fieldcommandernuck · 3 days
Adding the fun detail where Spice comes from giant spiders on Kessel so its as fucked up to obtain as it is to use!
I know the Star Wars extended universe treats “spice” like it’s this big scary drug, but I kind of like to imagine that it’s basically just space weed, and the only reason Han got in trouble with the Imperials over Jabba’s cargo is that he was evading import tariffs.
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fieldcommandernuck · 10 days
Drink this wine, for it is the rizz of christ.
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jesus in the hades art style
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fieldcommandernuck · 10 days
Someone should make a browser pluggin that marks people who use Shinigami Eyes.
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It always amazes me that these people can never confront me, or prove I'm "anti-black," they just rely on the age old mantra of listen and believe, and the worst part is, people uncritically do just that.
It's all about canceling people, trying to make a mob go after them and dogpile, no discussion, no understanding, and no punctuation.
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These people really are incapable of thinking for themselves, huh?
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fieldcommandernuck · 13 days
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fieldcommandernuck · 14 days
Class Solidarity?
Yeah i have class solidarity. And i'll even extend it to fellow caster classes.
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fieldcommandernuck · 1 month
You Have until June To Dump Chrome
Google has announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).
Firefox is RIGHT there
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fieldcommandernuck · 1 month
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fieldcommandernuck · 1 month
You Have until June To Dump Chrome
Google has announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).
Firefox is RIGHT there
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
I dont disagree with a single point you've made since this started but you are malding fr.
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The way I'm using stock is the same way you refer to an asset, as in men are better stock for becoming an Astartes or Custodes because they are innately stronger, taller, and built for combat due to evolution.
Just because my vocabulary is larger than yours, does not mean my points are invalid.
Also, did they mean incoherent, or did they mean inchoate, which means rudimentary, because both terms are wrong in reference to my "screed."
There's a 60% difference in muscle mass between adult men and women.
There's a 90% difference in upper body strength and a 50% difference in lower body strength.
The size of the effect is huge: sex alone explains 70% of the variance in strength and muscle mass among humans.
This is not a minor difference, this is the same magnitude as the sexual differences we see among gorillas.
Differences in testosterone and estrogen are why men develop larger, denser bones and have higher peak bone mass than women.
This fundamental difference is also why adult women have a higher risk of fractures, it's due to their hormones, while in men it's due to sports injuries or risk-taking, because testosterone makes bones denser, muscles stronger, and men more aggressive.
Women also naturally bleed more than men, and no this isn't a comment about periods, moderate or severe bleeding is 1.9-fold higher in women compared to men.
Bleeding remains higher in women even after adjustment for baseline differences. In fact, sex is the second most important prognostic factor, after age, in the multivariable bleeding model.
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Enjoying the hobby and loving/defending it against gentrification is embarrassing? Nah Buttermilk Bob, the embarrassing thing is your refusal to shower.
Gatekeeping is meant to protect the hobby from the outsider, from those who would change and subvert it, from you, for only those the Gate is meant to keep out complain about a competent Gatekeeper.
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
having a child has taught me that every toddler is completely justified in their frustrations and tantrums because learning how to do something you have literally never encountered or heard of before is insane. and being expected to be completely calm in the face of this constant barrage of overwhelming information is doubly insane.
i got charlie a sticker activity book and it occurred to me i have to TEACH someone how to unpeel stickers. it's SKILL that requires DEXTERITY and FINE MOTOR ABILITY. i thought it was obvious that you have to curl the page a little bit to create a break in the cut so the sticker comes up.
obviously a fucking BABY wouldn't know that because they have no background experience to inform their thought process. OBVIOUSLY. and OBVIOUSLY the LITERAL BABY wouldn't get it right the first few times. it would OBVIOUSLY take practice. lots of it.
i hate this feeling. it's so obvious. why are children treated so badly when they're learning everything for the first fucking time. why do people treat children so horribly and expect so much. they're brand new. why didn't i get the same grace i give to my child? why did no one have patience for me? why, when it's this easy?
it's so easy. it's so fucking easy.
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
What does the arab in your carrd mean? Is it like afab and amab?
.. i’m palestinian
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
As i promised...
The Mother series for PC and Android returns!!
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All 3 Mother games full, in English, enhanced edition, for free download, ready to be played on PC or Android, in full HD!!
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Windows PC Download (Click Here)
Android Phone Download (Click Here)
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
Reading up on some drama in the RPG community (not directly related to D&D this time) and getting the worst kind of deja vu. Stop me if you've heard this one before:
A clique of extremely mentally ill people with a history of being lying, backstabbing shitheads weasel their way into positions of power, fame, and authority within a community, even though none of them have actually produced anything worth a damn. Luckily they've got enough friends who will promote and glorify them as the most important people in the industry and protect them from public scrutiny on sites like reddit and twitter, that they never face any meaningful consequences for their actions, because it's more important that everyone listen and believe women and minorities, even when it's other women and minorities pushing back against them.
This was orchestrated through a few secret groups and forums that the public wasn't privy to and passed down through various useful idiots who would repeat the fabrications and spin, because they were told to. The inner circle of aimless psychos who guided these little crusades were mostly just enjoying the power trip more than having any sort of agenda, but publicly they'd claim it was about promoting diversity and intersectionality, etc etc.
Also, years after, even with most people still believing the various openly disproven lies and rumors started by well-known malicious psychopaths, people admit they knew it was wrong, but didn't want to "give the other side ammo" because they didn't want anyone to turn on them in the same way...
And a ton of people involved in this shit are or were SomethingAwful goons.
Where have I heard that shit before?
I might do a longer post about this later, but if you're curious, I'm taking about this excessively long medium post called "The Worst People You Have Never Met, or, What I Learned During A Four Year Academic Study of Online Harassment In The Dungeons & Dragons Community" which is mostly about the Zak Smith/Sabbath incident from a few years back and goes into exhaustive specifics that repeatedly amount to a bunch of people lying about one guy, who is by all accounts an exceedingly loyal ally to lefty/queer beliefs, being a sexpest and rapist and abuser. Mostly because a clique of queer personalities in the RPG community decided he deserved it and they were entitled to destroy him. Then the author of the article interviewed them about it and every single one of them admits it was bullshit and they were just making stuff up to be angry about and none of their claims had receipts.
The post itself is long to the point of being comical and the author has a lot of trouble disengaging what has likely been a decade or more of ideological conditioning. She'll sometimes go off on tangents about incels and how unthinkable it is to her that anyone would weaponize feminism and rape accusations for personal gain. But it's an interesting read if you just scroll past those sections. You'll probably need to in order to get through the damned thing in a reasonable time.
I don't really care about Zak. I was never personally invested in his story or the accusations that were leveled at him. Even when it was happening, my vague read of the situation from a distant vantage was that a guy surrounded himself with unstable SJW-types and then they turned on one of their own, as they often do. Turns out that was more or less right.
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fieldcommandernuck · 2 months
You Have until June To Dump Chrome
Google has announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).
Firefox is RIGHT there
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