persephones-journey · 6 months
Angry Confessions Prompts
@bhxrdy requested prompts #2, 8, & 12 and told me it was my choice which one to do and which couple... and of course I did all three. lol
First two are Aisling/Finan and the last one, #12 is Tate/Finan. And all are Modern AUs. Enjoy.
#2 & 8: “You make me so angry I want to scream, and I love you so much, it tears me apart.” & “You make me so angry sometimes. And you make me love you all the same.”
Aisling slammed the car door as she climbed out of the vehicle. She heard Finan do the same. She marched towards her little English cottage. She heard Finan's footsteps following her.
“We are not done!” he yelled as she reached the door.
She whirled around and shoved him. “Oh, we are done,” she spat. She shoved him again as he stepped closer to her. “You have somewhere to be, don't you?” she added. “Someone else to be with.”
“Don't,” he spat, “don't ya do that,” he added.
Tears burned her eyes. “I have every right to do that,” she dug in her purse for her keys. “You are out seeing other woman-.”
“Eadith is a client,” Finan said anger lacing his words. “She is nothing more and will never be anything more.”
Aisling shook her head. “Did you tell her that? Cause she was looking at you like you were hers and like I did not even exist so-.”
“I didn't notice the way she looked at ya because my eyes only see ya,” he told her.
She snorted. She grabbed her keys and put the right one in the lock. Her hands shook remembering seeing the other redhead make doe eyes at Finan, right in front of it. How Eadith had practically beamed as she laughed telling a joke that Aisling did not understand; “It's an inside joke, you had to be there.” She unlocked her door and shoved it open. She walked in and went to slam the door in Finan's face.
He grabbed it and held it open. He looked at her. His dark eyes, his perfect beard and hair. He was supposed to be hers.
At least she thought he was hers.
“Sweet Jesus Christ, Aisling,” he said, “ya make me so angry I want to scream,” he said. She watched as he smiled at her softly and shook his head. “And I love you so much, it tears me apart,” he finished smirking at her.
Aisling looked at him. Words left her for the moment. As did her anger.
He loved her.
They had been dating for three months. Aisling had tried telling herself over and over it was nothing more than just sex.
Looking at Finan right there at that moment, she now knew it was different.
It was love.
Tears burned her eyes. She blinked and they rolled down her cheeks. Finan stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Did ya hear me?” he asked. “You make me so angry sometimes. And ya make me love ya all the same,” he said again.
She nodded. “I heard you,” she whispered as his hands pressed into her back.
“And?” he asked.
She placed her hands on his sides and looked at him. “And,” she looked into his dark eyes, “I think you need to tell Eadith that you are mine now,” she answered.
He smirked. “Oh really? Why should I tell her that?”
“Because I love you, you sexy Irish bastard,” she answered.
He laughed and hauled her body against his. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up and slammed the door closed and pressed her against it. She kissed him back over and over holding him close.
She loved him, even if he did make her so angry and jealous she wanted to shake him.
#12 “I love you! Is that what you wanted to hear? Are you happy now?”
Finan sat on the beach and watched Tate. She was standing on the beach, staring out at the ocean. She was only about two feet away from him but she felt an ocean apart from him.
They had been fighting all weekend. He had thought getting out of the city and away from their friends would help them grow together as a couple.
Maybe, hopefully, get Tate to admit that after six months, she loved him.
But instead everything he had done had been wrong, it seemed. And she was just angry at the world.
He sighed and got up. He brushed the sand from his beach shorts and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist but she didn't lean into him. She stayed tense. He sighed and kissed her temple.
“I'm sorry,” he said, not sure what he was apologizing for.
She snorted. “I very much doubt that.”
He pulled away from her and walked around her. He stood in front of her blocking her view of the ocean. She glared at him and he lifted his arms up.
“What do ya want from me?” he asked her.
She stepped back. “What?” she demanded. “You dare ask me that?!” she yelled.
“Yes!” he yelled. “I am just trying to be with ya!”
She crossed her arms on her chest. “You brought me here to try and pry my feelings from me!” she yelled at him.
“Aye, well, ya aren't exactly forthcoming with how ya feel, Tate!” he yelled back. “I tell ya everything, every emotion, every hurt, every joy. And ya, ya tell me nothing!”
Finan looked at her. He saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. “I love ya, Tate,” he said softly. “I love ya and I have told ya that over and over. I will only be happy when ya are happy.”
She looked at him. Her moss green eyes filling with tears. She threw herself in his arms. He held her tight and swung her around as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her tight and felt her tears fall on his skin. She pulled away and he looked into her eyes.
“I love you,” she whispered.
He smiled. “Aye, I know,” he whispered. He kissed her on the lips softly. “Are ya happy?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said. “I am happy.”
“Good,” Finan smirked. He threw her into the water. She yelled and glared at him. He pointed at her. “That is for making this weekend hell.”
She shook her head. “You are going to pay for that,” she said.
Finan took off as she chased him. He laughed as she did. He loved her and she loved him. Being with her would never be easy but he knew it would be worth it in the end.
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yogeshmalik · 5 years
Sugar And Sugar Substitute Market Top Key Players: Tate & Lyle, Archer Daniels Midland Company - Kentucky Journal 24 http://bit.ly/2Qtr5LT
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smartseo4you · 7 years
New Post has been published on Ziarul tau online
PSD renunță la impozitul pe cifra de afaceri
Impozitul pe cifra de afaceri nu va fi introdus, subiectul fiind unul închis pentru coaliţia PSD-ALDE. Aceasta este concluzia la care s-a ajuns, ieri, după cea de-a doua radiogra­fie săptămânală a Cabinetului Tudose. Cel mai probabil, Guvernul va introduce o taxă de solidaritate, dar nu se ştie dacă aceasta va fi aplicată din 2018. Deocam­dată se fac simulări.
Premierul Mihai Tudose a anunţat, ieri, la finalul evaluării săptămânale, că impozitul pe cifra de afaceri – un punct nevralgic al noului program de guvernare – nu va mai fi introdus. Şeful Exectivului le-a transmis jurnaliştilor să consi­dere subiectul unul „închis”. Tudose a precizat că a luat decizia de unul singur, în avion, în drum spre Bruxelles. „Eu am luat această decizie pe baza discuţiei şi a materialelor pe care mi le-a dat ministrul Finan­ţelor, Ionuţ Mişa. Chiar pe avion am luat decizia la dus, trei ore am stat împreună şi am vorbit despre acest lucru”, a explicat Tudose. Întrebat care au fost argumentele pentru care s-a renunţat la introducerea acestui impozit, premierul a precizat că impo­zitul pe cifra de afaceri era „ca o coasă” prin care „practic loveam şi pe cei cinstiţi şi buni plătitori”. Tudose a mai spus că, deşi s-a renunţat la impozitul pe cifra de afaceri, se vor căuta mijloace prin care să fie impozitaţi şi cei care „se cred mai deştepţi ca statul”, cu trimitere la companiile care nu îşi declară profitul în România. Una dintre soluţiile luate în calcul este implementarea unei Direc­tive Europene care prevede plata impozi­tului în ţara unde se realizează profitul.
Taxa de solidaritate? Nu s-a decis încă pragul
Referitor la taxa de solidaritate, premierul a precizat că încă se fac simu­lări, dar că probabil aceasta „va fi cumva” aplicată, deşi nu s-a stabilit încă de la ce prag în sus. „Este o taxă care va fi aplicată persoa­nelor fizice, persoane care câştigă foarte mult, care bene­ficiază de o mulţime de lucruri din partea statului. Să plătească peste un anumit prag valoric o taxă în plus de solidari­tate cu statul, care i-a oferit prilejul să câştige atâţia bani”, a explicat Tu d o s e . E l a precizat însă că dacă se va dovedi că impactul acestei măsuri va fi unul f o a r t e m i c , probabil că se va renunţa şi la această taxă. Liderul PSD Liviu Dragnea a precizat, la finalul „consultaţiei”, că i-a cerut premierului „să anali­zeze foarte atent şi cu maximă rigoare” activitatea ANAF-ului, premierul oferind asigu­rări că se va întâmpla acest lucru în perioada următoare. „În câteva zile va face această analiză şi va lua orice măsură crede de cuviinţă”, a detaliat Dragnea.
Sursa articol jurnalul.ro
, sursa articol http://blogville.ro/psd-renunta-la-impozitul-pe-cifra-de-afaceri/
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Ipocrizia marilor puteri
Marile puteri au decis în 2000 un plan pt com­ba­te­rea sără­ciei. Pla­nul se muneşte Mil­le­nium şi au ade­rat la el cele mai puter­nice ţări din lume. La înce­put era opti­mism şi pro­mi­siuni. Pla­nul pre­vede, în linii mari, ca până în 2015 sără­cia şi foa­me­tea să fie reduse dras­tic, dacă nu era­di­cate. 10 ani mai târ­ziu ace­leaşi mari puteri con­stată fali­men­tul aces­tui plan.
Bine, între timp a inter­ve­nit şi criza mondi­ală, dar ideea e că până la criză avu­se­seră timp vreo 7–8 ani să rea­li­zeze multe pro­iec­turi, cum ar spune marele Boc. Nu fu să fie şi acum, când au făcut reu­niu­nea de 10 ani, au ajuns să pro­pună măsuri ciu­date. Sim­pa­ti­cul Sar­kozy pro­pune ca toate tranza­cţi­ile finan­ci­are să fie impo­zi­tate şi banii rezul­taţi să intre în con­tul pro­gra­mu­lui. Adică o măsură sim­pa­tică şi ase­mă­nă­toare celei pro­puse de şi mai sim­pa­ti­cul Wil­liam Brânză, care a pro­pus ca banii tri­mişi de dias­pora rru­mână în Româ­nia să fie impo­zi­taţi (în plus) cu 1 %.
Banii strânşi de Brânză nu se vor duce în pro­gra­mul Mil­le­nium şi nici spre alte pro­iecte demne ci vor fi folo­siţi după bunul său plac, dar ideea e ace­eaşi. Acum stau şi mă întreb cine de la cine a copiat ideea. Dar să nu intrăm în deta­lii plic­ti­si­toare. Deci, marile puteri, con­sta­ta­tând fali­men­tul pro­iec­tu­lui la care au ade­rat pro­pun un nou impo­zit, o nouă taxă, un nou bir. Pe ace­laşi sis­tem cre­tin pe care fun­cţio­nează şi Guver­nul Româ­niei.
Unde-i pro­blema veţi spune. Pro­blema e că în timp ce marile puteri mimează inte­re­sul pt com­ba­te­rea sără­ciei şi a foa­me­tei în lume achi­e­sează, mai toate, la un nou trend poli­tic – extrem dreaptă cu toate deri­va­tele sale. De aici şi cir­cul. În plan intern ei iden­ti­fică ame­ninţări în masa imi­granţi­lor şi iau măsuri cre­tine: repa­tri­eri, inter­zi­ce­rea unor obi­ce­iuri ale musul­ma­ni­lor şi inter­zi­ce­rea con­stru­cţiei de mos­chee. În toată Europa pre­do­mină pre­o­cu­pa­rea asta cu imi­granţii şi mai ales cu musul­ma­nii. Adică cu oameni care emi­grează fix din pro­bleme cau­zare de sără­cie şi foa­mete.
Deci, nici nu reu­şesc să eli­mine pro­blema de la rădă­cină şi nici nu vor să se con­frunte cu ea atunci când le vine la uşă. Cred că pot spune fără a greşi că doc­trina drep­tei poli­tice mondi­ale este ipo­cri­zia. După asta vin Lega Nord, Româ­nia Mare, Fron­tul Naţio­nal al lui Le Pen, PVV olan­dez şi alte par­tide naţio­na­liste cu şuşa­na­lele şi pro­mi­siu­nile lor.
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persephones-journey · 6 months
This is for @bhxrdy who requested all these from the Cuddling Prompts. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did writing them....
2. Tracing scars and pressing into beauty marks Aisling/FInan
Finan opened his eyes and saw the sun shining into the room from the window. He rolled over and smiled as he saw Aisling sleeping on her side, facing him. He smiled and reached up to gently press his finger into a freckle on the side of her neck. She hummed and opened her eyes. 
“I thought we were going to sleep in,” she muttered as she blinked her eyes at him. 
He smiled. “I didn’t say anything about getting up,” he said. 
He wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed his body against hers. He held her close. He ran his hand down her lower back and over her ass cheek. His hand stopped at the scar on the back of her thigh. He traced it gently. 
He closed his eyes as he felt her soft fingers tracing the scars on his back. Every gentle movement of her fingertips as they traced his scars pressed love into his back. The scars had been made in anger and hate when he had been on that ship, but in his bed with his wife touching them, new feelings were pressed into them. 
He no longer hated them. He no longer felt ashamed of them. He had survived. He had gotten off that ship. 
And he was there, with his wife. 
“I sometimes worry that you won’t love me if I get any more scars,” she whispered as she pressed a kiss to his chest, over another scar. Her tongue gently traced this one. 
Finan moved his fingers up and ran them along the scar on her side. He nuzzled his face in her neck and pressed a kiss to the beauty mark there. 
“I love ya scars and all,” he whispered. “Plus, who am I to talk? My back is covered in scars, and ya still love me.”
Aisling chuckled. “Have you seen you?” she whispered. 
He smiled and held her tighter. He did not answer, knowing she didn’t expect one. He just laid beside her in the quiet of the morning, holding her, and tracing her scars, grateful that he still had her with him. 
5. “I’m sorry, I’m probably suffocating you.” “No, I don’t mind. If I do happen to suffocate, just know I died happy.” Aisling/Finan
Aisling walked into the apartment and saw Finan sitting on the couch strumming his guitar. She slammed the door and he looked up at her. He put his guitar aside and she just took enough time to pull off her jean jacket and kick off her flat shoes before walking over to him and throwing herself in his arms. 
He caught her and fell back on the couch so he was laying on his back. She laid over him, her head on his chest and her arms around his waist. She felt him stroking her hair. 
“That bad?” he asked. 
She humphed and nodded. “Yes,” she answered. 
Silence echoed around them. She snuggled down more and heard him suck in a breath. She looked up at him, her chin in the middle of his chest. 
“I’m sorry, I’m probably suffocating you,” she muttered. 
He reached out and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. “No, I don’t mind. If I do happen to suffocate, just know I died happy,” he added with a smirk. 
She smiled, feeling some of the tension and stress from her day leave her as she looked into Finan’s happy face. She rested her cheek down on his chest again and closed her eyes. She took comfort from him as he rubbed her back and stroked her hair. She was not moving anytime soon. 
6. Pecks and nose grazes over all areas of exposed skin Aisling/Finan
Finan pressed the softest of kisses along Aisling’s side and stomach. She raked her fingers through his hair as he rested his head on her rounding stomach. He let his nose graze her skin smiling as he felt the faintest tap on his nose. He smiled and pressed another kiss on Aisling’s belly, along her skin as her silk tank top had rode up as she slept. 
“Your child is keeping me awake,” Aisling muttered softly. 
Finan placed more soft kisses along Aisling’s stomach, on every inch of bare skin there. He smiled more and more as with every kiss he felt a little tap from their child. He ran his nose along her skin and sighed. He closed his eyes, not able to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. 
“Finan?” Aisling whispered as her fingers danced along his cheeks. 
“I am happy, Aisling,” he whispered as his nose grazed her skin, feeling their child kicking from inside of his wife. “I am happy to feel our babe moving in ya.”
He moved and placed more kisses along her belly. He felt her stroke his hair. She sighed as his nose ran along her skin, breathing her in. 
“I guess your child keeping me awake is worth it then,” she whispered. 
He smiled and kissed her belly button. “Aye, our babe is definitely worth it,” he whispered. 
He nuzzled his nose against her skin and kept his head resting on her stomach. He held her and their unborn babe close to him. He did not want to miss one moment of their movement. And he wanted to hold everything he loved close to him. It reminded him that he was finally happy and had a family. He was free to love and be loved. And he did not want to let any of that go. 
8. The small inkling of panic that the other may leave when they shift positions and then relief when that’s all it was. Tate/Finan
Tate opened her eyes when she felt Finan shift in her arms. She was pressed against his chest with her arms wrapped around his waist. She felt Finan pull away as he rolled over. 
Her heart pounded in her chest. She feared he would leave the bed. She didn’t want him to leave yet. She didn’t want him to leave ever. But she also didn’t want to hold on to him too tight. 
She closed her eyes and took slow breaths telling herself that she could deal with it if he left her bed. She would be all right, she wouldn’t freak out, and she would not mention it to him, no, she would be fine and she was stronger than that and-
She opened her eyes when Finan rolled over on his side away from her and settled back down into the bed. He took one of her hands and held it as he muttered something under his breath and tugged her closer. 
She moved closer to him, pressing her chest against his back. She held him tight and nuzzled her face in his back and closed her eyes. She relaxed and felt the panic and worry leaving her. She let sleep pull at her again and held Finan tight to her. 
She did not want to let him go. 
12. One throwing their limbs over the other and the other holding them in place. Tate/Finan
Finan rubbed his thumb along Tate’s arm as she slept. She was sleeping, as peacefully as she could for her. She muttered something and threw her leg over his waist. He smiled and reached out with his other hand and placed it on her thigh. 
His thumb and fingers stroked her skin as he held her leg on his waist. He loved holding her like this because it felt like she was trying to roll right on top of him to sleep. He turned his head and nuzzled his nose in her hair and closed his eyes. 
He ran his other hand along her arm, that was thrown across his chest and held it there as well. She sighed in contentment. He smiled, glad that he was able to recognize her different sighs now. 
He finally allowed him to sleep knowing that Tate was settled and he was holding her tightly and firmly against him. 
18. Holding and cradling their face to study it, perhaps noticing something new to love. Tate/Finan
Finan rode hard and fast. He had been away from Coccham for two weeks and could not wait to see Tate again. He missed her. He ached for her. 
He laughed when he saw Coccham in front of him. He barely pulled his horse to a stop before he threw himself off his horse. He saw Clapa outside on the training field. Clapa laughed and pointed to the dock. 
Finan ran towards it. He slowed down and stopped when he saw Tate swim to the surface of the river. He pulled off his boots and leather armour. He watched as Tate turned and saw him. She smiled and laughed as he pulled off his tunic and ran off the end of the dock and jumped into the water. 
He surfaced and swam towards her. He didn’t wait for her to say hello or anything to him before reached out and cupped her cheeks in his hands. He cradled her face and pulled her close. He kissed her deeply. 
“I missed ya,” he whispered as he kissed her over and over. 
“I missed you more,” she answered in between kisses. 
He pulled away from the kisses and cradled her face, holding it close. His eyes raked over her face, taking her in again as if it was the first time he had ever seen her. He ran his thumbs over some of her freckles smiling when he saw she had a couple more. He saw her skin had darkened a bit as well, telling him she had been outside more. Her moss green eyes seemed to sparkle as they looked at him. 
“Ya have more freckles,” he said as he leaned in and kissed her nose. He saw some redness there. “And have been outside too long today, if ya nose is this red,” he added. 
“I knew you were coming back today and wanted to greet you,” she answered. 
He smiled. “And greet me, ya did,” he glanced away from her face and into the water. “Lady,” he said deeply, “ya seem to have misplaced ya clothes.”
She laughed and slapped his shoulder. He smiled and looked back up at her face. He ran his thumbs over her cheeks and their freckles. 
“I love ya freckles and your red nose,” he whispered. 
Tate smiled. “Hmm, you do?”
He nodded. “I love every new thing about ya.”
He cradled Tate’s face more as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved closer to him. She pressed a kiss to his lips. 
“Perhaps I have more freckles in other places as well, Finan,” she answered as she pressed another kiss to the corner of his mouth. 
“Hmm,” Finan kissed her new freckles and nose again, “I will have to look very closely at ya whole body later,” he answered. “And kiss every new freckle.”
Tate smiled and he kissed her again, still holding her face. He kissed her over and over never wanting to stop. He decided that next time, she was coming with him. 
21. “Do you want me to hold you closer?” “No, that’s not it, ugh - I just want to curl up inside of you. Is that weird?” Carwyn/Finan
Carwyn was tired of being sick. She laid curled up on the bed wrapped in most of the blankets, snuggled and cocooned close to Finan for warmth and comfort. He held her close, much closer than she thought he would be able to given the amount of blankets she was wrapped in, but it still did not seem like enough. 
“I’m not comfortable,” she muttered. 
Finan sighed and rubbed her back. “Do you want me to hold ya closer?” he asked. 
She made a face, scrunching her nose up and shook her head. “No, that’s not it, ugh,” she groaned, “I just want to curl up inside of you,” she paused and looked at him. “Is that weird?” she asked. 
He smiled as he looked down at her. “Cece, for ya, that is pretty normal,” he said. 
She punched him in the side as she laughed and coughed a bit. She rested her head on his chest and felt him hold her even closer. 
“I just meant that, you bring me comfort,” she muttered. 
“I know what ya meant, milseán. Ya forget, I speak Carwyn,” he said as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
She sighed and relaxed. “And one day, I will figure out how to speak Finan,” she teased. 
He laughed a bit. “Ya speak Finan just fine. Sometimes I think ya just pretend ya don’t so I will talk more and ya can hear my accent more.”
Carwyn smiled. “You caught me,” she muttered as she felt herself drifting off to sleep. 
She fell asleep listening to Finan chuckle. He brought her so much comfort and she did sometimes wish she could curl up inside of him. She had no doubt she would feel even safer and more loved than she did at the moment, cocooned in his loving arms. 
Even if it sounded weird.  
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persephones-journey · 5 months
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All right, this was a request by @bhxrdy. based on the Christmas song 'One I've Been Missing' by Little Mix. And of course, I went a little bit wild with it. It has all three of my OCs in it and well, some very messy relationships.
I love Modern AUs lol. Enjoy.
Tate's eyes opened and she felt the arm wrapped around her waist holding her tight against him. She closed her eyes as she felt soft lips press the softest of kisses on the back of her neck.
“Let's stay in bed all day,” Finan whispered in her ear as his hand cupped her mound, his fingers slowly slipping between her folds and playing with her wetness.
“Hmm,” she moaned as she pressed her ass against his hard cock. “We promised Uhtred we would be there at noon for Christmas lunch.”
“Uhtred can wait,” Finan breathed into her ear as his fingers slipped into her.
She turned and moaned into her pillow as Finan's lips and teeth kissed and nipped her skin, leaving marks behind for all to see.
“My dove,” Uhtred whispered in her ear. “Are you awake?”
Tate nodded, pushing her memories aside. “I am,” she whispered as she took Uhtred's hand.
He kissed her neck and smiled against her skin. “How about we share a shower?” he asked.
She smiled and nodded. She turned and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Sounds wonderful,” she said.
She let go of him when he pulled away, humming a Backstreet Boys song. He left her in bed with her thoughts and feelings.
Her feelings and memories.
The love and the memories were hers, would always be hers.
But the man at the centre of them was no longer hers.
She was not even sure if he had ever been hers.
Aisling yawned as she stood in front of the coffee machine. She raked a hand through her damp hair as she snuggled down more in Finan's hoodie. She smiled as she felt his arms come around her waist. He tugged her close and she pressed her back against his front.
“I was looking for this,” he muttered as he tugged on the arm of the hoodie.
She laughed as he pressed himself more against her. She felt his bare skin and blushed, even though he was her husband, knowing he was in the kitchen naked.
“I needed something warm to wear after my shower,” she whispered as he nuzzled his face in her neck. She closed her eyes and moaned as he nipped at a sensitive spot behind her ear.
“Ya should have let me join ya then,” he muttered into her skin as his hands moved lower.
She sighed and hummed as his hands dipped under the hoodie and one cupped her cunt. She turned her head more as he nipped at the skin behind her ear.
“Merry Christmas, mo grá,” he whispered as he slipped a finger inside of her and let his thumb rub her clit.
She sighed and smiled. “Merry Christmas, husband,” she answered.
She let herself get lost then in the feeling of Finan behind her. His hands knew how to stroke her, knew when to push more and when to go softer.
He knew her.
Her mind, betrayed her in that moment as she felt the pleasure rise in her as Finan added another finger inside of her, and wandered back in time to two years before.
To when it had been another man's fingers inside of her.
One she had thought knew her and loved her completely. But who had instead loved their other partner more...
“Harald,” Aisling's ears heard the moan but she told herself she had to be hearing things.
It had sounded like Carwyn, her and Harald's partner.
But Carwyn was supposed to be on that business trip. She had said she needed to go in order to clear her schedule to go to Vegas with Harald and Aisling.
Aisling's hand shook as she placed the key in the lock and turned it. She pushed the door open and walked into the loft.
Her bag hit the floor at the same moment her heart fell to her stomach.
In front of her was Harald, balls deep in Carwyn, fucking her on the sectional Aisling had picked out at the furniture store. Alone, because both her partners had been busy.
“Come back to me,” Finan whispered in her ear as he pressed his body against hers more.
She sighed and turned to look at him. He leaned in and kissed her as he pulled his fingers from her. He held her tight, as if knowing she was far too distracted to let herself climax.
“Sorry,” she whispered as he pressed his forehead to hers.
“Don't be,” he whispered as his hands moved and rested on her bare stomach. “Ya have a lot on ya mind.”
She sighed. “Are you sure you'll be all right with Uhtred bringing her?” she asked as she looked into Finan's dark eyes.
He sighed. His fingers traced symbols in her skin. “He is ya brother, I cannot tell him to stay away.”
“And that is not what I asked, Finan,” she whispered. “Can you handle seeing Tate with him? It did not go well last year and-.”
Finan chuckled. “It didn't go well last year cause ya showed up with me, ya new husband who ya married in Vegas after knowing for exactly three days, and had not told anyone. I think we were all shocked and on edge.”
Aisling knew he had a point. After finding Harald and Carwyn together, she had traded in their tickets to Vegas and gone by herself. She had literally walked right into Finan at the airport upon landing. He had also been running away from his life.
They ended up in her hotel room hours later wrapped around each other.
Two days after that, they got married.
And a week later, they flew back home and she moved into Finan's loft.
Then came Christmas, two months later, and the realization that Finan's ex girlfriend, who was now dating his best friend, was Aisling's brother Uhtred's, new girlfriend, Tate. It didn't help matters that Tate and Uhtred had history.
A whole decade worth of will they, won't they that ended when Uhtred finally moved on with Gisela. Tate seemed to move on as well. Until Aisling's brother proved just how much of an ass he could be and Gisela left him.
And apparently, Tate decided she wanted Uhtred after all.
It made Aisling's head hurt.
“That doesn't matter,” she whispered as she looked at him. “If you aren't comfortable with seeing her again, I will cancel everything.”
She saw Finan smile. He leaned in and kissed her deeply. She moaned as his hands grabbed her ass and he squeezed her ass cheeks.
“Have I told ya how much I love ya lately?” he whispered as he lifted her up and sat her on the counter. He moved closer to her, in between her legs and she felt his hard cock press against her folds.
“Hmm,” she hummed. “No, you haven't,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I love ya,” he said as he reached between them and stroked her. “I love ya so much,” he added as he pulled his fingers from her and took his cock in hand and pressed his tip into her.
She moaned and wrapped her legs around him as his cock pushed into her. She smiled against his lips as he kissed her over and over.
“I am supposed to be making Christmas dinner,” she whimpered as he dragged his cock from her and thrusted into her. “Not fucking you in our kitchen.”
Finan smirked. “Well, if it's between ya and the turkey, I would rather stuff ya,” he said making his voice lower, which he knew with his accent drove Aisling wild.
She groaned. “That was terrible,” she muttered.
He smiled as he kissed her neck. She smiled as well as she felt him nip her skin. “I have more,” he grunted as he continued to thrust into her. Every thrust had her clit rubbing against his pelvis and it was sending pleasure flooding through her.
She raked her nails down his back. “Don't.”
He smiled more and she felt him unzip the hoodie and his hand cupping her bare breast after. “I am going to bast you in my juices,” he whispered to her.
She laughed. “Oh god, stop,” she said as she let her head fall back.
“When I am done with ya,” he went on using that damn smug sexy voice, “ya breasts will be nice and tender.”
She pushed against his thrusts. “Finan, I swear,” she moaned.
“And I am going to butter ya buns,” he added as he grabbed her ass cheeks. “And,” he thrusted into her harder and faster, “I will make sure ya have plenty of cream in ya coffee,” he finished as he thrusted hard into her.
She came at the same time he did. She felt his seed fill her as he held her body close to him. She held him tight as well. They stayed that way for several moments, in the quiet of their lovemaking.
“And I promise ya, there will be enough cream left over for ya to whip and put on top of ya cherry pie,” he muttered in her ear.
She reached down and grabbed his ass cheek and slapped it. “Enough,” she muttered to him.
He laughed and she felt his chest rumbled against hers. She pulled away and looked up at him. He leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back. She smiled against his lips.
She loved him. She had never planned on finding him but she was so glad she had.
She was not going to let him go.
Tate sat in the passenger seat as Uhtred parked the car. She smiled as he took her hand. She turned and looked at him. He looked good with his hair pulled back in a ponytail bun and his navy blue suit with the soft blue dress shirt.
“You look beautiful,” he said as he kissed the back of her hand.
She smirked. “It's just a pantsuit, Uhtred. Nothing special about it,” she muttered.
She had tried though. Normally, she wouldn't care what she wore but she had found herself this year, while shopping, looking for something pretty and bright. She had settled on a black suit that had silver pin-strips that sparkled in the light. She wore a thin silver camisole under it with silver boots.
Uhtred smiled against her hand. “It's special because you are wearing it,” he whispered.
She rolled her eyes. She pulled her hand away and got out of the car. Uhtred and her did not have thicker outer jackets on, thinking they would be fine just to run into Finan's building. It was chilling but the minute they began the five minute walk up the sidewalk, Uhtred wrapped his arm around her and tugged her close.
Finan buzzed them into the building and they made it into the elevator. Uhtred smirked and pressed her against the side of it and kissed her deeply. She moaned into his mouth as his hand grabbed her ass cheek.
“Behave yourself,” she told him as she pushed him away and the elevator door opened at their floor.
She took his hand and tugged him down the hall. She reached Finan's loft, memories taunting her about how she had helped him pick out this loft, had lived with in it, had made love on every surface of it with him.
It's not mine anymore. It's his home with his wife.
Uhtred knocked and Tate smiled as he wrapped an arm around her waist. The door opened revealing Finan, in the ugliest Christmas sweater Tate had ever seen. Uhtred laughed but Tate was too shocked to do anything but stare.
“Uhtred, Tate, come on in,” he said as he stepped aside. “Do ya like my sweater?”
Said sweater was green, white, and oranger knit, like the Irish flag. And it had writing on the front that read “THIS IS MY UGLY IRELAND CHRISTMAS SWEATER” in red. Finan had paired it with dark wash jeans and Tate was beginning to think Uhtred and she had overdressed.
Until she saw Aisling.
“Finan, no one likes your sweater,” she said as she walked into the room.
Aisling made Tate look like a supporting character. Aisling wore a green velvet jumpsuit that was strapless and had a fitted bodice. The bodice had a decorative lapels on the front that folded down and showed off some of her cleavage. She had paired the jumpsuit with a pair of gold spiked heels and simple gold hoops.
“Tate,” she said as she reached Tate. She hugged her gently and kissed her cheek. “You look stunning,” she said as she stepped back.
Tate snorted. “No, you look stunning,” she answered.
“You are both pretty,” Uhtred said. “Rusty,” he said as he hugged Aisling.
“Pain in my ass,” she responded.
Finan chuckled at that. “Come on, Osferth is here,” he leaned in close, “and he brought a date.”
“What?” both Tate and Uhtred asked.
Tate grabbed Uhtred's hand and tugged him further into the loft. She noticed immediately the changes that Aisling must had made to the place. She was making it her own.
And that hurt a bit.
Tate pushed it aside as she and Uhtred walked down the short hall and into the open living room, dining room, and kitchen. And sure enough, there was Osferth, seated on the sectional in front of the wall of bookshelves (new, Tate preferred to read on her tablet) beside a beautiful red head, who wore a simple black dress.
And she was laughing at Osferth's joke apparently.
“It's like finding a unicorn,” Uhtred muttered.
Tate elbowed him. She walked over. “Osferth, Happy Christmas,” she said.
“Tate,” he said as he stood. His date did as well. “This is Eadith,” he said smiling. “I met her at the hospital,” he added.
Tate nodded. “I'm Tate and this is my partner-,” she started.
“Partner in crime,” Aisling called from the kitchen as her and Finan checked on the food.
Tate laughed as Uhtred flipped his sister off. “And Aisling's older brother, Uhtred,” she said.
Eadith looked at Osferth and she saw them share a look. Oh well, isn't that nice. He's already told her the gossip about us. Great. She looked back at Tate and offered her hand.
“It's nice to meet you,” she said softly.
Tate shook her hand and nodded. She sat down beside Uhtred, who sat beside Osferth and nodded along as they began talking.
She found herself looking around the loft, seeing all the pictures of Finan and Aisling together. She looked at the tree, laughing at how it had cat beds in it for Aisling's two cats. She noticed than a framed picture; Finan with both cats on his lap, laughing.
So much for him not liking cats, she mused.
There were so many changes in the place that Tate felt like it was a new loft altogether. And honestly, it was in a sense. It was Finan's home with Aisling now. And with a new coat of paint on the walls, a change in the floors, and new build ins, gone was all trace of her.
It was like she and Finan had never been together.
Like they had never been a couple.
“I have given ya everything, Tate. Every piece of my heart and ya just threw it back in my face!”
“I told you, I am not ready for commitment!”
“Was that before or after ya rode Uhtred's prick?!”
“I need some wine,” she said to Uhtred. His response was to pat her leg.
She got up and turned towards the kitchen. She watched Finan with his arm around Aisling, whispering in her ear. Aisling laughed and pressed a hand to his chest leaning closer and kissing him.
Tate hated it but there was a part of her that missed that. That missed him.
Finan laughed as Sihtric grabbed his son, Junior, and swung him up in his arms. He wrapped his arm around Aisling, who was sitting in his lap as he sat in his arm chair. He pressed a hand to her stomach and looked at her. She smiled at him and nodded.
Ragnar was not there yet and Uhtred's children were missing, but most of their family were there.
It was time to announce their good news.
Aisling stood and he stood beside her. Junior, back on his feet, ran over to Aisling. She laughed and ruffled his hair as he hugged her legs.
“We have an announcement,” she started.
“You're getting married,” Sihtric teased.
“No, they already did that,” Uhtred muttered.
“Without us,” Osferth added. Finan swore he could hear a slight whine in his friend's voice.
Finan rolled his eyes. “Get over it,” he said.
“What's the announcement?” Tate asked as she sipped her wine.
Finan looked at her. For a moment, he worried about what the announcement would mean to her. Would it hurt her? Would she even care?
He smiled as Aisling kneeled down and whispered to Junior, pointing to a large gift bag with Santa on it by the tree. Junior, eager to help, ran over and picked the bag, which honestly was almost as big as he was, and carried/dragged it over to where they were. Aisling took it from him and smiled. Finan opened the bag and handed Junior a box.
“Bring this to Uhtred and Tate,” he said.
Junior nodded. And so on he went, until Sihtric and Osferth also had a gift. The one for Ragnar was left in the bag. Aisling and Finan had given Thyra hers before she and Beocca had left with their children for their Disney vacation. Aisling had also sworn them to secrecy.
“And what is this?” Sihtric asked as Junior sat on his lap ready to open it. Finan was a bit sad that Ealhswith had stayed home with their second son, Cynlaef who was sick but he knew she would find out the minute Sihtric got home.
“Open it and find out,” Aisling said smiling.
Finan held her close, his arm around her waist. He watched as their friends opened the medium size boxes. He glanced over and saw that Uhtred had his opened first. Tate looked inside and looked up at him. Her moss green eyes clashed with his brown eyes.
“Oh,” she said softly.
“'My niece is the cutest little girl ever',” Uhtred read the t-shirt. He looked up at Aisling and Finan. “Are you saying-.”
Finan nodded as Aisling laughed. He pressed his hand to her stomach. “Aye, we're having a baby,” he said.
“A girl,” Aisling added. “Cause someone needed to know,” she teased Finan.
He kissed her neck. “Ya wanted to know as well,” he added as he pinched her side.
Osferth and Sihtric cheered and came over to congratulate them. Eadith and Uhtred as well. Finan hugged Osferth and noticed that Tate stood back. She walked over slowly and hugged Aisling gently. He found himself searching her eyes and her body language to see if she was hurt, if she angry; just what exactly she was feeling. He turned his attention to Junior who had run over demanding why the new baby was a girl. He and Sihtric laughed and Finan found his worry for Tate slipping away.
He was blissfully happy. He was with someone who loved him completely. Aisling wanted to build a life with him. And he with her.
That was what was important to him. He would rather focus on that then on his ex's feelings.
He could not control how Tate felt and if he was honest, he no longer really cared. She had left him. She could deal with her own emotions if she was hurt or angry or sad.
He had moved on and he was not going back.
Uhtred found Tate later, after the dinner when everyone had moved back to the living room, hiding. She hid in the large walk in closet beside the bathroom. She turned and looked at him as he leaned in the doorway and crossed his arms on his chest. She leaned against the wall amongst the booms and mops and other cleaning supplies and looked at him.
“You're hurt,” he said softly.
She closed her eyes. “I have no right to be,” she muttered.
He sighed. He stepped closer to her. “You have every right to be. I mean, you had barely broke up with him when he married her.”
He watched as Tate snorted and opened her eyes. She looked at him. “Are we still playing the game that you and I were not sleeping together for a few months before I left him?”
Uhtred looked around. He stepped closer. “Yes, because I do not want anyone to hate you even more than they already do.”
Tate raised an eyebrow and Uhtred smirked. “Hate me?” she asked. “Everyone loves me. You,” she shoved him, “you are the one they hate.”
Uhtred grabbed her arm and yanked her closer. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He kissed her temple when he felt her snuggle into him. He closed his eyes and ran his nose along her hair. He loved her, he truly did but sometimes he worried that she would never let herself love anyone completely and wholly. He knew he past was messed up and there was abuse there from her brother and father, but Tate had healed from all that.
At least, she kept saying that she had healed. And she had; in some ways. But there was still more healing to do. Uhtred knew that. It was why she had left Finan. Finan had wanted a commitment, had wanted to marry her and have children with her.
Tate saw marriage as a trap and she still had not decided if she wanted children. Uhtred had a feeling it was because she was scared she would not be able to love her own child; or worse, that she would end up abusing her own child or letting it happen.
“It doesn't matter, Tate,” he whispered to her as he rubbed her back. “You have a right to your feelings. That is what Hild tells you all the time.”
Tate groaned at the mention of her therapist. She punched Uhtred in his side. “You promised you wouldn't bring her today.”
He smiled as he kissed her cheek. “I did but I think you needed to be reminded that you are entitled to your feelings, no matter what they are, and no matter how you and Finan left things.”
Tate pulled away and he looked into her moss green eyes. “It hurts that he loves her so much,” she whispered. “He barely knew her and he married her and they,” she cursed in Danish, “they fit,” she whispered.
Uhtred pressed his forehead to Tate. He knew what she meant. He had been hoping that Aisling and Finan's marriage would turn out to be a giant mistake; which he knew was horrible. But it was the only way he could see that Tate would stop hating and blaming herself.
But it hadn't ended up that way.
Uhtred had watched as over to past two years, Finan and Aisling had seemed to fall even more in love with each other. Yes, they fought, yes, they argued. But they always seemed to find their way back to each other.
It was like Tate said; they fit.
They seemed meant to be together.
“Do you know who else fits?” he whispered.
She looked at him. She pressed a hand to his cheek. “Who?” she whispered.
“Us,” he answered. “My dove,” he pressed a kiss to her lips. “We keep finding our way back to each other,” he kissed the corner of her mouth, “so we fit too.”
She smiled. She stroked his cheek. “Would you marry me in Vegas after only knowing me for three days?” she asked.
He snorted. “Do I look crazy to you?”
“Yes,” she answered with zero hesitation.
He tickled her and pinched her sides. She laughed. He leaned in and kissed her over and over. She pressed her body to his and he held her tight and close.
He wanted to marry her. He would have married her all those years ago.
She was the one holding back.
But Uhtred was willing to wait as long as she needed him to.
He loved her that much.
Aisling thought she did a very good job of ignoring when Tate snuck away and hid out in the back boom closet. She pushed away her feelings and worry and guilt.
She would not feel guilty for being happy and in love.
She had felt her own heartbreak. And Tate had left Finan.
“I can hear ya thinking from the living room,” Finan said as he came up behind her in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight against him. He pressed his hands on her stomach, palms down. “Our little Aoife needs ya to stop stressing out.”
She sighed and nodded. “I am trying,” she whispered.
He kissed her neck. “I know. I love ya so much for trying so hard.”
She turned around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “And I love you for trying so hard as well,” she whispered to him. “I won't lie, I was worried about you.”
He smiled, his eyes crinkling. “I know ya were,” he leaned down and kissed her nose. “But as ya can see, no one killed each other.”
She hummed as he kissed her lips softly. “Ragnar did not show up though. He should have been here. Especially after Brida left him for Cunt.”
Finan snorted. “Ya cousin's name is Cnut.”
Aisling eyed him. “He's like a fourth or fifth cousin. And I think Cunt is much more fitting.”
Finan laughed and held her close. She sighed as she heard Uhtred walk over to them. He was smiling.
“Ragnar is on his way up,” he said. He smirked. “And he brought someone with him.”
Aisling frowned. “Brida?”
“God, I hope not,” Finan muttered. “We don't have enough beer to deal with that.”
Aisling elbowed him but he just chuckled. Uhtred smiled as well. She heard the door open to the loft. Ragnar letting himself in like usual.
“Where is my sister and her husband?!” he yelled.
Aisling rolled her eyes. “I hear he has already been drinking.”
Uhtred sighed. “Let's hope his date drove.”
Aisling nodded. She grabbed Finan's hands and tugged him towards the short hall to the door. Ragnar stumbled out. He saw her and his face immediately broke into a smile.
“RUSTY!” he exclaimed.
She barely had time to brace herself before Ragnar grabbed her and hauled her into his arms. She laughed as he spun her around. He set her on her feet and cupped her face in his hands. He pressed his forehead to hers.
“A baby,” he breathed out.
She cursed. “Uhtred told you,” she said.
Ragnar smiled. “Does not matter who told me,” he pulled away and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “A baby girl. I know she will be as beautiful as her mother,” he said.
“Aisling always was the most beautiful woman in any room,” she heard another voice say.
A voice from her past.
She pulled away from Ragnar and turned. There, standing in her loft was Carwyn. Carwyn's brown hair was curled and swept over one shoulder while the blue sequence dress she wore hugged her in all the right spots and left little to the imagination.
“Rusty,” Ragnar said as he walked over and stood beside Carwyn. “You know Carwyn, I believe?”
“Yes,” Carwyn smiled. “We had a couple of the same classes in university,” she added.
And we happened to have fucked the same man and each other for almost a year. Not that I told my family that, Aisling was thinking.
Her mouth went dry and she swallowed.
So much for this Christmas going better than the last one.
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persephones-journey · 5 months
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Welcome to my masterlist, my peeps.
My Ao3: PersephonesJourney1986
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A Targaryen Heart Set A Blaze (Harwin/OC)
Fire, Blood, and A Strong Seed (Harwin/Lyanna Stark, main)
Help Me Leave Behind Some Reasons to be Missed (Rhaewin)
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A Thousand Years (Finan/Aisling, OC)
The Dove of York (Finan/Tate, OC)
The Tales of The Complete Non-Legend of Yesterday (Finan/Carwyn, OC)
A Thousand AUs (various AUs of Finan/Aisling)
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banner made by the brilliant @emilyhufflepufftlk
Two Sides of the Same Coin (Finflaed, Finan/Aethelflaed)
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A Teachable Moment (Benedict/OC)
Invoking Madness (Benedict/Eloise)
It's A Long, Long Road From Which There is No Return (Benedict/Eloise)
Why Not Share? (Benedict/Eloise, Eloise/Theo)
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Oceans Apart: His Offer, Her Choice, His Honour, Her Heart
Crossover: House of the Dragon and Bridgerton (Harwin/OC, Benedict/OC)
What Could've Been, Would've Been, What Should've Been You
Crossover: House of the Dragon and The Last Kingdom. (Finan/OC, Harwin/OC, Harwin/Rhaenyra)
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Much love and thanks to @itbmojojoejo for my glorious dividers and banner. kisses to you always....
And of course, this is no way ALL of my fics. I have a ton of one-shots that I do want to organize into series or collections or something so that it is easier for everyone to find.
So, this list will probably be ever-changing and evolving.
If I am honest, these are probably the stories I am most proud of...
(don't tell anyone that)
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The awesome above gif made by the glorious @itbmojojoejo
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persephones-journey · 3 months
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Howdy, I am posting this now cause I have to run some errands after work…
So this week we got…
1 chapter of Tate
1 chapter of Here You Are, With Me OG Aisling story
1 chapter of Scandalous Scholastics… which can I thank the show One Day for showing me what a 90s AU of Headmaster Finan would look like lol… (I wanna snuggle with that man and-)
Nope, no feral thoughts before coffee lol
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persephones-journey · 6 months
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Happy Finan Friday Thursday Night!
I will be busy tomorrow running errands in between work so instead of making you wait until tomorrow night…
I am posting the chapters tonight.
We got:
2 chapters of My House of Stone
7 chapters of Tate!!!
Again, it really pays off to have 5 word docs, 600 pages, of word vomit written. Makes writing so much easier lol
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persephones-journey · 7 months
Happy Finan Friday!!!
I have 3 chapters for you today…
1 for My House of Stone
1 for my Tate story
1 for Carwyn’s story
Enjoy my peeps!
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persephones-journey · 9 months
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Yes, I have a new Finan/OC story.
This is actually the first The Last Kingdom fic I wrote. But… I didn’t put chapters or really edit it. It’s 5 words docs, 600 pages combined, of ideas and word vomit because I was convinced I would just write all that and forget about Finan.
Yeah, I was clearly being a fool.
This story follows Tate as she meets Finan and tries so desperately not to love him or want him.
It doesn’t go well.
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persephones-journey · 2 months
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Happy Finan Friday!
I have 2 chapters for you today…
1 Tate chapter
1 Dark!Finan chapter.
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persephones-journey · 7 months
Okay, I’m at the bank right now
Once I get home I will have… 4 chapters to post for Finan Friday…
2 in the Tate story
1 for OG Aisling series
1 for My House of Stone….
So stay tuned
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persephones-journey · 6 months
All right so it’s looking like Finan Friday tomorrow might only be one chapter of Tate…
Sorry guys.
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persephones-journey · 11 days
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Happy Finan Friday!
I got 4 chapters for you all
1 chapter Scandalous Scholastics
1 chapter Here Lies Our Love
1 chapter Tate
1 chapter I’m Not Afraid to Drown…
(Sidenote, I need to update my Finan Friday thingy)
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persephones-journey · 6 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Thanks to @itbmojojoejo for the tag and for forcing me to revisit my writing so I can cringe and binge drink later.... okay so I am lying... I won't be cringing lol *wink wink*
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works, or as many as you are able, and see if there are any patterns!
Nut November: Rhaenyra moaned and grabbed Daemon's hair pulling on it. He sucked harder on her little pearl causing pleasure to flood her body all over again.
The Irishman and the Ruthless Dove: The sun was setting and Tate knew she should head back to the house but she did not want to. Being out in the woods after dark may not be safe, but neither was her house. Not when her father and brother could come home at any moment drunk.
The Tales of the Complete Non-Legend of Yesterday: Carwyn Connelly had very few pet peeves in life.
My House of Stone, Your Ivy Grows, and Now I'm Covered in You: Loki walked into the hall smirking. He saw Freyja standing by her fountain looking into the waters. She must have heard him enter but she did not turn to acknowledge him.
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Aethelflaed stood and felt Eadith tighten the ties on her dress. She closed her eyes and hated the amount of strength it took for her to stand. She was so tired and her whole body hurt. She was fading and quickly.
Here You Are, Next to Me: Finan opened his eyes and smiled as he heard the little footsteps of his daughters as they tried to sneak into the room. He turned and saw Aisling sleeping on her side away from him. He hated that now when they went to bed, there was space between them.
What Could've Been, What Should've Been, What Would've Been You: Ripley was going to throw her cell phone right out the window of her studio. She dropped her paint brush and finally pressed the button for speaker.
This Love is Ours: Rhaenyra laid on the couch with the satin gold sheet with the bright red rubies on it, sewed in the shape of a dragon, her family's crest, caressing her naked body. The sheet was low enough to show off the beginning of the valley between her breasts and the promise of an ample bosom she would have but not her nipples.
Ocean Apart: Benedict looked around the garden party and wanted to be anywhere other than there. He sighed and sipped his punch. He smiled as he watched his mother, Violet, push Anthony to ask a lady to dance while his sister, Daphne suffered what looked like the most boring conversation Benedict had ever seen from a potential suitor.
Fire, Blood, and A Strong Seed: Harwin Strong was very aware of his parentage. His father, Lyonel had worked very hard to erase the stain the name Strong had left behind by some of Harwin's not so distant ancestors. Lyonel had gone to the Citadel and studied law and made sure that everyone associated the current Lord of Harrenhal with intelligence, loyalty, and respect.
Patterns: Well, not as much smut as I thought lol. And I do seem to like to name the characters in the opening lines so, there's that. I do have a pattern of using Taylor Swift lyrics as titles though... my bad lol
My Ao3 if anyone would like to read the rest of these stories... and the others that I did not add here.
Bonus from a fave story that I wrote....
The One in Vegas: Osferth woke up naked.
Tagging: @emilyhufflepufftlk @medievalfangirl @butternutbran @morosemagick @solinarimoon @cibs and anyone else who would like to do this
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