#the oh cees
neptunebeetle · 2 years
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Girls! Gather roung. We are going to kill this guy
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sefusneezed · 26 days
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Its like eating a tub of ice cream when you're depressed
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jayrockin · 2 months
Do any of the characters do "camping". What would "camping" look like in the different species of Runaway to the Stars?
I have literally been writing a self indulgent "the gang goes backpacking on Naya Pradesh" story in my head for months now. I wish I had time to draw it. Shyam is the one who is most interested in camping and would be the hike planner (despite having the poorest walking endurance...). Wilderness waste management would get weird with a multispecies posse, would probably have to bring a portable incinerator lavatory.
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cherryblossomriot · 2 years
I think alot about serizawa.
that he's so powerful and so sensitive, and how he's the very common Shonen anime trope of "villain with tragic backstory who just needed friends and is won over to the hero's side after the hero listens to them and shows them kindness" but like, his tragic backstory is so grounded in places others just aren't? like, he just didn't want to hurt anybody, so he hid himself away. that's so simple, yet so poignant and painful, so...normal. its such a common emotion, such a common solution. its not a healthy one or a "good" one, but its all he had...and then at some point, his self-imposed isolation became so hurtful to him that it caused him to become vulnerable to exploitation. to manipulation, and he became a weapon in a never ending cycle of violence, until someone was kind enough to listen to him, to want to help him.
and then i think about the fact that that person was just a child who had experienced the exact same struggle but was provided tools by people who loved him to help manage his problems....and it honestly makes me so emotional. because, like, it's a perfect allegory for how living with mental illness affects people.
serizawa is older than mob, so the society he grew up in didn't know how to handle his powers (mental illness/neurodivergency), but now, as times have changed and society has become increasingly more aware, it opens the pathway for people to find strength together, to have people in their lives that understand that they need kindess, they need love, that their mental illness isnt something bad or wrong.
but even more than that, they know that their differences do not make them bad people, they are not something to be shunned and hidden away, but just something to be worked through. just a unique aspect of how that person is, and it's neither good nor bad, just how they are.
and then i think about how serizawa didn't have anyone like that in his life until he was 30, and how those years of isolation and then manipulation (which caused him to do the very thing he was afraid of), how all of that could have broken him could have made him unloving, could have made him bitter. but instead, he overcame his fears, his guilt, his shame, and under all of that, he's just kind.
when i get really afraid, of myself, of the world, when i want to myself hide away and never leave my bed, my room, i think of him, and i feel so comforted, so much less alone.
what a wonderful man, written so gently, so lovingly. it's so rare to see a grown man with a stigmatized symptom of mental illness depicted in such a kind way, it makes me want to hug ONE through a phone screen.
anyway, uh. yeah katsuya. i think he's pretty neat.
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cruell-summers · 26 days
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eraofevermore · 16 days
I wish we would pronounce w as wuh or woo cause I hate saying double-U
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disacurveball · 1 year
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I think the Jonathan Fanshawe tag will be fed today for once. As a treat.
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kathegoose · 6 months
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This Tiger Rocks!
TIGER ROCK TIGER ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i gave him a little bit of a redesign because my inner voice kept shouting BIG COLLAR BIG CUFFS and stuff,,. but otherwise he dons his white-pink-gold look from the book cover :] (with a twinge'o purple)
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iftheshoef1tz · 6 months
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Is this what I think it is????? (The claws pressing into skin have me feral)
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levenxa · 7 days
(Sports fans cheering) OCs! OCs! OCs! OCs!
Yippee!! I have references done, (i drew it awhile ago) but the storyline is still in the ‘re-working’ stage! :)
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neptunebeetle · 2 years
For the ask game hmm do you have any favorite OCs rn :3c
GOOD QUESTION im really into those weirdos ive been making refs for lately…
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Skrunkly bunklies … these r the main characterz but i plan on making more eventully ^_^
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hvndredbattles · 1 month
trying not to make direct eye-contact with everything in my drafts (including some askbox memes that i've migrated in there; i promise i'm percolating on those stars!)
i've been slamming my lil noggin against the wheels of academia, but with results! i've got a roadmap for the rest of my degree! i've also been studying for an exam i take today, and have been poking at a research paper (small) due in a few weeks. but i'm lurking! def gonna keep with my "reply to whatever i have words for first, not chronologically" model that at least gets things out periodically, but i have my eye on everything i owe, cross my lil squid heart.
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noonbeam17 · 3 months
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for the @unvale-io space event! finished this a few days ago. so so proud of how it came out :3
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michaelectras · 1 year
as the patron saint of eldest daughters i believe its michaels god-given (lol) right to have a south asian vessel in any two-body situation which makes midam even funnier because their relationship becomes a literal netflix plot. adam’s his white boy awakening. 15x08 is his never have i ever moment.
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cruell-summers · 21 days
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sanchoyo · 11 months
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the pain of not wanting to spoil things but not having the energy to write or draw out the entire story right this minute 😔
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