#the serpentera of morphers.
kimberlyannharts · 2 months
I will give the Kat Rangers this, they didn’t start up SPD ranking discourse again.
Though by show logic they only have their powers for an hour, which could be an interesting thing if you find a way to tie it into gameplay
I get what you're saying but also it's really really funny to imagine that the one-hour limit is legit a feature of the morpher and not a bug
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regaliasonata · 7 months
I could've sworn someone asked me for Katherine headcanon but I can't find it in the inbox sadly...
Katherine Hillard Headcanons
-Katherine's favorite passtime honestly revolves around collecting things, mainly after becoming a ranger her interest peaked on the mysteries of the world so now her curiosity is unlimited.
-Both her and Kimberly have found ways to split the pink powers via the Thunder and ninja zords of their respective colors thus putting Zordon's research on too much pink power to a rest. However they still try to keep things to a minimum.
-Because of the phoenix properties of her zord Katherine has found good usage of bringing life to plants, she doesn't mind volunteering at an orphanage and with her abilities she's able to secretly make sure none of the kids starve.
-After Zeo she's had a hatred of Artifical Intelligence and Tommy had to keep her from smashing up all the appliances in her house.
-She hates the moon.
-Pink isn't exactly her favorite color, in fact Kat was offered the position as zeo red in secret by Tommy but she declined it.
-After the Zordon Era pretty much everyone went their separate ways for a while and similar to Tommy she found herself becoming a mentor for a group of younger rangers. A team based on constellations who each had a secret archery motif, she later became a red ranger for the squad and needed to have a master morpher developed as things when on(Referencing Kyuranger, free real estate for them😎).
-Katherine and Tommy took a break around the time of Lost Galaxy and didn't get back together till around Operation Overdrive. During this time however she actually dated Hayley Zitkor and throughout that time span Kat didn't find out that Hayley and Tommy knew each other.
-she's been visited around five times by master pink. Reasons are unknown however it's getting creepy so Katherine managed to put a bunch of net traps around her house incase MP decides to pop in randomly.
-Katherine is one of the most skilled individuals when it comes to shooting guns. Not just that but she's been developing weapons for herself incase another Rita problem shows up, double tap that bitch in the head if you have to. She has to be strapped both for her safety and for her friends(Reference to @skyland2703 headcanon from a while back👍🏾)
-her favorite weapon is a crossbow like sniper rifle called Artemis and it has the power to penetrade 40 zords with one bullet. Due to her sneaking around during Forever Red and collecting pieces of Serpentera she was able to use the samples to make the perfect failsafe agaisnt drastic situations.
-Her house is laced in grid vortex bombs, if anything ever happens then she can wipe an enemy of the face of the map.
-Kat's the dude in her relationship with Tommy if you catch my drift😭
-It's not she's capable of getting revenge but more of the idea of her making you regret your decisions in a subtle way. A guy stood Billy up so Kat decided to scratch the guy's car paint and burst his tires.
-In her will when she dies she wants the team to spread her ashes in space or even find a way to bring her back for another 5 years.
-After hearing about the existence of other dimensions Katherine has a contingency plan. If things go to shit then there's other places to find a life in, heck she'd also consider the future or the RPM verse.
-Kat doesn't really talk about it but she has trouble having kids with Tommy. Heck JJ was came 7 amounts early and doctors weren't sure he'd make it so she stayed by his little bed in the hospital for weeks until he was healthy.
-She made sure to tell Tommy not to pass on any of their ranger abilities to JJ. Mainly as their own legacy should be there to influence him, pass on an opportunity for him to build his own choices if he does decide to pursue ranger activity.
-Kat was thrilled when JJ came back from school shouting about wanting to be the pink ranger after seeing a cool video on these heroes called the power rangers. Tommy was uh...well he's supportive but he just didn't want to see his kid being made fun off and tried to lean him to another color but Kat shut that down, both of them came to an agreement that he could be pink.
-She replaced her left arm and right leg with advanced robotic versions resembling regular limbs but this was because she wanted standby weapons to shift out incase of combat.
-People in the ranger community consider her a harbinger of sorts because of her battle prowess and wouldn't back down to beating someone bloody for threatening her family.
-Kat loves a lot of rock and roll music as well as things with a fast tempo.
-She's the one which a driver's license, Tommy's has been suspended after he accidentally backed into an old lady think she was a trash can for parallel parking.
-Zordon having the rangers choose Katherine, Aisha, Rocky and Adam as secondary choices weren't out of coincidence. Centuries ago he tried recruiting their ancestors and secretly kept an eye on them, however at the time humans weren't adept to the grids influence and they became prone to natural exposure and got pretty sick, this was around 10,000 years ago anyway and while Katherine doesn't have much of a grudge against him she isn't hesitant about wanting to shoot that tank.
-Kat is very bisexual, Tommy wasn't exactly her first choice relationship wise and even considered dating Kimberly or Tanya though she's chill with the dude.
-Tommy's dating life honestly confuses her, he dated Kimberly and had a thing with Jason(Frankly that didn't surprise her as she got a bit of fruity vibes from Tommy and thought he was full on gay before being alerted that he dated Kim). Then he dated Anton and had her suspicions on what Tommy was into when she found a picture of him tied up in....compromising positionsBottom. Safe to say for gatherings she has the best stories to tell.
-Her parents very much support the idea of her being a power rangers and her dad keeps asking if she has parties with other rangers....also to get zord figures and autographs from the Lightspeed Rescue team.
-After Adam's mishap with his power coin being damaged she decided to utilize what she learned from the Crane Ninjazord and Firebird Thunderzord to pursue learning things at the Wind Academy and Pai Zhua academy to hone elemental and animal spirit abilities. She gained light related powers along with the spirit of the phoenix, fitting for combat as she can obliterate enemies with swift speeds and vaporizing energy.
-She loves dating dudes that are a tad bit strange or shy, they're just adorable in her eyes. Prime example being Tommy, not sure if he should be offended or flattered by this.
-She watches My Hero Academia and has a great admiration for Bunny's persistence.
-Katherine despises barbie dolls but JJ enjoys getting them as figures for imaginary adventures so she allows for him to have them but the minute one begins moving on it's own she's going to shoot that bitch into oblivion.
-She's an expert with hair and easily takes care or Tommy's locks when needed. It's funny to tie it into a bun though the fact that it's almost waist length makes Katherine jealous.
-due to her powers she developed a way of being able to precisely chuck items and projectiles without even touching them, similar to Diego in Umbrella Academy. This is very useful as she won't need to morph if needed and could drawn weapon from a vault she keeps at home.
-After Trini's death Katherine had to oversee Billy in fear that he might shut down due to all the guilt. She knew well on the topic of the only person who truly understood you in the world was gone and even offered a place at her home incase Minh needed somewhere to stay.
-The reason why Master Pink visited her was because of Shattered Grid almost happening again. She explained to Katherine that no one remembers the event as it was a multiverse related conflict of the past so when things ended everything went back to normal, she tasked Kat will trying to keep things from ever ending up as such. This nearly happened in various ways from Billy trying to bring back Trini or Zordon, a huge Zord fight within Angel Grove, having a rogue being nearly disrupt time and space as we know it. Kind of a crazy burden to leave on someone, honestly she couldn't look at Tommy for 4 weeks upon learning about Drakkon.
-She's not the most religious person but she swears that during a trip to the dentist she was visited by an archer deity. Aisha calls her delusional for this but Kat knows what she saw.
-Stocks are a big thing for her and she even has built up a reputation at wall street. (Kat: I can buy and sell you. Stock broker: Excuse me?)
-Katherine has the falcon zord and uses it as spatial transportation. Mainly to take JJ on trips to see the stars etc, it's also a nice getaway from all the stresses of life.
-At one point in her life Katherine considered becoming a hit man against terrible people with her archery and gun skills...though she's never told anyone this. The idea of taking a life away has crossed her mind here and there, however she goes to Dana for therapy on these feelings.
-Tommy is the cook within the family, he learned how to make a bunch of meals well when he was with Jason. Plus after Katherine nearly burned down an acre of land from their house one night she wasn't allowed in the kitchen for months, she finds it funny coming from the guy who dedicated a semester of his career on trying to remake dinosaur meat from bones.
-Katherine has a sort of ranger secret service for herself that not even Tommy knows about. Laced around the place like regular civilians ready to come to her aid.
-She visited the Mystic Mother and human Zedd just to weigh out the situation between them incase anything happens.
-Considering the last headcanon Katherine wonders if the Z-Wave killed all the evil beings within the universe she wonders if any of those beings that were evil consisted of beings that Zordon considered bad, the thought of some innocent people being killed all those years ago or being brainwashed keeps her up at night.
-She is really wondering if all the stuff during the Zordon Era was truly good. Having to fight an eon long war for a floating head against a bunch of crazy beings doesn't sit right with her, in some ways good and bad are basically moral constructs and she doesn't like to judge people on the way they act. Evil rangers, good rangers, the fact about Drakkon who existed in a past existence also bugs her....sometimes she wonders if JJ will end up doing something crazy as a ranger.
-Death doesn't really scare her but if anything Katherine would like to keep her memory alive, something that JJ could possibly look over in timed when he's sad or down in life.
-Utilizing grid archives Katherine can watch other teams in different dimensions like shows. For instance super sentai and such, currently she's on Dairanger and the minute she saw those zords....(Kat: That bird looks famil-AYO WHAT THE FUCK?!)
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strangeduckpaper · 2 months
Power Rangers Rewrite: Mighty Morphin'
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Season 1 & Background
Because the Boom Comics actually expounds on their backstories, Rita & Zedd have their comics backstories. Rita is specifically from a planet known as Bandora, which has a lot of magical practitioners, including an organized order of witches.
Bandorans are taller than humans, and to a human eye always look a little sickly.
The Power Coins used to belong to a multi planetary team (the Zyu Rangers) with explicitly Alien Zords resembling the 2017 movie. Rita killed the Green Ranger and took that Coin, thus control of the Dragonzord.
The 90’s Zyu Rangers interpreted the Zords on the Coins as artistic renditions of Earth animals, thus minorly reformatting the Zords when they’re finally brought to bear.
Jason actually beats Tommy during their fight like in Zyuranger.
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Season 2
Grace Sterling gets introduced, and Zordon tells the story of the 1969 Rangers.
The Stone Canyon Trio are introduced, giving an outside perspective to the Rangers.
Zedd doesn’t arrive…yet. He does send messages to Rita in the form of nightmares.
No Thunderzords, the Zyu/Dino Megazord survives, since I wanna keep the Dairangers (Thunder Star Rangers) in my back pocket.
In the same vein, Tommy doesn’t get the White Tiger Power Coin after losing the Green Power Coin, instead he gets a White Brachiosaurus Power Coin that ties him to Titanus, which itself is reformatted to serve as armor and weaponry for the Zyu Megazord.
Tommy’s Ranger Suit is white and gold, with the MM sculpted mouth helmet and Dragon shield, but with elements of the Dino Thunder Black suit, while Saba is literally just a repainted Bracchio Staff.
Before Tommy comes back, Rita launches the Dark Ranger’s scheme from the comics, which comes to an end once Tommy arrives, destroying the Dark Ranger’s Power Source (A Dark Mockery of a Zeo Crystal?)
The Rita putty escapes, albeit heavily wounded, to fight another day.
Kiya comes to Earth following the Dark Rangers, chasing the power source used. She sticks around for a while.
The first half of the season ends with a final confrontation with Goldar when he attempts to throw Angel Grove into the Dark Dimension during Jason, Trini & Zack’s graduation, and is struck down by Tommy and Jason. The Stone Canyon Trio helps.
Jason, Trini and Zack decide to take a gap year, and are given the Omega Morphers to help Kiya hunt down the source of the knockoff Zeo Crystal, while the Stone Canyon Trio take their places.
Rito arrives afterwards, with some new mercenaries to give the Rangers trouble, including Dayne. Scorpina, meanwhile, leaves, vowing vengeance against the Rangers.
Their adventures include a crossover with the Masked Rider of Edenoi.
The season finale is Zedd’s arrival, Serpentera in tow, and challenges the Rangers to combat.
He destroys the Megazord with Serpentera, before taking them on 1-v-6, rendering the Power Coins useless one after the other, until only Tommy is left with his powers.
Tommy tries, but Zedd captures him, and brings him back to the Moon Castle, leaving the other Rangers to lick their wounds and wallow in their powerlessness.
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Season 3
With the Power Coins useless, the Omega Rangers out of contact and Zordon unable to access back-up Ranger powers, Zordon sends the Rangers to Ninjor to create powers of their own.
In the meanwhile, he calls for reinforcements, the Rangers of Aquitar (known as the Doron Rangers), with more on the way.
Zedd sends more monsters to delay the Rangers, and gathers forces fromDark Spector, including Master Vile, to attempt and summon the dark god Lokar from the Talus Dimension.
The Rangers pass Ninjor’s trials and gain their Ninjetti Power Coins and Zords, with all new suits coming with them.
They have elements of the American Ninja Ranger uniforms, the Dairangers, with MM helmets remodeled to reflect their new Zords.
Meanwhile, Tommy is being held by the villains, where he strikes up a friendship with Finster, who eventually helps free him.
During this escape, he finds remnants of the tools used in the corruption of the Green Dragon Power Coin, and takes it.
The Rangers return to Earth and meet the Doron rangers. There’s some chafing, especially between Billy and Cestro, though that rivalry shifts into something more…amorous.
Tommy arrives, Finster by his side and arcane secrets in hand. Finster and Alpha duke it out at least once.
In the background, we’re introduced to new transfer students Tanya Sloan and Kat Hillard. Kat gets mind controlled but it gets broken.
Eventually, Finster, Alpha, Tideus and Delphine figure out how to reactivate the Dragonzord, dormant since the loss of the Green Power Coin, and Tommy uses the power of friendship to bring it back under control.
Master Vile attempts to interfere, but the Rangers strike him down with Ninjor’s help. 
Deciding to take advantage, the rangers attack the moon palace, reinforced by the Masked Rider and the Omega Rangers (Now with Yale replacing Kiya)
The Rangers win, destroying Serpentera, and wrecking the moon base, though Lokar is summoned.
In order to seal him, the Mighty Morphin Rangers sacrifice the Ninjetti Power Coins to do so, while Tommy’s powers once again become unstable.
In the aftermath, the rangers disperse. Kim goes off to pursue her gymnastics career, Billy leaves for Aquitar as a representative of Earth, NASADA, and Prometheus.
Aisha also leaves to join humanitarian aid.
Tommy, a bit adrift, decides to stay with Adam and Rocky, and possibly form a new team.
After all, while they did beat them up, they never saw Rita, Rito, or Zedd actually fall…
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gabriel-gabdiel · 2 years
What if Lord Drakkon returns in a live-action Power Rangers episode or movie instead of in the comics?
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Here’s how I’d envision it.
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Lord Drakkon Returns (Super Ultra Megaforce).
Part 1
- Jason was actually in the middle of combinining the powers of the Gold Ranger and the Red Ranger together when Drakkon's resurrection finally came to pass.
- The thing that Jason and the Omega Rangers have been fearing has come to pass. Drakkon has returned along with an armada led by Divatox, Movie Rita Repulsa, Cyborg Rita Repulsa, Rito Revolto, Scorpina, Goldar, Lord Zedd, Thrax, and Master Vile alongside the Evil Space Aliens and the Traitor Rangers Yellow and Blue.  
- Lord Zedd himself is riding a fully charged, planet-destroying Serpentera. Atop of Serpentera is Goldar's Zord Cyclopsis. The Traitor Rangers come with the Dark Rangers (second set) and Astronema's Psycho Rangers on top of A-Squad Power Rangers S.P.D. The Machine Empire come with their own ships and Cogs as well as their old heralds Doctor Man.
- Their reoccurring and resurrected villains has resulted in an increase of activity across the dimensions and time, with all sorts of villains reviving left and right to join Lord Drakkon's fleet.
- The MMPR, Thunder Squadron, Zeo, and Turbo Rangers have gathered to serve as the frontline. They protect Tommy Oliver and his Master Morpher, knowing he was the only one to stop essentially himself the first time Drakkon attacked their world.
- The rest of the rangers end up on standby for deployment by past Zordon, only for Movie Rita to mess with the reception of past Zordon, thus only the first few seasons of rangers are left at the mercy of the multiple enemies from different seasons. The cliffhanger ends with Mystic Force saving the day and Mystic Mother opening the portals on the rest of the rangers, headed by Super Megaforce.
- A smug Lord Drakkon, flanked by a brainwashed Ranger Slayer (Kimberly Ann Hart) smirks with his collection of ranger helmets of alternate universe rangers he has killed. He's ready for war.
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Part 2
- The problem with Drakkon's army is that they're composed of many of the villains returning to the fray themselves, which includes all of their foot soldiers, from Mecha Clones to Putty Patrollers. However, Jason has been preparing for this day ever since he founded the Shadow Rangers and got visions of the Shattered Grid care of Lord Drakkon.
- The Super Megaforce of rangers do a swell job containing the armies while Mystic Mother is there to make ranger clones of power sets belonging to one person, so now you have Tommy riding along with multiple ranger forms of himself. Jason continues to put the option of becoming King Tyranno in his back pocket. His last resort.
- Jayden and his Samurai Rangers, with backing from the Zeo Rangers led by Tommy, are the first to breach the line in order to confront and assassinate Lord Drakkon seeing that he's the one with the raw power of all the Red Rangers.
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- Right behind them, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (and a Green Ranger Tommy clone) are backing Super Megaforce's Trey as the most powerful ranger when using all the Legendary Powers. Surely a match against Lord Drakkon, who also combines ranger powers.
- The rest of the rangers, from the Turbo Rangers turned Super Turbo Rangers then split-off into two Turbo teams to Rocky as part of the Thunder Squadron Rangers, end up protecting the two teams from the advance of Divatox's armada, Serpentera, and the Machine Empire.
- Several other ranger teams summon their zords and Megazords in order to take on Serpentera and Cyclopsis, with Titanus helpfully serving as the carrier zord for several to give them tank-like abilities.
- Mystic Mother is there to take on her counterpart, Movie Rita, attempting to fight magic with magic.
- Both MMPR Pink and Zeo Pink Rangers try and take out the Ranger Slayer, but they're then interrupted by the Yellow and Blue Traitor Rangers.
Part 3
- The older Lord Drakkon stands up, revealing himself to be Nicolas Cage. As a show of strength, he faced off against all the sixth rangers... most of them Tommy... and annihilated them. Next are all the Red Rangers with their Battlizers. He plows through them too. Every attempt at a Team Attack was stuffed down by the veteran ranger too.
- He then went ham on the Samurai and Super Megaforce Rangers. He takes on the whole teams of Smurai, Super Megaforce, Zeo, and MMPR like it's nothing, plowing through all of them with precision.
- Drakkon warns that he hasn't even unleashed his second and third form. That they should do better to entertain him. Trey and Jayden combine forces against him. Meanwhile, in the background, multiple ranger teams are forced to specifically take on their villains in order to destroy them once more or else they could combine forces with Drakkon and end the war with the death of the primary OG rangers.
- The rangers were about to get overwhelmed when they got reinforcements in the form of the government rangers from the 1970s to 1990s joining in to fight them with their weapons and special attacks.
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- Meanwhile, when Serpentera was about to use its power to destroy the earth, that's when the Aquitar Rangers and the RPM Rangers came along with the AU/Alien New Powers to beat the God Dragon Zord with their own respective zords and Megazords. Other zords went and took on the armada of Divatox herself to keep her forces from landing and aiding Drakkon.
- The fight comes down the wire. Drakkon very nearly beheads both Jayden and Trey when he gets interrupted by Tommy in Black Dino Thunder form, which makes Drakkon smirk. It's Tommy vs. Tommy once again.
Part 4
- Billy and Jason summon Trey of Triforia to help out Tommy, who's in White Ranger form, take out Drakkon. They first try out the divided power of Trey before combining all the powers together into one super force. Meanwhile, Tommy shifts into his Super Movie Form, with his helmet matching his Ninja Zord. This actually drives Drakkon back.
- Drakkon shifts into his second form with the addition of the Zeo and Turbo powers. The power strain was too much for the humans and they depart from their fusion with the Gold Ranger. Drakkon destroys both rangers, and now Tommy is only left with the Green Ranger power.
- Pushing the fight further, Jason transforms into his Red Omega Ranger form and he and Tommy double-team Drakkon once more. The devilish red version of Lord Drakkon is pure violence though and they get seriously injured.
- Later, Jason's MMPR helmet got smashed while the rest of the rangers morph out of their ranger forms. Jason gets PTSD flashbacks of his AU counterpart getting killed by Drakkon after combining White and Green powers together. He's on the ground, bleeding, as he sees Drakkon beat every form of Tommy one after the other.
- A helmetless Jason screams like in that t-shirt of his, ready to do battle against Drakkon.
- In an act of desperation that could mean him risking his life, he asks for Trey to hand him the Golden Staff and morphs with both. Zeo Gold and MMPR Red. King Tyranno is born. Out of all the ranger forms, King Tyranno is the one ranger who can stand toe-to-toe with Lord Drakkon, which prompts him to go all out and unleash his final black form.
Part 5
- King Tyranno beats Lord Drakkon back to his white form like the Red Ranger originally beat the Green Ranger. He was about to take out Lord Drakkon when the strain of the power unmorphs him. Drakkon nearly kills Jason with shades of what he did against his timeline's version of Jason when Tommy calls him out.
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- Tommy threatens to combine his Green and White Power Coins together and become Drakkon himself. Jason tells him to not do this but Tommy tells him he has no choice. Jason tells Tommy he trusts him and Lord Drakkon fights Lord Drakkon.
- The good Lord Drakkon is able to summon his red and black form then de-morphs Lord Drakkon, whose been damaged by fighting King Tyranno and so many rangers earlier. To Jason's relief, the absolute power didn't corrupt their Tommy absolutely.
- However, Lord Drakkon then yanks the powers away from Tommy, telling him he has all the power in the world but he's too afraid to use it. When Drakkon was about to finish off Tommy when Jason in helmetless Red Ranger form. It was all a ruse to buy time for the COMBINED FORCES of all Power Rangers to end up right then and there.
- Screaming, Red and Green use their combined powers to force and embed Lord Drakkon into the mountain cliff, who then started to change from red to black, summoning his final form. However, all the ranger teams from behind them were already charging up their respective team attacks and cannons.
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- Jason and Tommy themselves went in formation with the Power Blaster, with Naomi again filling in for her mother Trini, as they shot at Lord Drakkon with the version of the cannon blaster that uses the Dragon Dagger as an arrowhead.
- They collectively destroy the whole mountain and turn it into the Grand Canyon, revealing the de-morphed Lord Drakkon. This was Mystic Mother's cue to banish Drakkon to a prison dimension.  
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toqchange · 3 years
So here is the complete list of rumors that leaked today. Take these with a grain of salt
red : highly unlikely
yellow : possible (wouldn’t be surprised or rule it out)
green : highly likely or pretty much confirmed
Lord Zedd invades Grid Battleforce and gets his Staff 💚 — Commander Shaw has already been confirmed to be returning, so there’s a likelihood that that box of “legendary” items will make a return.
Zayto gets a new alien Rafkon power up 💚 — Probably MaxRyusoul red equiv. as it does resemble void knights design, which zayto is familiar with.
Green Morphin master is in charge of prime universe 💛 — Because there have been multiple universes in pr, it does explain why they’re the only ones making consistent appearances. 
Lord Zedd returns to the moon palace ❤️ — So with a lot of the more mmpr connected things, I only put them as not very likely because I feel like it would cost a lot to try and recreate everything. 
Lord Zedd rebuilds NEO Serpentera in the final 3 episodes ❤️ — Maybe it should be yellow, but I have a feeling most of Ryusoulgers ending arc will be cut, so this could happen. Rebuilds? Seems like a lot (for production)
We have a clip show halfway into season 2 💚 — There are clip shows every season, is anyone shocked?
The villains of PR have a villains database just like the Rangers have a Ranger database 💚 — Wasn’t there one in Beast Morphers? Pretty much confirmed, but even then, I'm sure one is going to be present cause doesn’t the rangers’ database have info on villains. They could hack their data.
Dino Fury rangers get trapped in the dark dimension in one episode to fight MOTW 💚 — I'm sure they’re something from Ryusoulger that can be interpreted as a dark dimension. But also, having a dark version of something isn’t that new to pr. Dark energems, dark power stars (although lasted like one ep i think), dark robo knight, etc.
Lord Zedd creates "NEW" Dark Rangers that look exactly like the Dino Fury suits but different shade 💛 — Again, having a dark version of something isn’t out of the ordinary, so I say it’s possible.
Amelia's dad is Void Knight 💛 — See, I’m sure it’s true, but a small part of me just doesn’t buy it. It’s pretty much a one sided relationship (in that nothing from void knight so far would indicate family other than Santurna). And I feel like Amelia looking for her parents or clues of their disappearance would be a bigger part of her story, but all her focus ep’s were filler (even 11 is 80% filler)
Void Knight's girlfriend turns into a monster 💛 — I could see it, could happen we still have Pricious’ counterpart to get to, even Eras. I’ve also seen they’re adapting Madame Noir[‘s design] from ToQger, sooo.. maybe that’s why?
Lord Zedd is holding the other morphin masters captive in blue Zordon esque energy tubes 💛 — I have no comment.
Izzy's girlfriend makes another appearance 💚 — Power Rangers doesn’t suddenly drop established relationships, and I doubt they’d drop Izzy’s (cause it’d be noticeable and look bad for them).
General Shaw returns to brief the rangers on a secret plan 💚 — Pretty much confirmed Commander Shaw is coming back, and if we’re going with the Zedd steals his staff back, I’d say it’s likely Grid Battleforce would play a role in retaliation.
There is going to be fight footage with all 6 MMPR ranger suits (I am guessing w/Zedd) 💛 — I mean, they do have them from last years crossover, so.. possibly.
Dino Fury rangers travel to Eltar with a portal machine; Portal Machine gets destroyed by MOTW ❤️ — combining these cause I don’t have much to say on this either.  
Dino Fury rangers travel to the moon using a Rafkon spaceship 💛 — I think it's either be this or the portal machine, I doubt they’d do both.
Villains will get a new base ❤️ — I don’t see why they’d change (from a production perspective) and if they did it’d probably be subtle differences over a whole new set (unless they do end up going to the moon..)
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maswartz · 4 years
Power Rangers Chi Warriors
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Years ago two brothers, Zaku and Zedd started a cult worshiping the World Dragon Serpentera. Zaku believed the dragon symbolized order while Zedd believed it embodied chaos.
In order to summon the Dragon Zedd used arcane magic to turn members of the cult into monsters and sent them out to spread havoc. However a prophecy foretold of a group who would stop the Dragon from rising. Seeking to prevent this Zedd sent his monsters to attack the homes of the destined ones before they are old enough to stop him. Disgusted and horrified by his brother’s actions Zaku intervenes and saves the five children. Zaku raises the children and teaches them how to harness their Chi in order to combat Zedd’s monsters. The five destined warriors become the Power Rangers Chi Warriors. Steven- Red Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Red Dragon, Steven can call upon its mighty flame to fight evil. Brian- Blue Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Blue Unicorn, Brian can use the power of gravity to fight evil Karen- Yellow Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Yellow Griffin, Karen can turn time back a minute in order to fight evil. Johnny- Green Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Green Lion, Johnny can create mirages to fight evil Amy- Pink Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Pink Phoenix, Amy can throw whirlwinds to fight evil.
Eventually the team finds a sixth teen who escaped Zedd’s attack.
Franklin- White Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the White Tiger, Franklin can produce sonic booms to use against evil. The Rangers can call upon the powerful Chi Zords to fight back when Zedd enlarges his monsters.
The Red Dragon Chi Zord can take on a warrior mode. Chi Megazord: The other four zords form armor for the Red Dragon. This mighty megazord is armed with a saber. Blue Unicorn/Yellow Griffin- Leg armor Green Lion- Chest/Head/Arm armor Pink Phoenix- Belt armor
The White Tiger Chi Zord can take on a warrior mode as well and combine with the other four zords.
The Rangers find a small Turtle statue Zaku can empower to become Tor the Shuttlezord.
Eventually Serpentera returns and attacks both sides revealing that it exists to maintain the balance of good and evil. It’s up to the Chi Rangers to prevent the World Dragon’s attack. Morphers- Chi Morphers- Small spheres with the symbol of the Chi Beasts inside. Morphing Call- Unleash the Chi! Morphing- The Chi Morphers enlarge around them and glow Ranger colors forming the suit before forming around the head forming the helmet
Power Rangers Dinosaur Warriors: Zedd decides the only thing that can destroy a Ranger is another Ranger and sends a monster to enslave the Dinosaur Knight Rangers and have them destroy the Chi Rangers. However during the battle a civilian is endangered allowing the Rangers to break free and join forces against the monster.
Dinosaur Knights Ninja Beasts
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rangerslayer-97 · 6 years
Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger: Shattered Grid Finale Thoughts/Review
The Introduction:
Kyle Higgins and company of BOOM! Studios sent us on a roller coaster ride for the past six months from Shattered Grid’s Prologue in Issue 24 back in February, right to this anticipated finale which makes Countdown To Destruction seem small. Kyle and his team kept us buying the comics, may it be online or barging down the door of your nearest comic book store for a physical copy for your rapidly reducing shelf space. 
I can safely say Shattered Grid #1 was worth the wait and build up and Kyle, with help from illustrators Daniele Di Nicuolo and Deigo Galindo and colourists Walter Baiamonte and Marcelo Costa for bringing popping colour to the series. There is so much to cover in this double-sized special at a cost of US$7.99 (EUR: 8.99), so sit down with a cup of tea and enjoy.
The Story:
The starts with an explosive opening with the rangers from MMPR-Ninja Steel (including Hyperforce and Beast Morphers [AKA: Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters]) battling Drakkon’s forces, with some new additions to take out the tower on the moon. The first two panels are not easy to look at as the Rangers already lost some of their allies; one from Zeo and the other from Super Megaforce, along with a few Megazords. Zedd’s former zord Serpentera is causing trouble (looks like Drakkon made fuel alterations). However, thanks to Jen’s access to the Time Force archives, she was able to bring up blueprints and create a hybrid zord dubbed hilariously despite the seriousness: the Whatever-We’re-Calling-It-Megazord (seems like even Kyle and the gang had trouble making up a name). This Megazord consists of Kendall’s Plesiozord, RJ’s Wolf Zord, Kat’s Super Zeo Zord and the Hyperforce Ranger’s Megazord - Chronos Hyperforce Megazord. Then add Drakkonverse Trini’s Black Dragon armour to make it match the size of Serpentera. 
While Jason orders Noah to summon the Q-Rex Zord (no, not Eric’s zord), he makes the final move to send the tower crumbling, but sadly, sacrificing his life in the process AFTER admitting his feelings to Lauren (shame Jayden wasn’t there. He might want a few words.) Unfortunately, Serpentera makes a dessert meal out of the Q-Rex, crushing Jason inside. The loss of the tower meant it causes the powers of every single sentry to vanish and the hybrid Megazord delivers the killer blow, completely disabling Serpentera. Sadly, the victory is shortlived as Drakkon appears in his new form (and a giant), completely breaking the Grid and causes insane damage to the Multiverse.
We then move onto the rescue team loading the last of the prisoners onto Terra Venture. Heckyll is certainly redeemed, but I won’t be surprised if he’s still a bit of sarcastic asshole in the next event. As the group makes their escape, Grace and everyone sees the crack in the universe occurring and the entire cosmos literally shatters, which somehow casts Terra Venture out of the Grid or the existing universe.
The scene moves on and we are shown, literally a Power Rangers version of Smallville or Superman. Drakkon is living with his ‘parents’ coincidentally named Zordon and Rita *shivers*. Drakkon leaves his home and goes all Superman, revealing on his chest some kind of gem or crystal. Outside, we surprisingly see Jen piloting the Tigerzord and beside her is the Dragonzord. The city is being attacked by two giant animal spirits or Energy Beasts that have been terrorising Angel Grove. Drakkon quickly deals the attackers and is soon being interviewed by the reporters. It’s kind of hilarious seeing Trini and Zack acting a little like Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen. To our further surprise, we see the apparition of the real Tommy Oliver in the camera lens. 
To cut things short of this Power Rangers version of Superman, this is a world Drakkon created, a world where everyone loves and worships him. Next, we hear voices telling the apparition of Tommy to take the chance and that chance is literally breaking through the barriers. Yes, everyone! Tommy Oliver is alive after being dead for six months! Right now, he went around restoring the other rangers memories and left Kim until last. We learn that upon his death, after being shot with the Chaos Crystal tipped arrow courtesy of Ranger Slayer (read GGPR Issue 12), his essence was taken outside Space-Time and literally had to watch as everything unfurled. Tommy then shows The Emissaries! The assholes who rejected Zordon’s plea for help. Much to my pleasure, as evil as it sounds, Drakkon beat up the Emissaries, but managed to escape the Grid itself and into the Nether Space where Tommy was residing. We are told Drakkon took an artefact they were protecting: the Heart of a Master and was granted the powers of a God. So, to fix everything, the Rangers need to take back the Heart.
To cut short, the Rangers managed to recover the Heart, rendering Drakkon powerless. The Emissaries open a portal for them to escape before the world Drakkon created collapsed. However, Tommy offered Drakkon a second chance, to redeem himself. Really, all he needed was a friend, but Drakkon turns him away, leaving him to die in the world he created. The Rangers find themselves in a form of the Morphing Grid, which took the form of the Command Centre. As the Emissaries explain they each have a connection to the Morphing Grid and have to RESET everything, not rebuild it and risk losing the memories of all that happened. That is when Kim learns what Jen meant: ‘You can never truly get back what you’ve lost’, it’s kind of bittersweet. Everyone learns that need to put the world back together, not for themselves, but for the ‘good of everyone’. 
With that, the MMPR Rangers, Tommy, Lauren, and Jen place their hand on the Heart, not before making some closures. Jason and Lauren admit they will miss each other, after admitting their feelings. Then for the delight of the Tomberly fans, Kyle and company give us the kiss we’ve all been dying for. Tommy and Kimberly finally kiss. With that, they all access the power of the Heart, all embracing the white light.
We are then shown a small snippet of Beyond The Grid and it turns out Terra Venture, containing Grace Serling - 1969 Red MMPR Ranger, Mike Corbett - Magna Defender 2, Andros of KO-35 - Red Astro Ranger Tanya Sloan - Zeo Ranger II: Yellow, Cam Watanabe - Green Samurai Storm Ranger, Heckyll of Sentai 6 - Dinocharge Dark Ranger and Kimberly Ann Hart of Drakkon’s Universe - Ranger Slayer. They have all been casted out far from the Grid and it turns out to be a different reality. The preview closes with Grace vowing she will ‘never lose another ranger again’.
Kyle Higgins and his team did it. They completed Shattered Grid, the biggest 25th Anniversary event of Power Rangers history and they ended it on a sweet and bitter ending note. I’m still laughing at the world Drakkon created, I can just feel the Superman vibe so strongly, even though he is far from the morals Clark Kent/Kal-El uphold. It’s been quite the roller coaster and is the best Power Rangers adventure I have followed. BOOM! Studios really did bring me back into my old childhood and even gave it a sense of maturity. The world building was amazing and there is so much lore to explore now. Also, we have to see what reality Grace and co. ended up after being cast out due to reality itself shattering. Beyond The Grid begins on September 26th.
5/5. Pick it up now!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season 2 Episode 15 Review: Grid Connection
This POWER RANGERS BEAST MORPHERS review contains spoilers.
During the middle of this much-hyped Power Rangers team-up episode Jason and the Dino Charge Rangers are walking in a quarry, trying to get to Evox so they can box him in as the Beast Morphers team goes around the other way. Jason says,
“We’re gonna need to scale that cliff.”
What a great scene that would have been; seeing Jason work with the Dino Charge Rangers to overcome a problem. They could have tried different tactics to get up the cliff, maybe fight off some foot soldiers that tried to block their ascent. Maybe you wouldn’t need an action beat and it could have been the team simply climbing. It would have given Jason and Tyler a chance to bond over being leader or maybe Jason could have said, “I hope no one has a fear of heights.”
Instead it’s a weak set-up to justify the team showing up in a quarry… by casually strolling in as if they aren’t rushing to stop a main villain from summoning an evil Zord. That’s the main issue with the episode. There’s barely any down time with the different casts interacting in a substantial way. It’s all scenes to move the plot from point to point. Almost all the dialogue for the returning cast is exposition or battle cries.
It makes much of the episode fall into the same trap ‘Finders Keepers’ did. It’s all spectacle with little substance. Yes it’s cool to see all these Rangers team up but it’s empty if we don’t get time to see weighty moments of interaction. There’s no twists and turns in the plot. It’s a fairly straight story that doesn’t give you enough time to be invested in it before the big fight.
A lot of that is because it takes quite awhile to get going. The episode starts off with what could have been an interesting set-up for Devon where he doesn’t believe in Keeper’s vision about the morphin grid. It could have made a strong character arc where Jason, Tyler, and the others helped him learn about the power of the grid but instead it’s mostly there to get Devon away from the team so they can go have a big action scene.
I love action but this whole chunk of the plot, including Devon figuring out what to do with the meteor and how it related to the vision, just ate up valuable time that could have been used to let the Rangers interact more. The episode mistakenly thinks seeing them in morphed action scenes are the most important things. They are cool but that kind of action only lands when we’ve gotten time to see the Rangers bond outside of fighting.
Think of ‘Reinforcements from the Future.’ Seeing Taylor and Eric’s relationship grow makes their eventual action scene at the end carry more weight. They’ve gotten over their squabbles and bonded. Same with ‘Forever Red.’ Even with that episode being a lot of spectacle it took the time to have Cole trying to impress the other Rangers be a running joke. They all introduced themselves so they felt like a real team by the nine-minute mark of the episode. By the time they got to fighting we felt their connection. In this episode it takes nine minutes for Jason to show up at all and he doesn’t get to show off any character outside of “generic leader.” 
We needed a more involved plot for the characters. Something that gave them time to bond outside of simply fighting. Something that showed off their individual personalities. Of course save time for the big fight at the end but that fight would have felt so much more powerful if we’d gotten the chance to see these Rangers get to know one another. 
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The Team Up That Nearly Destroyed Power Rangers
By Shamus Kelley
Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Episode 10 Review: Dimensions in Danger
By Shamus Kelley
Wasting time with the meteor and everything to do with the grid was a mistake. That’s all fan wank nonsense that makes for a nice Wikipedia entry but not a good story. The characters needed to be the focus here and they weren’t, which is a shame because it’s great to see everyone come back. I loved seeing Jason again and we got yet another of his classic line deliveries with, “man I thought Serpentera was bad but that Zord has six heads!!!!” I’ll be quoting that for years, mostly because the Zord actually has seven heads.
Seeing him and the Dino Charge cast side by side is nice and for many that’ll be enough. I just wish we’d gotten something deeper. There was a way to do this; ‘Forever Red’ proved it’s possible. Instead the people behind this gave into the spectacle of it all and leaned too hard on macguffins and action set pieces. 
‘Grid Connection’ isn’t bad but in the end it’s pretty lifeless. There are a few good moments like Jason’s small speech at the end or Devon seemingly waiting for Evox to leave so he could specifically shoot Blaze. There’s some fun to be had but it’s on the lower end of Power Rangers team-ups. Hot take, ‘Clash of the Red Rangers’ was more enjoyable. It devoted a good chunk of time to Scott, even stuck in his suit, so he could form a relationship with the Samurai Rangers.
I could talk more about how this fits into continuity, how certain Rangers got their powers back, Conner’s not great voice over, what the morphin’ grid has morphed (heh) into, etc. At the end of the day though those are just small issues that, if the story were engaging, wouldn’t have been that big an issue. I’m willing to accept a lot of hand waving in Power Rangers (especially when it comes to continuity) as long as its fun and I’m invested in the characters. This episode had the fun but lacked character, which is easily the more important of the two and without it the fun just… isn’t as fun as it could be.
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Also, Hasbro needs to stop supporting Austin St. John. He knowingly employed racist and homophobic handlers at his convention appearances for years.
The post Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season 2 Episode 15 Review: Grid Connection appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Hp0LTc
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
As much as I love Melissa (and I haven’t been able to find the issue locally yet) I will say that turning Zedd into a ranger is something Jason Bischoff would do. And no disrespect to him either, but as we have already discussed, a lot of his ideas were half-thought, at best.
Ranger Zedd is tricky for me to comment on because I understand the intention behind it - it's getting Zedd back in the game after he's been nothing but a pathetic mess to make Mistress Vile look better, and at the very least I'm happy to see him get a power-up that isn't stupid green tubes - but it's held back by how it's just another side piece to Mistress Vile's story and, frankly, its underwhelming design. Contrast to how Rita had all this build-up and a whole issue dedicated to how she became Mistress Vile with a design that perfectly translates her taking her father's place vs how Zedd Ranger was just.....he had a morpher up his ass this whole time that gives him shoes, i guess. (Not making him a Serpentera Ranger is missed opportunity of the century, i think.)
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mspowerverse · 7 years
Power Rangers Biotec Busters
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(Note, this takes place during the time the Pirate Rangers are traveling the universe) After the invasion of Earth by the United Alliance of Evil in “In Space” the government decided they could no longer depend solely on the Power Rangers in case the day ever came when they were no longer there to defend the world. Many organizations and groups competed to get the contract to build the next generation of Ranger but ultimately it was given to Operation Lightspeed. One of the competitors was Global Biotec, GB was seeking to replicate the Ranger tech including Zords, teleportation, and weaponry. A bi-product of their research was a new form of fuel they dubbed “neo-en”. Furthermore they developed a new method of teleportation. By sending objects into a separate dimension dubbed “hyperspace” and pulling them out in a different location they could move objects long distances in a short amount of time. However this method was untested on living beings. After the news that Lightspeed won the contract Global Biotec decided to continue their research. However during a New Years Eve party tragedy struck when a computer virus infected the Neo-En storage tank and mutated. By the time the scientists attempted to stop it the virus (by this point calling itself the Savior virus) had infected all but a handful of the megazord prototypes. The head scientist made a decision to sacrifice the lives of the scientists in order to save the world from the Savior Virus. And so the lab and all inside were transported to Hyperspace. However three children present in the lab survived due to the actions of their scientist parents. These children were affected by the teleportation process in beneficial and detrimental ways. A trio of Biodroids also survived the incident and each of them befriended one of the children Years later the Savior Virus has managed to gather enough strength to send its forces to attack the world and gather Neo-En to gain more power. Only one team can stop this from happening. Power Rangers Biotec Busters! “Rangers Charge Up!”
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Red Biotec Ranger Name: Hank Sinclair Age: 20 Personality: Hank is young and very quick to jump into action. He still has a lot to learn, but he knows he and his team are the last line of defense against the Savior Virus. To make up for his partner, Chet’s, lack of direction, Hank has a very good sense of direction and is responsible for guiding Chet in the right direction. When not fighting against the Savior Virus, he spends most of his time either taking long rides on Chet or drawing. Hank grew up with an older sister who raised him after their parents disappeared in the New Year’s lab incident. When he was given the chance to become Biotec Red, he jumped at the chance, wanting to continue his parents’ work and stop the Savior Virus once and for all. His power up is super speed, allowing him to move faster than the eye can see. If he panics, his body freezes up and he’s unable to move until his body relaxes. His Biodroid partner is Cheetbot or Chet for short, who can assume a motorcycle form and can also connect with the Cheetah Speeder to either form the Ace Solo Zord or remain in sports car form. Face Claim: Uriah Shelton
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Blue Biotec Ranger Name: Peter Hawk Age: 25 Personality/Bio: Peter is the oldest of the team and feels responsible for Hank and Selena. Selena sees Peter as an older brother figure and Peter treats her like the little sister he never had. In the wake of the New Year’s lab incident, he was imbued with super strength as a power up, though it comes at a price, he loses control of himself if he overheats, becoming more brutal and sadistic in battle. Peter is Biotech Blue and his Biodroid partner is GorillaBot. GorillaBot cares immensely for Peter, seeing him as a son of sorts and worries when Peter goes into battle. GorillaBot can merge with the Gorilla Carrier and assume a truck form or his gorilla form. Face Claim: Brandon Routh
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Yellow Biotec Ranger Name: Selena Harley Age: 18 Personality/Bio: Selena is the youngest of the Biotec Rangers. She views Peter as her big brother, but she sees Hank as someone who is too reckless, given his penchant for jumping right into the action. She worries about Hank and Peter, especially when Peter overheats, but she tries not to show her worry for Hank. When Peter overheats, she becomes scared of him, as she has no idea what he’s truly capable of while in his brutal and sadistic state. However, as his “little sister”, she is one of the only things that can bring Peter back to his senses, the other being Peter tiring himself out and passing out. As Biotech Yellow, her power up is the ability to leap to great heights. The drawback of her power up is that she must keep her energy up or she will collapse and be unable to move. Her BioDroid partner is RabbitBot, who carries a big attitude in a small body. However, RabbitBot genuinely cares for Selena’s safety. RabbitBot can merge with the Rabbit Copter and can assume either a rabbit form or a helicopter form. Face Claim: Ariel Winter Zords The Biodroids each have the ability to connect to the zords to form two forms, animal and vehicle. Red- Cheetah Speeder- Cheetah/Car- The Cheetah Speeder is a sleek high speed car with the ability to transform into the Ace Solo Zord Blue- Gorilla Carrier- Gorilla/Truck- The Gorilla Carrier is a large truck that when in Gorilla form can launch missiles Yellow- Rabbit Copter- Rabbit/Helicopter- The Rabbit Copter is great for speed and firepower All three can combine to form the Biotec Megazord Biotec Megazord- Armed with a sabre and shield this megazord takes more Neo-En to run but is worth it in battle After many victories a strange figure emerges from Hyperspace.
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Gold Biotec Ranger Name: James Crawford Age: 30 Personality/Bio: A scientist during the New Year’s lab incident, he locked himself in his lab when it was transported into Hyperspace. Unfortunately, James was unable to return in a physical body, so he sent an avatar of himself along with one of his greatest creations, Beetbot. With Beetbot, he is able to send another avatar should his current one get too damaged. James can morph into Biotech Gold and his zord is the Beetle Crane, which has the ability to transform into the Beetle Solo Zord. Face Claim: James Franco
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Silver Biotec Ranger Name: Beetbot Personality/Bio: Beetbot is James’ Biodroid partner, created in order to fight alongside James and the other Biotec Busters. As such, Beetbot is the only Biodroid designed for direct combat and is the only Biodroid capable of morphing into a Ranger form. He is capable of sending new avatars of James from Hyperspace when the old ones become too damaged as he has the required markers to do so. With those markers, he can also summon both his and James’ respective zords. Beetbot can also produce a hologram to hide his Biodroid form when in public. This hologram is based on one of James’s coworkers who perished during the New Years incident. He is capable of morphing into Biotec Silver and his zord is the Stag Jet, which can combine with the Beetle Crane to form the Beetle Buster Megazord. His main personality flaw is that he has an ego the size of a Megazord. Face Claim: Kunal Nayyar Gold- Beetle Crane- Beetle/Crane- The Beetle Crane has the ability to transform into the Beetle Solo Zord Silver- Stag Jet- Stag Beetle/Jet- The Stag Jet can reach immense speed and has amazing firepower Both of these zords can combine to form the Beetle Buster Megazord All five zords can combine to form the Supreme Buster Megazord Supreme Buster Megazord- Armed with a great lance and even more power this megazord does take more Neo-En to run Later the rangers discover a hidden lab on earth. One of the scientists from Project Biotec didn’t attend the doomed party and in honor of his fellow scientists continued his work… even after he passed… his greatest creation was the LioTec zord LioTec- The LioTec zord is a zord sized Biodroid- when the Rangers find him he attacks out of confusion. He has a cycle form a lion form and a solo zord form to fight against the Savior Virus The LioTec Zord also grants Hank his Battlizer Black Lion Ranger! The Gorilla Carrier and the Rabbit Copter can combine with the LioTec zord to form the LioTec Buster Megazord As the enemy grows stronger the main three rangers gain new abilities by merging with their Biodroids “Rangers SUPER CHARGE!” Super Charged Red- Hank’s super speed is boosted to near instantaneous levels Super Charged Blue- Peter’s strength reaches herculean levels Super Charged Yellow- Selena’s jumping improves to the point she can walk on the air The Savior Virus uses two “avatars” to do it’s bidding Control- Control is usually calm and collected until things don’t go as planned… Delete- Always seeking the perfect battle Delete will strike down anyone her Savior commands her to His legion of footsoldiers are known as BitBytes. Power Rangers Pirate Busters The Pirate Rangers finally return to Earth and quickly find themselves meeting the newest Rangers when a surviving member of the Royal Empire Family joins forces with Savior’s forces and holds the city hostage with a bomb, he demands the RBY Rangers fight each other and the rest of the Rangers use this time to defuse the bomb. However his true goal is revealed when he steals a supply of Neo-En and restores the True Serpentera to full power. It’s up to both teams to stop him. Morphers- Biotec Morphers Morphing Call- Ranger Charge Up! Morphing- Ranger colored code appears around the Ranger and forms the suit as blueprints and coding for weapons and zords appear behind them. (Bios by @rosegrl18) Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail <————–Powerverse————-> Power Rangers Fossil Spirits
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Timeline (Power Rangers) pt 4
The Rangers lead a drive to clean up Angel Grove. But, Lord Zedd has plans of his own and decides to create the Octophantom to capture the Rangers in a magic jar and drain them of their powers. Now, the Rangers face a battle to keep their powers and save Tommy. (The Power Stealer)
The Rangers step up to the challenge of a Broomball Tournament but Zedd has a challenge of his own and creates the Stag Beetle. (The Beetle Invasion)
Lord Zedd sets his sights on Trini's neighbor Haley and captures her. When they come to save her, Lord Zedd plans to ransom her for the price of the Green Ranger. The Rangers must find their way to Venus Island and take on the Invenusable Fly Trap. (Welcome to Venus Island)
As Kimberly tries her hand at song-writing, Zedd decides to create a rock-and-roll nightmare. He calls forth Guitardo, a super saccata with a hypnotic sound. (The Song of Guitardo)
Tommy loses his Green Ranger powers permanently. (Green No More)
Zack's cousin Curtis is set to play in a jazz festival and Zack offers to lend him a special horn. The concert goes great until a putty steals the trumpet and Zedd creates the terrifying Trumpethead Monster. He brings with him a menacing menachire of monsters to overwhelm the Rangers. (Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park)
Jason is down about Tommy's absence and the others try to help him cope by trying to find Tommy. But, on their way, our heroes stumble into an ambush and are captured by Goldar. Now, Jason must find a way to save his friends from the same fate as Tommy. (Missing Green)
Zedd decides that he needs a new queen and chooses Kimberly for the task. Goldar takes her prisoner and casts a spell to make her evil. (Beauty and the Beast)
Rita escapes her dumpster, but is quickly put back. Tommy becomes the White Tiger Ranger, with a new White Tigerzord and ally Saba. The Tigerzord forms the Mega Tigerzord with the other Thunderzords. Tommy becomes the new leader of the Power Rangers. (White Light)
Tommy becomes the first White Ranger.
A day at the park for Tommy and Kimberly turns into putty pandemonium. Then, while Kimberly and Tommy deal with the putties, Lord Zedd uses his evil powers to create two new outrageous monsters. (Two for One)
When Billy gathers scientific data, it shows a severe storm is brewing. But, Lord Zedd has plans of his own as he turns Billy's polarizer into a wicked monster. Meanwhile, Kimberly and a young troop of Angelettes are unaware of impending danger. (Opposites Attract)
As the teens enjoy Halloween with some of their young friends, Lord Zedd instructs the putties to crash the annual Youth Center Halloween Party. Then, as Tommy takes some kids trick-or-treating, Goldar kidnaps him to a secret location to battle the most vicious Halloween monster. (Zedd's Monster Mash)
Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos and Aisha Campbell move to Angel Grove from Stone Canyon and learn the Rangers identities. (The Ninja Encounter)
The kids host a world teen summit at Angel Grove High. But, Zedd sends Goldar and the putties to kidnap their international guests. Tor the Shuttlezord joins the Rangers and allows them to form the Thunder Ultrazord. (A Monster of Global Proportions)
Angel Grove is the sight of the exciting Stone Canyon triathlon. But, Zedd interrupts the event by using one of his monsters to hypnotize the crowd into submission. Even the Power Rangers struggle against Zedd's power. (Zedd Waves)
Zedd reveals his own Zord, Serpentera. Jason, Trini and Zack leave for the World Peace Conference. (The Power Transfer Pts. 1 & 2)
Rocky replaces Jason as the Red Ranger.
Adam replaces Zack as the Black Ranger.
Aisha replaces Trini as the Yellow Ranger.
Our heroes organize a Vice-versa Dance, where the girls invite the guys. Adam is unconfident that he will be asked to the dance until a mysterious new girl in town catches his eye. But first, he and the other Rangers have to dance with some putties as Zedd prepares a little vice-versa himself. (Goldar's Vice-Versa)
Adam helps a young karate student believe in himself. But, Lord Zedd is about to destroy Adam's confidence when he sends Goldar to Angel Grove with the Mirror of Regret to bring back Adam's childhood memories to drain his energy. (Mirror of Regret)
The Rangers lose their memories and Bulk and Skull learn their identities but end up sacrificing their knowledge of the Rangers identities to save them. (When Is A Ranger Not A Ranger?)
A new Pachinco game is delivered to the Angel Grove gym and Juice Bar and Rocky really gets into it. But, Lord Zedd has a little game of his own to play when he casts a spell over Rocky, causing him to only want to play. (Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun)
The Power Rangers take the special message of the power of education to the airwaves. But, Zedd tries to stop the show by changing a TV camera into the evil Showbiz Monster. (Lights, Camera, Action)
It's Fire Safety Week and Aisha has a hot new job. And, Lord Zedd becomes interested in fire too, when he sends the Flamehead monster to Angel Grove to turn the city into one big hotspot. (Where There's Smoke, There's Fire)
The kids go on a scavenger hunt. But, then Lord Zedd has other ideas to ruin the kids' game once and for all. (Scavenger Hunt)
An unusual crash landing creates a mystery for our heroes. The Rangers decide to investigate the spacecraft further and they discover it's amazing cargo. But, Lord Zedd prepares to lay claim to the craft. (The Great Bookala Escape)
Goldar kidnaps Kimberly and Aisha's best friend Shawna. While our heroes plan to rescue their friends, Zedd sends the Jaws of Destruction to battle them. (Forever Friends)
Zedd creates dreadful sea monsters to challenge the Power Rangers. (A Reel Fish Story)
Lord Zedd takes our heroes on an unexpected trip down Memory Lane when he turns back the hands of time and turns the Rangers into kids. (Rangers Back in Time)
Rita is freed from her dumpster again, and places a love potion on Zedd and are married (sometime between their marriage and their purification they have a son named Thrax). (The Wedding, Once A Ranger)
Rita creates a clone of Tommy and gives him new Green Ranger powers. Tommy's clone goes to live in the 18th Century. (Return of the Green Ranger)
It's anything but politics as usual at Angel Grove High when Tommy runs for office at school and so does Kimberly. The competition heats up when Lord Zedd and Rita cast an evil spell on both candidates to turn the Power Rangers against each other and crush them. (Best Man for the Job)
Everyone finds a favorite book at the school book fair but Rita's got her own story to write. Three Rangers become trapped in a storybook, and it's up to Billy, Adam, and Aisha to rescue their friends. (Storybook Rangers)
Kimberly goes back in time and helps Aisha, Adam, Rocky and Billy's ancestors battle Goldar. (Wild West Rangers)
Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa concoct a scheme to kidnap the real Blue Ranger and make an evil one. Trouble begins when the kids notice Billy acting weird. Then, he renders the Rangers powerless when he takes their morphers. (Blue Ranger Gone Bad)
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gabriel-gabdiel · 2 years
What if Kousoku Sentai Turboranger became the super-powered version of Power Rangers Turbo?
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Here’s how I’d envision it.
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Part 1
- Divatox returns and adopts the leaderless Org tribe unto her own, allowing her to have her own army. The MMPR team is also worried that the villains they got rid of through the Z-Wave are now returning for some reason.
- Inspired by the Replacement Rangers morphing into the Thunder Power Rangers, Tommy Oliver gathers the OG Turbo Rangers and the Replacement Turbo Rangers to experiment on getting a new power and new zords from between the two teams, which worries the Omega Rangers (Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Naomi Taylor, and Yale the Alien Cat). Such actions has shades of what Lord Drakkon was doing with the Morphin Grid.
- It's the original Zeo team of Tommy Oliver, Rocky DeSantos (standing in for Justin Stewart), Adam Park, Tanya Sloan, and Katherine Hillard versus the team of T.J. Johnson, Justin Stewart, Carlos Vallerte, Ashley Hammond, and Cassie Chan. The Phantom Ranger also appears to help in the transition to new powers.
- Although Tommy has forgotten about Lord Drakkon, Jason hasn't, so he starts acting strange around Tommy the same way Kiya, the Blue Omega Ranger traitor, did.
- This makes Tommy confront Jason about what Kiya said to him regarding Drakkon and the Shattered Grid. This results in the Red Omega Ranger and the Red Turbo Ranger getting into a tussle. After Jason forces Tommy to morph into the White Ranger, he stops the fight, saying he hopes Tommy someday remembers what he remembers of Drakkon.
- They start accessing the Super Turbo Form, but with Green Turbo Ranger he turns into the Black Super Turbo Ranger for some reason. Divatox then appears and has Lord Zedd's second set of Dark Rangers steal the Super Turbo powers from the Power Rangers Turbo under her command.
- They have Farai Jukwa (Zimbabwe Assaulter), Osamu Tezuka (Japan Looter), Stanford Winner (U.S. Con Man), Nelida Valensis (Colombian Gang Member), and Marie Claire le Monde (France Pickpocket) become the Red/Black/Blue/Yellow/Pink Super Turbo Rangers.
- For good measure, Divatox then summons Astronema's Psycho Rangers to deal with the halved power of two Turbo Ranger teams, beating them like a drum. Team Johnson has flashbacks of the Command Center blowing up. They're still traumatized by Divatox winning in the end.
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Part 2
- Team Oliver de-transforms and allows Team Johnson to face off against the Super Turbo Rangers at full Turbo Ranger power. They then transform into Zeo Power Rangers to face off against the Psycho Rangers.
- T.J. considers tranforming into Space Rangers but Cassie warns they can't because Andros is off-world somewhere else so they can't fight as a team. Justin also laments that the MMPR are busy themselves dealing with Master Vile's monsters, so no Aisha and no Thunder Power Rangers.
- Turbo and Super Turbo prove to be a match against each other in every way possible, but then the Blue Senturion arrives to give the Turbo Rangers the edge. This forces Super Turbo to escalate and summon their respective zords. They have to defeat the Super Turbo Rangers or else Lord Zedd will have access to the Super Turbo Megazord.
- The Super Turbo Megazord can combine with another zord known as the Nitro Zord to form the Super Nitro Megazord that wrecks shop against the Super Turbo Megazord. Their Megazord lacks a carrier zord to make it more powerful. Just when all hope seems lost, Blue Senturion and Phantom Ranger arrive to attack the Super Nitro Megazord from within.
- Meanwhile, the Zeo Rangers held off the six Psycho Rangers themselves with the help of Tommy's Master Morpher. Just as Divatox was about to intervene, the Omega Rangers and their zords play interference, but they're then faced against Kiya and Lord Zedd riding a rebuilt Serpentera.
- The Super Turbo Rangers are ejected from the cockpit and they face off against the Turbo Rangers once more. Learning from their mistakes, each Replacement Turbo Ranger defeats their counterpart color (except Turbo Green faces off against Super Turbo Black this time) and gets the Super Turbo power away from Lord Zedd's criminal rangers.
- The Zeo Rangers then transform into Turbo Rangers in order to combine Megazord forces with the Super Turbo Rangers and their Megazord (was well as the Omega Zords) in order to damage Divatox's ship and Serpentera, driving them to retreat. Montage of the Super Turbo Rangers defeating the rest of the Org Tribe.
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Residential Wheelchair Lifts
Except then both of them froze, and also the dynamic moved, the rules of stamina and weak point obtaining rushed. Yet in justness to your non-sick fellow fitness fanatics," Matthews states, if you're getting some exercise in while you're battling a cold, you must opt for an at-home exercise - perhaps your favorite health and fitness DVD or an outside workout." If you do opt to exercise at the health club, be considerate of others and make certain to appropriately disinfect all tools that you make use of - which you need to constantly do, sniffles or otherwise. From the style to the devices to the general look of your health club - you need to be accordingly completely satisfied. The lift was built from timber dropped in the Sabina hills north of Rome. He makes no transfer to strategy, only watching me meticulously as I raise the gold disc from the morpher, examining it very closely. After the supper, through which she sat significantly self-conscious, she played up until, to the male seeing her, it seemed as if the really roof covering would lift from the house as well as sail off into the Heavens. The Lift truly enters its own with its training function, which tries to train individuals right into the routine of staying up directly. Since Nautilus tools has the tendency to target one details muscular tissue team or body area, it gives the suitable methods for circuit training, where a collection of different workouts are performed in fast sequence. Three who would certainly end up being Power Rangers - heroes that safeguard the Planet from Lothor, a bad ninja master bent on damaging Earth. In most current Windows os like Windows 8, Windows 7 an unique alternative is developed in control panel for power administration. Over and also over, Lee was informed in no unpredictable terms that white audiences just wouldn't accept an Asian man as a lead character in a flick. Undoubtedly, the oppositions asked EPA for complete liberty to touch that technique to comply with the Clean Power Plan's emission rate restrictions. It is explains how you can accumulate power and why some individuals obtain even more power compared to others. So the following time all the makers at the health club are taken, don't sweat it. Right here's a full-body strength-and-conditioning exercise that'll construct muscular tissue and also perfect motion patterns. The examples continue to appear my head; my intermediate school principal, a pilot on the aircraft on a recent trip, high account TV role models like Ellen Degeneres and Oprah, the women that signed up with the fumbling team, and also wins matches! The sources are around such as e-mail checklist offers like Supertraining," physical fitness publications, fellow fitness center participants (although not constantly one of the most exact of sources), and also physical fitness magazines. All of it boils down to the power of typical speed The next two years are going to go as well as come. The moment will certainly pass anyway. Just what's even more, I look much less worn out and grumpy due to that enchanting lift at the side of the mouth. Power Kids (or 5 Heart Heroes in Thai) is about 4 children who creep into a terrorist regulated health center to take a heart to transplant for the 5th child that is dying in a various medical facility. Prior to joining a fitness center and also beginning a brand-new physical fitness routine, a teenager should have a physical exam with his medical professional. this content lifted the covers and also turned to get off the bed when my face met a hard wall pressing me back. The goal here is to teach the central nervous system to hire quick shiver muscle mass fibres, which are the bits of your muscular tissue that produce explosive power over a brief time period. House fitness center devices usually are worthless unless you have the room as well as pay huge funding. Red Ranger's power tool is the Power Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. The perfect body offered the Greek person a difficult version to live up to. To obtain the body fit needed training, which suggested, firstly, the fitness center. To stress his declaration, the ship shook even tougher compared to before, tossing all the rangers from their seats, and also causing control panels to spark with fury. Additionally, they tend to preserve their elevation even if there is power failure thereby curtailing possibilities of unintended dangers. It's so odd; I know Tori's a Power Ranger, but I don't want to ... discolor our time along with talk about bad ninjas, deception, as well as vengeance. Holland recommends ditching the month-to-month cost completely by paying up front if you can afford it (and if you're dedicated to utilizing the fitness center). Jason went back to activity years later on as the Red Ranger, signing up with pressures with 9 other Red Rangers on an objective to the moon, to avoid the Equipment Realm from making use of Serpentera to destroy Planet. The lessons may not constantly be enjoyable, as well as they might appear Machiavellian to the delicate (he finally references The Royal prince Jeffery Pfeffer offers a well-crafted, how-to manual of obtaining power in a company via his aptly labelled book. Among the largest downfalls to the old workout equipments for home use was that individuals were laid off with their own perseverance to push themselves hard sufficient to burn sufficient quantities of calories. The water raised them efficiently over the lip of the well and into a little channel, where there was a dock. Anthony Robbins is functioning as a style expert at Day Elevator & Lift, a premier service provider of stairway lifts, package lifts, elevators and wheelchair lifts for property as well as commercial applications throughout the tri-state location, New york city, New Jersey, Connecticut. However the Clean Power Plan is textbook cooperative federalism: EPA develops the exhaust decrease targets in its exhaust standard. Many firms utilize this as a kind of renewable power to decrease the discharge of co2. Gym membership discount rate broker The Health club Web site markets short-term health club subscription and has offers for local fitness centers. When the staircase lift is running, the platform of the stairway lift could lock in position. It provides them the power to get rid of obstructions that are in their route by increasing them up and over them. Vicary's 1957 experiment, performed in a motion picture theatre, was the first attempt at making use of subliminal audio messages for marketing functions. According to the above reactions, each mole of potassium iodate included represents 3 moles of ascorbic acid dehydrogenated in the example. While keeping your core tight, raise bench and also press the floor away through your heels up until you're standing up tall. The Pink as well as Blue Rangers got down the ladder attaching the main bridge to the lower deck of the small shuttle bus, where an emergency medical ward was located. The dialogue is shocking, as are the sorrowful trademark Morphin moves: A person get these Rangers to a martial-arts school! Bring your hands to the sides of your chest as well as raise your upper body by pushing with your hands. The Lift needs adjusting each time it's used with a dual press of the button when in the recommended position, buzzing 3 times to validate. Compassionate as well as thought-provoking account of the interlacing nature of power and also powerlessness. In this instance, all you'll require is some Interlocking Rubber Flooring ceramic tiles to place under the fitness devices for you to guard the floor. Likewise, those making use of environment-friendly equipment understand that a light burning for 15 minutes is equal to a 20km-plus bike trip. Faraz, known in your area as Abu Bakr, on a regular basis participates in the Darul Ihsaan Gym while his more youthful sibling, Imran, 27, is provided as the chairman of the 24/7 Fitness center. http://ebredes-szepseg.info to do is to delay your exercise for a couple days if you walk into the fitness center with reduced energy or really feel as if you have flu-like signs and symptoms. If your objective is to raise weights and obtain an aerobic benefit at the very same time, there is an alternative available to you. People lose a great deal of cash on unnecessary cardio devices, multi fitness centers and also overpriced specialist products that fairly frankly typically aren't particularly beneficial in a business fitness center, let alone a home training area. Going to the bathhouse was as essential to a Roman as mosting likely to the fitness center was to a Greek.
0 notes
maswartz · 4 years
Power Rangers Biotec Busters
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(Logo by @riceyhot)
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(Note, this takes place during the time the Pirate Rangers are traveling the universe) After the invasion of Earth by the United Alliance of Evil in “In Space” the government decided they could no longer depend solely on the Power Rangers in case the day ever came when they were no longer there to defend the world. Many organizations and groups competed to get the contract to build the next generation of Ranger but ultimately it was given to Operation Lightspeed. One of the competitors was Global Biotec, GB was seeking to replicate the Ranger tech including Zords, teleportation, and weaponry. A bi-product of their research was a new form of fuel they dubbed “Neo-En”. Neo-En was a material they discovered in its raw red form but after being refined it turned a bright green and was a pollution free source of power. Furthermore they developed a new method of teleportation. And created a series of robotic assistants they dubbed BioDroids. By sending objects into a separate dimension dubbed “hyperspace” and pulling them out in a different location they could move objects long distances in a short amount of time. However this method was untested on living beings. After the news that Lightspeed won the contract Global Biotec decided to continue their research. However on January 1st 2000 the Global Biotec computers were infected with the Y2K virus. Contact with raw Neo-En gave the virus sentience as it hid deep within the systems. Years later, mere months after the fall of the Stellar Empire the virus, now calling itself Millennius emerged and attempted to take full control of a Neo-En facility. A tour group was caught in the chaos as Millennius caused a vat of raw Neo-En to explode. A trio were exposed to the energy and taken in for observation by Global Biotec. It was discovered that their bodies had absorbed a portion of the energy granting them superhuman abilities though their bodies also developed weaknesses as a result. Millennius used his access to the teleportation system to hide himself and the stolen facility in Hyperspace as he planned his infection of Earth. The trio were recruited to delete this threat as the Power Rangers Biotec Busters!
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Red Biotec Ranger Name: Hank Sinclair Personality: Hank enjoys all things fast. From fast cars to living in the fast lane he can’t get enough. However Millennius’s attack caused him to slow down for the first time in his life. He had a chance to help other people and keep the world safe from danger. Surprising himself he agreed and became the Red Biotec Ranger. Even with his newfound sense of responsibility he still loves living in the fast lane. Hank was running at his fastest when the wave of raw Neo-En hit him, as a result he gained the power of super speed, allowing him to move faster than the eye can see however if he panics his body freezes up and he’s unable to move until his body relaxes. His Biodroid partner is Cheetbot or Chet for short, who can assume a motorcycle form and can also connect with the Cheetah Speeder to either form the Buster Solo Zord or remain in sports car form. After the creation of the LioTec Zord Hank is given his battilizer giving him enhanced armor and power. However at first he is unable to control the incredible power of the Lion until he finds his focus and is able to harness its full power. Face Claim: Uriah Shelton
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Blue Biotec Ranger Name: Peter Hawkins Personality/Bio: An aspiring inventor Peter was applying for a job with Global Biotec when Millennius attacked the facility. After becoming the Blue Biotec Ranger he is overjoyed to have the chance to share his ideas with their research and development team. Peter was attempting to lift some heavy debris when he was hit by the raw Neo-En wave, a a result he was imbued with super strength, hough it comes at a price, if his body over heats he loses control of his temper becoming more brutal and sadistic in battle. Peter’s Biodroid partner is GorillaBot or Gor for short. GorillaBot cares immensely for Peter, seeing him as a son of sorts and worries when Peter goes into battle. GorillaBot can merge with the Gorilla Carrier and assume a truck form or his gorilla form. Face Claim: Brandon Routh
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Yellow Biotec Ranger Name: Selena Harley Personality/Bio: Selena is a devoted environmentalist and was visiting the Neo-En facility to see if the claims that it caused no damage to the environment were true or not. In the aftermath of Millennius’s attack she found herself working within Global Biotec where she was relieved to learn the claims were true. When the raw Neo-En wave hit her Selena was leaping through the air trying to make it to the exit in time. As a result she gained the ability to leap to great heights. The drawback of her power up is that she must keep her energy up or she will collapse and be unable to move. Her BioDroid partner is RabbitBot or Rab for short, who carries a big attitude in a small body. However, RabbitBot genuinely cares for Selena’s safety. RabbitBot can merge with the Rabbit Copter and can assume either a rabbit form or a helicopter form. Face Claim: Ariel Winter Zords The Biodroids each have the ability to connect to the zords to form two forms, animal and vehicle. Red- Cheetah Speeder- Cheetah/Car- The Cheetah Speeder is a sleek high speed car with the ability to transform into the Buster Solo Zord Blue- Gorilla Carrier- Gorilla/Truck- The Gorilla Carrier is a large truck that when in Gorilla form can launch missiles Yellow- Rabbit Copter- Rabbit/Helicopter- The Rabbit Copter is great for speed and firepower All three can combine to form the Biotec Megazord Biotec Megazord- Armed with a sabre and shield this megazord takes more Neo-En to run but is worth it in battle Months after the trio became rangers an incident at a GB research laboratory resulted in two new Rangers joining the fight against Millennius.
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Gold Biotec Ranger Name: Edgar Patel Personality/Bio: A scientist working at Global Biotec, Edgar was responsible for many of the crucial inventions used by the Biotec Rangers and as a result it was his job to maintain them. Indulging in his own inspiration he began developing new models of zords. However a battle with Millennius’s forces caused the near destruction of his personal laboratory. He and his friend James were caught in the collapsing building and both severely injured. Seeking payback Edgar used his inventions to become the Gold Biotec Ranger His zord is the Beetle Crane, which has the ability to transform into the Beetle Solo Zord. Face Claim: Kunal Nayyar
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Silver Biotec Ranger Name: James Crawford/BeetBot Personality/Bio: James was a brilliant if not egotistical scientist who worked along with Edgar on the zord technology for Global Biotec. When a battle with Millennius’s forces caused their laboratory to collapse on top of them James  was gravely wounded. His body was functionally dead but his brain remained intact. Edgar managed to transfer his brainwaves into a new model of BioDroid the two had dubbed BeetBot. As BeetBot James became the Silver Biotec Ranger. His zord is the Stag Jet, which can combine with the Beetle Crane to form the Beetle Buster Megazord.
Face Claim:James Franco Gold- Beetle Crane- Beetle/Crane- The Beetle Crane has the ability to transform into the Beetle Solo Zord Silver- Stag Jet- Stag Beetle/Jet- The Stag Jet can reach immense speed and has amazing firepower Both of these zords can combine to form the Beetle Buster Megazord All five zords can combine to form the Supreme Buster Megazord Supreme Buster Megazord- Armed with a great lance and even more power this megazord does take more Neo-En to run As the forces of Millennius grew stronger Global Biotec developed a new zord model with BioDroid tech intergrated into its systems. The LioTec Zord. LioTec- The LioTec zord is a zord sized Biodroid- He has three modes to use in the fight against Millennius. Lion, Cycle and the LioTec Solo Zord. The Gorilla Carrier and the Rabbit Copter can combine with the LioTec zord to form the LioTec Buster Megazord As the enemy grows stronger the main three rangers gain new abilities by merging with their Biodroids “Rangers SUPER CHARGE!” Super Charged Red- Hank’s super speed is boosted to near instantaneous levels Super Charged Blue- Peter’s strength reaches herculean levels Super Charged Yellow- Selena’s jumping improves to the point she can walk on the air Millennius uses three “avatars” to do it’s bidding Control- Control is usually calm and collected until things don’t go as planned… Alt- A simple coded brute who unleashes its power on the enemies of Millennius Delete- Always seeking the perfect battle Delete will strike down anyone Millennius commands her to His legion of foot soldiers are known as BitBytes. Power Rangers Pirate Busters The Pirate Rangers finally return to Earth and quickly find themselves meeting the newest Rangers when a surviving member of the Royal Empire Family joins forces with Millennius’s forces and holds the city hostage with a bomb, he demands the Red Blue and Yellow Rangers from each team fight each other. The rest of the Rangers use this time to defuse the bomb. However his true goal is revealed when he steals a supply of Neo-En and restores the True Serpentera to full power. It’s up to both teams to stop him. Morphers- Biotec Morphers, wrist worn and phone models. Morphing Call- Ranger Charge Up! Morphing- Ranger colored code appears around the Ranger and forms the suit as blueprints and coding for weapons and zords appear behind them. (Bios by @rosegrl18) Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail <————–Powerverse————-> Power Rangers Fossil Spirits
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maswartz · 5 years
Power Rangers Biotec Busters
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(Logo by @riceyhot)
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(Note, this takes place during the time the Pirate Rangers are traveling the universe) After the invasion of Earth by the United Alliance of Evil in “In Space” the government decided they could no longer depend solely on the Power Rangers in case the day ever came when they were no longer there to defend the world. Many organizations and groups competed to get the contract to build the next generation of Ranger but ultimately it was given to Operation Lightspeed. One of the competitors was Global Biotec, GB was seeking to replicate the Ranger tech including Zords, teleportation, and weaponry. A bi-product of their research was a new form of fuel they dubbed “Neo-En”. Neo-En was a material they discovered in its raw red form but after being refined it turned a bright green and was a pollution free source of power. Furthermore they developed a new method of teleportation. And created a series of robotic assistants they dubbed BioDroids. By sending objects into a separate dimension dubbed “hyperspace” and pulling them out in a different location they could move objects long distances in a short amount of time. However this method was untested on living beings. After the news that Lightspeed won the contract Global Biotec decided to continue their research. However on January 1st 2000 the Global Biotec computers were infected with the Y2K virus. Contact with raw Neo-En gave the virus sentience as it hid deep within the systems. Years later, mere months after the fall of the Stellar Empire the virus, now calling itself Millennius emerged and attempted to take full control of a Neo-En facility. A tour group was caught in the chaos as Millennius caused a vat of raw Neo-En to explode. A trio were exposed to the energy and taken in for observation by Global Biotec. It was discovered that their bodies had absorbed a portion of the energy granting them superhuman abilities though their bodies also developed weaknesses as a result. Millennius used his access to the teleportation system to hide himself and the stolen facility in Hyperspace as he planned his infection of Earth. The trio were recruited to delete this threat as the Power Rangers Biotec Busters!
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Red Biotec Ranger Name: Hank Sinclair Personality: Hank enjoys all things fast. From fast cars to living in the fast lane he can’t get enough. However Millennius’s attack caused him to slow down for the first time in his life. He had a chance to help other people and keep the world safe from danger. Surprising himself he agreed and became the Red Biotec Ranger. Even with his newfound sense of responsibility he still loves living in the fast lane. Hank was running at his fastest when the wave of raw Neo-En hit him, as a result he gained the power of super speed, allowing him to move faster than the eye can see however if he panics his body freezes up and he’s unable to move until his body relaxes. His Biodroid partner is Cheetbot or Chet for short, who can assume a motorcycle form and can also connect with the Cheetah Speeder to either form the Buster Solo Zord or remain in sports car form. After the creation of the LioTec Zord Hank is given his battilizer giving him enhanced armor and power. However at first he is unable to control the incredible power of the Lion until he finds his focus and is able to harness its full power. Face Claim: Uriah Shelton
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Blue Biotec Ranger Name: Peter Hawkins Personality/Bio: An aspiring inventor Peter was applying for a job with Global Biotec when Millennius attacked the facility. After becoming the Blue Biotec Ranger he is overjoyed to have the chance to share his ideas with their research and development team. Peter was attempting to lift some heavy debris when he was hit by the raw Neo-En wave, a a result he was imbued with super strength, hough it comes at a price, if his body over heats he loses control of his temper becoming more brutal and sadistic in battle. Peter’s Biodroid partner is GorillaBot or Gor for short. GorillaBot cares immensely for Peter, seeing him as a son of sorts and worries when Peter goes into battle. GorillaBot can merge with the Gorilla Carrier and assume a truck form or his gorilla form. Face Claim: Brandon Routh
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Yellow Biotec Ranger Name: Selena Harley Personality/Bio: Selena is a devoted environmentalist and was visiting the Neo-En facility to see if the claims that it caused no damage to the environment were true or not. In the aftermath of Millennius’s attack she found herself working within Global Biotec where she was relieved to learn the claims were true. When the raw Neo-En wave hit her Selena was leaping through the air trying to make it to the exit in time. As a result she gained the ability to leap to great heights. The drawback of her power up is that she must keep her energy up or she will collapse and be unable to move. Her BioDroid partner is RabbitBot or Rab for short, who carries a big attitude in a small body. However, RabbitBot genuinely cares for Selena’s safety. RabbitBot can merge with the Rabbit Copter and can assume either a rabbit form or a helicopter form. Face Claim: Ariel Winter Zords The Biodroids each have the ability to connect to the zords to form two forms, animal and vehicle. Red- Cheetah Speeder- Cheetah/Car- The Cheetah Speeder is a sleek high speed car with the ability to transform into the Buster Solo Zord Blue- Gorilla Carrier- Gorilla/Truck- The Gorilla Carrier is a large truck that when in Gorilla form can launch missiles Yellow- Rabbit Copter- Rabbit/Helicopter- The Rabbit Copter is great for speed and firepower All three can combine to form the Biotec Megazord Biotec Megazord- Armed with a sabre and shield this megazord takes more Neo-En to run but is worth it in battle Months after the trio became rangers an incident at a GB research laboratory resulted in two new Rangers joining the fight against Millennius.
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Gold Biotec Ranger Name: Edgar Patel Personality/Bio: A scientist working at Global Biotec, Edgar was responsible for many of the crucial inventions used by the Biotec Rangers and as a result it was his job to maintain them. Indulging in his own inspiration he began developing new models of zords. However a battle with Millennius’s forces caused the near destruction of his personal laboratory. He and his friend James were caught in the collapsing building and both severely injured. Seeking payback Edgar used his inventions to become the Gold Biotec Ranger His zord is the Beetle Crane, which has the ability to transform into the Beetle Solo Zord. Face Claim: Kunal Nayyar
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Silver Biotec Ranger Name: James Crawford/BeetBot Personality/Bio: James was a brilliant if not egotistical scientist who worked along with Edgar on the zord technology for Global Biotec. When a battle with Millennius’s forces caused their laboratory to collapse on top of them James  was gravely wounded. His body was functionally dead but his brain remained intact. Edgar managed to transfer his brainwaves into a new model of BioDroid the two had dubbed BeetBot. As BeetBot James became the Silver Biotec Ranger. His zord is the Stag Jet, which can combine with the Beetle Crane to form the Beetle Buster Megazord.
Face Claim:James Franco Gold- Beetle Crane- Beetle/Crane- The Beetle Crane has the ability to transform into the Beetle Solo Zord Silver- Stag Jet- Stag Beetle/Jet- The Stag Jet can reach immense speed and has amazing firepower Both of these zords can combine to form the Beetle Buster Megazord All five zords can combine to form the Supreme Buster Megazord Supreme Buster Megazord- Armed with a great lance and even more power this megazord does take more Neo-En to run As the forces of Millennius grew stronger Global Biotec developed a new zord model with BioDroid tech intergrated into its systems. The LioTec Zord. LioTec- The LioTec zord is a zord sized Biodroid- He has three modes to use in the fight against Millennius. Lion, Cycle and the LioTec Solo Zord. The Gorilla Carrier and the Rabbit Copter can combine with the LioTec zord to form the LioTec Buster Megazord As the enemy grows stronger the main three rangers gain new abilities by merging with their Biodroids “Rangers SUPER CHARGE!” Super Charged Red- Hank’s super speed is boosted to near instantaneous levels Super Charged Blue- Peter’s strength reaches herculean levels Super Charged Yellow- Selena’s jumping improves to the point she can walk on the air Millennius uses three “avatars” to do it’s bidding Control- Control is usually calm and collected until things don’t go as planned… Alt- A simple coded brute who unleashes its power on the enemies of Millennius Delete- Always seeking the perfect battle Delete will strike down anyone Millennius commands her to His legion of foot soldiers are known as BitBytes. Power Rangers Pirate Busters The Pirate Rangers finally return to Earth and quickly find themselves meeting the newest Rangers when a surviving member of the Royal Empire Family joins forces with Millennius’s forces and holds the city hostage with a bomb, he demands the Red Blue and Yellow Rangers from each team fight each other. The rest of the Rangers use this time to defuse the bomb. However his true goal is revealed when he steals a supply of Neo-En and restores the True Serpentera to full power. It’s up to both teams to stop him. Morphers- Biotec Morphers, wrist worn and phone models. Morphing Call- Ranger Charge Up! Morphing- Ranger colored code appears around the Ranger and forms the suit as blueprints and coding for weapons and zords appear behind them. (Bios by @rosegrl18) Power Rangers Pirate Legends Set Sail <————–Powerverse————-> Power Rangers Fossil Spirits
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maswartz · 7 years
Power Rangers Chi Warriors
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Years ago two brothers, Zaku and Zedd started a cult worshiping the World Dragon Serpentera. Zaku believed the dragon symbolized order while Zedd believed it embodied chaos.
In order to summon the Dragon Zedd used arcane magic to turn members of the cult into monsters and sent them out to spread havoc. However a prophecy foretold of a group who would stop the Dragon from rising. Seeking to prevent this Zedd sent his monsters to attack the homes of the destined ones before they are old enough to stop him. Disgusted and horrified by his brother’s actions Zaku intervenes and saves the five children. Zaku raises the children and teaches them how to harness their Chi in order to combat Zedd’s monsters. The five destined warriors become the Power Rangers Chi Warriors. Steven- Red Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Red Dragon, Steven can call upon its mighty flame to fight evil. Brian- Blue Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Blue Unicorn, Brian can use the power of gravity to fight evil Karen- Yellow Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Yellow Griffin, Karen can turn time back a minute in order to fight evil. Johnny- Green Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Green Lion, Johnny can create mirages to fight evil Amy- Pink Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the Pink Phoenix, Amy can throw whirlwinds to fight evil.
Eventually the team finds a sixth teen who escaped Zedd’s attack.
Franklin- White Chi Ranger- Born under the sign of the White Tiger, Franklin can produce sonic booms to use against evil. The Rangers can call upon the powerful Chi Zords to fight back when Zedd enlarges his monsters.
The Red Dragon Chi Zord can take on a warrior mode. Chi Megazord: The other four zords form armor for the Red Dragon. This mighty megazord is armed with a saber. Blue Unicorn/Yellow Griffin- Leg armor Green Lion- Chest/Head/Arm armor Pink Phoenix- Belt armor
The White Tiger Chi Zord can take on a warrior mode as well and combine with the other four zords.
The Rangers find a small Turtle statue Zaku can empower to become Tor the Shuttlezord.
Eventually Serpentera returns and attacks both sides revealing that it exists to maintain the balance of good and evil. It’s up to the Chi Rangers to prevent the World Dragon’s attack. Morphers- Chi Morphers- Small spheres with the symbol of the Chi Beasts inside. Morphing Call- Unleash the Chi! Morphing- The Chi Morphers enlarge around them and glow Ranger colors forming the suit before forming around the head forming the helmet
Power Rangers Dinosaur Warriors: Zedd decides the only thing that can destroy a Ranger is another Ranger and sends a monster to enslave the Dinosaur Knight Rangers and have them destroy the Chi Rangers. However during the battle a civilian is endangered allowing the Rangers to break free and join forces against the monster.
Dinosaur Knights Ninja Beasts
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