#the default is like slightly short type a and slightly tall type b but if u want u can be the shortest little guy or the tallest lady ever
bmpmp3 · 7 months
some fashion dreamer adventures from playing too much in the past two days :) (MY USER ID IS LGXwM6wQk5 FEEL FREE TO request stuff or whatever u do in this game i forgor) :
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(ignore shocked shane this aint about him) made my OC dave as my first muse so i am kinda playing hard mode with the type b body situation but im like. determined now. im gonna make the flashiest and cutest and over the top outfits i can muster with the scraps theyve given the the type b (jk jk its not TOO bad its the best we've gotten so far but I do wish i could wear shorter shorts and crop tops and some of those type a socks are so cute i saw some that were like bandage thigh highs. dave should be allowed to wear thigh highs. dave should be allowed to wear thigh highs)
still having a lot of fun tho! sometime i should get around to making a type a muse but most people i meet are type a so i never run out of people to dress either way LOL
like most people i have things i hope they add in the future (like i said before, the lack of zoom is DIRE) and right now some of the currencies and levelling systems feel a little unbalanced (i have so many of the star things and bingo things and a decent amount of gacha things but the photo prop coins are my most coveted thing rn i have like 1 single one JKDLSJFDS) but im enjoying myself a lot like i knew i would
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was trying to take a pic of this other player's muse that had this really neat witch situation but i accidentally made dave dab and got really scared <3
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in the end we must all go to the photo egg. in the end we all go into the photo egg. the universality of the photo egg.
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kinda wacky from daylight savings time changes i always get wacky i dont know what year or time it is. i spent twenty minutes scouring the ACT cocoon for the showroom stream 'cause i couldnt find it until i accidentally went into this like. basement alley. its in the basement alley <3 <3 <3
i guess we dont just go into the egg. we also. go into the. cocoons. the cocoons. in eve? cocoons in eve have. eggs in them
anyway i just unlocked cocoon FUN and its so awesome and scary and so so scary look at this bear
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free this bear somebody please free this bear ignore dave posing free this bear cocoon fun has bears behind bars and gazebos that raise you into heaven its so scary and awesome
going back to the photo props my favourites so far are the flowers theyre so cute
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i dont do the vertical photos that often because theyre kinda hard to do (u have to like. turn ur head or the switch to the side..... im nearly exclusively a tabletop switch player so i cant imagine what its like for docked player LOL) but this ones cute!
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but yeah very fun and extremely addicting i need to go to bed. i need to go to bed. i have assignments and i need to go to bed. but i want. to make outfits..........i must.....make outfits......graaaaahhh........GRAAAAAHHHHHH (turns into a zombie before your eyes)
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atinykidult · 5 years
His Stupidly Tall Self - Kim Mingyu
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[fluff full-length] - 2247 words
[summary] - highschool!au, his pov, song inspiration I Don’t Care by Ed Sheeran/Justin Bieber (doesn’t really connect to the story, but the key and beat suits its pace), featuring some of SVT, super fluffy
[author’s note] I’m trying a playful style - I hope you like it! Also, I typed “look” intending this to be under 500 words... so, uh, yeah. That happened. Also, I know the reader is assumed to be short — tbh, as a short girl, it was my default. Super sorry, my tall friends! I love you and hope you still can enjoy this? The reader’s height isn’t that prominent.
[thanks for reading! your support means the world to me, always!]
Being the tallest boy in class had its perks; Mingyu wouldn’t argue with that. In fact, his height was how he first talked to Y/N. Shorter than him, his crush had asked him for help reaching a basket of supplies on a too-tall shelf.
He’d remembered feeling awed, wondering if this was some alternate universe where everything was cliche and perfect and just right. 
Even two years after that first contact, he could vividly recall the flush that had run through his entire top half when you’d met his eyes. Smiled. And told him that you appreciated him.
Yes, you’d said it jokingly.
Yes, it wasn’t that deep.
But Mingyu had nurtured that exchange like a gardener fussing over their, well, garden. (So he wasn’t that great with metaphors.)
But he was great with pine trees...
Or, rather... You know...
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Back to his height.
Although it certainly brought him some perks, it generally caused him more pain than help. Physical pain, in that he spent too many trips down the stairs a little faster than intended... with a little less foot-to-step contact than desired, too. (Sometimes this would happen when he planned to travel up rather than down, too. Thinking about that, his ribs throbbed in sympathy.)
And emotional pain, too.
Exhibit A: When he let his friends — a terrible, thirteen man group which eternally abused Mingyu with jokes about his height and personality in general (really, Mingyu didn’t know why he kept sitting with them for lunch) — choose his Freshman-year Halloween outfit. A giraffe. Really.
Exhibit B: When Mingyu had magically been paired up with you during Sophomore year for an English assignment... Only for you to hesitantly ask him if you could request to change partners, because there was this new kid, and your mom was friends with the parents, and you had the same interests... Of course, Mingyu agreed, falling in love with you slightly more. (The stupid, lovable compassion! he later moaned as he vented to Jeonghan.) And at a larger distance. (Okay, so height wasn’t really in the equation here, except for the fact that you were the same height as your partner, which really hurt his heart when you performed a reenactment of Titanic’s pose and he knew, knew he would be a better Jack).
(So he needed to vent about it, years later. Problem?)
Exhibit C: When against all odds, Mingyu and you ended up at the same table for some school function where there happened to be a dance floor. He’d found enough courage to ask you to dance the last slow jam with him, and nearly screeched when you easily agreed. As he led you to the floor, he decided that he would have lived a full life as long as he didn’t step on your toes during the four minutes — he’d die kiss-less and dateless, true... but he’d die fulfilled.
He didn’t step on your toes, and he felt like this could, just maybe, if he was lucky, just possibly could turn romantic (Ed Sheeran worked miracles) —
Then you burst out giggling.
“It’s just!” You heaved a breath. “It’s just that!” Mingyu’s eyes nearly fell out of their sockets as you gripped his forearms for support. “You’re so tall — I feel like I’m dancing with your bowtie more than you!”
He had felt like crying.
His twelve abusers had found the entire event hilarious, but Mingyu most certainly disagreed.
The next time he ran into you, you’d casually caught his wrist as he began to walk away from what had been a stilted, though perfectly lovely, exchange. (He’d moved past the teasing and near-crying, heading back to school with his best foot forward. [Neither foot was the best foot, but that was beside the point.])
“Hey, Mingyu,” you had said, somewhat redundantly because your hand on his wrist said plenty. 
Mingyu was nearly sweating (read: sweating buckets) and feeling very impressed by your hand-eye coordination (read: Mingyu’s arms were too long and ever-changing for him to romantically slam you against a wall, casually catch your hair in his fingers, or anything actually useful for his life, such as, in this case, catching his wrist and staring up at him with thoughtful eyes).
Yeah. His blood pressure was in a rough place.
“Are you listening?” you’d asked.
“Uh,” was all he could say, eyes dropping to your lips as though he could look back into the last few minutes to understand your speech. “I am so, so sorry.”
“Exactly.” At this moment, he doubted his entire existence. What did that mean? Was it sass? Anger? Disgust? Rejection? “That is exactly what I’m telling you: I am very sorry for not being a kind person when we danced. I thought you’d find my shortness funny — but Seungkwan told me how it really made you feel.”
Sincerity!!! it dawned on him.
“I didn’t mean to laugh at you. In fact, I think your height is very attractive.”
His voice was hoarse the next day from screaming into his pillow.
Emotional and physical pain all in one (yipee!) thanks to his height.
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“I’m confessing to her today,” Mingyu told his reflection. “Today. Before three. I’m doing it. For real.”
He ran his hand over his carefully selected shirt, looking for wrinkles, and reassessed his appearance for the thousandth time.
Senior year.
Exhibit D wouldn’t get to happen (really, though, he’d passed Z long, long ago).
At lunch, his now smaller group was all support and gentle teasing. Now one of the hyungs, Mingyu received much less abuse. (He repeated that with enthusiasm whenever Vernon or Seungkwan, or both, stumbled into the spotlight instead.)
“Just... be romantic,” Vernon suggested.
“What does that even mean?” scoffed Seungkwan. He sat up straighter, mimicking their self-important History teacher. “Go for genuine. All the girls like how you’re a human puppy. Exploit that.”
“Maybe have flowers?” offered Chan.
“We’re at school, our dear maknae.” Seungkwan squinted at the rest of his table, disappointment dripping in his tone. “We don’t want ‘Gyu suspended before he can confess. You’d think I’m the only reasonable one.”
Minghao raised an eyebrow at that, although he wisely kept quiet.
The silence stretched out until Vernon piped up again.
“Be poetic, hyung. You aren’t bad at speaking unless you’re nervous. So, just... Don’t be nervous and pour out your feels, y’know?”
Seungkwan beamed at Vernon.
“Finally someone else contributes useful advice.”
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You’re kind.
You’re beautiful.
I’ve loved you since you asked me to get a basket down for you.
All too generic, and even creepy.
You, a highly attractive person, called me attractive, which really means the world to me.
You can do it all — laugh recklessly and fix any damage right after.
I think you actually complimented my giraffe costume way back? It’s blurry, but I think that happened. As a gangly freshman, that meant a ton.
Mingyu banged his head on his desk, only to realize he was sitting in math class and... now everyone was looking at him. He loved that. Totally.
No! No! No! he was screeching internally.
“The brain’s just struggling a little bit,” he was saying externally. “You know how with laptops, how you just slam it shut and it usually works after that? Just...”
From in front of him, you had turned around to watch him, looking at him dare-he-say... fondly?
“Um,” he choked. He looked away from your lips, curved upwards, and met the teacher’s amused but tired eyes. “Sorry. Reboot complete. Loading... and good. I’m back.”
Hearing you laugh, he melted into his seat with a wide, satisfied grin.
Embarrassment aside, he’d do that all over again if you’d watch him like that again.
Then a note slid onto his desk.
Are you saying you’re as smart as a computer? ;)
His brain needed to shut down and restart after staring at your handwritten wink face.
NOOO! he furiously scribbled back. I’m just I I would never imagine to be so intelligent.
As he waited for your response, if he would get one, he winced at his wording. That alone was judge-worthy.
Don’t sell yourself short. Sell yourself worth your full, lovely height!!! xD
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You’re someone who makes me feel like I’m worth something, he writes in tiny letters — a draft and guide for himself to use very, very soon. You’re the type of person I’d want with me, stranded on an island. You’d say something funny, then meaningful, then sweet, then magic us off the island because you’re amazing like that. I take that back, because I don’t want to expect the impossible from you as your boyfriend. I’d want you with me, and I hope you’d want me with you, too.
When I’m with you, I don’t care that I’m 187 cm of hopeless energy. All I care about is making you smile because I’m already smiling. Although, I take that back, too, because whenever we’re near each other, my friends have told me that we both smile a lot.
So I change this to, when I’m with you, I know we make each other happy. And I want you to be mine. And I would die if you’d let me be yours. I want to just do life with you — the ordinary, domestic things, the cute dates, the casual ones, the couple’s outfits, the whatever you picture as us being us (just... in love).
So, Y/N Y/L/N, be mine?
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By the time he asked you to wait for him after school, he had already internalized a neater version of what was essentially his love letter to you.
As he snuck up behind you, covered your eyes and cheesily asked, “Guess who?” he’d been mentally reciting the first sentence of the second paragraph.
While you rattled off a list of idols and turned around to beam at him, his mind echoed unhelpfully, You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful.
“So what’s up?” you asked.
He inhaled deeply and dove in.
“You’re someone who I —”
WAY OFF, KIM MINGYU, he thought, mentally hearing Seungkwan tsk sadly.
You’re beautiful.
I don’t care if the height difference is weird and makes slow dancing awkward. I can get a bowtie with my face on it, if it helps.
I want you to be mine.
He took another deep breath, thankful that you hadn’t tried to speak. (In fact, your heart was racing as you watched him chew on his lip and cast glances at you like a driver might steal glances at the sunset on a commute home.)
Mingyu let the flood out:
“I want you to don’t care if you’re beautiful, mine!!!”
As he blurted the last word, Mingyu decided that he truly, really, unequivocally wanted to die. Right then and there, satisfied or not, kiss-less or not.
Just... let it be immediate.
Humiliation followed his stupidly tall self everywhere, so why not let it rest with him in the grave?
Just end it all.
“Hey, I’m getting worried about your health over here,” he distantly heard you laugh. Laughs weren’t elegant things, but he swore that if he could see it, it would be all his favorite colors mixed in a perfect arrangement.
“Can you at least open your eyes?”
Your voice was soft this time, and he complied. (He hadn’t realized he’d squeezed them shut to begin with.)
“I like you, too,” you murmured.
His stomach? Electrocuted.
His eyes? Eternally lost in yours like a cat in a newly found box.
His heart? Approximately the same heat as one of those 200,000 K stars.
His cheeks? Gently covered by a certain pair of hands.
“Can you please look at me?”
Mingyu realized that he’d been vacantly staring over your head.
“Yeah — uh, sure.”
He felt a tingle run through him when he found you nearly chest to chest with him, your hands slowly leading his face closer to yours.
“Mingyu, I’m going to kiss you, because I like you very, very much, too. And because you’re someone who makes me feel like I’m worth something, too.” Mingyu’s heart soared as you said this, eyes staring into his, blush on your cheeks. “But I’ll need you to lean down for me.”
As he complied, eyes drifting closed, he realized three things:
A. Without his height, he wouldn’t have this perfect, oh so perfect, view of your face — even the slightest change in either of your heights would be an indescribable loss.
B. Sure, he was gangly and uncoordinated, but he still got the beautiful girl who liked him as much as he liked her.
As he pulled away from the soft brush of lips, straightening and checking his pockets, he blurted C out loud.
“You found my rough draft, didn’t you?”
The brightest, most carefree grin spread over your features, and Mingyu felt himself fall deeper in love as you nodded like it weren’t a big deal.
Balanced on your toes, you slung your arms around his like you were about to slow dance. He smiled softly; you smiled right back at him.
“When I picture us just being us, but in love... I picture this,” you told him.
Then another playful grin spread over your features. “And by ‘this,’ I mean all 187 cm of you being a cutie.” Mingyu felt his cheeks heat up, but you weren’t finished. “Also, as I’m now yours, it’s good to finally know the exact height! It’ll help with the couple’s outfits!”
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alpinesquib · 7 years
In-depth character sheet
Decided to fill out this chacter sheet (by memesfrommenace) for Justin!
(Read more if interested, it is pretty lengthy)
FULL NAME: Justin Nolan Arowana MEANING: Just a regular old name  NICKNAME: Justin MEANING: His first name AGE APPEARANCE: 17 BIRTHDAY: 24th of April ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Taurus SPECIES: Inkling GENDER: Male ALLERGIES: None SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Either THEME SONG(S): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDgdoPSkPnM
HAIR COLOR: Light Yellow with light green tips HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Short and slightly messy, with no majot tnetacles like the usualy inkling boy hairstyle EYES COLOR: Light green EYESIGHT: Very good HEIGHT: 5′11 WEIGHT: 164Ibs OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Casual, loose and light colour ABNORMALITIES(TAIL): None DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Freckles SELF CARE(MAKE UP): None FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Very engergetic and happy SKIN COLOR: Tanned BODY TYPE/BUILD: tall, sturdy and a bit bulky DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Happy POSTURE: Slightly leaning MEASUREMENTS(FEMALE ONLY): PIERCINGS: None DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Cam Clarke (Hinata)
MOM: ??? HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Very well, writes to her often and gives calls at least 4 times a week DAD: ??? HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Very well, talks to him when he calls SIBLINGS: Younger sister HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Somewhat well, they are close but sometimes she wishes she could hug her big brother sintead of only talking over the phone or writing letters CHILDREN: None HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: None OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: Grandparents, Uncles, aunts and lots of cousins PAST LOVER(S): None CURRENT LOVER: Lucas REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Excited and welcoming ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: Very well, able to socialise well and listen to others HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Very sociable FRIENDS: Kat, Fern, Vincent, Robin, Mint, Vivi, Lin and others PETS: None LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Someone who goes out of their way to ruin others fun PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Very supportive AFFINITY WITH…: Dogs FAVORITE PEOPLE: Kind LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Bullies
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: Very joyful and warm ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Still happy and helpful ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Will keep up a smile but will act awkward and try to leave FAVORITE COLOR: Blue FAVORITE FOOD: Cheese on toast FAVORITE ANIMAL: Dogs FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Guitar FAVORITE ELEMENT: Earth LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: Most neon colours LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Pineapple LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: None LEAST FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Harpsicord LEAST FAVORITE ELEMENT: Fire HOBBIES: Gardening, relaxing, gaming, reading, cooking and training USUAL MOOD: Happy DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: No DARK VERSION OF SELF: Still happy but uses that to manipulate people and betray them LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Doesn’t hide his troubles HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Barely CLASS IN AN RPG: Knight/tank BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Yes (IN)DEPENDANT: Independent SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Lucas OPINION ON SWEARING: Not very polite DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: cautious MUSIC TYPE: Instrumental MOVIE TYPE: Comedy BOOK TYPE: slice of life GAME TYPE: Life simulator COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: 15 SLEEPING PATTERN: Early to bed, early to rise CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Very clean DESIRED PET: A dog HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Relax or cuddle with Lucas BIGGEST SECRET: Doesn’t really have one HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: All his friends and family WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: Dog FEARS: Betrayal, heart break, utter silence, towering figures COMFORTS: Plants, Lucas, cuddles, biscuits
SAD: Will bottle it up and continue to smile but will break down eventually HAPPY: Smile and helps others ANGRY: Get irritate but try to keep his composure AFRAID: Get protective of those around him LOVE SOMEONE: Super excited and joyful and hugs them a lot HATE SOMEONE: Avoid them WANT SOMETHING: Get it for whoever he thought would want it CONFUSED: keep a smile but tilt his head slightly
DANGER: Protect and get others to safety SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Avoid them PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Be stunned before hugging them and spinning them around DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Hit very hard and become withdrawn and emotional DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Give up on it and ask for help INJURY: Get it seen by a doctor SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: Hug it LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: Shrug it off and do whatever work he wants
BIOGRAPHY: Justin is a joyful squid, who always has a smile on his face and heart to help others out. Orginally residing in afarming based village, he moved to Inkopolis in hopes of achieving his dream of own his own flower shop. FIRST APPEARANCE: 2016
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: Yes HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): Shy but will take the lead GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: His best to be gentleman like GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Go slow PROTECTIVE: Somewhat protective ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Act like lovers WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: Flowers and cook meals TYPE OF KISSER: Passionate DO THEY WANT KIDS: Yes DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Yes MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Make good decisions ARE THEY ROMANTIC: No, but he does his best to make his partner happy HOW ARE THEY IN BED: GET JEALOUS EASY: No WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: No MARRY FOR MONEY: No FAVORITE POSITION: WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: Go out for a nice meal, then walk around Kelp dome at night and find a good spot to sit and watch the star, then kiss OPINION ON SEX:
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bonerofalonelyheart · 6 years
Back on my Bullshit
Answering every single question on an ask meme because I want to
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
Spotify Premium
is your room messy or clean?
If I’ve been manic lately then it’s clean. if not then messy
what color are your eyes?
Blue da ba dee da ba da
do you like your name? why?
NOPE my name is Grace and when I tell people that they assume I’m like some sort of religious nut
what is your relationship status?
I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a little over a year
describe your personality in 3 words or less
boring, bland, macabre 
what color hair do you have?
what kind of car do you drive? color?
I drive a shitmobile. It’s a 2007 vw beetle and it is the color of slightly jaundiced Caucasian flesh, so it looks like a giant pimple
where do you shop?
Be more specific
how would you describe your style?
day to day style: whatever i found on the floor that looks clean because I once again gave myself -10 minutes to get ready. Usually pants and a shirt I bought in the men’s section 
I had one day a couple weeks ago that i dressed how i actually wanna dress all the time and it was great. short skirt, thigh high socks with garters, sweater, trench coat. It was great. 
favorite social media account
I’m addicted to instagram
what size bed do you have?
any siblings?
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
Somewhere with good healthcare, like canada
favorite snapchat filter?
I don’t really use snapchat
favorite makeup brand(s)
I rarely wear makeup, but when I do, i guess my two favorite products are both Maybelline (total temptation mascara and instant age rewind concealer
how many times a week do you shower?
at least 7
favorite tv show?
I don’t really watch much tv, but the last thing I watched that I really liked was The Good Place
shoe size?
how tall are you?
sandals or sneakers?
do you go to the gym?
I pay for a membership but I don’t use it
describe your dream date
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
$20 cash
what color socks are you wearing?
grey with cat faces
how many pillows do you sleep with?
one, and it’s so flat that I don’t think it even counts as a pillow
do you have a job? what do you do?
I work at a call center where I caption calls for the hard of hearing
how many friends do you have?
like none
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
I have anxiety, everything i do is the worst thing I have ever done
whats your favorite candle scent?
fuck candles
3 favorite boy names
fuck your heteronormative bs
3 favorite girl names
fuck your heteronormative bs
favorite actor?
uhhhhh I don’t really pay attention to actors
favorite actress?
see above answer
who is your celebrity crush?
celebrity crushes are pointless
favorite movie?
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
I have terrible reading comprehension so I only read when I have to or there’s a book that I REALLY wanna read. I like Junji Ito graphic novels
money or brains?
for who? be more specific.
do you have a nickname? what is it?
my boyfriend calls me “weirdo” as a term of endearment
how many times have you been to the hospital?
fuck dude a lot. I’ve only been inpatient 3 times though
top 10 favorite songs (I’ll just do ones I’ve been listening to recently)
Run For Cover- The Killers
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - Dua Lipa
New Rules - Dua Lipa
Anxiety- Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
Just Tonight - Jimmy Eat World
Bloody Nose - Bay Faction
Steady, As She Goes - The Raconteurs
Talk Too Much - COIN
Up All Night - Beck
tie: Weak or Sober Up by AJR
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
Dry AF
what is your biggest fear?
I have anxiety, everything is my biggest fear
(If I had to pick one it’s probably abandonment)
how many kids do you want?
whats your go to hair style?
step 1: wash, step 2: towel, step 3: leave the house before its dry, step 4: ruffle it around while looking in my visor mirror in the car, step 5: hope for the best
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
It’s my parents’ house and it’s pretty big
who is your role model?
fuck dude i dunno
what was the last compliment you received?
I wore my sweatshirt that has the sushi cats all over it yesterday and probably 6 people told me they liked it
what was the last text you sent?
“Ooohhh damn”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
i honestly have no idea
what is your dream car?
one that gets good gas mileage. I like the look of the Honda CR-Z
opinion on smoking?
cigarettes: FUK DAT weed: ok man u get a pass
do you go to college?
yes I do
what is your dream job?
one that has health insurance
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
do you have freckles?
do you smile for pictures?
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
my camera roll has 1,517
have you ever peed in the woods?
do you still watch cartoons?
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Favorite dipping sauce?
Mcdonalds BBQ
what do you wear to bed?
have you ever won a spelling bee?
what are your hobbies?
I collect vintage cameras, I have a problem with online shopping, I do photography sometimes, I scroll through instagram, I curse the instagram algorithm gods because i have been getting way less likes than i used to, I sleep, I do homework
can you draw?
No. I wanted to be a graphic design major but a) it was gonna take too long and b) I can’t draw
do you play an instrument?
what was the last concert you saw?
fuck dude I don’t remember
tea or coffee?
I like both, but my coffee has to have lots of cream and sugar
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Starbucks. I don’t think we even have a Dunkin Donuts in Idaho
do you want to get married?
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
what color looks best on you?
i have no idea
do you miss anyone right now?
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve?
not sure
last person you called`
favorite ice cream flavor?
non dairy chocolate
regular oreos or golden oreos?
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
what shirt are you wearing?
its pink with cats on it and i got it at ross
what is your phone background?
lock screen: a drawing of no banana cat by chuckdrawsthings
background: iphone default
are you outgoing or shy?
depends on the situation
do you like it when people play with your hair?
do you like your neighbors?
I don’t know my neighbors #RuralProblems
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
In the shower
have you ever been high?
have you ever been drunk?
last thing you ate?
favorite lyrics right now
summer or winter?
day or night?
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
favorite month?
i have no idea
what is your zodiac sign
who was the last person you cried in front of?
probably my therapist
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