#teh populer
brieftravelercowboy · 2 years
Apa Jenis Teh Favorit Orang Korea
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Teh adalah minuman populer di banyak bagian dunia, tetapi minuman ini sangat populer di Korea. Pada artikel ini, kita akan melihat sejarah dan popularitas teh di Korea, dan menjelajahi beberapa jenis teh yang tersedia di sana.
Apa itu teh?
Teh adalah jenis teh yang terbuat dari daun teh hijau dan air. Bisa disajikan panas atau dingin, dan bisa manis atau gurih.
Seberapa populer teh di Korea?
Teh adalah minuman populer di Korea, dan sangat populer di musim dingin. Bahkan, sering disebut sebagai "minuman musim dingin". Teh juga populer di kalangan anak muda, yang sering menikmatinya di restoran dan bar.
Jenis teh apa yang tersedia di Korea?
Ada berbagai jenis teh yang tersedia di Korea, termasuk:
Teh ayam: Jenis teh ini dibuat dengan kaldu ayam dan potongan ayam. Ini sering disajikan panas dan biasanya dimaniskan dengan gula atau madu.
Teh jenis ini dibuat dengan kaldu ayam dan potongan ayam. Ini sering disajikan panas dan biasanya dimaniskan dengan gula atau madu. Teh babi panggang: Jenis teh ini dibuat dengan tulang babi panggang dan air. Ini biasanya disajikan dingin dan dapat dibumbui dengan jahe, bawang putih, kecap, atau serpih paprika merah.
Jenis ini sering dibuat dengan tulang babi panggang dan air. Ini biasanya disajikan dingin dan dapat dibumbui dengan jahe, bawang putih, kecap, atau serpih paprika merah. Teh vegetarian: Teh jenis ini dibuat dengan sayuran seperti kubis, bayam, atau jamur. Bisa manis atau gurih, dan terkadang bisa dicampur dengan nasi untuk membuat nasi menjadi teh.
Apa saja minuman populer lainnya di Korea?
Minuman populer lainnya di Korea termasuk soju (sejenis minuman keras yang disuling), bibimbap (hidangan yang terdiri dari nasi yang dicampur dengan sayuran, daging sapi, atau tahu, dan berbagai saus), dan makgeolli (sejenis anggur putih).
Apa saja makanan populer lainnya di Korea?
Makanan populer lainnya di Korea termasuk sup ayam, bibimbap, dan kimchi (sejenis kubis yang difermentasi).
Jenis teh favorit orang korea
Varietas teh paling populer di Korea adalah matcha. Teh hijau ini terbuat dari daun teh hijau bubuk yang telah direndam dalam air yang telah direbus dengan sedikit gula. Rasa dan aroma matcha sangat khas, dan sering dinikmati sebagai minuman upacara atau sebagai bagian dari sarapan atau kudapan sore tradisional.
Teh populer lainnya di Korea termasuk oolong, yang terbuat dari daun teh gaya Cina yang direndam dalam air lebih lama daripada teh hijau, dan teh hitam, yang dibuat dari daun pohon Camellia sinensis.
Ada juga berbagai teh berbeda yang biasanya tidak ditemukan di negara lain, seperti teh rooibos, yang merupakan teh merah yang populer di Afrika Selatan.
Korea juga terkenal dengan teh melatinya, yang merupakan teh populer yang sering disajikan di musim semi.
Teh melati dibuat dari bunga semak melati, dan memiliki rasa yang sangat floral yang sering dinikmati sebagai minuman yang menyegarkan.
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: I Told Sunset About You (ITSAY) Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, in a long post, I work my way through Nadao Bangkok’s cinematic motherlode: ITSAY. Thanks to everyone for your patience with this post: I did major due diligence with it, with the absolutely TREMENDOUS help of @telomeke, @lurkingshan​, @wen-kexing-apologist​, and @bengiyo​ to ensure I had facts and analysis correct. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to these dear friends for holding me down and offering your sharp eyes.]
To dive into a topic as complicated, as beautiful, as reflective, as impactful as a macro-analysis of I Told Sunset About You is to take on...a lot. As I’ve discussed with @lurkingshan, from a filmmaking perspective, as so many of us who have watched ITSAY know -- it occupies the top spot of Thai BLs by way of pure cinematic quality. (If you follow my late-night liveblogs, you’ll know that this was the first show -- not even Bad Buddy did this to me -- where I needed to stop multitasking, to just sit and watch the episodes. No drama has done that for me in the years since I became a multitasking mom.)
As with 2gether and Still 2gether last week, this watch of ITSAY is a definite milestone on the OGMMTVC list, and I really thank @shortpplfedup, @bengiyo, @wen-kexing-apologist, @lurkingshan, @telomeke, and others in advance for what we’ve talked about in direct conversation regarding ITSAY, its many influential tentacles, and the influences that the show itself may have come from.
I’d like to touch upon a couple of frames to structure this piece, but the caveat here is that by no way will I consider myself an ITSAY expert, because there’s a tremendous fandom that knows much more about the Nadao Bangkok studio, about PP Krit and Billkin Putthipong, about the director and screenwriter, Boss Naruebet, and much more. I will have a substantial postscript to capture loose notes and learnings that didn’t make it into the main analysis. 
Inspired in part by direct conversations with @telomeke and @lurkingshan, I’d like to dive into the following: 
1) From a question that @lurkingshan posed to me: what shows from the start of the OGMMTVC watchlist -- and, more broadly, what art out there -- do I think spoke to ITSAY and its development, 2) The important story of Chinese migration to locations like Phuket, Penang (in Malaysia), and other locations on the Malay Peninsula, and how Chinese and Thai-Malay-Chinese-Peranakan cultures flavored ITSAY’s storytelling, 3) A discussion of internal and external homophobia on Teh’s experience, and how his conversation with Hoon encapsulated our understanding of homophobia, filial piety, and socioeconomic pressures in Teh’s particular life, timeline, and culture,
and more, I’m sure. Let’s boogie.
I warned some folks prior to this review that my thoughts on what may have spoken to ITSAY may turn some people off, so I offer this as a flare to y’all in advance. Acknowledging that episodes three and four of ITSAY were as emotional as anything I had ever seen in Asian BLs, Teh was just such a PERFECTLY written character. (The ITSAY supporting documentary episodes state that the show was in part inspired by Billkin’s and PP’s personal lives, and I know there’s fanon that the show was meant to deeply depict their personal stories with each other. I don’t have primary source material to point to regarding this, so I’ll leave it alone, with the understanding that there are interpretations of the show that read between the lines to bring that lens in. I acknowledge the existence of the theories, but will not dive into that here.)
So, in regards to Teh, as I chatted with @lurkingshan as I was watching the series, I just kept thinking to myself... hello, Fuse. 
CHAOS BOYS! (Fire Boys? No, no, chaos boys, ha.) 
This is where I think my analytical read might get a little controversial with folks, because to compare Make It Right to ITSAY -- from a LOOKS perspective, CERTAINLY from a storyline and narrative structure perspective -- no, it’s not there, not by a long shot.
But when I wonder about what ENERGIES and inspirations opened the door for Boss Narubet to WRITE the way that he wrote, and to DIRECT the way that he directed, Teh’s ENTIRE EMOTIONAL PROCESS AND BREAKDOWNS, his back-and-forth, his hesitations -- I saw chaos, and when I think of chaos, I think of Fuse.
I think of Fuse, and how Fuse was held back, particularly in Make It Right 2, regarding Fuse’s CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ASSUMPTION that he couldn’t break up with his girlfriend, all while being in a nascent give-and-take, back-and-forth relationship with Tee. And how that ASSUMPTION held BACK the full expression of commitment, honesty, and trust that Fuse and Tee ended up having at the end of MIR2. Fuse was being rather unsophisticated while he was struggling with this, and he was bringing Tee along, frustratingly, for that ride.  
Something that you said to me also really resonated, @bengiyo, in conversation with @lurkingshan, about comparing TeeFuse and TehOh, in that Fuse and Teh weren’t necessarily SPARKLING or GIFTED presences. As you two both pointed out to me: Teh had to work much, much harder than Oh-aew for the talents that Teh achieved, and somehow, chaotically, he managed to lose his grip on those talents and achievements as he gave up his hard-earned opportunities for the sake of the overall-better-off Oh-aew. MESSY, BRO.
Besides MIR/MIR2, there’s somewhere else where I saw chaos. @bengiyo, you pointed out to me that you felt that you saw more of Thai queer cinema in ITSAY than in BL. I don’t think ITSAY *doesn’t* speak to BL and vice versa (I don’t think there’s anyone who thinks that, considering what Nadao Bangkok achieved with this show), but when I think of chaos -- and of the structures of storytelling that allowed us to get such an in-depth experience of Teh -- I also think of 2019′s Dew the Movie, and to a different extent, the before-its-time show in 2019′s He’s Coming To Me. 
ITSAY, Dew, and HCTM have:
a) multiple chaotic leads (including actual ghosts and dudes who see ghosts),  b) overarching cultural backgrounds rooted in extremely specific Asian cultures and/or practices and/or time periods, and c) interplays of emotional revelations vis à vis those specific cultural backgrounds.
 - Fuse introduced to us, way back in 2016 and 2017, an internal holding back of an emotional engagement with Tee that was rooted in internal homophobia by way of his negotiation with what Fuse’s girlfriend expected of him, and what HE expected of HIMSELF regarding HAVING a girlfriend, while falling in love with a young man. 
- Dew featured two young men in chaos, in 1990s rural Thailand, one of whom (Dew) who had previously lived in a different city where, likely, his sexual orientation would not have been met with such dystopic scrutiny as it did in the movie. The movie made clear that Dew wanted a solid relationship with Phop, but with both Dew’s and Phop’s families and cultural expectations holding them back, they both met untimely and unfortunate ends that hammered, in extremes, the perils, in cinema, of being gay and out in an incredibly restrictive and old-fashioned Asian society.
- HCTM featured a young man (Thun) who could see ghosts, along with the ghost that he ends up falling in love with (Med). The revelation of Thun’s being able to see Med is deeply connected to Thun’s Thai-Chinese Buddhist practices, and how his family has engaged with spirituality over the course of his life. While the structure of the show has often been described as having a happy ending, I argue the opposite -- that the ending is left open-ended, as it so often is in some of P’Aof Noppharnach’s shows, with the assumed understanding on behalf of an Asian audience that Med will one day be reborn and will leave Thun’s side (unless he’s reborn into another person that knows Thun) (hello, Until We Meet Again). 
So what do all of these shows/movies -- ITSAY, Make It Right/MIR2, Dew, and HCTM -- have in common?
ITSAY, Dew, and HCTM have the common background of an old-fashioned culture serving as a MAJOR anchor to their stories. Their stories are leveraged by the micro-level, individual-level interplay between their main characters and old-fashioned worlds, complete with old-fashioned notions, assumptions, and expectations. ITSAY, Dew, and HCTM negotiate boundaries with these cultural guardrails, and we see -- Teh at the end of episode 4, Thun on the rooftop in episode 5, Dew talking to his mother -- what those expectations and boundaries have done internally to our dear young men. 
Make It Right’s Fuse, way back in 2016, internalized this slightly differently, without us seeing as deeply the WORLD in which he grew up. The directors and screenwriters New Siwaj and Cheewin Thanamin gave us a guy in school with a girlfriend. FUSE’S world, that we see, is a school world, so apropos for that time of Thai BLs, complete with very heterosexual expectations for a young man WITH a girlfriend. And Fuse struggles with his push-and-pull throughout the two seasons.
What I love about the OGMMTVC project is that by having watched these projects before ITSAY, I can somewhat predict what the journey of chaos, by way of internal revelation, will be for these characters. 
What ITSAY DESTROYED for me, as compared to these dramas and movies, was the high level of acting that Billkin leveraged to get Teh to the emotional levels that he reached. Teh, episode 4, and Thun, episode 5 = handshakes. 
This is where ITSAY’s structure just brings ITSAY to the top of the cinematic list and runs away from everything else. I posted in my liveblogging that the ending of episode 3 blew me away with a subversion of the four-act structure of screenwriting. @bengiyo corrected me to say that it was, instead, a rare example of Thai BLs achieving a successful five-act structure. 
Just -- fuck. 
But before I start that meal, there’s even more that ITSAY did to really hammer in what I’m referencing by way of the anchors of old-fashioned culture to this story, which, clearly, Boss and Nadao Bangkok value, in the show’s indirect commentary on Chinese culture and migration in Thailand, and what it meant for Teh and Oh-aew to grow up in Phuket and prepare to leave for Bangkok. (If you haven’t watched ITSAY, I highly recommend that you plan on watching the supplementary documentary material, because those docs give a ton of insight into the Thai-Malay-Chinese background of the show. As a SE Asian homey, those revelations gave me the wonderful warm and familiar vibes.)
Dear @telomeke (I don’t know what I’d do without you, friend!) helped me to understand, back in my HCTM days, that I inherently know more about Chinese migration, immigration, and culture into Southeast Asia than I previously gave myself credit for as a part-Malaysian, because many of the migratory patterns and cultural assimilations are similar between Thailand and Malaysia. I appreciated that confirmation, and had my inspector’s hat on during my watch and rewatch of ITSAY. 
I’ve spoken with @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm about the impact of migration and diasporic existence, in that, I think, oftentimes, immigrants to another country often hold a more conservative view of the cultures they bring with them -- in order to hold onto the tenets of those cultures, and to keep those tenets from getting influenced or maybe even watered down by the new environment in which immigrants are living. (My example to Shan and NBW was that I find that South Asian immigrants are often MORE conservative than my relatives in my homelands -- so as to keep a tight grip on assimilation, or, say, moral/ethical weakening by way of Western culture.)
I think the background of Phuket and EVERYTHING it lent to the show...
- Teh’s mom selling Hokkien mee at a stall storefront and the boys eating it in Teh’s old-fashioned house, - The old-fashioned o-aew dessert shop, selling a Hokkien Chinese dessert, which is often preceded by a shot of the “Phuket Old Town” sign, - Teh’s mom’s traditional Chinese-Peranakan outfits, particularly when she’s celebrating Teh and Hoon’s successes, - The tight streets and alleys,
...all of it, visually and culturally, reminded us that the boys live in a world that was DEEPLY INFLUENCED by the way back when. I posit that Teh’s mom is the encapsulation of this kind of old-fashioned culture, from the architectural style of her Hokkien mee stall, to the clothes she wears, to the heavy decorations and rugs and furniture of her old-fashioned house -- to her old-fashioned notions of filial piety that both her sons will be successful and will help to take care of her as she ages. I posit that this old-fashioned mindset also likely led Teh to believe that Teh’s mom would not accept him for liking men, which I will delve into more in a bit.
I mentioned cultural assimilation earlier: I brought up Penang, Malaysia, earlier, because I’ve spent time in Penang -- and Penang was referenced by Boss in the ITSAY documentaries as being similar to Phuket by way of cultural structure. @telomeke educated me on the tin-trade-influenced links from Phuket to the Malaysian towns of Penang and Kuala Lumpur, all towns that experienced heavy immigration from China and feature the strong presence of Chinese-Malay-Peranakan cultures in their social fabrics. The Peranakan population developed when the first Chinese immigrants to these regions began marrying the local ethnic Thai and Malay residents, creating a brand-new culture, complete with unique foods, clothing, architecture, and much more. 
Having not been to Phuket yet, I believe Boss. As well, I want to note -- very important to me as a part-Malaysian -- that Boss referenced Teh’s nickname as the Malay word for tea. @telomeke​ noted for me this distinction as one that’s notable for how ITSAY differentiates the culture within the show -- again, a culture that’s influenced by Chinese and Malay migratory history -- against the backdrop of Bangkok, where tea is not “teh,” but rather is called “cha,” the Thai word for tea. [The most famous “teh” drink of Malaysia is teh tarik, a sweet, creamy, and strong tea drink that you see everywhere in Malaysia. While o-aew is a distinctly Chinese-style dessert, teh tarik comes from Indian immigrants to Malaysia (and is usually drunk with roti canai, another Indian import to Malaysia)]. 
In other words: we are talking a TREMENDOUS, a TREMENDOUS amount of references to cultural mixing, development, and assimilation here, all INTENTIONALLY placed by Boss Narubet and his screenwriting team -- and all of this serving as a reflection against what Teh and Oh-aew will experience as being “different” in their futures in Bangkok, where this Thai-Chinese-Malay cultural differential will make them different when they get to college. (Not having seen I Promised You The Moon yet, I wonder if IPYTM sets up Teh and Oh-aew as potential country mice, à la Ji Hyun and Joon Pyo in The Eighth Sense.)
One more pertinent note of cultural intermixing by way of the historical Thai-Chinese-Malay linkages. @bengiyo was surprised that I didn’t initially exclaim at the presence of hijab- and songkok-clad Muslim women and men eating at Teh’s mom’s Hokkien mee stall; Teh and Oh-aew’s friend, Phillip, is also shown with his Muslim parents. It’s funny, @bengiyo, as I said to you: because I was watching ITSAY with such a trained eye towards spotting the Thai-Chinese-Malay cultural mixing, seeing Muslims on screen did NOT ring a bell of differentials because -- I expect to see them there, in those kinds of spaces, anyway. (In fact, seeing Muslims on Thai television is rare, which I will get into more in the postscript.)
So we have: MANY CULTURES MIXING OVER MANY GENERATIONS. Migratory patterns intertwining. Indications of physical and emotional movement. And even though, and even DESPITE, these cultures mixing, we ALSO HAVE an OVERARCHING message of old-fashioned customs and ways of living that dominate the lives of the children in the show -- ESPECIALLY Teh. Teh and Oh-aew -- literally, their NAMES reference places ELSEWHERE than Phuket and Thailand. Phuket’s old-fashioned roots. Teh’s mom SELLS a dish that comes from somewhere else (the Hokkien Chinese population mostly hails from Fujian, China, as its origin).  
What happens with migration and immigration? Cultures collide and combine -- social mores and expectations change -- one’s standards of HOW TO LIVE ONE’S LIFE changes. 
Teh and Oh-aew, during the entire series, are facing a moment in time where THEIR lives, THEIR cultures, THEIR micro-interactions WITH THEIR cultures, ARE GOING TO CHANGE, definitively, by way of their burgeoning same-sex relationship. Teh and Oh-aew are already different in Thailand by way of their cultural backgrounds, as I’ve established -- and now, with a potential public revelation of their relationship, will they be even more different. And their families -- especially Teh’s mom, but Oh-aew’s family as well -- are going to collide with the very PRESENT present vis à vis their boys and their love. 
As this happens with migration and immigration, CHANGE WILL HAPPEN vis à vis Teh and Oh-aew’s queer revelations as well. 
Boss focused on the aspects of Phuket that were anchors to the culture that Teh and Oh-aew were raised in -- an immigrant culture, a migrant culture from China, that has had a long hold over many, many towns and societies in Thailand. We didn’t see the modern 7-11s that we know are there in Phuket, serving the tourists of these towns. 
And, just like the physical dystopia of Dew, and even vis à vis the spiritual practices built into He’s Coming To Me, the slice of Old Town Phuket that we SAW as that anchor was a HEAVY PRESENCE in Teh’s life -- it was PERFECTLY matched with the old-fashioned, conservative ANGER and DISAPPOINTMENT that we saw in Teh’s mom in episode 4, when Teh shares that he dropped out of university for Oh-aew. That anchor, to me, was meant to SMASH into, FEED into Teh’s overwhelming emotionality at his queer revelation, and at the revelation that serving his mother via filial piety would be automatically made more difficult, thus maximizing the impact of his internalized homophobia and his fear of recognizing his love and attraction for Oh-aew.
COUPLE THAT with the previous hints -- and then the SMASHING WRECKING BALL -- of the visual depths of Oh-aew’s own realizations earlier in episode 4, his own internally different place, the way he reveals himself to the world vis à vis the fast Instagram post of him wearing the red bra. And how Teh reacts to it. And how it sets off such an unreal chain of emotional unraveling for Teh, the SECOND of that episode, even before he goes to Bangkok to drop out. 
and very important to me to see as a South/Southeast Asian. WHEW.
And, good lord. How Hoon comes in at the end for Teh. Hoon, the eldest son, the one who has very quietly borne the financial responsibility that his mom, Teh’s mom, too, has placed on Hoon’s shoulders, naturally, through generations of family custom. (Super duper thanks to @lurkingshan for talking me through this in detail with me.)
And Hoon gives his family, his little bro, Teh, comfort. How Hoon says, listen. Mom’s gonna be mad if and when you tell her about Oh-aew and your feelings for me. But guess what? She’s gonna come around. You’re a crybaby, Teh, but I’m here for you.
Hoon knows that Teh’s mom will come around -- because Hoon is also a part of the next generation of change, much like his Thai-Malay-Chinese-Peranakan community before him -- as he brings his Japanese girlfriend home to his mother and brother. (THANK YOU, @wen-kexing-apologist, for pointing this out!)
Teh’s mom, too, will move. She will move from her old-fashioned mindset, to migrate to a new mindset, where she will accept her son. Teh needed to hear that, to know that that movement would be possible.
Just like the movement of the many swirling cultures around Teh and Oh-aew, the hustle of Bangkok before them, nipping at their lives like the ocean to the beach. 
What ITSAY captured for me was a cinematic moment of movement on so many levels. It was a pulsating reflection of change. It was meant and designed to insidiously shock viewers out of complacency. Like a beanstalk climbing from the ground, the movement begot movement to these two young men beginning to address and empty themselves of the homophobia that kept them back, Teh especially. 
GAH, THEIR MOVING PHYSICALITY, IT NEVER STOPPED -- the end of episode 2 on the boat, the end of episode 3 in Teh’s room, GAWD -- Teh’s ABSOLUTE HORMONAL DRUNKENNESS, Oh-aew’s STARE AFTER STARE AFTER STARE, Oh-aew’s SILENT DEVASTATION AT THE END OF EPISODE 3, the way Teh would nod and FLOP his head uncontrollably in desire, the nuzzles, the sniffs, the uncontrolled reaches -- GAH. It gives me the shivers. 
It was a lot.
ITSAY was just -- y’all know it. It was fantastic. While HCTM was before its time, I feel that ITSAY was RIGHT ON TIME. It brought so many elements of this GORGEOUS, HISTORIC, culturally Southeast Asian experience into the intersection of the queer lens, as well as the *migratory* lens of the Southeast Asian region specifically. It showed us, from a micro-perspective, the very tremendous macro-level implications and pressures of filial piety, of internalized homophobia, of the huge socioeconomic expectations that families have on Asian students to succeed in education, and so much more. IT WAS *DEFINITIVELY INTERSECTIONAL*, MORE SO THAN ANY BL BEFORE ITS TIME.
Yet again, for me, just like Bad Buddy, just like Until We Meet Again, I have another show in my arsenal that makes me proud to be an Asian watching these shows -- and in ITSAY, I feel particularly proud that a slice of my own personal culture, as an Malaysian, made it in there, intentionally. I will FOREVER, and ever, be grateful to ITSAY for that.
I’d like to offer this postscript as a means of making some quick points that @telomeke, @bengiyo, @lurkingshan, and @wen-kexing-apologist shared with me as I was writing this review -- and I thank them all deeply for reading drafts of this post before publication. 
1) I was previously unaware of the history and current state of Islamic culture in Thailand until ITSAY and Be My Favorite included women wearing hijabs in their shows. This is an important slice of culture for me to know about, as I’m part-Malaysian, where Islam is the dominant religion. @telomeke shared with me that the majority Muslim population in Thailand is in southern Thailand (although, of course, Muslims live across Thailand), and that there have historically been separatist efforts in those southern provinces that have often led to violence. 
There are many reasons why discrimination of Muslims exist in Thailand, as it does around the world, including references to the separatist efforts in the southern provinces. As well, ethnic Thais can trace their heritage back to various towns and communities within China, thus possibly making northern Thailand, with its proximity to China, potentially more lauded in Thai culture, and contributing even more to a perception that southern Thailand, with its Muslim population, as potentially “less desirable.” (And I want to take a second to note @telomeke​‘s excellent point to me that “Chinese” as a catch-all word is often incomplete, as Han Chinese make up a sizable portion of Thailand’s population, but as we see in ITSAY, the Hokkien Chinese population also flourishes in certain parts of the country, and there are populations of Teochew and Hakka Chinese as well, as there are in Malaysia.)
All of this combined -- the geographic proximities to China, the places where various populations have settled, from the places that various populations of Thais track their heritages, plus global and/or popular misconceptions and stereotypes of “other” communities -- can contribute to discrimination of Muslims in Thailand. Of course, that is not a universal statement, as we do see Muslims beginning to show up in Thai drama art, which is heartening. To me, it strikes me as more realistic for the region to see Muslims on screen, but I don’t know Thailand well enough to say that for sure (that’s my Malaysian-side talking). I really want to thank @telomeke for taking me on SUCH a deep dive with insight into this part of Thai culture that I think is very necessary and fascinating. (Politics in Thailand is quite complicated at the moment, but at this very second, Thailand’s current Parliament speaker, from the Move Forward party, is Thai Muslim, with a Malay Muslim name -- Wan Muhamed Noor Matha. Very cool, but this is going to change soon, as Move Forward will make way for another political party to take control of the government.)
2) If you know me well enough, I cannot leave food well enough alone in our wonderful dramas (exhibit A: Moonlight Chicken and khao man gai, exhibit B: coffee/kopi in The Promise, lol), and I want to make sure that we were all aware back in 2020, and/or make you aware now, that Hokkien mee is a VERY regional dish, with styles unique to each town in which it is famous. @telomeke, I know you feel differently, but Hokkien mee from Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia is my.... it’s my heaven, my soul, my heart, HA!
Here’s some linkies to get you educated. And also! Oh-aew prefers his Hokkien mee with rice vermicelli noodles, instead of the usual, thicker egg noodles. You know what I like to do if I see that a stall has the two styles of noodles available: I like to get them mixed together. Hokkien mee, Hokkien prawn mee noodle soup, curry laksa -- I like the best of both worlds of noodles in my bowl. YUM.
Phuket Hokkien mee KL Hokkien mee Penang Hokkien mee (this one is the prawn noodle soup, not the fried noodles -- omfg so good) Singapore Hokkien mee (note the lighter color -- and the m’fing mix of thick and thin noodles, hell yeah!)
(If you made it this far in the ITSAY review, I have an easter egg for you. Guess what the Malay name is for rice vermicelli noodles? Bee hoon or mee hoon. 
Hoon and Teh, two Malay names: thin noodles and tea. What Teh’s mom serves at her stall, and what Teh and Oh-aew represent, symbolically, by names and their noodle preferences, as a pairing. AND! @telomeke​ gave me one more easter egg! Teh O is a popular way to order tea in Malaysia and Singapore. It’s black tea with sugar, no milk. Another pairing reference. ITSAY never stopped with all the layered references!)
[WHEW! What a ride. Thanks to all y’all who held me down during my losing-it liveblogging of ITSAY. More to come when I get to Last Twilight in Phuket and I Promised You The Moon.
Next week, I’ll release my review of YYY into the wild -- listen, honestly. Yes, chaos, confusion, all of it. But I am not writing this show totally off. There was definitely stuff in it to chew on. And: POPPY RATCHAPONG. And Pee Peerawich. The acting was actually stacked on this show. There’s stuff! More soon.
And I also finished Manner of Death, so that review will drop in two weeks. I LOVE MAXTUL. UNABASHEDLY. Yes, I know I’m years late, yes, I know Tul is retired, sobs. Let me live my 2021 dreams! These guys are so good together, and MoD was fuckin’ great.
I have so much good stuff on the way: I’m fully in my ATOTS rewatch, and I’ve added 55:15 Never Too Late, very specifically its BL storyline. I may not give 55:15 a full review because I’ll fast-watch the rest of it, but: Khao, come to me, boo-boo! I have an INSANE August ahead of me as I’ll be moving in a month (GAH), but hopefully this schedule won’t fall back too much.
Status of the listy! Hit me up if you have feedback!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (OffGun BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (no review) 13) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) 17) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (review here) 18) I Told Sunset About You (2020)  19) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (review coming) 20) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) (review coming) 21) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (watching) 23) Lovely Writer (2021) 24) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 25) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 26) Not Me (2021-2022) 27) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 28) 55:15 Never Too Late (2021-2022) (not a BL, but a GMMTV drama that features a macro BL storyline about shipper culture and the BL industry) 29) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 30) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 31) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 32) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 33) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 34) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 35) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 36) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 37) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
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thenixkat · 1 year
Yeah, I am not coming up with a whole language (or 4) for Prince of Gold. That is too much damn work. I do not have the energy or patience for that. 
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im-a-freaking-joy · 2 years
how mad do you think the U.S government would get if we accused them of having a breeding kink
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pappermintherbal · 1 year
Mint Tea,Teh Herbal Alami WA 0813-5812-3335 (INFORMASI PEMESANAN)
Mint Tea Malang kota, Teh Mint Untuk Maag , Teh Mint Untuk pernafasan, Teh Mint Alami,Teh Mint Untuk bau mulut
Bisa Langsung Hubungi No Admin Nya Yaa… Minuman Herbal Dan Terjangkau Dapat Digunakan Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Teh, Terutama Bagi Mereka Yang Menghindari Caffeine. Baunya Sangat Harum Dan Menyegarkan.
Manfaat Minum Daun Mint Antara Lain: Membantu Meringankan Gangguan Pencernaan Seperti Perut Kembung Dan Berangin. Menyegarkan Bau Mulut. Meringankan Hidung Tersumbat. Meringankan Kram Saat Menstruasi. Membantu Meningkatkan Konsentrasi Dan Fokus. Dapat Meringankan Alergi Musiman.
Cara Penyeduhan: Masukkan 1-2 Sendok Makan Teh Herbal, Seduh Dengan Air Mendidih. Tunggu Selama 5 Menit, Teh Siap Untuk Dinikmati. Bisa Di Seduh Kembali 3-5x.
Simpan Di Tempat Sejuk Dan Kering. Hubungi Di Bawah Ini Yaa 📲 0813-5812-3335 https://Wa.Me/6281358123335
Dan Bisa Langsung Ke Lokasi Kami Di : Jl. Phospat No 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia https://G.Page/Griya-Mint-Malang?Gm
Atau Bisa Klik Di Shopee Yaa!!!
Terimakasih Dan Happy Shooping…
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dragonbard · 2 years
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loatheful. oh this week has been loatheful!
read about Stravinsky, & also - whoooooaaaa there’s a lot going on in Ukraine! there’s some youtube channels of journals/live press exploring around the towns near the front and… kinda like the pandemic with the “hunker down and wait out the craziness” mentality
made bank! making tips working w the manager! fuck yeah pocket dollars! i need to use them to purchase sum of the Good Cannabis so i can apply to a new job. or start a business. sum shit
boys? loatheful? midday shifts? awful!
young adulthood….. bites bites bites
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naavispider · 3 days
opposite AU? The Na’vi are a hyper-intelligent species hundreds of years ahead of humans in terms of development. They thrive of renewable and clean energy, coming to Earth to rid the planet of the humans that are destroying it. Na’vi jake sully uses his human avatar - maybe they managed to figure out semi-permanent transfer - to attempt to reason with the owner of an incredibly large agricultural megacompany in Brazil (and South America in general) that contributes to deforestation to increase their farmland. He meets his daughter (human Neytiri). Na’vi quaritch destroys Neytiris home city, killing her father. And the rest is history.
the Na’vi’s technology utilises their queue in some way - maybe as a power source? Or their machines are just some really advanced biotechnology influenced by the plants in their homeworld. I was just picturing a smooth, beautiful Na’vi cruiser with no steering wheel. Just a mass of electrical wires looking like vines on a dashboard or a chair with a na’vi plugged into it.
Na’vi spider grew up on Earth after the na’vi fled back to their home system (multiple planets colonised). He is shorter - stunted growth due to increased gravity - and always slumped to appear smaller, and still outcast. His greater strength means he hurts people on accident some times. He lives in a megacity with the Sully’s in South America. When Quaritch finds him - maybe he has a human body, maybe another Na’vi one - he thinks of him as incredibly primitive in his views. When Spider is kidnapped (Jake sully leads a rebellion against the increasing colonisation of Earth - more navi are coming planetside after striking deals with multiple countries - Spider has info on the human resistance) he has no clue how to use anything on the ship he is being kept on which is very funny to quaritch.
so I guess this would be still an evil human AU - people like Neytiri, Jake and the kids don’t really give a fuck about the planet. Jake’s reasoning for turning to their side is basically human life is beautiful in its own fleeting way and deserves to be preserved. Tons of hisotry shouldn’t be erased. The planet can be saved while still preserving humanity.
But this doesn’t mean Na’vi are good guys. They are colonising the planet. In areas they set up camp they tear down infrastructure and attempt to restore the local ecosystem - maybe using humans as fertiliser could be a little fucked up plot twist. Any human that draws too near would die. As the “rejuvenation” of Earth begins, population of humans dwindle and are pushed from their homes. I don’t see a reason why Na’vi would use human avatars as their isn’t really an advantage other than being able to breathe 100% of the time - as well as not feeling the effects of increased gravity.
I think at this point - Na’vi have colonised most of their home system - with successful colonies on other planets. So some na’vi may have evolved to withstand higher gravity. the concoction the Na’vi use in order to speed up plant growth creates dangerous megafauna. Na’vi do experiments on earth animals to cross-hybrid them with their strange funky biotech. Meaning Na’vi can pilot them likes mechs. This could help with the increased gravity thing.
Na’vi intererence using powerful gravitational waves to destroy infrastructure could creat similar phenomena as the flux vortexes. These areas could provide na’vi relief from the increased gravity - which is why they erect their encampments are puns the graveyards of cities.
this desperately needs a way to nerf the Na’vi. In the original series - it’s their primitivity and morals that nerf them a lil. They can’t stand up against the absolutely giant machinery and guns the humans use - and they also wont resort to the same tactics. I don’t think there could be an issue with teh Na’vi tech not being compatible with earths gravity - as they would have colonised Alpha Centari already - which is a huge gas giant. The only think I can think of is seasons and irregular weather patterns - Pandora is tidally locked so it doesn’t experience seasons. They may not be prepared for winter - or might freak out once the plants they have just regrown start dying in winter.
This has been in my notes for ages - I remember trying to think of an actual plot point that’d turn this AU into a story but I couldn’t think of anything 🤷‍♀️ any ideas?
Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply! I’ve been terrible at updating tumblr recently ✨ This is really well thought out already! You’ve done 90% of the hard work , which is figuring out the premise in the first place!
Since it’s an opposite au you could focus on any part of the original A2 plot in this setting. I love the idea of Jake having a human avatar, after living his whole life as a Na’vi 😯 I think there’s a lot to explore there but aLso the humans-being-used-as-fertiliser side plot is too juicy to ignore… the only question is who is going to get trapped in the process and need rescuing? 🤨🤨
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miss-atena · 2 months
I have... so much I should do... BUT THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT IN MY HEART!!
That's right Guys, Gals and Enby Pals, I actually expanded on that one AOP x TWST post I did like, a month (?) ago. Fair warning: this is an Au in collab with @weirdcore-fantasy, my dear brother, as they were the one that managed to watch the RPG. I only read the rule book and the wiki... a lot actually.
Feel free to message/send asks for me so that Cris and I can expand the AU settings! Reblogs, Likes, Shares and everything tbh is appreciated! If you'd like to be tagged in the next installment, reply to the post or DM me and I'll add you!
all info under the cut
"The Paranormal doesn't come to our reality easily". Our reality and the paranormal reality, are almost paralleled, in a sense. They coexist, with same places being in the same location, but the way the world works is wildly different. WHile we follow the laws of physics and the rules of the matter, the Paranormal reality is not like that. Chaos, and absurdity thrives in that. Between the two worlds exists this force, called The Membrane. It makes our reality safe from the monsters and other horrors in the Paranormal side, also called Other Side. However, it can be damaged. Mostly by the Fear that people have. This fear breaks the membrane isn specific shapes, in which the paranormal takes to manifest in specific forms in our reality. Ordo Realitas is a secret organization, leaded by the mysterious Mr. Verissimo, in which their agents specialized in the Other Side fight against the evil and make sure the major population has no knowledge of it. The Other Side manifestates in 5 different "types" of beings and events, called the Elements of the Other Side. Element of Blood The Blood is the entity of Feelings. It seeks the intensity: pain, obsession, passion, love, hunger, hatred - everything envolving feeling an extreme emotion pleases the Blood Entity. The extreme feelings of Blood surpass the Knowledge's reason and calmness. Element of Knowledge The Knowledge is the entity of consciousness. Discovering, learning, knowing, deciphering. Having one's own perception of the Other Side and its entities pleases the Knowledge element. The reason and logic of Knowledge reintegrate and suppress the Energy's chaos. Element of Energy The Energy is the entity of Chaos. Everything that cannot be explained, the intangible, anarchy. The constant change, the heat and the cold, the light and the darkness. Everything that involves unpredictability and transformation pleases the Energy Entity. The Energy's transformation overloads the Death's effects. Element of Death The Death is the entity of Time. It seeks the lived moments, distorting the egocentric perception of each individual's existence for its own satisfaction. The temporal distortion of Death ruins the Blood's carnal perception. You may notice I've only touched 4 of the 5 elements. These are the elements that are able to penetrate our reality and manifest itself, as they have entities and relics in our reality. the fifth Element is the Element of Fear The Fear is the entity of the unknown and the infinity. Present since the dawn of humanity, it changes the nature of the universe. Its differentiated existence is a mystery. The Fear cannot exist as a beign or as a physical form. Anyone touched by teh Fear Element is someone transported to the place on The Other Side,The city that doesn't exists, the City of Tenebris.
As common knowledge by those who fight the paranormal, Ordo Realitas has bases all around the world, as the fight against the paranormal is not something set in only one place. One of the branches is the Nycticorax or Night Raven branch. Where young prodigies, from all over the world, join into teams in training, with seemingly minor missions, so that they may learn how to be great agents. (All TWST cast is made into prodigies who, in some form or another, had contact with the paranormal, and due to their great skillsets, they were contacted to become agents in training.) (the characters, for the means of this au, are treated as if they were player characters made for the universe of AOP.)
In order of characters: DormLeader, Vice, and third to first years, based on book orders. In order of information: Name, Origin, Class, Class path and element of affinity.
Riddle as an Academic origin Specialist, as an Elite Shooter path with Affinity to Blood.
Trey as a Peasant origin Specialist, as a Field Medic path with Affinity to Knowledge
Cater as an Inventor origin Occultist, as a Flagelator path with Affinity to Death
Ace as an Athlete origin Combatant, as a Specil Ops path with Affinity to Knowledge
Deuce as an Athlete origin Combatant, as a Warrior path with Affinity to Blood
Leona as an Abundant origin Combatant, as a Field Commander path with Affinity to Death
Ruggie as a Criminal origin Occultist, as a Flagelator path with Affinity to Energy
Jack as an Athlete origin Specialist, as an Elite Shooter Path with Affinity to Knowledge
Azul as an Academic origin Occultist, as a Graduated Path with Affinity to Blood
Jade as a Criminal origin Specialist, as an Infiltrator Path with Affinity to Knowledge
Floyd as a Criminal origin Combatant, as a Shock Troop Path with Affinity to Energy
Kalim as an Artist origin Occultist, as an Intuitive Path with Affinity to Blood
Jamil as an Workman origin Specialist, as a Negotiator Path with Affinity to Death
Vil as an Artist origin Occultist, as a Graduated Path with Affinity to Knowledge
Rook as a Mercenary origin Specialist, as an Elite Shooter Path with Affinity to Energy
Epel as a Peasant origin Combatan, as an Anihilator Path with Affinity to Blood
Idia as an Abundant origin Specialist, as a Technician Path with Affinity to Death
Ortho as an I.T. origin Occultist, as a Paranormal Blade Path with Affinity to Knowledge
Malleus as an Abundant origin Occultist, as a Paranormal Blade Path with Affinity to Blood
Lilia as an Exorcist origin Occultist, as a Conduit Path with Affinity to Death
Silver as a Health Agent origin Combatant, as a Special Ops Path with Affinity to Knowledge
Sebek as a Mercenary origin Combatant, as a Shock Troop Path with Affinity to Blood
Uhm, let's count this part 1/??? parts, i want to expand more, but I need to buy an actual copy of the rule book to do it. If I do make more, it will probs be me and Cris doing Character Sheets for them, with the basic information. Or maybe next installment of AOP AU is gonna be a list of rituals the occultists do?
please tell me what yall would like to see next in this!
Tagging moots and besties: @consumeroflemoans, @raguiras, @althea-and-alcestris, @ang33333333l, @vanrouge13, @beelloonn, @coldabest, @erimelodii, @spookyavenuestreet, @notyourbaby-doll
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volo-thereforeiam · 9 days
Feminist Volo what's your opinion on teh Israel and Palestine conflict in Gaza
The conflicts in the Middle East are extremely complex, and learning all the facts while keeping up with the news is quite challenging to me. While I can't support many of the IDF's actions, I also don't see Hamas as freedom fighters. Hamas is not above using its own population as meat shield and needs to be overthrown. Both Israel and Palestine have the right to exist, but the existence of Palestine right now feels more like a proxy for other Arab nations to put pressure on Israel. That needs to change.
Generally, I have a strong disdain towards any form of war because it victimises women and children despite them not partaking in it.
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schnuffel-danny · 2 months
I wondered if i asked before, but i'm curious about what your DP x MLP FIM crossover AU you mentioned a few times is about?
It's an AU where the events of Danny Phantom take place between g4-g5 of My Little Pony, with all the characters being ponies and creatures from MLP:FiM lore (except for the ghosts... those are a whole new wacky species) It takes place some time after the passing of Twilight's friends, but before Twilight rids Equestria of magic. Twilight is the last remaining princess and she's become a recluse and would be presumed dead if it wasn't for her controlling the sun and the moon still. The world is starting to fall apart at the seams, with older generations recognizing their belief in "the magic of friendship" to be a lie, focusing more on taking care of themselves than others, and technological advancement to protect their way of life (that's there to explain why the characters suddenly went from whatever FiM had going on to 'teh interwebs')
Here's an older thing I had to say on how ghosts work in this AU:
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Ghosts, if they appear as ponies, do not have cutiemarks, which is what makes Phantom (who does have one) special to Jack and Maddie and why they take such keen interest in him
Amity Park is located nearby an ancient ghost portal, one that has long been inactive, it gives AP a strange aura that draws in a lot of creatures all over the land, so AP has an unusually high mixed species population! Fun fact!
As this is a MLP AU, the main theme of it is friendship, the true meaning of magic, and family. So Vlad is the main villain and the biggest threat, his goal being to activate the ancient portal and unleash it's evil upon the land, finally forcing Jack and Maddie to witness the ultimate form of the horrors they've forced him to suffer through by activating that blasted proto-portal right in his face. Danny believes in the legends of Princess Twilight and the Elements of Harmony. While Vlad has seen what unrest that's come from the loss Twilight has gone through, and believes "The Princess of Friendship" to be the victim of a horrible curse who has been used as the unwilling vessel forced to carry out the wishes of "friends" that have selfishly made her suffer through their own mortality.
I got a lot of little tidbits, pony/species assignments for characters, backgrounds etc. etc. I think about this AU a normal amount xD
Hopefully I will get to drawing all those darned comics soon!!!!
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starlite-sin · 8 months
Just had to block someone I considered a friend cause they completely missed the point of what's going on. I'm gonna try to use western articles (CNN for example) to avoid this idea that I'm cherry picking articles.
No one is supporting Hamas. Everyone hated what they did. However, Hamas is 20,000 people in a country of 4M people, which is (according my really bad math and google) 0.5%. Not even half of Palestine is in Hamas. The Israeli army, on the other hand, has anywhere between 169,000 and 176,000 active duty soldiers (sources vary, including one that used teh instead of the). The power balance seems a bit off here.
Israel completely overshot their reaction and started comminting literal war crimes (they started dropping white phosphorus which in a densely populated area like Gaza is illegal. That's the fucking problem. The problem is Israel is cutting off telecommunications because everyone's seeing what they did. The problem is three bombs in 30 seconds. The problem is Egyptain truck drivings fighting to be let in only for 20 to go in an expect that to take care of almost 4 million (and going down) people. The problem is that Israel didn't accept the hostages Hamas released and that they plan an air attack to "save" their hostages which...won't work.
Palestine needs new leaders, yes. They also need their land back. Their idea of "peace" is "let us keep occupying your land and treating you like general shit." It'll be peace for them and hell for everyone else.
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sabinastanart · 3 months
I went to the Buddhist temple on Mont-Pèlerin, in Swiss, for the second time, thinking I would spend an hour on meditation like last time. It is really quite inside and despite the amount of details and colours, it is a place that makes me feel peaceful.
Except that the day I went there were events I didn't know about because I didn't check to see if anything was going on. There was a conference in the morning, where a monk spoke in Chinese, I think, about achieving wholesomeness and teh importance of not doing anything unwholesome. What he said was translated in English in real time, but either the translation wasn't very good, or the teachings were a bit outdated or in anycase without relation to the world outside the temple. The monk gave an example about how regret can save you from having your bad deeds "ripen" saying if you do something illegal and get caught and show regret you may not be punished. I mean... Uh... Shouldn't you show regret by accepting your punishment for doing something wrong?... And should you show regret only of you get caught?
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Anyway... After the conference and after all the monks and nuns and students went to eat, I stayed in the temple to paint. Some monks came back to prepare a table with food to share after the prayer at 2 pm. While they were preparing the table one of them started to talking to me and when he found out I'm Romanian, he started saying a lot of things that were ignorant, stereotyped and downright racist towards Romani people. He did seem to be aware of stuff when he spoke about the Holocaust, so he isn't as ignorant as he seems, but it also seems that he uses information to further his hate of people, specifically in the case of the Holocaust, of Jews. And than he started saying homofobic stuff, and kept saying "Sorry, it's just my opinion" and went on to say women should make babies and lesbians do not, so that is wrong. Some of the other monks were trying to get him to stop talking, but he kept saying "sorry, it's just my opinion".
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I am disappointed to find there are people like this practicing Buddhism. He wasn't even a student, but a monk. However, after searching more on the subject and discovering about the genocide conducted by Buddhists against the Rohingya population in Myanmar, I guess another illusion is gone. Which is nice, because the monk who held the conference in the morning said that we should let go of out delusions. 💁‍♀️
I get it that Buddhists have been persecuted for centuries in India, but that is not excuse for this kind of violence against other people. It's the same narrative the Israelis have...
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fancyfade · 1 month
As a nerd whose primary Aquareference was the film, I'd love to know your thoughts on how that handled Orm (my main thought? he *and* Mera's cynical prick dad shoulda been lined up for some tribunal after all that imperialism).
hmmm i'll be real I didn't care much about Orm 1 way or another in the film.
I liked that we saw a continuation of Arthur's journey (going from leaving Manta's dad to die to trying to extend a hand to Orm). But I didn't really have thoughts about him beyond that :P (I did enjoy him more in Aquaman: the Lost kingdom tho his and arthur's dynamics were fun)
Movie Orm is somewhat inspired by New 52 comics in that he's the full-Atlantean Orm who's king and wants to protect Atlantis from the surface world threat. He's less inspired in that in the movie, Orm is orchestrating the war and the threat to become Ocean Master and the full leader, in teh comics Orm is not aware that the surface isn't actually attacking Atlantis -- it's Vulko's orchestration to get Arthur to be king.
Orm is definitely an antagonist in Geoff Johns aquaman but I dont really think Geoff Johns was trying to make him a villain. like he was very into emphasizing how he wasn't behind the plan and he was more being used. OFC he still decided to attack civilian populations.
NGL Orm in the new 52 comic era highlight is him being Erin's live in boyfriend who her son eventually calls dad after escaping prison. and then he sabotages his own happiness by betraying mera. LMAO orm cringe
I know Orm got put in jail but IDK how Mera's dad got off the hook :P but in the second aquaman movie part of a plot point is breaking Orm out.
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algumaideia · 1 year
I think what usamericans and europeans who get mad at the hatred some people feel for the USA and Europe don't get is that imperialism and colonization are not things of the past?
And I'm not even talking about like the issues Indigenous people need to deal with til this day who are heritage of how the settlers dealt with them or the problems black people have because no policy to help them was created past slavery.
I'm talking about all the countries who are still not independent. The countries who got their independence only after world war 2.
I'm talking about how the vietnam war was caused bc the USA helped south vietnam take control over the country when most of the population had declared they wanted to join north vietnam in a plebiscite.
I'm talking about all the dictatorships in Latin American, some of them who ended only in the 90s.
It is about the economic blockaed Cuba still suffers from or whatever it's called in English.
About USA big stick policy and how Panama only got its canal back in 1999.
It is about how CIA installed a school to teach torture methods in Panama to the police of every interested government here on Latin American and helped the dictators go to power and then had the audacity to condem them.
There is this line in Persépolis where teh auhor talked about how Germany would sell poisonous weapons to the armed groups and then take care of the people who survived from them in Iran, almost like they were lab rice.
It is not the past.
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spacefinch · 6 months
MSB rambles: Where is everybody from?
AKA: what parts of the US the kids and their families are from in my headcanons.
Phoebe: Since her last name (Terese, pronounced teh-REHS) is Scandinavian, I hc Phoebe and her family as Minnesotan. (Minnesota has a sizable Scandinavian population.) I also think she has some Celtic (mostly Scottish, but some Irish) ancestry. Also: she canonically has an uncle from Australia, so make of that what you will.
Carlos: I see him and his family being from California, specifically the southern region. (Or he at least has relatives there). Also: California (my home state) has a lot of Latin-American people. It definitely works. Furthermore, he seems the most likely to call his friends "dude" regardless of gender.
Ralphie: I like the idea of him being from the Pacific Northwest-- most likely Oregon. I don't know why. Ironically, his favorite baseball team is the Boston Red Sox and not one of the local Oregonian teams.
Wanda: I don't know exactly what state, but probably somewhere warm, since she herself says she hates cold weather. Perhaps she's from California, just like Carlos.
Arnold: I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what state I think he's from. If any of you have any headcanons, let me know. But I think him being Midwestern fits. Probably from a place that's good for rock-hunting.
Tim: Northeast maybe? I require more headcanons.
Keesha: Again, more headcanons needed. But I'm leaning towards Midwestern or Southeastern. Like Ralphie, her favorite baseball team (which is the New York Yankees) is not from her home state.
Dorothy Ann: Her family is A) from Georgia, and B) huge. There are also quite a few other Dorothys in the family, which is why D.A. goes by her first and middle name. The semi-British accent she uses sometimes was developed over years of watching BBC nature documentaries. Everyone else in the Hudson family has a Southern accent.
Ms. Frizzle: Nobody knows. Personally, I think she's a Time Lady.
Side note: I like @drogonea's headcanon that Walkerville is a mysterious moving city. Like Howl's Moving Castle, but it's a whole town.
Other notes:
D.A. and Carlos have the largest extended families that everyone knows about.
By contrast, nobody is really sure how big Ralphie's extended family is, because he doesn't often mention them. And then when he does bring up his relatives, he is surprised that nobody else knows them. ("What do you mean you've never met my uncle Ed?")
Phoebe has some relatives from Canada (similar to me).
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fierceawakening · 1 year
The TERF anxiety you mention, about Transbians Overrunning Sapphic Spaces, reminds me of how racist nativists in the 19th century banned Chinese immigration to prevent Teh Yellow Peril from overrunning 'Murica even though the Chinese population in the US had only reached 0.2 percent. Also reminds me of studies that show men will perceive women as "dominating" a discussion even when they only speak, like, a third of the time. I wanna say a similar study showed that people (not sure if it focused specifically on men?) will look at a crowd and see it as predominantly female even when women make up less than half of the image, though I could be remembering wrong.
Yeah. I don’t think I’ve ever seen majority trans anything, unless it’s trans specific from the outset. I can think of… maybe one specific fandom space where most people aren’t cis. And that’s one I likely wound up in because I’m non-binary anyway.
People seem to think (and I’m not immune to this, I was an ace exclusionist for a little while because of this sort of worry) that if you let people into their groups or clubs the culture will immediately change in a way that kills it. In most cases where I’ve seen it change (nerd spaces being majority men and boys, such that a girl had to be obviously neurodivergent or obviously unfeminine or both to carve out a place, queer spaces letting in aces) the profound shift in focus people feared didn’t really happen.
There were just more people around.
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