#syb writing
direwombat · 9 months
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wip it's still wednesday in my time zone
tagged by @inafieldofdaisies, @theresaruggedroad, and @wrathfulrook
tagging @madparadoxum, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @strangefable, @jillvalentinesday, @adelaidedrubman, @g0dspeeed, @gaeadene, @ivymarquis, @aceghosts, @voidika, @confidentandgood, @purplehairsecretlair, @cassietrn, @neverthesameneveranother, @deputyash, @miyabilicious, @simplegenius042, @trench-rot, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @euryalex, @clonesupport, @josephslittledeputy, @alexxmason, and anyone else who wants to share their wip! (opt in/opt out tag post here since i'll be moving to going off that list for tags at the start of october <3)
polls ruled some soft werewolf au sybeli, so that's what y'all're getting!
[Sybille] slumps out of her truck and wearily trudges towards [Eli]. Her boots thud heavily up the step and she practically collapses against him. 
“Woah!” he exclaims, stumbling back a step as he wraps her in his arms. “I gotcha, I gotcha,” he murmurs, and gently strokes her back while she buries her face into the crook of his neck and just leans on him for a long moment. When she pulls away, he brushes the hair from her face and asks, “You okay, sweetie?”
“I’m exhausted,” she sighs, nuzzling lightly into his palm. 
Her empty stomach makes its presence loudly known. 
“And hungry,” she adds miserably. 
His brows furrow in concern and he clicks his tongue. “Oh, Syb,” he murmurs, “You go all shift without eating?”
“Cliff bars don’t count, darlin’.” He ushers her towards the front door and opens it for her. “C’mon let’s get you some food.” 
The second she passes the threshold, she’s hit with the strong scent of something hearty, meaty, and delicious. A satisfied groan that comes straight from her stomach rumbles deep in her throat. Fuck, it smells good.
A fire dances and crackles in the fireplace, bathing the main living space in a soft orange glow. The radio on the coffee table is playing classic rock at a low volume. Quiet guitar riffs roll out of its speakers, barely audible over the snaps and pops of the kindling.
Stepping inside is like falling into Eli’s arms all over again. 
She feels safe here. 
“Was startin’ to get worried about you,” Eli tells her as he ambles into the kitchen. He pulls some bowls from the cabinets and spoons from a drawer. “Been tryin’ to call you for the past half-hour, but kept gettin’ sent to voicemail. 
“I’m a big girl, Eli. I’m alright,” she assures him, giving him a peck on the cheek before she pulls the fridge open and grabs a beer. Using her keys, she pops the cap off and hops onto the countertop. “If it makes ya feel any better, I wanted to get a hold of ya, but I ain’t had no signal. Reception up here’s shit.” 
Eli moves to the stove, where a large stock pot is simmering on low. He stirs the stockpot sitting on the stove but pauses before he ladles out what Sybille wagers is either venison or buffalo chili. He frowns, and looks at her with knitted brows. “Y’didn’t run into any trouble, did ya?”
The beer goes down cold, smooth, and refreshing. “Naw,” she says after taking an indulgent swig. “I mean…” There’s a beat of hesitation as Eli turns to fully face her, and he places a hand on his hip. She flushes in mild embarrassment and confesses, “I missed the turn and got a little lost. Ended up all the way over at  the old Vets Center. But I did check in on Chad.”
“And how is he?”
She lifts a shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. “I mean he’s…he’s Chad,” she says. The back of her neck prickles again and her gut knots anxiously. “Look, Eli,” she continues, “I dunno if he was havin’ a flashback or episode or some shit, but he was actin’ weird.” 
Eli folds his arms across his chest and frowns. “Weird how?”
“Didn’t get a good look at’im but he seemed -- I dunno -- scared?” The crease between Eli’s brows deepens. His eyes swim with concern, but he nods his head, motioning for her to keep going. “I ain’t entirely sure, but I think he might’ve been barricadin’ the cabin.”
Stroking his beard, Eli gives a thoughtful hum before returning to spooning out the chili. He hands her a bowl, which she takes with a grateful thank you, before portioning out his own meal. “I’ll drive out to go see him tomorrow morning,” he says, letting the ladle rest in the pot. Then, he leans back against the edge of the counter beside her. “Thank you for checking on him, I really appreciate it.” He scoops some chili onto his spoon and holds it up. “Cheers,” he says. 
She grins and clinks the neck of her spoon on top of his. “Cheers,” she parrots, and the two take their first bites. The second it touches her tongue, her eyes are rolling back into her head. The moan she releases is embarrassingly orgasmic. The meat is smokey and gamey; the beans juicy and tender. The stock itself is rich and salty, made from the bones of the very animal she’s eating, perfectly seasoned with a fine earthy blend of cumin and other spices. “Fuck, that’s good,” she moans. 
Eli chuckles bashfully. “Old family recipe,” he says. 
“Well, compliments to the chef,” she grins, and she takes great pleasure in watching the tips of his ears burn a bright pink. She shovels another spoonful into her mouth and she nudges his hip with her knee. “Now, c’mon,” she says through a mouthful of food. “Your turn. How was your day?”
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busaikuknee · 4 months
talk to me about Katsuhiko Nakajima!
“average person has 3 deeply fraught interpersonal relationships” factoid actually just statistical error. katsuhiko nakajima, who has 10,000 deeply fraught interpersonal relationships, is an outlier and should not have been counted
i've tried drafting a more thorough response because i had a lot i initially wanted to talk about, but it's late and i've been in a very brainfog-heavy state lately. i'm just going to leave it at: i think part of the reason i like him so much is that i tend to be drawn to wrestlers who don't manage to really pull everything together—in-ring work, character work, that wrestling-specific genre of charisma—until later in their careers. obviously he's always been very good at Wrestling, but it hasn't been until the past few years that he's become a…holistic performer, i guess? and found what works for him character-wise. i don't know, i guess seeing people go through that growth makes me a little hopeful; may we all find our weird violent wolfman gimmick equivalents
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and can i also request “Not so fast, bun.”  for kit/syb(/jake) (but only if you want to kfa;lfd no pressure)
This literally took me forever to fill, but I finally completed it and I think it's my first legit threesome fic??? and I'm so glad it got to be for the polycule
3k words later and here ya go my friend!
18+ Smut below the cut (this gets raunchy)
Warning: knife play, cunnilingus, p in v sex, snowballing, creampie, nipple play, pet names, fingering
"Rise and shine, bunny." Kit's low, smoky voice cut through the silence of the early morning as she smirked down at the dark haired woman curled up in a ball on the dirt floor of the cage. It was the wake up call every "recruit" prayed they wouldn't receive. As pretty as the redhead was, her eyes gave nothing but crazy – a sadistic gleam trapped in a cold blue stare, as deadly a threat as an iceberg.
The ground was frozen and the wind bit with the snow that was starting to fall in the Whitetails. Sybille pulled her coat a little tighter around her trying to keep the chill from getting to her core as she rolled over to face her captor and Kit’s eyes seemed to soften – if that were even possible – at the sight of her favorite toy’s reddened nose and cheeks, lips turning blue around the edges. 
"You look tired. Did we keep you up past your bedtime?" Kit mocked as she tilted her head to the side.
Sybille refused to respond, merely looking up at the redhead through her furrowed brow, still trying so hard to act like she didn’t really want to be there. 
Kit stood at the cage door, her boot tapping, she was getting tired of the little game. It would be so much easier if Syb just gave up and gave herself over to what the soldiers were offering her. "I brought you breakfast, if you're interested."
Syb’s nose scrunched at the thought. "Not in the mood for meat."
"No, I suppose you got your fill biting off that poor fuck's finger, didn't you?" She rasped, her eyes roaming over Sybille’s body appreciatively.
Unlocking the cage, making sure to close the door tight behind her, Kit showed no fear with the prisoner –  even if Syb had the propensity to get violent after going through the trials. 
"Surprised you're so comfortable bein’ in here considerin’."
Kicking Syb’s boot, spreading her legs open, Kit kneeled down between her legs. Her hand stroked through the longer portion of dark tresses that fell on the other woman’s forehead. "You might have some teeth now, but mine are still sharper." She gave a cold smirk. "Jacob and I thought you might like to come out of the cold now that you've had your sulk."
"No thanks."
"Oh, don’t be so hasty, bun." Her thumb tugged at Syb's lower lip, rubbing her body heat against it, warming up the tender, wind bitten flesh. "We weren't even planning on punishing you this time. You've already proven how well you react to the praise."
Ice cold eyes made brighter by the white of fallen snow met with the evergreen of Syb’s own. Leaning in, she pressed her mouth to her former ally and kissed her tenderly. Her warm tongue pushed in past cold lips, hands cupping against Syb’s cheek and neck firmly, holding her in place. She could feel the flush settle in the Deputy's skin and the increase in her heartbeat against the palm of her hand. It didn't matter what the she said now, Kit already had her answer.
"Come on, Syb. At ease, soldier." Kit stood up and pulled the dark haired woman to her feet. Wrapping her arm around Sybille's, she led her through the maze of cages, back up to Jacob's office. 
Paint-peeled white doors swung open and Kit strutted in, as proud with herself as a cat with its kill. She may as well have been carrying Syb in her jaws so she could spit her out on the Herald’s desk for him to see her catch.
Jacob slid the pencil he was holding back under the metal clasp of his clipboard – the time for going over reports had ended – stretching back in his seat he met the Deputy with a smug grin. "There's our jackrabbit. Hope ya weren't feelin’ too cold last night." 
Syb tightened her jaw, still trying to fight the situation she’d been put in the middle of once again. "No worse than most other nights."
"Glad to hear it, Deputy."
Kit shook off her knee length leather coat, tossing it over the back of one of the chairs, and looked over her shoulder at the Deputy. “I don't know what you’re just standing around for. Go on. Strip,” she said with a nod of her head.
Syb cleared her throat and went silent staring up at the ceiling above her. 
“Oh, what? You’re suddenly shy?” Kit turned around, her hand on her hip as she slid the knife from her holster. “Or maybe you were hoping we'd have the pleasure of doing it.”
Swallowing heavily, Syb lifted her chin, the flush already starting to grow up her chest and neck.
“Looks like you’re getting some color back. Guess Kitty here, said the right thing.” Jacob's pale eyes gazed lasciviously at the Deputy. “Go on, angel, I think that’s what our jackrabbit wants. Well, isn’t it, soldier?” He asked with the raised brow.
He commanded and Sybille was forced to obey. “Yes. Yes, sir, it is.”
“She really is starting to get the handle of this.” Kit gave a sideways glance to the Herald, a cruel grin on her face.
Unzipping Syb’s coat, Kit tossed it to the floor and brought her knife to the waffle knit of the worn Henley underneath, slicing it open from the buttons down to the belly. All the while keeping her eyes firmly focused on the Deputy. “Such a good little rabbit for us,” she cooed as she traced her knife over the bare skin of Syb’s chest, leaving light pink scratch marks against it – not enough to break the flesh, but enough for the nerves to be set alight with an itch – drawing a hiss from the dark haired woman as metal met the skin. 
But that didn't stop Kit, pain was part of the pleasure. 
“Not a fan of knives, Dep?” She tutted her tongue. “That’s too bad. I am.”
She ran her fingers down the straps of Syb’s bra and with a quick slash of her knife, cut them, letting Syb’s breasts fall free of the material and her nipples steadily grow harder in the cold, biting air. The point of Kit's blade traveled down between small, perky breasts until it reached her stomach, stopping as the tip hit the other woman's belly button and she slipped her hunting knife back into the holster on her thigh. 
A sigh heaved out of Sybille’s mouth. “It doesn’t fuckin’ matter what I like, does it?”
Kit’s brow furrowed, “Now bunny, that’s not very nice. We’ve always been good to you, giving you what you want.” Cupping Sybille's face in her hand, she kissed her as her other hand explored down the dark haired woman’s body. Massaging the Deputy’s breast in her hand, Kit rolled her nipple between her fingers, pinching it tightly making Sybille moan into her mouth. 
“That’s it bunny, let me take care of you,” Kit whispered against her lips as her hand trailed down Syb’s waist, slipping down the front of her jeans, and past the waistband of her panties.
For someone so fond of violence and brutality, she knew just how to apply the right pressure and speed to a woman’s body to make them beg. There was a certain grace to the way her fingers could move, a dexterity to how she pulled out every little moan and gasp and stifled whine she could get until Sybille was left clenching down around nothing – empty – as she was brought to her climax. 
Even as the Deputy came undone from her fingers, she whispered praise into the dark haired woman's ear. "You have no idea how much I love the sounds you make. So fucking pretty," Kit purred. 
She started to pant, her anticipation getting the better of her as she pressed kisses to the edge of Syb's jaw and finally inserted her fingers into her. Curling them up against the walls, stroking that perfect spot over and over, letting her fingers get coated in her bunny's arousal. Pumping them in and out, the slick sounds of Syb getting wetter around her becoming louder, filling the office. Finally slipping her fingers away –  leaving the Deputy desperate for more – Kit brought them to her mouth and sucked them clean. Her tongue sliding down to the base of them, licking at the skin that webbed between them, collecting every last glistening morsel that coated her digits. 
"God, the way you taste…” Kit looked down at her fingers now wet with her saliva and a smile pulled at her lips. “I could eat you out for hours."
Pale eyes flicked up to look at Syb, with a hunger the Deputy had only ever seen in one other pair of eyes. That same pale, predatory gaze that was more animal than human. 
Sybille swallowed hard, her lower lip trembling as she focused on the redhead’s mouth. "P-please."
Kit's eyebrows rose, feigning surprise. "Oh, you'd like that?" she asked in a husk as she dragged her tongue against the burn scars on Syb’s neck. 
"I know I'd like to see that." Jacob got up from his seat after admiring the show before him and heavy footsteps crossed the room, his arms wrapping around Kit's waist, tugging her ass against his stiffening cock. Pressing the meat of her into him, she began to grind her hips as his teeth nipped at her throat. "Fucking into ya while you use that pretty little mouth of yours."
"Is that an order?" Kit teased.
He grabbed her braid and coiled it around his hand, pulling back on her head to rest it against his shoulder. "I can make it one."
She purred with the rough touch used against her, her tongue dragging against her teeth as her eyes fluttered shut. When he finally released her from his grasp, Kit was quick to grab Syb’s hand and pull her towards the cot in the corner of the room, and push her down onto the mattress. 
Sybille’s hands fell to the button and the zipper of her jeans, fumbling to undo them under the pale stare of the two redheads in her midst, but Kit was quick to slap her hands away.  
“Not so fast, bun.” Kit licked her lips and pulled down on the zipper teasingly slow, sliding Syb’s jeans down her thighs and legs, her eyes drawn to the darkening spot between the Deputy’s thighs. Gripping Sybille’s thighs in her hands, she spread them wider, kneeling between them, pressing her fingers to the spot moist with her anticipation, adding the friction of cotton against her needy cunt. 
"So wet for me already," Kit hummed approvingly.
Pale blue eyes stared up at Syb, as she pressed kisses to her inner thighs, drawing closer to the apex of them, before running her tongue against where the artery pumped, teeth nipping at the sensitive flesh – playing with her food. 
A shaky breath slipped past Syb’s lips, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she laid there watching Kit work, her fingers squeezing at the bedding. “Please, Kit,” she begged.
A half grin tugged at the corner of the redhead’s mouth, white teeth shining. Icy eyes rolled sideways to face her prey. “Bunny, are you getting impatient with me?”
Jacob chuckled from behind them, arms crossed over his chest. “Told ya we should have promised her the stick and not the carrot.”
Kit looked back over her shoulder at the mountain man, batting her eyelashes. “Have neither of you ever heard of foreplay?” She turned back to face Syb, and wrapped her fingers around the band of her panties, tugging them down her legs. “Apparently you both like to just get right to the action, huh?”
Her fingers dug into Syb’s thighs, her nails dragging down them, leaving long, red scratches behind. Spreading the folds apart with two fingers, she licked long stripes up the length of Syb's slit, her tongue lapping at her like a cat with a bowl of cream, until coiling it around the hood of her clit. Hearing the pleasured moans and having the other woman thrusting up towards her face as she writhed against the mattress let Kit know she was on the right track. Her strawberry lips wrapped around Syb’s clit and she could already feel it start to pulse, swapping between sucking and licking while slipping two fingers up inside her, the wet sounds steadily growing louder with each thrust in and out, her fingers getting drenched down to the knuckles.
With Kit’s ass pointed up in the air, Jacob slipped around behind her, freeing her of her own jeans and underwear. With a rustle of cloth and the jingle of metal, his jeans were on the floor and without wasting any time, his hand snaked around Kit’s hips and between her legs, rubbing circles against her clit with the pad of his thumb as he cupped her mound in his large, rough hand. Pressing the head of his cock up against her entrance, he pushed up into her with a single thrust of his hips, stretching her open and making her moan against Syb's cunt, vibrating into her, causing a desperate keening whine in response like a chain reaction. 
Swapping the positions of her hand and mouth, Kit's thumb rubbed back and forth over the tender and aching clit, while her tongue entered Syb's cunt and fucked her with the same desperate need that Jacob had into her own. It didn’t take long before Sybille's walls started to flutter, so close to clamping down the same way her thighs did as they squeezed around Kit's head, keeping her in place. 
Grabbing a handful of auburn waves at the crown, Sybille’s nails dug into the other woman's scalp and another moan reverberated through her – Kit was always all too happy to have pain used against her, it only heightened the experience. 
A darkened, predatory stare watched as Syb started to grind up against Kit's face. Using the other woman to get herself off, chasing her end. "Feels good, doesn't it, rabbit?" Jacob growled, stuffing himself into Kit, bottoming out inside of her. 
Sybille could only respond with moans of delight and pleasure as the icy stare of the eyes between her thighs looked up at her, Kit’s lips curling at the reaction she was getting from the dark haired woman as she swallowed down the salty sweet taste of her.
Jacob's hand wrapped up in Kit's braid, pulling her back towards him like it was a leash. Her mouth glistened with Syb's slick arousal and his mouth crashed against hers, kissing her deeply, tasting both her and Sybille at the same time. With Kit now sitting in his lap, he continued to thrust up into her, hips snapping against her, wet flesh slapping as his cock was now bathed in her own arousal. Their moans turned to animalistic growls every time his length disappeared inside of her. His fingers gripping at her hip, desperate and demanding, hard enough to bruise – nothing new considering the layers of bruises that stained her skin ranging from yellowed and fading to the freshest of deep purples.
Syb sat up, resting on her forearms, her cunt left sensitive after the redhead had brought her to climax several times, and she watched the proud and powerful Herald's lieutenant coming undone – Muscular thighs shaking, eyes squeezed tightly shut, sweat staining her brow, clawing at her own breasts over her shirt – it was a sight to behold.
Jacob's hand traveled up the front of Kit's shirt, lifting the material, exposing the scars that spread across her abdomen, blooming on her skin. Cupping her breast in his hand, the other fingering her clit as she continued to bounce on his cock.
"That's it, kitten. That's my good girl," his voice a deep growl.
Whining, soft gasps tumbled from Kit with his words of praise quickly turning into throaty moans as Sybille crawled forward and laid between her thighs, the Deputy’s tongue now licking up the redhead’s folds – returning the favor. Coiling her arm around Jacob's neck, the other hand grasping at the back of Syb's head, Kit continued the brutal pace of her riding.
Jacob sped up the pummeling thrusts into her with each snap of his hips, her cunt fluttering and clenching around him until he finally came inside of her, coating her velvet walls. Her nails dragged against Syb’s scalp, her eyes rolling back into her head as his pace slowed, rolling his hips back and forth until finally pulling out, his cum dripping out of her. 
But Syb kept going, eating her out, licking up the drops of Jacob’s seed while she was at it. It felt like her heart would burst out of her chest, her lungs expanding and contracting in a rib cage that could no longer hold them. Her whole body was on fire, sparks ripping through her nerves, and a scream ripped from her like she was being tortured. 
Kit wrapped her hand around the front of Syb's throat, stroking the skin softly before pulling the other woman up to kiss her. Jacob's cum still collected in Syb's mouth, not yet having been swallowed, she happily slipped her tongue into the other woman's mouth and accepted the taste of her lover's seed as Syb’s hands fondled and caressed her body.
Jacob stood back with a smirk, pulling on his jeans and doing up the belt. “See, I knew there was a reason I needed ya both.”
Pressing her forehead to Syb’s, she used her thumb to wipe the corner of the Deputy’s lips, before bringing it to her mouth to suck it clean, a smile creeping across her lips making her eyes sparkle in the afterglow.
“Kitty here can be quite the handful.” Jacob said, resting against the edge of his desk, the flush in his skin starting to fade. Like a switch had been flipped, he was back to being all business as he spoke to the Deputy. “Take the carrot, Jackrabbit. No more cages, no more hunger, we’ll look after ya.” He turned his attention to his second-in-command. “Won’t we, kitten?”
She nodded, her eyes softening the way they had earlier as she looked at Sybille. “Come on, Syb. Be our little bunny. It’s a better life than what we had before.” Her fingers stroked against Syb’s cheek gently. “I promise.”
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fang-revives · 4 months
yes I have a specific ass take on nakada (nakamura / okada ); yes it's canon with / compatible with my jaykada stuff. what of it
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blizzardsuplex · 4 months
7, 8, 25 from the asks!
Thanks, Syb <3
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
Probably too many, TBH, though I literally don't let myself think of them too much - once I start I'll have to see the planning through, and I don't wanna leave any more unfinished projects in my docs. :') Specific ideas I have right now include: my TCE giftfic shadowboxverse sequel, Kris/Willow "weren't you that girl who said she was an alien at summer camp?" coffee shop meet cute, non-kayfabe compliant daemonverse AU, and some flavor of urban fantasy...thing (mixed with prince/bodyguard stuff? IDK).
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
Two active WIPs right now: an outsider POV fic (vague, I know...sorry!) and the influencer/streamer AU. Both are extremely silly, mostly cause the third WIP (mixtape fic) ended up pretty serious/melancholic, whoops.
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
And speaking of the mixtape fic, LOL. I actually almost scrapped the whole idea when I wrote A5 (that's the note to Can't Help Falling in Love), which was maybe the 3-4th one I wrote out of the 10, because I was worried what I wrote was too dark. Like, yeah, troubled childhood, but at what point is saying "well it's canon, he's talked about it on TV even" not personally enough to justify what the writing touches on (this is specifically a problem I have with prowres because of the reality/fiction blur). Glad I finished it in the end, though - and kept that part intact, cause I think that one is one of my faves.
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jaimehwatson · 10 months
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Stede Bonnet had been in love with another boy once before, at school. Their romance had been secretive and short-lived, but for a time they would hold hands beneath their desks whenever the teacher rolled in the TV with some allegedly educational VHS tape, and Stede had never forgotten the electric thrill of the touch of his skin. Not even when he had grown up, dismissed it all as a childish phase, and married a woman his father approved of. It hadn't been Mary's fault that she could never make him as happy as he had once been in the back of a classroom at fifteen years old, just holding hands.
This is the beginning of the next chapter of Tonight on Ring of Revenge, my pro wrestling OFMD AU, and I wrote it ages ago, but I need to finish a bunch more before the eventual update. :D Thanks for the opportunity to share a preview!
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
Fairly often! Sometimes getting a nice comment on an older one will make me want to reread it to refresh my memory about what exactly they're commenting on, or just something else will remind me "that old fic of mine was pretty fun wasn't it let's go revisit it again."
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Getting into fanfic has really helped me learn to appreciate the value of just writing what I feel like and putting it out there without worrying too much about what people will think. Especially with the fantastic tagging system that Ao3 has, for the most part the people who read your fic will have come across it because they're already into kind of stuff you're writing about, so they're probably going to enjoy it! Or they can just find something else if they don't and that's not my problem! And once you get over the "what if it's not good enough" anxiety, you have more opportunities to write weird shit and thus get better.
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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oooooh can i get a 🍸 dealer's choice :D (--direwombat)
Syb was a no nonsense serious hard ass and Micheal liked that in a woman. Fairly easy on the eyes too. Having hit the sauce a little too hard and having spent far too much time in the Bliss recently he strode over to her.
Approaching women had admittedly become a lot harder since he'd lost his voice but he figured a direct approach would give him his best shot.
He leaned in close like he was going to whisper a secret and lightly bit her ear, then gave her a little wink, jerking his head toward a more private room, making his intentions clear.
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silly-goofy-mood · 1 year
sad paladin milf brainrot 🥰
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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my previous conversions of syb's nursery sets can be found here: dreamy toddler 👶🏽| little dino 🐱‍🐉
hi everyone! @syboubou released their candy nursery set some time back in april to celebrate the release of ts4's growing together expansion pack, and i DESPERATELY wanted it for ts2! it's so, so adorable! so i did what i do, and almost two months later... here we are! i'm finally done converting the ENTIRE set! 🥳💃🏽
altogether there are 23 buy items, many of them functional, and 3 build assets: 2 wallpapers, 1 carpet floor. i'm immensely pleased with how it all turned out! it should pair well with my dreamy toddler conversions (linked above) and also my 4t2 conversion of madlen's kei baby care kit!
credits go to @syboubou for the amazing original set! it's simply perfection! 💝
there are two versions in the download below: a merged version, and an unmerged version. yes, the download is just THAT big. please pick only one! a collection file has also been prepared for convenience's sake.
keep reading below the cut to read what you need to read! and see what you need to see!
more previews
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things to note
a readme.txt is also included in the download!
the changing table does not actually come with a bin. so unless you place the decorative trash bin next to it, your sims will be throwing their trash into the void.
the crib is unanimated. i tried my best but the mapping and the way the model was made simply would not accomodate any animations without looking even worse 😫
the dresser is just decor. i use the gussy up mod in my game so my sims rarely use wardrobes. plus, the original dresser's structure made it impossible to be animated 😅
the way that the playmat works in the previews above is actually as a rug. i made an invisible recolor of the sims 2 store playmat (included in the download) and layered it over the decorative one so that it's 'functional'! if you just want the playmat as a rug, you can delete this.
the toddler bed is cloned from @themediocresulk's toddler beds as pet beds so that it's less buggy and your toddlers can get in or out whenever you want them to! you may want to grab this mod so that they gain more motives.
items included
taken directly from that readme.txt.
buy mode:
Baby Shoes Box -> 318 polys, $49 Beehive Ceiling Lamp -> 900 polys, $99 Bookcase -> 489 polys, $249 Books -> 84 polys, $49 Cat Plushie -> 840 polys, $39 Changing Table -> 349 polys, $249 Cloud Rug -> 2 polys, $49 Crib -> 1788 polys, $399 Diapers Box -> 772 polys, $9 Dresser -> 76 polys, $699 Hanging Plant -> 506 polys, $19 High Chair -> 1048 polys, $249 Mirror -> 270 polys, $149 Ottoman -> 316 polys, $89 Playmat -> 1584 polys, $249 Potty -> 112 polys, $99 Rabbit Lamp -> 912 polys, $35 Rocking Egg Chair -> 1760 polys, $379 Shelves -> 168 polys, $89 Toddler Bed -> 1855 polys, $349 Toy Rattle -> 432 polys, $49 Trash Bin -> 222 polys, $39 Vanity Case -> 1436 polys, $29
build mode:
Floor Carpet -> 26 swatches, $1 Wallpaper Panelling Paint -> 56 swatches, $1 Wallpaper Panelling Pattern -> 32 swatches, $1
a recolor of the sims 2 store's baby dangle monster playmat is also included. if you want to use it, you'll need the original mesh from the store download.
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phew, that was a LONG, but satisfying, post to write! i hope everyone enjoys these conversions as much as i do! i had a lot of fun making them 💝
have a lovely day simming everyone! don't be afraid to reach out to me if there's any issues with this download. though as always, keep in mind...
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cheers ~ 🥂
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
I love Syb so much I just want him to breed me and be my baby daddy. My mimic husband and our mimicling and hybrid kids. He’s gonna get that #1 Dad Mug ❤️❤️❤️ TY FOR WRITING PINNIE
You're welcum! <:]
There are so many "#1 Dad" mugs in your house, you'll never know which one's the real deal until you try to put your lips on each one-
And then most will try to crawl into your mouth the same way they do to Sybastian. It gets tiring really quickly.
Daddy has to teach them that humans have tiny mouths and they could make you choke if they're not careful.
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direwombat · 8 months
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tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton (tysm~!)
tagging @trench-rot, @cassietrn, @strangefable, @voidika, @madparadoxum, @adelaidedrubman, @aceghosts, @josephslittledeputy, @inafieldofdaisies, @g0dspeeed, @simplegenius042, @miyabilicious, @strafethesesinners, @confidentandgood, @jillvalentinesday, @poetikat, and anyone else with something to share! (to be added/removed from the taglist, please like/unlike this post here!)
once again i am bringing you some werewolf au, first a bit of syb just trying so hard to do her job, and another snippet from jacob's pov of him continuing to be a violent and possessive creep <3 (also just for context, at the start of the first snippet, they're talking about renovations being done to st francis.
“Quite the project you’ve got goin’ here,” she remarks. “How long’ve’ya been workin’ on the place?”
“Couple months,” he answers, but doesn’t offer anything further. 
Jesus, this is gonna be like pullin’ teeth, ain’t it? So, she tries again. “Y’all’ve worked fast,” she hums, pointedly admiring the work done and emphasizing her awe -- give his ego a little stroke. “Good craftsmanship too, by the look of it. Think you’ll finish it all before winter?”
He tilts his chin up, puffing his chest out -- preening ever so slightly at her words. Yeah, that’s what I thought, she thinks. 
“That’s the goal,” he nods. 
But, once again, he doesn’t volunteer any more information. So, she presses once more. “What’re ya gonna do with it once it’s done?”
He pulls to an abrupt stop outside a set of french doors and gives her a stern look and folds his arms over his chest. “Is this pertinent to your investigation, Deputy?”
She blinks, taken a bit back. “Well, no --” 
“Then I’m not obligated to answer that.” He grasps the door’s handle, pushes it open, and steps inside. 
Sybille narrows her eyes, focusing on the point on his back where his shoulder blades meet. “You realize that makes you sound suspicious,” she says evenly, and she follows him into a large office. The walls are covered in renovation plans -- blueprints, schematics, and various paint swatches cover every last inch. Even more documents and plans lay scattered across the desk, and tucked away in the corner is a small cot. The bed has been made, the corners of the worn green blanket are tucked neatly at the corners. Army regulation.
Wonder if he slept here last night?
“And you realize you can’t do a damn thing about it,” he says shortly. “Private property is private property, Deputy. What we do here is our business.” He strides over to the desk and fishes a ring of keys out from one of the top drawers. “Now, if you have any questions that are actually relevant to your investigation, I’d be happy to answer them. You and I both have more important things to do than engage in chit-chat.”Giving the bulk of the keys a little flip around where his finger is hooked through the ring, he walks back over to her and gestures to the door. “After you.” 
Were she a smaller or less hardened woman, she might have been cowed by how he towers over her. There are some people who intimidate as easily as they breathe, and it’s become clear to her that Jacob Seed is just That Kind of man. Even his “after you,” a phrase and gesture that’s so becoming of a Southern Gentleman from Georgia, hides within it a direct order. A command she is expected to obey, lest she break the social parlance.
It’s not a fight worth having, so she nods and shuffles out of the office. The door clicks shut behind the two of them, and they begin walking back towards the courtyard. 
“So,” she tries again, once again falling in step beside him, “how late were you here last night?”
“All night,” he grunts. 
So, he did sleep here last night. “Anyone else with you?” To confirm your alibi? She doesn’t say. 
“You hear anything strange last night?” 
“No,” he repeats. 
She frowns. “What about any wolves howlin’?” 
He glances down at her from the corner of his eye and snorts. “This is wolf country, Deputy. I hear wolves around here nightly. It’d be strange if I didn’t hear them howling.”
“How about screamin’? Or gunshots goin’ off?”
“Do you know what a mountain lion sounds like, Deputy?” Jacob asks. 
“If you don’t know what you’re hearing, the call of a mountain lion sounds a lot like a human scream. Most accounts of people claiming a forest is haunted because they heard shrieking, are just people hearing mountain lions,” he explains dismissively. 
“Fascinating,” she answers flatly. “Doesn’t answer my question, though.” 
He sighs heavily, as if frustrated that his half-assed question for an answer wasn’t satisfactory to her. “No, Deputy. I didn’t hear any screaming or gunshots last night.” 
and a bonus jakey pov of him continuing to be creepy <;e3
As tempted as he is to give the Deputy the run around -- to see just how fast and far she’d run to catch him -- she doesn’t give him the option to. Her cruiser’s front bumper never strays more than a few feet of his own back one, making it explicitly clear that she isn’t just going to let him take off with the beast currently held on the bed of his truck. 
Besides, after smelling the shift in her scent when he picked the Feral up and carried it to his truck, he decided that playing nice, at least for the time being, would give him what he wants. The quickening of her pulse and the sweet, albeit suppressed smell of her arousal at his display of strength told him everything he needed to know. She’ll deny it -- loyal women like her always will -- but there’s a part of her that’s drawn to him. 
She likes that he’s strong. 
Picking up a dead body is nothing, his Wolf salivates. Let her see what we could do to Eli. Show her how strong we really are.
His grip around the steering wheel tightens until his knuckles turn white and he glances at his rear-view mirror. She’s driving with one hand on the wheel while her other arm is draped through her open window, a cigarette dangling from her fingers. Do it, the Wolf urges. We know where he lives. We can end this little problem right now. His fingers move of their own accord and he barely catches himself before subconsciously flipping his signal to turn back north. 
No, he barks back. She’s human and has human sensibilities. She wouldn’t react to the normal mating rituals the same way a fellow werewolf would. He needs to be patient. Careful. If he’s going to pursue her, he has to treat it more akin to a hunt, rather than a courtship. He needs to lure her out; get her to trust him so that when she gets injured or frightened she comes running to him rather than Eli -- he needs to prove to her that he can protect and provide for her. 
It isn’t enough to force her to be his. He needs her to choose him over Eli. Her submission to him needs to be voluntary. That way, when he finally does destroy the Hunter, he’ll do it in every way conceivable. He’ll break his spirit first, then his body. Maybe he’ll claim her in front of him. Just to see the betrayed look in his eyes when Jacob kills the love he thought he had. Just to make him hear how his dear, sweet Deputy howls like a bitch in heat, begging him to bury his knot inside her cunt and fill her with his pups.
Eli Palmer will die a humiliated and broken man.
His Wolf makes a low, pleased growl and is placated by the thought. Fine. The sheep suit can stay on, for now.
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merlinmerlot · 5 months
no hate at all to the syb*lvimers out there but if i'm being 100% honest i Don't get the appeal. i think u guys are inventing a dynamic between them that is actually interesting and not just the 'emotionally unavailable man and his wife who tolerates it'.
like i think their relationship was fun in guardsguards, so i assume that's where most of the appeal comes from, but in later books sybil just becomes a 'the ol ball and chain' joke. she's not even mentioned in feet of clay except in reference to her bed being cold bc vimes literally isn't there lol. and this is all very strange bc pratchett is Definitely capable of writing interesting dimensional women! he just very much gave up after guards guards for sybil, and when she does get a major part later on (fifth elephant) she's still just the 'wife' archetype, and there's not much else really going on. it's clear pratchett wanted to do a 'vimes finds comfort and home in his Wife bc that's his Wife, and he's suuuch an emotionally repressed man but his Wife brings out the best in him or whatever' and i don't know how to explain that i adamantly dislike that. and usually tp would try to Subvert that trope in someway! he literally did in guards guards, and then immediately gave up!
also, and i Am just a m/f hater in general, but a common fandom thing for these two (which i don't think has a lot of basis in the books), is that sybil is the dominant person in the relationship and ahhh look how much of a wifeguy vimes is! which 1. i hate this. making female characters #powerful #commanding with Nothing else going on is not like. feminist writing or whatever. relationships where the woman pegs the man is not automatically #girlpower. and 2. i can only fathom you getting these idea from these two characters if you like, extrapolate from select passages in guards guards.
idk maybe i'm missing some Key stuff from them since i've only read til fifth elephant, but the relationship is not particularly salvageable to me.
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fang-revives · 10 months
Love how I put in my outline that Finlay helps Jay kinda stagger out after his match with Kenny, and then I go back to look more closely at the YLs helping Jay walk and it actually fucking is Finlay
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
my unpopular opinions
peter is one the most complex characters IF YOU TRY your gonna get no where if you dont try to understand anything about him or give him no background or personality
alice and frank are in top 5, ONLY CERTAIN VERSIONS the little version i have of them
i dont like pandalily or marlily im sorry
wolfstar is ok but it isn’t groundbreaking
tiktok rosekiller is just morally gray wolfstar and it makes me want to punch walls /neg
any poly ships deserve 😚 little kiss on the forehead
I saw this ask and just knew you are gonna be right like...it's is we're always right y'know?
PETE IS THE LOML I WOULD DIE FOR HIM WHY DOES EVERYONE FUCK UP HIS PERSONALITY OR COMPLETELY TAKE IT AWAY, I swear they take his personality and give it to Remus like...give it back
I love MY version of pandalily but I don't think I'll ever read a MarLily fic or write for them bc I just can't like it? I don't know why but I can never get into it, it doesn't cause any emotion in me, good or bad, like I've tried but I can't do it 💔 I'll read the three of them as a poly ship tho idky i like that more. Either way crystalflower and pandacas are better anyway
The only wolfstar I can do is post Azkaban wolfstar, anything other than that makes me lose a couple braincells and I don't get why we're getting death threats for not wanting to read it like leave me alone with my padtail alright💀
Ever since may 2022 rosekiller has not had the same AKDKDSKF it used to give me, yes that is when tiktok found them. Yes I did throw a tantrum over it when they found it, yes I did the same thing when they found darksun and nobleflower. No I have not forgotten it xoxo
I love poly ships like...jegulily, RSKC or any variant of it, syb/pan/lily, PENRIAH, blackeclipse, I SAW RITA/BELLA/EVELYN A WHILE BACK, I take back the wolfstar comment too bc the only other time I can see them is Blackbuttonmoon/blackwolftail or whatever you wanna call themthat shit is cute asf, MARLILCAS TOO, Pete/xeno/Pandora??? Hello???? Yes please???
Anyway basically poly ships are the best
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jaimehwatson · 9 months
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line, for Tonight on Ring of Revenge!
This was a tough question because it's my longest fic and there's a lot I'm proud of in it! But I think I might have to go with:
"You look so pretty like that." Stede tilted Ed's chin up with his hand and gave him a devious smile. "I'm going to ruin you."
I had that little recontextualizing of the idea that Stede "ruined" Ed planned out for a long time!
fic ask game
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oloreandil · 7 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
tagged by: @chameliyun, thank you so much <33
1 - How many works do you have on ao3?
131 works so far ! 97 of them are for haikyuu!! and i cannot wait to celebrate my 100 hq fics hehe
2 - What's your total ao3 word count?
323,624 words :0 i didn't think it'd be that much, i tend to write short things, i'm excited to have written so many words !!!
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
i have posted for haikyuu, death note, bnha, yuri on ice, free, breath of fire iv, and fairy tale for some unknown reason XD but i have unposted / unfinished fanfic for a bunch of other things like hunter x hunter or fma
4 - What are your top five fics by kudos?
chat me up has always been my most popular fic and tbh ? yeah i see why XD it is one of the most fun and chatfics were popular at the time. after that come ...or not, blue like the sky, silent trust and saw my momma dad cheese
5 - Do you respond to comments?
yes !! fandom is a community first and foremost for me, and posting is also a way to interact. comments are immensely lovely to get and answer !!
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooh probably love me right ?? it's kinda the angstiest i've written... ever. but some nights is also. bad end. solely by virtue of being post apo and not very optimistic about it. i wanna rewrite it someday because i actually really liked that AU and it's not the best right now hmmm
7 - What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
honestly hasetsu tour guides (which is a series but shhh) is the happiest thing i've written ?? it's not the most fun in terms of plot but everyone is content with their life in a way i've not really written a lot
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
nope, not well known enough XD and i'm not complaining about it
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do ! i have no clue if there's a specific kind i stick to though, most of it isn't even posted or even written past heavy planning. trans cyborg smut is on its way though @notsuchasecret :3
10 - Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i have written or co-written a NUMBER of crossovers. most are not on ao3 yet (or... ever...) but i have posted death note x snow white and hxh x little red riding hood, so. however i do think that owari no seraph x the frog princess (the russian fairy tale) is the wildest one so far !
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but that'd be kinda funny tbh ? imagine coming across your own obscure niche things in the wild. i'd almost be more disappointed it's not a new fic for my teeny fandom corner lmao
12 - What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
the shortest would probably be a couple hours, for guardian of his king (written in a fugue state at like 3am, after Syb shared the drawing that inspired it. two of us fell in a trance btw, this was a POTENT artwork). the longest... i don't dare calculate... but it is measured in years and i haven't even started writing yet <3
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
if you count detailed planning and extensive oral storytelling, many !! my best friend and i are very prolific behind the scenes, to her dismay XD. i thiiiiiink she is the only co-writer i have had ? but i LOVE doing group fics and i'd love to do it with other people
14 - What's your all-time favorite ship? From all fandoms?
"you ask questions i have no answers to" is what i was gonna say and then my brain went "well apart from bokuaka which has to be out of the competition-" so i may have an answer actually hahaha
15 - What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oooh my god that naruto fountain of youth AU is never gonna be written. i have so so so much planned and i sift through and add more from time to time, but like... i pick my battles a little more wisely than this behemoth
16 - What are your writing strengths?
i'm not sure ! i do think writing dialogue is easier for me than most other things, and i love doing fun formatting / narrative constraints
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
i forget to put down half of the words on the paper so my sentences make no sense and it's horrible to edit <- loves editing. doesn't love when i reread myself and every five sentences i have to think "who tf wrote this and what the hell does it mean. how do you go from here to there ??? oh wait i forgot a sentence again"
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
english isn't my first language. i write dialogue in another language 99% of the time. i don't think this question really takes into account the amount of ESL writers who are basically always doing this
to stay closer to what the question was meant to ask though, i have written sentences, in the middle of english fics, in languages that me or most readers don't speak. it is usually either a LONG process of looking up grammar rules, vocabulary, existing sentences etc... or what i did once, "write with mistakes because the person is learning the language still"
it is good imo to have characters speak their native tongue, or to add your own HCs onto characters and make them speak in their new native tongue, but it can be done more or less respectfully and more or less clearly. how do you include a translation, if at all ? is it jarring in the flow of your fic ? what about inserting song lyrics in another language ? it's a case by case basis for me tbh, and as a reference i really love how yuri on ice did it during the anime
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
i don't recall what i first wrote for exactly but i first posted for death note in 2015 :0 a while back !!
20 - Favourite fic you've written?
i don't have one at the moment, my criteria isn't defined enough these days. maybe some will jump out more later as they did in the past but for now i can say i love most of my children equally lmao
it took me a while to answer, sorry, and i'm too tired to tag anyone but DO feel free to say i tagged you if you wanna do it !!!!!!!
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