#swag yolo
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creepymutelilbugger · 10 months
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fiyaharts · 5 months
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jaime with an orca plush for anon!
(palette by @butterflyswarm)
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seeingivy · 1 year
never grow up 
satoru gojo x f!reader 
tsumiki’s first date doesn’t go so well.
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
content: megumi + tsumiki kiddos, mentions of heartbreak, reader says she wants to murder a child at one point, reader and gojo are soulmates, written for my girlies who are still waiting for love (I am the target audience)
an: my other gojo fic is personally victimizing me. like physically giving me pain in my soul its making me very mad. anyways here is a consolation prize (very old draft) while I try to revive that dumpster fire and not rip my hair out in the process. apologies to the gojo girlies im sorry :((( 
You press down the ends of Tsumiki’s hair, setting her hair against the hairband that she had picked out. You feel her reach up, squeezing your hands as you give her hair one last spray lean down to press a kiss to the top of her head. 
She turns around, pressing herself against your legs as Satoru and Megumi walk in, leaning against the doorframe. They’re both irritated - not big fans of the whole ordeal. 
Tsumiki’s going on a date. 
Satoru was very adamant about it at first. Tsumiki can’t go on a date. She’s only thirteen and she has no business looking at boys, let alone going out with one. 
But she was just so excited, her tiny little eyes looking up into yours as she pleaded with you to convince him. So you did - his favorite dessert, a few kisses, and batting your pretty eyelashes until he gave in. And he always does. 
Megumi wasn’t one to exactly stop it per say, but he had made his opinions clear. He’s not a nice guy. Dates are stupid. Love isn’t real. You chalk it up to the fact that he’s a morbid nine year old. 
The three of you clump by the door as you watch her walk out the door, shooting you one last toothy smile before locking her fingers with the boy, Hiro she said his name was, and skipping down the walkway to where his parents were waiting. 
Megumi trails off immediately, running up to his room as you and Satoru watch the car drive away. He reaches over, locking his fingers with yours, as he cranes his neck out the doorway to watch the car disappear down the street. 
“She’s too young to go on a date, Y/N. What if he’s an idiot?”
You wrap your arms around him, squeezing his arms as he deflates against you. 
“They’re thirteen, Toru. I bet they’re just going to awkwardly hold hands during the movie and freak out about it. It’ll be fine.” 
“And what if something else happens and she comes home crying, love?” 
“She’s growing up. Stuff like that will happen. We just have to be here to catch her, that’s all.” 
You and Satoru are standing outside the movie theater, the rain pouring against the shade, as you wait for Tsumiki to leave the theater. She had texted you - two hours earlier than she was supposed to, much to Satoru’s dismay - and had said that she wanted to come home. 
And when she comes out, you know you made the wrong choice by letting her go. Because there she is, crying puddles like Satoru said she would. Her eyes are swollen, her cheeks tinted pink, and the look on her face is just about to make you cry. She looks heartbroken.
She holds her hand out to Satoru, the two of them walking off to the car as you trail behind the time. 
You feel horrible. You pushed her too hard, too early - letting your own past get caught up in what you were doing with Tsumiki. You remember it vividly. Pining in your room, saying no to dates because you knew your parents would never let you go. Getting stuck wondering about what could have been, how much love you lost out on just because someone stopped you. 
You didn’t want to do that to Tsumiki. Let her lose out on feeling special, having someone hand her flowers, and making her smile just because she was only thirteen. 
This is somehow worse. She’s only thirteen and she knows. The soul crushing feeling of someone not returning your feelings, thinking you’re weird, having love to hold onto that no one wants to return.  
The three of you return home, not having uttered a single word the entire ride home. Megumi was still over at Yuji’s, having ran over to his house across the street the second the two of you went to pick up Tsumiki. 
“Want me to go get him, Toru?” 
“Not yet, love. We have to talk to Miki first.” 
You press your hands against your sides, awkwardly ambling into the kitchen where she was sitting at the table. She had unwrapped the plate you had made her - that she was supposed to eat when she told you about how great her date was. Instead she looks deflated, pushing her fork across the sides as she picks out the smallest bites of food. 
You sit next to her and watch Satoru zip around the kitchen, placing items in front of you. Three spoons, strawberries, and the industrial tub of chocolate ice cream that Satoru bought against your protests. 
He leans forward, taking the plate in front of Tsumiki onto the side and pushing the ice cream in front of her. He hands the two of you spoons, taking the third, and opens the lid. 
“Alright Miki. Let’s talk, yeah?” 
She lowers her head, digging her spoon into the ice cream as you and Satoru stand at her sides. He leans over, slinging his arm around her shoulder as he gestures to you to do the same. You both lean your heads against hers, the three of you still digging into the ice cream. 
You’re not sure when she started, but when you look over, Tsumiki’s crying, her hold on both of your hands so tight you can feel the blood stopping. The three of you wordlessly eat the ice cream, until Satoru breaks the silence - nearly an hour later. 
“Want to talk about it now?’ 
“I just got sad. When we got there, he asked me if one of my friends liked anyone because he liked her. Not me.” 
You can feel the bitterness sticking in your throat - a heavy mix of guilt and anger. You never really understood child violence, but you think you’re starting to get it. Because why would he take her all the way there just to say that? Hold her hand on the pavement just to ask about her friend? You’re going to throttle him. 
“I just wanted someone to like me like you guys like each other.” 
You and Satoru look at each other over the top of her head, your heart squeezing in your chest at her words. 
“Someone will, Tsumiki. I promise, okay?” 
She crushes her hand in yours, nodding as she leans closer into you. You can see the gears in Satoru’s head moving as he looks over, shaking his head at you. 
“Can I tell you something, Tsumiki?’ 
She looks up at him, the two of you looking into his bright, blue eyes. 
“No one liked Y/N when she was younger.” 
You glare at him, rolling your eyes. He can’t be serious. 
“Yeah. She went months, years on end waiting for someone to like her back, you know?” 
“Thank you for the reminder, Satoru.” 
He ruffles the top of your hair as Tsumiki laughs, shaking his head at the two of you. 
“What I mean is, Y/N and I had to wait for each other. We didn’t get it right on the first try or even the third, fourth, or fifth try. Y/N dated guys who were mean to her, I dated girls who didn’t even really like me, and we both were really, really sad about it.” 
Now you get it. 
“I waited for Y/N. She didn’t just come around super easy, okay? You’ll have to wait for your Y/N too.” 
“Waiting for Satoru made it all the sweeter when I got to him, you know?” 
She looks up, a questioning look in her eyes as she angles her neck upwards. 
“The thing you’re waiting for is worth it. And you don’t have to worry about it not coming, because it will. And when it comes, you won’t even remember that you had ever waited, that you ever felt this way.” 
You and Satoru both watch her wipe her tears with the back of her hand, nodding as she gives the two of you one last hug and pads off to her room. You and Satoru stay in the kitchen, your hands locked together as you eat the tub of ice cream Satoru left out. 
You lean over, pressing your forehead against his shoulder as you groan. He places his free hand in your hair, soothing through the tangles at the ends of your hair. 
“What are you groaning, love?” 
“I should have just listened to you. She’s all sad now because I let her go.” 
“That’s not your fault. It was right to let her go now because it was bound to happen one day.” 
“I know that, Toru. I just…I don’t want her to grow up. I don’t think I really realized it before but people can hurt her. The bad way. And we can’t really protect her from that.” 
He lets go of the spoon, circling his hands around your face as he lifts your head up. He’s looking down at you, stupid blue eyes glimmering, as he gives you a soft smile. 
“She’s growing up. Stuff like that will happen. And she won’t be alone, because we’ll be there to catch her.” 
“Don’t quote me back to me dumbass. I hate you.” 
He laughs in response, leaning down to press soft kisses to your face - your forehead, cheeks, the tip of your nose. You shrug him off, pressing yourself against his shoulder again, his hand rubbing small circles into your side. 
“Thanks for waiting for me, Toru.” you whisper, leaning closer to him. 
“You’re so dramatic.” 
He leans down, pressing kisses all over your face till you’re smiling so big you have to push him off. He always does this - tickles, kisses, squishes you to death until you smile at him again. He stops, pulling you close again as you both swing your legs against the chair. 
“Thanks for waiting for me too, love.” 
You and Satoru drag Tsumiki and Megumi to the bookstore the next day, much to Megumi’s dismay. You tell Tsumiki that she can pick anything she wants out and that the two of you will buy it for her. 
She joins the two of you at the front, holding a laminated purple calendar in her hands. You crouch down, turning it over in your hands, as she looks at you. It’s a fifteen year calendar - which you didn’t even know they made. 
“You picked…a calendar?” 
“I want to count down the days. Till I find my you.” 
She skips off, entering the line as you and Satoru follow, your hands locked together. He squeezes your hands three times, giving you a soft smile, as you return his three squeezes. 
One squeeze for each word. I love you. 
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
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kaibacorpintern · 8 months
not to be a prideshipping #truther but the semiotics of kaiba's duel with the AI Atem in DSOD are sooo wedding. doves fly. kaiba is standing at the altar. atem walks down the aisle. kaiba gives a speech about everything he likes about atem and vows that the future (of dueling) is about to change
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hotdogsfordinner · 27 days
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megaswagger · 2 months
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captorian · 3 months
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idgaf cuz im a millionare
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commission for @/InklingBoy on twt
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sh13ldthirteen · 5 months
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hipster-and-swag-era · 4 months
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feraltwinkseb · 7 months
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Sports Illustrated Fashionable 50 May 5, 2018 - New York, United States Source: Taylor Ballantyne /Sports Illustrated via Getty Images/Getty Images
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fiyaharts · 2 months
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i drew this for @son1c bc he asked but theres actually nothing u can say to prove this didnt happen in canon. grogu is perfectly soccer ball sized and ben is a soccer player what did u think was going to happen
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swagknight · 1 year
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frchillingrn · 9 months
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Me in the plane like
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sp00nc4t · 9 months
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this technically qualifies as an autism post so i'm posting it
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