#talking about Wilf just GOT ME
thelightfantastik · 6 months
Don't mind me sobbing over Doctor Who
I'm so excited to see more Who for the first time in years
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robiniswriting · 6 months
donna noble consulting at unit is hilarious to me considering she’s got the doctor living in the tardis in her backyard and he’s actively trying to temporarily retire from the whole “saving humanity from the current existential alien threat” business.
the doctor asking about how her day went and donna just staring him down trying to decide whether or not she should let on that there’s some kind of invasion happening.
the doctor and donna having staring contests where they both know that he wants to go do something about the problem but donna is absolutely not going to let him.
rose comes home after school to find the doctor and donna sitting on the couch opposite each other forcefully drinking tea and engaging in the most intense version of small talk that has ever existed because they both know that if donna relents he will absolutely get involved in whatever unit-fuckery is going down on any given day.
but he’s committed to living life the slow way round (for the most part at least) and donna’s his best friend so she’s gonna help him goddammit, even if it means forcing him to sit on sylvia’s floral-patterned couch while he’s mentally bouncing off the walls with the desire to be useful.
poor rose, shaun, sylvia, and wilf are forced to bear witness to this battle of wills for the next ten to fifteen years before donna’s point — which is that we can manage without you sometimes, you idiot, you’re not the center of the universe and things don’t necessarily always fall apart just because you weren’t directly involved — finally sinks in and the doctor manages to find some semblance of chill.
(donna absolutely never admits to him how many of those crises were averted by other versions of him. she doesn’t want his ego to reinflate. they’ve been doing so well getting it to go down.)
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terastalungrad · 6 months
The really annoying thing about the "male-presenting Time Lord" line is that, if you remove the gender essentialism, it's very nearly brilliant.
Let's look at the scene:
DOCTOR We've still got to fix you two, because the metacrisis might have slowed down, but that thing is wrapped around your cortex.
DONNA Yes, we know.
ROSE We know everything, thanks.
DONNA And you know nothing. It's a shame you're not a woman any more, cos she'd have understood.
ROSE We've got all that power, but there is a way to get rid of it. Something a male-presenting Time Lord will never understand.
DONNA Just let it go.
ROSE And we choose to let it go.
SHAUN Like I said, mate. How lucky am I?
ROSE After all these years, I'm finally me.
... and let's work out what's happening.
Donna says "cos she'd have understood". Not, "cos you'd have understood". She's not saying the Fourteenth Doctor would understand if he was a woman. She's saying the Thirteenth Doctor would have understood.
Because - we know from Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle - Donna saw the Thirteenth Doctor. And here, before letting go of the metacrisis, she remembers the Thirteenth Doctor. She can see the ways she was different from the Tenth/Fourteenth.
Donna's talking about letting it go. Letting the Doctor go. Allowing yourself to become what you're supposed to be.
The Tenth Doctor - Donna's Doctor - could never do that. His rage when he realises he's going to give his own life to save Wilf. And his dying words - "I don't want to go".
But the Thirteenth Doctor?
DOCTOR Oh, the blossomiest blossom. That's the only sad thing. I want to know what happens next. Right, then. Doctor Whoever-I'm-about-to-be. Tag, you're it.
She lets it go.
And in The Star Beast, moments before Donna and Rose let it go, the Thirteenth Doctor's regeneration was explicitly framed as a trans narrative. The Doctor is male, and female, and neither, and more.
And Rose's first words after letting go of the metacrisis? "After all these years, I'm finally me."
There's so much to love here. A literary connection between the Tenth and Thirteenth Doctors' deaths. Metacrisis as oppressive cisnormativity - without letting go, Rose can't be herself.
And it's so annoying that the final line as written is a crusty old bit of "tch, men just can't let things go, can they?" The episode gets so close to a wonderful scene that's simultaneously a love letter to the Doctor AND a really vibrant, exciting sci-fi trans story ... but at the last minute, it crashes back to earth. Caught in the mavity well of gender essentialism.
Anyway. Tell you what you should do, and that's listen to Doctor Who Redacted on BBC Sounds. A trans main character, a trans head writer. That's how you do it properly.
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prettyevermores · 5 months
tolerate it (part two)
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( fourteenth doctor x reader )
a/n: i’m back again, i think this ending can been seen as a loophole for a pt3 but i’m not so sure if i’m gonna do one just yet.
part one
Your Doctor pulled away from the long fifteen minutes of pure passion and emotion you two had been sharing. His hand snakes around your waist, holding you at the small of your back; he smiled down at you. He was happy to be home, back to be with you. You placed a hand on his chest, feeling his dual heartbeat letting you know that he was truly there and most definitely real. He was real and not just some severe delusion you had been trapped in. A weight had been lifted off your shoulder, a weight that was holding you down for those five years. 
Breaking the loving and comforting silence, you begun laughing and he looked at you with a puzzled expression. “Sweetheart? What’s the matter?” he asked softly, caressing his hand down your arm and an eyebrow raised.
“It’s just, I thought- I was closer and closer to loosing my mind each day you weren’t with me” You said through your joyous laughter. Despite you nearly loosing your mind and that being a serious matter.
“I’m here now, so you don’t have to loose your mind anymore” He whispered, pressing his lips against yours in a brief kiss before continuing speaking “I have someone you’ll want to see”
He dragged you out your house as you wore your usual clothes but donning your beloved bunny slippers that have seen better days. 
He was taking you across the road, to a house. But not to any house. The house of Donna Noble, one of your best friends. He knocked on her door, his hand intertwined with yours, to say you were nervous and excited to see Donna again was an understatement. You can hear her before you even see her reach the door.
“How many times do I have to bloody tell you! You don’t need to knock!” The voice of Donna Noble booming down the hallway as she walks to the door. “Just come in!” She says as she locks eyes with you. Her face turns into a big grin and you smile back widely.
“Donna Noble” You giggle as she brings you into a tight hug, the older woman holding onto you tightly as The Doctor slips past you both and heads into the kitchen. “I never thought I’d see you again Don!” You sigh happily, you have both your people again. 
After catching up with Donna again, chatting and gossiping over coffee like you two always used to do in The TARDIS kitchen. The Doctor pops his head in from Donna’s Garden and smiles at you both before talking “Are you two coming outside or what? You can’t gossip all day” He chuckles, knowing exactly what you two were doing 
“Yeah we’re coming spaceman” She waves her hand for him to go away and turns back to you with a cheeky smile. “It’s like nothing’s changed but it has. hasn’t it?” She asks you.
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean Don” You smile softly at her.
“Now help me get all this food outside you!” She laughs, handing you with a tray of food Sylvia has cooked for everyone. You follow her lead and take the last bits outside. Then finding your place next to The Doctor on the outdoor couch at the table. He puts his arm around your shoulder to pull you close to him as he mid telling a story to Mel, Rose, Sylvia and Shaun. You notice there is a spot missing at the table, another one occupied for Wilf, Donna’s beloved grandfather. You wonder who it is. Then someone makes there way through the kitchen and into the backyard.
It’s Dr Martha Jones. The other doctor you had befriended a long time ago on your travels with The Doctor. “Sorry I’m late everyone! The traffic was awful” She spoke rushing in to give everyone a hug, The smile already on your face grew more and she hugged you and sat down opposite you.
Your sunny afternoon was filled with joy and happy memories of everyone together. You and Martha reminiscing about the time you got separated from Donna and The Doctor, nearly ending up in a war with The Hath but instead befriending an injured Hath then loosing them. 
After a while, The Doctor whisked you away back to your house, it wasn’t long before he pushed you up against your front door and smashing his lips onto yours. Your arms at the back of his neck, tangling in his hair. You swear, every time you kiss The Doctor, it gets better than the last time. This time it was magic. However, the stolen kisses you had in Donna’s kitchen were something that is told in history books. 
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thewanderingace · 5 months
Ideas and questions related to 14 living with the Nobles:
Does he sleep in the TARDIS or does he get a room in the house? Probably both right? They set him up in a spare bedroom but when he gets overwhelmed or can't sleep he sneaks off to the TARDIS to sleep instead
Does he start going by John Noble 😏 or does he stick with just the Doctor?
Maybe they say he's Donna's half brother that she just learned about or who travels so much she never sees him and has decided to settle down now
Uncle 14 and Rose getting into such mischief together. He'd be so doting. If she wants it, he'll get it for her. He goes to her plays, helps with her crafts, her science and history lessons. Best uncle ever
Gets to go on occasional TARDIS adventures with Donna and the family
When shit goes down on Earth like a giant spaceship full of goblins (hello chrsitmas special) he starts to go help but Donna steps in and shouts "You're retired! Other you's got it! Sit back down and finish your tea!"
Donna continually telling unit to back off cause he's healing and not working anymore leave him alone
Mel attends the Companion Support Group. Does she tell them what happened!? DOES 14 GO AT SOME POINT!? Does he catch up with the other companions from the group?
14 doing mundane human things like grocery shopping and doing the dishes.
14 celebrating the holidays with the Noble-Temples
14 and Wilf stargazing together
14 not sleeping, having nightmares and panic attacks. Donna and Rose comforting him and taking care of him
14 going to a therapist
14 talking to Donna about everything that happened. Telling her about the other companions and their adventures and such.
Does 14 just wear the same suit all the time or does he mix up his wardrobe? What was his first time shopping like?
14 seeing fish fingers and/or custard and breaking down
The sound of a crow cawing sends him into a panic attack.
The whole Noble-Temple clan helping the Doctor through panic and anxiety attacks and nightmares.
According to the novelization, the house at the end of the episode is actually the Doctors and I love that with my whole body. Give me all the stories of him decorating and making this place a home and Donna and everyone spending so much time there they've basically moved in with him
How long do you think 14 lives with Donna before getting his own house?
Do you think the Nobles move into this house with him?
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(Gif credit: @stars-bean post)
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trashboatprince · 3 months
I got a request for Fourteen and Shaun, and I've been looking for a good excuse to write something with them!
So, there will be mentions of books and audio stories because I LOVE the extended universe stuff for Ten and Donna.
As always, I write Fourteen with they/them pronouns.
On with the fic!
Shaun yawned loudly as he wandered down the stairs of the UNIT home his family was temporarily staying in. Donna was already off to work at this time, Sylvia was at her own home, same with Wilf, and Rose was at school.
Leaving Shaun, who didn't work until the evening, alone at home.
Not actually alone.
Because there was an alien inside the kitchen, staring intently at the toaster, as if it was challenging them. "Is there... an issue with the toaster again?"
"It burnt my toast." The Doctor pouted. "I put the dial on the exact timing for it to be perfect! And it came out black! Also, good morning, Shaun! Did you want any tea? Donna's got everything ready, you just need to start the electric kettle when you're in the mood!"
Shaun blinked, the mood changes on this guy still took him by surprise, even after a month of living with them. "Uhh... yeah, thank you. Also, you do know that this toaster doesn't have a timer, right? It has settings for how toasted you want the bread to be."
The Doctor looked at him before looking at the toaster. "Oh!" They slapped their forehead. "Dumbo! Of course that's how it works! Explains the little bread drawings around the dial, getting darker and darker..."
Shaun laughed and shook his head, activating the kettle and moved to grab some more bread for them. Toast sounded pretty good anyway, so he'd have a few slices too. "What are your plans for the day, Doctor?"
"Hm? Oh, uhh... I dunno. I'm still trying to get used to this whole slowing down thing, it's weird to figure what to do with my day! And Donna's got the TARDIS key and the TARDIS is on her side, she won't open for me!"
The Doctor was jumping in place, clearly annoyed with the lack of activities they were used to doing.
"Well, that's just how the normal life is, Doctor. Lots of boring things and not a lot of adventures. Well, unless if you make your life an adventure." Shaun shrugged, holding out the bread to them. "Donna's still got the key?"
"Course she does, reminded me this morning."
"She's a stubborn one."
"Always has been." The Doctor smiled brightly. "Wouldn't be Donna if she wasn't! Oh man, the amount of times that stubbornness saved me."
Shaun looked at him before grabbing the kettle, pouring himself a mug of tea. "Got an example? I'm sure you've got a lot of them."
The Doctor blinked twice. "You... want to know about our adventures?"
"Sure! Donna's mentioned some things, but she never goes into details, I'm rather curious." Shaun smiled.
"Brilliant! Let's get our food and then I'll tell you some stuff!"
Once tea and coffee were prepared, and toasts perfectly toasted, the two sat at the breakfast table and the Doctor was excitedly telling Shaun about some of the adventures from their past with Donna. They explained about the time that Donna and their tenth incarnation went to the 1990s to see Donna's favorite band. And that there was an alien invasion at the time that affected the band, but Donna was able to fix it!
And then there was the time that the world was in danger due to anger killing people, and how Donna stubbornness to do the right thing overpowered her fear of needles so she could save her grandfather, which allowed her and the Doctor to realize how to solve this with good deeds. Though Shaun noted that the Doctor seemed to skip over some things, as if it was something they weren't ready to talk about. But Shaun did learn that the Doctor hates planes, which was interesting to note.
"Oh, and there was that time that Donna and I were trapped in a giant, outer space apartment complex! It was... a lot, a lot! But it was amazing! Not sure how stubborn Donna was during that, we did a lot of running around and almost got killed a billion times, but it was all solved in the end."
"You two have had some strange adventures." Shaun pointed out. "Donna mentioned the other night while we were making dinner about you two visiting a water planet and her almost drowning because the... air dome was failing? And how she was annoyed you weren't carrying your phone."
The Doctor laughed. "Did she bring it up because I forgot my phone that day and didn't noticed she called me five times?"
The two of them laughed about this. "Ah, my wife is a wonderful woman, but she has a temper."
"It's part of her charm." The Doctor chuckled. "It can get on my nerves, but I'm happy that she does it cause she cares. Honestly, she knew how to put my past self in his place, because he needed it."
"Are your... different, what did you call it, regenerations, different from you?"
"Oh yes, in a sense. I mean, we're always the Doctor, but sometimes the personalities are different. Like, there was a me who was all angry eyebrows and cool guitar riffs, or the one was smiling a lot but was quick to... well... quick to cause a lot of trouble. Didn't help that my friend at the time was good with explosives. Still is. It's amazing what Ace can do. Anyway, if Donna had met them, she'd keep them from being as outlandish as they could get at times. She did for me when I first had this face."
"And she will for this face." Shaun pointed out.
"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less." The Doctor smiled. "You know, we haven't spoken much, Shaun, but you can talk with me whenever. Doesn't even have to be about Donna! It can be about anything, except football. No offense, but while I'm decent at it, I've never really understood it. I'm more of a cricket fan, actually."
"Good to know!" Shaun nodded, picking up their plates before he stopped. "What do you know about cars?"
"Quite a lot, I used to own one and that got me interested in how they work!"
"Think you can help me fix up my cab? Was making a weird clicking sound last night before the shift ended and I want to see what's up. If you can help, that'd be great, much better than going to a mechanic."
The Doctor was grinning, pulling their sonic thingy out of their pocket. "Sounds like fun! Heck, if you want, I can upgrade it so that it saves petrol so you're not spending so much on it!" They babbled as they got up from the table, making their way for the door.
Shaun watched them, clearly excited to be doing some sort of fiddling with a device. Donna had said they enjoyed tinkering, hopefully they could fix the car and not, well... do what they did to the microwave.
"Uhhh, let's see what you do about the clicking before you do that, Doctor!" Shaun said, following him to the door.
I think Fourteen and Shaun would get along, Shaun seems like one of those guys that instantly becomes your friend. Plus, if he makes Donna happy, then the Doctor is happy.
I was gonna mention the Pompeii adventure, but I'm saving that for a one-shot where the Doctor goes to a museum with the Noble-Temple family.
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
10th doctor x reader - the stars in your eyes
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Part 5:
You got in the TARDIS and Martha excused herself to go grab something to eat while the pair of you talked.
You walked around the console, running your hand along it, and you stopped when you got to the chairs and you sat down.
“I’m sorry I got angry with you, and for the things I said.”
“I messed up, you had a right to be angry.”
You leant back, tilting your head back and you closed your eyes, letting out a heavy sigh.
“I should’ve told you straight away, but I saw a chance for adventure and I really wanted to go…”
The doctor studied your quietly for a moment.
“You should have told me, this can be really dangerous (Y/N), what if you get hurt or worse?”
“I’m used to being blind doctor, I’ve adjusted, it’s why I know you’re stood about five feet away from me right now.”
“How do you know?”
You thought for a moment, trying to come up with a clever lie that would be somewhat believable.
“I can tell by the distance of your voice.”
He hummed a little and walked over, sitting next to you and you turned your head to look at his golden form.
“Answer my this. If you can’t see, how did you know that the galaxy we were looking at was the milky way? How did you ask to see the stars?”
“I have a small perception of light, not much but a little, it’s why my eyes are sensitive to the light because they can’t handle it.”
The doctor nodded his head and he looked at you.
“But how did you know where we were?”
“I guess you can call it an instinct? I always know where I am, exact location, whether it’s north, south, east or west, I know where I am and how far I go to get to where I have to be.”
You gestured to the console and he got up, and you rattled off the exact location of the TARDIS and he looked at you amazed.
“Been able to do it since I was a child.”
The doctor walked back over.
He stood in front of you, his hands in the pocket of his jacket.
“Why didn’t you tell me though? Before you started travelling? Does Donna know?”
“Of course she knows I grew up with her, she was there when my vision went. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to say no to me coming, but I now realise that was a mistake.”
You slowly stood up and sighing heavily.
“Just answer me this doctor, two hearts. Why?”
“Oh that’s right you kept me alive!”
He quickly pulled you in for a hug and you hesitated for a split second before hugging him back, resting your forehead on his shoulder.
“I never did thank you for that, so thank you so much…” he whispered.
“The universe needs the doctor.” You chuckled.
You pulled away and crossed your arms over your chest.
“So, two hearts. What exactly are you Goldman? I know you’re not human.”
“I’m a time lord.”
That word rattled around in your head like a church bell, over and over and over, repeating non stop.
The doctor waited for you to reply and after a moment he went to say your name but stopped when the door creaked open he stopped.
He looked up and you took a step away.
“Sorry, like I said I know I shouldn’t have come. It was a mistake and I’m a liability.”
You turned around and ignored him calling out to you.
“Did you make a list…?” You mumbled to Martha.
“I did, I sent it to that address you asked me too.”
“Thank you, I might be seeing you around Martha Jones.”
You cracked a smile and you stepped outside, the doctor rushing behind you calling your name but you were gone.
You melted into the sea of people and he couldn’t pick you out from the crowd.
“What was that about?” Martha asked.
“She had other things to do I suppose…”
When you were sure that you could be seen by the TARDIS, you began to jog slightly around a corner that had no people.
Your body disappeared into small particles until no one could see you, and you reappeared back at the house by the front door and you opened it.
“(Y/N)!?” Wilf called.
“Yeah it’s me! Did you get a list of books?!” You called back.
You closed the door and set your glasses aside, and you wondered into the kitchen, sitting down at the table.
“I did, Donna’s out right now getting them all. What are they for?”
Wilf set a cup in front of you and he sat down at the table with you.
“They’re books that talk about a legend, about the child of the universe. Stories made up through all of human history, apparently humans have been talking about me for centuries.”
“I knew there were some stories out there, but I wasn’t aware how many people knew about me, or, rather believed in something like me, it makes absolutely no sense.”
“And why’s that?” Donna asked.
She set a few bags down on the table and stood behind you, her hands resting on your shoulders and you took a deep breath.
“I thought you were staying with him? Oh and Grandad mum wants your help with something outside.” She asked.
Wilf grumbled and got up, and Donna took his seat at the table.
“So? Why aren’t you staying with the doctor?”
You cracked a weak smile, looking down at the table.
“I can’t…”
“Why? What happened?”
“He knows I’m blind, shouted at me, I stormed out, we spoke, I found out he’s a time lord so I can’t travel with him.”
“He shouted at you?!”
“Donna it’s fine.”
She shook her head.
“It’s not! I’ll smack him! And what’s a time lord?”
You ran a hand down your face.
“It’s a civilisation from a distant planet, I’m not sure what happened to them, but for some reason he can’t tell I’m not human, he has suspicions but he can’t tell.”
“Is it such a bad thing if he knows?”
You heard talking in the hallway and you got Donna to followed you upstairs to your room.
You closed the door and sat on the bed, and Donna sat next to you, taking the remote for your tv to put something on to cover the talking.
“What you found me I came crashing down from space itself right? But was there anything else that seemed strange?”
“I was frozen Donna, frozen in time. The time lords put me in a time lock which for some reason or another broke. The froze me in time which was why I was still so young.”
Donna looked at you.
“Because I was something unknown to them, powerful even at such a young age and they feared what they didn’t know. They feared me, a little girl who was just trying to find her parents again… they took me and locked me away in the furthest depths of the universe and the time lock broke, and I came crashing down to earth.”
You took Donna’s hand in yours and held it.
“I love you all like my own family, you are my family. But you’ve seen what the doctor does to any aliens on earth, if he finds out what I am Donna he’ll do that to me…”
“I won’t let him!”
“You won’t get a say… he’ll send me away.. he’ll time lock me again.. but I keep hearing whispers in the universe, things that don’t make sense, it’s why I got those books, I thought maybe it would help.”
“Help with what? I don’t understand.”
“Help in trying to figure out why in here, why I hear these whispers. Something is happening Donna, and I need to find out before it’s too late.”
She looked at you and you looked at her, and she could have sworn she saw the flicker of one of the stars in your eyes going out.
She focused on your eyes, carefully studying them to make sure that they weren’t going out, but she never did.
“Alright, I’ll get them, you do your project thingy.”
You laughed softly and laid down, projecting yourself out of your body as you waited for her to return with the books.
You sat down and turned your attention towards the stars, furrowing your brows a little bit, you created a replica of the universe in front of you, and you spun it around a few times.
You felt like something was missing, a planet was missing, but you weren’t entirely sure what it was.
Waving your hand through model universe, you made it disappear and Donna came back in, dumping the books on your bed.
“Do you need any help?”
You looked at her and walked over, placing your finger on her forehead.
“Anything that mentions child of the universe got it.”
With that, you sat down on the floor while Donna went through the books, you sat with your legs crossed and closed your eyes.
The universe had things it wanted to tell you, and you were listening, taking in everything it was whispering for you to hear.
But nothing was standing out, so you began to search harder, trying to clear some of the words that weren’t quite making sense.
You needed a lead, anything that could help, and right now the only sounds echoing were the same thing.
The darkness was coming.
The child of time and the child of the universe.
But there was a new one.
One seemingly calling out for you, but somehow linked to the doctor, a female voice whispering.
The voice was calling out to the doctor, but she sounded so far away, her voice rippling through space like she wasn’t in the same universe you were right now.
But you could hear her words just barely
Bad wolf
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girl-mercury · 6 months
sometimes your bestie tells you to get some fucking therapy
“I think you need to talk to someone,” Donna says.
“I talk all the time, I talk to you, I talk to your mother, I talk to the man who brings the mail —amazing arrangement, mail, not sure I ever stopped to appreciate— what do you mean I should talk to someone?”
“You know what I mean. A professional. A therapist or something.” 
“Donna! What the hell would I say to a therapist? Really. What would a human therapist have to say about my life? Nobody lives like me, Donna, nobody has these experiences, nobody studies these experiences in school—“
“You need someone!”
“I’ve got you! I’ve got you. And other friends. So many friends. That I’m actually seeing again. Or planning to. I really do plan to.”
Donna sighs. She feels old. Not in a tired sort of way, not in an ancient sort of way —actually, scratch that, she has a teenage daughter, she’s made to feel ancient five times before breakfast— but she feels old in a grown-up kind of way. The kind of grown up where you know what to say to make a dentist appointment, because it’s no longer your first time doing it after your mum’s made your dentist appointments your whole life. Being grown up means that there’s a lot of things you’re not doing for the first time, all scared and unsure what to say or what you’ll need. You’ve done this before. You’ve got this. 
The Doctor always runs, not just from his past but to new experiences. Constantly, new, new, new. It’s a glorious life, full of adventure. Donna’s lived it, and she loves it. It’s such a rush, to never know what you’re doing, but knowing you’ll throw yourself headlong into it regardless. But that’s not all there is. There’s beauty in layering one experience done a hundred times over on top of itself. Every morning she sees Rose’s beautiful face again, so happy now that she can show the face she feels is hers. Every kiss she shares with Shaun is the same as the million before it, all the way back to the first time they kissed, and isn’t that marvelous? The Doctor’s never around for the millionth time of anything. He’s already long gone. 
“Just think about it,” she says. “I can help find somebody, figure out what sort of person might get it. Maybe UNIT’s got some resources. I don’t know how long Time Lord burnout lasts, I think taking a break is really going well for you, but I know how you get in your head. Might be good to let it out.”
“How do you know what’s in my head, Donna Noble?” he asks, teasing, knowing the answer. 
“Cause I’ve been in there, Spaceman, and it’s a real tip,” she answers, grinning. 
He slings an arm around her neck and pulls her close, dropping a quick kiss on her head, and then Rose gets home from school, and there’s some shouting about homework before sewing her new batch of stuffed Adipose babies, and then Wilf rings and says somebody needs to come get him if he’s coming for supper, and then the phone rings again and Donna has to have her third argument of the week with the home insurance company about her claim for the damage the aliens did to the house, and the very ordinary day goes on. The Doctor slips out to go for a walk. 
He goes for a lot of walks these days. Trying to slow down from all the running. 
+ + +
It’s a few weeks later when he and Shaun are out at the pub, waiting for Donna to join them. The Doctor’s asking if Shaun would mind if he takes Rose on a little adventure to Egypt for her birthday. Shaun’s a little dry when he says, “Permission, eh?”
“Well,” says the Doctor expansively. “It’s up to her, really. Less permission, more… advance warning.”
Donna arrives, drops a kiss on Shaun’s lips, bumps her arm up against the Doctor’s. There’s a pint already waiting for her. “The Doctor’s going to have Rose running through pyramid trap tunnels chased by possessed mummies for her birthday,” Shaun tells her. 
“I didn’t say that!” the Doctor protests. “I don’t know that there’s going to be possessed mummies. Just… I do run into some gods, every time I’m there. Not really gods, but, well, you know how rumors get around.”
“Fine,” Donna says. “If I hear my daughter’s even ended up on the altar for being a human sacrifice, I will slap you so hard your face will spin back to the first one.” 
His eyebrows go up. If anyone could manage that, Donna could. 
Later in the evening, they’ve left, the Doctor is still sitting at one of the outside tables, talking to some other guy whose name he doesn’t know. They’re not drunk, just having the kind of deep conversation you can have with a stranger after three beers. 
“My friend, she thinks I need to talk to a therapist,” the Doctor says to his new friend. The man’s an American, just moved to London. He’s told him about adventuring through space, and  aliens have come through London enough times that someone having space adventures is plausible even to someone normal. Or maybe the guy thinks he’s bullshitting the whole thing. Impossible to tell, really. 
“Therapists can help,” the man says. He lights up a cigarette. “I’ve had to see one a few times, just to get me straightened out after shit’s happened.”
“I don’t know, I just don’t like talking about, you know. Stuff. Things.”
“Oh, yeah, the stuff and the things.”
“And I don’t know who would even have advice. They don’t have specialists in space adventurers, do they? Not to sound arrogant, really and truly, but no one else has this kind of life.”
The man’s taking a drag when the Doctor says this so plaintively, and he chokes, coughing before he can get out his laughing. And then he laughs some more, and the Doctor’s considering getting a little offended. “No, man,” the guy eventually gets out. “You’re in emergency services.”
“I’m in what?” 
“Like an EMT, or whatever people call them over here. The medical folks who ride in the back of the ambulance. You show up to a place, everything’s on fire, everyone’s yelling. You get people to safety, you find out what’s wrong with them, and you start helping. You help other people get things to stop exploding, you point the police at whoever caused the ruckus in the first place. You see people at their best, and you see them at their worst, not a lot in between. Then once it’s over, you go home, and sleep, and get up the next day, and go to the next place that’s on fire. Every day.”
“Well, I’m the Doctor,” says the Doctor. 
“Maybe a bit overqualified, then. But it gets to you. You do it because you function best under pressure, when everything’s urgent and lives are on the line, and then you keep doing it because it’s what you know how to do. Even when you’ve seen so many fucked up things that there’s this numb part of you that you’re afraid doesn’t feel anything anymore. People die when you’re doing everything to save them and it’s like you’re not even there, and then you realize you’re not there when you’re around the people you love, either, even though they’re happy and safe. Cause it all never stops being on fire.”
“What do you do then?” the Doctor asks.
The guy grinds out his cigarette in the ashtray. “Quit your job and move across the ocean,” he says. “Try doing something new. And see a therapist.”
“I might have a number for someone you could call, make an appointment with, if you wanted it.”
The Doctor doesn’t think he’s going to call, but he takes it anyway. 
You never know.
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
doctor who specials thoughts!
spoilers for most everything below:
obvs the plot was banging -- my partner didn't know the meep's a full-on war criminal evil emperor carnivore and I was trying not to giggle every time they called the meep so cuuuuute
the concept of transgender saved London! and donna noble's life! remember to thank a trans person in your life toay for saving people through the power of transgender!
but also specifically Donna's love for her daughter!
also Doctor preferred pronouns as any but specifically also "The Doctor" (definite article), fuckn good and correct
"you have weapons in your wheelchair!?" "of course, we all do" (from memory)
I know this is OG comic already, reallyreally enjoy the big bug beings aren't evil, and use stun guns -- an important way of gauging their character and whether the Doctor trusts them and solves the mystery. also the desiiiign of them!!!!! PRACTICAL CREATURE DESIIIIIIGN BOTH THEM AND THE MEEP!!!!!!!!!!
THE DOCTOR flopping about, RUNNING AROUND, CLIMBING UP THE WALLS, GETTING KNOCKED OUT! having just watched the entire of Eleven with all the "has a speech about how cool I am which makes the Bad Guys just give up for some reason" having this Doctor stalling for time and solving a mystery and then immediately knocked TF OUT!!!!!!!!!!
DoctorDonna BEstiESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! they're so!!!!!!!!!!!!! they're SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next two episodes are gonna kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
still got the mystery of why the Doctor came back with this face, teaser about the Meep's "boss" (assuming Toymaker), and of course we know next to nothing about what will happen next week!
ohhhhhhh the new Tardis, she's so FLASH, she's so CLASSIC, she's so HAMSTERWHEEL!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know why I assumed Wilfred would be dead (well, they definitely counted on us assuming it), but it makes so much sense he wouldn't be when they fucking filmed with Bernard Cribbins!! Wilf will be coming up soon!
my couple of gripes are my feelings about UNIT as "uncomplicatedly good guys." I know there's a lot of different depictions of them throughout who (I've seen Two and Three + nu!who's depictions, and I prefer early seasons making it a more tempestuous relationship, especially with Three being sort of forced to work with them but really challenging their decisions and structures), but I watched the 50th anniversary the other day and that sees Kate Stewart almost blowing up London... once a military organisation, always a military organisation, and I'd like to see some future exploration of that. not that this episode was the episode to do so necessarily, but certainly in the future...
and the "male presenting" moment -- I see where it came from, it was the one misstep in threading trans/gender political and philosophical ideas into the text, had the vibes of "women and non-binary" type gendering, and makes you (me) go "what does male presenting mean? who is male presenting to you? do you mean man? do you mean "read as man"? are you talking about non-passing tans women, non-binary people with beards, trans men? and what does that have to do with your innate self?" it's some basic gender essentialism dressed up in progressive language. I'm going deep into this Moment, but it's also the only Moment, and I feel like it's interesting to hold it to a higher standard than I have previous Who. good intentions, this one is a miss
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nvzblgrrl · 6 months
Just got done watching The Star Beast. (Details beneath cut)
It's. Definitely an episode. The actors did wonderfully with the material given but good lord, did I get a harsh reminder of what RTD's writing is like when he feels like he has Something To Say (White Cis Gay) about things. Really don't like the choice to confirm that Rose was trans by having her be deadnamed and anything to do with the lottery was... unpleasant and a misread of both Donna and the Doctor's characters. Also the choice to write 'why are you assuming the Meep's pronouns' is just... the only reason that didn't come off as actively antagonizing trans people in the audience was because the actors were able to carry it off with aplomb. That's it. Why Rusty decided 'oh, yes, this copypasta staple of transphobic "humor" totes needs to be in this ep' is beyond me.
Wilf also is a bit of a sticking point in any scene that he's mentioned in, as he takes over the entire conversation and all emotional beats end up orbiting him even when they shouldn't. Still can't get over the first talk between Donna and Sylvia having No Music at all until Wilf comes up, despite it being an emotionally weighty scene that really should have had some accompaniment. On the upside, both the fight and chase scenes are higher quality than they were back during RTD 1.0, UNIT didn't get character assassinated to the degree it did under Russell before (though I still didn't care for how they manhandled the reporter near the start), I like the Sonic Screwdriver Mime Shields well enough (and love the screen that shows what it's reading, that's got potential for a lot of things), and the Shadow Proclamation actually felt useful and interesting instead of being a brick to beat over the head of the audience like it so often was in the early days.
Donna's family has good vibes and I like that there's no verbal or emotional abuse between them like there was Before. And I really like the Doctor's clear progress with emotional communication and active interest in other people (Ten would have never helped a stranger overloaded with packages, so Fourteen doing so without prompt was very sweet). Anyway, solid 6/10 for me. The actors carry it wonderfully and it's lovely seeing David Tennant play the part of a new Doctor.
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the star beast reactions:
the end of time part 2: “the story never ends” switches to “ the story hasnt ended yet” this show is driving me to cookoo land
taxi logo! Very 2005.
“That says grand mistress!” “oh, catch up” [….sentient physic paper headcanon? Maybe everything the doctor carries is secretly sentient sdlkfj rip all those sonics that fell in battle]
"me putting up with that" ksksksks "what do I care? I’ve got the true greatest girls in the world" just u wait for what’s coming shaun. Hope u always secretly wanted an autistic queerplatonic husband.
"and I shoukd know, I invented them!" bully!donna headcanon comfirmed (?) to go with already-canon teenage!wreck donna.
"oh, yes definetly" sylvia "queer-coded mom "mother of a queer " subtext finally becomes text as "grandmother of a queer"!!!!
"you had a bit of a breakdown… and then you got better" sksksks every “the doctor is a hallucination” dark!fic ever/ alternatively: amy coded
"I should be really happy"'... but sometimes I lie in bed thiking, what have I lost?" THIRTEEN CODED THIRTEEN CODED OH GOD THE REGRETS OVER DROPPING THE FOBWATCH….
“Fuge” is iconic
14 is definetly someone who lived 11/12/13's lives lol my girl is so tired
"I’ve read the files" when UNIT personel says this the translation is: I’ve watched all of three’s era.
"I dont know who I am anymore" understatement of the billenia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "she's happy! Is she?” I mean tbf, is anyone ever? in this economy? Lol
"I don’t believe in destiny but-" (yeah you do?)
"You know my rules, no secrets in this house" I wonder if Donna didn’t get at least a little bit mad after this that everyone lied to her for 15 years dlskjf
the bit with wilf’s accomodation was a good subtle commentary about accesibility again…
ok…. But the definite article bit was excellent??? sdlkfj i swear fandom is so recalcitrant sometimes
"two hearts! so do I!" [rtd: in case u didn’t notice, this is what we call A Foil]
"that’s not concrete ', it’s mortar" "thank you, bob the builder"
the doc in the wig…………………… valeyard coded
There will be no violence... UNTIL he deems it fit and proper! and that’s GROWTH(tm)
solar psychodelia my beloved eu band
"it just felt like the sort of thing he woukd do" t.t
"who cares about me?" "i do" T.T!!!!!
(sdklfj tho ngl it feels like it escaletes to this emotional level wayyyy too quickly)
clifftops.... grief... fingerprint… THE SMELL OF DUST AFTER RAIN……..
I mean he did very much kill donna (again?) ddklSjs THIS IS A VERY SIGNIFICANT THING THAT JUST HAPPENED???
“She chose her own name…” trans doctor fodder?
"male and femape and neither and more" tbh this works rlly well on the metaphysical level I was talking about (note to self: elaborate on that in another post), do have to agree it sounds a bit iffy on the gender politics front...
"cryptic, I hate that" liar, you’re all about that
tbh "shame you are not a woman anymore" feels riiiiiight in line with "you two are just time lords, you dumbos!" sdkfj donna has to be a lil’ bioessentialist about meta cris-es every time doesn’t she.
"and we choose to let it go" / [the one adventure I could never have] / [terf island will eventually let go of transphobia] / [“how to let go of depression”: the scifi/adventure series]
"why does it have to be one last trip?" good question!!! yaz would like to know as well!!!
Fun as hell! But i did feel a tinge disappointed that rose and the nobles aren’t that developed (and Shirley as well).
I think The Point and The Message is a bit clumsily delivered, but overall the writers’ hearts are in the right place and it does work philosophically for where (I think?) the series is going next. As a ~Trial Of A TimeLord Enjoyer~ the bit where 14 puts on a wig made me go feral.
The meep is well realized but tbh I don’t think the OG story is that strong? And I think my Hot Take is….. I think that a straight-forward story wasn’t super compatible with all the mechanics and logistics and exposition that this “fix fic-ing the doctordonna” story necessitates. So the whole thing feels kinda bogged down by having to be a recap.
Finally… I think the resolution feels a bit too... mechanical? because Rose is not developed / put as the POV at the start, it’s not enough of an emotional thrill to see her saving the day (other than like, idk, if I interpret Rose Noble triumphing being a metaphor for Donna’s life being complete when she has her own life but also the doctor back again (?)).
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quietwingsinthesky · 17 days
i think about tentoo & rose in this au. and i think about them and there’s no way they stay together. not from that point post-journey’s end onward. there just isn’t. because tentoo might have been the man rose loved once, but he chose not to be, and soon, she really, really won’t be at all. and the thing is: rose doesn’t know how to stop. i mean, we’re talking about the woman who responded to being sent home for her own safety by ripping the tardis open and becoming a goddess. who got trapped in another universe and decided to use herself as the test subject for a dimensional cannon.
and. ‘she doesn’t know how to stop’, that’s a good thing, mostly, when she’s got a goal. that’s what makes her a match for the doctor. but where the alternate s4 leaves her in this au, she doesn’t have one anymore. she just uprooted herself, again, to look after someone she loves who is also a stranger. which, you know, not great to start with, but then. well, then end of time happens here (and i do wonder. isn’t there a horrible sort of irony to it if tentoo is so human that the master can change her, but rose isn’t anymore, hasn’t been since she looked into the tardis, and stays herself.) and with end of time comes the fact that Even just. vanishes. what’s that like, right? to be the one putting up the missing persons posters this time?
Rose fits well into the Noble household, in my mind. maybe not with the utter ease that tentoo slips into their lives, but she’s keeping the same secrets they are. She knows how important Donna is. So what I’m saying is that Wilf, only remaining witness to the whole shebang, would tell her what happened. The Doctor lives, of course he does, but her Doctor is gone, again.
What I’m saying here, I think, is that Rose joins Torchwood. I think she has to, because there’s a goal there, there’s something to work towards, and not for nothing, but there’s Jack there as well and they really deserve to be weird and clingy about each other given him. you know. waiting hundreds of years to meet her again and thinking she was dead for good briefly. and the fact that she made him immortal and didn’t even know. (gwen voice this is my situationship jack and this is jack’s situationship rose) (ianto does not want to comment on this state of affairs)
So she does. For the brief firework of time that Torchwood still exists before being dissolved at the end of Children of Earth. Which I’m shifting down the timeline a little for my own use to happen After end of time. I think Rose needs to be in the middle of that. If only because there’s a scene in the back of my mind where Jack is on his knees, where he begs her, just one life, just his life, bring him back. knowing that she can’t. and he doesn’t hate her for that but he has to beg someone. She probably never forgives herself for it, though. What is the point of you, Bad Wolf, if you can’t bring life? and it’s that experience more than anything that would finally push her to tell Tentoo everything. (Tentoo’s memories are long-gone, swallowed up out of time and held fast in Even’s hands.)
They broke up, at some point. Amicably, as if it could be anything but. This is messier. This hurts more. It’s also honest, so it builds a foundation, a future. I said Rose loved who Tentoo was, but she’d love who she becomes, too, once they clear that air.
This is all just rambling lol. but i think about the position me throwing my silly little oc into the mix left Rose in a lot.
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roseposts-stuff · 1 month
good evening!!! rating doctor who series 4 + specials today because i posted series 3 ages ago:D regular reminder that these are my opinions, my opinions change daily and in general i'm a pretty positive person and i'm just "oh great vibes i love this" :D
1. Midnight - so so so so good istg, writing is brilliant, acting is brilliant, the concept is brilliant, it's just so good. i love how it's set in such a tiny space and i still wasn't bored at any point, sky's actor killed it and so did david tennant, and i loved how the end showed how much it affected the doctor and it was just so cool. i could talk about this episode forever and it remains as one of the best dw episodes for me
2. The Waters of Mars - again, SO good i adore this episode, it's so cool to see the doctor kinda become the villain, like we want him to succeed but we also know he definitely should NOT succeed and it's brilliant. once again the acting is amazing and i loved the general vibe too, very spooky!!! and the side characters were great imo, i felt really bad for everyone who didn't survive :(
3. Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead - this story was great when i first watched it and became even better on a rewatch. the vashta nerada are such great villains imo and river song is a great character and it's so interesting how her and the doctor meet in the wrong order, also this is visually so so beautiful and i love it so much!!!!
4. Turn Left - once again such a good episode, i love the social commentary, it was cool to see rose return properly after seeing cameos the whole series and i loved how the episode focused on donna and just the whole concept was great
5. The Doctor's Daughter - love love love this episode, i love jenny (and georgia tennant) and how donna makes the doctor realise that they're not that different after all, i liked the story and the twist that the war had been going on for a week, like what??? once again donna shined, she's brilliant, and martha too!! i loved her and the hath and i was SO SAD when the hath died, freema agyeman's acting almost had me crying and david tennant made me cry when jenny died 😭 (this is a huge achievement btw i almost never cry because of movies or books etc, seriously i've cried because of some media maybe 5 or 6 times in my entire life)
6. Planet of the Ood - i really like this episode and i was so happy the ood finally got free and are now living happily. the first time they appeared it really rubbed me the wrong way that they just "liked being slaves" and i'm glad they got to be free. i loved donna and how kind and empathetic she was, she's so amazing. also i think this episode was again visually very beautiful too
7. The Stolen Earth / Journey's End - i like this finale so much, yes it's mostly because of all the companions coming together and not so much the story, but that doesn't matter 🗣‼️ absolutely heartbreaking when donna lost her memory :(
8. The End of Time (part 1) / The End of Time (part 2) - i could actually talk for hours about the scenes between 10 and wilf btw, all of them are so important and wilf is 100% 10's father figure i'm so ill. the return of time lords was so interesting to me and the way 10 kept refusing to take the gun but when he found out time lords were coming and took it was somehow really impactful for me like i was like "oh okay so it's _THIS_ not good okay", the master was so goofy when he was just randomly jumping around it was so weird lol, loved how 10 said goodbye to all his companions, also 10's regeneration gave me so much emotional damage it took me 5 days to be able to start 11's era when i first watched this
9. Partners in Crime - this episode was so fun, highlight definitely being the doctor and donna's muted discussion through the glass, it was hilarious, also how they kept walking past each other was so funny
10. Voyage of the Damned - i really liked everyone except the one guy who survived 🥰 but like that was kinda the point so it's okay, i loved mr copper he was adorable and astrid was so sweet, 10 got to say "allons-y alonso" so that's great too!!! the story itself was also pretty good imo
11. The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky - i loved having martha back and enjoyed this story very much. i loved that martha called the doctor out on his hypocrisy and i loved how martha and donna bonded. loved 10 and donna as always, 10 was so silly fpr being grammar police lmao, and i liked that in the end rattigan redeemed himself, i'm always there for sort of giving people second chances and letting them realise they were wrong and trying to fix that
12. The Unicorn and the Wasp - as someone who has watched a lot of david suchet as poirot, this is so agatha christie it was so much fun, i loved that this was a sort of explanation for why christie disappeared and it definitely had some really funny moments lmao, i didn't like the wasp thing it was a tiny bit too weird and cringe for me, but honestly i'll let it be, this is doctor who lol
13. The Next Doctor - i liked the "next doctor" and? rosita? i think that was her name, and honestly i enjoyed the story, it was nice, and the endibg was really sweet in my opinion
14. The Fires of Pompeii - peter capaldi!!! this episode had some doctor donna silliness which is always great, and i loved donna so much, i would like to be like her guys, but the overall story didn't interest me much
15. Planet of the Dead - i liked the people in the bus and the weird bug aliens whatever, they were sweet, and it had some really adorable moments, but i absolutely hated christina 😭 like she annoyed me so much it's unreal, i dont even know why exactly but i really really didn't like her and i'm so glad she only appeared in this one episode 💀
THERE WE ARE!!!! safe to say that series 4 is definitely one of my favourite series!!! hope to post series 5 at some point too, i like making these rankings :)
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@cosmicallyavg okay sorry if you didnt want me to respond but the autism won today and i thought abt nothing but this for like 3 hours so
i think the doctor knows yaz has done/will do the same morally questionable things as her if it becomes necessary? because for her to be self aware about herself, and then also aware of yaz becoming her in a way. she has to assume that its a possibility. and asking her to hold the master at gunpoint is her testing that theory i think. because yaz very well could have straight up not done it but in the end, shes her equal, she admires her (and wants to impress her lets be real), and she has a duty of care. she knows/assumes how dangerous the master is and doesnt want anything to happen to Her doctor if she can help it. theres no use being squeamish weve got the doctor to save.
i hadnt thought of that angle but the doctor consciously sort of testing how much yaz will indeed do exactly as she herself would, and guessing right on that front is so interesting. i was reading 13s comics yesterday and she did it multiple times there too, like delegating to yaz for llittle minidoctor tasks like occupying herself with a victim like she does in witchfinders with willa too, and like just literally going "yaz, go play police at those aliens" (i said "be police" first but 1 no jurisdiction, and 2 for the doctor 'be' and 'play' are the same thing)
and when she gets yaz that gun, it's so interesting bc to me at least it feels like simultaneously theres the power dynamic of doctor-companion where yaz is definitely a step lower like shes not in charge here (compared to later with vinder) but what the doctor uses that power she has to do is to like place some of it in yaz if that makes sense? she's using yaz as a proxy of herself, which sounds bad but i think thats what shes doing?
like guns for the doctor are this visual sign that theyre going against their own principles right? it's not really the violence of guns that the doctor protests bc theyre plenty violent, but it's a visual representation of their principles right? we see this with 10 when he wont take wilfs gun against the master but when he hears timelords are coming he does. 13 being willing to use a gun on the master means shes willing to break her own rules to deal with him (which the doctor always kinda is with them thats part of the problem but i dont think it's in the "i forgive you one more time even though i shouldnt way" this time)
but also! she doesnt touch the gun herself. she orders a soldier thats at her command (actively breaking her own rules) to give it to yaz. ace talks abt this i believe in at childhoods end, to yaz. that like, the doctor is not opposed to violence but they will keep their own hands clean if they can. as opposed to 10 who picked up the gun himself, 13 lets yaz do it. and then later, bc of course the doctor cant shoot people, yaz lets vinder be the one to actually shoot the master. 
so 13 is outsourcing her principle breaking wrt the master to yaz, but i think shes aware of it. it's not like letting yaz handle the gun is eschewing her own responsibility, i think she doubles her feeling of responsibility, bc not only is she breaking her own rules, shes making yaz break them too (clara voice: and now youve made me lie! youve made me your accomplice!) which is why it feels so simultaneously like equal and unequal, yaz is both doctor and companion in potd.
(short detour abt what you said abt "theres no use being squeamish weve got the doctor to save" like yeah thats exactly it. i wrote a fic where yaz shoots the master and the doctor is like Why The Fuck Did You Do That bc while she expected yaz to take the gun (bc she would), she didnt expect her to shoot (bc she wouldnt), but that then maybe reveals a sort of distorted image she has of both herself and yaz. bc yaz did shoot, which means the doctor would shoot even if shes so dedicated to the image of herself as The Doctor that she might not realise that she would. and it reveals an underestimation of yazs feelings for her, and her sense of duty, and how far she will go, has gone, to try and save the doctor. the master is a threat, so she shoots (im thinking again of clara and 8x12 where 12 literally offers to shoot missy to protect clara('s immortal soul))
and abt that equality, like, there was this photoset i saw last week of bts stuff from s11 i think? chibnall talking abt the first meeting in the train. which was basically just like that post i made ythat you linked except chibnall was talking abt it from 13s perspective, which i hadnt considered dkdjdjdh
i saw your tags when you reblogged that post and i thought abt them for a bit but didnt respond bc i dont think i entirely agree? theres a definite, like, respect and i think recognition on the doctors side of things when they first meet and she does the thing i wrote abt in that post where she like listens to yaz and then presents her own plan and this first listening to yaz probably fixed a problem they might have had if she had just forcefully tried to push yaz out of the authority position she was in there as a police among civilians, where yaz might have fought for the leadership position the entire rest of the night and maybe rest of their time together (not that thats not also a fun version of events to think about) 
anyway to get back to the point, yes theres that respect, and the doctor uses yaz for her skills since the beginnig, but i dont really agree that it's equal necessarily. the power difference is too big and too easily leveraged by 13 for me to call it equal
when it comes to doctor-companion power dynamics the first thing i always think about is the tardis, because it's this really concrete and undeniable representation of that power right? you need this ship and you need this pilot or you are most likely never going home again. thats just like a fact at the foundation of most doctor-companion relationships (excluding companions who have their own means of transport or could fly the tardis maybe like river or romana). im not saying thats on purpose or the doctor likes it, im just saying when youre stranded on an alien planet and theres one person who is capable of making sure you dont die, doug eiffel voice: really really far away from home, then youre not gonna do anything that person doesnt want you to do. or at least youre gonna be hesitant to
so following the big bluish money (tardis), i think the real equality between them finally only really arrives
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here. in their last scene together. where the doctor can say "you know what this means right?" bc yaz already does despite still not being told anything, and yaz can say "lets not say goodbye" bc the doctor is not good at goodbyes and the doctor is both of them
thats what really appeals to me abt writing them post-potd everybody lives happily ever after au, this partnership that we only ever got to see glimpses of. in a version of events where 13 lived after this, we could see what that partnership really would have looked like
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minimoefoe · 6 months
the star beast next day rewatch thoughts
noted down thoughts as I was watching rather than figuring out my thoughts at the end like I did when it was on live
- the new theme kinda has disney vibes idk how to explain it. also the sequence feels kinda fast like it's cut weird but also I love that moment where it's far away and zooms in fast to the tardis
- donna missing stuff again and her just rambling on was so good
- fourteen hearing the wilf mention <3
- nerys mention, luv her
- have seen ppl say they don't like the deadnaming scene and I can defo see wh like that's probs not nice to watch and also some ppl are deadnaming rose which is like okay gross but also it's a real experience that ppl go through and it's important to show it and also rose isn't real so yknow
- obsessed with how protective donna is over rose !!!
- sylvia and donna talking about rose being trans and not being sure what to say, great scene
- donna spending 15yrs thinking there's something missing from her life actually kills me so much like ahhhhhhh
- the doctor saying he loves donnna and being shocked that he said it omg 14 >>> 10
- idk why the doctor questions if donna is happy, I dont think he's so far been given a reason to think she isn't? maybe he's just assuming from what he knew of her life before but I mean, he's just met her clearly very nice and happy kid and husband
- obsessed with the meep's little pre-evil voice it's so cute
- ctate is very good at playing funny and sad and everything in between except angry/shouting. her shouting isn't it for me
- all the different names donna gave the meep and it grabbing her leg 😭😭
- sylvia losing her mind and her initial 'you' is my fave thing ever
- I like shaun more than I thought I would, not that had any expectations going into this when it came to him tbh, I wasn't really bothered about him either way
- I didn't for a second thing they were confirming wilf as being dead lmao, it was very obvious it was gonna be a misunderstanding. love sylvia calling the doctor an idiot and love that kate is looking after wilf
- rose being like 'you're assuming he pronouns' was so cringe like, yes, it is good and important to have easy discussions like that but I don't think there's harm in asking for it to be written non annoyingly like it made rose seem kinda snotty idk and it didn't feel natural. also THE DOCTOR, known to not care about gender etc, having to be asked/reminded about pronouns is a bit ??
- sonic is overpowered as hell
- court scene was a bit meh idk how I feel about it. kinda just five minutes of exposition in a car park like okay? meep turning evil was cool tho
- I hope the 'we all have weapons in our wheelchairs' includes my guy wilf
- donna saying the doctor's name.. cinema kinda
- donna being fuming that she gave her money away actually kills me
- donna led there dying made me feel nothing partly bc she clearly wasn't gonna die but also idk it didn't feel as grand as donna dying should be (presumably bc it obviously wasn't gonna happen but if you wanna trick me into thinking she's gonna die then at least do it well idk)
- I think I like rose having some of the meta crisis-ness being passed down to her, that makes sense I think. Idk about it seemingly making rose nonbinary though like that's dumb as fuck I fear
also I kinda wish she wasn't called rose even if it makes sense why she chose that name and if we're being fr her being called martha wouldn't have been quite as 😱😱 so. her being called rose is veryyyy rtd not being able to move on from her coded tho
- excited to see who the boss is and I said in my prev review that it was maybe the toymaker but I feel like it isn't like the toymaker is presumably something to do with why the doctor has that face and ended up near donna and I don't think the meep has any relevance to that
- 'we've got all that power and a way to get rid of it, something a male time lord will never understand. just let it go' is truly the stupidest shite I've ever heard like HUH? like I'm all for a men suck, women rule moment (like when 13 and missy said they were upgrades) but this moment was so odd like what are you even on about 😭😭 also them just.. letting the energy or whatever go is like... oh is that it? okay????
- I think I like the tardis interior actually idk. it's kinda a bit empty and massive and I do wish there was more Stuff about the place but I love all the circles on the walls and the light changing and the paths are very cool. as long as we never have to see it in full bright white mode like a lot of the stills we've seen of it are then I'll be happy
- donna saying the doctor should visit, him saying her leaving killed him AHHHHHHH. also this must mean something Bad happens in the giggle bc she's right, there is no reason for them to leave each other now that she's not gonna die from the meta crisis
- that coffee spilling thing was kinda stupid and I hated donna's shout but anyways
- the weird noises in the theme at the end genuinely made me feel like I was gonna have some kind of panic attack like it sounded like weird breathing and it was fucking with me bad woah I fucking hate that
- still think some of the dialogue was basic and not what I was expecting from rtd but it wasn't as bad as I remembered it being and there's A LOT of funny as fuck moments throughout the ep fr. some of the resolution was also silly/nonsensical but overall its like, okay I guess that's what we're doing let's move on
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trashboatprince · 6 months
DW spoilers under the cut:
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-Anyway, let's get on with the actual stuff
-The opening punched me in the face. Of course the fruity-ass villain, The Toymaker, would set up shop in SoHo. Aziraphale would be pissed. Only one Southern Pansy is allowed to have a physic defying shop and that's him.
-The chaos, so much chaos. But hey! We heard Wilf! We didn't really see him, but we got one last line in with him, thank goodness!
-UNIT is not subtle anymore, but at this point it would make sense that they're more well-known.
-I dunno who Mel is, but she seems like a fun person! :O Which era was she, Five's?
-The shit with the giggle and how it affected Kate... yikes. :|
-I do want to point out how awesome Donna is throughout this episode, from the music notes, to defending the Doctor, to standing by their side. She's the best, love her. <3
-The Toymaker is fuck, NPH was an excellent choice, honestly.
-His dimension is fuckin' bonkers. I already knew that his world was basically a game to begin with, so I feel really bad for Donna and the Doctor as they go through the halls. Also, fucking puppets! UHG!
-Best two outta three, who didn't see that one coming?
-Let's talk about that!
-Let's fucking talk about the insanity that is the regeneration! (And fuck you Disney+ for using Tenth Doctor in the subtitles, that's still Fourteen to me).
-Fourteen's last words were interesting, including the allons-y, kinda had a feeling we'd get an old Ten quote in there, but the fact that they said they felt weird, it's like. Wait... WAIT! HOLD UP???
-THE SPLIT! Fourteen's shock, Fifteen's excitement! Fifteen! I love you! I love you!
-Two Doctors for the price of one, another weird regeneration! A bi-regeneration! A myth! So that means that there was talk about it before, a possibility, unlike the meta-crisis!
-Please take note that Fourteen lost their underpants and went commando through the last half of the special because... WOW. That's gotta be uncomfortable.
-Fifteen, Fifteen, I fucking love you~
-Fifteen is going to be a caring, emotional Doctor and I'm here for that. <3 And how he held Fourteen... hhhhhh.... my little heart <3
-I know, I know, cheesy to have two Doctors and now two TARDIS's, but I don't fucking care. I don't fucking care at all. I love it. I love that Fourteen can rest, Fifteen can still fly off and have adventures. Which means that there is a chance that they can meet again, and maybe we'll have another fun adventure with them.
-Donna working for UNIT sounds like a good idea. I wonder if Fourteen will as well, and probably cause so much trouble, just like Three and Four did. :D
-Fourteen and Tentoo, the Doctors who can rest and enjoy the little things. That's all I need in life.
-Also, the adorable line about Rose being their niece!
-I have so many more thoughts, but it's hard to put them all down. Over all, I fucking loved this, I get more Fourteen in my life, and now I also get to enjoy Fifteen at the same time! Two Doctors for the price of one!
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