#sylleblossom tattoo
kyungmallow · 1 year
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Sylleblossom 💙
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saprophetic · 1 year
a new tattoo could fix me
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eosdarkroom · 1 year
A semi-exhaustive list of the mods I use, which you should use too.
Because we don’t gatekeep talent in this house, because most of my best screenshots would be impossible without these, and because I intend to wring every ounce of fun from this project that Square Enix killed before it’s time. Big love to the modding community for all their hard work. If you go ahead and download anything, please consider supporting these creators any way you can. I’ll modify and update this list as needed/as I can. Hope it helps.
Flagrum. A lifesaver. A must. A tool I cannot live without. Skip the hassle of altering your files to install mods in favor of a simple on-off toggle system. Some mods even require it to function. Honestly, if you have Windows Edition, there’s no reason not to have this.
God Mode & Collision Remover. Explore Lucis like never before. Go out of bounds. Visit cutscene-exclusive locations. Get up close and personal with far-off unfinished textures. Live your open-world dreams.
Chocobo Outpost Christmas Event. As someone who was too late to the party to experience the Chocomog Carnival and the Assassin’s Festival, this mod astounds me. It’s beautiful, and there’s surprisingly quite a lot to enjoy. Nothing says Christmas quite like festive music, new weapons, new outfits, a shockingly difficult boss battle, and little baby chocobo chicks with little baby santa hats. 
Ascension Rebalanced. Because I’m not grinding 999 AP for anything short of a new DLC and a can of Ebony.
Hide UI For Stays. Enjoy the resting animations unhindered. They’re pretty fun, if you’re paying attention.
Expand Type F Flight Area. For a roadtrip without the road.
Older Party Pre-Timeskip - Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto. For if DILFs are your thing.
Young Party In The World Of Ruin. For if DILFs aren’t your thing.
Ardyn In The Main Party. For people who hate happiness and stability. Full disclaimer: I haven’t road tested this one yet, but it seems solid nevertheless.
Access New Areas:
Sylleblossom Garden. A great place to go and cry, so I hear. Floating high above Tenebrae, so you will need collision remover & god mode to access. Choose whether or not your party joins you. 
Exeneris. Access the power plant at any time. 
Easy Access To Pitioss. My hottest FFXV take is that completing Pitioss isn’t nearly as hard as getting to that small strip of land to access it. Cheese your way to suffering by removing an invisible wall.
EPA Insomnia. What it says on the tin: the World of Ruin is swapped out for the festive Insomnia from Episode Ardyn. You can’t do much except walk around and break a few things, but it’s a good time nevertheless. You can also remove the festival leftovers if you want to.
Detailed Complexions. 
Open Ignis’ Eyes.
Different Hairstyles for Ignis.
Shield Tattoos for Iris.
Bluer Sky In Tenebrae.
Trees - Autumn Leaves and Cherry Blossoms.
Small Improvements:
Remove Garbage in Lestallum.
Altissia Texture Fix.
Hide Flashlight.
Remove The Photo Contest From Galdin Quay.
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anaya-of-wolves · 2 years
Among the Stars- Chocobros Keyblades
I forogt to post this, but here are the descriptions and just the info about the chocobros' keyblades in Among the Stars.
Ignis' keyblade: Bishop’s Sorrow -Point: the top is the spearpoint of a polearm with no outward protrusions -Body: twin coeurl whispers wrap around the inner part, which is a column of purple fire (reminiscent of when he used the ring of Lucii) -Handguard: two points curve down and out with a concave handles that don't meet at the body -Keychain: a silhouette of an antlered deer head profile – -ATK ^MGK ^DFN -Magic user mostly
Gladio’s keyblade: Might of Memory -Points: Like his tattoo, an eagle at the top with its wings and feathers being the points outwards -Body: like his War Sword with the middle missing -Handguard: the pauldrons of the Shield’s outfit -Keychain: red iris flower -^ATK -MGK ^DFN -Strength/Offense or Heavy Defense
Prompto's keyblade: Birds of a Feather -Points: Yellow chocobo feathers -Body: the rolling hills of green pastures -Handguard: a wreath of sylleblossoms -Keychain: his camera - -ATK ^MAG ×DEF -Move: Feather Rush (speed attack) -Distance Magic User
Noct's keyblade: Crystal Maris -Points: floating and pointing outwards small versions of the weapons of Lucii -Body: flowing waves of the ocean -Handguard: similar to the shape and inside of the Crystal -Keychain: the Ring of Lucii - ^ATK ^MGK -DFN -Uses his warp strikes and magic predominately
Destiny Unbound -Points: At the very tip of the keyblade is a star shape made up of a dark blue metal. Sylleblossoms bloomed outwards underneath the top of the keyblade -Body: cosmic sea of stars, some twinkling around the keyblade instead of on it -Handguard: shape of a heart, made of interlocking mechanical parts like his Engine Blade -Keychain: the seashell charm that Kairi made for him - ^ATK ^MGK ^DFN
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rhaenyratargeryn · 2 years
I desperately want to get a tattoo of the sword of the father from ffxv but have it incorporate some floral designs of the sylleblossom because I’m a huge nerd
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batkingsalem · 5 years
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I’m working on a tattoo design for a client/friend~~ text to come later!
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It’s taken me a while to think of what to say on this piece. It means so much to me and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to explain that. I feel so much stronger and at peace with this journey I’m on because I know I’m not alone and this serves as my reminder. Thank you to @tanyavialatattoos for helping this vision come to life. 💕💕💕
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endwalkr · 4 years
OKAY IM KIDDING- 7 (kirby), 16, 35, 36 :3
7. your opinion on kirby
hmm . i think that he is a good boy. he is round and cute. he is pink. these are all good qualities. he also makes little noises a lot which is very epic of him. also he wears a lot of hats. and consumes things. my conclusion is : 69/10 a good man
16. if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be and where?
HMMM 🤔 like a litel triforce on my lower arm maybe. or a flowere from one of the many vidy games with flowers in it.. like imagine a pretty lil sylleblossom or silent princess <3 also perhaps some bubbles idk why i just like em a lot for some reaso-
35: what does home mean to you?
you <3 :) i just think that waking up with you there and being able to hang out all day would be very epic also hydrangeas and cats-
UHHHH!?!??!! i am thinking...... probably excessive jojo references in public :) also for breaking the speed limit to sprint towards you when we meet in real life! :D
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tridentfaith · 4 years
Lunafreya's tattoos:
A curved sylleblossom in the shape of a moon on her right side. Placed on her ribs next to her breast. Scattered water colour added to the petals. Reference
Sunflower with a single vine wrapped around her left wrist. It's for someone special♡. Left uncoloured. Reference.
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ahundredwars · 5 years
//imagine nyx getting a really simple/abstract sylleblossom tattoo for luna
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In-Character Questionaire
✨ repost, don’t reblog !
Vanilla, with traces of sylleblossom and medicinal balms/incense. Her favorite shampoo smells like strawberries, though. 
Daily showers are a must for her, though she washes her hair every other day. She tends to sing whilst doing it. Warm baths sometimes help with her joint pain and the accompanying sleeplessness. 
Small studs in each ear; she’s never been brave enough to get more than that. Besides, it seems wrong for an Oracle. She’d like to get a largish sylleblossom on her shoulder or back, though. 
She chews her lip when worried, and tends to take any opportunity to sit and conserve her energy. What some might find odd is how little she moves; Oracle training teaches one to be very still for long periods of time. 
A nightgown, in verses where she’s unmarried; if showing off for a lover however she’s been known to splurge on silky pink lingerie. 
One of Noctis’ jackets he let her borrow on a cold evening and which she never got around to returning. 
Check the time, check her agenda and then pet her dogs. 
She frequently isn’t able to sleep as much as she should, and when she is, it entails the use of several pillows to prop her up into a less-painful position. Usually though it’s on her side, legs drawn up. 
Soft and delicate, but the palms are scarred from practice with her Trident. 
Honey, probably, or some form of cake. She does have a weakness for sweet things. 
✨ TAGGED BY:   @bluebxmfing ✨ TAGGING:  @ofargentum, @novuscaelum, @n0va-c41ne, @bourbonstreetdevil, and whomever else wants to do it! 
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saviorofeos · 5 years
About Luna
Some things to know about me.
Name: Lunafreya Vivet Nox Fleuret
Age: 24
Birth date: 4th September, (1992) [based age off of game release date for ‘star signs’]
Star signs: Virgo, Monkey, Satet
Height: 167cm (5'6")
Weight: 53.5kg (118lbs)
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Any
Family: Maverick Suscepit Fleuret (Father, deceased), Sylva Via Fleuret (Mother, deceased), Ravus Nox Fleuret (Brother), Stella Nox Fleuret (Twin Sister, older)
Favorite Color: Blue
Tattoos: A sylleblossom on the back of her right calf.
Piercings: One hole in each ear lobe.
Portrayal: Lunafreya grew up first knowing she was destined to be the Oracle like her mother before her, diligently learning how to heal those afflicted with the Starscourge and be a calming influence to the peoples of Eos. However, she also knew that Prince Noctis was the Crystal’s Chosen, and that she would most likely die in helping him obtain the power he needed to rid the world of its darkness.
After Niflheim attacked her home in an attempt to kill the Prince and his father, she came of age under the thumb of the Empire. Unlike her brother and sister, she did not and does not hold the Lucian royalty at fault for her mother’s death or the fact her kingdom came under Imperial rule. She knows that Regis needed to protect Noctis at all costs, and that he would have gladly taken her with him.
But even so young, she knew she could not abandon her brother, so plaintively calling on the foreign King for aid. So, she opted to stay, realizing that that Empire would not kill her. She was after all, now the Oracle, able to commune with the Six, and heal those afflicted with the Scourge. It would behoove them to keep her alive as long as possible.
So thinking she grew up speaking to Gentiana regularly about the state of affairs in the world as well as traveling about healing the sick. As one raised as the Princess of her country, whether under Imperial rule or not, she became a very courteous person, quiet in her obvious authority. She makes no excuses for her choices in life, knowing the outcome as prophesied, she simply tries her best to do as much as she can in the time she’s given. She also makes no excuses, usually, for her rather kinky thoughts. She grew up knowing she would never have any real time for such pursuits… but that has never stopped her from thinking about them.
She loves Noctis with all her heart, but that love mostly means she simply wants him to be happy. Their engagement is a bit of a strain on their relationship, cutting awkwardly into their friendship. While neither of them are entirely opposed to the idea, especially with all the good such a union could do for their countries, neither of them feel all that committed to the idea.
When the treaty signing fails Lunafreya makes it her mission to get the Ring of the Lucii to Noctis. Having to watch King Regis be cut down in front of her as her mother was before cuts her heart in two, and while she acts on the fallen King’s words to leave, she does so with a heavy heart. She never lets on to Nyx that she feels the same way he does about the entire situation. It saddens her greatly that more Glaives and Crownsguards died trying to keep them all safe. Crowe, Nyx, and Libertus all hold a special place in her heart for their defense of her, though she never met Crowe. Knowing the woman was sent to retrieve her, only to be cut down before she could be reached, it tears at her.
Having made the pact with Shiva when she was only a child, before the Empire decided to kill the Glacian, she moves on diligently to awaken Titan, Ramuh, and Leviathan to aid the Chosen King. From conversing with Gentiana she knows that Ifrit is already a lost cause, and Bahamut will only speak to Noctis once he as the blessings of the others, the Ring, and the Crystal nearby.
Pairings: LuNyx is a favorite, won’t lie. But I also love the idea of her and Noctis actually getting to know each other and falling in love. However, Lunafreya’s really open to anyone.
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amplectormors · 5 years
‘ ink ‘
Send me   ‘ ink ‘   and my muse will tell you what kind of tattoo they think your muse should get and where!
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“Pastel blue, a little sylleblossom along your vein, the same color, so you can hardly tell it’s there.”
He glanced up. “And write ‘sore loser’ on your forehead too.”
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oraclecrown · 5 years
tagged by: stolen from @adagaium tagging: steal it ! 
instructions: fill out the questions about your muse, repost, and tag as many people you want.
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1. what does your muse smell like ? Ocean Spray and Sylleblossoms, sort of sweet and soft.  Something clean and light.  Her natural scent is very comforting, and she does tend to wear sylleblossom perfume as well, as it reminds her of home. 
2. how often does your muse bath/shower ? any habits ? when she isn’t travelling for her oracle duties, every day !  Long, hot baths are her guilty pleasure.  She uses bubbles usually, but don’t tell anyone.  
3. does your muse have any tattoos or piercings ? nope.  She’d totally get one, though.  She’s rather lacking in scars as well, always seeming to heal miraculously well. 
4. any body movement quirks ( ex. knee shakes ) ? mmm ... not really ?  She moves with a grace and elegance both natural and practiced, and is careful about every action made in the public eye, usually.  
5. what do they sleep in ? Really nice gowns, usually.  Stuff that I’ll probably get shit for saying makes her feel elegant and sexy ,,,, but she gets so few chances to do that as it is, so she takes it where she can get it lol.  She really likes nightgowns what can i say 
6. what’s their favorite piece of clothing ? Her nightgowns !  Even though no one ever sees her in them, Luna has very few things that she willingly splurges on for herself, but she does what she can to enjoy her short life and i’m not denying her any little pleasures.
7. what do they do when they wake up ? resist the urge to roll over and go back to fucking sleep.  lmao.  Usually if she’s not out doing oracle stuff she takes a long, hot bath and then prepares for the day ahead.  She takes great care in her appearance. 
8. how do they sleep ? position ? She tosses a lot in her sleep, sleeps with a LOT of blankets and curls up under them, in a very small ball usually -- she has prophetic dreams most nights that disturb her sleep.  She wakes up often and spends a lot of time on her balcony or taking walks in camp when she’s traveling. 
9. what do their hands feel like ? Soft.  It’s rather vain, but Luna really cares about her appearance.  She uses a lot of exfoliating products and lotions on her hands. 
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ao3feed-markussimon · 6 years
by Archadian_Skies
There’s a cafe on the corner of Ravenwood and Sylleblossom called Jericho run by a witch named Simon who, apparently, always knows not what you want but what you need. There’s magic baked into the pastries and brewed into the teas; there’s a cupcake iced with daydreams and a chai that tastes like self-confidence; there’s eclairs sprinkled with giddiness and an espresso that lingers with determination.
The cafe’s old weathered sign is in the shape of a ship, and ask anyone why it’s the most popular place in town and they’ll say it’s because at Jericho you can be yourself. At Jericho you can be free.
Words: 1540, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Carl Manfred, North (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Original Chloe | RT600
Relationships: Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Witches, Alternate Universe - Magic, this is like the book/film chocolat but with magic involved lmao, witch is a gender neutral term, you can fight me about it, Mutual Pining, Magical Tattoos
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notthelasttime · 6 years
for @gunkers!!  the requested ignyx tattoo/flower shop au that got... massively out of hand. (read on ao3)
Selena is the first to notice, if only by virtue of the fact that they spend so much time in the shop together. More and more, ever since their mother had started to spend less time on her feet and more time at home. Nyx couldn’t blame her, long days were hard on old joints, though he had a feeling her absence from the shop might have had less to do with arthritis and more to do with a growing addiction to daytime soap operas.
But alas, a son’s duty is to take an interest the the family business, this one being a dim little florists shop, the best place in Insomnia to find rare blooms- or so the sign at the door proclaims. There had been a time when Nyx had a growing grudge for the place, a young boy spitting back all the things he’d heard the other boys saying at school, at that age where eschewing anything that so much as had a lingering whiff of the feminine was what boys did. “Flowers are for girls,” he’d whined, standing at his mothers hip while she worked on a massive centerpiece, something grand in white roses, a special order for a wedding.
“Nyx,” she said, bending down to his level and taking his chin between her thumb and forefinger so he couldn’t look away, so he’d understand the gravity of her words, “flowers are for everyone.”
Flowers for every occasion! Chipped paint in looping cursive across the wide glass window, otherwise crowded with a display of foliage and flowers. The window’s wide, but not wide enough because Nyx still only gets all of 4 seconds to look when he’s lucky enough to catch the man when he walks past.
4 seconds to take him all in.
Dark jeans, a button up with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, his skin a blur of ink that Nyx can never make out the details. Black glasses with thick frames today, it’s sunglasses when the sky is bright, v-neck shirts only when the weather gets scorching hot. hands in his pockets sometimes, or else carrying a cup of coffee. Straight back when he walks, looking forward. Long legs and ashy brown hair, sometimes styled, sometimes not. He never turns his head to look inside. He doesn’t know he’s being watched.
“Huh.” Selena’s tone says it all, and Nyx knows he doesn’t want to look at her, but he turns his head anyway. There’s an expression on her face, something a little too knowing, just smug enough to be infuriating and Nyx knows he’s been caught red handed. So to speak; as it is his hands are laying useless on the countertop. Selena’s fighting back a smirk when she turns back to one of the vases on display, filled with frisco lilies, and she pinches off a bloom to tuck just over her ear. 
“Stop stealing the merchandise,” he tells her, words rolling straight off her back.
“Don’t be mad ‘cause I’m cuter that you,” she says, starts making her way into the back room before calling over her shoulder, “Maybe I’ll get myself a cute tattooed boyfriend from next door.
Nyx, still embarrassed enough to be flustered only managed to yell back, “Shut up.”
Crowe saw it next, thanks to bad timing. 
She’s gushing about her girlfriend- has been gushing for probably a solid 20 minutes while Nyx makes her a bouquet. A bouquet for said girlfriend, in celebration of their 3 month anniversary, which according to Crowe was a very big deal. The primary flower is sylleblossoms (”Nyx she’s obsessed with sylleblossoms”), dotted with moon flowers (”her name’s Luna, you have to do something with moon flowers”), filled in with small bunches of tiny white flowers, an attempt to not make this bouquet look incohesive and dumb as hell. At least Crowe seems to like it. Then again she’s been too busy waxing poetic about the perfect shade of blue that is Luna’s eyes, so there’s a good chance even from her perch on the counter where she’s watching Nyx work, she’s not actually seeing anything at all. 
The bell over the door rings. Nyx’s is about to yell at Crowe to get off the counter while there’s a customer in the store, but the words die in the back of his throat when he sees who walked in. 
It’s him. Here in the flesh, looking half distracted at his phone as he walks up to the counter. Pinstripe shirt today, and Nyx is so busy wondering how anyone can wear suspenders in earnest this day and age and look ridiculously attractive and not just foolish, he almost doesn’t say hello. 
“Hello,” this man says and there’s the touch of an accent, a voice deeper than Nyx had been expecting, “I was wondering if you had any irises?”
“Sure. You want an arrangement or...?”
“No, just the flowers.”
“Whatever you have.”
Nyx moves from behind the counter to pull the flowers. Not the strangest request he’s gotten, although this customer doesn’t seem particularly interested in what he’s buying. 
“You want to write out a gift message?” Nyx asks, a standard question and most definitely not an underhanded way of finding out if these are maybe a gift for a special someone.
“What? Oh, no, I...” for this first time this man looks at him, truly, not in that half distracted kind of way he had been, and he lets a sigh escape from between tight lips, “I work next door, at the tattoo parlor. I’ve a request for irises and I can’t get the design quite right. I was hoping the real thing would help.” Frustration then, aggravated at a drawing that wouldn’t come together, probably much the same as when they had a big even and Nyx spent so long staring at the same flower arrangements they started to morph into looking like dogshit. 
“Well I hope this helps,” Nyx says as he rings up the flowers, staring at the back of the man’s hand while he pulls money from his wallet. Flames, something that should have been tacky, but the ink has been applied so artfully it looks instead like fire could shoot straight from his fingertips. Maybe it could. 
“Thank you,” he says, and all Nyx gets is a small little smile before he’s turned his back to leave. Nyx stares as he goes.
“Oh honey,” Crowe says, and it almost startles him. She’d all but disappeared from his vision, but now she’s wearing a look thats too close to what Selena had shown him before, aware to an uncomfortable degree. “You are so fucked.”
His name is Ignis.
Nyx learns this the next time he comes into the shop, requesting gladioluses this time, for the same reason it seems. 
Selena is there. “Nyx, weren’t you thinking about getting another tattoo?” she says, so sweetly, some innocent look on her face it makes Nyx want to kick her out the back door. He can’t complain though, because her meddling resulted in small talk, enough to make it not weird when Nyx asks for his name.
They’re in a holding pattern.
Once every few weeks Ignis comes in. For orchids or hydrangeas or peonies. Tulips and sunflowers, dahlias, birds of paradise. Another tattoo, he says, but every time he spends a little more time looking at all the flowers, a little more time talking to Nyx. 
Selena, thankfully, has come to the conclusion that the best course of action at these times is to suddenly remember something urgent that needs doing in the back, or decide it’s time for her lunch break or a coffee run. Too bad that doesn’t stop her from hounding Nyx about it afterwards.
“Will you please do something about this,” she says, “it’s maddening to watch.”
“What am I supposed to do Selena? He’s just a customer.”
She rolls her eyes, mutters something exasperated under her breath. “He literally works next door. You literally work in a flower shop. For gods’ sake Nyx use your head.”
He decides on gardenias. And there’s no time like the present. 
He’s put it off for long enough, cold feet at the last minute every time. But it’s starting to feel ridiculous that a grown man can’t even try to put his best foot forward, make something happen. Plus he’s tired of Selena giving him that look. 
He know’s Ignis is in the shop today because he watched him walk past. And maybe it’s just his imagination but Ignis seems aware of him now, when he passes the window, like he’s watching Nyx out of the corner of his eye, the same way Nyx has been watching him. Then again maybe he’s being ridiculous. Nyx takes his bouquet and heads next door.
He’s never been in the tattoo parlor before, even for all him and Ignis have been talking about ink (and all the time he’s spent staring at the exposed patches of Ignis’s skin, trying to put small pieces together into the larger whole that is the work of art of his body). The walls are painted a deep shade of red, wood floors creak under his feet. There’s a blonde kid sitting behind the counter up front, more holes poked in his face than Nyx can count and the kid asks, “Can I help you?”
“Is Ignis around?”
“Yeah man, one sec,” he says, before turning around in his chair and yelling, “hey Ignis!” to the back of the shop, effectively turning all eyes on him. Ignis looks up from where he’s hunched over a work table with a dark haired boy, looking a little surprised when his eyes land on Nyx and he’s quick to make his way up front. 
“These are for you,” Nyx says, pushing forward the bouquet when Ignis gets close. It’s easier than hello, or some preamble or introduction. Just spit it out quick.
Ignis’s brows crease, “But I haven’t ordered anything,” he says and Nyx lets out a laugh, jittery and nervous. 
“No I mean I got them for you, and...” he’s becoming well aware of the fact that they’ve got an audience. “Sorry, this is weird, isn’t it. This was a bad idea.”
“Wait,” Ignis stops him, hand shooting out before Nyx can turn to leave, and it lands on the cluster of stems, fingers touching. 
“He hasn’t had to tattoo flowers for months,” someone yells out from the back of the shop.
Ignis whips his head around and hisses, “Noctis,” but the damage has been done. Except it’s not so much damage. Not when Nyx can see a pink flush rising up from Ignis’s neck to his cheeks, the kind of heat Nyx feels blooming in his chest. 
He hasn’t had to tattoo flowers for months. 
“You want to talk outside?” he says, and Ignis replies by making a beeline for the door. He takes a deep breath as they step outside, embarrassed and trying not to show it. 
“I was going to ask... I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner some time.” It feels a bit like ripping a band aid off, but he wants the words out before Ignis can do something like apologize. He holds out the gardenias as his offering. Ignis takes them. 
He leans in, smells the flowers with a soft look on his face, takes one more moment, a breath before he says, “Yes, I’d like that.”
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