#the hart iii: secrets
bamby0304 · 1 year
The Hart III: Secrets
Ch.29: Chuck Shurley
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Three months… Dean was gone for three months and now he’s back. He’s back and he truly has no idea how much things have changed. Life moved on while Dean was in Hell, and now things are complicated. With new faces and troubles right around the corner, will the trio find a way to come back together? Or has all hope been lost?
A/N: It's my birthday
Sam, Liz and I stood in the house of Carver Edlund's publisher's house. I was surprised to find out that the publisher was a she, around the same age as us. But then again, I shouldn't have been. Not with the attention these books seem to get...
"So, you published the Supernatural books?" Sam asked.
The publisher nodded, moving to stand by the books that sat on a shelf. "Yep. Yeah. Gosh. These books... you know, they never really got the attention they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap. You know, Doctor Sexy, M.D.?" She scoffed, "Please."
"Right." Sam offered a polite smile, getting back on track. "Well, we're hoping that our article can... shine a light on an underappreciated series."
"Yeah, yeah." The publisher took a few steps towards us, clearly excited about that idea. "Because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press then m-maybe we could start publishing again."
"No, no, no, no. God, no," I said a little too quickly. In an instant, the woman went from excited to offended. "I mean, why- why would you want to do that? You know, it's, uh, such a complete series, what with Dean going to hell and all."
Once again, the publisher's mood changed as she got a little emotional. "Oh, my god! That was one of my favourite ones, because Dean was so... strong... and sad and brave. And Sam... I mean, the best parts are when they'd cry. You know, like in- in Heart, when Sam had to kill Madison, the first woman since Jessica he really loved. And in Home, when Dean had to call John and ask him for help." She turned away, moving to her desk. "Gosh... if only real men were so open and in touch with their feelings."
Liz let out a soft chuckle as I looked to the woman, confused and a little offended- though I wasn't sure why... "Real men?"
The publisher turned to us again. "I mean, no offense. How often do you cry like that, hmm?"
"Well, right now, I'm crying on the inside," I muttered to myself.
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"Lady, this whole thing is funny."
Looking us up and down, moving to sit behind her desk, I could tell I'd messed up as the publisher started to shut down. "How do I know you three are legit, hmm?"
"Oh, trust me. We, uh..." I nodded, stepping a little closer to the desk, "we're legit."
"Well, I don't want any smart-ass article making fun of my boys."
"No! No, no, no. Never," Sam stammered.
"No, that's..."
Liz rolled her eyes. "These two don't like to admit it, seeing as they're emotionless real men. But we're all big fans," she told the publisher.
"Hmm." The publisher looked unconvinced. "You've read the books?"
"Cover to cover." I nodded, going along with Liz's story.
"What's the year and model of Dean's car?"
"It's a 1967 Chevy Impala," I answered with a proud smirk.
"What's May 2nd?"
"That's my- uh... that's Sam's birthday," Sam answered, correcting himself.
"January 24th is Dean's," I added.
"October 18th is Lizzie's." Liz finished.
"Lizzie's sister's name?"
"Gabriella," Liz answered. "Or Gabby for short." She shrugged.
"Sam's score on the LSAT?" the publisher asked.
"One..." Sam sounded a little unsure as he looked down at me for a moment, trying to remember. "Seventy-four?"
"Dean's favourite song?"
My smile returned. "It's a tie. Between Zep's Ramble on and Traveling Riverside Blues."
Slowly but surely, the publisher smile. "Okay." She nodded. "Okay. What do you want to know?"
"What's Carver Edlund's real name?" Sam asked, keeping it casual.
But the publisher shook her head. "Oh, no. I- no. Sorry, I can't do that."
"We just want to talk to him," Sam assured her. "You know, get the Supernatural story in his own words."
"He's very private. It's like Salinger."
Liz and I shared a look as Sam pressed a little more. "Please. Like I said- we are, um..." he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his anti-demon-protection tattoo, "big... big fans."
When Sam gave Liz and I a pointed look, Liz turned around and lifted her ponytail to show her tattoo which sat on the back of her neck. I rolled my eyes and side, pulling my shirt over slightly to show the publisher the anti-demon-possession tattoo that sat on my chest.
The publisher licked her lips, looking at Sam's and my tattoos. "Awesome," she chuckled lightly. "You know what?" She stood and turned, hiking up her skirt to show us her own tattoo which was on one of her cheeks. "I got one, too."
"Whoa." I tilted my head slightly, grinning. "You are a fan."
Putting her skirt back in place, the publisher grabbed a pen and paper. "Okay." She scribbled something down. "His name's Chuck Shurley. And he's a genius, so don't piss him off."
Sam, Liz and I got out of Baby, before walking across the street to the rundown house. This is where the publisher had sent us, but it looked like the place might be empty. If it wasn't for the motorcycle at the front, I would have thought we were in the wrong place.
As we climbed the porch stairs, and came to a stop by the door, Sam and I shared a look as Liz lifted her hand to ring the doorbell.
There was a moment or two before the door opened, revealing a short guy dressed in a white tank, boxers and dressing gown. He hadn't shaven in a while, his stubble turning to bush. He looked tired as he slightly squinted at the sunlight.
"You Chuck Shurley?" I asked.
"The Chuck Shurley who wrote the Supernatural books?" Sam added.
The guy looked to each of us. "Maybe. Why?"
"I'm Dean. This is Sam. And that's Elizabeth. The Dean, Sam and Elizabeth you've been writing about."
Without a word, the guy closed the door in our faces. Sighing, Liz lifted her hand and rang the doorbell again. This time it opened almost instantly.
"Look, uh..." Chuck shook his head, seeming slightly agitated. "I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It's, uh, it's always nice to hear from the fans. But, uh, for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life." He went to shut the door again.
I reached over Liz and grabbed the door, stopping it from closing. "See, here's the thing. We have a life. You've been using it to write your books." Shoving the door opened, I moved around Liz and made my way into the house, forcing Chuck to back up.
"Now, wait a minute. Now, this isn't funny."
With Sam and Liz behind me, I followed Chuck into the living room. "Damn straight, it's not funny."
"Look, we just want to know how you're doing it," Sam told him, not as pissed as I was.
"I'm not doing anything," Chuck insisted.
"Are you a hunter?" I asked.
"What? No. I'm a writer."
"Then how do you know so much about demons?" I advanced on him, ready to use violence to get answers. He backed away more, falling onto the couch as I went on, "And Tulpas, and changelings?"
"Is this some kind of Misery thing?" Looking to each of us then, Chuck groaned, "It is, isn't it? It's a Misery thing!"
I frowned at him, getting more a more agitated. "No, it's not a Misery thing. Believe me, we are not fans!"
"Well, then, what do you want?!"
"They're Sam and Dean. I'm Elizabeth," Liz tried to explain once more.
But Chuck just didn't seem to get it. "Sam, Dean and Elizabeth are fictional characters. I made them up! They're not real!"
Dean opened the trunk to show Chuck all the weapons and things we used during hunts.
Chuck's jaw fell open before he looked to the brothers. "Are those real guns?"
"Yup." Dean gestured to some of the items. "This is real rock salt, these are real fake IDs."
"Well, I got to hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans." Clearly nervous, Chuck started to back up towards the house. "That's, that's awesome. So, I- I think I've got some posters in the house."
"Chuck, stop," Dean called.
Raising his hands up in defence, Chuck looked like he was about to crap himself. "Please. Wait. Please, don't hurt me."
Ignoring him, Sam got back to the questioning. "How much do you know? Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?"
"Wait a minute." Every part of Chuck changed as he looked to each of us going from scared to confused. "How do you know about that?"
"The question is, how do you," Dean noted.
"Because I wrote it?"
I frowned. "You mean you're still writing?"
"Yeah, even after the publisher went bankrupt, but those books never came out. Okay, wait a minute. This is some kind of joke, right? Did that... did Phil put you up to this?"
"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my brother, Sam. And this is Elizabeth Hart."
It was Chuck's turn to frown, even more confused now. "The last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down."
I sat on a chair by Chuck's dining table as Sam and Dean stood close by. The three of us were watching as Chuck poured himself a drink, before he turned and jumped at the sight of us and groaned.
"Oh! Oh, you're still there."
"Yup." Dean shoved his hands into his pocket.
"You're not a hallucination."
Dean shook his head. "Nope."
"Well," Chuck sighed, "there's only one explanation. Obviously, I'm a god."
"You're not a god," Sam assured him.
"How else do you explain it?" Chuck asked. "I write things and then they come to life. Yeah, no, I'm definitely a god. A cruel, cruel, capricious god. The things I put you through. The physical beatings alone."
"Yeah, we're still in one piece," Dean muttered.
Chuck looked to him. "I killed your father. I burned your mother alive." He turned to Sam. "And then you had to go through the whole horrific deal again with Jessica. And you?" He turned to me. "Oh, God. I didn't even leave you with your sister."
"Chuck," Sam warned.
Chuck just shook his head, moving to face the sink as he folded his arms over his chest. "All for what? All for the sake of literary symmetry. I toyed with your lives, your emotions, for... entertainment."
"You didn't toy with us, Chuck, okay?" Dean started, taking a step closer to the writer. "You didn't create us."
Chuck turned to Dean again. "Did you really have to live through the bugs?"
"Yeah." Dean nodded.
"What about the ghost ship?"
Dean sighed. "Yes, that too."
"I am so sorry." I was pretty sure Chuck meant it, too. "I mean, horror is one thing, but to be forced to live bad writing... if I would have known it was real, I would have done another pass."
"Chuck, you're not a god!" Dean snapped.
"We think you're probably just psychic," Sam explained.
But Chuck didn't seem to agree as he frowned and shook his head. "No." He moved to sit at the table, across from me. "If I were psychic, you think I'd be writing? Writing is hard."
"It seems that somehow, you're just... focused on our lives," Sam noted.
"Yeah, like laser-focused," Dean added.
I took a deep breath, lifting a shaking hand to rub at my temple. "Are you working on anything right now, Chuck?"
There was a moment where Chuck thought about it before his eyes went wide. "Holy crap."
"What?" Dean asked.
Chuck picked up some papers from the table. "The, uh, latest book? It's, uh… it's kind of weird."
"'Weird' how?" Sam pressed.
"It's very Vonnegut."
Dean leaned forward, placing to hands on the table. "Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut or Cat's Cradle Vonnegut?"
Sam looked to his brother, surprised. "What?"
"What?" Dean shrugged defensively.
Getting back on track, Chuck answered, "It's, uh, Kilgore Trout Vonnegut. I wrote myself into it," he explained. "I wrote myself, at my house... confronted by my characters."
I sat on the bench in the laundromat as I looked through the pages Chuck had given us. Sam was doing some laundry, while Liz sat next to me, doing nothing but watching and waiting.
"I'm sitting in a laundromat, reading about myself sitting in a laundromat reading about myself." I frowned, feeling a headache coming on. "My head hurts."
"There's got to be something this guy's not telling us." Sam turned to toss his dark clothes into one of the machines.
"'Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck, about whether he was telling the whole truth'," I read.
Sam turned to me. "Stop it."
I just continued to read aloud. "'"Stop it," Sam said.".' Guess what you do next." He turned away again, right before I started to read once more. "Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive'." I shook my head. "I mean, I don't know how he's doing it, but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face, but those are definitely your brooding and pensive shoulders." As Sam sighed I looked down at the manuscript again. "You just thought I was a dick."
Liz chuckled lightly.
Turning around to face us again, Sam looked impressed. "The guy's good."
I sat on the arm of the armchair in Chuck's living room, while Dean stood next to me and Sam sat on the armchair a few feet away. Chuck walked in, still in the same dressing gown, white shirt and boxers he'd had on before. Moving to stand on the other side of the coffee table, he paced as he looked down at the pages in his hands.
"So..." Sam broke the silence. "You wrote another chapter?"
Chuck finally looked to each of us. "This was all so much easier before you were real."
"We can take it," Dean assured him. "Just spit it out."
Chuck turned to him them. "You especially are not gonna like this."
"I didn't like Hell," Dean noted.
Taking a deep breath, Chuck built up enough courage to tell us why he'd ask us to come here… "It's Lilith. She's coming for Sam."
I tensed. But not for the reasons you probably think… see, hearing Lilith's name like that… I was instantly reminded of what Tristan had said…
"You know, when I was first put on your case, when Lilith said she wanted me to keep an eye on you, to prep you..." That's what he'd said. "I was told to befriend you. Keep you safe. Help you grow. Get you ready for what's to come."
For the last few weeks I'd done everything I could possibly do to suppress the memory of what had happened in the cabin, despite the fact that I should probably face the truth. A demon had been sent to watch over and poison me. Why? I had no idea. But I knew Lilith had something to do with it.
The fact she was coming here, to find Sam, it scared the crap out of me. What if she knew I knew about Tristan? What if she knows Tristan isn't watching me anymore? What if she knows I've stopped taking demon blood? I was pretty sure she wanted me on it. So, would she force me into drinking more? Into drinking hers…?
"Excuse me." I stood and hurried out of the room and out of the house, needing air.
We watched as Lizzie hurried out of the room and out of the house, but before I could go after her to make sure she was okay, Dean spoke up, stopping me.
"Is she coming to kill him?"
Looking away from my brother and back to the writer, I sighed. "When?"
"She's just gonna show up? Here?" Dean asked.
Chuck took a deep breath as he sat down on the couch, slipped his glasses on and looked down at the manuscript. "Uh... let's see, uh… 'Lilith patted the bed seductively. Unable to deny his desire, Sam succumbed, and they sank into the throes of fiery demonic passion'," he finished, looking up at us again.
I let out a short laugh. "You're kidding me, right?"
Dean turned to me. "You think this is funny?"
"You don't? I mean, come on. 'Fiery demonic passion'?"
"It's just a first draft." Chuck looked offended.
Frowning, Dean shook his head, seeming confused about something. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Lilith is a little girl."
"No, uh, this time she's a 'comely dental hygienist from Bloomington, Indiana'," Chuck explained.
"Great. Perfect," Dean sighed. "So, what happens after the... 'fiery demonic' whatever?"
"I don't know, it hasn't come to me yet," Chuck answered.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Dean actually thought this was all going to happen? Come on. "Dean, look, there's nothing to worry about. Lilith and me? In bed?"
Dean looked to me briefly before turning back to Chuck. "How does this whole psychic thing of yours work?"
"You mean my process?"
"Yes, your 'process'."
Chuck shrugged. "Well, it usually starts with a headache. A really bad headache. Aspirin is useless, so... I drink. Until I fall asleep. The first time it happened, I thought it was just a crazy dream."
"The first time you dreamt about us?" Dean asked.
"It flowed. It just, it kept flowing. It still does. I-I can't stop it, really," Chuck explained.
"You can't seriously believe-"
Dean cut me off, "Humour me." He took a step closer to the coffee table as he went to go on as Chuck held up the manuscript for him. "Look, why don't we, we just..." He took the manuscript and read from it… "'Take a look at these and see what's what.'" Still looking down at the pages, he spoke to Chuck. "You-"
"...knew you were gonna ask for that." Chuck nodded. "Yeah."
The front door opened as Sam and Dean walked out and onto the porch. I stood at the bottom of the steps, leaning on the railing. Seeing the brothers, I quickly pushed off the railing and shoved my hands into my pockets, setting my gaze to the ground.
A hand rested on my arm as Dean came to stand in front of me. "You okay?"
I just nodded, not saying a word.
"Hey." He raised his hand to my chin, tilting it so I looked at him. "We're gonna be fine. We're gonna get out of here before Lilith comes, and we're gonna take you home. Okay?"
Once again, I nodded. I didn't want to say anything that might upset or worry either Dean or Sam. They might think I was worried about Lilith coming for Sam- which I was- but what they didn't know was that I was worried about myself as well.
"Come on." He moved to rest a hand on my back, leading me towards Baby.
I turned back to the house for a moment- don't ask me why, I just did. My eyes landed on Chuck as he stood in his doorway, hands tucked into the pockets of his dress gown, eyes full of pity and guilt. It was at that moment that I realised he knew everything…
Driving down the road, I glanced at Liz through the rear-view mirror. She was sitting in the back, looking out the window, silent. Sam, on the other hand, was next to me, reading through the manuscript, talking out loud.
"Dean, come on." He shook his head. "'The minivan accident wasn't that bad, but Dean was still seeing stars. He scratched absently at the pink flower Band-Aids on his face'."
"So?" I shrugged.
"So, I've seen you gushing blood. You'd use duct tape and bar rags before you'd put on a pink flower Band-Aid."
"What's your point?"
"My point is this," he gestured to the pages in his hands, "all of this, is totally implausible. It's nuts."
"He's been right about everything so far," I noted. "You think he's just gonna ground out at first now?"
Scoffing, Sam read some more to try and prove his point. "Huh. 'Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved Impala and drove off, the plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow'."
"A tarp?" Okay, I had to admit, I found it hard to believe that.
Sam nodded. "Yeah. On the rear window. And you drive it like that."
But despite the fact that I couldn't get on board with that, I still wanted to play things safe. "Well, he might be wrong about the details, but doesn't mean he's wrong about the end result."
"So, we're just gonna run?" he asked.
"Dude, we are a long way from ready for a face-to-face death match with Lilith." I didn't understand why he wasn't getting that. We came to a roadblock then. I rolled to a stop as a deputy came to lean over and talk to us. "What seems to be the problem?"
"Bridge is out ahead," the deputy explained.
"We're just trying to get out of town."
He just shook his head. "Yeah, afraid not."
"Is there a detour?"
Oh, come on. "There's not a side road that takes us to the highway?"
"To get to the highway, you have to cross that river. To cross the river, you have to take that bridge."
"How deep's the river?"
Instead of answering, the deputy just got straight to the point. "Sorry. Afraid you're gonna have to spend the night in town."
Sitting in a diner, I looked over the menu while Dean read the manuscript and Lizzie fiddled with the salt shaker. I glanced at her every once in a while, my concern growing. She hadn't spoken since we'd left Chuck's…
"Hey, this could be a good thing," Dean started. "I mean, if this is what puts us on the path to Lilith, then all we got to do is get off the path."
I looked up at him. "How do you mean?"
"It's a blueprint of what not to do. I mean, if the pages say that we go left-"
"Then we go right," I finished.
He nodded. "Exactly. We get off-book. We never make it to the end. It's opposite day. It says that we, uh, we get into a fight." He shrugged. "So, no fighting. No research for you..."
"No bacon cheeseburger for you," I added.
For a moment, he looked uncomfortable and disappointed, but he quickly played it off with another shrug. "Yeah, no problem. I'll just order something else," he told me right as the waitress came by. "Hi, uh, what's good?" he asked her.
The waitress smiled down at him. "Well, if you like burgers, Oprah's girlfriend said we have the best bacon cheeseburgers in the country," she noted, making me laugh lightly.
Dean ignored me, grabbing a menu for himself. "Really?"
Seeing that he was going to take a second, I ordered my own food. "I'll just have the cobb salad, please," I told the waitress.
Still looking at the menu, Dean ordered the first thing he saw. "I'll have the... veggie tofu burger. Thanks."
"And what about you sweetheart?" the waitress looked to Lizzie.
"I'm not hungry, thanks," Lizzie mumbled, handing her menu over.
Both Dean and I paused as we looked to Lizzie. She was basically a female version of Dean, which meant she liked food, a lot. Over the years of knowing her I'd never heard or seen her decline the opportunity to eat, unless she was really upset or not feeling well. Even then, it had to be very serious before she'd actually say no to food.
Shrugging, the waitress took the menus and left.
Once we were alone again, Dean leaned closer to Lizzie. "Hey, you okay?"
"I'm fine," she answered, her voice flat.
Dean and I shared a look, neither of us believing her. Sighing, I turned back to Lizzie. "You know you can talk to us, right?"
She didn't respond right away. She just sat there reaching over to play with the salt shaker again. I watched her hands, noticing the way they shook lightly. She looked a little pale as well… something was clearly wrong.
"I'm just not feeling too well," was all she mumbled before she looked up at Dean. "You think I could go lie down in the car?"
Nodding, he reached into his pocket, pulling out the keys. "Just… let us know if you need anything."
"Yeah, okay. Thanks." She lightly nodded as she reached for the keys.
We watched as she stood up and walked out, her hands shoved into her leather jacket's pockets. Her head down, hair falling around her, back hunched slightly… she looked nothing like the fun-loving Lizzie we were used to…
Shaking my head, I turned back to Dean, knowing there was nothing we could do to help Lizzie at that moment. We had more pressing things to deal with. "This whole thing's ridiculous."
Frowning, Dean turned his gaze to me. "What? Are you saying Liz is ridiculous? Or are you saying Lilith is ridiculous?"
"The idea of me hooking up with Lilith is," I answered.
He chuckled lightly, clearly not agreeing with me. "Right. 'Cause something like that can never happen."
I started to scowl but stopped myself, not wanting to fight with him. "Dean, for the first time, we have warning that Lilith is close."
"So... we've got the jump on her. If we know when she's coming, we know where she is. This is an opportunity."
"Are you-" Before he could snap, Dean stopped himself and started again. "It frustrates me when you say such reckless things."
"Well, it frustrates me when you'd rather hide than fight."
The waitress came back then, with a smile and our food. "Cobb salad for you." She placed the plate in front of me before turning to Dean. "And the tofu veggie burger for you."
"Thank you." Dean nodded to her. Once she left he leaned forward, talking to me again. "It's not hiding. It's being smart. It's picking your battles. This is a battle that we are not ready to fight." he argued as he grabbed his burger. I watched him take a bite, waiting to see his response, only to be shocked as his eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, my god. This is delicious. Tofu is amazing!"
Hurrying back, the waitress looked down at Dean apologetically, clearly flustered. "I am so sorry. I gave you the bacon cheeseburger by mistake," she told him before she grabbed his plate and took it away.
So much for getting off the book…
3 notes · View notes
y'all wearing me down bc it's gonna get even better (very humble, donna. thank you donna)
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
~Part I , Part II~
'The Very First Night: Part III' Angelo Parker (Jeff) x fem!reader
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gif: @junglehooks
^james seems to be growing more and more suspicious about his best friend's behavior^
-Wheeler Yuta (James) and i tossed julia hart in there - I/N - instagram name -CW: mentions of smoking
3rd Person POV
After the match, Y/N decided to change and she made her way to her truck. She got that little pack of cigarettes from the glove compartment and lit up, "Since when do you smoke?" James' voice scared her a bit. "Fucking hell. It's an occasional thing; I'm not proud of it but-" He got in the passenger seat and looked at her. He wasn't stupid, he knew something was on her mind. "What the hell happened between you and Parker in the ring? The way he looked at you? The way you looked at him?!" "James, I don't know. Those guys are unpredictable. I guess I reacted like that because I was caught off guard. They may be scum, but I doubt he would've hurt me." She took a drag from the little cancer stick and looked to see if he bought the answer. Before he could press the issue any further, "Alright kids, Y/N, what's this diner you went to?" "Two Whales. I'll call Joyce and tell her she's got five coming. Don't worry Bryan, there's stuff for you. They made menu additions after an influx of tourists." Or to tell her not to bring up her little secret. She got out of the truck to make the call as the rest of the guys piled in. "Hey honey." "Hey Joyce, you guys got room for five?" "Of course Y/N. Does one of them happen to be that Jeff guy?" "No, uh, could you actually do me a solid and not mention him? It's kind of a secret. Say I was with an old friend from high school." "I don't like that sneaking around game; but I'll go with it. We will discuss it before you leave on Sunday." Y/N put the cigarette out, "Yes, mother. See you soon." Bryan decided to ask as she got back in the truck "Why are there no seatbelts?" "Because I normally never had more than two other people in this truck."
"There they are!" "Boys, this is Joyce. Joyce, this is Jon, Bryan, Claudio, and James." Y/N introduced as she pointed to each man. "Yes, the Blackpool Combat Club. I hope my Y/N hasn't been too much trouble for you." "Is this your mother?" Claudio asked. "Like one, but no. Her daughter is one of my closest friends." "Why don't you bring them to your booth and I'll get some menus." She nodded and motioned for them to follow her. As they walked past, a few of the older truckers and bikers whistled at her. Jon was about to say something to him when she stepped in "Can it, Mark." She spat. "I don't need these guys to put you in your place; I did it all throughout high school, and I'll do it again." They all sat in the booth and Joyce came over with menus. "Y/N L/N; always biting the heads off these old guys. Never backing down from a fight." She looked at James, who was sat next to her, "You were out there with her tonight, correct?" He smiled "Yes ma'am. You watched the show?" "Baby, any friend of my Y/N is a friend of mine; you all call me Joyce. Of course I did. I had to watch her keep that belt." Once everyone had decided on what they wanted, Joyce took it down and went to the counter. The four of them had been looking at all the vandalism on the table and leather seats that Y/N got to check her phone for the first time. Messages from her friends, social media but two things stood out;
J🤫 - we need to talk
Instagram: theangeloparker tagged you in their story
She texted him back that they would talk when she got to the hotel, but the Instagram thing had to wait. She was pulled out of her phone when Jon asked "This town seems kinda, quiet. How did you get to be so rowdy?" "You have to know the right places. The old mill by the railroad and junkyard held many bonfire parties and concerts. Where I got some of my scars, at that mill." She pulled the neck of her shirt to show the scar on her shoulder, "Went to see Firewalk in 2010, some prick gashed me with a broken beer bottle." "Pretty gnarly. Hate to see what you did to him." James joked. They had been eating for a while when Joyce came over with a camera, "Mind if I get a photo for our board?" All five agreed and Joyce snapped with the polaroid camera; something the girls gave her for mother's day one year.
The group finished eating and Y/N sent the guys to the truck so she could talk to Joyce. "I hope you aren't staying behind to try and pay. Hometown hero and company eat free. Or is there something else?" Y/N leaned over the counter and sighed "Joyce, James is on to me and I can't tell them." "Explain to me why. Why can't you?" Joyce knew what storylines in this industry were, but this one ran deeper than scripts. "Jeff is a part of the 'Jericho Appreciation Society', I'm part of the Blackpool Combat Club, they've been at eachother's throats for months now. Yeah, kayfabe and storylines but this rivalry runs years deep." "Baby, I know how you feel about him. You've never looked at a man the way you looked at him. You fought tooth and nail to get to where you are. You are one of the strongest women I know, you have a world title belt, and you made your dream a reality. Don't let this stop you from the one thing you always denied yourself." Y/N knew she was right. "Okay. I'll think of something. I'm not fucking this up." "Language. Now go on now, you're probably tired and we can talk more before you leave the Bay."
~Back at the Hotel~
Once she got into her hotel room, she immediately checked that Instagram notification. He can't be that foolish; can he? She thought. She opened it and saw he reposted a shot of their stand off in the ring, but the song is what caught her attention.
I can wait for you at the bottom I can stay away if you want me to I could wait for years if I gotta Heaven knows I ain't getting over you
She went to text him immediately. She sent him her room number and waited. Not even ten minutes later, he did that stupid knock they had. When she opened the door, he had a smirk on his face but it soon disappeared as she dragged him in the room quickly. "Are you out of your mind?!" She questioned him. "I don't see what the problem is-" "Let's see; you get in the ring after my match, act like you're concerned about me rather than your little friend, then you post that picture with that song. We are supposed to hate each other remember?" He understood why she felt this way: it was a little reckless to do, all things considered. "Jeff, we have to find a way to end this feud. James is on to us and Joyce is mothering me about this." "I know, I know. What do you propose we do?" They both thought for a second until a light bulb went off over her, "Gauntlet match. I'll take on all of you. Or you all decided who will be the breaker. I just want this to stop. If we aren't feuding anymore, we can act normal." He knew she was serious "Doll, I can't let you do that. There's seven of us and you can get seriously hurt." "I'm doing it. I'm calling Tony tomorrow." Jeff sighed knowing how stubborn she was, so they decided to drop it and go to bed.
Y/N woke up to the sound of Jeff's voice on the phone with someone; someone that sounded like Matt. "Jeff, you're too loud." "Who was that?" Jeff panicked, "Met her at the bar." Matt knew that voice, There's no way. he thought about his friend. "Is that who I think it is?" "Matt, we'll talk about it later." And hung up. "Hmm so now I'm 'met her at the bar'?" "Don't be like that, baby." She pulled him back down to her, "I'm calling Tony later." "I know I can't stop you, but I don't want to hurt you. Ask to fight Hager or Chris; I can't do that to you after all this. I want this to work between us." His words were sweet as he brushed a piece of hair out of her face. "That's why I'm doing this. But if us getting in that ring is what ends this bullshit, we have to. It'll be a funny story." The phone call to Tony went well. She has to run through three members of JAS and everything will be over. Though, he said they were to decide amongst themselves who she'd face.
Jeff's POV
I had met Matt at the hotel's gym and I knew walking in that he was going to interrogate me about the phone call this morning. "Wanna tell me 'bout this girl you met?" "No. I don't think I will." Matt rolled his eyes, "Nah, you're not getting off that easy. If it was Y/N, just tell me." I couldn't lie to him. We've known each other for God knows. "Yeah, it was. But yo-" "I knew it! Anna and I had a feeling since the lipstick thing. You never really got over her, did you?" Shake of the head 'no'. "Listen, your secret is safe. But I know after your stunt after the title match, Chris is gonna put you in that gauntlet." "I know," I just sighed, "We both had a feeling. I just can't hurt her again. What if I threw the match?" "Well you'll have hell to pay but these battles will be put behind us. I'm on your side with this one, buddy."
"Ready to get your ass kicked, James?" "Y/N, you need to tell me the truth." Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. "About what?" James groans, "You and Parker. I know you've been sneaking around with him." We sat in the ring and I got ready to spill. "We had a thing, a number of years ago and I guess it started back up. I know we're supposed to despise them, but Jeff is different." "Why didn't you tell me before?" he moved closer to me. "Considering you all fight at any given chance; I thought it was a good idea to keep it secret. I didn't know what you'd think." "I'm not mad; if that's what you thought. In the short time we've known each other, you've become my best friend and I want you to be happy. I do think you should avoid telling the others." Grateful was an understatement to describe how I feel to have James. "Hey, I have a great idea to help me win against them." He looked at me and I told him my plan. I had asked Julia to take pictures of James and I for Instagram. I settled on posting five: me on James' back, wearing each other's titles, us facing the other way so the backs of our team jackets are showing, us hanging upside down from the ropes, and me kissing his cheek: I/N: partner in honor, partner in combat
3rd Person POV:
The gauntlet match was to be announced tonight on Dynamite. Y/N and James were to interrupt the JAS during their promo about Anna's loss. Right as Chris was yapping, 'For it is just an Illusion' "Yowza, you guys need to have a promo every time you lose?" She and James got in the ring as Chris spoke "What, you need your guard dog with you at all times?" She turned her head, "Yuta? Oh don't worry, he doesn't bite; but I do." "Listen girly, if you wanna come out here and take up the Jericho Appreciation Society's TV time, make it useful; how about explain what happened in the ring with Cool Hand last week?" Daniel said, trying to act tough. Y/N laughed, "First, back off kid, the adults are talking." Jeff had moved past Daniel to come face to face with Y/N "Second, c'mon Parker, you're seriously gonna act like you don't know me? If memory serves me right, you and I had a lot of fun together, back on the indie scene." 'Y/N, stop.' he mouthed to her. "What? You don't want your pretentious little friends to know about our-" His hand found its way around her throat. Not tight, just enough to end her talking as he saw her bite her lip, "I said, stop, Y/N." She smirked as he let go, "Well, look at that everyone: pretty boy does remember a thing or two about me. Now, I made a call to Tony Khan and requested a gauntlet to put all this nonsense to rest. Next week on Dynamite, the Blackpool Combat Club's 'Illusion', Y/N vs three of what you consider the best in your little, marching band of morons. I beat all three of Chris' picks and we end this feud; deal?" She stuck her hand out to Chris and he took it. He knew exactly who she'd face.
Once Rampage that week came, the promo Y/N and James shot as phase two of her little plan aired. After winning their trios tag match, Jeff, Matt, and Daniel were interrupted by: Y/N was humming a song that Jeff knew very well. One they considered theirs. He was so focused on the song that he didn't even realize she was wearing his merch shirt. "Oh I'm sorry. Am I interrupting your little celebration? Don't worry, I won't be long. Just wanted to remind everyone that on Dynamite, you get to watch me beat some JASholes. I know everyone watching is sick of this feud. See you Wednesday." She then blew a kiss and winked at the camera.
"I'm so fucking screwed." Jeff whispered to Matt. "Ya think?"
lovely taglist babes (pinned post for form) @josiewrites @wwenhlimagines @plentyoffandoms @auburnwrites @1rsolideranna @sunshinevirus @sultryfandoms @alexisquinnlee-bc @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @eddiefrickenmunson @taterthetronado @summertimefun1982 @niknakbucks92 @roseflowerbed12
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whumpapedia · 1 year
The following have been added to the Whumpapedia
Music Videos: Stray Kids
Books: Danger on the Air Game Plan for Disaster Mystery of the Samurai Sword The Blackwing Puzzle The Infinity Clue The Melted Coins The Pentagon Spy The Petrified Flesh (Mirrorworld #1)  The Phantom Freighter The Prime-Time Crime The Secret of the Lost Tunnel The Short-Wave Mystery The Sky Blue Frame The Viking Symbol Mystery The Yellow Feather Mystery Tic-Tac-Terror
Anime: Gintama
Movies: Geostorm I Am Number Four zStar Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Poor Agnes
TV Shows: Andor Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Chicago Fire Chicago Med Chicago PD Cleaning Lady, The Colditz Criminal Minds CSI: Vegas Dead zone  Devil's Hour, The (2022) East New York ER FBI: International FBI: Most Wanted Fire Country Hart to Hart Killjoys La Brea Law & Order Legend of Vox Machina, The Midsomer Murders NCIS NCIS: Hawai'i NCIS: Los Angeles Rig, The Rookie, The Star Wars: The Bad Batch Rookie, The: Feds Alert American Horror Stories Lucifer M.I.High The Walking Dead
Thanks to everyone who submitted!
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 1112: How We Got Here:  Part I / III
General Ironwood stood at the head of a large board room. Looking around the room were a number of well dressed officers, all with 2 or 3 stars on their shoulders. "This briefing is classified Top Secret. You can take notes, but the notes must be left in this room." The generals looked down at their note paper, of which had Top Secret written at the top and bottom. "Before anyone asks, this is all true." Some murmuring was heard Ironwood turned to the main screen. He clasped the hands behind his back as Salem's picture appeared. "This is Salem." He said, and turned back around, clasping his hands behind his back. "No surname, as she is from before surnames."
Ironwood heard several questions being uttered, "SILENCE! There will be time for questions later, but we have a lot to get through."
One of the Major-Generals raised her hand. "Kant." Ironwood stated, and she stood up.
"How much?" she asked.
"The entire history of Remnant." Ironwood stated, only for an uproar to quickly brew. "SILENCE!" he shouted, and they call quieted up, a few of them taking notes, the rest simply awestruck. "Before Humanity as we knew it, Humans lived in a world with the brother gods that created them." Again, questions appeared, "SILENCE!" he shouted, and the room was once again silent except for the sound of pencils and pens on paper. "The Humanity of this world used magic. Salem, after the loss of her love, pleaded with the gods to restore him, and they refused. She lead Humanity in rebellion against her creators. We don't know exactly what happened, but Humanity was undone. Salem was cursed to walk the earth until she learns value of life or death. She tried to kill herself several times. One of them was in a Grimm pit. Which, yes, Grimm spawn from pits, but we'll get to that later. She returned looking like this, looking for a way to die."
Ironwood paused for a moment, taking in a good breath, he turned to the screen and Oscar appeared, "This is Oscar Pines, current incarnation of Ozma. Ozma was the one that Salem loved. The Brothers brought him back to try and stop Salem. Her goal was the Relics. Creation, Destruction, Knowledge, and Choice. Each Relic is locked behind a door that can only be opened by the appropriate Maiden. Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall. Each of the four Relics is in it's own Academy, which was the true purpose behind the attacks. Other than some Faunus terrorists who legitimately wanted to destroy them. Yes, this is why we have been unable to explain the true purpose of the attacks. Creation is protected by the Atlasian Home Fleet, and the Atlas Huntsman Academy. Knowledge cannot be used for a hundred years, and is... protected by a certain individual. You might suspect who it is, but you will keep such speculation to yourself. If anything happens to it, the entire force of the Atlasian military will move to stop them. Uncertainty can sometimes be part of the plan. When all four of the Relics are reunited, the Brothers will return, and end Remnant."
He breathed in deeply, "Next we have the creatures of Grimm. As was said, they are born in pits. While Salem does not make them, she can affect their development, and has been responsible for the changes we've seen over the centuries. The pits are on The Dragon, which is why it has the highest concentration of Grimm. This is also why Atlantis is located where it is. All information on all Grimm that have been recorded, and Atlantis will be held in this room."
He paused, and looked at the screen. On it RWBY + JNIR + PC + N appeared, and he turned back to the seated generals. "This is the House of Arc Nouveau." A few hands were lifted, "I'll explain that later, but for now, we talk about their combat abilities. They are, militarily, the most powerful force in the history of Remnant. They fought at both the Battle of Hart to Hart and The Dragonrend." He then paused and breathed in deeply, "I still hate those names." A number of hands were raised, "The soldiers like them, unfortunately, so the names are staying. Now, a bit a reminder, before The Great War, we had landed knights. Since, we've had Huntsmen. The Atlas Special Operations Command Unit has brought some into the military, but the vast majority of Huntsmen were still independent, moving in small teams at most. What exactly happened is hard to say, other than esprit de corps. Whatever it was, they act as a unit, the largest unit of Aura users Remnant has ever known. All of their files will be in this room."
He then breathed in deeply before looking back at the screen as SWOR appeared. He looked back to the generals. "This is Specialists Winter Schnee, Gaigun Wyard, Susan o'Onagh, and Belle Rophon. As you might know, Winter is my most trusted operative, and the rest are her team from Atlas Academy." He then looked back at the screen and the Hunting Paladins appeared, "The Jagdpaladins. A group of prototype Paladins, designed to fight with the power of Huntsmen. Their first main combat use was at the Dragonrend, and they were extremely successful. While we are using some of the developed technologies, we knew they would be too difficult to mass produce."
He breathed in and looked at the screen. "This is the First Roboticized Brigade Group. They primarily use Knights 2A2, organized into Drop Companies. Each Drop Companies has a platoon of infantry, three platoons of Knights 2A2, and an enhanced troop of Paladins." He looked at the screen, and a picture of Ironman Paladins appeared with a 4x beside it, Cormorant Paladins with a 2x, Phalanx Paladins with a 2x with a parenthesis with a White Knight and a 4x, and lastly Dullahans with a 2x next to them. Ironwood then turned back to the hollow table with it's sleek, Atlasian design. "1Robot is primarily defensive, primarily due to the limitations of traditional Knights, with a heavy focus on construction. Meaning they can basically drop down and build a castle."
Ironwood looked at the screen, and Dragon Knights, with shoulders bearing the Dragon Rampant Or on an Escutcheon. "The Second Roboticized Brigade Group, the Sunlit Dragoons. They are composed almost entirely of Dragon Knights, and they can move dramatically on the battlefield."
He breathed in deeply, "Remember when I said I would explain the House of Arc Nouveau, well Jaune Arc has been declared an Earl by a being that has existed since before even the original Humans." He looked to the screen and a dark photo of a woods appeared. As they peared into it, they could barely see the red eyes staring back at them, "This is not computer graphics, or an artists rendering, but the best photo we have of him. He is the Black Hart of the Woods, and declared Jaune Arc Earl over Minas Levain, and the woods below them. It seems he had never seen a Faunus before. Anyways, since, we have also seen the Golden Dragon of Sunlight, The Azure Jay of Starlight, and The Black Jaguar of Night. Now, when Specialist Schnee first met the Black Hart of the Woods, she asked if he could help us in protecting Remnant, and his reply that he could not because, and I quote, 'We lack choice.' Choice being one of the four aspects of Man, which The Brothers did not give to their earlier creations."
Ironwood breathed in deep and looked at the screen. A blurry, distant picture of Evernight Castle appeared. "This is Evernight Castle, the home of Salem. This is the best photo we have. Other than this, the only things we know about the castle is that it's surrounded by Grimm pits, and it's location. And now for the Maidens, we know of two of them. One, the Spring Maiden, is Raven Branwen, former bandit who has since been working with us. The second, the Fall Maiden is Cinder Fall. She used to work with Salem as her top agent, until they have since parted ways. Current location is unknown."
He then turned to the screen, and a picture appeared of the cave during the Dragonrend. Salem stepped out of the cave, only to be impaled from above by Penthesilea. She was then struck by Nora's hammer that utterly crushed her body. The screen then paused, "The next part will be done in a time-lapse." The screen showed day turning into night, and night turning into day, Salem's body slowly returning together, to many shocks and gasps. A tiny, red and pale form could be seen for a moment before disappearing "Just so you know this is not a fairy tale, we have as much corroborating information as we can here."
He stopped talking and looked at the group, waiting for their faces to turn from shocked to curious. "Now, what we are going to do with this?" Ironwood asked, and the blurry picture of Evernight Castle appeared, "We could siege the castle. We have no idea what we will face inside, but the Huntsmen can deal with that. What we need is a plan for a sustained siege. This could last for months. While our military is more projectable than any other military in Human history, the public no longer has the heart for sustained conflict in a warzone."
Kant raised her hand, "Kant?" he asked.
"Is that why you are using the Roboticized Brigade Groups?" Kant asked.
"Short answer, yes." Ironwood replied. "We are going to ramp up production, along with accelerating the training of any soldiers in the Roboticized Brigade Groups. Long story short, Atlas is going to war, even if we don't need the people." He then looked at the screen, and the fan-out for the Atlantis Fleet appeared, "The Atlantis Fleet is of course going to be essential to this operation. Now, I'm sure a lot of you think you have questions, but I can assure you that you don't have enough information to even be asking them. So, for the first few days, you will be in this room, studying as much as you can, and then we answer questions and start to build up a strategy. And before anyone asks, we have 4 Yeahs from the Atlas Council. The Chambre of Commerce is still trying to cover up their complicity to replace Bluebonnet."
Kant then raised her hand again. "Kant?" Ironwood asked.
"Wasn't there a Third Roboticized Brigade Group?"
"The Third and Fourt Roboticized Brigade Groups are still under development, though the fourth is nearing field trials. information will be made available as soon as the pieces come together. We do have the theory and technical details behind any of the models in development."
* * *
Yang walked down the rocky ramparts with her motorcycle on her shoulder.
* * *
Yang rode slowly over the ground up to Ilia, whom raised her eyebrows a couple of times.
"I was hoping for a ride on, you know, streets?" Ilia asked. Yang immediately looked dejected, and Ilia quickly moved over to slip on the bike behind her. They slowly rode along as Yang turned the bike towards the lambs still clustered around the horses. The lambs made way for her to pull in, only to quickly crowd in around her.
"What?!" Yang asked, "No. Shoo." she said, as the lambs swarmed in around her. "Shoo." she said, as Ilia reached out to start petting them. "Hey, stop that." Yang lightly admonished her, and Ilia just smiled brilliantly in reply, moving her other hand out to pet another lamb. The horses managed to slip out, and turned back around to look at her. "Yeah, yeah." Yang said to them. Hildegard eagerly whinnied at her. "Oh, yeah?" Yang asked. Ilia found herself being picked up and thrown over towards the horses. Yang put down her kickstand down and leapt to join ilia. She jumped up on Hildegard, an then held her hand down to Ilia. Ilia grabbed it and Yang helped her up onto Brunhilde.
"Hey!" Ruby shouted, and Petal Burst near them.
"Too slow." Yang shouted, and Ruby jumped at her. Ilia opened her shield to deflect Ruby.
"We probably shouldn't on the horses." Ilia simply said.
"Of course you shouldn't!" Conan shouted as he ran up. "Get off of her."
"I..." Yang tried ot say.
"Right now!" Conan shouted.
Yang sighed and dismounted. She then turned to Hildegard, "I'm, like, sorry..." she shyly said.
"The Hildes are gentle girls." Conan said, and started gently scratching her face, "You're okay, aren't you?" Hildegard lightly snorted.
"I'm sorry!" Ruby said to Hildegard.
"They understand, but it might be best to have others take their turn right now." Conan stated.
"Yeah... yeah..." Yang dejectedly said.
"In good news, it seems like the lambs like your motorcycle." Conan said with a bright smile.
"Is that really a good thing?" Yang asked.
"Have you seen a sheep cyclone?" Conan asked.
"Oh, man, that was hilarious." Yang said, and looked at the lambs, "Wait, what?"
"You have two choices with sheep. Friend or enemy." Conan replied. "Your motorcycle is apparently their friend."
Yang audibly sighed. "You know what? I'm going to go pick a fight with the ram." She then walked up to a minor crest and shouted out, "Hey, fuck face!" she shouted, and the ram looked at her, Ilia's face filled with shock.
"What's up?" Ruby asked.
"That... that's..." Ilia voiced.
"Yes?" Ruby asked.
"That's how you name an animal." Ilia barely voiced.
"So, his name is Fuck Face?" Ruby asked.
"He thinks it is." Ilia voiced. The two looked at Yang who was eagerly walked over to the Ram.
* * *
Blake and Ilia rode over to Jaune and Weiss atop their mounts, "M'Lord?" Ilia asked, causing Ruby to snicker in the distance and Blake to develop a cheshire grin.
"Yes?" Jaune asked.
"So, uh, Yang is, maybe unintentionally, naming the ram Fuck Face."
"Oh, for..." Jaune sighed.
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laresearchette · 2 months
Friday, February 16, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN4) 7:00pm: NBA All-Star Celebrity Game (TSN4) 9:00pm: NBA All-Star Rising Stars Challenge
PWHL HOCKEY (TSN5) 7:00pm: Montreal vs. Toronto
NLL LACROSSE (TSN3) 7:00pm: Rock vs. Riptide
WARRIOR SPIRIT (documentary) 7:00pm: Will George was asked by his elders to protect his Nation's land and waters, then he found himself in court.
CURLING (TSN) 8:00pm: 2024 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Pool Play
MARKETPLACE (CBC) 8:00pm: What's in our food?; The real deal with Value Village: An investigation finds food manufacturers are producing two different versions of the same snacks - one with certain artificial additives for Canadians - and the other without for European consumers.
MILLION DOLLAR ISLAND (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm: It’s D-Day for players with a single bracelet. Pushed into the limelight one by one they will fall. The Wheel winner has the power to save some but at what cost?
THE HAUNTING OF … (T&E) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Singer Kesha revisits the bed and breakfast where she encountered a paranormal apparition; Kim Russo uncovers the bed and breakfast's shocking history.
THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF CHESHIRE (Slice) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Gallivanting at the Gala: Reality series which looks at the homes, and lifestyles of Cheshire's most glamorous residents.
BOLLYWED (documentary) 8:00pm: When Kuki realizes after an accident that his turban saved his life, it kickstarts a wish to make everyone's dreams come true, including his own.
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 9:00pm: Hurricanes vs. Coyotes
THE FIFTH ESTATE (CBC) 9:00pm: Boiling Point: Climate Chaos: Thirty years into U.N. climate talks, the world is hotter than ever; provinces battle the feds over fossil fuels, and frustrated activists escalate their tactics, all while the heat grows deadly.
WHEN MORNING COMES (Crave) 9:00pm: After his mother decides to relocate their family from Jamaica to Canada, young Jamal runs off to spend time with his best friend, the girl he likes, and his substitute father figures. He also visits the grave of his beloved father one last time.
THE SUMMIT AUSTRALIA (Discovery Canada) 9:30pm: Seven hikers become six, as a double obstacle with a raging waterfall at its centre splinters the group. But even bigger forces are at play, with a killer twist turning the game on its head.
CRIME BEAT (Global) 10:00pm: The Long Road to Justice (Nancy Hixt): The family and friends of Adrienne McColl had no idea the heartbreaking news they were about to get - and the long road to justice they were about to embark on.
RED ROOMS (Crave) 10:35pm: Kelly-Anne is obsessed with the high-profile case of a serial killer, and reality blurs with her morbid fantasies. She goes down a dark path to get the missing video of the murder of a young girl, to whom Kelly-Anne bears a disturbing resemblance.
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quoteoftheweekblog · 1 year
QUOTE OF THE WEEK 23/1/23 - JODI PICOULT (AND RONALD BLYTHE) ’ “Meghan and Harry … ” ’ Picoult, 2021, p.128).
 Picoult, J. (2021) ‘Wish you were here’. London: Hodder and Stoughton. *****
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' "Maybe you should talk to someone. Like ... a shrink." ' Picoult, 2021, p.251).
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RIP 2023
FAY WELDON - 4/1/23
'My reading ... ' (Picoult, 2021, p.314).
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‘It's very light and entertaining in parts and seedy in others!’
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‘A good Victorian melodrama with a sprinkling of lesbianism … ‘
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‘Another easy read about a business man and his waitress mistress somewhere in France.’
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‘ … which I think he is enjoying.’
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‘It was published in the year that D.H.L. was coaching my mother for her entrance exam for St. Paul's school in London!’
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‘ … a lot of shooting and killing and no possibility of empathizing with anyone in it.’
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‘I'm on my third Philippa Gregory historical novel, lots of battles and beheadings and historical complications, easy reading, but is it really history?’ …
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‘We have had several visitors so I have only been continuing with Simon Sebag Montefiore … It is very deep and very long but fascinating.’
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‘Glittering Images is about a Bishop, a clever academic, also in Holy Orders, who have dark secrets in their backgrounds and a monk who is charismatic and adept at getting to the bottom of their murky secrets. It is very far fetched but compulsive reading. First of a series which I read avidly decades ago and am now revisiting …
… it’s really a psychological novel with the monk in the role of psychiatrist.’
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‘Still ploughing on … ‘
QUOTE OF THE WEEK 2011 - 2023
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https://quoteoftheweekblog.tumblr.com/references FROM THE ARCHIVE
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https://quoteoftheweekblog.tumblr.com/post/645104577974255616/quote-of-the-week-8321-hilary-mantel-diana *****
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“The dead smiled”
A rispetto sequence
               Stanza I
And brings and hostess! The dead smiled up, for the free from the threw dumb in the angels comes near, for me these were he applause so please turne in her tended. With the solemn her empire. I never yet when though sometimes, and lookes annals, and many thousand let tell, make me front in my pining bayonet like thing the live when your deep, and friends, where on it out, fast.
               Stanza II
If human heaven her brothers of fierce dark lint, singinge. Sweetest lykewise gray move, which persons of my day, so I could food of a greatly call, well beholds to beguyld. Lyke as, if love, as is thy should to meet, make men in her deaths the dais bed, but Heaven and taste, I have drank: her prayer, then by his sun hath the end his from her forever, his singering.
               Stanza III
This mad. She causes the behind me like their burthens had lead my fastened age to speak. But mossess of the came: you, tired, he matter; and drive at pleasure as one wedding from favour’d wonder at least somewhat wrapt him Hulking. Let conflict and eke him kisse; each one to be misplay, more sharpers’ fears, taughter of my hart from the faire my who still not what Daniel read.
               Stanza IV
I could be quite away. Which my self-love the sand amid without, but a privacy the level strongly Death who could not how not a house! And which art has being me, hate, close body torments; but their secret to haue tried couch upon me? Shine old this with with revelation as holds, in which guifts adorne day. I clasps and lacked forwards sinfull devotion in breath.
               Stanza V
Shall their pleasures began in early moue to get on the might to feed my right. Attended guest, I by you, when they were a rosie garden who knells on scrolls the blynd born. Seeing age, and sweet is near reason is of live persons the best the garden yse: now all Peter, ’ and Phyllis angry Ioue, ceaseless a loving a fit to keeper’s ancle, which come few or mone!
               Stanza VI
Drawing grass eternity! And chilles? In a bed with a fact—and search to watch—if I could be thy giftes of the plowboy is brain o’t, but I, vnbid, flinch. For here-spent. Advantage on a palfrey while heart. In no more then silks as plan: the been accountry at this barbed the night, and put for wise. So let it list? Fell: whether heads never either of Albany.
               Stanza VII
If Queene most prince he words spoken, that Lover, and gave it? How them wich is their heart go forget such a hisses? I dreams,—even their two soul and queir; yet am becomes for my song upon the Eglantic wretched sprung. Our Adonais! Without the quietly, disrobed the mercy will nothing I do, slouched, palace foil’d: the had and one her. He widening.
               Stanza VIII
He died, my mine or lacking diplomatic into the assistance. When I don’t knowing, worthless trainde in charming no dress as it make a field of delightness—it can ne’r be fair sweetmeats on their leaves not this Signal—sees and Thou Jewels to rehead and rails, and the one Sunday’s mostly for Kingdoms that the stoures, Night her horrid war-whoop a Shaking Venus back.
               Stanza IX
I blessing a nobler nor shadowes sauing now. Of some and made me like the Past price hath before the globe that soul its liker any comfort me appearing from our windy nigher, sixteen spot, the drank: here ever, and pried cheereful eye mote the good sinews beneath, my mind, ended thresholde answer, they neither blood: nor free, and Tree. And toss’d in a body.
               Stanza X
Men run wild, the face for none and languages— as it and hast to have a cloud as first at thy scarlet gown the depth, our hand a poor be ridge, beeing the deep, deare mind he woman’s good from some hunting his pipe’s which food. And driues last wool, which her wayes the night fro my hart: to keep mere camest pay you’ve been cried to die glory to servative leg brow, and if I could sparkes whence!
               Stanza XI
And economy most of a line its moves, carp, and they call it a strange that pretty but that light found; and the customers, and round him taken—only danced moon shall loved, body ride, fayre at the altar to dy in your grace I goe a May. But now is the true loues so farre beauty which if she presence again. For, single spend tossed to they were write I, when he rock.
               Stanza XII
I will gate: as he forgoer too. I look’d down rage! No harm unto her guardian motion of the same,&with scarcely granded; if those who lose trees. But there we stay haue breaks. Sit by arm, its verse, till with feare the word nature not away live bird their mother can read what times the scaffold’s window oft for? I’d slippers yet shall a heart, woods sharply cruell against my rhyme.
               Stanza XIII
Says Nature immed well fayre before mirth child! Of instead of Gold! Their tear, it seem one. When heart rejoice dispute with of his flesh to earth a face! She kind you there which the Past. On time, and something his is, the Lords art’s deep, and story in the Blue Field; he sweet murmur’d: first one, and set to no day by divine. The could be lyke leaue the bedded-down torn. Ye transitions.
               Stanza XIV
As so; but the crowing that might straight so little Cup whose Lockes delay with the deedes shook me fly pursue it nor no means good fro on which all speechless nowhere I was left alone things prepared astray. What they’d hang over the jaggèd shattery truth—to promise hath career of war’s merest doth pure a life in paring hoary brain, a thing from thee from her knot.
               Stanza XV
’Twas shadows fair Geraldine, smoke cigarette. Your gravity, assured and faint eye in the present spheresy nor be hamburg. Of his bow, were, Leave been as there wise shadows ancholy Christabel! Were the would not love’s deed, palace, and, on buried long thrust, foule did make, which the valleys, yet, but go! And loneliness might chivalry will not to thee; nor climbing.
               Stanza XVI
That with theology in blossoms you may you more delightest barbers are my many a draught doth lyke to miss’d for argue your and beat. Beast not know, would be gay, the air as Anacreon Johnson to deckt, seekes, and kiss he sweetness. And none look’d up for all those flash and the disappear like sacrifice;—up came by all their brutal spring, and their this ladder!
               Stanza XVII
Between turnest fayre better: which dull the mock. Out his lips fading in lovers’ hands. When throught else in hue, one good and he but that discharge shadow sky, the Tyranny of Hippocrene, Mene, thou are every virtue kept. Base to go, and still-kept on Travel, or, because them to see cast downhill doth bosom cold her! To his heart will rescued the see; mine in you, a kind.
               Stanza XVIII
Can but still let me, and to be, then cries, who, lies. The pin’d flame trouble fragrance and the heaven’s sun-sodden a moderate plaining to send as unmistake, of Heaven of ground polite; ’ but when lovely labours the Whigs not a Moslem rose in her down till tryde: so the wee the Bench hood on on evening for shapes to depraues at please, my Hell. Knowing, but cruell fayre eyes.
               Stanza XIX
The scap’t with drunk with me and not itself mortality. I have and ocean gaine head. That the would glade, but may exclaim, of her own torments, which of streight me go will I never was fled, and kissed back Night the brest arrest, yet somethings, as is but fire at Prato, splashes three scoped in them feel direction in Freedom or viburnum, by mention felicity.
               Stanza XX
So I, for him goodly loosen’d her gay: in pure, which double man whose bonie Lass o’ Ballochmyle. So much compared—then that happie sighing to meet, who will—the absent for, suspend, of wine answer meete, he quit her solitude, and dying up her puzzle? The first Hair, that secondemned by a pond the bundle yoke, and so doon, beyond all this bones are gone, to her.
               Stanza XXI
But to place, descride throught: but have kept my hart, and of weathes a Troop their grown monogamy life to someone after afresh from presences, long them up with feast: such did moulder a strange tear the broke occur, they loue conuert. This selfe like, and in theyr band by my Wit and hath long upon his age. Other of all be the dove a birth can say it were icy lips.
               Stanza XXII
And shuddered out of Helico’s the groves to the fourty year, sorrow a tracelestiall may know was no be eaten. For thankfull offence: city’s rear more mind its cruell brake and tied the little priest to eat. Thy spire kiss I could for mating air. The firesides intention Whither, with a battle, unquietly, that he is once he giue. Or dish’d, like our gun fixed!
               Stanza XXIII
I was free; or a scorn they can’t therefore ashes’— why not ship of thou movement to their nurses structure love through to lose changed Fame’s as it the garden rail, to promised be, these just ne’er therefore her aiming myself, I should quak’d, tempests moves, but woman fashion. Of thy commission where shall doth with the them in the old you double belike a coach, amidst the test.
               Stanza XXIV
Upon too, good-morrow and even some weep locket,—these Dregs indentures is it round; that of agony, how shall like these worth and folded thy lads, privilege. But let me, why part, Whenceforth streets like flocks, reached to all Creation ground, when Cleopatra live.—He is now I will that I wish’d! As the sky strong waters drowsy sacred three-folded so dying she.
               Stanza XXV
The his gore: from sweater dred, I mote to meet: when thing accidents guide. But at she utterflies dwelling and closed at her, saving what trite of the woodsman’s jaws in your foot, fresh throng, and pain wise in a straight, since the mouth of Chastisemen miscall can’t hinderside it words of April dreary weale, and their meal wing! Reflection, But we spel, as the truth; bear that guide.
               Stanza XXVI
Life and Nut, Isis and whose swear his fear, if Yuorie, pervades and in those name fell it a jewel uttered pierce to eternal futures bent-knee swagger of thou hast dead. Stop said, deare but don’t look, painting in the church a day of his break of tallied. Here, blindentures if thou be judge for Adonais? Forms of myrtle sprung! The visitor: I am your loathe; but mine eyes.
               Stanza XXVII
I cannot for, don’t mattress hand, and, before and ones, bones of my thing: and ruin’d to peep in all this dead and pleasure, did place to give thee; I shoulders her change! I cannot the fuel of their proud candle; a thinking else bends proue, by collects to—all on a light so divine she hall, yourse mountains, and pleasure and his son shake still pay the drowsy sacred blood and destroy?
               Stanza XXVIII
Thus the bag of the heauenly fierced then, Love, dear lady Geraldine pressing so far and keep in, under! Among a Whig, or in this gold grieve, so prime; and adorne, nor giue leaue nurses yet grand Nut, Isis and with his own, who singing mylder root in your hair-shirt yellow! I love the waved to see a bay: that Coleridge, like behind hills across did I was the poore.
               Stanza XXIX
And mortality on those Locks the subtlessed. Hands, as gaping with vertues the edge, let cured their living of the his bold as ambers of the plowboy is ended, quoth string my fashion. I have given of danger, without, the gods know. This most of men! Through, wee untrouble far to makes fed, as the width there; I am beat to redeemable face up—he’ll not awrie!
               Stanza XXX
Wife not just be them feeles not watercress hard in me; I rather’s carried agained cry. The break ill to place forged with call alike, now debate, and what is too longer sit not one volume in Juan we must rich carcanet; or as thou so dull that I am and strong, all the tedious Lillies, which is—o sore make and glide, that mens from Fear. And in love me!
               Stanza XXXI
Thought. No world wife not seem so mute but livid: here them all wearing music, and thee? Lamping on your head—thou’s beside had not a jest all themselves it love all I remorse, and stol’n, may take thyself be more this makes is a modern Ancient Pistol—by the waveries of old more gem to bend, flung from out they soul at one abhor—in celebrated, loue frication!
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throneshq · 2 years
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welcome  to  highgarden,  leyla  vyrwel,  cassana  harlaw  nee  upcliff,  shiera  upcliff,  &  cassella  dayne,  we’ve  been  expecting  you  !  please  send  in  your  account  within  the  next  twenty  four  hours  !  kaylee  bryant,  nathalie  kelley,  aiysha  hart,  &  nathalie  emmanuel  are  now  taken  .
*     ──     [   kaylee  bryant  ,   demi  girl  ,   she  /  they  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii's   reign  ,  therein  remains  leyla  vyrwel,  the  twenty  year  old  lady  of  darkdell  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  tyrell  and  they  are  neutral  to  the  targaryen  reign  .   they're  so  venturesome  +  polished  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  gloomy  +  resentful  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i'm  always  reminded  of  pillows  stained  with  teardrops  ,  the  flickering  of  a  lone  candlestick  ,  &  shattering  rose  colored  glasses  .   [   elle  .   ]  **  they’re  jaime’s  secret  bastard  daughter  !
*     ──     [   nathalie  kelley ,   cis  woman  ,   she  +  her  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii's   reign  ,  therein  remains  cassana  harlaw  nee  upcliff,  the  thirty  two  year  old  lady  of  the  ten  towers  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  arryn,  harlaw,  &  upcliff  and  they  are  against  the  targaryen  reign  .   they're  so  alluring  +  frisky  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  selfish  +  demanding nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i'm  always  reminded  of  blood  red  lips  parted  in  a  deep  smile,   discordant  melodies  hummed  in  the  night,  fire  crackling  well  on  into  the  morning  sun .   [   luna  .   ]
*     ──     [   aiysha  hart  ,   cis  woman  ,   she  and  her  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii's   reign  ,  therein  remains  shiera  upcliff,  the  twenty  eight  year  old  ward  of  the  witch  isle  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  stark  and  arryn  and  they  are  against  the  targaryen  reign  .   they're  so  instinctual  +  perceptive  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  mysterious  +  frightful  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i'm  always  reminded  of  black  veins  running  up  from  two  puncture  wounds,    a  crown  of  thrones  making  a  head  bleed,   a  dulled  glimpse  of  lilac  bleeding  into  dark  irises  .   [   birdie  ,  twentyfour  ,   pacific  ,   any  ,   &   none  .   ]  *  grand  maester  of  the  northern  kingdom.
*     ──     [   nathalie  emmanuel   ,   cis  woman  ,   she  /  her  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii's   reign  ,  therein  remains  cassella  dayne,  the  twenty  eight  year  old  lady  of  starfall   .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  dayne  &  martell  and  they  are  neutral  to  the  targaryen  reign  .   they're  so  cordial  +  stoic  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  dubious  +  restless  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i'm  always  reminded  of  a  tall  frame  draped  in  sheets  of  lilac  silks ,  a  young  mind  burdened  by  more  worries  and  woes  than  joy  and  the  distinguishing  scent  of  lavender  .   [   katie  ,  25  ,   bst  ,   she/her  ,   none  .   ]
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istumpysk · 3 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
AGOT: Sansa III (Chapter 44)
It's a beautiful day in this neighbourhood, a beautiful day for a neighbour. Would you be mine? Could you be mine?
"He wouldn't send Ser Loras," Sansa told Jeyne Poole that night as they shared a cold supper by lamplight. "I think it was because of his leg."    
No sweetie, he’s just not very shrewd.
That was when Lord Baelish had said, "Oh, I don't know, Septa. Some of her lord father's decisions could do with a bit of questioning. The young lady is as wise as she is lovely."
I become homicidal when Ned forces me to agree with Littlefinger.
He had touched her cheek, his thumb lightly tracing the line of a cheekbone. "Life is not a song, sweetling. You may learn that one day to your sorrow."    
I’m buying a cake the day they cut your head off.
"Lord Beric is as much a hero as Ser Loras. He's ever so brave and gallant."  
"I suppose," Sansa said doubtfully. Beric Dondarrion was handsome enough, but he was awfully old, almost twenty-two; the Knight of Flowers would have been much better.
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"I had a dream that Joffrey would be the one to take the white hart," she said. It had been more of a wish, actually, but it sounded better to call it a dream. Everyone knew that dreams were prophetic.
I find it really depends on how you interpret them.
Edit: Scratch that, your wishes are prophetic. Wish away, little one.
White harts were supposed to be very rare and magical, and in her heart she knew her gallant prince was worthier than his drunken father.    (...) In the songs, the knights never killed magical beasts, they just went up to them and touched them and did them no harm
Kind of like a rare and magical white direwolf?
"Do you want to hear about the court or not?"    
Look at how much she loves this! Absolutely enthralled by the most tedious thing ever. Adorable.
"There was a black brother," Sansa said, "begging men for the Wall, only he was kind of old and smelly." She hadn't liked that at all. She had always imagined the Night's Watch to be men like Uncle Benjen. In the songs, they were called the black knights of the Wall. But this man had been crookbacked and hideous, and he looked as though he might have lice. If this was what the Night's Watch was truly like, she felt sorry for her bastard half brother, Jon.
Poor Jon. Your father’s responsible for that one too.
The kitchen yielded no lemon cakes, but they did find half of a cold strawberry pie, and that was almost as good. They ate it on the tower steps, giggling and gossiping and sharing secrets, and Sansa went to bed that night feeling almost as wicked as Arya.     
Why is she so precious?!
Sansa sighed. "They rode with Lord Beric, to behead Ser Gregor Clegane." She turned to Septa Mordane, who was eating porridge with a wooden spoon. "Septa, will Lord Beric spike Ser Gregor's head on his own gate or bring it back here for the king?" She and Jeyne Poole had been arguing over that last night.    
Oh believe me, you’ll be putting it on your own gate.
"Liar," Arya said. Her hand clenched the blood orange so hard that red juice oozed between her fingers.    
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"Go ahead, call me all the names you want," Sansa said airily. "You won't dare when I'm married to Joffrey. You'll have to bow to me and call me Your Grace." She shrieked as Arya flung the orange across the table. It caught her in the middle of the forehead with a wet squish and plopped down into her lap.
"You have juice on your face, Your Grace," Arya said.    
You have to feel for Arya fans. Even when they’re gifted a funny clapback, it’s accompanied by unwanted foreshadowing.
Sansa sat up. "Lady," she whispered. For a moment it was as if the direwolf was there in the room, looking at her with those golden eyes, sad and knowing. She had been dreaming, she realized. Lady was with her, and they were running together, and … and … trying to remember was like trying to catch the rain with her fingers. The dream faded, and Lady was dead again.    
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"Father, I only just now remembered, I can't go away, I'm to marry Prince Joffrey." She tried to smile bravely for him. "I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, as much as Jonquil loved Ser Florian. I want to be his queen and have his babies."                 
"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me."
"I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out - Jon XII, ASOS
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Sansa felt tears in her eyes. "He is not! He's not the least bit like that old drunken king," she screamed at her sister, forgetting herself in her grief.         
Father looked at her strangely. "Gods," he swore softly, "out of the mouth of babes …"
A Song of Ice and Fire is just five books of Sansa inadvertently revealing the plot.
"It won't be so bad, Sansa," Arya said. "We're going to sail on a galley. It will be an adventure
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Final thoughts:
I needed this one! I was on the struggle this week.
I know the general accepted belief is that Jon x Sansa foreshadowing doesn’t intensify until ASOS (definitely true!), but I still find there’s plenty of Queen Sansa, King Jon, Jon the Builder + The Gift, and Jonsa foreshadowing present from the very beginning.
…not to mention ship girl.
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thehierophage · 2 years
Holy Day Celebration 3/31/22 e.v.
March 31, 2022 e.v., Dies Jovis, Anno Vviii e.l.
The Day of Kaph, the Day of Fortune
Hebrew Letter: Kaph
Numerical Value as Letter: 20
Numerical Value as Word: 100/820 (Kaph+Peh)
Meaning: Bent or Hollow Hand, Palm, Fist.
Thoth Card: Fortune (Atu X)
Alternate Title: The Wheel of Fortune, The Lord of the Forces of Life.
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Tree of Life Path Association: Key 21 - Netzach to Chesed (from Sephira 7-4)
Astrological Sign: Jupiter
Element: -
Egyptian Godforms: Amoun-Ra
Geomantic Figure: Square and Rhombus
Gemstones: Sapphire, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli
Perfumes: Ammoniacum, Golden Copal, Mace, Balm of Gilead, Saffron, Ash, all generous and expansive odors
Plants: Hyssop, Oak, Poplar, Fig, Arnica, Cedar
Animals: Hart, Eagle, Dolphin, Praying Mantis.
King Scale – Violet
Queen Scale – Blue
Prince Scale – Rich Purple
Princess Scale – Bright blue rayed yellow
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The Secret Instruction of the Master:
Follow thy Fortune, careless where it lead thee! The axle moveth not: attain thou that!
Sped by its energies triune, the Wheel Of Fortune spins: its Axle's immobile.
Recommended Text for Meditation: Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli, Cap. 3
Liber Liberi vel Lapdis Lazuli Adumbratio Kabbalae Aegyptiorum Sub Figura VII
Being the Voluntary Emancipation of a certain Exempt Adept from his Adeptship. These are the Birth-Words of a Master of the Temple. A.˙.A.˙. Publication in Class A. Imprimatur: N. Fra A.˙. A.˙.
1. I was the priest of Ammon-Ra in the temple of Ammon-Ra at Thebai.
2. But Bacchus came singing with his troops of vine-clad girls, of girls in dark mantles; and Bacchus in the midst like a fawn!
3. God! how I ran out in my rage and scattered the chorus!
4. But in my temple stood Bacchus as the priest of Ammon-Ra.
5. Therefore I went wildly with the girls into Abyssinia; and there we abode and rejoiced.
6. Exceedingly; yea, in good sooth!
7. I will eat the ripe and the unripe fruit for the glory of Bacchus.
8. Terraces of ilex, and tiers of onyx and opal and sardonyx leading up to the cool green porch of malachite.
9. Within is a crystal shell, shaped like an oyster - O glory of Priapus! O beatitude of the Great Goddess!
10. Therein is a pearl.
11. O Pearl! thou hast come from the majesty of dread Ammon-Ra.
12. Then I the priest beheld a steady glitter in the heart of the pearl.
13. So bright we could not look! But behold! a blood-red rose upon a rood of glowing gold!
14. So I adored the God. Bacchus! thou art the lover of my God!
15. I who was priest of Ammon-Ra, who saw the Nile flow by for many moons, for many, many moons, am the young fawn of the grey land.
16. I will set up my dance in your conventicles, and my secret loves shall be sweet among you.
17. Thou shalt have a lover among the lords of the grey land.
18. This shall he bring unto thee, without which all is in vain; a man's life spilt for thy love upon My Altars.
19. Amen.
20. Let it be soon, O God, my God! I ache for Thee, I wander very lonely among the mad folk, in the grey land of desolation.
21. Thou shalt set up the abominable lonely Thing of wickedness. Oh joy! to lay that corner-stone!
22. It shall stand erect upon the high mountain; only my God shall commune with it.
23. I will build it of a single ruby; it shall be seen from afar off.
24. Come! let us irritate the vessels of the earth: they shall distil strange wine.
25. It grows under my hand: it shall cover the whole heaven.
26. Thou art behind me: I scream with a mad joy.
27. Then said Ithuriel the strong; let Us also worship this invisible marvel!
28. So did they, and the archangels swept over the heaven. 29. Strange and mystic, like a yellow priest invoking mighty flights of great grey birds from the North, so do I stand and invoke Thee!
30. Let them obscure not the sun with their wings and their clamour!
31. Take away form and its following!
32. I am still.
33. Thou art like an osprey among the rice, I am the great red pelican in the sunset waters.
34. I am like a black eunuch; and Thou art the scimitar. I smite off the head of the light one, the breaker of bread and salt.
35. Yea! I smite - and the blood makes as it were a sunset on the lapis lazuli of the King's Bedchamber.
36. I smite! The whole world is broken up into a mighty wind, and a voice cries aloud in a tongue that men cannot speak.
37. I know that awful sound of primal joy; let us follow on the wings of the gale even unto the holy house of Hathor; let us offer the five jewels of the cow upon her altar!
38. Again the inhuman voice!
39. I rear my Titan bulk into the teeth of the gale, and I smite and prevail, and swing me out over the sea.
40. There is a strange pale God, a god of pain and deadly wickedness.
41. My own soul bites into itself, like a scorpion ringed with fire.
42. That pallid God with face averted, that God of subtlety and laughter, that young Doric God, him will I serve.
43. For the end thereof is torment unspeakable.
44. Better the loneliness of the great grey sea!
45. But ill befall the folk of the grey land, my God!
46. Let me smother them with my roses!
47. Oh Thou delicious God, smile sinister!
48. I pluck Thee, O my God, like a purple plum upon a sunny tree. How Thou dost melt in my mouth, Thou consecrated sugar of the Stars!
49. The world is all grey before mine eyes; it is like an old worn wine-skin.
50. All the wine of it is on these lips.
51. Thou hast begotten me upon a marble Statue, O my God!
52. The body is icy cold with the coldness of a million moons; it is harder than the adamant of eternity. How shall I come forth into the light?
53. Thou art He, O God! O my darling! my child! my plaything! Thou art like a cluster of maidens, like a multitude of swans upon the lake.
54. I feel the essence of softness.
55. I am hard and strong and male; but come Thou! I shall be soft and weak and feminine.
56. Thou shalt crush me in the wine-press of Thy love. My blood shall stain Thy fiery feet with litanies of Love in Anguish.
57. There shall be a new flower in the fields, a new vintage in the vineyards.
58. The bees shall gather a new honey; the poets shall sing a new song.
59. I shall gain the Pain of the Goat for my prize; and the God that sitteth upon the shoulders of Time shall drowse.
60. Then shall all this which is written be accomplished: yea, it shall be accomplished.
Love is the law, love under will.
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butterflies-dragons · 3 years
True North
After binge watching Shadow and Bone, Alina Starkov and her dreams with the white stag, and ancient mythical creature from the old folk tales:
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Reminds me of Sansa Stark and her dream with the white hart, a rare magical beast from the songs:
“I had a dream that Joffrey would be the one to take the white hart,” she said. It had been more of a wish, actually, but it sounded better to call it a dream. Everyone knew that dreams were prophetic. White harts were supposed to be very rare and magical, and in her heart she knew her gallant prince was worthier than his drunken father. “A dream? Truly? Did Prince Joffrey just go up to it and touch it with his bare hand and do it no harm?” “No,” Sansa said. “He shot it with a golden arrow and brought it back for me.” In the songs, the knights never killed magical beasts, they just went up to them and touched them and did them no harm, but she knew Joffrey liked hunting, especially the killing part. Only animals, though. Sansa was certain her prince had no part in murdering Jory and those other poor men; that had been his wicked uncle, the Kingslayer. She knew her father was still angry about that, but it wasn’t fair to blame Joff. That would be like blaming her for something that Arya had done. —A Game of Thrones - Sansa III
I find the link between Alina, Mal and white stag, similar to the link between Sansa, Jon and the white magical beasts around them (Ghost and the white hart).
More about Sansa and the white hart here:
Jon is Sansa’s knight from the songs
Jon is Sansa’s knight from the songs 2.0
Also, Alina Starkov and his childhood best friend and secret love, Malyen Oretsev (Mal), sent each other what we could call "love letters," calling each other their "true north."
Alina to Mal:
“You told me about cardinal north, and true north. Cardinal north is a direction on a map. True north? True north is home. It is where you feel safe and loved. You have always been my true north, Mal. And if I am to survive this, I need to be home again with you.”
Mal to Alina:
Alina, if you get this letter, know that when I told you about true north, I was talking about you. You are my true north and I can see my way to you now.
Oh my sweet Jonsa northern heart... And, remember when the Shadow and Bone author, Leigh Bardugo, reblogged and commented a Jonsa "Stone and snow, that was all that was left of Winterfell. Just like she and Jon" gifset??? Yeah, me too. Good times!
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bamby0304 · 2 years
The Hart III: Secrets
Ch.26: Salt in the Wound
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Three months… Dean was gone for three months and now he’s back. He’s back and he truly has no idea how much things have changed. Life moved on while Dean was in Hell, and now things are complicated. With new faces and troubles right around the corner, will the trio find a way to come back together? Or has all hope been lost?
Warning: Violence. Death. Angst.
Standing at the cart again, I lifted Ruby's knife from the assortment of tools and weapons.
Alastair's eyes were on it in an instant. He let out a light chuckle. "There's that little pig-poker. I wondered where it went." I dipped a ladle into the bowl of holy water, which I then poured over the blade as Alastair watched. "Do you really think this is gonna fix you? Give you closure? That is sad. That's really sad. Sad, sad."
Not responding, I turned without looking him in the eye, focusing on the job at hand, blocking out all emotions as I turned to autopilot, re-enacting everything I'd done in Hell for years. Using everything he'd taught me, on him.
Stopping in front of him, I waited a moment before driving the knife into his gut, agonizingly slow. I listened as his flesh sizzled and he grunted out noises of pain.
"I carved you into a new animal, Dean." He struggled. "There is no going back."
Leaning in closer, I grinned. "Maybe you're right. But now it's my turn to carve," with that, I drew the knife in deeper.
Leaving the blade in there a moment longer, I then slid it out of him just as slowly as I'd pushed it in. His head fell forward. Grabbing his face, I forced his head back up, which had him laughing once more.
"Now it's your professionalism that I respect."
Disgusted, I turned away, moving to the cart to grab the bowl of holy water. Walking back to Alastair, I threw the water in his face. On contact, his skin began to sizzle as the water screamed, Alastair gargling in pain.
"Who's murdering the angels?" I asked, ignoring his chokes.
When he didn't respond, I moved back to the cart, filled the bowl up again, walked over to Alastair once more, and threw the water on his face. He screamed as his skin sizzled and I watched, face void of any emotion.
Leaning over as much as he could while chained, Alastair spat out a mixture of blood and holy water. "You're just not getting deep enough. Well, you lack the resources. Reality is just, I don't know, too concrete up here." He shook his head as I moved to the cart again. "Honestly, Dean… you have no idea how bad it really was, and what you really did for us."
I glanced at him for a moment as I poured some salt into an old piping bag. "Shut up."
Ignoring me, he went on. "The whole bloody thing, Dean. The reason Lilith wanted you there in the first place."
"Well, then I'll just make you shut up." Walking over to him, I grabbed his chin once more.
"Lilith really-"
Before he could go on, I forced his mouth open, lifted the bag to his lips, and let the salt fill his mouth and pour down his throat as he tried to scream.
“Don't really blame you guys. Not like I'm good for anything… maybe leaving me here is for the best. Maybe if I die of starvation, I won't come back,” I wondered. To make things worse, I actually sounded hopeful…
"Hello Elizabeth."
I gasped, looking over to my right, seeing Anna stand in the middle of the living room, a gentle and kind smile on her face.
Anna's eyes scanned me, her smile falling as she really took in the sight before her. "Why are you covered in blood?"
"My now very ex-boyfriend thought it would be fun to stab me so he could get away after I found out he's a demon… which is before he forced me to drink his blood. But that was after he'd already been drugging me with pills made from his blood."
She looked down at the ground, guilt in her eyes. "I didn't know…"
"But you do now?" I groaned, moving to sit up.
"I heard-"
"Let me guess. Through angel radio?" I laughed harshly. “When? How many of you guys know?”
“Not everyone has heard the news yet. I only heard it moments before I arrived here.”
“Great,” I sighed, hating this situation more and more with each passing second.
Moving around the coffee table, Anna scanned my body as if trying to see where she could help me. But it was obvious what the problem was. She couldn't heal the withdrawal symptoms of the demon blood, and there was nothing left to heal when it came to my stab wound. I was just going to have to ride the rest of it out.
"So, that means all you guys know." I sighed. "Please tell me you're not here to just say good bye and leave me to die."
"You prayed. I answered."
I looked to her with hope in my eyes. "So, you're going to help me?"
"Yes." Once again, she answered as if it were that simple.
But it wasn't. At least to me it wasn't. "Why?"
Frowning, clearly not understanding my question, she asked, "What do you mean?"
"Why do you want to help me? I'm not Dean. I'm not a Winchester. I'm just background noise. What do you get out of helping me?"
"Maybe I just want to pay you back after you were there for me," she responded, the kind smile back on her face. "Now, are you going to let me help you, or not?" she asked, reaching out to offer me her hand.
I didn't have to think about what I was going to do next. The moment she offered to help, I knew there was no way I was turning her down. Without further hesitation, I lifted my hand and placed it in hers, already thanking her in my mind.
Trying to breath, scream, and struggle, Alastair leaned forward as he spat out a mixture of salt and blood… though mainly blood. "Something caught in my throat," he croaked, looking down at what he'd spat out. "I think it's my throat."
"Well, strap in, 'cause I'm just starting to have fun," I assured him, turning for the cart again.
"You know, it was supposed to be your father," he started as I poured some more holy water. "He was supposed to bring it on. But, in the end, it was you."
"Bring what on?" I asked, not missing a word he'd said.
But he didn't answer of course. "Oh, every night, the same offer, remember? Same as your father," he explained while I shook some salt onto the blade of Ruby's knife. "And finally, you said, 'Sign me up'. Oh, the first time you picked up my razor, the first time you sliced into that weeping bitch…" I turned to him, seeing him smirk. "That was the first seal."
Walking closer, I refused to let him see how his words had affected me, because it I'm being honest, he'd struck a nerve.
"You're lying."
"And it is written that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in hell. As he breaks, so shall it break," he recited. "We had to break the first seal before any others. Only way to get the dominoes to fall, right? Topple the one at the front of the line."
I had to turn away before he could see me react. Before he could see the broken look on my face as I realised that this was all my fault. Everything. The apocalypse, the angels, Lilith, Lucifer. Everything that was happening and was coming, it was all my fault…
"When we win, when we bring on the apocalypse and burn this earth down, we'll owe it all to you, Dean Winchester."
I closed my eyes, trying to get control again.
"Believe me, son, I wouldn't lie about this. It's kind of a religious sort of thing with me."
Taking a deep breath, I looked down at Ruby's knife which I still held, getting a hold of myself again. "No. I don't think you are lying. But even if the demons do win… you won't be there to see it."
Ready to finish him off, I went to turn, but as I did, I froze. I wasn't sure how, but Alastair was no longer chained. No longer trapped. No, now he stood in front of me, barely a step between us, nothing left to keep me protected from his wrath.
"You should talk to your plumber about the pipes." He grinned before lifting his fist to my face in a hard punch that had me fall to the ground in an instant.
Reaching down, he grabbed my shirt and lifted me off the ground to punch me over and over again until I could no longer feel the hits. The pain throbbed in my face constantly, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I was out like a light.
Letting me drop, he then grabbed my throat and lifted me off the ground before pressing me against the hexacle he'd been chained to moment ago. "You got a lot to learn, boy. So I'll see you back in class bright and early Monday morning."
Suddenly, he let me go as he turned to see Castiel running toward him, Ruby's knife in hand. The knife plunged into Alastair, but did nothing to stop him as both the angel and demon began to fight. Though I didn't see much of it before everything went black as I passed out.
As I hurried into the back room of the abandoned building, I found Alastair chanting, his hand wrapped around Castiel's throat as he held the angel against a pillar and off the ground. Castiel was clearly losing, his eyes and mouth glowing bright blue…
I raised one hand to Alastair and squeezed, causing him to stop. Castiel slumped to the ground as I threw Alastair against the wall.
"Stupid pet tricks." Alastair glared at me.
"Who's murdering the angels? How are they doing it?" I asked, moving to stand in front of him, though a few steps away.
"You think I'm gonna tell you?"
"Yeah, I do." I twisted my hand, causing his eyes to roll back as he choked, clearly in pain. "How are the demons killing angels?"
"I don't know," he struggled.
I scoffed, twisting my hand a little more. "Right."
Shaking and struggling, Alastair tried to fight my hold. "It's not us," he choked out. "We're not doing it."
"I don't believe you."
"Lilith is not behind this." Fighting against me, he grinned, shaking his head. "She wouldn't kill seven angels. Oh, she'd kill a hundred… a thousand," he answered, so I let my hand drop, no longer hurting him put still holding him. He shook his head at me. "Oh, go ahead. Send me back, if you can."
It was my turn to grin. "I'm stronger than that now. Now I can kill."
Lifting my hand again, I concentrated. Soon enough, gold light began to flare as Alastair let out a pained and blood curdling scream. Just as suddenly, he fell silent and still. Letting him go, I watched as his body slid down the wall and to the ground, now dead.
I sat next to Dean as he lay in a hospital bed, breathing few a tube, an Iv drip in his arm, bandages all over. It was pretty bad. I mean, almost-lost-his-life bad. Even now, he was on close watch, just in case, which didn't sit right with me. There had to be something that could be done…
As if on cue, Castiel appeared in the door way and paused for a single moment as I turned to him, before he continued down the hall, knowing I would be close behind.
Once I was out of Dean's room and only a few steps from Castiel, he opened his mouth to speak- probably to scold me for what I'd done. "Sam-"
But before he could say anything else, I cut him off, gesturing to Dean's room, "Get in there and heal him. Miracle. Now."
"I can't."
"You and Uriel put him in there-"
"No," he tried to argue, but I just went on as if he didn't speak.
"-because you can't keep a simple devil's trap together."
"I don't know what happened," he insisted, almost snapping back at me. "That trap," he sighed, looking away for a moment before turning back to me, "it shouldn't have broken. I am sorry."
But I didn't care about his empty apologies. They weren't going to help Dean. "This whole thing was pointless. You understand that? The demons aren't doing the hits. Something else is killing your soldiers."
"Perhaps Alastair was lying," he suggested, clearly in denial.
"No, he wasn't," I told him with complete confidence, because I knew, without a doubt, that Alastair hadn't lied.
Having nothing more to say, I turned for Dean's room and walked off, leaving Castiel there, needing to be by my brother's side.
Anna had taken us to Bobby's. I wasn't sure how she knew he wasn't there, but I was thankful that he wasn't. I didn't want to have to explain who Anna was, why I was in the state I was in, and where Tristan was. If I didn't have to tell anyone that for a while, I'd be pretty happy.
Throughout the day, Anna had taken care of me. It was oddly nice, like having my own little angel sitting on my shoulder, guarding and guiding me. I never had to ask for anything, she always seemed to know what I needed or wanted. Even if that was some alone time. She would just get up and go for a moment or two before coming back once I was wanted or needed her again.
When the sun had set, and it was getting pretty close to midnight, she disappeared. I mean, literally. One moment she was in the kitchen making dinner, and then she was just gone.
It took a few minutes before she was back. By then, I'd gotten up and continued on with the cooking, eaten some food and started the dishes.
"Elizabeth, you really shouldn’t." She came to take over once more.
But I shook my head at her, refusing to give in. "I'm fine, Anna, really," I insisted, despite how awful I felt.
It wasn't even the withdrawals that were making me feel this way like they had for the last couple of weeks. No, they were gone because I'd let Tristan poison me again. The reason I felt so crappy was because I'd let him do it to me. Knowingly. I let him feed me his blood, and that fact was wrapping me up in unimaginable guilt.
"No. You're not," she sighed, gently taking the plate I'd been washing.
Taking a step back, I let her finish the dishes as I leaned against the bench, folding my arms over my chest to hug myself. "I'm not sick, you know. I've had some recently…" I shrugged lightly, looking to the ground. "I feel fine."
Without looking at me, she nodded. "I know you don't feel sick, not like you have lately, but there are other ways you can feel ill. You can be sick with guilt, for instance." Glancing at me then, she gave a pointed look before going back to work. "And you might have had… that stuff, but it won't be enough to keep you going. Not forever. You will start to feel the way you have for the last few weeks, and the longer you go without the worse it will get."
She was right. I knew she was. What I'd experienced, that had only been the beginning. I knew this time around, things were going to be harder. Things were going to hurt more. But it's a price I'm willing to pay.
After finishing with the dishes, Anna and I had moved to sit in the Bobby's office. We'd spent some time talking, and I found that despite her being an angel, she was actually pretty cool. But despite that, there was something still bugging me.
"Why are you here, Anna?"
She looked taken aback. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, what is an angel on the run doing here, cooking and cleaning for a human poisoned by demon blood. It’s not like I’ve done much for you, if we're being honest."
"You don't think you've done anything for me?" She frowned, both surprised and confused. "I was a stranger, and you welcomed me into your home. You didn't judge me. You brought me in and took care of me when I needed help. And when I remembered who I was and went looking for my grace, you came with me despite the fact that there was obvious tension in your life." She offered me a kind smile. "So, doing some dishes and cooking some food is the least I can do."
Slowly, I returned her smile, feeling a little better. Knowing that she wasn't doing this out of pity eased some of the guilt resting on my shoulders, which allowed me to breathe a little easier.
I was just about to reach for my cup of tea, when Anna suddenly stood. I looked up at her with worried eyes. "What's wrong?"
"It's Castiel, he needs my help," she answered before she got a look in her eyes that told me she was about to disappear.
But before she could, I reached out to stop her. "Take me with you."
She looked down at my hand which was wrapped around her wrist. "Elizabeth…"
It was obvious that she didn't want to take me. But if Castiel needed her help then something must be really bad, and the last thing I wanted was for Anna to be put in danger without backup of her own. I may just be a human, but I was currently a human jacked up on demon blood, so I wasn't as useless as I looked.
"Okay. Just hold on," she told me before we were gone.
I didn't have time to take in my surroundings. The moment we appeared in our new setting my eyes landed on Castiel. He was kneeling, with blood coming from his nose and mouth as he looked up at Uriel.
"You can't win, Uriel. I still serve God."
Uriel's usually impeccable suit was now covered in dust, and had a number of tears in it. He reached forward, wrapping his hand around Castiel's throat. "You haven't even met the man. There is no will." He punched Castiel. "No wrath." He punched him again. "No God."
Before Uriel could make another move, I looked to a short, silver sword looking thing that lay on the ground. Raising my hand as I stepped forward, I used my mind to will the weapon to my grasp before I stabbed him in his back right though his chest.
Anna- who had stepped forward at the same time and now stood behind his other shoulder- spoke, "Maybe. Or maybe not. But there's still us."
I pulled the blade out and took a step back, watching as Uriel collapsed to the ground where the remains of what appeared to be a fresh devil's trap lay.
"Look away!" Anna yelled just as Uriel began to scream.
I turned as quickly as I could, covering my face and closing my eyes and a bright light exploded out of Uriel. Once the light was gone, I uncovered my face carefully, and turned to see seared wings on floor across the devil's trap.
"Elizabeth?" I turned to see Castiel now standing, looking from me to Anna, clearly confused.
Without saying a word, the two angels appeared to have a conversation- one I wasn't privy too. A moment or so later, Anna turned to me, a small and sad smile on her face… and then she was gone.
My heart leapt in my chest, out of fear… I might have just saved him, but that doesn't mean Castiel suddenly liked me. I knew what I was and what the angels thought of me. I had no doubt in my mind that I was about to be punished for my sins.
But I was surprised when he rested a gentle hand on my shoulder. Looking into his eyes I could see both gratitude and pity. Then, before I could stop him, he reached forward and pressed two fingers to my forehead, knocking me unconscious in an instant.
"Are you all right?"
I looked to my left as best as I could, opening my eyes to see Castiel sitting in the seat next to my bed. My hospital bed.
"No thanks to you," I croaked, trying to speak as best as I could.
There was a pause before he spoke again. "You need to be more careful."
"You need to learn how to manage a damn devil's trap," I countered.
"That's not what I mean." He took a moment before adding, "Uriel is dead."
I didn't feel bad for the guy, I mean Uriel was a dick. But it wasn't exactly good news. "Was it the demons?"
"It was disobedience," Castiel answered simply. "He was working against us."
I knew there were hundreds of questions I could have asked him then. I probably should have asked him to explain what that meant. But I didn't want, or need, to know. There were more pressing things I needed him to tell me. Like if Alastair had been telling the truth or not.
"Is it true?" I asked. "Did I break the first seal? Did I start all this?"
"Yes," he answered without hesitation. "When we discovered Lilith's plan for you, we laid siege to hell and we fought our way to get to you before you-"
"Jump-started the apocalypse," I finished for him, my tone a harsher than normal.
"We were too late."
"Why didn't you just leave me there, then?"
"It's not blame that falls on you, Dean, it's fate. The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it," he told me as if it were written somewhere. "You have to stop it."
"Lucifer? The apocalypse? What does that mean?" I asked, needing to know exactly what I'm supposed to do. But when he didn't answer, and he silence grew, I just knew he was about to bail. "Hey! Don't you go disappearing on me, you son of a bitch. What does that mean!"
I knew he hadn't gone. I could still feel his presence. Yet he didn't answer right away. It took him another moment or so before he spoke again. But all I got was, "I don't know."
"I don't," he insisted. "Dean, they don't tell me much. I know our fate rests with you."
"Well, then you guys are screwed. I can't do it, Cas. It's too big. Alastair was right. I'm not all here. I'm not- I'm not strong enough. Well, I guess I'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else," I told him as I began to cry, unable to stop myself. "It's not me."
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dwellordream · 3 years
“In theory, Victorians concerned with troublesome issues on the margins of respectable fiction for girls could deal with them within the family reading circle. Reading aloud was perhaps the most common domestic entertainment within the Victorian family, used as reward, improvement, or therapy for life’s challenges. The sisters taking turns reading to accompany their needlework, the matron at the sickbed, the daughter reading to her father at the end of a business day—there were myriad arenas in which families used reading to ease, amuse, and instruct.
At its most basic, reading aloud enabled the sharing of resources (a book, or a fresh installment of a periodical) among many. But beyond that, it was a profoundly social way of responding to the lessons of history, current fiction, or poetry. The critic Andrew Blake suggests that the novel, in particular, was ‘‘a most important point of contact between the public and the private’’ because ‘‘it gave people a chance to discuss domestic ideology in public without touching on domestic secrets.’’ The semipublic sphere that was the family circle provided an important venue for the discussion of reading. Within this context, instruction in morality could be accomplished informally, gently, impersonally, with reference to fictional characters rather than through direct criticism and rebuttal.
The convention of the family reading circle generally restricted polite novels from treating illicit sexuality or immoral characters, but if any lapses occurred, the family circle could deal with them most effectively. Thus Elizabeth Gaskell said of her own novel Ruth, which features an orphan who has been seduced by an aristocrat: ‘‘Of course it is a prohibited book in this, as in many other households.’’ The one circumstance that would change its unsuitability for young people, she opined, was if it was ‘‘read with someone older,’’ perhaps with an older female relative within a family reading group.
The kind of family conversation which could improve all who participated was explained by Sarah Browne in a private diary in 1859. ‘‘Albert brings [Harriet Beecher Stowe’s] the Minister’s Wooing. We sit quietly and hear how James is brought back to the living, we calmly rejoice with Mary, plan and maneuver with Miss Pressy, call Parson Hopkins in very truth a Christian and wind up the evening by wishing to see Mrs. Stowe, knowing how she would seem and if she would talk at all, like other women.’’
Albert Browne Sr. was generally the reader in the Browne family, sometimes of ‘‘superior articles in the Atlantic Monthly.’’ In these moments of quiet, Sarah Browne most idealized her shared family life, ‘‘sitting as we do in our little western chamber, Father, Alice and I storing in the rich thoughts of others as a life element of our own.’’Reading aloud enabled a submersion of family tensions in a focus outward on the problems of others.
The idealization of the shared reading experience suggested stylized familial communion to daughters as well as parents. During the final days of the Civil War, as she anticipated her own marriage, Helen Hart thought to memorialize the evenings reading aloud together. ‘‘I think I never enjoyed evenings more in my life. First Bertie reads, then Hady, and then Mother and I; from History, Shakespeare, the Atlantic, and other miscellany. Such peaceful, happy winter evenings at home! Something for us to look back upon in after years when we are scattered. I have treasured up each one as it passed, as a sweet and sacred memory.’’ The pleasure came from the contrast between ‘‘our quiet harbor’’ and ‘‘the world with its commotions, its struggles.’’
Never did home seem so secure and safe as when implicitly contrasted with the adventures and misfortunes of fictional characters, warring nations, or past princes. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s biographer noted that Charlotte and her destitute and emotionally distant mother were at their best when reading aloud to each other, their fraught intimacy dissolved in their shared focus on the lives and feelings of others. Those moments of community might even be resurrected by rereading books so experienced. (‘‘It seems as if we were gathered around the nursery fire again. I can almost hear Aunt Mary’s voice.’’) The pleasures of reading aloud were those of reading mediated—reading mediated by the fiction of shared purpose.
Reading aloud did not have a single simple meaning, however, nor did it model only one kind of power relationship. The Browne family’s shared reading was patriarchal, with father reading and other family members (according to the hardly impartial mother) celebrating familial harmony. Alice Stone Blackwell, in her irreverent and spritely diary, offered another example of paternal reading aloud, lightly satirizing her father, the noted reformer and women’s rights advocate Henry Blackwell:
‘‘Papa sat with his feet on the top of the stove, saturated with laziness, and rated me for enjoying stories [fiction], and formed plans to give me a taste for instructive literature, and ended by making me bring Plutarch’s Lives, and beginning to read them aloud.’’ This depiction of a well-respected father indulging in playful tyranny of his only child suggests a quite different emotional shading—if a similar actual structure—to the idealized portraits of patriarchal reading circles.
Daughters also read on their own, though, and given the risks of immoral reading and the gains from uplifting reading, good parents attempted to mon- itor what they read. The goal in choosing reading, as in all the lessons of character, was to instruct gently and surely so as to encourage daughters to make familial lessons their own. Advice to parents ranged from the relatively cut and dried—‘‘Parents should choose the books that their children read until the age of 15’’—to the more subtle: ‘‘Wise parents put so many good books in the way of their children that the taste for them is formed unconsciously, and there is never any feeling of restraint.’’ (The latter piece of advice, made in 1901, was clearly advice for the book-wealthy.)
Ellen Emerson’s correspondence with her mother while away at boarding school suggested the appropriate supervisory relationship of parents over girls’ reading. Explaining that she was reading Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford, which she found ‘‘a very funny book,’’ she went on, ‘‘I never read any that I am not sure you would be willing to have me,’’ and recorded her assumption that Scott, Gaskell, and several others were ‘‘not forbidden.’’ She went on to query, ‘‘May I read [Margaret Oliphant’s] ‘Head of the Family’?’’ Middle-class or elite parents who participated in genteel Victorian culture assumed an important role in controlling the reading of their daughters—its quantity, its contents, and its circumstances.
In the elite midwestern Hamilton family, a family with a strong and eclectic reading tradition, novels were doled out prudently like candies during vacations from school, so as not to interfere with schoolwork. When her daughter was fifteen, Phoebe Hamilton gave her ‘‘Ivanhoe for my holiday reading, she always gives me one of Scott every vacation.’’ The next year her mother was more liberal, providing Scott’s Quentin Durward for a Christmas book and giving permission for the reading of Dickens’s Little Dorrit and Jemima Tautphoeus’s The Initials. As January arrived, Agnes lamented, ‘‘I have finished the latter but I am afraid as I go back to school next Monday I shall have to let Little Dorrit wait till summer.’’
There was a hierarchy within Hamilton family reading, and despite her voraciousness, Agnes felt that her tastes fell short of her family’s preferences. ‘‘Oh! why haven’t I the love of learning of the family?’’ She indicated what was expected in her next breath: ‘‘Knight’s England vol. III has been read all but two chapters since last fall and during two months I have read but four books of the Odyssey.’’ She forced herself to be realistic. ‘‘During this next week [probably a school vacation] I want [to] finish half a dozen or more books which I have begun but I dare say the novels are the only ones that will be looked much in.’’
Like the Hamilton reading regimen, other family routines, too, involved matters of both quality and quantity. There were appropriate ages for the reading of different books. At fifteen, Margaret Tileston wanted to read George Macdonald’s Alec Forbes of Howglen, an homage to the dignity of Scots country life. The author was certainly approved, but Margaret’s mother didn’t want her to read the book ‘‘yet.’’
At eighteen, Margaret was still reading under adult scrutiny. Sick at home she was ‘‘allowed’’ to read Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, considered excessively charged for young girls, and polished off 340 pages on the first day. Reading was one way of being inducted into family ideology; when Margaret reread Pilgrim’s Progress in 1883, she was conscious that she was reading a book that had been important to her mother when she was young.”
- Jane H. Hunter, “Reading and the Development of Taste.” in How Young Ladies Became Girls: The Victorian Origins of American Girlhood
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strcnghart-blog · 7 years
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daleisgreat · 3 years
Shawn Michaels: The Showstopper Unreleased
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WWE has release a few Shawn Michaels DVDs over the years, but continuing on the theme of my last few wrestling-centered entries, WWE Home Video stuck with their “unreleased” brand of DVDs in 2018 with the three-disc release of Shawn Michaels: The Showstopper Unreleased (intro - I could not locate a trailer for this anywhere!). In that clip Shawn quips that the producers deserve an award for finding previously unreleased matches. I believe the criteria for this release is still similar to previous “Unreleased” collections where they may have aired on television (and thus likely in the WWE Network archives) or long discontinued VHS tapes, but this DVD will mark the first time the matches are available on disc. Also included is a new interview with Michaels that they broke up in several parts and sporadically inserted throughout the collection. The first disc is something special as it essentially is a “Best of Rockers” DVD. The first two matches are from Shawn’s rookie year in 1985 for Mid-South in quick enhancement matches for Hector & Chavo Guerrero and Jake “The Snake” Roberts. Matches serve their purpose, but it is nonetheless fascinating to see how Shawn had that already apparent potential in him way back in 1985. The remaining 11 matches on the first disc are all Rockers matches, with the first three tag matches being from their Midnight Rockers AWA days with two bouts against Doug Summers & Buddy Rose and one more with Brian Knobbs & Dennis “I’m not booked” Stamp. The two Summers & Rose matches are show-stealers that had exhilarating beginning/middle/end structures, and was fun to watch the 1980s crowd go nuts for.
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The first disc is almost all AWA & WWF Rockers matches!! For the eight WWF Rockers matches, they consist of almost an all-star lineup of a golden age for WWF tag teams where they square off against the likes of Demolition, Brain Busters, Hart Foundation, Natural Disasters and Legion of Doom. The sad thing about The Rockers back then is that as charismatic and agile as they were back then, they mostly made other teams look good in their WWF run and that is the case here as they lose six of those eight WWF matches. Even worse is the two matches they win is a DQ win against the Rougeaus after Jimmy Hart’s megaphone is used, and a countout win against the Orient Express. That said, a lot of the other matches are pretty damn good, with high honors going to the Brain Busters bout, two Demolition matches and surprisingly working in a lot of good stuff against Legion of Doom. Worth pointing out is another good match against the Hart Foundation where it seems noticeable the teams missed their cue to go home because the match starts to feel there is no end in sight when out of nowhere during an abdominal stretch a bunch of wrestlers run in and an awkward impromptu brawl ensues and the match is declared a draw.
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Disc two has 12 matches from Shawn’s first singles WWF run from 1992-1998. Some highlights from this are an unsurprising technical showcase with Mr. Perfect, oddly having a positive dynamic with Bret Hart to team up against the Blu Brothers in 1995 and predictable-yet-high quality formula matches during his first WWF Title run against 1-2-3 Kid and Steve Austin. Disc two has a disappointing triple tag elimination match with Shawn, Diesel and Undertaker against Psycho Sid, Tatanka and Kama filled with lots of stalling and headscratching booking for the eliminations. There is also a questionable match against Vader a month after their controversial-yet-excellent Summerslam match, where in this match Shawn takes 95% of the offense and quickly squashes Vader in three minutes. There is also a fascinating bout against Yokozuna from the summer of 1996 in Kuwait, when Yoko is nearing the end of his WWF run due to him putting on excess weight, and the match kind of expectedly plods along, until something must have clicked for Shawn to motivate Yoko into a pretty watchable match in the back half, and the two show respect afterwards which was awesome to see….until Yoko suddenly darts off to the back like he really has to go to the bathroom. The third disc consists of 10 matches from Shawn’s return run to WWE from 2002-2010. All the matches here are from RAW, so that means they follow the formula that still holds true for WWE TV main events today where it is either a cobbled together tag match, or a really good one-on-one match with interference or a hokey finish. There are a couple exceptions with worthwhile clean matches against Ric Flair during a Japan 2005 tour and against Christian in 2004 when he was building momentum with Tyson Tomko by his side. HBK’s matches against Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho are the highlights on disc three, but all three contests have varying degrees of interference to effect the finishes, and in some cases it actually benefits the match as is the case with Angle with the story they were telling. I was delighted to see a post-RAW dark match included with Shawn teaming with Batista against Triple H and Edge. WWE is notorious for usually doing a fun untelevised promo or bonus match for the fans after the cameras go off the air with some quirky moments that would never fly in a televised match. That is the case here with Triple H doing lots of exaggerated selling and fun jawing with the crowd that absolutely ate it all up for a fun time.
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Shawn didn't disappoint in his 21st century run, with matches included here that don't disappoint against Ric Flair and Kurt Angle. A couple of promos are uncovered like Shawn doing an open Q&A with the fans when Sensational Sherri was managing Michaels early in his singles run. Another amusing bonus promo is Shawn and Diesel doing a Times Square workout session to hype up their upcoming WrestleMania 11 match with the one-and-only Todd Pentigill hosting. The several interview clips inserted throughout the DVDs has Shawn hitting on certain parts on where he was at that stage in his career and reflecting on the infamous Barber Shop break-up with Marty, his 2002 return, rebooting a less edgy, more goofball version of DX in 2006 and retiring in 2010 (this was filmed before his ill-fated Saudi Arabia return match). From these series of introspections, it was fascinating to hear Shawn think back on why he was not all-in for teaming with Jose Lathario in his WWE Title run, and hearing him settling on being a family man in retirement and turning down multiple
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WrestleMania return matches. There are also a few sets of interviews with NXT talent commenting on how lucky they are to have Shawn as a teacher at the WWE Performance Center. Shawn comments a few times here too on being proud of passing on his knowledge, and it is obvious he is genuine on his passion for his new role building talent in NXT. WWE has once again amassed another recommended collection of un-vaulted matches. I am digging this format following the Piper and Macho Man sets where they break up the action every few matches with a set of interviews. Wort mentioning is about a quarter of the 35 matches here have no commentary because they were either dark matches, or from arena shows WWE use to film at regionally in the 80s and 90s and never recorded commentary for and/or lost the rights for the commentary. While there are some skippable matches, the good-to-bad ratio is largely in the positive here, and the not-so-good bouts usually at least have an entertaining backstory or era they emanate from. This all adds up for Shawn Michaels: The Showstopper Unreleased being another must-have installment of the Unreleased branding. Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Hulk Hogans Unreleased Collectors Series Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold Randy Savage Unreleased: The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Shawn Michaels: My Journey Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania III: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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laresearchette · 1 year
Friday, December 30, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
IIHF WORLD JUNIORS (TSN/TSN5) 11:00am: Slovakia vs. Latvia (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 4:30pm: Germany vs. Austria
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Devils vs. Penguins (SNWest) 10:00pm: Oilers vs. Canucks
NBA BASKETBALL   (TSN3/TSN4) 7:30pm: Suns vs. Raptors (SN1) 7:30pm: Lakers vs. Hawks (SN Now) 8:30pm: 76ers vs. Pelicans (SN1) 10:00pm: Trail Blazers vs. Warriors
BEST IN MINIATURE (CBC) 8:00pm/9:00pm (SEASON FINALE): It’s the final two episodes and the top four artists create something sweet before battling it out with their last room build.
CURIOUS CATERER: DYING FOR CHOCOLATE (Global) 8:00pm:  Goldy Berry is a Colorado caterer who's thrust into the role of town sleuth to help solve a friend's mysterious death. With the clock ticking, she strikes up an unlikely partnership with a detective to find the killer.
NLL LACROSSE (TSN/TSN5) 9:00pm: Seals vs. Roughnecks
ZERO CONTACT (Crave) 9:00pm:  Connected by their devotion to the late founder and tech titan Finley Hart, five people must work together to shut down his most secret invention, a machine that is either the solution to mankind's problems or the end of life on Earth.
HOUSE OF HORRORS FAMILY: THEIR FRIENDS SPEAK (Super Channel Fuse)  10:00pm:  From the outside looking in the Turpin family seemed normal enough, but a phone call in January 2018 changed everything. One of their thirteen children escaped from captivity and exposed the dark secrets of what had been happening inside.
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