#tarlos predictions
tarlossource · 2 years
✨ Tarlos Predictions ✨
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I thought it would be fun to come up with a Prediction Bingo for Season 4 Tarlos. What are you guys hoping to see in the new season?
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tgonzalez32 · 2 years
Okay. Thought.
I know we have people in “Carlos gets hurt on the way to the wedding” and “the wedding goes off without a hitch” camps.
What if Carlos gets hurt AFTER the wedding?
Like what if TK comes back to work still riding high from the honeymoon and THEN the 126 get a call about Carlos in an accident…or shot…or stuck in a building…or one of the million other ideas the writers could come up with?
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strandnreyes · 1 year
Jeopardy literally said Carlos ‘tough in the streets, tender in the sheets’ Reyes and I am obsessed with it
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fangirling-paradise · 7 months
Season5 of Lone Star is probably being written right now. There are many things I want to see. But a big one (right now) is what Tk will do with his wedding band when he's on shift. Most likely, the same as Tommy, he will be placing it on his 252 necklace underneath his shirt for safe keeping. And, for some parallel, it would be so nice if the first shot of Tk in S5 is the same as the first ever shot of Tommy. Which was her getting ready for her first shift back as the paramedic captain in years! And we see her put her wedding rings on a chain. He could be getting ready for his first shift back from his honeymoon and this could also be the shot/scene where we found find out, officially, their married name. Reyes-Strand or Strand-Reyes? I am firmly in the Reyes-Strand camp along with Nancy & Mateo.
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raybutani · 9 months
Shoutout to ronen and rafa for having such strong chemistry in gifs alone that I got roped into watching a fuckin procedural which features NOT JUST rampant copaganda but also such deeply inaccurate medical scenarios that it’s borderline offensive. Like holy hell those 2 are a potent combo
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bkfe00 · 11 months
Predictions for season 5
Possible things that could happen in season 5. 
Starting with Tarlos plotline: 
Carlos get’s suspended (indefinitely) as a consequence for assaulting the undercover DEA agent 
Carlos questions his position inside the APD. Does he want to stay, does he want to leave and work for the Texas rangers or does he want to leave overall and quit law enforcement. 
Carlos will try to solve his father’s case 
He gets lost in it, effecting the relationships with his mother, his marriage to TK and his family. Creating a rift that lasts for more than one episode. 
He works with Detective Washington and the Rangers’ Chief 
He goes undercover (or he stays with the APD and tries to uncover the ties with the Cartel from within) 
He solves the case bet now has the same target on his back as his father. Or at least he will face some kind of consequence from solving the case (maybe he puts his mom in danger or they have to go in hiding) 
Carlos knows the person who murdered his father and goes after him or tries to take revenge (i doubt the latter because he already went berserk with DEA agent). 
I’d like to see some badass scenes with Carlos being fierce and slightly terrifying. 
Carlos and TK resume the children concept/argument/debacle. I don’t want either of them to settle for the other but I want them to struggle and it not be an obvious choice or smooth sailing. I don’t want it to be resolved in one episode.
They get another pet 
We see them on vacation
We see them outside their loft and outside of the firehouse 
TK doesn’t cope well with Carlos losing himself in his father’s case, almost resolving into old habits. 
We see Carlos’ sisters more
Judd comes back
part time to care for Wyatt 
Their will be more arguments 
exploring the pregnancy of his girlfriend 
Judd ultimately comes back as a consequence of Owen stepping down due to a health complication  
Overall exploration of the different relationships on the show 
Someone get’s pregnant? grace or Nancy
Kendra stay’s with Owen
They move in with each other
Owen moves in with Kendra
Kendra moves in with Owen 
We see more of Marwani’s relationship
We already saw Paul’s girlfriend joining the Catan nights, further exploration of that dynamic 
Someone other than Judd temporarily takes over as captain because he is not available (Marjan or Paul?) 
Tommy’s relationship gets more serious, engagement by the end of the season. 
PS I have a feeling that season 5 is going to be the last season or one of the last at least. We still don’t know when they are coming back because of the strike (I HOPE THE DO), but I hope they will and with all of the cast present!! 
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alidravana · 1 year
Putting it out into the world...Iris as Carlos's best woman?
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gilsgirl · 2 years
911 Lone Star Season 4 - My Thoughts
[Long Post Warning]
Oh hey tumblr, it's me! I've had this idea in my head for a while and thought that since most of my tumblr following is Spam-bots and inactive/deleted accounts (There's a few of you who are still active, so heyyy thanks for still following me!) that I would do my first one on Tumblr. I would love to start Youtube channel, but I still feel a bit shy.
I used to write a lot! If you have been following my blog since, geez, 2012 you know that. Unfortunately, I have been in a very long period of writers block. I'm hoping getting creative ideas on the page will help me start to write again.
The idea I have is to explain what I would want to see happen, or what I would do if I was one of the story writers of some of my favorite shows upcoming seasons. Or even what I think will be happening in these upcoming seasons. I hope this makes sense lol!
The first show I want to deep dive into has been my hyper-fixation show for the past several months (thanks @iboatedhere 🤣). I mean, I have watched the first three seasons of this show maybe 15 times at this point! I just found out a couple weeks ago that they have started production for season 4, and I am so excited to see what is in store! Of course the show I am talking about is 911 Lone Star!
Let's begin:
What I think will happen/What I want to happen
Sectioned by character:
This man annoys me 10/10 so I hope we see him continue to go to therapy.
I really enjoyed the storyline they gave us at the end of season 3 with Owen returning to California to say goodbye to his father.
I could see the half-brother doing the same thing, coming to Austin trying to connect to his father's past. I also love that irl the actor playing Owen's half-brother is Rob Lowe's brother. That is cool!
Owen telling TK about his past. Does TK know he's named after Owen's brother?
I want Owen and Catherine back together - I know they're toxic af, but I love two type-A characters bouncing off each other!
TK/Carlos (they're together because their relationship is a main storyline)
If they injure this man again...*clenches fist*
Role reverse with Carlos? Carlos gets injured, and TK is at the bedside.
Here's how I would do it: Carlos takes his detective test, passes. Gets put on this high profile case. While investigating, gets kidnapped. Not just for several hours like TK/Tommy/Nancy is that one episode, but for weeks. Then the TK sobriety storyline could tie into this as well. Obviously, when he is found he's relatively okay. They could also tie this into the Judd PTSD storyline too.
Tarlos wedding
less fade to black scenes...this is why I wish that this show wasn't on cable TV. They do fade to black for all the romance aspects. Nancy and Mateo, TK and Carlos, Owen and Catherine.
I just want this man to be HAPPY! Please 🙏
I would love to see the sister come back in some way, that would be a cool idea
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Wyatt storyline! I think it saved his character tbh
I would love to see more from this storyline, but from the season 3 finale it made it seem like Wyatt is going off to college and won't be around.
More about the accident at the beginning of the show. PTSD doesn't just go away like they portrayed.
Maybe during a BBQ the grill does that thing that grills do where the flame
Much like Paul, I want Marjan to be on a call and click with someone they are saving.
Maybe she gets hurt on a call. Nothing big, but needs to be out for a couple weeks.
She bumps into this person during that time and starts to secretly date them.
OF COURSE Paul is the first to sniff that shit out! He is her BFF, obviously!
I want to know why she decided to become an EMT. In the O.G. 911 they did this for Hen and it was a really cool concept.
Similar, there is an episode where she talks about her sister, show me the family!!!
More scenes between her and Mateo. I STG is the writers make them break up I will do something detrimental...
(similar to Nancy) GIVE ME A BACKSTORY!!
They hinted at a backstory several times: Dad being in Guadalajara, and being a DREAMER. That is great bones for a backstory! Just saying.
You can tell that Mateo and Nancy's characters were never meant to be apart of the ensemble, but the audience loved their characters so much that they now have storylines. I am excited to see where the writers take them.
One of the twins starts getting in trouble at school
Maybe series finale, or series middle finale the twin sets a fire in the school? Or does that seem too much?
Tommy embracing the single Mom life, finally feeling steady in her routine.
It also would be a good idea for Tommy to think that she see's her late husband at one of their scenes. Starts seeing him everywhere. It's not him though, just a man that looks like him.
What I would write
🚑 Judd goes to surprise visit Wyatt, only to find out that he dropped out of college. He can't get a hold of him, and goes to work. On a call, a new firehouse shows up with fancy gear, tech, truck and their new tech guy...Wyatt.
🚒 Add a single season character, who's exit at the end of the season makes for good drama! AKA this character gets k!lled off. My initial thoughts would be a untamable, young firefighter with survivors guilt, like Judd, gets sent to Owens team
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xtltokio · 2 years
Inspired by the crew I thought it would be cool for fans to make their own bingo 9-1-1 Lone Star
So, what would you put in 911 Lone Star bingo? What do you think will happen in s4? it can be about Tarlos, characters, in general.
Mine: I Mateo and Nancy will break up (even for a few eps)
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*Can we avoid obvious things like the wedding?
* Bingo will be posted a few days before the s4 premiere
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It's been a tough year in a lot of ways, but one thing I've been able to consistently count on to bring me joy is the incredible writing in this fandom! I feel like 2023 has been almost a golden age of Tarlos fic. With both the sheer quantity AND quality of fic, it has been a wonderful time to be a Tarlos fic reader! In celebration of this golden age, I wanted to share a list of some of the fic that brought me the most joy in the past year.
Of course, this is not a comprehensive list...as much as I may want to, I can't possibly read everything this fandom has to offer. There's still a lot to get to on my to-read list. And even from the fic I did read, I'm sure I'm forgetting some amazing ones. There's just SO MUCH. But here I have listed (alphabetic by author) some of the fic that most resonated with me the past year, fic that I still think about and reread, and fic that has taken up full time residence in my brain!
There are A LOT...so I'll be putting the list under the cut.
all my blood for the sweetness of his laugh by @alrightbuckaroo
A truly beautiful little fic about Carlos' feelings about TK's laugh. A bit of angst and a lot of love.
anger has told me her real name is grief by alrightbuckaroo
An excellent 4x17/4x18 fic that deals a lot with Carlos' grief and the journey he goes through in those two episodes.
my beatin' heart belongs to you by bartsy
A fic about Carlos' anxiety after the death of his father, manifested in his fears for the safety of his husband. This fic is so beautiful and very in character. I would love it so much if the show would go even a tiny bit in the direction of exploring Carlos' anxiety!
It Beats for You by @basilsunrise
A 4x04 coda, porn with feelings and bottom Carlos...truly, what more could I ask for?? Very hot and SO MANY feelings!
she has almost killed me with love for that boy by @beautifulhigh
Another 4x04 coda (there can never be enough) that's also a study of the different types of love, all of which Carlos has in his life.
How quickly we change overnight by @birdclowns
A pre-canon fic about TK and his relationship with Alex. I particularly love this kind of thing where we have so little concrete information in canon. It's a perfect opportunity for fic, and I really love this one. Alex could easily be handled as some horrible villain, but the way he's handled here is far more realistic and I think it makes my heart break for TK even more.
Even if the World Ends Tomorrow by @bonheur-cafe
A post-apocalypse AU that's a little terrifying but ultimately very hopeful. This is one that I kept thinking about long after I read it.
can i be close to you? by @catanisspicy
A 5+1 fic about TK asking Carlos if he'd still love him if he was a worm. A true delight! This is another fic I still think about all the time.
slowly, then all at once by catanisspicy
A fic about TK and Carlos loving each other, which is one of my favorite things in the world.
The Center of the Maze by @carlos-in-glasses
7 times TK and Carlos thought they would never get married and one time they actually did. This fic covers so many of the most significant moments of their relationship and is so very beautifully written. I think my favorite part is (predictably) the section related to the soulmates scene.
When Soulmates Swim by carlos-in-glasses
A wonderful AU where TK and Carlos get to know each other while swimming together. It's everything: hot, sweet, beautiful, poignant, and sometimes incredibly hilarious.
Release the Hand to Relax the Animal by carlos-in-glasses
A fic that's all about touch and the great sex, past and present, that TK and Carlos have had. A true masterpiece.
We Have Suffered Enough by @chicgeekgirl89
A 4x16 coda. Oh, the soulmates scene! I'm automatically going to love anything even remotely soulmates scene-adjacent, and this one is particularly beautiful.
Shiner by chicgeekgirl89
A 4x15 coda dealing with Carlos finding out about TK's black eye, which is something I desperately wanted to see on screen. I love the way it goes here. It's incredibly sweet.
Cold Feet by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
A lovely little fic that has Carlos feeling some big feelings about his soon-to-be husband.
When I'm Like This by cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
An early season 1 Tarlos fic with a lot of angst and feelings, which is always one of my favorite things. This one is ridiculously hot, yet also filled with so much emotion and feelings and gorgeous writing. Just thinking about it makes me want to reread!
to build a home by @freneticfloetry
A Carlos character study, from pre-series through season 4. If there was ever a character I wanted to study, it's Carlos Reyes. And this fic is beautifully done, expertly exploring the complexities of his character and the gaps canon has left to be filled.
The Sting by @goodways
Shortly after they're married, Carlos gets involved in an FBI sting operation that requires him to go on a date and flirt with another man, something that TK is not thrilled about. This fic is at times funny, emotional, hot and sweet.
First night by goodways
The first time TK and Carlos have sex and all the feelings and attempted avoidance of feelings that comes with it. So many feelings!!!
Take my hand, take my whole life, too by @heartstringsduet
HANDS. What more could I ask for? This fic is an absolutely gorgeous exploration of TK and Carlos' intimacy across their whole lives together. I'm ready to tear up just thinking about it!
But most of it was beautiful by heartstringsduet
An at-home Tarlos honeymoon fic. I call a lot of fic on this list beautiful, but sometimes there's no better word. This fic is beautiful.
broken glass by @irispurpurea
A beautiful, heartbreaking exploration of Carlos' grief. It's all fragmented and non-linear, which only adds to how moving and powerful it is.
a little bit more by krissyloowhoo
An installment of a series in which TK and Carlos adopt a baby girl. This one features Carlos in love with what a good dad TK is.
Stand your brand of love by @ladytessa74
A Tarlos honeymoon fic written prior to the end of the season. This was a go-to reread for me in the weeks leading up to the finale. Even now, when it's no longer technically canon compliant, the emotions hit just as hard.
How I linger to admire by ladytessa74
This fic is pretty much my dream season 5. It has everything: Carlos solving his father's murder, TK and Carlos getting held at gunpoint, and Lou II saving the day. Several items on my wish list for season 5 were directly inspired by reading this fic.
Do it all over again by ladytessa74
TK tries for a do over of the proposal because he thinks Carlos deserves better, which leads to a series of funny, adorable and touching moments. The writing is beautiful, and it even inspired a cross stitch! I have many favorite things about Tessa's writing, but one of my very favorite things is the way she writes the intimacy and affection and touch between TK and Carlos. This fic is filled with some of my favorite examples of that.
All Your Colors Make Me Feel Alive by @lemonlyman-dotcom
This wonderful fic uses the music of Beck to explore moments in TK and Carlos' relationship. Angst and fluff: the best combination.
I'm Not A Fortress, But I Will Try To Protect You by lemonlyman-dotcom
TK and Marjan have a conversation in the wake of the events of 2x04. One of my favorite parts of Lemon's writing is the incredible amount of backstory detail, most particularly the friendship between TK and Marjan. There are hints of this in canon, but here it's beautifully developed and I love it so much.
Call Me If You Get Lost by lemonlyman-dotcom
TK and Carlos go for a romantic weekend while also looking out for a friend. This fic is a delight and so much fun!
Love From the Other Side by @lightningboltreader
Exes to lovers and only one bed...what could possibly be better?? I particularly enjoy the conversation between TK and Carlos that leads to their reconciliation.
We were in screaming color by @liminalmemories21
I was looking forward to this season 4 fic since before the season even started airing! I can imagine it must have been particularly difficult to write, from the ridiculous season 4 timeline to all the plotholes and inconsistencies that the Iris storyline and Carlos' sudden two sisters created, but it was done beautifully. It made me think about so many season 4 details and moments in different ways and ultimately led to an enhanced appreciation of the season.
I need you so much closer by @marjansmarwani
A 4x04 coda. This one focuses on all the many people who love Carlos. I always love to read about Carlos being loved!
where the empty space is a saving grace by @maxbegone
Carlos talks with Gwyn in the time before he's revived by TK and the narcan in 4x04. Beautiful and poignant.
etched in gold by maxbegone
A lovely little wedding moment where TK and Carlos get some alone time during the reception.
By Your Side by @never-blooms
The Reyes kitchen through the years. If there's anything that deserves more exploration, it's the Reyes family and all their complexities. This fic does an incredible job of this and is so beautifully written.
The Calling by @orchidscript
This is a fascinating and beautiful fic about TK using his experience with addiction to help people in the course of his job as a paramedic. It's something I would love so much for them to explore on the show!
Under A Star Spell by orchidscript
In this AU, Carlos practices folk magic. The fic itself is absolutely magical. One of the things I love about it is how different it is from pretty much every other Tarlos fic I've ever read.
Lost and Found by @paperstorm
A 4x04 coda (if there's one thing about me, it's that I love a 4x04 coda). I loved this episode so much but there was so much more I wanted, particularly to see what happened in the aftermath at the hospital, which is why this fic is so appreciated.
Ritual by paperstorm
An installment of Andie's spectacular Missing Moments series. I could easily have put every installment on this list, but I chose the one for 2x11, which is my favorite of the season 2 fics. I'm always a sucker for Carlos working through his feelings about his relationship with his parents!
The Firehouse by paperstorm
An incredible AU with TK and Carlos as childhood friends who meet again years later when Carlos is undercover and TK is living a life of crime. The angst in this one is spectacular, and the payoff is beautiful and earned and extraordinarily satisfying.
peace by @redshirt2
Carlos post-breakup. This little fic is heartbreaking and perfectly captures Carlos' desolate state of mind as he's left alone.
dream this night away by @reyesstrand
A pre-season 4 honeymoon fic where TK and Carlos end up in a motel after their flight is cancelled. A little bit of angst and a lot of love and tenderness.
to which there is no reply by reyesstrand
An absolutely gorgeous honeymoon fic, this time canon-compliant, that features Carlos struggling with his grief and being loved by his husband.
balancing act by reyesstrand
TK and Carlos sharing food and falling in love. What could possibly be better? This fic is so beautiful and it spans the entirety of their relationship. An incredible achievement and a true gift to readers!
the strong will never fall by @rmd-writes
Another 4x04 coda (I truly can never get enough). This one is incredibly tender and emotional.
shine some light on my day by @rosedavid
A sweet, fluffy, gentle fic about TK and Carlos waking up and getting ready for the day together. Domestic fluff at its finest!
and salt the earth behind you by @safeashousespdf
TK brings Carlos to New York 6 months after Gwyn's death and TK grapples with the ways things have changed and the ways he has changed. This fic is incredibly powerful. I read it months ago but I still think about it.
you and me, forevermore by @strandnreyes
A gorgeous wedding coda that made me cry multiple times.
Come what may, I'll still stay by strandnreyes
Carlos struggles with his work-life balance when he becomes a detective. It gets worse and worse until he makes a pretty big mistake that shows him just how bad things have gotten. Lots of angst, but also lots of happiness by the end and so much love permeating through every bit of it. This was one of the THE fics of the year for me and it still lives rent free in my brain!
no rules in breakable heaven by strandnreyes
An AU where Carlos takes a job as a private chef in the Hamptons for TK's family. Jen wrote so many incredible AUs this year, but this one was my favorite. Just the right amount of angst with a proportionately happy ending! And the descriptions of the food Carlos was preparing always made me very hungry.
As long as it's with you by @tailoredshirt
TK and Carlos spend their first Valentine's Day as husbands in the ER, but it's nothing too serious. This fic is mostly soft and sweet. I still think about it all the time, especially the little gestures and affectionate touches between them. It's a lovely little fic that's guaranteed to make you smile.
tell me how by @theghostofashton
Carlos and his grief leading up to the wedding. Beautiful and heartbreaking. I loved this so much.
Back to You and Me by @three-drink-amy
A lovely 4x16 coda. In celebration of finding out that TK doesn't have to worry about Huntington's, TK and Carlos go back to the honky tonk where it all began!
The Weight of Grief by @wandering-night19
This is an absolutely riveting fic that has TK near-death in a coma (again). It's poignant and heartbreaking. One scene in particular in the final chapter makes me want to cry just thinking about it! Some chapters deal with Andrea and Gabriel backstory, which eventually links up to the ongoing story in the present. The whole thing is so well written and beautifully constructed.
living at the centre of a wound still fresh by @welcometololaland
A heartbreaking, beautiful masterpiece of a fic. Carlos struggles with his grief on their honeymoon, but TK is there to help him through. Just thinking about this one makes me want to cry...and also reread!
a long time ago (we used to be friends) by welcometololaland
A masterpiece of an AU, exes to lovers with private investigator Carlos and wrongly accused of murder TK. They work together to clear TK's name and come back together in a beautiful way.
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nancygillianmvp · 23 days
fic pride friday
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Rules: Post your favorite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
thank you for the tag @lemonlyman-dotcom i'm using this to try and be kinder to myself in how i think about my own writing
strays (5 + 1 of TK attempting to bring home a 'pet' from a call, Nancy POV)
“Carlos has been talking about maybe getting a cat…” TK muses. Here we go again , Nancy thinks.  There’s no mistaking the look on her partner’s face; she’s seen it more times than she can count—he wants to take this wild animal home. She knows his heart is in the right place, but the sooner Carlos relents and lets him get a cat—or a fish, or a hamster even, any kind of pet—the better as far as she’s concerned because talking him out of bringing home new ‘pets’ every week gets exhausting. “Dude, stop, don’t even say it.”  “You can’t possibly know what I was going to say.” “I know you, TK. You were going to suggest that murder mittens over there might be a good cat for you and Carlos to adopt, but the answer is no.” “Murder mittens? Look at him, Nancy—he’s just a little baby.” TK says, gazing longingly across the room at the tiger cub. “TK, I can’t believe we even need to have this conversation. You can’t raise a tiger in a downtown apartment. Tigers aren’t pets, or did you forget why we ended up here in the first place?" “Oh, but look at him. He’s only a baby. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.” “This week, he’s a baby, sure. But do you know what babies do, TK? They grow up, and then you will be the one calling 911 because your 200-pound murder kitty went for the jugular, and when that happens, I’m not coming to save your ass, dude.”
nothing a kiss better can't fix (soft tarlos)
“Seriously, it’s nothing, TK,” Carlos says as he leans against the back of the 126 ambulance with his worried fiancé methodically checking him over.  “It’s not nothing, Carlos. You’re bleeding .” TK tells him, trying to gently guide him towards the stretcher. “Now, will you please sit down and let me treat you?” “I’m okay, TK. Breathe,” Carlos says, taking his fiancé’s hand. “This is nothing a kiss better can’t fix.”  “Is a kiss better for a certain flu-riddled fiancé of yours, perhaps exactly how you ended up in this situation, dude?” Nancy asks with a raised eyebrow and a laugh. “First of all, I’m not ‘flu riddled’,” TK tells her, putting dramatic air quotes around his words. “And second, how do you know about that?”  “When are you going to just admit I know everything,” Nancy tells him with a grin before adding. “Also, you’re both, like, hella predictable.”
sugar, butter, flour (5 + 1 TK and Gwyn baking)
His father and Carlos have always assured him that Jonah will know her through him, but as they stand in the kitchen, he wonders how he can ever live up to the task. TK is uncomfortably aware of the ache of grief in his chest alongside a sharp streak of guilt. Guilt that he got 28 years of her love but spent so many of them pushing it away, too deep in the spiral of addiction to accept it. Those were years Jonah will never get, and TK wasted them.
and again (nancymarjan)
And then before she can dwell on it any further, the countdown hits midnight, the fireworks start in the distance, and Marjan kisses her. It’s like nothing she’s ever felt before, and while Nancy has never been a believer in destiny or soulmates, right now, at this moment, it’s undeniable that Marjan is her soulmate. 
when everythings made to be broken (introspective carlos/a 4x01 coda)
He takes a deep breath and silently tells himself, “You can do this,” and suddenly, he’s nineteen again and doing whatever he can to be a good son and live up to expectations. He’s standing at the altar trying to convince himself he can do this, that somehow he’ll be able to love her like he’s supposed to—like God wants him to—because his parents need him to, his family needs him to. He’s silently praying that, in time, he’ll be able to love like she deserves. She’s his best friend, and he can learn to love her like this, surely—he owes her that. But it doesn’t work out—despite his best efforts, he can’t love her the way she deserves, so he moves out, and she starts dating again, and he’s ready to drown in his shame. And then she disappears, and as the months drag on without a single credible lead, he goes through all the stages. 
no pressure tagging
@fallout-mars @paperstorm @literateowl
@reyesstrand @welcometololaland
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 months
I predict something a bit different. They won't follow through the plots from S4 because the S4 ended with everyone accepting bad things happen and they'll be okay. Or what was the point of ending the season like that? I think Carlos is going to stay a cop. If anything happens from S4 it will be about Owen and Robert. S5 will be all new noise.
I'm pretty sure Ronen is on record saying the Gabriel thing will bring drama to Tarlos...and people around them? If I remember right? So I'm not sure about this, I'm afraid ❤️ (But then...was he speaking from having inside info at that point, or from his own predictions?) I do think it would be odd, even by the show's standards, to drop the Gabriel-murder story in particular. There's so much meat there. They could practically base the whole season around solving that mystery if they were so inclined. I think it would be missing a trick to abandon it. But I thought it would be missing a trick to kill Gabriel off in the first place, so...
Having said that, I don't like the thought of the show undoing the conversation between Owen and Carlos in the kitchen. I don't like the thought of Carlos' happiness at the wedding/honeymoon becoming void. We see him experiencing happiness even if he never knows what happened. So in that sense, your prediction gives me a bit of cosy hope that Carlos will be doing okay when the season opens rather than on the lam or something.
Either way it will be very interesting to see what threads they pick up or don't!
Look at him 😭:
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outrunningthedark · 3 months
okay question! Where did all the Tommy/Buck speculation come from? How did it start? Why were we speculating Tommy was coming back in the first place? I think I missed how it all started. I mean I enjoy it, I just want to know how it started before the basketball of it all.
The timeline (long, but you get the full picture):
-> Ryan followed him on IG. Myself and some others said that he wouldn’t be following a past cast member he never had to interact with if Lou wasn’t coming back in some capacity (True!)
-> Fandom made up a scenario where the Buckley-Diaz fam was going to be on a basketball court and someone (they originally wanted Chris) got injured because JLH accidentally posted a portion of a scene where you could see Buck and Maddie are gonna talk about it
-> I was asked if I thought Eddie was the more likely option. I said that if it wasn’t Eddie, I was curious if it would be Tommy because of the IG follow (because I wasn’t making deadlines on how long he’d be around)
-> Another person sent in a joke about Buck not liking Tommy because he gets friendly with Eddie and Buck feels “left out”.
I said that I could see that exact scenario playing out because it’s Tim calling the shots and he likes to write Buddie scenes that aren’t explicitly Buddie.
Buck gets defensive thanks to the “new guy” -> feels like he has something to prove -> Tommy figures out what’s up, maybe because of Eddie -> tells Buck he wasn’t trying to “intrude” -> conflict resolved, start of a possible friendship if Tommy were to stick around this season
I called it Buddie 2.0 because that is, ofc, what happened in 2x01.
You can guess how people reacted 😛
-> Before we knew about basketball scene, I had said that I think Buck or Eddie coming out was a possibility in the first ABC season if the goal is to tell the audience what show they’re watching and give them the option to check out early. (See: Michael and Tarlos)
Someone asked me if I thought Tommy could be an intro of sorts to Buck realizing his attraction to men.
I said that I wouldn’t rule it out because Buck is likely to be single vs. Eddie in a relationship still and I don’t feel comfortable saying no when this fandom has a tendency of “predicting” the complete opposite of canon when it comes to LIs.
Apparently, I have a lot of stalkers because now I’m “that blog” pushing a theory when really all I’m doing is having a conversation about hypotheticals with other people that doesn’t upset me. Because I accept that Buddie ain’t happening right now.
…and that’s what you missed on Glee! 🤪
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
in sickness and in health
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings / Tags: 4 x 16, 4 x 16 "A House Divided", Angst, Hurt / Comfort, M x M Smut, Anal fingering, Anal Sex, Carlos loves TK so much, there a lot of feelings in this one friends
Summary: All Carlos has ever wanted is to love TK and live a life by his side, now that's threatened by yet another thing that he can't control.
Author's Note: thank you to @kiloskywalker for being such a supportive friend. you've made this season so much fun and i adore our chats that we have. i made myself cry with this fic. i hope you all enjoy it. thank you to @meditating-honey-badger for beta'ing this for me.
My other season 4 fics
Later that evening, Carlos lies awake and stares at the ceiling. TK is pillowed on his chest, drooling on his pecs with his arms firmly wrapped around Carlos’ waist, sound asleep. Carlos wishes he was also asleep but can’t get his mind to be quiet enough for him to drift off into dreamland and dream of their upcoming wedding.
Huntington’s Disease.
Of all the curveballs life could have thrown at them right before the wedding, this was not one Carlos could have ever predicted.
He holds back the big sigh that wants to escape his lips so that he doesn’t disturb TK. He feels pressure behind his eyes and his vision blurs with tears that he refuses to let fall. He’s not going to mourn their future before they even get there. There was still a large chance that Owen would be negative and then TK wouldn’t have to worry.
Still, Carlos is tired of the universe beating down their door every other day for some reason that might derail their wedding. Carlos isn’t sure what they did to have so much shit thrown their way but he was growing tired of it. Every new thing made him want to pack TK up and drive him far away to someplace safe and marry him without anyone knowing. 
He just wants to be with TK - without the threat of him being taken from him around every corner. 
In his arms, TK shifts, rolling over, and Carlos looks to see him snuggle into his own pillow - something TK rarely does. Carlos uses the opportunity to slip out of bed, tucking the bedsheets around TK, and out of their bedroom easily. He knows that he probably doesn’t have long before TK realizes that he’s not in bed anymore and comes to find him.
Carlos pads quietly over to where he’s left his iPad on the counter. He presses the home button and brings it to life, clicks on safari, and does the last thing he should be doing - googles Huntington’s Disease.
Carlos knows about it but not enough to feel confident knowledge. He grabs his iPad and moves to the dining room, pulls out a chair, and sits down. There he reviews article after article.. He looks at academic articles that show the most recent studies, reads about people who live with it, and even looks up cures and treatments. 
None of it really helps him feel better; it just confirms that this is truly out of his control. There is absolutely nothing he can do to save TK from the disease. The only thing he can do is be there to support him, love him through all of the stages, and be the best husband he can ever be to TK with whatever time they have together.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperponyy @cowlos-reyes @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3rr @sanjuwrites @alrightbuckaroo @just-inside-her @losttttt @theghostofashton @basilsunrise @happinessandlove92 @heartstringsduet
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actuallysara · 1 year
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Rafael Silva interviewed for TV Guide
A few episodes ago, we learned that Carlos has sisters whom we have yet to meet, and his sisters also have children, so Carlos has some nieces or nephews running around somewhere. Do you know if Carlos is the eldest, middle, or youngest child? And will we see them before the end of the season?
Silva: We're definitely gonna see them, [but] it is not gonna be in the way that you expect. And Carlos is the baby! He's the baby boy of the family. [Laughs.]
Looking ahead, the long-awaited Tarlos wedding will take place in the two-hour season finale.
Silva: [Showrunners] Tim [Minear] and Rashad [Raisani] really created a form of, "How do we make the predictable or the expected become unexpected and unpredictable?" Something is gonna happen where it's gonna absolutely throw everyone off. And it's gonna make everybody, especially the audience and Carlos, earn this wedding and the happiness and the joy this wedding can bring. It was a lot of fun to shoot the finale, but it was hard at times as well. So, anyway, tune in! [Laughs.]
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rafaelsilvasource · 2 years
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Rafael Silva From 9-1-1: Lone Star Found His Way As a Queer Immigrant
The Austin-set 9-1-1: Lone Star is actually filmed in Los Angeles, but actor Rafael Silva will make his way to Texas this month. Silva, who plays officer Carlos Reyes on the FOX procedural drama hit, is set to speak at the annual Black Tie Dinner fundraiser benefitting the LGBTQ+ community. This year, the ticketed event will take place at the Sheraton Dallas, and Silva is set to receive the organization's Vanguard Award.
We chatted with Silva via Zoom on one of his few days off from filming the upcoming fourth season of 9-1-1: Lone Star.
Though he will be in Dallas only briefly, Silva is looking forward to meeting LGBTQ+ people from all walks of life at the Black Tie Dinner, which will take place Saturday, Sept. 24.
“It’s such a privilege because you get to meet people who have gone through so many experiences,” he says. “I think learning from each other is the number-one task.” Silva was born and raised in Brazil and moved to the U.S. at the age of 13. He recalls having his first inklings of queerness at the age of 4 as a child in Brazil, but by the time he arrived in the U.S., he and his family were mostly focused on adapting to a new culture, a process he describes as "chaotic."
It was through participating in the arts that Silva was able to understand what being queer meant. “I come from a country where machismo equates to strength, and equates to a feeling of superiority over others,” Silva says. “And being part of the LGBTQIA+ community is considered everything but that. Navigating how I was brought up, to moving here, to then receiving another identity as an immigrant and Latino was very confusing. But I found my way, thankfully.”
While his coming out experience was positive, Silva believes that media still has a long way to go in terms of telling LGBTQ+ stories, Latinx stories and how those stories intersect. Off the top of his head, Silva notes that 25 years from now, it is predicted that the Latin population will exceed 100 million in the U.S. But, he points out, only 3% of television shows have Latinx leads, thus making for an inaccurate reflection of the number of Latin people in America.
“How does 30% of the consumers make up only 3% of film and television?” Silva says. “I think culturally and socially, Latinx and queer people are forgotten. It's as if you plant a tree and you expect it to grow, and it creates the very first fruits, and then you take all of the fruits, but then you keep expecting more, but you don't keep watering or nurturing the tree. How does that even work?” In the years he’s been playing Carlos, he is proud to be a source of representation for queer Latinx people. He says he receives messages from fans in real life and on social media about what Carlos has meant to them, and having that kind of impact, he says, is truly rewarding. Silva describes his character as someone who “tries to do the best he can,” but teases that he’s going to “trip pretty hard” at the beginning of the fourth season, which premieres in January 2023.
The third season of 9-1-1: Lone Star ended with Carlos getting engaged to his longtime boyfriend, TK Strand (Ronen Rubenstein). Fans of the show have nicknamed the couple “Tarlos” and often use the hashtag #Tarlos on Instagram and Twitter to share theories and fan fiction. Silva admits he does read the posts from time to time, although he doesn’t want to get too invested. He says he prefers to maintain “a healthy relationship with social media.”
“I think the healthiest way to maintain it is to maybe read one or two posts,” Silva says, “but not diving too deeply into it.”
Silva can’t share too much about the upcoming season of 9-1-1: Lone Star, but he teases a “big surprise for Carlos” in the season premiere. “It might piss off some people, it might not,” Silva says. “But I think it determines the tone as to how Carlos approaches the rest of the season.”
Over the years, the Black Tie Foundation has raised over $27 million for LGBTQ+ causes. Silva is honored to attend their annual dinner, and he regards the event as an example of the change he wishes to see in the world. His hope for the future is that he and everyone else continue to put good into the universe. “It’s not just about queer rights. It’s not just about climate change,” Silva says. “It’s about all of us. For me, I'm on that wagon personally of just trying to get everybody to stop the bullshit. And just if we need to hold hands and sing ‘Kumbaya,’ then so be it, if that's what gets the job done, for all of us to stop this nonsensical behavior pattern of just trying to be better than each other. The solution to stagnation is diversity.”
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