#tf2 archer
archertf2 · 2 years
Demoman: *is super drunk* What color are me socks? Are they blue?
Archer: Yes, Demo. They’re blue.
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eric-makes-art · 10 months
Just a few more oc's I have :)
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Jaws: real name Sharky, fishtail
Archer: real name Zuko, mimiko
Lightningruner: real name kimiko, higo
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tf2incorrectquotes · 3 months
Ms. Pauling: I have to admit, it kind of worries me that you don’t know the names of the actual bones.
Medic: Who cares, pffft, they’re in the dumpster.
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deeeens · 10 months
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I AM going to keep drawing sniper until I get the formula right so take these huntsman practices ft. ambidextrous sniper + scraps for the mullet mundy truthers.
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Uhh, hey, Dexx?
I was wondering if... um... you wanted to come see this new thing I'm working on? If you're not busy that is- Im just kinda lonely...
Oh, hey Arrow!!
'Course Kiddo, what's up?
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Hey kiddo!! 'M workin' on a surprise for you! Do you wanna see a preview or do you just wanna see it when I'm finished? Your choice!!
(Dunno how long I'll be though-)
Ooh! I don't mind either way, thanks for asking! Cant wait to see it
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Spy: I consider myself a realist, but in philosophical terms, I’m what’s called an asshole.
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quotidianish · 10 months
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TF2 x ATLA AU :3
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Lore, close ups, and doodles underneath !
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Scout, Pauling, and Ludwig are the main three- scout, who’s an (admittedly shitty) airbender but not the avatar, who ran away after his father left. Once spotted by fire nation soldiers, he is presumed to be the avatar- and scout basks in the glory of his false identity. Pauling- a studious, too serious for her own good, non-bender, who’s Medic’s student. She’s of the southern water tribe, treating medic like her paternal figure after the disappearance of her aunt. Medic is (unbeknownst to pauling and scout) a blood bender who was exiled for his practices. He doesn’t seem to care for anyone or anything, also being very jovial and cheery.
All Pauling and Scout know is that Ludwig was exiled from the northern water tribe then fled to the south for an undisclosed reason. Pauling never bothered to pry and the Scout was too intimidated to. Here the avatar cycle has indeed been broken. It’s up to a group of nine ragtag men and one mousy girl to defeat Gray Mann.
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And the main three villains are soldier, demo, and sniper who're all fire nation folk. Sort of the team rocket; never truly competent enough to cause real damage, that or their hearts truly aren’t in it.
Soldier's a fire bender who specializes in jet propulsion and was kicked out of the army. He thinks if he steals back the avatar, they'll let him back in. A weapon since childhood, once a bully, always a bully, or so he’s heard.Character arc being the realization the fire nation army isn't worth fighting for. Surprisingly, he is very good with spirits, opposite to his best friend, Tavish, who despises them.
Demo’s just trying to impress his mum and be a good friend to the Soldier. People pleasing tendencies, that's his character arc. He's supposedly a non bender who's mighty good with swords; but underneath his inconspicuous-ish eye patch holds a combustion bending tattoo. Only Jane knows this. Well-versed in calligraphy.
Sniper is a 26 year old yuyan archer who was discharged for failing a mission while he was young. He joined the other two with the same goal as the Soldier. His yuyan archer tattoo still remains. He's a non bender with excellent aim, who grew up on the rural outskirts of the fire nation. His character arc is something about not adhering to expectations and learning who he's fighting for; a combination of the demoman and the soldier’s lessons.
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Spy's a crusty airbender constantly sporting a mask to hide his tattoos, and knife. Nobody has a clue where he's from and he takes orders from whoever pays him best. His airbending tricks are so subtle, the public believes him to be a crafty nonbender. Usually said tricks are only invisibility and voice alteration. While not assassinating political figures he traverses the spirit world looking for his wife, a fellow air nomad, avoiding physical aging in brief sprints of time. He returns on a well paid mission to kill the “avatar,” which was presumably the scout. Little does he know, that weird whiteboy is just some lame airbender. Who’s also his son. His bad.
Engineers the metalbender; an art perfected by his ancestors and passed down in whispers to him. I haven't developed him much. He teaches the Scout what he knows while obscuring information on how he got that metal arm. Him and the Pyro have a shared love of blacksmithing. From an explosion, he thinks..
Pyro's a spirit probably. Nobody knows what he is. Where he’s from? Pyro. What’s his gender? Pyro. Guy who sets things on fire. Presumably human judging by his questionable use of what looks to be fire bending. And also the Spy's companion! They met in the spirit world. He and the Soldier form a close bond quite quickly thanks to their good graces with spirits (to Tavish’s immense dismay).
Heavy's an earth bender who continues to win in underground fights. Residing in ba sing se with his three sisters and elderly mother, scout pauling and medic meet him in an earth bender championship. Despite what his appearance suggests, his patience is unmatched, which is his greatest strength. He has near -perfect seismic sense. He and the Medic get on quite well, and after the fire lord has been struck down, form a duo in the ring, earning even more won championships.
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket two
For Demoman:
Demo occasionally fights with a talking haunted sword called Eyelander who loves cutting heads off, they're also sort of frenemies, it's a really fun dynamic since Demo seems a lot more energetic when fighting with him.
First, although the main focus of the character is on bombs, he has a menagerie of various swords that are equipable items, with a Demoknight being a popular "subclass". He isn't canonically lgbtq+ but no one in tf2 is cishet and have you heard the voicelines.
For Andy:
she is master of weapons, and also just a queen in general. also also, she’s highkey the pinnacle of gay pining (girlfriend trapped in a cycle of death/rebirth at the bottom of the ocean, and andy spent centuries looking for her to rescue her)
Has been a sword (or more commonly a labrys, or improvised weapon) gay for thousands of years
She's an unknowably old immortal and unspeakably skilled in any/all forms of combat. She typically uses her signature axe but per the other characters, "she's forgotten more ways to kill than entire armies will ever learn." Until recently, an unkillable gay (at least not permanently). She's bitter, she's badass, she's even bisexual. Peace and love on planet Earth.
Andromache is super tough, strong, and can beat anyone in a fight. She can also beat the bury the gays allegations as she can die but does not stay dead. She has been alive since est. 4700 BCE and has been protecting humanity with her blade skills for over 6000 years. She has been the leaders of various communities and worshiped as a goddess in several cultures. Andy is the founding member of the Old Guard, where she fights side-by-side with her life long love Quyuh (or Noriko as she is known in the comics, who is also a badass warrior and archer). Andy knows countless languages and is an expert in all weapons but her main weapon of choice is her labrys (a very lesbian blade weapon, so I hope it can be excused that it is not a sword). She has forgotten more ways to kill a man than any person/army will ever know in their lives. And yet even with this ferocious and tough skill-set, she is still so kindhearted, caring, passionate, selfless and protective of her found family and will do anything for them and for her love (even during the present complicated situation which i will not outline bc spoilers for The Old Guard). Please vote for Andy, she is a lesbian and wlw icon <3
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angelicguy · 11 months
playing soldier in tf2 and getting really good at market gardening people was not unlike becoming an excellent horseback archer in the steppes
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commanderauri-art · 8 months
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Haven't really drawn my Titanfall Pilot, Idra, in a long while. When I'm not playing through Starfield, I've actually booted up TF2 and kicked some major ass last night.
Typical build is Grapple Pilot with the R-201 and Archer with the Ronin. I like being speedy and scaring the shit out of Scorches. It's fun! I wrecked two evac ships last night, one with nuke eject and the other with a last minute rocket. I was quite proud of myself!
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slyakoch13 · 9 months
I died inside so was cringe in me.
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Engineer - Peridot (do i need to explain this?) . He is the smartest and most inventive. And also low.
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Ms. Pauling as Pearl. Scout as ruby(drawn by my gf btw). Pauling is doing everything her Diamond - Administrator orders. And scout is not very smart, fast, funny,little bit annoying dude.
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Soldier as jade. Gems used to go to war!!!
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Sniper as opal. I see him as a defective opal. This is the only thing we could come up with. Because Opal is an archer in the series and not very talkative. So he's more of a defective opal archer-assassin.
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Demo as lapis. Let me explain my thought process. Lapis terraforms the earth, right? And the demo is a demolitionist. Explosions are often used to terraform the earth. Maybe Demo would blow everything up with water or a tsunami and so on. And yes, he's wearing a kilt.
That's all illustrated ones for now! We have ideas for others but still struggle with their designs.
I don’t pretend this is logical or canon - I don’t care, honestly. We're just a having fan.
However, I would listen to your opinions on who could be who!!!!
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tf2incorrectquotes · 3 months
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aime187 · 9 months
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So, uhh... I just found about this one site called Loadout.tf...
And... Yeah, I decided to make some loadouts... (I like the blue colours, that's why I chose BLU...😅)
I just want to make this for fun and that maybe if I finally play TF2 (and have money to buy the items lol), I'll have these as my actual loadouts...
Here are the names of the cosmetic items used for the loadouts and the weapons (these are all in the game) :-
1. Scout's Loadout v1 ⚾❤💙
- Ye Olde Baker Boy
- Planeswalker Goggles
- Dillinger's Duffel
- Hot Heels
-Transparent Trousers
-Wipeout Wraps
- Sandman
-Baby Face's Blaster
- Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
2. Medic's Loadout v1 💉❤💙
- German Gonzilla
- Nine-Pipe Problem (Evening)
- Archimedes
- Doc's Holiday (Virus)
- Syringe Gun
- Ubersaw
- Medigun
3. Sniper's Loadout v1 ☕❤💙 (I don't have a lot of emojis 😭)
- Brim-Full of Bullets
- Archer's Groundings
- Hunting Cloak
- Hitman's Heatmaker
- SMG / Jarate
- Bushwacka
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im back!! *Hugs*
(I took a break from the internet for personal reasons, but im glad to be back)
Wooo!!!!! Welcome back, kiddo!!! M' sure ya missed out on some training, we should probably go to the range to catch you back up soon
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pulpa-de-gorila · 7 months
tagged in this "ppl you want to know better"
ty @matchamabs, very enlightening read. archer is very based and jane eyre sounds really interesting :^) Anyways I feel like at metroflog lmao
1: Three Ships
That's a hard one because I'm not much of a shipper; that goes to HARDCORE FANGORL teen pulporila. Nowadays I just look at characters and just go :) then if there's chemistry w anyone else, good 4 them.
Zhanna x Soldier and/or Miss Pauling (Tf2. Them girls had a thing going on with the honey scene.)
Saul Goodman x Kim Wexler (BCS. Very recent, but I absolutely loved how they were written. Ily Kim.)
And any ship involving Gorl x Monster (boy or gorl). I love monsters, mang, they're so much better than bland human protag. Teratophiles rise up.
2: First Ever Ship
Da fireboy and water girl from that one flash game. I was very little, but I remember making a whole ass comic about them fighting against a green mud dude.
3: Last Song
Half Life's Triage at down, before writing this, 'cause I was watching this video and it hit me how valve was really cool, specially with their characters...
4: Last Film
A bug's life. I was watching it with some friends because we were laughing our asses off this video, so we decided to watch the full film. We ended up comparing the circus bugs to our uni teachers :P
5: Currently Reading
I, robot by Isaac Asimov. I'm loving this novel! Really gave me insight on how to write robots. I'm only a chapter left, but consider me Susan Calvin #1 fan.
6: Currently Watching
Cowboy Bebop, Daria and Hajime No Ippo. They're all great, but I'm just too lazy to watch series.
7: Currently Consuming
Water #healt
8: Currently Craving
Chips with chamoy. Ñom...
I summon @porcelainoddity , @minopauro, @verawhisk and @powpowpunchout yo. I don't actually follow a lot of people because social media is kill.
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