#thanks tv tropes
tuiyla · 1 year
Thoughts on Faith in BtVS S4/AtS S1, Tara and Anya?
Oh good timing! I was just thinking about how I'm yet to note how much I enjoy Anya's character. So let's start with her. I don't have a ton to say apart form really enjoying her bluntness and the refreshing presence she brings to scenes. It felt a little strange when they started humanizing her and making her part of the group but she's charming, and though I don't think the Xander relationships bodes well for her I want good things for Anya. I vaguely remembered references to her as one of the Scoobies but then she appeared and I was like, surely this isn't the same character? It's an interesting route but I can see why they kept her on. Anya really is a delightful presence and I'm glad she's a series main now and in the opening credits.
Then, Tara. I don't think enough has happened with her so far for me to really have much to say. I like her and look forward to whatever reveal is coming about her backstory, based on the deliberate sabotage of a spell earlier on and whatnot. She might be a tiiiiny bit too bland so far but Oz wasn't the most exciting ch either. I can take or leave shy characters, now that Willow is more assertive than her high school self the balance works out. I do wish she had, just, more, but hopefully we'll get to see more of her before, well, you know. Because it would feel especially cheap if they just buried her without properly flashing her out first. I know she's a fan favourite and I understand, I just hope she gets more in the series, possibly outside of Willow. Her scene with Dawn in s5ep2 was sweet, maybe more of that.
And Faith, oh Faith. The bodyswap episode was great but I have a bit of the same problem with Faith's heel-face turn as I did with her face-heel turn. As in, the spiral there felt a little too fast and too intense with no going back, and here she descends into darkness once again when appearing on Angel before coming right back up. And look, her scene with Angel is great, the breakdown is effective, the following ep good at showing how it's gonna be a process. I do think her, sigh, sexual assault of both Riley and Buffy, coupled with her previous aggression towards Xander is very unfortunate, to say the least. I still like her and want to see her fight on the side of the good guys but it was impossible to support women's wrongs there. Still, she was hot as always and had some great scenes in Buffy s4, and finally peaked and turned back in Angel s1. I guess my main gripe is now she barely has any eps left, as IMDb might have told me, and this is just when we'd need her on Angel. The scene with her and Angel at the end of s2ep1 was very, VERY sweet and it's cruel that they're giving me that only for, what? For Faith not to return until season 4, is it? Or Buffy s7? That's just cruel.
Sigh, okay, I have more thoughts and feelings on Faith than what could be expressed here but I'll try in subsequent posts. Everyone knows I went into Buffy wanting to be obsessed with Faith and I am, I'm just also a little frustrated with how her ch was handled at times. And now that we're at the real juicy bits where she could become who she was meant to be, she'll barely have a few episodes to do so. We need a full season of Angel where Faith is an on and off presence, being sponsored by Angel and all. Goddamn. I guess I'll just have to read the comics.
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enigma-the-anomaly · 1 year
so uh. today I watched Glass Onion and looked up Janelle Monáe because she pretty
and i find out that not only are they a musician that makes afrofuturist story-based concept albums dealing with racism, discrimination, queer rights and features poly characters (super awesome on its own), but is ALSO nonbinary (she/they) AND pansexual, AND has “practiced polyamory”
what!!!! How did I not know this!!!
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thedurvin · 2 years
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A collection of seventeen princesses and girlfriends whose kidnappings set off the plot for various classic video games to observe the tropes:
Pink is the most common clothing color, closely followed by red and purple
I went into this expecting mostly blondes but actually there’s just as many redheads
I know their names weren’t super important aspects of gameplay but @ Capcom’s Ghosts ‘N’ Goblins: you seriously named her “Princess Prin-Prin”??? Most of the rest are just random non-made-up girls’ names but you couldn’t even name her Elisa or Sue or Annabella or anything, just “Prin-Prin”. Top: Pauline, Annabelle, Jennifer, Madonna, Marian, Jessica, Peach/Toadstool; middle: Gwaelin, Sherry, Silvia, Zelda, Prin-Prin; bottom: Paula, Tawna, Maria, What��s-Her-Name, Amy(-Rose), Zelda again
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afklancelot · 5 months
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you know melusine would prolly be insane at parties
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genericpuff · 20 days
hahahah alright ya hosers (/pos)
who did this 😏
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whumperofworlds · 3 months
Multiple Whumpers have a drinking game whenever they torture Whumpee.
"Drink every time Whumpee screams!"
"Drink every time Whumpee begs us to go home!"
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yuelaos-codex · 1 year
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Heimdall + TV Tropes
"Don’t you know who I am? I am the watchman of the Aesir! The Herald of Ragnarök! Only one of us is walking away from this. And it sure as SHIT will not be you!"
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midnight-blue-goth · 2 months
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Gwuncan + TV Tropes
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agreyrose · 2 months
Taylor Swift really wrote “I Can See You” for the “We Shouldn’t Be Doing This” trope girlies
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5eraphim · 13 days
Could I trouble you to know what (if any) dark content or yandere content blogs you read? Especially any tf2 ones, I just want to know what you like since I am obsessed with your writing
i hate to disappoint, but i can't think of any other "dark writing" tf2 centric blogs. tumblr algorithm hardly ever promote fanfics, let alone ones with taboo content. it's frustratingly hard to find fellow writers, and i don't think i've encountered a tf2-centric dark writting account.
im not gonna lie. other than me and @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered i don't really know of anyone who writes tf2 content like i do. (by which i mean, in such a morbid/taboo fashion) sorry to disapoint, but personally, I like browsing the TF2 TV tropes page for TF2 and letting my sick mind run wild with pervy headcanons.
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sincerely-sofie · 20 days
Do you have an account on TV Tropes?
… There are accounts? On TV Tropes? Like, personal ones?
Be right back I have urgent business to attend to all of a sudden—
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sainteda · 1 year
“we have two versions of wesper now! enjoy them both :)” we did not need two and no i won’t
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16woodsequ · 3 months
I wanted to give a shout out to the people who contribute to this tropes page. A fan of Alternatively started it a few years ago and I am forever amazed by it. Even a few years after the story has finished people are still adding to it.
I don't edit it myself at all, I just check on it every once and a while to see what's been going on, so I wanted to thank everyone who has contributed and also show it off to anyone who might be interested.
I am very humbled and grateful to have such an amazing, detailed page made by many different people who love this series. It's just amazing!
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ben-the-hyena · 3 months
Did you know that TV Tropes is on Tumblr now?
I didn't ! Everybody go check @tv-tropes !
Ah according to @asksonicthehedgehogandfriends it's not been active since 2019, oh well
It does exist actually under the name @tvtropes-official ! Dunno why it doesn't tag itself even when I use @ but it does ! Thank you @movienut14 !
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quackkaz · 11 months
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guys… I love them. I just. Love them.
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eightyproof · 2 years
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