#thanks for this mads it was so much fun!
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
I love how you draw Xie Lian fucking jacked lmao
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He's built like a trucker. To Me.
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nova-rpv · 5 months
i got this ask by someone some time ago that i made a post about and sent to queue, and now its gone for some reason :)))) im so fucking mad jesus christ. i dont remember who submited the ask (if ur reading this, thank u so much!!!), but they requested me to draw venice the mink, silver's early desing(s)
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this was the reference they sent:
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i didnt know about him until this ask, which is trully unacceptable. i apologize. this lil man is so meanie weanie looking i luv he <<33
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krash-and-co · 7 months
friendly reminder this fandom isnt a job and you don't have to actively work to 'save the show' all the time, you can just have fun
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whollyjoly · 5 months
@mads-weasley and whollyjoly present:
quad chart: kinky ron discord edition 🔥
ranking from pookie - babygirl - whore (affectionate) - wife with bonus addition: feral, specifically for @panzershrike-pretz
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featuring: @sweetxvanixlla @ronald-speirs @coco-bean-1218 @mutantmanifesto @samwinchesterslostshoe @iceman-kazansky @bucky32557038ww2 @xxluckystrike @land-sh @footprintsinthesxnd @deputy-buck @next-autopsy @georgieluz @malarkgirlypop @panzershrike-pretz @mads-weasley @whollyjoly
inspired by this post from @blueberry-ovaries
we hope you enjoy it, nerds!!!
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hypochodriac · 4 months
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click for better quality :))
Robro belongs to @badlydrawnbabydirk / @0rphiichaze didnt know which acc to tag so i did both to be safe
so i should clarify im not the anon that asked abt the self ship art but i saw the post that allowed us to go ham so i did dhjfygjsfb i had fun w it
might make more if the mood strikes but this was mega fun !
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zelda7999 · 1 year
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Sun n Robin stopped at a lil cafe between market shopping <3! Little bird needed a drink anyways :D 
@lavenoon thank you for constantly inspiring me to create art <3 <3 <3 
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I can't believe I got into TMA because @eepy-turtl pipebombed me with fucking cunty bitch boy bastard twink ass motherfucker Elias Fucking Bouchard.
The fact that all it takes is one twink to get me into a piece of media is not something I am proud of and is being exploited repeatedly by my friends 😭😭😭
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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historically accurate trip to clifton's cafeteria!!!
[progress shots under the readmore]
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#em draws stuff#SEND HIS ASS TO THE CLIFTON’S CAFETERIA!#I have been working on this image for More Than A Week and I feel like it has taken years off my life :]#look sometimes you get possessed by enthusiasm about fun comics you read and also nostalgia for bizarre novelty restaurants#due to the fact that clifton's no longer exists I cannot go there. but I can send the blorbos there by force if I so choose.#there's just something about old southern california restaurants with strange gimmicks and themes. take me away to there.#since I am very proud of this I will be using the full proper tags just this one single time [lying through my teeth]#swapping my usual format so there’s not just an absolute deluge of organizational stuff right off the bat#I think I said that the madness would probably go away soon but as you see that has not been the case (it's only gotten worse)#this is the most people I’ve put in a picture since I don’t know when#actually after a quick look-see through my files this might very well be the most people I’ve put in a picture Ever#the madness will do that to ya I guess. also the sheer raw clifton’s energy.#(altho' I got so tired in the end that about half the background is a very crunchy photo of The Real Clifton's...)#this is why my header is what it currently is and also why I posted that horrid 70s jello drink a week ago#many thanks are owed to jon dxppercxdxver for chatting with me about outfits and drink orders and such!#this is fanart for the weirder forefather of a rainforest cafe just as much as it is fanart for a videojame#I do not know what the typical tagging etiquette for this is but by golly I'm going to guess#clifton's cafeteria#team fortress 2#spy tf2#engineer tf2#soldier tf2#sniper tf2#demoman tf2#medic tf2#heavy tf2#pyro tf2#miss pauling#scout tf2#why yes I am tagging clifton's Like It Is The Piece of Media. what of it.
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paracosmicessence · 6 months
I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE ON TUMBLR? HOLY SHIT I SAW YOU ON TWITTER AND LIKE I WAS JUST SCROLLING THRU THE SONADOW TAG AND THEN U POPPED UP. I've probably been like spamming you with notice since I've like reblogged and liked so many of your posts and reblogs.
Anywayss!! Your art is freaking wonderful and I'm more addicted to it then coffee. Literally unable to wait till part 2 of ur little comic!!!
i hate twitter so much but unfortunately a majority of the sonadow community lives over there and i must do my duty
anyway thank you!!! still working on the comic but i’m experiencing both art and writer’s block rn, most likely bc i’m not used to writing in general and im kinda going crazy and rewriting the smallest things and reformatting the comic and text and it’s just fjkskfnaksnkfjda
as you can see it’s taking me a lot longer than i thought but i will force myself to finish it at some point lol
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mokeonn · 4 months
I think my brain has become absolutely free from any sort of internet sludge after I went outside more, talked to people outside my age group, and played dinosaurs with a 5 year old. Like, oh?? You expect the creator of the post you're reading to have knowledge of all things related to the topic they made a casual post about? Skill issue. I understand that's a human behind the screen and not an information machine, and I'm gonna go make tea in a kitty cat tea pot.
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steelthroat · 3 months
for the astrology ask game taurus, sagittarius aaand 9h ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Okkk let's see:
-Taurus: mhh sushi and pizza....but I love fruit more than anything. Especially that kind of super sweet grape used to make wine *smuah* and apples. And lemons, I love lemons.
Also jelly, it doesn't matter which kind of jelly I just love it a lot... God I want some jelly now whyyyyy
Hmm idk I love food it's one of the best pleasures in the world. So yeah idk I love all the food ✨️✨️ I will be the joy of your grandmas, I will never deny them.
- places I'd like to visit in the future:
Ireland and Scotland: please they're beautiful and so rich of history and things to see and the nature and and-
France: I love France a lot... and admitting this just made me lose my Italian citizenship. I also hate it for its politics and many other stuff... but God isn't it beautiful.
Mexico! I've wanted to go there since I was little! My parents went there for their honeymoon, I fell in love with it when I watched the "Beverly hills chihuahua" movie (you can laugh ahshfhfhfh) and the culture and places look so interesting and beautiful to me! And I know about all the problems etc but still a beautiful place that deserves to be seen and treasured imo
Japan: I am very curious about it. More than the cities I'd like to visit the countryside, the semi-forgotten spots, because I've seen some pictures and it's absolutely breathtaking.
Greece: THE HISTORY! THE ART! THE CULTURE! THE ISLAND WITH THE CATS! Please I could finally see all the things I studied/am studying!!!!
Spain: I'm going there just for "casa batllò" and anything touched by Gaudí, because my love for that man is endless.
Whatever place has more examples of brutalist architecture. I love brutalism. Talk to me about brutalism. Best architectural style ever and I'm dying on this hill.
9h- what languages would you like to learn
ALL OF THEM. No seriously, I love learning new languages and unlocking new thinking patterns (it comes with the package!!!). Atm I can speak fluently Italian and English and with a bit of practice also Spanish (I haven't practiced it for the last 2 years and I'm a bit rusty with the speaking, but reading and listening I'm fine).
But also I want to learn French and German, they're my top priorities.
If I get the occasion I'm going for Russian, Chinese and Japanese too! Haaaaah if I hadn't chosen Art (and writing) as my main passions I would have chosen to study Languages and Etymology!!
ALSO SIGN LANGUAGE (idk which one but the feeling is there)
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im gonna tbh with yall, listening to magnus archives again without the constant fanon bleed and regular discussion etc.... definitely colors it a different way lol! i have more criticisms than i did when i listened to it the first time and it makes me a bit sad because i love it so so soso much. just coming up on the unknowing arc and i'm mentally strapping myself in because i'm realizing things [I dont like jmart very much / would like it MUCH BETTER if martin was actually a twist villain and web aligned i keep seeing the wires johnny i am shaking you by the shoulders DID YOU TAKE WEB ALIGNED EVIL MARTIN FROM US TO APPEASE THE FOUND FAMILY FANFICTION SOFT TEENAGE FANS ..... tell me why jonelias is so much more appealing to me now relistening to it as a grown ass woman . PAIN].
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I lied about going to bed and against my better judgement decided to check the tag One Last Time before actually sleeping and okay I'm actually truly genuinely touched by the amount of people defending me and the poll and telling Certain People off for the ridiculousness that was my inbox today. I am going to bed on god fr now but. God. Thank you.
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child-of-the-cosmos · 7 months
Counting the pinned post, iiii found 5 treats! Hoping the pinned post counts lol-
Close!! The answer was actually 8 in total- but not to worry, partner, ya still get a prize!
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Some nifty lil' jack-o-pies! One bite will knock your head off! (not literally don't worry)
I thank ya kindly for ya participation this year, and will be happy to see ya in the next! Happy Halloween!!!
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dootznbootz · 4 months
Thank you to the folks who messaged me to say sweet shit about my ideas 🥺 You have no clue how much that means
Also, I fucking love that we're all chill even if we don't agree on how we're going to write something or how we characterize!!! I just really love this community 🥺
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thetarttfuldickhead · 11 months
Does Will the Kitman want to take dating Jamie out for a spin or is this a teammates-only kind of thing?
We already know that Will would like to take Jamie (and Roy) drinking, so I have no doubt whatsoever that he’d jump at the chance to go on a proper date with our number 9. Jamie, having seen whatever it is he saw on Will’s phone in 3x08, is quite eager at the prospect too! (I mean, in this utopian crack scenario, Jamie is happy to go on dates with any and all members of the team as well as team adjacent people; absolutely nothing happens that he doesn’t want to happen!)
Potentially it’s initially a little awkward because in terms of their professional lives, there’s quite a big (if informal) power imbalance between the team’s star player and the kitman – but then again, Will has shown willing to (attempt to) breach that distance before and Jamie is easy going enough these days, so once things get going, they go great. Will isn’t the least bit shy about taking Jamie out to things that perhaps no one else would think to take Jamie out to, for fear of it not being cool enough or whatever. He brings Jamie to meet his mum on the second date; Jamie, who knows all about being mad close with one’s mum, is charmed.
Also, I’m calling it, Will is absolutely a dom waiting to happen. He’s not quite ready for it yet, perhaps – he’s still got a rather distinct puppy energy – and it’s very possibly he hasn’t even recognized the potential within himself yet. But I recognize it, Will. In my heart, I know what you could be.  
(For reference, this asks refers to my reply on another ask, which I received after speculating about Jamie being ready to be part-time boyfriend to everyone on the team who wants him to.)
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