#the kristoph line was... something
just-posting-kalone · 2 months
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Finished Dual Destinies!! Simon Blackquill and some other stuff
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arielluva · 11 months
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arch enemy, my enemy i was lonely, lonely my enemy, you put the poison into me now i'm lonely without you
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ot3 · 16 days
Just curious, what’s your opinions on Kristoph and Phoenix? I see you reblog ship posts about them sometimes and I’m really curious about your opinions on their dynamic both inside and outside of ship stuff, because I didn’t really know how to interpret Kristoph in particular. I think he’s one of the worse villains in AA tbh, it’s been a while so I may be misremembering, but I just didn’t… get that much substance from him?
kristoph is certainly a really hard character for me to fully develop an opinion on in isolation. i think the only area where i'm capable of saying anything about him i can back up with significant references to the text is in regard to his relationship with phoenix, because that's where the meat of his character interactions are. and more broadly because as a #phoenixhead my primary means of looking at the entire franchise is how things relate to phoenix. if you'd like to read about my interpretation of phoenix and kristoph's relationship more specifically i've got a post on that subject here. i think it's a character dynamic that has a TON going for it relative to the screentime if you're able to disregard fanon and look directly at what's in the text.
but more on kristoph individually
kristoph suffers from the same thing that all of aa4's major characters and plotlines do: not getting another game. there was clearly more to the gavin brothers' story we didn't get and will never get, and knowing that there's Something there we have absolutely no means of predicting or unraveling makes it hard to theorize. he kind of exists in a quantum state for me where i can see a ton of alternate perspectives on his character's complexities and just buy whichever one i'm feeling at a given moment. i personally wouldn't say he lacks substance because every interaction he has with any other character is, imo, very compelling and gives me a lot to chew on. but he's a character that's all questions and no real conclusions for sure.
i don't think he's a cackling machiavellian serial abuser. i think hes easily the kind of person who has the capacity to be emotionally abusive and manipulative to the people closest to him without being Pure Evil. because we have so little on him it's very easy to portray kristoph as the kind of sinister that provides whatever OP's favorite flavor of angst is. and i'm certainly no exception to that; i just happen to be a person who is into maybe some subtler flavors.
he's both one of ace attorney's most calculated villains, with poisoning vera's nailpolish being an incredibly cold maneuver that suggests a lot of foresight, and one of ace attorney's most brutal murderers, capable of getting aggressive enough in a moment to bludgeon a man to death with a bottle. i think kristoph can be understood as a character whose primary motivation is control, both over himself and others. there's that critical line in turnabout succession where he tells klavier he's out of control, and klavier says "whos control? mine, or yours?" his reputation is built on his ability to stay calm under pressure, and his ability to stay calm under pressure is built on his tendencies to preemptively engineer situations in his favor. the stuff with phoenix and the gramarye case represents what we can presume to be the biggest failure of his career.
i think this puts him very much in line with AA1's main villains. people like to compare him to dahlia a lot for obvious reasons and there's some fun to be had there but i think it lets people overlook how well he ties into AA1. redd white controlled the press and controlled the judges to get away with his blackmail ring. von karma controlled the witnesses to engineer his perfect cases. damon gant controlled the police and the evidence, and then controlled lana to control the prosecution. although those were all one-case villains i think kristoph justifies his larger scope in aa4 by the significant and longstanding personal connections he has to the rest of the main cast. kristoph represents the mirror image of those AA1 villains; aa1 shows the way the deck is stacked against the defense. kristoph shows what it looks like when someone tries to stack it in the other direction
i think kristoph plays an important part in the larger franchise by showing what corruption looks like from the defense's bench, and how this corruption takes a different cadence when it lacks the systemic power that the villains like gant had. i think his cold, calculated approach to defense works well as a foil to the type of defending we saw from phoenix who is all heart and charges in head first. i think apollo works well representing a sort of compromise between the two, being a little bit shrewder than phoenix but no less earnest. i think klavier, then, as a prosecutor who is much less aggressive than the previous 3 both personally and professional serves to further invert the expectations set by the trilogy in a way that's really satisfying.
is kristoph missing some pretty critical backstory that i would love to see? yeah. absolutely. but i think when you look at him as a story device rather than an underdeveloped character he adds a tonnnnn to the series. that said, i will die wondering.
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lyxthen · 9 days
My Seven Year Gap narumitsu headcanon is that not only did Miles help Phoenix build the MASON, he actually became chief prosecutor with the objective of helping him instaurate the jurist system.
By the time Trials and Tribulations comes around, I feel like the two of them are in a point in their relationship where they aren't too prone to angsting about each other. They trust each other fully. So when Phoenix pushes Miles away, Miles assumes it's for a good reason, even if it still hurts.
He does tell Miles eventually, in that mythical trip to Europe, when he knows for ceirtain Kristoph can't hear him (the guy probably keeps track of his phone calls bank accounts and has his house bugged as all hell because he's insane like that). He still doesn't tell Miles how bad he's struggling emotionally, and how the reason he's drinking so much grape juice is because he struggled with horrible depression alcoholism, particularly early in his disbarment. He just tells him about Kristoph and the Gramarye trial and how he's trying to connect the dots and find the truth and clear his name.
And you know what Edgeworth does? He tells him, "So, basically, you want to fundamentally change the way the Japanifornian justice system works. Wright, you are fucking insane. And I must be insane too because of course by god I'm going to help you." After all, foreign justice systems are his expertise. He's been studying this shit for years, and he finally gets a chance to put that knowledge to use.
It's hard for them to get any work done without Kristoph suspecting them, of course, but by some miracle they manage it. Edgeworth applies for a position as chief prosecutor a year or two before the events of Apollo Justice, explicitly because he wants to amass enough political power to implement their silly little project. When the disgraced former defense attorney comes one day with an insane outline of how to reform the entire court system no one dares to reject him, because he's already got chief prosecutor Miles Edgeworth in his pocket.
Smooth. As. Fuck.
They have spent years planning and scheming and it has finally come to this. Their professional relationship is blooming. Their personal relationship... Well, they're not in bad terms by any means but like, come on. These two are extremely emotionally repressed so it's not like they are going to openly declare their undying loyalty to each other and get married or something. But they are perfectly capable of working in harmony with each other, and that's as good as either of them think they're going to get.
I feel like this time line of events makes sense. I don't see Phoenix building MASON alone, let alone implement it. He doesn't have that sort of clout or analytical mind. But Edgeworth does. It's just a testament to how compatible they are that they are able to work together to find the truth™ and change things for the better. Shipping aside, I just think that's really cool.
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wowowwild · 22 days
I had to re-read aa4-1 for research purposes and... It is devastating how badly Apollo does not want this to be true. I see everyone say how he doesn't care at all about Kristoph, but genuinely it seems to me that he just keeps hoping that Kristoph will come up with some sort of explanation to make everything better. Even at the "Et tu, Justice?" line, he's not just asking Phoenix to testify bc he can, he doesn't have a choice. And while he's cross examining Phoenix, he's still referring to himself and Kristoph as a unit, and actually seems pretty prepared to turn on his client until Phoenix forces Kristoph to take the stand. I think the part that really secured this reading for me is "... Well Mr. Gavin? (Come on, say something!)" This is the last chance they have where Kristoph could turn it around, but he can't. And after the judge says he's sorry he had to see this day come Apollo's "Mr. Gavin... ?" reads to me as if he really can't believe it.
Now I'm not certain he cared about Kristoph as a person, but I do interpret his reactions as caring that Mr. Gavin, his boss who hired and pays him, committed a murder and is now being arrested.
There are points where I interpret it as him getting swept up by whoever happens to be standing next to him. I think this is reasonable considering the situation. The man who mentored you vs your long time idol is complicated. Which side do you choose? So he chose to follow the facts and the evidence.
I dunno, I just felt like crying about it after everything, and I can understand the popular interpretation, I just personally interpret it differently. (And I like this option bc it is more fun to explore.)
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trlvsn · 9 months
btw. a key detail in phoenix's aa4 character is how fucking forgiving he is. the line is literally murder and he has stated it multiple times while talking to kristoph (which honestly makes me think he would have the heart to move past him ruining his entire career if it was just that. insane), but he is willing to let pretty much anything slide besides that - like apollo punching him, for example. so when people write phoenix as someone who blames klavier Even A Little i'm like. no way. i get where you're coming from but no way. klavier would have three panic attacks while trying to talk to phoenix for the first time after the mason trial and phoenix would be like "oh my god. kid. dw about it. besides why would i hold a grudge against my colleague". klavier asks him what he means by colleague and he says "well. we both know how tough it is in the music biz" and that is how klavier understands the man is wrong in the head
anyways something something phoenix gaining more wisdom and better priorities as a result of disbarment but keeping his heart of gold something something. whatever
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bittersnsweetz · 3 months
feeling normal about krisnix in this chilli's tonight
Kristoph gavin who never expresses vulnerability, who is always so calculating and so good at hiding himself and playing into the facade hes crafted, who hasn't felt genuine happiness for as long as he can remember (and he has a pretty good memory), feeling personally and emotionally affected by someone and that someone is phoenix wright
he has never dedicated himself to being in control of someone's life as much as he has with this man, and that's shown by just how long he draws everything out, how long he stays phoenix's "friend", how attached he becomes to the feeling of winning, of having the upper hand. you could argue that klavier was his greatest triumph, and you wouldnt necessarily be wrong. but i would argue that with the fact that i definitely think kristoph gets bored of how easy it is to have klavier under his heel. it becomes child's play, so much so that it's no longer rewarding. but phoenix is a completely different story because he's unpredictable, because he's much more vigilant about that kind of thing, much more fun to make squirm
it consumes him without him even realising. he never even entertains the idea that he needs phoenix to satisfy him (both in the physical and psychological sense) because needing someone is equivalent to admitting that you're weak or useless on your own and kristoph gavin can never accept that as fact. he can never be honest with himself because thats not something he's capable of
he doesnt take into consideration just how much that what he does, he's doing FOR the approval of others, it doesn't matter if it's genuine to him or not because he sure as hell doesnt know what that looks or feels like. to be respected, to be given what he deserves, to be constantly above anyone and everyone else because thats an insatiable need for him as a person with a simultaneous inferiority AND god complex (as well as a number of potential personality disorders)
he needs to know that he's in control of the situations and people around him. and hes paranoid about the reality of not having that and being reduced to something lesser. unworthy. which is why he's always so careful, so meticulous about everything, to protect that ideology
phoenix to kristoph is this anomaly that he can't define, and he's too afraid of the unfamiliarity of exploring anything remotely foreign i.e his, ugh, FEELINGS about him and what that would imply to ever try. so he convinces himself that it's all about control and its all about personal satisfaction, and while that definitely is true, there's a deeper intricacy that he continuously denies
and its not until phoenix's "betrayal" that that really cements in kristoph's brain. the fact that he's affected by it. that he feels something more intense than simple anger at being foiled
hes afraid of phoenix being able to see through him because he's gotten close so many times. and the only power kristoph has over him after his sentence is the fact that phoenix has never truly understood him, not completely, but it's a personal affliction that he's managed to come close.
kristoph knows that phoenix knows something's up but he has to toe that line of. being the kristoph that phoenix recognises while also making sure he stays in line, and its difficult. especially when phoenix himself learns how to hide better
he knows in a way that phoenix already has him, but he also knows that its not something that phoenix could safely or reliably reveal now or he would have done so sooner. and thats the only solace he gets in knowing that the one-sided trust has been completely shattered, which forces him to actually start exercising his own vigilance in lieu
but he knows that up until shit hits the fan theyre going to keep what toxic situationship they have going. because kristoph isnt letting phoenix go for obvious reasons and phoenix isnt letting go either, and they both have such an intense grip on each other, playing with each other's fears and paranoia, testing each other's limits, attempting to get the other to slip first
and kristoph knows that phoenix is determined. and that he wont stop at anything until he's given kristoph the punishment he believes he deserves. i dont think he knows how much he's unconsciously tapping into phoenix's personal trauma, which is why he ends up underestimating how far he's willing to drag kristoph down
there is something so interesting about how their relationship develops over time
how they both take turns being the pawn in the other's game
how the reality of the situation changes virtually nothing because at that point they've become so ingrained in each other
obviously its the worst for phoenix. he sees miles in kristoph in the worst way and despite his better judgement he still feels the need to try to save him from damnation, even when its futile. thats just how his mind works. he sees the little human things that kristoph does and obviously he's not a complete apathetic dick, so he sympathises
its not as simple or as black and white as dahlia was
dahlia for one literally only used phoenix as a scapegoat. its obvious that she never truly felt anything romantic towards him, and she's much more clear cut in terms of her motivation being purely out of selfish desires to protect herself, which is something phoenix understands. with kristoph though, he goes out of his way to present himself to phoenix as someone he can trust first instead of completely lovebombing him, he builds up their relationship in a way that's slow and gradual to have the highest chance of success and to really get inside phoenix's head.
and i refuse to believe that kristoph wanted to spend any more than a year with him to get what he needed. the fact that he continues keeping in contact with him instead of outright killing him during the 7 year gap which is not at all beyond his capabilities, is a testament to how much he needed phoenix around. and not in the sense that it was vital for his revenge plot which we still dont even know if he has planned at the time. and kristoph is manipulative and cunning out of fear, so this isnt something he thought through step-by-step
phoenix is the only person kristoph HAS. and obviously he hates him, he believes phoenix took something that was rightfully his, and phoenix wright of all people being the one to do it (someone known for his bluffing in court, his chance techniques, his complete inadequacy during court proceedings and yet he STILL manages to get the win time and time again) is just the biggest slap to the wrist
but phoenix is also the only person who kristoph learns he can parry with. and maybe just a little he starts almost enjoying the way they hate each other. how much theyre able to get under each other's skin. which is something phoenix undoubtedly recognises and absolutely uses to his advantage
its because phoenix is able to elicit such a visceral negative emotion from him in a way that nobody else can, that kristoph gets attached. that hes able to elicit anything that causes kristoph mental distress at all. its not that he WANTS it to happen, but moreso that it implies he's getting under phoenix's skin too. and we know how much kristoph loves attention
whereas with dahlia, she didnt have a personal vendetta against phoenix, he was just collateral
and that changes things because shes very obviously just a person with villainous intent who took advantage of phoenix's more naive nature, whereas kristoph took advantage of his position as someone who desperately needed a friend. and that changes things. that directly plays with phoenix's ability to trust those who extend unconditional kindness to him
it means that kristoph becomes this fucked up amalgamation of an in-between. this limbo state between dahlia and miles, in phoenix's head. neither one nor the other, but a secret third thing. it makes phoenix believe that he can somehow help him like he helped miles, becoming blinded by their characteristic parallels, while also recognising that he's being manipulated
and phoenix WANTS to see the best in kristoph. he wants to know that hes human so that maybe it makes things easier. maybe hes just hurt. maybe he's getting defensive because he's going through something else. maybe he wants to be a good person but doesnt know how. he doesnt have to be another dahlia.
phoenix's unrelenting saviour complex and denial over being manipulated by someone like dahlia again, mixed in with kristoph's absolute debilitating abhorrence for being pitied or sympathised with in any way, and how that just ends up spiralling them down further and further
the complete opposite nature of the two of them, foils if you will, phoenix having so many regrets about the situation and kristoph harbouring none
phoenix never truly being able to understand him like he could with dahlia, because he becomes attuned so much with kristoph's humanity, the limbo, how he operates, the uncertainty of whether or not it was all an act, that kristoph never meant the things he said, that the moments of vulnerability, the split seconds that phoenix saw being crafted just to manipulate him (he KNOWS its not true) continues to eat away at him long after the events unfold.
kristoph never opting to give him any sort of closure because that would mean compromising himself and that's something he can never do willingly, and that being the only thing he has over phoenix's head now, the one thing he can pettily hold on to in spite of everything phoenix has managed to do to him. the last bit of control he has left
yeah im normal. why do you ask?
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khytal · 2 years
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get up off the ground, take what is mine we’re not going down without a fight!!
song: “without a fight” by hoobastank
-I’m reading this as klavier rebelling against kristoph, so it’s like. a 4-4 theme
-the time of this performance is ambiguous but it probably makes the most sense as a “klavier gavin takes the stage one last time” thing after the events of aa4, making the courtroom part a flashback
-it’s an aggressive song but I assume klavier puts his whole heart into it when he performs, so this is also him expressing his feelings in a “socially acceptable” way (to the crowd it’s just a cover. to klavier it holds meaning)
-alternatively it’s something he performed before turnabout serenade, turning the concert into the flashback as he thinks about how the lyrics fit the situation (him standing up to kristoph and unveiling the truth of 7 years ago with apollo)
-the text boxes in the 3rd page imply that kristoph knows what klavier’s going to do (the background vocals sing the line before the lead; the corresponding boxes point toward kristoph and the others point towards klavier)
-immediately followed by klavier openly defying kristoph and refusing to back down lol
(-the last bit of the song goes “WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOo-” with a chuckle at the end and it feels very klavier-esque)
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mstgay3000stories · 6 months
Frat4Sale: Crave
Another story about a lazy roommate :) Commissioned by Habernath. Hope you enjoy! For more, check out this link:
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Kristopher was only twenty one, a junior at college, and quite a looker in his own right. He had brown hair styled high, dark eyes, and a clean cut, boyish face with kissable, pouty lips. When he smiled, it was mischievous and playful, highlighting his best features, and making him even more irresistible.
He took great care of his body too. He often worked out, shaved frequently, and remained fit and trim, oftentimes going out shirtless in public just because he could. He had the girls at campus fawning all over him, and had plenty of notches on his bedpost to prove it.
And yet, despite his stunning looks, he was a total slob at home. He knew it. Everyone that knew him knew it. But he didn’t care.
He even had a roommate at one point, who could vouch firsthand for his poor personal habits: a young man named Melvin.
Melvin and Kris didn’t really get along. Melvin was rather uptight, and not only was Kris a slob, he was also an ass. Melvin would pick up after Kris whenever he left his clothes lying around, or whenever he left his dishes in the sink, or left food out everywhere, and any time Melvin tried to bring the issue up, Kris dismissed him or even mocked him. Sometimes, Kris would walk around shirtless while snacking, shamelessly dropping food or crumbs all over his hard, perfectly sculpted chest.
“Uh, you got food on you,” Melvin would say.
“Why don’t you lick it off then?” Kris would reply, laughing mischievously as he sauntered away, leaving more crumbs on the freshly vacuumed floor.
Living with someone so careless was certainly difficult for Melvin. But it was balanced by the fact that he found Kris overwhelmingly attractive. He, like the many girls Kris had fucked over the years, had no problem cleaning up after him if it meant he could ogle his perfect body just a little bit longer. Fortunately, Kris never caught on, and if he had, he would have made life even more miserable for the sophomore.
Kris moved out of the apartment the next year, but Melvin still missed getting glimpses at Kris’ perfect form, from his amazing chest, to his perfect rear, to his tasty, sexy feet. How could someone so sloppy be so incredibly hot? One of life’s mysteries, he supposed.
When a friend recommended the Frat4sale website to him, he was absolutely floored to discover his old roommate on it. He knew that Kris was part of some type of frat and was strangely defensive about it whenever he inquired. Now he knew the reason why.
He had heard several stories from others about the mysterious Aaron, the guy that ran the website and the frat, and it always seemed so implausible. A guy that could mind control others? It sounded ridiculous.
It didn’t stop him from pursuing a session, especially since Kristopher was available. There was no way he was letting that opportunity slide. Besides, he would know right away if it was fake or not given Kris’ reactions to it when meeting; the guy was as straight as a horizontal line.
He had saved up enough money since moving out to buy a session that lasted about a few days. He described the scenario to Aaron through a detailed email, a little something that had been born from his own private fantasies.
In his scenario, he wanted to be roommates with Kris again, to briefly relive their torturous time together, but under very different circumstances. Kris would appear at his apartment, and be back to his usual jerkwad self. He would take off his clothes, walk around shirtless, and be as messy and asinine as always, only this time there would be a penalty that came in the form of The Douchebag Jar.
The Douchebag Jar would require Kris to put money into it anytime he ‘broke’ any one of Melvin’s rules regarding tidiness. Anytime he left his clothes around? A dollar in the jar. Food on his chest? More money for the jar. Etc, etc.
However, each time, Kris would find himself inexplicably unable to pay. He would still have to pay the price for his infractions—and Melvin was going to make him pay with his body. If Kris was under control, as Aaron claimed, then his requests should pose no problem.
He was surprised when he got an email back from Aaron. Everything he had detailed could be easily arranged, all that needed was payment. Melvin sent the money, then waited for his day to arrive, feeling anxious and even doubtful. He wondered why he had blown so much money in the first place. He even made a Douchebag Jar just for fun out of a mason jar and a taped piece of paper, with the words boldly spelled out. He didn’t expect to use it. The whole thing was probably a hoax anyway.
On the appointed day, he heard his doorbell ring and rushed to answer it. He held his breath for a moment, half-expecting it to be anyone other than Kristopher, but when he opened the door, his mouth slipped open.
Kristopher was back. Melvin gawked at him for a few moments, scanning him up and down with disbelief, yet there he was, with the same surly look on his face, his muscles bulging through his thin cotton shirt.
“Move?” he said.
Melvin regained his senses and got out the way. Kristopher barged in, his gym bag slung over his shoulder. 
“H-how are you, Kris? Nice to see you and—” 
Kristopher ignored him and headed to his old room, as if he had lived there the whole time, then shut the door without a word. Just like the old days….
Melvin sat down on the couch to take a breath. He couldn’t get over it. Was Frat4sale real? His eyes wandered over to the Douchebag Jar on the coffee table and he felt a tinge of anticipation hit his cock.
Only one way to find out.
Kristopher came out a short while later and headed to the kitchen.
“What’s to eat?” he said. 
Melvin stared at him. He had taken off his shirt, and was walking around in shorts and socks. Melvin’s eyes scanned his fine, muscular, hairless body, his cock rumbling between his legs. It was like they really were roommates again.
“Hello?” Kris said, opening the fridge. “You deaf or something?”
Melvin collected himself. “Oh, uh, I don’t know. Haven’t been to the store lately.”
Kris groaned loudly, and instead of being annoyed, as usual, Melvin felt giddy.
Kris slammed the fridge then headed to the pantry, and returned with a bag of chips that Melvin was saving for lunch the next day. He opened it without asking, then shoveled a handful into his mouth, crumbs falling all over his bare chest.
He headed to the living room then slumped into a sofa chair and continued to eat messily, chewing with his mouth open, as more and more crumbs tumbled onto his skin. Melvin stared at him from the couch, his heart thumping. 
“What’s that?” Kris said, nodding his head towards the Douchebag Jar on the table.
“That’s uh, the Douchebag Jar.”
“The fuck is a Douche Jar?” Kris said, eating even more noisily.
“That’s Douchebag Jar, and it’s part of, uh, the new rules I’ve set up here.”
“Yeah? What kinda rules?” Kris burped, startling Melvin. He felt so nervous he could hardly articulate himself.
“Right. Uh, starting today, anytime you make a mess in the house, you need to put a dollar in the jar.”
They stared at each other silently for a moment. Melvin thought Kris was going to burst into laughter, or cuss at him for something so idiotic. Instead, Kris looked down at the mess he made on his bare chest, crumbs strewn about.
“Fuck.” He ate a single chip, spilling even more crumbs onto his flawless torso.
“Well I don’t got a dollar, bruh. So now what?” Kris stuffed his face again.
Melvin took a deep breath. It was now or never!
“You need to pay up, and since you don’t have any money, uh, I’ll need to...need to take something from you. From your body.”
“What, you gonna cut my finger off or something?” Kris laughed in his familiar, childish laugh.
“No, I mean, uh,” Melvin took a breath, then stood up, “oh fuck it, you need to pay up by doing anything I say, that’s what. And right now, since you have no money whatsoever, I demand that you let me eat those crumbs off your chest.”
Melvin felt his cheeks turn red. Did he really just blurt that all out? He immediately regretted it. It always felt so much better in his fantasies.
Kris gawped at him quietly. While Melvin couldn’t see it, the jock’s brain was already going off, Aaron’s conditioning running through it like engine oil, twisting and changing his natural reactions, subduing his natural jock instincts to laugh and bully.
Instead, Kris broke the tension with a sigh, then tossed the bag of chips onto the floor. “Fuck, man, I knew I shouldn’t have moved back in. These rules are gonna kill me. Alright, fine.”
Melvin’s eyes widened. “Fine? What do you mean, ‘fine’?”
“I mean, fine, you can eat these crumbs off my chest. Whatever. Stupid rule, but I got no money on me, so I guess it’s fair.”
Melvin almost fell back onto the couch. He could hardly speak or even think at that point. Did he just hear what he thought he heard?
“Well? What are you waiting for? Hurry up, bruh, I don’t got all day.” Kris grabbed a few more chips from the bag and chomped on them as awaited his fate.
He flexed his chest, inadvertently teasing Melvin with it. Melvin felt the temperature rise in his pants.
He gulped, then approached Kris, falling to his knees. He stared at his beautiful chest, covered in scattered, salty bits and pieces. He half expected Kris to punch him right in the face, but instead, he merely gazed at him with his usual irritable, impatient look. It was as if they were conducting a simple business transaction, that Kris wanted to get over with as fast as possible.
But it was more than that. It was a simple transaction that had given Melvin a full-on boner!
Melvin’s lips quivered as he stared at the fallen food on Kris’ chest. His cock throbbed heavily down below, turned on even more by Kris’ uncharacteristic permissiveness. He had always wanted to do this, and couldn’t believe he finally had his chance!
He noticed a rather large chip resting comfortably on Kris’ pec. His head leaned towards it, and, with his gaze locked with Kris’, he gingerly ate the chip right off the unaware jock’s chest, munching on it quietly.
He felt a rush throughout his whole body. The taste of barbecue and salt greeted his tastebuds, but the fact it had been removed from Kris’ body by his own mouth electrified him. He felt emboldened, his cock growing even more in his underwear. His head plunged forward, unable to contain himself, as he let his lips sink onto Kris’ entire pec, swallowing up the surrounding crumbs in the area. His lips slid along the surface, causing his eyelids to flutter as the delectable taste of Kris’ skin filled his senses.
“Fuck me,” Kris said in disgust. Yet, he didn’t move in his seat. His brain accepted the ‘punishment’ he was receiving, though ordinarily he would’ve tossed Melvin onto his backside by now.
Melvin, however, felt consumed with desire, his cock raging below. His lips smacked on Kris’ pec, sometimes taking a moment to chew the loose bits of food in his mouth. His tongue swirled around Kris’ nipple, causing it to get hard, while Kris grunted uncomfortably. He let his fingers squeeze the other pec, plumping up the muscle, while his tongue hounded the other one, the salty and sweet taste of the chips complementing the taste of Kris’ body.
He gently bit into Kris’ chest next, causing the jock to moan and swear at him, but he was so horny he didn’t care. He ate the chips right off his skin first, then chewed on the nipple hungrily, enjoying the strange, sweet and salty taste, erotic and delicious.
“Christ, dude, the fuck are you doing?”
“Gotta...pay the...price….bruh…”
He never used the word ‘bruh’, but it amused him to do so. Kris squirmed in his seat as Melvin continued to bite and lick his chest, crumbs disappearing one by one. He turned his attention to the other nipple and licked it to hardness, moaning with pleasure, enjoying the salty taste on his lips. He licked his lips, then gently bit into the muscled area, as if he were taking the first bite into some luscious peach, causing Kris to howl. Then he treated the nipple to the same service, swirling his tongue around it lasciviously, before gently nibbling on it as if it were a piece of jerky. Kris grit his teeth, but endured, while Melvin spoiled himself at his expense.
But he didn’t stop there. He couldn’t. His hunger caused him to lick the rest of his torso, moving down to his muscled abs, chasing any stray crumbs he could find. He gnawed on the ridges of Kris’ stomach, causing him to shriek again. Kris swore even more, but Melvin noticed he didn’t kick him off at all; he knew he could get away with anything he wanted to at that point. He licked the ridges of his abs, his cock leaking profusely in his jeans, then moved up to the chest again, licking a pathway up to the arms.
He had cleaned up most of the food by now off the torso, but his hunger wasn’t sated. He moved to Kris’ armpit.
“Oh come on. Why the armpit?” Kris said. Melvin explained that he was simply following through with the price that was owed him. Kris reluctantly gave in, his dark eyes shooting daggers at Melvin.
Melvin pinned his arm up against the couch, then licked the newly exposed armpit, basking in the sweaty, musky taste, even finding a few morsels that had fallen there, straight from Kris’ chest. He licked the area ravenously, to Kris’ disgust, a far different flavor than the one at his chest, but one that was just as tantalizing. The jock’s natural scent and deodorant aroma was a treat for him, one that he spent several moments indulging in, lick after lick. He then moved to the triceps. He licked Kris’ triceps while Kris scowled at him, taking great pleasure in feeling the smooth, yet bulging ridges of his underarm; his tongue moved up and licked the biceps as well, his lips smacking and plump, leaving red marks all across the jock’s skin.
“You done yet?” Kris said.
Melvin shook his head. He licked his way across Kris’ broad shoulders to the other arm, where he sucked and groped at his arm muscles, sating his hunger just a little bit more, then forced Kris to expose his pit. Once again, he went after Kris’ tender underarm area, collecting a whole new layer of musk and tastiness on his tongue, while Kris looked on with annoyance. Melvin felt like his cock was bursting. He spent several moments licking the area, building up even more lust, before allowing Kris to drop his arm.
“Now are you finished? You fucking weirdo.”
Melvin wiped his mouth, catching a few breaths. “No. The payment came up a little...short.”
Kris rolled his eyes. “What else you need?”
“Kiss me.” 
Kris’ eyes widened in shock, but his brain wouldn’t let him deny Melvin’s request. His fingers curled into fists, and he shook his head in a threatening manner, but Aaron’s control was unassailable. They shared a tense moment before he finally agreed to it, cursing under his breath.
“Don’t be like that,” Melvin said, wiping the crumbs from his own face. “I’m just trying to keep this place nice and clean.”
Melvin laughed, then grabbed the back of Kris’ head, and plunged in. He moaned when their lips made contact, while his tongue invaded the mouth. He noticed Kris scowling, which amused him: he enjoyed delivering the taste of his own body back to the jock, as the taste of Kris’ body and barbecue flavored chips still lingered on the tip of his tongue. Kris looked uncomfortable throughout the entire encounter, while Melvin made out passionately with him, gasping for breath at times from how horny he was, his body writhing. He was so turned on from the kissing, and the thought of Kris tasting himself indirectly through his tongue, that he ended up cumming in his jeans. His body trembled as he released, yet his lips remained locked on Kris, forcing him to keep up with him. 
Melvin finally got off, and Kris wiped his mouth with his arm. His chest was glossy with saliva, but, finally, spotless. He noticed the wet spot at Melvin’s crotch and was even more repulsed.
“Now we’re done,” Melvin said breathlessly. He grinned then left Kris alone in the living room, and returned to his own room. He was in disbelief at what he had just accomplished. He was so excited he even texted his friend about it, who was glad he was finally getting a bit of revenge on the messy jock. 
The Douchebag Jar actually worked! And if he could get away with eating scraps from Kris’ body and making out with him, what else could he do to him during his stay? He had the next few days to entertain himself, and decided to take it slow.
The next time he saw Kris was later on in the evening, a few hours later.
He was shirtless again, but this time, his socked feet were on the coffee table while he watched a game. He sipped on a beer and didn’t even comment on Melvin’s presence. Melvin turned off the TV.
“The fuck?”
“Excuse me,” Melvin said, standing in front of the blackened display, “but I see another Douchebag Jar violation.”
Kris glared at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? Where?”
Melvin pointed to Kris’ socked feet on the table. Kris looked upset.
“I don’t got any money on me.”
“That’s okay. Stay right there, this won’t take long.”
“Man, are you gonna mess with me again?”
“You gotta pay the price, Kris. It’s what we agreed to.”
Kris swore again, but did as he was told and remained in his seat—allowing Melvin to kneel right in front of his socked soles.
He took a moment to savor the sight before him: two big socked size twelves sitting innocently on the table, teasing him with their sexy arches and toe length, the outlines looking utterly amazing. He caught a glimpse of Kris’ annoyed face between his feet, which made him chuckle. It served the messy fucker right!
He let his hands run along the jock’s socked feet, taking in their heft, his cock once again rising. The smell wafted into his nose, awakening his senses, putting him on edge. His mouth watered. He couldn’t wait to get those socks off!
He let his face run along the edges of Kris’ soles first, causing him to voice his disgust. He even felt his toes wiggle in his socks, and yet, Kris was still sitting there, putting up with his ‘punishment’, just as he was ordered.
Melvin pulled off a sock, and was floored. He knew what Kris’ feet looked like from their time together; he had fantasized about them often. But to be this close to them! He gazed up and down the wide, perfect sole, the incredible arch, the amazing toes. He pulled off the other sock, and was greeted with the foot’s partner, two perfect snacks just begging to be devoured by him. His cock was fully rigid and ready to go, despite the grumpy expression on Kris’ face.
He let his face run along the length of both feet again, warming himself up even more, not at all put off by Kris’ jeers and impatient tongue clicks. The jock’s feet were so warm and soft, so perfect, just like the rest of his body. There was a tangy, wonderful scent emanating from them, which drove Melvin even more wild.
He opened his mouth, and when his tongue made contact, his entire body shuddered.
“Fuckin’ nasty,” Kris said, folding his arms and looking away. Melvin didn’t care. The jock’s feet were a dream! His tongue licked up and down the soles, his cock throbbing heavily from the taste and texture. He took turns licking each sole, his neck craning up and down while his tongue lapped away furiously. Sometimes Kris would wiggle or spread his toes in revulsion, but it only heated Melvin’s loins even more. He couldn’t wait to get at those next!
He put Kris’ feet on top of each other, ignoring his protests the same way Kris ignored his own about cleaning up. Then, he allowed himself to take long, luxurious swipes right up both soles, causing them to tense, his own cock leaking profusely. He pressed his face against them and nuzzled his nose against the arches, taking in more of the scent, his mouth taking its turn from time to time to take in more of that authentic jock-boy taste.
He placed both feet side by side again, then brought the toes to his face. Kris flexed his toes back, which was the best he could do to avoid him, but Melvin held him down firmly anyways, feeling a slight rush of power at having so much control over the jock. He sighed happily as he let his nose run along the bottoms of all ten toes, breathing in their rich scent, enjoying the way they twitched and moved around.
“You gotta be kidding me,” Kristopher said. “This is some sick shit, bruh.”
“That’s funny, I used to say the same thing about your personal habits.”
Melvin let his tongue have a taste of Kris’ amazing toes, then moaned in satisfaction: Kris’ feet were delicious by themselves, but the toes had an even better flavor, and the jock’s reactions were a wonderful added bonus.
His tongue ran all over the toes, spreading them apart, allowing him to enjoy them even more. He opened his mouth and started sucking on them, fulfilling a fantasy he had harbored the entire time he used to live with Kris, his cock shooting out precum as soon as he tasted them. 
He moaned breathlessly as he sucked toe after toe, spending a few moments with each one, his head bobbing up and down while his fingers pressed into the soles. Kris’ toes writhed inside his mouth, clenching futilely at times, yet he was powerless to Melvin’s assault. The jock could barely look anymore, and he hated the feeling of it. Yet, he felt ‘obligated’ by some strange compulsion regardless, though he couldn’t understand why.
Melvin had worked himself into a frenzy, and needed to get some release. Everything about Kris’ feet had fulfilled his deepest fantasies. He whipped out his cock (noting Kris’ even more extreme reactions), then daringly started rubbing them across his soles, squirting his precum all over it.
“Are you fucking serious? What the fuck?” Kris said.
“You only brought this on yourself, Kris. Time to collect the rest of your fine!”
He grabbed Kris’ feet and let his cock rub against the soles, moaning happily while his shaft quivered in his hand. He anointed the bottoms of his toes with precum, ensuring that it got between them, delighting in the way Kris spread them apart from shock, which only made delivering his precum easier.
At last, he grabbed the jock’s big feet and wedged his cock between them. Kris covered his face, while Melvin took his wet and slick, throbbing, veiny cock, and began moving in and out between the tight space between the jock’s soles. Kris constantly swore, yet he remained powerless, his face flinching. He knew what he had to do. The price had to be paid.
Melvin sighed and moaned breathlessly, working his cock up more and more, his balls ready to burst. He couldn’t believe he was actually fucking Kristopher’s feet, and every thrust felt incredibly satisfying, his cock thrilled by the sensations running through it. The fact that Kris hated it made it even more enjoyable, and the expression on his face was priceless. He thrust harder and harder, and shouted after one final, bigger thrust, cumming at last, and releasing copious amounts of his jizz all over Kris’ feet and legs. The jock groaned in disgust, and when Melvin was finished, he pulled away, leaving the jock’s feet a cum-covered mess. It was a mess that, for once, he was proud of.
He grabbed Kris’ socks.
“What are you doing with my socks? Hey, wait!”
Melvin started putting the socks back on Kris’ feet, slapping his hands away whenever he tried to stop him.
“This is the last thing, promise.” He covered them back up, and loved how they immediately began to dampen from the new layer of cum on Kris’ soles and toes.
“What the fuck, bruh?”
“I want you to wear these the rest of the night. Then you can consider your infraction paid for.”
“But I’m going out with the bros later tonight!”
“Well...make sure you take a shower when you get back.” He winked, then left, leaving Kris feeling even more agitated and confused.
Kris left for the rest of the night in a sour mood, but Melvin noticed he did his best not to make any more offenses. Melvin spent the rest of the evening relaxing, overjoyed with what he had accomplished on the first day alone, his cock taking a much needed break.
The next day, he woke up to find Kris wasn’t anywhere to be found. He prepared breakfast for himself, and was surprised to find Kris enter through the front door.
“Hey,” he said. Kris ignored him again. He looked like he had just worked out. He was in gym clothes, and they looked damp.
However, Melvin noticed he started undressing right in the hallway. He watched as he took off his socks and shoes, then the rest of his clothes, leaving them strewn all over the floor, a particularly nasty habit he used to indulge in back when they lived together.
But this time, there would be no futile pleading with him. Kris got down to his jockstrap, and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Melvin stopped him by blocking him in the hall.
“Uh, move?” Kris said. Melvin took a moment to observe Kris’ gorgeous body, his beautiful ass sticking out behind him in all its bare glory, his strap bulging with meat.
“Look at the mess you’ve made. Clothes all over the floor? Oh yeah, you need to pay the Douchebag Jar, no exceptions.”
Kris was in disbelief. “Are you serious? Do I look like I got my fucking wallet on me?”
“Oh. That’s unfortunate. Guess that means you’ll have to pay another way. You can meet me on the couch.”
Melvin walked past him. Kris hit the wall with his fist, but felt compelled to do as Melvin said anyways. Melvin was already seated in the living room when he entered it, a big, excited grin on his face.
He couldn’t wait to dole out the next ‘punishment’, especially with Kris already dressed for the occasion. The jock stood in front of the TV, his jock strap meeting Melvin’s eye level, his arms folded.
“What now?” he said. “Fuck, I don’t even know why I’m doing this shit, this is so unlike me.”
Melvin smiled.
“I want you to come over here and turn around. I’m gonna spank you, maybe rim you a bit, finger fuck you, then fuck you for real. What do you say to that?”
Melvin loved the outrage on Kris’ face, but he knew the jock couldn’t deny him in any way whatsoever.
And he was right.
“Fine. Do it. Fuck this shit, man. I swear I’m moving out the first chance I get!”
Melvin motioned for him to approach him, then turned him around, allowing him a fuller glimpse of Kris’ amazing booty. His own cock was ready, once again, and his mouth was salivating. 
“Bend over.”
Kris sucked in his lips, and felt the sudden urge to murder Melvin, but it was abated by Aaron’s brainwashing. He did as he was told, causing his ass to pop out even more towards his horny roommate.
Melvin let his hands rove around Kris’ buttocks, feeling that familiar, and totally welcome, rush of power. He found Kris’ ass was just as perfect as the rest of his body, rotund, juicy, and just begging to be fucked.
He slapped the jock’s cheeks, causing him to yell out. 
He continued to spank him, taking turns with each buttcheek, loving the fresh bloom of color that appeared on it. He enjoyed the way each buttock jiggled, as well as the very satisfying thwap sound, and his spanking got more and more intense, the more he recalled just how much of an ass Kristopher had been to him in the past.
Kris swore louder and louder, and his ass turned bright red from the frequent smacking. Melvin’s cock was immediately turned on by it all, signaling it was time to take Kris’ ‘punishment’ to the next level.
He pulled the jock strap down, and when Kris tried to protest, he simply handwaved it away, claiming the necessity of payment, while Kris grumbled under his breath.
Melvin pulled the jockstrap down, spotting Kris’ cock hanging between his legs. He would get to that some other time, but for now, he wanted to throw himself to the joy that was Kris’ ass.
He spread the cheeks apart, and was met with a musky, moist crack, a little ripe from the workout, but undeniably sexy. He pushed his face forward and took in even more of the sight and scent, his cock shuddering uncontrollably from it, while Kris winced and sweated from nervousness.
Melvin’s tongue extended, and he moaned gleefully at the rich taste that filled his senses. Kris groaned and shuddered, yet maintained position, as Melvin began to lick up and down his crack, holding onto his cheeks, his fingers digging into the juicy fat. He loved having the jock in such a compromising position; it was not only incredibly hot, but also humiliating to Kris, which he found highly amusing. His tongue lapped up the area, his own body turned on even more by Kris’ shudders and groans.
He let his tongue swirl around the hole, the taste far more rich there, noting how it clenched from nervousness.
“Relax, Kris, you’re not in prison or anything. It’s just me.” Melvin smiled mischievously.
“I might as well be in prison, you fucking asshole! Fuck you, Melvin.”
Melvin laughed and continued to rim Kris voraciously. His lips turned to the buttocks themselves, and he wiped them with his tongue, covering the surface wholly. Kris winced and griped as Melvin’s tongue stung his newly sensitive, reddened buttocks, but Melvin didn’t stop regardless.
When he was finished with licking and worship, it was time to give his fingers a go. He let his fingers trail down Kris’ moist crack softly and gently, causing him to feel even more nervous. His fingers ran across his plump buttocks playfully, their delicate motions making Kris feel more and more threatened.
“You’re not going to put those in, you know...”
“What do you think, dumbass?” Melvin smiled at his own uncharacteristic reply. He hardly ever cursed at anyone like that! But he couldn’t help himself. It was so much fun having Kris at his mercy!
Kris screamed when he felt Melvin’s finger poke at his hole.
“I haven’t even got inside yet,” Melvin said.
Kris whimpered, begging Melvin to not go through with it, even promising to clean up after himself later, which surprised Melvin. He had never known Kris to be such a wuss, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.
He finally jabbed his finger inside. Kris let out a high pitched shriek.
“Now I’m inside you.” Melvin laughed as his finger dug deeper into Kris’ throbbing hole. Kris wanted to escape, to attack, but Aaron’s conditioning made sure he stayed put, to take his punishment right in the ass, quite literally in this case.
Melvin let his single finger burrow into the jock’s hole, further and further, taking as much liberty as he could, and when he had stretched him enough, he forced a second finger inside. Kris howled, while Melvin laughed, his cock throbbing even more, every finger and push inside the jock feeding his cock’s hunger bit by bit.
He fucked and stretched his hole like cotton candy being spun, and even managed to get a third finger inside, right up to the knuckle. He kept it there, enjoying the feel of Kris’ insides, yet another intimate body part he never thought he’d be acquainted with. Kris was teary eyed, and cursing by the second, yet his cock was strangely getting hard from the forced stimulation. Melvin allowed his fingers to push back and forth gently, spreading the jock’s entry point wider, while simultaneously also causing Kris’ cock to tent. The sight of it disappeared from view, and that’s when Melvin knew Kris was hard.
“Wow, you’re hard? Maybe you’re gay too.”
“Shut up!” Kris said, whimpering. He felt tense from the agony of having fingers up his ass, as well as the humiliation at being hard from it.
Melvin was ready. He pulled his fingers out, giving Kris some temporary relief, then stood up and got his own cock out. His cock throbbed heavily in his hand, and he gave himself a few strokes as he readied to put it inside Kris’ newly minted hole.
He let his cockhead swirl around Kris’ hole first, drops of precum wetting it even more.
“You fucking asshole….I can’t believe I’m letting you do this!”
Melvin laughed, while Kris continued to swear at him, but he stopped Kris’ protests by sticking his cockhead inside his hole, causing him to moan instead. Melvin spent several moments enjoying the feel of having made it inside, an accomplishment he took a somewhat twisted sense of pride in.
He sighed dreamily, preparing himself for something he always wanted to do: to fuck Kris in his ass.
He once again recalled the many times he wanted to do so in the past: all those times of agitation, frustration, all the times Kris laughed in his face. And then, with one fell swoop, he thrust as hard as he could inside the jock, violently, mercilessly.
Kris shouted and almost keeled over from the impact, but his cock reacted with joy. They both moaned as Melvin held the position, his cock throbbing against Kris’ warm insides, wanting more and more.
He delivered several smaller thrusts, gasping with pleasure and disbelief, both of their cocks throbbing intensely. He pulled away, leaving only the head in, then rammed Kris once again, all at once, causing both of them to moan even louder.
From there, it was a mix of smaller and medium sized thrusts. Both of them were writhing and moaning breathlessly, sweating profusely, while Melvin pistoned in and out, taking his roommate for a ride. His thrusts got shorter and faster. Melvin grit his teeth, and his balls swelled, as he finally came inside the jock, unable to withhold himself any longer. Kris shouted a short while after, cumming himself.
Melvin pulled out, and was happy to see his cum bubble out of Kris’ hole, a work of art. Sure, the living room was messier with all the cum all over it, but he didn’t care; he’d clean it up himself even! He was just grateful for the experience overall.
Kris, on the other hand, could barely walk, and hobbled away, naked and wet.
“Hope you enjoy your shower,” Melvin said with a cheeky grin.
Kris was far too upset to even say anything back, and wandered off, his lips pursed. He hated the feeling of the jizz sliding down his thighs, and his insides felt like they were burning. On the other hand, it had all felt earth shatteringly good, enough for him to cum twice from it, a fact he didn’t dare share with his roommate.
Melvin cleaned up, then retired to his room for the rest of the day, far too spent to play anymore. He only had one day left with Kris, but for now he needed a break!
The next day, Kris made no mention at all of his ‘punishments’, and the Douchebag Jar even made a couple of actual dollars throughout the day. It seemed Kris was being mindful of his own behavior. Melvin spent the entire day in, and noticed his roommate carefully avoiding some of his usual shenanigans, which amused him.
Kris grabbed a beer, and, while heading back to his room, opened it. It foamed and spilled onto the floor. 
“You just spilled beer all over the place, Kris.”
“Fuck.” Kris searched his pockets. He patted them down, becoming more and more upset. “Oh come on, I know I had a dollar in here somewhere!”
“Sorry, but...you know what that means.” Melvin got up from the couch, ready to collect.
“No way, bro. I know I have some money on me. Just give me a second and I’ll get my wallet, and….”
Melvin shook his head. “Sorry, but the rules are the rules. Time to pay up.”
Kris shut his eyes in frustration, then angrily placed his beer on a nearby table. “How do I pay it off this time? Man, fuck this Douchebag Jar crap!”
“We’ll just keep it simple. A blowjob will do.”
“A what?!”
“You heard me.”
Kris stood there angrily, his mind stewing with all sorts of things he’d like to do Melvin, and none of them involved pleasure. However, he had no choice but to cave in to his fussy roommate’s demands.
“I’ve never blown a guy before.”
“First time for everything.” A grin spread across Melvin’s face as Kris fell to his knees, right on top of the small mess he had made on the carpet.
Melvin hastily brought his cock out, then ordered Kris to lick it to hardness. Kris winced, but did as he was told, gingerly moving his head back and forth as he brought Melvin’s cock to life. Melvin loved his reactions. He looked like some kid that was being forced to eat his vegetables, and couldn’t wait to stuff even more down his ungrateful throat.
It didn’t take long for him to get hard. Getting sucked off by a straight boy, especially one as hot as Kris, was incredibly entertaining, and felt overwhelmingly wonderful. When his cock was rock hard, he told Kris to lick his shaft. Kris scoffed, but Melvin didn’t relent, forcing him to do it anyway. He began craning his neck, doing his best to service Melvin’s cock and struggling, amusing Melvin as well as turning him on further.
He stopped Kris’ clumsy dick licking, then let his cockhead rub against Kris’ lips. Kris groaned and his face soured, but he stayed in position despite himself, even as Melvin’s precum made his lips glossy. 
“Open up,” Melvin said.
Kris tried with all his might to resist, but he just couldn’t do it. He let out a frustrated cry, then his jaw opened, and then, Melvin was inside his face. Melvin’s eyelids fluttered as he sank inside his messy roommate, his hands running through Kris’ fauxhawk.
He loved the sight of Kris’ displeased expression, his cheeks bulging with his cock. He loved the feel of his tongue on his rod, which slowly pistoned in and out, much gentler than the forceful ass fucking he had delivered the day before.
He enjoyed the slow, steady rhythm, slowly edging deeper and deeper, further and further down Kris’ mouth….and then started to pick up the pace. Kris gagged, even looking up in shock, but Melvin only tightened his hold. Once again, he felt a rush of power and was more than happy to punish Kris for his past behavior, driving his dick further down his mouth until he was fucking his throat. Kris gagging became more pronounced, his eyes watered, and his nose started to run, while Melvin clutched his hair tightly, pulling it from his scalp. 
He started skullfucking Kris, forcing his head to move rapidly against his pelvis, his nose hitting his skin. Melvin moaned and gasped, the whites of his eyes showing as he surrendered to the immense pleasure, the joy of finally giving Kris what he truly deserved. He came, filling Kris’ throat with his jizz, causing him to gag and even cry. 
He pulled out, and his jizz fell onto the carpet, mixing with the beer stains on the carpet and making an even bigger mess. Kris collected himself, coughing and retching, holding his throat, his face red and his chin dripping with cum.
“Don’t forget to clean that all up,” Melvin said, leaving to the restroom to freshen up after his hearty blowjob. 
The day continued without a hitch. Kris even cleaned up after himself, including the mess from their blowjob earlier. Now that Melvin was rested again, he was ready for more. He knew he only had a couple hours left with Kris. While he was more than satisfied with his session so far, he was hoping to at least catch him in the wrong one more time before he took off good.
He got his chance. Kris was getting ready for a shower for a date later that night. Melvin knew that, once he left, he would never see him again (unless he paid for it, of course). Kristopher was on the phone, talking to his latest female conquest, and was getting ready for a shower—but was in nothing but his underwear.
When he came to the living room to grab a snack, Melvin cleared his throat.
Kris looked at him with an annoyed expression, and covered the speaker on his phone. “What?” he said in a hushed voice.
Melvin pointed his gaze towards Kris’ underwear. 
“So what?” Kris said in whispers. “I’m not making a mess, am I?”
“Walking around in your underwear is still a violation.”
Kris got louder. “I thought walking in a jockstrap was a violation, when the hell did underwear become a bad thing?”
Melvin wouldn’t hear it. “Sorry, but this is an infraction, and you need to pay up.”
Kris’ face was shocked. “I don’t have any money on me, I’m on the phone! Have a fucking care, would you?”
Melvin smiled to himself. How many times had he made that exact same plea in the past?
But this time was different. He wouldn’t budge.
Kris shook his head angrily. “Sorry,” he said to the girl on the phone, “I’ll have to call you back.”
“No, wait!” Melvin said. “Stay on the line. This will be part of your payment.”
Kris was puzzled. Melvin explained he wanted to give Kris a blowjob this time—while he remained on the phone.
“Are you fucking crazy?” Kris whispered.
“No. Just horny,” Melvin said bluntly. “Plus, I find this amusing. Stay on the line. This won’t take long.”
Kris was speechless as Melvin got to his knees. He encouraged him to keep talking, even as he pulled his waistband down, revealing his big floppy cock.
Finally! He had been so busy with the rest of Kristopher’s beautiful body the last couple days he never had a chance to acquaint himself with his cock, one-on-one. Now it was time.
“Yeah,” Kris said nervously on the phone, “I’m uh...I’m still here, baby.”
Melvin began stroking Kris’ cock as he talked to his latest date. It grew stiff by the second, throbbing with every pull on it, every squeeze heating it up. Kris leaned back on the wall as Melvin stroked him to a fat erection.
“Yeah babe...we can go out to the beach l-later and...ohhh gawd….what? N-nothing it’s...mmmm….w-what are you talking about...I’m fine!”
Kris sucked his lips in, as Melvin began licking his cock, taking his time to indulge in the taste. It was everything he ever dreamed about when it came to Kris’ cock, musky, manly, hard as steel. Kris’ knees wobbled as Melvin serviced him, the veins throbbing rapidly in his shaft.
He hissed. “No, you’re the only one I’m talking to right now, babe, I swear! It’s just….oh gawd….ohhhhh…fuck...”
Melvin took Kris inside his mouth and began sucking him hungrily. He gazed up at the jock as he whimpered helplessly, and could hear the girl on the phone growing more confused...and angry.
He smiled as he sucked on Kris’ cock further, causing him to grow more restless as his head bobbed back and forth, the jock even moaning at times.
“N-no, I’m not...not fucking another girl right now at all! You crazy? You sound like my stupid roommate M-mel...oh fuck...mmmmmm….Melvin...ahh!”
Melvin almost laughed, his cheeks bulging with Kris’ cock. He tasted his precum, and increased his sucking, doing his best to draw more and more out of the captured jock. His sucking became heavier and more rapid, rendering Kris incoherent. Kris’ eyes rolled up and he dropped his phone, as he moaned louder and louder, while Melvin sucked him like a leech. Finally, the jock exploded, his cries spreading across the living room. A smile managed to spread across his face, but was immediately dispelled when he realized his call had ended.
“Aw shit,” he said. He pulled out his cock from Melvin’s mouth, grabbed his phone, then returned to his room, making several attempts to reach his date again.
“You fucking asshole, Melvin!” He yelled, right before he slammed the door.
Melvin wiped his mouth, the taste of cum still fresh inside it. As far as he was concerned, the session was officially over.
Kris finally ended up leaving later in the evening, taking his gym bag of stuff with him, and Melvin watched him drive away through the window. He returned to the living room, and picked up the Douchebag Jar. It seemed he had made five bucks in total over the last three days, which meant Kris had cleaned up after himself exactly that amount of times. It was five times more than he ever did in the past. He took the money out, and put the jar away, and couldn’t wait to use it once again. He was sure it wasn’t the last time he’d run into his douche of a roommate, and he’d have his jar ready for him.
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sholmeser · 6 months
aa4 is so good because it’s about ignorance. throughout the trilogy we realize that phoenix is aware of the issues in the judicial system, but he largely takes on a blasé attitude towards them: when he learned about the law, things were already that way. a system that utilizes jurors is a thing of the past, something contained solely to courtroom dramas from the previous century; nobody currently practicing remembers what it was like anymore. phoenix brings up how trials have been contained to a maximum of three days in aa1 and then never considers this again; he can’t because, like the vast majority of people, he accepts it when someone tells him that something is normal. he thinks that this is normal and that things will never change and so he goes through the trilogy—which only has legal corruption as a very minor theme (save for perhaps in rise of the ashes), and never discusses the issues with the judicial system outright—remaining completely indifferent to these issues.
and it’s this indifference that comes back to fuck phoenix over later: he’s completely ignorant of all of the issues related to the way the legal system is structured, and so he doesn’t think twice when accepting the diary page from trucy, doesn’t think twice about presenting it for the world to see, loud and proud and full of confidence. phoenix doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions in the context of the world that he lives in, and this is what gets him disbarred.
and then enter apollo, who would have been just like phoenix. he’s a greenhorn and he’s nervous as hell and it’s likely that the idea of a corrupt system never even crossed his mind prior to turnabout trump or even succession. but then kristoph gets arrested and phoenix takes him under his wing and apollo learns. he learns and experiences first-hand over the course of just a few months what phoenix couldn’t comprehend in three years and change. apollo learns about the problems in the system because phoenix tells him about them. phoenix, whose mentor died less than a month after his first trial, never had something like that.
and so aa4 teaches us to always, constantly, be questioning the ethicality of the world we live in, of the decisions that the people who came before us made. because our judicial system—and our world overall—has so many problems ingrained all the way down to its core. aa5/6 canon notwithstanding, phoenix’s introduction of the jurist system wouldn’t have fixed everything. far from it. but things would have gotten better, and that’s what’s important: things would have gotten better and apollo would have learned and phoenix would have successfully trained a new generation to do what he could not, and this is why apollo is so willing to put his life on the line for the cause of the greater good in turnabout revolution. because he can see the issues and he can appreciate them and he can want to fix them.
and so aa4 serves to tell us that we can always be better. we always have the power to enact the change we want to see, but this can’t happen if we can’t root out the problem in the first place. and that’s why it’s so good in the context of how phoenix behaves in the entire trilogy, and that’s why it’s so important that it’s through a fresh set of eyes instead of phoenix’s own once again. aa4 tells us to not be ignorant and open our eyes instead. to see the problem and be the change we want to see.
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thinking about the Gramaryes and legacy and family ties. the troupe is a “family” publicly—they share last names and project the appearance of a cohesive unit. But Zak and Valant aren’t blood related—to each other or to Magnifi, whose only blood relative in the Troupe is Thalassa. Magnifi passed on his “magic” by mentoring Zak and Valant, but the true magical talent was something only inheritable by actual bloodlines—the Perceive ability. this throws the whole dynamic into conflict, especially when the heightened senses associated with Perceive are integral to certain magic acts. The gramaryes aren’t the cohesive family they pretend to be—and that’s not even getting into everything to do with Thalassa and the in-group romances.
you’ve also got their disbandment and the way that Trucy is left trying desperately to carry on the legacy of the troupe—something she’s doing without Magnifi’s teachings, but something she’s doing based on her inherited Perceive ability and senses, plus whatever she remembers from her childhood with the troupe. in contrast again, there’s Valant Gramarye, trying to carry on based purely on a name and lingering reputation. it was good enough to get him a gig with the Gavinners, but clearly his performances lack the certain spark that the old Troupe Gramarye embodied—the spark that likely came from the real “magic” of those within the gramarye bloodline.
but the gramarye bloodline isn’t necessarily a good thing to be part of—because why would Thalassa run away? as a teenager who’s grown up starring in a family magic show, what was it about that life that made her flee when she realized she was about to bring forth another generation of the gramarye line? She returns to the troupe eventually—but without her son Apollo, who it’s possible Magnifi never knew existed, or at least never knew survived to adulthood. Without taking AA6 into account (because that backstory wasn’t thought of yet when AA4 was made), we can theorize—maybe Thalassa realized she couldn’t get by on her own, and that she had to return to the security of the troupe, but didn’t want Apollo to be exploited for his bloodline-given gift the way she had been, and therefore gave him up? Was Trucy a sign that she’d later changed her mind about the Troupe—or was she never planned to begin with?
and where does Apollo fit into this legacy, in the end? he doesn’t know he should fit, but he knows that he shares Perceive with Trucy, and he likely wonders about its origins. He isn’t burdened by being part of the legacy of the Troupe, but he’s burdened by having unclear origins. and he’s technically one of the final members of the gramarye bloodline—which begs the question of whether the important part of Troupe membership was by birth or by adoption.
aa4 in general is a game all about family ties—the gramaryes, yes, but also kristoph and klavier, the kitakis, the mishams, even trucy and phoenix. i think, in the end, it tries to communicate a message about family legacies not defining you, but embracing the family you choose. (even if part of your family of choice happens to be a member of your real life family that you don’t find out is related to you….ever, apparently).
theoretically all of this is basically an entire actual essay if i start talking about the other families but…i don’t know if i have enough time, post space, or desire to type this up entirely on my phone to make that happen. so instead you get my slightly more organized versions of a draft full of disorganized thoughts
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bloomingkyras · 2 months
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Since the letter had already found, she when back at Kristopher's house to gave the letter.
He read the letter and when it come to the last part he give back the letter to Aurora to read.
"How are you my friend, Kristoper? maybe you have received this letter from my granddaughter, Aurora. There's something I need u to help with. Please help me to take care for my graddaugther Aurora, help her to deal with her weakness.I really want her to be herself again, going to have a normal life just like others. And its the right time to tell her about our generation, tell her why we keep destroying things and always had bad reputation with others.I really want to do that by myself but I'm not sure when. I know u are the right person to help me. Sent my regard to our friends and also tell my graddaugher that 'no matter what happen, I always love and proud of her.' - from ur old friend Robert-
Kristopher told everything that she need to know. Aurora seem to be understand with everything that already happen to her and she have to accept the fate of becoming a Werewolf.
But one thing's make her worried if there's no one wants to be friend with her, if they know who she is. Will she get a normal life like her late parent have?
Kristopher told her that everything gonna be fine and it's the right time for her to come out from her weakness and meet new friends. He also told her if she manage to come out from her weakness, he will introduce her to the new leader of the pack that can help her to be one of Emissary of the collective.
She promised to them that she will work hard on it.
disclaimer: my game change the leader of the pack with random NPC and I don't know how to change it. So, I just change my story line to fit the challenge. Hope its fine with u guys ✌🏻.
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rockymintscollective · 2 months
Okay I noticed something [Spoilers for AA4]
I was playing the second case of the AA4 game (the one where there's Wocky in it and the whole thing where "herr forehead" comes from) and i noticed something odd. So I went to the little thing where you can look at the sprites and everything.
Take a look at this line from the game.
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He's smiling, right? Typically when you see someone smile, you think that, you know. They're telling the truth. That they're not lying to you. That make sense, right?
Take a look at this still. (Forgive me for the shitty quality of these things, by the way)
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This one is called "being sincere" and yet he, too, is also smiling. Though it's more... Small? More of a faint smirk? I would describe it as such anyway. It's more of a smirk. It's more of a casual thing. Like whenever you get someone a bottle of water and they say "thanks man" and they actually mean it.
Now. Take a look at this last screenshot I'm about to show you.
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Take a look at the name of this one.
He's confident in this stance and you see him like this at least once, to my knowledge, in the first case with Kristoph where you find him guilty. You see him have this exact face and see him wear it proudly.
Now think back to what I said earlier. What his first line was.
"I'm not an attorney anymore. ...That's the only truth you need to know."
He's not an attorney, but you can see it in his eyes that he misses being one. That he, deep down, wants to go back to what he used to do. Because of his smile and how you see him look in his "being sincere" look, you can tell that he's lying out of his ass.
Phoenix Wright, while disbarred, may have hated the thought of being an attorney. That much is true. But he still yearned for it when he was on that defense stand and yearned for it whenever he had the chance to be one again.
Phoenix Wright was always meant to be a defense attorney at heart.
Oh also if you look at the one time when he says "oh i assure you it's quite based" you can't tell me that he had a giggling fit with Trucy afterwards like
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you can't tell me this man said it like that with a straight face and then just went on with life like that. Especially if we think of the fact that this is probably during the time where slang and lingo is more modern like. Everyone's probably saying based and Phoenix hears himself saying that and his first mental thought is "oh fuck i'm becoming a gen-z adult" /pf
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turnabout-plus-one · 5 months
writing progress report!
hii guys welcome to the first official progress report for tp1 ^_^
okay routes! so far we've got these as finalised routes:
miles edgeworth (romantic / ??) kristoph gavin (romantic?) iris fey (romantic / platonic) maya fey (platonic) apollo justice and trucy wright (platonic) larry butz (platonic / ...? ) ??? (???)
and these as potential route ideas:
godot/diego armando (platonic) sebastian debeste and kay faraday (platonic)
the route list may be edited and more routes may be removed and added at any time!!!
most of the routes on the finalised route list have been blocked out with ideas already - funnily enough, the route we have the MOST development is, well, larry's . you can thank placid for that one 💥💥
we have a bunch of fun cameos lined up, so be on the lookout for those! some are route specific, some aren't. pray for your faves, okay?
we're having lots of fun in the discord server, so also be on the lookout for the occasional teaser post for routes, features, etc! placid will be handling the programming and audio section of this blog, and tama the art! we will . figure out audio later ☝️
remember, too; this is a passion project and none of us are getting paid, so there's no set release date or anything - it's just something we're doing out of love for art, writing, programming, and the ace attorney games 🫶🫶
this has been a fun progress report - keep your eyes peeled for more!
- squid 🦑
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lorillee · 7 months
sorry yeah we're talking about dual destinies again. anyways i know ive already talked about this adjacently before but something that just really irks me about the whole dark age of the law situation is just. yeah its about how simplistic it all is but also its annoying because the way its presented is that its the people who are the problem, not the system itself. like, in aa6 theres this one line from edgeworth where he says the prosecutor's office is simply not corrupt anymore because he got rid of all of the bad prosecutors but like thats. thats not how this works. and that entire mentality is just so egregiously pervasive throughout dd.
like the ace attorney court system we are introduced to in the first game is just. awful. three day trials where everything is so horrifically stacked against the defense that in order to even look at the crime scene the defense lawyer has to personally befriend the detective and convince said detective to let them onto the scene despite the consequences the detective will face for this. even if all the prosecutors were perfectly morally upright people who had only the intention of finding the truth, the system is designed specifically against the defense. the dark age of the law is now.
in dual destinies though the "dark age of the law" is said to have started when phoenix was disbarred and simon incarcerated, and apparently ends because kristoph and bobby are caught, but the problem here is ... its not the individuals who are causing the dark age of the law. its the system itself. like legitimately it makes no sense that suddenly everybody collectively decided that the ends dont justify the means anymore after bobby gets caught for . uh. checks notes. being a foreign spy for an unknown nation going after a macguffin, murdering somebody, and not speaking up when somebody else offered to take the blame. like its so stupid. guys. guys
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eleccy · 7 months
The thing about Kristoph and Apollo is that they have a very disturbingly similar sense of dark humor.
From 4-1, on the card not being in the bottle and there being a fourth person present (i.e. himself!):
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This is one of my favorite Kristoph lines because it's just so out of pocket. So snarky. He just says this in open court. Granted, at this point Phoenix had pissed him off enough to start breaking his gentlemanly façade. And he does apologize for it after. But it's still so hilarious. It really just kind of shows that Kristoph's internal monologue is just dripping with disdain for everyone and everything. He's so done with peoples stupidity and it's great.
And then we have Apollo. This is from 4-2:
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I think this is Apollo's internal monologue, were he to say this out loud to Trucy, she probably would've responded with something funny as well. But it's so funny to me that Apollo thinks like this and there are so many other examples of times that he thinks or says out of pocket stuff. Apollo's "so done" attitude doesn't really manifest itself fully until Kristoph is in jail, but even in 4-1 there are shades of it. I can't help thinking that it's an attitude he has in common with Kristoph or kind of subconsciously picked up from him. Either way the whole thing is super funny, and kind of melancholy if you think about it for too long.
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