#the laptop i'm using rn is SO slow
kitnita · 5 months
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otter & robo's first end-of-period fist-bump in a month — NSH vs DAL — 01.12.24
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angeltism · 6 months
imliterally so urghhughruhgur rightno2w
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mylandofmyth · 1 year
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hello there
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wereh0gz · 1 year
feeling vibes. not sure what kind of vibes but they sure are vibes
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Honestly I have a whole bunch of ideas for bunny!kappa/bunny!rory characters now but I’ll jot down my scenario about bunny!kappa here :))
Id imagine him napping on the couch peacefully looking All angelic. Maybe you’re doing something on your laptop the slow sounds of you tapping away surround your ears. As you continue to work on your assignment you hear a faint whimper next to you.
You don’t think anything of it and continue typing until you hear a louder strangled whimper and then movement as you finally lay your eyes on your boyfriend. His arms wrapped around a pillow his bunny ears flopping down as his eyes screw tight and his eyebrows knit together.
You raise a eyebrow and almost dismiss the little action thinking he had a scary or unpleasant dream until he stutters his hips into the pillow. You glance down and see the outline of his hard cock.
He begins to rut into the pillow with more force, his jaw lax and mouth open as he’s panting but still in the comfort of his slumber. You close your laptop and watch him a little longer his whimpers becomes more noticeable and you hear a little “f-fuck” come out of his mouth. You contemplated on waking him up but you do want to see him lose himself to pleasure.
As his thrusts get more aggressive his hips stutter and he cries out finally coming to and opening his eyes. He feels his orgasm wreck through his body as if he hadn’t came in weeks. He sees you watching him intently with Lustful eyes and soon something changes in your eyes realizing he had came without your permission.
He whines and immediately starts apologizing tears streaming down his red cheeks. His bunny ears flopping in front of his face covering his needy eyes and that pathetic pout he has. You know that he couldn’t control it, but punishing him would bring excitement for the both of you.
“You just couldn’t wait huh? My horny little bunny couldn’t wait to cum?” You’d use your fingers to tilt his chin up. His collar bell ringing as you look him in his eyes. He croaks out a pathetic sorry and looks away. You sit there thinking of all the punishments that you can carry out on him.
-bunny!danny anon :3
Ps:it’s like two AM where I live lol I hope this made sense
To the bunny!Danny anon... your ask gave me brain rot for weeks. I never thought of the floppy bunny ears myself and tbh at first I needed a moment to really wrap my head around it but by now I'm down so bad for it!! 😩😩🐰🐰
In addition to that: I'm so sorry that it's just a lil' HC drabble but your ask in itself is so incredibly rich that it serves as a whole 9-course meal already!
Cw: petplay, bdsm flavoured punishment, consensual bdsm, Dom!reader, Sub!Bunny!Kappa, we are entering furry territory here, mommy kink, Sprinkles Of UwU talk bcs why not? (I feel committed to the bit rn)
🐰 "Sorry, ma'am. 'm so so sorry..." Kappa whined into the curve of your shoulder, tears threatening to gush from his eyes. He slowly scooted away from the soaked pillow, his cum leaving a dark splooch soaking through the fabric.
🐰 Before he could escape from your grasp, you pinched one of his black, fuzzy ears right between your fingers.
"Ouw, mommy!" Kappa blubbered out, his form quivering under the jolt of pain.
" 'M so so sorry, mommy... pwease..." He meweled, cheeks flushing with a guilty and bashful hint of red.
"Uh? So needy, no? Couldn't keep yourself together now, could you?" You taunted him, eyebrows arching up.
"Cumming all over that pillow without mommy's approval..." You clicked your tongue, pulling Kappa back towards you by his ear.
🐰 "I- I really didn't mean to...ma'am, 'm so sorry." A telltale wash of tears gathered all along his lower lash line while he tried his best to not crumble under your stern gaze.
"Was all an accident, I promise. Was so pent-up, mommy..." He sniffled, his hands raising up to wipe the pooling wetness from his eyes whilst his face turned into an even deeper shade of red. His ears wiggling with every rub of his fingers.
🐰 "Oh, I know, bunbun. Mommy put you through a lot lately, no?", You soothed him before your free hand met his blushed cheek in a hefty smack, "But we both know that I have to force that discipline back into you."
🐰 Kappa whined out as your palm struck across his cheek.
"I know...you're so right, Ma'am. I was a bad bunny for mommy..." After wiping his eyes clean, Kappa flopped his ears to arch behind his head, turning the other cheek.
🐰 "Remembering the rules, I see." You acknowledged before serving a whip to his other cheek.
"That's an obedient bunny boy..." Upon the next hit, Kappa sniffled again, the expression on his face grateful nonetheless.
"Aways, mommy, I'm aways trying to be a good bunny for ma'am!" He stammered out between shallow breaths.
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bokettochild · 2 months
Weekly check in with stardust
i have been creating a lot of stuff and im nearly done with my online science course and should be done by the end of this week!
the other week was eid and ur girlie made sweets, dressed up, visited a friend, and made Mario Lego B) I also got stickers for my laptop but that's unrelated lol
also we made bakhlawa and makrout they are literally my favorites lol, even the people at my friends party seemed to really like them too lol
apparently I look really good in olive green so that's like also a major win for me
the stickers are like vintage looking florals ones lol
btw I've been working so much on my four swords DND au, I'm not sure what to call It tho? I was thinking like "Four Keys" because the swords are literally keys to a secret realm or whatever
btw have u had any good recipes recently? Im fasting just because I can and rn I'm just thinking about food lol
i made a fajita tonight using colored peppers too lol
if u have any good recipes please tell me I love hoarding them
btw, I have one character left with enough space for an additional trauma/mental issue on my roster for the au so honestly just send me a few different ideas for them and I'll probably choose one lol
btw the dudes got the thickest Russian accent, is very brutally honest, soft and gruff, non nonsense and needs to adopt every small thing in sight or else he will die because this is how he's coping.
he was stuck in like an iceberg for like 200 years (there's a wholes Tory behind that) and then we he emerged (thats also a story) everyone he knew is kinda super dead because of the passage of time
*someone saying something stupid*
"Your voice, very ugly, please, do the shut up :] "
thats him in a nutshell^
also remember to do wrist and finger stretches for writers and artists
also I acquired a glass orb with glass art inside <3 o r b
also what's legend's irrational fear?
also I love legend being like, an actual good influence on wind in his own weird way
i want them to bond more, maybe do a whole stealing heist from some knights-
im not asking u t write it but I just wanted to share lol
i hope you've been doing well, u seem to be lol
also do u like wearing jewelry? and if so how often lol
Wow, that's a wall! (pos)
I'm glad you got to enjoy some nice food, time with friends, and dressing up! Also, it sounds like you're having a ton of fun creating recently! I am as well, but it's slow going as I'm working on a multi-chap that's very demanding about where and what is supposed to happen (I did this to myself but the results are fantastic!)
"Four Keys" sounds like it has great potential as a title! I like it! I also love the Russian accent. the character is giving slight Captain America vibes, but only for backstory, and I love the concept so much!
As for a irrational fear..... ma am I bad at those I rationalize anything so... maybe large empty spaces? Usually those are indicative of a boss fight in his mind, so just having one that isn't hiding some threat throws him way off. He's also insanely wary of any room with a tiled floor. Because >:)
I also love him and Wind! The fact that they're both on the younger side here but also both accustomed to being the person others look to gives great opportunities for them to bond and interact. Legend has a lot of experience to share but he's also not up on a pedestal like Time or Warriors is, so there's more opportunity for direct communication and less a need to impress. (I actually just finished writing something with them, as it happens!)
I'm honestly not the best baker in the world, or cook in general (I'm still building up my recipe book after leaving my parent's house) but I can share my mum's bread recipe! It's very good, for every day, or to make into rolls for the holidays and with nice meals!
Recipe makes 4 large loaves btw
Dissolve 2 packages of dried yeast into 4 cups of warm water.
In a separate bowl, mix 1/2 cup soft butter with 1/2 cup of honey (you can also add 1/4 cup of molasses for super dense rolls/loaves).
Once the honey-butter is combined, add the yeast water to the bowl
Scoop in 6 cups of whole wheat flour + 4 cups white flour.
Mix, knead, and set into greased bread-pans, or roll into balls on a cookie sheet.
Bake loaves for 35-40 min at 375 F, or rolls for 10-15 min at the same.
After you remove it from the oven, brush generously with butter before they cool, for extra flavor and to preserve moistness.
Hope this one makes you happy! It's great to use in sandwiches, serve with soup, or eat with jam, or alone!
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des8pudels8kern · 3 months
Thank you for your well wishes! I'm doing okay, considering.
My options rn, as long as I take painkillers every five hours:
lie flat on my back and not put pressure on my stomach (my highest cut is in my belly button, the lowest a few centimetres above my pubic bone, so that entire area is no good)
sit upright for a couple of minutes
take very slow, short walks to make sure my blood pressure doesn't just give in and cease to exist altogether
Tragically, my beloved laptop, with most of my entertainment and activity options on it (the phone comes to work with me and I want to minimize the temptation to e.g. scroll through tumblr in the office), is thus barely usable now. I could be doing something useful with this free time, like write fic, or at peast5 something mildly entertaining, but instead I just sleep, take pills, and shuffle around the block every couple of hours.
Still, that's more walking than I could manage yesterday, so progress is being made.
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iwannaban0nym0us · 1 year
welp time for another one of those long rambley posts because well uh everything's fucking ending
fuckkkkkkkkkkk why does this have to hurt so bad
I tried so hard to avoid this, fuck, why am I back here
It hurts different this time but it still hurts, while i'm glad we didn't stretch this out over months fuck I was in love
oh btw i have no brain power rn so this is probably gonna be entirely incoherent and just whatever the fuck comes to my mind
so uh basically my girlfriend broke up with me and at lunch today, and like it wasn't a bad breakup and i'm really glad we talked because like i wanted to talk about how things have felt kinda off lately, and uh it turns it its because they now only have platonic feelings for me
i think like part of me knew this was coming, they broke up with their last boyfriend this time last year (because they realized they really just wanted to be friends w/ him) and this time last year is when i hit the point of no return w/ my ex and a bunch of things that happened then have happened now (soccer team disbanding partner/ex not going on the school trip)
and so like i've had the thought 'could i go back to just being friends with them' or 'should i just break up with them before they have the chance to hurt me like my ex did' spiral around in my head a bit but i never actually did because like they're amazing
but then there's the part of me the would dream of us lasting for years and was just so fucking happy w/ them and was about to tell them i loved them, i've been thinking it for months but i thought i was ready to say it to them,,, and then well,,,,
theres so many nevers now, like i never said i love you, they never came to one of my club soccer games, i never went to one of their vaulting comps, we nEVER WENT ON A DATE
fuck i wish i had gone to prom w/ them this year, skipped the soccer game that didn't end up actually happened and fucking dealt w/ the fact that my ex was there but i was too fucking scared to do either of those things
aaaaa i was trying so so so fucking hard not to let myself get hurt by a partner again, i waited a while to ask them out like i was certain i really like them and they liked me back, and then i took things very slow, we took a while to kiss, we never said i love you, i tried really really hard to test the waters and really make sure i could trust them before i fully committed my heart to them
and while i can trust them and they are an amazing person who still cares a lot about me, they still managed to hurt me because they don't love me the same way i love them, and i kinda thought they did, and maybe they did for a bit, but they don't anymore
ahahaha fuck this afternoon they added the song (redacted) by Leanna Firestone to their playlist,,,, hhhhhh,,,, just look at the lyrics,,,, it made me start crying again,,,,
ok well uh i think im gonna fall asleep sitting on my floor in the dark w/ my laptop on my lap so i guess i should probably stop here and go cry myself to sleep
if i have any time tomorrow this'll probably be expanded because uh my soccer team is also ending :D so i'm losing people i've played w/ for 5+ years and also i'm gonna have to come out to a new soccer team which is gonna just so great
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babycatlix · 11 months
hi friends 💖
just checking in! i know i've been a little inactive lately, besides my queue and me occasionally reblogging old sets that have hit milestones, i haven't really been here. don't worry, i'm not leaving or taking a hiatus... there will be a TL;DR at the end bc i know not everyone cares about these posts, which is totally okay!
there is a reason for my inactiveness, i've been a little distracted lately but mostly distracted this week. i had planned to make more gifsets, but my laptop keeps disconnecting from the internet randomly (a fairly new issue) and the internal fan keeps turning on (an ongoing issue); it's on rn and the only thing i have open is chrome to make this post, which is making my laptop overheat; making it run a lot slower.
since this has been happening, i asked my parents if i could possibly replace my laptop with a desktop computer. i am an apple kid (there is no right between macs or pcs; it's all personal opinion!), so i do want to get an imac. i've actually wanted an imac for a while now, but i didn't get one when my parents offered to buy me my laptop back in 2016, when i was let go from my previous job, that treated me terribly. the stipulation for my parents actually buying my laptop was it HAD to be a laptop. their thinking was that i would need a laptop if i got another graphic design job... which i never did. if i had gotten a desktop back then, i would've had to pay for it, which i didn't have the money for. so i took the generosity of my parents and i got my current laptop, which i do love and will forever be grateful for. but my laptop is approaching 8 years old, which is pretty old for a macbook pro. it is still up to date with the latest software, but it just runs so slow due to age. another reason i want an imac, i can't keep sitting in my bed on a laptop, i need to sit at a desk. my chronic back pain has been getting worse and i know it's partly due to how i sit in my bed all the time on my laptop.
but a lot of things need to happen before i can even get the new computer, i need to get a new desk that will accommodate the new computer, i need a new chair; the one i currently have has zero back support which i need, and i really want a nice customized mechanical keyboard. so i've been busy this week looking at keyboards, desks, and computer chairs. my parents agreed to pay for half of the imac as a hanukkah gift! so i have time to get everything together. and of course not all of these are things that i need to have to get the new computer, but they are things i want.
i've wanted a nice mechanical keyboard for a while and i do love my current mechanical keyboard, RK84. i use it for work and everyone loves the RGB effects on it! but i want one that i have completely customized. the board, switches, and keycaps. ironically, the keyboard i've been looking at is the same keyboard that felix customized and showed off recently, the GMMK Pro, which for some reason is really hated OR really loved in the mechanical keyboard community... but i really just want the board part. i want a heavy metal keyboard, but i don't know what switches i want yet or what keycaps i want. it's funny though bc the current switches i'm used to are glorious switches, they're the purple kailh pros. i love them, but i don't know if they're what want i want for my at-home typing and gifmaking. i'm using them right now to type this post. they are really good for quick typing but still have a little bump to let you know that you've hit the key hard enough. so they're great for work where i type emails daily.
the keycaps i'm also interested in, akko black translucent w/ green print, may need to have a special switch so that the RGB on the keyboard shines through better. i brought my RK84 home to actually change the keycaps so i can test out the ASA profile of the keys for a while before i actually decide on the keycaps. but the only type available is linear switches, which in the past, were too sensitive for me. i would always knock into incorrect keys when typing and make a lot of mistakes. but i'm really used to typing on a mechanical keyboard now (so used to it that i hate flat mac keyboards now lol), so the linear switches may not be an issue now.
anyway, i know that was a lot and again, it's okay if you didn't read any of it and just scrolled down here to see the cliff notes version:
TL;DR: i know i've been a little inactive lately, but i've been distracted with trying to update my desk setup. and my laptop keeps disconnecting from the internet making it harder for me to actually upload gifsets. but i'm going to try to at least make gifs this weekend. i may or may not be able to actually have them drafted.
i hope you're all doing well. if no one's told you recently, i'm proud of you and you're doing great! 💖 please stay safe out there and stay hydrated my friends! 💖
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violetblacksparkles · 11 months
Yo so my job messaged me on their app at like 9:00 this morning to tell me that they're so slow this week they don't need me to come in at 1pm. I wake up at like 11ish and I see this and I say: cool beans, I hate working here anyway and I can use this time to job hunt. *Proceeds to go back to sleep and then gets up and gets drunk cuz hey, who doesn't like job hunting a little buzzed?*
Cut to two and a half beers later, a half hour before my shift is supposed to start they text me and say wait we actually do need you come in. The best part is they've been just cutting all my shifts for weeks, so I'm used to this, I think the boss hates me but she's never really there so the manager just schedules me and later in the week and sometimes I go in and sometimes I hear I don't have to go in.
This has happened so many times, idfk. I don't care about these people, the boss is an immature child and it's just such a weird place to work, I have stories for days, and I'm just so drunk. I'll be honest, idk what I'm gonna say. On fucking do not disturb rn in case they try to call. I feel like messaging them back a little while after my shift is supposed to start and being like I'm really sorry, you told me I had the day off so I went ahead and made other plans. Which I did. I did the moment I opened that beer. In fact, if this was any other day, at this point I would have told one of my friends and they'd be like, yeah come on over so I wouldn't even beeee in the state. Cuz again, that has happened like so many times.
....I get scheduled, this place cuts my shift and I end up with a long weekend, I grab my laptop and bolt to my friend's cute apartment in the woods. *Exhale*
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not ob related but in March my phone just ?? stopped working?? well it didn't stop, like everything still worked, alarms went off, the screen could still be used but the screen was just black. I tried everything online to try to fix it and nothing worked. I didn't really have money to fix it at the time and I had an old phone that was slow but worked okay so I just used that and every now and then tried to get my main phone working again. I had given up on it so three days ago I tried to do a factory restart without being able to see anything just so my info wasn't still on it (did not work) but bc I charged it again the alarms kept going off. I turned them off every day and everything was the same but then this morning the screen?? was just working again??? after like 7/8 months it just randomly came back on?? and everything is working fine??? like idk how it happened and I'm using it now bc it's so much better but I'm so worried it's just gonna stop working again lmao
sorry for ranting I'm just so confused on why it suddenly started working fine again, I can finally catch up on everything without it taking forever to load (including your writing so if yoy recommend anything of yours to start with I would really appreciate it hehe)
Oh! Oh! This exact same thing happened to my last two phones & my brother's. The screen went black even though I still kept getting notifications. And yeah after I left it alone for a few months it worked for another couple weeks before going out.
Took it to fix multiple times but honestly there's nothing you can do to permanently fix it - it'll work for like 3 days max before going out again.
The best thing you can do rn is backup everything you need to and move anything you need for work/studies/leasure on to a laptop or computer, which is what I did.
Apparently the most common cause is if you don't have a case and hit the corner of the phone on something - even if it's a relatively light knock - which is what happened with my brother's and one of mine
It's honestly really frustrating when it happens and good luck! Hopefully yours manages better than mine did. And you're always welcome to come rant even if it's not om! related!
I actually just posted a fic yesterday😂 though it's a bit different from my normal om! fics because it has violence, gore and cannibalism........but it's still lowkey a fluff piece so? And I'm actually really proud of it cause I haven't been able to write a "darker" fic since I left the batman fandom - I was practically giddy with it, giggling and kicking my feet
Under the Gentle Rains - For the first time, his human sees what he truly is. A creature of the night, of bared fangs dripping with the blood of the slain, of endless death and cosmic evil. A creature finally brought to the light to face their judgment. A creature that wishes to wail and weep at the realistic thought of finally losing them.
Or a fic that fills in the blanks of what happened between Lesson 16 and 18, from Belphie's point of view, with character & relationship development between Belphie & Mammon + Belphie & MC? Angst with a happy ending.
Changing Seasons - After all the dust has settled Belphie is determined to spend more time with Lilith's descendent, unfortunately for him Mammon has taken to acting like a particularly lovestruck leech. 5 times Mammon gets in Belphie's way & the one time he doesn't.
Or crack fic focused mainly on Mammon & Lucifer
Tap on Wood (for fuck's sake) - Lucifer (the absolutely perfect, always a hundred percent in the right oldest) has three different conversations while (definitely not) stone cold sober with the bane of his existence (the light of his life (the bane of his existence (the light of his - Mammon's just trying his best.
Chapter 2 of my reversed au wip in a slightly more demonic au with demon-mc & struggling human-mammon
Friends in High Places - In a world where demons are marginally more demonic, a human ignores all the various red flags and makes a strange new (lifelong) Friend
As expected, all of them are unnamed gn! mc × mammon because I gotta have some sorta theme🤷 hopefully one of them is to your liking! Lemme know what you think?🥺
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uhohwhathaveidone · 1 year
Hi yes my ask box is technically closed rn for requests as we are reaching 50 requests, I'll try to get through them but until then i WON'T be taking any requests until i get through them along with the many things I'm doing now (i am mentally unstable and also working morning shift instead of night shift now)
My inbox, however, is now open for messages. I didn't know i had it closed honestly but I'm using mobile rn instead of my laptop so i don't even know if i closed my ask box, i just know that you can now message me.
Writing will be slow, due to the job, my mental state at the moment (when did it become Sunday) and that i suddenly lost interest in Hogwarts Legacy for some reason. Mix that in with writers block and boom, i can't even type.
Have a meme from my gallery as apologies
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
{another one of these huehue. prompty 6 with Bing and Google(romantic/platonic either suits) and prompt 9 with Dr.Iplier and Dr.Henrik(romantic)}
Ohhh! Looks like I'm gonna do alot of writing rn! xD
Let's start with prompt 6! ^^
Prompt: 6. "Do you want a hug? "...." "I'm gonna hug you now, just push me if you don't like it."
Google harshly brought it's meta fist onto the wooden desk again out of frustration. The request that it received from Dark earlier was to hack into a certain folder and file that someone stole from their security files. Whoever stole it must have been a real smartass if their making Google hack into it for more then 5 hours and still not getting in.
Google sighed while threading its fingers through its hair and stared at the laptop screen in front of it, it's extensions had asked it if it needed help but Google denied and replied this was its job and did not want its extension having a hard time as well.
Just then Google heard his door crack open, he turned and glanced at its door and saw someone peaking through the crack. Their face was unable to be seen from a far but Google easily scanned them and found out it was Bing. It rubbed it's forehead and turned its chair in the direction of the door and asked. "What do you need Bing?" Google asked and Bing fully opened the door and closed it behind him. "You alright Googs?" Bing asked with his hands in their pockets. Google sighed again. "Not well at the moment. This wall that the file is hiding in has given me such massive impact of what is called frustration and is only getting worse as I still not succeed into breaking in." Bing nodded and watched as said frustration was now visible to the android's body posture.
Google's fist tightening, its fingers rubbing their forehead every once in a while, and the distant beeping. Bing thought for a moment then removed itself off the door. "Do you want a hug?" Bing asked and received no answer from Google, who was trying to figure out why they asked that. Bing walked forward and softly took Google's hand and made it stand up. "I'm gonna hug you now, just push me if you don't like it." And proceeded to hug Google.
Google mostly stood still, hands slightly away from Bing's sides as it felt Bing's soft arms around it's body. The hug was... nice, which was unusual to Google. This feeling was odd to it but not in a bad way. Google felt it's fans slow down and it brought it's arms to wrap around Bing as well and tried to hug back. In which led to Bing hugging him a little tighter.
When they parted Bing smiled at Google, and Google felt something near its face heat up. It can discover that another time but it felt relieved after the hug. "Now, let me help you with that wall." Bing offered and Google nodded. A possible smile crawling up to its lips but faded as soon as it sat back down.
Now for prompt 9!
Prompt: 9. "Come on it'll be fun!" "*sigh* if you say so."
Henrik watched as Dr. Iplier hurried but gently organized the last mess from his desk, Henrik can already feel the excitement from the other just vibrating off of him. "Slow down Edward, you could possibly make another mess if you hurry so much." Henrik said but by the time the words fell the other doctor was already done. Edward wore his coat again and passed by Henrik to grab his cardigan and gave it to Henrik. Leading him to chuckle and accepted it.
As soon as Henrik took it Edward dragged both of them out of their offices and the hospital and back home. Along the way Edward kept happily talking about how this surprise would be amazing. But Henrik just gazed upon his lover. Barely listening to whatever he was saying. "I'm not sure Edward, you sure the others won't barge in on us again?" Edward chuckled. "don't worry Love I promise it won't happen this time. And this surprise will be the best!" Henrik smiled but scratched his neck nervously. They arrived back at their shared home and Edward gently took Henrik's hand and smiled. "Come on it'll be fun!" Edward said and kissed his hand. Henrik sighed but smiled back lovingly. "If you say so."
And as promised, Henrik was greeted with a smooth music playing and scented candles around the kitchen and dining table, on the table was lightly covered in roses and the amazing smell of food was currently cooking. Henrik didn't ask about how Edward planned all of this but he was so happy he had a lovely partner like him.
and that is done! Go ahead and ask more if you like, I do enjoy writing these ^^
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loumauve · 1 year
got tagged by @novastellaris
relationship status: dating a wonderful and nerdy dork <3
favorite colour: grey (also blue, also black)
something i want: for my laptop to be repaired without me having to invest money nor energy (neither of which I've had in the past months)
3 favorite foods: pizza, pasta, soup
last song I listened to: I Knead You - an original song by Chevy
last thing I googled: 'alte zwanzig euro scheine' bc I found a 20 € bill and was wondering why I'd kept it
dream trip:
still want to go visit my pals in the US, so a trip to my pal on the east coast and then a continuation on the west coast bc I want to see the Redwoods and also one of my oldest and dearest pals and her wonderful wife <3 (covid kinda cancelled the entirety of that trip and now I'm neither in the right place mentally nor financially. but hopefully some day)
favorite pair of shoes:
in the winter my hiking/winter boots. tho they're falling apart at the seams now (literally)
for the summer I have custom pride chucks with the rainbow soles, one that's mostly dark with stripes and rainbow-tie-die laces, and the other that's ace flag colours on the body from a year later. neither of them are particularly good for my feet but I love them. and tbr no shoes are great for my feet in summer, I walk too damn fast and always get blisters anyway. (I know the answer is to slow down but I hate being slow lol) so at least I get some kicks out of wearing them and ppl being excited when they see them.
tagging: whoever wants to do this. brain tired. need coffee. cannot pick rn
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duskholland · 2 years
i binged grey's for the first time a couple of years ago and remember watching the season where alex left as it was airing and yeah, i stopped after that because they RUINED THE BEST CHARACTER. THEY THREW AWAY LIKE 15 YEARS/SEASONS OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FOR NOTHING. like yeah the actor wanted to leave so just have him be off screen like everyone else who was good and kicked out??? the reason for him leaving his loml for IZZY was just 🤬🤬🤬 they said fuck a good story with good characters and refuse to do anything but dumb shit and it's been like for years but alex was the last straw for me. like everyone deserved better, even izzy who got fucked over mostly cause of the actress supposedly 🤷🏻‍♀️. i loved grey's but after the plane crash and the following interns it just... lost something? we didn't know any of the interns besides jo, edwards, and the girl who slept with arizona who all got fucked over then it's like getting invested in the interns was pointless because they just forget they exist!! with a show like this you have to bring in new characters in case current cast members leave and to have new storylines or you're stuck repeating the same shit with the same people and character development can't exist anymore. it's like the writers wanted to end the show on a good note or felt like there was nothing left but got forced to keep going until you're left with people who don't care. like the lady who plays meredith seems sick of the show. i'm not even a die hard fan or anything!! yet the downgrade of the show makes me angry and sad :(
+ anyway, how's your head and throat :) excited for uni?
i am literally not kidding but i just tried to answer this ask but it was only showing part two in my askbox not part one and i almost lost my mind. anyways i found it HI BRI !!!! firstly im so sorry it took me a wee bit to reply, i wanted to combine ur asks but its easiest on laptop + ive mostly been using my phone for tumblr so i wasn't able until now BUT hi anyways HI. im going full steam on my rewatch and im halfway through season nine rn... i will say the plane crash wrecked me an inordinate amount like... that was my third time watching it and i still cried...a lot..... omg. its all going downhill from here so im already slowing up my pace. side note: totally agree, im also MAD at the writers for ending alex's character like they did like... i know he wanted to leave but the reasoning they gave was shit and it ruined him ++ all his character development ;(((( anyways i read somewhere that ellen pompeo is only in half (?) of the episodes in the new season so i think its really definitely truly time to pack it in... we're all tired... </3
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therealkags · 6 months
So umm, Hi, this is actually Persony_Person from over on AO3 and I just wanna say that Someday I'm Gonna live is the only subscription i jump for the chance to read when the email comes through. I literally can't get it off my mind and every so often I re-read. I love your style and please, if you can help it, keep writing. Because I love seeing skilled, perhaps not as well known fan-fic authors slowing become more well-known because lovely, you deserve it. Anyway, make sure to take a break!
oh my god please i’m losing my mind rn THANK YOU!!! that means so so much to me you don’t even know. i’ve been writing fanfic since i was literally 10 writing stuff for the hunger games on my moms laptop and posting it to wattpad lol and i honestly can’t imagine my life without it, at this point i think ill be 60 years old and still filling my google docs with fanfic lol. but i also took a poetry class this semester and my professor told me that even though i wanna go into stem i should definitely keep writing and maybe even try publishing some stuff on the side so who knows? either way i think im gonna write till im gone basically lol
i’m definitely taking a few days to let my brain kinda rot inside of my skull from inactivity lmao but then i’m gonna rewatch vld (because i can finally use netflix again while im at my moms!) and get writing because it’s been way too long since ive sat and written for more than 10 minutes at a time.
this is really wordy lol but honestly it’s just always so insane to me how my silly little coping mechanism makes people so excited. like seriously, it means a lot. thank you <3
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