#tbh i just suddenly got confused with the ian
daiseukiis · 1 year
"ion" is slang (aave) for "i dont"
"ian" is slang (aave) for "i aint"
so for "ion changing the theme" it'll be "ian changing the theme" instead
no hating! im just notifying so u dont misuse it ^.^
i just changed it as a whole :) i used that term in a few chapters of my smau, i will tag this under the series as well.
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seven-oomen · 3 years
Hi, Ben!  Hope you had an overall good day, and that tomorrow’s a good one, too!  I see that Mo was looking particularly majestic today.  :D  Not enough to make that message make sense, but still.  (Perhaps Florida Man misunderstood the idea of looking for pussy?…)  (Sorry, that was terrible, but I’m tired and brain fuzzy rn. XD )
I’m absolutely loving all the previews for the cabin fic.  OMG, my body is ready.  XD  Oh no, he got coated in snow…will they have to perhaps CuDdLe FoR WaRmTh?…  Oh no, one of the chairs has to be used to prop the door…will someone perhaps have to SiT In SoMeOnE’s LaP?…  XD  I’m not sure precisely why you think you’re going to hell for this fic, but the majority of ideas I can come up with indicate that I’ll likely also be there riding shotgun on the way, so at least you’ll have company?…  I’ve been fighting off the urge to do a holiday Peter/Noah to fit in with my existing one-shots, or a DILF Club holiday fic where the entirety of the plot my brain can come up with is “and they snuggled in front of the tree”, because I’m trying to keep ahead in my other fic, but between the endless Christmas music at work and the fact that it’s finally consistently cold here, I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold out.  XD
I also love how everyone seems to have the thought that Noah had run-ins with Peter when he was still a deputy.  (I have some ideas for this in the dating fic if I can ever get the freaking scene that it would be relevant for.  XD )  And I agree with most of your ask meme stuff about them, too.  (I can’t do Noah/Natalie, though, because even though I KNOW it’s fiction, my brain just starts yelling “TOO CLOSE TO RL!  TOO CLOSE TO RL!”, and I can’t make it stop.)  And yes, omg, my kingdom for some adorable single dads fic for them!  I am reminded of one of my “probably not going to ever do anything with it” plot bunnies spawned by some comments on a car commercial Ian did a few years back, of all things, where Peter moves back home with his young daughter Malia (maybe also with Liam, because I feel he fits just as well/even better as the lost Hale child), who ends up befriending Stiles, which is how he meets widower Noah.  And then maybe they’ve started dating or maybe they’re still in the flirting stage when suddenly his ex, Chris (yes, THAT kind of ex), moves back to town with his daughter, newly divorced.  And now we’re in a Hallmark movie romcom where he has to decide which one he wants to take a chance with.  (Will he eventually realize that there’s an amazing third option?  Maybe after they get snowed in or otherwise trapped somewhere together.
On a related note, a concept:
Some random dude on the street:  Man, FUCK THE POLICE!
Peter and/or Chris (without thinking):  I’M TRYING!
The pack members also there at the time: …
Noah (nervous, confused, and flattered):  …uh, wut?…
Stiles:  …wait, what?…
Peter and/or Chris:  …fuck…
Noah (still vaguely nervous, very confused, yet deeply flattered):  …you know..that could probably be arranged…
Stiles:  …wait, WHAT???!!!…
Also, that post of Seb Stan from a few days back got me like “Jesus, fuck, I need him in a Luke Skywalker movie, like, yesterday."  And I’m glad you liked the truly random ass Avengers thing my brain came up with.  I literally have no idea where the thought came from, but I thought it was hilarious (and I knew you’d appreciate the shippy angle, because they are exactly those types of assholes.  XD )
I’m sure there were other thoughts I had, but work’s been busy enough lately that I’ve got semi-permanent cotton candy brain (sugar spider brain?) lately.  I hope you get some decent rest (I know that’s been an issue lately), and that tomorrow is a good day!  Best vibes for whatever you choose to work on, if anything!  Take care!  *Hugs to you both!*
Hey B, mo’s def being his usual majestic self. But yeah that def didn’t warrant that message. (And I will not share the thoughts of; he’s not getting my other p*ss* either) 
I feel like we’re just about as awful when it comes to these jokes tbh XD.
Oh no, Noah got wet and cold and his shirt is wet now and that will have to come off at some point.
Also, sad, but Peter is near fire and that gives him anxiety/is very triggering for him, he needs a distraction.
Oh no what ever will we do. 
I also made Chris trans in that fic. No particular reason, just because I could. I mean I have a few story things I want to get done in universe, but I could have done that in several ways and I just went- this one, Chris is trans is the road I will go on.
But yeah after 3K I’m finally starting to get to the smutty part and it’s glorious.
Permission to use this idea for the cabin fever universe (with credit)
On a related note, a concept:
Some random dude on the street:  Man, FUCK THE POLICE!
Peter and/or Chris (without thinking):  I’M TRYING!
The pack members also there at the time: …
Noah (nervous, confused, and flattered):  …uh, wut?…
Stiles:  …wait, what?…
Peter and/or Chris:  …fuck…
Noah (still vaguely nervous, very confused, yet deeply flattered):  …you know..that could probably be arranged…
Stiles:  …wait, WHAT???!!!…
Because that’s the funniest shit I’ve seen all day XD
Also, yes, this is a wonderful bunny and I hope this gets written someday <3
And yes, omg, my kingdom for some adorable single dads fic for them!  I am reminded of one of my “probably not going to ever do anything with it” plot bunnies spawned by some comments on a car commercial Ian did a few years back, of all things, where Peter moves back home with his young daughter Malia (maybe also with Liam, because I feel he fits just as well/even better as the lost Hale child), who ends up befriending Stiles, which is how he meets widower Noah.  And then maybe they’ve started dating or maybe they’re still in the flirting stage when suddenly his ex, Chris (yes, THAT kind of ex), moves back to town with his daughter, newly divorced.  And now we’re in a Hallmark movie romcom where he has to decide which one he wants to take a chance with.  (Will he eventually realize that there’s an amazing third option?  Maybe after they get snowed in or otherwise trapped somewhere together.
Malia and Liam as siblings is just pure chaos waiting to happen though, poor Peter XD
And I can’t really remember the other thing I wanted to say, but I just wanted to let you know that your messages have helped me a lot tonight and I love you my friend. <3 
Hope you’re doing okay too since I know you’re in a lot of stress too. Lots of hugs from and Mo <3
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maxhoemo · 5 years
disc: gf names are random as usual lol
Max felt guilty at first. But that was a long time ago. Before things between him and Ashley got so... Numb... They hardly spent time together at all anymore, Max only stayed out of convenience. He was sure a few months ago a breakup was coming but nothing happened. And Max wasn’t strong enough to do it himself. Not to mention the fear that crept in the back of his mind that Ashley might spill his dirt to the internet if he ever pissed her off.
At least his upcoming trip with Ian (and only Ian) would be a nice break. Because of course the thing Max no longer felt guilty over was the fact that he was a no good cheater. It used to tear him up inside but now he tended to blame Ashley for driving him away. Even still, Max felt Ian was a better man than Max. He’d told him.
Wish I had the balls you have :/
You broke up with her as soon as u knew u liked me...
Don’t feel bad Max. Chicks like that are hard to break free from
I guess...
At least you’ll finally get to drain ur balls
Oh god. That sounded grosser than I intended lol
But tbh I had sex a couple days ago
With her??
She wanted. Didnt wanna start a fight
How was it?
Ehh... Not great...
Max grinned. He was on top of the world. Being with Ian was the greatest feeling in the world. Max had arrived in the morning, and thanks to a deep sleep on the plane he and Ian had spent the entire day together. It was night time now, and Max knew exactly what that meant. Especially when Ian started feeling up his thigh. Max’s body responded almost immediately. He started panting out short, cold breaths as his dick hardened in his sweats.
He leaned into Ian, pressing a hand against his chest and kissing along his neck and jaw before finally reaching his lips. His kisses producing loud smacking sounds each time.
Ian laughed in his throat. “Tell me, baby. Tell me Max. Did you kiss her?”
“...Not like this...” Max breathed out.
Ian took Max’s chin in his hand, looking him in the eyes. They were glossy and half lidded having just been pulled away. “I asked you a question, baby. Did you?”
Max nodded reluctantly, eyes turning away as he did. 
“What else did you do?”
“I don’t want to...”
“I’m not mad at you. I just wanna know you’re mine.”
“Of course I am.”
“Did you fuck her?” Ian asked, grabbing at Max’s cock once again. “With this?” he smirked. He loved Max’s little cock. It was adorable. Though not exactly useful, in Ian’s opinion.
Max nodded. “...Yeah...”
“And did you lick her?”
“...No...” Max whispered. “But I... Sucked on her nipple... Just a little bit...”
Ian ran his thumb over Max’s plump, pink lips. “Max... I only want you using this mouth on me.”
Max nodded. Sinking down to his knees, he ran his hands along Ian’s chest and stomach before finally pulling down his track pants. His big dick already straining against his boxers. Max mouthed at it through the fabric a few times before pulling them down and watching Ian’s erection spring forward in front of his face. Max opened his mouth, but instead of doing what Ian expected, he looked up at him. “I love you, Ian.”
“I know baby.” Ian grinned, running his fingers through Max’s thick locks. “Come on sweetheart. Show me.”
Max eagerly got to work, coating Ian’s cock with a generous amount of saliva. Despite his experience, Max still had to work his way up to being able to get most of it in his mouth. He heard Ian moan above him, which only turned Max on more.
“Yeah...” Ian breathed out. Thrusting himself further down Max’s throat. “This is my mouth... You belong to me, Max.”
Max nodded enthusiastically, the best he could in his position. His dick was really starting to ache. 
Suddenly, without warning, Ian pulled out of Max’s mouth. Leaving Max looking confused, his swollen lips hanging open, dripping with spit and pre-cum. 
Ian pulled him back to his feet from his shirt, wrapping his arms around him and giving him a deep kiss which lasted several seconds. Max only smiled in response. He could see how badly Max needed release but Ian needed something first. 
He pushed Max backwards on to the bed. Watching him bounce a few times as he hit the mattress. He pulled Max’s pants off in one swift motion, grabbing at the Aussie’s aching erection through his briefs. A breathy moan escaped Max’s lips, his body writhing at the touch.
Ian smirked. Max was so sexy when he was needy. He slipped off the underwear too and kicked off the rest of his own sweats. His cock was still slicked up with Max’s spit so he was easily able to slip it into Max’s tight ass. Draping his legs up over Ian’s shoulders.
“Oh, fuck... Ian...” Max gasped, his entire body moving with every thrust. 
“You like getting fucked, Max?”
“Yeah...” Max mewled.
Ian continued driving into Max. It didn’t take long before he felt himself coming close. Max’s head thrown back, hanging off one side of the mattress. Ian pulled out, walking over and jerking himself onto Max’s soft face. Max finished himself, cumming onto his own stomach. 
“You look great like that,” Ian chuckled. Max sat up and Ian gently wiped him off with a t-shirt. “I love you Max.”
“Ditto,” Max smiled at him.
Ian broke out in laughter. “You’re such a dork!”
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dreamofbetterthings · 6 years
"You're Leaving? Lip Gallagher x Reader"
Prompt 57: “ Is that my shirt? ” 78: “ Hold me and never let me go. ” Celebrity: Phillip Gallagher (Played by Jeremy Allen White) TV Show: Shameless US Spoilers: None, this is before the start of season 1 Summary: You and Lip are hanging out in his room over summer when he tells you some exciting news. When Lip finally realizes what it means for your relationship, he reassures you nothing will change. Warnings: Slight cursing, and extreme cuteness ahead with LOTS of hugging A/N You two are best friends in this btw. And these two pictures are both big moods tbh. One is adorable and needs to be cuddled. Then the next one...it’s pretty self explanatory
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To say that it was hot outside would be an understatement. The weather was only sixty degrees in the morning, but towards the afternoon it skyrocketed to ninety degrees, and the temperature kept rising. Instead of going outside, the Gallagher's decision to stay inside the cool air-conditioned house was a great idea. You were laying on Lip's bed in just one of his shirts since it was too hot to wear much of anything else. Ian was out working so the two of you had the room to yourselves. You sat up and looked out the window as Lip came through the door with two large bags in his hands.
 "I brought some food." You thank him as he hands you a bag, and he sighs. "This heat fucking sucks." Lip takes his shirt off which leaves him in a tank top and shorts, and crawls onto the bed next to you. Opening the bag, you take out all the food as he gets the drinks. "I thought you didn't like Checkers and Rally's." "I don't really, but I know you do, so I got it." "Oh, well thank you." You steal one of his fries and after being threatened with tickles, Lip takes a few and then you both go back to eating your own food. There is a comfortable silence between the two of you as you eat, and you ask. "So, not that I have to ask, but how has everything been lately? Anything new going on in the mysterious life of Phillip Gallagher?" He laughs a little and shakes his head. "As a matter of fact, you just reminded me. I'm supposed to get a really important letter in the mail today." He gets up and quickly starts walking out the door. "I'm going to go check if it's here. Don't eat my fries!" As he rushes out, you take his container of fries and switch it with yours, hoping he won't notice and go back to eating. 
There are frantic footsteps running up the stairs, and you sit up just as Lip bursts through the door, a single envelope in his hand. You point to it and ask "What's inside?" He shrugs his shoulders and mumbles "Maybe some test scores or something, but it's important." He opens the envelope and takes out the paper, tossing the trash somewhere. You stand up and walk over to him and wait for a response. As he finishes reading, he mutters out "I got in." causing you to raise your brow in confusion, before he explains. "Remember Fiona was talking about me applying for college early? This is a letter from MIT, one of the schools I applied for. I got in!" A smile appears on your face and you hug Lip as he yells out "OH MY GOD I GOT ACCEPTED TO MIT!!" He lets you go and rushes out of the room telling you that "I need to tell Fiona!" You stand there for a few minutes, very happy for your friend, then the realization hits you.
 Lip is going to be going away to college in Massachusetts, which is fifteen hours away from Chicago; fifteen hours away from you. Thinking about the distance suddenly makes your heart swell and not in a good way, as you sit back on the bed in disbelief. Lip comes back into the room and notices how your mood has instantly changed. "Hey, you were just happy. What's wrong?" "You're Leaving?" Lip sees no problem in the situation saying "It's not too far away, I can visit all the time." Causing you to huff and explain. "Massachusetts is a fifteen-hour drive from Chicago, you won't be able to visit whenever you want. I'm extremely happy for you Lip, really, and I'm proud of you too, but we'll never see each other." Your voice cracks towards the end, and you feel a few tears stinging your eyes, but you blink them away. Lip stands there and processes what you mean before something clicks for him. He was going off to college and essentially leaving you behind. He stands there and whispers "Oh no..." Your gaze is on the floor, not wanting to see the hurt expression you already know is in his eyes. 
Lip takes a few steps forward and takes a knee in front of you. He reaches in his pocket for something and tells you. "I didn't want to do it this way, but I guess there isn't any better time.'' You glance up at him, and he pulls a little black box out of his pocket. As he opens the case, you gasp and cover your mouth with your hands. Inside is a beautifully simple ring with a heart carved out of the center. 
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He takes your hand softly in his and tells you. "These right here are our promise rings. I know that you always wanted one. Here is my promise to you. I promise to give you the best of myself, and never ask for more than you can give. I promise to continue to accept you for the way you are, and I won't dare try to change you. I promise to respect you as a person, and realize that your needs are different than mine, but not any less of importance. I promise to grow with you and to be there whenever your little heart desires me to be. Finally, I promise to love you regardless of whatever it is that we go through, good or bad. You are my everything, and without you, I would be nothing. So I leave you with this promise that today, I promise to stay by your side through it all. We made it this far, and I promise that we will keep going. I love you and I’m staying by your side, no matter what." Tears are freely falling down your face, and Lip looks at you worried before you wrap your arms around him and ask him to "Hold me and never let me go." 
His arms slide around your waist and the two of you stand there, enjoying the other's presence. You realize that you hadn't said anything in response to his promise he made to you, and you whisper "I love you too, and I promise." Lip pulls away, joy evident in his eyes, and he takes the rings out of the box. He gives you one, and he puts a ring on your finger, as you do his. You two hug once again, just because you love feeling his arms around you, and suddenly all the fuss about MIT is thrown out of the window. Lip kisses your forehead and you smile, before he asks.
"Is that my shirt?"
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Okay...weird shit happejed to you throuout yojr life, but has anything happened on Halloween specifically (other than you selling your soul to a demon)
Alright, it’s time for the requested and promised Ouija Board Story™
Listen, before I start this I wanna put a REALLY STRONG trigger warning on it- I really, truly recommend you not read this if you’ve been affected by suicide or get very easily freaked out by thoughts of death and the afterlife. I am not fucking kidding around here, okay? Someone in my family killed themselves over the summer and I’ve been trying so hard to not think about this whole event, because it’s terrifying to imagine anyone I know in this situation. Really think about it before you keep reading, okay? While this is an interesting and cool story I’m posting for Halloween, I don’t wanna get anyone too freaked out. If you think this is gonna mess with you or sit with you, just keep scrolling. 
This happened in 2015. My friend Zoe (@commando-rogers) decided to have some friends over for Halloween, because like, who doesn’t want plans on Halloween, right? Also there was Alexa (@starshiprangpr), Patricia (@trishaslats), Liz, and Ian (I don’t know if they have accounts if they do I’ll add them later). I’ve known these guys for years, so it was sure to be a fun night. 
Now, like. I’m bored with life. I’m freshly 20 years old. It’s Halloween. I’m dressed like Mabel Pines. I’m ready to fucking party. And we did have, you know, regular, normal fun at first- ate junk food, joked around, stuff like that. Average hangout. But then, a few hours into the night…Zoe pulls out a fucking Ouija Board. 
I’m immediately on the other side of the room, tbh. I’m very interested in paranormal stuff, and I was raised Catholic, and I’m also not a dumbass, so I know not to fuck around with Ouija Boards. You just don’t use them, ever! It’s never a good idea! Even if nothing talks to you through it, you’re still opening yourself up for something to happen. But I also knew this was five against one, so I didn’t stand much of a chance complaining. I conceded to watching whatever happens from a safe distance on the couch and not actually touching the board. Lord knows, I insisted, with my luck? Touching the board will get my ass possessed. 
The girls seemed to somewhat agree with me on that- Ian was the only person who agreed to use the board with Zoe. Ian’s a very smart, logical guy, you know, like the token genius asshole friend that you love to death even if he gets a little condescending occasionally? Love the guy. But he was pretty sure it was all bs and nothing would happen, versus Zoe’s deep belief in the paranormal, so they made a bit of a weird pair working the board. I remember texting my friend Raychel about what was about to happen, and getting the response “YOU MOTHER FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE FIT ALL THE HORROR MOVIE ARCHTYPES GET YOUR BULLSHIT TOGETHER AND DONT DO THIS”. And I agreed with her, honestly, but I did actually have a strong curiosity to see if anything would happen. Zoe had told me all about her trying to use the board by herself before (bad!!! idea!!!)- she said she never got any words out of the board, but her camera or phone or whatever she was trying to film the session with would always malfunction or die unexpectedly. No one expected what happened though. 
Now, before I really start, I wanna say- could this have all been an elaborate hoax by Ian or Zoe? Sure. Absolutely. Believe that if you want- but Zoe was so freaked out and even got all shook when we were going over details the other day, and Ian seemed really rocked, and honestly I can’t think of anything they’d get out of keeping up a ruse on it for two years now, especially when people they’re good friends with were literally crying during this mess, so…I really don’t think this was fake. Like, I want to believe it was fake. As I mentioned in the trigger warning, this has really stuck with me and been bugging me as of late, so if one of them suddenly fessed up that it was a prank? I would fucking jump for joy! But it doesn’t look like that’s the case (otherwise, they’re just, you know, dicks by this point). So, anyway, whether you believe it or not, just know that I am absolutely not lying about anything that happened in this story. I’m recounting everything truthfully. 
Okay, so…Ouija Boards have rules, you know? You have to be polite, say hello and goodbye even if nothing speaks to you, you have to keep at least two fingers on the planchette and ‘charge’ the piece, I’m not going over all the guidelines right now. And also, when a living person is manipulating the planchette…Like, you can tell. You can feel it. Zoe and Ian charged the piece, we all said hello, and we waited in silence. 
Zoe asked ‘Is there anybody here?’
Nothing happened for a long moment, but then…the planchette slowly started sliding towards ‘YES’. 
Ian was trying to look like his eyes weren’t wide, and going ‘Zoe! Zoe are you moving it!’ but Zoe was already having a mild freak out, her voice higher then normal and repeating ‘Holy shit holy shit holy shit!’ (like I said…she’s a deep believer in the paranormal). 
When it finally landed on yes, she took a deep breath and tried to seem a bit, I guess, politer. “Um, okay, hi, I’m Zoe? This is Ian and our other friends. What’s your name?”
Patricia made some joke about the name but got shushed. 
“Are you…usually in my house?”
“Are you…here for someone?”
We’ve only been at this for a few minutes and there was already that feeling in the air- you know, the one that gets over described every time anyone recounts a paranormal experience? Just a heavy feeling in the air, a twisted feeling in your gut, the feeling that someone is right behind you. Tension was building even though nothing had really happened to warrant it yet. 
“Who are you here for, Kevin?”
The planchette starts to slide towards the ‘I’. Cue to five girls yelling “IAN” in high pitched, worried (and some teasing) voices as the boy in question’s eyes are flying out of his head. 
It spells out the rest of his name. Zoe asks, “Is there anything you want to say to Ian?”
Me, an asshole who needed to cut some tension before she got sick: “Hello from the other side~~~~~~”.
Pillows were thrown at me.
The board respelled ‘Hello’. 
I will literally never forget the awkward forced smile on Ian’s face, or the raised eyebrows, or the way his confused voice cracked when he said, “…Hi, Kevin?” 
“How do you know Ian?”
Ian looked at is, giving an insistent whisper of “I don’t know any dead Kevins!”
That had us all stumped for a few moments, before “Do you think maybe like, past lives?”
Zoe asked Kevin if that was right. The planchette flew to the ‘YES’. 
“So Ian was your friend in his past life then? Who was he?”
“Evan! So how did Evan die?”
“Oh. Were you, like…with him?”
“How did you die then?”
Nothing happened for a few minutes, the piece didn’t move an inch. They recharged it and Zoe tried again. “Was that a rude question? Do you not want to talk about that?”
“I’m so sorry, we’re not trying to be rude.”
We started brainstorming for better questions (Zoe or Ian had to be the ones to formally ask, though). 
“Where were you from?”
“And what year did Ian die?”
(I’m going to admit here that I can’t remember the exact year, it was definitely around the 1920′s or 30′s, though. We all thought it was a bit odd that the death year wasn’t exactly close to Ian’s birth year)
“What year did you die?”
He spelled out the same year. 
“Oh? Um…how long after Evan did you die?”
A long pause, and then: …W…E…E…K. 
“But you didn’t reincarnate like Ian?”
“Why not?”
The board fell silent again. They recharged. “Sorry. Um…Why did you decide to find Ian in his current life?”
Before we could all start flat out cooing at that, it kept going, spelling out ‘…S…A…F…E.’
“Oh, so you’re his guardian angel?”
No response. “Okay…How did you know Ian was Evan?”
(cue everyone going ‘awwwww’) “You have the same eyes when you reincarnate?”
“So…what were you doing before Ian was born?”
It fell silent again. 
“Kevin? We’re sorry?”
“What did you mean by ‘close’ to a guardian angel? Are you not an angel?”
“So…what are you, then?”
“Okay, sorry. Um…Is anyone else here with you?”
“Who’s here with you?”
WHEN I TELL YOU WE SCREAMED. No one was Goddamn prepared for an answer like that! We’re just a bunch of asshole teens! None of us actually wanna die! What the fuck!!!! 
While we were all busy freaking out and trying to rationalize, Zoe managed to choke out a “Is…Death here for someone in this room?!”
“Is Death going to effect someone in this room?”
That got us to all calm down slightly, but….We were literally just told DEATH IS AMONG US. We were still freaking out, and were trying to figure out what Kevin meant by that. After a while though, something clicked. 
“Kevin? Does Death just have to be with you in order for you to talk to us?”
We all slowly recovered from that scare, a little more wary about pissing Kevin off but also…more curious, because there was a lot to ask and a lot he seemed to want to hide. 
“Um…so is Heaven and all that real?”
A very, very long pause. Zoe and Ian almost went to recharge and try a new question, but then it slowly slide over to ‘YES’. 
The pause seemed to make it clear it wasn’t something he really wanted to go into. But, “So…what’s Heaven like?”
A long pause. …D…R…E…A…M.
“…And…is hell real?”
The planchette immediately flew around the board, spelling: …N…I…G…H…T…M…A…R…E.
None of us really knew what to say about that. 
We asked a few more questions, but Kevin still didn’t want to talk about himself that much. He liked talking about Evan, though (After this night, we had a running joke for a little bit about ‘cant believe we’re shipping Ian with a ghost’. There were some ‘implications’ I remember we all picked up on) But he still avoided questions pertaining to him. Zoe had a very worried look on her face around this point. She had been very curious about Kevin’s unwillingness to talk about certain topics, and things were slowly piecing together in her mind. She tried once more to get answers. “Kevin, I’m really sorry for asking, but I just- Um, I’m sorry, but did you kill yourself?”
There was a bright flash in the room. 
That made everyone jump and look around- we had caught it in the window, but we couldn’t see anyone outside or around the house. Zoe’s parents and brother were upstairs. We couldn’t find anything that would have caused it. It was just a flash, but we were completely alone and with the timing of the question…Well, everyone was unsettled about it. 
We eventually settled back down and recharged the board. “Kevin?…Did you?”
Slowly, it slid towards the ‘YES’. 
“…Because Evan died?”
“And…that meant you couldn’t be reborn?”
“So…what happened?”
It stayed still. 
I had a very sick, sinking feeling in my stomach at this- I’d gone to Catholic school for 9 years, and I knew suicide is classified as a sin. In the more modern times the Church stopped being awful about it, always prayed for suicide victims and didn’t deny them burials anymore and always told the families the same spiel about being in God’s hands, but…It was still considered a mortal sin none the less. I told the group as much. 
Zoe said in a small voice “Were you…in hell?”
A long pause. ‘YES’. 
“Um…for how long?”
“That’s why you’re not a guardian angel then? Because you were in hell?”
“How did you…get out to find Ian?”
We’d all been on edge with the turn of the conversation, but that. Fuck. I nearly lost it at that. Zoe and the other’s asked who Lilith was, because she’s not common curriculum, but, well, short story answer- She was created before Eve, but she didn’t want to submit to Adam, so she was tortured to give birth to a dead child every day, but other accounts and stories of her do go on to say she became a lead torturer/essentially queen of hell. Fucking. 
“Lilith let you out of hell?”
“Why? Like what for?”
“You don’t….You have no idea why they let you out?”
“So you found Ian and became his…Guardian demon? Is that a thing?”
“Does everyone have one?”
“Do I have an angel or a demon?”
Zoe, even though she’d been talking to a seemingly reasonable demon all night, looked a little worried about that. Back then we had a running joke in our friend group that Zoe was Satan, and well “Um, do I have a demon because of all the jokes I make?”
“Um??? I’m sorry? Fuck.” 
We were all a little #shook but trying not to laugh at the look on her face at that. She went on to check with Kevin that having a demon instead of an angel didn’t actually mean anything bad, she wasn’t in like, undead trouble or anything, the only difference is the demons are usually working off a debt or something versus the angels not…But when Zoe and I were going over this the other day, she did suddenly realize that she hasn’t made a single Satan joke since this night and she’d ‘feel weird if one was made now’. Make of that what you will. 
He said me and the other girls all had Angels (Shoutout to you, Sarah! I’m still kicking at 22!).
Patricia, however, wanted some proof that ‘Helena’ existed and was there for her. Which is reasonable. She asked if her angel wanted to tell her anything. There was a brief pause before the planchette spelled out: …E…R…I…K…I…S…G…O…O…D. 
We were y e l l i n g. Listen, I know that’s clearly not going to be convincing evidence to a bunch of random people reading this, but basically Erik had been dating her best friend at the time and she was just…Very worried about the relationship. Very worried. For many reasons.‘Erik is good’ is exactly the thing she needed to hear from a guardian angel. (And, spoiler alert from two years in the future: he IS good!) But like. She teared up hearing that. It was nice. 
We tried to stray into lighter topics than the whole hell thing, because, again, fuck- I remember thinking to myself at some point ‘this poor guy is after-living the plot to a really great book’- but none of us wanted to upset him again and none of us wanted to get anymore upset ourselves. Liz had already had a panic attack by this point (the hell talk obviously got to her), and she was actively trying not to sob as she asked if she could speak to any passed on family members. We were told pretty much everyone gets reborn and there was no one else around except for Kevin and the other guardians (and good ole’ Death, of course). 
Ian’s got a big birthmark on his face, right? It’s adorable and we often made a lot of jokes about it (fondly), so at some point, while trying to stay on lighter topics, someone asked ‘Did Ian have that birthmark in his past life?‘
Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard about that theory that birthmarks have to do with how you died in a past life, but….shook. We all started trying to figure out if we had any meaningful birthmarks. Zoe got further freaked out because she has one on her wrist and one on her temple. What the fuck did she theoretically get up to in a past life?
That was the last really substantial thing he gave us, all the other questions tapered off so we could try to pretend we hadn’t learned we were talking to a demon who went to hell for no seemingly good reason and also no one would be able to talk to dead loved ones. After we finally came to a loss for questions, and people started having to leave- we just did the proper ‘goodbye’ and everything, followed all the rules, put the board away and split up. Liz was still drying her eyes when she left. Ian was mumbling to himself and swearing up and down he didn’t fake all that.  Zoe was frantically researching the information we received and kept repeating that that was the craziest fucking thing that ever happened to her (and she actually did find some thread about guardian demons). We talked about it for a bit before I went home. 
And, it’s like…Again, this could be nothing. But it doesn’t feel like nothing. It feels like a shifted view because…Even if it’s not real, it’s still an outlook on the afterlife that I had never considered before, and it’s…horrifying? This whole night I’ve just never been able to shake, I can’t get it out of my head, because if it is true? Fuck. If it’s true, fuck. The whole drive home I couldn’t help but think ‘ignorance is bliss’. 
It just left me with so many questions, questions I literally don’t think you can get the answers to until it’s too late, and…I don’t know what to do about that. 
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