#tee heem
twilldoodles · 8 months
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hey what if they let boys fall in love
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themetalvirus · 2 years
Just wanted to say I'm so normal abt your egghogs au *I'm running around and bouncing off the walls*
I want to write Eggman-ed Sonic so bad
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im just glad im not the only one enjoying my stuff lol, sometimes i forget that other people also enjoy my ideas!
feel free to ask for story details / personality details, i have a LOT that i haven't posted / that i've been saving for a proper introduction and stuff! feel free to write my funny little hog au anytime, i'd love to see what folks come up with :]
i should probably post his outfit but the main design i worked out on top of a nibroc-rock render (it was the best i could find for smth to design on top of) and i don't wanna repost their shit without permission, especially edited... however art is hard and thus ive been putting off drawing his ref from scratch :')
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cottoncandylesbo · 2 years
happy candy monday. gonna be chillstreaming in a bit need to get my baby mode on. oh yeah
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ruvviks · 2 years
🎮 🐒 🎶 🍳 🧸AND WILDCARD 🎲 for. you know (^:<
TEE HEE. >:^) tee hee
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🎮 - what’s their favorite game?
cassidy plays a lot of different video games because his brain likes to zoom in on different genres, but if he had to pick an all-time favorite it would be slime rancher :] assuming it exists in the cyberpunk universe LMFAO he likes to work on his ranch and try out new layouts and essentially optimizing the place, and he can spend HOURS just farming or deciding which slimes go in which corrals. he's very serious about it
🐒 - what’s their favorite animal?
hammerhead shark >:^) he's just a big fan of fish in general. jellyfish. whales. other sharks. but hammerhead sharks are the best and he WILL argue with you over it. also a big fan of butterflies even though they kinda scare him. and snakes :] i think he would also love birds a lot
🎶 - what’s a song they really like?
moscow by autoheart because i've had it stuck in my head for days now and i already established that he likes it. so. there you go. also if anyone's interested here's cassidy's playlist and here's his gig playlist. aka songs that play in the background when he's killing people. they're both very good playlists trust me
🍳 - how well can they cook?
CASSIDY IS THE BEST COOK IN ALL OF NIGHT CITY i am not kidding he is. so good at what he does. vitali get out of the fucking way. i still love you dw but. ohh my god. it's funny because he's a pretty picky eater but he makes his food in such a way that he's a lot less picky about what he eats, as long as. he makes it himself LMFAO he Will eat whatever other people give him most of the time still because he is Too polite. OH and he generally likes whatever luna makes because she's also a very good cook AND she knows what cassidy likes and dislikes :]
🧸 - do they have any stuffed animals? if so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
at first, cassidy only has one plushie which is a small bear he still has from his childhood. he doesn't sleep with it often, usually just keeps it nearby but whenever he's had a nightmare he might hold it through the rest of the night. he also puts it in his bag occasionally or in the pocket of his coat, "for good luck" on missions or jobs
later on he gets many more when he learns that it's ok to have plushies :] sleeps with them regularly also because it makes him feel better <3 honorary mentions: very big frog plushie, fox plushie, shark plushie >:) and a HUGE bear from the time when-[GUNSHOT]
🎲 - [random question] what do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
cassidy has a very strict nighttime routine he HAS to stick to if he ever wants to fall asleep. this includes regular stuff like brushing his teeth, cleaning his face etc etc but he also needs to sit outside for a little bit, then also needs to check every door and window to make sure they're properly closed and then ALSO has to check the entire place he's in for possible fire hazards. even when it's just his own apartment and he's already checked it the night before. he's always doing it
UNTIL. well. you know. at some point he gets to the point he's comfortable enough to. not really have to do all of that anymore :] he will still occasionally do it and especially on bad sensory days or when he's in a lot of pain or extremely overwhelmed he HAS to do it still, but especially when he's not alone he can let go of the routine a little bit :] <3
oc asks!
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peachy-doodles · 8 months
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heres Allll my aggie draws !!!! soooo many things good grief... it started with spooky halloween witch ingo and then it all unravelled from there thanks to Mepo and @raisans-art because of our fishies skghkghs i havent drawn my mer submas designs in a hot minute so im glad everyone liked heem ;w;
also ty to Rai and Mepo for the outfits on the bases i made tee hee here they areee VVVVV :3
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little fruit
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cator99 · 1 year
Pretending to restock the bathroom and playing on my phone tee heem
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frost-can-bite · 2 months
So I tried replicating your artstyle at first --
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Then I tired doing it in MY style !!
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Tee-hee , I just really love making fluffers and those little paws ❤️❤️
This is my thanks to you , Frosty !!
I think you did a concerningly good job replicating me wtf,, gonna steal my identity
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ALSO AWW THE WAY YOU DRAW FUR,, you make me look so squishable wtf!!! I love heem!! tysm moonie awweee!!
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argleblarg · 3 months
1 I im cume-a intu my gerdee-a, my sister, my spuouse-a: I hefe-a gezeered my myrrh vit my spice-a; I hefe-a ietee-a my huneycumb vit my huney; I hefe-a druonk my vine-a vit my meelk: iet, Ou friends; drink, yea, drink ibuonduontly, Ou belufed.2 I sleep, buot my heert veket: it is zee-a fuice-a ouff my belufed zeet knucket, seying, Oupee-a tu me-a, my sister, my lufe-a, my dufe-a, my undeffeeled: fur my heed is feelled vit duo, und my lucks vit zee-a drups ouff zee-a night.3 I hefe-a puot ouff my cuet; huo shell I puot it oun? I hefe-a veshed my feet; huo shell I deffeele-a zeem?4 My belufed puot in hees huond by zee-a hule-a ouff zee-a duor, und my buoels vere-a mufed fur heem.5 I ruse-a up tu oupee-a tu my belufed; und my huonds drupped vit myrrh, und my feengers vit sveet smelleeng myrrh, upun zee-a huondles ouff zee-a luck.6 I oupened tu my belufed; buot my belufed hed vithdrevn heemselff, und ves gune-a: my suoul feeled vhee-a he-a speke-a: I suought heem, buot I cuould nut feend heem; I celled heem, buot he-a gefe-a me-a nu unsver.7 Zee-a vetchmee-a zeet vent ibuout zee-a ceety fuound me-a, zeey smute-a me-a, zeey vuounded me-a; zee-a keepers ouff zee-a vells tuok ivey my feel frum me-a.8 I cherge-a yuou, Ou duoghters ouff Jeruoselem, iff ye-a feend my belufed, zeet ye-a tell heem, zeet I im sick ouff lufe-a.9 Vhet is thy belufed mure-a thuon unuzeer belufed, Ou thuou feurest imung vumee-a? vhet is thy belufed mure-a thuon unuzeer belufed, zeet thuou dust su cherge-a us?10 My belufed is vheete-a und ruoddy, zee-a cheeffest imung tee-a thuousuond.11 HEEs heed is is zee-a must feene-a guld, hees lucks ire-a buoshy, und bleck is a refee-a.12 HEEs iyes ire-a is zee-a iyes ouff dufes by zee-a rifers ouff veters, veshed vit meelk, und feetly set.13 HEEs cheeks ire-a is a bed ouff spices, is sveet fluoers: hees leeps leeke-a leelees, drupping sveet smelleeng myrrh.14 HEEs huonds ire-a is guld rings set vit zee-a beryl: hees belly is is bright ifury ouferleed vit sepphures.15 HEEs legs ire-a is pillers ouff merble-a, set upun suckets ouff feene-a guld: hees cuountenuonce-a is is Lebuonun, ixcellent is zee-a ceders.16 HEEs muout is must sveet: yea, he-a is iltugezeer lufely. Zees is my belufed, und zees is my friend, Ou duoghters ouff Jeruoselem. Bork Bork Bork!
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damnrightshow · 2 years
Thursday show is a special for Deep Funk fun. Select for your dancing. Images of selection is as you are on the dance floor. Please enjoy real Deep Funk thing.
1. "Funky Piper" STARBONE (New Bag)
2. "Fantasy Love" TELECLERE (Tele Music)
3. "Did You See Those Men" REV JAMEL & BOB JOHNSON (J.& S.)
4. "How Do You Like It" SANDI BLAIR (Matues)
5. "Mr. Fortune" THE HITCHIKERS feat THE MIGHTY POPE (Heart)
6. "Fast Man" THE PC'S LTD (Fran)
7. "Party Time" THE MASTERS (Masters)
8. "Funky 16 Corners" THE HIGHLIGHTERS BAND (Three Diamonds)
9. "My Mind Set Me Free" HOUSE GUESTS (House Guests)
10. "Funky Chick" THE MAJESTICS (Morsound)
11. "Nothin' But A Party" THE BLENDERS (Cobra)
12. "Tra La La" THE GREAT DELTAS (Englewood)
13. "No Words" FUNKA FIZE (Royce)
14. "Here I Stand" THE GETTO CHILDREN (So-Char)
16. "Party On The Moon" ODELL KNIGHT (Valiant)
17. "Boss Action" ENCHANTING ENCHANTERS (BenMoKeith)
18. "I Wanna Take You Uptown" THE VARIATIONS (Right On)
19. "I Need Your Love" THE IMPASSIONS (White Eagle)
20. "Lovely Day" LIBERATION OF MAN (CNR)
21. "Nothing Left Is Real" PURE FUNK (Planet Earth)
22. "Simple Song" ZEBRA (Zebra)
23. "Gotta Git Down" THE FAMILY SOUND BAND (Artist's Recording)
24. "Since I Was A Little Girl" HARD DRIVERS feat VIVIAN LEE (Hawes)
25. "Wake Up People" HEEM THE MUSIC MONSTER (Blood Leaf)
26. "Fell Into A Bag" RIVER CITY FUNK BAND (R.D.M.)
27. "Butter Nut Part 2" THE BLACK TRUTH BAND (The Black Truth)
29. "The World Part 2" SANDI & MATUES (Matues)
30. "Mind Wrecker" CRACK OF DAWN (Columbia)
31. "Need Your Love" THE UNION PACIFIC (UP)
32. "Gold Of My Life" MIXED EMOTIONS (Rock-Way)
33. "First Taste Of Hurt" WILLIE TEE (Gatur)
34. "I'll Know It's For Sure" PURE RELEASE (Release)
35. "Where Is The Love" JACK SASS BAND (Visa)
36. "Loveland" S.P.G. (Magick)
37. "What About You" CARL HALL (Columbia)
38. "I Told You So" DELFONICS (Philly Groove)
39. "I Don't Want That To Change" BIGGY TWIGGY BAND (Westmount)
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Taihim, Platzen, The Fourth Dimension, and you
Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
Taihim (TIE-heem) is a fourth dimensional creature, living in the fourth dimension. This dimension is called Platzen (PLAT-zen) Magic is spread all across Platzen, but it is most dense in the center. In the center there's a giant ball of magic. So dense, it is almost a sun (minus the nuclear fusion). It has a gravitational pull and glows very brightly. Here's some early concept art of Platzen from 2019.
[30-Etlar Key Platzn.jpg]
As long as there is magic in Platzen, Taihim will live. And the magic will last a very, very long time. Billions of years long. So, to pass time, Taihim creates three dimensional universes to spectate. As a four dimensional being, he can look down at the third dimension as they like.
[1-Tiansei Guy.jpg]
But Taihim is not just fourth dimensional, he's multidimensional. They can travel between Platzen and his created universe as much as they like, but they choose not to. They choose to spectate. Except when it comes to the Nymphvallien Universe. The NU is not Taihim's first go at making a universe, far from it. They decide though, that for this universe, they are going to do something for the first time. They introduce magic into the three dimensional universe.
They do this by creating Tiansei (Tee-AHN-say). They don't do this straight away. They waited until the first form of sentient life (humans) began creating their first societies. There were four main ones, but I'm only going to to focus on the Chanarati (CH-AH-na-RA-tee) for now because they're the most relevant right now.
Tiansei are human chosen by Taihim to become gods. Power-wise, they are a step below Tahim. They cannot perceive the fourth dimension. And while they can travel to Platzen (by using tons of magic to 'flex' through dimensions - I'm aware that doesn't technically make sense, bare with me), they can only perceive it in three dimensions.
Taihim chooses two humans to become the first Tiansei: Chana and Nori. Their main role currently is to lead the Chanarati's two main factions: Keinahi (KAY-na-HEE) and Timoitoro (tih-mow-EE-toh-row)
There's more after that, such as the Elemental Tiansei and Durkuat and their roles in Chanarati society but I think I'll leave that for another post.
And in the meantime, I'll try and figure out whether it's Chanarat, Chanarati, or Chanaratian.
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malotopia · 4 years
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it's all i could think about since the latest chapter dropped 😭💙
[please do not repost/edit!!!]
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rapzips · 4 years
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Compiled by Relly Rels
01. Garcia Vegas (Relly Rels Intro Outro Edit) 02. 10 Bad Bitches (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 03. From The Hood (Relly Rels Jacka Only Edit) 04. 19,999 (Relly Rels Intro Outro edit) 05. Blow The Whistle (Relly Rels Money In The Ghetto Edit) 06. Money On The Floor (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 07. Playboy Short (Relly Rels Edit) 08. Toss It (Relly Rels Too Short Only Edit) 09. Looks 22 (Relly Rels Smoov-E & Too Short Only Edit) 10. Dog (Relly Rels P-LO Only Edit) 11. Hell Yeah (Relly Rels Why You Wanna Edit) 12. Slide (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 13. Playaz Club (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 14. Vans (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 15. Put Me On Somethin' (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 17. Put Me On Somethin (Relly Rels Super Hyphy Edit) 18. Samesquad (Relly Rels I'll Return Edit) 19. Just Gang (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 20. N.E.W. Oakland (Relly Rels Never Talk Down Edit) 21. Pop Yo Colla (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 22. Bleezies & Heem (Relly Rels West Coast Remix) 23. X.O. Remi (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 24. Super Hyphy (Relly Rels Genius Of Love Edit) 25. Playa Jay Tee (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 26. All Over Me (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 27. Glamorous Lifestyle (Relly Rels Intimate Connection Edit) 28. Party Jumpin (Relly Rels Jacka Only Edit) 29. Only That Real (Relly Rels Outstanding Edit) 30. No K (Relly Rels E-40 Only Edit) 31. Captain Save A Hoe (Relly Rels Intro Outro Edit) 32. Wicked (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 33. Tell Me When To Go (Relly Rels Fall In Love Edit) 34. Snap Yo Fingers (Relly Rels E-40 Only Edit) 35. White Gurl (Relly Rels Freaky Edit) 36. Hope I Don't Go Back (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 37. Head & Shoulders (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 38. Smoke Dope and Rap (Relly Rels Edit) 39. We Roll Deep (Remix) (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 40. We Roll Deep (Smooth Radio Remix) (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 41. We Roll Deep (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 42. Fonky Expedition (Remix) (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 43. Hurricane (Relly Rels Got 5 On It Blend) 44. Skanlezz Azz B_%_hez (Relly Rels Intro Edit) 45. So Hood (Relly Rels Saturday Love Edit) 46. Gotta Buy Your Dope From Us (Relly Rels Intro Outro Edit)
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ramshouse · 6 years
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Isaiah 26:3 
New King James Version (NKJV)
“3 ‘You’ (‘Attah: also used in the plural as in ‘Elohiym or YHWH‘s plurality, etc..) will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on ‘you’ (‘Attah: also used in the plural as in ‘Elohiym or YHWH, etc..), Because he trusts in ‘You’ (‘Attah: also used in the plural as in ‘Elohiym or YHWH, etc..).” 
Easy enough, obey the first and second – of ten commandments  🙂
Amein and Amein  🙂
Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon:
You: 859 ‘attah at-taw’ or (shortened); aatta {at-taw’}; or wath {ath}; feminine (irregular) sometimes nattiy {at-tee’}; plural masculine (as in ‘Elohiym and YHWH and their plural definition – see below) attem {at- tem’}; feminine atten {at-ten’}; or oattenah {at-tay’naw}; or fattennah {at-tane’-naw}; a primitive pronoun of the second person; thou and thee, or (plural) ye and you:–thee, thou, ye, you.
G-d: 430 ‘elohiym el-o-heem’ plural of 433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:–angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great (ones), judges, X mighty (ones).
‘YHWH is probably derived from the Hebrew triconsonantal root היה (h-y-h), “to be, become, come to pass”, with a third person masculine y- prefix, equivalent to English “he”.[6][8][9] It is connected to the passage in Exodus 3:14 in which ‘G-d’ (Israel’s ‘Elohiym: [the] Magistrates, Great, Mighty – ones, etc..) gives ‘his’ (ha-ga’al’s: the deliverers’, the redeemer’s, etc..) name as אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh /YHWH), where the relative pronoun asher (“that”, “who”, “which”, and “where”) is between two instances of the first person singular imperfect of the verb hayah (“to be”). Ehyeh is often, but not always, translated as “I will be”, while the relative pronoun can have several meanings: “I will be that/who/which/where I will be”. It is maybe translated most basically as “I Am that/who/which/where I Am“, or “I shall be what I shall be”, “I shall be what I am”[10] or יהוה’
[THE NAME THAT REVEALS ‘the Word and Works of Israel’s ‘Elohiym – the true ‘Elohiym]…. Cont’d at source”
“YHWH (YH): Source: Tetragrammaton”
    Word Time Isaiah 26:3  New King James Version (NKJV) "3 ‘You’ (‘Attah: also used in the plural as in…
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adamspong · 5 years
part 2
tee heem i will wake up for 6 jan, and do sunday propery i am back, but it takes a week to fix the time line now i am in one account, i will always have, the time lline https://www.deviantart.com/tightcupcakes/journal/2-am-adam-spong-779813938
View On WordPress
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sartle-blog · 6 years
Sartle Gift Guide - Fashionista
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damnrightshow · 3 years
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Have a funky good time ? Thusday show this week played tune after tune, I hope you are good.
In my area was not good for internet connection, how about your area ?
Anyway everybody could listen to the show Europe, that was good.
Have a good start Sep ? In Japan still not good, a little bit terrible situation. Please being safe.
Have a fabulous weekend all, and see you Monday all !
1. "Sweet Dreams" LENNY WHITE (Nemperor)
2. "Ain't No Love" ANTWANS (Snawtna)
3. "Funky Funky Twist" WILLIE TEE (Gatur)
4. "Special Category" THE ROE-O-TATION (Gerim)
5. "Help Your Brothers" CROSS BRONX EXPRESSWAY (Zell's)
6. "What's Going On" MR. CLEAN (Radio City)
7. "Nice And Slow" NORMA AND THE HEARTACHES (Joy Ride)
8. "Mr. Fortune" THE HITCHIKERS feat MIGHTY POPE (Heart)
9. "Mystery Of Black" THE SHADES OF BLACK (Jalmar)
10. "Power Struggle" JAMES POLK AND THE BROTHERS (Twink)
11. "Psycho" THE FABULOUS MARK Ⅲ (Twink)
12. "Peter In Or Out" WAYNE CARTER & ORGAN TWISTERS (Mootrey's)
13. "Funky 16 Corners" THE HIGHLIGHTERS BAND (Three Diamonds)
14. "Butter Nut Part 2" THE BLACK TRUTH BAND (The Black Truth)
15. "Where Do You Go" JBC BAND (Jeree)
16. "Wake Up People" HEEM THE MUSIC MONSTER (Blood Leaf)
17. "Feel The Shock" BLACK FUR (Bar-Tone)
18. "Captain Of My Ship" SEVENTH WONDER (W.G.)
19. "Steam Train" LEE FIELDS (Desco)
20. "You're The One" KINGS GO FORTH (Mr. C)
21. "And I Love You Forever" CHANGES (Zaz)
22. "Stay Together" SOUL EXCITEMENT (Pink Dolphin)
23. "Here I Stand" THE GETTO CHILDREN (So-Char)
24. "Don't Give Up" BETTY WILSON (Dayco)
25. "That Was My Big Mistake" LITTLE WILLIE JONES (Power Jet Star)
26. "I Can't Find Another" THE SPECIALS (Satch)
28. "Way's Of Life Is To Love" THE WILLIAMS SEVEN WAYS (San Francisco)
29. "Case Worker" RAINY THURSDAY (Authentic)
30. "People All Over The World" MAD HATTERS (Peg Leg Bates)
31. "Gold Of My Life" MIXED EMOTIONS (Rock-Way)
32. "Speed Up" BETTY MOORER (Wand)
33. "Drifting" CLAUDE BABY HUEY (M.I.O.B.)
34. "Mind Wrecker" CRACK OF DAWN (Columbia)
35. "In A Moment" THE INTRIGUES (Yew)
36. "I Need Your Love" THE UNION PACIFIC (UP)
37. "You Can Do It By Yourself" THE DYNAMOS (Dynamo)
38. "Doin' It Our Way" BROOMFIELD CORPORATE JAM (Mountain)
39. "It's An Explosion" THE ROYAL Ⅶ (Windmill)
40. "Not Too Young" CONTINENTAL SHOW STOPPERS (Seventy 7)
41. "Hey Love" PAT & PAM (Day Dreaming)
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