The Entity, Part 2
The wait is over!
This is part 2 of 2. I included a bonus chapter because I have taken so long to upload this! There may be another extra that will be NSFW. 
Plus size reader x Shadowy demon monster…. thing….
You pick up a box of old books at a yard sale. While sorting through them later that night you somehow manage to transport yourself directly into the den of the Entity. Sass and snark aplenty as you try to figure out how the hell to get back home.
Part 1
You consider it a moment longer. It was just a kiss. Not like it was your first. And so long as you get back to your plane of existence, it wouldn’t be your last. Right? Just a kiss. You could do this! Hell, you loved kissing. And you were damn good at it.
“Okay then. A kiss for you and a trip back home for me!”
“Good,” he hissed.
You heard the scraping sound again, louder this time. Then not so gentle tick-tick-ticks of claws on the tile beneath you. You stood, holding you book in one hand, and waited for him to approach you.
You stared in awe as the Entity stood to his full height, slack jawed as the deep, endless shadow moved and slowly stepped closer. He- It?- was… tall.
“Holy shit.” He- the Entity definitely looked male, atleast- was at least 7’ tall with broad spiked shoulders. What little light there was highlighted the strange raised patterns climbing over his shoulders and down his arms and his chest. More and more details of his face and body became visible, the closer he stepped to you. His face was more bone, it almost looked like a mask- part human, part canine, part cervaide- all covered in the same intricate carvings and patterns, dark as anything you could ever imagine. Two spiraling horns curved up and back from his forehead with two more much smaller ones set just between them. His chest was wide and his stomach thick, both built with muscle from use.
The moving smoke seemed to pool and swirl around his clawed feet- you could tell they were strangely shaped almost like he was standing on his tiptoes- err, tip claws? The smoke climbed up his thick thighs obscuring the details. He reached a clawed hand out to you, you marveled at the tiny symbols raised from his skin along his fingers and wrists, thickening as they travel up his arm back to his shoulder.
His face though- or skull, you guess. That's what stuck out to you. The Entity had, not two, but four glowing red eyes. The first two were larger and rounder than the other smaller two sat slightly higher and farther. His teeth were sharp and long, and… completely exposed.
Exposed as in… he had no lips.
No lips.
No. Fucking. Lips.
“Asshole,” you level.
The Entity howled out, his head- skull- tossed back, the ground shaking with his laugh.
“Having second thought, Tiny?” he grinned.
“Mmm. I’m kind of surprised I didn’t see this coming, to be honest.” You sigh, “Alright, you’ll get your kiss, if that's what you want, you giant dark ass. But, since you have no lips, you’ll just have to accept a kiss on the bone- err, skull! On the skull!”
“Very well,” he grumbled, leaning down, “A kiss on the bone,” his snap made you jump a bit, “for me. And a helping hand home for you.”
He extended his hand to her, claws gently extended and palm up. For a monster- demon? whatever- he was surprisingly gentle. Or, at least, a damn good actor. You take stock of him again, tracing the intricate swirls with your eyes filling in where the light doesn't reach as you slow your breathing and calm your heart.
It was just a kiss. A little peck. Nothing more.
You reach up and take his hand. His claws wrap around your hand and he pulls you closer to him. You almost laugh at how comically small and soft your hand looks in his jagged paw.
The smoke moved to make room for her. The Entity bent down but you still had to reach up to meet him.
Your breath hitched.
Your hand clutched his palm.
Your eyes flitted between all four of his.
You blew out your breath and closed gap between you. Your lips pressed tightly against the smooth curved edges of his sharp teeth. They were surprisingly cool and it sent a shiver through you that stuck to the base of your spine.
It was brief but… strangely… nice?
Huh. So, apparently you had a thing for skulls.
Or fangs.
Skulls with fangs?
Skulls with fangs.
You pull back, considering kissing him again but decide against it. After all, he is a demon, you think. And this is probably a trap of some sort.
Smart decisions. Gotta make smart decisions.
Not strangely sexy ones.
You took a step back- you probably should have taken a larger step back, maybe even a few steps back but take the small victory of being able to back away at all just the same.
The book opens to the same page when you present it to him.
“Well?” You look at him expectantly. “Your turn.”
His laugh shakes the hall and vibrates your body. You steel yourself for the proverbial shoe to drop.
This is it. This is where this massive, bone-headed, black clawed, beautiful black marble carved, funny, kind of charming….
This is where this DEMON. Tells you he's tricked you. That he's not going to send you back. That you’re going to be torn apart or given as a toy to his underlings or condemned to hell or whatever horrible future awaits you.
You tried to keep yourself from shaking as the Entity slowly reached out slid the back of one black claw against your cheek.
“So impatient. I’m beginning to think you really don’t like it here!” he teased. “Now. Was that so hard, Tiny?”
“You’re face sure as shit was. Seriously. What are you even made of?”
His laughter rolled through you. You hated how stuck to your spine and hips now.
The Entity thoughtfully stroked the bloodied page with the same claw that was on your cheek. “As fun as you are, Tiny, I suppose a deal is a deal though. And you certainly did hold up your end,” he grinned, leaning closer and invading your personal space.
“Hold up a deal but ignore questions. Well, I guess we can’t expect perfection, can we?”
All four eyes roved over your form, crawling back up to your face, “I supposed not.” The smoke continued to roll around you as he rolled his shoulders. He held his hand up, showing you his palm. His claws dug into his palm as he curled them into his hand slowly.
You were mesmerized. You could see the blood seep up and prick between his skin and whatever his claws were made of. It was the strangest thing. The blood that dribbled up to the surface, the blood that ran down his hand and wrist in little rivers tracing his markings, the blood that he smeared onto your book, the blood that sent you back to your living room in a blink- was blue.
Bright and vibrant blue. Like the sky the day your grandparents got in that wreck. Like the ocean the last time you visited it with your best friend. Like your favorite lapis lazuli oil paint.
And it was all you had left of the Entity. All there was to tell you that it wasn’t a dream. It was real.
He was real.  
You sighed. And slumped to the floor. That’s where you stayed for the rest of the night. The old woven rug dug into your thighs and your feet had long gotten over the static feeling of no circulation by the time you finally decided that, yes, you had actually traveled to some kind of hell dimension. And yes, you had met some kind of demon. And yes, you had made a deal with said demon which probably meant, assuming something equivalent  to heaven was real, you were probably going to  said hell when you finally kicked the bucket. And yes, you kissed said demon. And yes, you liked kissing said demon.
By now, you had the whole damn page memorized.  
Your eyes felt like they were going to start bleeding any moment. You had to stop. You willed yourself to close that damned book but your hands wouldn't cooperate. You tried again. And again. And again. Eventually, you were able to bargain with yourself to flip the page. That was enough. You broke whatever trace you were in.
With a deep breath, you closed the old book, dragging your hand across the cover.
---------------------------------- Bonus Chapter! ----------------------------------
You had struggled in the weeks after your interdimentional escapade. At first, the nightmares kept you from sleeping. You dreamt that it was something more fiendish and horrific that greeted you. That he wanted something more fatal from you. That he refused to help you at all.
That one, you think, scared you most of all. The idea that he refused to return you, that he kept you, that, sometimes, you wanted to be kept.
It was a dark thought of a dark experience that you refused to share. Hell you refused to even say it out loud.  
Eventually, you calmed your subconscious, reasoned that the “what ifs” were irrelevant.
You did go. He was there. You did just kiss him. He did help you return, as promised. Nothing else mattered.
Luckily, this let you sleep. unfortunately, now you replayed the experience in your dreams. You were reluctant to admit that you enjoyed the banter, and The Entity's appearance. And the kiss.
But, eventually, you had to. Nearly 6 months out and you were still losing your fucking mind. It made sense to you at first- the man- demon - haunted your nights, of course you would see him hiding in every corner and shadow!
Now, though? Shouldn't you be over by now?
At first the constant second guessing and looking over the shoulder was exhausting. Then, you turned it into a game with yourself. In the deepest shadows of your mind, it was kind of comforting to think that, no matter how lonely you were, you weren't alone.
Slowly, it… developed… into something more. Something primal. Like the kiss.
He was the hunter. And you were his prey. This game was dangerous and primordial. It infected you like a virus; leaving you heaving and sweating, burning up from the inside out.
Like him.  
But today. Today was different.
It wasn't the virus causing hallucinations. You actually saw him.
The Entity looked much more… human. But just as dangerous.
He was across the street. You looked up not even sure why, but you could feel him. Hear the whispering smoke that follows in his wake.
He was only 6’2”, a lighter shade of tan, stubble along his strong jaw, intricate tribal tattoos peeking from his black long sleeve button up, wild dark hair down to his shoulders. Honestly, he looked so human. Except…
He felt like your Entity. You saw dark human eyes staring at you but… You knew they were really that glaring red. His smile seemed plain but- you could sense the predatory bone-grin.
You were finally able to blink, to breath, when a bus passed between you. And just like that, your Entity was gone.
You couldn't remember what else you even had to do after that. You just- you felt so empty.
Running on autopilot, you went home. You made a warm cup of tea and curled up in your bed. Sleep eluded you again. Your eyes flitted between that damn book on your dresser and the door, as if he would really come through one or the other.
I really shouldn't have left that there. I need to stop torturing myself.
Your cycle continues through the night until you blinked yourself to sleep in the early hours of the morning. It seemed like you had just close your eyes when the air filled with a strong smoky smell- something not quite campfire-esque- woke you up.
It was simultaneously relaxing and alarming. You popped up, throwing the covers back and sprinted through the apartment trying to find the source of the smoke.
Nothing in your bedroom, or the master bath. Nothing in the spare room, hallway, dining area or living room. You even ran to the porch, remembering that time that your brothers porch caught on fire from a discarded cigarette. But nothing. The last room you ran to was the kitchen but there was no smoke their either. Just the smell.
And breakfast.
And a small vase with your favorite flowers.
What. The. Fuck.
You sat down at the table, this was so weird. You hadn’t slept cooked, had you? No. you didn’t even have half of what was on the plate. But the food did smell good…. And you hated to waste food… So, you ate the mysterious, probably demon provided, food. And it was amazing, which shouldn’t have been as shocking as it was but honestly, you had half expected it to taste as smoky as your house smelled.
You took your time since it was your day off, enjoying the breakfast that was provided and getting a few small things done around the house. You had wanted to do more but after the lack of sleep and the crazy wake-up call….
That evening found you curled up on your couch in your comfiest clothes, staring at- rather than reading- a book. You sighed and closed the book after re-scanning the same paragraph for the 13th time at least. A loud knock jolted you from your thoughts.
You stood up checking out the window, then slowly opening the door, brow furrowed.
It was him. The man. At least he looked like a man. But… You could see his red eyes underneath. “You…” you breathed.
The door swung open as your hand fell away. The bright blue button up contrasted his tan skin and the intricate tattoos rolled over the skin stretched across the muscled forearms shown off by his rolled up sleeves. His grin was the same as ever though. The same one that made your breath catch the first time you saw it. He rumbled when he saw your smile, saw how your relaxed, happy to see him again.
“Hello, Tiny.”
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Nanowrimo Preview
Sooooo, I decided to attempt Nanowrimo. I’m total shit at it but.... eh. Whatever. Also the story is shit, but Imma put it on here anyways.
Cassandra and Karen decide to take their fall break to a cabin in the Apalachian mountains. Cassi finds an attractive man who wont speak to her (or rather he finds her), and an attractive man who will talk to her (and calls her “Cher”) and a cute little puppy with bright blue eyes. And that;s all before things get exciting. 
Basically, this is shitty self insert fanservice. With attractive paranormal people and lots of sex. So.... 
18 and over only please.
WC: 3412
“Karen’s Whore House. You got the dough, we got the hoe. How may I direct your call?”
It was 3:05 on the dot, November 16th. The high school bell had just rang and Cassandra was finally free. Well, for ten days at least. She was probably more excited about the short, Fall break than any of her students. And, of course, the first order of business was to call Karen, the bestie. A grin spread across her face at the teasing tone.
“Is Karen there? It’s a hoe-mergancy,” said Cassandra, playing along.
“This is the Madam speaking.”
“Oh! Perfect! I’m hoe-ping you can help me.”
Karen stifled a laugh at the pun. “We can handle all matters, small and big.”
“Wonderful. Because I need someone large, broad and tattooed. Oh! And maybe a nice beard? I’m gonna need something nice to ride.”
That was the last straw. They both busted out laughing. Cassi hit her turn signal and continued down the long country highway back into the city. Once the laughter died down, Cassi let out a small excited squeal. “When are we leaving?”
Karen groaned a bit as she rolled out of bed, a small thunk heard in the background as her feet hit the floor. “Uh, I was thinking we could get dinner, wait out some of the traffic then head up after dark. “
“Perfect. Just lemme get home and make sure I’ve got everything and then I’ll head that way.”
With music blaring in the small gray suv, time passed quickly. As Cassi pulled up to the residential school Karen lived and worked at, she shot a quick “Here bitch” text in lieu of honking the horn.  Karen opened the back passenger door and slid her bags into the seat and floorboard.
“I’m so fucking ready to be out of this place.”
“Same. But first- foods.”
Karen half moaned her agreement.
“Cock-Out?” Karen suggested.
“Eh. Taco Hell?”
“Not before a road trip.”
“Valid point,” Cassi nodded.
“Oh!” Karen perked up, plugging her phone charger into the carport, “How about Zaxby’s?”
Cassi grinned as she put her car into reverse. “Sounds good to me!” She pulled out and headed towards the restaurant while Karen put on their road trip playlist. The two had decided, since their typical “Friendsgiving” plans had fallen through with the rest of their friends away with familial obligations, that they would take a trip to the mountains about two hours north of their small city to spend their break drinking, eating and enjoying the cool weather. If they were lucky, maybe they'd be enjoying a man or two as well.
After getting fuel for both themselves and the car as well as a few drinks and snacks for the road. Two and a half hours later the two pulled into the tiny town that boasted a fair bit of tourism depending on the season. Most of which were romantic getaways, honeymoons and the like, occasionally a biker club or caravan would stop for the night on their way through.
They pulled over at the largest of the town’s- of Aberdeenvalle’s- three gas stations.  Cassi stretched letting out a long, low moan. “Uggghhhhhhhaaa. Oi.” She shook out her clothes and arched her feet a bit. Karen mimicked with her own stretch and groan combination, adding a small yawn.
“Alright. Should be just a few miles from the check in place but I’m not sure how far the actual cabin is. I know it’s past all the newer camping sites.”
Cassi nods at Karen, who planned the whole trip, and shivers a bit as a cool wind blows past them. The early evening got cold fast in the Appalachian Mountains and Cassi was still in a thin gray cotton t-shirt and cute cuffed jean shorts. Karen was much more ready for the temperature in a thick red wrap and dark wash jeans. They enter the small store laughing and karen heads towards the bathroom in the back corner. Cassi grabs another large bottle of water, a few packs of jerky and walks to the counter to pay for that and the gas. The young guy behind the register nodded to her giving a standard “Hello, how are you today?”
“Hello,” Cassi smiled “And 15 on three, please.” She placed her items on the counter. He began ringing them up. “Other than leaf watching and drinking, what is there to do around here?”
He looked up at her, “Ya’ll stayin’?”
“Yep! Whole week.”
“Hmmm....” he handed her her receipt, “Not much” he shrugged. “If ya like to walk, there's a park with a nice hiking trail. Just don’t stay too close to nightfall.”
Cassi scrunched her face up and tilted her head a bit at his strange and vague warning but thanked him nonetheless as Karen joined her grabbing the bag and heading back out to the car.
“What was that all about?” Karen asks.
“I dunno,” Cassi shrugged, “Asked about shit to do, got a ‘don’t go out alone at night’ instead.” She grinned at her friend, one side of her face lifting and showing her teeth, “I mean, what kind of woman does he take me for? How else am I supposed to have fun?” Karen laughed with her.
“Slut,” she shot at Cassi.
“I know.”
They climbed back up into the car and slowly drove the last 20 minutes deeper into the mountains and pulled up to a large two story, wooden cabin with a brightly lit front porch and a small wooden sign with “Merritt Cabins and Camping” carven into it. A worn layer of paint making the letters stand out. Parking and turning off the engine, the girls smile and quickly jog up the steps to check in. An older man greets them in the spacious lobby.
He smiled gently, “Welcome ladies!” His shoulders were once broad and thick but his body now shrunk due to age. He had graying hair, cropped close to his tan wrinkled skin, soft dark eyes and a slight hunch, leaning on the polished wood slab counter. He was wholly warm and welcoming. Cassi, for one, was glad. She wasn’t sure quite what to expect. She trusted Karen to plan everything and although she wasn’t expecting some eldritch demon or a pack of werewolves to be at the front desk, there never was any telling with Karen so a normal cabin and not some hidden mountain BDSM dungeon was a pleasant surprise.
Karen talks to him while Cassi looks around a bit, admiring the log architecture and the rustic wood-based decor. She turned back around in time to see him pull a small map from the display set and unfolded it on the desk. Cassi peered over it beside Karen. It was surprisingly modern looking. Well organized and clearly marked, it even had restaurants and places of interests from around town- including the mountain hiking trail. He flipped it over and pointed to a blue square. “This is us, here,” he explained. “Your cabin is this one up here,” he tapped a red square farther up the mountain, “Two bedrooms, two baths, great view, over 2000 ft above sea level. ‘S’even got a fireplace. You’ll love it.” he grinned at us. He gave them easy directions and even marked them on the map so they wouldn’t forget.
Cassi smiled, “Thank you, Mr. Merritt.” She folded up the map and they went back to the car. Rolling down the windows to enjoy the fresh evening air and following his directions they were given in the dark, they pull up to a beautiful redwood log cabin. It was smaller, two story built right onto the side of the the mountain giving a beautiful view of the south east forests below the furnished wrap around porch. She pulled up to the front door and parked on the gravel, grinning.
The cabin was comfortably decorated. Not flashy or overdone but casual and warm feeling. Large windows covered nearly every wall, the red, drawn back, floor-to-ceiling curtains causing the setting sun to illuminate the living room on the first floor and the open planned kitchen. Upstairs was another, smaller living space and a small hallway that split the two bedrooms, each with a- Cassi and Karen discovered- gorgeous bathroom attached. Cassi took the master since it had a massive garden tub and Karen wasn’t a “bath person”, unlike Cassi.
Seriously. It was huge. Cassi was never a small woman. She was more than enough for anyone to handle with broad shoulders, strong arms and legs, large breasts, a thick waist and wide, rounded hips and thighs. She was a generous size 20 and this tub could easily fit three of her. She squealed when she saw it, hands clenched at her chest. She nearly jumped for joy.
But first, she was going to unpack. “Hey, bitch!”
“What's the plan?”
“Uh… Drink?” Karen peeped around the doorframe into the bathroom, “Woah.”
“Ch- Yeah!” Cassi grinned, “Thanks for lettin’ me have the masters, boo.”
“I’m so using that before we leave,” she said, pointing to the oversized bathtub.
Cassi let out a small laugh, mostly snort really, “We could both use that- at the same time.”
Karen nodded.
“Anyways! What's the plan for tonight?”
“Drinking- I just said that!”
“Okay, okay, let's get everything in, shower and then we drink the night away! Then we can go get breakfast after we wake from the dead,” Cassi laughed.
They did just that. If someone had seen how much liquor and mixers the two women brought into the kitchen, they surely would have thought it was for a party, or at least a large family of alcoholics.  Bottles of vodka, rum, tequila and wine, three handles of fireball and a small bottle of everclear. They reasoned that should be enough to last them the week.
They got a head start- three shots for Cassi and one for the lightweight Karen- then played a few rounds of High-low. Karen smashed Cassi in five rounds, Cassi won three of her own. Then they moved on to an adjusted game of bullshit. Before they could even finish the deck in bullshit, they were both rolling on the floor laughing loudly at nothing. By this time Cassi had stipped down to a sports bra and short sleeping shorts and Karen was in a tank top and lounge pants. Cassi tended to lose clothes as she drank.
Cassi also tended to wake up early and without a hangover after a night of heavy drinking. Karen- not so much.
So, while Karen stayed asleep, Cassi went out to get a breakfast at the little cafe, figuring she’d eat then pick up a few groceries.
Her tight jeans and oversized red and black plaid flannel over a cream colored tank top was warm enough in the cool mountain air. Her favorite black combat boots kept her feet warm and were comfy to walk around the small town in.
She sat down in the cafe's outside seating, the metal cool through her clothes but still a relaxing feeling. She ordered a small breakfast, just oatmeal and fruit, not being able to stomach large amounts of greasy food with her stomach still full of liquor from just a few hours prior. And coffee. lots and lots of coffee. She joked with the waiter, an older jovial man with a strong accent and far too many pins attached to his suspenders for them to be comfortable, to just leave the pot. Three cups of coffee- with two sugars and two creamers each- in, her breakfast is interrupted.  A far too large hand quietly places itself onto the black metal chair across from her. She takes inventory of the deep scarring across the knuckles and the protruding veins. And the size. It wouldn't be a stretch for that hand to cover her entire face. Her eyes dart up to the interruption face- skipping his arm and chest completely. Cassi is momentarily stunned. He had dark green eyes, long hair pulled back into a tight - black, maybe dark brown in color? It was hard to tell. His beard was thick and short but obviously well taken care of. His jaw was strong and angular and Cassi could just make out a few silvery scars along his high cheekbone on the left side of his face. ​This is unreal. Cassi though, Seriously. What romance novel is this jackass from?? "Can I help you?" she asked. He just stared at her, taking her in, eyes roaming over and over her generous, curved figure; over each roll and lump, each scar and mark visible, he found. Not judging, Cassi could tell, just looking. So she looked back. Well fit, dark gray Henley with long sleeves, and the top button undone. His arms well built and waist, though obviously muscled, thick set and leading into wide-set legs covered in loose jeans. Cassi's eyes darted back up to his face. His fuckin' attractive face. "Right." she said shortly, "Good talk. " She turned back to her food and the logic puzzle she was completing, effectively dismissing him by ignoring him.  She heard a low, gravelly grunt that sent suppressed shivers up her spine before the hand removed itself from the chair opposite her. She watched him swagger away out of the corner of her eye . "Well," she murmured to herself, "that was weird." She finished and stretched, the paid for her food at the counter inside with a sweet, "Thank you!" She walked up the road to the little corner grocery store. It was a quaint and cute town. Cassi decided she like it. It was warming seeing how the people here interacted. Everyone seemed to know everyone and everyone seemed to get along. It reminded her of home, of her childhood- or at least the positive parts of it. The grocery store was brightly lit and filled with fresh, local produce and meats. It was strange and more market than grocer. She picked up the basics- milk, bread, butter, rice, a few fruits and veggies. The last thing she picked up was meat, making sure to pick up bacon for Karen. It was enough to last them but not too much for her to carry, albeit it would be with a bit difficulty. Right as she walked out the store, a few kids sped by on skateboards. They got a little two close and nearly knocked her over, She caught herself but, unfortunately, still dropped her bag of produce "Shit." She bend down on one knee to start gathering up her groceries. A hand shot out to grab a run-away apple. One that wasn't hers. Deja vu. She looked up to see her apple's savior and found, yet another, overly attractive man. This one was thinner than the last. He had tattoos from the wrist of his outstretched hand all the way up to the sleeve stretched over his bicep. Still had a sharp jaw, though significantly less square, a five o'clock shadow, bright blue eyes and light pink lips stretched into a charming smile. "Here, cher," he offered, scooping up more of the scattered produce and placing them back into the bag. "Oh..." Cassi caught herself staring, mouth open slightly. She shook her head a bit and smiled back, "Thank you! So much." "Oh no pro'lem. My pleasure, really." He took another bag from her, easing her load and then motioned her ahead. Cassi smiled and accepted his silent offer to help her. "You've got a bit of an unusual accent, cher- for these parts, at least," he started, "Where you from?" At least this one speaks Cassi thought and laughed to herself softly. "South Carolina. Born and raised. Up here with a friend for a little vacation. What about you?" "Naw, I'm a transplant, ma' self. I found I liked it up here, s'rprisin'ly." Cassi smiled at him as they got to her car, she unlocked the doors and placed the bags she had in the back seat, grabbing the bags the stranger had from his hands as well.  "Well, lucky for me then. Thank you...?" "Lucien. Lucien Corbeau." "Thank you, Lucien." "And what should I call you?" Cassi hummed to herself, making a show of looking him up and down, noticing the tattoos wrapping around his right arm in detail. "I think I like 'cher'," she grinned, "But you can call me tonight, if you'd like." Cassi grinned as she grabbed his warm hand and pulled it to her exposing the broad expanse of skin on the soft underside of his right arm to her. She bit the cap of a purple pen and tugged then scrawled her number along his arm. His grin matched hers as she spun on her heels and got into her car. By the time she got all the groceries unloaded and made some bacon, Karen had finally risen from the dead. Cassi smirked at her friend and started the coffee pot. "Goooood morning, sunshine!" Cassi sang. Karen glared in response and snatched a piece of bacon, plopping into the carved wooden chair. "Know what'll make ya feel better?" A grunt. "A shot." "Fuck that. No ma'am," Cassi snickered at her friend, Karen glared harder in return before giving up and eating more bacon. Cassi poured two cups of coffee and set one down in front of Karen. Her phone rang out with a ding before she should sit down to finish her own coffee. Karen sent her a glance as she opened the text message. "Who's that from?" Cassi sent her a sly look and shrugged casually. "Oh just some guy." Karen snorted, "Slut." Cassi shrugged. "So, is it Josh or KC?" "Neither." Karen playfully gasped, "Oh you are a slut!" Cassi laughed. "He helped me with the groceries! I dropped them!"
The two busted out laughing. The girls calmed down and Karen crunched on more bacon.  Cassi smiled and unlocked her phone again, finally reading her message.
"Hello, cher"
Cassi tapped out her reply quickly.
"Aren't you eager, Mr Corbeau?"​
"How could I not be?"
Cassi hadn't expected a response so quickly. Hm.
She ​ tapped a finger on the table for a second, thinking of how to reply. She kind of liked the excited attention he was giving her.
"I'm not sure. I mean, if I could meet myself, I'd be pretty excited too! Lol" ​ No, that's not right. She erased it. "Who knows?"  Better.
"I hope you wouldn't think me too eager then, if I ask you to coffee tomorrow night?"
"Hmmm... No I don't supposed I would."
"In that case, How does coffee sound tomorrow, cher?"
"Well I suppose, but only because I love coffee." Cassi laughed to herself.
They set a time and place to meet the next night, all the while Lucien calling her "Cher". The ridiculous pet name made Cassi smile. And then gag at her own girly giddiness.
"Aye yo, bitch!" Cassi called from the couch where she had posted up to text with Lucien.
"What?" Karen responded from the kitchen, around her bottle of water.
"What do you want to do today?"
Karen shruged, "I am not doing shit till I get a shower."
"Don't blame you there." Cassi thought for  a second, "How about we check out that trail? It feels fuckin' amazing outside today."
Karen shot her a look, "Oh I'm sure it did feel fuckin' amazing."
"Bitch." Cassi laughed.
The trail was beautiful. The entire mountain was, honestly. Cassi had packed her small backpack with a few bottles of water, her well supplied first aid kit, some snacks and a few photography supplies. Her tightly laced boots were comfortable on her feet and let her explore all the terrain the mountain had to offer. She kept her compact digital camera around her neck in case she found something spectacular. She
The two girls laughed and enjoyed the fresh air around them. After an hour of leisurely walking and stopping every now and then to capture a wonderful, they reached the 2 mile marker on the trail. It was now nearly 3 in the afternoon and Karen was ready to head back and take a shower. Cassi wanted to press on deeper into the mountain and hopefully get a few more pictures. So they compromised.
They walked together back to the base of the trail and Karen continued to the cabin while Cassi turned around and took a different trail.
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