#the movie was meh but these two carried
dayzsaclark · 6 months
No one understood these queens like we early 2000s kids did! 🎄🎅🏻💵
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pwojo97 · 2 years
It really does seem like they had two different teams working on the Mario movie. One that legitimately cares about making a good Mario movie, full of people who love the games and everything about them, and want to do right by it. And the other team who just wanted to make something as popular to the general audience as possible without going over budget.
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sgiandubh · 4 months
Onlies at large
Sometimes (often, even), I can't sleep. And when I can't sleep, I get easily bored, if not focused on something. And there was nothing of particular import on Netflix or Amazon Prime, yesterday night. Aaand, as I don't have access to my bookshelves back home, I went looking for a light something to read myself to the Land of Nod.
I am, since forever, a solid reader of non-fiction. Memoirs, diaries are a special interest, too. So I just wanted to see if there were any nice memoirs of people who went to Scotland in search of a new life/love/whatever, Under The Tuscan Sun -style. Everand/Scribd is a decent starting point for the such, at 2 AM.
There weren't and I wonder why. But as I was browsing around, lo and behold, I found a tiny, self-published memoir by a certain Ninya (not her real name, of course): Scotland with a Stranger (2020).
Great literature it is not. It is naive and the narrative line sounded really, really meh to me: a 43 year old Alabama depressed divorcee finds healing and a renewed purpose for life, while traveling to Scotland with an improbable companion.
So, I skimmed and skimmed and skimmed (FFS, when is she going to PACK, this one?). Then, I found this and no, I am not sorry AT ALL for the length (passages are bolded by me).
Thank you Baby Jesus, she finally made it to her EDI flight:
'(...) I noticed a little emblem on the shirts of many of the women on this flight. It looked like mountains and said Peaker. All the women were laughing and chatting and carrying on like they had known each other forever.
“Is this your first trip to Scotland?” I tried to make small talk with the lady next to me.
“Heavens, no! It’s my sixth.”
“Wow,” I said. “It’s such a big world, but you keep coming back here?”
“Yes, it’s just incredibly beautiful. I never get tired of it. There is no other place as magical on earth.” She smiled wistfully. “I’m actually coming for a gala.”
“A gala?” I parroted back to her. I thought galas were reserved for Barbie movies. In my social circle, no one I knew ever attended a gala.
“Yes! It’s called My Peak Challenge.” She leaned in closer, excited to share. “Have you read the Outlander series?”
“Funny you ask that because I just downloaded the first book.” It seemed like required reading when you went to Scotland. I loved to read and had nothing but time due to my social media fast, so it was sitting unopened on my iPad.
“Well, the character of Jamie is played by Sam Heughan, and he is the founder of My Peak Challenge. It’s not just a club; it’s a movement, and every year they have a gala in Edinburgh. People come from all over the world for this event.”
The germaphobe next to me chimed in. “This is my first year, but he has truly changed my life. I’ve lost twenty-two pounds.” I was impressed, having weighed nearly two hundred myself at one point. Losing sixty of it was one of the biggest accomplishments of my life.
“Losing weight is so hard,” I commiserated with her. “How did you do it?”
“The boring way, eating right and exercising.” She laughed, and I laughed with her because I knew too well it was the only way that worked long-term.
She continued on. “My Peak Challenge is a training and nutrition program where we support and challenge each other, but it’s not just that because Sam has raised nearly two million dollars for charities all over the world. He’s just incredible.” She was practically swooning and literally fanning herself. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was hot, or because she was.
That nutrition program must include the Sam Heughan is a God Kool-aid.
“This conference includes a meet and greet and a gala and a special workout that Sam leads. He’s just an amazing human being,” she gushed. She clearly was in love with Sam Heughan.
“I have been chosen to introduce him,” the sweet older lady to my left said. “So, I’ve got the next eight hours to figure out the words to say to introduce the man who has completely changed my life.”
“Yes!” She went on. “It’s an incredible organization. He’s really affecting change on a global level.” (sic!)
Great. I am stuck between two evangelists at a Sam Heughan-is-the-greatest-human-in-the-world presentation.
“We have a Facebook group, and everyone is just so awesome and supportive. It really is a family.”
“And how much does it cost to be in this family?” I asked skeptically.
“It wasn’t much,” she defended, quickly changing the topic. “Nearly every penny is donated to charity. He is changing lives,” she stressed so incredibly seriously I had to cover my mouth to stifle a giggle.
Is this a cult? It sounds like a cult. I am trapped on an airplane for the next eight hours with the Sam Heughan cult.
Luckily for me, headphones exist. It was an overnight flight, which meant I could close my eyes and pretend to sleep, and there were movies to be seen.' (Ninya - Scotland with a Stranger: A Memoir, Chapter Thirteen).
For some reason, I doubt Ninya ever opened that OL first tome, on her IPad or elsewhere. But the point of my post is not to poke fun at SRH, MPC and all the gracious Peakers who read and often comment on this humble blog (@ladyjane-lj, @rosfrank immediately come to mind and I am sure they are not the only ones).
The reason I quoted this passage at almost full length, despite the paltry writing skills and abysmal grammar/spelling on display (Sweet Baby Jesus, please make people see the real difference between affect and effect, thank you and amen) is that we are dealing here with a unique perspective on a sizeable chunk of this fandom. You see, Ninya has no damn agenda to promote, in OL terms. She is not a shipper, but she is not an Anti, either. She couldn't care less if S+C=❤️, or if Tait rhymes with Fate (it rhymes with Bait, if you ask me). She doesn't know anything about OL, its cast, its Best Fans Ever, you and me and her.
And this is precisely why her perspective is so damn interesting. She is a mere passer-by, who failed to be grabbed in by the OTT Only Mommie gushing and who saw possessiveness and objectification disguised as love. She saw the most problematic, hypocrite and unimportant side of this whole experience and this whole fandom. And it's terrible and I am really sorry she did.
Maybe someone else than us reads this. For once, I wish they did, for it is an unadulterated, faraway echo of Real Life and the Real World. Selling that Toy Boi image is WRONG, *** and PR and TPTB. It's counterproductive and a total turnoff to real people who can't be arsed to even look for the Balmaclellan Adonis on Google, just because this fan substack is really, really embarrassing.
Of course, they blindly buy the booze, religiously sign in year after year to just about everything he sells around. Of course they show up every single time and pitch their tents on the rude city pavement in front of God Knows Which liquor store in Whoville, America. But they also show up with baked lasagna, pinch his ass (Madame Tussaud's, anyone?) and geriatrically swoon front row, cackling and giggling and catcalling like they were 12. It's also because of these women that OL lost its fabulous innocence and authenticity and it's because of these women we do have the Global Merry-Go-Round Seasonal Shitshow that keeps all of us (sickly, I am the first to admit it) engaged here.
Finally, this is also why I am closely following all the business side of this ahem, universe. It's the road less traveled by and of course, probably the most rewarding.
Shoot me, the very moment I turn into Neilie. Let it be clearly known beforehand. And no, please do not resuscitate. I'd be too ashamed.
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scryarchives · 10 months
𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 - 𝐣𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
khaji-da mentioned something about the new girl 'drea' being dangerous, but what did she mean by 'dangerous'? and how dangerous could she be if she's best friends with his very own sister?
masterlist | previous , next !
– pairings: jaime reyes x oc
– warning: fluff, canon divergent, blue beetle movie spoilers
– author's note: more of a filler chapter haha. disclaimer: i don't speak Spanish, so please do correct me if i am wrong! read more under the cut! :)
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A couple of weeks had passed since the Tlatilpas had come over to the Reyes household. Unfortunately, Anika (or as she asked Jaime to call her “Aunt Anika”) was the only one over as her wife Zara had been too exhausted from the drive to Palmera City.
As nice as their family was from what he gathered, Jaime couldn’t help but let what Khaji-Da told him that day weigh his mind down. He sat on his bed, laptop open on the plush bed sheet as he gnawed the end of his pencil, brows furrowed in thought and confusion.
What did she mean by ‘she’s dangerous’? Did Khaji mean Drea specifically? Or her entire family?
“This ‘Drea’ you worry about, she’s the dangerous one.”
Jaime rolled his eyes. Of course, the blue bug alien bonded to him and responded to him when everything was peaceful and quiet in his home.
“Okay, you’ve said that already, but a little specifics would be nice,” He shrugged sarcastically at the little robotic voice in his head. “I mean, dangerous how? Does she have connections to harmful people? She’s got machinery that can endanger us? What–”
“I scanned her DNA while you were shaking hands,” Khaji-Da cut Jaime off, the male glaring incredulously at the voice.
“First off, we need to set some boundaries, Khaji. You can’t keep scanning all these people without my acknowledgement. It’s creepy and overall weird. Second, how would that make her dangerous? She’s human too.”
“What? You’re saying I’m wrong about scanning people being inappropriate–”
“She’s not one hundred per cent human,” Khaji-Da answered once more, this time, her answer left Jaime on edge. 
“She’s approximately fifty per cent alien.”
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“Milagro! What’s up? How’s my favourite Reyes doin’?” Drea chuckled, her dark waves bouncing behind her in her high ponytail. The bracelets on her wrists ‘clinked’ together as she and the youngest Reyes high-fived, grins wide on their faces.
“¡Soy bien! You?”
The two shared a handshake, and despite their fast friendship, they got along well, like two peas in a pod.
“Meh, could be better,” She chuckled, rubbing her upper arm. “My Amma had a whole list of chores for me to do, so my arms are completely wiped out.”
“Ah man, I get you,” Milagro scoffed, nudging shoulders with her best friend. “Hey, you wanna come in? I’m sure we got something we could watch together.”
“Yeah, of course! Oh, by the way,” Milagro perked up, seeing Drea halt. “I almost forgot, Amma made some snacks a few days ago, so she asked me to bring some to you.”
It was then that Milagro realised that Drea was carrying a backpack and the Latina walked over to help hold the item up as Drea pulled out a little transparent container with a red twist-on lid.
“It’s more of a traditional snack from her home town? Country? One of those,” The older woman shrugged. “It’s called murukku, not sure if you’ve heard of it, but it’s one of my favourites. Vadai’s a close second.”
Milagro hummed at the spiral-looking snack, smiling kindly at her friend.
“Aw, look at you all soft for me! I’m gonna hide this in my room forever so that no one else in my family will ever take a bite,” She grinned before it fell. “Actually, better not. My mom is gonna kill me if she finds food in my room.”
“Oh, I know how that feels,” Drea chuckles, the two walking into the Reyes’ humble abode.
“Mom! Drea’s here!” Milagro called out, the woman smiling sweetly the moment Bianca entered her view.
“Hi, Mrs Reyes! Thanks for having me over,” She pulls her bag over one shoulder in slight nervousness, Bianca smiling widely at the girl.
“Oh, it’s no problem, Drea! It’s always wonderful to have a friend of Mili’s over!”
“Her mom made us snacks. No one touches it before I do, please,” Milagro huffed, placing the transparent container on the table as her mom eyed the snack curiously.
“Alright, mija, but there’s no controlling the rest of the family,” Bianca laughed, Milagro rolling her eyes with both love and annoyance as she led her friend towards her little room.
“Did you know I found a stray the other day? Surprisingly, both my moms let me keep him,” Drea whispered to Milagro, hoping to distract her.
“Oh seriously? What’d you name him?” Milagro looked over at Drea in slight surprise. 
“Sparky von Cocoa the First, but Sparky’s just for short.”
“I need pictures of him. ASAP.”
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“Hey Mils, you hungry?” Drea glanced over at Milagro, seeing her friend lying beside her, stomach flat on the bed as her eyes were still glued to the computer, invested in the series the Latina was introduced to named “Never Have I Ever”.
“Uh… I could get a drink, do you want one?” Milagro raised her eyebrows, glancing up at Drea, who shook her head.
“Nah it’s fine, I can get it. You’re too invested to miss anything,” Drea teased, pushing herself up from her cross-legged position. “And I’ve already watched all the episodes up to date, so I’m good.”
“Wow, you do not have a life.”
“I know I don’t,” Drea chuckled, opening her best friend’s room door, and walking out into the corridor.
As soon as she turned around, she noticed that she was face to face with the other Reyes descendent, Jaime’s eyes widened in surprise to see the neighbour’s daughter standing in his home.
“Jaime, hi,” She flashed him a quick smile, and Jaime cleared his throat.
“Hey, uhm, Drea!” He held an awkward smile of his own, eyes guarded. “What’re you doing here? Is Milagro alright?”
“Yeah, she’s fine. Was gonna get us drinks.”
Then silence hung over their heads, neither adult looking at the other before Drea crossed her arms, lifting her left arm to point her thumb in the direction of the kitchen.
“So uh, does Milagro have a specific drink she likes here? Or should I drop by the convenience store to get it?” She asked with genuine curiosity that Jaime almost believed that she was completely human.
Unlike what Khaji warned him about.
“We got uh… something in the fridge that she’ll like.” 
Jaime once again smiled, albeit he smiled flatly, heading out of the corridor, and into the dining area. Trailing him to get the drinks, Drea filled herself a cup of water, eyeing Jaime curiously as the male rushed around the area, as though he was looking for someone.
“How’s life?”
Jaime snapped up, humming before zoning back to her presence. He looked a little lost before he finally registered her question all while fidgeting slightly.
“It’s… life. Nothing much really. Job hunting, trying to keep things afloat,” He answered before heading towards the front door.
“Oh seriously? You’re looking for work too? That’s great,” Drea chimed, brushing off Jaime’s behaviour as nervousness. “Do you think it’d be fine if Milagro and I join you for the search?”
“I mean,” Jaime’s eyes darted to the door as he turned around to answer. “Mili and I were already working that out together but uh, yeah, you’re welcome to join.”
“Great, that’s… yeah, thanks,” Drea smiled gratefully back while Jaime nodded hurriedly.
A silence fell between them once more, Jaime tapping his wrist in urgency, yet he stayed in case there was more conversation she tried to start. Just to confirm, he spoke up, Drea keeping her glass away in the sink as she picked up another full glass of water for her friend in the room.
“Is there anything else you need to ask or…?”
“Ah, nope, I’m done,” Drea shook her head, her eyes widening in realisation of his situation. “Oh, shit, sorry for the hold up.”
Before she could say anything else, Jaime told her his response while walking out, the door slamming shut as she heard his voice ring out for the last time.
“You’re good, no worries!”
As soon as the front door was shut and he had walked out of view of anyone, Jaime sighed as his suit, unfortunately, burning his current clothes off, annoyance filling him. 
He had to speak to Khaji about that, there was no way he could keep buying new clothes for each week.
“I thought you would never leave.”
Speak of the Devil.
“Look, she was nice,” Jaime muttered, the helmet forming over his head. “And she’s Milagro’s friend, I can’t be not nice for no reason.”
“She is an alien. There is a reason to not be nice to her,” Khaji-Da responded with a know-it-all tone, Jaime rolling his eyes.
“That’s rich coming from you. Just tell Mama that I’ll be late for dinner.”
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gif by @rob-pattinson
taglist: @mooncleaver
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wolfnesta · 11 months
I’ve sort of stopped posting rant peices because meh I feel like everything that’s needed to be said has been said but I just kind of caught myself analyzing SJM’s writing after my reread of the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and it led me to a comparison that somewhat allowed me to pin point why I just couldn’t really get into Feyre’s character. This is not anti Feyre before people get carried away but I do suggest you ignore this post if you’re a diehard fan even if it’s mostly an SJM critique.
For context during my first read of acotar I was a hardcore Hunger Games fan (the books because I loathe the movies). I’m talking obsessed since even before Mockingjay, the book, came out. And so Feyre somewhat gave me Katniss vibes with the whole bow and arrow/hunting theme but I say somewhat because the whole theme was ditched after the first few pages of acotar. Which isn’t a problem I mean they’re two different characters, two different stories, two different genres. (Note: absolutely no one can compare to Katniss. Additionally, Sarah can’t compare to Suzanne. But that’s just me) So the reason I still chose to do this comparison is because it sort of helped me understand why I could obsess over one character but reject the other when they hold similar traits. I think the best way I could describe it is from the beginning Suzanne Collins created a distinction between the protagonist and the situation which is so important because this allows the reader to understand details of characters surrounding Katniss and her demise while also understanding the responses she has to them as her own character. Maybe a bit confusing so let me give an example. It is explained why certain characters play a hand in Katniss’s demise like her mother, the tributes, her mentors etc very clearly, as in, we can grasp all the tragedies of their own while also understanding Katniss’s response to them separate than the readers eg. Katniss never being able to forgive her mother’s neglect at the same time that the reader understands the mother had untreated depression, the Careers trying to kill her with malicious intent but also understanding they’re basically puppets of the Capitol, Haymitch being a detoriating alcoholic she finds culpable for the lack of District winners but also knowing it’s his only way to cope with his ptsd. Anything about those characters after that is character development from what was already clearly established, more examples: the reveal of Finnick Odair’s promiscuity then learning he was being sold for sex, realizing Johanna’s lack of self preservation is because everyone she loved was murdered, and basically the whole entire book for President Snow’s character in The Balllad of Songbirds and Snakes which wasn’t even a redemption story it was just— 🤌
Whereas Sarah decides to bring up things at random when readers are suppose to have already made up their minds about Feyre’s demise. Cue in Tamlin going from having decent qualities to sudden complete douche, Nesta’s spiteful comments to suddenly she’ll save her, Lucien being a friend to suddenly he’s in debted to her, heck even —no especially Rhys’s ‘did bad things but turns out they were all for the greater good’ characterization throughout the books and everything he does is fine because of it. Because SJM uses Feyre as a way to make the readers believe how bad/good so and so is vs Suzanne who uses Katniss to provide to readers how Katniss believe’s so and so is. Then the way Sarah throws vague cryptic things to make characters seem traumatized which I’d go as far as to say is cringe borderline disrespectful the way they seem to be presented just for ‘aesthetic’ purposes instead of the very real things those topics entail (I’m looking at you Nesta’s SA plus others) but that’s another topic, I’m derailing.
Which is why I will definitely always say that from the very beginning of acotar the whole Elain and Nesta constituting Feyre’s wicked family trope fell extremely flat to me. Like I was completely unbothered— I couldn’t even bring myself to dislike them because it felt almost too obvious the way they were written plus the lack of explanation as to why?? There is this disconnection because sjm doesn’t clearly explain their behavior until way later which results in just a weird retcon type situation. Not only that but she goes on to build from it giving the sisters more importance in the series.
But whatever, that’s just my opinion. Which I’m sure has been said before in different terms.
Yet still I enjoyed Feyre book 1, although, as I made myself complete the series it seems by acosf she’s almost entirely different except for her self sacrificing qualities that tend to remain in all MC’s. I mean I really don’t think Feyre book 1 or maybe even book 2 would’ve let Rhys get away with that horrid pregnancy trope thing going on but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not the owner of any of these characters so. In the end she’s an okay character to me, she’s a determined, loving person, but I just wouldn’t consider her a fave of mine.
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wishful-bear · 5 months
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Ályosbovic -- (Aye-lie-us bow-vic) "Alien Bovine"
A gender that feels deeply connected to alien cows, the moon and stars, and carries the emotion of not belonging to this world. It's a nonbinary/non-aligned with either masculine or feminine pronouns. Anyone may identify with it.
Ályoswarpbovic -- (Aye-lie-us warp bow-vic) "Aliens Warp Bovine"
A gender where one's identity feels as if it's been abducted by aliens, similar to that of a cow grazing in the field at night. This gender can be connected to aliens, cows, farms, crop circles, classic alien movies, and the unknown.
Notes, random thoughts, ect under the cut (non-essential)
Still here? If so, thanks! I initially made these two genders for myself, as I heavily feel my gender can be somewhat compared to Ályosbovic, as I really love cows haha.
Anyone is free to use these genders, just don't recoin yknow? Anyone is also welcome to put this on some wiki or whatever, a heads up is not required but really appreciated ! I like to read that stuff :}
Also the art was kinda rushed, I'm really rusty. Haven't drawn in a large amount in a good while. Sorry if the flags look kinda meh. The game
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twiixr4kidz · 2 years
I promise dis is da last request….. basically…. Scott and the evil exes (minus roxie) as parent. Y/n headcanons cause Yolo (agian so sorry bout meh overload… I just luv ur work)
omg it's not an overload at all!! i love the fun requests you have :D
scott and the evil exes (minus roxie) as parents!!
scott pilgrim
chaos but not in the absolutely crazy way - in the "i have no idea what im doing" way
he doesn't know how to hold a baby or how to feed a baby or how to change the baby's diaper
so you're going to have to give him like. a lesson on how to.
BUT WHEN HE FINALLY GETS THE HANG OF IT, expect him to actually let you sleep??
he knows it was a lot of work carrying a whole child for 9 months and even though he's exhausted from being up all night with a baby who's whining and crying for seemingly no reason...
he's just happy you're getting your much needed beauty sleep
matthew patel
somehow already knows exactly how to parent??
you don't know where it came from but seeing him bond with your kid is just precious
mattie has an air about him that causes the baby to just... stop?? crying??
you have no idea how he does it but whenever you can't figure out what's wrong, matthew can
this man is a sucker for playing peekaboo with the kid though
like an absolute sucker
the delight on his face when the baby gets surprised is hilariously adorable
lucas lee
bro was built to be a father IM JUST SAYING
he would be an incredible dad
he's not sure about the ins and outs, but neither are you, so it's a learning process for the two of you
the late nights of crying are less than favorable, but whenever one of you is too tired, the other takes over so they can get a little shut-eye in
he's definitely the kind of dad who wants the baby to be his little mini-me
you're going to have to explain to lucas that he cannot put a mini leather jacket onto his 2 month old child and is going to (jokingly) argue with you over it
todd ingram
he gets the hang of the whole dad business pretty damn quick
especially for someone who was panicking about it merely weeks before the birth
and the day of the birth
and every day after that
similarly to lucas, he thinks the whole matching outfit thing is absolutely adorable, and he's going to try to rope you into it too
he's gonna show the kid all of his favorite movies and play his favorite songs for them, even if they're too young to understand what's going on
he's also the kind of dad who totally talks to the kid about how much he loves their parents
kyle katayanagi
he has thrown confetti at this child every single month anniversary of their birth just because he thinks it's the funniest thing ever
and honestly, it kind of is
he's not happy about being up all night, and he's gonna complain about it A LOT
just give him the "i carried this fucking child for 9 months you have no room to talk" look and he'll shut up SJDKFHKSDJHF
despite being a huge dork, he's really helpful with the kid!!
i mean duh
he's the dad
absolutely loves playing with them
he reads them a bedtime story literally every single night and he doesn't plan on stopping ever
ken katayanagi
at first, he isn't sure what to do
of course he wants to bond with his own kid, but he doesn't know how to go about it
literally just hand him the baby while he's going about his normal tasks and he'll eventually get the hang of it
he loves putting the baby to bed, and whenever you can't find him, he's probably sitting in the chair next to crib and making sure the baby's okay
he's gonna be a little more overprotective of both you and your child just because he doesn't wanna see any harm come to either of you
like at all
gideon graves
he's the most responsible man ever
that being said, you once handed the baby off to gideon and came back to see he was explaining all the different parts of his music studio
to a 3 month old
who could only giggle and cry
that being said, he does take care of a lot of responsibilities around the house
moreso now that there's another person to worry about
he insists that you take care of the baby and make sure they're fed and changed and stuff
he starts cooking and cleaning more in between gigs, and even though you can't come as often anymore, he makes sure to make it up to you every single time
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retro-vagabond · 7 months
So I wrote a fic for @batboysxprompts for Pumpkin. It's a #steddie Halloween fic. That became a little longer than I anticipated. Reminder I haven't wrote since high school and this was done on my phone notepad so I apologize for format being kinda meh. Anyway hope you enjoy and Happy Halloween!! 🎃:
He stands on the porch holding the horror tape he was asked to bring, fixing his glasses one more time. Almost hesitating to knock, he doesn't want to seem too eager, he told himself to ease into things with this. Eddie and him had found something in each other that clicked since the Vecna incident happened.
The kids were growing up finally free to roam without the threat of a ticking clock or whatever creature that stumbled into this dimension. They were out at a monster/horror double feature at the drive-in, Wayne out with Jim for beers and bowling, leaving him and Eddie alone for the night.
He could smell Wayne's famous chili through the door, as he raised and knocked. Eddie had invited him over for a surprise, he honestly wasn't sure what to expect, but a night in with him sure beat any Halloween rager that would be going on tonight.
It didn't take long before he was greeted with big earthy brown eyes and smile, pulling him in for a warm embrace, "I was wondering what was taking you so long out there big boy. C'mon I need your help, what we need is in the back of the van still."
"Back of the van-? What do you have planned?", he follows puzzled after letting go of him.
"Well I didn't want anyone to smash them before we had our fun with them!", opening the back doors to his van to reveal two big pumpkins. "I stopped at Merrill's Pumpkin Patch on my way home. Figured we could carve them, have some of Wayne's chili he left in the crock pot for us, and maybe watch whatever movie you picked out."
He looks at Eddie taking him in as he's nervously fidgeting with his hair, "This isn't to lame for Steve Harrington is it? This is probably lame. I mean we could do something el-"
"N-no no! This is actually perfect," he cuts him off to stop the self doubt. He rubs the back of his neck, "I've just never carved a jack-o-latern before."
"What!? How have you never done this before?!", he shrieks theatrically.
"Dad didn't like getting dirty, said mud would ruin my our clothes. Same with trick or treating, they were never home so I'd order pizza with the money they left and just watch movies until I pass out. Then high school happened, that stuff just wasn't cool anymore.", Eddie just pulls him into his side, gives him small kiss on the temple. He knows all too well what it's like to have a shit father too.
"Well we're going to change that Pumpkin make this our new tradition. Mom did this with me up until she passed, Wayne and I carried on with it after that, now I get to share it with you.", he reminiscences before pressing another kiss to my cheek and going in to grab a pumpkin to hand it to me and grab the other before closing the door.
"You're such a sweetheart, you know that? My knight in shining armor", I say as we make it into the house. "Only the best for you my liege," he smiles back, if their hands weren't full he playfully swoon into his arms.
Setting up at the kitchen table, Eddie had laid out newspaper and utensils to carve and scrape out the inwards. They come up with designs, Eddie of course meticulous with detail. When he sticks his hand to pull out the guts, it's definitely a weird experience. He has to remind himself that the Upside Down is gone that this thing won't bury its teeth in and drag him under.
He looks at Eddie, his tongue sticking out at the corner of his mouth and the look of determination is enough to push all those bad thoughts away. He's such a kid at heart, and he really loves this man for it. He settles with something that would make Laurie Stroude proud, which is fitting for the movie he brought. Eddie makes sure to save the seeds to rinse, salt, and cook for Wayne later. Tea lights are lit and put into the finished jack-o-laterns. Eddie has out done himself with a tall tower with a dragon wrapped around it. Light shines through the tower window. Eddie takes a snapshot with his Polaroid camera to preserve the memory.
They settle in with a bowl of chili that always hits the spot with this chill in the air. Steve will have to tell Wayne later this one was for the books as he sets his bowl to rub his stomach. Once Eddie finishes he picks both bowls up to set in the sink to soak and wash later. He hurries back to Steve on the couch resuming his spot cuddled up to him.
Steve laces their fingers together, bringing them to his lips to kiss Eddie's knuckles, "Thank you sweetheart, I really needed this."
"Anything for you pumpkin," he grins before pulling him closer to kiss him properly. They settle in for the night eventually dozing on the couch.
When Wayne gets home he smiles getting out of the truck. Lights dimly flickering in the pumpkins on the porch brings a warm smile to his face. Going in he's sure to be quiet, his boys asleep on the couch. Taking Steve's glasses off and putting them on a nearby table before pulling a blanket over the both of them. He's happy deep down seeing Eddie find someone who understands him, he was reluctant at first, but over time he could see Steve needed and loved him just as much. And with that he turns off the kitchen light and calls it a night knowing this house finally feels like a home.
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blazehedgehog · 2 months
So, Shadow the Hedgehog. Popular. He has a lot of similarities with Mewtwo, Pokemon's own breakout character. Do you have opinions about Mewtwo in his debut movie? The two characters have similar traits and goals.
I do not really have opinions about Mewtwo, no. I've only ever seen that first Pokemon movie maybe twice, and it was many, many, many years ago. I remember thinking it felt really hamfisted.
I probably thought of Mewtwo in the same way I thought of Shadow: as playing to an archetype. In Shadow, I saw the "genetically enhanced super soldier" type of anime character. Another Sephiroth who navel gazes about his own creation and his creators, and is angry at the world for being made. A guy who was just handed ultimate power seemingly by accident and uses it to carry the chip on his shoulder.
Sephiroth is at least interesting. He figures out he has a genetic connection to Jenova, an alien that crashed on their planet millions of years ago. Jenova acted as a threat to the indigenous life already on the planet (the Cetra), so he begins to fulfill his birthright of killing everything and asserting dominance. I haven't played or even spoiled myself on anything from Rebirth, but I even get the impression that Jenova's genetics themselves may be alive, like she's some kind of genetic virus, and by learning about her, Sephiroth kind of "woke her up" within himself. There's a lot to explore there.
Shadow was a lot less interesting in that regard: He was brainwashed by Gerald into doing evil, because Gerald went insane with grief. The end.
Mewtwo was even less interesting from what I remember. He was a synthetic Pokemon made by... Giovanni, I guess? And I think his whole thing was "I am so strong and cool and perfect that I deserve to be the dominant lifeform of this world, and that's your punishment for making me."
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yuesya · 1 year
As much as I would like to continue speculating about the Shiki vs. Satoru snippet ad nauseam, there's a lot I'd like to discuss about the most recent chapter. 
The first of these topics is Geto. Now that the story in question is moving closer to the canon prologue (Jujutsu 0) I think now is an appropriate time to make my opinion on the movie known in that it was… meh. 
Don’t get me wrong there were many things I liked about the film, but unfortunately Geto fell into the dislike category for me. The reason for that was largely due to his portrayal. In the film he’s more or less presented as an egotistical genocidal maniac who is driven by an ideology of supernatural supremacy, which seems rather lackluster in a series that has an abundance of layered characters.
Because of this portrayal I’d say that Geto loses a great deal of nuance in the film, reducing him to what is essentially a one dimensional villain when that isn’t the case at all. As crazy as it sounds there is actually a method to Geto’s madness; if there are no more humans then there are no more curses and if there are no more curses then there are no more dead sorcerers. By eliminating the mundane society it simultaneously addresses the root cause of curses, essentially killing two birds with one stone. 
Moreover, this isn’t just some crazy conspiracy theory that he came up with out of nowhere since it’s substantiated by the fact that the countryside (where less people live) spawns less curses of lesser power. In that context Geto is more akin to someone with a twisted messiah complex rather than a divine Darwinist since he’s undertaking what he sees as a necessary evil to stop the suffering of all sorcerers. Unfortunately, it’s a message that he fails to get across throughout the film, which makes it extremely jarring when we explore his past via Satoru’s memories. 
Yes, I get that there’s a backstory arc that goes more in depth on the subject later, but it still doesn’t change for me what was a horrible first impression. So I suppose that I’m ultimately congratulating you for leveraging the advantages of written media to flesh out his character, so kudos you! I hope this characterization carries over to the canon timeline.
On a side note; if you're looking to implement that Cybele OC in Zenith of Stars, or any other story, why not make it so that Geto saves her instead of Satoru? That as you could imagine would be a disaster since he would more likely venerate her rather than try to constrain her. It could also serve as a parallel for Kara no Kyoukai's Shiki vs. Asagami fight.
The second topic I'd like to move on to is the Fushiguro siblings and how Shiki’s presence could affect them. More specifically, I’m referring to whether or not Shiki will be able to do anything for Tsumiki after she is cursed? After all, one of the big selling points of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception is their ability to kill concepts, mainly manifested through nullifying mage-craft or in this instance curses but also capable of erasing abstract phenomena such as diseases. 
I’d imagine that Shiki would discover such an application of her cursed technique through Yuzuki, erasing his illness moments before it finally kills him. So the question remains whether or not Shiki would be able to do anything for Tsumiki once a curse befalls her, potentially altering Megumi’s entire character arc if the answer is ‘yes.’ 
Lots to touch on here! Let's seeee
I agree with you that the JJK0 movie casted Geto as more of a "flat villain," likely due to variety of factors and constraints. It probably didn't help that JJK0 was largely Okkotsu's story, so Geto's reasoning and motivation were never really explored in any detail. To Okkotsu, Geto was just a villain who waltzed in out of nowhere and tried to destroy everything and hurt his friends, so that's the portrayal we got I guess.
The only hint of something more to Geto as a character was in... what, the three lines of dialogue with Gojo right before he died?
I actually read the manga before finding the JJK0 short and later watching the movie, so for me I went into the pre-canon tidbit with context for things. If I'd read JJK0 first, I'd probably be a little unimpressed with Geto too; I think the Hidden Inventory arc definitely adds a lot more nuance to him (and Gojo as well). Hopefully at least a little bit of that is reflected in zenith of stars haha.
Cybele OC won't be added to the ongoing story! In terms of Mystic Eyes, the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception are the only ones we'll be seeing in zenith of stars.
It would be a fun thing to have the Cybele OC run into Geto, though. Although in that case, it's likely that Geto picks the OC up in the countryside at some point. If OC had their disastrous accident in the city, then there would be no escaping from the jujutsu administration.
I'd imagine that OC would be sent with Miguel to delay Gojo during the Night Parade? OC isn't able to 'petrify' Gojo, but they can hinder his movements with a sort of minor paralysis effect instead. And... maybe this extra delay gives Geto the few additional moments he needs to escape successfully.
Fushiguro siblings! I do intend to have the Fushiguro siblings show up again in the next chapter, although so far Gojo has been taking the spotlight haha.
In regards to Tsumiki being cursed, I have some loose plans in mind. I can confirm that I do plan on exploring the idea of 'killing concepts,' but that's all I'll say for now. :D
Thanks for sharing your speculations! It's fun to see what other people think and makes me excited to write more for future events haha.
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st4r-c0d3 · 2 years
bakuiimomojirou hcs bc im being self indulgent <33
Bakugo and Jirou got together first actually
which led to Iida and Momo bonding over shared emotional pain bc fuck my crush is dating someone already
Bakugo and Jirou kinda started to notice though so they decided to try and get them to all hang out as sort of a group to see if they were compatible enough to try and work something out
after a LOT of talking they came to the agreement of a polycule
so Bakugo was dating Iida and Jirou while Momo and Jirou were together as well
over time Iida started developing platonic attraction to both Jirou and Momo which ended with them also in a qpr
unlike most of the other couples/people in relationships they dont quite do movie dates
they just arent as attention grabbing for this group of individuals
so what do they do instead? game nights with a movie or music in the background
as the smallest of the relationship, Jirou is always sitting on someone else's lap
while Bakugo isn't the most fond of pda it is very easy to get him to engage in it as long as he isnt the one to initiate
same with Jirou
Yaomomo on the other hand absolutely adores pda
whether its small kisses on the cheek, surprise hugs, or simply linking pinkies she feels ecstatic
Iida is pretty much impartial
he wont initiate but he wont turn away from it either
its just pretty meh to him in general but he is very affectionate in private
Iida, Momo, and Jirou are the ONLY PEOPLE Bakugo doesnt mind letting see him with his bonnet on
all sleepovers start off in Bakugo's dorm and migrate to Yaoyorozu's when they are actually gonna sleep
yk bc her bed is fucking huge
there have been quite a few times where Katsuki has fell asleep before the migration and woke up in Momo's arms due to being carried from room to room
it takes Momo a solid month or two to realize she's developed feelings for Katsuki as well
thats a whole conversation on its own but talking it out helps Katsuki realize he isnt gay like he thought but instead demiromantic
Momo had to set a time limit for Spotify on Jirou's phone bc despite popular belief, music DOES NOT help her sleep and ends up keeping her awake
one too many low test grades made her realize an intervention was necessary
Bakugo and Jirou are (unsurprisingly) the cuddlers of the relationship
Iida absolutely adores brushing Yaomomo's hair
its on his list of favorite things
he cant exactly play with Bakugo's hair bc he usually has it in a protective hairstyle
or Jirou's bc they have her hair in locs
so being able to card his fingers through Yaoyorozu's hair is definitely one of the best parts of his day
Momo is just grateful for the comfort it brings
it heals her inner child due to not being able to interact with her parents in such a way
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e-adlirez · 8 months
Heyyo! Soo thanks to your thea sisters posts, I decided to try reading them again :D! I manage to read two of the treasure seekers series on the internet archive (because im poor lol :'))and is really good as you said and I also have fun reading the comics again despite the changes. I read some of the new ones from the mains series as well and so I wonder, from the newer ones, which one do you think is the best? ( for me is the venice masquerade. I end up liking it waaay more than I thought)
Hiiii, nice to see you got into the series again haha :D glad to be doing my service as a fan of this underrated series
Glad to know that Treasure Seekers lived up to your expectations! When I read it, it was such a wave of nostalgia for the action and thrill of the older books. Nice to see you're able to enjoy the comics despite the changes, too! If I remember correctly, the only reason I completed my comic collection of the series was for the novelty and the knowledge that I will forever be irritated by the possibility of missing a book that isn't available, I never got over the downgrade in narrative and visual quality haha :'D
Now for the main series books. Well, I would say that the books up until Venice Masquerade were bangers with a few meh outliers like uh Frozen Fiasco (sorry bestie you were basically a Professor Layton-Thea Stilton crossover without the good storytelling to carry). The books after that are kinda eeehhhhhh.... while Roman Holiday and Fiesta in Mexico were bangers, everything else after Venice Masquerade are kinda meh. Good for fluff and light shenanigans I guess, but meh in A plot, that is the mystery. Venice Masquerade is really cool, as a fan of Now You See Me the book tickled me in one of the best ways out there-- it's like watching the movie but in the perspective of Mark Ruffalo the entire time except progress is being made :D What would the Polizia di Stato do without the girls' braincells? Nothing but blunder the crap outa catching the mask thief like David Warshofsky, that's what. (Tho uh I'm smelling a hint of Scholastic's editing in the scene where Marco and Nicky trash up the magician's glider. Seriously Marco, mi caro, a magician never telegraphs their magic tricks vocally, and in the span of time you're whispering to Nicky about trashing up the glider, the magician would've already snapped out of it and wiped away all that soggy sweaty bits of confetti you picked from the floor with your sweaty-ass palms--)
I would say that Venice Masquerade is the best of the newer series, but Roman Holiday is also good in terms of shaking things up with the usual formula. Please for the love of everything holy do not touch Rainforest Rescue. If you're Southeast-Asian, do not let the Malaysian setting of the book deceive you into SEA pride, that book is one of the most mid books out there and it irritates me as a Southeast Asian. It's like Prince's Emerald without everything that made Prince's Emerald cool. Like Riddle of the Ruins without any of the nerdy archaeological stuff that appealed to all the nerds out there. Rainforest Rescue? More like MIDFOREST RE--
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
so i know the globes are no longer relevant (or at least they shouldn't be) but i will still be asking for your thoughts on the nominations.
Hahahaha thanks for your consideration!
Best Picture--Drama: I'm so glad to see Past Lives nominated! It was really gorgeous and made me cry and was touching in a way I didn't expect.
Oppenheimer obviously was going to get nominated. It's probably my favorite Nolan movie besides The Prestige (which SLAPS) so I'm fine with this. It is very impressive, even if it's a sausage fest per Nolan and it probably runs too long and has some issues (the depiction of women).
Kills of the Flower Moon... is one of my favorite movies this year. I will acknowledge critiques from Osage people noting that it is a white perspective, which I agree with; I also agree with the comments that it is the best possible perspective someone like Scorsese could offer. The acting is phenomenal across the board, the visuals are stunning, it actually EARNED its runtime, and the writing is really strong. Fantastic movie, should win this category in my opinion.
I haven't seen Maestro but based on the various issues I'm seeing surrounding it and Bradley Cooper doing... the most... for promo, I'm very turned off by it right now. I will see it in order to critique it honestly, but I'm not super thrilled to see it here.
Haven't seen the other two. This will be a battle between Oppy and KOTFM imo.
Best Picture--Musical/Comedy: I don't see a world where Barbie doesn't win this. I thought Barbie was a lot of fun, and Ryan Gosling was fab. But I don't really fully subscribe to the hype.
I'm excited for Poor Things but haven't seen it; I love Yorgos's eye and I think he and Emma do make a great team, even if I'm meh on her in general.
The Holdovers I haven't seen and don't super want to see but my brother says he's forcing me to see it so I guess I will.
May December is a great movie. It's not a comedy in any way, shape, or form. But this category usually does that so I'm not surprised. This is a dark, intense, heartbreaking, tragic movie. It's deeply disturbing. I love it, but it's not a comedy.
Haven't seen the other two.
Best Director: Again, BCoops is being insufferable and I generally dislike everything I'm hearing about this. Sorry you didn't get an Oscar nom for ASIB my guy, get over it.
I knew Greta would be nominated and I will say that I love the visuals of that movie, but I think the visual greatness of Barbie is super dependent on the production and costume design, so... I'm not saying it isn't deserved, but I'm not in love with it.
Again, haven't seen Poor Things by Yorgos is fab.
Nolan was a foregone conclusion, I think the movie does look great and is very interesting.
Scorsese should win, sorry, he put his heart and soul into that movie and you could tell with every bit of it. Listen, people can dog this man out all they want, but he is THAT GUY and I consider him one of the last Truly Legend Status directors working right now, so. I think this will go to Oppenheimer, but. Meh.
And again, I'm happy to see Celine Song nominated! Past Lives had a really unique vibe to it and I think she offered a film that we don't see as much of anymore.
Screenplay--Based on what I've seen on this list, should be KOTFM, I can see it going to Barbie. Oppy being written in the first person might woo some people, though.
Best Actor--Drama: Should absolutely be Cillian, he carried that movie and it wouldn't have worked without him. Just a fabulous performance. I can see Leo maaaaybe edging him out? He was really good in KOTFM. It is truly wild to me that Barry was nominated, lol, I haven't seen a rush of buzz for him in Saltburn though he is the best part of the movie. I don't think it was his best work, compared to Banshees.
Best Actress--Drama: If this isn't Lily Gladstone I'll screech. Incredibly moving, and another movie where this thing would not have worked if anyone else had played that role. I don't see this category being super competitive against her.
Best Actress--Comedy/Musical: I can see them giving it to Margot for the press. I think Emma has had the strongest buzz of this category, but Fantasia could totally dark horse it.
Best Actor/Comedy Musical--I have no opinion on this, but I'm going for Jeffrey Wright because he's generally so good.
Best Supporting Actor--Charles Melton DESERVES this, people. He's amazing in May December. Heart crushing. An absolute breakout revelation performance.
One person I could see him giving him a run for his money is De Niro, because he was also amazing in KOTFM. Absolutely loathsome. I can also see them giving it to RDJ, because he is entertaining in Oppy, and I'm getting "it's time" vibes, which I hate... but Charles has also been cleaning up with smaller critics' awards.
Best Supporting Actress--Da'Vine is getting some great reviews, I feel like she's got a really good shot. Julianne is very good in May December, but she's also a very decorated actress. Um, sorry, Emily Blunt was not anything special in Oppy and if she gets this I'll be so baffled.
Best TV Series--Drama: I can see this going to Succession or possibly The Last of Us. Succession has the final season going for it, and it was actually amazing. TLOUS has fandom hype going for it, which the Globes likes. The Diplomat won't win, but fwiw I liked that show a lot.
Best TV Series--Comedy: Abbott Elementary better win is all I'll say. The Bear and Barry shouldn't even be in this category lol.
Best TV Actor--Drama: I feel like this will be a duke it out between Jeremy and Kieran. I'd be thrilled with either winning, but Jeremy's already won and Kieran has an "it's his time" vibe, his last shot to win with what may end up being the defining performance of his career. Brian Cox is such a dick for submitting in this category and the awards shows are such dicks for nominating him, lol.
Best Actress--TV Drama: If Sarah Snook doesn't win I'm burning this city to the ground. Why is Emma even nominated lmao. I do love a Keri Russell, but nah man, nobody here compares to Snook.
Best Actress--TV Comedy: Tbh I think Elle gave the best performance in this category.... easily.... but Quinta is great and I'd love to see her win, too.
Best Actor--TV Comedy: I don't care for any of these nominees. Nicholas Hoult outsold everyone here, bummer that he doesn't have a nom.
Best Supporting Actor-TV: I'd love for Alan Ruck to pick something up, but Matty Mac did once again obliterate lol. Askars was amazing but I don't think he had enough PUNCHY moments.
Best Support Actress--TV: Elizabeth Debicki was great but didn't have the material, imo. Christina Ricci would be my pick here, but I feel like it's gonna go to Hannah Waddingham because last season and all that.
Best Limited Series--Beef is easily the best one here, but the horrible way that the casting controversy was handled may have ruined their shot. In that sense, I think Steven gave the best performance but it could go to Matt Bomer or Jon Hamm. For actress, I would've picked Ali Wong but.... Also, I will say, nobody saw Dead Rings but me apparently but I'm so glad Rachel Weisz got nominated here because she was INCREDIBLE. Will probably go to Brie Larson knowing my luck, though I don't think Lessons in Chemistry made the impact they thought it would.
Best Supporting Actress--Limited: Glad to see Carla here, she was great. I have no idea who this will go to but it probably won't be here lmao. Also, The Fall of the House of Usher should've gotten a nom for best Limited, but c'est la vie the awards shows hate horror. Also, I don't know if this is controversial but brave... I would've nominated Bruce for Best Actor. That could be my weird attraction to him in that role speaking, though.
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
Got any good book recommendations? Any genre, any character, anything?
Been saving this to give it a good answer!
So my favorite author is Stephen King bc he writes the most intensely real characters I've ever seen and I always enjoy his writing style even if some of his stories are meh. I'd start with Different Seasons novella collection but ONLY read first story Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (which obviously is the Shawshank movie) and third story the Body (which became the movie Stand by Me). The other two are garbage. If you like those books then please! Feel free to read his other longer stories, the og horrors (Carrie, the Shining and Salem's Lot). Other good horror is Misery, The Dead Zone and the Shining sequel Doctor Sleep. IT and the Stand are looooong stories but oh so worth it. The Mr Mercedes trilogy (but especially the first one) is a fun detective series. The Green Mile movie and book makes me cry every time. I could keep going but I've gone on enough about King.
Ken Follet originally wrote spy thrillers but found his true passion when he dropped a 1000 page mid-evil epic, Pillars of the Earth, and has been writing historical fiction ever since. Despite how lengthy all the books are, I consume them every time there's a new one. I think my fastest record was 4 days! The Pillars quadrilogy covers from the dark ages (The Evening and the Morning) to the Elizabethan era (Column of Fire) and golly its so good. If 14th century England isn't your jam try his Century trilogy covering various families around the world from WWI (Fall of Giants), WWII (Winter of the World) and Cold War/modern (Edge of Eternity).
Eric Larson also does really good nonfiction but written in a very compelling manner. Devil in the White City and Dead Wake are my favs of his!
I loooooove mysteries too! I could name dozens of classic mystery authors but I know that's not everyone's jam. Anthony Horowitz's House of Silk was a delicious Holmes adaption that felt juts like Conan Doyle. For more modern The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle was a trippy Doctor who esque murder mystery. The Night Circus is not my usual jam being very magic-y but oh I love the language and get pulled in every time. What can't be said about Good Omens that hasn't been said before? I do also love the classics, King Lear, Pride and Prejudice, Gone with the Wind, As I Lay Dying.
Thats all I can think of off the top of my head but I have loads of classic murder mysteries I can also recc that I'd need to go to my bookshelf for lol.
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
The man has a net worth of $110 million. He doesn’t need to play PR games for a check. And this type of thing isn’t going finance a movie either when a script doesn’t even exist yet 🦎/// Yes but he is less and less relevant in Hollywood. His roles are meh he doesn't have Cap to cover for that anymore. He have to stay relevant in the business that is changing to streaming instead of theatrical release. This business always was trashy and now Chris is playing this game hard too. He just get catch cause apparently he can even fake a romans for pics. I don't believe they together. Maybe was are friends but that's doesn't matter. Likes matters lol. Not only for him but others too. That's how agency's gets those less known actors on top lol. It gain traffic and fallows for them. People gets interested in them and that's the pandemic effect. When we all stacked at home that was the only way for them and also people started to pay attention to likes and fallows more (maybe out of boredom). They signed contracts with them so it's in their interest to get them jobs, recognition and higher status in Hollywood. Chris is doing dirty things, stupid Hollywood games. It's just time to accept it and stop baby him. Just watch him burn himself maybe he learn something.
ALL celebrities play PR games to some extent to stay relevant with the public and sometimes studios. But I still don’t think his career is WHY he would be involved with Alba for PR if that’s what’s going on. I just don’t. I’m sorry. 1. It had the potential to backfire BIG TIME by making him another Hollywood cliche. And to a degree, that DID happen. 2. They aren’t in the media together enough for me to be solely convinced this is ONLY PR. The general public isn’t sorting through likes and follows the way fans do to try and connect the two of them together. That’s stan behavior, not public behavior. And they haven’t done a whole lot to gain PUBLIC attention. Gaining fan attention isn’t enough for relevance when we’re a much smaller group of people than a lot of us here on tumblr or LSA would like to believe we are. 3. If he was desperate for public attention, there’s so many better ways PR could have been done. They could have ran with the Sexiest Man Alive title so much further than they did, they could spin ASP to look so much better than it does, the public loves him with Dodger and they could have pushed for more Jinx ads and articles considering he’s a brand ambassador. PR doesn’t have to just be relationship related, and for him, highlighting other parts of his life has always seemed to gain him more favorable public attention. But that’s just my opinion and you’re free to disagree.
Here’s the other piece of the puzzle and I’m just going to say it. If he wants to remain relevant in Hollywood, he just needs to be picking better projects and concentrate on doing better with acting. That’s all there is to it. He’s a mediocre white guy in Hollywood. There’s dozens of those everywhere. He’s very easily replaceable. His acting isn’t strong enough to set him apart from his peers. He’s at an age where the younger, muscly men in Hollywood are going to start taking those “action” type roles (and if they’re new to the industry, they can be paid less) but he’s not growing at the performance rate of his peers or actors that are slightly older than him for more serious roles. If we look outside of Marvel, he hasn’t had very many box offices successes. Knives Out did GREAT, but he was part of an ensemble cast. A cast full of respected actors or those with enough public draw. He didn’t carry that movie on his own. Lightyear didn’t do well with the box office. It was ok, but it wasn’t great. Red One and Ghosted are both streamers that appear questionable in quality. I’m not saying they’ll be bad, but I highly doubt they’ll be scoring Oscar nominations. Pain Hustlers (again, another streamer) I think could go either way depending on how they play out the story line. Studios aren’t going to just look at a celebrity’s PR or who they’re dating. They’re also going to look at what it costs to hire that actor, if their acting chops are up to par on what they need in the movie, and if they can sell tickets based on previous box office numbers. 🦎
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filmforager · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Review
It's-a meh
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With the riotous fun of Dungeons and Dragons: Honour of Thieves and HBO’s compelling Last of Us series, it’s easy to forget just how bumpy the history of video game adaptations has been. In many ways, 1993’s Super Mario Bros. set the example for what not to do, stripping the game of its colour and carefree tone. Three decades later, The Super Mario Bros. Movie goes in the opposite direction, but ends up prioritizing fan service over a decent story.
For better or for worse, the plot feels stripped straight from the Mario games - which aren’t known for being plot-heavy to begin with. Mario (Chris Pratt) and hapless brother Luigi (Charlie Day) are two Brooklyn-based plumbers whose attempts to strike out with their own business haven’t quite gone to plan. Trying to make a name for themselves, they randomly find themselves pulled into a colourful alternative universe through the Brooklyn pipe system. But while Mario lands on his feet in the cheery Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi falls into the clutches of lonely villain Bowser (Jack Black), who has sinister plans to marry Princess Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy).
As Mario sets off on an unlikely quest to free his brother, we follow a familiar story about an average joe who is somehow destined for great things. Set in a beautifully realized world, children will lap up the colourful visuals and stunning animation, while Mario fans will be delighted with the sheer attention to detail here. Pretty much every aspect of the games is lovingly accounted for, from the cool question mark power-ups to the irritatingly cutesy side character Toad (Keegan-Michael Key).
If only as much love was lavished on its story and characters. Written by Matthew Fogel, who had a hand in Minions: The Rise of Gru and Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, the film struggles to make you care for any of its characters, least of all Pratt’s Mario, who feels a bit bland. Instead, it feels more concerned with shoe-horning aspects of the game in a way that doesn’t feel natural - right down to Mario’s signature catchphrases. 
In place of an interesting plot, what you get is an episodic trip through some of the game’s biggest highlights. Want to see some Mario Kart scenes? Here’s a convenient racing sequence on a rainbowed road. Want some platforming action? Here’s a random scene where Mario has to prove his capabilities seconds after meeting Princess Peach, here presented as a fearless warrior with little or no backstory. While The Lego Movie (also starring Pratt) was able to pay tribute to its properties in a refreshing way, this feels like a soulless exercise in tick-boxing.
This is directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, the brains behind the brilliant Teen Titans Go! To the Movies, but there’s little of that irreverent humour on display here. Though it has all the ingredients for a fun Mario film - the Mario Karts, fan-favourite characters, and side-view pipe action all make an appearance - the set pieces feel weirdly tame, while there’s only a handful of truly funny moments. Even Seth Rogen, virtually playing himself as Donkey Kong, fails to inject more than a laugh or two.
Thank the mushroom gods then, for Jack Black, whose big bad carries the film on the back of his signature spiky shell. Whether he’s terrifying his boney goons or penning a hilarious song dedicated to Peach (complete with cheesy music video flourishes), Black has a ball playing Bowser as a rockstar, stealing pretty much every scene he’s in. If the rest of the film had as much fun, this might’ve been a game adaptation worth pressing start for.
Powered up by an unshackled Jack Black performance, The Super Mario Bros. Movie slips on the banana skin of its weak story and lack of creative ideas.
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