#superboy x yn
Little super bat hc
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I'm still not a 100% sure on how the justice league found her. Maybe they did a dna scan or baby super bat escaped and created chaos because she's still a Lil baby and she can't control her powers? ( if you have any ideas please share them)
For the first few weeks she would probably stay in the hall of justice till the figure out what they would do with her.
I think Jon would actually kinda adore having a little sibling. Meanwhile with Damian I think it would take a while for him to warm up to a younger sibling. Being the only child of Bruce .
Imagine her and Connor bonding, they have a cute little bond about both being clones. He maybe a little protective of her too.
Even the batgirls adore the little superbat.
Barbara thinks she is just adorable and can't help but coddle the toddler a little bit,sure the kid has super dna in her but it's just the big eyes.
Stephanie also fell for the big eyes, she and Cass are both so curious about the traits the baby superbat had got from Batman and Superman.
She had in fact flight, she has to kept in the base because she randomly starts flying and giggling.
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Cue one of the sups flying and grabbing the kid.
Bruce who already has a lot of kids and offers to take her in, it wouldn't be strange for Bruce to adopt another kid.
Clark and the rest of the Kent family are more than welcome to visit.
Alfred welcomes the little superbat with open arms, another young Wayne to keep him young
Bruce waits till little superbat is used to a few weeks, before he introduces her to the public.
Of course the Lil superbat isn't used to all the attention and she clings onto Bruce.
Of course all the batfam was there to support her. And she loves all her siblings, because all of them have a cute little bonding activity.
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reaperintheroses · 2 years
Could you please write a young justice fic with Conner having a crush on a member of his team and not knowing what it is until someone explains it to him? Thank you!!!
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Connor Kent x GN!Reader Word Count: 293 Warnings: none really, Connor being annoyed at Wally A/N: Here ya go! I hope you like it. Also I swear to GOD if one of you fuckers spoils season 4 for me not only will I punt you into the sun, I will block you. Don't try me.
“Listen buddy, I’ve noticed you staring at a certain team mate for quite some time now,” Connors head darted up from his place on the couch. “What do you mean?” His voice sounded angry, upset at being caught. Wally backed up to avoid any punches Connor would throw his way. “It just seems like you have a crush, that's all.” Connors' eyes darted between the mindless TV show he was watching and Wally. He could either go back to mindless TV or have a mindless conversation with Wally. At least one was actual human interaction, one thing he needed to work on. Boy was he going to regret this. “What do you mean by a ‘crush’,” he asked Wally, “Like to crush a car or something? Because I really don’t want to crush them,” Wally held up a hand to stop Connor. “No man, like you like them.” Connors face twisted in confusion. “Of course I like them, I like all of you.” Wally rolled his eyes before hopping over the back of the couch and sitting in front of him. “No, I mean like-like them.” Connor frowned before turning back to the TV. “You’re not making sense,” Wally raised a hand to stop him from turning on the TV. “You're completely missing the point. You know how Green Arrow and Black Canary like each other? Like that.” Connor nodded as he thought of the two heroes. “So I want to date them?” Wally's eyes lit up in relief. “Yeah, I didn’t know you knew what that was.” Connor rolled his eyes before turning the TV back on. “Of course I know what dating is, Wally, I’m not an idiot.” Connor looked down at his lap. So he had a crush on you.
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dc-fics-and-pics · 5 years
YJ SuperboyXReader
promt:Could you write a cute Conner (Young Justice 2010 cartoon) x short & kind! Reader oneshot, where Reader (a clone of Emma Frost) and her boyfriend (Conner) are suddenly stranded on a beautiful tropical island? From Reader's POV?
Just a quick trip he said. You will be back in a week he said. Nothing will go wrong he said. He said we have to take a quick boat ride from Miami to Peurto Rico. He said that there was some Young Justice business to be taken care of. He said he had other business so you have to do it. You said hell no. Conner said nothing.
Ever since you joined the young justice team Nightwing had sent you off on little missions with Conner. Anytime he was to busy or didn't feel the need for the whole team to do something you and Conner were sent away. On the travels around the globe, you and COnner had grown to be very close. You learned to get to know him and even develope a crush on your assigned partner. So when Conner asked you out on a date out of the blue while on a plane to Huston Texas you were very quick to except.
You had never cared about all the places you had to travel. You didn't mind the long car rides or flights, but you told Nightwing day one that under no circumstance would you ever take a boat anywhere.
Here you are though. Rocking back and forth gripping a petal bar for dear life as your stomach threatens to burst.
Not one for confrontation you reluctantly agreed after hours of begging your team leader to not make you go on this trip. However, he never did inform you of where you were passing through. You had already stepped on the boat with Conner the rest of the team waiving you off from the deck.
As you clenched onto Conners's hand he uttered a sentence that made you want to fling yourself into the water below you, "I've always wanted to go through the Bermuda Triangle."
You were shocked at first remembering the geography of where you were sailing. Then jumping overboard crossed your mind. You had seen the movies and read the books. Not only where you already afraid of sailing you now had to sail through what you deemed was the scariest part of the ocean.
A quick conversation with lagoon boy made your fears double after the many stories he had of the devil's triangle and the creatures that lurk within it.
Your ship was small and Conner was the captain. He had said he was "programmed" with the knowledge to sail but that didn't ease your worries. You tried to leave after hearing what he said but he was already sailing away from the pier, the team shrinking from your sight.
Finally, your stomach decides enough is enough and it releases your breakfast into the water below.
Conner rubs a soothing hand on your back and you relax into his gentle touch. You turn around pushing your head into his chest letting his arms wrap around your back easing away your fears and anxiety.
Lighting strikes about you with a loud crack. You jump in Conners's arms and he looks up at the sky. It is now you notice the dark clouds that loom above you. Suddenly you grow very aware of the state you are in. Out at sea in the Bermuda triangle with a storm about to commence. Thunder ripples through the clouds and a bright flash of blue lights up the dark sky.
Rain patters on the deck of the boat and you and Conner both scurry into the shelter as the rain grows heavy. Thunder booms and lighting follows all while the rain drenches the deck. The soft sway of the boat turns into a lurching rock that doesn't ease your already upset stomach. The waves crash up around the side of the sip. It looks as if the ocean is trying to jump onto the boat, some harsh waves accomplish this and flood the once dry floor. Conner is gone from you now trying to save you both from the harsh waves swallowing up the ship. Your boat seems to sink under the waves letting them tower above you looming up high before they crash down on you.
You can no longer distinguish ocean from rain. All you see is water around you that threatens to swallow you up. The once soothing sound of oceans played to help people fall asleep is now so loud you wonder how anyone could find it soothing. More waves hop over the rails drenching the ground outside and you wonder if this is the way you will go. You wonder why you agreed to do this. You wonder why you ever ran from your Earth. You wonder why you ever came here. You wonder until you can't wonder anymore.
The ground is hot underneath you, the sound of squawking birds fill your ears. Opening your palms you can feel sand in your hands, Your eyes fly open and you take in your surrounding. You lay on a white sandy beach. Turning your head you can see Conners sleeping form next to you.
Shaking him relentlessly," Conner wake-up!" you yell.
Conner opens his eyes slowly but once he settles on you and the serene behind you he sits up quickly looking around at the ocean threatening to grab him. "Where are we?"
"I don't know." You both stand up shaking the sand off your bodies. The ship you were once on is perched on the sand not far from you.
Walking up to it Conner fiddles with the large machine before deciding its broken. You decide to leave Conner with the ship and venture into the tropical jungle on the other side of the beach. You look around at the surrounding trees and vines. Bushes rustle as you pass but you can never catch a glips of any animals. A large palm tree looms above you, at the top, you spot some coconuts. You decide to head back to conner and get him to climb the tree to fetch you guys some coconuts. When you get back to the recked ship you can feel his frustration. As soon as you get close you can hear him cursing in his minds. You try not to use your powers to read Conner's mind because you know you don't like it but he is almost projecting his thoughts onto you. You come up behind him and place a hand on his shoulder. He sighs looking at you you decide to here give him a quick kiss before telling him about your discovery.
"I found some coconuts on a tree back in the jungle can you climb up there and get some?"
"Of course." He smiles at you before kissing you again and you lead him to the tree. As you pass the rustling in the bushes doesn't stop. COnner seems to notice to and looks around each time it happens. He follows behind you on the narrow path. The rustling gets louder and you hear a shriek come from behind you. "Monkeys!"
You whip around thinking a monkey has attacked conner. A small little chimp sits on a branch looking at Conner who has retreated backward against a tree. ANothe Monkey crawls from the tree he leans on and puts a hand on his shoulder he yelps again and runs behind you as you burst out laughing. You know that Conner doesn't like monkeys but he doesn't like a lot of things. You shrug him off and go up to the chimp, "Hi little guy."
"Y/N stay away from that thing." Conner tries to grab your hand and pull you away but you move away from him. "C' mon Y/N lets go."
you sigh and continue down the path. Conner jumps every time a bush rustles or a twig breaks. You laugh at how scared he is until you come to the patch of palm trees. Conner grabs on and climbs the tree. You are surprised at how fast he is able to scale the large tree. When he gets to the top you notice a couple of the cute little chimps who poke their head out. You look around and notice the hundreds of little heads watching conner at the top of the tree and can't help but get a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. "Hey, Conner babe I think you should come down!"
"It's fine Y/N," he shouts back down to you and you let it go. He grabs one of the coconuts and yanks it off the tree. As soon as he does the herd of monkeys race up at him. He shouts and let's go falling down from the tree.
"Conner are you okay?" you ask as he lays on the ground.
He gets up quickly tucking the coconut under his arm, "Run."
You both sprint down the narrow path as the hoard of monkeys race behind you. You sprint until you can see the beach coming into your vision. Some of the monkeys leap at the coconut in Conners's arm but he moves it away dodging their attempts. You both jump out of the jungle onto the hot sandy beach and the chimps screech at you from the treas. The stay in the jungle and you and Conner laugh victoriously from the beach. You both take the coconut back to the ship and conner cracks it open. You drink the coconut water and Conner eats the meat of it.
When you both had gotten sick of coconut you decide to build a fire. On the beach, you gather some twigs and logs and make a pile. Using some alcohol and a lighter that you found in the ship you are able to start the fire. You sit beside it until it starts to get dark. You leave the fire going all night while you both sleep in the ship. You both curl up on the small bed in the boat.
When morning comes you forget that you are shipwrecked on a deserted island. You curl into conner for a little longer until he wakes up. When he does he restarts the fire to alert any passing planes and you both decide not to go back into the jungle and that you would take your shot at fishing.
The boat didn't have any fishing rods so you watch from the beach as a shirtless Conner jumps around in the water attempting to grab a fish with his bare hands. "Y/N, come help me!" he yells from the ocean. You sigh and trudge into the cold water next to him. The water goes up to his pecs but it goes up to your shoulders. When you start to see some fish swim at your feet you both dive down trying to grab some but the all swim around you not even gracing your fingers.
After the fourth time of trying to grab fish, you get bored and splash Conner. His once dry face now has water running down his pouting face. You giggle at him and he splashes you back. It turns into a water fight. You are both splashing each other. Your hair is soaking wet and you tackle him into the water fully submerging you both. You wrestle around in the water till it isn't wrestling. It starts with you quickly pecking him on the lips. When you try and pull away he holds your head in place and kisses you again.. You can taste the salty water on his lips and you smile into the kiss. He grabs under you legs lifting you up for you to wrap your legs around his waist. You shiver when the soft breeze blows the cold water droplets on your body. Your kiss is interrupted by the familiar laughing of Gar. Conner drops you in the water and you look over at the bioship that had magically appeared above you.
Nightwing pops his head out of the open hanger with a megaphone, "Hey we are here to save you." He pauses for a minute, "We can go if you want to continue,"
"NO!" you and conner both shout.
The ship pulls around landing on the small beach in front of you blowing some of the sand underneath it. You both trudge out of the water and grab your stuff out of the wrecked ship and run into the ship. The team sits inside the ship  Snickering. You roll your eyes and scowl at Nightwing you avoid your gaze. You plop into your seat next to conner. Your wet clothes squish when you sit.
You mumble, "I am never going on a boat again."
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could you write a dating headcanon for conner kent (young justice) x mutant! reader?
Ooooh yes I can! Let’s give this one a shot then, shall we?
Conner Kent x Mutant!Reader Headcanons
Mutant!Reader AU
TW: None
Genre: Little bit of everything, but mostly fluff
YN Pronouns: Not specified
[DC Masterlist] | [Marvel Masterlist]
Word Count: 1.1K
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So for story’s sake let’s say your mutation was something simple. You have the ability to turn invisible, the only problem is that you can’t necessarily control it yet. 
You, at the moment, involuntarily turn invisible when your heart rate goes above 110 beats per minute, which makes certain things very hard.
This, obviously, leads to some interesting events with Superboy and although they usually end in laughs, sometimes not so much.
Such as the first time he found out you had this ability, you had done a good job at hiding it up until you decided to bake muffins and Wally ran up next to you so suddenly, obviously scaring you, and thus prompting you to turn entirely invisible for nearly an entire day.
Cue a very shocked Connor. How else would you expect him to react when you suddenly turned invisible? Truth be told he thought Wally hid you somewhere until you punched the speedster and sent him flying across the room.
The entire day was filled with Conner’s voice booming around the head quarters, and always the same two phrases: “(Y/N) knock something over if you’re in this room” or “Dammit, (Y/N), where’d you go now?” followed by him blindly waving his hands around to feel around for you.
Then your invisibility wore off and he found you lying down on the kitchen counter looking more done with everything than when you slipped and fell on your face in front of Queen Bee way back when.
Explaining to him the details was easy enough after that, what wasn’t easy enough was staying visible during battle. To avoid this you’d have to wear a sash gifted to you by Zatanna which apparently stayed visible despite your usual habit of turning everything you touch, well, invisible, so that was helpful.
Maybe I shouldn’t tell you about your first kiss with Conner.
Actually, yes I will.
It was electrifying, of course, you don’t think that there will be anything that will ever top it, for you, that is.
But with butterflies in your stomach comes your racing heart and whoops, over the 110 threshold and suddenly you could hear Dick cracking up about something that had to do with Conner looking like he was kissing the air and oh god, oh no.
Dick never made fun of him again that’s for sure.
Regardless after a few years into the relationship your heart stopped beating as fast when you were around the perhaps love of your life, and although for you it saved the embarrassment, Conner often found it a new source of his never ending insecurities, which I mean in an endearing way, I should make clear.
On one hand it means that you’re comfortable with him, but on the other hand what if you were starting to get bored of him? Things like this always worried him to no end and you being you would have to step in and pull him back into the reality that was that he’d have to deal with his disappearing act of a significant other forever.
Luckily for the both of you, that’s a fate that you’re both willing to run towards.
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