#the haunting of hiram
kattahj · 9 months
A tip to fans of the "Ghosts" TV show, whether the UK or US version: if you haven't already read the children's books by Eva Ibbotson, you should! They have a very similar vibe, with quirky ghosts making friends with humans. I am thinking in particular of The Beasts of Clawstone Castle, The Great Ghost Rescue, The Haunting of Hiram, and Dial-a-Ghost. (She has also written books about witches, adventure stories, and romances, if you feel like branching out.)
More info below!
The Beasts of Clawstone Castle is the one I remember best. In it, some children are trying to keep their relatives' castle from going bankrupt by hiring some ghosts and making it a tourist attraction. The first ghost they meet is Cousin Howard, who was a meek, shy man who has become a meek, shy ghost. Clearly no good for haunting! But they then encounter the following:
Brenda, a bride who was murdered on her wedding day and has been bleeding ever since.
Sunita, a magician's assistant who was cut in half for real.
Ranoulf, a former prisoner who looks like a romantic pirate but has a ghost rat gnawing on his ghost heart.
Mr. Smith, a former taxi driver who took dieting too seriously and is now a skeleton.
And a pair of big smelly feet that were cut off... somebody.
The Haunting of Hiram / The Haunting of Granite Falls is about a castle that gets sold to an American who doesn't want any ghosts in it, which leaves the already present ghosts homeless. They are:
Krok Fulbelly, a Viking warrior.
Miss Spinks, who is always throwing herself into water.
Stanislaus, "Uncle Louse", who used to be a vampire in his youth but then grew into a very old man in a wheelchair and eventually killed himself in his nineties.
Flossie, an angry poltergeist child.
And a ghost dog called Cyril.
The Great Ghost Rescue is also about a family of ghosts who are in danger of becoming homeless when their castle is made into a holiday resort. An added complication is that one of the sons, Humphrey the Horrible, is not at all horrible and in fact quite sweet, which is embarrassing for a ghost.
The other ghosts are:
The mom, a Hag.
The dad, a Scottish warrior who got his legs cut off in battle.
The brother, a screaming skull named George.
The sister, a wailing, bloodstained ghost named Winifred.
Aunt Hortensia and her disembodied head.
A big black dog.
Dial-a-Ghost is about ghosts being hired to haunt different places. One set are a nice family called Wilkinson. The others are a pair of terrors called the Shriekers. The agency hires the Wilkinsons to haunt a convent, and the Shriekers to haunt a castle, but accidentally gets the locations mixed up. The Wilkinsons arrive at the castle, where they find a boy called Oliver, whose evil relatives were hoping to scare him to death and inherit his money.
The Wilkinson family consists of grandma, aunt Maud, uncle Henry, the teenage ghost Eric (who is a boy scout), and the adopted daughter Addie (short for Adopta), who has a mysterious past: she was so traumatized by dying that she got amnesia, and nobody knows where she comes from.
All the books are cute and funny, and the ghosts are not necessarily always NICE, but always nice to get to know!
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autisticbillpotts · 2 months
just remembered cecil palmer starting a true crime podcast within the podcast he already exists in. iconic And hysterical. well we have all been podcasters at one point in our lives
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sumquiasum · 1 year
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Twice the dreams, but half the love Be careful what you bottle up The chemistry is a mess it seems But me, I'm still a sunbeam
Heaven, Iowa (Fall Out Boy )
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soyforramen · 2 years
Still can’t believe they didn’t go the Art Bell route for Jughead.
#think about it#call in show for all the weirdness in RD#Cheryl calls in to rag on him endlessly; then casually throws in something about witches before hanging up#dr curdle jr being a regular call in but says nothing out of the norm until Jughead does a best of; turns out Curdle was predicting thinhs#from the twins birth to the diner being an eldritch hellmouth and#Archie calls in to support Jughead; reggie phones in pranks constantly#Veronica buying out half the ad space and being obnoxious about her fabrege eggs (are they haunted by tsars/rinas long past? sure why not)#the cats call in as they cruise the states; they use a pseudonym but everyone in RD knows exactly who they are at jump#things get weird in New Orleans (hoodoo and tourists and riverboats) but they get really gd weird in Iowa cornfields#what his name (not bingo the other one tho the dog calling in would be fun) calls in about govt conspiracies#none of which arent real but give Hiram a lot of ideas#yeah no now the dog is calling in; he’s constantly calling in about the going ons of the animals of RD#toffee puts out a hit on bingo (allegedly); it’s a huge thing#the preppies constantly discount the show and call in to disprove everything (Bret’s death was faked! it’s a huge Bronna conspiracy!)#there’s fanboys that stand outside the station and Jughead becomes a minor celebrity#none of them have heard of his book#Tabitha supports his hobby but not the random maple aliens that keep showing up#surprisingly this has never come up on the show#nana rose calls in with stunningly boring prophesies about the diners appliances but they sound super cool at the time#‘the hell pits of fire will be extinguished by the corruptible damned’#and someone trips a breaker by overloading the outlets with a full pc set op in a booth; the 75 year old stove finally dies because of it#Jughead swears the burgers don’t taste as good ever since (he has a mourning anniversary over the loss of all that built in flavor)#Betty is the embodiment of aliens on the moon; gotta go back meme but with random serial killers/cryptid/ghosts
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jhsharman · 2 years
Teddy bear picnic
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The infamous "Betty gets possessed by a Satanic teddy bear" story. The thing about the "correcting" within the purple prose narration is I do not think it's necessary -- the sentence fragment is more than acceptable.
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thew1tchinghours · 9 months
We don’t talk enough about how funny Nana Rose Blossom is. Her allegiances and motivations are an enigma. In season 5 jughead came to her and asked “you ever seen any aliens?” and she said “yeah here’s an alien corpse I’ve been keeping in a barrel of maple syrup knock yourself out” and when he came back episodes later and asked “hey what was up with that alien corpse” she was like “oh lmao that was just my inbred cousin Timothy” like she literally knew what was going on the whole time she’s so goofy.
In season 6 she decides Cheryl is too busy being a tragic lesbian to restore the Blossom family back to power so she resurrects Abigail Blossom to permanently possess Cheryl’s body. But it soon becomes clear that Abigail is also a tragic lesbian and the minute she’s mean to her, Nana Rose switches sides again and plots with Britta to free Cheryl and imprison Abigail in a haunted doll
Also in season 5 she sold the maple groves that her family’s century old fortune is built upon to Hiram because Reggie flirted with her once. No one is doing it like her I’m obsessed
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kerink · 4 months
heres your friendly reminder that you very much should listen to every liveshow if you're able. if you can't afford it (or find someone willing to lend it to you) then at least asking someone what happened or going to @cecilspeaks or the wtnv wiki and reading the available transcripts is strongly advised.
from my recollection, here are some of the main important things from the current liveshows:
The Debate: more info on hiram and the FOW's political platforms, marcus vanston becomes an angel, kevin can see the FOW's face
Condos: the in-canon reason why carlos' voice changed, carlos and cecil moving in together, what carlos thinks a perfect life would be, cecil saving carlos for once
The Librarian: i don't recall this one having anything with long-term relevance except for giving us a better understanding of the librarians, but carlos and cecil are horny at each other in it and that's always fun
The Thrilling Adventure Hour: this one i'm a hypocrite about and didn't listen to sorry
The Investigators: carlos is really cute in it but also very cringe and it hurt bulk a lot to listen to. cecil's desk is made entirely out of knives and he has a nest of owls in his office, pamela winchell is part falcon, cecil almost gets murdered. kevins in this one too if that sweetens the pot for anyone
Ghost Stories: get a lot of character insight for a lot of reoccurring characters and also learn a ton about cecil's childhood and relationship with abby. i consider this one to be the most important wtnv liveshow and if you can only get one, this is it
All Hail: info on the glow cloud's personality and motivations, info on deb's family, tamika flynn is immune to the glow cloud's mind control, pamela winchell is into deb, cecil describes his engagement ring, cecil admits he's aware that all his interns always die
A Spy in the Desert: deb knows every secret in town, cecil was stuck at 19, cecil cries every morning because he's getting older, this is where we first learn about esteban
The Haunting of Night Vale: this one doesn't have a transcript up for me to reference to so what i remember is that we get cecil's musings on how his childhood trauma is creating insecurity in himself as a husband and father, also we get to see cecil be a little sugar baby and carlos sweating over how much he's spending
The Attic: i wont spoil this one because it's on going
if anyone else has things they thought were important from the liveshows please feel free to add. i just went off my memory and a skim of the transcripts, which don't always transcribe all the bonus content
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foulbearobservation · 11 months
Cami brushing and braiding Lilith’s hair <3
this is not what you requested exactly but it's also exactly what you need <3
“Your hair is getting rather long.” Suzanne says one day over dinner. She throws it out casually, as she passes the basket of bread over to Jillian.
Lilith stalls, hand poised over her fork. Suzanne isn’t wrong, her hair is too long, verging on unwieldy. It keeps getting in her eyes when she’s out for her morning runs. “I can cut it.” She offers softly, unsure of the proper protocol.
This part is harder, almost, than the act of leaving. Harder than stabbing herself in the stomach, somewhere that would bleed a lot but wouldn’t kill her too quickly. This waiting for the other shoe to drop is torturous.
Jillian raises an eyebrow at the silence that follows. “Do you want to cut it?”
Lilith shakes her head no before she can school herself. She’s had her hair cropped short for years, just above her jawline. He had cut it himself the first few times before passing the job off to Vincent when he got bored.
Jillian shrugs. “You don’t have to cut it then.” Her attention turns to Michael. "You, though, need a haircut desperately."
He smiles, all of seven years old with two missing teeth and eager to show them off to anyone who would see. "No I don't! My hair looks fine."
"I'm shocked you can maintain eye contact with that curtain you call bangs." Jillian fires back.
In the ensuing chaos, Lilith thought that her soft “okay" would go unnoticed.
“I could braid it for you, keep it out of your eyes.” Suzanne offers softly. “Or I just opened a new packet of hair bands, I’ll put a few in your bathroom.”
After dinner, once she and Michael have dealt with the dishes, she finds Suzanne in her office. It’s less an office and more of a desk set up in the corner of the library, but in her head every person in the house needs their space. Space is tightly regimented. Jillian has her lab, Michael has most of the third floor, Lilith has her room. Everything in its place, exactly as it should be.
Lilith knocks gently on a bookshelf a few feet away to get Suzanne’s attention.
“Oh, Lilith,” Suzanne puts down her book, some first edition that Jillian no doubt bought for her, and looks up, “what can I do for you?”
Lilith taps her thumb against each of her fingertips in order, counting in her head. “I, um.” She stops for a second, straightening up. “I was wondering if you would be so kind as to braid my hair, I tried earlier but I… it’s been a while.”
“Of course, child,” Suzanne nods, putting her book to the side and gesturing towards a nearby foot stool, “have a seat.”
Lilith sits and tries to relax. “What were you reading?” She asks, willing her shoulders to relax as Suzanne carefully drags her fingers through her hair.
Suzanne just grabs the book off the desk and hands it to her. “If you’d like to read, I’d like to hear it.”
Lilith turns the copy of Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories around in her hands. “I thought Oscar Wilde only did plays and Dorian Gray.”
“He was a talented comedic writer as well,” Suzanne murmurs, more focused on her work than her words, “start with The Canterville Ghost, I think you’d like it.”
Lilith pages through the book until she finds the receipt Suzanne was using for a book mark. She begins softly. “When Mr. Hiram B. Otis, the American Minister, bought Canterville Chase, everyone told him he was doing a very foolish thing, as there was no doubt at all that the place was haunted…”
Camila’s buried under a pile of blankets when Lilith enters the bedroom, hair still wet from her hasty cold shower.
“Hey baby”
“Hey, mind if I turn on a light?” Lilith’s been up for nearly 56 hours, her hands have mostly stopped shaking but she wants to make sure they’re clean before she collapses into bed.
Camila flips on the bedside lamp, eyes still mostly on the laptop screen. It takes a moment for Lilith to place the language, English with a grating accent. An American reality tv show then, probably Vanderpump Rules if she had to guess.
Lilith looks down, checking her hands one last time before she declares them clean enough. She collapses all but face first into the bed, causing Camila to bounce slightly.
“You’re going to hate your hair in the morning if you don’t put it up.” Camila mutters, attention still mostly on the laptop screen, but a hand emerging out of the pile of blankets to rub Lilith’s back.
A mostly unintelligible grumble comes from the pillow, something Camila vaguely translates to mean “Too tired, deal with it tomorrow.”
Emerging from her cocoon of blankets, Camila searches around the side table for a hair tie.
Lilith is already asleep, mouth agape and snoring softly. Camila just stares fondly for a moment, brushing a flake of red from behind her ear that she must’ve missed in the shower. Lilith would really be annoyed in the morning if she didn’t deal with her hair now.
She draws an affectionate hand across the broad pane of Lilith’s shoulders. The other woman doesn’t stir. Lilith’s affinity for sleeping face down makes the whole task rather easy to Camila.
A simple braid, like the one Mother Superion wears, just enough to keep Lilith’s hair back, just enough to not wake her from her slumber.
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myhauntedsalem · 2 months
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The Gray Cat Ghost at Fairport Harbor Lighthouse
Even though the Fairport Harbor Light on Lake Erie was given the nickname “The light that shone for 100 years”, it actually doesn’t live up to its name. The current lighthouse didn’t earn the nickname alone. Its predecessor, which was built in the same site, shone for the first 46 years. What makes this lighthouse one of the most haunted places in America is its paranormal claims about a gray cat.
The original lighthouse was built in 1825. When the population of the town reached 300, the Painesville Telegraph issued a notice asking for lighthouse bids. Collector of Customs, A. Walworth, signed the proposal. Unfortunately, he didn’t leave the detail-planning to the potential builder. He specified the height of the deck, depth of the foundation, number of windows, materials to be used, etc. in his proposal.
Builders Hiram Wood and Jonathon Goldsmith received a contract to the lighthouse and keeper’s dwelling for $2900. Everything went smoothly with the construction at first, until it was realized that there was a mis-communication concerning the cellar. The construction of the cellar wasn’t included in the builders’ plans. It wasn’t until after the construction of the lighthouse that an upset Walworth contracted Goldsmith and Wood to complete the cellar for additional money. In 1841, Goldsmith applied for the keeper’s job for the lighthouse he had helped build but someone else received the job.
Fairport Harbor Light on Lake Erie wasn’t just used as a hub of commerce, it was also the final stop for the Underground Railroad. The lighthouse acted as a beacon of freedom to slaves. The town, along with the captains and seamen who sailed there, was completely anti-slavery. The ships in the area would help transport escaped slaves to Canada. Many of them were kept hidden in the lighthouse itself until a ship was available.
The original lighthouse began to wear and tear just a few years after its construction. After a decade, the foundation had settled to the point where it needed a replacement. Within 30 years, wire hoops encircled the lighthouse to keep it from falling over.
In March 1869, Congress finally approved a proposal to replace the original tower and keeper’s dwelling. The new project cost an estimated $30,000. Not wanting to make the same mistakes of their predecessors, the new builders contracted engineers to help them. They scouted the area to find the best foundation point.
In 1871, the new Berea sandstone tower and brick keeper’s dwelling were finally complete. Minor improvements have been made over the decades. The harbor itself grew considerably as new piers and a foghorn were installed.
The original lighthouse was set to be destroyed but the citizens of the community protested due to its historical value. After WW II, it was turned into a museum. Now, visitors can walk through the very same corridors as the runaway slaves more than 150 years ago.
The most interesting paranormal claim coming from the lighthouse doesn’t involve the underground railroad or even humans for that matter. The most talked about ghost around the lighthouse is the gray ghost cat. The story of the cat starts around 1877. Captain Joseph Babcock was the Head Keeper of the lighthouse in 1871. He and his wife Mary had two children, Hattie and Robbie.
Unfortunately Robbie died at the age of 5 of diphtheria. Mary became depressed and was eventually bedridden. To help comfort her and keep her company, the Captain gave her cats. After Mary’s death all the cats disappeared over time except this one gray cat.
In 1989 the curator of the now lighthouse museum first reported seeing an apparition of a cat playing in the kitchen and also felt it jump on the bed. Visitors soon started to report small puffs of gray smoke and the sightings have continued ever since.
In 2001 the lighthouse got a new air conditioning system. While crawling in the basement, workers came across the mummified remains of a gray cat. This gray ghost cat, who’s remains are on display inside the museum, makes Fairport Harbor Lighthouse one of the most haunted places in America.
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fredheads · 6 months
✨ parentdale holiday fic recs ✨
🎄 make the yuletide gay (@ariesbilly) - a fred/fp happiest season au where fred is marginally less of a dick than the girlfriend was
❆ I Just Can't Face Myself Alone Again (@nadjaofstatenisland) - freds recovery from opioid addiction and the fic that bonded me and kim for life (*rubbing my gay little hands together*)
🪀 give all the toys to the little rich boys (@nadjaofstatenisland) - hiram and fp spend christmas of 199(2?) together. A MUST READ! ten stars out of five.
🎁 all our costliest treasures (by me) - 9 year old fp jones spends christmas at fred's house 🥺
❄️ (as long as you love me so) let it snow, let it snow, let it snow (@ariesbilly) - old man smut in the police station ft fred's teenage white night fantasies what more can i tell you!
😇 hal cooper and the worst christmas pageant ever (by me) - baby parentdale church christmas pageant antics
🌨 i think i'll skip this one this year (@nadjaofstatenisland) - sweet little adult parentdale anthology christmas story
⛪️ its not like christmas at all (@nadjaofstatenisland) - sad depressing haunting teenage halice and the baby they never talked about again
⭐️ happy golden days of yore (by me) - teenage fredsythe fluff to give you cavities
and the rest of my holiday fics (including my jarchie ones) here!
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esteemed-excellency · 6 months
heartbreak, secret, and hunt for Hiram?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
He got heartbroken exactly once, after his best friend (and maybe more) disappeared at sea abandoned him for good when he needed him the most. The Captain left when Hiram was still coping with the violant incident, and he never felt as lonely and bitter before. It took a long time for them to reunite again, and to clarify what really happened (long lore answer here)
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
Hiram has way too many secrets and he carefully keeps tabs on all of them. For him it's not a question of what people know, but how deep their knowledge goes. He doesn't mind people snooping around his affairs, but he omits details and misleads the truth. Ideally, he wouldn't want anyone to know about his involvement with the city's future, but the Masters gave him the Leasehold and the Efficient Commissioner knows about it too. Some of his partners also know about it, but only some of them know him enough to figure out all the precautions he's taking to ensure the Leasehold's effectiveness no matter the cost. If the Masters ever decide to bypass his authority and purchase another city, they all will be dealt with accordingly. He keeps tabs on the Tragedy Procedures to prevent another catastrophic Fall and he won't permit anyone to interfere, not even the Commissioner. If the Masters truly look towards Paris, as it is said, he will carefully place his pawns all over Europe, just in case. His involvement with the Great Game is renown and recognised by some high ranking players, and he purposely plays for power, as most people do, to keep up the facade on the Chessboard. No one really knows his true reason to play, and if anyone is smart enough to figure it out they're on thin ice.
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
He's haunted by memories, by everything he keeps reliving through his flashbacks, all his little mistakes, everything that he could've done better, and everything that eludes his control. He hates the lingering uneasiness and how worn out he feels after the flashbacks.
He needs to be constantly alert in dreams, the fingerkings are out to get him and he has to be very careful around the Mirror Marches. He controls his dreams fairly well now, but sometimes memories haunt him even in Parabola, and there are a lot of things that elude his control there. He can end up lost in nightmares, but he can't afford to let his guard down on the Chessboard.
He's always hyperalert around mirrors, and one particular waltz always makes him wary.
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xstunningingenue · 28 days
what // rachel's summer before senior year. meta more than a self para ? mckinleyhq task 000.
there were nights she woke in a cold sweat, the feeling of yolk running down her face haunting her nightmares. it was mostly ignored now - how the entirety of vocal adrenaline surrounded her with eggs from the grocery store, how jesse had manipulated and betrayed her, how they'd all managed to break her in a way that even the rest of mckinley had never accomplished.
the second the school year was over, she was gone. she deleted her social media apps, ignored any potential texts, cut herself off from lima for good. a cleanse, of sorts.
she'd begged her fathers for weeks -- please, please let me go -- and while she didn't quite win the ultimate freedom she wanted, there were close friends in new jersey who were happy to let her stay in their guest room for two months, to show rachel the city and all she would have at her fingertips once graduation came at the end of the year.
the barone family had known the berry's since hiram was in new york himself, and while olivia had never made it on stage, she helped direct community theater in the small suburb only an hour outside of new york. rachel was quick to volunteer to help - with costumes, or makeup, or anything really - if it meant she could be on stage.
her first official credit outside of ohio, but she'd managed it: choir member and sorority girl in legally blonde, the musical.
there was nothing like the rush of live theater - there'd been no real interest in the past few years for the drama club at mckinley to even bother putting on a show, despite how hard rachel fought for it. but finally, in jersey of all places, she could feel the rush she got on stage, remember that her first love - her true love - was performing. even as an extra, someone who could be removed from the stage and leave the presentation no different, she knew she'd do anything to stay there.
returning to lima was the last thing she wanted to do. she'd petitioned her fathers to let her stay in new jersey, to finish her school close enough to new york where she spent her weekends going into the city to see shows, to begin her real life. but while they were lax about so much, they demanded her back, and the new school year hovers in the future, a monster lurking in the dark. the nightmares have begun once again, the anxiety and overwhelming dread that took over before so many school years before.
she'll be back to being a no one, a loser, a zero, with no real friends, no boyfriend, and no one to even notice she was gone for two months.
if there's one thing she hates more than anything else, it's being invisible. and lima has never been a place to make her feel seen.
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vohannesvotrov · 10 months
riverdale makes me feel like i am losing my entire goddamn whole mind. conversion therapy is a plot point for a half episode. hiram just casually discusses “my prison”. SPEAKING OF the mayor was somehow able to sell off public land to close down a SCHOOL so it could be a PRISON that is ACTUALLY a drug manufacturing operation. there’s a character who leads a cult named edgar evernever - the drug haunting the town and mentioned with a straight face is fizzlerocks. or jingle jangle. fp became sheriff unilaterally as if that isn’t an elected county position. the license plate on veronica’s car says “riverdale” in lieu of any state. archie beat up a guy for requesting he take his union-mandated break. julliard was visiting riverdale for talent auditions for no discernible reason. actual teenagers are OPERATING A SPEAKEASY. there are somehow at least three gangs operating in this small town. archie was in a prison fight club. betty and her mom killed that one guy over half a season ago and it’s not been mentioned again. cheryl is helping her girlfriend run a gang vis-à-vis teaching them all archery.
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no-one-fuck-a-man · 2 years
Berry Blues
Season Two
Part Five - (The Rocky Horror Glee Show) The Tale of The Creepy Teacher
Quinn Fabray x Reader
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Summary: With the Halloween season just around the corner, and your normal excitement for it gone in the chilly wind, your Glee Club teacher decides it would be the perfect time for the school musical, if only for his own benefit.
Word Count: 6,707
WARNINGS: Moody reader I guess, and Mr Schuester... that’s a warning in itself.
(A/N): This is the last part of the first quarter. Things will be resumed shortly.
In the velvet darkness
Of the blackest night
Burning bright
There’s a guiding star
You wish that you could say that this week was going fantastic. But sadly, you just couldn’t.
Still pissed at your sister at the boy you called your ‘best friend’ after you had found out they went behind your back the previous week.
No matter what
Or who
Who you are
Not to mention, it was that time of year when the school was to put on the yearly musical, for the rest of its peers to see.
A redeemable quality, however?
You loved the musical Mr Schuester had chosen this year.
No matter how questionable it was for a high school performance.
There’s a light
Over at the Frankenstein place
So, that’s where you were currently. At the end of the week, popping up behind the large painted boulder upon the stage. Singing with your club, in one of the last rehearsals before the opening night. Dressed as one of the party guests, before slowly lowering yourself back behind the “boulder”.
There’s a light
Burning in the fireplace
There’s a light
In the darkness
Of everybo-
“Ho, ho, ho, ho!” Carl, Miss Pillsbury’s boyfriend, suddenly appeared, interrupting the song to storm towards your teacher, “Schuester! You messing with my woman?”
“What?!” you exclaimed, popping up from behind the boulder once more, the chair below your feet wobbling with the intensity of it.
“I thought we had a deal.”
Turning to Artie, who sat beside you, at the end of the painted boulder, you asked, “How come the teachers have more relationship drama than we do?” The boy only shrugged and shook his head in return.
This week had started off insane. And, it seemed, it was ending that way, too.
At this point. You couldn’t be surprised.
Halloween was fast approaching and well… your dad kinda went crazy for it.
“Dad, what the hell?” you had asked, as soon as you entered the kitchen on Monday morning. Your eyes were drawn to the expansive decorations, mostly in shades of reds, blacks, and oranges.
“It’s Halloween!” Hiram yelled happily.
“That’s over a week away- How am I supposed to have breakfast?!” you asked, gesturing to the overly cluttered countertops.
You caught the banana he threw your way.
“Do you really think this is enough for me?”
“We all know you’re gonna go through the drive-through, anyway,” your other father said, entering the room himself.
“He’s getting worse and worse every year,” you muttered to LeRoy, eyeing your other father as he pottered around, counting off everything that filled the kitchen.
“He’s in competition with our neighbour, remember?”
“How could I ever forget?”
Normally, you would be basking in the Halloween spirit along with Hiram. But everything that had happened between you, Rachel, and Finn. You just weren’t feeling it this year. And your parents noticed.
They saw how down you were recently, and how you and Rachel hadn’t been talking as much, if at all. But they just chalked it up to some stupid little fight, and that everything would be back to normal in no time.
“So, what are you gonna be for Halloween this year?” Kurt asked, turning to Brittany, during the first Glee Club lesson of the week.
“I’m going as a peanut allergy.”
Kurt nodded dumbly at her answer, then hurried to ask you, “And what about you, Y/N?”
“I don’t think I’m doing Halloween this year, just not in the spirit. But I will be going back home to a basically ‘Haunted House Tour’, so that might change. Who knows.”
“Great news, guys!”
“Pukerman’s never coming back?”
“No, not that, Y/N,” Mr Schuester told you, with a disapproving look in his eye, “But, I’ve had a little inspiration. This week’s musical lesson isn’t really a lesson. It’s a musical.”
Knowing exactly what your sister was begging for, you said, “For the love of God, don’t let it be ‘Evita’. Rachel made me watch it so much when we were younger. I burnt the copy.”
“That’s what happened to it?” at her out-cry you just laughed.
“Rocky Horror.”
Your jaw dropped at that.
“Okay, now I’m into it.” You high-fived Kurt from the seat behind him. Both pleased with the choice.
“I’ve never seen it,” Finn said.
“Oh, you’re in for a gay, gay treat.”
“Mr Schue?” Rachel raised her hand.
“While I admire your choice of the groundbreaking ‘70s musical. Aren’t you worried the adult themes might be a point of controversy?”
“Oh, don’t ruin it,” you whined.
“Seriously,” Kurt added, “A school in Texas couldn't even do ‘Rent’. It caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show.”
“That’s also Texas,” you reasoned. Then, “This is also Ohio. Crap.”
You were really looking forward to this, too.
“Isn't that the whole point of the arts?” your teacher asked, “Pushing boundaries, doing things people say you can’t do, for the sake of self-expression? Look, I got it all figured out. I cut out some of the more risque sections-”
You gave a saddened gasp, “No sex scenes?”
“No, Y/N. No sex scenes.”
“What’s the point then?!” you joked, raising your arms out by your sides.
“And I’m sending home permission slips to all your parents, to make sure that they’re okay with it. And we are going to charge admission, and use the proceeds to help pay for transportation to Nationals in New York.”
‘Hopefully, we get that far’ you thought as your team made noises of excitement.
“Okay. Let’s talk about casting.”
“Oh. Finn and I will play Brad and Janet,” your sister said assuredly.
“Big surprise there,” you mumbled sarcastically to yourself.
“And I’ll be playing the guy in the wheelchair, right?” Artie asked with a raised hand.
“That’s what I was thinking.”
“Can’t wait to see you in high heels, my man,” you said, leaning forward to pat Artie’s shoulder.
“And I thought Kurt,” Mr Schue carried on, “Could play the role of Frank-N-Furter.”
“No,” the boy replied instantly, “There is no way I’m playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick.”
“Why? Because that look was so last season?” Santana sassed.
But what you didn’t expect was to hear was Mike’s voice. Saying three affirming words.
“I’ll do it.”
“Really?” Tina questioned, “It’s like the male lead.”
“I know, but I’m feeling a little more confident about my singing voice after our duets project.”
“Hell yeah, Mikey!” you cheered, twisting in your seat to give the boy a high-five.
“Great. I have no problem with that. Now, we’re a little short on female roles so we’re gonna have to double up on Columbia’s and Magenta’s.”
“It’s standard practice on Broadway,” Rachel said, in a know-it-all tone, “It’ll preserve your voices.”
“I’d like to preserve you. In a jar. In my basement.”
You turned to Mercedes. “She’ll fit in a regular old jam jar.”
“Was that a short joke?”
“Was that you talking to me?”
The room had started to grow tense once their chuckles died down.
No one understood what was going on between you and the couple. Especially you and your sister. You hadn’t said anything to anyone. And obviously, they had done the same.
Finn and Rachel wanted it to be kept quiet more than you did.
Mr Schuester rushed to fill the silence.
“Sam. I’d like you to play the role of the creature.”
“‘From the Black Lagoon’?”
“Rocky,” Quinn corrected, “He’s like the Frankenstein character, but blonde. You’ll kill the part. He’s cute, just like you.”
Quinn snapped her attention to you. “You say something?”
“Oh, No. Nothing. It’s just that-” You cut yourself off with a mock heave, as if you were about to puke, gaining a chuckle from your fellow classmates.
“Better start working on those abs,” Santana told Sam.
“Are you kidding me? You could cut glass with these babies.”
“I did not need to know that,” you said.
“I’ve got no problem showing off my body,” the boy finished.
“Well, that’s all well and good, but can you grunt like a caveman?”
In reply, Sam grunted at you. To which you grunted back. For the next couple of seconds, it was like you and he were having a full-on conversation like that. Until you burst out after one of his grunts.
“What did you say about my mother?!” Before the boy could laugh along with your team, you added, “I’m just kidding. I don’t have a mother.” His face fell fearfully. “I mean I do have a mother, it’s just I’m adopted, and have two dads.”
Well, that was one sure-fire way of telling someone that.
“I love doing that to people,” you finished in a whisper to yourself.
“And, Y/N.” The teacher pointed at you with his pen.
“Oh God, what?”
“I heard from Rachel, that you got a motorbike over the summer-”
“You what?” Quinn rushed to ask worriedly, “Do you know how dangerous those things are?”
“Not as dangerous as horses. And anyway.” You turned back to the teacher. “I have a rundown motorcycle. That I’m working on fixing.”
“Ah, well. How close are you to being finished? Because I was hoping that you’d play Eddie.”
“Well, let's just put it this way. I recently found out that the fuel tank is rusting from the inside out, finding the right radiator for the thing is near enough impossible, the brake pedal is temperamental at best, and the chain keeps popping off. Just to name a few. So, I’d say, it’s nowhere close to being ridable.”
“That’s what I said about Finn,” Santana remarked, causing you to choke on the sudden laughter.
“Okay,” Mr Schuester said before anyone could say anything else, “Looks like we got ourselves a show.”
You were right.
As soon as you arrived home, your house was already decked out for the Halloween season. Inside and out.
And you had to say. You were impressed by how quickly your fathers had got it done.
Just in time for Sue’s Corner.
“Take it away, Sue.”
“Thanks, Rod.” Your school’s cheer coach said, decked out in her blue track-suit, “You know, Halloween is fast approaching. The day where parents encourage little boys to dress like little girls and little girls to dress like whores, and they go door to door browbeating hardworking Americans into giving them free food.”
You sighed deeply into your laptop, after hearing her words.
“Well, you know what, Western Ohio? We’ve lost the true meaning of Halloween”
“And what would that be?” you mumbled to yourself, still not gracing the television with your sights, too busy gazing down at the screen you were working on.
Now that got you to look up, only to see a picture of a crying child plastered beside the smiling woman.
“Halloween is that magical day of the year when a child is told their grandmother’s a demon who’s been feeding them rat casserole with a crunchy garnish of their own scabs.”
Your father -Hiram- and yourself, burst out laughing at that. While your sister and other father cringed in disgust.
“Children must know fear. Without it, they won’t know how to behave.”
“Oh, now that’s fucked.”
“They’ll try frenching grizzly bears-”
“-Or consider living in Florida.”
You shook your head. “Absolutely not.”
“So, moms, skip Trick-or-Treating this year and instead, sit your little toddler down and explain that daddy's a hungry zombie and before he went out to sharpen his pitchfork he whispered to mommy that you look delicious.”
“This is just giving me more ammo for when I have kids.”
Rachel turned to you, “You are going to traumatize your children.”
You chuckled, “Yours, too.”
“And that’s how Sue.” She raised her hand in a ‘C’. “Sees it.”
“Sue, you’re the cat's pyjamas,” Rod said, “And we’ll be right back.”
This is what you get for being a few minutes late to Glee Club.
With your backpack thrown over your shoulder, you walked through the choir room door, only to be met with the madness within. Causing your steps to falter into a slow walk as you scanned the room. Unconsciously stopping by the three gathered in the centre of the room. Until you were unable to notice anything but them.
The three consisted of Kurt, Mercedes, and Quinn.
“Oh, well, don’t you three look stylish.”
Mercedes was the one who looked the most normal out of the bunch. Just a glittery red top hat. Like something, someone would wear to a New Year's Eve party.
The other two, however?
You couldn’t decide who was objectively the best. Or worst, depending on how you looked at it.
Kurt… oh, how to describe Kurt.
With a shoddy Riff Raff wig and hastily done make-up, that makes him look pale and sick. However, the outfit he wore that day actually went relatively well with his half-ass costume, the added tailcoat blending well with it. So, all in all, he looked like he had five minutes to get ready for Halloween.
Speaking of shoddy costumes…
A large fluffy wig with a mob cap upon it, a small apron wrapped around her Cheerio uniform clad waist, and a feather duster that a cat would die to get a hold of, were the only things Quinn donned. Oh, yeah, and bright red lipstick, and dark eye make-up. Which was unusual for the blonde. The girl looked like a cross between a maid and a waitress.
“Oh, well, thank you,” Kurt smiled humoredly.
“Hi, I’ll have a burger and a milkshake, please,” you turned to Quinn after returning the boy’s smile.
“I’m a maid.”
“With that red behind the frilly apron, you look more like you work in a ‘50s diner. But, sexy maid, I can work with.”
“Not supposed to be sexy.”
You squinted at the girl. “Have you ever watched the movie? She’s definitely a sexy maid.”
“She’s also an alien and a murderer,” Mercedes butted in to point out.
“Don’t ruin the fantasy.” You shook your head, only for Quinn to point the feather duster your way.
“Never gonna happen.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t say her being a murderous alien made it even better for you,” Kurt joked.
“No,” Quinn told you clearly.
You just smirked teasingly before making your way to sit beside Artie, telling him, “You know, you look like Ron Jeromny’s grandpa with that on your lip?” The boy slapped your hand away as your finger wiggled nearer and nearer to the fake moustache above his lip.
“All right, places,” Mr Schuester said, walking closer to the two, “Finn and Rachel. I wanna start with “Dammit Jannet”.”
“Oh, I cannot wait till Finn takes his top off so we can all see the hotness underneath,” Santana spoke up, sarcastically.
“What are you talking about?” the boy asked.
“You can’t have Sloppy Joes every day for lunch and think you can get away with it,” Brittany stated.
“Um, that’s incredibly rude,” Rachel said, defending her boyfriend, wringing their hands together.
“Is it?” Quinn asked.
“Yes,” you spoke dully.
Even though you were still incredibly pissed at the boy and your sister, it didn’t mean you weren’t going to point out when something was true or not.
“Guys whisper behind our backs about how we girls look every day,” the blonde continued, “They objectify us all the time.”
“Also true.”
“She sort of has a point,” Tina said.
“Yeah.” Santana folded her arms. “Earlier today, Artie asked if he could make a gigantic omelette when I’m done with the ostrich eggs I’m smuggling in my bra.”
“Dude!” you scolded, as you jabbed the boy in his arm, “Not cool.”
“I’m super looking forward to seeing Sam in his gold bikini.” Brittany smiled.
You gave a coughed gag. “Sorry, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit there.”
“Can we get on with rehearsal, please?” Finn asked.
“I agree,” Mr Schuester said, “Yes. Let’s stay focused guys. Alright Riff Raff and Columbia and Magenta, team one. Take your places.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle silently at the three, shaking your head as you placed it in your palm, still watching as they moved into their positions.
Kurt saluted the man as he did, Quinn rose her hand high into the air, whilst Mercedes did a stereotypical musical dance to her place.
“Let’s rock ‘n’ roll.”
“Whoo!” Brittany cheered after Mr Schue’s words.
“Hey, Janet?”
“Yes, Brad?”
“I’ve got something to say.”
“I really love the… skilful way… you bead the other girls… to the bride’s bouquet.”
You leaned in closer to Artie to whisper, “I don’t know about you, but I think that’d be a pretty entertaining cage fight.”
The boy quickly had to stifle his laugh, as the performance went on undisturbed.
“Oh! Oh, Brad.”
The river was deep but I swam it
The future is ours so let's plan it
You know you were supposed to be focusing on your sister and her boyfriend. But the show was absolutely stolen by the three in the background.
So please don’t tell me to can it
I’ve one thing to say
And that’s damn it, Janet, I love you
It was very obvious that your entire focus was on the three, as a happy snort got stuck in the back of your throat. Watching as Mercedes pointed to her eye, Kurt made a heart with his hands, and Quinn pointed in the direction of the gathered club.
‘If only she did love you’
You sighed lightly at your brain, and its ability to hurt you with only a few simple words.
The sight out of the corner of your eye made you turn to watch as Finn and Rachel slowly leaned in to kiss each other, with a cringe. Not noticing the way Quinn’s eye’s lingered upon you.
Suddenly, much to your relief, Finn pulled away.
The road was long but I ran it
There’s a fire in my heart
And you fan it
If there’s one fool for you
Then I am it
I’ve one thing to say
And that’s damn it, Janet, I love you
The three repeated the same movement as before, miming to the song, as Finn gestured to the giant heart he had hastily scrawled on the board.
Here’s a ring to prove
That I’m no joker
You had to cover your mouth to stop the laugh from escaping you, thanks to the three’s sarcastic movements behind the “newly engaged” couple.
There’s three ways that love can grow
That’s good, bad or mediocre
Oh, J-A-N-E-T, I love you so
Oh, it’s nicer than Betty Monroe had
Oh, Brad
Now we’re engaged and I’m so glad
Oh, Brad
That you met Mom and you know Dad
Oh, Brad
‘Same, guys’, you thought watching as the three covered their mouths, and bent over with an arm around their mid-section, mimicking them feeling nauseated.
I’ve one thing to say and that’s, Brad
I’m mad for you too
You spent the rest of the performance watching on with Mike's forearms leaning against your shoulders, both of you dancing silly to the song. All the while Mr Schuester left the room after Sue waved for him.
Well, that could go one of two ways.
Or super shit.
Apparently, it didn’t go either of those ways.
Which… deeply surprised you and your team.
You were seated beside Santana, watching as Mr Schuester, Miss Pillsbury, and her boyfriend Carl all conversed.
“I don’t understand.”
“Well, you guys have a hole to fill and I’m just trying to help fill it,” Carl replied.
“Santana!” Miss Pillsbury scolded over her shoulder.
All the while you laughed with your smiling friends, placing a hand on her thigh and giving it a light squeeze, before pulling your hand back to your lap. With the girl looking on at you with a smirk and knowing eyes.
“Well, you know, I can’t just give you a role.” The Spanish teacher shrugged. “You’d have to try out.”
“Fair enough. But I’ll need a lady to sing to.” He turned to his girlfriend. “Ems?”
““Hot Patootie”, B-flat,” he told the awaiting band.
Whatever happened
To Saturday night?
When you’re dressed up sharp
And you felt all right
It don’t seem the same
Since cosmic light
Came into my life
Thought I was divine
You didn’t know who, but someone “whooed” as Carl whipped off his suit jacket. Throwing it into Quinn’s lap. Much to the joy of the club.
You were panting after the performance, having danced with the rest of your team. The man yelled in joy at the end of the song, from his position kneeling on the choir room's floor, “Yeah!”
“No, no, no.” Sue waved her arms as she yelled for the cheering to stop, “Wait, wait, wait. This will not do.”
“Excuse me?” Carl asked.
“For the musical to continue, we need a Frank-N-Furter, not an Eddie.” She pointed her hand to the man still on the ground. “Eddie was eliminated in my rewrites.”
“But isn’t Eddie a big part of the show?” you asked, still panting lightly.
And then, you heard two words you never expected to come out of Mr Schue’s mouth.
“Sue’s right.” Carl stood up. “You wanna play in our sandbox? Sing a Frank-N-Furter number.”
“Well, I’m sorry, bro, but I think it’s fine to wear the Frankie bustier in the privacy of your own home. I’m freaky like that.”
“Nice.” You nodded happily at Carls' words.
“But, don’t you think it’s inappropriate in a high school musical? I mean, at least, if I play Eddie, I won’t have to grind up against the students, you know?”
“Man’s got a point,” you agreed, as Mercedes pushed Santana’s raised hand down beside you.
“Eddie’s an important role, If I did it, I’d be showing my support for the arts.”
Mr Schuester chuckled lightly as he got up, practically challenging the man.
“Are you telling me how to direct my show?”
“Will, Will-”
“Mr Schue?” Mercedes cut off Carl’s attempt at defusing the situation, “I’d like to play Frank-N-Furter. I was rereading the script yesterday and it said, “Don’t dream it, be it”. And it’s my dream to play a lead role, so I figure, why not me? I mean, I’ll be all kinds of crazy sexy in that outfit. And I can reinterpret the number a little bit, make it more modern. I’d really like the chance, Mr Schue.”
“Well, there you go, Will,” Sue said, from beside the man, “You killed two birds with one stone here today. Congratulations. Look, you got yourself a Frank-N-Furter and an Eddie. This is outstanding.”
Mr Schuester cut the students' claps and cheers off.
“I was actually hoping that Y/N, would play Eddie.”
You scoffed in your place.
“The only reason you wanted me to play Eddie is because you thought I had a working motorcycle. And we both agreed that I would be the Narrator.”
“The Criminologist,” your sister corrected.
“I agree.” Sue pat your teacher on his shoulder. “Everything is as it should be.”
“Okay, guys. Places!”
At Mr Schuester’s call, the red velvet curtains tore apart, revealing the costumed club.
Decked out in party gear, you sat upon the ladder of the tank. Before you quickly had to change out of this suit, and into a checkered tweed one and got the easy job of sitting in a cushy armchair at the corner of the stage, per Miss Pillsbury’s instructions.
“Uh, Mr Schue?” Finn raised his hand, still in his full Brad outfit. “Uh, I know I’m supposed to be in my underwear for this scene- And I’m totally down with that.”
“No, you’re not,” you said, but it, unfortunately, went unheard, with how low you said it.
“I thought maybe I would save it for the opening, it that’s okay?”
Mr Schue shot him an ‘okay’ sign with his hand, just as Sam walked out in shiny gold boxer shorts, along with some boxing shoes.
“Um, also, Miss Pillsbury, is there a way I could wear, like, some gold board shorts or something? These are really short. I’m afraid I’m gonna show off some nut-age.”
“First of all, I highly doubt your dick -or balls- are that big. And secondly.” You turned to the two teachers watching from their table in the audience. “How about we do the smart and easy thing, and when Finn is supposed to be in his underwear, we let him wear a T-shirt and boxer shorts.” You pointed with your thumb over at the tall boy, before it moved over to the blonde. “And give Sam his shorts, and maybe a tank-top if he’s uncomfortable. That way everyone’s comfortable, and there’s less chance of catching a case.”
Miss Pillsbury looked awkward at your words as if realizing something. “Well-”
“We’ll take a note. We can’t stop, guys,” Mr Schue spoke into the microphone, “This is a dress rehearsal. Come on. Keep going.”
You threw your arms up sarcastically. “Sorry for wanting everyone to feel comfortable.”
“And action!”
Rachel, quickly adhered to his words and began the scene.
“Oh, Brad, let’s get out of here. I’m cold, I’m wet, and I’m just plain scared.”
“I’m here,” Finn spoke, with a put-on brave voice, “There’s nothing to worry about.”
Rachel screamed dramatically at Mercedes’ entrance, before “passing” out.
With an evil smirk, you moved your fingers in a wave at your sister as she slumped onto the ground. You were enjoying playing this character.
How do you do, I
See you’ve met my
Faithful handyman
He’s just a little broke down
‘Cause when you knocked
He thought you were the candyman
Santana and Brittany, who were dressed as Magenta and Columbia respectively, danced to where Finn was picking up Rachel, as she “came back into consciousness”.
Don’t get strung out
By the way I look
Don’t judge a book by its cover
I’m not much of a girl
By the light of day
But by night I’m one hell of a lover
Finn had to catch Rachel and fan her face as she pretended to faint once more after Mercedes and the girls rounded on the two.
I’m just a sweet transvestite
From sensational
Why don’t you stay for the night
Or maybe a bite
I could show you my favourite obsession
I’ve been makin’ a man
With blonde hair and a tan
And he’s good for relieving my tension
You had to remember to be light on your feet when you dropped down from the tank.
Coming up beside Kurt-Raff and Quinn to dance with everyone, while Artie rolled around. Literally. Rolling in circles.
I’m just a sweet transvestite
Sweet transvestite
From sensational Transylvania
Hey, hey
I’m just a sweet transvestite
Sweet transvestite
From sensational
You were with Kurt at the ladders, as the girls were at the elevator.
So… come up to the lab
And see what’s on the slab
I see you shiver with antici-
“-Pation!” both teachers yelled happily.
But maybe the rain
Isn’t really to blame
So I’ll remove the cause
You jumped down with Kurt. Sliding to the other side of the elevator’s entrance, leaning against it.
But not the symptom
The teacher cheered, and then suddenly you jumped in your place slightly, in reaction to Carl’s sudden burst through the wall on his motorcycle.
“Holy shit!” you exclaimed, moving back with most of the group.
“Now that’s an entrance,” Miss Pillsbury complimented.
“Mr Director- I take that wall out right?”
“You’re two acts early, Carl,” he replied, with attitude, “You’re supposed to bust through the dinner party scene.”
“Oh. Well, actually, I was sort of feeling my entrance in this scene.”
Mr Schuester flung his pencil down in disgruntled exasperation.
All the while the Guidance Counsellor nodded. “Such good, good, interesting impulses. Oh!”
“Bravo, Carl. Bravo,” Mr Schue remarked sarcastically, as the redhead beside him clapped for her boyfriend.
“You look great in that outfit, by the way,” you told Quinn lowly, so no one would be able to hear you, as the group exited the stage.
“Thanks.” She smiled your way, looking you up and down. “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said flirtily, before walking away from you.
You didn’t know where you were with that girl most of the time.
One minute she’s friendly with you, the next she’s avoiding you saying that she’s not ready, then she’s flirty.
It was like you were reading a book, but every page was a different story. And yet. You couldn’t find it in yourself to put the book down and walk out of the library. Far too intrigued by the pages within.
You were beginning to regret offering Brittany and Santana a ride home that night, as they were taking far too long to get changed.
‘They were probably hooking up’
So, there you were, pacing the same length of hallway, waiting for them to exit the girls changing room.
The school was empty.
The rest of the club were home at this time.
But you? No.
You were stuck there.
And it didn’t help that schools were kinda creepy when they were empty and at night. But it did fit the spirit of Halloween. Which you were finally beginning to feel its work on you, thanks to the musical.
“Finally,” you called, raising your arm into the air as the other held the strap of your backpack. Watching as the girls exited the door, “I was beginning to think that you fell down the toilet.”
“Okay, okay. We’re here,” Santana said, “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“I don’t wear those, my dick’s too big.”
“You don’t have a dick,” she pointed out.
“Yeah,” Brittany added, “We both would know.”
“And yet, somehow, I have bigger balls than any guy in this school.”
Before either of the cheerleaders could voice a reply, the three of you were alerted to a sound.
Someone talking.
Santana got that smile on her face, that one that said she was up to something, and it was hardly -if ever- good.
The girl reached over and grabbed yours and Brittany's wrists, pulling you along, through the school, until you were outside, peering into the Spanish room. Watching Mr Schuester and Miss Pillsbury talk within.
“The fuck are they doing?” the Latina ‘shh’ed you. And so, you did the smart thing and kept your mouth shut.
The Spanish teacher reached over and pressed play on the radio, leading the way for the ginger to begin singing.
I was feelin’ done in
Couldn’t win
I’d only ever kissed before
“You mean she?” Brittany asked Santana, while you watched on with a dropped jaw.
“Uh-huh.” Santana nodded in confirmation.
I felt there’s no use getting
Into heavy sweating
It only leads to trouble
And bad fretting
Now all I want to know
Is how to go
I’ve tasted blood and I want more
More, more, more
“Why is she taking her clothes off?” you asked, “Are we gonna watch out teachers fuck?”
I’ll put up no resistance
I want to stay the resistance
I’ve got an itch to scratch
I need assistance
Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a
Touch me
I wanna be dirty
Thrill me, chill me, fulfil me
Creature of the night
There was that look in Santana’s eyes, this time taking on a knowing tint.
It kinda scared you and thrilled you at the same time.
Then suddenly, you were tugged down with the girl, Brittany following soon after.
Then if anything shows
While you pose
I’ll oil you up and drop you down
Down, down, down
‘Oh my, God! My teacher’s half-naked!’
And that’s just
One small fraction
Of the main attraction
Santana leaned her head back, palm running across her throat.
I want a friendly man
“Oh!” Brittany was next, swinging her head around.
And I need action
“Oh?” you asked, tone confused as you peered over to the girls, before your sights returned to the teachers singing within the room. Only to see Miss Pillsbury sitting on Mr Schue’s lap, “Oh, no!”
Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a
Touch me
Santana laughed fakely, as she and Brittany pulled each other close.
I wanna be dirty
“Shit!” you hissed, quickly dropping to the ground with the girls, as your teachers came closer to the window.
Thrill me, chill me, fulfil me
Creature of the night
Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a
Touch me
I wanna be dirty
Thrill me, chill me, fulfil me
Creature of the night
You were behind the girls as they ran down the hall, giggling and singing. With their gym bags in hand.
The smile that was plastered upon your face, from just watching the two be playful with one another, fell suddenly in surprise when they both came up to you and began pulling you along with them. Santana’s hand around your wrist, just like before, and Brittany’s fingers waived into your T-shirt.
Oh, touch-a, touch-a, touch-a
Touch me
I wanna be dirty
Thrill me, chill me, fulfil me
Creature of the night
Creature of the night
Creature of the night
Creature of the night
Creature of the night
Creature of the night
Creature of the night
Creature of the night
Creature of the night
You no longer regretted offering to drive the girls home.
Not when you currently lay naked in Brittany’s bed with the two Cheerios sleeping soundly.
Thank God you decided to text your dad’s letting them know you were staying over at “Mike’s” place.
“Eddie? I’ve seen him.”
“Eddie?” Mercedes asked Artie, pulling her script down, “What do you know of Eddie, Dr Scott?”
“I happen to know a great deal about a lot of things. You see, Eddie happens to be my… nephew.”
Everyone gasped.
While Sue interjected her opinion, “This play is terrible.”
“What I’d like to know, is why you’re sitting in my chair,” you interjected yourself. Standing beside the woman, dressed in your ‘The Cryminalogist’ costume. Then pointing to the ascot around her neck, “Why have you got that on?” You spun around. “Mr Schue, she’s trying to steal my part!”
Predictably, because the scene was still ongoing, the man ignored you.
“Finn’s line. Dr Scott!”
After your teacher's words, Rachel popped up from the partly covered tank behind you with a squeal.
“Janet!” Artie said.
“Dr Scott!” she replied.
“Finn’s line. Janet.” Mr Schue rushed over to your sister.
“I’m so bored, I just fell into a microsleep,” Sue snarked.
“Brad!” Rachel yelped.
“Rocky.” Mr Schue growled back at Mercedes.
“Janet,” Artie said.
“Dr Scott.” Rachel.
“Still being Finn.” The Spanish teacher slid back beside Artie. “Janet!”
You rolled your eyes. “You don’t have to say when you're saying Finn's line, we get it.”
“None of this is plausible,” Sue said after your sister spoke.
“Rocky.” Another growl towards Mercedes.
“Janet.” Artie.
“Dr Scott.” Rachel.
“Finn’s line. Janet!”
“Please make it stop,” you uttered to no one.
A growl.
“This play has incredible pacing problems,” Sue remarked.
Rachel threw the sheet of fabric down. “Mr Schue, it is pointless to rehearse this scene without Finn.”
“We don’t have a choice.” He rose his hands by his hips. “He’s late, and he’s not answering his phone. We gotta get this timing down, guys.”
“You know what I want I gotta get? My chair back,” you sassed.
“And would you please stop interjecting your opinions, Sue?” he continued to ask.
“‘Opinions’? These are my rewrites.”
With the sound of Mr Schue throwing his folder down, came the voice of your principal.
“William! I’d like to see you in my office, please.”
Facing your team who sat watching the rehearsal in the audience, as Mr Schue excited the room, you said, “Place your bets, I say he’s getting fired.” Then you turned to the cheerleading coach. “Get out of my chair.”
Which lead you to this moment.
Standing upon a wobbling chair, arms holding onto the painted boulder, watching as the two adults argued over your school’s Guidance Counsellor.
“I- Uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes, you do,” Carl assured the teacher with a nod and his hands upon his hips.
“Psst,” you whispered, peering down at the space in front of the boulder, “Blondie.”
Quinn turned to face you. Still reactive to the nickname even with the pink wig.
‘What the fuck’ you mouthed, pointing in the men’s direction. She only shook her head in return, going back to watching the men in her own curiosity, as Carl continued to talk.
“‘Cause Em and I have a full-disclosure policy. Total honesty. Something that allows us to have a little thing I like to call “intimacy”. Something you clearly know nothing about.”
“Yeah!” You raised your arms above your head, praising the man before a cringe overtook your features when both men -and your team- turned to look at you. Slowly, you lowered yourself back behind the boulder, so that only your eyes and the top half of your face could be seen.
Your teacher scoffed, “Look we- We were just rehearsing.”
It was your turn to scoff lightly, eyes connecting with Santana and Brittany’s momentarily.
The three of you thinking the same thing.
‘That was more than fucking rehersing’
“Stop it, bro!” Carl yelled, “Man-to-man, you gave me your word.” Then he walked off the stage, with Mr Schuester calling after him.
“So what? You quitting the show?”
Carl doubled back, “No. No, no, no. Unlike you, I believe in the power of the arts. I don’t use them to pick up other guys’ chicks.”
Everyone awkwardly went back into positions, which mostly consisted of hiding behind the painted props.
All but you, that is.
“Okay, I’m just gonna say it. I really like that guy.” You pointed in the direction Carl just left in, backstage.
Gaining a muffled, “Thank you!” from the man in return.
“Okay, guys, gather ‘round. I’ve got something to say,” Mr Schuester said as he entered the choir room, and sat down before you all.
“You’re leaving to become an accountant.”
He chuckled at your referenced joke.
“No. I’m not. What I really want to say is-” A sigh from the man. “I’m pulling the show. It was inappropriate of me to try and put it on in the first place. I want to apologize for putting you guys through all of this. Particularly Finn and Sam.”
“It’s cool, Mr Schue,” Finn said, “I’m sure the teasing will die down by the time my tenth reunion rolls around.”
It wasn’t until after you laughed and playfully told the boy, “Not from me, it won’t.” Did you remember that you still weren’t on good terms with him and your sister. Still hurt by them both.
Luckily Sam spoke up next, “And I got asked to be ‘June’ in the ‘Men of McKinley High’ calendar.”
“Wait. Is that legal?” you questioned.
“I’m happy for you. But we still can’t do the musical,” Mr Schue said, “Look, I was wrong. ‘Rocky Horror’ isn’t about pushing boundaries. Or making the audience accept a certain rebellious point of view. Those were my reasons for doing it… and they aren’t worth risking what we have here. Now, when I was younger and they started midnight shows of ‘Rocky Horror’, it wasn’t for envelope pushers. It was for outcasts- People on the fringes who had no place left to go… but were searching for some place, any place, where they felt like they belonged. Sound familiar?”
“You’re not gonna call us all minorities just for being in Glee Club again, are you?”
He shook his head with another chuckle, “The truth is, with that perspective… ‘Rocky Horror’ is the perfect show for this club.”
“Then why aren’t we putting it on?”
“Because it’s inappropriate,” you told Santana, by her side.
Mr Schue cracked a smile. “We’re still gonna perform ‘Rocky Horror’.”
“But you just said-”
“We’re just not doing it for an audience,” he explained, looking directly at you, “We’re doing it for ourselves.”
Maybe the Halloween season would be better than you thought it was.
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manyfandomocs · 6 months
Speak Now [Taylor Swift]
Okay this has been 75% completed in my inbox long enough so I'm not doing the vault tracks as initially planned but! Just lmk if you do wanna see the vaults
also I am apparently so attached to assigning Enchanted to ships I should just do an edit series for couples. And Innocent was so hard to assign
Mine ; Thomas Mayfair (with Brady Mariano @randomestfandoms-ocs ), Ashton Daniels (with Blaine Anderson), Emmeline Fitzherbert (with Mal), Cassidy Fuchs (with Grace Chasity)
Sparks Fly ; Ruby Fitzherbert (with Evie), Natalia Finch (with Obie Bergmann)
Back To December ; Ashton Daniels (with Sam Evans), Sebastian Van Wyck (with Henry, pre-RWRB), Katherine Keller (young with FP Jones)
Speak Now ; Tiffany Holloway (with Max Jägerman), Jasmine Teller (with Jess Mariano), Robin Davidson (with Betsy McDonough), Theodosia Fortescue (with Colin Bridgerton), Sampson Lockhart (with Arabella Kingsley)
Dear John ; Belladonna Callow (with Malachi), Gabriel Legume (with the unnamed ex), Genevieve Sterling (with Hiram Lodge)
Mean ; Felicity Moore, Cassidy Fuchs, CJ Kelly
The Story Of Us ; Genevieve Sterling (with Hiram Lodge), Steve Schuester (with Jesse St James), Serafina Hollander (with Tristan Dugray), Solana Reed (with Val), Carrie Ryan (with Noah Puckerman)
Never Grow Up ; Chloe Brown (with Eloise Sol @randomestfandoms-ocs ), Lottie Tyler (with Rose Tyler), Silas Green (with Hannah Foster)
Enchanted ; Leticia Beaumont (with Colin Bridgerton), Arabella Kingsley (with Sampson Lockhart), Calliope Angelos (with Nora Holleran), Kendall Frost (with Beatrice Mountchristen-Windsor), Cassie Rose (with Annabeth Chase), Vincent James (with Jenny Banks), Tamora Snow (with Lucy Gray Baird), Charles Pond (with Clara Oswald), Odelia Roth (with David Nolan & Odessa Pavlova)
Better Than Revenge ; Gabriel Legume (with Ben, Audrey's POV), Delilah Curdle (@ Betty Cooper), Catalina Cabrera (with Dan Humphrey, Serena's POV), Carrie Ryan (honestly this is just Rachel @ Carrie for all of their shared boyfriends)
Innocent ; Chloe Brown, Ginevra Gothel
Haunted ; Carrie Ryan (with Noah Puckerman), Steve Schuester (with Jesse St James), Wrenley Daring (with Jay), Gabriel Legume (with Harry Hook), Victor Chase (with Billy Loomis), Lorelai Cooper (with Chuck Clayton)
Last Kiss ; Steve Schuester (with Jesse St James), Carrie Ryan (with Sam Evans), Ashton Daniels (with Sam Evans), Thomas Mayfair (with Lane Kim), Tiffany Holloway (with Max Jägerman in most timelines), Catalina Cabrera (with Nate Archibald)
Long Live ; Sage Rowe, Nathan Price, Ashton Daniels, Carrie Ryan, Silas Green, Cassidy Fuchs, Ivy Perkins, Abigail James, Felicity Moore, Zeke Beiste
Ours ; Arabella Kingsley (with Sampson Lockhart), Karina Jimenez (with Brittany Pierce), Felix Dosier (with Finn Hudson), Ashton Daniels (with Blaine Anderson), Gabriel Legume (with Ben), Theo Gleason (with Jess Mariano)
Superman ; Carrie Ryan (with Jesse St James), Silas Green (with Lex Foster), Sebastian Van Wyck (with Henry Hanover-Stuart-Fox, pre RWRB), Katherine Keller (with FP Jones), Madeline Stevens (with Frank Delfino)
Send me an album and, if I know the artist, I will try to associate to every song an oc/ship/crossover
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rockislandadultreads · 6 months
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Read-Alike Friday: Jesmyn Ward
Let Us Descend by Jesmyn Ward
Let Us Descend is a reimagining of American slavery, as beautifully rendered as it is heart-wrenching. Searching, harrowing, replete with transcendent love, the novel is a journey from the rice fields of the Carolinas to the slave markets of New Orleans and into the fearsome heart of a Louisiana sugar plantation.
Annis, sold south by the white enslaver who fathered her, is the reader’s guide through this hellscape. As she struggles through the miles-long march, Annis turns inward, seeking comfort from memories of her mother and stories of her African warrior grandmother.  Throughout, she opens herself to a world beyond this world, one teeming with spirits: of earth and water, of myth and history; spirits who nurture and give, and those who manipulate and take. While Ward leads readers through the descent, this, her fourth novel, is ultimately a story of rebirth and reclamation.
Yonder by Jabari Asim
They call themselves the Stolen. Their owners call them captives. They are taught their captors’ tongues and their beliefs but they have a language and rituals all their own.
In a world that would be allegorical if it weren’t saturated in harsh truths, Cato and William meet at Placid Hall, a plantation in an unspecified part of the American South. Subject to the whims of their tyrannical and eccentric captor, Cannonball Greene, they never know what harm may befall them: inhumane physical toil in the plantation’s quarry by day, a beating by night, or the sale of a loved one at any moment. It’s that cruel practice���the wanton destruction of love, the belief that Black people aren’t even capable of loving—that hurts the most.
It hurts the reserved and stubborn William, who finds himself falling for Margaret, a small but mighty woman with self-possession beyond her years. And it hurts Cato, whose first love, Iris, was sold off with no forewarning. He now finds solace in his hearty band of friends, including William, who is like a brother; Margaret; Little Zander; and Milton, a gifted artist. There is also Pandora, with thick braids and long limbs, whose beauty calls to him.
Their relationships begin to fray when a visiting minister with a mysterious past starts to fill their heads with ideas about independence. He tells them that with freedom comes the right to choose the small things—when to dine, when to begin and end work—as well as the big things, such as whom and how to love. Do they follow the preacher and pursue the unknown? Confined in a landscape marked by deceit and uncertainty, who can they trust?
Conjure Women by Afia Atakora
Conjure Women is a sweeping story that brings the world of the South before and after the Civil War vividly to life. Spanning eras and generations, it tells of the lives of three unforgettable women: Miss May Belle, a wise healing woman; her precocious and observant daughter Rue, who is reluctant to follow in her mother's footsteps as a midwife; and their master's daughter Varina. The secrets and bonds among these women and their community come to a head at the beginning of a war and at the birth of an accursed child, who sets the townspeople alight with fear and a spreading superstition that threatens their newly won, tenuous freedom.
Magnificently written, brilliantly researched, richly imagined, Conjure Women moves back and forth in time to tell the haunting story of Rue, Varina, and May Belle, their passions and friendships, and the lengths they will go to save themselves and those they love.
The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Young Hiram Walker was born into bondage. When his mother was sold away, Hiram was robbed of all memory of her—but was gifted with a mysterious power. Years later, when Hiram almost drowns in a river, that same power saves his life. This brush with death births an urgency in Hiram and a daring scheme: to escape from the only home he’s ever known.
So begins an unexpected journey that takes Hiram from the corrupt grandeur of Virginia’s proud plantations to desperate guerrilla cells in the wilderness, from the coffin of the Deep South to dangerously idealistic movements in the North. Even as he’s enlisted in the underground war between slavers and the enslaved, Hiram’s resolve to rescue the family he left behind endures.
This is the dramatic story of an atrocity inflicted on generations of women, men, and children—the violent and capricious separation of families—and the war they waged to simply make lives with the people they loved.
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