exitmurderer · 3 years
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Lost Immersive is gathering photos of your beautiful selves and your beautiful plants. Send one in today and find yourself transported to The Lost Garden on May 1st.
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readonline · 5 years
关于真实的爱丽丝梦游仙境有很多人说是作者lewis carrol 真名charles lutwidge dodgson恋童癖的证据。也有人说这是爱丽丝父母后来拒绝他和自己的女儿见面的主要原因。Lewis carrol其实是牛津大学的数学讲师,也是个大帅比,而alice liddell就是院长的女儿之一。Lewis 有摄影的爱好,而liddell家的三个女儿就是他最爱的模特,24的他第一次在院长办公室见到7岁的依娜,2岁的伊迪丝还有4岁的爱丽丝的时候就注定了这一切的开始。他自己在日记中说这是他生命中特别的一天,他说他看到了天使。
当年的大量纪录被销毁了,因为liddell家族也是英国的上流社会,而他们的女儿都是被保护起来的。在lewis和liddell家断交的一年半的1864年的圣诞节,liddell托人给liddell家送来了一本童话故事,里面是他们这7年里的点点滴滴,而主人公便是爱丽丝。 成名后的lewis一度否认此爱丽丝非彼爱丽丝但是大家好像都不买账。因为这本书的开始就是那年夏天在泛舟的爱丽丝要求的,书页的赠言里说到“给一个亲爱的小孩,纪念一个盛夏天”(To a dear child in memory of a summer day)。这是爱丽丝系列的原稿,是lewis一页页写下还附上了自己的插画的礼物,真诚而贵重。我愿意相信他纯真的孩童之心,和他与姐妹们之间的不掺杂质的友谊,因为爱丽丝姐妹们真的长大了,可是lewis被留在了那年夏天自己制造的童话里再也没有走出来。
我愿意相信他只是单纯的喜爱童真就像Michael Jackson一样并无恶意。而什么样的人眼里就能看到什么样的世界。
关于then she fell,与其说是爱丽丝的仙境,不如说是跟多关于lewis 和爱丽丝关系的猜测。
进门有穿着古着的护士实名认证让你check in进医院,这一刻开始我们就已经掉进了兔子洞里,只是背景是医院,所以是这家精神病院的病人了。揣揣不安的走进大厅见到其他观众,护士递给你一杯酒,一串钥匙,随身的包包放进格子抽屉然后护士把所有抽屉一起锁了,心一紧,因为这样再害怕也跑不了了。酒真的很好喝,是精心调过的假装成elixir。一位穿着白大褂的医生坐下了,对着麦克风讲述着今晚的游戏规则,他说到liminality的时候,我还小小的质疑了,毕竟你们都是演员,我不相信你们。他一边说,护士把我们一个个或一组组的带走��,指向不同房间的方向,一开始我们有五个人进了同一个房间,全场唯一一次人聚集的最多的时候了。对我这种胆小鬼来说,一开始有人陪着是极好的。游戏就这样开始了,故事一段段的讲起来了。
小眼爱丽丝(因为有两个爱丽丝,只能这样区分了,一眼就能看出她是爱丽丝是因为她穿着和动画片里一样的淡蓝色半裙) 坐在长椅上,抠着一个漂流瓶里的碎信纸片,想要还原它,男主角从楼梯入场了和小眼爱丽丝在楼梯上舞蹈,梦幻却很畸形的完成了好几个悬浮漂移之类的动作,整场戏所有的舞蹈都是悬浮漂移类为了带来不现实感和梦境感。他们两个在地板和楼梯上交缠在一起,但是看起来都都不快乐,大眼爱丽丝出现了,一样的身高,一样的发型和服装,只有眼睛大小不一样了。两只爱丽丝开始跳舞,男主加入三个人一起离开了。我们拿着桌子上的蜡烛试图看信的内容,也用钥匙把其他碎片从瓶子里抠出来,信的署名是lewis carrol,今晚的男主,也是爱丽丝的作者。
进来的门被关上,身后的门打开了,进入白皇后的房间。今晚的红白皇后不再是童话里的幻想了,她们被设定成了两个爱丽丝的妈妈。白皇后的房间充满了白色的羽毛,打开的鸟笼,和一个大镜子化妆台。我拿着钥匙开了柜子,里面有收藏信件和鸟窝般的首饰盒。 白皇后带着小眼爱丽丝开门走了进来,白皇后把我们五个人一个个安排到椅子上,端出了6个小小的放了好多葡萄例子的果盘,还给我们准备了鸡尾酒,我们开始吃吃喝喝看表演。她看爱丽丝的眼神很温柔,白皇后踩在桌子上玩着挂在天花板的鸟笼,鸟笼开始晃动,散出来很多很多的白色羽毛,爱丽丝看起来很开心,贴着墙站在桌子上扭动的跳舞,白皇后还给她喂了葡萄,画面略暧昧。我们吃的差不多了白皇后就带着两个观众出去了留下了我们三个人。爱丽丝走到大镜子前,但这是个双面镜,镜子亮了我们从镜子里看到了自己和爱丽丝的影子还有镜子那一端的红沙发。在镜子的另一端,是一个全红色的房间,红色的墙,红色的沙发,红皇后一把拽过她的仆人按到沙发上,舞蹈性感又暧昧但是传达了强烈的sm气息。灯光暗淡后,双面镜又只能看到我们和爱丽丝的倒影,这大概就是Alice through the looking glass的实用感了。爱丽丝和我们通过镜子对视,挑了一个人离开了房间。白皇后回来了,笑的很温柔,和sm红皇后形成了鲜明的对比,她带我和我朋友离开了那间房。
白皇后带我们穿过长廊走进了一间很小的卧室,一张床,一个衣帽架,和一个很大的柜子,柜子旁边的墙上画了很多卌,和我们的正字差不多,这是用来计数的。白皇后让我们睡在床上闭上眼,她说“time for a bed story”,她调暗了灯光,给我们讲了一个故事,她说有一个女孩,她只能记得她的未来而忘记所有的过去,当她第一次遇到她的爱人时,她已经知道他们之间发生的所有事了,在第一次遇见的时候她已经爱过了,但当这时间过去后,他对她来说只是一个陌生人了。这种感觉很奇妙的,我和我的朋友睡在一起,耳边有一个人很温柔的声音讲着睡前故事,很温暖,分分钟被白皇后圈粉。白皇后讲完故事就离开了,我们被关在房间里看着房间里的一切。打开柜子发现了很多旧照片和报纸或者书本上剪下来的片段,有一部分是真实的剪报,还有一部分是道具。内容是关于现实中的爱丽丝的一家人的报道,还有作者Lewis Carrol的新闻。有一个锁上的柜子,我插了一把钥匙想打开,很尴尬,卡住了。。。我和我的小伙伴都拔不出来,这时候疯帽子进来了(他带了一个电影同款帽子立马就认出来了),整个夜晚的所有舞蹈都是一个风格的,感觉大家身上都有滑轮,各种流畅瞬移,而且喜欢在桌子上柜子上,桌子腿椅子腿之间钻来钻去。疯帽子帮我拔了钥匙但是失败了他就把柜子关上了,爬上了柜子,他弯腰打开另一个柜门拿出像化学实验室的容器给自己倒了一杯紫色的饮料,然后撒了个粉进去就变成蓝色,他自己喝掉,我好害怕他要给我也第一杯,他钻进柜子里讲着他的经典台词“Why is a raven like a writing-desk?”然后他在写满卌的墙上又加了一划,好像这是囚禁了他很久很久的房间一般。
他带我走进了一个很大房间,地上有很多复古的茶具堆成小山, 一张长桌,散落在角落里不同风格的椅子和凳子。 整晚最好玩的部分开始了,一场真正疯狂的下午茶聚会,疯帽子是白皇后的人,他和红皇后的仆人开始在桌子上尬舞了,互相挤兑着对方,好几次被挤下了桌子,抄起椅子向对方砸去,然后把桌子掀翻继续尬舞,我们几个观众被安置在角落的椅子上,红皇后和白皇后陆续带着其他观众走了进来制止了他们,摆正了桌子放了椅子和凳子我们都落座了。红白皇后各坐在长桌的一段,白皇后热情的摆好了全套茶具,红皇后一直脸很臭。所有的角色用茶杯,银勺和杯垫开始一个很复杂但是看起来很酷的仪式,敲敲打打把杯子在头上晃来晃去那种,这个仪式重复了很多次,越来越来快,他们多次和我眼神示意我们加入他们的仪式但是太复杂了我只能随便做做,重复的多了我竟然越来越开心。。。疯帽子一直吵着说他要一个干净的杯子,所有人挪一个位置!我们就都站起来挪一格,然后他接着说疯帽子一直吵着说他要一个干净的杯子,所有人挪一个位置!我们就这样挪了好几次,后来终于给我们倒茶了,白皇后坐我旁边温柔的把餐巾塞到我领子里,快爱上她了。红白皇后没有明显的矛盾也可能是假装高贵所以没有很明显,但是白皇后的疯帽子和红皇后的仆人一直在互怼很好玩。
“That one.” 我随便指了一个
“我也最喜欢这个,因为她是女王.” 她把娃娃递给我坐下开始梳头
“你可以梳我后面的头发吗” 她问我,并把梳子递给我,我就开始给她梳头了,发质时真心好
“你上次梳妆打扮出门约会是什么时候” 她问我
“When did you first fall in love?” 她问我第一次爱人是什么时候
“ 多年前”.
“ 没有”我说
“如果你有的话会是什么感觉呢” 她问我
L形的长廊围着一个房间,门是关着的,有窗户可以看到里面的红皇后。看起来像个监狱,其实是她的病房,窗户下面挂有一个病例,她是Lorina Hanna Liddell, Alice Liddell 的母亲。三个窗户,我和另外两个观众一个趴着一个窗口看着里面的红皇后舞蹈着,她看起来很挣扎,很痛苦,时不时的打开药罐开始吃药,慢慢冷静下来的她透过镜子看到了窗外的我们,又是一次次很恐怖的对视后她开了门
“You may as well come in.”
我们坐下后她整理了凌乱的衣服和头发,从一个药瓶子里给我们倒了一小杯红酒,和其他人给的试管或者小杯子不一样的是,她用了医院吃药的那种小纸杯,细节好评。 她带我们出去后指了三条不同的道路拆散了我们,我被护士带去了一个医生办公室门口的椅子上,说等下医生会见我。
医生的门是开着的,他看了我一眼,开始忙自己的事,他一会爬上窗户一会钻下桌子舞蹈着,这是和sleep no more很不一样的地方,一整晚很多时候只有我一个观众, 能感觉到他跳舞是给我一个人看的。手术刀弄出了很多瘆人的声音,墙上还挂了x ray的片子。医生把我叫了进去就走了,我开始在屋里翻东西。抽屉箱子还有医生的手提包,我看到了所有人的病历,爱丽丝,红皇后,兔子(原来红皇后的仆人就是兔子),白皇后和疯帽子。结论就是大家都是神经病住院了。除了病历,他的手提包里有很多被拆开的信,有爱丽丝写个lewis carrol表达痛苦的,也有lewis carrol写给爱丽丝表达思念的,但是还有红皇后命令医生不许他们互通信件的note,也就是说他们给彼此的信,全都被医生扣下来了。
护士再次出现给了我一个放着药的托盘让我下楼,我在楼梯上遇到了衣冠不整的红皇后的兔子,他好像很匆忙,相遇的时候他凑到我的耳边说“小心你的脑袋”我眼里只有他的胸肌。下楼后看大红皇后开着门等着我的药,全红色的房间就是白皇后屋里镜子的另一端,屋里还有大眼爱丽丝。我替红皇后拿着镜子,她给大眼爱丽丝梳妆,爱丽丝很抵触的样子但是她明显的害怕红皇后,被红皇后一把拽过头发,站在镜子前。红皇后从一个鸟笼里拿出一根红色的绸带,给她扎上了便离开了,双面镜亮起,令一端站着小眼爱丽丝,开始了看起来一样其实有细节差距的双人舞,但是小眼爱丽丝没有扎绸缎,看起来也更快乐,大眼爱丽丝一把拆掉了绸缎放回了鸟笼。我很害怕他们的眼神就跑去房间的另一个窗口看,结果有另一个观众在那窗户的另一端看着红房间吓死我了。 窗户外是一个教堂的场景,第一个场景里和爱丽丝跳舞的lewis carrol 跪在教堂里。上次路过这个场景的时候,爱丽丝和他还是一起跪在这里的,我想要么就是被拆散了,要么就是爱丽丝抛弃他了。大眼爱丽丝问我“ is it better to do what you’re told , or what you want?” 还有一段我记不清了的对话,我被她带到疯帽子的工作室。
满地粗糙的纸片,羽毛和帽子,还有很多堆高的桌椅,到现在我一看到桌椅就知道他要爬上去跳舞了。我一个人在屋里翻了一会,听到疯帽子和另一个观众讲着话进来了,疯帽子问她会缝补,编织还是刺绣。她说什么都不会,疯帽子还是把一大堆布料丢给了她。疯帽子注意到了我问我是不是为了帽子来的?我说是。然后他问我选好了吗,我随手指了一定和他脑袋上带的一样的帽子,他说这个不可以,因为我不可以变成他,让我我接着选,就随便选了一顶礼帽。他接着问,我这是什么样的脑袋(感觉中文很奇怪,He asked what sort of a head I had) ,我说a brilliant head, 他说很好,让我带着帽子在箱子上坐下了,他拿出信纸,羽毛笔和墨水让另一个观众写信。他疯帽子一边飞快的说着信的内容一边在桌椅凳脚之间钻来钻去,那观众根本跟不上她的节奏乱写了一通,原来地上一堆乱纸片都是观众丢的,每次说完疯帽子都不太满意,重写,于是有了一地的草稿。这是他写给男主角lewis carrol, 通过草稿的内容感受到疯帽子对他深深的同情,因为红皇后禁止他和爱丽丝见面。疯帽子一直觉得他的口述太神经质了所以最后那封信只有一个词—“tea?” 他把信封起来后,盯着我看了好久总觉得我少些什么后来他给我的帽子插了一根羽毛并夸奖了另一个观众后带我们去了爱丽丝的房间,这个房间只有面对面的两个梳妆台,而且镜子只有镜框。疯帽子让我们坐下照镜子看看帽子好看吗,但是只有镜框我只能看到另一个观众,从头到尾我都没看到我带上帽子的样子,他说我的帽子很好看然后拿走了让我周一去他的店里取货离开了。
我们两个坐在屋里面面相觑,还好两个爱丽丝很快就进场了,她们分别爬上梳妆台上舞蹈,这个过程里我和大眼爱丽丝有很多恐怖的眼神接触,后来大眼爱丽丝牵着我的手离开进了另一个房间。小眼爱丽丝留下了,结束以后我才听说小眼爱丽丝当时拿出了橘子和观众一起吃,我好生羡慕。 这个房间堆起了非常多的桌椅,像国内小学生那种金属桌角,木质桌面很薄的那种桌椅,堆到了天花板上,大眼爱丽丝整理了一张课桌一把椅子让我坐着,她开始在课桌山上舞蹈,这段舞蹈是全场最有美感的,她流畅的钻来钻去,时不时的从椅子腿或者课桌里取出碎纸片递给我,好像她刻意藏在那里的一样,我开始在课桌上拼了起来,她把她找到的都给我就出去了。我把纸片拼完后发现少了一片,顿时想起之前小眼爱丽丝塞在我手里的纸片,从裤子口袋里翻出来果然拼上了。原来是爱丽丝珍藏了lewis carrol 写给她的信啊。
她说她被兔子带进一个房间,把一朵白玫瑰画成了红色,后来把玫瑰花钉在了一个全是红玫瑰的房间, 结尾的场景是和lewis carroll在一个水池边,他把象棋check mate,和爱丽丝梦游仙境里面一样,舞蹈过后,他把他给爱丽丝的诀别信放进漂流瓶里,丢进了水塘。就是我的第一幕里,爱丽丝在漂流瓶里拿出来想拼凑的那一封。
Sleep no more就像给我留下好几晚的噩梦当then she fell 就像给了我一个晚安吻。
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terenceleclere · 5 years
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💉 Is this the real Not make believe We fell for you And fell for we Read letters sent persistently Drawers & acrostics, location->key 🗄🗝 Thank you @thirdrailprojectsnyc for your *sick* show, and illuminating dark rabbit holes through bright reflections dance aglow ✨ #thenshefell #immersivetheatre #thirdrailprojects #poem #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #poetry #acrostic #wordplay #instapoem #poems #wordsofwisdom #writersofig #instapoet #igpoets #poetryisnotdead #homophones #poetryofig #spilledink #esliot (at Then She Fell) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxi_n5RA9pz/?igshid=1co63webkfhe6
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samustri · 4 years
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Samay #immersivetheatre #thenshefell #thegrandparadise #sleepnomore #elleavuleloup #immersive #sinkingshipcreations #noproscenium #performance #immersion #art #instafashion #immersivephotographer (at Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6deRHDlTG/?igshid=21d5bkto0lqs
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dtrageser78 · 7 years
Then She Fell 18 Feb 2017
My 2nd trip to The Kingsland Ward was a wonderful one. I got to chat with the parents of one of the Alice's and found out she is from Baltimore as well so that was neat. Last visit we were with the parents of another performer also from Baltimore. This visit was performed with the majority of the cast being different than my first visit. All were fabulous, for me it's always interesting to see how people interpret and add to the characters. These reacaps are also more of a reminder for me. This will be short and very little detail to preserve what happens in the show. Well first off the new scenes to me: I got to see the Tea Party ohh what fun. Trying to keep up with the madness at the table is maddening (in a good way). Evidently I was late for something and had leave with the white rabbit soo not sure what transpired after I left. I got to spend time with the white rabbit painting white roses red after a tasty little absinthe drink. I shared another scene with him and glueing a rose pedal to a piece of paper to be filed away. Other scenes I really enjoyed this time around. The two Alice's mirror dance was very well in sync and felt, I don't know, different this time, not in a bad way at all. I took dictation for Mr. Carroll. Well any matters had with the Hatter are always fantastic. The Red Queens breakdown is always fascinating and disturbing, especially after you are invited in to have a seat. The more I go to different productions of immersive theater the more I find myself appreciating the art from and the different production styles from big budget to small. The most important pieces of these performances are the actors ability to read the audience members and feed off of them. Then the audience member allowing themselves to be taken into the world of the show and giving energy back to the performer. While this form of theater isn't for everyone, everyone should try to experience at least one if not two different ones. This is truly an art that requires an active/open/curious audience "Control your passion or be controlled by it" -- The Red Queen
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looklikethetime · 7 years
Then She Fell
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FINALLY had the opportunity to experience this production on my trip to NYC this past weekend! It was so very...INTIMATE. And the subject matter being what it is - rather dark and pretty uncomfortable, they somehow found a way to also help us experience love, joy and whimsy as well. So very well done! So many “favorite” parts, but the Tea Party stands out for sure!
#thenshefell #thirdrailproductions #immersivetheatre #kingslandward #nyc
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deadlylittlej · 7 years
It is a good night for ghosts. The Rabbit in the Moon is full and waiting to take souls to far shores as it crosses the sky. I dreamt a dream that I was with you tonight. I awoke and my lips were numb from saying your name. I dreamt that we were dreaming a dream together you and I, and we were trapped in a house as big as memory with countless doors. I wonder when you look in the mirror, who stares you down at night? But it is late, and my mind is running away with itself. Sleep well, wherever you are. It's a good night for ghosts. And between us we have a pocketful
Then She Fell
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frontmezzjunkies · 6 years
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#fromtmezzjunkies was lucky to be invited to @thenshefell tonight for some #immersivetheater in #Brooklyn #LewisCarroll @TRPNYC tw: frontmezzjunkie IG/tumblr/FB: @Frontmezzjunkies #OuterCriticsCircle voting member & sometimes #MovieCritic
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tinytraveljournal · 6 years
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I bought the ticket to @thenshefellny for Sly's birthday! To make it as part of the whole experience, I designed the ticket into an "invitation letter" that matches the vibe of the website. Looking forward to the show✨ . . . #design #thenshefell #vintage #old #story #ticket #show #experience #hbd #birthday #gift — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2zgWYNC
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janedelser · 7 years
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We're pretty beat up but still manage to drag ourselves out to dinner and the theatre as wannabe hipsters in Williamsburg. #thenshefell #llamanyc.
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horologiongothique · 8 years
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frontmezzjunkies · 6 years
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@thenshefellny #theatrereview now posted on @show_score #frontmezzjunkies reviews: #ThenSheFell @thirdrailprojectsnyc https://frontmezzjunkies.com/2018/01/16/then-she-fell-an-immersive-maze-down-a-rabbits-hole-into-an-asylum/ tw: frontmezzjunkie IG/tumblr/FB: @Frontmezzjunkies #OuterCriticsCircle voting member & sometimes #MovieCritic (at Kingsland Ward)
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aprilbbravo · 8 years
then she fell. (ha ha how apt.)
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go, but after booking my apartment and browsing through the production’s website, I discovered that I'd be a 5-minute walk away from Kingsland Ward.
I just got home. I feel like there are flowers blooming in my heart and I have not been able to stop smiling.
What. a beautiful. piece.
This city needs to stop giving me reasons to come back. Or I need to stop looking for them.
Alice #1: Do you think you should do what you’re told or what you want?
Me: What you want.
Alice #1: Have you ever broken the rules to spend time with someone?
Me: Umm. YEAH.
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dtrageser78 · 8 years
1st Trip to Then She Fell
My first trip to Then She Fell  on Sat 22 Oct and I hope not my last. This experience is different than Sleep No More, but different doesn’t mean it’s any less enjoyable or well done. First the difference is budget, they have done an amazing job with the space they are in. Next is the audience size limited to 15 people,  really makes this show much more intimate and the 1:1 are just about constant.  The way they handle you is much more personable. From how you are greeted when you enter to how you are guided from room to room in a seemingly random yet specific order.  Like Sleep No More it is something needed to be done more than once to get to experience everything. I went with my wife as we did have some of the same scenes but not all of them for instance she got to see the Tea Party where I did not. I got to play a card game with the Doctor she did not.  I am sure there are others but those two are just off the top of my head.
Since this show is smaller in scale and more guided I will not go into too much detail about things, but if you want more detail feel free to ask me. I will say my evening was spent drinking different things prepared and served to me by the characters from the nurse, to the doctor to the red queen. I got to eat some fruit that I was given or fed. Start to finish I felt it was a great pace I never felt rushed and they had enough built in time to explore each room you were in. 
While it’s not complete free will, choose your own adventure as Sleep No More it is just as much an immersion piece.  Would I recommend this to anyone that enjoys immersive theater absolutely without a doubt. This was my wife’s first entry into immersive theater and is now hooked.
Both of our favorite character was the Mad Hatter. The Red Queen actually had me on edge every time she entered the room. I also really enjoyed my interactions I had with the Doctor, nurse, White Queen and Alice (both of them not sure why there were two).  I only had a very limited interaction with the White Rabbit, maybe next time will spend more time with him with I enter down the rabbit hole.
If It wasn’t for the masks she would be going to Sleep No more. But sadly do to a fear of masks she can’t do it. My hope is that a company in Baltimore will put on a show so I don’t have to travel up the NYC to see some immersive theater.  Well as usual thanks for reading my musings. If you want to know more just ask.
"What do a Raven and a writing desk have in common?"
"Not all matters are had. And not all Hatters are mad!"
Mad Hatter.
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