#the ongoing trials and tribulations of the dm
chaoticstabby · 4 months
I love love love when one of my players comes up with something that just sparks my brain into worldbuilding. I now have an entire seafaring culture because I'm GMing a oneshot for some friends and one of them said something about her coming from a sea-related background
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield Chapter 39: The Summit
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Tagging: @seradyn
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Noctis took in a deep breath as he opened the doors to the inner chambers of the citadel's conference hall. Awaiting him were the leaders of each nation, along with personal assistants, crownsguard, and glaive. He couldn't believe that three days had come and gone in a blink of an eye. So much had been going on behind the scenes with the crown, and to say Noctis was overwhelmed was an understatement. It was times like these where he wondered how Regis, his late father, managed to keep everything afloat. The weight of responsibility as a king couldn't be fathomed by most. There was a part of Noctis that jokingly contemplated giving the responsibility to Ardyn as a punishment. It would certainly make his former adversary feel as though he lived a full life in less than a few years.
Focusing on the present task at hand, Noctis ventured further in. Everybody stood up out of respect as he walked towards his place in the grand room.
“Apologies for my tardiness,” Noctis said aloud and took a seat upon reaching the table. “Matters with the queen needed to be dealt with.”
“It’s no trouble, your grace.” One of the council members from Niflheim assured.
“I hope her majesty is doing well.” The Tenebrae ambassador smiled his way. No doubt a fan of Lunafreya when she was merely the Oracle before becoming queen. At least that's what Noctis assumed given the mans tone.
Noctis could feel the eyes of everyone on him. Something he had long grown accustomed to, but given the circumstances, Noctis would be lying to himself if he didn’t want to flee. He wasn’t scared. Not after the trials and tribulations he had endured in his life; yet Noctis couldn’t help but feel he was walking into a den of fellow foxes, and he happened to have a hen in his mouth. The hen being Ardyn, and now the nations would decide how to best rip him apart.
A foreboding silence filled the room. Noctis took in a deep breath, giving an acknowledgement to everybody before he would set the lions loose.
“I know we have gathered here to discuss ongoing peace between our lands and the restoration movement. It would be asinine not to address the elephant in the room nevertheless.” Noctis was bold in his speech, pausing to make eye contact with everyone at the table. The words of his late father echoed through his mind: "if you want to exert authority with grace, and let it be known you will not be led astray, look every man in the eye while you speak your convictions."
“Word of Ardyn’s return has no doubt been talked of through each of your circles. I know of the anguish and confusion you all must feel knowing he’s alive. The experience has been a shock for myself and everyone close. I am certain that traumas from his past transgressions have resurfaced for many, as well as the good he had done while serving the empire. In recent events, saving me from a sudden attack by monsters long thought to have perished from Eos.” Noctis could feel the tension begin to rise. People wanted to interrupt but held back their tongue out of respect for him. He swallowed and continued.
“Ardyn is currently in the custody of Insomnia. As king and being a distant relative, I stake claim to ensure Ardyn is delivered to justice. However, knowing what he has put the world through, it would be greedy for me to say this is a done deal. I’d like to hear your thoughts, opinions, or offers for negotiation regarding the captive. Once the matter is settled, we can move onto other obligations.”
Noctis leaned back into his chair, his posture straightening as the leaders and their representatives began chattering. Muddled voices echoed throughout the chambers of the grand hall. While everyone was focusing on plotting, figuring out what was going to be discussed of next, Noctis turned his head as Ignis approached him from afar. Ignis lowered his body so he could whisper to him once they were in close proximity.
“How is he doing?” Noctis asked in a hushed tone while Ignis cleared his throat.
“Quite well considering the circumstances. He asked if I was 'having a good morning'.”
"Unheard of." Noctis suppressed a snort.
"That's exactly what Gladio said." Ignis mused, then took a moment to listen in on the commotion. He made a face after taking it all in. “Seems everyone is on edge like we hypothesized.”
“That’s an understatement,” Noctis said bluntly. The two men hid their chuckles, trying to keep their composure serious.
“This is going to be a long day,” Noctis sighed. “Any word about the woman Ardyn was traveling with?”
Ignis nodded. He carefully handed a confidential folder to Noctis, and he observed the king waste no time in unsealing the documents to have a look over. It was a bold move to be tampering with such things when there was a national discussion. Everyone was too preoccupied about Ardyn to care about the kings formalities, however.
“Gladio found from one of the Accordo captains of the Leide region, that Zamfir is under custody of the Republic. She was transported out of Lucis as soon as they placed her in arms. At the time of her arrest, she was with Ardyn. I’m afraid you’ll have to talk with Madam Secretary if you want more information.”
“Damn it,” Noctis murmured. He carefully listened to his Retainer, all the while absorbing as much as he could in the files.
“She’s primarily wanted for genocide. Many of the crimes occurred in Accordo and Lucis against Niflheim refugees during the war and the Dark Decade. Accordo arrested several men who were allegedly led by her. They proclaim that her father, the late commander Julian Zamfir, tried to stop the killings. There’s probably more deaths that have gone unreported.”
Noctis knew he’d have to reacquaint himself with the documents later on, but the words genocide, the body count, and seeing the bits about Julian Zamfir in Caelan’s file had a chill go down his spine. The accusations were momentous. Ardyn’s pleads echoed through Noctis's head along with his proclamations he could prove Caelan's innocence.
Ignis furrowed his brows, sensing the concern dwelling within Noctis. “It’s not my place, but as your friend I must ask, why are you going through the trouble, Noct?”
“I made a promise, and I intend to keep it.” Noctis said firmly. More so to reaffirm his convictions than to put Ignis down. He handed the documents back to Ignis, giving a nod.
“Keep these safe. We’ll discuss more later. Let Ardyn know I’m aware of Cahl's status. In the meantime, I need you and Prompto to dig into the records of Julian Zamfir and anyone who worked under him within the past 20 years.”
“20 years?” Ignis furrowed his brows, knowing it was going to take a lot of work. Not to mention he wasn’t even sure the old archives held much. After Insomnia’s fall, much information about past citizens was lost to the chaos and destruction.
“No stone will be left unturned.” Noctis said. His tone reassuring as he offered his friend a smile. “I’m counting on you both.”
“Absolutely, your majesty.” Ignis gave a bow with his head, keeping up with formalities at the summit and then made the careful trek out of the chambers.
Noctis watched his friend limp, using the aid of a walking stick to help him see here and there. He took in a deep breath, sighing out his frustrations. If it hadn’t been for Ardyn, Ignis never would’ve been permanently disabled. Memories from long ago conflicted with the present. Nonetheless, Noctis wasn’t going to go back on his word.
“If we are not interrupting anything serious, I’d like to address the nations first, highness.” The council member of Niflheim spoke up. All eyes on him as Noctis gave an approving nod.  
“My apologies, more personal matters concerning the queen.” Noctis said aloud regarding the conversation between Ignis and himself. “You may proceed.”
The council member stood up, pacing around his area of the table for emphasis while he spoke.
“Ardyn, while under the guise of Izunia, was the former chancellor of Niflheim. He served the empire faithfully for many decades. We would like to take it upon ourselves to retrieve him out of the hands of Lucis, and ensure justice is--”
“I must interject and state that it is known Niflheim sees Ardyn as something of an icon despite the wake of destruction he left behind. Considering Niflheim has no solid leadership aside the council, how can we be reassured Ardyn won’t be reinstated to any power?” The Tenebrae Ambassador was quick to interrupt, and already great contempt was held in his voice. The council member held his ground.
“Ardyn will be punished like any citizen in Niflheim despite his standing. No one escapes justice. It is true, that a grand portion of our citizens highly respect the former chancellor. While under the command of our previous emperor, Izunia was gracious and wise to keep our country afloat while Aldercapt wasted time and resources on the war with Lucis.”
“Yet, Ardyn did assist with many of the strategies and battle plans against Lucis and subsequent kingdoms. He also attacked the empire itself towards the end of his madness.” Madam Secretary Camelia said as a matter of fact.
“Yes, again that is true,” The council member sighed. He knew he was in a losing game but he stayed strong. Determined to finish out his terms and conditions.
“Niflheim holds a great deal of responsibility for the trespasses our country has committed against fellow nations. We would like to bring Izunia to justice on our lands to further atone for our sins and to demonstrate a willingness to move forward. The knowledge that Ardyn possesses as former chancellor as well as being the immortal Adagium would help us restabilize our government. This would be part of Izunia’s punishment, serving to help rebuild Niflheim into something that we can be proud of.”
“That doesn’t answer for the concern about him being reinstated into power and potentially dooming Eos again...” The Tenebrae ambassador said bitterly.
“Getting to that,” The council member began. “Our nation has recovered so much by leaving decisions up to the people and not a mere faction. If the people of Niflheim were to vote Izunia into leadership and promoted him with their own resources, we the council would have to respect the wishes of our citizens.”
“Are you insane?” The Tenebrae ambassador was appalled as were many others in the room at this confession. “What kind of country do you intend to run?”
“One that is democratic and not subjected to the whims of kings and politicians, but by the good will of its people. We intend to never follow the desires of a single power hungry leader ever again.” The council member shot back, no longer playing nice in the game of conversation.
“And Ardyn isn’t a power hungry individual? Don’t make us laugh!” The implications of the ambassadors words had several members of the meeting seethed, and arguments began to break out.
Noctis could feel himself tense. He let it play out for a time before he rightfully raised a hand. As soon as one pair of eyes caught wind, everyone else followed suit and quieted down. With the summit occurring in the lands and home of the Insomnian king, the ball would be in his court when it came to moving forward with discussions.
“What does Madam Secretary and the representatives of Accordo have to say? We haven’t heard much from this side. Please speak.” Noctis spoke calmly. His tone respectful as he even went so far as to bow his head towards Camelia. The subliminal transfer of power would work in a few ways for Noctis: it would get the other reps to understand interrupting her would result in consequences, and it would serve as a way to warm Camelia up to the possibility of giving the Lucis Kingdom custody over Caelan.
“Your grace,” Camelia stood for a moment, giving a bow with her head in return to Noctis and a slight smile. She then turned her gaze to everyone, her brows furrowed as she sighed.
“Accordo would love to see Ardyn locked up in Angelgard until we could find a way to end his immortality. Crimes against humanity should always result in death of the individual, no matter what history has been rewritten, or how beloved they may be by the common people.”
Camelia took a moment to cast daggers at the Tenebrae ambassador and Niflheim council member, not before turning her attention to Noctis. Her features neutral as she shook her head at him, almost like a parent would to their child for performing something idiotic. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Noctis as he held his ground.
“Ardyn has and always was a problem for the Lucis Caelum bloodline.” Camelia said inauspiciously, then looked away from Noctis, addressing the group as a whole now.
“Taking on the responsibility of overseeing the Adagium is a trivial matter we don’t have time for. The people of Accordo don’t have time for the drama of one powerful family as they await power to be reinstated, and aid to come their way. It is the opinion of Accordo and its representatives that Ardyn and his fate be left to the Lucis kingdom and consequently, the king. Do the men and ladies of either Niflheim or Tenebrae object?”
There was a silence that followed with whispers and murmurs as aids were consulted. All the while, Noctis could feel a heaviness take hold of him. There was something in the way that Camelia spoke that had him questioning where she truly stood. Her tone and her words almost as acted as a subtle warning, and Noctis couldn’t help but observe her, trying to find any quirks he could exploit. His focus only taken away when the ambassador from Tenebrae stood.
“The people of Tenebrae bow out with no objections.” The ambassador somberly stated. He took a seat with a breath, shaking his head.
“The people of Niflheim concede their offer.” The council member stated, clearly upset but alas was respectful to the wishes of his fellow men and women of the group.
“All in favor of Ardyn Lucis Caelum also known as Adagium, former chancellor Izunia of Niflheim, and former founder of the Kingdom of Lucis to be given punishment per the current Insomnian kings orders. Please raise your hand and say I.” One of the national negotiators in the meeting announced.
The hands went up of every leader and speaker, with Noctis being the final one to raise his own. They made their proclamations known.
“It is decided.” The negotiator proclaimed, and with heavy minds, the leaders moved on to the next order of business with the restoration movement. Noctis in the meantime did his best to pay attention as the burden of Ardyn’s fate fell onto his subconscious.
Noctis spoke with many people long after the summit concluded hours later. A sense of repose had come upon the leaders after much more of the restoration project was discussed. It was as if the subject of Ardyn couldn’t be bothered with, especially when more relief and construction was coming to so many. There was an air of hope that flowed through everyone that couldn't be tampered with. Alas, Noctis knew his side of things regarding Ardyn wasn't over. Far from it.
As soon as he wrapped up his interview with Insomniac News, Noctis traveled to Camelia while she was signing a few documents her aids presented in the gardens.
“Would it be too much trouble to have a word with Madam Secretary?” Noctis politely interrupted.
“Not at all, your grace. I’m finishing up as we speak.” Camelia smiled, gesturing for her aids to leave them be.
“Walk with me,” Noctis said as they both stood side by side, venturing into the heart of the palace of gardens. Both of them admired the beauty surrounding them, and how there were hundreds upon hundreds of different flowers and plants to greet. Out of sight, and no longer playing to their roles as leaders of respective countries, the two allies relaxed in each others presence.
“I must say that Lunafreya has done a great job with the gardens. You both have much to be proud of rebuilding your home.” Camelia said sincerely, stopping to reach at a sylleblossom. Her hands, now aged substantially, admired the softness of the blue flowers touch.
“Luna gets all the credit. I sit back and water when she needs me to, or when she yells at me because I forget.” Noctis said with a smile. The two of them laughed while they decided to continue their trek.
“You did quite well back there,” Camelia complimented. “I think you would have given Regis a run for his money at negotiation.”
Noctis shook his head in disbelief, chuckling as he looked ahead. “I’m afraid I’m still bullheaded when it comes to certain things.”
“Ah, but your father was too when he was younger. You held your own like he would’ve.” Camelia stated with a grin, reminiscing of her younger years for a time. She then sighed, furrowing her brows as Noctis glanced her way.
“And much like your father, I know when a Caelum is trying to get into my good graces for a favor.”
Noctis let out a small laugh. “I guess I wasn’t so subtle at the meet.”
“I’m afraid not.”
Camelia smirked, the wrinkles on her face tightening as she too laughed. Nonetheless despite the playful banter, Camelia sensed a pressing matter had to be troubling the king. Otherwise Noctis wouldn’t have pulled the stunt he did during the meet when everyone discussed Ardyn.
“Please, share with me what you need.” Camelia welcomed.
Noctis, as much as he was elated to know she would hear him out, could feel the dread of his request at hand. Considering what happened at the summit, Noctis knew he might be poking a bear with a stick, but he had to try. He made a vow.
“It’s about the woman your men arrested. The one who was with Ardyn at the time of his retrieval,” Noctis said calmly. “I wanted to know if you would be open to negotiations regarding her.”
“What do you want with Zamfir?” Camelia was quick to anger. Not bothering to hide her disdain from the get go. She stopped walking to face Noctis while her arms crossed.
Noctis was taken back, but he held himself. Letting out a sigh, Noctis remained mindful to appeal to the caring side of Camelia he knew was in there beneath the shrewd exterior. He gave a respectful and apologetic bow with his head.
“I meant no offense,” Noctis rose his head and met Camelia's eyes with a unyielding lock. “It has been brought to my attention the crimes Zamfir committed within the Lucis kingdom. With her being a citizen, Zamfir should be facing punishment on these lands and not in Accordo. Your people had no right to export her without notifying me considering the severity of said crimes. Genocide is not something the kingdom takes lightly.”
Camelia was quiet. The ironed aura she had began to falter as she knew Noctis had her there. She looked off to a nearby tree to calm herself. Observing its leaves flowing against the north winds coming through.
“We had been after Zamfir for so long, I didn’t want to risk her escaping. Especially with the knowledge she had been traveling with Ardyn. I can make amends for my neglect at not communicating to you on the matter, but I will hold my ground highness, when I say that Zamfir will answer to the courts of my land. If you recall, we had agreements made about arrests and such when I sent over my troops to help Lucis capture war criminals that took advantage of the daemon calamity.”
“If I may be bold, what sort of evidence do you have against her?” Noctis asked.
“Word from her fathers men that we’ve imprisoned, and several eye witnesses over the years. Considering the body count, it’s more than enough for the death penalty.” Camelia said firmly. Her throat bobbed. She could feel her blood boil.
“And what about due process?” Noctis countered. “You’re trusting the words of other war criminals and not willing to hear the other side of things? For all you know, it could be a lie so they don’t have to face the consequences of their actions.”
Camelia was visibly offended. Her features becoming more grim as she raised a brow at Noctis.
“This is where you and I differ, along with our respective countries. We see justice differently. You have no room to judge as I have no room to judge how you will handle the Adagium.”
Noctis furrowed his brows, knowing he needed to loosen the blow and contain himself.
Camelia once upon a time had been known for being stern yet fair. Nowadays she was more or less the same but guarded and less open to compromise. A far cry from the woman Noctis and his late father knew well. Yet at the same time, Noctis couldn’t blame her. Not after how much her country and the world suffered. The dark times that had left Eos in shambles had hardened everybody. Including himself.
“Yes, you’re correct.” Noctis conceded. Then he took in a deep breath. Bracing himself for the offer he was about to make.
“If it would make amends for my transgression, I’m willing to trade Ardyn in for Zamfir. Accordo can do as they please with him. I am under no objection to whatever punishment you’d think would be worthy. I know the suffering Ardyn put upon you and your people.” Noctis stated.
Noctis saw Camelia’s eyes widen in shock. Almost as if he had something grotesque upon his face. The way she studied him, looking for any sign of a façade had Noctis remain firm in his convictions. He had rehearsed this for a while, ever since Ardyn told him he was willing to die for Caelan.
“I fear I need more of an explanation because this is…beyond measure, Noctis. Beyond what was agreed upon at the summit.” Camelia’s tone was low, suspicious and in awe as Noctis gave a nod of reassurance.
“I reinstated Ardyn into history and gave him the full rights as the founder king. Whatever punishment I deal to Ardyn will be impartial to bias. Entrusting him to you would assure the people of the world a few things: that a king knows when he can step down regarding his blood, that the strength between Lucis and Accordo is strong, and this sends a message to the rest of the war criminals you’ve been seeking to capture: that not even the Adagium can escape the hands of Accordo’s most powerful.”
“And Zamfir?”
“Simple, she’s a citizen of my kingdom and she will have her day in the courts. More than likely will receive the same consequence you originally intended if the evidence backs it up.”
Camelia was stunned to say the least. She contemplated heavily at the offer, her left hand rubbing her chin while she began to pace herself. There were several moments of pause and reflection until she stopped. Camelia approached Noctis, placing a hand upon his shoulder. For the first time during the conversation, did she appear legitimately apologetic.
“I’m not going to ask why this is so important to you, and I don’t care to know.” Camelia began. She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment as Noctis looked beside himself.
“As much as I would love nothing more than to see Ardyn’s head roll on my doorstep, I can’t in good conscience agree to this. The summit wouldn’t take too kindly to us having an under the table deal. We can’t afford to undo the trust we’ve built, Noctis. My people see Zamfir as a boogeyman of sorts. One that is long overdue to be slain. I can’t let them down much like you can’t let your people down when it comes to taking responsibility for Ardyn. I’m sorry, your majesty. The answer is no.”
Noctis was silent as he watched Camelia’s hand leave him. He alas submitted with an affirmative nod, knowing he had no more cards to play for the time being.
“Thank you for hearing me out at least. I know this conversation was--not expected.” Noctis spoke calmly while Camelia gave a reassuring smile.
“And I apologize for my temper flaring,” She paused. “I’m getting too old for this job.”
They both laughed, trying to ease the tensions that lingered in the atmosphere. Easier said than done, but it was a start.
“I must attend to my aids and prepare for departure. Regarding Ardyn, he may be needed in Accordo when we begin Zamfir’s sentencing. Since he too is a witness, unfortunately. Customs dictate he give an in person account to the officials.” Camelia said bitterly, nonetheless there was a submission in her tone that had Noctis brainstorming.
“Just send word for when he’s needed and I’ll ensure he’s delivered.” Noctis promised. With that, they both respectfully bowed to one another and Camelia departed from the gardens leaving Noctis by himself.
Now alone, Noctis took a seat by one of the fountains. His eyes glanced up towards the sky. He was uncertain what would transpire. Ardyn would be irreconcilable hearing there was nothing that could be done for Caelan. There was no question about that. Noctis feared it would be enough to trigger Ardyn into doing something stupid, or worse yet harm others. The king knew he couldn’t approach Ardyn for now with this information, not until he solidified the small seeds of an idea that was blossoming into roots of a tree. It grew and grew, and soon enough, Noctis could see the branches teeming with life.
“There may be a way out for everyone,” Noctis said aloud.
A half hour later, Noctis looked up upon hearing the footsteps of his friends. Prompto, Gladio and Ignis showed concern as they approached. Before they could say a word, Noctis stood up from the fountain ledge. His features carried compassion and surrender while he glanced at them all.
“I need your counsel more than ever.”
“For sure, we’re here for ya bud! Everything go crystal at the meeting?” Prompto was the first to say something, and before Ignis or Gladio could interject, Noctis approached and walked past them, gesturing for them to follow. He ignored Prompto’s question.
“Good, because I’m about to do something really stupid.”
An outpouring of what’s, exclamations, and questions followed Noctis down the hallway. He ignored everybody, determined to make it to a private room before he would discuss his plan to his retainers.
"Noct, there is something you should see before we go any further!" Ignis managed to get a word in while they traveled down the grand hall leading towards the exit of the palace.
"We don't have time for this, Ignis. We need to be quick and decisive from this point forward!"
"Ig is right, Noct. There's a reason we all showed up in the gardens just now to retrieve ya." Gladio piped up. The three men stopped in the tracks as did Noctis. The king turned around to face his brothers, puzzlement ever present on his face.
"Right outside these doors," Ignis began and gestured towards the palace gates. "Are nearly a hundred people and counting that have come to seek an audience with you."
"Regarding what?"
"More like whom." Prompto chimed in. The blond glanced between his friends, earning a nod from Gladio to speak further. "Word about Cae being arrested traveled. It seems she's got quite a base of people that like her. Everyone out there is somebody she's helped over the years."
"What?" Noctis made a face. He shook his head and traveled up to one of the palace windows, the large structures allowing Noctis and his retainers to peer out among the crowd. Sure enough, what his friends said was true. There were a few hundred people taking up space on the palace steps leading to the entrance of the citadel. Many conversing amongst themselves. As Noctis's eyes glanced over every man and woman he could see thus far, he settled on a couple. They were probably the oldest citizens among the flock and looked determined despite appearing weary. Letting out a deep breath, Noctis bit the inside of his mouth while he contemplated his next moves.
"This may help further yet," Noctis gestured with his head. "Gladio, dial in the guard, ensure these people are escorted to the throne room and made comfortable. Prompto, I want you to call in for counsel to hold an emergency session and take statements from everyone present. Ignis, I need you to call in for a private meeting between myself and the Niflheim council members. I will explain myself soon. Finish up my commands, and meet me in my chambers. Alone."
Noctis could see the billions of questions and remarks each of his men wanted to make, however they were stunned in silence. The king took the opportunity to address his friends and offer reassurance.
"I don't mean to leave you in the dark. Just trust me, guys."
"We got you bud!" Prompto smiled, raising a thumb up before he went to work followed by Gladio and Ignis.
"Wait, what about Ardyn?" Gladio, despite not giving two hells about their captive, couldn't help but wonder where the Adagium fit in all of this mess. He paused in his steps, turning to face the king.
"I'm thinking as I'm going. However, Ardyn comes last." Noctis said firmly. "Now go!"
While his three most trusted ran to take care of his commands, Noctis decided he needed to speak with Luna before running his scheme with the boys. If there was anybody that could offer a broad perspective, and be honest with him in full, it was her. His heart thumped deeply in his chest thinking about seeing her after the long day he had. Luna's comfort offered solace to Noctis, knowing when it came time to deal with Ardyn, peace may no longer be in the cards.
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sergeantgoggles · 2 years
📚 👀
I know I’ve talked to you and a few others in CSP extensively about it for like, the last year and a half, but I would love to make the Camboy AU into a real work of fiction.
The biggest issue with that I think is that there is SO MUCH to it. Every single character has a long backstory with how they came to be where they are when we meet them in the main storyline that helps how they integrate into the core group. Even the parents and their later on children have stories and there is just no possible way to capture all of that in a form of written fiction that wouldn’t take me 27 years. Plus, it’s ever evolving, and so many people have given their input and time into making it what it has become today.
But, so that everyone else is clued in, here is the main ongoing story.
Alyxander “Tech” Techovsky is a college student pursuing his degree in rocket science. He’s had it rough for the last couple of years. His extravagantly wealthy parents have cut him off after finding out through nefarious means that their son is gay, and his drug addict ex-boyfriend (named Chaz), has abused him since, including but not limited to offering Tech as a sexual favor for him to get drugs, physically abusing him, and a load of mental abuse to go along with it.
After a night of Chaz’s excessive drinking, he threatens to kill Tech. He comes up with a slough of excuses as to why it would be better if he was gone, Tech reaches out to the only people who might still care.
Cue Echo Bowers, his first and best friend since elementary school who doesn’t come from much, but since his father is a teacher in their school system, he was able to get his school of choice throughout the years to stay with Tech. Echo and his middle school sweetheart, (also Tech’s other best friend since middle school) Lincoln “Fives” Rodriguez, come to the rescue.
Now the three of them are living on their own, and Tech really needs a job that will work with his night owl sleep schedule and allow him to be flexible with his classes. Through some thought and a few wild suggestions later, Tech decides that he’s comfortable enough with his body and his sexuality that he can work himself in front of a camera. It’s awkward at first, of course, but soon enough he’s gaining followers, subscribers, and is at least able to make ends meet just by being pretty and sexually with a few guys for some money. After all, there is no shame in sex work.
He gets plenty of DMs from guys wanting to hook up, and though some of them are tempting, that isn’t the kind of thing that Tech is looking for. However, there is one guy that messages him one night who has been subscribed for a little while, and something about him is different. Talking to him is easy, and Tech doesn’t feel like he has to fake it or put on a show for this guy, so he gets brave and asks what his real name is. He wants to know this man better.
“My name is Hunter.”
Hunter Sharp is a custom car and bike mechanic at a garage near the same city where Tech lives. He’s a couple of years older, and has no blood siblings, but he has an older step-brother named Cody Fett, and thinks of his boyfriend, Rex Tano, in a similar fashion.
The story is basically about how these two come together and work through the trials and tribulations of Tech learning how it’s okay that he’s not perfect because he is loved for exactly who he is, broken family and past and all. Not to mention all of the other characters that make an appearance: Jesse the baseball scholarship kid who wants to heal the world with music. Kix, the med student with narcissistic parents who just wants to be seen, Tup, Fives’s personal secretary who has to keep up with all of the latest drama and constantly cancel Fives’s meetings, Hardcase, the stoner photographer that Echo met during his study abroad in Europe. And there’s more, too!
This whole story means so much to me and I hate that I know I’ll never be able to put it all down and compile it into something cohesive.
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chromsai · 7 years
okay so i've been following you for a long time now mostly bc of the FE content, and i always see yugioh on my dash bc of you (it's gr8 i'm not complaining) bc of this i really wanna start watching it but i feel like i won't get things if i don't watch the original or the stuff before Arc V. What would you recommend i watch first? thanks!!!
I mean everyone’s gonna have their bias in any franchise with multiple entries and yes by now literally everyone knows my bias but here I’m gonna give you my most unbiased opinion possible on them all to hopefully give you some perspective and hopefully you choose whichever one is most appealing to you and no don’t worry you dont have to have seen any of them in any order before watching any of them!! You can just jump right into any and enjoy card games in heck ok so here goes (I won’t spoil anything, I promise!):
TL;DR answer: No, you don’t need to have seen any of the Yugioh series before any of them to just jump right into any, just like with any FE game. I don’t have a straightforward recommendation for which Yugioh you should start with because I really believe you should be able to start with whichever appeals to you most. Though, if I had you watch only one Yugioh, of course my vote would be for Arc V.
(Longer answer with detail on each of the spinoffs under the cut.)
Duel Monsters aka DM aka “the original Yugioh”:•Number of episodes: 224•Basic summary: Normal high school kid solves the Millenium Puzzle, a mystical pendant with the soul of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, and goes thru many trials and tribulations to find out the mysteries of said pharaoh’s past (with card games!) and save the world.•Who it’s for: This is probably the most mystical/(fictionally)mythological of all the Yugiohs and the original, of course. Major themes include The Power of Friendship and… I mean there’s others but basically that’s the main MAJOR theme. Anyway, if you like archaeology themes and seeing heroes overcome the odds thanks to their friends’ support and don’t mind sitting through really long arcs (with pretty amusing recurring characters), this Yugioh is for you.
GX:•Number of episodes: 180•Basic summary: So dueling is an actual profession and there are actual schools that get you thru all the basics as if it was an actual real life college major or smth and our hero is just a normal teen kid without a care in the world that just wants to be the very best like no one ever was except for the school he applies and gets into and lives for the next 3 years of his life trying to achieve this is literally fucking cursed have fun.•Who it’s for: So you like slice of life anime? So you like slice of life anime with characters that are really interesting and have good development? So you like slice of life anime with teen drama? So you like slice of life anime with a bit of trauma? So you like slice of life anime with childrens trading card games from actual hell? WELL BOY YOU’RE IN FOR A REAL TREAT, THIS YUGIOH IS FOR YOU!!
5Ds:•Number of episodes: 154•Basic summary: Wow how do I summarize this one? Well, basically our hero and his entourage are all trying to save their city (and basically the whole world) from both an ancient mystical force AND a futuristic force. Yes. Time travel is a thing here. Are you also a Zelda fan, by any chance? Welcome to the Ocarina of Time of the Yugioh franchise (#TIMELINESPLITTER).•Who it’s for: Yes, this is indeed the CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES anime that perhaps you’ve heard about, but trust me the concept is more intriguing than you might think. If you like innovative ideas and themes about changeable and intertwining destinies + the bonds between the hero and all those who he’s befriended and met, then you’ll love this Yugioh. 
Zexal (I+II):•Number of episodes: 73 in Zexal I, 73 in Zexal II. 146 total. The shortest of all the Yugiohs (so far).•Basic summary: The entire story comprises of the bond between a boy and his alien (which only he can see and interact with) and trying to regain said alien’s memory back which was split into 99 cards. Zexal II expands on this as the alien begins to regain his memories.•Who it’s for: Major themes in this show include overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles and learning compassion from both your allies AND your enemies. Hell, I’d say rival bonds are one of the major themes here too. If you like ultra sci-fi settings and aliens and intergalactic wars, this Yugioh is for you.
Arc V:•Number of episodes: 148•Basic summary: Our hero starts off wanting to simply work towards becoming a great entertainer like his missing father was but along the way finds out the world is much larger than he ever could have imagined it could be while also finding out the hard way that [Chrom voice] war is hell. (Alternatively, [Kiragi voice] war is HECK). •Who it’s for: Yeah this show is about war but it’s also about the psychological implications of war and the innocents it affects and the irreversible consequences that come with it. It’s also very personal story about overcoming your own self, despite pressure from society. Unlike with the past shows, while there is still a sense of camaraderie between the characters, Arc V’s themes are much more individualistic. The two major themes of this show are to “take a step forward with courage” and finding a way to bring peace and make everyone smile. Ultimately, if you like wonderfully cute/pretty yet heart-wrenching aesthetics, this Yugioh is for you (and for me).Note on Arc V: This show does have references to past Yugiohs and also features characters from past series, but it is ultimately an AU of each of the past shows so there is no continuity from them to be seen here, meaning that even if you start with Arc V, you won’t be spoiling yourself or confused about said references from past series. Mainly the references are there as happy nods to the fandom veterans, kinda like how Awakening has a bunch of nods to past FE games but they don’t meddle with the story (I myself started with Awakening and didn’t find myself confused by any of the references, or noticed them at first, just to put things in perspective since it’s exactly like that with Arc V). [Speaking of FE, I have a feeling that if you liked Awakening, you’ll like Arc V...]
Vrains:•Number of episodes: ongoing (it just started airing like ~8 weeks ago)•Basic summary: Our hero trying to figure out his own past while in conflict with 2 other enemy factions that are chasing him cuz he took a very important AI for hostage. (Tbh there’s not much to go on since it’s still very early so sorry this is the most I can say about it.)•Who it’s for: Similar to Zexal, if you like futuristic, VR-centered themes (kinda like SAO lol) you’ll probably like the idea of this Yugioh. So far, I can’t really say much more because, again, it’s still very early in its run.
Okay well, I tried hiding my bias as much as I could. I think there��s something to be enjoyed from each of the series, but of course my absolute favorite (by a very long shot) is Arc V so I’d recommend that over any of the others. Just a quick ranking of the Yugiohs based on my experience watching them: 1. Arc V3. GX/5Ds (I can never decide, sorry)4. DM5. Zexal
(no ranking for Vrains cuz yeah)Lastly, even despite all this (and my undying love for Arc V), I really, really think you should just watch whichever seems most appealing to you! If you do decide to start a Yugioh, I’ll be happy no matter what! I hope at the very least some of this helped. Happy watching!!
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chaoticstabby · 1 year
Being a DM has been an ExperienceTM so far, but there’s nothing like watching one of your players eat the heart of a fiend he just killed, promptly fail his Con save, and lose 4 of his remaining 8 hit points when you know they’re about two seconds from getting into combat again
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chaoticstabby · 10 months
As hesitant as I was originally, I've found that GMing is so much fucking fun, honestly
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chaoticstabby · 1 year
Honestly the duality of me not being sure about being a DM vs me going to my brother for advice on actual cryptography for my campaign's fourth session is absolutely hilarious to me
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chaoticstabby · 1 year
The fun thing about being a DM is that I also occasionally get to horrify my players with bird facts
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