#the first lexxi :') so beautiful
thegempage · 1 year
i was gonna write more but i think the universe has decided i will be sleepy instead so have a few quotes from the thing i'm working on
"It didn’t matter which of them made the first move. It was never going to matter, really, between the two of them, because this was no finale to their dance, no; this was the sign that the curtains were falling between acts, allowing the actors to change and prepare and get into position, a kiss that would surely pretend it had lead into something more once the curtains went up again and the audience roared to life -- except the only audience here was a cat scurrying into the kitchen as fast as her six legs could carry her, as this couch was not meant to hold two grown women sitting on top of each other, and Lexxie had better plans for her evening."
"Kyria’s shift away almost drew a protest, but that died in her throat when it turned out that Kyria was pulling her shirt over her head to toss to the side (how many times, in idle moments, had Mary wondered what those clothes would look like on her bedroom floor?), revealing the bandeau hiding underneath. The marble lines ran down her chest, her stomach, tantalizingly below her waistband, generations of history and lived experiences painted across her skin, the sort of thing she’d dismissed in novels as --
Well, at least something was accurate about them, and she dared not hope for more."
"A sharp sting radiated out as Kyria’s teeth tightened just a little more before they dislodged, lust stayed by decorum, leaving not points but tears in their wake. Mary did not need to see her blood bead like morning dew and start to lazily make its way down her collarbone because its cyan hue was splashed across Kyria’s teeth and lips. It was beautiful, it was enticing, it set her wounds aflame with the heat of adrenaline rushing to fill the gaps where thoughts used to be."
"Their eyes met, Kyria’s chest heaving; Mary tried, as much as she could, with the power of all four of her eyes, to beg Kyria to meet her again, to bite her again, to bed her under the light of the moon."
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With you I can love myself ( Lexxi Foxx x reader)
A/N: Hella sad at first but it gets fluffy. Also first timw writing about my husband Lexxi!
Tw: self esteem and worth issues, 
You wanted almost to laugh. You were with one of the most beautiful and wonderful people in the world but you were crying in a fucking bathroom.  Hot tears streaming down your cheeks as you remembered how you hated yourself : it was a weird feeling. You hated the way you look, you’ve never appreciate your appearance but now it was even worse; you loved your boyfriend but when somebody as hot as him dated someone like you, people started talking and you also started to question yourself.
But it was not only about your look, you accepted that you wasn’t a “typical beauty” long time ago, it was about your worth. You felt like your boyfriend deserved way more than you, you felt like everybody deserved more than you; your brain seemed to simply refuse every form of compliment or acknowledged of your worth, simply it couldn’t be real. 
You almost felt guilty for him because he has to deal with you every day.
The door slowly opened, and you mentally cursed yourself for not locking it! You know that it was a bathroom reserved only for the crew, but people still needed to use it.
“Honey, are you okay?” A familiar voice said.
And there he was, Lexxi Foxx, your boyfriend. He tilted his head and looked at you, concern written all over his face. Most people thought that he was full of himself, egoistic, dumb and insensitive. But that was not the Lexxi ( or Trevor) that you knew : he was sweet, kind and always there for you. Yes sure, sometimes he was totally oblivious and at first he wasn’t good at comforting, but now he was your rock.You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend, and that made you feel you even worse.
You sniffled a bit, trying to compose yourself.
“I just fucking hate myself.” You said, honestly. There was no point in hiding it, when you were feeling this bad, even if you wished you could keep things for yourself and don’t bother others with your problems.
“How could you hate such a wonderful person?” He asked, genuinely, while you were taken away by his words.
“I don’t know, but I do. I think I just can’t see me as wonderful.” You said, shrugging your shoulders.
“ Why?” It was such a simple question but it broke you. You started crying even harder until you felt two arms around you.
“I love you so much, Y/N. And I’m so glad that you took my mirror by accident, that day. I’m so glad that I can be with you and kiss you; I know I’m not the best with words but I’d never want you far away from me, I love you too much!”
“I don’t deserve you!” You whispered softly, guilt eating you alive again.
“You deserve the world, and I’m lucky to have the most amazing person next to me. I understand that it has to be difficult, but please don’t put yourself down. I’m here for you, always!” He said, sweetly.
You rested your head against his chest, his beating heart calming you a bit. He intertwined one of your hands, while with the other he started to rub circles on your arm.
You two stayed like for a while, and you could finally feel some warm in you. It was so perfect, you almost wanted to ask Lexxi to stay like that forever, even if he had to go to rehearsal.
“Lexxi, you need to go to the band’s rehearsal! Tomorrow you have the concert!” You affirmed worried, already starting to freak out a bit.
“It’s okay honey, I’ll call them and I’ll say that I’m busy. Today it’s an us day! You totally need it and deserve it.” He said kissing your cheek gently.
“A-Are you sure?” You asked, hesitantly.
“Of course, my love. I’ll take you to get some ice cream and then we’ll watch some shitty movie together, cuddling on the couch; and I’ll remind you every five minutes how much I love  and how much you’re important to me!” He said and picked you up, bridal style.
You pressed your lips against his, as you two walked past some crew members and went for his cars. As soon as he started it, he grabbed your hand with his free one; you brushed it lightly while looking through the window.
A part of you was still telling you that you totally didn’t deserve him, but you tried to ignore it, imagining instead what it’d been like if you could frame this moment and put it on repeat until forever. Because there’s no other way that you wanted to spend your life, if not with Lexxi Foxx.
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Royal Pains
HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS this is one of @ashestoashesvvi ‘s crowning achievements!! Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Steel Panther invaded the KISSteriaverse? No? WELL TOO BAD HERE IT IS ANYWAY!! So in this Michael Starr is Vince’s cousin and a constant thorn in his side. This time the Panther boiz assume to role of party crashers! Placed under a cut for length and dirtiness~
“W- We’re gonna what now?”
“We’re gonna bring some heavy ass metal to my favorite blond richy bitchy cuz! It’s gonna so fuckin’ rock, man!” Michael declared, jumping on top of their pool table in the middle of the room. He downed his open beer in one go and tossed it down on the floor when he was done with a pumped grin. “Woo!! Alright, bitches, c'mon, who’s game to party hard tonight?”
Lexxi blinked, and blinked. Then blinked again. Then he looked back at his mirror, shaking his head and fluffing up his hair. “Ahh, ahhhhh, you can go, but… but…” he paused, rolling the words around in his head. Beside him, Satchel just rolled his eyes as his bandmate’s mind was as lost as ever. “But I- I don’t think I’m for it after we jus- just snorted aaaaall, and I- I mean aaaall, the fuckin’ coke we had, dude. Kinda just wanna stay here and pet my turtle– you guys kno- know my turtle, yeah?”
“Lex, no damn turtle talk.”
“No one wants to hear where you shoved him up.”
“Guys!!” Michael groaned, “Duuuuudes, focus! Party time! Yeah or fuck yeah?”
Stix sighed, flopping down next to Satchel and Lexxi on their demolished, once lavish, black leather couch. “Eh, why the fuck not? It’s been a while since we had some fun, man.”
“Yeah, a whole fuckin’ six hours.” Michael nodded, grinning ear to ear. “C'mon, Lex, don’t you want to have some fun this weekend?”
“I- If by fun, you mean work on my highlights and fu- fuckin’ update our fashion style, then yeah. Ahhh….. What was I– Oh, yeah, just fuckin’, other than that, I- I don’t feel like going to some big party.” he said. He winced when Michael pouted then came running up to him, putting his head on his shoulder, whining and hugging onto his arm.
“Come on, please?”
“Bitch, you’re getting between m- me and the mirror- the mirror, man!” Lexxi pouted, pursing his lips out even more. He swung his mirror around in his hand to keep it out of Michael’s way and more focused on his own beautiful face.
Satchel laughed, “You’re gonna drop that, and that’s gonna break, and you’re gonna cry like a little girl in front of all of us, dude.”
“Then I’ll be careful- duh!” Lexxi sighed, wriggling out of Michael’s strong hold.
“Lexxi, you’re coming with us. It’s not a bitchin’ party until the whole band shows up!” Michael laughed.
“Lex, c'mon, c'here.” Stix sighed, shifting and standing to grab his taller bandmate. He forced him to lean down so that he could put his head on top of his, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “Come and have fun, okay?”
“Wh- Wha- What’d you say?” Lexxi blinked. He tried to consecrate and think about what he was just asked, but all he could manage was a confused, cute squint.
“Come and have fun, okay?”
“Ca- Can you say the last work- word different?”
“Ooh, see that’s what I th- thought you said.”
“Lexxi, stop being a dumb fuckin’ blonde– no offence Michael– for like two seconds and focus, man. Think of it, think of the tiddies! The booze! The drugs! I heard they’re importing these new blue lines straight outta Jendell! Jendell, man! I heard that shit makes electricity shoot right up your spine!” Satchel smirked, rubbing his hands together.
“Better yet,” Stix laughed, catching Lexxi’s short focus again. “Think about it, man… Prince Vince has an entire hall of mirrors in his crib~”
Lexxi’s eyes widened. He’d forgotten about that. He hummed, thinking about it now, debating on the pros and cons before giving in. “Alright, okay. I- I’ll go.”
Michael squealed and hugged him. “Fuck yes! For a second, I thought we had to bring your mother in this.”
“Y- You fuckers leav- leave my mom outta this shit–”
“Heh, she wasn’t out of this,” Satchel motioned to his crotch. “last night, dude.”
“Oh fuckin’ grow a pair and get over it, Lex. Can’t give her AIDS twice.”
“Or thrice.” Satchel added with a nod of his head.
“Or frice?” Stix said, smiling. “Or whatever the fuck it is.”
“Can y- you guys not gangbang my m- mom?”
“Too late!” Michael said, reaching for his microphone. “I gotta summon us a bitchin’ ride…. Hmmm… what’ll it be tonight, boys? One big limo or…?”
“Flaming limo with flames painted on the sides, and nachos when we get in. I want some fuckin’ nachos right about now, dude.”
“Annnnnnd hookers.” Stix said, letting Lexxi go finally.
Michael nodded, “Oh man, this is so tits. Vince is gonna be soooo fuckin’ happy to see us.”
“Or he’ll banish us from the kingdom again.” Stix shrugged, cracking open a beer.
“Eh, fuck that. We always come back, just like a bad STD.”
“Lexxi would know all about that, wouldn’t you, Lex?” Satchel laughed, poking him in the side.
“Stooooooop, I- I was cleared ages a- ago, man!” he pouted, sitting back on the destroyed couch as they chuckled and relaxed against each other.
Prince Vince watched his party’s performance in the palace’s throne room. Mick and Tommy sat to his left and Nikki sat to his right. Their eyes all watched as the ceremonial warriors and dancers of the Order of the Golden Pyramid from the realm of Sphynxia performed for them. They watched the sharp blades twirl in their hands and the air with ease in their finest silks and robes.
The normally rowdy court was calmed and entertained by them, and they even cleared the way for the belly dancers to take the main floor of the throne room. All the dancers in the troupe were women, and each one was catching the Prince’s and his friends eyes. Except for Mick, but he had been around enough to not fall so easily and forget that they were still warriors under those black halter tops adorned with gold jewels and beads, long black skirts with high cut slits, gold anklets and gold bangles.
As a final motion, the dancing warriors twirled and all did a ‘death drop’, leaping up into the air, doing a full turn which almost fully exposed their lower bodies, falling to land on one of their bent legs, and spinning around a few times before slowly rising and posing. The kingdom and all the entire court attending burst into applause for their performance. The members of the Order of the Golden Pyramid all gave a short bow of appreciation at the applause.
The leader of the group, Asim, stepped forward to Vince and knelt down in front of him, offering up a sword. “Prince Vince, this is a gift from the Order in honor of our alliance with Anarkia. May it be fruitful and prosperous for both of us.”
“Holy fuck, that’s a big ass sword!”
“Duuude, look how Vince is holding it like it’s his penis.”
“Nah, that blade is waaaay bigger than his tiny dick, man.”
“I- I’m confused… aaaahh, which way was the bathroom? Oh fuck it. Forget it, Imma just go over here.”
“Oh no,” Mick groaned, making a face. “They’re back.”
“Hell yeah! Can’t fuckin’ go and invite the whole kingdom to a huge ass mother fuckin’ party and not invite us! Just cause we’re on the Steel Pantherian moon doesn’t mean you get to skip out on our invite, cuz!” Michael shouted, bounding straight up to the throne. He seemed unaware of Vince’s reddening face of anger and embarrassment. Or he just didn’t care. “Oooh! Sweet! We’re cool with the Sphynx people? Awesome! Cause I need to go there to tan. See, I’m getting a bit pale and–”
“What are you doin’ here, you fucker!?” Vince growled, trying to keep his cool during his important alliance set up. “I banished you fifteen times!”
“….And?” Michael giggled, then caught sight of the lovely warrior beside them. “Oooooh~ Hello, baby~ Hey, hey, don’t get with this bratty prince, c'mon and hang out with a duke and his boys, honey. I got a real swollen member, and I really need to cum in an ass tonight~”
The olive skinned warrior scoffed, then snatched the sword straight from the prince’s hands. “Master Radames will hear of this behavior and this- this vulgar offering. He had thought you Anarkians had matured after assisting the KISSterians in battle so many times.”
“N- No! Th- This fool is not affiliated with us!”
Nikki growled, nodding in agreement with Vince. “These bastards are just a buncha crossbred, inbred fucks! C'mon! You can’t just–”
“There is a certain level of respect that we expect during such ceremonial events, and this,” Asim motioned to the long hair blonde taking a piss behind a potted plant. “This is not something I can allow to happen on my first mission of alliance.” She shook her head, signaling to the rest of her troupe to pack up and head out.
“Hey, hey,” Michael said, grabbed the warrior’s wrist. “Listen, please. I’m sorry… I guess I messed up… Lemme restart, c'mon, how about I make it up to you and my cousin by offering to let you both blow me. You don’t even gotta worry about the rest of the band. Trust me, compared to the rest of the guys, I’m less likely to cheat, too, if you wanna meet up a second time and make it a thing.”
Rolling her eyes, she pushed him away harshly. “My master will certainly hear about all of this.”
“Michael, I’m gonna fuckin’ strangle you and banish you to a damn realm without pussy!!” Vince screeched, putting a hand on his cousin’s shoulder.
“Hey, dude, fuck off!” he snapped, “I’m trying to help things!”
“You’re making it worse!” Vince growled, his grip on Michael’s shoulder growing tight.
“Hey, let go of our Michael, you royal fuckwad!” Satchel shouted, darting in from the side, swinging a fist back and punching Vince square in the nose.
The crowd gasped, and the members of the Order of the Golden Pyramid quickly fled before an infamous Anarkian battle broke out right in their palace.
Vince growled at the punch, coming at Satchel angrily. With one quick motion, he slammed the guitarist’s head toward the floor, then felt the hardest hit he’d ever had in the ribs. Stix smirked at him as he gasped, standing there frozen and a little shaken from what had just happened.
Tommy came up from behind and kicked the bulkier drummer to the wall across the throne room. “You fuckin’ assholes!! You ruined everything– again!!”
“Ugh… Fuck you! We just came for fun and a good time!”
“BAD FUCKING TIMING, FUCKERS!” Vince shrieked, recovering, then leaping to try and claw his cousin’s eyes out. Michael laughed, holding his wrists an inch from his pretty face.
“Awww, hey, I missed this!!” he giggled, staring into the blazing pits of hatred of the prince’s gaze. “Jeez, I’m just sorry we didn’t show up sooner!”
“Nah! You’re just gonna banish us again!” Michael smiled at him, “Make it a tiddie beach this time, though, would ya? I get bored just jerking it off to Lexxi’s girly face.”
“D- DID YOU JUST NOT HEAR ME—!?!” Vince shouted, then cut himself off in an angry roar. “AAAAAAAARGHHHH!!!!!”
“I’m too old for this shit…” Mick growled, sinking down in his chair, glaring at Lexxi off to his side. Blue electricity protectively crackled around him as the tall blonde just stared at him like he let a hamster borrow his last brain-cell. “I’m not gonna do a fist fight, you lil’ shit.”
“Nah, I- I’m just… ahh, well… fuck, someone said something about a mirror hall…. yeah, mirrors.”
Mick squinted at him, then jerked his thumb back behind the throne. “Down the hall.”
“Thanks, old dude.”
“Ugh…” Mick rolled his eyes, watching the court explode, then actually explode into fire and flames. “There goes another perfectly good alliance.”
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surveys-r-us · 5 years
it’s 2019 and i still do these
Do you know people with these names? For each name, say if you know someone with that name and how you know them.
Aaron: I know multiple Aaron’s. Two of them are former coworkers. The other one is someone I know of but haven’t really talked to much.  Adam: A jerk face.  Aisha Alanna Alex: Off the top of my mind, I think of someone I matched with on bumble a few months ago.  Alexa Alexandria: A girl from elementary school Allegra Allie: Someone from high school who had a baby.  Allison: A girl from my sorority (that I quit)
Amanda: One of my early college friends who transferred. I don’t even follow her on social media anymore.
Amber Amie Ana: Another girl from my old sorority lol.  Anaïs Andreas Andrew: I know a few.  Angela: A girl I used to play soccer with in middle school.  Angelica Anna: Someone from high school. Think she moved after graduating college.  Annie Ari Ashley: Not the biggest fan of because she gets involved in other people’s business (including mine) but we’ve had some fun memories.  Ashna Audrey Austin: cute guy from my hometown who I talked for like a week senior year of high school Becky Ben: A friend I’ve never actually met in person but we talk every few months.
Berkeley: Someone who studied abroad in Ireland with me. She might’ve spelled it differently.  Beth: One of my first friends in college. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve met. Bobby: Another person from college. He can kinda be a dick.  Bolor Brendan: My friend who plays guitar and sings. Super talented. We bonded over our music tastes being relatively similar.  Bridgid Britney: I think it was spelled Brittany but a girl in the grade below me in high school.  Brooke: My little cousin. Cal Callie Cam Cameron: I had a brief crush on him back in high school.  Camille: One of my old roommates’ close friends. I’ve only talked to her like twice.  Camryn Carmen: A distance cousin.  Caro Caroline: I know like 5 Caroline’s. My old roommate is one of them.  Casilda Cecile Cecily Chanel Chloe: The first person I thought of was a friend’s little sister.  Chris: Super liberal, obsessed with Game of Thrones and listens to Talking Heads Christina: One of my sister’s friends.  Christopher: Someone from high school. I’ve known him since kindergarten.  Claire: One of my best friends.  Claudia Claudine Cole: Was just wondering about him the other day since he deleted all his social media. Wonder what he’s up to. I know he’s a pilot.  Connie Connor: He plays football and writes for our student newspaper.  Courtney: She’s hilarious.  Cyrus Daisy Dakota Dana Danielle: Someone from my high school who also went to my college. She was older than me though. David: This cool guy from the Netherlands I met my last night in Ireland. He was apparently super into me according to my sister. He deleted me on snapchat though so now I don’t know how to communicate with him.  Delilah Diane: My aunt.  Diego Donald Doug: A family friend Duncan Dylan: My best friend’s ex. Pretty sure he got busted for selling drugs lol Eleanor Elijah Elise: My sister Eliza Elizabeth: One of my sister’s friends.  Ella Elle: Another girl from my sorority. She tags her boyfriend in things a lot on facebook. Ellie: Another person from high school. She’s like me and got the fuck out of this town.  Elliot Emerson Emily: Man I know a ton. One that comes to mind is my friend who we can go months without talking and pick things up like no time passed.  Emma: Someone from college who deleted her social media recently. I applaud her for it.  Eric Erika: Erica. Went to middle school with her. She’s had two kids.  Ethan: Dude I knew of in college but never really talked to. Faith: One of my old coworkers. I would see her out at parties and be surprised since she didn’t seem like someone who drank.  Fiona Francesca: Franz George: This short kid who’s sorta friends with one of my old roommates. I had class with him and didn’t even realize it until 3 weeks before the semester ended haha.  Ginny Giselle Grace: My beautiful cousin Graham Hadley Hailey: One of the few people from high school I’d still hang out with. 
Hannah: Wasn't a big fan of her.  Havana Helen Henry: Someone else from high school. He’s super smart.  Hugo Huma Ilana Indra Isabel: One of my favorite coworkers from this past year. Such a sweetheart. However, she can talk too much which was especially annoying at our mandatory meetings at 9 PM (college jobs suck) when I just wanted to go home and go to bed.  Isabella Itza Ivy Izzy: Think there was a girl with that name on my floor freshman year Jackie Jacob: Old neighbor. He got busted buying weed before it was legal here. Not sure what he’s doing now James: My uncle Jamie Jason: A family friend. Actually saw him the other day.  Jennifer: My former aunt.  Jenny: see above Jess: One of my closest friends.  Jhadha Joe: My old manager at work. I miss him. He’s so funny.  John: My music soulmate.  Jonathan: He plays football. He and his girlfriend are super cute together.  Joseph: An asshole.  Joyce J.P. Jude Julia Julie Justin: A distant relative.  Kaan Kai Karina Kat Kate: One of my cousins.  Katherine Kinaya Kira Kristie Lanie Laura: She’s from Hungary. She’s low key insane.  Lauren: Aye that’s me. Also one of my best friends.  Leah: My old supervisor. She’s hilarious. León Lexxi Liberty Lisette Louisa Luca Luis Lynette MacKenzie: Spelled differently but this girl who’s somehow a Trump supporter lol.  Maddie: A really complicated friendship but think we’re good now.  Maggie: Actually one of the funniest people you could meet. She uses tinder just to send stupid messages.  Makena Manlio Margaret Margo Maria: My old roommate.  Marianna Mariely Martha Martin Mayuri McKinley Megan: The person I think of is a friend from college.  Meredith Mia: One of my really close friends.  Michael: My ex boyfriend lol Michelle: One of my oldest friends. I’ve known her since 1st grade.  Mike: This dude who gets insanely drunk at the bars and does stupid things. I don’t know how he hasn’t been arrested.  Minah Miranda: This artsy girl from high school.  Molly: Another old neighbor. She lives in Chicago I think.  Morgan: One of my close high school friends. I don’t really see her often.  Nadia Nancy Natalie: A mutual friend with different people. She studied abroad in Ireland when i did.  Nathan Nathanael Neoma Nichole: She was my camp counselor.  Nico Nikki Noah Noelle: Pretty sure there’s a girl from my hometown with that name.  Octavio Olivia: My locker buddy throughout high school. Would see her every day.  Orion Owen: Went to college with him for a bit. He transferred and then dropped out. No idea what he’s been up to. He’s really into theatre.  Paige: My little cousin Pam Pat Patrick: My old high school crush. He unfollowed me on instagram a few months ago which sucks because we were actually decently close friends at one point.  Paul: A family friend.  Paula Pauline Peter: I definitely know a Peter but can’t think of one.  Phoebe Phong Price Quinn Rachel: Another person from high school I’d actually still hang out with.  Rai Railey Raquel Ray Rayne Rebecca: Known her since 2nd grade.  Rebkah Regina Reilly Remy Ren Rhianna Robert: My friend’s brother.  Rohini Roither Rose Ruby Ruilin Sabrina Sakura Salim Sally Sam: This super buff guy from high school. Literally could be a bodybuilder for all I care. Sapna Sarah: This really religious girl I went to high school with. I don’t think she ever left our hometown.  Savanah Sebastian Shani Shannon: One of my good friends from middle school. I haven’t seen her in years.  Siena Snigdha Sofia Sophie Soren Spencer: Think a guy from my high school has a younger brother with this name.  Summers Sydney: She just got married and had like a two week honeymoon at Disney. Taran Taylor: Talked to one for like two weeks. His current girlfriend hates me but we kinda mutually ended things so I don’t get why.  Tessa: One of the nicest people from the nicest family in my entire town. Thea Theo Theresa: I’ve met a couple in college.  Tim: My uncle Tom: I’m not really a fan of him. He likes to show up to things uninvited. Tori Ural Victoria: Someone from my floor freshman year. She’s vegan and is getting married in like a month. I can’t wait to see her wedding photos. Her dress will probably be really beautiful.  Viviane Walter Will: Some kid from elementary school Willa William Yujin Yuta Zac Zoe Which names do you prefer?
Alice or Allana? Alice Allie or Andie? Andie Alexandra or Anastasia? Alexandra Anna or Angela? Anna Annie or Angelica? Angelica Ana or Ashna? Ana Audrey or Ashley? Audrey Ansel or Annika? Ansel Brooke or Britney? Brooke Berkeley or Bella? Bella Bo Chao or Beatrix? Beatrix Camille or Camryn? Camryn Cristina or Casilda? Cristina Chloe or Courtney? Courtney Charlotte or Carol? Charlotte Cleo or Chanel? Chanel Davin or Dillon? Dillon Delilah or Dutra? Delilah Erin or Elina? Erin Emin or Emerson? Emerson Emily or Emma? Emma Erika or Estelle? Estelle Faith or Frannie? Faith Fernanda or Francesca? Francesca Georgina or Gracie? Gracie Gabriela or Gina? Gina Hailey or Hannah? Hailey Hadley or Havana? Hadley Indra or Isabel? Isabel Indiana or Ivy? Indiana Jenny or Jessie? Jessie Julia or Joyce? Joyce Jasmine or Jackie? Jasmine Jamie or Jennifer? Jamie Kimia or Karina? Karina Katerina or Kate? Kate Kira or Kristie? Kira Lia or Lily? Lia Lauren or Lynette? Lauren Liberty or Leila? Liberty Margaret or Martha? Martha Michelle or Mackenzie? Michelle Mia or Michaela? Mia Morgan or Maddie? Morgan Maya or Mayuri? Maya Megan or Makena? Makena McKinley or Margo? Margo Nikki or Natalie? Natalie Nadia or Nancy? Nancy Nicole or Olivia? Olivia Rachel or Rebecca? Rachel Remi or Rosie? Remi Ruby or Reine? Ruby Ren or Sakura? Sakura Sapna or Snigdha? Sapna Sally or Stella? Sally Sophie or Sydney? Sophie Sophia or Solana? Sophia Skye or Sierra? Sierra Serena or Savanah? Savannah Sarah or Sabrina? Sabrina Tara or Taylor? Tara Vittoria or Yahs? Vittoria Yoonju or Yukine? Yukine Aidan or Austin? Austin Alan or Andrew? Alan Aldo or Alexx? Alexx Ben or Brian? Ben Billy or Brodie? Brodie Corey or Carlos? Carlos Coleman or Connor? Connor David or Dylan? David Eli or Eric? Eric Franz or Fernando? Franz Gabe or Graham? Gabe Holden or Hudson? Hudson Jacob or Justin? Justin Jack or JP? Jack Jimmy or Jared? Jared James or John? John Karm or Kian? Kian Lou or Lenny? Lenny Michael or Mickey? Michael Nick or Nathan? Nick Peter or Pierson? Peter Rai or Rafael? Rafael Sanjay or Supawat? Sanjay Will or Wynn? Will Zachary or Zack? Zack
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indiepulserocks · 3 years
Lexxi Raine (If Avril wrote T. Swift's love songs)
Lexxi Raine is a singer-songwriter from Buffalo, NY, who has always been passionate about music. She formed her first band at the age of 16 through Craigslist in 2012 and has remained in the music industry ever since. In 2015, her original band, Avidd the Band, released their first professionally recorded album, Avidd the Album, along with her first music video to the hit single, "The Sappy Song". In 2016, Lexxi Raine decided to start a solo side project to keep her songwriting thriving through multiple band member changes. She released her first solo EP, MOXIE in 2017 along with a music video to the single, "Stop!". Since MOXIE hit the charts, Lexxi has been tirelessly working on new music among the stressful time of graduating college top of her class in Forensic Chemistry and starting her career.
Fun While It Lasted is her proudest achievement. Every song was chosen to show a different facet of love: whether it's giving up on love altogether and loving yourself, using someone to get over lost love, reconnecting with someone you were always supposed to love, pleading to not give up on love, loving someone so much that you lose yourself along the way, being hopeful for the chance at new love, and being angry because someone is trying to ruin the precious love you have. Lexxi Raine has taken her music onto every social media platform with weekly YouTube videos, daily Facebook posts, Instagram photos, Twitter, tracks on Soundcloud, tiers on Patreon, and her own personal website at Lexxiraine.com. She released her most professional music video on March 23rd, 2019, "What The Lonely People Do", which shows the loneliest and deepest inner emotions of Lexxi Raine, directed by Jordan Lee Sims. This is her proudest creation yet and she is so excited for the world to see this video and share the same feelings of using someone in the hopes it will make yourself feel better.
There are so many ways to love someone, and that's the point of her second EP, Fun While It lasted. The artwork of the album represents cynicism and how the bitter reality of this world can damage something that used to be pure. An ice cream cone, once delicious and appealing, can be ruined in an instant with the wrong touch. Loving someone can start with passion, beauty, hope, and can end in the blink of an eye, making you question why it even started. The most important thing to remember is that everything in life, especially love, is fun while it lasts.
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fddarchive · 4 years
It's Just A Lil' DigiLove By Icelemon
It's Just A Lil' DigiLove By Icelemon
From Cunomon’s Crushes Page Five
The wind howled, the lake rumbled, the bushes swished in the breeze. Night had fallen over the Digiworld and as Digimon slept to there fullest, two figures were tarnishing the digi-floor.
"Run, damn it!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Hey!!!! Don’t get smart!!!!!" a blue-looking bunny-dragon Digimon remarked, running beside her partner.
"What is that thing ICELEMON!!!!!!!!"
"Crystal, this isn’t the time!!!!!" the blue bunny-dragon hissed.
"Oh, yes there is. That Digimon swallowed up my Digimon and I want them back!!!!!!!" Crystal yelled, looking back. Suddenly Crystal tripped over a tree stump and fell face first to the ground. "Ahhhhh! My ANKLE!!!!!!!!!!!" Crystal yelled.
Icelemon stopped in her tracks and ran to Crystal’s aid.
"Oh no!!! Crystal!" Icelemon shouted, grieving for her friend. She turned her gaze towards the rumbling trees. "It is here. . . ." Icelemon said, looking on.
Suddenly the Digimon they were running from came out of hiding. Charging through the bushes, destroying the trees as he came, he bellowed out his laughter.
"Icelemon, who is that?" Crystal said weakly, holding her leg as it bled with pain.
"That’s Rhindramon, an Ultimate-level Digimon, sent only to destroy. His Sonic Crush isn’t as bad as his most dangerous attack, Critical Horn Destruction," Icelemon mumbled under her breath.
"Digi-Destined must be destroyed!!!!!!" Rhidramon bellowed, his eyes gleaming blood-red as began charging towards them.
"CRYSTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Icelemon pushed Crystal out of the way. Crystal fell down the hillside and watched as a gust of smoke became visible, making it hard to see what was going on. Soon, the smoke cleared, and there, there was ZENMON, trying to hold back Rhidramon from reaching Crystal.
"Zenmon!!!!!!!!! She digi-volved!!!!!" Crystal yelled, trying to get up. She noticed that behind her was not only a ravine, but a cliff. "Hmmmmm, if Zenmon drove him towards the cliff we won’t have to worry about him any more. Zenmon, the cliff!!!!!!!!!!"
Zenmon smiled at the thought. "YIN TYPHOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zenmon shouted. A powerful whirl of water went towards Rhidramon. The attack stunned him for a while, leaving him open to Zenmon. "Ice Shard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zenmon shouted another blast towards the paralyzed Digimon. It hit, head on!!!! Rhidramon was knocked down the ravine, heading towards Crystal. "Oh-No, Crystal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
There Crystal lied on the ground, covered in rubble. There lay next to her, Zenmon, horribly beaten! Rhidramon got up slowly and turned his direction towards them.
"Zenmon, get up! He’s coming towards us, Zenmon, ZENMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Crystal screamed to the top of her lungs. Then, Zenmon opened her eyes slowly as Rhidramon shot a blast at the both of them.
"SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rhidramon shouted at them. The blast hurled towards them as Crystal quickly closed her eyes in horror.........
There, Crystal, still with closed eyes, huddled in a ball, opened her eyes slowly. Right there was Zenmon, standing on her feet, barely. She took the blast and was too weak to go on. Zenmon returned to her Rookie level and laid on the ground.
Crystal, who was still in pain, picked her up and looked at Rhidramon. Evil. "This monster has took’n my Digimon away from me.... Heeromon... Keianmon..... Keiromon............." Crystal felt a warm tear fall down her cheek. "Now Icelemon falls to the mercy of Rhidramon, shall she be taken away too, to a place unknown to anyone......."
"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, time to finish this!!!!!!!!!" Rhidramon roared. "Critical Horn Destruction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The sky, already an aqua blue, turned black! Thunder struck as the powerful blast headed for both Crystal and Icelemon.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Crystal and Icelemon were surround by Darkness. Silence. Death……
Crystal and Icelemon were hurling off the cliff. With the last bit of energy Crystal had, she grabbed onto the edge. Crystal couldn't hold on for long, her grip was slipping. Rhidramon stomped towards and bellowed. "MWAHAHAHA!!!!!! One less Digi-Destined!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rhidramon began another blast.
Crystal looked on with horror. She closed her eyes and cried. "Nooooo!!!!!"
Rhidramon shout out the blast. "NNNAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"
"Thunder Charge!!!!!"
"Star Shooter!!!!!!"
The blast disintegrated and there stood Beanamon and Sartomon (Cunomon’s Champion). "Alright that was good . . . but not great!!!" A familiar black-haired girl came jumping down the hill.
"Our main target is Rhidramon!!!" another girl said, jumping down the hill, this time with baby blue hair.
"Lexx . . . Neommi!?" Crystal said, amazed. She climbed up the cliff while Rhidramon’s gaze was diverted towards Lexx and Neommi.
"More Digi-Destined . . . to be destroyed!!!!!!!" Rhidramon yelled, charging towards the two.
Lexx and Neommi both jumped to the side while Sartomon tackled Rhidramon head-on. Both mighty forces were at a standstill, but Rhidramon had the upper advantage. Knocked to the ground, Sartomon had hardly no energy after that. Rhidramon was about to deliver the final blow when Beanamon stepped in front of him.
"HA...a lil’ bunny is there last defense!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!" Rhidramon bellowed at the thought.
"No, this lil’ bunny will make a difference.....DIGIVOLVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Neommi yelled, holding up her D3.
"Beanamon digi-volve too......Paprikamon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Now, I guess it’s even. Ultimate versus Ultimate!!!!" Neommi yelled. "But it seems we have the advantage now. Agility, cunning, and power."
"ARRRRR!!!!!! Sonic Cru—"
"Quantnium Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The most extreme power of Paprikamon. This ultimate power was known to destroy a vast number of Digimon in a single row. The blast hit. A light shown down, illuminating the darkness. In a few seconds . . . Rhidramon was gone.................
* * *
"That was a Control Spire Digimon!!!" Crystal said in shock.
"Yep, Arukenimon’s creation...." Lexx said angrily.
"She’s try’n to seize hold of the Digiworld." Neommi said, playing around with Icelemon, Cunomon, and Beanamon.
"But it doesn’t make sence. Why would she wanna take Heeromon, Keinamon, and Keiromon?" Crystal said.
"Hmmm, we must discuss these matters alone." Lexx said, looking at the Digimon. "Neommi!" Lexx said, waving her arm and gave her a nod.
"Okay, Digimon go play, we need to talk." Neommi said, pointing over to a nearby rock. The Digimon ran off as Neommi joined Lexx and Crystal.
Beanamon was the first one who made it to the rock, Cunomon came next, and finally Icelemon who was admiring the view of the beach at night. "Hmmmm." Icelemon turned her gaze towards Cunomon who was jumping off the rock while Beanamon laid against it. "Cunomon....a dragon, yet so many crushes that follow... But he is cute....and he’s all mine, only because the digigirls that like him are asleep by now and I know Beanamon doesn't have a crush on him....thery’re just good friends." Icelemon gazed at the Digimon dragon.
"Hey!!!! ICELEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Beanamon yelled, running towards her.
Beanamon noticed that Icelelmon was starring at Cunomon. "Mmmm, Icelemon’s got an advantage. In love with Cuno, and no fan-digi-girl’s around, very smooth," Beanamon said chuckling.
"Wha...a..." Icelemon said, blushing.
"Don’t worry...You get to know each other. I’ll go exploring...Have fun. And tell me what happens." Beanamon said, running down the beach.
"Hey?? Where ya goin’?!" Cunomon said, about to run after her.
"I’ll come too!!" Cunomon said. jumping off the rock.
"No!!!! You stay with Icelemon, I gotta go visit someone!!!"
"Ummmm okay!!" Cunomon shouted back. With that Beanamon was gone.
Cunomon turned his gaze to a blushing Icelemon. Cunomon began to blush too. Her blue fur looks so beautiful in the moon light....
He's starring at me!!!! Does this mean he likes me too... Icelemon thought, shocked.
"So....." Cunomon said.
"So...." Icelemon repeated. Both stared into each others eyes. Cunomon, his beautiful honey-gold eyes.....so gentle, Icelemon thought, about to fall down and faint.
Cunomon came to her aid and gently held her up.
Thanks," Icelemon whispered.
Cunomon was silent, gazing into Icelemon’s eyes. Before they knew it their lips met and both settled in for a passionate kiss. Icelemon was embraced in warmth. The pain, the suffering, the lose, all was going away.....and she knew that she and Cuno were destined to be together.......
A giggle came from not too far. "That’s so sweet, Lexxy, your Digi is in love with Crystal’s," Neommi laughed. "They make such a cute couple.." Neommi said, smiling.
"Please focus," Lexx said, "And call me Lexx."
"Okay, Lexxy!!" Neommi smiled.
Crystal wasn’t paying attention. She stayed focused on how her Digimon were abducted. All except Icelemon was spared.... "Hmmm."
"Okay, the mission is clear. We must find the remaining Digimon of Crystal’s, and then fight Arukenimon!!!!!!!!" Lexx yelled.
"Okies," Neommi said with a smile.
"Yeah, we must find ‘um," Crystal joined in. The moon gleamed as the three Digi-Destined turned towards the sea and gazed at it, knowing their new goal was to stop Arukenimon and save the three Digimon.
Icelemon and Cunomon lay next to each other on that rock. Icelemon smiled at
Cunomon, Cunomon smiled back. Cunomon kissed Icelemon again and Icelemon cuddled up next to him.
Now their world was turned upside down. No worries. Cuno and Icele would protect their Digi-Destined no matter how dangerous, and both will protect each other for both of them found their true love........
The End...........or maybe not???
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tg--z · 5 years
Felix Lee - Iywata by Planet Mu Records Felix Lee - Inna Daze out now https://ift.tt/2m8r31o Felix Lee has created a world for his debut album “Inna Daze“, a kind of post-human environment where the sun never really rises and everything is lit with a burnt out glow. These are survival ballads for the near future, whose vocals, mutated to fit into this setting, drift in a haze of dissociation. Musically, at first glance, it's sparse and minimal but with continued immersion, subtle iridescent-light shadows shimmer around grainy colour, sub bass rises through kicks and snares retooled from their surroundings, not so much refixed as decaying.   Felix has been here before in his incarnation as Lexxi, making his debut appearance on Total Freedom’s 2012 “Blasting Voice“ compilation, and as a co-producer on Elysia Crampton's “Demon City“ album. He then went on to release his first instrumental EP “5TARB01” in 2016 on his own imprint Endless. He also runs an NTS show of the same name, along with previously holding raves, cross pollinating and interacting with the vanguard of the electronic underground. The punky crunch of those earlier releases is reflected in tracks like “Smoke” made with long time collaborator and southside resident Kamixlo. These club moments inevitably give way to the vocals, conveying a feeling of loss and renewal. Intended to exist both inside and outside the club, it's an electronic music that at times feels like a skeletal take on shoegaze, solidifying that feeling with the intense rising synths of the album closer “Slow Decay“.   Inna Daze's features include Drain Gang members Ecco2k and Whitearmor, Yayoyanoh, Quantum Natives' Oxhy, and Gaika, as well as Felix making his debut as a vocalist, his voice filtered through effects to give it a slippery, steam-like texture, echoing around the songs, giving them a second skin of sensed abstraction.   One of the most thoughtful and interesting debuts of 2019, “Inna Daze“ beckons the listener into its simultaneously toxic and beautiful sound-world. Keeping enough distance to provoke more questions than answers, the album unfolds in a different way on every listen.
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umusicians · 7 years
UM Afrobeats Playlist: UK Afrobeats Artists
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The United Kingdom has been regarded as the “it” place when it comes to it’s Afrobeats scene. With artists such as Fuse ODG, Mista Silva and Kwamz & Flava noted as pioneers of the scene, these individuals have laid out the foundation for the scene. Constantly releasing material not only influenced by their cultural backgrounds (Ghana and Nigeria), but from the UK itself. Thus, through this combination the UK has been able to hang onto something of it’s own.
Capital Xtra’s resident Afrobeats DJ Abrantee reckons 2016 is seeing a shift in homegrown talent. “With the UK, the artists are trying to create a whole scene by themselves now...you’ve got the UK Afrobeats artists who are sounding authentic, they’re saying, ‘yeah, we’re from Nigeria or Ghana or wherever, but we’re also from the UK and we’ve got our own scene”.
Amandah Opoku and Shade Alegbeleye have put together a playlist composed of some of their favorite UK Afrobeats artists at the moment. Check it out below!
Don E -“You Alright Yh?” Have you heard of Don E? Well you are late because Beyoncé has jumped on that ship, featuring the UK Grime artist track “You Alright Yh?” on a March 18th Instagram Video post.
 Reminiscent of the structure of Kwamz & Flava’s “All Types of Bread”, ‘You Alright Yeah” is both a supercharged afrobeat and rap inspired anthem. Don-E teams up once again with production powerhouse, Dr Vades for “You Alright Yeah?”. Taking inspiration from his peers, Don-E offers up this super charge, afro-rap monster that is destined to spawn the next dance craze on the streets, thanks to it’s sing-a-long hook and unforgettable ad-libs. Don-E sings, “You alright yeah? How’s your mum, she good yeah?” Check out Don-E now, as he’s sure to be hitting the mainstream after the all praise from Queen Bee. By: Amandah Opoku
Eugy -“Don Corleone” UK's Eugy is a rapper you should keep your eye on. Ghana Music Awards UK definitely thinks so as he picked up the ‘Newcomer of the Year’ award. Eugy has successfully released hit after hit including 2016's "Dance For Me" featuring Mr Eazi which I dubbed the song of the Summer. With over 20 million views between the dance and official video for “Dance For Me”, the world is taking notes. Taking after Ghana’s rap king, Sarkodie, Eugy has been able to perfect the art of rapping in Twi and English, switching between the two languages with such ease. His latest effort, "Don Corleone" takes it’s name from Mario Puzo’s novel ‘The Godfather’. Within these novels, Don Corleone is the founder and boss of the Corleone crime family. He is the most powerful Mafia family in New York City.  On the Mikespro produced track, Eugy is found spitting bars on his “throne” decked in traditional Ghanaian attire -showing the world how rich is heritage is. By: Amandah Opoku
Jaij Hollands x Sona -“Coming Home” UK based Ghanaian Afrobeats artist, Jaij Hollands has cultivated a sound of his own. Jaij Hollands has been able to create a sound to unique to him -standing out amongst all the artists around him. 
 Released late 2016, Jaij Hollands recruits Afrobeats artist Sona for one of my favourite songs “Coming Home”. "Coming Home" is one of songs that really pulls at your heart. This is evident as Sona sings in the chorus “Love me today, oh…You'll be my personal person". 
 A song about love, a song where Jaij Hollands pleads with his significant other to not play with his heart and the feelings he's developed. Because, he'll be coming home soon and they can be together again. 
 For anyone who's missing someone, "Coming Home" is the song you need. By: Amandah Opoku
Juls and L.A.X - “Give You Love” If you are getting engaged or married this year, then “Give You Love” needs to high up on your wedding playlist. A classic African love story from UK based Ghanaian DJ and producer Juls and Starboy signee L.A.X, “Give You Love” is a beautiful love song which perfectly captures and expresses the love that a man has for his special queen. The Kemist Gold directed visuals also does a fantastic job of bringing the song to life and creating a short African story. A special dedication to Juls other half, “Give You Love” is perfect for the upcoming wedding season. By: Shade Alegbeleye
Kwamz & Flava -“Takeover” Released at the start of 2016, Kwamz & Flava hit song “Takeover” was one of the biggest songs to come out of the Afrobeats scene in the UK last year. With over 3 million views on Youtube before the official video was released and a viral dance success on social media, “Takeover” has gone from strength to strength. A feel good track, which makes you want to get up and dance, the visuals will also have you learning some new dance moves at it perfectly blends a mixture of African and Hip dance styles to create an Afro-fusion style. If you have not added it already then “Takeover” definitely needs to be on your playlist. Signed to Black Butter in August, Kwamz & Flava headlined their first ever sold out concert at the end of last year which received amazing reviews. Be sure to watch out for these guys this year. By: Shade Alegbeleye
Maleek Berry (ft. Geko) - “Eko Miami” Following the success of  summer anthem "Kontrolla”, Maleek Berry started 2017 by releasing the visuals to his single "Eko Miami" featuring UK artist Geko which is taken off his debut EP, Last Daze of Summer. My favourite track on the EP, "Eko Miami" has that cool vibe that makes you want to sing along and also shake a leg or two. As usual Maleek Berry doesn’t fail to disappoint with the colourful and artistic visuals that will keep you entertained and engaged and we expect nothing less from Mr Berry. Maleek Berry has just finished a successful Last Daze of Summer tour in the US and also performed at the annual SXSW music festival in Texas alongside Moelogo, Mr Eazi and more. By: Shade Alegbeleye
Mista Silva -“Murda” British-Ghanaian singer Mista Silva has been making strides in London. Silva, is regarded as  the pioneer and of one of the most important scenes in inner-city London right now in Afrobeats. From signing to Polydor in 2014 with the release of his EP ‘Let It Off’, the first unsigned artist to be music playlisted by BBC 1Xtra, to present day where Mista Silva is collaborating with other artists and releasing new music…Silva is constantly making waves. Following hits such as “Like It” ft. A.I.M, “Mafia” featuring Deborah Rose, he is back with “Murda”.  The track contains a laid back relaxed vibe compared to earlier releases. Switching from twi and, broken and english Silva delivers on the track. In an email interview with FADER, Mista Silva stated that “‘Murda”’means proving the stereotypes wrong! Growing up as a Black African in London, we’ve always been painted with negativity, so this record is about good vibes and shining above the negative energy placed upon me and my people!” By: Amandah Opoku
Moelogo  ft Adekunle Gold - “Rora Se” One of my favourite UK based African artists; Moelogo has shown nothing but growth over the last couple of years. After being nominated for a MOBO (Music of Black Origin) for the 2nd year running last year October, Moelogo released a brand new single titled “Rora Se” featuring Adekunle Gold. An uplifting, beautiful and glorious collaboration between the two artists, “Rora Se” is backed by lush acoustic guitar arrangements and an infectious drum pattern. Another classic from Moelogo, “Rora Se” is a perfect song to end the successful year that Moelogo had last year and 2017 looks set to be no different as Moelogo was rewarded £250k in funding at the start of the year from the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) which will be used to help to grow and expand Moelogo’s brand internationally. We look forward to what Moelogo is set to do this year. By: Shade Alegbeleye 
Silvastone (ft. Ike Chuks) -“Incredible” UK based Silvastone, is a fast-rising London-based African artist/producer. 
 Like his peer Maleek Berry, Silvastone began producing for other artists before taking a break to develop himself as an artist resulting in his debut single release in 2014. He is renowned for his signature blend of entertwining his West African heritage with his South-London upbringing. Silvastone’s sound is referred to as a creative hybrid of African beats, UK sounds and Global melodies. 
 His latest single, is the self-produced “Incredible” which is featured on his EP ‘Levels’ released earlier this month. Silvastone recruits Ike Chuks on his upbeat tempo song which is described as “packed with vibrant energy to the brim” By: Amandah Opoku
Sona -“Story” Following a break from the music scene, British born Nigerian artist Sona made a comeback late last year ready to take over from where he left off. Ending 2016 with a massive track titled “Hurt Nobody” featuring UK rapper Sneakbo, Sona kicked off 2017, with a brand new single titled "Story". If you know Sona’s story, you will understand the passion and emotive that went into this Lexxy Flow produced song as Sona he narrates his journey thus far in both his local dialect Yoruba and English. Ready to take over the scene, Sona is definitely one to watch out for this year as he prepares to release a lot more material. If you have not heard of Sona before check out his previous hit singles such as; “Ijo Sona” and “No Wahala” you will not be disappointed. By: Shade Alegbeleye
What other UK Afrobeats artists are you listening to? Tweet us @UMusicians and let us know!
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