#thatz delicious
tkbrokkoli · 1 year
next week i plan to look even more sleep deprived. follow me for more tip!
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not-so-smallfry · 2 years
>Best not dwell on those thoughts of someone else being blown up and popping. Especially if those thoughts were about the seadweller herself. Not that the pawn would notice. Seems the empty plate count is now three, going on four with her chomping down on shrimp back to back. Again though, that is why she sticks to cans of it. As for not being able to drink that much, she just nudges her head towards the empty giant clam shell from before.
>it was less *thatz and more the round, round lead up, but never mind all that. Forgoing the plates for a moment, feferi reaches into the enormous display of food and grabs one of the legs of that enormous crab, cracking into its shell with her bare hands and getting to the tender, tasty meat inside
"You're a - *nomf* - odd girl, PM"
>she says around bites of delicious crab meat, shaking her head a bit.
"Boat I feel like all we've done is talk about t)(e weird fins going on in bot)( oar lives- wanna tell me more about yourself?"
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wonderful-wasp · 7 years
💕 - tumblr friends 
@sunshinesinger @drpuffles @jikook-love @kooksgf @sosjimin @princeuji @chimbunny @changkyuh @kagaminotkagayou @chandu-ki-chachi @jpghope @berry-happy-tokki @shyjimins @yahjiminie  @jimint  @hyejonqs @jiminiemini @ifuckinglovedragons @jikookiejar @jimin-sexual @onlyoubangtan @jikook-trash101 @vanosstic @koala-kookies @pjm95x97jjk @chiminnies @lacuna-matata these are all the friends i’ve really talked to like a bunch!!! 💕💕💕
📖 - tell a story
omg okay so today my family and close friends of ours who aren’t normally able to get together had dinner and i made flan for dessert and a bhai (it’s like our word for oppa basically) i haven’t seen in a rly rly long time brought his wife bc this is the first time she’s come to the u.s. finally after schooling and she has the exact same name as me!!! which like!!! never happens!!! ever!!! so everyone’s been calling our name and getting us all confused and giggly and the entire night both of us were like “?????”
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artiiiiste · 5 years
#thatz certainly a costume haha! you look nice though z:)
Hey! What’s that supposed to mean???? Of course I looke nice!
#you look adorabubble!!!
Oh, thank you, Feferi. Aren’t you juste a sweetie.
#aw fuck you look delicious! i mean tasty!#i mean cute!#fuck damn it fghghj
This is either a lesbian panicking or you’re actually going to try and eat me. Harde to tell.
#snrk i saw this last night #but it ain no less uh adorable #yyeah lets go with that
Peep! >....V
It is adorable and you’re lucky to have seen it early. You’re welcome, Sky.
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transdream · 3 years
im good!!!!!! (((((he called me sprout ahjefjfj /POS) ))))) i just had a borger :))) very hot out today!!!! sry for ask spam from last nite i dont remembe how many i sent but u dnt hav to reply to them al if its too many!!! 🌱
!!!! thatz good!!!! n :D !!!! that soundz Delicious!!!!! sadly itz hot for me too </3 but im saying screw it n wesring black jeanz skhdjsh n itz okay!!!!! im sorry i didjnt respond to them last night bit itz bc i waz playing mc eith my friend!!!!
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