#surgical incisions
cannabiscomrade · 2 months
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12 days post op
I’m having a weird disconnection with my body. So much of it is no longer my own- it is combined with other matter that keeps me alive.
And in that it is also a poetic extension of my organs. Tubes that are vessels to nutrition and hydration not unlike the natural sources but the fatigue of maintaining such a robotic process is starting to weigh on me.
I’ve also lost so much weight it’s weird to look at myself like this now.
In the positive spirit of things, I do like having two tubes more than the GJ. The GJ was a good thing but I don’t mind having both.
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sleights-of-hand · 5 months
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I walk in after months of nothing, throw this down, and walk out again.
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topsurgerystuff · 2 months
Now, I will expound upon the scary things. These are things that happened after top surgery that spooked me.
All of these things ended up being harmless, I just wasn’t told they would happen and couldn’t find any info about them so they scared me shitless. My intention here is to save others from similar needless panic. This is not medical advice, just a description of my experience. Well some of it is advice, but keep in mind that I’m fucking stupid and I don’t know shit. Also, Never for one second have I regretted this surgery. The only thing I miss about my tits is being able to grope them whenever I wanted.
Okay so first of all there was the bruises. Blood from the surgery had pooled in my love handles and all over my thighs under my skin and made these HUGE bruises, right, and they didn’t hurt but they were large and had funky colors and I thought “What if the blood rots under my skin”. I googled it, I asked all my friends, I tried to reach my doctors but it was the weekend so they didn’t answer so I went to urgent care and the doctor there was like “I dont know…. That’s scary….” So I was freaking out and decided I would simply wait for death to claim me. It was fine. When I finally got ahold of the doctor she said she’s never seen it before but to just watch it and tell her if it gets bigger. My body slurped that shit back up in a couple weeks, totally harmlessly. Why haven’t surgeons ever seen shit like that before? Probably because nobody’s ever freaked out about it enough to mention it to them. Either way, it was fine.
Secondly, when I had those drains in me, that was spooky because I thought “What if they get yanked out and tear up my shit” and I couldn’t take off the bandage too see or nothing but when I did eventually take them off, I saw that there are stitches around the pipes but not like holding them in you, just there to make sure the holes they put in you stay the same size they are. So if they get pulled out you don’t get seriously damaged, you just call them up and say yo can you put this shit back in me pls. There will also be little meat chunks coming through your tubes with your soup and the soup will be mildly funky smelling. That’s normal. I was told to tell them if there was like CRAZY amounts of meat or if the soup smelled absolutely nasty. Also the bolster things they put on your nips are attached directly to your nips and nothing else, so if you feel shit sliding around under your bandage, that’s the bandage sliding, not the bolsters. They didn’t tell me that so I thought I was gonna wake up with one on my back or something and not be able to put it back where it was. And they make it so it’ll be nice and slippery in there the whole time so don’t worry about the bolsters getting ripped off, there’s not enough friction in there to do that.
There was also the hydrocodone they gave me. For me, the incisions didn’t hardly hurt at all even immediately after surgery but they prescribed me hydrocodone so I took it, and I assumed I wasn’t hurting because of the drugs and that if I stopped taking them I would hurt a LOT. So here I am taking opioids and I’m so fucking dizzy and I’m violently throwing up for two days. I texted my doctor and begged to stop taking it because I thought I would get in trouble or something if I stopped without asking and she’s like “Yeah, you didn’t have to take it if you didn’t want to, its just there if you need something stronger” ohhhhhhhh well fuck me I guess. So I stopped taking it and it turns out I didn’t need pain meds at all because it barely hurts, it just feels like a really long paper cut.
Some other things, I popped a stitch in my armpit because when you first come home and your shits still all numbed up, you can’t feel it when you overstretch your arm so if you forget you’re not supposed to do that, you can pop a stitch. It got infected, I put some antibiotic on it, it took a long time to heal and it made the scar a little uglier but it didn’t cause anything crazy. I will say that my incisions go up into my armpits really far and it was real hard to keep them clean on account of all the sweat. My nipple grafts also had many tiny, shallow stitches and I thought “What if they fall out because they’re so shallow”. That’s normal. My dad said that’s how you do stitches for sensitive areas so they look pretty, and they do look pretty, and also they are supposed to fall out after a couple weeks, that is also normal. Just make sure they don’t fall out too soon I guess. Pretend you’re made of glass for the first 4 weeks, honestly.
Also, your nip has the little oil glands in it, right, and when you’re nip scabs over as it is supposed to, it will scab inside these oil pores and you’ll lose the whole rest of the scab and have these little leftover scraps, and you Must. Not. Pick them. Those pores in my nips are little craters now because I picked the scabs out of them. Every scab you pull off, even the ones that are thin and tiny and already hanging halfway off, is going to make your nip even uglier. You wont die but you will say “Ugh why did it do that”.
Also, my nip hole collects nasty shit in it that I have to clean out all the time and since I can’t feel anything in there I have the be VERY careful. Skin is actually very easy to puncture. And there’s like little caverns in there that also get stuff in them a lot so I still put antibiotic on my nips after I shower just in case? Not really sure if its infection or like dead skin… its been getting better over time at least. Sorry if that’s TMI but listen, somebody’s gotta talk about it.
Sometimes my scars, the main incisions, will get these little blackheads right in the middle of them or little pockets of infection, and I always pick at them and the scar tissue isn’t very strong so when you pick at things on your scar, you will break open all the blood vessels around it and have a big red spot and the scar tissue is such that you will not get the blackhead out anyway so just dont do that. Put some antibiotic on it. Honestly just put antibiotic on anything that looks sus. Antibiotic can solve anything.
Okay idk what else to say so end post goodbye.
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softiescully · 11 days
tagged by thee faebs @nicholasbritellhive 🫂💓 so sorry i’m just getting to this now 🫣
favorite song of the moment: you make me feel like dancing by leo sayer. listening to this on a sunny day with the windows down is just wonderful :)
current obsession: dried cranberries honestly…forgot that they sold them in little boxes like raisins
style: inspo/icons— bruce springsteen unironically [wistful sigh] not delusional enough to think that i could ever pull off jo muna’s haircut/gina gershon’s in bound (1996) but if i could u better believe i would
celebrity crush: dev patel <3 still thinking about that elevator scene in monkey man
favorite food and drink: food is broadly like any spicy chicken i’m obsessed. fave drink is pineapple juice
places where i’d like to live: somewhere in maine would be nice…chicago for a big city…..socal if the cost of living wasn’t insane
hobby: baking!! i’m so happy we’re approaching summer so i can make stuff with fresh stone fruits 🫶
tagging: @trappergirl @universalinvariant @anatomicvenus @fbidirectorscully and anyone else that wants to do it i have no idea who has/hasn’t been tagged at this point lmao
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snzluv3r · 24 days
gf officially went through being gaslit at the doctors with me 🎉🙈 held me while i cried afterwards so that was a nice little touch
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regallibellbright · 3 months
It occurs to me that “in fairly neutral amounts of pain today” is a statement that probably should not be taken as the “overall, pretty good!” I intend it as, even if I suspect the person I said it to will.
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abyssalmermaiden · 1 year
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Viola’s scar from where the botched memory crystal is embedded
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mangedog · 1 year
i got desexed today! happy domesticated werewolf day to me
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pepsi-maxwell · 1 year
pm me for hole photos but it's pictures of the holes those kids were digging at camp green lake
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serregon · 1 year
beating myself up for not having written or drawn anything for aspec arda week as if I didn’t literally have cancer
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bitchboynasty · 2 years
Update on the tags (tw: medical talk kind of grisly stuff lol)
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thatshowtheygetcha · 2 years
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1 month post-op
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drmayurdalvi · 1 year
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
 Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a surgical procedure to remove kidney stones that are too large to pass naturally or by other non-invasive treatments. In this procedure, a small incision is made in the back to create a tunnel through the skin and tissue to access the kidney. Then an endoscope is inserted through the incision to find and remove kidney stones.
  PCNL is usually performed under general anesthesia and requires a short hospital stay of 1-3 days. This procedure has a high success rate and is considered safe and effective in treating large or complex kidney stones. This procedure is recommended for patients with kidney stones larger than 2 cm or located in areas of the kidney that are difficult to access with other non-invasive treatments. PCNL is also used in patients with other medical conditions that make other treatments less safe or effective.
 Prior to the procedure, the patient may need to have imaging tests, such as a CT scan or ultrasound, to locate kidney stones and determine the best method for their removal. Patients are also advised to stop taking blood thinners such as aspirin and warfarin before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding.
 During surgery, the patient lies on their back and a small incision is made in their back.  A guidewire is then inserted into the kidney through the incision and tunneled with a series of dilators. A nephroscope,  a thin tubular instrument with a camera and light source, is inserted through a tunnel to locate and remove kidney stones. After the stone is removed, a tube called a nephrostomy tube is inserted into the kidney to drain any remaining fluid and debris. 
 After the procedure, patients may experience pain or discomfort in the back or abdomen and may be given pain relievers to manage these symptoms. Patients are also advised to drink plenty of fluids to wash away any remaining stone debris. In some cases, patients may need to undergo additional procedures to completely remove all kidney stones.
  Overall, PCNL is a safe and effective surgical procedure for treating large or complex kidney stones. Patients should discuss the risks and benefits of this procedure with their doctor to determine if this is the best treatment option for their individual needs.
For more information Visit: www.drmayurdalvi.com
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kittyhazelnut · 2 years
I was about to make a post about how I think I might have broken my toe yesterday and I went to the bathroom to type it while I'm brushing my teeth bc multitasking and I looked in the mirror and there was a fucking tick on my neck what the fuck
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lilylizard · 2 years
I don't know if I actually posted after my surgery but I just got (most of) my stitches out yesterday
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a picture of my stitches and one of the area after they took out all but 3 of the stitches (which come out next Wednesday)
the later photo looks worse because I made the bad decision to walk around a very hot and very humid Baltimore for 8 hours the day before I was supposed to have them removed and I probably should not have done that :(
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woodsfae · 12 days
Partner is home! 🥳 I really missed him. I genuinely think I got half-touchstarved in the eight days he was gone, probably particularly because I'm relatively recently post-op. My mood is much improved and I am having to spend less energy on regulating my mood and thoughts since he got home yesterday, even though I woke up a lot last night and had some weird, slightly-disturbing dreams.
I haven't changed the dressing on my left-tit incision opening since I applied the new regimen yesterday but oh my stars, it itches like crazy. I also pulled a spitting stitch out of the tiny tiny pin-needle-point sized opening at the t-junction on the same side that's been insistently open for over a week, and that itches like crazy, too. Hoping that itching = closing! I'll find out how it looks after I take a shower tonight.
The two pointy, itchy, pin-point painful stitch ends on my right side continue to refuse to spit the rest of the way. One won't come when I gently tug it with sterilized tweezers, and the other remains under a tiny layer of skin. Unsure why I'm so prone to spitting stitches with this procedure! I didn't have any with my hysterectomy, but I've had so so so many with the reduction. Literally uncountable - I stopped trying after a dozen.
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