#the implications there are always gross and unappreciated
arcadekitten · 1 year
sorry if this question upsets you because you've answered it a lot, but is mary a child/teen on Blackout Hospital? i supposed she was young because of the game console thing and her naiveness, though its part of her personality i feel like she's a minor in this game
No. Mary is not a child. Mary is not a teenager. Mary is not a minor. Mary is an adult woman.
I don't mean to sound harsh, or mean, or cruel, but I am quite frankly sick of getting this question and people's inability to see Mary as an adult. I don't think you are trying to "bait" me into getting worked up or something, but because this happens often enough, I need to say something about it.
Mary's appearance should not be an excuse as to why people see her as a child. She's essentially the same height as Twyla in Cemetery Mary, but not one person has ever came to me saying they suspected Twyla of being a teenager? Or a child? Or a minor? Is that not weird, when they look so similar?
In Blackout Hospital, Mary is shown to be around the same stature as other adult characters. Yes, she is a short person. A petite person! But there's plenty of adults who are petite too--do you call anyone you see under 5'5" a child?
(Images presented for comparison)
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I think some people also conceive the notion in their heads that Mary is younger due to having a flatter chest than some of her other female/feminine peers. I, however, find this to be pretty ridiculous for a few reasons.
One, is because it is completely natural for people to have different body types. There are teenagers who have big chests. There are adult women who have small or even flat chests.
Two, because as I have openly stated in the past--Mary is designed with the potential to be interpreted as a cis or trans girl. If one were to read Mary as being a transgirl, it would also make sense for her to not have much of a chest.
I think using Mary's personality as a reason to read her as young is...well, in the most polite way I can possibly say this...I think it's bullshit. Because I notice this trend happen across hundreds of characters and now it's happening with mine.
Characters who are mean are perceived as older, more mature. Characters who are nice are perceived as stupid, and younger. Twyla and Mary are around the same height and have nearly identical figures, but because Twyla is mean no one spares her a second glance and because Mary is nice everyone accuses her of being a child. (Even with characters who aren't Mary this happens. Dr. D. Light is often portrayed as stupid or gullible or idiotic when he's...literally a certified doctor? He isn't stupid--he's just nice.) Similarly, it's interesting to me how when Reginald doesn't understand a piece of technology he's often viewed as older, but when Mary doesn't, she's viewed as younger? Why is that?
And, because this has recently been confirmed as part of Mary's canon, I ESPECIALLY do not like Mary being accused of being a child/minor when Mary is autistic.
The infantilization of autistic adults is a real issue, and there's plenty of articles and conversations on the topic. I don't necessarily want to start a whole new conversation about that here, but I will say that because of it, it really does rub me quite the wrong way when people accuse Mary's personality or mentality as being that of a child. I often wonder how many traits Mary displays that people see as "being that of a child" when they're really just "traits associated with autism".
But I think a big flaming gun in this whole argument is that no one in these universes where Mary exists treats her like a child or a teenager. When Mary meets Twyla in Cemetery Mary she describes her as looking college-aged AND also around her age. No one brings up any objection as to why Mary would be allowed in a bar that serves alcohol. No one ever brings up the idea of Mary currently being enrolled in a highschool(Except in a game like Here For Sweethearts, where she is a highschooler just like EVERYONE ELSE). No one brings up an age difference when it seems like Mary and Reginald could be romantically involved in CM. Twyla accuses Mary multiple times of dating Reginald in CM without mentioning any difference they could have in age or why it would be inappropriate if they were dating. When *slight Blackout Hospital spoilers, I'm sorry!* Hyllindrix sees Mary wearing a wedding ring, he asks her if she is married without any sort of mention that she would be a child bride or something similar. Reginald has line in Blackout Hospital where he refers to her as being a woman. Vasilis, a clearly established adult with a job, says things to Mary like "These have been around since WE were kids".
And part of the reason receiving asks or comments like these makes me so mad is because it always feels like you guys are trying to accuse me of something. Like you are covertly trying to catch me in a "gotcha!" moment where I'll admit Mary isn't actually an adult or something, so you can frame the relationships Mary has with other people as being something predatory and gross and "expose" me as someone who is okay with that kind of content. And that makes me really sad to be viewed as someone who would portray that kind of stuff as OK in my work.
Mary Anta is an adult woman. I have never treated her like she is not. None of her in-universe friends have treated her like she is not. And I think that is what I want people to take away from this. If YOU view Mary as a child, a teenager, a minor, when she clearly is not then that is on YOU. I am not the one infantilizing Mary. You are.
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magioffire · 3 years
🍵 body representation !
get yer salt get yer salt ; accepting
alright ive got Thoughts about this. both inside and outside the rpc and tumblr in general. but lets start with the rpc for one.
ive been on tumblr a long ass time, since like....idk 2013? maybe even 2012 idk its easy to lose track of time LOL and ive seen both this website and the rp community go through a lot of different discourse, on all things, but specifically in this case, body representation and positivity, and like a lot of tumblr discourse, i think a lot of people particularly in fandom spaces are very....preformative in their support of people of different body types, particularly bigger body types. like yeah, its easy to say you support fat characters in media, but are you actually taking the time to draw fanart of fat characters, or making your own fat ocs? are you taking the time to actually learn how to draw different body types properly? are you giving characters of different body types the same time of day as other characters? and the answer is often a no for most people. and its not cuz they hate fat people usually or anything like that, though i have encountered a few like that, its more than society has really beaten it into us this idea that conventional attractiveness is the only kind of attractiveness worth admiring.
like alright, ive always had a hard time correcting artists who drew valeriu skinny in the past. because not only was i was like, scared i was coming across as unappreciative, or knocking their art, but also scared that i was going to give the implication that i was telling them they couldn't draw. but over time, particularly in the case of art i am commissioning (where i am much more proactive in making sure if theres any issues of vali's weight not being represented properly, they dont go past the sketch stage, and also making sure the artists i commission *can* actually draw fat people in the first place) because its so disheartening when you pay money for a commission, and youre too un-assertive that you just grit your teeth about it or you dont push hard enough to have it fixed because youre scared of being pushy and unappreciative. but now i know better. i know my character and people like me deserve to be represented properly.
theres also this overwhelmingly trope where fat characters, particularly fat male/masculine characters, are shown as slobs, as being just gross and uncultured people, people with no self control when it comes to food, and comic relief, usually relating to food comic relief, which is a very harmful stereotype of fat people. i really aim to subvert these ideas with vali, who is a very beautiful, eloquent person. also ive noticed in the lgbt community, theres a lot of fatphobia. and theres even less fat representation of lgbt fat people, often because i think in order for straight audiences to view lgbt relationships as 'acceptable', they have to be conventionally attractive queer people, queer people that are sexy but not too risque as too scare the cishets. but its also coming from inside the lgbt community (i repeat, the fatphobia is coming from inside the house). i dont know how many times ive seen jokes or actual examples of cis white gay dudes having "no fats, no femmes/trans, no colors" on their grindr profiles. like imagine the typical media representation of a queer man. youre probs thinking of a conventionally attractive, tall, muscular, white guy with short cropped hair and an otherwise unchallenging, unthreatening gay man, who is nonthreatening not only to straight people, but also gay men who have these cissexist, racist and fatphobic ideas. and this bleeds into fandom. fat characters and fat headcanons of lgbt characters are overwhelmingly less popular and sometimes even ostracized by the fandom at large. its seen as 'gross' and 'disrespectful' to make characters who are skinny in the canon material fat, when there is nothing inherently gross or disrespectful about making a canonly skinny character fat (not talking about fetish art, fat chasers are a whole new ball game and give actual fat creators trying to create serious fat characters a bad name).
and just lastly.....ive seen people try to beat around the bush about vali being overweight. whether its in drawings, or in rps, people as a whole seem to be reluctant to accept the fact valeriu is fat. and lmfao this isnt about anyone specific, particularly my rp partners you all have been amazing, but its just a...general *vibe* i get. that people would *prefer* if vali *wasnt* fat. and im like well. fuck you. hes fat and hes beautiful and hes proud. deal with it. i think people need to come to terms with the fact that fat people can not only be just as attractive as skinny people, but even sometimes *more* attractive in the eyes of some. beauty after all is in the eye of the beholder. and let me say, vali hasnt always been a fat character. and lets just say he got a lot more ship interest when he was skinner. which, im not complaining in the slightest, i would rather have a smaller selection of rp partners that are actually rping and shipping with my character for the love of him, and not just because they like his face.
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waitineedaname · 5 years
There was someone in Rose’s house.
The welcome mat was ever so slightly off-centered and when she opened the door, her cat was not waiting to greet her. He must be hiding somewhere, which he only did when there were other people in the house.
She approached with caution, sliding her shoes off in the doorway to minimize sound. Her needles were at the ready as she neared the kitchen, sliding against the wall. There was a figure sitting at her kitchen table in the dark.
In a flash, she flicked on the light switch and jumped out, hoping to catch her intruder by surprise.
Instead, she found a familiar face staring back at her, unfazed.
“Damn, Lalonde, this how you treat all your guests?”
“Only the ones who break into my house when I’m not home. You were the one sitting in my kitchen in the dark.” Despite her words, she relaxed and dropped her needles back into her syllabus.
“Yeah, that’s true, but let’s be real. Would it really have freaked you out less if I turned on the lights?” He shifted and brought her attention to the ice pack he was holding under his shades. She sighed and shook her head.
“What did you do now, Dave?”
“I didn’t do anything. The fucking witch had goons waiting for me when I was leaving a perfectly good dinner. Assholes took me by surprise.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be in Los Angeles right now?”
“I was, but we just finished filming. I had a feeling there’d probably be people waiting outside my apartment too, so I took a detour.”
“And led them to my house instead? You always know exactly what to get a girl, Strider.”
“Hey, thought I might even the odds at least a little bit.” Dave said with a wry smile. “Nah, I made sure no one was following me. Just you, me, and that cat of yours that always hisses at me.”
“He’s trained to hate men.”
“Of course he is.” He made a movement like he was trying to roll his eyes, but he winced instead. “You don’t happen to have any weird, witchy potions brewing to treat bruises, do you?”
“You know what, I just ran out. I was planning to make another batch of black eye ointment in my cauldron, but I needed the hair of an insufferable prick. Do you know where I might find one of those?” She said, voice dripping with sarcasm. Dave flipped her off. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to make do with arnica gel.”
Dave followed her down the hall to her bathroom and took off his glasses while she retrieved the arnica from her medicine cabinet. She bit her tongue as always to keep back her questions about his eyes (Why are they red? Is it an uncommon strain of albinism? Does it run in your family? Do you have a family?) because she knew if he asked the same about her bright lavender eyes, she would not have answers.
Rose gently dabbed the ointment onto the purpling bruise below his eye, and he grimaced. “Fuck, that’s cold.”
“The alternative is the paparazzi catching you with a black eye. Dave Strider, seen walking back from Burger King with a bruise on his face bigger than his ego - is the famous director getting into fights or is there someone abusive at home?”
“You know what, fuck novels, your writing really shines when you’re making up tabloid articles to make fun of me.”
“Thank you for supporting my art. I’m unappreciated in my time.” Rose screwed the cap shut and put the ointment away. “Do you need concealer?”
“Nah, I’ve still got the stick you gave me last time.” Neither of them talked about how their complexions matched well enough that they could share makeup. Nor did they talk about how that wasn’t their only similarity - the same bone structure, the same shape to their eyes and nose and face, birthdays just a day apart in the same year, both never having known their parents. They didn’t talk about it. They couldn’t. On top of everything else they knew - the truth about Betty Crocker, the future of their planet, the children they would never meet but had prepared their homes for anyway - the implications of it would be too much.
“You were just supposed to borrow that, you know.” Rose said instead. “Borrowing implies giving it back at some point.”
“Like you’re so tight on money that you can’t buy dollar store concealer to replace it.”
“I could say the same to you, David.”
“Please don’t call me that.” He slipped his glasses back on and pushed away from the counter. “Thanks for the help, Rose. I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Good. You’re making the whole house smell like Axe cologne.”
“Excuse you, that’s my natural musk, captured and bottled and sold as SBaHJ deodorant.”
“Right? Someone needs to stop me one of these days.”
He left, and a week later, a small package arrived at Rose’s door containing two tubes of concealer - one used and the other brand new and extremely expensive - and a small bag of catnip labeled “bribery so i dont get scratched next time i visit.”
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds s02e09 The Last Word review - or more aptly named, how dare they replace Elle like that, oh shit I fell in love with Paget Brewster from the two scenes in this episode, never mind, continue, my lovelies XD
Episode 09 – The Last Word
So last episode played on every bit of emotion I had – happy, sad, fucking crying like a baby because Derek put himself in harm’s way just to comfort a victim who could be blown to smithereens like Cooke and he was completely dependent on fucking Cassie to do her job and not fuck it up. I was in emotional shambles! I swear!
So I hope this episode would be better in that it gives me some humor fodder, but I doubt it, cuz the title is very cryptic and not helpful. And the opening shot is kids running in a park and we all know by now that if you watch Criminal Minds, something fucked up is going to happen to whoever is the first shot. Fuck.
Aww! The guy ran with a Dalmatian!
Wait. They’re playing catch with their daughter like a dog? Oh my god, they’re so cute!
Oh fuck. That girl just ran into the woods on her own. Uh oh.
Hey! That guy played that fake head of S.H.I.E.L.D!
Wait, so you’re just following this guy who popped out of nowhere into the forest? Oh my god.
Oh my god, I knew this guy was gonna be awful. Shit!
Why is he seeing his mom in her bra? Come on.
And she’s blaming him for not waking her up on time?
I’m with this kid, get a fucking alarm clock. And I’m not even mad at him for being sassy.
He gave his baby brother pizza and milk? Oh my god. That mom is awful.
Aw, she’s the worst mom ever. Not bringing him pancakes when she promised.
Oh god, she’s a hooker? Oh baby.
Oh shit! He just shot that hooker! Damn!
Okay, that’s a new face. Emily Prentiss. Cute name. She’s a daughter of an ambassador. Nice. And she went to Yale? Wow! Smarty!
Oh my god, there is something we’re not getting, Hotch.
What? She’s supposed to work with the team? What? But. They haven’t gotten over Elle yet! What are you doing???? No!!!!
Wow. He just blew her off. Wow.
Wait. Someone went over Gideon and Hotch’s heads to enlist Prentiss? Uh oh.
Yup. That was is St. Louis, someone is killing hookers and moms. Yikes.
Wait. Emily is officially on the team? Okay. Welcome, Paget Brewster. I’ve seen a lot of her on the web, so she should be ok, right?
Elbert Hubbard: “If men could only know each other, they would neither idolize nor hate.” What? That made no sense. I guess I’m tired… so in order to wake up a bit, eating schnitzel with noodles.
Aww, groggy, pensive Reid is the cutest.
I’m jealous of that cup in Derek’s hand.
One of the killers wrote a letter? Oh lord, that is sick.
Oh my god, Derek talking to children is the cutest thing ever. I swear. She’s so adorable! I can’t believe Shemar is still unmarried, but it makes me beyond happy.
Oh god. She’s dead? Fuck.
Wait, the killer is still visiting her? Oh my god.
Oh god, I am totally grossed out right now. He’s actually putting lipstick on her lips, brushing her hair, and making out with a corpse. I’m sorry, but I really am trying not to judge here, but that is so disgusting to me. I know she probably is alive, but the whole acting thing is way believable.
Wow, that old lady creeps me out.
Oh, she’s the hooker’s mom. Hey! That’s no way to treat your grandkids. Oh my god, the baby is crying, do something about him.
Wow. That lady is seriously jaded.
Great. Humanizing the victims. It’s a great season, emotionally speaking.
Wait, they only have one file about the guy who killed the hooker? But three boxes on the freak who kills women, buries them up till their necks and makes out with them? Oh boy.
I like that reporter. He’s hot.
They found the mom. Thank goodness. But seriously, oh my god.
Oh shit! That taxi driver, who is apparently the Hollow Man just killed two hookers at once! Dang! He’s a quick-shooter. Fuck.
And he put the paper that glorified the Mill Creek River, ha. He was pissed.
It’s not a guessing game, dude, JJ is as much a profiler as the other guys, come on! Trust her, jackhole.
Graphology. Interesting. It’s awesome.
So he’s oppressed in his job and feels it’s draining him and he’s underappreciated and underpaid? Shit, I could be a serial killer with that profile, Reid, I’m not really feeling it.
An attention whore. Got it. That’s the Hollow Man.
The Mill Creek River is disturbed on the inside. Got it.
Another death. Fuck. The Creek Killer. Shit.
That’s him! That’s the killer! Please let them find something on him so they don’t find more bodies. But he’s too smart for that. But seriously? Hiking with no water or food supplies? That’s seriously suspicious.
So he’s familiar with the woods? Oh god.
“Now that is an awesome place to dump a person.” “Come on, Garcia.” “What? I’m just saying, angel fish … Evil knew what he was doing.” God, I love those two.
“What? Forget … No, no. I don’t want to know that. Bye-bye.” Oh sweetie, you’re so adorable, but I agree, I wish I hadn’t known what that meant either. But I do. Gross. I actually giggled over that sentence like a little girl.
They call a sniffing dog Brownie? Aww, those tough FBI agents are softies.
Well yeah. If it’s imperative that he comes to see her, he’s gonna come see her, and if they set up a trap they can catch him.
Wait. That’s the reporter guy! What the fuck?
The Hollow Man told him? What the fuck?
A news chopper? Oh no.
Oh god. He’s gonna get her on the street? Oh god.
Hey! Leave her alone, you dick! God, you are amazing, lady! So brave! And he’s such a coward.
I’m pretty sure the Hollow Man is an inside man. I’m suspicious he’s inside the PD.
They’re talking in the personals in codes? Oh my god. The two serial killers corresponded using Catcher in the Rye names! Fuck! And dude, no offense, but every white guy/girl knows that story. Wait what, it’s a loved book of sociopaths. And Mark David Chapman quoted it after offing John Lennon? Oh lord. Wait. They know who killed him? I thought it was a random shooting. Oh lord. I have so much to learn.
“Hey, sweetness. Make me smile and tell me you got a name.” “Oh, I got scads of them, babe, but none paid for these personal ads. They went with cash, totally old school. I hate it when they’re smart. Two separate accounts in good standing.” Apart from the psychos who are outsmarting them, I love the interchange. Someone kiss someone already!
Fuck. Why pressure Reid? Damn.
Oh god, they’re using a doppelganger to bait him. Oh my god. She’s so brave. I love her. Ew.
So the Mill Creek Killer bought it. You go, Reid. Oh my god, he’s sick as fuck. Damn.
YES! They got the fucker. You go, Derek! I love watching him cuff those assholes. Thank you, Criminal Minds writers for doing it.
Oh wait, they want to give a show now? That’s impressive. They want to show the Hollow Man they caught him. And he didn’t. Ha.
I hate that guy so much. I mean, again, the character. I liked him as Mace in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
So he’s denying it? After they found him about to apply lipstick to the poor woman’s lips?
Oh he’s good. Gideon is trying to goad him into confessing by admitting they thought they’d never catch him and by implying automatically that they know it’s him.
And he’s just trying to seem nonchalant but he’s describing himself (the serial killer) as an artist, come on.
Oh snap! He just gave himself away! He just totally implicated that he belittles the Hollow Man’s work, he think there’s no imagination there in simply shooting the hookers. He thinks he’s the artist here. Oh god.
Seriously? He’s just giving it all away. Except for confessing. Damn.
Hey! Don’t tell Gideon to shut his mouth! He’s goading you into confessing!
Ha! He just confessed. He killed them. He doesn’t want them to know about his fetish? Oh come on. Give me a break.
So they’re just separating them and completely dismissing him as a dumbass? I love them. They’re just goading him into submitting himself. I love it.
I love this show.
Shit. That’s the killer. Damn.
What?! Oh god.
He just totally knocked that security guard to the floor. Damn.
Shit! He just walked into the police station like nobody’s business with a gun pointing at the security guard. Come on, man!
Yes! They got him! You go, Morgan! I love you so much!
Bah. That was awful.
Aww, Meyers sent them an article remembering the victims. So great.
They don’t need to mention the shooter. The victims are important. The assholes are now behind bars.
Mahatma Gandhi: “Remember that all through history there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.” Great, that’s very wise, Gandhi. But what about the period while they are raging terror? Huh?
Hey! What is Prentiss doing waiting in Hotch’s office? Come on.
I already love her tenacity.
Okay, I just fell in love with Emily Prentiss. I love her.
 Oaky, so let’s recap. Sickos killing people, really hate that part. Introducing Paget Brewster as Emily Prentiss, of course, fell in love with her immediately, even though it’s super hard for me to get over Elle leaving. Gideon was awesome as per usual. Lovely Derek and Penelope scenes. Though they were few. And overall? Just yuck over the entire case. It was weird, but won’t go unappreciated. See you all tomorrow <3
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kujo-jolyne replied to your post “kujo-jolyne replied to your post “That profoundly awkward moment when...”
ok fair i tend to block out s3... rephrasing- they SHOULDNT be like that bc of who they are and their relationship, but they ARE bc BAD ANGST WRITING   
It’s amazing how a show can craft such believable, nuanced characters, and ground them in entirely relatable, authentic-feeling relationship dynamics, and then write them an arc that’s just like, what? Why? S5 of The Americans just started, and every time I watch it I scream, that’s a stellar example of two characters who are incredibly different, and whose relationship is always tense because of it, but always still work and stick together. I mean, yes, they’re heterosexuals and also foreign spies so the stakes are a little different, but STILL.  
I think I’m just always gonna be mad because the Chrises and their whole ‘we realized this was the more interesting story’ thing was such a bait and switch, and the implication was absolutely, ‘women working together is more interesting than men brooding about their unappreciated genius’. But they were never actually about that. Mutiny was always going to fail or at least become obsolete, to make way for what we know now as the internet, so what they really meant was, ‘a couple of girls failing, that’s the more interesting story!’ And it’s just gross and feels exploitative on every level, so if anyone needs me, I will be yelling about it f o r e v e r
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