#temar company
janspar · 1 month
Request for Relief
Commander Patseva,
Please send a vessel and a detachment of troops with greatest haste; the situation here is dire.
The weavers and the potters have cast down their tools and joined together in defiance of all authority. They proclaim solidarity with the agitation in your cities. Thus our production has ground to a halt. Need I remind you the prosperity these products bring to you and the Company? My textiles are highly-sought in Zhikav; I attended a gala in Otvev where I was served soup in my own dishes. Is this partnership to be repaid now in treachery?
I have facilitated your Abheski practices in this land. When my father balked at adopting your methods of business, I replaced him and in doing so our mutual prosperity has increased manyfold.
Now your Abheski business has brought your Abheski troubles to my operation. By my native customs, this cannot be borne. By your customs I have adopted, this cannot be borne! As an esteemed partner in commerce, as a shareholder, I insist upon your aid. The contribution of my efforts to the company's fortunes are no lesser than those of many a Spires-born merchant or business agent. I demand the treatment due to me in protecting my interests and those of the Company.
Attempting to use my own forces to quell this agitation nearly triggered a mutiny. Desertion has since reduced the numbers of my force to a scant handful. We are rendered unable to impose order upon the workers. Our factories yet stand but my stockhouses, left unprotected, have been looted and burned. Let not this outrage go unpunished!
A detachment of Marines and the batteries of a vessel shall be sufficient to crush this uprising. Our commerce can resume with greatest haste once we have excised the agitationist elements from the population.
Reproduction of letter found pinned to remains of Mae Den Aawjen by crew of patrol vessel Cloud Ice. Company Assets under Mae Den's stewardship have not yet been recovered.
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nappynewz · 5 years
Mary Winston Becomes The First Black Woman To Lead A Fortune 500 Company Since Ursula Burns
Mary Winston Becomes The First Black Woman To Lead A Fortune 500 Company Since Ursula Burns
She is replacing Steven Temares who stepped down after serving as CEO for 16 years.
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Black women are making power moves in the realm of business. Mary Winston was recently appointed to serve as Bed, Bath & Beyond’s new interim CEO; making her the first Black woman to be at the helm of a Fortune 500 company since Ursula Burns resigned as Xerox’s CEO three years ago (more…)
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tehlaen · 6 years
Day 29: Friends & Contacts
Day 29 of the 30 Day Star Wars OC Challenge from @smuggler-captain that I’m doing with @lessdenied! Previous posts are tagged with #30dayswchallenge.
Today’s topic: Friends & Contacts! In Teh’s own words....
Cassbria Temar [A friend’s OC] “What can I say about Cass? I’m in love with her, madly in love with her, in a way that I didn’t really think myself capable of. Yeah, I’ve been in love before, and sometimes pretty crazy-in-love. Cass, though… Cassy’s the first person I’ve been with who’s made me want to think beyond the immediate future. It’s terrifying, but in that nervous-anticipation way that, as much as it scares the piss outta me, also excites me and makes me happy? It’s weird, but in a good way.”
Essix [My OC] “My little rustbucket. Me ‘n Essix have been together too long for him to be anything but family. I adore him and worry about him and I’m not sure what I’d do if anything ever happened to him. Probably something pretty egregiously violent.”
Naga’se Keianna [A friend’s OC] “Naga’se and I… we’ve gotten close. I think our relationship’s both cause and symptom of this shift in how I relate to other people. She’s more than just a friend to me; she’s a sister. The first time she called me that, I bawled like a little girl. And I guess that’s what it is—my feelings for people and attachments that I haven’t felt since Rai’laen died. I was 17 at the time, still pretty much a kid. I’ve had friends who’ve been close to me, but something about the way me ‘n Naga relate to each other… It just filled this hole in me I didn’t know was there. No, wait, that’s crap. I’ve always known it was there. I just never thought anyone else could fit in that void in my life.”
Lystra Hale [A friend’s OC] “Lystra, Lystra, Lystra. Lys… Lyssy? Oh I should call her that, she’d hate it! She’s adorable when she’s indignant and tryin’ to maintain that ‘elegance and dignity of the Jedi Order’ nonsense. I love ‘er; she’s become family. Admittedly, I enjoy her company a lot more when she drops the sanctimonious Jedi thing.”
Kazrein [@neveth ’s OC] “Kaz! Oh Goddess… We’ve had some fun times. Did you know that there are at least four systems where it’s a felony for us to be on the same planet at the same time? That’s the kinda trouble we get up to. We’ve inspired legislation. I’m tellin’ ya, there’s no greater honor to a thief than bein’ name-checked in parliamentary debate. Heh. Good times, Kaz, good times. Ya know, I think she’s one of only a handful of outlaws in the Galaxy I’d say are as good or better ‘n me? Hylo Visz, Gault Rennow and Kazrein. Goddess, don’t tell her I said that, she’ll be insufferably cocky. And that’s me saying that.”
Casarai [@starstruckstory ’s OC] “My favorite red-skinned Amazon! Once you get past the literal and metaphorical Armor of Jedi Self-Righteousness, she’s a lot of fun. She’s probably still a wee bit more Unwaveringly Moral than I’d really like, but still���she’s a great friend to have.”
Neesh’a & Ynarie [Friends’ OCs] “These two… heh heh heh. We have some good times. Definitely my kinda people for a night out. Outgoing, fun, willing and able to dance ‘til dawn, and while I haven’t put it to the test yet, they seem like they’d be down for a friendly barfight. Hello, weekend plans!”
Ket’ara [My OC] “Ket’s a good kid. I wish I could just leave it at that, but I can’t, not really. She’s got a lot of anger and resentment built up, and honestly, who can blame her? We met when I raided a transport in Hutt Space that she was traveling on—and when I say ‘traveling,’ I don’t mean as a passenger. Didn’t really have any place to go after that, so I offered her a job at the Krayt’s Den. She’s studying, and the kid’s sharp as a vibroblade, but damn if she isn’t one of the angriest people I’ve ever met in my life. Not, like, randomly explosive. She’s never blown up at anybody, but if she ever decides to let herself go, Goddess have mercy on whoever she’s got in her sights, ‘cause they better not expect any from her.”
Hirani Tarkona [My OC]  “Ugh. UGH. My twin sister. And if you can’t hear it in my voice, those are some really viciously sarcastic airquotes. The two of us couldn’t be more different, thank fuck. Self-righteous, sanctimonious, painfully moralistic, and she does this think where I know she’s judging ‘n my actions ‘n my beliefs but she just comes off so fucking understanding. She’s like some sorta saint, but the kind of saint that you really just want to hit over the head with a chair.”
Minev [My OC]  “How does my saint of a biological-sibling—the Jedi’s Jedi, the Paragon of Virtue and Truth and Right and if I say anymore I’m gonna throw up in my mouth—end up holding the leash of an amoral Imperial’s-Imperial sharpshooter? I know war and the Eternal Alliance makes for some strange bedfellows, but those two? Minev’s just so nice and polite and formal and proper, right up until she’s not. She’s the kinda person who I’m pretty sure irons her underwear, actively enjoys filling out forms in triplicate, and, at a formal shindig, would never dream of using the wrong fork for jabbing into your kidneys. Scary, scary woman.”
Gnoxis [My OC] “Oh, goodie. My biological mother the Sith Lord. She wants to be a mother to me ‘n Hirani, and I can’t speak for the Pillar of Righteousness, but I’m good, thanks. Had a mother already; if you count Selka, and I do, I’ve had two. Full up, thanks anyway! To her credit, and I am admitting this only grudgingly, she’s not as cartoonishly evil as most of the Sith I’ve met. Not especially cruel, doesn’t keep slaves, but she’s way too comfy with casual murder for my tastes.
Zi’eta [My OC] “She’s my ex and we’re on pretty good terms. What more do you want me to say? I loved her, and her choice of profession drove a wedge between us. Some stuff was said, some stuff that I probably wouldn’t have said if I’d known then what I know now. She’s a good person, probably better ‘n me, but she’s also a spy, which means I know she’s done some stuff. Probably stuff I don’t wanna know about. All of which is irrelevant, because we’re not together, I have no interest in being with her, and… How did you get me on this topic, anyway? What was the question? … Oh. I’m fine, thanks for asking.”
Selka Kranik [My OC] “Selka taught me how to fly, alright? That alone gives her a special significance that all the rest of you can’t even come close to matching, so just don’t even try. … She was more than that, though. Selka, she was my best friend, my boss, my role model. And yeah, she was right in that last message she left me: We were practically mom and daughter and I didn’t bawl my eyes out when I said that and no one can prove otherwise. Ahem. Anyway. She practically raised me. Sure, I was almost an adult by the time we met, but I sure as fuck hadn’t grown up. There’s an argument to be made that I still haven’t, but if it weren’t for Selka being a hardass… I’m not sure I’d like who I’d be. ... Still can’t believe you’re gone, Bosslady. Yeah, I know, nobody lives forever, but if anybody had a shot at it, I figured it’d be you. Heaven wouldn’t want ya and Hell couldn’t hold ya.”
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itsyourbizme · 5 years
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remainnstobeseen · 5 years
Bed Bath & Beyond Hires Target Executive as CEO
By Reuters Bed Bath & Beyond Inc on Wednesday hired Target Corp's Mark Tritton as chief executive officer, months after its long-time head, Steven Temares, left the company under pressure from activist investors, sending its shares up 23%. Published: October 9, 2019 at 07:34PM via NYT Business Day https://ift.tt/3227ffJ
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Activist investors seek ouster of Bed Bath & Beyond CEO; shares surge (Reuters) - Bed Bath & Beyond Inc’s long-time Chief Executive Officer Steven Temares came under pressure on Tuesday after activist investors called for his ouster and the replacement of the entire board, sending the company’s shares up as much as 30 percent.
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sittiannee · 6 years
A new <b>warehouse</b> offers hope to floundering Bed Bath & Beyond
Bed Bath & Beyond CEO Steven Temares said the company has found a way to save millions on freight "over the next couple of years," on a recent ... from Google Alert - warehouse https://ift.tt/2zTkTGq
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janspar · 3 months
A Town Hall Debate
A most animated discussion was undertaken at the Meet today, and I like not the results.
Town Agent Nolfe has proposed the breaking of our contracts with the Temar Company and a return to engaging freetraders alone for our needs. The town was neatly divided – with as many declaring support for Nolfe's aim as decrying it, and as many again undecided or unwilling to commit. She is moved greatly by the reports we hear of agitation and disquiet in the cities – such crowded and busy places could not but be stricken with such ills – and she seeks to distance our town and our outlying lands from such conflict.
Nolfe is acting out of compassion and concern for those in the cities struggling against the increasing control the Companies wield over all affairs; a compassion I share in no small part. Who can see another toiling under unfair conditions and not hope for their relief? Such reports of agitation as have reached our town are received only with sympathy and agreement for their cause. But we are not placed in this struggle, and our responsibilities are to our own people.
I was not the first to speak in objection to the Agent's proposal, but I spoke at length, and by the volume of support received I was considered chief among those objecting. I outlined my opposition as follows:To break contract with the Company would be to invite legal penalty, and would bring greater scrutiny on the existing trade conducted outside the terms of our contracts. We have an obligation to this town and to those in our outlying farms and villages to represent them most fairly and profitably; suddenly breaking contract with the Temari will disrupt our ability to sell their produce and provide them with the supplies and goods they require. The independent vessels are low in numbers, and there are scant few who are not beholden to the Companies in some form, be it loans or exclusive contracts.
Agent Nolfe was elected to represent this town and its surroundings, and has done so admirably in all the years she has held office. In this instance she has troubled herself overmuch with the concerns of those beyond her reach; however noble her intentions, she cannot ignore the responsibilities of her office.
Diary of Vorikh tsi Mjilen, merchant, Tsabno.
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aimeecowan93-blog · 6 years
Secondary Ticket Market Through Jackie Sutton.
You could not stroll down the road in many Canadian areas in the course of the hockey period without hearing babble about "the major game" that happened the night prior to. When you perform project outside, there are actually numerous household activities in the area, particularly near Angler's Pier as well as Boat dock 39: Aquarium Tank due to the Bay, the Venetian Carousel, the Cinemax cinema, arcades, road entertainers and also lots from sea lions taking a snooze near the boat dock. Eve has actually been actually staying in Chapala considering that 2005, and also she and also I have actually bumped into one another a lot of opportunities on the road and also on the telephone that I determined that I must know additional regarding her and also her manual. For instance, you will definitely market extra homes if you claim, "this house has considerable amounts of protection to keep you as well as your household comfortably hot on the chilliest wintertime night" than if you mention, "this house possesses R64 blown-in urea insulation". In reporting on the sale the paper stated our homes "will be modernized as well as occupied by customers." Hollister was the senior member of the financial and also stock broker firm Hollister & Babcock, and also his companion, Holly D. Babcock happy-and-fit.info purchased No. 158 off John L. Martin the very same time. Because she was actually very popular among the subject matters, the Courthouse accepted and also the tradition was embraced by the people akin to all fashion trends that the Queen accepted of. Baseding upon an other tale, that is Queen Charlotte, Queen Victoria's grandmother which took the Xmas plant in her lodge at Windsor on the day of Christmas time therefore beginning the heritages of embellishing the Xmas plant throughout the start of Christ.
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Patrick, I reckon I would just help remind everyone that we made use of to purchase sales in a number of various categories in the establishment outside of food and consumables and we walked away from that organisation and all that took place was our organisation got better. We cannot help our personal individuals: our youngsters, our institutions, our elderly, retired elders surviving a predetermined revenue, our professionals, loved ones of experts and from those that offered their all for flexibility's benefit, orphans, homeless, those that are unstable, literally ill, clinical establishments, our jobless; small companies, rather than driving them under, give them a hand up and route them over the road of success due to the fact that our team give it all away. Baseding On Chief Executive Officer Steven Temares, internet sales represent simply 15 percent of Bed Bathroom & Beyond's existing profits, suggesting there is still area for notable development However, the firm rents significantly all its own existing stores, removing any sort of quasi-real property investment company appraisal to the BBBY equation. At Key Street Market Value Financier, our company are actually certainly not intelligent sufficient - or even half-witted adequate - to time the marketplace, however rather, our company hunt for a large frame from safety in 5 key measurable regions from a targeted firm's working and equity performances: worth suggestion, shareholder yields, yields on monitoring, appraisal multiples, and also downside threat.
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Inevitably, your positive thinking will be therefore kinetic that your ex-spouse aficionado won't have the capacity to help yet discover this. You'll have a a lot easier opportunity returning in to their life and breaking the barrier or even resistance.
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Other Sports
I'm a lawyer as well as financial advisor that is actually dedicated over three many years to recommending clients on complicated corporate money management, declaration as well as reporting, as well as company control concerns. When the inevitable market crash carries out hit, whenever and also nonetheless huge it may be, these sells are going to drop much less as well as hopefully aid you ride out the tornado without panic costing a loss. Our company search for positive, pathing five-year rises in profits, revenues, cash flow, and also returns. One technique to do this is through partnering with a Property Investment Trust (REIT), which is actually when a group from financiers pool their amount of money to acquire big real estate assets, like shopping malls, skyscrapers, or numerous single-family houses. Next off, I cross-reference the Zacks listing with VectorVest's top-rated inventories (VST credit rating greater than 1). The VectorVest display screen considers cost past history to figure out momentum, as well as numerous solutions from family member market value. There was no obvious agitator, in regards to company statements, to spark its own reveal price recovery. Along with an international impact as well as a manufacturing intensive function including Nike's, our company additionally desire to have a peek at gain on possessions (ROA), i.e., monitoring's capacity to utilize the firm possessions to generate profits. TM trades in the U.S. as an ADR (United States Depository Voucher), a slip for reveals of foreign-based firms that qualifies the proof of purchase holder to all dividends and funding gains. According to Ceo Steven Temares, online purchases embody only 15 per-cent of Bedroom Bathtub & Beyond's current earnings, advising there is actually still room for considerable development Nevertheless, the business leases greatly each of perfekcyjnafigura.info its own existing retail stores, getting rid of any type of quasi-real estate investment trust appraisal to the BBBY equation.
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He was placed 1st from 60 analysts in-house for his "Powerful Buy" performance over 4 years (Second over 5). Markos additionally authored IPO analysis and also composed for top-level bulletins, The Overview, Equity Insights as well as Surfacing Opportunities, in addition to for BusinessWeek Online. Excellent time, every person, and also thanks for visiting this Apple Incorporated 2nd fourth fiscal year 2017 incomes launch teleconference. Lead timetables quarterly distribution returns for VOO, currently at 1.94% yearly which exemplifies the increasing S&P 500 comprising both reward as well as non-dividend spending stocks. Nevertheless, for this research, our company are actually managing a fundamental quality display to calculate if HYDi's are actually globally secure or otherwise off market recessions about total provider premium. However, Corning's variety bound sell price tells our team of a soccer staff that is leading in half-time data but dropping the activity. Today, Mariano's child, Vivian Que Azcona, continuouslies support his business's goals and also visions. Compare the methods from the Nyc Moments, the Nyc Post, and the Commercial Journal. A usual as well as active metropolitan area streets in the day, the Kenting Bit improve into a dynamic night market in the evening.
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This did lead to an once internet effect in the one-fourth similar mainly to considered repatriation from foreign revenues, partly balanced out by the revaluation of our deferred income tax obligations, which we'll go into shortly in the discussion. Stock market Publication resources hear that Amazon formed a small (approximately 12 folks) group concerning a year ago to check out the options from autonomous automobiles. These common reward circulations for the 2nd fourth of 2017 was because of the simple fact MAIN paid an unique regular dividend from $0.275 per cooperate June 2017. Freedom Tax Obligation (TAX) was predicted to web $533.18, accordinged to rewards, plus a typical target rate estimation coming from three analysts, less broker expenses. As a stimulating indication for a constant (if not slightly enhancing) month-to-month reward per allotment rate by means of at least Could 2018.
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businessliveme · 4 years
Retail Apocalypse Will Confront a New Crop of CEOs in 2020
(Bloomberg Opinion) –Many of the retail industry’s challenges in 2020 will be familiar, such as adapting to the rise of e-commerce and trade-related uncertainty from Washington. But the lineup of CEOs navigating those conditions will include many new faces.
There were more CEO exits in the retail industry in 2019 than in any year since at least 2010, according to data from Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
The leadership shake-ups in retail don’t appear to fit any particular pattern. There were carefully choreographed, harmonious baton passes, such as Best Buy Co. naming Corie Barry to succeed Hubert Joly. There were bombshells such as Steve Easterbrook’s abrupt ouster from McDonald’s Corp. over an inappropriate relationship with an employee. There were rebukes of poor performance, such as Art Peck’s departure from Gap Inc. And there were some left-field surprises, such as Tractor Supply Co. poaching Hal Lawton from Macy’s Inc.
Retail’s recent bout of turbulence at the top is not such an outlier in corporate America; Bloomberg Opinion’s Stephen Mihm recently noted an uptick in CEO departures overall in the past few months. But it adds a certain intrigue about which retailers will end up in the winners’ circle next year.
Read:��CEO Departure Rate Highest in 17 Years. What This Says About the Economy
Here are predictions for how some of the more high-profile episodes of C-suite musical chairs will play out.
CEO changes that are reason for optimism: By the time activist investor pressure finally led Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. to dump longtime CEO Steven Temares, the move was long overdue. But the board has scored by luring Mark Tritton — the chief merchant at its on-fire competitor, Target Corp. — for the job. Tritton’s experience creating covetable private-label brands and reimagining store displays are exactly what the big-box home goods chain needs. Meanwhile, though Gap has not yet named a permanent successor for the now-departed Peck, the company may be better off without a leader who tried but failed for five years to revive its flagship brand.
CEO changes that are reason for pessimism: The biggest headscratcher comes from Nike Inc., which announced that CEO Mark Parker is to be replaced in January by John Donahoe, a former ServiceNow and eBay Inc. executive. Sure, Donahoe knows Nike’s business from serving on its board, but his tech-centric resume is a weird fit for a company that thrives on its marketing savvy and merchandising expertise. There is potential for trouble, too, in the leadership plans of Under Armour Inc., where founder Kevin Plank is set to relinquish the CEO title to COO Patrik Frisk in the new year. Plank is to become chairman and “brand chief,” and Frisk will still report to Plank. This set-up is reminiscent of when Ralph Lauren first tried to step back from the CEO role of his namesake company while staying on in a creative position. The fashion mogul clearly had trouble releasing the reins, and it cost the company a highly capable CEO, Stefan Larsson.
Elsewhere in the apparel world, Ascena Retail Group Inc., corporate parent of Ann Taylor, Lane Bryant and other brands, probably will regret tapping an insider, Gary Muto, to replace David Jaffe. This company needs the kind of total overhaul that an outsider would be better equipped to pull off.
CEO changes that promise business as usual: Electronics giant Best Buy is in good hands under Barry, a veteran executive of the chain who had served as its CFO and chief strategic growth officer. Thing is, the electronics giant was already in good hands under Joly, who had steered the chain through an improbable comeback. So expect steadiness for the retailer in the year ahead —by no means a bad thing. Same goes for McDonald’s: Even though it said goodbye to a successful CEO under far more soap-operatic circumstances, his replacement, Chris Kempczinski, is a close lieutenant poised to stick to the same playbook that has fueled the fast-food giant’s recent strength.
CEO change wild card: It’s understandable that Tapestry Inc.’s board had lost confidence in recently departed CEO Victor Luis. The company that used to be named Coach has been struggling to boost the Kate Spade brand it acquired in 2017, a bad sign for a company intent on transforming into a luxury conglomerate. Luis has been replaced by Jide Zeitlin, a longtime Tapestry board member. He has little experience in the retail or fashion worlds, which is concerning. But his finance industry chops could prove invaluable in future deal-making — an essential ingredient in the company’s quest for growth.
The post Retail Apocalypse Will Confront a New Crop of CEOs in 2020 appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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mikemortgage · 5 years
Bed Bath & Beyond hires Target executive as CEO
Bed Bath & Beyond Inc on Wednesday hired Target Corp's Mark Tritton as chief executive officer, months after its long-time head, Steven Temares, left the company under pressure from activist investors, sending its shares up 23%. Read More from Financial Post https://ift.tt/2Vro4Ow via IFTTT Blogger Mortgage Tumblr Mortgage Evernote Mortgage Wordpress Mortgage href="https://www.diigo.com/user/gelsi11">Diigo Mortgage
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crayonlead2-blog · 5 years
CEO Pay Mix Changes Following Say on Pay Failures
Ran Bi is a Research Analyst at Equilar Inc. This post is based on her Equilar memorandum. Related research from the Program on Corporate Governance includes The CEO Pay Slice by Lucian Bebchuk, Martijn Cremers and Urs Peyer (discussed on the Forum here) and Paying for Long-Term Performance by Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried (discussed on the Forum here).
In response to the 2008 financial crisis, U.S. legislation was passed in the form of the Dodd-Frank Act to bring some changes in the corporate environment. Say on Pay, which gives shareholders the right to vote on the remuneration of executives, addressed the issue of excessive CEO pay and was meant to give shareholders a voice and reduce CEO pay to a reasonable level.
Say on Pay has been in effect for almost eight years, but the question of how long it takes for Say on Pay votes to exert a noticeable impact on CEO pay is difficult to address. Intuitively, it seems possible that CEO pay should decrease since it is under the scrutiny of a large number of shareholders. However, the data reveals a different story. CEO pay, instead of declining, actually experienced a small degree of growth after Say on Pay was put into law.
This post focuses on CEO total compensation data among Equilar 500 companies in order to reach a conclusion. The median CEO compensation after the initiation of Say on Pay was $9.5 million, while the median pay before Say on Pay was signed into law was $6.6 million. The economy has been strong after the financial crisis, and the 43.9% increase in median CEO pay around the enactment of Say on Pay reflects that. Moreover, both the 25th and 75th percentile figures rose over that same time frame, at 74.3% and 32.6%, respectively. It appears that CEO compensation in the 25th percentile grew the fastest among three groups—a trend that may be attributed to the fact that companies are seeking to align with general industry pay trends.
Since Say on Pay is merely an advisory vote and does not have a direct influence on executive compensation, in general, trends at companies that failed Say on Pay can help to determine the cause. Though it does make sense and is widely commonplace that companies revise executive pay structures and policy after a majority of shareholders do not agree with the current executive compensation strategy, there are exceptions. The average CEO total compensation at companies that failed Say on Pay decreased significantly from 2011 to 2017, a total of 44.9% over that time frame. It seems as if Say on Pay did not have quite a major influence on the pay amounts in the early stages, but did after companies settled into the routine.
Regardless, breaking down the average pay mix of companies that failed Say on Pay depicts a trend that could be a major player in a failed vote: options. According to the 2018 Equilar CEO Pay Trends report (discussed on the Forum here), options made up an average of 11.8% of CEO pay mix in 2017. However, of the companies that failed Say on Pay in 2017, options made up 23.2% of pay mix, almost double the amount. Over time, compensation professionals realize the power of Say on Pay and take appropriate actions.
Diving into the details on a per-company basis allows for a highlight of an example among companies that have failed Say on Pay proposals. Bed, Bath and Beyond (BBBY) is particularly illustrative of the trend in CEO compensation. After its first time failing Say on Pay in 2014, rather than reducing CEO Steven Temares’ pay, BBBY increased the option and stock awards granted to Temares. Perhaps not surprisingly, after this increase in options and stock, BBBY then failed its Say on Pay vote in 2015. As a result, option award values decreased by 52.4% in 2016 and then were decreased by about $850,000 the following year. Though the company failed Say on Pay in both 2016 and 2017, the total compensation of the chief executive decreased by 20.9% from 2014 to 2017. This shows that the company made a concerted effort to gain approval in the eyes of its shareholders. Additionally, it seems as if companies that fail Say on Pay consecutively make a greater point of altering their CEO pay plans, especially when it comes to options.
Despite the provisions of Say on Pay and the ability of shareholders to express opinions on the executive compensation of a company, CEO pay has continued to rise. However, recent trends have shown that pay mix is moving towards the norm at companies that have failed Say on Pay, especially when it comes to options. Additionally, if a company fails Say on Pay multiple times, these failures seem to have a moderating effect over time, as shown in the case of Bed, Bath and Beyond. While Say on Pay votes may not have a direct influence, the continuity of attention by shareholders and proxy advisors over the executive pay issue is an increasingly significant feature of the corporate governance and executive compensation landscape, and will likely continue to be so.
Source: https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2019/02/23/ceo-pay-mix-changes-following-say-on-pay-failures/
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ramintex · 5 years
Shopping In-Store Is Presented as a Novel Idea In This Campaign for Bed Bath & Beyond
The news surrounding Bed Bath & Beyond has been nothing short of glum recently: Despite being Broad City's retailer of choice, the company just parted ways with its longtime CEO Steven Temares as it struggles to keep pace with the changing retail environment. Even so, the retailer is chugging along with a digital campaign that... from Adweek Feed http://bit.ly/30msUP9
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cwssden · 5 years
Shopping In-Store Is Presented as a Novel Idea In This Campaign for Bed Bath & Beyond
The news surrounding Bed Bath & Beyond has been nothing short of glum recently: Despite being Broad City's retailer of choice, the company just parted ways with its longtime CEO Steven Temares as it struggles to keep pace with the changing retail environment. Even so, the retailer is chugging along with a digital campaign that... from Adweek Feed http://bit.ly/30msUP9
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janspar · 5 months
After the Liberation
I trust the lapse in our discourse requires no explanation or forgiveness, old friend; we are but recently able to send letters beyond the city once more, after the insurrection that struck my district. I understand Mirsvr has not gone without similar agitation and suffering. I regret this sincerely for your fine city, and I rejoice that the greater terror that held Lansk is yet a stranger to you. I hope to hear gladder news of your affairs than the sad tale I give you today. I won't inflict upon you further accounts of the agitators' occupation; I cannot tell you anything that has not been printed in broadsheets, though I counsel you to doubt the more lurid stories. Since the district's liberation however, our business has not returned to its previous condition.
I was in the unenviable position of providing a necessary product to the citizens of the district, and so I was forced to deal with the Executive and the self-appointed tyrants of the Supply Committe. I had no wish to support or validate their actions, but had less wish for the innocent population to starve! Thus, with no small distaste, I continued to produce bread with grain supplied by the Executive, to be distributed by the Executive, even at times relying on workers assigned by the Executive. Collaboration it was not, Muzhits, as it was performed under duress and only out of necessity.
Regardless, when the bailiffs and the Companies took back the District, I could easily have been accused of treachery, were it not for my bakery being shut down for lack of material. A scarce two days prior, I had a cart of grains stolen from my yard, the very last in the city that I could secure. I could not prove the author of this outrage, though I know it to have been on behalf of Pivan. That scoundrel has not been seen since the night of the battle, when his brewery was destroyed. The loss of that brew is a sore blow to Lansk; the man shall not be mourned so deeply. Nevertheless, this theft proved fortunate, as I had to suspend operation and thus the Company had no basis to accuse me of collaboration with agitators on that first day, a day of brutal reprisal.
I said, however, circumstances have not improved. Supply is still disrupted, as despite the collapse of the barricades, the Erthani no longer trade here and the Companies are struggling to deliver supplies sufficient to our needs. Many of my workers have fled or been arrested – good dependable men and women, who I never suspected of agitation in years of employment, are nowhere to be found. Those who remain are often without homes, or grievously injured, or seeking better employment than the wages I can promise on such meager trade. A new Temari agent has been deployed to distribute capital in aid of reconstruction, but I like her not. It's said she was a Licence-Prospector, and a brute. Whether this is true I cannot confirm, but despite abundant rumours of her rough conduct, she has taken on many clients and partners among my fellow business owners. I hope I will not need to resort to her aid.
You no doubt heard of the slaying of Chief Bailiff te Eintov, your fellow son of Mirsvr. I never thought to ask, did you know him? I can only hope the new appointee Akhirin Sarta will not repeat te Eintov's mistakes. The zeal he has shown in the first days of his office exceeds what is required – raids of businesses and homes are commonplace, carried out upon the least suspicion, and far more brutal than is wise. Though I have not been subjected to Sarta's attentions yet I fear that any day he may come, he and his bailiffs backed by Temari marines.
As you see, Muzhits, my siutation is dire, perhaps as dire as ever it was beneath the agitators. I know not of your situation, owing to our isolation from business matters, but I ask you – any spare capital you may have to lend me, or other assistance you could render, would be a great boon to an old friend in need. A stake in my business is forthcoming, should this be favourable, and my gratitude will be a surer bond still. I await your reply, and hope to hear of your continued success and prosperity.
Your friend,
Khlen Khalev
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