#the owl burrito is the cutest thing ever
ghost-bxrd · 3 months
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Hope you don't mind but I did a drawing of the boys snuggling in Bruce's closet during the snow storm. I found out that owls often sleep with their eyes open in order to remain alert and vigilant. So I can totally imagine Dick sleeping while his eyes are partially open.
I also drew some angst
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Here's Dick cradling Jason's hoodie after Ethiopia. Unfortunately I'm still getting the hang of drawing objects made of fabric (pillows and blankets) which is why there's only 3 pillows here but I can imagine Dick making a whole nest out of Jason's clothes, blankets and pillows in order to cope.
Owl song has become my new hyperfixation in the last 24 hours and I can't get it out of my head. Keep up the good work. <3
I love love LOVE the way you drew the owl burrito! And Dick’s one eye being just a smidge open is absolutely on brand and that it fits in with actual owl behavior is even BETTER 😩💚💚💚💚💚 Even when he’s asleep he’ll watch over his little birds 🥺✨ and Tim’s little head just barely poking out of the nest—- ahhhhh 😭💚💚💚💚
But you totally ripped out my heart with the second one, oof. And I know you said you’re still getting the hang of drawing fabric but you’re really doing such a good job of it already!? And the three pillows are totally on brand because after Jason is gone… Dick wouldn’t be building any nests for a long, long time anyway. And this could be Tim and Bruce’s desperate attempt to make a nest for him, but Dick is only interested in hiding his face in Jason’s hoodie and wishing he’d been in that warehouse, too. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😔😔😔😔😔🦉🦉🦉
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. What do you like to do in your free time? So what do I do everyday? Tumblr, surveys, watch TV, watch YouTube, eat, sleep... sometimes read and color.  2. Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person? I am an indoors person all the way. The only exception is if I’m at the beach. 3. Who is the most fascinating person you’ve met? Hmm. 4. What was the last book you really got into? Burying the Honeysuckle Girls by Emily Carpenter.
5. What are some movies you really enjoyed? There’s several. 
6. What amazing adventures have you been on? I haven’t really been on any. 7. What pets have you had? Dogs, fishes, hamsters. 8. What’s your favorite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink? I don’t drink alcohol anymore, so none, but my favorite non-alcoholic drink is coffee.  9. What are you kind of obsessed with these days? My food obsessions come to mind at the moment. My appetite is all over the place and I’m either an endless pit or hardly eating anything at all. Each week is different in terms of that and what I’m into. This past week it’s been breakfast burritos, deli sandwiches, deli pasta salads, and ramen. I also had a really good pizza last week that I’m craving again. 10. Where have you traveled? To beaches, mountainous areas, Disneyland, Arizona, Idaho, Georgia, Mexico. 11. What’s your favorite international food? Italian. 12. Are you a morning person or a night owl? I’m barely a person. 13. What’s your favorite restaurant? Applebees. 14. How many siblings do you have? 2. 15. What would be your dream job? I don’t have one. :/  16. What would you do if had enough money to not need a job? Travel.  17. Who is your favorite author? I have a few. 18. What was the last show you binge-watched? Orange is the New Black.  19. What TV series do you keep coming back to and re-watching? I’ve seen The Golden Girls, Roseanne, and I Love Lucy countless times in syndication.  20. What hobbies would you like to get into if you had the time and money? Hm. I don’t know. 21. If there was an Olympics for everyday activities, what activity would you have a good chance at winning a medal in? Taking surveys. 22. What would your perfect vacation look like? Somewhere involving a beach house and private beach area. 23. Among your friends, what are you best known for? I don’t know. 24. What music artist do you never get tired of? There’s a lot. Well, at least their music itself I never tire of. I may not necessarily keep up with the artist.  25. What are some accomplishments that you are really proud of? I honestly don’t feel proud of myself for much of anything in my current state. It used to be getting my BA, but now not even that because I’m doing anything with it and I really don’t have any plans to. I feel like it was a waste and I’m a total failure and disappointment. 26. What are some obscure things that you are or were really into? *shrug* 27. What are some things everyone should try at least once? I don’t knowww. 28. What fad did you never really understand? There’s been many where I was just like, wtf, why??
29. What’s the best thing that has happened to you this month? Going to the beach last week was great and very much needed. 30. What would your perfect morning be like? I’d be in a house with a beautiful ocean view and I’d be out sipping my coffee on the balcony overlooking said view.   31. Is there any art or artist you are really into? No. 32. What are you always game for? Coffee. 33. What do you do to unwind? Listen to ASMR. 34. What’s your favorite app on your phone? I use YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Kindle app the most. 35. Cutest animal? Ugliest animal? Awwww I think majority of animals are cute.  36. Who is the kindest person you know? One of my nurses. 37. What’s your favorite piece of furniture you’ve ever owned? My bed. 38. Who are your kind of people? People with a good sense of humor. 39. Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever been? Uhhh. 40. What’s the silliest fear you have? I have a lot. Like for one, sometimes when I’m in the shower I get this scary thought about the pipes just bursting. That’s just one of many. 41. What would be the best city to live in? I don’t know. 42. What household chore is just the worst? I’m not a fan of any chore. 43. If you could give yourself a nickname, what nickname would you want people to call you? *shrug* Steph is fine. How original, I know. 44. What odd talent do you have? I don’t feel I have any. 45. If you could give everyone just one piece of advice, what would it be? Just try and be kind and understanding. 46. What would you like to know more about, but haven’t had the time to look into it? Hmm. 47. What country do you never want to visit? Any country where it would be dangerous for me to be in? <<< Yeah, I agree. 48. What wrong assumptions do people make about you? People think I’m “strong” and “brave” and give me way more credit than I deserve. I’m none of those things. 49. Do you prefer to work in a team or alone? Alone. 50. What has been the best period of your life so far? Childhood. 51. How have you changed from when you were in high school? That was over 10 years ago and a LOT has changed. Not for the better, either. 52. How techie are you? Uhh techie enough? I don’t know. I mean, I like the latest phones and laptops and stuff like that.  53. Where is the most fun place around where you live? Nowhere in my city, that’s for sure. You gotta travel out of town to do anything fun. 54. Have you ever joined any meetup groups? No. 55. Where would your friends or family be most surprised to find you? They’d be surprised to find me out at all at this point, ha. 56. What’s the most relaxing situation you could imagine? Lying out on the beach. 57. What is the most beautiful view you’ve seen? Ocean and mountainous views. 58. What’s expensive but totally worth it? For me, it’s my MacBook. 59. When do you feel most out of place? I often feel that way. 60. What’s the most recent thing you’ve done for the first time? I can’t think of something at the moment. My days are very routine and I do the same the things. 61. How did you come to love your one of your favorite musicians? Probably first seeing their music videos on MTV back when they actually played music videos. 62. How did you meet your best friend? She gave birth to me. 63. What small seemingly insignificant decision had a massive impact on your life? I don’t know. 64. Where would you move if you could move anywhere in the world and still find a job and maintain a reasonable standard of living? I’m not sure, but somewhere where it doesn’t get unbearably hot and has actual fall and winters.  65. Would you like to be famous? (If yes, what would you want to be famous for? If no, why not?) No. I don’t want that attention and focus on me. I couldn’t handle it. I hole up at home and have avoided people in my personal life, why would I want people all over all up in my business and judging my every move? No thank you. 66. What did you do last summer? Complain about how hot it was and was dying, mostly. What I do every summer. 67. If you lived to 100, would you rather keep the body or the mind of yourself at 30 until you were 100? What. 68. Before you make a call, do you rehearse what you are going to say? Oh god, yes. I HATE having to make calls.  69. What are you most grateful for? My family. 70. What’s the most essential part of a friendship? Being able to trust them and talk to them about things and enjoying common interests. 71. When was the last time you sang to yourself or to someone else? Yesterday. 72. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you change about how you live? I don’t like questions like this. 73. When was the last time you walked for more than an hour? Yearssss ago.  74. What did you do for (last holiday)? Or What will you do for (next closest holiday)? We didn’t do anything for Memorial Day. Next holiday is Father’s Day, and we’ll probably go to lunch and/or see a movie.  75. Best and worst flavor ice cream? What would make for an excellent new ice cream flavor? Strawberry or mint chocolate chip.  76. Who’s your favorite actor or actress? Alexander Skarsgard. 77. All modesty aside, what are you better at than 90% of people? It doesn’t have to be useful or serious, it can be something ridiculous. I don’t feel I’m great at anything. 78. What’s the strangest phone conversation you’ve ever had? I don’t know. 79. How much personal space do you need to be comfortable? I don’t want someone all hugged up on me. 80. What’s the most interesting fact you know? I couldn’t choose just one. 81. What fad or trend have you never been able to understand? A lot of them, honestly. 82. Who’s your favorite character from a TV show, movie, or book? I’ll just pick one of the many shows I watch, Riverdale: The main crew, Betty, Veronica, Judghead, and Archie. 83. What TV shows did you watch when you were a kid? Stuff on Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS, and WB Kids. Oh, and the Saturday morning cartoons that came on ABC like Recess and Pepperann. 84. What do you like but are kind of embarrassed to admit? I don’t feel embarrassed about anything I like. 85. What’s your favorite smell? When an attractive guy smells good, oh my. <<< That really is nice. And the ocean/beachy air, rain, patchouli, sandalwood, fruity scents, minty scents, cinnamon, coffee, freshly baked goods and the smells of my favorite foods... 86. What skill or ability have you always wanted to learn? I wish I took piano more seriously back when I used to practice. 87. What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? Recently, it was the pizza I had last week.  88. Where was your favorite place to go when you were a kid? Anywhere with my cousins. 89. What’s the most amount of people you had to present something in front of? Like 30+. Presenting in front of anyone is a nightmare. 90. If you could go back in time as an observer, no one could see you, and you couldn’t interact with anything, when would you want to go back to? Ooh. I’d have to really think about that. 91. What’s something that most people haven’t done, but you have? Hmm. 92. What says the most about a person? How they present themselves. 93. What machine or appliance in your house aggravates you the most? None, really. Unless it’s not working for some reason. 94. What places have you visited that exceeded your expectations? Certain vacation spots and restaurants. 95. If you opened a business, what type of business would you start? I wouldn’t. 96. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a really bad movie. 97. What’s the best road trip you’ve been on? Trip to Idaho back in the summer of 2010. A lot of my family on my mom’s side went and it was really fun. We had no idea it would be the last time we’d see my grandpa before he died the end of that year. It happened really fast. He wasn’t even sick like that when we visited him that summer. At least, he didn’t appear to be. That trip ended up being even more special. 98. If you found a briefcase filled with 1 million in 100$ bills in front of your door, what would you do with it? Check for ID or if anyone has reported it missing. Otherwise, I’d keep it. 99. What’s the worst advice someone has given you? I don’t know. 100. Besides your home and your work, where do you spend most of your time? I’m always at home.  101. If you could have the answer to any one question, what question would you want the answer to? Hmm.  102. What are your top 3 favorite things to talk about? Common interests, celebrity/entertainment gossip, some current event type stuff. 103. What do you care least about? It would seem like myself. 104. Where would you like to retire? I’m not even thinking about that right now. I’m not even working. :X 105. Who is the most bizarre person you’ve met? Uhh. 106. What are people often surprised to learn about you? What happened to me that made me a paraplegic. 107. Would you rather live full time in an RV or full time on a sailboat? RV. 108. What would you do with the extra time if you never had to sleep? I really wouldn’t want that. I want my sleep. I need that escape. 109. When you were a kid, what seemed like the best thing about being a grown up? You think you can do whatever you want. 110. What’s the strangest way you’ve become friends with someone? I can’t think of any strange ways. 111. What’s your go-to series or movie when you want to watch something but can’t find anything to watch? If I can’t find something to watch on TV then I tend to just put it on the ID channel. 112. What were some of the turning points in your life? My accident, surgeries, graduating, health related things. 113. What companies made you so mad that you would rather suffer bodily harm than give them any more of your money? I’ve never been that upset with a company.  114. What small things brighten up your day when they happen? When what happens? 115. What sports would be funniest if the athletes had to be drunk while playing? I still wouldn’t care to watch sports. 116. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done because you were bored? Just sleep. 117. If you could send one letter to yourself in the past without the goal of making yourself rich (no lotto numbers, stock picks, etc.), what age would you choose and what would the letter say? I’d go back to like...high school days and warn myself of some things and tell myself to take better care of myself. 118. How many other countries have you visited? Just one. 119. What’s your favorite band NAME (not necessarily your favorite band)? Panic! At the Disco. I just like the “Panic!” part, ha. And why at the disco? What happened? 120. What do you miss about life 10 or 20 years ago? My life wasn’t ran by my health. 121. What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas.  122. What’s getting worse and worse as you get older? What’s getting better and better as you get older? Worse: health and life. Better: .... 123. Where’s the best place in (your town or city) to have a picnic? I guess a park. 124. What’s your favorite thing to do outdoors? Go to the beach.  125. How often do you dance? Silly/ironic dancing counts. I may bob my head while listening to music. 126. What do you never get tired of? Coffee. 127. What habit do you wish you could start? Better self-care things. 128. What’s the best way to get to know who someone really is? Just spending time getting to know them. Oh, and seeing how they act in public situations.  129. What’s the last new thing you tried? A new type of pizza last week. 130. Who besides your parents taught you the most about life? I’d say experiences have. 131. When are you the most “you” that you can be? In other words, when do you feel most like yourself? At home in my comfort zone. 132. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done? *shrug* I’m not very spontaneous. 133. What’s happening now, that in 20 years people will look back on and laugh about? A lot of things, I’m sure. Like how easily people get all up in an uproar about literally everything. 134. How much social interaction is too much? I can’t handle much. 135. How different do you act when you are with acquaintances vs. people you are comfortable with? I’m just more guarded and aware, I guess.  136. On a weekend or holiday, what’s the best time of day and the best time of night? All the days are the same to me.  137. What are you looking forward to that’s happening soon? Beach trip. 138. What really cheesy song do you love? There’s plenty of those. 139. What’s the worst or best job you’ve had? I’ve never had one. 140. What’s been the most significant plot twist in your own life? I never saw this downward spiral coming after I graduated in 2015. It really went downhill after that. 141. Where did you take family vacations to when you were younger? Disneyland and beachy, touristy places. 142. What’s your go-to funny story? I don’t know. 143. If the company you work for / the college you go to had an honest slogan, what would it be? I don’t work and I’m done with school. 144. If you could instantly receive a Ph.D. in any discipline including all the knowledge and experience that goes along with it, what would your Ph.D. be in? I don’t want one, though. I’m not even doing anything with my BA. 145. How well do you cope when you don’t have your phone with you for an extended period of time? I’m fine. 146. What were some of the happiest times of your life so far? Various times in my life with family, childhood, vacations. 147. Would you rather have an incredibly fast car or incredibly fast internet speed? Incredibly fast internet speed. 148. What are the top three social situations you try to avoid most? Any social situation? ha. 149. What friendship you’ve had has impacted you the most? The friendship Ty and I had. 150. What’s something you’re interested in that most people wouldn’t expect? I don’t know. 151. What’s your favourite quote or saying?
152. If you had the power to change one law, what law would you change? Uhhhh. 153. What’s the hardest you’ve worked for something? My BA degree. Ha. What a waste now. 154. What took you way too long to figure out? My stubbornness caused me a lot of problems. I didn’t think things could get the way they are, but they sure did.  155. What nicknames have you had throughout your life? Steph and Sis. 156. What do you do differently than most people? A lot of things, probably. 157. Where’s the last place you’d ever go? Space. 158. What fact floored you when you heard it? I can’t think, man. 159. If you unexpectedly won 10,000$, what would you spend it on? I’d want to travel for sure. Take me awayyyy. 160. Who is the best role model a person could have? That depends on you and what you’re aspiring to be.
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Roll Diapers Into 6 Dozen Tiny Bundles, Then Stack In Tiers For The Cutest Cake Ever
If you want to learn how to make a diaper cake, you’ve come to the right place!
We all know what it’s like: you realize your bestie’s baby shower is right around the corner, and you have no clue what to give her. The answer is always the same, more diapers!
Every new mom underestimates just how many diapers she’s going to need. Needless to say, it’s not a small number. That’s why it’salways a good idea to help her stock up a big supply well in advance.
Diaper cakes have become an adorable way to give moms a practical gift before the baby arrives. We love the wide range of diaper cake styles and ideas out there!
Meanwhile, if you want to learn how to make a diaper cake that you can adapt to fit any style you want, we have just what you need.
Our simple DIY recipe is the perfect template for building a darling baby shower gift that can be adjusted for a boy or girl, and tweaked to suit Mama’s signature look.
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Janine Ngai for LittleThings
The supplies you’ll need for this diaper cake are pretty simple.
1 to 2 jumbo packs of diapers (we suggest newborn size). You’ll need roughly 80 diapers for a small diaper cake, and roughly 150 for a large diaper cake.
1 piece of cardboard cut into a circle, for the base
Ordinary rubber bands and extra-large rubber bands
Wooden dowels
Ribbon andtissue paper, to decorate
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
First, roll up all of those teeny-tiny diapers! You’ll need around 80 bundles to put this cake together.
Roll them up just like a burrito, with the open top edge tucked into the inside.
Wrap securely with rubber bands, but not so tightly that the pressure of the band damages the diaper.
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
Once you have all your diapers rolled, you’re ready to create the first tier. Count out about 40 diapers.
Now, corral them together into one rounded layer on top of your cardboard base. You may need a helper to hold them for you!
Take on of your larger rubber bands and wrap it around the whole group, adjusting as needed.
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
For the middle tier, count out about 25 diapers and wrap them in another larger rubber band.
You may need to add more diapers or subtract a few depending on how many you have, and how large you want your cake to be.
Stack your middle tier on top of the larger bottom tier to check the proportions and make sure it’s shaping up like you want it to.
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
Next, make the smallest tier on top from about 10 diapers, and wrap securely with a rubber band.
Stack on top to check your proportions again and make sure your layer “cake” looks just right.
Keep in mind, you can make your cake as big as you want and add more tiers! You just need to start with a larger base and use more diapers.
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
Use wooden dowels to hold the tiers together. Stick the dowels down through the top of the cake into the base to give the cake stability and keep the layers together.
For a fairly small cake, you may only need one or two dowels, but for a larger cake you may need more.
If your dowels are taller than the cake, you might need to remove them and trim them down slightly.
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
Once your whole cake is constructed, it’s time for the fun part decorating!
We started by decorating our cake with gender-neutral ribbons and decor in shades of white and cream!
Wrap each tier in as much ribbon as you want, just make sure to pick something solid for the middles of the tiers to cover up the rubber bands.
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
If you know the gender of the baby, this is the perfect moment to start decorating with a more specific color in mind!
You can doll your cake up for a boy or a girl, using pink and blue ribbons and tissue paper flowers. This is also a great time to add more unconventional touches.
Is mom a rocker chick? Maybe throw on a guitar cake topper! If she’s a true earth mama, try adding some succulents or other greenery to your design. There are tons of ideas out there for turning your diaper cake into a stylish personalized affair!
No matter how you decide to personalize your cake, it’s bound to turn out perfectly!
We personalized our cake to suit a little girl arriving in the spring, so we added pink ribbons, pretty tissue-paper flowers, and a few little chicks!
However, with our original beige and white ribbon, it would be just as easy to add blue ribbon to celebrate a little boy’s arrival.
Instagram / aubreeschicboutique
It’s pretty easy to tweak your diaper cake to suit any theme.
For instance, lots of moms want a Mickey Mouse diaper cake for a boy, and a Minnie Mouse version for a girl!
To accomplish this, just doll up your cake with red, black, and white ribbons and tissue paper bonus points for polka dot ribbon.
You can also find mouse ears and specialized cake toppers that help call to mind everyone’s favorite cartoon mice.
Instagram / denisetanigawa
An owl diaper cake is another cute idea. You can create one big roll of diapers, and two smaller ones for the eyes, then swaddle them in onesies or other baby gear!
Add a bib for a touch of extra cuteness and some decorative flowers for eyes (and don’t forget a pair of baby socks as the ears), and you’re good to go. Too sweet!
The Honest Company
One last alternative? Make things easy on yourself! There’s no need to learn how to make a diaper cake if you don’t have the time.
You can easily buy an adorable diaper cake online from a company like The Honest Company. They make one adorable cake that will impress any mom-to-be!
If you can’t wait to trade diaper cake ideas with your friends and family, be sure toSHARE this easy how-to inspiration guide!
Read more: http://ift.tt/2lmuW01
from Roll Diapers Into 6 Dozen Tiny Bundles, Then Stack In Tiers For The Cutest Cake Ever
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blinkanddyouredead · 7 years
All the Harry Potter questions!!! Have fun
Omg I just saw this! 😆 ok here we go Harry Potter Character AsksHarry Potter: Tell us about a scar on your body: I have a big one on my knee bc in year 6 camp I fell down while walking up a big hill on the way to archery. I nearly had to get stitches but I was secretly glad because I didn't have to participate in the rest of camp.Hermione Granger: What is your favorite book, how many times have you read it, and why do you love it?: The Harry Potter series. I've read each book at least 10 times, I love them because they've been in my life forever and the Philosophers Stone was the first book I ever read. Ron Weasley: Something you're afraid of? SPIDERS. Luna Lovegood: One thing that makes you different from everyone else. Probably my range of mental disorders and obsession with Destiel. Fred Weasley: Can you do any magic tricks? What is the best one you can do? If you can't do any, what's the best one you've seen? No :( I've never been to a magic show! George Weasley: What is the best prank you've ever played on someone? When I was a kid I would hide under my brothers bed and grab his ankle when he got up. I thought it was hilarious and he would cry every time. Neville Longbottom: Tell us an embarrassing story. I was playing kiss chase in the playground when I was in year 2 and I was about to catch the cutest boy and suddenly I peed myself. I just sat on the ground and cried. Narcissa Malfoy: Do you have a good relationship with your family? Who are you closest to? My adoptive family? They're great and they're a wonderful family, but we don't really get along that well. I get along much better with my biological family, specifically my Aunty and Dad. Voldemort: If you were to create a Horcrux(s), what would it be and why? A penny, because no one would ever find that one penny in all the other pennies. Bellatrix Lestrange: Have you ever loved someone who could never love you back? Yep Ginny Weasley: Have you ever been in love with an unexpected person? YEPHedwig: If you went to Hogwarts, what kind of pet would you bring? (ex: cat, owl, rat, frog) Cat because obviously Tigger would need to come.Draco Malfoy: Is it better to be feared or to be loved? I kind of want to say feared because that seems cool. Rubeus Hagrid: What is your favorite mystical creature? ALL OF THEM. Obviously. Dolores Umbridge: Make a list of rules that your family (or whoever you choose) would have to follow if you made the rules. Everyone has to give me $1, so I never have to do anything ever again. Lucius Malfoy: What is your most prized possession? My cat. Molly Weasley: What is the proudest moment of your life? When my cat does something cool.Dobby: Who are you most loyal to? My cat. Sirius Black: Have you ever been accused of doing something you didn't do? Every damn day when my brother does something he isn't supposed to do. Argus Filch: What's the worst job you've ever had? I've never had a "real" job. Dudley Dursley: How many presents do you usually receive on your birthday? Like 10.Peter Pettigrew: Are you a leader or a follower? Depends on my mood. Cedric Diggory: Have you ever had a near death experience? Yes 😆Albus Dumbledore: What is the greatest obstacle you have ever overcome in your life? Mental illness. Minerva McGonagall: What is your favorite spell? Sectumsempra.Severus Snape: Are you a trustworthy person? I think so.Remus Lupin: If you transform into any one animal or creature, which one would it be? Big cat.Uncle Vernon: What is your favorite day of the week? Saturday! Mad Eye Moody: Who is the bravest person you know? My Dad. Arthur Weasley: What do you think is the best "muggle" invention? Bean bag.Professor Sprout: What is your favourite class that is offered at Hogwarts? Potions. Nymphadora Tonks: If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? I would be consistently less fat.Moaning Mertile: What is something that always makes you cry? THINKING ABOUT FRED AND GEORGE.James Potter: Would you risk your life to save someone you truly love? I would risk my life for a burrito tbh. Lily Potter: What color eyes do you have? Brown.Professor Trelawney: Have you ever dreamt something was going to happen and then it happened? Yes.Mr. Ollivander: What would your wand look like? It would be simple. Lavender Brown: Who is the last person who texted and have you ever had a crush on them? My boyfriend of nearly 4 years, yes I'm pretty sure I've had a crush on them. Cho Chang: If you were on the Quidditch team, what position would you play? Chaser. Aunt Petunia: What is your favorite flower? Anything black.
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