I do not know who gets 8 but it sounds funny.
the other day I was trying to think of what job a modern day Six would have. like, a fedex driver is very funny but does not let her get up to maximum bullshit. maybe a pilot who helps journalists get in and out of unstable/unfriendly places?
“I’m not sure how many coffees it takes to be happy, but so far, it’s not twelve.” 
Six is almost vibrating in place, a fine tremor in her hand. She adds another paper cup to her stack, lining up the lipstick mark with the others. 
“Christine has always come back to us.” Veronica points out, sipping her own gritty coffee and keeping an eye on the marketplace.
Six’s phone buzzes, unknown number. “hey babe coming in a little hot”
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bleak-nomads · 4 years
Oooh can I have a gatehouse ask?
The car keys have three places in the house: if Angel last used them, they’re in a bowl by the door, right there for someone to use. If Tuco last used them, they’re either in that bowl or in the couch cushions, depending on how tiring said outing was.
If Blondie last used them, they’re in his right hand pants pocket. Blondie has lost the car keys the most times, twice on separate camping trips. There’s a spare key in Angel’s study (which he keeps locked up, lol). 
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heroofthreefaces · 5 years
top 5 pacifists
I wasn’t prepared to get asked back but okay, let’s see…
Hawkeye Pierce. “I will not carry a gun, Frank. When I got thrown into this war I had a clear understanding with the Pentagon: no guns. I’ll carry your books, I’ll carry a torch, I’ll carry a tune, I’ll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to Old Virginia, I’ll even hari kari if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun.“
Meg Murray, who literally defeats evil with love.
Jesus of Nazareth. Because, in that culture, corporal punishment was to be administered by only the right or only the left hand, I forget which, so if you were receiving corporal punishment and you displayed your other side then your assailant couldn’t proceed without dishonoring himself. To turn the other cheek was to subvert your oppression instead of literally combatting it.
Princess Diana of Themyscira. “Don’t kill if you can wound. Don’t wound if you can subdue. Don’t subdue if you can pacify. And don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it.”
And finally the Doctor, who knows sometimes to keep the peace you’re left no option but to blow something up.
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thatdeepandlovelydark reblogged your post and added: “I'm bored so how about a Red Dwarf AMA”
Was Season 1 Lister always that gross, or does he put it on to annoy Rimmer?
I think it’s a mix of the two, honestly. He’s been on his own since he was 13 and his Gran doesn’t seem like the type to raise him to be a habitual neat freak, so he probably was decently slobbish, or at the very least naturally messy before he ever stepped onto Red Dwarf. Plus, with Me2, we see he’s still kinda gross when he has the room to himself, so it likely isn’t entirely a front for the sake of bugging Rimmer. (Plus I personally see Lister as depressed and uhh speaking from experience things like having a neat space and showering frequently and just kind of general hygiene can kind of fall to the wayside when it flares up badly but that’s just a personal character interpretation.)
That being said, I do think he exaggerates gross qualities that are already there to piss off Rimmer. Like, you know how if someone that you’re not mad at asks you to pick up your crap from the table you’ll be like “yeah sure” but if you are pissed at them you’ll probably, like, add extra stuff on top of what’s already there? I think it’s kind of a case of that where Rimmer would nag about something, probably in just the worst and most insulting way because of who he is a person, and Lister would his damndest to make it worse. Like, he probably didn’t do his laundry/change his sheets/whatever often enough to start with, but when Rimmer comments on it he’s probably like “guess I won’t do my laundry for a YEAR because FUCK YOU”. 
It’s a self defeating method of pettiness but also Lister can tolerate being totally gross more than Rimmer can tolerate being around someone being totally gross so it’s still a very dumb win for Lister. 
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...I dunno if Tuco is a fave of yours, so how 'bout Blondie?
I do like Tuco!  I will read the ’70s AU I will I WILL
First impression So THAT’s where the ending of Curse of the Black Pearl came from!  Mostly I remember just thinking Blondie's outfit was rad and wanting to see what made him “The Good.”
Impression now I love how much he can care about others even though he tries to act like he’s Objective and Above All That; watching him try to pretend that This Was Pragmatic Actually is always great (even if it’s true).  Also @ all conservative dads: lmao imagine thinking Blondie is in any way heterosexual
Favorite moment I’m torn between the long, understanding look he shares with the Union soldier before handing back the bottle (+ blowing up the bridge later) and the subtly dread-filled “...Yah” he gives Tuco re: Angel Eyes’ promised “good treatment.”
Idea for a story I’m so sorry you guys, I haven’t had a proper story idea since high school.  I’ll need to mull this one over.
Unpopular opinion While he’s not exactly a terrific person, I do think he’s deserving of the “good” moniker in the film, as he’s the only one of the three who shows some real concern for other humans (who aren’t his relations) while pursuing the prize.
Favorite relationship In fic, I’m utter Blondeyes trash; in canon, I love his relationship with Tuco so much.  Bless you for your trio fic :D
Favorite headcanon Other than he and Angel banging by the campfire, you mean?  Well, I had previously headcanoned that Blondie, Manco, and Joe are all separate characters, but I like what @girlfriendsofthegalaxy said about the films being in reverse order.  Idk if this is a common thing or not in the fandom, but I need to rewatch the other two films and see what I like better.
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justliketherifle · 5 years
...hi, can you please tag your long posts as long posts? Or alternatively just use the read more feature, thanks.
I can start to from now on. Which posts specifically? My fic posts or just regular ones?
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tilliwriteapine · 5 years
Maybe Angus Harry MacGyver since that's his grandpa's name. If it were up to me then I'd make his middle name 'Alex' as an X-Men reference
AHAHAHAHA - oh god, X-men *cries* 
I'd agree, he doesn't have one.
Boo. Well, I’m a sap for middle names (even though I personally hate my own. Then again, I hate my first name too), and it’s only used once in my fic. 
I always thought it was James for some reason, or whatever his grandpas name was. But who knows.
James or Harry - someone else suggested Jackson, which I kind of like. I’m leaning towards one of those. That is why I asked if the fandom had made a name lol. The fans are rabid monsters when it comes to fanfiction... *hides*
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the-airs-of-london · 7 years
thatdeepandlovelydark replied to your post “thatdeepandlovelydark replied to your post “I want to buy Sunless...”
Don't think so, but you can download mods to give you the Fulgent Impeller, which is the best engine in the game and will let you avoid combat altogether, pretty much. If that helps any?
That does help, actually. I’ll have to look into the mods and consider buying it again. I love the idea of it, but the combat aspect of it really turned me off of the game.
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themacgyverlibrary · 7 years
So, is this just fics you like or are you going to accept suggestions?
I’m very happy to accept suggestions, it will help me get more fic up here
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thatsbelievable · 6 years
Tumblr media
This is an excellent question. We asked one of our unpaid interns, Petey, and he said, "I don't know. Seven." We hope this helps, and good luck!
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12, Angel
this took like. a fucking minute to think of when he would let himself get drunk, bc i think he (rightly) considers it too dangerous to be more than slightly impaired in New Vegas 
and then! thinking back over my own lore! six made him come to her wedding! haven’t written this boy in a MINUTE so let’s see what falls out of my brain if i shake it real hard. i don’t know how pool or snipers work. the kitchen is across from the game room in the presidental suite
how my brain works when I get very drunk is the anxiety part of my brain turns off, my brain interprets the relaxation as “okay safe place to go to sleep” and I get SUPER fucking sleepy. i feel like this is probably how Angel works. i think he is probably also a little more deliberate in movement/speech to try to cover up the fact that he is very drunk
“C’mere, c’mere, c’mere,” Veronica bumped Six’s hip harder than she meant to. “Angel’s drunk, it’s adorable.” 
There was some sort of sniper party happening in the game room across from the kitchen, Christine and Boone and Angel all holed up away from the ruckus upstairs in the bar. 
“S’just physics,” Christine insisted, sitting on the edge of the pool table, wearing a triangle like a bracelet. “Dunno why you can’t make these shots, do they not have this simple game in New California?”  
Angel snorted from where he was taking up half the couch, a little flushed. 
“My love, we’ve married a fuckin’ nerd,” Six whispered. 
“Babe, I need to borrow your mouth.” 
Six’s “Oh?” was cut off by Veronica’s kiss. 
The sniper party was arguing about sniper things. 
“I hardly think a table fan is enough windspeed to make a difference.”
“But what if it does, Angel? Fluid dynamics are all sorts of fucked up. Fucked if I know how they work!” 
“Take the fucking shot. Just end me.” Boone begged.
“Fine.” She sunk it, whipped the cue around in a way that had Boone and Angel flinching back, and presented it to Angel. “Angel, I wanna see you go up against Blondie.” 
“I don’t...hm. I've never seen him play.”
“What a shocking lack of faith in your partner.” 
"He’s tall, not dumb. Our professional partnership has never involved pool.”  
“Angel, the day this-” she waved the pool cue around some more at the room “-turns into a legitimate professional operation is the day after we all die, probably. Are you too drunk to play? Wait, do you know how to play?” 
“No,” Angel lied. “Yes.” 
Christine pouted very effectively. “Please? As a wedding present? For me?” 
“You already got a wedding present from me. This is an abuse of the employer/employee relationship.” 
Christine flung herself onto the other end of the couch. “All I want is to see you relax and have fun, for once, on this, the day of my wedding-”
“Fine. I have been coerced.” Angel said, getting up carefully. “I'll brave the ruckus upstairs to drag him away from whatever fun he’s having just so I can beat him at a stupid game, which will have no effects on our working relationship.”
Christine skidded into the kitchen as soon as the stairwell door closed, giving her wives making out on the kitchen table a thumbs up. “Hello, starting without me?”     
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sybilius · 4 years
9. At the faerie banquet - which food entices you to break the rule of never touching what faeries prepare to eat?
D you know the answer is magical cheese...
I am absolutely fantasizing now about a brie with sweet faerie pepper jelly, baked in faerie pastry...
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bleak-nomads · 5 years
Oh, see I’m lucky I’ve got something prepared for this one! Um. This is from Chapter 6 :)
“I got ahead of both of them, cracked that number code and left them both a trail to the gold. Tucked up in a cave on a lonely island off of Jamaica. And they came. They came, and when they got there, they were both staring down the barrel of my gun. Unarmed.”
“Now how did you catch Sen out like that?” Sylvan cut in curiously. 
“Uh. It's not important,” Karro glances down into his ale, his cheeks reddening again, “Point is, I gave them what they wanted. Told them to take a chest each and walk away. They get what they want and I-- I don't have to touch that gold. And they both walk away without a bullet in their back.”
He took a long draught of ale, “Sen called bullshit. He knew I couldn't shoot him, not then. He just. Looked me in the eye and walked straight past Luis to me.”
Sylvan's breath catches in her throat. Untouchable Sentenza, all of his keen-eye witticisms, could cut down anyone who stood in his way with nothing but a half smile. Handed the chance to do naught but he damn well pleased for the rest of his life. 
She knows he wouldn’t want that, not now in any case. 
“He said he wasn't leaving without me. I said I sure as hell wasn't touching that gold,” Karro exhales a long time, “Then -- he got the gun out of my hands, turned it on Luis. Goddamnit, then he -- he told Luis just to take the chests and go.” 
He looks to Nia’s stony face, then, near-pleadingly to Sylvan’s. Sylvan almost feels a sympathetic ripple go through her body. What did it take -- to make a person like that understood? 
She half expects an answer; but then it’s still Karro who speaks. 
“He gave all that up and -- I've been with him ever since.”
Sylvan listens to the gentle creak of the boat in the silence, letting that wash over her. So she had learned something, at that. It wasn’t just the master that Sentenza reminded her of; no. He was almost like her, in some ways.
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heroofthreefaces · 6 years
The Guinan/Prisoner crossover. I have many questions.
I’ll be happy to answer the ones I can answer, but first you’d have to let me know what they are.
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sybil-writes · 4 years
in and out of phase
A Karrosen ficlet, on prompt from @thatdeepandlovelydark who remarked ages back that they’d like to see Karro and Sentenza in their cabin. I remarked that they don’t have a cabin of their own, but hey, this is damn shippy anyways.
So you’re sharing a cabin again; so it goes. 
When Karro was singled out to be Luis’ first mate, and god knew why, he’d been in the hammocks in a place much like this. A mess of sailors’ clothes amid salt-scented wood, but much less rot than on Luis’ ship.  Whoever kept the Semliki cutting through the waves didn’t seem to let that sort of thing stand. And there were some beds, stacked by twos for the older sailors aboard ship. Most of the bunks were mussed with blankets, or with the tell-tale smear of tobacco ash beside them on the floor. 
All, except the neatly dressed bunk on the corner, with nothing but a shelf of cargo above it. 
The wrinkled fellow who’d taken a shine to him nudges him in the back, “Now why don’t you take Walton’s bed? He’s been gone long enough, someone ought to.”
Karro just nods. Been sleeping on the road long enough that you ought to take anywhere with a bed. But before he’s even having the thought of whether he and Sentenza are going to be able to both fit in a crewman’s bed, Sentenza is crossing the room to a clean-looking faded red hammock that none of the crew seems to have claimed. 
“Daniel’s?” he asks mildly. He’s so damn far away. 
“It was,” the older man adds with something of a sigh. The man surprises Karro, taking up a hammock not far from Sen. Maybe that’s why he had me taking the bed. Keeping Sen under watch. Karro’s skin crawls with unease. Not sure they should be trusting me before him. But I guess he deserves that much. 
Karro sits on the edge of the bed, watching Sen unbutton that deep blue coat the other crew members were ragging on him for. From his pocket, Karro takes out a leather satchel of paper, a pouch of tobacco. Sentenza doesn’t so much as look at him. 
His chest aches. So this is how it’s going to be, while we’re working. That woman, hell, their captain, he should say, knows what they are to each other. But that doesn’t mean shit about the crew. This far north, that might be more than just an idle sin. 
He looks at the tobacco in his hands absently, realizing he’s been simply holding it while watching Sen for at least ten rocks of the Semliki. He shakes his head, shoves it back in his pocket. Come on. You’re tired enough to sleep. Doesn’t matter if he’s with you. 
Karro pulls the thin blanket over his head, his feet tucked against the solid wood of the wall. He’s just able to stretch out. Means Sen would be able to just the same. He pushes that thought to the back of his mind. The heady smell of cheap tobacco from one of the crew, the familiar rock of the sea beneath him again -- what does it matter, he’s got more space like this. 
Sen wouldn’t bother here. You don’t need him to. Shouldn’t. There’s a whole crew here. Karro rolls on to his side, focusing in on the knots and whorls in the wall in the thin light. 
The dreams will come to you. He knows. He knows. He’ll see. 
A figure with a sunset-red scarf tying up her dark hair, almost as black as her skin in the sunset.
Hands. His hands are sunset-red, no, blood-red. The surgeon on the ship’s edge smiles too-wide, he wonders once: how is she standing? How does she not fall? 
He should be wondering that about himself. A heavy, thick hand at his ankle and none at his shoulder (why should there be?) and he’s falling, past port-windows and rotted beams, but when will he hit the sea? When?
He wakes with a shout before the waves drag him under, drenched in sweat. It’s dark, darker than he expected it could get down here, but there’s still so many voices mumbling beside him. 
“What’s that there?” no one he knows.
“Something above deck?”
“We ain’t catching whales in the dark.”
“Karro,” his name, so close. Karro sits up, leans forward to make out the figure. The relief that washes through him forces the breath back into him. Before he can decide it’s a bad idea, he slips his hand around the back of Sen’s neck, presses their foreheads together. 
Which is just his damn fool timing, because it’s then that someone lights a match, throwing light onto the both of them. The sight of Sen’s shocked face hits him like being soaked with seawater. Sen doesn’t move away. A quiet murmur shimmers through the twenty-some men, but to Karro’s surprise, none of them yell or say anything untoward. Maybe it’s not so different here.  The light goes out. 
After a moment’s breath, Sentenza shifts from kneeling in front of the bed to sitting on the edge of it. Tilts his head down to rest at the same level as Karro’s.
“Do you want me to stay?” it’s barely a whisper. 
“Yes. yes.” Karro grips him tightly, loosening only for Sen to turn gently in his arms. Keep the watch, he said once. Dunno that we need that here. 
It’s just as sleep is about to pull him under again, that Karro remembers, in spite of all comforts, that he’s sleeping in the bed of a dead man. But with Sentenza’s steady pulse to count against the swell of the waves, even that doesn’t keep him up for long. 
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Tagged by @kwat01 and @embergeist ♥️
Favorite colors: deep, reddish purples; gold; blue; emerald green
Last song I listened to: “My Own Home” from the Disney Jungle Book.  (Listen, I know it’s Comp Het/Traditional Gender Roles: The Song, but it’s hauntingly beautiful nonetheless.  A siren song if ever I heard one.)
Favorite Musicians:  Tom Lehrer, Brown Bird, Eivør, The Dreadnoughts, Hans Zimmer, Maurice Jarre, Jerry Goldsmith, Ennio Morricone
Fave song: I don’t have just one, but uhhhh this live version of “Make Our Garden Grow” is pretty heckin’ good?
Last film I watched: The Maltese Falcon
Last TV show: It might have been like half an episode of Schitt’s Creek before I got interrupted?  Before that I think it was Gargoyles.
Favorite OC: I haven’t had an original thought since maybe early high school.  when will my creativity return from the war
Pets: One old gray tabby cat (who loves to Yell), one black lab mix (who has been on edge for days because my town is in a weather bubble and all the thunderstorms keep barely skirting around us).
Sweet, spicy or savoury: Yes, but savory I suppose.
Sparkling water, tea or coffee: Coffee. [“Java Jive” plays in the distance]
If the spirit moves you: @girlfriendsofthegalaxy, @sybilius, @thatdeepandlovelydark, @labyrinthphanlivingafacade, @socialjusticebard, @rithmeres, and anyone else who wants to do it; just say I tagged you!
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