#surreal visual novel
sincerely-sofie · 7 months
Check-in for November 4th, 2023
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We have hit 23k+ words for The Present is a Gift, which means we’re 48% of the way to 50k, my dudes! I’m thinking I might need to backtrack a bit and rewrite the latest section because it diverged a fair bit from my outline, but I have enough of a lead that I’ll be able to stay on course if I do so.
I finally was able to make my first rough draft of my visual novel idea, which I am very excited about. Hopefully Tumblr doesn’t microwave the quality of this GIF:
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Look at that! It’s a thing!
There’s not much else to provide an update on today— I messed around with a lav mic I received, realized it needed to charge after I had recorded a good chunk with it, and then spiraled into a despondency from which I never will rise. I jest , I jest— but I was so frustrated at the time, haha! I’m hoping to get some recording done and test out how best to use the mic tomorrow. Maybe I’ll record a couple covers of songs— I’m painfully rusty, though, so I’ll need to put in some practice to get back to where I used to be.
All of that said, I’m proud of what I got done today, and I’m excited to keep working!
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degenerateflesh · 2 months
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I want you to breathe for me
I want you to feel my touch
I want you to scream for me in my arms
it's so warm
it's so warm Your blood's so warm I can taste it in my hands
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forestlovesyou · 3 months
If you want to play some cool free indie psycho-horror steam games, I recommend Psychopomp and Reflexia!
Psychopomp is a dungeon crawler style surreal game with a schizopost feel, nice nostalgic visuals, great music and an interesting story which we get to experience mostly at surface level (I do hope there will be a sequel to it). Meanwhile Reflexia is a rather linear visual novel that seems like a mocking version of a dating simulator which takes a deep dive in existential themes. (also it throws a bunch of achievements at you so if you need that sweet sweet dopamine…)
Both games can be finished rather quickly so if you have a free afternoon and you're bored out of your mind, these might just be the games for you!
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theperplexednavigator · 7 months
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Haven't drawn this silly Regular Guy in a while. I've missed him.
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piiiiipy · 3 months
Some backgrounds and sprites from my visual novel, they are all drawn on paint btw 👍
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don't get me wrong I get suckered in2 relatively substanceless games all thee time by way ov strange visuals but in my drunk brain I'm concocting a whole thesis abt how games, by virtue ov their lower barrier 2 entry than say, filmmaking for bizarre visuals or literature for intricate obtuse prose, and because u have to interface with them somehow, have a much worse obtuseness-to-richness-ov-themes ratio than other mediums on average
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re-sublimity · 2 years
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Tonight I played Milk Outside a Bag of Milk Outside a Bag of Milk, a really great sequel to a great game (with an equally long title). I wish there were more games like this, it gives me denpa vibes which I am 100% here for.
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fl3shmilk · 6 months
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Hi!! I'm Fleshi. I like a lot of things and one of those things is VNs! Please enjoy this little thing I made! <3
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mercyluvsyouuu · 2 months
Reblog for bigger sample size if you'd like
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yunyundere · 10 months
what is with the denpa community being full of terfs and l*licon
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heartsyncproductions · 7 months
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Anyway my short little surreal game about the job interview experience (and being trans) is almost at a thousand plays and it'd be neat if it hit that number by the end of the year.
It's short, free, and can be played in browser: play here
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sincerely-sofie · 7 months
Check-in for October 28th, 2023
After a 3.4k word writing session, we've officially broken into chapter three of The Present is a Gift, and are past the 10k words mark!
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I also filled ~5 pages in my bullet journal with notes and doodles, which I've set the goal to fill cover-to-cover before the end of the year. I'm making steady progress toward that goal, which I'm very proud of!
In addition to that, I started tinkering around with possible looks for a visual novel and accidentally made a pretty neat little creepy visual novel concept?
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I admit that after seeing it turn creepy I went all in, but keep in mind that this was originally a cozy autumnal dating sim mock-up.
I showed it to my sister, who has been wanting me to make a spooky game for years, and mentioned how every visual novel concept I try to build up turns creepy. Long story short, she's convinced me to make a creepier visual novel than I originally anticipated. She also gave me the most unanticipated quote of "When Cthulu speaks, you do not run spell check" while encouraging me to write something in a more stream-of-consciousness format than my usual hyper-edited style. My guys, how was I supposed to react to that. That was the most hilarious yet metal line I've ever heard.
And for those curious--- yes, this is the same sister who created this abomination:
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I've been writing out some character design concepts to make mockups for in this visual novel, which will be going for a surreal / eerie atmospheric kinda vibe as opposed to straight-up horror. (I'm smol and easily spooked, I cannot handle anything more than Strange Telephone or Yume Nikki.) There's a lot of them that I'm going to polish up the written descriptions for, but I don't know if it's possible to improve upon "Giant Centipede with Human Arms for Legs". I think that's the peak of my spooky character design career right there.
My main idea for the visual novel is that it will be a series of fetch quests where you go around in a bizarro, trippy setting that you're trying to escape and help the weirdos you meet along the way. In exchange, they'll assist you in ways that unlock different endings, provide deeper character interactions, and give you greater insight into what exactly is going on in this wacky world you found yourself in.
As for visuals, I want to make it a multimedia sort of aesthetic--- collage, clay, photos, and digital art will all be incorporated somehow. Character sprites will be semi-animated, with either two or three frames looping back and forth when they speak. I think it'll have a really neat look to it that way, and it will also be super fun to make!
Even the backgrounds are fun to edit, and I'm excited figure out even better ways to make them look the way I want them to.
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Welp, with that, I'm going to try and chill for a while. I was really feeling the lack of sleep today, and I intend to rectify my poor sleeping habits over the past few days.
Sincerely, Sofie
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manonamora-if-reviews · 9 months
Speedy Goncharov by GLOBUG
============= Links
Play the game See other reviews of the game Globug (@wumble-stuff and @eelmskid)
============= Synopsis
A surrealist visual novel exploring the mind of Andrey “The Banker” Daddano. Based on characters from the greatest mafia movie of all time. The story is sort of a post-canon psychological character study; basically if you like the Mighty Boosh you’ll probably enjoy it.
============= Other Info
Speedy Goncharov is a Godot visual novel, submitted to the Goncharov Game Jam.
Status: Completed Genre: Unreality, Goncharov, Surrealism
CW: organised crime, drugs, grief, trauma, implied murder
============= Playthrough
Played: 3-Sept-2023 Playtime: around 20min Rating: 6/10 Thoughts: Don't do drugs, kids.
============= Review
Speedy Goncharov is a short Visual Novel following Andrey and the consequences of his action after the event of the "movie". It is framed as a psychological character study of the man through his point-of-view. Grief and regrets are the central themes of this story.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
Sitting at a bar, you discover, through both internal monologues and quips from other characters, that Andrey is feeling quite morose - understandable considering the "disappearance" of his friend. Looking around the room or hearing certain words bring flashbacks, pushing him further into grief.
Peer-pressured by his mates to lighten up, Andrey partakes in illicit substances. This does not help much in the matter, as Andrey start hallucinating drinks of our current times, as well as transforming one of his friend into a video game character. [I can only imagine this is what drugs do?] The whole thing becomes even more surreal than its original subject.
What the entry does well, in my opinion, was the depiction of Andrey's grief as overwhelming and debilitating. Sure, he is out and about, but mentions of certain things or sights will freeze him in place, or he will act erratically. It is hard to lose someone and recover quickly (assuming the game happens shortly after the "movie"), so the feelings of hopelessness and uncertain future (will he ever move on?) are quite obvious here.
The sprites representing the characters are also quite charming. They both feel a bit out of place with its more traditional art style againts a more modern/realist background; and fitting quite nicely, with the grainy texture reminiscent of fading memory or blurry vision.
It's strange, maybe a bit confusing, but I liked it.
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i-feel-odd · 2 years
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Welcome to Roadkill City!
An interactive short story coming this halloween!! (I hope)
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wumblebum · 2 years
Our submission for the Goncharov Game Jam is complete and available!
Speedy Goncharov is a surrealist visual novel, mostly about Andrey Daddano in the aftermath of the film's story. (Basically just post-canon disaster man fanfic behaviour... But interactive and non-linear.) It's got the kind of abstract surreal comedy you'd see in, like, The Mighty Boosh and such media... Because at the end of the day we created it with our partner and allowed ourselves to be self indulgent, lol
But it's filled with tense drama and quality memes, so... enjoy! (but do heed those content warnings on the itch page just in case!
- Leo
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enivlens · 1 year
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