sweatercowboy · 1 month
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calpalsworld · 1 year
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@transhitman said he needed ideas for Thaegan's design in his Deltora Quest adaptation so I made these :D
The gist of Transhitman's idea was that she is "sheer force in the shape of a woman." It also looks kinda like shes naked in her book of monsters illustration so I think the two of us always interpreted her as being naked lol?
My first idea is that she grows her Children on her body and then mitosises from them, which causes her to have monstrous body parts while they're still developing. (furry leg, snake-like back, spiny arm, lumpy shoulder that looks like it has faces on it). But otherwise she still resembles a human.
I felt like the first idea didn't fit the vibe of how Transhitman pictures the rest of the evil forces of Deltora (very industrial), so I tried to make my second idea less natural. Her insides have been corrupted into magical shadows, and her remaining flesh is plastic-y and ethereal, hard to distinguish between it and her protective magic.
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gnometerritory · 1 year
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theagan and her fucked up son, i would die for them both
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deltoravivisection · 4 months
Btw why were the creature designs for Thaegan's brood like genuinely good but then the Kin looked. Like That.
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Hear me out.
Sorceress Thaegan's final death is extremely sad. Up until this point, her children had been orphaned twice. This time, they didn't want to be without her anymore.
That, in itself would be sad, but then consider what happened off screen.
When they heard of her death the first time, they were determined to eat up Lief, Barda, and Jasmine. After failing, they were all, probably, grieving with Icabod being the one to keep them together. By the time Thaegan comes back, they're all ready to help her because they know it would keep her with them. They fail again and are left alone.
By the final time she's defeated, her kids can't stand it anymore. They want to be with her forever. They didn't want to be without her. They loved her.
It was in this moment that Thaegan came back to her senses. She had been so obsessed with living forever and remaining beautiful with immense power that she forgot she had her children who loved her dearly.
I think that's also why her ring fades away. She's done with serving the Shadow Lord, chasing after vanity and power. She just wanted to be with her kids again.
Yes, it's not exactly the saddest anime death but I feel like it's symbolic with the theme of the episode. Family gets mentioned a few times and this moment serves as a reminder to the audience that Lief, Jasmine, and Barda were fighting a family. A family on the opposing side but a family nonetheless.
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transhitman · 2 years
Deltora set the bar sooo high for insane fictional women for me. Some show written by men will present a mildly unconventional woman like "isn't she sooo wacky she's like a little crazy and intense" no she is not she will simply never be Jasmine Deltoraquest.
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fortuitousrex · 4 months
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all finished, Thaegan and her 13 children
from the Deltora quest book series by Emily Rodda
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madrone33 · 4 months
So, I've been re-reading the Deltora Quest books for the first time in years because my obsession with them has recently been revived (just finished Valley of the Lost), and man, I don't think I realised before just how, like, absolutely devoted Lief is to getting rid of the Shadow Lord and freeing Deltora. It's especially apparent in the first few books.
The Belt is basically all that matters to him. Not even finding the Heir is more important, honestly the heir is very much secondary to the Belt. They're just the person who will put on and activate the Belt's magic; they are a means to an end. His own life is secondary to the Belt - which isn't to say he's not afraid of dying, he really really is, but when shit gets real and it looks like this is the end, his thoughts almost always go to the Belt. Just like the heir, Lief thinks of himself as a means to an end. (Which is ironic, seeing as how he is the heir.) Lief will make the Belt, and the heir will wear the Belt, but it's the Belt itself that matters most to him. Because it's the Belt that will save them.
'Do not worry about me,' Lief whispered, trying to keep his voice steady and calm. 'Nothing matters but that we seize the gem. If I die in the attempt, it will not be your fault. You must take the Belt from my body and go on alone, as you have wished.'
I must prepare myself for death, Lief thought. But he could only think of the Belt around his waist. If he was killed here, the Belt would lie forgotten with his bones. The gems would never be restored to it. The heir to the throne of Deltora would never be found. The land would remain under the Shadow forever.
'No!' Lief cried. 'Wait!' At this moment of terror, his one thought was for the Belt of Deltora and the topaz fixed to it. If he did nothing to prevent it, this golden eyed giant would surely find the Belt after he was dead, take it from his body- and perhaps give it to Thaegan. Then Deltora would be lost to the Shadow Lord forever. I must throw the Belt over the cliff, he thought desperately. I must make sure that Barda and Jasmine see me do it. Then they will have some chance of finding it again. If only I can delay him until I can do it...
[Literally just died] Lief felt himself pulled to his feet and slung over Barda's shoulder. His head was spinning. He wanted to cry out, 'What of the crown? The opal?' But then he was that the crown was in Barda's hand.
Lief's fingers felt for the clasp of the Belt he wore under his shirt. If necessary, he would unloose it and let it fall into the mud at the bottom of the stream. It would be better for it to lie there than for it to fall into the hands of the Shadow Lord again.
And maybe it didn't really hit me when I first read them 'cause I was approximately A Child, but it's really sinking in now just how bad things have been in Deltora for the last 16 years. When they talk about slavery and fighting arenas and brandings and starvation and executions in the streets. For some reason all these human atrocities are hitting home a lot more than before. It used to be the monsters that seemed the scariest, but now I can see that yes, the monsters are horrifying and traumatising and terrifying, but Lief and Barda and Jasmine continuously choose to keep going, they willingly put themselves through hell, because the Shadow Lord is worse.
Anyway, all this to say, Deltora really couldn't ask for a more selfless and loyal King that Lief. This kid is willing to die so many times over if it means his people are safe.
(The only thing he tends to go off mission for are his friends and family, but even then, I'm thinking of that part in Isle of the Dead where Laughing Jack holds Jasmine hostage and demand the Belt in return. And Lief refuses. Because his people must come first. And he knows Jasmine would never want him to betray their land for her. Like??? So many feels.)
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lindalofbroome · 5 months
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25 - Twisted
'I have heard rumours of strange happenings at the Lake of Tears, and indeed all through the territory across the stream,' the stranger said carelessly, as he turned to go. 'I have heard that Thaegan is no more.' 'Indeed?' said Tom smoothly. 'I cannot tell you. I am but a poor shopkeeper, and know nothing of these things. The thorns by the road, I understand, are as wild as ever.' The other man snorted. 'The thorns are not the result of sorcery, but of a hundred years of poverty and neglect. The Del King's thorns, I call them, as do many others.' DELTORA QUEST 1 City of the Rats Ch 4 Money Matters
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wizardlyghost · 5 months
honestly i don't think i ever fully appreciated the hilarity of thaegan's entire appearance in lake of tears. here's this horrible all-powerful sorceress who's been mentioned and alluded to throughout the entire book so far, she splits open the sky, wrecks everyone's shit without even trying, things are looking pretty bad wait nope nevermind she's dead. yeah she was here for like two pages, spoke about five lines, and then spent another half a page dying and that was the end of it i guess. didn't even get a chance to explain what her whole deal is. it's entirely possible she straight up did not know who the hell she was dealing with before she got one-hit killed by a bird. whoopsie.
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goawaypopup · 6 months
Roddacember Day 11: Courage
One night on the road, not long after they find the first gem of the Belt, Lief lies awake, imagining the shadowy hands of Thaegan's servants coming to grasp his ankles and drag him into the darkness.
Then his hand catches on the Topaz, and his fear drains away in a moment.
Lief has the fully kitted-out Belt for his entire life as King, with the exception of his expedition to the Shadowlands through the Secret Sea. By touching the gems, a wielder can strengthen and clear the mind and banish night terrors (the topaz), calm and soothe the emotions (the amethyst), and be granted courage (the diamond).
Luckily for Lief, too, the first of these, the topaz, is the first gem he finds. It's broadly useful for all the puzzly things that happen, too, so we see him touching it more than any of the others.
It makes me wonder about the other nights, the ones we don't get a vignette on, in his travels and the years after that. Lief has seen some s&&&. How often does he press his hand to the topaz in moments of fear, of stress, when distressing memories dislodge themselves from that deep well of all the things he's witnessed and experienced?
Does his hand seek it out in his sleep?
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Ohh I saw the previous ask about Monster Mommy Thaegan from Deltora Quest and her horrible children and feel compelled to explain that the solution our protagonist Lief comes up with to escape from said horrible children (in the book at least; I don't know if this made it into the show) is to argue loudly about the correct method of splitting three captive humans among several human-eating monsters, in order to convince them that there's no fair way of doing it and that they instead have to cut their numbers down. Like: do you split each into head, torso and legs? But then whoever gets the legs gets way more meat than whoever gets the head! So you should cut them in half instead. But what about the fact that one of the humans is bigger than the others? Really, one of the smaller humans is equal to two of the bigger ones! And each time they come up with one of those arguments, the horrible children are like "oh, that makes sense and clearly has no hidden motive" *stabs sibling*
Vintage children's literature right there 👌
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withickmire · 7 months
The Lake of Tears wrap up
It's funny, this is the one book of the series that reminds me most of my childhood, and yet it's probably my least favourite. It's not bad at all, it just feels, to me, like a stepping stone to the rest of the series.
But, like I said earlier, I adore how gross Rodda presents the lake, and Thaegan showing up as the true final boss (and with an Achilles' fingertip!) with Kree saving the days is pretty cool. And it's nice to see the characters very, very slowly get to know one another. And, of course, Jin and Jod are iconic. Honestly, I think it just might lose points in my mind because of how fantastic The Forests of Silence is as an opener.
I'm really looking forward to the City of Rats, and I hope that I'll be able to get to it with less of a pause than I did between the first two books. Thank you for reading with me!
(Make Haste Tally: II)
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deltoravivisection · 4 months
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THAEGAN AND HER BROOD!!! Thaegan's design was done by @calpalsworld and it goes so hard <3 Both of us interpreted her book of monsters design as like. Naked and covered by a veil of magic lol. So with this one, Cal was going for a mass of darkness bursting out of a cracked facade of magical energy. The rest of the designs were all me babyyy. For those, I tried to strike a balance between the book of monsters and anime designs. I really like how grotesque they are in the book, but I enjoy the pokemon-esque feel of their anime counterparts. Zod is the only one I ripped straight from the book. I also drew on a lot of different animals, obviously. I'm suuuper happy with how these turned out. And since the children will only have one talksprite each, I'll be able to go hard on texture and detail once I get to the final art.
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calpalsworld · 1 year
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i wish the anime had given thaegan the cool powers they give oacus
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fortuitousrex · 4 months
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Some fanart of Thaegan the villainess of the second book of Deltora quest
Big fan of Emily Roddas booms as a kid and this character and her brood of children always captivated my imagination :)
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