#the only one I haven't seen in Cinderella 3 - yes THAT one - and I would LOVE to see the reactions if people vote it as 'the worst' lmao
disney-is-mylife · 11 months
Let's jazz things up a little....
(Yes, I included some popular/beloved sequels here, not because I dislike them - hell, I downright love a couple! - but because these are literally ALL of the "Disney Princess" sequels that came out in the 90s and early 2000s. Don't @ me, just have fun voting lol)
Disclaimer: With these sequel polls, I will NOT include ones from the Walt Disney Animation Studios, which are as of June 1, 2023: The Rescuers Down Under, Fantasia 2000, Ralph Breaks the Internet, and Frozen 2.
Have fun voting and try not to start any fights over your personal faves! 😘
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themagnusbane · 1 year
GAP The Series Episode 6 Thoughts
Disclaimer. Been drinking all day. So if I don't make any sense, or I sound extra horny, blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol!
Kade in her cheerleading outfit screaming about catching Sam and Mon kissing is giving "I'm very very very upset about this" vibes. And if you don't get the reference, quick! Go play A Cinderella Story starring Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray right now. You're welcome. Lol.
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2. Sam, your friends are just teasing you. They've grilled Mon as your future girlfriend, given her a Masterclass in "How to read Khun Sam", and have also helped her get you jealous, which was the push you needed to finally bite her lips and put us ALL out of our collective misery. They know you've wanted to taste every inch of her since you first brought her over. Nobody's buying the "it's no big deal. We are all carnivores biting off lips and noses. It's how we show 'true friendship'" routine.
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3. Sam: Everyone kisses those they are close to. It's no big deal.
Jim: Cool. Let me kiss your girl real quick. Since we're close and all.
Also Sam: *Bitch slap*
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4. You go MUMMY!! Lay claim on your girl! Look at baby girl's Mon's face at Sam saying "I'm the only one who can play around with Mon"! Mon’s like shiiiiiiit. I didn't sign up for this. But also that's kinda hot. But also Khun Sam wtf?!!! And you know what Mon? All of your emotions are valid right now.
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5. But with all seriousness though. I sincerely hope that someone helps Sam pull her head out of her ass and apologize to her friends. Yes, she doesn't process emotions well cuz of the stunted development she's undergone, having lived with THE WITCH that is her grandmother, but between the pushing of Tee last episode and the slapping of Jim, who is STILL PREGNANT last time I checked... Sam really is just saying "Fuck all! I don't care" isn't she? And we haven't seen any proper apology from her to them, on screen yet. Which...
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6. Aaaaaaand this is why Mon is best girl! Look at her putting her foot down and insisting that Sam apologize to her friends. You tell her Mon! A simple phone call after s slap like that, just wouldn't cut it. Sam needs to put in some more effort! Honestly, ngl, if I'm Jim, I would totally make her WORK for my forgiveness. What can I say? I'm a vengeful brat and as much as I would go to the ends of the earth and hell itself for my friends, I expect that the respect me enough to not slap me in the face, no matter the provocation.
7. Gods. Tee is soooo fine. Did I rewind that shot of her by the window, in that black and white striped shirt, an unholy amount of times? Yes. Yes I did. Look at her fingers. How lean they are. How they look holding her phone. Look at that cut of her bangs. Look at the effortless way she's leaning. She can effortlessly just slide into my bed. Tee!!!! LET ME LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
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8. There you go! She apologized, and came bearing gifts!! I honestly hope that part of her character development will be that when she monumentally fucks up in the later episodes (and she will because we've ALL seen the trailer), and is begging Mon to take her back, she will come as herself, with just her words and sincerity, and no gifts in hand. Then we will have come full circle, and gods! I love a good grovel moment!! Is it really groveling if you aren't eating gravel? [Does that make sense? it makes sense in my head though, so I hope it makes sense!]
9. Gah! Her finger hearts is so adorable. BE STILL MY HEART!!!!!!! I would have totally folded like a wet paper napkin if that had been me.
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10. Jim is totally a better person than me. Cuz I would have totally leaned in and given Sam a big smoosh. It's what she deserves for that "consider it a lakorn" apology! Although not gonna lie, all that soft kissing, got to me. Dammit! Have my friends and I been doing apologies wrong?? Is it really an apology if there's not just a teeny tiny bit of kissing involved??? Send help! My brain can't process this!!!
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11. Hahahaha. That kettle whistling is the sound of Mon's jealous reign. Sam really REALLY needs to thank her friends. The effort they have put in, to help her get, and secure her girl! Ha!
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12. I get that Mon is pissed and rightfully so. But, this tantrum she's throwing in the presence of her coworkers will just cue them in faster that she and Sam are dating. Like girl, use your sense. You are at work right now. Cut that shit out!!!
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13. Just when I think Sam can't get anymore adorable, she pulls this tattoo rhyme and dance routine that is making me lose my shit! Look at her pretty gorgeous face. Argh!!! Khun Sam. This is why you own our hearts. Forever!!
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14. You see that Sam? You are not the only one with a monopoly on being jealous! You tell her Mon!!! Make her work for it!!!
15. There you go Mon my love. Lead Sam into admitting that you are different. You are special. You are beloved. Cuz we both know your girlfriend is a little slow on things that involve her desires, and wants. Once again, FUCK THE WITCH THAT IS HER GRANDMA!!!
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16. Girlllllll!!! What do you mean by you're sisters??? Do you kiss your sisters with that mouth?? What in the incestous fuck???? See what I mean??? Every facet of Sam's emotional constipation can be laid at the feet of the witch that raised her. Urgh!! Sisters my ass!
17. The Lord is TESTING me!! Girl! HOW ARE YOU SAYING EVERY OTHER WORD BUT GIRLFRIEND???? That's what Mon wants you to say. You wants you to think of her as YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!! Mon, my love. I extend my condolences to you sweetheart. It looks like you really picked a troublesome one. Cuz what in the...
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18. Her little competitive spirit. Sam, my love! I can never stay mad or frustrated with you for long. Gah! Everyone, let's collectively say a prayer for poor Mon. How on earth would she ever be able to resist Sam's little pouting moue? Or the little fist bump she does when she wants to win.
19. Ha! She's spotted Kirk, in his clandestine meeting with our lady of lying lips. I KNEW THAT HE CAN'T STAY HIDDEN FOR LONG. Now watch him somehow convince Mon to keep it a secret from Sam, which we all know wouldn't backfire at some point, causing Sam to lose faith in Mon. Right? Right?
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20. Urgh! Say what you will... But Nita's turned eyefucking into an art form. Look at her turning all that focus on Mon! So sorry Ms. Nita. Mon's hopelessly in love with Sam and won't give you the time of the day. I on the other hand, can be convinced to make terrible life choices, and you will be a bad decision I will never forget.
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21. Oh Chin. Khun Sam isn't after her throat anymore. She's after her mouth. Those boobs. Her thighs. And the heaven between said thighs.
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22. Mon. Sweetheart. You're adding both your girlfriend (almost, anyway) and her fiance to your Facebook???? And you don't think this will backfire at some point???? It's not occurring to you that this is a very very bad idea???
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23. I love how food is their love language. Sam's go-to for solving any problem with Mon is to just offer to buy her food, and you know what? Valid. I too turn to food for a lot of my emotional comfort. And now I'm hungry. Urgh!
24. Bought this and that my ass! Girl did you clear out the ENTIRE supermarket????
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25. Oh no! The minute her parents were like "absolutely" go up to her room and everything, I died. Because all I could think of was the Khun Sam shrine Mon has going up there, and sure enough, Sam's found EVERYTHING!!!!
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26. Urgh Mon! Couldn't you have left us with a little more of that caging? Let us sink into it properly, before you break the spell by reaching for a reason why you've been avoiding Sam, that isn't the truth? Which is that you are in cahoots with Kirk to keep vital information from her, and it's making you feel guilty, hence why you're doing all of this???
27. The hand to the jaw??? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCk!!!
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28. Fghghjgjhgjhghjgjhghjghj. I sooooo knew this was going to happen. Rofl. Mon was talking about the emotional capacity of a dog to love, ergo "love me Khun Sam. That's what I want us to be to each other. I want to be the person you love, unconditionally and without restraint."
What Sam hears instead: "Get on your knees and bark, woman!"
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29. Sam makes the cutest dog though. Gah!!! Look at those eyes!!! And that perfect moue of her mouth!! Can you all tell that I'm OBSESSED with Sam's mouth? OBSESSED!!!!
30. That kiss!!! That kiss!!! The lip bite. The hand grip! The ravishing her in her childhood bedroom. The heat of the moment, against the soft pink innocence of the room. I LOVEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
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31. DID YOU ALL CATCH THAT??? YUKI ASKING IF TEE'S ALSO PREPARING FOR JIM'S DANCE???? YESSSSSS!! I called it!!! Tee's already sunk her teeth into that girl!! How can anyone resist my butch Queen? It's just not possible. Not when Tee looks like THAT!!!!
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33. Sam looks soooo happy and cute. Look at her little dances. Khun Sam, you're doing amazing sweetie!!!!
34. Mon Girl! You nearly slipped up there. And you think adding him on Facebook wouldn't have your secret slipping out? Ha!
35. Kirk. Whatever you're planning, DON'T DO IT!!! Don't even think about doing it! And don't trick Mon into helping you. URGH!!! I HATE THIS!! This is soooo going to break her heart isn't it? I'm not ready for the pain!!!
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36. Aunt Weena. No matter how "Good looking" you think Kirk looks with Sam, she looks even BETTER with Mon, and that's a fact! Urgh! I really hate all this pressure, and I KNOW Kirk is about to do something I will absolutely hate as well. Fuck!!
37. OMG!!!! YUKI AND TEE ARE MATCHING!!! YUKI AND TEE ARE MATCHING!!!! Look at Tee's shirt. It's the same colour as Yuki's dress. THEY ARE MATCHING!!!! My secondary ship is sailing y'all!!! You know what? If I can't have Tee for myself, I can reluctantly share her with Yuki, cuz my girl also deserves happiness.
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38. I really REALLY love this friend group. The way the conversations segues from heterosexual coupling and marriage to "Yo! Mon! How did Sam confess her feelings to you?" is giving me LIFE!!!!
39. OMG!!! Sam's pleased smile at Mon catching the bouquet! Be still my heart. Oooof. Imagine if the show finds a way to gift us a Sam and Mon wedding in episode 12??? I WILL SCREAM!!!!
40. Urgh! Kirk. How like a straight man to interrupt when the sapphics are eye-fucking and all mushy with emotions, to center himself in the moment. Urgh!!! Fucking Kirk!
41. Hold up. Is this motherfucker trying to propose??? HOLY SHIT! He really is proposing. Firstly, HOW DARE YOU??? Secondly, you piece of shit. Why the fuck are you proposing at someone else's wedding??? Why are you making the moment that is meant to be about Jim and her husband, about you? What in the actual FUCK???? Can y'all tell that I HATE, HATE proposals at weddings? It just reeks of selfishness and bad manners. Jim is a better person than me cuz I would have walked straight up to his ass and told him NOT AT MY WEDDING YOU NARCISSISTIC PIECE OF SHIT! URGH!!!
42. I also REALLY REALLY hate public proposals. It's manipulative AF, and relies on the crowd to get you to force the other person's hand to accept your proposal, and I hate it!
43. Urgh! URGH! I hate this ending. I hate it. Mon my darling. My baby girl. You don't deserve this. And the preview for next week's episode?? Looks like we're prepping for even more pain. FUCK!!!
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!!!! <3
this is so long lol, brace yourselves
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone elses fic?
💻 The first fanfiction you posted?
"Domestic Life Was Never Quite My Style"
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic?
I listened to the Tarzan soundtrack a lot while writing "Two Worlds, One Family", haha
🔬The fic you had to make the most research for?
Toss-up between "Baby's Firsts" and "Two Worlds", because with one I had to do a lot of research into baby growth and development, and with the other I do a lot of research to portray a deaf/hard of hearing person as accurately as I can, since I'm not one.
👽 Strangest fic you ever written?
eh, I'm not sure any of them really count as strange, in a traditional sense, but my "strangest" fic is probably "Oh, Little One, You Just Need to be Brave", mostly because it's based on Iron Man 3 and I hadn't actually seen the film yet when I wrote it so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense compared to canon 😅 the only reason I haven't taken it down is because so many people liked it, and I hate when fics that I used to love get deleted.
👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with?
I've got several, actually, lol. I've had ideas for a Game Plan AU (that movie starring The Rock), a Cinderella/Ever After AU, a... um... bio AU involving mpreg that is not as weird as it sounds... a soulmate AU, an Annie AU (y'know, the musical), and a Santa Clause AU (Tim Allen Christmas movie).
✍🏽 How much do you plan your fics beforehand?
depends on the fic. if it's complicated, I'll take at least a couple pages of notes before I jump in to the actual writing. if it's something simple that I have a clear vision for, I just jump in and wing the whole thing. Both methods work just fine, for me.
Although, I do have one AU that I'm working on as a request for that 2k follower raffle I did months ago, and that has like..... 13 pages of notes that I still haven't finalized so it REALLY depends.
🌈 Your favorite tropes to write about?
found family and friendship <3
📬 The best comment you ever recieved?
there are a couple of comments on fics in my "Two Worlds" series that make me want to cry every time I read them 😭 they're from someone who is HOH like Peter, and I love reading their comments on those fics because it makes me feel like I've done something right in the way I've written his disability.
💾 The longest fic you have written (either with most chapters or most words)
"Baby's Firsts", coming in at over 34k with 19 chapters!
🏚 A fic you more or less abandoned?
"wish we could turn back time (to the good old days)"
("we don't talk about bruno" plays faintly in the distance)
😅 Was there a fic/chapter that you were nervous about posting?
all of them 😅 I guess I'll never be as nervous as I was when I posted my very first fic, though.
🥚 Any easter eggs you put in a fic that you hoped people would notice?
too many to remember! I make references to the films all the time, and other medias, as well.
😊 The fic that you’re the most proud of?
"Before, After, and Beyond". It started out as a drabble request from an anon who wanted an Endgame fix-it, and turned into one of my favorite-ever fics to date!
🪡 The scene you worked the hardest on in any fic?
Probably the scene where Peter tries his hearing aids on for the first time in "May These Words Be The First To Find Your Ears". I wanted it to be super fluffy and cute, but also realistic!
🎨 Show us a sneak peek from a WIP!
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that-shamrock-vibe · 3 years
Movie Review: Cinderella (Spoilers)
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Disclaimer: I am posting this review the day after the movie airs on Amazon Prime, so if you haven't yet seen it don't read on until you do.
General Reaction:
It is slightly weird to think of another movie studio taking on one of the classic fairy-tales that isn't Disney, because, as I am sure is the case for a large portion of the mainstream audience, Disney have almost claimed fairytale adaptations as their own.
However, as identified, Cinderella, is a fairy tale and one created long before Disney came about. As such, other studios are allowed to put across their own interpretation of these classic stories that we have seen a lot of times adapted at this point.
That being said, we have seen many different adaptations of Cinderella at this point from the classis Disney Animation version and it's live-action counterpart, to modern-day reworkings like A Cinderella Story of the mid-noughties starring Hilary Duff.
It's quite an easy story to tell and adapt to a variety of different settings, and what this 2021 retelling does with the story blends the old-fashioned with the modern. Does that mean it is set apart from the others? Well in my opinion yes and no.
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While this is a Sony movie, it plays a lot like a Disney Channel Original Movie. From the comedy to the settings to the costuming and the music, it plays like the best of those types of movies. I'm talking the High School Musical franchise and the Descendants franchise. It is by no means bad or corny, but it isn't even on the level of the 2016 live-action Cinderella.
While that version was pretty much a straightforward live-action version of the original animated version, the style of the movie outweighed the substance.
Here however, there is a great blend of both style and substance. The story takes the classic elements of the original Cinderella fairy tale but tries to inject a modern and feministic twist that the recent live-action Beauty and the Beast tried to do.
In terms of whether this version of Cinderella stands out in the crowd of Cinderella movies, I would say it does. Not only is the titular character race-bent and the setting she is in seemingly plays into that, but the reworking of the Fairy Godmother as the Fab G as well as giving the Stepmother a more humanised backstory allows for a more compelling take on a classic.
Because this is just the one all-in review I'm not going to do an in-depth character analysis and instead group the characters as who were my favourites, who did a passable job, who was bad and who were for some reason just there.
I have a top 3/4 favourite characters in this movie. Idina Menzel's Stepmother Vivian, Billy Porter's Fab G, Minnie Driver's Queen Beatrice and additionally Beverly Knight's Queen Tatiana.
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Idina Menzel was always going to be fantastic in this movie, but to see her portray what is traditionally the villain character in the movie as a sympathetic character as part of the movie's feminist agenda was an interesting twist. No cat for a start, I don't know if Lucifer was a part of the original fairy tale but of course in the Disney adaptations Lady Tremaine is always accompanied by her faithful feline, but also the fact that her backstory parallels Ella's current story and the fact Vivian was so willing to have Ella reject her passion to do what is expected of her just as was forced on her was actually great motivation.
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In truth I have only ever seen Billy Porter in one other thing aside from this movie and that was American Horror Story: Apocalypse. I have never seen Pose though I have heard good things, but from what I understand, Billy Porter only really has one speed. However, as the character's name states, that speed is fabulous. I loved Fab G in this movie, the fairy godmother is usually one of my favourite characters in the movie and every interpretation I have seen has brought something different and memorable. If this version of Cinderella is remembered for anything it will be for this very modernised take on the Fairy Godmother, not only gender-bending and race-bending a traditionally white female character, but with Porter choosing to make the character non-binary and that outfit speaks for itself, Fab G was simply a fabulous character.
In both Disney adaptations, I have never heard mention or reference to Prince Charming having a living mother...or a dead one for that matter. So to not only have the Queen being in a chunk of this movie, but also having her own story branch tying into the feminist agenda running through the movie and being portrayed by Minnie Driver, I was in love with this character.
Pretty much similar to the Fab G, if you've seen Beverly Knight's one second in the trailers you've pretty much seen her in the movie. She contributes to Ella's story in the movie and only appears in the latter half of the movie in 2 maybe 3 scenes but she makes an impact because she's Beverly Knight. My only gripe with her is she does not sing in the movie, you have Beverly Knight with not even a solo in a group number?
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Unfortunately the star of the movie Camilla Cabello is just passable in this movie as Cinderella. She does have some humour about her and her singing is great despite maybe being autotuned because I know how she can sing, but she doesn't feel like Cinderella to me, it actually feels more like a version of what Emma Watson was doing with Belle in the live-action Beauty and the Beast rather than Cinderella but at least she tried.
As for Nicholas Galitzine, he's definitely more engaging as a modern-day Prince Charming, Robert is definitely more engaging a character than Ella unfortunately, which to be fair is still good as the 2015 Cinderella is the only other adaptation to really make the Prince interesting, but I can't quite put my finger on exactly which movie it is but there is another movie I have seen where the Prince Regent doesn't want to be king but the Princess does and has to fight for her right to be it...that's pretty much this story for them.
Also Pierce Brosnan as the King, despite jokingly singing towards the end, did a great job at being the archetype of old-fashioned values with his on-screen wife Minnie Driver's queen pushing him into a modern-day thinking.
As for who's bad, I have to say it pains but the British comic relief characters really let the side down in this movie.
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In the three mice defence, Romesh Ranganathan and James Acaster are somewhat funny but unnecessary. James Corden however is abismal in this movie. I get he produces it, but particularly after Cats I do not understand 1) Why he'd want to portray another CG animal or 2) Ever think that one shot of him changing back from human to mouse with his head on a mouse body was funny...it was terrifying.
Also this movie is supposedly a family-audience movie...so why include a crass joke of Corden's character talking about peeing out of his front tail?
Additionally to the three mice, Rob Beckett has a surprising role in this movie as a potential suitor for Vivian's daughters, but he simply portrays such a creepy, cringe-worthy character it's almost uncomfortable to watch.
New Additions:
So as well as the two queens and the British comic relief there is also the addition of Princess Gwen to the movie who is the sister of the Prince and the one who wants to be ruler. It's kind of the same story as Jasmine's in the live-action Aladdin as wanting to be Sultan but being a woman isn't taken seriously, however here it is treated more comedically as every time there is a serious moment with the King trying to force Robert to grow up and be King, she always tries to interject with "Would this be a bad time to tell you about an actual real reason why I would be a good ruler" and they make sense but she's always dismissed until the very end.
Then there's a town crier, who is also inserted as a musical number while he's reading his proclamations but as a rap. Honestly I don't know Doc Brown as an artist but I did happen to enjoy what he contributed.
Which brings us on nicely to the music of the movie as this is a musical and I usually break down the songs. Again this time I will be doing groupings of best to worse.
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Honestly my favourite number is probably "Shining Star" mostly performed by Billy Porter with verses by Camilla Cabello and, unfortunately, James Corden.
I also enjoyed the two original songs of the movie, "Million to One" which is Cabello's "I Want" song of the movie and used a lot through the movie, and then also "Dream Girl" which is Idina's main other song but also sung by basically the women of the movie, it's Idina Menzel if you don't give her an original song it's an insult.
Idina's other song is a cover of "Material Girl" and honestly it is a lot of fun, Nicholas Galitzine's rendition of "Somebody to Love" was also fun and surprising as I did not think this guy could sing that well.
The group numbers were fun and well choreographed but they are also somewhat forgettable. The song at the ball of "Whatta Man/Seven Nation Army" was probably the most memorable but still just mediocre.
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So with all that said, would I recommend watching Sony's Cinderella? Honestly I would say it is worth at least one viewing, and I do recommend watching all the way through just to get the full experience. I do think it will do better as a streaming movie than it would have done as a theatrical release, but I cannot pinpoint a market for this movie.
I don't think this will go down as one of the great adaptations, but there are moments and aspects of the movie that sets it apart from the crowd.
Overall I rate this movie a 7/10, it's not as fantastic as I feel the trailers were making it out to be, but having seen the movie twice there are definitely elements of the movie I looked forward to watching the second time around.
So that's my review of Sony's Cinderella, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Movie Reviews as well as other posts.
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ellanainthetardis · 3 years
Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2021
1 Best Book You've Read So Far In 2021
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My favorite was probably The Invisible Life of Addie Larue but A Heart So Fierce and Broken and Heir Of Fire also killed me a little XD
2 Best Sequel You've Read So Far In 2021
Unsurprisingly XD I think in terms of love since the series is long I would go with Heir of Fire but A Heart so Fierce And Broken is also my favoooorite in the Cursebreaker trilogy. I just love the characters. * cough* Grey * cough* but I also love Rowan and that's what Heir Of Fire gave me so... XD
3 New Release You Haven't Read Yet But Want To:
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Though to be fair, I plan on reading Any Way The Wind Blows after I finish Tower of Dawn. I realized I have close to none memories of the second one but I don't feel like a re-read so...
And I discovered Nalini Singh last year and I loved it so much I've been meaning to pick up this one for a while.
4. Most Anticipated Release For The Second Part Of The Year:
Winds Of Shadow by Nicki Pau Preto though technically it came out yesterday.
What Once Was Mine by Liz Braswell, the next Twisted Tale. This one's about Tangled, which is one of my fav so... Yeah, I know I have many others to read in this collection XD
Daughter Of The Deep by Rick Riordan because I will read anything by Rick Riordan and Yes, I know I still have two series from him to read XD
The Excalibur Curse by Kiersten White. I didn't love the second one in this series as much as the first but I still want to read the third (and last I think?) one.
5. Biggest Disappointment:
The Duke And I (Bridgertons 1). I loved the show but it's one case of, really, maybe just stick to the show XD
Persephone Station by Stina Leicht. I really reaaaally wanted to love this one but it didn't work out for me. The universe was too messy and it was hard to follow and make sense of the world. That was a dnf I think.
Rebel Rose (the queen's council 1) by Emma Theriault, which is the first instalment in the latest Disney series. Except you wouldn't find one bit of the disney movies or live adaptation in that book if it hit you on the head. I hated it. Another DNF. I will try the next one since it's a different author and it is MULAN but it won't be high priority.
Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron. It wasn't bad but I expected to love it and... I didn't.
American Royals by Katherine McGee. I really didn't like it and honestly there are better novels out there if you want to read royalty romances.
6. Biggest Surprise
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I hated Throne of Glass so much when I read it that honestly I didn't expect at all to like the sequel but now this series is one of my fav and it just goes to show I need to reread it all when i'm done XD
I was a bit wary of A Curse So Dark And Lonely just because there had been so much hype when it came out and I saw it around so much, it scared me a little, so I went in expecting the worst and I found one of my favorite new series this year.
Same goes for Aru Shah... I was a bit wary after my first try of the Rick Riordan Presents collection ( which was Race To The Sun, another disappointment albeit not as much as others) but this one was soooooo good. If you like mythology or Percy Jackson, I one hundred percent recommend.
7. Favorite New Author (Debut or New To You)
Definitely Roshani Chokshi... I had other books from her on my TBR and I want to get to them soonish.
Also Sarah J Maas. I am a convert.
8. Newest Fictional Crush:
Chaooool. And Rowan. XD
Grey from A Curse So Dark...
9. Newest Favorite Character:
MANON BLACKBEAK. ALL HAIL THE QUEEN. But honestly I could probably name half the characters in that series in this category)
Aru also because she's the best kid ever and I can't wait to read more of her stories.
10. Book That Made You Cry:
A Heart So Fierce & Broken
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue
Salt To The Sea
They all broke my heart in different ways.
11 The Most Beautiful Book You've Bought So Far (Or Received):
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To Sleep In a Sea of Stars is so gorgeous I have him staring out in my shelf just where the sun can hit it nad make it shine XD
And Les Chroniques de L'érable et du Cerisier has sprayed edges and it's just BEAUTIFUL. Cost a pretty penny too so it better be worth it.
12 What Book Do You Need To Read Before The End Of The Year:
I want to finish the Throne of Glass series so I've only got Kingdom Of Ash left once I'm done with Tower of Dawn. It's doable.
I want to read Les Chroniques de L'érable Et Du Cerisier too...
I would also love to read Wings Of Shadow. Not that I'm especially imaptient to know the ending but because those books are huge and I kind of want to be done with that series if it makes sense? I loved it, particularly the meticulous work of world building but it always feel like I've eaten too much once I'm done with it, you know?
13 Favorite Book-To-Movie Adaptation You've Seen This Year:
Shadow and Bones, obviously...
And Bridgerton!
If you want to do the tag, feel free! (and tell me, I would love to discover more books!)
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prankprincess123 · 5 years
I'll never understand people's hatred for Disney's sequels, spin off shows and live action remakes.
Little Mermaid: Return to the Sea is by far my favorite Disney princess movie, and Melody deserves to be an official princess alongside her mother. Mulan 2 my sisters and I watched so much as little kids that we wore out the disk, as we rewound it to watch certain scenes on repeat. Lion King 2 and 1½ are both amazing and I don't know which I adored more. Peter Pan: Return to Neverland perfectly managed to bring everything full circle. Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time is wicked awesome at exploring what if the villain won. Pocahontas 2 was far more historically accurate (though admittedly it still left alot to be desired on that aspect) and actually gave her her historical love interest this time. Hunchback 2 gave my boy his happy ending he deserved with a girl he loves, two bestfriends that claimed him as their brother, and an adorable little nephew who adores him. Return of Jafar and Aladin and the King of Thieves are both action packed masterpieces almost as memorable as the original.
And while I havent watched near as many of the TV shows as I have the sequels (anything shorter than an hour has always had trouble getting my attention) Emperor's New School was my jam growing up, I would race home from school to watch it both on my lunch break and after school, and would sing the opening song and 'Our Academy' both on repeat all the time. And the Tangled cartoon, while I haven't seen all of it yet, is beautiful and hilarious and fits seamlessly into the feel of the movie, and I watch it with my 6yo sister when we have time. And if I knew before this year that there were more TV spin offs that I missed by not watching much TV as a kid I would have binge watched them all in my gap year between HS and Uni.
And don't even get me started on the live action movies! Like Maleficent!?!? That movie is so stunning and a beautiful twist on the classic tale. My only complaint is that they should have included at least 'Once Upon a Dream' in the actual movie, though the rendition in the credits is jaw droppingly beautiful and haunting. And now we get a second one too?! Yes please! Cinderella?!?! Give me more of Ella and Kit! Their dynamics in this movie were so adorable and made them both more real and 3D. Once again my only complaint is not enough singing in the actual movie itself, they had 'Bibity Bobity' and ' 'A Dream is a Wish' recorded and ready to be in it, but they chickened out and put them in the credits instead, I do absolutely adore 'Lavender Blue' and it fit perfectly. Beauty and the Beast?!?! Jaw droppingly spectacular!!! Like yeah the side plot with the magic book was a little weird. But Belle as an inventor?! Yes!!! Their little storytime walks in the garden? Bonding over all of their favorite books? Way more depth and yet the same feel as her teaching him to read. And his backstory being explored? Beautiful and that poor baby just needed someone to love him! And the music? I'm not sure what song blew me away most! Jungle Book?!?! The CGI in this was beautiful and that one little boy deserves all the awards for how deep and true his acting felt! And now Aladdin?!?! All I have to say is I'm 'Speachless'! Like yeah Jafar wasn't as obviously terrifying in this, and Will Smith will never be Robin Williams, but it worked! The visual, the humor, the music, all of it captured the essence and magic of the original! And don't even get me started on how perfect Aladdin and Jasmine and their chemistry were! And Jasmine as Sultana?!?! YES!!!! And yeah both Dumbo and Lion King are odd choices to do 'Live Action' as they're gonna be almost completely CGI, but so far Disney hasn't let me down with Live Action, so I'm hoping for the best.
Anyone who hasn't watched the sequels and spin off shows and live action movies is missing out on tons of great content, and I feel infinitely sorry for their grumpiness making them act this way.
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