#terry jr headcanons
greylight32 · 9 months
I have a headcanon that when Terry was like 15 he became like super goth. Like 4 inch combat boots, spiked anklets and bracelets, the hair over one eye and has it dyed pink, skulls shirts and necklaces, pants chains, the works. He’s the type of person where at least one woman leans over to whoever she’s with and whispers loud as fuck “He doesn’t have a good relationship with his father”.
Cue Ron, this 5’4 man, wearing a business shirt with a tie and some kind of long skirt on, he’s mostly balding despite the fact he looks late 30’s early 40’s. Just walking in going like “um Terry?” Terry perking up seeing his Dad and going like “Oh hi dad!” Walking over to him leaning over and giving him a kiss on the forehead and then holding his hand on the way back to the car as Ron talks about whatever happened, and everyone wherever they were at are just standing there like “The f*ck just happened?”
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dungeon-head · 10 months
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Death by being the best step-dad
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icy-book · 16 days
I'm constantly thinking about how Terry was literally willing to die because of his guilt over betraying Nicky. Anthony Burch you have wrecked my brain permenantly
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petracozbi · 8 months
You cannot convince me that Scary gave two shits about apologizing to Tony Pepperoni, she was imagining Terry in that moment, change my mind
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Posting this at the dumbest time (especially for something specific like this) but. *squints* any sex-favourable ace Terry Jr. truthers out there or am I alone in this world?
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mountainpython · 8 days
Voice headcanons for the npcs in dndads (If they ever get a show)
Disclaimer: most of these might suck ass
Erin O'Neil- Ashley Burch
Grant Wilson (S1/S2)- Yuri Lowanthal
Terry jr. (S1)- Zeno Robinson
Terry jr. (S2)- Bumper Robinson
Lark/Sparrow oak (S1)- Anthony Burch
Lark oak (S2)- Aaron Dismuke
Sparrow Oak- Bryce Papenbrook (S2)
Nick Close/ Nick Foster (S1/S2)- Aleks Le
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dougtheintern · 1 year
*gets one reblog saying ‘yes’ to question if i should post headcanons or not* i suppose the general public wants this!!
-starting off with basics theyre all autistic sorry babes its just true
-nick/narcolas both wear necklaces. nick wore a silver one and chews on it all the time so his teeth were a little funny. narcolas actually has a chewy necklace thing so his teeth are NOT fucked up
-grant has freckles and got SO embarrassed by them. but yeet said ‘yo dude i wish i had freckles’ and now he’s like OH. OK. and even sits out in the sun so his freckles are more pronounced
-sparrow and lark are hatsune miku fans and one time henry took them to an anime convention and they got a picture with EVERY hatsune miku cosplayer.
-^^ theyre known as the hatsune miku boys because henry posted them all online
-terry jr had his autism assessment and ron showed up to be moral support and he was in a full suit.
-^^ “my dad came to my autism assessment in a suit” “its a special event :)”
-terry jr and samantha taught ron how to use emojis and now he texts in the dad groupchat like “Hello Dads ‼️‼️‼️😀😀😀😀😀🍇😄🧂💬🥨🙏🎧〽️🎧🎧💬☝️🧂🎧❕💬🎧‼️🥨”
-henry, when trying to still convince his kids that being vegan is cool, got them the impossible whopper. they both threw up and now burger king is completely off the menu
-darryl is autistic but denies it completely. rons like “yea terry jr got his autism diagnosis” and darryl is like “HES autistic? but everything he does is normal!” and ron looks at darryl like… maybe we need to discuss this
-the oak-garcia and stampler families are actually very close because mercedes and samantha both had a smoothie craze . and became best friends
-grant’s gay teenager realness with his dad being supportive but not Supportive ENOUGH for pride parades. he lets it slip to terry jr. and terry is like like “me and my dad are actually going to the pride parade next week. wanna join?”
-ron is bisexual but in the way where he had a boyfriend but didnt know he was a guy. but the boyfriend didnt know ron was a guy. so it was like an accidental gay relationship. but ron was like “ig this is ok.”
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 8 months
Dndads Headcanons, season 2 kiddads and teens (appearance based)
the order of the kiddads from tallest to shortest is: terry jr, sparrow (by like half an inch), lark, grant, nick (but none of them are really all that short)
Lark, sparrow, and nick all have their ears pierced but sparrows holes closed up and he didn't wanna relive the traumatic experience of re-piercing them, while larks have gotten infected so many times he just stopped trying.
Terry dresses like a substitute teacher literally every day of this fucking life.
Sparrow is almost always wearing a bathrobe or a comfy cardigan. He dresses like a mixture of a female therapist and a deranged housewife.
Lark dresses like he's in the walking dead
Nick has a frankly absurd amount of Christmas sweaters and it's VERY obvious which ones are from Glenn.
Grant has curly hair.
both lark and sparrow need glasses. sparrow wears his when he needs them, but Lark never wears them because they make him look like henry.
terry jr also wears glasses and started wearing rons after he died.
scary was born with blonde hair, but it's gotten darker as she got older. right now, it's a light brown/sandy blonde. when her mom and terry Jr. got engaged, he tried to bond with scary by pointing out that their hair was almost the same color. she dyed it black the next day.
on the topic of hair dye, taylor tried to dye his hair electric blue when he was in middle school and had to buzz it all off cause he destroyed it with bleach. he cried for 2 weeks.
both scary and taylor regularly paint their nails. normal TRIES to paint his nails but then gets annoyed that now they taste gross and ends up picking off all the nail polish before its even finished drying
btw normals nails are so fucked up. just absolutely destroyed. theyre so bad. he has never cut them hes only ever bitten them off.
on the other hand Lincolns nails are really well kept. he pushes back his cuticles and everything.
the only non-sportswear type clothing that lincoln owns are garfield t-shirts. he has alot of them
Scary is taller than Taylor, but only when she's wearing her combat boots, which add like 2 inches to her height.
Lincoln is only taller than Terry jr by an inch (and 6 feet lmaooo)
Everyone's taller than normal.
Lark and sparrow both have a dimple on one of their cheeks but it's the opposite side of the others.
Normal has dimples on both cheeks!
Taylor only has horns when he's using magic or really angry and they're very small. When he saw them for the first time he got pissed cause they're nothing like his trollsonas.
Taylor totally has an ahegao hoodie.
Taylor has a t-shirt that's just a written apology to women for his ahegao hoodie
Normal has a lot of nasa hoodies that he keeps stealing from hero to piss her off
Scary stole one of Terry jr cardigans, dyed it back, and ripped it up to make it goth cause she THOUGHT it would piss him off. But it backfired, and terry started wearing it around the house to be supportive.
Scary also secretly stole one of Terry Jr's old band t-shirts for herself cause she thought it was cool. Terry knows she has it but will not say a goddamn word cause he thinks it's so sweet.
Grant has a picture of baby Lincolns face on a t-shirt next to the titanic that says "I survived the titanic and all I got was this stupid baby" given to him by nick that he has never worn because it's mean but it's collecting dust in a closet somewhere in the house. Lincoln found it once but didn't understand it cause he never saw the titanic, so he just didn't say anything.
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theonlymadmanonmars · 1 month
I know so many of you love Wizard Terry Jr but TJ is a warlock to Me. His patron starts off as his dead dad but switches to Ron when he dies.
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terry jr only ever buys books from the queer section of the bookstore, if someone gifts him books that don't have queer characters he won't even put them on his bookshelf.
grant reads classics but only if he knows there's going to be some homoerotic subtext. darryl has offered multiple times to get him books with actual queer representation because henry told him he should but grant claims the subtext is more fun.
nick does what i do and reads anything with a cool-sounding title and then decides any character he likes and/or relates to is trans.
sparrow was obviously a warrior cats and animorphs kid and i don't think he read much after that but he's made exceptions when terry recommends something to him (usually those book have aspec protagonists but sparrow hasn't noticed the pattern)
lark has read every single shitty ya dystopian novel/series he could get his hands on. he's a big fan of all the queer coded villains because he relates to them.
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lunarrosette · 1 year
Honestly to me like all the kiddad ships were canon at some point
Like terrow? Fuck yeah that definitely happened at one point. Grant and Nick? Yeah sounds like something that happened in high school or middle school. Literally I believe all of them could’ve happened you can’t convince me other wise
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dungeon-head · 1 year
I feel after everyone returned to earth Terry jr and sparrow were besties in there teen years since they came out the most normal compared to the other kids
Lark: hates his dad
Grant: hates himself
Nick: literally in hell
Sparrow: furry
Terry: love his stepdad
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icy-book · 3 months
Thinking about how Terry Jr probably helped raise the teens (apart from Scary) as toddlers, and how he was never allowed to see them age. I wonder if he had photos of them on his walls. Did he get sent new ones as they got older? Or were they stuck in time, still barely more than babies and free from the weight of the world
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I haven’t watched the Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, barely seen anything about it, but I would just like to say Regé-Jean Page would make a FANTASTIC Adult Terry Jr and is 100% how I’ve been picturing Terry in Dndads Season 2
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*twirling my hair shyly* A bit random but! I was wondering what headcanons y’all might have about the kiddads (or any characters tbh I’m just kiddad-biased) and second (or third) languages!
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abeinginsand · 10 months
S2 Teens and Kiddads Flowers hcs -------- [ S2 Teens ]
Normal - Carnations (fascination, love)
Taylor - Cherry blossoms (optimism, national flower of japan, often in anime/manga) and fire lilies (fame, love, fire coloring in general for demon heritage)
Lincoln - Chrysanthemum (protection, calm), Bluebell (loyalty)
Scary - Scarlet Pimpernel (change, evasive, daring) , As Terri/younger self (humble, lending a helping hand), its also a poisonous flower
Hermie - Peony (the Joker carries around a peony-looking acid flower, passion (for acting), shame)
--- Note: I didn't copy down the flower language for the Kiddads, but I do have some fav drink hcs instead --- [ The Kiddads ] Sparrow - Sunflowers, fruit teas/cocktails, the adventurous move that is mixing every option from the drink machines into one cup
Lark - Lilies, truthfully the good ol H20 but he thinks its amusing to tell a different answer anytime someone asks. still hates apple juice with a passion though (I think it was apple juice that came out of the pyramid?)
Terry - Hydrangea, lemonade, boba maybe, and his mom's sun tea recipe
Grant - not sure on flowers, Rose was suggested by my friend Baba and thought it was fun, drink-wise rootbeer, though lattes on occasion? maybe he stopped drinking coffee for awhile, starts trying the seasonal flavors with Marco
Nicky - Daffodils, hot cocoa (sipped some of his dad's cup as a kid and has loved it ever since, kept from Glenn Timeline), orange juice (kept from Jodie Timeline), often used to like trying out other people's favorite drinks too
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