sure you don’t.”
I groaned. “I don’t!”
It was quiet for a moment as I tried to imagine myself anywhere else.
“Oh you so like him,” Berk piped.
Kill me.
“Please don’t tell.”
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Challenge 1: Azalea Starling
Hey y'all. Here's my first challenge! Typos are inevitable, sorry. :) ------------------------------------------------ Getting ready for a date is a lot less fun than the movies make it out to be. Sure I was used to getting dolled up for arranged meetings with the sons of my father’s coworkers, but I was never invested. My maid, Evangeline curled my hair before she started pinning it up. “You know, Miss, a lot of the other ladies planned fun events with the prince.” She'd been commenting on that ever since I mentioned my dinner date plans with Haiden. The other Selected had done things like jumping off roofs. I preferred not to be killed, thank you very much. “Yes, so you've mentioned,” I said as I rolled my eyes. “Maybe Prince Haiden could use a calm date. Might be refreshing.” Evangeline shook her head slightly as she put her final touches to my hair and face. “Whatever you say…” Ignoring her blatant disapproval, I stood up and straightened my dress. I inspected myself in the mirror, finally approving of my appearance. I may not be as fully invested with this competition as one would assume, but I still wanted to look nice. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. Evangeline looked at the door frantically. “Remember your table manners, miss!” “Yeah… I'll do my best.” She gave me a stern look before opening the door. Gosh, I just loved that awful women. Note the sarcasm. “Hello, Lady Azalea, are you ready for our date,” Haiden asked from the threshold. “I am, thank you.” My parents always taught me to act composed and I am not one to disappoint. I took Haiden’s arm as my maid closed the door with a quick wink. “What would you like to do,” Haiden questioned politely. Oh great, this was going to be like every other high class dinner I've attended. “I was hoping to go to dinner. Is that alright?” “Sure.” I sighed slightly at his less than enthusiastic response as we began our journey to the dining room. “So…” I trailed. “You like food?” I immediately cringed at my question. In all honesty, I was a bit nervous. He raised his eyebrows a bit. “Yeah. Do you?” I let out a laugh at his expression. “This is awkward, isn't it,” he smiled. “I'm just nervous,” I shrugged. Haiden offered me a small grin. “It's okay. What can I do to make you less nervous?” “Wow, my response to that could go a thousand different ways. But I'll keep it PG.” Wow, I actually said that. Well that's just peachy. “Just, don't let the conversation die? Talking helps,” I said quickly, trying to cover up my previous statement. “Uh, all right. So tell me about yourself,” he said with an awkward laugh. “Well, I have a brother, my father's a politician, and my favorite color is pink.” It wasn't exactly an interesting response, but I didn't want to share too much too quickly. “That's nice,” he trailed. I simply nodded awkwardly. “Sorry, I let the conversation die again.” “Gosh darnit, Haiden. Get it together,” I demanded with a laugh. The Prince seems pretty awkward to me. Though it was endearing, it wouldn't help my plan. It could work in my favor, but that was a long shot. I doubt he gave true trust easily. Haiden smiled sheepishly. I could tell he wanted to try for conversation, but it didn't come easy. What a great leader. “Alright, uh, tell me a completely random fact about you,” he said out of he blue. I thought for a moment. “Hm. I'm allergic to peanuts.... and I may or may not have set a car on fire before,” I smiled. Call me a pyromaniac, I don't care. The owner of that car had it coming. “Really? What brought you to set a car on fire,” he asked bewildered. Enough, Haiden. Enough. “Someone got me sent to boarding school,” I answered. Someone who shall remain irrelevant to my new life. He nodded slowly. “Well, that's rough. Have you ever gone into a rebellious face?” I set a car on fire, what do you think? I rolled my eyes playfully. “Yep pretty much. Right before, maybe during my time at boarding school. The person that got me sent to boarding school did have some evidence to back up getting me sent. But still. That car is no more.” Haiden raised a brow and smirked a bit. Well, damn. He's changing. “It's not your fault it was easily burned,” he responded as we arrived at our destination. I couldn't help but laugh at his words. I guess Haiden isn't that bad. I didn't truly think he was, but it's nice to see multiple sides of him. “It really was. I mean seriously, he shouldn't have owned something so flammable.” Haiden nodded in agreement, clearly happy the conversation was picking up between us. “Obviously. Ask me a question now,” he said as he pulled out my chair for me before seating himself. We weren't in a huge dining room or anything, it was a small room, probably meant for more intimate gatherings- possibly one-on-one meetings. “Favorite past time?” “Sleeping.” Well he said that awfully fast. Nice. “How efficient prince of you. Glad to know my country is soon to be in good hands.” “Obviously. I also enjoy breathing,” he grinned. “I have to agree with you on that one. Now, tell me about your last nightmare.” Haiden looked a bit startled by this question. “My last nightmare?.... Well, I don't really remember my dreams.” Bullshit. “Try.” He looked a bit flustered. “Well, uh, I remember a dream about my family dying once.” “That's a nightmare?” I said all too quickly. His eyebrows flicked up. I coughed. “I mean oh no…” I laughed weakly. Hopefully he took that as a joke. He laughed. Thank God. “What are or were your ambitions?” “I don't know. Technically, I've always supposed to have become a socialite. That's what is expected. But mostly, I wanted to break things. At least that's what the rebellious teenager inside me wanted,” I shrugged. At this point, I could say whatever I wanted. Haiden probably wouldn't believe me. “Break things? Very interesting. You could try chopping down trees,” he replied. Well then. Good suggestion. I couldn't hide my smile. “Have you seen me? These noodle arms can hardly pick up a plate,” I laughed. “Last time I did heavy lifting was when I was 15 and carrying a jug of gasoline.” “Yikes. But it's all right. I couldn't lift anything up until I was 15.” “Not even a book,” I questioned. “I hear you're fond of those.” Nerd. “Yeah, I guess so,” Haiden laughed awkwardly. I coughed. “Weak.” Haiden rolled his eyes playfully. “So how do you feel about politics?” I'm guessing this was his way of interviewing if I was ‘queen material’. I groaned internally. “My father's a politician, so I feel like they're my whole childhood.” “Got any opinions of your own?” “Well, sure. Don't know if you'd like to hear them.” I honestly wasn't sure if I wanted to say anything. It seems a bit too early to scare him off. “Oh, I'm sure I'd love it,” he grinned. My eyebrows flicked upward. “Alright. Well, as you know, premarital sex is illegal. Though I understand why, I think it's a bit uncalled for to imprison pregnant women.” I noticed Haiden’s expression and immediately regretted my words. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.” “No, it's fine,” he said with a reassuring smile. “Truly. I like to hear opinions other than slimy politicians.” “So you'd rather hear it from a slimy politician’s daughter?” Oh crap. I forgot I was supposed to talk up my father. Whoops. “They usually have the best opinions,” he laughed. “Oh, most definitely.” Haiden began to lean forward. “Do you have any advice, Lady Azalea? About the Selection, I mean.” I smirked. “Try not to do anything stupid, your highness. Don't broadcast your 'interactions' with the other women.” “Yeah, probably don't want to do that,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “What would you like to do after dinner?” “How about dessert and then I let you walk me to my door.” I'd always been taught to act proper and I may not always, but this was an exception. “That's it? You don't want to go jump off a roof or karaoke or go bowling or light a bush on fire?” He actually looked slightly relieved. “You mean like the other Selected? I don't think I'm like the rest of them. Though I'm always down for setting things on fire.” Honestly, the pyromaniac thing about me is the only interesting thing. Haiden smiled. “Alright, then let's have dessert. Anything you'd like?” ---- “Thanks for being on this date with me,” he said. I nodded. We had just made our way to my door. “I have something for you.” Haiden pulled a match out of his coat and striked it. “For you, because we didn't burn anything.” Not going to lie, that was awfully sweet. “Oh my gosh. Did u actually just happen to have that with you? That's a bit sadistic,” I grinned. “You know what, it doesn't even bother me.. Good night, Prince Haiden.” “Night, Lady Azalea.” Haiden turned on his heel and made his way down the hall. I didn't know if I could win this thing, but I looked forward to more dates. More information. I don't know how long I stood in the hall staring at the flame. But finally I felt a presence behind me. The match went out. “You know, you really shouldn't be holding one of those. We both know you can't be trusted,” a voice said. I turned around slowly, fearing the worst. But instead, I came face to face with a guard. “And you are?” The guard stared me down for a minute. “Don't worry about it.” With that being said, he leaned over and opened my door for me. “Sleep well, Zay.”
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