#that eddy I just outlines is probably one of my favorite eddys I've done so far
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This little bastard is why I can never get anything done. 
Eddy’s face about sums it up. 
Technically a WIP shot? Pg 17 baby
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flieslikeamoron · 10 months
For the WIP game: Sleight of Hand is among my very favorite fics. I know it's nearing the end; what about writing it has surprised you, or was the most challenging, or have you loved most?
First of all thank you so much! It's definitely been a long-ass journey (I've been writing it just over a year!) so I really appreciate the folks that have kept reading, and I'm so happy you've been enjoying it.
I think the main thing that surprised me is it's so long. I've written 60-70K stuff before, but this is basically twice as long as anything I've written. It's longer than most published novels! When it took me like 30K to get the first kiss I had the classic "Oh. Oh." moment. But of realizing it was going to be a monster. 
There are a lot of challenging things! The last couple parts (16 and 17) were very scary because there's so much time and emotion invested that has to be paid off. So if those big moments where Eddie breaks or those moments of emotional catharsis don't feel authentic or fall flat then the whole entire fic I just spent a year writing doesn't work and it was all for nothing. (A little extreme, but bad endings do ruin stories! Ask Game of Thrones!) So a lot of the challenge is the mental side of psyching myself out. But it is also a writing challenge because I was trying to do a lot of things! And one challenge I didn't expect was I was so focused on getting through those two parts, when I finished them my brain was like, "Well, we did it. We're done!" And I'm going, "No, but look at all these scenes left in this outline." And my brain was like, "I don't know her." So I had to go away from it for a while and I read some books and stuff. (The Imperial Radch series. I love!) It's been clicking back in again, but that's definitely a challenge when your brain just doesn't have the juice.
But writing challenge-wise, which is probably what you actually meant. Let's see... Some of the things where I had to go through a bunch of versions. The whole thing where Eddie is getting himself to a headspace to try to be all in on this and to be brave. (After running out on Steve while he's sleeping.) So much of it's just him in his head. And then making that turn natural without over explaining tooo much. And actually just Eddie in general. Like having those moments of self-sabotage and fucking up and not turn people off the character. 
And then definitely the phone sex scene, the handcuffs, and the two love confessions. Those all felt high difficulty and took a lot to get them where I wanted them. All the sex in this fic is hitting character beats or relationship beats, but those two scenes in particular the beats are complicated. And the love confessions, you just want it to not feel cheap or unearned and to feel true to these guys. I usually don't do actual love confessions in my fics where people say "I love you." Like they say it in the way they act or they say it like "I know" in Star Wars or whatever. They needed the actual words here, and I think they've earned this moment of saying what they mean by not saying it for so long and being at the brink of the whole relationship being destroyed. But yeah, that was a challenging one. I was writing that scene almost the whole time I was writing the fic. I wrote a very, very early version of the "you're out of my league/no, you're out of mine" thing forever ago, just a few chapters in. And it was way too flippant for what the fic ended up being, but I kept adding to it and writing bits of it as I went. So there was a draft of that scene when I started that chapter, and it still took forever to refine it because the tone's off or this part doesn't work and originally the tattoo reveal part was in the same scene, but then I realized I needed to make it two separate things etc.
What have I loved the most. Well, one thing is talking to people in comments and on here about the boys and the fic and all that! That's really fun. Also two of my favorite parts that I love the most are the phone sex scene and the handcuffs. I'm sure it's at least partly because they were hard to write. What's a better feeling than being challenged and fighting with it and winning! I'm really happy with both of those scenes, and I think they do what I wanted them to do. I like to joke that porn is my art, but I think those two scenes are both examples of why it's not actually a joke. I feel like Jonas fandom elevated my porn writing, but this fic is my masterpiece. LOL this is me writing this fic.
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Anyway I also love this version of the characters. And I love it when things come into the fic that weren't in the outline and weren't planned, but are the thing that was missing or that make it work better. There are a bunch of things like that but one of them is Steve drawing on Eddie at the lake (which changed what the tattoo was going to be). It was originally going to be a thing where they go back in the water, and secret underwater touches and stuff of that nature. Which would have been okay, but also would have been worse than what it is. There are people who are really good at super detailed planning and outlining down to every scene beat. And I do need basic outlines for structure and direction myself. But the magic part of writing to me is the part where you find those bits that are better than what you planned. It's frustrating because it usually takes a bunch of tries for me to find them, but I do love those moments of IT'S THIS. Oh, maybe this should have been my answer for stuff that surprised me. Oops. WELL, I HAVE COME FULL CIRCLE I GUESS. 
I don't know if any of that's the stuff you wanted to know. But thank you for asking! Thank you for reading the fic! 
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boykisserbuckley · 7 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @tawaifeddiediaz thank u beloved rat <3
how many works do you have on AO3?
what’s your total AO3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
just 911 right now!
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
find me in the dark — delayed concussion for buck after buck begins caffeine daydreams — college + coffee shop au, buck as a student & eddie as a barista kiwing me softly — buck finds out he's allergic to kiwis nobody ought to be alone on christmas — eddie invites buck for family christmas when he learns he plans to spend the day alone i (don't) wanna get better — eddie finds out about buck's unhealthy coping mechanisms (self harm tw for this one)
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to, and i definitely respond to names i recognize, but i usually end up forgetting or getting overwhelmed by the number of comments on a new fic and then never go back once it slows down and then i feel bad...
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i literally don't write unhappy endings lmao but i do have one (outlined but never properly written) where buck's dog dies. like that's the fic. the dog dies
what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of my fics end happy <3 but probably nobody ought to be alone on christmas bc (spoiler alert) they have their first kiss in the light of the christmas tree and its DISGUSTING how fluffy that fic is
do you get hate on fics?
haven't yet but who knows what'll happen
do you write smut? If so, what kind?
do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nope. i have some au ideas but not crossovers
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of but i've read some that are. suspiciously close to my own
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
i attempted to and then we both forgot <3 it will not be finished <3
what’s your all time favorite ship?
buddie for sure
what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SO many. bad birthday fic...mystery spot fic...mega [redacted] fic...so many
what are your writing strengths?
idk lmao i think characterization, in terms of like. keeping accurate to canon characters. and angst/whump being delicious but not overly unrealistic
what are your writing weaknesses?
that i'm fucking incapable of writing anything fast ever in my Life. and also repeating myself/repeating specific words too much and then i have to edit a lot
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
love it when reading but i don't speak any other languages so i don't do it myself
first fandom you wrote for?
voltron rip
favorite fic you’ve written?
find me in the dark is my baby, my true love, etc. i hated it the entire time i was writing it but by the time i was done i was convinced i was god
i'll tag @renecdote @nymika-arts @deareddie @lovebuck @bigfootsmom and @icarusbuck
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
✍️🎢🛠⛔️💲🦅🧠(YJ Riddler)💔
Sorry if these are a lot of questions all at once! I just really like hearing what you have to say ☺️
hkjhakjshd please don't be sorry genuinely that's the first time i think anyone has ever said they like hearing what i have to say i'm gonna type this then go cry m'kay? lmao 💚
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
nope, i would not subject some poor soul to this nightmare BUT i do throw ideas at people, and sometimes i say absolutely vulgar things in the server so... kinda!
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
ok actually upon thinking maybe basement office is kinda tame. maybe some of my cnc/noncon stuff on ao3 is probably actually the wildest ride...
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
really truly just drafts and microsoft word, what is everyone else using??? ;-;
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
technically i suppose yes, i have an ongoing one with my first "ocs" but i dunno i didn't like where it was going and i kept trying to get to the good parts quicker which isn't a good sign lmao
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
i have!! <3 it's a good idea to message me first before you pay me so i can tell if i'll be able to write you something good, but all of my information is on kofi! it's more a gesture of support, because i will eventually post it with oc/names removed!
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
uh both kinda! i don't have a big outline, mostly just sentences of absolute guff and weird things that i then have to stretch out into a fic! usually the request is enough of a plan to make my brain go "this that sex done"
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
AH ok so eddie ok, i have this headcanon for him that he listens exclusively, and absolutely adores, 90s/early 2000s boy bands. cannot get enough of them. wanted to be in one. that's why his look is kinda slicker and a bit more noughties than the other riddles. i dunno, he looks like he'd be "the sweet one" in some horrendous band <3 i'd have his poster, and he'd have nsync's poster lmao
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
i don't like writing sad things so anytime i have to make arkham!eddie sad it makes me sad ;-; but i don't think i've ever managed to write something with enough feeling to properly break a heart! i don't know if i'd be able to lmao
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asbealthgn · 1 year
2, 16, + 77 for the fic writer asks! (for 77, choose any of your fics!)
thank you! questions are here
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
definitely write as i go! i have vague ideas for what i want to have happen at some point but i don't really plan much out. if i do it's just a really bare outline that i don't necessarily even stick to
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
there's like three i'm actively working on right now? there's hey, where did we go? which i'm working on the most and posting, then there's a darker monster!eddie one that i've been working on here and there. i may start posting that at some point when i have more of it done but i'm a little uncertain on it since it'll be pretty dark compared to anything else i've written. then i also have a pure smut fic that i'm working on that may very well never see the light of day bc i'm still embarrassed about posting smut O.O oh and i guess my big bang fic should also be counted on there? the first draft is pretty much done so i probably won't touch it again until after artist claims. then i also have several wips that i haven't touched in months so i doubt they'll ever get finished.
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
thank you for this question! i'm just going to copy and paste a scene from one of the fics i'm the proudest of (near wild heaven) (spoilers for it btw):
Steve looked over at Eddie, who was focused on the water below. The setting sun caught on his face, turning him golden. Steve didn’t think he could take it anymore. He was thinking of Robin over the phone, saying “Tell him, dingus.” He was thinking how he didn’t want to go the rest of his life without Eddie knowing how he felt. He was thinking, God, Eddie is so fucking beautiful.
“I love you.”
Steve felt his breath leave his body as time slammed to a halt. He saw Eddie blink, like in slow-motion, then look at Steve.
“What?” he asked. 
The words were out there. Steve couldn’t be a coward now. He had to do this. Eddie had to know. 
“I love you,” he said, “I’m in love with you.” He saw Eddie’s mouth open slightly but he barreled on because he had to say this now or he was never going to be able to. “I’ve been falling in love with you for the past five years, God, maybe even longer. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, not since the first time we kissed.
“I love how you are with the kids, I love your voice when you sing, I love your hair, and your rings, and I love your music even though I hate your music, and I love how fucking smart you are, and I love—God—I love you, Eddie.”
Eddie was looking at him in a way that made Steve’s stomach plummet. His expression—Steve realized it was the same exact way Robin had looked at him when they were curled up on the floor of that bathroom at Starcourt. 
“Steve,” Eddie said, voice soft and heartbreakingly gentle and all Steve could think was Oh, God, please, no, this can’t be happening again—
“Steve, I’m sorry,” Eddie said. And he sounded so deeply and genuinely sorry. Steve felt a pattern of fissures forming on his heart, spreading out through his whole body. “I don’t…” Eddie went on, “Listen, I care about you so much—”
Steve bent over the railing and put his head in his hands. “God, Eddie, don’t,” he groaned.
“No, listen,” Eddie said, putting a hand on his back. “I do, okay? I really fucking care about you. You matter to me, so much. I just don’t… I can’t give you that.” 
Steve lifted his head just enough to look at Eddie. His brows were knit together, face pained in the twilight. 
“I’m sorry, Steve,” he whispered.
The fissures in Steve threatened to break open. He took a shuddery breath and tried desperately to hold himself together.
thank you for the questions i love doing these!
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primewritessmut · 1 year
1, 7, 14, 22, and 26
1. what’s your longest wip right now?
I'm going to assume this means by length and not by time, but fuck it, you can have both. The Eddie Brock, Sex Educator series is over a year old, and I usually add to it once a month or so. Lengthwise I think it's an OC symbiote fic that I'm adding some epilogues to. It rounds out to about 70k but is almost done.
7. do you outline before writing? if so, what’s your outlining process like?
Hahahahahha. No. Definitely not. Sometimes, I have an idea of where I want a fic to end up but, usually, I'm along for the ride just like the characters. A lot of the time, I have specific scenes in mind and I'm playing a game of "How do I get from here to there?" where the answer is almost always "In the most circuitous way possible".
I wish I could be someone that outlines. I've tried so hard, but my brain just doesn't brain that way.
14. what’s your favorite thing about writing?
That I thought about this thing one day while I was washing the dishes or whatever, and then I sat down and made it happen. I loooooove stories and getting to be someone that writes stories is just the fucking best. Even if no one ever reads them or likes them with me, *I* told that story and there's something in that that makes me feel... idk... human, I guess? Like I'm participating in a millennia old tradition of trying to make sense of all the bullshit that is life.
Also, the very therapeutic act of inflicting trauma on characters for my own personal catharsis. Stabbing people in real life is frowned upon, but in a story... the limit does not exist.
22. when do you know you’re really in a writing frenzy?
My partner knocks on my door and tells me the clacking of keys is getting annoying (or frenetic or aggressive). Or I look up and I've finished four times as much as I thought I would/could in a session. I usually don't know that I'm in a writing frenzy until I'm out of it, but there are times when things just fall into place, and I can feel that moment like an internal *click*. That's usually the sign that a writing frenzy is about to begin.
26. is there a wip you’d like to see recreated in a new medium (ie. movie, audio drama podcast, web series, animation, musical)?
I got asked this question yesterday (I think?), and wasn't very confident in my answer because I was like "Who would even care?" But, with twenty-four hours of hindsight under my belt, I would want to see someone give Songs for the Zombie Apocalypse the comic treatment. That series occupies such a weird space in my heart for reasons that you probably know (at least partially), but... yeah, definitely that one. I love the sheer, bloody, psychological horror of it, and I would really like to see it in a different medium.
Also, I think Imperfect Strangers would be a hilarious romcom.
WIP ask game
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dancer-me · 2 years
18, 23, and 24 for end of the year fanfic asks?
Hihi! 🥰
18. current number of wips
*opens up stories folder* Uh... we're looking at 4 active WIPs, of which 3 are for 9-1-1 (Chaotic Energy Part 3, Buddie Smut, Tucker Davies sequel) and 1 is an ancient one for Naruto that I might actually legitimately finish. I have 2 abandoned 9-1-1 WIPs because I started writing them as like... speculation in advance of some episodes this season but never finished them in time, and of course they did not align at all with canon in the end, and I simply do not know what to do with them?
I have another 3 that are at this point just titles and maybe some outlining because I've thought them up but haven't actually written anything yet.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Okay so... one of the 3 "just a title and maybe some outlining" fics I mentioned above has a massive outline because it is for a multi-chaptered AU to be titled, "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" where the 118 is a bodyguarding agency and Taylor Kelly (TV personality) and Ana Flores (Actress) need bodyguarding. Taylor Kelly engaged the 118, and Eddie, fresh out of the military, is working for a different bodyguarding agency and is guarding Ana. Eddie and Buck keep meeting because Taylor covers a lot of the events / shows that Ana is at, and they vibe, and there's also action and drama. All my chapters are titles to different Whitney Houston songs, because clearly I was vibing on Whitney Houston's bodyguard movie from back in the day when I dreamed this up. But... actually writing it scares me because what if it sucks and what if no one wants to read it and so I haven't done it yet.
But maybe I will. Someday. Probably.
24. favorite fic you read this year
THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE because I just got back into fanfiction this year AND into 9-1-1 fanfiction specifically and this fandom is overflowing with talent and I have read 4 years worth of fics in the space of 8 months. I have never seen this many fantastic writers all in one place before and it blows my mind. Someone tell me which fandom y'all move to when you stop fixating on 9-1-1 because wherever you are going I want to follow.
I am going to cheat, aggressively, and name a handful that I have reread multiple times just this year alone:
Those Two Firefighters by DarkFairytale
This is an absolute classic. It's super fun, mostly POV outsider and pokes a lot of fun at fandom culture. I adored it.
Leading with the Left by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
What can even be said? It's hot. It's exceptionally well written. It's fun. Different first meeting because Buck spends some time in his pre-118 travels working as a stripper and Mexico and Eddie has a bachelor party to go to.
Tethers by red_to_black @redtooblack
It's a WIP but it's 300k+ and already feels like 3 completed stories in one. AU where Buck is a firefighter who also does the fake boyfriend thing on the side, and Eddie is new to LA and trying to get his ex-wife off his back so he decides to engage Buck as his fake boyfriend, even though Eddie, himself, is obviously 100% straight no doubt about it.
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Til I Saw Your Face by HMSLusitania @hmslusitania
This is my comfort fic. Different first meeting AU where Eddie and Buck are both firefighters but for different houses and they both get sent to therapy given the events of Season 3 and they decide to do the couples therapy thing because it's funny but also will keep them accountable to actually getting therapy.
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania
If you want to cry your eyes out with the promise of a happy ending then this is the place for you. Hayley really knows how to masticate your heart and then make it all better with beautiful romance. AU in which Eddie "dies" (temporarily) and Buck becomes Christopher's guardian.
white house AU by buddiebuddie @buddie-buddie
AU where Buck is the President of the USA and Eddie is his secret service agent and I cannot tell you enough how much I adore this.
you can tell everybody this is your song by woodchoc_magnum @woodchoc-magnum
Buck and Eddie get together during that canon week or two when Christopher is at summer camp and what we have here is 548k words and 27 parts of domestic Buddie romance and an ever-evolving story that I cannot get enough of.
Five Minutes by Onelonely_tortillachip @onelonelytortillachip
Set during the lawsuit era where there is a misunderstanding and everyone thinks Buck died in a plane crash, except he actually had just switched to a different flight and doesn't know about the issue. Huge amounts of angst and reconciliation ensues. Another great one if you feel like crying and are in the mood for Lawsuit Arc.
I have about 100 more to add to this so I guess check out my AO3 bookmarks too because I already went 800% overboard with this since my brain blue screened when asked to pick just ONE fic for 2021.
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icarusbuck · 2 years
12-20 for the asks <3
12. do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that?
hi. i'm griffin. i haven't posted anything fic-wise since may. YES i have trouble focusing on writing,
once i actually get down to it i'm there, i'm in it. it's the getting there that's hard. i have a note on my phone that is just... all these lightbulb-esque, hare-brained ideas i've had for tkt over the months. i wish i had a method for getting around it but i literally have to trick my brain into doing it atm <3
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
truly can't believe i'm like 60k published into a fic. i think before this my longest fic was around 40? and tkt will probably end up between 85-100k, when i only ever planned it to be around 50.
14. what’s your worst writing habit?
oh i get into the editing loop So Easily. i have a solid chunk outlined but not Written and every time i think about picking up where i left off i feel the urgent desire to edit the previous 15 chapters first. i have them in a separate folder so they are out of sight out of mind.
15. where do you share your writing?
ao3, mostly. if it's short i sometimes only share it here. plenty of times i have ideas i don't wanna write but i outline them in dms or a small server.
16. where is your favorite place to write?
genuinely, from my bed. my computer is uncomfortable to write at and idk why, so if i'm just outlining and don't need to edit? i write from my phone.
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
well. that's hard for two reasons. one, i've written a lot. two, i don't remember half the shit i've written. <3 honest answer is probably the dialogue i came up with for [redacted].
18. what is your most and least favorite part of writing?
obsessing over writing a scene in a way that it translates exactly the way i pictured it. my 'outlines' are more akin to a rough draft, where i just put down exactly what is playing out in my head. it's usually messy and/or plain, and goes through three total stages before i post it. if i could somehow knock out one of those middle stages, i'd be golden...
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
hmmm. considering i didn't get back into reading until recently, i don't know? probably a bunch of fanfic writers, people whose style i tried and sometimes failed to emulate but wound up finding my own voice. it also deeply depends on what i'm writing.
i don't think i've ever written anything as detailed as i write for king's tide, and that's because i'm pretty sure most of the people reading it have zero sailing experience (me neither, tbf, but i've done bucketloads of research. i know if i'm introducing a new concept i should do it in eddie's pov, so a more experienced character can explain it (usually buck lmao).
compared to like... random oneshots, the pov is usually about which one will have more impact. or which character i want the viewer to 'see', which i also do in king's tide where i can. for example, the scene where buck has a spear laid across his shoulders with his arms hanging from it? that was purely me thinking about buck in that pose and saying to myself, 'yes. i can make that happen.'
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
hmmm. i don't know if i've written enough things to have one tbfh. i kinda just write what i like. does alternate universe count? i almost can't watch a movie or tv show without saying 'ok how can i make this about 911'
send me asks about fanfic
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useramor · 2 years
2021 fic year in review that i should've done days ago!
tagged by @tinselbuck aaaaages ago but i wanted to post a few more fics before i did this so i would have more fics to choose from lol!!
Total Number Of Completed Works: 5
Total Word Count: 44.8k (on ao3- 49k counting the prompt fills on here)
Fandoms I’ve Written In: 911!!
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? more for sure! especially considering i wasn't totally in a major fandom this year until i started watching 911, and i only started posting fic in december so to get 45k (not counting wips lol) in one month is pretty sweet!!
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year? i really like i think i wanna merry you actually! also a fan of i wanna get stuck in your head (maybe i'll be brave enough by then) they're both just rly sweet lol but on different ends of the spectrum (one is a sickeningly fluffy get together fic and the other is established relationship/proposal so)
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? the NYE fic i posted is like... 50% smut and i am nooooot a smut writer lol but i wanted to challenge myself cuz i would love to have smut as a tool i can use in my writing and i actually don't hate how it came out
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year? yeah! i have a few longer wips i wanna post and i wanna hit 80k words in january (i did 70k in december, i wanna see if i can increase it by 10!!)
Most Popular Story Of The Year? easily call me by your name it's at almost 600 kudos which is the most of ANY fic i've ever posted regardless of fandom! and i posted it 3 days ago so the response to that fic in such a short period is like so cool to me
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: idk honestly!! i don't rly think any of them are under appreciated? i think it's very sick that every time i refresh ao3 my fics all have new kudos's and i would say i want your midnights but i posted it at like 4pm yesterday (it's 11am for me rn) and it was nye so i cant rly expect it to have like 1000 kudos considering that
Most Fun Story To Write: i think i wanna merry you maybe? just because i came up with the concept on december 22, wrote the whole thing in one go, and managed to have it edited and posted by the 23rd so that was a fic accomplishment for me lol (i also think the title is cute sdfgkjh) but also call me by your name cuz it's the first not canon compliant fic i've posted so it was fun to explore the different scenarios and all of that
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: i don't think i have one actually? oh j-fucking-k it's not posted on ao3 but it's probably this fic which was just a prompt fill on tumblr but any sad eddie shit i write i guess is the most telling but honestly i don't project onto the characters i write too much cuz i highly HIGHLY doubt anyone wants to read that (also i'm so repressed i give eddie diaz a run for his money i am not touching my feelings with a twelve foot pole idfc)
Biggest Disappointment: hit a bit of a writers block w a wip i love dearly </3 but it's ok bc it is literally so specific and detailed that i'll probably go back to it after i finish the OTHER wip i started and also the other wip i have outlined after than and maybe i'll just write at the same time as the third wip....... ha ha .......
Biggest Surprise: writing at all ? don't get me wrong i write plenty throughout the year (big BIG fan of writing scripts and screenplays lmao) but i mean writing for fandom. i don't have too many fics posted at all but since i started watching 911 i've put out 5 fics for it (3 being above 10k too which fucks so hard) so that's fun :D
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year: i looooove being in fandom. idk i always have. i've been in fandom and on tumblr for hot minute but this fandom has been such a nice one :') and i rly like writing for buck and eddie! so i'm just rly happy everyone seems to at least enjoy reading it a little lmao
not tagging anyone cuz i was tagged in this like..... a while ago. and i'm sure you've already done it. but if u want to u can consider this me tagging u go right babycheeks
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duanecbrooks · 7 years
Media Impact     It's time to once again let you in on what is My All-Time Favorite. And to remind you once again that I am not nor have I ever been a high-culture maven nor an aesthete nor even a real and true intellectual but am and all during my adult life have been a geek of the Meghan McCain stripe.       Got all that? You do? OK, so My All-Time Favorite Media is...Heart and Soul magazine's 2003 cover story on my girl Robin Givens.               Literally everything about said article shines. The cover of this particular Heart and Soul issue features Robin sporting an especially dazzling smile and is emblazoned with a particularly ingratiating headline: "Robin Givens: On Mike [Tyson], Money, and Being Misunderstood." Open up the magazine and flip through a few pages and there's Robin again, again wearing a notably uplifting smile and bent over rightward in a quite fetching manner, with the words "Robin Redux" on the bottom of the page. Flip through a few more pages and on the "Contributors' Page" there's a pic of the (as shall be demonstrated, very talented) writer of the Robin piece, Janice R. Littlejohn, who is shown to be a not-bad-looking woman, probably (then) in her early-to-middle-40s, herself equipped with a highly beguiling smile. In her space she engagingly compares meeting Robin to "[c]oming face-to-face with the most popular girl in high school. 'It was like meeting up with the girl who you thought you knew everything about, but [then] realizing how much you have in common.'" We're then let in on the fact that Littlejohn is "[a] freelance television, entertainment, and lifestyle writer in California" and she appealingly reveals that she's attempting to make her life more pleasurable with "food, travel and trying to find the perfect couch for my new house."             Now to the Robin piece.               Let it be said first off that my lady looks positively stunning throughout, first giving yet another stunning smile while lying upon her stomach with her legs up in the air and outfitted in Maroon pinstripe pants, a beaded Chaiken tank top, and metal Mare olive heels. Turn the page and there's Robin again, this time wearing a L'impasse white floral gown and a Elisabetta bracelet. Turn the page once again and there's my woman once again, this time decked out in an Anja Flint olive jersey dress, a Stephen & Co. gypsy-like necklace, and a Barry Cord cocktail ring. And in all--all--of the photos Robin has an enticingly cheerful expression.           Here's where we come to the actual Robin article.             The aforementioned piece begins with a rather appealing quote from the subject herself ("I feel okay now. I know what I want instead of what you think you're supposed to have. I know what makes me happy"). Then Littlejohn paints a sensitive picture of the two of them agreeing to eat at this one restaurant on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and her expectation that "[s]ince the media has been less than flattering to Givens [that's a considerable understatement]...I expected her to be guarded." (As it turns out, she was all the while "relaxed and friendly"). Eventually Littlejohn deftly captures, as the two of them walk along, "fans [of Robin] beginning [sic] to take notice--gawking, waving and doing random drive-bys, yelling, 'You look good, girl!'" From there Littlejohn skillfully depicts where Robin was at that point in her life ("At 38, Robin Givens is a woman reborn, clearly revelling in a new sense of self outside the Hollywood spotlight--a nascent inner tranquility that comes from embracing life's simpler things. She divides her time between Maryland, Kentucky and New York...fancies herself a connoisseur of fine Italian and French food, frequents American diners and loves chitlins and pig's feet"). Littlejohn proceeds to stylishly sketch where Robin was professionally (the latter "is no longer defined by the trappings of a box-office-driven career. Acting is simply what she does") and offers up some insightful words from Robin's Boomerang/Head of State co-star Chris Rock ("I'm clicking through channels and see Boomerang and think, 'Hey, what's Robin Givens doing? Haven't seen her in a while.' When I met her for lunch, I said, 'You should get back out there.' It was kind of a pep talk. 'Get out there. You can act'").               Littlejohn's article continues. She elicits from Robin some admirably searching words from her subject concerning how it was like for her growing up without a Dad ("[Y]ou just feel this sort of unworthiness, and the pattern begins there...If you're not good enough for the first man in your life to stay, then why should any of them stay?"), incisively delineates what was Robin's public image pre-Tyson ("Givens has long been known for her love life, beginning with a romance with a Saturday Night Live comic named Eddie Murphy. She's had public romances with Brad Pitt and tennis pros Murphy Jensen and Svetozar Marinkovic, whom she married and quickly separated from") and draws from Robin some telling observations regarding Tyson's words during that infamous 20/20 interview they did by Barbara Walters, which was responsible for Robin's 20-year reign--especially, sad to say, as crowned by blacks--as The Most Despised Woman In America ([Tyson told Walters] "'The best punch I ever gave, she went from that wall to that wall...and she was out.' I thought. 'This is definitely not going to be acceptable.'"). Following are some intensely perceptive words from Robin's good buddy Tiffany McLinn, one of the Lifetime network's Intimate Portrait executive producers ("[Tyson] was really popular, and people were completely on his side...[A]t the time he was married to Robin, and so people really vilified her...She didn't have any rep before [hooking up with Tyson]--it's just because of that marriage [emphasis mine]"). From there there is a deftly-done sketch of my lady's professional standing during that period ("She starred in TV projects such as The Women of Brewster Place and The Penthouse, and she was on her way to box-office stardom with critically applauded roles as Imabelle in 1991's A Rage in Harlem and the next year as Jacqueline Broyer in Boomerang").           Going forth: Our portraitist gets Robin to present some genuinely moving recollections concerning her then-emotional/psychological life ("I had gone through hurt, and I mean it really hurt, and it hurt me and it hurt everybody close to me and it was serious for me, the pain that I felt. So it was interesting to have agents going, 'Yeah, but you're on the cover'"). After pointing out--and this is a fiercely individualistic statement, considering the fact that it's being made by a black writer about a black celebrity/entertainment figure in a black-oriented magazine--that Robin realized "that she was just another cog in the Hollywood machine," Littlejohn's probing gets Robin to freely acknowledge: "At that point I realized I wanted to be a healthy, happy human being, not just have a successful career. That's what I realized was the most important thing to me." Littlejohn, to her great credit, also gets Robin to own up to the fact that "I'm not looking for vindication. I'm not looking for people to go, 'Aha!'"                 And there's more. Littlejohn, with laudable journalistic professionalism, paints a picture of Robin as an absolutely hands-on mother, quoting her as asserting: "Nothing makes me happier," then quoting McLinn as contending that Robin and her sons are "like the Three Musketeers...[Being a single mother is not without] its challenges. But [Robin] is first and foremost a mom, not an actor." Robin then movingly tells of her renewed spirituality ("[Y]ou can call it anything. I mean, I now have a relationship with God") and in time laughing and "carefree," (Littlejohn's description) claims: "I have no ambition for a career." (To this Littlejohn adds: "At least not a career outlined by Hollywood's terms," going on to delineate the sporadic work Robin had done around that time [periodic television series like Courthouse, periodic independent pictures like Book of Love, her then-current work producing the Uninvited series for the Heritage Networks]). Following is a quite sprightly portrait of Robin doing a photo shoot, wherein she's "wearing jeans, flip-flops and a white tank top under a black salon cape" and "[h]er hair is in spiral pin curls, and she's wearing no make up." Littlejohn effortlessly captures Robin's admirable good humor during this shoot ("I think we shoot me just like this, whaddaya think?").                 And the conclusion to the article is honestly uplifting. Littlejohn makes the exceedingly perceptive observation that "while Robin Givens may not have always been in fashion, she has always been popular. Now with age and life experience, she has an outlook that matches her newfound confidence." (Robin afterward shares said outlook: "I know that if you hang in there, He'll work it out for you"). And the absolute end of the piece is outright heart-melting. Here Robin "smilingly" says: "I've been through enough to know some stuff, but [I] still have a lot of living to do. You know when little stuff would bother you? Now it's like, 'This is me. Take it. Leave it.' It's feeling comfortable in your own skin. As a woman."             In sum, Littlejohn's Robin profile certainly, definitely proves the aptness of the title this one IMDb-message-board-post writer bestowed upon Robin: "The sexiest black woman in entertainment" (actually, she shares that title with Paula Patton)--and proves that she's a highly articulate, intelligent, thoughtful person to boot.               Heart and Soul magazine has long, long, long since stopped doing cover-making celebrity interviews. Too bad. Janice R. Littlejohn's Robin Givens article should have won the aforementioned publication a National Magazine Award. Hands down.
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