#the phantom of the chimaera au
jessicas-pi · 7 months
The Phantoms of the Ventilation System Adopt a Child!
“Do you ever stop talking?” Ezra demanded. “Obi-Wan, does he ever stop talking?”
“Never,” Obi-Wan sighed, drifting through the ventilation hub’s wall.
“Well, I’m trying to compose music here, so if you don’t mind—” he said, slapping at Anakin’s hand, which had reached over to press random keys on the organ.
Anakin yawned loudly. “You wish you were as good a ghost as I am, Mr. Plays-Dress-Up-And-Pretends-To-Haunt-Ships.”
“And you wish you were as good at resisting the call of the Dark side as I am, Mr. Had-A-Few-Dreams-And-Flew-Off-The-Handle—”
“Okay, that was uncalled for!”
Anakin’s apparition disappeared and Ezra set aside his music as Sabine crashed through one of the diverging tunnels, moving to stand in front of it so her raggedy costume hid the tunnel behind her.
“Ezra, don’t be mad.”
He sighed. “What did you do?”
Sabine grinned nervously, which looked ridiculous combined with the elaborate makeup she was wearing to look like she was a partially-decomposed ghost corpse and the scraggly black wig that was crooked on her head.
“So. We. Um.” She took a breath, then stepped to the side, revealing a kid in the tunnel behind her. “We have a son now!”
“Sabine!” He nearly choked on his panic. “Do you know who that is?!”
“Yes, I know it’s the General’s son!” Sabine huffed, helping the little boy out of the shaft and then picking him up. Then her expression softened. “Look, Ez,” she said, turning so the side of the boy’s face was visible, and Ezra saw a large red mark. “His father hit him.”
Ezra jumped at the sudden chorus of voices from around him. He couldn’t pick out individual statements, but the general consensus seemed to be were it not for the Jedi code and my incorporeal body, a murder would be committed tonight. And also, you need to adopt this child immediately.
He glanced at Kanan, who was perching on the pipe organ, one chin resting in his hand.
“Come on, help me out here! We can’t just take a kid, can we?!”
“Ezra,” Kanan said with a ghostly grin. “You don’t say no to a Mandalorian with adoption on the brain.”
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thehamsterjedii · 4 years
Aching Flames
Imagine the purgill took away the seventh fleet leaving only the Chimaera to crash, and the Rebellion captures Thrawn.
This is a bit of AU or an Alternate ending you can say. Imagine that Ezra and Thrawn didn't disappear but the rest of the seventh fleet did. The Chimaera crashes, and the crew rushes to save Ezra and captures Thrawn.
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Words: 1265
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"Ezra!, Ezra get out of there right now, that's an order!" Hera cried in her commlink and her eyes stared at the stardestroyer catching flames where one of her family is stuck there. The purgills surrounding the falling ship while their tentacles are glowing, preparing to jump to lightspeed. Hera prayed that the force would save Ezra, she is not ready to lose him too.
On the other end of the comm link, Hera heard shaky breaths and she could almost swear she heard a groan of pain. Her worry strikes higher and she is trying to prepare herself for what might happen. Not every war has a happy ending. And she hopes this war is not one of them.
Ezra is strugglig to keep his hold on Thrawn, the Purgills and the air inside the chimaera. The wound in his shoulder throbbing painfully, and he was fully sure he was gonna deal with overusing the force later. His muscles are screaming at him, his head is splitting with pain, and the force is the only peaceful thing in the middle of all the chaos. His body couldn't hold it any longer, so he let go. The purgills detached from the ship and jumped to hyperspace, leaving him.
Ezra felt the rush of air in the crashing destroyer, preparing for a very exciting landing like Hera would say. He smiled to himself, knowing he fulfilled his destiny and the will of the force. He honestly didn't have much hope of surviving this ordeal. But he felt also relieved that his friends and family are safe, they could move on without him. He closed his eyes waiting for his end. And as the Chimaera crashed and screeched hard against the fields at Lothal while the already ongoing flames rising higher. Ezra Bridger was at peace.
The crew of the ghost stood frozen, watching this fireball of a ship crashing to the ground, turning any grass around it to ashes, the animals running hurriedly away from the heat.
They stood like statues for a few minutes, until Sabine woke up from her shock and whispered "This is our chance", she turned around to face the rebels and said loudly "We need to split into 2 teams, one will go save Ezra and capture any imperial survivors left. The other one will blow this dome and retreat to the Ghost" she held up her wrist and contacted The Ghost "Mart, I need you to contact the Rebel base, ask them for a medical team stat and a ship to transport the prisoners" she said hurriedly.
Mart Mattin answered in the same hurry as hers "Copy That, Lieutenant" and turned off the comm.
Hera smiled at Sabine and stood before the crew and ordered "Sabine, Ryder, Ketsu, and Rex, you go to the Chimaera, take the phantom II, the rest with me" she shouted.
Everyone nodded and went in different directions to fulfill their duties. As the first team reached the glass windows of the dome, Chopped beeped loudly and threw an item at Sabine's direction. She caught it with ease and looked at it. Ezra's lightsaber. Sabine looked at Chopper, "Thanks!" she said.
She activated the green blade and cut the glass into two, kicking it with her legs, it gave away and shattered into a million pieces, the team of four hurriedly ascended the Ghost to reach the small shuttle attached to it. Rex hopped into the pilot seat and quickly took off.
Upon reaching their destination, the flames were even higher than they were. Sabine Wren wasn't one to be afraid of anything, but since Kanan died, her worst fears became flames. Her heart rated spiked and she hoped she wouldn't find a pile of ash instead of her friend.
They landed the phantom II, and the four ran out of the ramp. Now near the burning Chimaera, they searched for an entry way. Not finding any.
Sabine whisper growled and reached for the cylindrical weapon attached to her belt, activating it once again and attempted to cut a door shaped opening for them to enter. She finished and deactivated the saber. Looking at the opening she made, it was more of a jagged undefined mess than a door, but it would do the job.
The four entered slowly in caution, fearing the ceiling would collapse on them. Ryder and Rex started to cough loudly from the smoke, their helmets not on them while Ketsu and Sabine have. Sabine felt like she was pulling her breath from a narrow straw, her helmet quickly filtering out the smoke and any gases around her. She almost felt constricted.
The four decided to split up, and the one to find the main room would contact the others.
Each member of the team felt like they were in a maze. Charred hallways and dead bodies of storm troopers thrown left and right.
Rex almost felt empathy for those troopers, they weren't like he was once, a clone with no family, just his clone brothers. But these troopers mostly had families to feed and to care for, they didn't deserve to die like this, in the middle of a fight. But at the same time they killed thousands of rebels, the Imperial pilots shot down hundreds of ships, and the imperial workers shot Greggor today.
Rex stopped and looked down. Tears coming to his eyes, but he stopped them from falling. He took a deep breath and remembered the mission at hand, he will grieve later.
Rex was the first one to reach the main part of the ship. Upon entering, he gasped. Then coughed, The room was like an abandoned war zone. He looked at his left and right, noticing dead death troopers slumped down the walls.
Looking at his front, he stared with wide eyes. Thrawn was collapsed on the control panel, his what once was a white imperial uniform, was now ripped and black from soot. His face was bloody and his right wrist was badly burned. Rex was almost sure the admiral had more injuries, but he'll have to check them later.
His heart jumped at the thought of Ezra. If this was the state of the grand admiral, what would the kid look like? His form stiffened from the thought.
He searched around the room and spotted an orange sleeved hand under what looked to be a part of the ceiling. Rex let out a loud gasp and ran to the kid, groaning from the weight of the boulder, but he managed to lift it off.
He kneeled down beside Ezra and took a first look at his injuries. He had a blast shot that ran through his left shoulder, he had a large gash on his head, definitely some ribs were broken by how his breath almost sounded like wheezing, his right side was bleeding from the boulder, Rex could tell, and his leg appeared to be broken. Rex let out a strangled gasp.
Rex quickly turned on his commlink and shouted "I found him, hurry!"
He ran a gentle hand through the kid's incredibly soft cropped raven hair that was matted with blood from the gash on his head and whispered "Stay with me, kid, please"
Part 2?
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jessicas-pi · 5 months
📝 red :-D
Here's something from The Phantom(s) Of The Eclipse!
“See? I told you he’d let you stay with us,” Sabine grinned at the little boy, who smiled bashfully back. She set him down and ruffled his bright red hair. “He can haunt the ship too, can’t he, Ezra? He can be our fake-ghost-apprentice.”
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
An updated guide to my AUs and fics:
(All fics are complete unless indicated otherwise)
Fic series:
The Time Heals 'Verse: SWR/TCW time travel fix-it fic. This fic did all the things Ahsoka (2023) did and it did them first. (no, seriously.) (Sabezra, Anidala, Obitine, Kanera, faint traces of Blyla and Vostress. Plenty of space family and disaster lineage feels.) Time Heals Mortifying Memories (we'll laugh about them later) Time Heals All Wounds (yet the scars remain) Time Heals Old Hate (put your armor on) (in progress)
The Teenage Rebellion AU: Series of one-shots. SWR AU. Ezra is an Inquisitor, Sabine is a Coruscant-socialite-turned-Rebel-agent, and Leia is so done with this banthacrap. (Sabezra, Luke/Mara, background married Kanera as per usual.) In My Garden It's A Rich Man's World Seventeen, Young And Sweet Across The Room, Your Eyes Are Glowing In The Dark Gaze Into The Night
The dumpsterverse: modern AU where Kanan, Hera, Zeb, and Sabine found Ezra in a dumpster. Also Maul is a jerk. (Space family and Kanera in original, sequels are Sabezra, alternate sequel also has Dinbo) November blizzards (and other bonding experiences) 2AM pancakes (and other kinda romantic moments) (sort-of sequel) THEY'RE in love, WE'RE just friends (and other lies to tell yourself) (alternate sequel)
The Problem Children AU: TCW fix-it featuring a musical, Space AO3, and two original characters as obi-wan's padawan and venterss's padawan, respectively. (Anidala, Obitine, Vostress, Merrical, Blyla, lowkey future Kanera.) Playwrights, Group Chats, And All Around Chaos Fives Writes Fics, Ahsoka Writes A Play, And The Ghost Of Riyo Chuchi Strikes Back In Which Ahsoka’s Project Gets Bigger And The Group Chat Descends Into Even More Chaos (also Mace is on Space Tumblr)
Standalone fics:
This Is Fine The typical Sabezra fake-kiss-on-a-mission fic... except it's set during season two. Awkwardness, comedic situations, and blatant denial ensue. (Sabezra, background Kanera.) (7 of 11 chapters posted.)
Mixed Signals I got salty about that sister line from the Ahsoka show and used Mando'a language loopholes to make sense of it. (Sabezra)
blindness, yet sight AU where Ezra is blinded on Malachor, not Kanan. (Sabezra.) (may eventually be a series.)
Starbirds and Wolves Soulmarks AU. (Sabezra, background Kanera.) (may eventually be a series.) (1 of 2 chapters posted)
Jedi means family. Family means nobody lives alone in their comm tower of depression. Sabine is haunted by All The Jedi while she lives in her comm tower of sadness. (Can be read as platonic or as Sabezra.)
Careful— He Bites! Ezra got raised by wolves. This has... side effects. (Sabezra.)
Maybe the real family was the feral chaos gremlins we adopted along the way Anakin is a Mandalorian, Korkie gains a cool older cousinbrother, and Fenn Rau starts going prematurely gray. (Obitine, future Anidala & Fennbo, assorted other possible ships.) (in progress, sloooow updates)
Ahsoka's Amazing MUSE-ical Number (feat. Force Ghosts & Shin Hati) Sabine won't say she's in love. Ahsoka aims to change that. (Sabezra.)
The Phantom Of The Chimaera Ezra embraces his inner Vent Gremlin and turns Thrawn's life into a waking nightmare. (Mostly platonic, Sabezra if you squint a little.)
11 Sabine finds Ezra after 11 years. The reunion is nothing like like they hoped for. (Sabezra)
Sabine Wren's Guide to the Mythical and Mysterious: On Merfolk Kisses, The Untimely Occurrences And Interruptions Thereof Silly little (not actually little, it's 16k words) merfolk AU. (Sabezra)
and they were cellmates (oh my gosh they were CELLMATES) You've heard of Imperials AU, now get ready for Imperial Prisoners AU! (Sabezra)
Mission (Probably) Accomplished Time-travelling padawans from the Old Old Old Republic and imaginary love triangles and repressed emotions! Yay! (Sabezra.)
Commit To The Bit Sabine and Ezra are fake dating. Very fake dating. The dating is extremely fake, I assure you. There is no mutual pining whatsoever. (Sabezra, background Kanera and Ursich, past Fennbo fake dating.) (2 of 3 (maybe 4?) chapters posted)
Best Enemies Forever Cracky Inquisitor!Sabine AU. (Sabezra, background Kanera, Mara/Luke, and a surprise crackship.)
supersonic (bleeding ears) canon-compliant minific. No ships.
Season's Greason's From Lothal Sabine and Ezra prank the Empire with a musical number. May become a series. (Background married happily-ever-after Kanera, vaguely Sabezra-ish.)
The Space Family, But Make It Medieval Romance Fantasy Kanera Princess Bride AU
The Space Family, But Make It A Modern AU Modern AU. (some Kanera)
The Space Family (and company), But Make It ✨Superheroes✨ Rebels Avengers AU (Some Kanera and Anidala. lightly Sabezra-flavored if you wanna squint.)
The Space Family, But Ezra's Hair Is 70 Feet Long (Among Other Things) Rebels Disney princess AU. (Kanera, future Sabezra.) (this one has art!)
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