#the fiends
undeadcourier · 10 months
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some assorted raider art/tags - first four are from the fiends in vault 3, last two are in oscar velasco's cave above bitter springs, iirc
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Les Diaboliques ("The Devils" or "The Fiends")
1954. Psychological Horror
By Henri-Georges Clouzot
Starring: Simone Signoret, Véra Clouzot, Paul Meurisse, Charles Vanel, Pierre Larquey, Michel Serrault, Jean Brochard, Noël Roquevert, Georges Chamarat, Thérèse Dorny...
Country: France
Language: French
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blu-art · 1 year
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And when you see these three, it's probably best to steer clear.
The son of a Mafia Don of course has their own henchmen aka two best friends. Ace already got their intro so let's introduce their right and left hands, their ride or dies-
This group is affectionately known as The Fiends because that's exactly what they are to society.
R1-N0 aka Rhino (top right) (she/her) [Android-esque Alien]: Where brains meet absolutely unhinged behavior. Not many can keep her in check, so the few that can earn her respect. (She and Ace fight/clown each other all the time, there's no respect when they're clocked out lol.) Note: She does wear a hearing aid - when I figure out her actual alien design, you'll understand why.
Charlie (bottom right) (they/she/he) [Best described as a Gargoyle-esque Alien]: They're the large and quiet alien that mellows out the group. Problem is, they don't actually stop the trouble so much as just accepts it and is along for the ride. Charlie is a pack alien and doesn't really care for much besides their back and consequentially that means sometimes they have to play human. Note: Yes they can see. Most people that see their eyes don't last that long. What does that mean?? Who knows!
I'm still designing their alien forms but! These three are bound to be seen together on this page again so you'll learn all about them too.
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bellonathedragonborn · 9 months
I’m in Vault 3 right now and I was able to convince the guard to let me in thinking I was a drug runner. Anyway I killed Motor Runner and I’m walking around and I hear two Fiends talking about how someone killed him.
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beaft · 10 months
theft!! crime!!!!
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platypu · 1 year
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peridyke · 4 months
my standard for future lesbian media is kinda set by the chainsaw man dyke with four demon girlfriends who she has on screen sex with
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tagerrkix · 5 months
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Eden was their ✨disney princess era✨
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gleafer · 5 months
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I’m working on a new comic for my Patreon/Gleafer (several, actually, so jump on in, the water is fiiiiine) and I’m STOKED about this era!
“A King and His Castle”
Alternate universe that initially starts canon and then swerved sharply off course into a chased-by-demons-in-a-cemetery hellscape and a laudanum fueled demon babbling confessions and curses the whole time.
Weekly updates starting end of the month!
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kotdish · 2 months
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Ms paint
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undeadcourier · 11 months
So where was the Red Hands raiding territory? And how did they interact with the Fiends, Khans, Vipers and Jackals?
For some background: Cal is from San Antonio, Texas, originally. I imagine sea levels would rise along the coastal prairies, possibly submerging Houston (or parts of it—city on stilts kinda thing), and Cal spent his youth as a pirate in the gulf and raiding along the gulf coastal plains following the I35 and I10. He'd meet Jovita, and they'd strike out on their own, establishing the Red Hands as they moved west, following the I10 to El Paso. They'd raid smaller settlements and caravans or do some brahmin rustling on drives closer to major cities where the markets would be.
As the gang grew and as they approached/entered Legion territory, their notoriety swelled since raiding (well, from non-legionnaires, anyway) was virtually unheard of in Caesar's Empire, and they were obliged to push west into the Mojave where pickings were easier. They raided in the northwest San Bernardino county area until Lanius caught up with them, and we know how that went....
After Lanius, Cal intends to rebuild the gang and recruits any Jackals, Vipers, and Powder Gangers who are willing to join him. He learns about the Platinum Chip from some of his contacts in Vegas and sees it as an opportunity to gain a foothold in the north, in Fiend territory.
I had the idea of him usurping the position & taking the base of another raider leader around Vegas, and originally was going to have that be another oc gang, but Motor-Runner/Vault 3 fit in nicely with what I had in mind. Haven't worked out all the details yet, but basically, Motor-Runner dies, and any Fiends willing to accept the change in management can join the Red Hands.
Once he deals with Benny and discovers the true value of the Chip, Cal himself uses the Lucky 38 as a secondary base with the Red Hands operating out of Vault 3.
Cal would want to work with the Khans as well, and since the Red Hands don't involve themselves in any significant capacity in the chem trade, they won't end up stepping on each other's toes too much. Cal convinces Papa Khan to ally with him rather than the Legion, and post Hoover Dam, they can send the NCR packing.
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ivysangel · 5 months
Waking up with Jason's arms wrapped around you, feeling him breathe into your hair, letting out the occasional snore. His hand is under you, pressed into your side, and you feel him squeeze the flesh of your waist to make sure you're still there, a habit he developed when things started getting serious, constantly searching for you, even in his sleep. He squeezes a little tighter, his breath suddenly quickening at an alarming rate. You try to turn to face him, fear settling in your stomach, wondering if something was plaguing him in his dreams again.
When you shift ever so slightly, you feel the other arm lying over you tighten, pulling you flush against his body. A chill runs down your spine as you feel him exhale a particularly strangled breath, and you force yourself out of his grip, sitting up to get a better look at the man next to you. His eyebrows furrowed, hair flat on one side of his head from laying in one position the entire night. One of his hands reaches out to your pillow, searching for you in your sudden absence, and when it's met with nothing, Jason jolts upright. He turns his head frantically, blurred vision searching for something, for someone, for you.
His shoulders drop in relief when he finally stops long enough to notice you barely a foot away from him. You watch his chest rise and fall as he tries to calm his breathing, and you're not sure which thing caused it, the nightmare or the fear that you had left him. "What are you doing up?" he asks, voice laced with sleep. "You were having a nightmare," you say quietly, sliding a little closer to him and settling back into your spot on the bed. "I was just trying to make sure you were okay." confusion is etched across his face like the concept of him having a nightmare was foreign, and you develop an equally confused expression upon seeing his own. His face drops suddenly, and he clears his throat, "Right, a nightmare." he shifts beneath the covers, seemingly uncomfortable. "I'm all good. Just go back to sleep, okay?" he sends a reassuring smile your way, his attempt at trying to make you forget this whole debacle and coax you back to sleep, but it was too late; you were already wide awake.
"Was it him again?" your hand finds the scarred expanse of his back, lightly grazing your fingers against old wounds and trying to ease his angst; his body tenses at your touch, and a groan leaves his lips. "it wasn't-" he pauses, running his hands through his hair and sighing. "it wasn't him again. It wasn't even..." he trails off, turning away from you and sliding off the bed. "wasn't even what?" You ask, more confused than ever, watching as he lifts his arms above his head, back muscles flexing while he stretches before crossing his arms. He just stands there, back towards you, and all you can do is sit in silence while he seemingly contemplates something. "It wasn't what, Jason?" you ask one more time. He turns his head slightly to look at you only for a second and lowers his eyes when he sees you in the same spot you've been this whole time. "It wasn't a nightmare," he says, turning around to face you, this time allowing you to see his whole body.
His face is flushed a bit out of embarrassment, and your confusion starts to reach its peak. That is until you do a once-over of him and notice the patch of dark gray on his otherwise light sweatpants. Your mouth gapes a bit, and all you can manage is a quiet "Oh." his eyes find the same spot on his pants, a tent growing beneath the soft cotton. "Yeah. Oh."
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blu-art · 1 year
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Rhi has to deal with her boss/friend being outta pocket. She also strictly refers to Talia as "the Doll".
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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horror sub-genres: science-fiction
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willabee · 3 months
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ferocious beast spotted!!!!
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eliotbaum · 3 months
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more CoS Kasper doodles out of context
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