#that it was 2am before i knew it
bestmutt · 7 months
All the talk about Pony Town made me go hunt it down so I could play it. I spent entirely too long customizing my pony, walked around the world once, and then hid behind a tree so I could figure out what all the buttons did. 10/10 game, I'm having so much fun
Swag. Love that for you. We love taking forever to make your little guy and then not talking to anyone <3
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spirithunts · 4 days
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miss ahri is openly bisexual in every verse. while in some verses she'd not feel the need to use a label, in other verses it's a little more complicated than that. i need to look at my verses to see what applies specifically to each. considering main verse and kda are the ones i write the most and talk about most often, i'll just talk about them 🫡
base verse ahri is an example of her simply not caring for a label, if one would even exist in runeterra. she likes people regardless of gender and that's it. it's not complex and it's not hidden - and as a result it's not something she struggles with or feels the need to reveal to anyone.
kda is very different. in this verse she was a korean idol with a manager who controlled every single aspect of her life to make her into what would sell the most. even if she wanted to, she wouldn't have been able to be open about her sexuality (and that's without getting into the fact there would be an inner struggle as well, considering how she grew up).
i don't think ahri would have felt the need to announce anything once she felt ready to be open about it, but she would openly support and stand for lgbt causes. if asked about it, she'd be truthful, and she wouldn't hide it if she started dating a woman. i can easily see her attending pride events, and while she always seeks to support promising young artists, i can also see her making a point to promote lgbt artists specifically as often as she can.
and as always kda was very important to her. they're her safety net and for sure would be the first people that made her feel completely safe to be who she is
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praublem-child · 26 days
Me: This 🤏 close to a room destroying meltdown due to a lack of sleep
Also me: remembering weed can fix this without the meltdown and tearing through my bedroom to raid my mom's stash because I haven't been to the dispensary in literally months now
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dragoninahumancostume · 4 months
I hate it when it's like 2am and I get a wave of one of the feelings on the sad spectrum and my chest starts to hurt
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tonytonwy · 2 years
people pleaser
futakuchi kenji x f!reader
w.c 2900-ish
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summary: where futakuchi kenji isn't as mean or disrespectful as other people have told you
You softly bite your lip as you realize Mai is in a different class. She gives a reassuring pat on your shoulder as you try to find anyone you spoken to before; however, your eyes get stuck on one name.
Futakuchi Kenji.
You had heard of Futakuchi before, mainly by Mai's ramblings, but he was… known, not necessarily good things but he had a bit of a reputation. He had issues with talking back to upperclassmen and fighting for marks with teachers. You had spoken to him once or twice but can't even remember what it was about.
“There’s a reason you’re all seated this way,” You try to hide in your beige sweater, the green blazer on your skirt. You try to ease your breathing as you feel Futakuchi eye you down, probably wondering why you're completely avoiding his gaze.
Your teacher, a young man with dark curly hair leans on his desk, “if you notice, you're probably seated with people you never thought you’d talk to.” You subtly nod, a window on one side and Futakuchi on the other wasn’t exactly the way you planned the year to go.
“I want you to speak to people with a different opinion to you, if you’re quiet, be loud. If you’re a bit of a dick, maybe be nice.” He looks at Futakuchi, who simply stares at him back, giving a tight smile. You nervously bounce your leg on the floor, side-eyeing Futakuchi. He was currently doodling on his notebook, ignoring everything the teacher was saying. His long legs are spread out, your eyes are slowly draw to his hands. They're long but in a soft and almost dainty way. You can't help but look at your own; rough and your nails are uneven, nothing like his. Despite his broad shoulders, his wrists are skinny and you can only imagine what the rest of his body looks like. You have to admit, he's quite attractive. You don't remember him being this easy on the eyes last year.
You look away before you can be caught.
“Ah, also, I may have sat the two best math students together on purpose.” You notice how Futakuchi’s head lifts, actually listening now. You mentally sweat, hoping that there was a student that got better grades than you. However, the teacher’s quick and teasing glance at you make your mouth slightly open in shock. “I think friendly competitions are good. That’s right, Futakuchi,” the teacher points at him suddenly, “you’re no longer the best student. You have a rival in this class.”
“I’m sure they won’t be hard to beat.” Your teacher gives a laugh. He appears to know Futakuchi and his personality already. You can't say the same but in a, incredibly, weird way, you want to.
“Thank you, y/n, you’re the best! This is the last time, promise.” You give a small smile as your classmate gives you a side hug and she runs off, your pristine notebook in her hand. You stretch and let out a big sigh; she had said the same thing last week.
“God, you’re such a people pleaser,” Futakuchi says rudely, his eyes glaring at your classmate who is quickly copying your work before the teacher arrives. He clicks his tongue in disapproval, an annoying habit of his, and shoves his hands into his blazer’s pockets. His notebook open with the answers to the homework and a slick black pen. “She’s too dumb to do basic algebra.”
“That’s a bit mean,” you slightly shuffle so you can look at him properly, “she might have personal issues going on.” The sarcasm in deep in your voice as he snorts, shaking his head. Futakuchi caught on pretty early that you were the other top student as everyone asked you for help. By pretty early, the third day of school, and since then, everyday, without fail, he would ask how much you studied and what's your 'loser face' like (you refuse to show him, obviously). And now with the results of first test arriving, you feel Futakuchi’s excitement as your stomach is full of nerves.
“Yeah, clearly personal issues going on,” as he says that the girl laughs loudly with her friends, forgetting about your notebook fast. You couldn’t wait for class to end. You feel a sudden whack on the back of your head and turn your head as Futakuchi has a bored expression, as if he didn’t just hit you. You smile in shock and as you open your mouth to talk, his blabbermouth beats you to it.
“I bet you’re the type of person to be in a rush and somehow,” he adds suspense for some reason, “you’d still help a person who's dropped their groceries. Or let someone convince you to join their cult or whatever.” You can only stare at him in silence for a few seconds before actually laughing, and you can see a glint of pride in Futakuchi’s eyes.
“Well, that definitely hasn’t happened before.” You say, eyes rolling. Futakuchi can only shake his head. Despite your initial fears, talking to Futakuchi in class became normal. Sure, he would tease you constantly and distract you , but it was weirdly easy to tease him back and, to just talk.
“You know what? You should tell people," he shifts his chair so he's closer and you lean in, he's practically whispering the last bit, "to..."
"to...?" You whisper, confused.
"to fuck off." He says fast and simple and you give a small laugh, shaking your head in disapproval. "And stop being a people-pleaser, it's gross."
Before you can respond back, your teacher hops in, a stack of paper in one hand and a red pen in the other.
You feel an annoying but all too similar soft kick to the bottom of your chair. You don’t even bother giving him a glance, you already know what his question is going to be.
“What did you get?” Futakuchi says, ignoring the teacher’s glare and your head remains down, finishing the last section of the questions you got wrong. “Are you ignoring me?”
“Did you not tell me to stop being a people pleaser?” Your voice is harsh but you turn and give a cheeky smile. His mouth is wide open, a smile starting to form and his eyes are full of disbelief. Pride swells in your chest and you wish you had a camera to take a picture of Futakuchi's face.
“Wow, using my advice against me?” He scrunches up a small piece of paper and flicks it to your face, hitting your nose. “That’s messed up.”
“Futakuchi, please stop bothering your neighbour.” You quickly put your head down and feel your cheeks heat up as people stare and Futakuchi sulks in his seat. His tongue clicks again, slightly quieter this time. “You can bother her when you get a higher grade than her.” Your eyes widen and whip your head to see how Futakuchi’s eyebrows twitch in annoyance at the teacher’s teasing.
The class continues in silent before you see another piece of paper arrive at your desk. You look at Futakuchi, unimpressed with his attempted to communicate. He shrugs before showing you his paper, a clear red 88 on the corner.
You hesitantly look at the paper, firstly, afraid of this paper being a death threat and secondly, being caught by the teacher.
How tf did you get a higher grade than me? You purse your lips, a smile threatening to come out. You quickly write a response and give a deep breathe before throwing to him, if he killed you, at least you would die a winner.
By doing your mum.
You cover your mouth as you hear Futakuchi loudly laugh, the teacher once again turning. He covers his mouth, clearly not expecting for you to write such a thing.
“Care to share Futakuchi?” The teacher’s tone slightly more serious now.
“Nah, I’m good.” he says quickly, and writes on the other side of the paper you threw. You try to work but your eyes go to him, wondering what Futakuchi could possibly be writing. You quickly get the other paper, scrunched and your hands feel electric as you open the paper.
You're definitely not a people pleaser anymore, quite the opposite actually.
It's not long before he bothers you again.
“What did you get?” Futakuchi pokes your shoulder, and you pull your tongue out, not bothered to answer. “Real mature, c’mon,” He leans in, but you swat your paper against his face.
“Don’t be snoopy,” he looks unimpressed and scoffs before folding his arms. “Futakuchi, you’re such a baby.” You give a small laugh as he pulls the middle finger.
“l/n and Futakuchi, last warning,” your back straightens significantly as your teacher gives a small nod and you can hear Futakuchi choke a laugh over your nerdiness.
“Teacher’s pet,” he says, glancing at you once the teacher faces the board again.
“At least I got a higher score than you,” you give a small smile while continuing to write down the teachers notes, and you feel Futakuchi’s glare on you.
The class passes by fast, as classmates come and ask for your help in explaining certain equations. However, you still feel those pair of eyes on you.
As you walk out to the lockers you see Futakuchi, leaning on the wall on his phone. Despite being able to talk to him in class, being fully alone with him was a completely different situation.
“Waiting for Aone?” he turns and before he can glare, he gives a small smile. You go on your knees and put your school shoes into your locker as he fully turns and squats with you.
“Yep,” his face is serious and stoic, “so what did you actually get?” your face drops and you try to not smile over his persistent attitude.
“I wasn’t aware that you still cared,” you see his cheeks go slightly pink for once, “fine, I got a 92.”
“Bullshit,” he says but you open your bag and elegantly pass your paper, a clear bright red 92 in the corner. Futakuchi clicks his tongue, once again. “It’s because the teacher loves you.”
“Don’t belittle my efforts,” you put your leather shoes on as he slightly nudges you so you slightly trip, you give a quick glare that makes him laugh. “It’s not my fault you fight every teacher on every test.”
“I know my worth,” you snort over his arrogance as he stares at your calculations, his eyebrows furrowed, “also you deserve a mark here.”
“What?” You feel your heart drop and immediately lean to your test and see your working out, shoulders touching with Futakuchi. You ignore his breathe hitch, you ignore how warm he is, and you definitely ignore his cologne. “No, I don’t. I forgot to round it.”
“He said that correct units were the additional mark, not rounding, so he forgot to add a mark for that.” He folds the paper and hits your forehead, “you deserve a 94 instead of a 92, at least.”
“It’s just two percent,” you say shyly, grabbing the paper while standing up, “I doubt that’ll change my overall grade.” You didn’t want to fight the teacher, he treated you nicely every time you needed help with a question.
“You worked hard for this test,” he stands up as well, his long legs contrasting yours. His eyes staring at you for way too long, he gives a small sigh before rubbing his neck. “You deserve the grade you studied for.”
You don’t know why it tugs your heart, the acknowledgment of your hard work and for Futakuchi, of all people, to see it. It does something to your stomach and you feel your cheeks heat up, your feet feel stuck to the floor and your hands are suddenly clammy.
“I’ll ask him about it tomorrow,” you push the paper back in your bag, your stomach heavy with nerves. You suddenly feel insecure, did you even bother fixing your hair? Is your skirt too long? Face too blemished? You feel your sweater cling to you, in a unflattering way.
You avoid his eyes and walk past, not sure what to do with this flush of emotions. “See you tommorrow.”
"Wait," you quickly turn and Futakuchi awkwardly walks up to you, face slightly pink, "I'll walk you to the gate."
"Why?" He avoids your eyes and instead looks to the side.
"Loser's etiquette," he gives a dorky smile and you can't help but laugh.
"Sure, it's dangerous times to be walking alone to a school gate." He snorts and lightly pushes you.
"Shut up," despite his tone, he's smiling. You push him back and you both are in the strange game of pushing each other until the end of the gate. You take a deep breathe and look at Futakuchi, who's looking around to see if there's any other students.
“Thank you, I would’ve never noticed that mistake. I will actually talk to the teacher about it.” You have a serious face before Futakuchi laughs, eyes crinkling and you have to laugh with him over your dramatic style.
“No worries, it has to be a fair competition after all,” you shake your head giving a small smile. You lightly punch Futakuchi, who acts as though you have the strength of a body builder.
“Your mercifulness is going to be the end of you.” You start to walk off, your heart feeling a bit lighter.
“This is my first and last time helping you, y/n.” You give a small wave before giving him the finger.
“Good to know, because I won’t need it again!” You shout, not taking a second to glance at him despite the temptation to do so. Futakuchi laughs before disappearing back into the school.
“Thank you for telling me l/n! Jeez I can’t believe I missed that.” Your math teacher gives a thumbs up, a big smile on his face. He couldn't be more than 25.
“Uhm, Futakuchi told me, actually,” You shyly give credit to him, and you see your teacher's surprised face appear, his mouth wide open.
“Futakuchi helped you? Even though he’s second?” You nod, your face heating up the more you think about it, last night you had been asking yourself the same questions. Your teacher gives a chuckle, “I have never heard of him helping anyone besides himself and Aone.”
“Yeah… He said he wanted a fair competition.” Your teacher let out a loud laugh.
“God, he’s a softie. What a stupid excuse,” he adds a red circle to your new mark. “I’m glad you’re seating next to him,” He gives a smile, “you're too nice to everyone.” Your eyebrows slightly frown as you recall Futakuchi said something similar.
“Mister Moniwa, do you know Futakuchi?” You ask, seemingly out of nowhere and your teacher tilts his head, pondering how he should answer.
“Our mums are friends,” you let a small ‘oh’, “plus, my little brother is Futakuchi’s captain.” You nod, still feeling curious about Futakuchi.
“Do you like Futakuchi always coming up to you to fight about his grade?”
“Well, I’ve known him since I was young,” he says, smiling, “funnily enough, I was his tutor when he was in middle school. So, I don't really mind. I know he's competitive.”
"I could tell early on," you laugh as you think about all the other times Moniwa has made a lesson a competition so Futakuchi would actually participate.
“Is there a reason you’re so curious about Futakuchi?” You feel your face heat up as he peers into your face.
“Uh, no,” you fiddle with your fingers, “he just seems, so confident.” Your comment surprises Moniwa, who’s eyes widen before giving a soft smile.
“That's one way to see him."
As you walk away you finally look at your paper you see a ‘96’ scribbled and a small comment.
Clearly Futakuchi ‘missed’ the other mark you got on the last page! Tell him off for me.
You shake your head; he definitely saw that mark. You practically speed walk to the class, excited to see your 'rival'.
“You asshole,” you slam your paper on his desk, “you saw the other mark, didn’t you?” Futakuchi eyes widen before giving a smug face.
“Why, I have no clue what you mean, dear y/n.”
"Oh my god,” you laugh before sitting down in your chair, giving him a shocked look. “Here I thought you were genuinely trying to help me achieve my maximum potential.” He laugh before sitting up straight, stretching his body.
“Nope,” he pops the ‘p’, “I can’t give you all the answers, now can I?”
“Yes, you can.” You say, lightly hitting your shoe against his.
“I can’t believe you got 96,” his tongue clicks, “impressive.”
“Why thank you, but it’s…” You try to maintain eye-contact, despite your face becoming a hot mess, “it’s, uhm, thanks to you, Futakuchi.” You rub your neck awkwardly as you wait for him to say anything at this point. His eyes widen as you say his name, and you quickly realize you've never called him by his name.
“Uhm, it’s okay, you already got a higher score than me so why not give you a bit of a boost up.” He coughs, clearing his throat up, ears slightly red. “You clearly needed it… Plus, probability is my bitch, so I’ll ace the next test.”
You slowly glare at him, a million thoughts going through your head.
“I’ll bet… That I’ll ace it harder than you,” you leave your hand out for a handshake, “probability is everyone’s bitch.”
His classic smug smile comes out, his hand drumming on his desk, actually thinking about the logistics of this bet. However, his hand slides into yours, giving a small squeeze.
note: hope u enjoyed it, first time writing futakuchi ahh, can u tell the parts i rlly enjoyed writing??
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solradguy · 2 years
Ok, I will be a Sol kinnie but ONLY for the Jack-O’, Ky, Asuka, Axl, and Justice kinnies. Only they get to unlock my special dialog 
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Wonho Imagine
After a long week filled with dance practices, promotions, music show performances, interviews, tour preparations and working out Wonho was exhausted. Coming home to his quiet apartment was nice but also felt lonely. He missed his group members so much but there was nothing he could do about that now.
He did enjoy his own songs and choreography though. And he got his own personal stylist. He remembers when he first saw you, you were so shy and embarrassed having to put makeup on him and making his abs look amazing. Always so flustered when he didn’t have his shirt on. He smiled, he did have a small crush on you but something like that would never work out.
Walking through his apartment he dumped his stuff on the couch and continued on to the bathroom. He stripped to take a cold shower, trying to cool off and calm his thoughts. His mind was a jumbled mess from preparation for his performances next week. He got into the shower, letting the water run down his body and he tilted his head back to soak his hair.
“That’s it. That feels great.”
Wonho started his shower by shampooing his hair. Then he started to clean the rest of himself, rinsing all the soap and water off at the same time. He turned off the water when he got done, grabbing a towel off the rack and wrapping it around his waist. He walked to the mirror to start his skin care routine, and take his vitamins. Brushing his teeth while humming one of his songs, combing through his hair with one hand (he would let it dry naturally). Then he headed back to the front of his apartment to grab his stuff and put everything away where it goes. He had a couple days off now and he was going to thoroughly enjoy it.
Then his thoughts wandered to you. What would you be doing? Since he had days off, so did you (one of the perks of being his personal stylist). He laughed at himself for thinking of you when he should be trying to relax. After putting all his things away he went to sit on the chair in his room next to the doorway where nobody could see him or peek through any doors or windows.
See, he kind of had more than a crush on you. Sometimes it made him react…sexually. He checked once more to make sure there was nobody around or in his apartment with him. He turned on some of his favorite songs to drown out any sounds he might make and made sure the doors were locked, lights off. He sat back down on the chair and slowly took the towel off, leaving it on the floor (it wasn’t going to walk away, he’ll pick it up later).
Leaning back in the chair and slouching slightly, he grabbed a bottle of lube to make sure he had plenty of moisture. Rubbing the lube together in both hands, he reached down and grabbed himself with one hand, the other hand fondling his chest. Starting off slow, the hand on his dick gently moved up and down the length. Pausing every so often to play with the slit at the top, spreading leftover lube and pre-cum over his tip. He started to speed up a little, his grip a little tighter. He could feel a knot forming in his stomach but he wouldn’t get done with this so easily. He let go of his member and went down further to jiggle his balls, squeezing them. His other hand was still on his chest, pinching and tweaking his nipple until it hardened. He bent his head down and put his mouth over his man boob, sucking on it and grazing his teeth over the very tip of his nipple.
He let his nipple go with a wet pop, licking his lips after. Then the hand that had been fondling his chest moved to grip the back of the chair for support. Wonho put his right hand back on his cock, spreading his legs out so he can play with his cock and balls at the same time.
Stroking himself hard and fast, he could feel the buildup of pleasure in his abdomen, causing him to increase his speed again. Thank god he turned some music on so the neighbors/anyone visiting other apartments couldn’t hear how lewd he was right now. The sound of wet skin slapping against more wet skin filled the area, and he felt his cheeks heat up as he became more turned on.
He was thinking about you now. How great you would look sitting on his lap, bouncing up and down on his dick. He bit his lower lip, moaning again.
“Hmhh, mmn, haa”
Wonho started to thrust his dick into his hand, faster as the feeling of release was closer now. He gripped his cock, thrusting until his arm started to go numb. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, running down into his mouth. He thought about what kind of face you would make if he came inside you, trying to coax his body to let him cum.
“Come on already, I’m waiting..”
Thrusting into his hand didn’t seem to be working, so he grabbed the pillow from his bed and wrapped it around his throbbing cock. Holding the pillow on the sides he pretended he was holding your hips, guiding them up and down his dick. Rough thrusts into his pillow while squeezing the outside seemed to work. He kept that up until he could feel himself about to cum, then threw the pillow onto the floor and finished himself off with his hands.
“Aagh, aah, haagh-aa, umf, AAH! Ugh, mmhn, oh, oh god yes!” His head tilted back so it touched the top of the chair, butt lifted off the seat, and thrusting so fast he thought he might break his dick Wonho milked himself. Cum was all over the floor, the chair, his dick, balls, hands and feet. He was seeing stars, his cock finally calming down and just white spurts of cum came out, some of it landing on his abs or his cheek. Then his dick went limp in his hand. He slowly removed his hands from his cock and balls, strings of cum connecting his hands to his nether region. Carefully bending over to grab the towel from the floor, he walked into the bathroom to put this towel in the laundry bin and grab a new one. He washed his hands, then cleaned his dick and balls, drying everything off after. After washing his hands again he walked back out into his bedroom to put the pillow in the laundry as well. He was actually pretty satisfied with the outcome of this session, and checked his phone before he got into bed to make sure there weren’t any missed messages from anyone. He confirmed that there weren’t any messages, voicemails or emails from anyone that he had to pay attention to right now, then crawled into bed before his legs gave out. As soon as he put his head on the other pillow he was asleep. And he had a nice sexy dream about his personal stylist too.
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wolverineheight · 5 months
i do think people think im exaggerating when i say im like. clinically strange about unburied. i have listened to an episode almost daily since october and id already done three relistens in 2022 when it came out. i have listened to every episode at least 20 times and i am not stopping
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chaosinstigator · 1 year
i was gonna try to be productive before work but my brain is stuck in !!! thanks danny ahfkdj
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snarltoothed · 1 year
yo barbies do have absolutely inhuman proportions and theyve given ken a truckload of cake. just an observation after play acting a barbie affair to a toddler and trying to reiterate the points her mom was trying to make every time she was upset through Ken, who had to be the voice of reason the way Barbie and Barnie kept hitting & yeling at him bc he had a baby with Barnie and their baby can magically fly and is causing a whole lot of problems and infected Dr. Mouse with her magical flying ability but neither of them are good at it and they keep sustaining what should be fatal injuries by jumping off of rooves and i got nowhere in probing about why Baby and Dr. Mouse want to hurt themselves and won’t just rest it off like Dr. Mouse said before she got magic infection and like Dr. Unicorn said before that before he died (permanently i guess she never brought him back lol) because this little girl had more insistence toward playing barbies for “just a little longer” than i have ever had toward ANYTHING…
(like. 2 hours of barbies prior to driving her around and hoping she’d sleep then bringing her to a playground trying to tire her out then the long way home to see if she’d pass out then for like 3 hours but ALAS she wanted to play barbies again within the hour and we continued on and off for 5. hours. i was three feet from the dolls to take my meds and a drink of water and she was like “ken…?” and i was like “one second honey ken is distracted by the movie but i’ll come back over in just a minute i just need to do something real quick” and she was just like “no! no!” and intensely cried for the 30 seconds it took me to swallow 👁👄👁)
((maybe i was also bossy af at her age, suppose maybe i wouldnt remember being tantrum prone toddler lmao… everything i remember i feel like i was pretty meek but i probs cried a lot. idk if i WAILED tho. my mom describes me as “perfect (in terms of childhood behavior) until puberty”. whereas my brother was a monster until about 3 or 4 and she isnt afraid to say so… either way no judgement unto the toddler, i probably started internalizing my feelings way too young for that to be healthy. tangent. my b.))
anyways point being: why are barbie’s legs still so fucking long??? her torso is more normal these days than 20 years ago but ye gods, the woman has still gotta be 7ft tall… and why can’t we out barbie in flats? literally why does she still have deformed ballerina feet? little girls don’t wear heels. little girls shouldn’t wear heels? not like that? because adult fucking women shouldn’t? (thankfully my psuedoneice wants everyone but ken naked ?)
SECOND POINT BEING: MOMFEMS, SINGLE MOMS, MOTHERS IN GENERAL… i have the utmost fucking respect for you. mothers do more for the world than ANY man, EVERY government & law system, fuck, even all the goddamn charities and every single scientific discovery presently known or yet to be found out. and it is NOT EASY WORK!! it is often THANKLESS WORK. it is always UNPAID WORK. mad fucking respect to moms. i could never.
#r#childposting#mom positivity#mother positivity#mother worship#disclaimer that obviously yes there are BAD mothers who neglect and/or abuse their kids and obviously i don’t condone that#this is how you know i love my bestie/basically sister#like it isnt that bad fr because i do love her and her daughter like family#but 7ish total hours of barbies until nearly 2am is not something you’d generally catch me subjecting myself to yknow#my bestie has a broken collar bone so she an her daughter have just kinda been stuck in the apartment w each other#and so she’s been doing this for like a week. plus her kid is starting to get sick of her and was being super mean to her#i knew she needed a break 😭 at least the kid wasnt mad at me#until she started nodding off trying to play barbies lmaoo#her eyes kept closing and she’d start to go limp then she was just forcing her eyes back open and screaming ‘no!’ for several minutes#we kept trying to ask like no WHAT girl we’re all just sitting here#until finally she got sooo mad that she was falling asleep she did her no thing then looked me dead in the eye and went ‘STOP DOING THAT’#my reaction made her cry ☠️ i couldnt keep from laughing a little i was like girl i cant make you fall asleep youre doing that…#she was at the point where ANYTHING wouldve made her cry so i don’t feel that bad it was mostly just so funny#yknow. after she cried and screamed for ~60 seconds and immediately passed out once she laid down#it was less funny before that stopped
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hrrrnnngh and now I'm back on my endless carousel of thought re: the unicorn/Amalthea and touch and the significance thereof. the unicorn not allowing anyone but Molly to touch her. Amalthea trying so hard to touch anyone and failing repeatedly. she tries to pet the cat and it won't let her, telling Molly later that if she had touched it, it would belong to her, and it doesn't want to belong to anyone. Amalthea doesn't want to take anything of Haggard's, only Lir. she reaches for Lir at the end. if she had touched the cat it would have belonged to her. if she could only touch Lir -
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Why am I a fucking dumbass. Like genuinely
#okay waiting until almost one in the morning to go to bed was already a stupid decision when i know my body wakes me up routinely at 8#or before. and being on my phone until right before bed was also fucking dumb#especially as i was blasting videos directly into my frontal lobe#but then. even STUPIDER. i decided ‘oh i’ll read a couple of chapters of my book before bed’#what am i reading? the outsider by stephen king. what is it? a fucking HORROR NOVEL#in my defence the first half was pretty much a straightforward mystery with just some slight weird shit#it’s only when the detective (and everyone else really) starts to realise that something is Off that the supernatural shit starts to happen#i.e. two completely separate people ‘hallucinating’ the same creepy bastard#so tell me why i pick this book up thinking ‘oh what a great nightcap’. and the kicker is that just from the first paragraph of the chapter#i was at; i somehow KNEW some shit was going to go down. i was like ‘this feels like the turning point. this man is about to have a very bad#time’. SO WHY DID I KEEP READING#i probably would’ve been fine during the day but at one in the morning……. i then had to turn my fucking mood lighting on#bc i was creeped out by the darkness. and i’ve lost the remote for my mood lighting somehow….. so it was sitting at blue light#and the brightest possible setting. fine. still fairly sleepable actually#it just didn’t do enough to assuage my fears so Then i had to read a romance novella#and when i say ‘read a romance novella’ i mean i read the whole romance novella. so that took me an hour#THEN at 2am there was a very loud downpour and THEN at 2:30 some bastard on a motorbike decided to tour the neighbourhood as loudly#as possible. and then my bladder was like ‘oh we’re awake? pee every hour’#to summarise; i feel like absolute shit now#i’m hoping i will be able to take a nap this afternoon because this sucks#personal
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chelleisamazing · 1 year
We won trivia night with my friends and it was so hypeeee ✨️😭 I've never won anything lmaooo
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vamptastic · 5 months
ngl i think my ideas on diet changed a lot because i very suddenly started having problems with my blood glucose levels and when you have immediate and severe effects from not adequately nourishing yourself you kinda have to stop moralizing about eating and care more about not passing out or vomiting from crashes.
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dokyeomini · 1 year
I've listened to most of purple kiss's discography now and i am ob.sessed.
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starting my new job today and GOD they’re disorganised
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