shanastoryteller · 9 months
hallo! i hope your day is going well!! what’s one of your favorite details that you’ve written about siat recently? or if not that, in another fic or snippet
in ta'burni, after tony's parents die when he's 17 at MIT, we get this from rhodey's pov (bold for emphasis)
“They’ll eat you alive,” Tony says, reminding him a lot of his mother just then. Rhodey watches Tony get in a limo surrounded by cameras, his black jeans his own and mostly that color because of one too many motor oil stains and the black button down too long and too big in the shoulders because it’s Rhodey’s, a streak of black against the blinding white of a thousand camera flashes.
later in the fic pepper meets tony when he's 30 and she's 25 and showing him around a gallery auction, she compares him to barton newmans's now ii
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this is what she says about it:
“Barnett Newman completed this three years before his death and it’s a wonderful piece,” she says, head held high. “He said he wanted to paint as if inventing painting from scratch, as if no one had ever done it before.”
“It’s just a line,” he repeats, still amused. “That’s what he thought needed to be reinvented?”
She doubts she’ll ever be standing in front of Tony Stark again so she has to get this right, has to say this in a way that hopefully won’t offend him, because the other option is to say something she doesn’t mean and that’s a waste for both of them. “It’s a perfect line. Perfectly straight, perfectly black, and surrounded by perfect white. Not in color, it’s not the blackest black or the whitest white, but the tone matches perfectly. Their perfection is only obvious in their togetherness.” She could stop here, she could not embarrass herself in front of the most powerful businessman in the world, but she has achieved nothing in her life by being a coward. “The first time you drew a line, it wasn’t perfect. It probably wasn’t even straight. But you drew it again, and again, until it was, and now the lines you draw are turned into designs and schematics that change the world, from weapons you send overseas to the processor in my computer. You design as if you are inventing the world from scratch, which is why you’re doing things that others claim can’t be done, which is why you’re doing it better the rest of them.”
He's not smiling anymore, but he doesn’t look angry, or bored, or anything that will get her fired.
She swallows and continues, “Barnett Newman said of his paintings that he hoped that they had the impact of giving someone the feeling of their own totality, their own separateness, their own individuality, as that’s what they did for him. This line is you and everything that you will do. You make it look easy, Mr. Stark, but that doesn’t mean it is.”
in iron man 2, the print that he takes down and replaces with a color pop portrait of iron man is now ii
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i figured the chance of anyone noticing was pretty much 0, especially when part of it is in the movie and not the fic
but for me it was tony's life
before. becoming. became
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bookofjudith · 3 years
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what is winter break if not a month for me to literally work on every wip i have and nothing else. so i present to you: Ishvalan!au brainrot, chapter 3
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icarusalchemist · 3 years
9, 12, 13, 16 & 28 for the ao3 wrapped asks (ik that's a lot)!! <3
oh no someone actually asked me some
9. What is the longest fic on the first page of your history?
an ineffably profound bond by dingobaby at a whopping 156,491 (i haven't gotten to it yet, waiting until winter break)
12. What fandom shows up the most on the latest page of your bookmarks?
9-1-1, at 7
13. What’s your favorite tag on a fic on the latest page of your bookmarks?
"yeehaw cowboys it's AU time" on Ta'Burni by aeoleus, my beloved, but also "Crowley never meant to abscond with a child. it just HAPPENED" on the Absconding with Harry verse by obaewankenope but also also "of course the DSM was the product of demonic influence" on Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma by nnm
16. What's your favorite fandom you started reading fic for this year?
oh hmm honestly a lot of the fandoms i've joined this year i haven't been able to find good fics for but. does it count if it's new movie and not necessarily fandom? bc if so, eternals (drukkari my beloveds)
28. Favorite crossover fic you've read this year?
oh i'm actually reading it rn!! misfire by vivatrex, it's a good omens/spn crossover and oooooh my god it's so good
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wileds · 6 years
@brightlikewukong cont. / “Yeah, but one’s way more better than the other. Dunno about you, but I think romance is way easier to navigate through than death. Y’know, personal opinion.”
‘ YOU’LL NOT HEAR ME disagree with that, ’  love said with a laugh.  he twined two fingers.  ‘ but then the real riddle now - when put together, why is death so romanticized?  ana bamoot feek.  i love you to death.  ta'burni.  may you bury me.  this is how i would die into the love i have for you:  as pieces of cloud dissolve into the sunlight.  it’s everywhere!  and it always seems like the most serious type of romance if you’re willing to die for someone. ’
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shanastoryteller · 9 months
same anon and I’m just curious—- are you a fan of barnet newman?
(even if you’re not, you write beautifully about it)
mmmmmm fan is probably a strong word, at least it would have been before i wrote the fic. i actually only knew who’s afraid of red, yellow, and blue iii before writing ta'burni, i didn't even know the print in the iron man 2 was a newman before i googled it. i sort of went backwards with this
i thought that scene of tony taking down the art to replace with iron man pop portrait and pepper getting mad would be better if it was metaphorical. so i decided that the art would be something meaningful between pepper and tony and him taking it down to replace was something pepper would see as tony putting iron man before them and everything they've been through together and tony would see it as him accepting that his legacy was going to be iron man and the merchant of death and not any sort of family he could build with pepper because the palladium was going to kill him before he got that chance. and then i googled what the print was and did some research into newman to see what i could make out of this. luckily, it was newman, so he lends himself to the sort of metaphor i needed rather well. and then i didn't even include that scene in the fic rip
that being said, i do like his work a lot, and i like what he was trying to do and what he was trying to say and how that expressed itself in his pieces. i think a lot of modern/abstract art is context reliant and now that i have context i am a fan
i'm probably about to make an ass of myself here, because i really have zero qualifications to have any opinions about art besides that occasionally i like to look at it. i haven't even taken an art history course
i think a huge barrier to people being able to really appreciate modern art is that society is heavily reliant on self contained art and it's the kind pretty much everyone has experience with. with books and movies and music, they are designed to stand on their own. context never hurts, and can add, but the understanding and enjoyment of these mediums should not be context dependent. if they are, then these works are considered bad. it's a sign of bad artistry to require context in these mediums
then there's, you know, fields and portraits and depictions of history and myth. context always adds, but you can look at almond blossoms or saturn devouring his son and you see a complete picture. you can appreciate artistry without any understanding of what's being depicted or why and knowing why doesn't even necessarily improve the experience. is almond blossoms a different piece now that i know it was intended for a nursery? to some, maybe, but to most, no.
so you have modern art, abstract art, performance art, ect, and you need context. context is half the piece. sometimes the whole piece. it's like seeing two earthlings without knowing the title and going, yeah, that's a nice painting, and then seeing the title and getting that little oh of connection to a species that's been dead for longer than humanity has been alive. and that's not even abstract art! that's a painting fully capable of standing on it's own merits even without the gut punch of context
portrait of ross in la is incomprehensible without knowing that ross died of aids. unfinished painting (1989) is something you can look at and go, okay, that's a piece of art, but without the context that it's basically a the self portrait of keith haring's life, also cut short by aids, do you really understand the art? is it hitting?
is tableu i anything more than straight lines and crayola color paint if you don't go a little deeper and go, maybe this is the start to every artist's journey, maybe this is every stray thought i corral and put into place and attempt to explain?
i think a lot of people stop at "i don't get it" and then shy away because either they think the art is bad or that they're stupid and they want nothing to do with either. but "i don't get it" should prompt exploration, it should prompt a search for explanation. not only in art, but in life. "i don't get it" in history, art, politics, science should always be the start of a journey, not a destination, but a lot of the most commonly consumed art accidentally trains people to reach "i don't get it" and give up
newman is so earnest with his work that i even if i hated every single one of his lines then i could still not help but love it
i do wish that instead of trying (and miserably failing) to restore who's afraid of red, yellow, and blue iii they had just let it hang, destroyed, all three slashes on prominent display
shakespeare's soliloquies were originally a type of call and response, because back in the day audiences were not as quiet and well behaved as they are today
the audience heckling the actors were no more authors than the guy who vandalized newman's work is an artist
however, that being said
who's afraid of red, yellow, and blue? this massive canvas of mostly red calls out
the response: three long slashes, rage and fury and fear in every one of them
claiming bravery, but proving cowardice
and it would have been better than letting some idiot go over it with a damn paint roller
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shanastoryteller · 9 months
Hey Shana! The title of your fic Taqbiruni would probably be better written/expressed as Ta'burni as the former is the MSA/fusha spelling while the word is from Lebanese arabic dialect
updated! thank you :)
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bookofjudith · 3 years
Ok the last ta’burni chapter killed me (so so so good) but what do u mean abt looking closely at the first scene.....what did u do....im sure it’s v v good but I’m genuinely so fucking stupid
bro thank you so much!! im sad its over, i loved writing it. Spoilers for Ta’burni under the cut
I decided to combine 03 and BH canon bc im a heartless bitch, and decided that roy was the one that killed Winry’s parents, instead of scar, hence the: 
“Right,” Hawkeye’s voice is flat. “and we’re here for no other reason.”
“None.” Roy says. “Glad we’re on the same page.”
The girl- Winry, Roy is sure, she looks too much like her parents to be anyone else- turns back into the house. “Ed, are you sure? You don’t have to-” 
Hawkeye stares at him with stoney eyes, arms crossed, as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “A child. They’re children.”
“No.” He says shortly, and shoves his gloves onto his hands. The rough material is almost comforting, in a twisted way. “They ceased to be children the minute we took everything from them. Maybe, this way- maybe we can help them get something back.”
Given that I fucked w the TL, I didn’t think it made sense to have scar kill the rockbells, plus i wanted the added angst of mustang torturing himself by personally going to visit the family of the people he murdered on the gov’t’s orders, but i don’t think i implied it well enough rip 😔😔
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bookofjudith · 3 years
meag you need to stop talking about xerxesian & ishvalan ed and al or i will also Never Shut Up abt them (this is a joke, you're right and you should say it)
are you serious. are u SERIOUS. im not joking when i say i think about ishvalan elrics like every day. ta’burni is my lil baby fic and its very near and dear to my heart. i could talk about it for HOURS. lets go babey. i got things to say. no shutting up here we infodump like men. 
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bookofjudith · 3 years
I'd love it if you ever decided to one day write more about Ed and Al's childhood in T'aburni, the relationship between Trisha and her brothers and her with Hohenheim!!! Just this is a very well written verse and I fell in love with it. Also their cousin is <3
AH ANON! thank you so much!! While I don’t have any plans for a pre-canon (pre-Ta’burni canon, that is) fic, the fic I am working on now will absolutely have scenes with Trisha and her brothers, and Cyra and the boys will have scenes together, too. 
I just wrote this little snip a few days ago: 
Cyra was seven when her cousin was born. She remembers standing on tip-toe to peer into the little wooden cradle Ammu Van had made and seeing him blink open his sandy-gold eyes.  Ammu Ahiqar’s expression darkened, as it often did when the ways of the world wearied him, and said, “Any child born without the blood of the desert running through him is marked for hardship.” “Oh, hush, Ahiqar.” Amma Tsira leaned over the cradle and smacked her brother’s arm. “Look at him. He’s beautiful.”
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bookofjudith · 3 years
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me? writing introspective pieces that center on side characters that have less than 5 lines in canon? no, that doesn’t sound like me at ALL-
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bookofjudith · 3 years
5 for your ishvalan au?
5. if you couldn’t finish (one of) your wip(s) for some reason, what writer would you trust with finishing it, if any? (asker can choose what wip)
LMAO DUDE IT WOULD BE YOU!!!! or if u couldnt do it, prob casey, who is like, the proprieter of my fics at this point. 
for those of yall who are fans of great writing, nerd is writing a FANTASTIC Ishvalan au called Safeguard that also gives far more, well-deserved depth to Xerxian culture and i am DEEPLY invested in it. 
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bookofjudith · 3 years
16,34,35 (or if that’s too much just do one lol sorry) for the fic thing!!!!!!
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
HUGE slut for found family and h/c. cannot get enough of them. 
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
this is such a nice question omg!! imma do a (long) throwback because i am still very fond of the prologue of A Hundred Golden Suns: 
On an island, on the very top of the oldest volcano, one-hundred years past the time of Sozin, a child stood up for his countrymen.
He was right to, you see- the old man shocked by his insolence should have been more shocked at his own ability to throw away lives like so many burnt-up embers- but he paid the price all the same, when the same old man demanded he fight for his honor.
And when the child stood up to defend his actions, bathed in Agni’s light and allowing his prayer shawl to slip from his slight shoulders unimpeded, he found not the old man, but his father, who had intended to give up his countrymen as piglet-lambs for the slaughter, a sacrificial offering the spirits never asked for, and did not want.
“Stand,” his father said. “Stand, and fight.”  
And the child did not hold himself in the regard that he held his countrymen.
And the child fell to his knees and begged mercy.
And the child, still swathed in the gold light he had been granted at birth, received no such succor.
“Please, Father, I am your loyal son-”
“You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher.”
And the child burned.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
OH MWAH! okay i am a MASSIVE sucker for fics that just have...layers to them. fics you want to peel back and dissect on every single level, until you fully understand the author’s intent, the story by itself, and how the story fits into the greater narrative as a whole. Just. fics that feel like puzzles, you know? i try as hard as I can to always be improving my writing. Like, writing intentionally. Because I want to write like this! I want my stories to be worth essays! you know?
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bookofjudith · 4 years
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric & Trisha Elric Characters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist), Scar's Brother (Fullmetal Alchemist), Trisha Elric, Winry Rockbell, Sara Rockbell, Urey Rockbell, Pinako Rockbell, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye Additional Tags: yeehaw cowboys its AU time, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Alternate Universe - Ishbalan | Ishvalan, Ishbalan | Ishvalan Edward Elric, Ishbalan | Ishvalan Alphonse Elric, Ishbalan | Ishvalan Trisha Elric, Ishbalan Character(s) | Ishvalan Character(s), Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, in which we discuss imperialism and war, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Ishbal | Ishval, Ishval Civil War
Eshkhan and Atal El-Rizq are born to a single mother in the small Ishvalan village of Akhmet. Much like the rest of their people, Executive Order 3066 is their destruction.
If the two seriously-injured children that appear suddenly in Resembool days after Akhmet is systemically terminated look curiously like them, with sun-dark skin and light hair and golden eyes, it's simply a coincidence.
Nothing else.
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