tempi-dispari · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2023/04/24/superhorror-la-liberta-urla-a-squarciagola/
Superhorror, la libertà urla a squarciagola
Non delude, anzi, il nuovo Superhorror. I nostri sono riusciti a tenere fede alle premesse dei singoli. Anzi. Sono andati ben oltre. Se ci aspettava un lavoro monolitico, tirato dall’inizio alla fine, si potrebbe rimanere spiazzati. Attenzione ai termini. Spiazzati, non, delusi. Impossibile rimanere delusi da questo disco. Il fatto che non sia monodirezionale è solo un bene. Afferma il carattere dei Superhorror come band completa e non solo come gruppo adrenalinico. Il problema dell’adrenalina è che crea assuefazione appiattendo le risposte. Con Devilish Whisper non accade.
Intendiamo, il disco corre a rotta di collo, senza freni un più di un’occasione. È la padronanza del mezzo a fare la differenza. I nostri non perdono mai il controllo. Anche alle velocità più folli la guida è ben sicura, mai tentennante. Mancanza che potrebbe far andare fuori strada. Invece, grazie ad un perfetto dosaggio di lento veloce, la macchina dei Superhorror resta sempre saldamente in pista. E corre talmente veloce da riuscire a raggiungere la vetta del gruppo dei migliori. Come espresso in occasione del singolo Devil’s love you, il solo modo per descrivere, almeno in parte, il loro suono, è fare riferimento a chi lo ha inventato.
E stiamo parlando di Crazy Lixx, Crash diet e compagnie discorrendo. Per far andare il mezzo esattamente dove si vuole è necessaria una grande tecnica. E non solo in termini strumentali. “Dettaglio” che ai nostri non fa difetto. Vuoi la complicità dei suoni, compressi al limite del thrash, ma i brani sono tutti costruiti in maniera magistrale. Molto bello Holy Water che verso i ¾ ha un cambio inaspettato e quantomai azzeccato. Superhorrorshow riporta subito su coordinate più consone. Chitarre pesantissime con riffing hard rock super taglienti. Lodevoli, in questo frangente come in altri parti del disco, l’utilizzo dei cori.
Adeguato e ottimamente dosato il solo di chitarra. Non una sciorinata di note, ma abbastanza incisivo da coinvolgere fino all’ultima nota. Il basso e la batteria sono i protagonisti della successiva Z World. Pur se affiancati, dopo un introduzione solitaria, dalle chitarre, sono loro a tenere in piedi la canzone. Notevole il break poco dopo la metà. In questo passaggio la batteria dà una ottima padronanza di sé. Non è un a solo, tuttavia in sede live ne potrebbe diventare l’introduzione. Devilish Theme è una strumentale in mid tempo incalzante, dissonante, solo baso e chitarra.
Potrebbe ricordare o essere utilizzata come base per un film di Tarantino. In un momento di particolare tensione. Dead girls are good fa ripartire la locomotiva Superhorror. Ritmi sostenuti, interventi di chitarra al fulmicotone. Non mancano i cambi di passo che rendono l’andamento molto più interessante. Molto ben architettato il finale rallentato. Della successiva Satan love you abbiamo ampiamente parlato nella recensione. Entra gamba tesa Church of IDGAF. Diretta, inarrestabile, senza freni. Puro e semplice rock and roll potente.
Più che lodevole il lavoro della batteria che di quando in quando abbandona l’accompagnamento classico per soffermarsi su fraseggi percussivi. Anche in questa ci sono passaggi inattesi. Subito dopo l’ottimo solo, si rallenta. Ma è solo una rincorsa verso il finale a piena velocità dove si presenta come accompagnamento un secondo intervento solista. La conclusione del disco è affidata a Back to graveyard. Mid tempo cadenzato. Basso in evidenza con un accompagnamento percussivo. Il brano è composto da diversi strati, molti stop and go. Lodevole il lavoro della chitarre, mai doma, sempre attiva macinando riff su riff. Il calo a ¾ perfettamente prepara alla sfuriata finale con ritornello, cori urlati e chitarre differenziate.
Concludendo. Come da premessa, non si può rimanere delusi da un disco di tale fatture. Adrenalina pura, senso di ribellione e di libertà. Ascoltandolo ci si immedesima facilmente nelle immagini descritte. La voce diventa la nostra voce che urla e si ribella. Che reclama il proprio spazio, che vuole uscire dagli schemi e dalla banalità. Ed è esattamente quello che questo disco trasmette. Le coordinate sono ben precise, ma non sono scontate, non sono canoniche. Un lavoro che anche al millesimo ascolto ancora scalderà il cuore, l’anima, farà ribollire il sangue e ci farà chiedere dove si fosse nascosta la nostra voglia di ribellione. Allora allentiamo la cravatta, spettiniamoci i capelli, arrotoliamo le maniche della camicia per far uscirei tatuaggi e buttiamoci a capofitto nella vita. In quella che vogliamo e non che gli altri vorrebbero per e da noi.
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ladiesinrock · 1 year
Superhorror: il video del singolo "Holy Water"
Il video del secondo singolo dei Superhorror, “Holy Water”, è disponibile su YouTube. La band afferma: “Dopo aver pubblicato ‘Satan Loves You’, una canzone in puro stile Superhorror, volevamo sperimentare qualcosa di più ‘cinematografico’, e ‘Holy Water’ è stata scelta come perfetta soundtrack per la storia che volevamo raccontare… speriamo che chi ci segue apprezzerà questo videoclip in stile…
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divinedeathbed · 4 months
"What's your favorite analog horror series?"
The one where alcatraz island kinned Richard nixon so hard after the destruction of its original universe it set itself up on the moon of a new universe as Richard Nixon. Said nixon is so powerful it can literally be considered God of that universe.
Nixon is afraid of joining humanity and so to test us makes three extensions of himself:
Frank Sinatra as the D-Day Knight
Kirk Alyn as the Last Son of Alcatraz
Donyale Luna as the Queen of the Lunarians
His extensions are powerful entities, the Knight and the Son becoming superheroes but they all end up being hurt by humanity in different ways and thus makes Nixon understand he could never be accepted on earth. But also because of the shit The last son went through uh oh he's now a dangerous entity known as the Crescent King and has the capability to destroy the Nixonverse as well, so Nixon ultimately ends up fictionalizing his universe into that of a comic book.
Yeah that analog horror
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reanimationstation · 1 year
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needed to draw archie carter before i saw anyone else's design for him. hes blorbo from my audio logs, i love him
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born-to-lose · 10 months
Necro boy to the rescue hey pspspspsps anon what's your opinion on people who think necrophilia is kinda funny? Anyway Mel you could do with more fucked up songs, I personally adore swinaecologist by infant annihilator, it's about annihilating infants in front of an audience. Genre is deathcore/tech death and it fucking rules
There's the necro boy in shining armour! Ahh absolutely wonderful, lyrically genius and banging sound, feel free to give me more fucked up songs, we need to make a playlist of this kind together
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Haven't done my favorite evil Lois in a minute
Edit for lore. I've posted most of this before, but it's a minute:
Lois Lane-Luthor, a popular mid-level propaganda minister on Earth-3 married to Imperial war hero Captain Alexander Luthor. She betrayed him for his adopted brother, Colonel Clark Kent Luthor, pushing him to undertake the mission that reunited him with his bio cousin and revealed his true destiny as the superhorror, Ultraman. Seeking power of her own, she journeyed to Demon Island (E-3's Themyscira) and was transformed by the Cursed Lightning of Mazahs into the Superwoman by the Amazon's patron deity, the New Goddess Heggra.
As Superwoman, she maintains a horrific status quo as one of the heads of the Crime Syndicate, but serves a greater purpose maintaining the gateway to the Antimatter Universe via Earth-3's Qwardian double, the Antimatter Earth. Power-wise, she's essentially a mystical bruiser who mixes electrical magic with a Lasso of Domination that assists in her manipulation of those around her in fulfilling her religious aspirations.
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d-day-knight · 1 month
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That all changed with the Knight. We know little about him, but what we do know is that he is not of this world. While everyone's atoms are following a defined course in our universe, the Knight's atoms Are Not. His world is gone, and when you have no world left, then what course is there to follow? The Knight is the only one in our existence who has true free will.
a selective and headcanon based D-Day Knight from Mister Manticore's Nixonverse analog superhorror webseries. Written by Mys.
Wip :')
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lemonxlimee · 2 months
People who write superhorror in a sexual way
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projectmetalmusic · 11 months
Project Metal Across The Pond (May 24th 2023)
On this week’s episode of Project Metal Across The Pond With Ell Yong, the bands that are on show: STiAN PiAN, Ethereal Void, ONDFODT, StartTheMonkey, pentral, Planeswalker, STRATUZ, Sunbeam Overdrive, Superhorror, The Bellwether Syndicate, The Flowers of Hell, The Noise Who Runs, Tim Easton, Jaz Sainz, Unborn Prophecies, Vacant Voice, Vansidian, Bolverk, Vantablack Warship, Kaksonen, ATROX…
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bishnudev · 1 year
Best & Superhorror movie of this New Year 2023
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saint-gerard-of-arc · 3 years
🇮🇹🤘 Italian indie rock bands masterpost 🤘🇮🇹
So I'm seeing a LOT of support toward Måneskin from people pretty much all around the globe by now and that made me so damn happy that I decided to make a post about some Italian bands from the alt-rock/metal scene I know/listen to that I think you (hopefully!!) would love as well <3
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What's more to say about Måneskin? I've known them for ten seconds and they're already consuming my life. Peak bisexual energy. The lyrics are what I wish I could write; Damiano's voice is what I wish I sounded like; their instrumentals is what I wish my life was like; their aesthetic is how I wish I could dress like. God speed beautiful you bastards, can't wait to see you at the top of the world
IN NOME DEL PADRE ("In the name of the Father") is angry, sleazy and sinful, just like Damiano comparing himself to Jesus Christ in the lyrics for all the times he "died" (ergo the failed attempts to break through as a musician or, more generally, all the hardship he went through his life) but every time it was worth it (Son morto più di cento volte, mai morto invano trad. "I died more than one hundred times, but never in vain").
He states that he won't forget the past and all the people who doubted him, looked at him as if he was insane or didn't take him or his passion seriously because of his young age, that he'll never stop aiming for the sky (Toccare il cielo e tornare a mangiare asfalto trad. "To touch the sky and come back face down in the dirt"), that the stage isn't enough for him and he hungers for more (Ehi, fate spazio, fatene tanto /Che adesso non mi basta il mondo, non mi basta il palco trad. Hey, get out of my way/ Because the stage is not enough, the world is not enough for me). I get Mötley Crüe's Too Fast For Love era and Appetite for Destruction vibes from this, anyone else?
Go check out "Coraline" (heartbreaking ballad about a girl who grew up with huge insecurities in an unfriendly environment and great sensitivity to whom the singer offers a possibility to open up to him, pure poetry) and "Vent'anni" ("Twenty years", it's along the lines of In nome del Padre, talks about the youth who isn't taken seriously by others when they talk about their dreams, especially if that dream is to become a musician/artist, 10/10 very angry) if you haven't already! They're two of my favorite songs by them who am I kidding the whole fucking album is my favorite song by them
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they're the spiritual fathers to Måneskin in a way (Afterhours' singer, Manuel Agnelli, was their coach when the band entered X-Factor's latest edition) and a pillar of Italy's indie scene. The singer looks a worryingly lot like Severus Snape but that adds to his decadent hero's charm
cryptic lyrics, haunting bassline, tormented voice: Male di Miele literally means "pain of honey" or "honeyache" (a juxtaposition that i find brilliant) and has been defined as "the italian Smells Like Teen Spirit" which I think is incredibly accurate
check out "Dentro Marilyn" ("Inside Marilyn") from their first album too to appreciate Manuel's vocal abilities at their fullest!
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Previously named "Superhorrorfuck", they're the epitome of what I want the "Glam/Shock rock revival" to be like. Exhaggerated, flashy, just too much and unique in the modern scene, they resurrected what KISS, Mötley Crüe, Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper started back in the 70s and 80s: it doesn't take too long to realize where they took inspiration for their iconic makeup from! Edward's maniacal voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard (but, like, in a good way) accompained with loud, raw and hysterical guitars that make you feel like you snorted ten lines of coke. If Ed's appearance reminded you of a blond Marilyn Manson I'm pretty sure it was his intention.
Here's something from their latest album, came out in 2020, "Italians Die Better":
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Coming straight from the 90s, another important band in the alternative/electronic italian scene. They all look like they could be my uncles, I trust them
Here's probably their most famous and recognizable song from 1999, "Tutti i miei sbagli" (All my mistakes):
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another military stone in the alternative/psychedelic rock/grunge scene in Italy, for fine connoisseurs only. if i had to choose only a word to describe them, i'd say "visionaries": every album of theirs is a trip to unexplored, indefinite territories that take you to an undescribable dimension (pretty sure their music is the closest to what overdosing on xanax feels like) and their lyrics don't necessarily make sense. either that or Alberto (the dude on the left in the pic who looks both like Charles Manson and your 14yo cousin who thinks he's a man bc he smokes and has one chesthair) is an alien sent from space and is speaking the language of the gods, but we don't have the means to understand what he's trying to communicate. either way, shit slaps, dude pls make another album
Their first single from 1999, Valvonauta ("Valvenaut"???? A valve astronaut??? I think???? idk man) (don't worry about trying to understand the meaning, more than 20 years have gone by since it came out and nobody has got it yet):
Tre allegri ragazzi morti
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literally "Three Happy Dead Lads". Idk man they put me in a good mood while at the same time giving me nostalgia of memories I never had and times I never lived. Great listen if you want to have an existential crisis
if "Male di Miele" is the italian Smells Like Teen Spirit, I consider "Il Mondo Prima" (The World Before) to be the corrispondent to In Bloom: sounds like a very happy-go-lucky song but has a very dark and melancholic meaning behind the lyrics:
The Bastard Sons of Dioniso
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Coming from Trentino Alto Adige, the Bastard Sons of Dionysus classified second place at the second edition of italian X-Factor. Their style is very... Theatrical? It's very unique. It's like if a group of renaissance minstrels who used to entertain the Gonzagas took a ride on the time machine (probably invented by Da Vinci, wouldn't be surprised if he thought about it back then or actually made some prototypes even) and got teleported in the future, where they discovered modern instruments but still talked about court life in their lyrics using the dialect of their own time. Oh and also they could kill you, don't test them. Basically Ezio Auditore's favourite band
Yes, L'amor Carnale ("Fleshly love") is about sex, but considered what I told you about them before, you can guess they put it more... Elegantly than say, Mötley Crüe and sleaze rock bands from the 80s 😂😂😂
Umberto Emo
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*inhales deeply* now, how can I describe how much I love these boys. They're the equivalent of both having a nervous breakdown and shitposting on main at the same time. Their sound say Bring Me the Horizon but their lyrics say Children of Bodom. You laugh the whole time hearing the singer talking bullshit, but then he'd just scream something that hits you so hard you need to sit down and think about life, as if you were at a party and you were having the time of your life and idk getting drunk tits and dick out and getting head by that hot guy you always had a crush on, and all of a sudden the alarm goes off and you snap out of it realizing that oh you were just dreaming and you remember that you actually don't have any friends and the dude you thirst for has a girlfriend already. These rats from Verona's sewers are one of the few reasons that make me feel proud of where I come from. The only people who know about them are me, my best friend who introduced them to me, and probably their aunts and I wish they were known by SO MANY MORE people and that they had the success they deserved before they split up after such a short timespan of activity. Gone, but never forgotten 😔✊
"Dr. Bepis and Mr. Aids" is a very, very long piece (lasts about 9 minutes) but it is, in my opinion, the one that represents what Umberto Emo is all about the most. it's more of a rage filled medley, where they put all their drabbles and a lot of throwbacks to their other songs together. some of my favorite verses (that can be translated) include:
Datemi un sogno, un sogno banale/ tagliamoci un dito e facciamoci male (trad. "Give me a dream, a mundane dream / let's cut our fingers and let's hurt ourselves"),
Questa è la storia del cavallo omofobo, trottava al galoppo con in culo un microfono / Questa è la storia di Frate Agostino, girava nei bagni e ti offriva un pompino (trad. "This is the story of the horse that was a homophobe, he'd trot and gallop with in the ass a microphone / This is the story of Brother Augustine, he'd skulk in bathrooms and offer you a blowjob"),
Scusatemi per tutto questo, scusatemi ma non ci riesco / E in fin dei conti è colpa mia, in fin dei conti è colpa tua, in fin dei conti non importa / E domani siamo sabbia. (trad. "Forgive me for all of this, forgive me but I can't help it / And in the end it's my fault, in the end it's your fault, in the end it doesn't matter / And tomorrow we'll be sand."),
Io ho mangiato sassi per anni, senza sapere che gusto avessero/ Masticavo i miei stessi denti, privandomi del desiderio / Travolto dai ricordi, come sabbia in questo tempo (trad. "I have been eating rocks for years, without knowing their taste / I've been chewing my own teeth, depriving myself from the desire / Overwhelmed by memories, like sand of this time")
or the self depreciating, passive aggressive Sono ancora triste, quindi uso parole difficili tipo sesquipedale /Che schifo la punteggiatura (trad. I'm still sad, so I use complicated words, like sesquipedal / punctuation sucks)
and the timeless chorus Mario Giordano sei un rettiliano (trad. "Mario Giordano you're a reptilian" I don't know honestly what statement they wanted to make with this other than it rhymes lmao)
which as you can see, range from being completely demented to blasphemous to become a punch in the gut to complete and utter nonsense (and it's only one song!), but the majority of their verses could be simply translated as [angry italian unintelligible screaming] (which, honestly, is a mood anyway). I urge everyone who sees this to go listen to them (especially my italian mutuals) even if you can't understand shit of what they're talking about. I'm sure their music will transcend language barriers
Btw sorry not sorry for the wall of text, they just mean so much to me and I could write a 56 pages long essay about them and their lyrics 😭😭😭 other songs I recommend are Il fumo uccide ma è parte del piano ("Smoking kills but it's part of the plan", opening with "It's raining shit"), Barbara D'Urto (a play on words on an italian talk show host's name Barbara D'Urso,"urto" means bump, clash, collision, but it's also a way to describe someone who rubs you the wrong way), Qvando Cera Lvi (don't worry, the title is nothing but a mockery of the fascist slogan and the lyrics is the epitome of the demented) and idk, everything else they have really, which can all be found on YouTube
i included them almost exclusively because i love the pun they made with their name. as every good punk band out there, they remind you how much society sucks and that you should go against its rules no matter what while making you bang your head to their tunes
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"Total disgust" is not only a mood and a critique to politicians and society's consumerism's ways in general, but also a punk rock banger from 1992:
Furor Gallico
Probably the only people from Milan I wouldn't hate on sight, "Gaelic Fury" is a folk metal band who I can't say for sure they have true Gaelic origins, but they sure wish they were born in that time (and if you didn't know, believe me when I tell you this particular metal subgenre is very big in Italy, especially in the northern regions). Their music will take you to distant places forgotten by man, and Davide is the creature of the enchanted forest who'll whisper his land's secrets to you through his lyrics
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Diluvio ("Flood") is an inspired and evoking ballad about a man who loves rain and thunderstorms (can relate) in all its forms and at the same time an ode to the marvel of Nature when it unleashes its fury (I could write another whole essay about this song but I'm gonna restrain myself)
Other bands worth checking out bc tumblr doesn't let me add more than ten pics and ten audios in one post: Negrita (I define them the Italian Red Hot Chili Peppers, very chill they put you in a good mood), Litfiba (hard rock for dads), Linea 77 (another important punk rock band from the 90s), Caparezza (a peculiar man, it's hard to describe him lmao but he's a great songwriter and always tries to evolve his style), Rhapsody of Fire (inventors of Epic Power Metal. It's like Power Metal but with more dragons and Christopher Lee)
To anyone who joined me in this journey and stuck around till the end and checked out all the artists:
✨💕Thank you💕✨
I could kiss you rn I'd love to know which one was your favorite and talk about them!!
To anyone who read about only some of them and didn't listen to any or just some of the songs:
💖Thank you💖
I really hope you liked those you checked out!! Tell me what you think and don't be afraid to ask me about the lyrics or something!!
To anyone who couldn't handle the whole 34-pages-long essay and just scrolled past this post/couldn't be bothered to read my ramblings and just went for the songs:
💫💞Thank you💞💫
even only for your patience alone, sorry for clogging your dash with my bullshit lmao (not only with this post, just in general) and I hope you have a great day!!
@ italian mutuals feel free to add more!! Let's make the italian indie rock scene more known to the world!! Unleash the mammamia spirit ❤️❤️❤️
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tempi-dispari · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2023/03/29/superhorror-se-questo-e-lamore-di-satana-ben-venga/
Superhorror, se questo è l'amore di Satana, ben venga
Chi ha detto che l’hard rock non possa progredire? Sembrano urlare i Superhorror con il loro ultimo singolo Satan Loves You. Ed hanno ragione. La base è fortemente hard rock, ma lo ‘svolgimento’ del brano ingloba molteplici influenze. Prima su tutte una vena smaccatamente funkeggiante, quasi dance. Batteria in levare su riff aperti. La sezione ritmica resta comunque monolitica. La voce roca e graffiante. La chitarra nel solo urla a piena voce. Le direttive possono essere riscontrabili nell’ondata di band provenienti dal nord Europa che hanno saputo spingere in là il genere. Ai Supehorror non basta, però. Ci mettono del loro rendendo il sound personale e riconoscibile. Una canzone che, al di là del titolo, fa saltare fino all’ultimo secondo. L’entrata non è ‘a gamba tesa’. Anzi. È molto morbida. Arpeggio distorto in crescendo con l’ingresso della batteria. Da quel momento in poi un inarrestabile dancefloor. Possiamo sentirci qualche eco dei Poison più festaioli così come Crazy Lixx. Adrenalina, divertimento e rock and roll. E non c’è un calo. Il sali scendi di intensità è perfetto per l’andamento del brano. Notevole il rallentamento verso i ¾. La composizione si fa cadenzata su chitarre pesanti per poi riemergere con il ritornello che porta alla conclusione.
Come sempre un solo brano non è sufficiente per dare un punto di vista esaustivo ed esauriente. Possiamo tuttavia affermare che se questo è il biglietto del nuovo disco dei Superhorror, non ci si può che aspettare un lavoro notevole, allegro, potente, scanzonato ma non banale. Puro e semplice rock and roll in puro Superhorror style. Aspettiamo con trepidazione l’uscita del disco.
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jojolarow · 3 years
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Just a sketch, but I don't plan on coloring it, so here's Angelica and Aster on a date~
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divinedeathbed · 11 months
what is Nixonverse and or who is D-Day Night because you have me intrigued
(where can I learn about the lore of this thing)
SOSOSOSOSOSSOOOO the nixonverse is a side series in the monument mythos analog horror series (which is literally fucking divine ass series. it doesnt make a whole lot of sense watching it at first until you watch the entirety of the series and then it CLICKS) by mister manticore
its basically throw SUPERHEROS into ANALOG HORROR. i love it so so so much its my favorite series of all time probably. i dont want to spoil it too much but takeaway is this: nixon is god. grief can make you a monster
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hes one of the superheros you meet, and TO ME.. IS THE BEST AND MOST BADASS??? he is the only man on earth who has true free will and used that free will to save every single american life at d-day
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he has the sexiest fucking helmet ive ever fucking seen ^
hes basically batman with supermans powers to be real w you
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THE D-DAY KNIGHT. IS FRANK FUCKING SINATRA. (ive just taken the liberty to make him cooler and thrown my headcanons at him) irl frankie was 110 pounds (yadda yadda 10 pounds of it was cock we know the quote) soaking wet and 5'8, my frankie is a 6'8 beef cake and ofc heavier i just couldnt tell you bc im not good at weights awooga look at this man
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the knight is... mmmwah chefs kiss i love him. he goes insane at a point does a horrific thing BUT IS SO.. DISTRAUGHT BY HIS ACTIONS HE TRULY REGRETS THE AWFUL SHIT HES DONE!! AUHGHGGH FRANKIE,,,
anyway watch the nixonverse. become insane :)
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koufax73 · 6 years
In breve: cinque recensioni da TRAKS
TRAKS torna a proporti cinque segnalazioni in breve di dischi pubblicati negli ultimi tempi.
Pylon Reenactment Society, “Part Time Punks Session”
Fondati nel 2014 sulle ceneri della storica band Pylon, nata ad Athens, Georgia, in contemporanea ad altri gruppi di successo più che discreto come B-52’s e R.E.M., i Pylon Reenactment Society hanno pubblicato il nuovo ep Part Time Punks Session. Il…
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born-to-lose · 10 months
The dilemma which videos to pick for my traditional concert post
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