#the scarecrow (save slot a kairi)
as-above-rp · 4 months
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"Who wants to arm wrestle??!"
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as-above-rp · 17 days
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Get yoinked, idiot
Feat. Mack of @valiant-au-save-slot-a
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as-above-rp · 3 months
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I almost forgot to post these--but I finally got Hymn and Kairi's field uniforms finished! These are the uniforms they'd wear on raids and such in the kingdom with Mack.
I'll include some notes and explanations for design choices below the cut, and add these to their muse pages when I get home from work 👍
All employees under Mackentire sport animal skull masks; the Fleshlings have horse skull masks (modified to have sharp canines for the intimidation factor), while the Labrats have rat skull masks. (These masks are obviously not taken from the animals of the same names, but custom made and fit to the head of the individual wearing it).
Anyone who does fieldwork with Mack is required to wear additional armor. All of the fleshlings have matching uniforms which include the following; a skull mask, and chest armor, pelvic armor, shoulder pauldrons, and gauntlets over the forearms and shins, all with a navy blue color scheme and orange accents.
However, 'elite' members are allowed to tweak and customize their fits, so long as there is adequate coverage to keep vital organs safe. They may also select their own animal for their skull mask to be modeled after.
Now that we've gotten all of tghat out of the way, let's get into Hymn and Kairi's individual uniforms!
Hymn Nikolaou, alias "The Siren"
Hymn has modified his uniform to be slightly more streamlined and lightweight to accommodate his fighting style, and possible combat in water. His bodysuit has mesh cutouts around his gills for easy breathing when under water. In addition to using his voice and bare hands for combat, his gauntlets have long blades attached for slashing attacks.
His mask is modeled off of the Dunkleosteus, an extinct genus of large arthrodire (jointed neck) fish that existed during the Late Devonian period. He chose this creature for it's reputation as one of the first marine apex predators, and stories told to him by his mother growing up of ancient sirens who hunted them and used their bones for armor and weapons.
Hymn is the only member who does not have any additional covering over his mouth.
Kairi M. Scott, alias "The Scarecrow".
Kairi modified her uniform to allow for more range of motion to accommodate her mixed martial arts style of fighting, which relies mostly on quick punches and powerful kicks. She wears additional wrapping and plating on her hands with bone protrusions below her knuckles, for extra protection when punching and for pin-point damage. She wears a belt with two harnesses attached; Around her waist are various mixtures and powders that she makes herself within the lab, with the following intentions; Green serum for health/quick healing, blue powder for paralysis, red serum for a temporary boost to all 'stats', and a purple powder for poison. On either thigh she has holsters for her handheld weapon of choice, two switchblade scythes.
Her mask is modeled off of a Jacob's sheep skull, a piebald and often polycerate (multi-horned) domestic breed. She chose this animal for it's unique horns, and a reclamation of being called 'the black sheep' of her family by her mother growing up. Despite the association with 'sheep' being 'followers' at the mercy of their shepherds, she sees herself less of a follower keeping her head down and doing as she is told and more of a wolf wearing a sheep's skin to protect the flock from within. This further plays into her choice of alias 'scarecrow', which was taken from the name of decoys made by farmers in the shape of a man and often stuffed with hay or straw to scare away birds and wildlife from their crops, thus watching over or 'protecting' the fields.
Kairi additionally wears a black hood over her bodysuit which attaches to her mask to hide her blonde hair, which could lead someone to discovering her true identity.
Individual images:
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as-above-rp · 3 months
How H0rny are you Really?
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"HUH??! S-Surely I'm not that bad, r-right?!"
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as-above-rp · 1 month
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"Nooo, don't do that! I won't be able to get away with any villany if you do that...!"
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as-above-rp · 4 months
"I don't care that he's super hot and like three feet taller than me. I WILL CLIMB THIS MAN AND TAKE ONE OF HIS KIDNEYS—" Bold, frothy words from someone who genuinely doesn't care who his partners bone, but loves getting fake mad for the bit 😂
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"C-Crowley, please--" She's hiding in her hands, embarrassed. "Don't take anyone's kidney..."
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as-above-rp · 4 months
What kiss trope is destined to be in your narrative?
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The Almost Kiss
It just may be the cruelest, most frustrating thing a writer could ever pull. Two characters are finally about to bring all their shippers' dreams to fruition. They're about to resolve all the unresolved sexual tension and cross the 'Just Friends' line, at last. They're staring mesmerized into each others' eyes, inching forward ever so slowly, less than a millimeter away from lip-to-lip contact. This is it, the fans scream in their minds. They're finally going to kiss! And then... They don't. Were they interrupted by a knock on the door or falling meteor? Did one of them remember their late love interest that they promised never to forget? Was the thought of a relationship upgrade suddenly just too scary? Well, for some reason, they can't or won't go through with it. They may be giggling afterwards, or they may be crying a river. The sad thing is, the Almost Kiss says as much as a kiss, anyway, since we can see they both want it. Sometimes referred to as a "near-miss kiss".
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The "Shut-Up" Kiss
Isn't it rude to interrupt someone mid-sentence by kissing them? Apparently not. Especially if you're dancing 'The Masochism Tango' (in the Masochism Tango, the entire relationship hinges on the mutual hatred between the two lovebirds... for better or for worse.) May also be used on someone pointlessly rambling on, intentionally trying to evade said kiss. Whilst the cute version occurs when one character is babbling nervously, either because they get tongue-tied around the object of their affections or because they are trying to apologize for something, and the other cuts them off with a kiss to show that they understand.
Tagged by: @splinter-sister Tagging: @acr3ss-the-cosmos (Chenhua), @spaced-out-muses (Kuro), @everlastiingiimmortals (Yingyue) and @valiant-au-save-slot-a (Mack)
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as-above-rp · 4 months
🔗 Cont. | @dancingdevildemon
Kairi leaned into his form, resting her head against his chest. She really didn't want to bother him, but...he wouldn't offer to listen if he wasn't okay with it. At least, she hoped not.
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"I just...haven't been sleeping well. I've been having a lot more nightmares than usual. That and my work has made sleep near impossible."
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as-above-rp · 1 month
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Kairi had been zapped to god knows where, next to god knows who, with a man announcing her name and face on a screen as a 'contestant' in GOD KNOWS WHAT. She stood confused, blinking, with her hands held close to her chest.
"How the hell do i keep getting into these messes--?"
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as-above-rp · 3 months
M & U for Kairi!
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
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Kairi would love to go somewhere with a lot of nature. Maybe a national park, or a botanical garden, or anywhere with a really pretty scenic view. If possible, she'd love to have a picnic or a meal in one of those places with that her date-mate, and ideally it would be alone, or at least private.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
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Oh, plenty of times! Being bisexual, Kairi has fallen for plenty of girls who were straight, or worse, queer-phobic. She's gotten a lot of prejudice growing up; whether it was for her looks, her oni heritage, her accent, her quirks, or her bisexuality. It hurt a lot growing up, and she became really guarded with her heart as a result. She's getting better about giving her heart to people while also keeping it safe, though!
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as-above-rp · 3 months
Next playlist up has gotta be Kairi, of course! Sunshine gal herself ♡
Song list screencaps below the cut;
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as-above-rp · 2 months
"Don't chase the rabbit" / for Kairi.
Send me "Don't chase the rabbit" and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse's past.
A voice calls out to Gabe in whispers overlapping, all around him;
'Ah, a new plaything stumbling into my lair? How refreshing. You have the smell of another on you. Someone you hold in high regard. But she has secrets. Would you like to know one?'
A hand reaches out of the shadows, all black and cloaked in smoke, and grabs the front of his face.
'Sleep. And you will dream of a secret. What you do with the knowledge is no concern of mine. I seek only to watch the chaos that unfolds after~'
Gabe's vision would fade, and he would find himself as a first person captive in someone else's memory...
Kairi's body felt heavy all over. It had felt like concrete ever since she woke up in the hospital, with her head and feet being the heaviest of all. The back of her head throbbed from the raised swelling, the stitches holding together the skin that had split from being slammed into the wall a week prior. Everything hurt so much that she had grown completely numb; she didn't even cry when the doctor's came to tell her that her mother had called to deliver the news that her father had passed away. It was just like her mother to not even bother delivering the news in person.
Himeno, Kairi's mother, treated everyone around her like playthings and messengers--mere servants to do her bidding. She didn't lift a finger when Kairi's dad became bed ridden--Kairi had done everything! From administering his medicine to cleaning him up and helping him change, to feeding him--she only left his side to use the restroom herself, or when she was pulled aside for private tutoring. She dropped out of her private middle school to take care of her father before her mother would even consider taking less hours at work. Kairi was happy to take care of her father; but it shouldn't have been her burden alone.
But thanks to her mother, Kairi had missed even being by his side in his final moments.
Her mother had come in while Kairi was administering the treatments that they had both worked on together; a possible cure for their hereditary heart disease. It was his passion, and Kairi had picked up the torch as soon as she was old enough to hold a beaker. But her mother, materialistic and narcissistic as always, saw Kairi injecting the solution into his IV and accused her of trying to kill him. She flew into a rage, saying Kairi was trying to prevent him from meeting with their lawyer to finalize his will. She pleaded with her mother to listen, but she wouldn't hear a word of it. She chased Kairi out of the room with murder in her eyes, fire magic crackling in her hands. Kairi tried to flee, but her mother caught up to her quickly; she was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the wall, splitting a nasty gash in the back of her head. By the time she had gotten herself up off the floor, there were dancing orange and gold lights outside.The last thing she remembered before blacking out, was seeing her father's greenhouse and all his research up in flames.
Now, Kairi was on her way home after the worst week of her young life. Her mother had only come up to the hospital to sign the release forms and take her home. In the 10 days she had spent recovering in the hospital, her mother didn't visit once. And the whole way home, she was griping at her daughter;
"You look like a skeleton. What did they feed you in there? You better not have forgotten to watch your calories while you were being doted on like a spoiled brat."
Kairi just stared down at her hands in her lap, her voice quiet and meek. "Yes, ma'am."
"As soon as you get home, you need to shower and help Millie pack up your father's things." She glanced to Kairi, golden eyes sharp and scrutinizing. "God, your hair is a trainwreck. Did they really have to shave that much off to stitch you up? Honestly, it wasn't even that bad. Did you tell them you had a competition in a week?"
"...no, ma'am." I was unconscious from you slamming my head into a wall, she wanted to say. But Kairi held her tongue--she knew better.
Her mother clicked her tongue in disappointment. "Of course you didn't. Anything to try and get out of the one thing you and I do together. Well we've already paid all the fees and bought your dress. We'll just have to do something else about your hair..."
Her mother's voice became white noise as Kairi looked outside the window. Her looks were one of the few things Himeno took pride in when it came to her daughter; Kairi had bright hazel eyes the color of warm ocean waters, and freckles from head to toe. Her hair was the color of wheat, shiny, thick and healthy hanging down to the middle of her back. She was the spitting image of her father, down to her nose. The only physicality she had of her mother was her strength and her curves, but her diet was strict so that she didn't get too plump in the wrong places. Kairi didn't inherit any of her mother's Oni traits; no horn, no red skin, no golden eyes. Her mother always said it was a good thing. Macro men didn't like women who looked like demons, she would say. Kairi could care less.
When they got home, Millie was waiting for them on the front steps. She greeted Kairi with a warm smile and an eager hello. Kairi tried to muster a hello in kind, but she could barely even manage the faintest curl of her lips into a forced smile. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the charred frames of their greenhouse leaning around the side of the house. Kairi didn't dare look at it.
Her mother walked right past her, but stopped to glare at Kairi after she'd stepped inside. "Are you listening to me? I said go take your shower. NOW."
"...Yes, ma'am."
Her mother rolled her eyes and turned her back to them, pulling out her phone. As she disappeared down a hallway, Millie leaned down to speak to Kairi.
"Miss Kairi do you need any help washing your hair? I don't imagine you should be getting the stitches wet."
Kairi shook her head. She had been surrounded by strangers, noise, and potent smells for 10 days. She just wanted some time alone.
"Alright. I'll be in your father's room getting things ready. If you need anything, just come and find me."
With a nod, Millie left to go upstairs. Kairi stood alone in the foyer, slowly looking around. She was in fact home...but it didn't feel like a home anymore. It felt just as sterile and lifeless as the hospital. There were no smells of hot oil, or seafood, or spices anymore. The plants here were expensive fakes. It was warm, but not in a welcoming and cozy way; warm in the same way a sauna or a gym felt--suffocating and sticky. She would have almost preferred the freezing cold of her hospital room.
Eventually, Kairi made her way over to the stairs leading up to the second floor. She dared not to move too quickly, lest she be hit with another fainting spell and end up passed out at the bottom of the steps. She passed the reading room, her own bedroom, and stopped in front of the bathroom door. The next door down was the spare room her father had been using when he was on bedrest--her mother had him moved there when the equipment 'kept her from getting any sleep'. Kairi forced herself to turn back to the bathroom door and step inside. She undressed from the tshirt and sweats her mother had brought for her to change into, and passed the sink to turn on the shower...but she stopped when she caught a reflection of herself in the mirror. She really did look like her father; sunken eyes and tired bags, a paleness to her already fair skin. She reached up to feel the back of her head, running her fingers over the stitches and soft buzzed hair around it. It was rather large, a 4 inch split with 14 stitches holding everything together, and an extra inch and a half shaved around the whole thing. Trying to style her hair to cover it would be tedious, but doable with how long it was...
And then, an idea hit her. An impulsive one. Kairi looked at the top drawer on the left side of the sink. She stared at it for a few seconds before opening it up. Slender fingers reached in and pulled out the electric razor she had been using to fix her father's hair when we was too weak to go out to get it cut. She remembered the first time she tried to use it on him, when she left a large bald spot on the top of his head. She was mortified, but he just laughed and made a joke about always wanting to see how he'd look as one of the Three Stooges. The memory made her smile a little, and tears sting in her eyes.
Kairi sniffled, and looked back at her tired reflection in the mirror. She could see her father in the wet reflection of her own hazel eyes, the same color as his, putting a hand on her shoulder for encouragement. She turned on the razor, the blades whirring to life. Taking a deep breath, and keeping one hand over her stitches to protect them, she made the first swipe down the middle of her head.
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as-above-rp · 1 month
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Kairi is feeling fighty/sassy this morning
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as-above-rp · 4 months
Closed starter for @cursedbound | Cont. from here
It was only meant to be a short little nap--just a quick rest to get some of her strength back. The nightmares had been terrible lately, and Kairi didn't want to be alone if they came again. Blake made her feel safe; his smile was kind, his hands were gentle, and his presence was a comfort. She fell asleep quickly, trusting that he would in fact be in the very same spot that he was in when her eyes closed.
So when something woke her with a start, making her sit up bolt-right on the daybed, the first place she looked was the chair he'd been sitting in. Her heart sank when she found it empty, until she noticed his coat laid across the back of it. maybe, he'd just gotten up to get some fresh air, or get a drink? Surely he wouldn't just leave his coat behind.
With a hand over her chest, Kairi tried to catch her breath after the scare that she'd had. What had woken her up, she wondered? Was it another nightmare?
A clatter from down the hall made her jump again, whipping her head towards the sound. What quickly followed was the sound of someone whimpering and groaning, and a strange crackling sound. Kairi's hands began to shake.
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"...Blake?" She called out. "Blake, is that you?"
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as-above-rp · 1 month
[CoS: Open for interaction]
The sun was setting, and Kairi was checking on her water collection setups when a sickening feeling washed over her; A pit formed in her stomach, and her chest felt tight. She placed a hand over her heart as the panic rose. She tried to breathe through it until the feeling subsided. While her heart eventually settled down, that empty pit was still in her gut.
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Something....something was very wrong.
Kairi looked back towards where she had left Lucifer to his thoughts. Maybe, they should stick closer tonight. Securing their water collectors, she left to go find him again.
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as-above-rp · 1 month
Open for interaction (Contest of Strife)
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Nightmares. All night long, nightmares. Waking terrors of dying here, away from her loved ones, without any way of telling them where she was or what had happened to her. Intrusive thoughts of her partner betraying her to save himself, or their temporary camp companion who went by "The Knight" killing them both as they slept.
She hardly slept at all. By the time she'd woken up, The Knight was already gone. Lucifer told her to keep resting, and he'd search for something they could eat that wasn't a corpse. Kairi was grateful for that, but...could she trust him? Did she even have a choice?
Kairi was too tired to think about it for very long. Exhaustion took over, and she went back to her restless sleep. In her dreams, though, she thought she could hear someone...singing....
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