#tech jbm
my-brothers-corrupted · 4 months
My Brothers, Corrupted
Book Five: Section Seven
Jackie and Marvin have a rough time of things. Henrik comes back towards the surface, at least for a minute. Masterlist
Tws for self-hatred, past abuse, suicidal and depressive ideation, and Marvin lashing out at the audience. Tws may not be completely exhaustive - keep in mind the heaviness of the fic and look out for yourself.
Thank you to @lehhoh7822 for taking the time to compile this book!
Anonymous asked:
Happy birthday Jackieboy! How goes the end of the ballet? Or are they not quite there yet?
He pants in the darkness of the alley, his hood over his head. He flexes his fingers. Stretches his neck. Spits.
“Yeah,” he says lowly. “Apparently that one doesn't turn out so well in the end."
At his feet, a trio of bodies. He turns and walks away, shaking blood off his hands.
Got to get the anger out somehow.
Anonymous asked:
Jackie what happened?? What did you do?
“What? They’re the ones who picked a fight.” He strikes the wall beside him, hard. “Drunk fucks.”
And if he went to a bad part of town in the hopes that somebody might provoke him, that’s nobody’s business.
Anonymous asked:
Aww Jackie. I'm sorry the play wasn't pleasant and upset you. But can I ask why you needed to beat up three people over it? Did something happen?
“They were hollering at some girl. I handled it for her. I did good. I stopped it. I did!”
He shoves his hands in his pockets and trudges home, kicking at rocks.
Anonymous asked:
There are healthier ways to punch things, JBM. Considered buying a punching bag or joining a gym? Martial arts lessons? Just anything but beating up strangers unless you suddenly like the idea of jail.
“Not the same rush,” mutters Jackie, eyes dark. “He spent so long teaching me to be his killer. Learned to like the adrenaline. The control. He would always be so proud of me… and I guess I’m just fucked up enough to enjoy the power of it.”
He stares down at the ground as he walks.
“Do you remember when we all went back in time, and Marvin told me what a hero I was? And how I was a good big brother and they all loved me? I want to be that person again. I’m trying to be Jackie. But there are parts of me that will always be Red, and I’m not sure I can handle that. There are parts of me that will always be scarred by him. No matter how much I heal.”
He kicks a stone. “I just want to go home. I shouldn’t have done that. I know. I was angry before. It made me feel better, that’s all.”
Anonymous asked:
Heroism is not random acts of vigilantism, Jackie. Heroism is self sacrifice for the good of others. You don't need to pick fights to be a hero again.
“I like picking fights, though,” he says. “I’m his little killer. It’s the only thing I’m good at. Fights and tech. I can’t even make Blue smile anymore.”
Anonymous asked:
Ah yes, "all you're good at" as though you haven't been brave and powerful and strong for months now purely for the sake of your brothers, as if you havent been sacrificing every part of yourself for the good of their health and safety. You're still more of a hero than you ever were a killer.
That makes him smile a little, playing with his hands.
“They deserve better. That’s all.”
Anonymous asked:
How'd the ballet go Jackie? Also, Blue is going to need your support and encouragement when you get home, he's not doing well, and you're the only person he seems to feel like he hasn't hurt.
“What? What’s wrong with him?”
He reaches the steps up to their apartment, gripping anxiously at the bars of the staircase. “Chase might be a better help to him than me.”
Anonymous asked:
Blue asked for you specifically! He seemed to want to be comforted by you before. Maybe spending some time together would be good for both of you.
“He wants me?”
Jackie steps quietly into the apartment, locking the door behind him. Their empty living space looks back at him, but at least he knows the fridge and cupboards are stocked now.
Blue’s door is slightly open. Jackie peers inside. His twin is hiding beneath the covers, quiet. There’s a couple little packages on the bed, wrapped up in newspaper.
Anonymous asked:
Ooohh packages? What's inside? And how are you doing Blue?
Jackie pulls apart the top package carefully, finding the Princess Bride wrapped up inside. He grins and looks up to find Blue looking back at him, eyes tired.
“Happy birthday,” Blue mumbles.
“Thanks,” says Jackie softly.
“You’re coming to bed?”
“How are you?” Jackie redirects, blinking at him.
Blue pulls his covers up to his chin. “Fine.”
“Oh, good,” says Jackie, sighing. “The cameras thought you were upset.”
“I’m just tired.”
“Then you should sleep.”
Blue gazes at him, mouth tight.
Anonymous asked:
The anger and guilt and self-hate are a part of the healing process, Marvin. Chase is right, it takes time. Time and therapy and building of a support system. You can't expect to magically be healed in only a short amount of time AND without talking to a professional or taking medicine to help with your moods. You can take action to heal quicker, but you're refusing it.
Blue slides back onto his side while Jackie looks through his presents - his new jackets and shoes and the book and some candy. He’s eating Hot Tamales by the time he looks up again, and it is then, in the lowlight of their only lamp in the house, that he sees Blue shaking with tears, silent against his pillows.
Jackie crawls over him on the bed, confused, and uses his sleeve to wipe at his reddened face. It’s not like Blue to cry. He gets mad. He does not cry. Jackie is often the same way.
“Not fine?” asks Jackie.
Blue moans and buries his face in his pillow. Jackie hovers over him, hand on his shoulder, brushing away his tears.
“You can… have anything you need,” offers Jackie anxiously. “Just tell me. I can try. I’m not good at any of it but I can try. I would bring you anything.”
“Nothing’s going to fix this.”
“Fix what?” asks Jackie, bewildered. “Why won’t you tell me?”
“I wish you could just - the way that Chase always knows exactly what Henrik needs. I wish you could do that.”
Jackie chews on his nails. “But I can’t do that.”
“I know, trust me…”
“So you have to tell me.”
“I don’t know.”
“This isn’t fair,” protests Jackie, squeezing his shoulder. “Tell me, tell. You’re a liar. You said you were fine.”
Anonymous asked:
Blue, you are YOU. You are not Anti nor just what he left behind. You're an individual and you belong to yourself. Your body is yours, and your mind is yours. I understand the self hatred, it's brought on by your immense trauma and guilt. Stop, slow your thoughts, identify your strengths, learn to accept compliments and good words from yourself and others, and develop some self compassion instead of mercilessly judging and criticizing yourself for various inadequacies or shortcomings.
“Compliments, I can do compliments,” says Jackie swiftly.
“Jackie - is there blood on you? Hey!”
“Don’t worry about it, don’t worry. I love you. You’re smart, did you know that?”
“You jackass, you did not get in another fight. Come on, we’re going to the bathroom to clean you up right now.”
Jackie lets Blue pull him by the arm towards the bathroom.
“You read so fast I bet you could learn anything if you just felt like it. You know like five languages. I love how you - how you hold yourself? Like you know you’re something just a little bit unnatural. Just a little dangerous. You should because when you use your power, you look like some kind of constellation come to life.”
“Jackie…” Blue blots blood from his face with a washcloth, pushing the soft hair from his face. “I don’t need compliments. I just want to take care of you, okay?”
“What do you think I’m trying to do?” shouts Jackie.
Blue slows, blinking at him. Jackie blinks back, their hands tentative in the air between them.
“You won’t let anyone do anything,” croaks Jackie. “Just angry and unhappy all the time.”
“Hypocrite,” whispers Blue.
Jackie just looks down, shaking his head. After a long moment, he slinks forward and places his head on Blue’s shoulder, hiding against his neck, and Blue is still.
“You are… you. My twin. I don’t care what name you go by. You don’t have to be anything else.”
The tears are back. Dripping down his cheeks.
“I want to be.”
“Then I want to help,” says Jackie. “As long as what you want to change is the parts of yourself that hurt you, and not the parts of yourself that just want the pain to stop.”
Anonymous asked:
Fine, okay, hate yourself forever if that's what you want. But Blue, goddamnit, you absolutely cannot treat your brothers like this. You cannot be cruel to them and take out your anger on them. You are hurting the people around you because of how much you hurt inside. Go to a therapist. Go to a psychiatrist. Get help, you have people willing to do it. Stop yourself in this tirade before you burry yourself in the dirt.
Jackie doesn’t know what to do with a crying Blue. He just… clings to him.
“I know how awful I’m being,” sobs Blue. “It keeps me awake. I feel like I can’t help it half the time. Something about them… not my Chase. It’s Dapper and Dok.”
“JJ and Schneep.”
“How am I supposed to see them that way when I saw them through Anti’s eyes?” Blue cries, clinging to his brother’s hoodie, to his hair, to his shoulders. “I beat Dok until he was screaming for me to stop, telling me he would do anything, I - ”
“You didn’t do that. That was Anti.”
“I held Dapper in my bed and forced him to lie down with me. I could have done worse. I could have done anything. That’s the worst fucking part. Anti could have done anything to him with my hands. He could have tortured him, could have made him kill, could have had sex with him, whatever he wanted. And I was in the same boat. He could have used my body for anything. And the two of us, we would lie there under Anti’s control, in that bed, for hours every night, neither of us moving, both of us trapped, helpless, helpless. Every time I look at him I’m - I’m - ”
He’s back in that bed again. Anti’s beneath his skin. Anti’s using him to beat Henrik, Anti’s using him to hypnotize Chase til he’s quiet again. Anti’s there. And Dapper’s looking back at him, just as trapped, just as despairing, and there is nothing he can do, nothing he can do, he has to do something, he has to do -
“Ow, ow, Blue!” cries Jackie, and when he comes back to awareness Blue has to tear roses out of his brother’s arms, gasping at the blood running down them.
“Oh, shit, I - Red, I didn’t mean to, I just - I’ll bandage it, I’m sorry!”
Anonymous asked:
You were violated, Blue. The others didn't deserve what happened to them, but you didn't deserve what happened to you either. You were stepped off your powers and your very autonomy, but even if it doesn't feel like it, you still have your worth. Not as a puppet but as a person and a brother and yourself.
“How do I come back from being used like that?” asks Blue. “Doesn’t it just fuck you up forever? He just… really took everything from me.”
“We’re here,” whispers Jackie.
“I look at all of you and see him. I look at myself and see him. Everything is drifting through his fog. I don’t even have the memories of a time where he wasn’t there.”
“You’re going to have to trust me on this one,” says Jackie, placing a hand on the back of his twin’s head and drawing him close. “You are a very distinct person from Anti. And I really think that we can… get better, in some ways.”
“You don’t sound all that sure.”
“I’m not,” admits Jackie weakly. “Because I think I’ve been feeling the same way. Like his killer. It helps me to talk about it because then at least I realize what it is I’m feeling.”
“I just feel bad about myself,” says Blue. “And… terrified every time I remember. Every time I look at JJ and Schneep, or something else reminds me. Then I lash out and I’m just playing his game again.”
Anonymous asked:
Start building something new, Blue. You can't heal if you keep insisting you're still Blue, but you don't have to be Marvin either. Be somebody new, make someone you can love. You don't have to hate yourself forever. Dye your hair, get a new piercing, or buy clothes that feel familiar. Be /you/. Not Blue, not Marvin. You don't have to just wallow in the hate. Change things about yourself that annoy you. Reinvent yourself, and stop pushing your family away.
“I’m sorry,” says Blue quietly. “There’s so little of me left I don’t know where to start building from. I don’t know what I want. Don’t trust myself to do anything to my own body. Like it’s not mine. I’d be scared to change it. I - ”
There’s a short sob somewhere down the hall.
Jackie stands straight up, his hand falling from Blue’s head in an instant. His eyes are wide and alert.
“Jackie - ”
“That was JJ,” he says. “That’s my little brother.”
And just like that - just one second later - he’s vanishing down the hall.
He’s gone.
Blue stands in the bathroom, mouth trembling. Jackie’s blood drizzles into the sink. Tears slip down his face, defeated and angry, and he hiccups on a sob of his own.
Anonymous asked:
Is JJ okay? And Jackie, get back to Blue as soon as you can, he's going through a lot right now, though I know all of you are and it must be hard to prioritize.
“Jamie, Jamie.” Jackie races towards him, pushing open his door. He knows what Blue says in situations like this. “Honey, love, here I am.”
His brother is gone from his room and Jackie’s heart panics for a second - he stole him away from me! - before he hears him crying from the closet. Jackie tears open the white door and kneels down beside him, gripping his shoulder. “Dapper, JJ, my little man. Look at me, pal.”
“Trapped, room, trapped, room, trapped, room,” JJ is signing, over and over again. “Trapped room trapped room trapped - ”
Jackie drags him right out of the closet, shoving the door to the room open and pulling him into the living space. He shoves open the door to their little cement balcony.
“No, no, I’m in trouble, I’m in trouble,” scream JJ’s hands, tearing at his hair.
“Not in trouble. You’re not in trouble. He’s not here. He won’t hurt you.”
“They locked my door in the psych ward, couldn’t get out, couldn’t get out! I’m trying to be good, I don’t want to go back, I’m in trouble!”
“No, Dap, no, you can stay, you’re not in trouble…”
Blue slides numbly from the bathroom, treading into the living room to listen to his twin’s loving voice soothing and reassuring JJ through his panic.
“I can’t sleep alone, I can feel him looking at me, and the bed is so cold, I haven’t slept alone in years!”
“I can stay with you if you want, just breathe, Jaimer, just breathe for me.”
Blue’s heart gives one sharp thud of pain. He clenches his fists and thorns and flame wreath his fingers, making them shake. His head swims. He hates this. Anger and guilt and despair.
Forget it.
“I’m right here, Jamie, my Jamie…”
Blue stalks back to his room and locks the door behind him.
Anonymous asked:
You aren't trapped JJ, it'll be okay. See, you can go out on the balcony! No one will take you away and no one will force you to be locked up anymore. Your big brother is letting you leave the room, letting you go out in the fresh air. You'll be okay. Never have to be trapped again.
“I couldn’t get out of my room at night at the hospital, and I was scared, I was scared, but I didn’t want - didn’t want to get stuck, had to be good to get out, had to - ”
“Breathe, Jaimer, slower for me, okay? Slower. They locked your door?”
“They can’t just let people wander at night…”
Jackie rocks them both back and forth on the floor, his brother pinned to his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me that was stressing you out?”
“I just wanted to be good so I could go home. Everybody was always watching me in that place. I’m just always a prisoner.”
“Ah, Dipper… fuck’s sake, I’m sorry this keeps happening. We just wanted you to be better, didn’t mean to reinforce anything he taught you. Were you just masking? Do you even feel better at all?”
“I do feel better, I do,” JJ answers him quickly. “But sometimes I think that coping with this - with all of this - the masking is the coping. If I can hide it I’m doing better. If I can tell that Anti’s not real when I see him across the room, if I can ignore him - that’s better than I was before.”
He’s wiping at his reddened face. Jackie rocks him slowly, watching him.
“But you still feel bad?”
JJ huffs out a sigh and places his head against Jackie’s shoulder, squeezing his knee for a second. “I just got scared, that’s all. There’s a part of me still so worried that Anti is here, in a way. That we’re going to fall back into old patterns. That you’d lock me up if I acted badly or that Blue is going to hurt me because I remind him of Anti.”
Jackie’s eyes darken. “Dude. He wouldn’t do that.”
“I can’t help my paranoia,” signs back Jamie, letting his eyes slide shut. “And I see it in his face: sometimes he does want to hurt me. To melt away the parts of me that remind him of Anti the same way he melted my knife.”
Jackie doesn’t know what to say. He rocks JJ until his brother’s breathing has slowed and his heart is jackrabbiting against the both of them, maybe ten minutes later.
“Let’s go back to bed,” he says softly.
“Don’t leave me,” pleads JJ. “When my bed is empty, he comes to fill the space beside me. His hands run over my stomach.”
“I won’t, Jaimer. I won’t.”
Anonymous asked:
Oh, Blue honey, don't feel too awfully dejected from Jackie running off... You know he's hypervigilant when it comes to the younger three, but I'm sure he'll come back to you. You deserve care and comfort just as much as they do, maybe even more right now. Believe yourself to be worthy of comfort, even though the self-hatred tells you otherwise. Jackie loves you just as much as the others, he just trusts you more to handle yourself alone. For better or worse, honestly.
Blue changes into PJs quietly, the energy gone out of him. For a few minutes, he hears Jackie pulling at the door and calling his name, confused, but he doesn’t answer, and eventually his twin slips away again.
Off to deal with his favorites.
Maybe it’s his fault. He knows how stubborn he’s been. He’s refused help for so long that the others don’t know how to give it to him anymore, or even to recognize that he needs it. He doesn’t like to be fussed over much anyway, and he sure as hell doesn’t want to be babied.
But it might be nice. Just for a minute. It might be nice to have Jackie call him little brother and cuddle up with him in their bed, just the two of them, instead of shying away from each other on either side of the mattress like they do most days. Like they don’t know what to do with each other anymore.
He wonders if Anti was what was holding the pair of them together - Anti and the need to protect their younger siblings. Red hated having a newcomer when they first met, after all. It wasn’t until Anti reset the both of them and shoved them into brotherhood that they decided they loved each other. Maybe they’re not even friends. Just survivors who were stranded on the same life boat, and now that they’re back on dry land, Jackie can go wherever he wants.
He lies in bed for a long time, but he can’t sleep. He’s slept all day. He trudges out into the hallway and peers into JJ’s room, just for a minute.
Jackie is curled around his younger brother, the pair of them asleep on the floor under blankets and each other’s arms. Jackie keeps Jameson safe.
Blue checks on Henrik and Chase.
“Dok?” he murmurs. “Why are you up?”
Henrik turns to him, blinking in the darkness.
“Do you need something?” he asks.
Henrik shakes his head. Chase is asleep in their nest, hand stretched out in the space where his twin should be.
Blue gives Henrik a kiss on the head. “Go to sleep, my darling.”
Henrik gazes up at him. For a second, his scarred hand rises to stroke across Blue’s cheek, cupping his face.
Blue thinks he would probably make everything right if he were here. Henrik would probably open his mouth and make everything in the world right.
He leads his little brother gently back to their nest and lies him down beside Chase, who readjusts instantly to hold him. They’re all magnets, clicking against each other, and Blue is just something plastic trying to fit in.
“Good night, sunshine.”
Henrik watches him leave their room, his blue eyes glittering in the moonlight. Blue closes the door behind him and goes back to bed.
Anonymous asked:
Blue you won't ever be anything but Antis if you keep insisting on not getting help. There's a reason you're not healing and don't feel okay, and it's because you won't talk to anyone, and you won't express how you feel, and you won't see professionals. You are sabotaging yourself. You need to see someone, get outside help. I know what it feels like to hate yourself, and taking it out on others around you is the worst thing you could do. Stop cutting people off with your hatred and guilt.
“I’m so glad you came,” Chase is telling him the next day, over and over. “I’m so glad you’re here. Thanks, I just - I’ve been worried. I love you, you know?”
He does know. He wants to be all fluffy and affectionate with him again, but he doesn’t have the energy. He doesn’t want to be here. But maybe everyone’s right.
He can’t handle this on his own.
“Mathew?” calls the receptionist.
“It’s Matti,” he says wearily, getting to his feet. “Chase, I’ll just be a few.”
“Take your time,” says Chase, squeezing his hand goodbye. “I’ll be right here when you’re done.”
Blue steps back into the doctor’s office and sits down in an examination room, slumping back against the wall and closing his eyes, worn.
Anonymous asked:
Tell the doctor about the unstable moods and anger you're dealing with, Blue. It might lead to you getting a psychiatrist and someone to talk to.
“So. What are we here to look at, Matti?”
Dr. Bowlan looks at him with this placid smile on his mouth, a clipboard resting on his knee. Blue sighs through his teeth, sick of this already. He knows, doesn’t he? He circled mood swings and irritability on his intake paperwork. He went through the questions the nurse asked him.
“Little interest or pleasure in doing things?”
“Every day.”
“Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless.”
“Most days.”
“Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much.”
“Most days.”
“Feeling tired or having little energy.”
“Every day.”
“Poor appetite or over-eating.”
“Most days.”
“Feeling bad about yourself or that you are a failure or have let your family down.”
“Every day.”
“Trouble concentrating on things?”
“Some days.”
“Moving or speaking slowly or being restless and fidgeting.”
“Not at all.”
“Thoughts that you would be better off dead or hurting yourself in some way.”
“… Every day.”
“In the past two weeks, have you done anything or planned to do anything with the intent of ending your life?”
“You’re not feeling good?” murmurs Dr. Bowlan, bringing him back to the present.
Blue shakes his head. No. He’s not feeling good.
“I’m taking it out on the others,” he says thinly. “I’m angry at all of them. It has to stop. I can’t help them like this.”
Anonymous asked:
There's definitely some problems here, Blue's clues. Please let the doctor help you find a solution without much sass or fighting it! /lh
“I’ll be as sassy as I want,” Blue mutters. Dr. Bowlan has talked him through every aspect of his feelings that he’s willing to talk about - so a whole five minutes of discussion - and he’s ready to go.
“What’s that?”
“Matti, I think it might be a good idea to try some antidepressants and see how those go. I need to see you again next week and you need to take them every day. The truth is that medication really works best in conjunction with therapy. You could get into the same place as your brother if you would like…”
He listens to him drone on about therapy. He just wants to take the pills and go. Finally, he receives a prescription, and, with a mumbled thank you, he’s gone again. Chase beams at him from the waiting room, but Blue just sweeps past.
Anonymous asked:
I'm so proud of you for going to the doctor for help, Blue!
“Yeah, that’s a good first step,” agrees Chase warmly, hastening after his sibling, not sure why Blue is heading for the alley to the back of the building instead of walking back towards the bus stop so they can get him to work on time. “Blue, the bus stop is - ”
“I don’t need your fucking approval!” screams Blue, whirling on you, and it’s then that you see his eyes are blazing blue. “I don’t want to fucking talk about it! Just leave me the fuck alone, everyone, shut the fuck up, I don’t care!”
Chase leaps back, shocked, as the ground beneath his feet grows hot even through his new shoes. Fire crackles in Blue’s hands.
“Don’t send me another fucking question or another goddamn condescending congratulations or I’m going to - ”
He spins around again, seething through his teeth as his power makes his body shake. He needs to shut the fuck up before he says worse.
“Blue,” begins Chase, and Blue hears the shake in his voice. “You can’t be using magic in the city - there’s magicians, Jackie said - ”
“Just give me a minute!” he howls.
Chase cowers back against the wall and goes quiet.
Anonymous asked:
I'm so proud of you for going to the doctor's, Blue. Just remember that you need this help, and it'll be good for you in the long run. You'll make it through, even dealing with annoying doctor visits and your irritability. Be safe and let the doctors help as much as they can. - 🎒
His heartbeat seems to pulse up into his throat and his breaths come fast and shaky. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care. He hates this. All of it. Anger like a swelling of magma. Hot. It hurts his chest. He’s going to be sick. Grips his soft stomach and hates that too. Ugly and breaking down. He spits bile and weeds groan up from the cracks in the cement, twisted and back, dead by the time they’re grown.
He knows he’s scared Chase and he hates that too. His brother is hiding beside a garbage can, peering out at him like he used to peer out his broken window, on watch, hiding. Chase has learned how to live like a rat. Hates it, hates it. Flame up his back. He’s wreathed in his own fire. He glows with it - with the power, with the pain. Anger’s just hurt that doesn’t have anywhere else to go.
“We’re done talking about this,” he says through gritted teeth. “Talk to me again and I’m just going to ignore it. Just leave me alone.”
He draws himself up after long minutes. Chase curls in on himself against the trash cans, eyes big and wary. He reaches out to take Blue’s hand but won’t meet his gaze anymore. Head down, scared of him.
It’s his fault. His chest hurts from how hard his heart is beating.
Anonymous asked:
None of the congratulations were meant as condescending, Marvin. The audience is genuinely proud of you. Not everyone is out to annoy you, man. Chase, don't take anything he says personally, Blue is feeling extreme emotions and what's best right now, like with Jackie going to another room when he gets angry, is to just let him blow off the steam in a safe environment.
Chase glances up at Blue, who just ignores the message and keeps pulling him towards the bus. He wants to open his mouth to say something - I’m proud of you and I know they are too, is that so wrong? Why are you so angry all the time, why won’t you eat what I cook you, why don’t you come hang out with me and cuddle a little like we used to? I wish you would talk to me. Haven’t I been where you are? - but he isn’t going to push his buttons. He’s going to be good. He puts his head back down and keeps walking. Blue’s hand is hot in his own.
Anonymous asked:
Chase, were you scared of Blue just then? Maybe you should express that to him and clarify that you still love him despite it? I think he needs time alone once you get home, so on the bus or in this alley is your shot to talk with him about how he's making you feel.
“I’m sorry, I just lost control of the power, I would never let it hurt you,” Blue tells him in one breath, sitting down on the bus and then going silent again.
Chase chews on his mouth, staring at the silver floor of the bus. Yeah, he was scared. He closes his eyes tight. He knows that heat, Blue’s heat, Blue’s flame. It was somehow different from the hot California sun. He remembers feeling it crackle against his skin, making his hair stand up, making the forest floor stink of smoking plant matter and, when Blue got really angry, smoking flesh. He can see his brother plunging the knife into Anti’s chest. Anti is screaming. Blood and ink splurt across the dirt. He smells copper and flame.
He presses his face into Blue’s shoulder and just hides. He squeezes his palm. I love you. I love you.
Anonymous asked:
Chase, it'll be okay, don't worry horribly. You're already doing good thing with small reminders you love him and being patient with him. Your fear is understandable in the face of anger given who your abuser was, but you braved through it like you always do, fighter. Blue needs lots of help right now, the problem is getting him to tell you all what help he needs.
“Maybe you shouldn’t go to work today,” says Chase. If he won’t tell him what help he needs, he can at least try to look after him. Try not to worry. “We could go for a walk. Have a day off. I want to bake a cake or cookies or something, we could - ”
“I’m fine, amata,” says Blue lowly.
Long silence. The rushing by of the city.
“Would you even be taking the antidepressants if I wasn’t around?” Chase asks miserably.
The bus pulls to a stop outside the library. Blue gets to his feet, turning his back to him.
“If I didn’t have you, I wouldn’t have anything worth taking antidepressants for.”
Anonymous asked:
For Blue: It's okay to mourn the person you could have been. It's okay to be angry or resentful at that lost chance. It's okay to be sad about it too. But i, and your brothers, want you to know that there are so many parts of you, the you that exists right now, that are beautiful and lovely and meaningful. Just because your past is lost doesn't mean your future has to be too. You deserve to heal and work through this raging fire in you until it's protective, comforting fire again. We all believe in you.
He’s just… lost all control.
He’s lost control of himself, lost control of his relationships, lost control of his magic. It’s so much easier to lash out than to admit just how… lost he is.
He doesn’t want to talk about it. He really doesn’t.
Stepping into the library, he settles in behind the front desk, accepts a re-shelving assignment from his boss, and gets to work. At least this is something he can do right - book here, book here, mark the date. But it’s so meaningless. He doesn’t know how Jackie gets satisfaction out of just pushing buttons and monitoring the audio.
This isn’t what he was meant to do.
He can sense it, the same way he can sense that this person - this person he’s acting like, this person he’s become - it isn’t who he’s meant to be either.
He doesn’t know how to get that person back.
Maybe he could try changing his jewelry or his shoes or his hair. But it’s so scary to think that maybe, even if he tries everything he possibly can…
The person in the mirror will still not be him.
He re-shelves C.S. Lewis and wipes quietly at his eyes behind the bookshelves.
Chase is chatting to someone on the other side of the library, and it takes Blue a minute to realize that JJ has brought Henrik from home. That’s right, they were going to hang out here today. At least they’re close. His little brothers. He has to keep an eye on them. He has to make sure they’re okay. Even if he only seems to be able to be a jerk around them.
The sound of their voices is the only solace he has. He takes a shuddering breath and gets back to work.
He doesn’t know if he can heal from this. But if it would help them… well, he’ll try.
Anonymous asked:
Blue are there any mirrors in the library? There could be a mirror portal somewhere within that you just don't know the password for?
“I’ve thought about that,” Blue agrees. “I think it’s likely, even. There’s mirrors in the bathrooms and one upstairs in the kids’ section. But I have no idea how to open them even if I knew which one it was. It’s just this feeling that something is here. I wish I knew. I almost feel like I - like I should know.”
But it’s just one more patch of fog in his blank brain. He scowls and tries to stop thinking about it. He wishes he had any past at all to ground himself in.
This is when he notices a head pop over the bookcase he’s shelving.
“Are we talking about magic?” asks JJ cheerily. “I’ll help you look.”
Blue sighs, a little endeared despite himself. “I guess. But how are we going to find the password even if we know the mirror?”
“C'mon, we could at least check things out.”
It feels as hopeless as everything else. Blue mumbles excuses, putting books into their places.
scunneredzombie asked:
You should go with Jamie, have a look around with someone else who has magic understanding! It might be helpful if you teamed up with someone else, Blue.
Blue glances up at JJ, who smiles back at him. Fuck’s sake, he’s a forgiving little man. Blue hopes that’s who he is and not just an abuse response.
“Okay, babe, fine. Lead the way.”
“To the bathroom!”
“What, how are we going to check both?”
“You work here. Just say you’re cleaning it.”
“I’m not a janitor.”
“But I bet you know where the ‘closed for cleaning’ signs are.”
Little shit. Blue rolls his eyes and grins frailly back at him, getting to his feet.
“Come on, then.”
Anonymous asked:
Do either of you know any old Irish sayings/idioms/song verses/poetry? You can use those to take guesses at the mirror password if you think it'd work!
“I’m sure Blue knows plenty of nerdy old poetry,” says JJ.
Blue flicks his ear. “Too much to know what would work. And I think it might be a little suspicious if I just stood around chanting poetry and Irish sayings in the bathroom.”
“It’s not any of these anyway,” says JJ, pushing out the door. “Or the one upstairs. No portals.”
“How do you know?”
“I could feel it if it were.”
“I can’t tell any difference between any of them,” says Blue, frowning.
“With all love, Blue, I’m a little more powerful. But you’re probably just not sensing anything because there’s nothing there to sense. I’m not even sure it’s in this building. Just… near.”
Blue crosses his arms over his chest, annoyed. “I can tell it’s here, alright? I know it is.”
“I’m not doubting you,” says JJ. “I agree there’s something close.”
“Well, it’s not like there’s mirrors just standing in the middle of the field where they have the farmer’s market. It’s just grass and that fountain out there.”
JJ shrugs, moving to the window of the library. There’s the field with the fountain pouring down a straight sheet of water, the bus stop, and beyond it, more buildings and streets. It’s a pretty little library in the center of town, old enough to have stood for years and years.
scunneredzombie asked:
Can mirror dimensions be made by using the reflections in water? If the fountain has water come down in straight sheets or has anything particularly glimmery, that might be a place to check!
There’s a pause between the two of them.
And then they’re pushing each other out of the way to race back out the door, darting out to the fountain in the field.
“It’s big enough to walk through.”
“You can see your reflection in it no problem.”
“It goes all day and all night and over the winter I bet the pool at the bottom freezes over and sits.”
They exchange looks. JJ picks up Blue’s hand and sticks it into the stream, his own fingers wrapped around his wrist.
And Blue still doesn’t sense the stronger magic here, and he does not magically remember a password, and he certainly does not pass through the stream to another world, and yet -
There is a faint memory right here.
And he knows he’s stood in this exact spot, and made his way through the water.
“Yeah,” he says quietly. “Yeah, I think this is the place.”
At the top of the fountain, carved in stone, a lapwing bird.
Anonymous asked:
Welcome home again, Magnificent, you've found them!
“Sort of,” says Blue. “If I could actually get through it.”
“We could wait for someone to show up, maybe?”
“I guess I can keep an eye out from the library or something.”
Anonymous asked:
It's a long shot, but maybe try the "I love you, farewell" password that was used on the portal to your house back before Anti? I think it was something like "Te amo, valete". Just a thought!
The recognition of it draws a sudden and brilliant smile to Blue’s mouth and laughter comes bubbling out him, awed.
“Holy shit… that was our password.”
He glances at JJ, who smiles at him.
“We… we hid a mirror in the city, I think, and we… yeah, we had a password, I told Jackie he had to say he loved me before I’d let him leave… it was just a joke, but we say it damn near often enough anyway now, don’t we…”
“I miss that place,” signs JJ softly.
Fuck, but Blue would like to find it again. A home… a real home, just for them.
“Ammo,” he says. “Vale.”
He touches the water, but nothing changes. He blows out a breath. “Well, at least we know ours.”
Anonymous asked:
Are there any Irish poems about birds or lapwings you could try? Or maybe poems or quotes from books, since you're so near the library?
“That’s another next step, maybe,” agrees JJ. “There could be clues in the library. We could go back inside and look, if you’re not, like, remembering anything.”
Blue stares up at the fountain, wishing it could all come back to him. Not just magic but… everything. Like it would fill up some missing piece inside him. Lapwings… he doesn’t know anything about them except that they have to do with the magicians, and that he must have been attached enough to have one inked onto him. He thinks he knows some bird poems, though?
“Hope is the thing with feathers,” he offers softly, but nothing happens. But Dickinson wasn’t Irish anyhow. Maybe he could find some Irish poems or sayings or songs about birds.
scunneredzombie asked:
Yes, I knew it! You guys found it, good job! Now to go about finding the password... Any other memories surfacing, Blue?
“Yeah, that would be convenient,” sighs Blue. “A good old flashback and then we can hop right over to Hogwarts.”
He touches the water again, sighing at the coolness. “A password, huh? Wait, we had a mirror dimension for the five of us. How did you get in and out?”
“You made it work for me,” answers JJ gently. “Doesn’t have to be spoken aloud.”
“What did we do instead? A sign?”
“Yeah, a sign.”
“So it could be any words or any hand motion or anything,” grumbles Blue.
“Or even images. I’ve heard it can be images.”
“Great. Narrows it down.”
“Might be easier to meet some magicians.”
“Well, they won’t show themselves, will they? I’ve been using magic to make roses for weeks now. They don’t seem to have even noticed.”
“You could do something really grand.”
“Yeah, and then they could come try and take us away like you said those British magicians did.” He pulls away from the water, dejected. “They could be just as bad as the British ones. And they told you the Irish magicians had stopped answering them anyway, right? That they’re probably gone? That’s probably it.”
It’s bitter and painful in his chest and he doesn’t even know why.
“The Irish magicians are gone. Even if we could get through, there would be nothing to find.”
“You don’t know that.”
He gives JJ a dark look, feeling himself sinking back down into the mud he’s been stuck in.
“What, you’re hopeful now? Not drowning in your own despair anymore? Guess once the moment of need is over you’re finally ready to poke your head out of your shell and try things for once.”
JJ’s face flashes with anger, and he lifts his hands to shoot back a reply, and then -
Something scared in his face.
He wraps his arms around himself, his eyebrows furrowing with confusion, his mouth going taut, slightly open, slightly unsure -
“Honey,” says Blue, suddenly unnerved.
JJ stares at the world around him, eyes huge, blinking at the sun and the grass.
“Outside,” he signs weakly. “Outside, I’m not - I’m not allowed, I’m supposed to be - ”
Blue grabs his shoulders, trying to steady him. “Dap, stay with me. Hey. You’re fine. I’m sorry, I just…”
“I’m in trouble.” His air is coming faster now, his eyes fixed dangerously on the sun. Blue grabs his chin to pull his gaze away before he blinds himself. “My room. Hurts me, throws me down the stairs. Brat.”
JJ grabs his throat, coughing and pulling at his neck like there’s something wrapped around it, shaking his head.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Blue swears rapidly at himself and wraps an arm firmly around JJ’s shoulders, pulling him hurriedly back towards the library. “I’m sorry, I’m here. I didn’t need to say that, I just… I didn’t need to say that. Come on, we’re okay.”
Anonymous asked:
Jameson, are you okay?? What triggered you, love? You're not a brat, and you're free now, free to leave the room whenever you want. Anti is dead. You're not a prisoner anymore.
“Yeah, you’re good, you’re good,” murmurs Blue, tugging him into the doors of the library and pulling him behind the desk, just grateful that his coworker is upstairs. For all that he gets after him, he knows exactly what JJ wants to do right now - squeeze into a tight space and hide. Which is exactly what he does, hunkering down beneath the computer desk and curling up like a hedgehog, panting.
“Blue? What’s going on?”
“Chase, he just - we went outside and I kind of said something that maybe - but I think it was mostly just being outside, you know, just the sun and everything, I just gave him a little sass for not helping with Anti and - he just - ”
Horrified, Chase races around the desk and falls to his knees beside his brother. “JJ. You’re okay! Fuck, Blue, you two were outside for ten minutes and this - ”
“It wasn’t my fault!”
“What did you say?”
“Just that he didn’t used to try and do stuff, you know, that he would just sit in his room all hopeless.”
“You’re unbelievable,” snaps Chase. He leans closer to wrap himself around JJ, hugging him close.
Blue rears back, pierced. What, Chase is mad? Chase is never mad. Defensive, sure, or scared, or tired, yes, but not mad. That isn’t something that happens.
“Amata, he has a million and one triggers. I was a little short with him, but he just has trouble being outside. You’re just going to pick him over - ”
“Just get out of here, Blue! JJ, can you talk to me? What was it, Jay, what was it? I swear, you and Jackie act like you’re the only ones who are big brothers sometimes! Well, I got people I’m supposed to protect too. And you’re being an ass.”
Blue stares at him, mouth open. Chase doesn’t talk to him like this.
“I’m taking him and Henrik away the second he’s calm,” says Chase, ignoring his gaze, his mouth set stubbornly even though his voice shakes and stammers more than usual, his eyes pricked with tears. “I love you so much but you just keep - you just keep - ugh! If you’re going to treat us this way then maybe you should just leave us alone!”
Blue can’t even answer.
He turns away, then turns back. Turns away, turns back.
“You guys were going to hang out here with me today,” he offers lamely.
Where he can hear them. Where he can watch over them.
“We’re going away,” repeats Chase quietly.
He closes his eyes and wraps himself tighter around Jameson, their heads pressed together.
Anonymous asked:
Blue I know you don't want any positive praise or encouragement thrown your way. Maybe you only know the reason but maybe you've just wrapped yourself in cynicism so tightly that you have to push everything out to an arms distance, so you either sit and stew in your own negative emotions, or when you do open up, all that bitterness seeps out and you've proven your cynicism right when things boil over. The world is screwed up, and it's hard to admit that you're screwed up too. It's even harder when you feel like you're asking the same screwed up world for help of all things, but your pride and your cynicism aren't the same thing. You need your pride restored, you need your cynical self dialed back. I hope therapy helps you. I hope the antidepressants don't cause you any grief. I hope YOU believe you can dare to hope again.
Our well-wishes may seem sappy and overly sentimental, but they come from a place of sincerity. The fact is, we don't know how else to help you. We're lost. You're lost. We're all getting redirected in circles but you're going to find a path for yourself. And we'll still be along with you the whole way through.
Blue sits down numbly in one of the big green reading chairs by the window upstairs.
He reads from the corner of his eyes, trying to ignore you, his tongue wetting his mouth. He pulls on his hair and hunches over himself, feeling sick to his stomach again. All the time. It’s his anxiety. Hurts his tummy.
Now he’s made Chase mad.
Chase - Chase wrapped around JJ - picking JJ - wrapped around JJ’s little finger just like Anti was - lying in bed and the two of them are looking at each other, helpless - he feels his arms wrap around JJ and he knows from the way he squirms that he does not like it, but all Anti does is laugh, and Blue can’t do anything about it, can’t make it stop -
He shudders. Cynicism. That’s what it is. He’s lost some ability he used to have. He doesn’t know how to get it back. All that’s left are scars.
A hand on his own pulls him back from his head again. Blue looks up quickly. Maybe Chase came to find him and apologize. To be his cozy little amata again.
But it’s not Chase.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” rasps Blue, swallowing as he tries to put his front of calm back up. “You okay?”
Henrik gazes at him, head tilting slightly. He reaches up and cups Blue’s face. Blue laughs weakly and reaches down to hold the back of his head in return, stroking his fingers through his hair.
“What, are you worried?”
Henrik blinks at him, fingers playing against Blue’s palm.
“Can I have a kiss, then, if you’re worried?” asks Blue boldly, pinching his ear.
Henrik’s mouth thins, his eyes soft.
And then he lifts up and gives Blue a kiss on the side of his temple, scratching his beard for a second. He gets up and turns, and before Blue can say anything, Chase is appearing on the top of the stairs, pale but calm again.
“We’re going to go now,” he says quietly. “JJ just blanked out for a second. He’s fine.”
Blue looks away, sulking. Whatever. Of course he’s fine. What a baby. And now Chase is all on his side. Right away even. Fine, whatever.
“Your shift’s done at six?”
“Yes,” he says shortly.
Chase nods, shifting on his feet, and reaches out for Henrik, who turns to go with him.
“Take the camera with you,” says Blue, pushing your camcorder towards him. “I don’t fucking need it.”
Chase stares at him for a second, mouth pursed. Then he takes the camcorder. He’s pretty sure Jackie hid an emergency GoPro in Blue’s book bag anyway, but it hardly matters.
“Bye,” he says. “Love you.”
Blue glares out the window, simmering. Chase sees leaves budding from inside his clutched fists.
Chase turns unhappily to walk away.
“Love you too,” you hear Blue whisper, and then he’s out of your sight and your hearing.
Stewing in his own negativity, closed off and alone.
Anonymous asked:
Blue, escaping the life with Anti was never going to be a clean ending. I wish you guys could have had a clean slate to build your new lives off of, or at least revert to how things were before, but the fact is, life's not like that. It doesn't matter that you don't want to hear that change takes time, or that you need professional help, or that you can't take care of your family while neglecting yourself: all those things are true.
You can either dig your heels into the ground and insist on drowning in your own self-hatred, or you can admit that you're scared, and accept some help to leave some of that behind you, even if it's just a little. You don't have to pretend to be Marvin, you don't have to continue as Blue. But you need to let go of some of the stubbornness of each identity to move on and become whoever you feel that you are or who you can be.
Whatever the case, we can't force your decision but at least THINK on what we're saying before blindly rejecting it. We care about you, even if you sometimes don't.
It was never going to be clean.
Chase cries in the pews of the Jewish building - he doesn’t know if it’s a synagogue or a temple or just a communal place - where he’s wanted to take Henrik for weeks now. He didn’t plan to be crying when he imagined it, of course. But it was never going to be clean.
It was always going to be Jackie’s screaming in the middle of the night and an ugly burn on Chase’s hand. It was always going to be JJ talking to a monster who is no longer there and a blank stare in Henrik’s face. It was always going to be Blue’s fury and a bottle of antidepressants.
“I wish he had taken Dok and run like he said he would,” he sobs into JJ’s shirt. “That first night he tried to run. In Norway. We were in Norway? I just remember him trying to take Dok and go. I wish he had escaped that night. Then the two of them would still be okay. Not like this. Not like this, this isn’t right, it’s not how it’s supposed to be. At least they could have gotten away. But he stayed for us, I remember, I remember that much. The beach… we were on the beach… I don’t know how long ago. Just not like this.”
He’s the only sound in the whole of the little building. It’s not the most impressive religious building Chase has ever seen. There’s an open area with some fold-up metal chairs and plastic tables and a rickety old piano, and then a partition before the area with the pews and the set-up in the front. The sign on the door says the building is open to visitors but warns that there are always cameras watching, and services are Saturday at six with a community dinner afterwards, thank you very much. It smells like styrofoam and Pinesol. JJ holds Chase in the pews, hugging him wearily. Henrik stands in the corner of the building, tracing his fingers over a glass box holding a huge scroll inside.
“Blue just needs some time,” offers JJ, trying to pull away enough to sign clearly, though Chase refuses to let him go. “Henrik too.”
“He’s so unhappy,” cries Chase. “I hate it, I hate this.”
It was never going to be clean. It was always going to be ugly as fuck and messy and miserable.
Fuck, even if they were still with Anti, things would be even worse.
“He was going to cut my voicebox out,” weeps Chase, stammering so hard he’s not sure JJ can understand him. “Didn’t he say that? He kept touching my throat. Said I didn’t need it cause we can all sign. I didn’t need to talk to anybody but you and him. We were going to be pets. He would have killed the others. It took me too long. It took me so long. If I had fought sooner, they wouldn’t be like this. Still messed up, yeah, but not this much. Not this bad. I should have fought for all of you sooner.”
He lets it come pouring out. The ugliness. If Blue won’t express it, he will.
It was never, never, never going to be anything other than this. Because “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is bullshit and all Anti did was hurt them. Now they have to come clawing their way back out of the traps he laid in their heads. Maybe they’ll be a little stronger, in some ways, but they’ll also be scarred up and vigilant. It’s traumatic in the same way grief is - it never really stops hurting. You just learn to deal with it better. Every day, if you can, you learn to deal with it better. But some days you just go falling back into the abyss, and you have to start climbing again.
He kisses JJ’s head fervently, one time, two times, again, because he needs to, because he loves him, because he’s sorry. JJ lets him. He smooths tears from his face and just holds him, for a long time.
Someone’s playing Clair de Lune in the other room. Chase covers his mouth, realizing he’s been too loud. Maybe they won’t judge. Not in a place like this.
Long, deep breaths. Long, deep gasps for air. He starts to calm down again. Jamie smells different than he used to. Different than Dapper, who usually smelled like chalk and old mattresses and copper. JJ smells like green apple detergent and coconut shampoo.
“Sorry,” mumbles Chase, realizing he’s gotten snot all over his new shirt, and JJ just shakes his head and presses their cheeks together, rubbing on him like a cat for a second.
“Do you think he’s thinking about it?” asks Chase, sniffling. “About whether he’s going to get some help or not? About if he’s going to be able to get past this?”
JJ nods. Chase nods back, headachey from his crying, and squeezes JJ’s ribs.
“Don’t know how to make it better,” he confesses weakly.
JJ draws away to sign, wiping more of his brother’s tears away as he goes. “It’s not your job to make it better,” he says. “If there’s anything you can do for him, he needs to let you know. But it’s not your job to keep anyone happy. Not anymore. Just you. Just work on making you happy.”
“But I want you all to be happy.”
Jameson grins and draws him back into a hug.
“Together. We’ll work on it together. It won’t be pretty… won’t be clean. But we keep working on it.”
Anonymous asked:
It's not your fault Chase. Don't put the weight of it all on your own shoulders, you'll tear yourself apart. You need to be focused on your own and Henrik's healing most of all right now. Blue is going through a lot, but it's completely reasonable to want to have space from him with how cruel and snappy he's being lately. It's not your job to fix everything. There are a lot of things for all of you to deal with individually, and you mustn't let one of you take on all the responsibility.
“You got too used to it,” signs JJ.
“To what?”
“Trying to make him happy.” JJ looks down at his hands. “Once he got sick of me. You would try to cheer him up or distract him so he wouldn’t come after the rest of us.”
“Did I?” He wipes at his face. “I don’t remember.”
“You were always trying to keep us all safe.” JJ leans against him, looking up at the ark. “We all tried to look out for each other when we could. But now… well, nobody’s being tortured, Chase. Nobody’s dying. We can prioritize ourselves instead of spending all our time worried about one of us being in literal imminent danger.”
“What if he is in danger?” asks Chase miserably. “With himself.”
“Then he needs to start expressing that so we can help,” JJ answers. “In the meantime, we have to look after ourselves, and if we get extra time or energy we’ll try to help each other. And all of us can help look after Henrik until he’s a little more… conscious.”
“He’s my responsibility,” protests Chase.
“We can all help, Chase. Even with him, you can take a break if you need one. We can all look after him. Which, uh, does beg the question… where did he go?”
Chase turns around. His brother is no longer standing by the Torah.
Anonymous asked:
Uh oh, Doktor on the run! Maybe he went to where the music was coming from?
Chase scrambles to his feet and hurries back to the community area of the building, almost tripping over his feet as he goes. Shit, then he’s probably encountered the person playing the piano, and they’ve probably tried to engage with him, and he’s probably just stared at them, and then they could be mean to him, or think he’s an intruder, or yell at him, or -
But there’s just one person in the room.
Chase stills in the doorway of the partition, staring.
Henrik plays Clair de Lune perfectly, relaxed on the stool of the piano, his fingers drifting easily across the keys.
Anonymous asked:
Woah, Henrik knows piano? Even after so long without playing he can do it perfectly, that's amazing.
“Yeah,” says Chase frailly. “He, uh. He’s a genius. Always was. Even Anti would say that. But I didn’t know he played. I guess I forgot.”
Soft laughter from the piano. Henrik’s laughter.
Chase is frozen, staring at him. Henrik glances back at him and Jameson. His mouth smiles. His eyes are clear.
“Come here,” he signs with a free hand, beckoning. “Come over here.”
Anonymous asked:
Wh- Is Henrik back??! ;0;
Chase steps up to him, letting his hand come down on his shoulder, grounding himself there at his brother’s back. Henrik plays with one hand and reaches up to pull him to sit beside him with the other. He takes Chase’s hands and positions them on the piano.
“Do you remember the scales we were working on?” he asks.
He says it like it’s so normal that it makes Chase jolt on the stool. His voice… his voice like nothing has changed.
“Dok,” he whispers.
“Show me, then, come,” says Henrik, tapping his fingers on top of Chase’s.
“No, I… I don’t remember. Did we used to play?”
“You do not practice while I am at work! You will never learn.”
He’s teasing him. He’s playful.
“Dok, look at me,” begs Chase, pulling his gaze.
And he does. He just - he does. He looks at him.
“What?” asks Henrik, and then, when Chase does not answer: “Something is the matter?”
“Dok, do you know what’s going on? Do you know where we are?”
“Yes?” Henrik’s staring at him like he’s the crazy one. “Yes, home, in the living room. Are you alright? You have not been drinking?”
The warm sun is coming through the window of their house - Henrik can feel it on his face. It’s fall and the leaves of the trees are orange in the forest outside. Queenie leaps up onto the back of the piano and mewls at him.
“Bad girl, get down,” he scolds. “Jamie, are you making coffee? Will you get me a cup?”
Jameson comes up behind him and gives him a hug around his shoulders. Unexpected, but he does not mind. He is new to their family but he already fits right in.
He’s safe and things are good. He breathes out a low, satisfied hum. All is well in the world.
Anonymous asked:
Oh, uh.... Chase, JJ, do you guys know whether you should go along with him or try to bring him to the present time? He seems alright at least
“This could be him waking up,” says Chase, reaching out to cup Henrik’s face. “Dok, Henrik, it’s me, it’s Trick. Chase. We’re in Ireland. We got away from Anti, we’re safe! You can come back to me.”
“Chase,” JJ interrupts. “He’s not in any distress. Why don’t we just take it easy and see if he’ll come back to himself gently? This means he feels safe. It’s a good first step.”
“I want to talk to him.” Chase squeezes Henrik’s hand, pulling him away from the piano. “Deutsch, it’s me. He’s gone.”
“What is happening?” asks Henrik, eyes darkening. “Why are you talking like this? What’s wrong?”
scunneredzombie asked:
Chase, remember after his shutdowns sometimes Henrik would think he was existing back before Anti or he would forget where he was/who he was? This might be a more extreme version of that. Let him come around slowly.
Chase glances at the camera, his mouth tightening, but he gives a small nod, blinking. He looks back at Henrik and Henrik stares at him, obviously confused. Henrik glances around the room, seeming to take in the brick walls and the camera in Chase’s bag for the first time, and Chase sees his eyes start to glaze -
“Schneep,” he says quickly, taking his hand. “Show me how to do the scales again. I’m paying attention now.”
Henrik looks at the piano and settles down again, shooting Chase a look. “You never learn,” he teases. “Okay, set your fingers here…”
Chase lets his brother arrange his fingers. He wishes Henrik were all the way here, yes. But he thinks you’re probably right, and he just needs to be patient, and be glad to have this part of him.
Talking! He’s talking! His heart lifts and he smiles as Henrik starts showing him how to play the scale, chattering at him while Jameson stands beside them, watching along.
“How often do you play, Henrik?”
“You know I’m out here often,” he murmurs back, his free hand beginning a melody on the right side of the piano. “Even at night, after a long shift. But I try to be quiet then. Of course sometimes my more nocturnal brothers join me.”
He clucks JJ’s chin, pinching his beard.
“Are you happy?” asks Chase wistfully.
Henrik grins at him oddly. “What’s gotten into you? Things are good, my friend. What is happiness if not peace and a place in the world where you are loved.”
Beethoven down the keys of the piano, easy and affectionate.
Anonymous asked:
Henrik, how often do you play? Do you know Hava Nagila??
“Oh, boy, how Jewish am I?” snickers Henrik. “Hava Nagila, hava…”
He plays the first few lines and breaks down laughing, shaking his head. “What, I’m Jewish so I know Hava Nagila? Okay, yes, fine, I do. But I know everything. Because I’m smarter than everyone. Checkmate.”
Anonymous asked:
Hava Nagila is just my favourtie old tune haha! Of course you knew it though, no one is smarter then Henrik von Schneeplestein
“Yes, that’s true. You are not only correct but you also have good taste in music.”
Anonymous asked:
Is Henrik... back? Has he woken up? It seems at least part of him has!
Watching Henrik switch through a variety of songs - mostly at JJ’s request, Chase feels a little bit better. Here’s a part of him. Here’s… him, just a little lost. And aren’t they all?
Chase has been thinking more about Dok than Henrik for a long time now. But Henrik isn’t so different than his Dok that it makes any difference, it seems. Henrik is just a more egotistical, less scared, happier Dok. Chase snickers as Henrik melds two songs together within five seconds of JJ’s request and then congratulates his own intelligence. Isn’t this what he’s supposed to be like? Isn’t this what safety looks like on him?
He doesn’t mind. If Henrik is a little confused, he doesn’t mind.
It’s still him.
Anonymous asked:
Anti always said that you were just a more anxious Chase and he was just a quieter Henrik... Maybe you guys didn't change so much after all, hm.
Chase tentatively plays along as Henrik shows him Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. “Maybe we didn’t. Are we good friends, Henrik?”
“Course we are. Who else help you look after the children and pick you up from the party when you are dumb enough to go somewhere there is probably beer? And then you must cook me cheesecake as payment, is only fair.”
“Ah, is that what you like?”
“It’s what I demand.”
Chase laughs. He wonders how Blue and Red and Dapper can seem so different to who they used to be while Henrik doesn’t feel so different from Dok at all. Maybe they just… had each other to hold onto for longer. Someone who always knew that secret name - that secret person they used to be. They never had to be alone.
Chase and Henrik play a timid lullaby, laughing over the keys of the piano.
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any memories of where you are, Schneep..? Would you still feel okay if we told you you're not at home?
“Of where I am?”
Queenie meows at him from the couch. He glances over, but she isn’t there. The house is cool for a moment, and then growing warmer.
Henrik blinks. Looks around.
Something not quite right.
A smell of smoke in the air.
Where’s your hero now? Where’s Jack to save you and your little time traveler now? I’ll burn everything you love to the fucking ground. Just try to run, I’ll find you anywhere. I’ll stalk you til you collapse at my feet.
Henrik stares. A fire has caught along the edges of the door of their home. Outside, the trees are burning.
Chase grabs his shoulders, speaking to him, though Henrik cannot make out the words. He lays his head down on Chase’s shoulder almost on instinct, staring as everything around him begins to change. He hears the cat scream. His head hurts.
“Oh,” he murmurs, as Chase’s hand rises to touch his cheek. “Oh, who did this to you? Why did you not call me?”
He examines Chase’s hand. There is a marred, puckered section of skin, burned badly, maybe down to the bone. Henrik feels sorrow and then fear. He can hear Chase crying. He closes his eyes. He needs to hide. He needs to - needs to go away, needs to - survive this somehow, survive this somehow…
“Oh, I am going to have so much fun with you,” a dark voice growls. “We’re done. You’re useless to me. And that means I’m finally going to slaughter one of you little fucking bastards like I should have done a long time ago.”
“Anti - Anti, n-no more, no more… I want my brothers, I want…”
“No cameras, Dok, no siblings, and no more fucking pretending. I’ll show you just how much of a monster I really am. Just you, me, and a length of barbed wire. I’ve heard that Jews believe you die twice - once when your body gives out and one when everyone forgets you. I’ll be the one who kills you both times, Henrik.”
A line of wire clatters across the floor.
“That’s a promise.”
scunneredzombie asked:
Henrik, stay calm. Anti is dead. Anti is dead and you're free. You have a home with all of your brothers again, an apartment where you all live safely. You have Noodle and Chase and all your siblings who love you and regret not being there to protect you. You are safe and loved still, even if you aren't in the mirror portal you remember.
Henrik doesn’t shake or cry out as his memories swallow him up.
“Dok,” calls Chase, holding his shoulders tight. “Look at me, stay with me. You’re okay. I promise. We been looking after you. It’s okay now. It’s okay.”
His head just sinks down until his chin hits his chest, his eyes sliding shut and his posture curling, like he can hide himself from everything in the world. Chase tries to be gentle with him, tries to ground him at the same time. Soft hands on him. Murmuring to him. Trying not to let him know he’s scared.
After a while, Henrik’s breathing steadies out again. Chase soothes his finger across his chin, trying to draw his gaze, and Schneep looks up at him with big, sorrowful eyes.
Chase sighs and lays his head down on his twin’s shoulder. JJ pecks at the keys of the piano, and after another minute, Henrik takes an interest. He puts a hand out and plays a shy scale, sniffling a little and sitting up, calm again, but silent.
Anonymous asked:
"And just as there is wonder in / every new life created / there is sadness and regret / for the unsaid and unfeted / Just listen for the music / that your ears cannot hear / just strain yourself for the melody / that's so far and yet so near"
Henrik goes back to Clair de Lune, slower now, sweeter.
JJ and Chase sit in silence beside him. When he’s finished, Chase rubs his back until he glances over at him.
“That’s okay, man,” says Chase quietly. “You can just hide a while longer if you need to.”
Henrik gazes at him.
“Ready to go?” Chase asks his brothers, trying not to be sad.
JJ nods. “Maybe if he wakes up in the apartment, he’ll feel safer there. With the cat and your bed and everything.”
“And I can bring him back for services sometime.”
“It’ll be okay?”
“Yeah. It’ll all be okay.”
“Okay. Come on.”
immabethehero asked:
You did it! You’re out the woods, I’m so proud of you guys! You deserve to relax and enjoy your peaceful lives.
JJ laughs quietly, watching Chase talk to Henrik quietly on the bus, the pair of them pressed close together.
“Out of the woods… well, the trees get thinner every day, at least. Yes. Let’s go home and relax a little.”
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integraluniversity · 19 days
Which college is best for BBA placement in Lucknow?
When it comes to choosing the best college for BBA placements in Lucknow, several institutions stand out due to their strong placement records, industry connections, and comprehensive academic programs. Here are some of the top colleges in Lucknow renowned for their BBA placements:
1. Institute of Management Research and Technology (IMRT)
Because of its strong industry ties and robust placement cell, IMRT is highly regarded. In addition to pre-placement training, internship opportunities, and campus recruitment drives, the institute provides excellent placement support. Through its many partnerships, IMRT makes sure that students have access to a variety of employment options.
2. Amity University, Lucknow
Amity University is known for its world-class infrastructure, experienced faculty, and a strong focus on placements. The university has a dedicated Corporate Resource Center that facilitates placements by organizing regular interaction with industry leaders, internships, and career counseling sessions. Many reputed companies visit Amity University for campus placements, offering attractive job roles to BBA graduates.
3. Jaipuria Institute of Management
While primarily known for its MBA program, the Jaipuria Institute of Management also excels in its undergraduate offerings, including BBA. The placement cell of the institute engages with the corporate world proactively, offering students ample opportunities for internships and final placements. Jaipuria’s strong alumni network also plays a significant role in enhancing placement prospects.
4. Integral University
Integral University offers a comprehensive BBA program with a strong focus on employability. The university’s placement cell works diligently to connect students with potential employers through job fairs, campus recruitment drives, and industry interaction sessions. The university's reputation and industry linkages help in securing good placement opportunities for its graduates.
5. Babu Banarasi Das University (BBDU)
BBDU is another prominent institution in Lucknow known for its BBA program. The university’s dedicated placement cell provides students with training in soft skills, resume writing, and interview techniques. BBDU has a strong placement record, with students being recruited by top companies across various sectors.
Top BBA Colleges in Lucknow: Placement Wise
As the capital of Uttar Pradesh and a significant center for education, Lucknow draws a large number of multinational corporations and prestigious businesses to its college placement drives in order to fill positions. Check out the highest and average placement packages of some of the best BBA colleges in Lucknow in the table below.
College Name
Average CTC Package
Highest CTC Package
Top Recruiters
SRMS IBS Lucknow
INR 5.50 LPA
ICICI Bank, Wipro, Byju's, Decathlon, Make My Trip, Paisa Bazaar, HDFC
AIMT Lucknow
INR 5.50 LPA
INR 1.20 CPA
JBM, KPL, Bajaj, HCL, TCS, ICICI Bank, Wipro, Exide Batteries
SRMU Lucknow
TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, Accenture, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Zomato
National Post Graduate College
INR 2.50 LPA
Bajaj finserv, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, Reliance
Sri Sharda Group of Institutions - [SSGI], Lucknow
AXIS bank, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HDFC, Vodafone
Lucknow University
ICICI, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HDFC, Cognizant
Integral University
INR 3.31 LPA
INR 13.35 LPA
Genpact, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, EY, Infosys, Capgemini, JIO
GITM Lucknow
INR 3.50 LPA
INR 10.0 LPA
Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, KPMG, Reliance Insurance, HDFC
TIMS Lucknow
AXIS Bank, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HDFC, Bajaj Finserv, and Reliance JIO
SOM Lucknow
INR 3.20 LPA
Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HDFC, Bajaj Finserv Airtel, JIO
Among these institutions, Amity University, Lucknow, and Jaipuria Institute of Management are often considered the best for BBA placements due to their extensive industry connections, strong placement cells, and consistent placement records. However, the choice ultimately depends on individual preferences regarding faculty, campus facilities, and specific career goals.
Read More:
MBA College in Lucknow
btech in artificial intelligence colleges
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moremedtech · 2 years
BEES-HAUS Cell Therapy Approach to Solve Urethral stricture
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BEES-HAUS Cell Therapy Approach to Solve Urethral stricture. Urethral Stricture: BEES-HAUS Cell Therapy Approach Proven with Cell Engraftment by Urologists of Edogawa Hospital, Japan, Holds Potential to Prevent Recurrence. Edogawa Hospital plans urethral reconstruction center, setting up Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for Cancer treatment. TOKYO, October 24, 2022 - Urethral stricture, blocking the passage of urine from the bladder in men, could be solved by BEES-HAUS cell therapy, a novel autologous buccal mucosal cell-based approach as reported by Dr. Akio Horiguchi an eminent urologist. He has confirmed it for easy reproducibility in Japan, and cell engraftment at the site of urethral damage and scarring, the vital step to prevent stricture recurrence. Dr. Dmitriy Nikolavsky (Upstate University Hospital, New York), researching on urethral stricture lauded this feat. Dr. Suryaprakash Vaddi, who reported successful clinical outcome of BEES-HAUS in six patients, moderated their presentation in the XVII NCRM NICHE 2022, international regenerative medicine meet, co-sponsored by Edogawa Hospital.
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BEES-HAUS autologous buccal mucosal cell therapy to manage male urethral stricture, has been confirmed for cell engraftment, holding potentials to prevent stricture recurrence. Steps underway for a larger study in Japan in Edogawa Hospital, Tokyo, Japan Incidence of male urethral stricture that increases after 55, despite various treatment approaches such as minimally invasive endoscopic urethrotomy or dilatation and invasive surgical urethroplasty with buccal mucosal patch, is reported with recurrences. A novel polymer scaffold developed by Japanese scientists helped successful relief of urethral stricture through cell engraftment by BEES-HAUS cell therapy. With reconfirmation of cell engraftment both morphologically and immunohistochemically, Edogawa hospital is preparing for a larger study and their data presented in AUA 2022 has now been accepted for publication in Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. JBM Inc., the collaborators who were granted a patent in Japan for BEES-HAUS, have developed an efficient buccal tissue preservation solution, (OPTRACT Method), for transporting cells between the lab and hospital, to support the cell therapy procedure. The Fujio Cup Quiz of NCRM NICHE 2022 was won by Hasna Firdaus Aryantha & Natasya Emmanuela, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia; Vijaya Harini and Yoghalakshmi Nagarajan of Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, India emerged runners. Featured Image: Dr. Shojiro Katoh, President, Edogawa Hospital & Jinseisha-Social welfare trust, and Dr. Akio Horiguchi with “Nyodokyosakusho” a book by Dr. Horiguchi, in the new annex with a high-tech biomaterial lab, cell culture and tissue engineering R&D facility. They both share their commitment to make Edogawa Hospital not only an institute for advanced treatment to patients with urethral stricture but also a medical research, technology and clinical skills propagation center. To the existing three tomotherapy units & MRIdian, adding of BNCT system, an accelerator-based neutron production unit with lithium as target, will make the hospital, a global hub of advanced care in oncology domain. Clinical trials for Breast cancer with BNCT are to start in the near future. With convenient access to both Narita and Haneda International airports, Edogawa hospital is preferred by foreign patients and further strengthening of support systems to cater to inbound medical tourism is underway says Dr. Katoh. (Photo: Business Wire) Read the full article
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ansh5042 · 2 years
Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology is an engineering college established in 2009 by Vidya Vihar educational trust at Purnea, Bihar. It is affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna and has approval of AICTE, New Delhi......#VVIT #PROMO #video dya Vihar Institute of Technology, Purnea is a Degree Level Engineering College located at Purnea, Bihar approved by various organizations viz. i) All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, ii) State Investment Promotion Board, Government of Bihar, iii) Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bihar, and iv) Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of Bihar VVIT offers B. Tech. Program in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mechanical engineering and Computer Science & Engineering. OUTSTANDING RESULT Many of our students have topped the Aryabhatta Knowledge University across years, sessions and branches, most notable among them being the Double Gold Medalists at Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna - Nidhi Kumari of 2011-15 Batch and Anish Fatima of 2014-18 Batch. We have illustrious list of University toppers as our students and alumni EXCELLENT PLACEMENT Students have been placed from 1st batch onwards in top companies like Tech Mahindra, Micromax, JBM Ogihara, Tata Motors, Centum Learning, Global Logic etc. on the basis of their grand university result and meticulous grooming. Many students have also qualified for GATE exam in these years and joined reputed higher education institutes. Some students have also successfully been selected for Government Jobs. DYNAMIC FACULTY The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced with 80% of them having Doctorate Degree and Master of Engineering/Technology Degree. They take personal care in growth of each and every student on the campus. We are empanelled as a recruiter at ISM (IIT), Dhanbad IMPRESSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE The Infrastructure is best in the state and vicinity in terms of buildings, equipments and furnishing. 17 Acres of Expanse has more than 2 lakh square feet of constructed area. There are 500 Computer systems for use of students. State of the Art Equipments make learning fun, easy and interesting. VIBRANT CAMPUS The Annual Techno-Cultural Fest OORJA is celebrated in the last week of January with enthusiastic participation of all. We have been venue of state level events like Genpact Pool Placement, BAPICON, BASICON, LCIF 322E Convention, NCSC etc. We have successfully held all India conferences like NCIST. We have hosted live concerts by likes of Amit Sana, Sourabhee Debbarman, Roshni Saha, Mishra Bandhu etc. LOCATION The VVIT is located at Industrial growth centre, Maranga, Purnea, Bihar which is about 4 km south of Purnea bus stand on the NH-31. Purnea is also station on broad-gauge line of railway. other important stations are Katihar & Kishanganj from where Purnea can be reached in 45 minutes and 1.5hrs respectively by road. Bagdogra, Near Silliguri, is the nearest airport from where Purnea can be reached in 3 hours by road. 🆁 🅼 🅻 🅰   🆁🅾🆈🅰🅻   🅼🅸🅽🅳   🅻🅸🅺🅴🅳   🅰🅽🆂🅷 👉👉Follow us on Social Media 📢 LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tokapps-a... 📱 Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/attitudeboyanshroy/ . ➡️  Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANSHRAJ92478706 📢Follow on tumblr(Blog); https://royalmindansh.tumblr.com/ 👉 Contact us 🤑🤑 ➡️ Connect with us : [email protected] ➡️ Website : https://royalmind.business.site/ ➡️Blog : https://royalmindansh.tumblr.com/ ➡️ Subscribe to us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHdQ... ➡️ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/royalmind.l... . For business Inquires: ✉️: [email protected] For Business email enquiries: [email protected] For Business website : https://royalmind.business.site/ IGNORE e-mails sent to you from any other e-mail addresses. I do not provide tech support over e-mail. 🆁 🅼 🅻 🅰   🆁🅾🆈🅰🅻   🅼🅸🅽🅳   🅻🅸🅺🅴🅳   🅰🅽🆂🅷 🅷🆃🆃🅿🆂://🆁🅾🆈🅰🅻🅼🅸🅽🅳.🅱🆄🆂🅸🅽🅴🆂🆂.🆂🅸🆃🅴/ 🆆🅴🅻🅲🅾🅼🅴  🆈🅾🆄  🅸🅽  🆃🅷🅸🆂  🅲🅷🅰🅽🅽🅴🅻 (🆁.🅼.🅻.🅰) 𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓲𝓷 𝓞𝓷𝓮 1⃣ 👉👉𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖚𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝕾𝖔𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕸𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖆 📢 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖊𝖉𝕴𝖓 𝕻𝖆𝖌𝖊:  𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘://𝖜𝖜𝖜.𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒/𝖎𝖓/𝖙𝖔𝖐𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖘-𝖆... . 📱 𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖚𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝕴𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖒:𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘://𝖜𝖜𝖜.𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖒.𝖈𝖔𝖒/𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖊𝖇𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖞/. ➡️  𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖚𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗:𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘://𝖙𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗.𝖈𝖔𝖒/𝕬𝕹𝕾𝕳𝕽𝕬𝕵92478706 📢𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖗(𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖌);𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘://𝖗𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖍.𝖙𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖗.𝖈𝖔𝖒/ 👉 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖈𝖙 𝖚𝖘 🤑🤑 ➡️ 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖚𝖘 : 𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖗𝖆𝖏5042@𝖌𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖑.𝖈𝖔𝖒 ➡️ 𝖂𝖊𝖇𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖊 : 𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘://𝖗𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉.𝖇𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘.𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖊/ ➡️𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖌 : 𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘://𝖗𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖍.𝖙𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖗.𝖈𝖔𝖒/ ➡️ 𝕾𝖚𝖇𝖘𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖚𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝕿𝖚𝖇𝖊:  𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘://𝖜𝖜𝖜.𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖇𝖊.𝖈𝖔𝖒/𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖑/𝖀𝕮𝕳𝖉𝕼... ➡️ 𝕴𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖒 : 𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘://𝖜𝖜𝖜.𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖒.𝖈𝖔𝖒/𝖗𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉.𝖑... .Fₒᵣ Bᵤₛᵢₙₑₛₛ ₑₘₐᵢₗ ₑₙqᵤᵢᵣᵢₑₛ:ₐₙₛₕᵣₐⱼ₅₀₄₂@gₘₐᵢₗ.cₒₘ Fₒᵣ Bᵤₛᵢₙₑₛₛ wₑbₛᵢₜₑ:ₕₜₜₚₛ://ᵣₒyₐₗₘᵢₙd.bᵤₛᵢₙₑₛₛ.ₛᵢₜₑ/ ᵢGₙₒᵣₑ ₑ₋ₘₐᵢₗₛ ₛₑₙₜ ₜₒ yₒᵤ fᵣₒₘ ₐₙy ₒₜₕₑᵣ ₑ₋ₘₐᵢₗ ₐddᵣₑₛₛₑₛ. ᵢ dₒ ₙₒₜ ₚᵣₒᵥᵢdₑ ₜₑcₕ ₛᵤₚₚₒᵣₜ ₒᵥₑᵣ ₑ₋ₘₐᵢₗ.
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a-2-z-news · 2 years
माइकल डेल की ट्विटर पोस्ट पर अंतिम प्रतिक्रिया सीईओ से नाम बदलने के लिए कह रही है
माइकल डेल की ट्विटर पोस्ट पर अंतिम प्रतिक्रिया सीईओ से नाम बदलने के लिए कह रही है
दुनिया के तीसरे सबसे बड़े पीसी निर्माता की स्थापना करने वाले माइकल डेल मंगलवार को ट्विटर यूजर्स का मनोरंजन करने के मूड में थे। एक पोस्ट पर प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त करते हुए, जिसमें सुझाव दिया गया था कि प्रत्येक अरबपति सीईओ को अपनी कंपनी के नाम को समायोजित करने के लिए अपना उपनाम बदलना होगा, उन्होंने एक अजीब जीआईएफ साझा किया, जिसका अर्थ है कि वह पहले ही ऐसा कर चुके हैं। एक ट्विटर उपयोगकर्ता चाहता था कि…
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lazleylazarus · 4 years
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also monsuno kids, i used to be a big fan of this show when i was younger (end of june - beginning of july)
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kevdaceo · 4 years
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hydralisk98 · 2 years
Ideas for Servitor
Regular recap of first priorities:
Channel Trailer (Brand name= hydralisk98, Icon/Illustration/Description/Mascot, Who What Why How)
Draw my Life (Recurring theme = Curiosity)
Future Channel Plans (Subliminals, Vlogs, Research Vids)
Overcoming a Personal Struggle (Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, Procrastination)
Why am I making videos on YouTube (Connect with others, improve production skills, generate and spread gratitude)
Complete tutorial to make videos like me, the entire process (design, script, audio, visuals, video editing, publishing, feedback)
Who What Why How (Channel trailer)
Draw your life (YMCA, JBM, Maisonneuve, Spirituality, Work, Social Welfare, Pandemic, DesRiverains, Internship...)
Future plans (?)
Overcoming struggles (psychic autistic transfem)
Why go online?
Discuss older videos from 2014-~
Channel trailer
Esoteric media production
Graphically designing Klara Ker
Vast personal vision niche meme boards
Collage spree
Affirmation cards
Tarot spreads
Zettelkasten system
SGML + XML/XSL tutorial
HTML5/CSS3 only website challenge
Practicing C programming
Contribute to FLOSS projects on GitHub
Try Landchad.net
Customizing OpenBox into a full theme pack
Common Lisp
Fish, Zsh and Bash
Midi music compositions
Customizing DCPU-16 & peripherals specs for vintage electronics design
Apocalypse+Wolfenstein Civ 5 CE Meme longplay
Dice making
N64 asset pack design
Making utilities and software toys for PDP-8/E with SimH
Analog video rental store
Make your very own BASIC dialect
Make your very own C dialect
Make your very own Lisp dialect
Reverse-engineering back old standards, hardware and software for production of fair FLOSS alternatives
Fully fair FLOSS full-stack server challenge
Retro computing museum ideas
Animation meme
Neue Geo Syndicalism and how to combat Wilsonism & Nazism timelessly
Helluva Boss
Ion Fury
Making customized keypads
Learning mainstream languages (German, Spanish, Russian...)
Learning sidestream languages (Hungarian, Galatian and Chaldean)
World design workflows using randomizers, roll tables and automaton
Playing Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, Dwarf Fortress and NetHack
FreeCiv several AI-only timelapses (~1440 turns each)
Optimization maniac
Catalog making
Paper calendars and time trackers
QGIS modelling
Opinions of using niche open source social media and tools vs proprietary ones
Conlang making
WW1 ramblings about Russia (Choosing between radical red and nationalists is hard)
Ken Silverman's Build2
Plan9/ & Uxn
Dis virtual machine shenanigans
Making a few Panini / Turing / Lambda -complete toys
360 degrees rollercoaster
Quake 1 played with comrades
Curations of the month as media compilations
Deep dive into CTSS and ITS
Portrait paper models
Journals of my mindflows
Live-streamed explorations of techs
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dannypuro · 4 years
So I just binged Something Telling and it’s just, so amazing? Like, your characterization is so on point and I just have nothing but nice things to say about it. Can I make a list? I’m gonna make one cause I have Emotions™️ about every one of these dweebs.
1. Grantaire is just, so nice and kind and smart, and not an alcoholic! Like, I love the fics where he deals with that, but it’s nice to see him being a semi-functional adult person. (Was he an alcoholic in this universe at one point?) Plus, he’s still enough of an emotional disaster otherwise. Love him ❤️
2. ENJ VS TECHNOLOGY. I could read about that forever. Swearing in an elevator? Iconic. Never using the space bar? Perfect. Also now I refer to movies as “movings” in my head so there’s that.
3. Combeferre is the sane man of this family and I love it so much. Also I never thought of vaccines for time travel AUs and I genuinely cackled when Ferre brought it up. Like, yeah, that’s a good point.
4. Jehan is always chaotic and I love them for it. Also, I know R doesn’t want to hear about it, but I absolutely want to know what their sex talk consisted of. I’m curious.
5. Baz and Feuilly. Yes. Good. Lovely boys. So glad they got their shit together.
6. “I am wanted by the government for high treason.” Honestly Enj has so many golden moments/lines. He is trying his best and I love him.
7. The PTSD our boy has and how he’ll have to work through it, but he has Friends and Boyfriend to help. (Side note: I live in the US, so I don’t know how much of a thing it might be in Paris, but do they set off a lot of fireworks on New Years? Cause I feel like that would be a thing that Enj would have to deal with, especially if no one tells him about it beforehand)
8. The research you would have had to do for this is just, incredible. And I think you captured how someone would really be if they just got yeeted into the future with no tech experience whatsoever. Like, I’ve been living here since 1994 and I’m overwhelmed by stuff sometimes.
9. Slightly unrelated but I also saw that you did the AU where Grantaire is a baker and Enj is totally not in the mafia (the name escapes me) and I also love that fic.
Hopefully that was somewhat coherent! Seriously though your work is great and I can’t wait for more!
(Also, if you want and it’s not a plot point of the next one, what is Enjolras’s reaction to musicals? I know the boy loves his opera, but someone had to have shown him something on YouTube and I just crave knowledge about this universe) Thanks! 🥰
GUH thank you!!!!!!! thank you thank you!!! and thank you for taking the time to make a list because i thrive off of validation alone and it made my day 🥺. SO.
grantaire is a total sweetheart. like, genuinely a nice person who is trying his best despite the fact that he has a hard time. baby. of course, the funniest part about him is the fact that he has NO idea that he’s actually just like... nice. he’s like... oh man it sure sucks that i’m the worst person possible to help someone in need... sucks that i’m the only one here... sorry dude i’m sorry i’m not combeferre... and then he proceeds to just like. make beef stew and be so careful and kind and thoughtful and try his very best and let enjolras go to sleep on his shoulder during a moving. like... sir. ok. also, yes, i tend to write him a little more... with his shit together, especially in this fic. you mentioned that you read And If I See You In The Daylight (the bakery fic)--i kind of wrote this assuming a similar character arc (minus the bakery, of course. like, grantaire used to be much, much more of a mess in a lot of ways, and drinking too much was a part of that, and he’s slowly been working on it. and now he’s 29, and he’s doing his best, and his friends love him. he’s doing a little better in this fic than in the bakery fic--maybe he’s a little older? maybe because combeferre is a little harsher than jbm and gets on his case when he starts to slip back into old habits? yeah.
ENJ VS TECHNOLOGY. sweetie. baby. the first time combeferre vacuums his apartment when enj is around he’s like “hey man, do you mind if i do the vacuuming?” and enj (has NO idea what that word is, is falling asleep while reading on the couch in the sun) is like “do what you will” and then ferre turns the vacuum on and enjy does that thing when a cat is startled and it jumps like three feet up in the air and puffs up like a squirrel. he’s awake now.
combeferre. baby. he’s genuinely, genuinely trying his best, but it’s fucking hard when you’re tired and overworked and also none of your friends use their brains more than 30% of the time and also your new best friend is a spiky little revolutionary from EIGHTEEN THIRTY TWO. so. um. he’s a little stressed. but he loves enjy so much and doesn’t even mind when he’s dramatic and annoying because he’s such a sweet dude and they’re FRIENDS. sometimes he comes home from a long day of work and enj has come over and washed all of his dishes and brought over takeout but also rearranged all of his books and also eaten like three mangoes. listen. friendship is about gently tormenting your BFF because you are COMFORTABLE AROUND EACH OTHER.
jehan. baby. instagram influencer supreme. i’ve gotten like a bazillion asks about their sex talk--i SWEAR i will write it eventually because the concept of it just cracks me up. jehan is like. “ok. enjy. tell me what you know about sex” and enj is like... “i understand that..... it occurs?” and jehan is like :^/ and enj is like “one must be careful not to contract syphilis from unseemly sources?” and jehan is like “TIme For A Conversation Before Grantaire Messes This Up”
baz and feuilly. babies. they’re just such a sweet, casual couple and they  like each other so much. also, first date 3 am kebabs? after they FINALLY communicated? and then baz gets railed like he deserves? they deserve it.
enj has a secret little sense of humor and it’s just a little hidden by the fact that he is 1) repressed 2) awkward. but it’s there! he’s just so smart and secretly funny and grantaire thinks he’s fucking hilarious. except when he jokes about the fact that he’s technically dead. it makes grantaire sad. he’s like YOU’RE NOT DEAD THOUGH BABE YOU’RE EATING JAPCHAE RIGHT NOW and enj is like. “i believe that if you observe my wicky encyclopaedia you shall learn otherwise 🤷” and grantaire is like 😰BABE
yeah. yeah. listen. he’s got a lot of shit to deal with. it’s gonna take a while. like... that is some SERIOUS trauma, and he didn’t even have any time in his own century to process it. he went straight from a very violent event--LITERALLY about to be executed 😰--to being zapped to a time where he recognizes NOTHING. that... didn’t help. and he can’t really go to a therapist (which causes combeferre no shortage of distress) since like... he wouldn’t be able to explain anything about the barricades or the source of his trauma to begin with. so... yeah. but yes! he has friends and a boyfriend who love and support him so much! and it’s the framework he needs to begin to work through stuff at his own pace 🥺 (also, yes, fireworks are a big thing. they’re also big for the 14 juillet, which i... kind of forgot to address. i might go back and write a scene somewhere around ch. 5 for it and post it on here. we’ll see.)
i’m so glad you appreciated the research! 🥺🥺🥺 legit i... kind of spent a stupid amount of time on it. i really tried to make it as realistic as possible (barring, like, the whole time-zap thing, and also the whole “characters from les mis” thing) since the whole POINT is the differences between their two times, so... i’m glad it paid off. it means a lot to hear that u vibed with it.
thank you thank you! again-- And If I See You In The Daylight is the name of the bakery fic, and i also love it 🥺🥺🥺 . to everyone else... READ IT!
enjolras does not like musicals. like... yes, there was a natural progression from 20th century opera to early musicals, but enjolras missed all of that. and 21st century musicals are pretty fucking different from 1820s/30s opera. he can’t quite understand the music. the plotlines don’t make sense. the plots aren’t stupid enough for his taste. they take themselves too seriously. not enough miscommunication. orchestral parts not nice enough. cosette tries to show him a musical on youtube and enjy is like. who is that. why are they all dressed the same. what is going on. why do they not use their Pocket Fones? why does it sound like this. hellp. (she gives up and shows him a Puccini opera instead.)
anyways. THANK YOU! and to everyone else--send me asks! send me prompts! send me questions! i WILL respond to them and i treasure them all i just tend to be kind of slow! but i love to receive them! thank you!!!
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My hot take on the JSE egos as uncles:
Can you spell the fun uncle? Many, many, many tales of his heoric adventures will be told to the eager listeners. Also he's super protective? Because he knows the bad things of the world and how they can affect kids. Also he MAY have designed each child their own super hero costumes. Is it Halloween yet? Because those costumes are 100% going out to promote safe trick or treating!
The uncle who will provide 100% of entertainment for children. Magic tricks? Sure, but I'm talking this fool will act out an improvised one man show with a whole mother loving plot if it entertains tiny humans. This includes, but is not limited to, throwing himself down a flight of stairs if it'll entertain them, using actual magic even though he's not supposed to to make himself literally disappear, and of course, teaching kids magic tricks. Then tellling them a good magician never reveals his or her secrets.
Killer bedtime story uncle. "Uncle JJ, can you tell us about the Titanic again?" Shut up, I hc that Jameson was on the Titanic. Obviously, he can't talk, but he has one of those text to speech things and he already has his stories at the ready for bedtime. Also king of charades. Everybody is lowkey jealous of how good he is at charades. He's the uncle who was banned from playing charades at get togethers because he's too darn good. And for smaller kids (babies!) he will bust out the mustache wiggles to make them laugh. It works 100% of the time.
Everybody's favourite uncle. No doubt about it. He's great with kids. After the divorce, he didn't get to see his kids as often, so his nieces and nephews became his main source of paternal nature. A kid wants a candy bar that he or she definitely should not be having? "Shh, just don't tell mommy/daddy." Shoulder rides, piggy back rides? He's the first to volunteer. He just loves kids. And he misses his. Stacy, please. Let him see them more. He also LOVES going to school events/sporting activities for them. Chase is a soccer mom-uncle. Also a wine mom if you catch my drift ;).
Well, he's certainly an interesting uncle. He's not necessarily the best with smaller kids like the others. He's a Doctor after all. He's a tad too serious for kids to enjoy his company. That said though, he's basically a friend to the older kids. The 15+ year olds love him because he helps them with their homework. Plus he gives them coffee. On the downlow though. "Don't let your parents know I do zis. But here, school is long, take the coffee." He's the uncle who you don't realize how great he is until you're older.
The uncle everybody's too afraid to leave their kids alone with, so they don't. But every once in a while Anti will make an appearance at a birthday party, sit in a corner, and eat cake. "Hey, I dare you to speak to my uncle Anti." "What's so bad about that?" "He's the green lettuce haired guy in the corner- hey, where'd he go?" "B̸o̴o̵." Very loud screams would follow and he would be asked to leave. And in typical Anti fashion, he won't want to. Which is when the other uncles step in to resolve the problem. 9/10 he'll leave. But every once in a while he'll make all the tech around the party suddenly get gltichy and leave it like that for extended periods of time. Tweens, love him though because he's as mean, angsty, and scary as them.
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puppet-master-anti · 5 years
Incorrect ego quotes ( sanders sides meet septic sides part 2)
Virgil: *lights turn back on as he snaps and a knife appears he catches it and slits his own throat.* what? Gotta look the part HAHAHAHA!
Thomas: Jack, care to explain?
Jack: yeah, this is... This is Anti,but instead of possessing me he possessed one of your sides...why?
Logan: well, I'm assuming it's because Virgil is the most vulnerable out of all four of us. Recently coming out as a former dark side and questioning if he is still one deep down.
Anti-Virgil: ding ding ding! We have a winner! *glitches over to Logan and slits his neck*
Patton: you killed him!
JJ: *writes something and holds up a sign that says jeepers on it*
Logan: *pops back up* did he? * looks at Anti-virgil* you don't scare me. I can logic my way out of your manipulation. *fixes glasses*
Jack: what do you want, Anti?
Anti: what do I want? What do you think I want dipshit?
Jack: to cause me harm?
Anti: no. It might just be this body that's getting to me but, I want you to understand me. I want them to accept me! Sure, I glitch and attack you guys but you have to understand, I do that because he wants me too. He says he has an idea in his head and wants me in it, I oblige and entertain his audience. I don't want to be the bad guy. You guys just pass me off as a glitch and move on. You don't even stop to get to know me.
Patton: okay well, Anti, why don't you list off 5 things about yourself that jacks egos know nothing about.
Thomas: yes, good idea, Patton. anti, the floor is yours.
Anti: thanks... Well, I'm a tech wizard. I mean ya can't really put someone into a simulation for 6 months when you don't know coding. You can't really glitch if you don't know coding either.
Jack: *nods* true.
Anti: let's see I love the drums. I like to read scary stories, I am terrified of holes...
Jack: *chuckles*
Logan: actually the fear of holes are quite common in some people. It's called trypophobia. What Anti is saying here is that he is terrified of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes. It sadly, isn't recognized as a mental disorder, but it can still cause problems if the fear is excessive and distressing.
Jack: oh my god, the circles thing makes so much sense now.
Anti: oh and I have a pet named Robbie and no, he's not the zombie people keep wanting to be an ego. He's my pet spider. And the last thing... I love you guys. I may show it a bit differently then you guys but I do love you. *smiles*
Thomas: well, Jack, jacks egos, you learn anything?
Henrik: yes zat Anti is a lying piece of shite!
Thomas: okay, why do you think that, Henrik?
Henrik: because he put me in a simulation for 6 months!
Anti: you were sick! You didn't know it at the time, but the "patient" you worked on wasn't Jack. It was yourself. You were trying to diagnosis yourself, you were trying anything to get yourself better, you were suicidal, Henrik. I had to put you under and fix you. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be alive.
Henrik: Zat doesn't explain Chase's kids.
Anti: Stacy took them, I got them back for Chase, I was going to take him to them, but Chase was just so drunk that he didn't see me as trying to help him. Marvin- I helped you with your magic, you'd still be on that magic kit if it wasn't for me.
Marvin: he has a point.
Anti: JJ, I helped you spice up your video because you wrote that you thought it would be boring. Jackieboy man- I helped you come to terms with who you are.
JJ: *pulls out a sign that says true, he did help me*
JBM: *breaths and nods*
Anti: and Jack, I help you the most. I help hype up your audience. Get them excited for the next big event you put on. I'm the bad guy because that's what you want me to be, Jack. I can be so much more then just a bad guy. If you just give me the chance to prove it to you.
Thomas: well, I think we learned a lot here today, don't you think, Jack? If you are being judged on what you look like, your reputation, your sexuality, just know that it doesn't matter what they think of you. It matters what you think about yourself. You know who you are, and no one can change that. Until next time take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals, peace out! Now give Virgil his body back, anti, we have to do another video for jacks channel.
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Alright, so our least favorite person in my AU, Jackieboyman!
Jk, Jk we still love him even if I’ve made him kinda a dick in my AU. 
So Biggest thing about his backstory is he’s from the MCU. Don’t worry NO Endgame spoilers are in this, I swear! In fact, due to the inclusion of JBM, I can only say that his backstory is based on the MCU but pretty canon divergent.
I’m going to put it under the cut since this is going to get LONG.  
So to start with JBM was a first gen immigrant to the good old US of A, coming across the pond from Ireland with his parents when he was seven, gaining citizenship right before his 10th birthday.  They live in an apartment in the Bronx. (mostly because I want the three-way rivalry between Our Brooklyn boys, Queen’s Spider and now Bronx JBM.) 
He was staying with a family friend when he gained his powers at age 13 in 2006, no one is sure what happened as he was the only survivor of the event that totaled the apartment building the friends lived in. JBM remembers a deep rumbling and arcs of electricity but nothing else before he woke up in the rumble surrounded by his best friend and his parent’s body. JBM parents don’t make him  His abilities are just like they are now for the most part; X-ray vision, keen hearing, and superior agility, only instead of hacking/coding skills, he has straight up Technology Manipulation. He makes his own suit and decides he wants to have an epic superhero adventure, because what 13 year old wouldn’t want to be a hero if given the chance? Plus, he wanted to know why he was given these powers while his friend and so many others died that day. 
He ends up taking care of the Bronx, kinda like how Spidey takes care of Queens and Daredevil takes care of Hell’s Kitchen. He trained himself to be good at parkour and hand to hand fighting so that he could help out his neighborhood. He took the name Jackieboyman from his friend who perished the day he got his powers, his name was Jack and his dad always called him ‘good ol’ Jackieboy!’. JBM names are actually not even close to Jack, or Sean but he prefers Jackie now that he’s ego and doesn’t really need to give away his original name. 
When the battle of New York happened in 2009, he ended up fighting as it was way too close to home for comfort. The other Avengers weren’t really happy to see a teenager in what really accounted as PJs out in the fray but he helped them out greatly when he went to the tower with Nat using his Technology Manipulation to help shut down the protections on the portal control and help to turn it off after Tony took the Nuke up. 
He went with the Avengers to confront Loki, calling him an icy creep. Thor misunderstands and asks how JBM knew about his brothers Frost giant heritage, but Jackie equally confused said he was talking about the god’s icy blue glare. THIS gets Thor’s attention as he knows that Loki, in fact, has green eyes. This makes the others think back realizing that they all had met the very blue eyes of the god at some point during his stay on the Helicarrier, the same blue Clint’s eyes had been not too long ago. 
It doesn’t take a genius to realize the man they all thought was pulling the strings was a mind-controlled pawn, and since the spell wasn’t breaking after Hulk smashed him into the ground many times over Thor needed to take him back to Asgard quickly for help breaking free. 
After they leave JBM is ‘inducted’ into the Avengers by Fury, who really just wanted to know how they didn’t notice this little dude running around the Bronx. No one tell him about Daredevil. Tony ends up getting JBM a better suit so the idiot doesn’t end up dead, but he has very limited contact with the Avengers from then on out. 
Loki, on the other hand, comes down to Midgard, using his secret pathways as he may not be in trouble for the invasion but he’s still imprisoned for destroying  Jotunheim, to thank JBM for helping his idiot brother realize that he was not in his right mind during his time as an invader. Loki and JBM end up being fairly good friends with Loki slipping out of his prison on a fairly regular basis to annoy JBM. 
He does get sent to help for bigger missions as he gets older, like helping take out the Helicarriers when he was 18 in 2014, and Slovakia mission when he was 19 in 2015. Thor tells the group that Loki is dead but JBM knows this is a load of Bullshit because the god stole his Twix bar the day before, but keeps it quiet because he knows Loki has a plan and if he ruins it he has to deal with a pouting trickster and that’s never fun.  
He ends up helping Tony and Bruce create Ultron with his powers, which as we know ends up lovely. He is there when they rescue what will end up being Vision, and running a battery of diagnostics to see how the body is doing when Thor shows up and Frankensteins Vision alive. JBM is not going to even pretend that he didn’t fangirled over Vision and wanted to figure out how the bot ticked really badly. 
In Civil War he sides with Tony, not believing that Bucky could be innocent after all the evidence starts building up. Emotions do not outway facts in his mind. He ends up meeting Peter during the team up and feels an instant brotherly connection with this tiny child. Yes, he realized Spidey is a year older then he was when he joined the hero biz but he refuses to believe that he was ever this adorable and small. 
After the ‘civil war’ JBM ends up stopping over in Queens more than entirely necessary to check in on his ‘baby bro’. He ends up helping Peter realize that he can be an awesome Spiderman without Tony’s constant approval, even though Peter does not stop trying, but it gives Peter more confidence over the course of the movie. They form a very competitive brotherly relationship, always trying to one-up each other. 
Loki ends up following JBM to Queens and meets Peter and ends up deciding that Peter is way too precious for this world and deserves to be protected. Thus forming the Trio of pranksters that no one puts together is them because Spidey is too innocent, Loki is ‘dead’ and JBM, the only one they suspect could be one of the pranksters, always has an alibi ala Loki illusion. 
Shuri ends up joining their group after Tony introduces Peter and JBM to her. She loves how intelligent JBM and Peter are about technology and science in general, and is in awe at Jackie’s powers. She demands to run tests on his abilities to see how it works with Wakanda tech and that’s how Loki finds them seven hours later. She loves helping out with pranks remotely as long as she gets recordings of the results. 
Shortly before Infinity War picks up JBM is killed, he wasn’t even on duty, just heading to his job in Stark Industry's IT department (No Tony was not aware that JBM worked for him, JBM thought it was hilarious not to tell him since Tony never could figure out who he was. Stark may be good at Hacking but JBM was better and wiped any clues towards his secret ID too well to be discovered), when the bus he was on crashed killing five passengers including JBM. 
Peter and Shuri were the only ones that knew as they, along with Loki but he was in the Dark as he was facing Ragnarok, were the only three he trusted with his ID, but Peter ended up breaking down causing Tony to find out and He informed the public, announcing that he was financing a service to honor and say goodbye to the fallen hero, even if he wasn’t going to release the name of JBM, or the cause of death and he made sure that the press knew that the body would not be present as he wanted the family to be able to mourn their loved one without being hounded. Jackie was 25 when he died.
There’s just one thing I’m on the fence about. I’m debating on if JBM would have been a transman when he was first alive in the MCU, since it’s such a popular fan theory, only to be remade in Sean’s image when he became an ego thus making him a cis dude now, what do y’ all think? 
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spaceiplier · 6 years
Jack’s Robots
Tumblr media
Doctor Henrik von Schneeplestein: Jack’s entire medical staff in one person. He knows (almost) everything about medicine, and if he doesn’t, he’s got a large collection of medical books he can turn to. He also fixes up the other robots if Jack isn’t around or is too busy to. He’s the only member of Jack’s crew without a tail, since it proved too dangerous around fragile medical equipment. While Schneep is an excellent doctor, his bedside manner is incredibly awful. He’s not afraid to be completely frank with his patient, even going so far as to threaten them if they don’t do as he tells them to. His hands are one of the most expensive things on Jack’s ship. They can clean and suture a wound in just a few minutes. Also, he has a human German accent simply because Jack thought it would be funny. It was.
Chase Brody: Originally built as an emotional support robot for Jack, and the best physically put together next to Jackieboy Man. However, his mental state is not as stable as his physical. Somehow, Jack managed to accidentally program Chase with depression. He can’t cry, but he can make sounds like he is. Despite this setback, Chase is an excellent friend, comforter, and protector. He accompanies Jack the most on missions, despite his high number of random physical break-downs. He’s also extremely tenacious, refusing to give up on anything until it’s done or fixed. His determination often gets him into scrapes or accidents. Chase is also the reason Jack met Mark and co, but that’s a story for another day.
Jackieboy Man: Meant to be a physical body for ANTI, Jack scrapped the idea when ANTI started becoming more dangerous. He still acts as Jack’s body guard, and is an excellent fighter. However, probably due to Jack’s caution while programming him, trying to avoid making a second ANTI, JBM hates violence. His fighting skills are incredible, and would be potentially lethal if he wasn’t constantly pulling his punches. He doesn’t want to hurt anything or anyone, and would rather settle a sticky situation through diplomacy before fists. He’s constantly injured or dented somewhere, mostly due to Jack or Chase’s recklessness before his own. JBM is the most expensive robot in Jack’s crew, being almost entirely built of military-grade materials.
Jameson Jackson/ JJ: A caretaker robot. His main purpose is making sure Jack stays alive while they’re travelling. He makes sure Jack stays nourished and well rested. He takes care of the other robots as well, keeping them as safe, clean, and as functional as he can. He also functions as Jack’s analytics/tech expert, determining if a situation is becoming unsafe, or if something on the ship is wrong. He’s the heart of Jack’s ship. JJ lost his lower jaw in an incident with ANTI, so he mostly communicates through Sam and exaggerated (and often exasperated) gesturing. He’s got a faulty power module, which causes his movements to be bouncy and cartoon-ish, like an old film.
Marvin the Magnificent: Jack’s entertainment robot/personal yes-man. He can perform card tricks, sleight-of-hand tricks, and almost anything covered under the DND spell prestidigitation. He’s a bit sloppy sometimes, and usually ends up making a huge mess whenever he puts on a show. When he’s not keeping the crew entertained, he’s helping out wherever he can. He’s the clumsiest of Jack’s crew, and his number of unexpected shut-downs is second only to Chase. He’s also the most positive member of the crew, and his main purpose is making sure everyone is happy and smiling.
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snow-lavender · 5 years
The Last Day of Normality
AKA, “Why is there a superpowered teenager in my kitchen?”
Word count: 3075
Didn’t have anything specifically written for Jackie’s birthday today, so I decided to post something I had pre-written. This is my take on Jackie's first appearance. Fully headcanon!
Heads up, contains trans JBM, I know that’s really not some people’s thing.
AO3 link: here
July 10th, 2016
Jackie was done.
He couldn’t deal with this anymore. Fuck his classmates and fuck the school policy and fuck his Aunt Doris and fuck Irish conservatism and just...fuck. He dumped all the books and supplies out of his backpack and threw it onto the bed. You need to start acting properly. Jackie snorted. Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen anytime soon. Your niece has some behavioral issues we need to address. Of course leave out the fact that the people he kept fighting were total assholes. Any more suspensions and we may have to consider expulsion. As the floorboards creaked, he noticed he was shaking. He tried to take a deep breath and calm down and...no, screw that, he needed to punch something. 
You have such a bright future ahead.
Thump, went the pillow.
You can’t solve every problem like this
I’m glad you’re experimenting, but you’ll be an adult soon.
What will people think?
I have your best interests at heart. 
Jackie paused, shoulders heaving. It felt like he’d been going at it for ten minutes, but, like always, his clock showed that only two had passed.
I have your best interests at heart. Yeah, that was the problem, wasn’t it. Doris legitimately thought she was in the right, thought they had the same plans for Jackie’s life, expected that her perfect little child would be just that. Perfect.
And Jackie loved her, he really did. Doris was the only family he’d ever known. But damn it, he couldn’t spend another day in this house. 
He grabbed his bag and went to raid his closet. Jeans, shorts, loose tees, sports bras, everything was dumped unceremoniously in. Laptop, chargers, socks, toothbrush- photos.
Jackie stared at the two photos on top of his bookshelf. One was of his parents, cuddling a small bundle of blankets. The other was of him and Doris from a few years ago, smiling in front of the Cliffs of Moher. He hesitated, then shoved them both in his bag as well.
‘hey, can i come over? -Jackie’. He shot off a text to one of his friends, then paced around the room, trying to burn energy.
“Jackie, dinner’s in ten minutes!” his aunt yelled up. 
‘Now? -Morgan :P’
‘preferably -Jackie’
“Alright, I’ll be there soon!” he replied.
‘Kay. Need a drive? -Morgan :P’
‘i can walk -Jackie’
Well, it was now or never. He shouldered his pack and reached for the doorknob...the fuck?
Jackie turned around, blinking in the sudden bright light. A green orb floated in the centre of his room. “What?” he murmured under his breath, reaching out to touch it-
Then there was a flash, and nothing remained in the bedroom but piles of scattered belongings. 
Jackie blinked the spots out of his eyes. When had he fallen on the floor? He moved to get up, then froze when he felt the floor. That wasn’t the carpet from his bedroom. He looked around as his vision cleared up. Instead, he was in a small, wood furnished kitchen. 
“What the fuck?” came a voice to his left.
Jackie looked over. In front of him was a man in his mid-twenties, looking just as confused as he felt. Jackie blinked away the blue glow around him, eyes still spotty from the flash.
“Who the hell are you? How did you get into my apartment?” the man asked.
“I-I don’t know!” Jackie stuttered. “I was just in my bedroom, and there was this weird orb, and then I was here!”
“Orb?” the man repeated. “Like a green, glowy type orb?”
He ran his fingers through his very green hair. “ ‘Cause the same thing happened here; I was just makin’ coffee, then there was an orb and it flashed and out popped some random kid.”
Jackie tried to even his breathing. “What the hell? Do you have, like any clue what that was?”
“Maybe? Do you have magic blood?”
“Uh, what?” answered Jackie.
“You don’t come from a magic family, then?” the man pressed. Was this dude delusional? Did Jackie just get teleported into a psych ward? It didn’t look like any hospital he’d ever seen before.
“Magic isn’t real, though.” he said hesitantly, trying not to provoke the man. 
He snorted. “You sure about that?” he said, gesturing around the room, and okay, Jackie had to admit, he might have had a point. The man held out a hand. “I’m Sean.”
The teen took it slowly. “...Jackie.” he replied. “Where am I, exactly?”
“Athlone, County Westmeath.” As he pulled Jackie up, Sean squinted. “Are you Irish? Do you even know what that means?”
“I’m from Dublin. And I made it through fucking primary school, I think I can piece it together.” Jackie said indignantly
Sean held up his hands. “Hey, you can never be too careful.” he chuckled. “You want some tea, Jackie?”
Half an hour later, the two were in Sean’s sitting room. An awkward silence had fallen after the bare minimum of information had been exchanged. (How to contact Jackie’s parents/guardians had been the main point of conversation. Sean had looked a little confused at Jackie's reluctance to contact any other adults, but thankfully hadn’t pried. He’d simply said that it was Jackie’s priorities were his choice, and agreed to figure out their current situation first)
“You said you were from Dublin?” Sean finally asked.
Jackie looked over at him. “Yeah, why?”
Sean squinted. “You looked familiar, so I was wondering if we might be related, but I don’t have much for family in the city.” He paused. “Maybe it’s like that whole ‘There are seven people in the world who look like you’ thing? ‘Cause you look a lot like I did in Uni.”
Jackie took his first real, long look at the man on the other end of the sofa. “You do look kinda like my Dad did.” he conceded after a minute or two.
Sean’s eyes widened. “We’re not dealing with, like, time travel, right? It’s 2016 for you?”
“Yeah.” Jackie laughed. “Thank fuck.”
Sean smiled. “Good, meeting my future kid would come with a shit-ton of questions I don’t want to think about.”
Jackie made a face, setting off another round of laughter between the two. When they calmed, Jackie let out a huff and fell back onto the couch cushions. “So we’re back at square one.”
Sean sat up suddenly. “We might not be, actually.” He fished his phone out of his pocket and started tapping away. “This could be a stretch, but....”
“But what?” Jackie asked. When he got no response, he repeated, “But what?”
Sean still didn’t acknowledge his question, but he did mutter “Perfect.” and then pull himself up from the couch. “I have a friend who might have more information. C’mon.” he said, walking out into the hall.
As he followed after the man, Jackie kept on prodding for information. “You said something about magic families? Can you use magic, then?”
Sean looked up from his phone. “Hm? Oh, yeah, I grew up with it.” he said distractedly. Then he stopped abruptly. “Shit. If you could keep that a secret, that’d be great.”
“Even from this friend of yours?”
Up the stairs and around the corner, Sean opened a door and entered. “Huh.” Jackie said as he followed in. “I think this room has more tech than all of my classrooms combined. What d’you need all this for anyway?”
“I’m a youtuber.” Sean answered from the desk.
“What, like Pewdiepie?”
Jackie took in his surroundings. His eyes were drawn to a bookshelf filled with various merch and figurines. “What are all of these?”
Sean turned back from the desk. “Huh?” Then a fond smile fell across his face. “They’re gifts, mostly.” He started pointing things out. “That bug is from my friend Suzy, those are from this kid Alfie that I met in London, the Undertale ones there I got at Pax this year, this buddy here I bought myself, but I love him, so he goes on the shelf anyway..”
Jackie nodded as each item was pointed out. He noticed a particular abundance of one logo, and the pieces finally clicked. “Wait…” Jackie whirled around. “You’re that septic dude that Quinn won’t shut up about!”
“Hm?” Sean turned to face him, mid-tangent. “Oh! Probably, yeah.”
“Aren’t you, like, famous?” Jackie questioned. “Why do you live in such a tiny apartment?”
Sean gave him a look. “I’m sorry, that was kinda shitty, wasn’t it?” Jackie said after a second. “Kinda.” the other agreed, “I get that sort of thing a lot, don’t worry about.”  He set a hand on Jackie’s shoulder. 
The two were interrupted by a skype ringtone coming from the desktop. Sean bolted over to pick up, Jackie following behind a moment later.
The call opened, displaying a worried looking man. “Jack! Is everything okay over there?”
“Uhh, sorta? It’s a little complicated.” Sean gestured for Jackie to move into frame. As he did, Sean’s friend inhaled sharply. “Jackie, this is Mark. Mark, Jackie. He just kinda ...popped into my apartment. Soo… yeah.” he finished awkwardly.
“Hi?” Jackie said, giving a small wave.
Mark cursed under his breath. “Okay, now I get why you mentioned the... yeah, that clears things up. Uhh, I’m gonna just...gimme a sec.” He typed something frantically into his phone. “Nice to meet you Jackie. Jack mentioned-” he paused. “That’ll get confusing fast.”
“You could just, you know, call me by my actual name?” Sean replied with a smirk.
“But that’s weird!” the other whined, grinning. “Alright then, Seeaaan. I’m gonna pop into the office to grab Google. Be right back!” and with that, Mark hung up the call.
“Did he say Google?” Jackie asked hesitantly.
“I think so?”
The two stood silently for a few minutes, before Mark called once again. This time, he was sitting at a computer desk. Standing behind him was another person who looked strangely similar to him. This stranger stood rigidly, arms behind their back and face blank. 
“This is Google,'' Mark said. “He’s... uhh...hm, how do I explain you?” he muttered, turning around to glance at him.
Google’s eyes glowed blue. “Designation: Google IRL Humanoid Home Assistant. Model Serial Number: G-IRL 001B. For more information about this product, please consult your user’s manual or contact Google Support online or through telephone.”
“I guess that works.'' Mark said after a moment.
Jackie and Sean stared, dumbfounded. “...Holy shit, is that a robot?” Jackie asked.
“I am an Android.” it (he?) corrected sharply.
“What the fuck.” said Sean.
“Why are you surprised?” Mark asked. “I told you about him. I texted you to complain about him literally last week.”
“Well yeah, but I didn’t think he’d look so much like a machine!”. Sean protested. The robot frowned deeper. 
“But they don’t have that kind of tech at Google yet, right? They would have told us! This is a huge technological leap!” Jackie said, brow furrowed.
“That’s because they didn’t make him.” Mark replied.
Mark grimaced. “Okay, um, the gist of it is, you have a character, right? From a skit or joke or something. So in my case, sometimes to characters, well,” he gestured behind him, “become real. Somehow. I still have no clue how it works.” 
Jackie gaped, slack jawed. “So you made a video about a robot ...and he just came to life.”
“Do they all look like you?”
“Yeah, ‘cause I play them first.”
Jackie turned back to Sean. “And you’ve met these...things?”
“I call them figments.” Mark interrupted. “Like ‘figment of the imagination’.”
Sean was still staring at the robot, looking uncomfortable. “I’ve only met one other, when Mark was telling me about them last year.”
Mark winced. “Yeah, I figured Googs would be a better first introduction than Wilford. He’s less...well, just less in general, I guess.”
“Why are you telling me any of this? I don’t get how any of this is-” Jackie froze. “You think I’m like them.”
Sean looked sheepish. “It would explain why we look so similar.”
“But I’m real!” Jackie protested. “I existed before this. I have a life, and friends and all that shit! I’m a real person!”
Mark spoke softly. “All of my guys have backstories, things that feel like they happened. But those people never existed.” He smiled apologetically. “It gets easier with time, I promise.”
“But I’m real.” Jackie repeated. “I can prove it!” He pulled out his phone. “Look, my friends have been texting me non-stop!”. As he spoke, another notification popped up.
New Text from Morgan :P
  Jackie, please answer. Everyone’s really worried about you. Doris called the Garda and everything. 
“See!” Jackie yelled. “They’re real! I’m real! I’m not some imaginary character!”
Sean raised his hands placatingly. “Jackie, calm down. It was just an idea.” He stepped forward.
“Get off of me!” Jackie yelled. He pushed Sean away and ran out the door. 
Jackie ran down the stairs, looking for the bathroom. He needed someplace private. He bolted into the small room and locked the door. Curling up on the floor, he rubbed at his face, and checked his phone to try to calm down.
Meanwhile, in the recording room, Sean and Mark stared in shock at the door. Slowly, Sean pulled himself out of the mattress he’d been shoved into. “Um.” he said eloquently.
“Are you okay?” Mark asked. “Yeah, I think so.” he replied. 
“So, this isn’t exactly the same thing. But do you have any clue what could cause..” He gestured at the door.
“Some random teenager throwing me across the room and then super speeding himself away?” Sean finished.
He stretched, grimacing as he wiggled a shoulder. “I recorded a video where I dressed up like a superhero. It went up today.” Sean sighed. “And I called myself ‘Jackie-boy-man’.”
“Jackie.” Mark echoed.
Sean didn’t reply. “Can I call you if I need anything else?” he said after a moment.
“Course you can. Anything at all, man.”
“Thanks.” Sean walked over to the computer. “Thanks for everything. See ya.”
“Bye. Good luck Sean.”
Sean hung up the call and put his head in his hands. “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” he muttered. 
Leave him. Make him leave.
“Nope, none of that.” Sean replied.
Not his home. Not your responsibility.
“Stop it. Just because I don’t need to help doesn't mean I shouldn’t.”
Bleeding heart. Weak resolve.
“Okay, you can stop now.” Sean said, standing up. “I’m going to talk to him, and he’ll decide what to do, and you,” he emphasized, “are going to shut up and be reasonable for once.”
He left to recording room and started looking through the house. Jackie wasn’t in any of the bedrooms, not in the living room, not the dining room, or the kitchen…
When he tried the door to the toilet, it was locked. Sean knocked hesitantly. “You okay in there?” he asked. There was no response. “Can I do anything to help?” Still nothing. He tried once more. “D’you want some more tea?”.
That one got a quiet “Okay.” Sean left for the kitchen, and when he returned, Jackie was sitting against the hall wall, head on his knees. He set the two mugs down on the floor, before sitting himself. It took a little while, but Jackie finally spoke up. “I’ve been missing for two days.”
“What?” Sean exclaimed.
“Before I was here, I was in my room, on Friday night.” he sighed. “My friends think I ran away or something.”
“Did you talk to them just now?” 
Jackie covered his face further. “Mhm. Told ‘em I was safe. But what else do I say? ‘Hey, by the way, I got magically transported across the country, and also imaginary friends can be real, and also I might be one of them?!’”, he rambled.
“Yeah, Mark and I talked some more after you left.” Sean paused. “You got out of there crazy fast. Like, inhumanly fast. Did...did you know you have super speed?”
Jackie stared at him. “...I just figured I was bad at time management.”
“You threw me across the room.”
“...And anger management.” He looked up, worriedly. “You’re okay, right?” 
“Yeah, I landed on a mattress.” Sean smiled. “And I’m not mad. You should have seen some of the shit I did when I was still learning control. My parents have repainted the kitchen twice, and you can still see some of the scorch marks.” he chuckled.
Jackie laughed too. “Okay, sure, why not add superpowers to today’s what-the-fuck list.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Anything else, Universe? You wanna add multiple realities or some shit to the mix?”
They laughed. “Yeah, what a fuckin’ great birthday.” Jackie snorted.
Sean turned to him, surprised. “Happy Birthday! How old are you?”
“Seventeen.” Jackie smiled. “One more year, then I can finally move out.” Then he froze. “What if I lived here?”
“What?” said Sean. “How does that make sense?”
“Well, you think I’m one of those figment things, right?” Jackie continued. 
Sean nodded. “Yeah, I think you’re supposed to be a superhero character I made up.”
“All of your friend’s figments are close to him. Besides, you’re the only person who knows what’s going on.”
“I really don’t.” Sean protested.
Jackie shrugged. “Still. We’re, like, connected or something. You could help me figure out these powers or whatever. And…” he shrunk down again. “I wouldn’t really mind moving. I was about to get expelled, anyway.”
Sean rubbed at his forehead. “I’m twenty-six. I can’t raise a teenager. You’re like, ten years younger than me.”
“People make it work.”
He sighed. “I..I’ll think about it?”
Jackie nodded. Sean moved to get up, when Jackie suddenly interrupted. “Wait! Okay. Umm... so, you’re cool with gay people, right?”
Sean looked confused. “Yeah?” Then it clicked. “Oh! Oh no, don’t worry, I’m cool with you being-yeah, it’s okay.”
Jackie looked relieved. “Okay. Okay, cool. Then we’re good. No issue here”
“Gotcha.” Sean stood up, grabbing the mugs. “I’mma deal with these., then I gotta go record. You can use my Playstation, if you want. And I’m upstairs if you need anything.”
Jackie flashed him a thumbs up, then went back into the bathroom. He braced himself on the sink and looked into the mirror.
A superhero, huh?
Yeah, that could work. 
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proxymothh · 6 years
Hey, since the @spaceiplier crew won’t let Jack hug anyone, I noncannonly made it possible. I want my boy to be happy. Fight me.
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(Little trigger warning for a panic/anxiety attack!)
Jack hadn’t slept properly in two weeks. He’d nap is little bursts and all together got about 9 hours of sleep. Was that even possible? Well... apparently it was.
He locked himself in his room, tinkering with tech and just thinking. He’d think about ANTI the most out of anything, what he had done to Amy and Mark and even JJ... though it was some time ago... the guilt was still heavily presant. It was slowly eating him alive, and filling in the gaps with fear... fear of what he could do next, if he wasn’t careful.
He hadn’t eaten in a few days, but the hunger pains had become numb by now. He couldn’t take chances anymore. ANTI had come so unexpectedly last time... he needed to keep himself at a weaker state... just in case. He decided to eat only if absolutely necessary.
His robots would knock on the door, begging him to come out, eat something, shower... do literally anything beneficial to his health. He learned to tune them out by now, but he felt somewhat guilty for ignoring them.
Today however, he suddenly became very aware of how... empty the room was. He had run out of things to tinker with, leaving him alone with his thoughts completely.
He felt... cold.
Not the type of cold to make his body completely shut down, no. He felt... alone... that type of cold.
He hugged himself and started breathing heavily. The room suddenly felt darker, and colder, getting smaller around him. His heart raced as his vision became darker and more tunnel like, his ears were ringing, making his head hurt.
He couldn’t breathe.
He couldn’t see.
He felt so small and alone.
He didn’t even realize his body was moving towards the door until he caught a glimpse of it and he was heading towards it at full speed.
He opened it as fast as he could and collided with a warm object. Jack stumbled back and blinked his vision back to normal.
JJ was standing there, complete shock in his eyes as he stood still.
“JJ! Sorry I... needed to use the bathroom.” Jack lied, trying to calm his breathing, and acting like nothing happened. “I’ll just be on my way and-“ He didn’t get to finish his sentence.
JJ wrapped his warm, metallic arms around Jacks torso and lays his head on Jacks chest.
It was Jacks turn to be shocked. He didn’t program his robots to hug... at least he didn’t think he did anyway....
His first instinct was to push JJ away, and he almost did until Chase rounded the corner and let out a surprised sound.
“Jack!” He said, in a relived tone as he hugged Jack from behind... what the fuck was going on? This was certainly new.
“What are you guys-?” Jack let out a gasp as a third party entered. He looked to his side to see JBM had one arm around Jack, and one around Chase.
It was a little overwhelming but... nice? He felt warm and... not alone anymore.
“Guys, seriously. I’m okay...” Jack said when Marvin had joined on his otherside.
Henrik walked into his sights and shakes his head. “You gave us all quite a scare. Chase wouldn’t stop crying and powering down-“
“Shut up!” Said a muffled Chase as he hugged Jack harder.
“-you caused us all a bit of worry. Do you know how long you were in there?” Henrik asked as he stepped closer, but didn’t join the group hug.
Jack forwarded his brow. “Like two weeks? Right?” He said. His stomache dropped when Henrik shook his head.
“Try almost month.”
“Robin, the Barrel crew, everyone, has been calling you. I just kept telling them you needed time to yourself but you should really call them back.” Henrik says, slightly annoyed.
Jack felt so stupid and selfish... he though he had everyone’s best interests in mind when he was staying away but in reality... he was just being a coward. Maybe rightfully so but these guys? Robin, the robots, the crew... they were his friends... dare he say... maybe even family... they understood him more than he gave them credit for.
He needed to make things right and call them back.
“Yeah... trust me when I say I’ve had enough alone time, for now. I’ll get to them in a minute but first...” He wrapped his arms around his robotic friends and smiled slightly. “Want in on this Henrik?”
“Yes you do.” Jack said, and JJ pulled in his German brother. Henrik seemed annoyed at first but melted into the hug.
Jack held his metallic family for quite some time, he didn’t cry but... he could’ve...
It’s been so long...
It felt nice to touch someone again.
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suck it Crow I made him happy.
Let him have this.
This story is based off the @spaceiplier au! Go check them out if you haven’t already! They’re stuff is awesome!!!
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altegos · 5 years
How about jack from JBM?
Scuse the amount of time this will have taken because there is a lot I can go into detail here with without spoiling anything.
So for some context, at this point Jack is about 20ish, it’s mid-to-late fall in his second year of college. He’s been ‘superheroing’ (i.e. putting on a dark red hoody and a blue mask he picked up at a dollar store) since he was about 16. And that first year it was mostly posing and going through the motions. Eventually though he gets into the swing of things, but he’s not all about the punching. Jack tries to break up arguments, he steps in to potentially violent situations, he distracts children while a parent tries to sort out a major problem, nine times out of ten he will try to diffuse a problem first, helping out anyone who needs it, but should the need arise, he’s more than ready to throw down (he has enhanced strength, ehnhanced stamina, and a mild accelerated healing factor) and being a high school student, this was all easy for him to do. Going to college, of course he has no intention to give it up and students have a whole host of issues of their own. Being the masked vigilante (he’s not Jackie Boy Man yet technically) is still very much what he wants to do, but there’s a big difference between what he does now and what he did in high school. Mostly it’s protecting dumb kids from the consequences of their easily avoidable actions and preventing some pretty horrific scenarios. It’s a huge difference, and Jack doesn’t know if he can adjust to it.
In his first year he focused more on his hero stuff than he probably should have and his grades suffered so he and his dad (mother passed away when he was younger) fought over summer break and now Jack is at a point where he feels like this whole ‘being a hero’ thing is something that he honestly can’t do. He needs to figure out what he really wants to do, especially since the hero gig won’t pay bills, or provide any kind of job security. Not to mention the potential risks should he encounter another crazed villain like the Medic (Medic was Jack’s first villain but is now Jack’s ‘tech guy’ who cares a good deal about the kid)
Jack doesn’t want to stop helping people, he is just such a kind-hearted soul, but he doesn’t know that the world is willing to sustain someone like him in his hero shoes. And his dad isn’t talking to him, and the last thing he wants to do is disappoint or lose his dad just because of some stupid kid dream.
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